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i know people talk a lot about the us and UK special relationship but it kind of fell after the Suez and France kind of sneakily stole it didn't he? I mean did the same before the wars
thanks for the ask! ngl, as a londoner, i've always personally felt the representation of the "Special Relationship" as this mega-close and affectionate dynamic is kind of...an un-holistic understanding of the UK or England, as well as of the United States. don't get me wrong, it's one of their most important relationships and there's a lot of deep history there—my issue is mostly with rose-tinted interpretations underpinning it and what biases they showcase. these were heavily biased by Churchill's (imperialist) gaze of envisioning Anglo-American affinity and leadership on the world stage. this interpretation quite significantly downplayed the rivalry, power struggles, conflicts and differences that historians existed between the US and the British Empire, or how US presidents tended to see it in far less majestic terms. like, Churchill rather downplays FDR's vehement disagreements with him over the issue of Indian independence lol or decolonisation (because the US was eyeing the world as a chessboard, re: new markets and also whether or not support for the old colonial power would be a bulwark against or risk soviet or other communist influence).
so, while you're right that Suez was a pretty low moment in US-Britain relations due to the US being pissed at Britain and France jeopardising its ostensible goal of swaying Egypt away from the Soviet sphere of influence (sidenote: Egypt itself was trying to navigate the mess of the Cold War rivalry to secure its interests), i don't really see it as "falling" after Suez or stolen by France simply because that dynamic Churchill painted a picture of never really existed in that way. plus, Europe (France included) and the ex-colonies of the British Empire (like the dominions and India) weighed heavily on British foreign policy/its national outlook too; i tend to find an overemphasis on a rose-tinted view of the "Special Relationship" leads to a lot of US-centrism that shuts out this understanding. to me, Arthur and Alfred's relationship is most interesting when we situate them properly amidst all these other imperial and geopolitical cross-currents. of which Francis is an important one, from the time he helped Alfred during the Revolutionary War, to the Entente Cordial, WWI and the post-WWII world of NATO, the EU and so on.
in hetalia-verse, it's one of the reasons I personally headcanon Arthur and Alfred as father and son. their bond is lasting, forged by the blood, steel and saltwater of empire, and all the familial, deep and troubling implications that implies. they are "stuck" with each other in some ways, because post 1945, it's a familial dynamic of the old king and the young, ambitious crown prince who thinks his father is out of time—and out of line. francis never really "steals" anything because he and arthur's relationship is on a very different axes: francis is the neighbour who has been by arthur's side as his enemy, friend, lover, rival in imperial douchebaggery, ally (for better and also for worse, like in suez...)—and everything in between. whereas arthur and alfred have some real patricidal/regicidal, titanomachy-level father-son power struggles going on, mixed in with this dysfunctional level of understanding and them also colluding together shadily (you are different from him in many ways, there are many things he'll never understand about you—but you are your father's son, alfred; to be powerful is to be tainted).
so in conclusion, i see alfred-arthur and arthur-francis as both very important foundational dynamics crucial to arthur's character, but conceptualised differently from that understanding of the "special relationship" because they're two different kinds of relationships, even if there is the overlapping dynamic of power, rivalry and empire. ✌🏼
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For Fain, the Bible is more than a source of feel-good inspiration. It boasts a sharp economic justice edge, leaving no doubt that God takes sides in the perennial struggle between the haves and have-nots. He insisted that the UAW’s is a “righteous fight” and commented, “There’s one more piece of scripture I like,” citing Matthew 19:23–24, in which Jesus declares, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” Fain went on to offer a hard-nosed interpretation, mapping the gospel’s stark contrast between the Kingdom of God and hell onto the inequitable landscape of the modern United States: Why is it easier to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God? I have to believe that answer, at least in part, is because in the Kingdom of God no one hoards all the wealth while everybody else suffers and starves. In the Kingdom of God no one puts themselves in a position of total domination over the entire community. In the Kingdom of God no one forces others to perform endless, backbreaking work just to feed their families or put a roof over their heads. That world is not the Kingdom of God. That world is hell. Living paycheck to paycheck, scraping to get by? That’s hell. Choosing between medicine and rent is hell. Working seven days a week for twelve hours a day, for months on end, is hell. Having your plant close down and your family scattered across the country is hell. Being made to work during a pandemic and not knowing if you might get sick and die, or spread the disease to your family, is hell. And enough is enough.
As anyone acquainted with the longer histories of Christianity and labor knows, there’s no paradox here. When Fain quotes scripture in the service of the UAW’s fight, he is tapping into a deeply pro-labor vein of Christianity, one that we haven’t heard much about in recent years but in its heyday helped galvanize powerful working-class movements. For countless workers throughout American history, traditional faith and labor militancy have gone hand in hand. In this wider context, Fain emerges on the national scene not as a paradox but as the latest in a long line of labor prophets who have stoked the flames of egalitarian faith and held big business’s feet to the fire. From the labor movement’s earliest days, workers insisted that they organized because the Bible told them so. Union-friendly newspapers brimmed with scriptural quotations. The Gospel of Luke supplied some perennial favorites: “Woe unto you that are rich! For ye have received your consolation” (6:24) and “the laborer is worthy of his hire” (10:7). Perhaps none was as scintillating as the fifth chapter of the Epistle of James, which reads, “Come now, you rich people, weep and wail for the miseries that are coming to you. Your riches have rotted. . . . Listen! The wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts” (5:1-2a, 4).
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By: Skeptic
Published: Oct 4, 2024
Christopher Rufo
Skeptic: You are a controversial figure for your work in the area of Critical Race Theory (CRT). What led you to this subject?
Rufo: My professional background is in documentary filmmaking. The book writing process was totally different. I hope what I was able to do with the book is bring my narrative training to telling stories that engage people and move them at an emotional level.
Skeptic: Well, you did that. It’s a highly readable book in which you present a history of ideas. One of the difficulties is drawing causal connections between thinkers across generations. How do you address that problem?
Rufo: There was a lot of looking for explicit connections. For example, I profile Angela Davis, who I think is really kind of the godmother of CRT. She tied the original critical theory from the early part of the 20th century to American race politics in a deliberate way. Her thesis advisor was the critical theorist Herbert Marcuse, who is also profiled in the book. Then I connect Davis to the modern Black Lives Matter movement; she is the personal mentor to a number of BLM leaders. I tried not to make any specious connections, and I wanted to be charitable to my subjects, to see the world first through their eyes and treat them fairly. Only then did I layer on my criticism or my critique.
Skeptic: On that political front, how do you distinguish between old-school liberals, such as Steven Pinker, and the more radical progressive thinkers of today?
Rufo: The critical theorists I profile in my book are explicitly anti-liberal, such as Angela Davis, Paulo Freire, and Derek Bell, the father of CRT. Their whole movement is explicitly and deeply anti-liberal. It’s against the concept of individual rights, private property, and Enlightenment values. So, I hope that I can also speak to some of those estranged liberals and explain how the movement that has really taken over the institutional left in the United States has deviated from that small ‘l’ liberal tradition and really originates from something much more radical, revolutionary, and Marxist in nature.
Skeptic: Walk us through these influences, starting with Marx.
Rufo: Over the course of the 20th century, there was a deviation from orthodox Marxism as people became more infatuated with the new left, the more activist 1960s youth movement, and racial unrest. Angela Davis was a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, and she ran for vice president of the United States on the Communist Party ticket. She was deeply influenced by Marx (although she had written her graduate thesis on Kant) and was also well-versed in the Western philosophical tradition. Paulo Freire—the same. He was working with Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries in the Third World, and his idea of critical consciousness originates in Marxist concepts that he had learned when he was a student in Brazil.
However, the most interesting case is Derek Bell, who was a Harvard Law professor, and in many ways the founding figure of CRT. His students at Harvard Law and other elite law schools around the country, inspired by Bell, established the discipline of critical race theory in the late 1980s. Bell grew up in the Pittsburgh area, served in the U.S. Air Force, went to law school, and was a very successful—even brilliant—student. Then he became a lawyer for the NAACP, handling cases in the Deep South desegregating schools in places such as Mississippi. I think he oversaw something like 300 school desegregation cases. He was a civil rights advocate and activist, a small ‘l’ liberal at the time.
However, Bell became disillusioned with the Civil Rights Movement and utterly disillusioned with Martin Luther King-style civil rights activism that turned to the Constitution, focusing especially on the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. He thought these were all illusions in that they provided the appearance of freedom but were actually used to reinforce secretly and covertly the structures of racial domination. It is this aspect of Bell’s work that survives and is really the foundation of what we now see as critical race theory.
Skeptic: There’s this push to find deep root causes of specific events among politicians. Is this a useful approach?
Rufo: It’s amazing because it’s totally backwards. Politicians say, “Well, no, we’re not going to do the thing that actually could have a significant and immediate impact, and instead we’re going to implement the 1619 Project and focus on the first arrival of African slaves in North America.” That certainly is something of historical importance and scholarly relevance, and should even be part of the public debate, but what do you do with that? Short of having a time travel machine, you can’t change the past 400 years of history. Nor can you show any real relevance to today beyond a very broad and metaphorical interpretation of current events.
When you go back and look at the civil rights movement, against which Derrick Bell rebelled later in his life, you had, for the most part, people who wanted to cash in the promissory note of the Declaration of Independence. They wanted to conform to not only the system of individual rights in the United States as a form of law, but also conform to middle class or bourgeois values as a matter of culture. Look at these great civil rights marches in the 1960s. Men were dressed in suits and ties and the women in dresses. And these weren’t necessarily wealthy people. They were mostly working-class African Americans. However, the image that they wanted to convey was one of dignity, self-respect, and an immense hope for equal participation in American society. I’m still really moved and struck by some of those images.
Compare those images to the kind you see of Antifa or BLM activists in 2020. You have deranged-looking mugshots of people. You have people that visually look quite disordered, committing sprees of violence. And in the name of what? It was never quite clear what they wanted beyond defunding the police or just having a justification for violence. Those two images, if you look at them side by side, reveal the kind of fundamental change in the modern left.
Skeptic: What do you think is the right approach to social change?
Rufo: When you ask people in surveys, “Do you support affirmative action? Do you support race-conscious college admissions? Do you support mandatory diversity, equity, and inclusion training?” They overwhelmingly say “No.” This is true for people of all political affiliations and all racial backgrounds. And yet, all of those things are now required in nearly all of our major institutions. So, you have this mismatch problem where public sentiment is against something, but all of our institutions and even our public policies are for it. Why is that? If we live in a democracy, shouldn’t majority sentiment eventually translate into public policy?
The answer is that, in my view, there are concentric rings of influence on these issues. You have the tightest ring, which consists of the fanatics, the people who are deeply committed to it. They work in it. These are the DEI administrators. These are the critical race theorists. These are the BLM activists. Then you have another concentric ring of people that say, “Well, you know, I more or less buy into the premise of this. I want more diversity.” That’s roughly 30 percent of the public, maybe a little bit more depending on the issue. Then you have an even larger concentric ring of people who are neutral, slightly opposed, or even quite opposed to it, but they don’t speak out because they fear the consequences. This creates an opinion environment in which those very committed activists can really run up the score and impose their point of view as the de facto policy.
That’s the environment we live in. The people who care most about it have figured out where the levers of power are. They’ve gone, in most cases, around the democratic process to impose their will. And they essentially say—as we’ve seen recently with Harvard and the University of North Carolina [the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that race-based affirmative action programs in college admissions processes violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment]—“We know what we’re doing is unpopular. We know what we’re doing is likely illegal and unconstitutional. But we’re going to do it anyway.”
Skeptic: Erika Chenoweth and Maria Steffen’s research on political violence demonstrates that since 1900, nonviolent campaigns worldwide were twice as likely to succeed outright as violent insurgencies. This trend has been increasing over time. In the last 50 years, civil resistance has become increasingly frequent and effective, whereas violent insurgencies have become increasingly rare and unsuccessful. No campaigns failed once they achieved the active and sustained participation of just 3.5 percent of the population, and lots of them succeeded with far less than that.
Rufo: That’s right. I think academic critique is still valuable. However, what we really need is political opposition because this issue has moved from the realm of academia to the realm of politics. So, it also has to be fought politically. That’s what I’ve done, and I’ve gotten an unbelievable amount of criticism for this approach.
I’ve taken the battle out of the realm of academic discourse and into the realm of practical politics. I’ve been very explicit about that. I said I want to change public perception; I want to turn critical race theory into a brand, and I want to destroy it not just in the realm of public opinion, but also in the realm of public policy.
If it’s in the K–12 school curriculum, it’s a policy question. If it’s in a public university DEI bureaucracy, it’s a policy question. If it’s in our criminal justice system, it’s a policy question. These are political questions, and those who think that we can resolve them through discourse are really doing a disservice. They’re not grappling with the actual difficult nature of statesmanship and political activism that’s required.
If we want to have a society that says, “No, we’re not going to engage in racial scapegoating. We’re not going to judge individuals based on a racial category. We’re not going to imbibe in notions of hereditary blood guilt,” the only way, I think, is through political pressure, by changing the laws by which our institutions are governed.
Skeptic: What are your thoughts on systemic racism? What is your explanation for racial group differences in income, wealth, home ownership, representation in Congress and the corporate C-suite?
Rufo: What is the standard by which we measure systemic racism? How do we define systemic racism? There’s an interesting bait and switch here, because they say, “Well, all of this is systemic racism, from chattel slavery to the fact that a Lakeisha Smith is less likely to get called back than a Lisa Smith.” [“Call back” studies submit the same resumés to businesses and compare the response to identifiably Black versus White names]. You have this transition in the mid-20th century from explicit, formal, and legal racist policies to what amounts to implicit racist policies. Well, what do they mean by that?
They mean that when you measure things statistically, that there is a disparate impact on outcomes. Lisa versus Lakeisha Smith is just one such example. You can say that there are no outright racist policies in policing or housing or geographical distribution, but there are still disparate outcomes. Is it because people are secretly and subconsciously racist? That’s the unconscious bias theory, which has been debunked. [It has been demonstrated that The Implicit Association Test, often cited as confirming evidence, does not measure racial bias but rather reaction time to familiar versus unfamiliar terms.] Are police more likely to shoot a Black suspect than a White suspect? Roland Fryer at Harvard showed that this is not the case. [Although he did find that White police rough up Black people they pull over more than White people.]
Then you have to ask some uncomfortable questions. If, for example, there are more African American men in jail than Asian American men, is it because our society is systemically racist against African American men and systemically giving privileges to Asian American men?
You could make that argument, but I think that on the face of it most people realize that it’s not true. Then you ask about the rate of criminality—do African American males on average commit more crimes than Asian American males? You might find that it’s not racism that is operative. It’s another set of background variables. Robert Rector published some papers on this subject 20 years ago that are still foundational to my thinking. He showed that if you control for those background variables, you find that the argument for active systemic racism vanishes across a whole range of things, not just Lakeisha versus Lisa Smith, but for things that are especially meaningful. For example, if you control for the mother’s academic achievement, the mother’s participation in state welfare programs, and household family structure, the gap between White and Black childhood poverty disappears. It’s zero.
If we aim our public policy towards fixing those variables, we’d be much better served and we’d be much more likely to reduce overall inequalities.
Skeptic: Those causal variables are largely left out of the conversation. Maybe it’s taboo to talk about them right now?
Rufo: I think it is, because it’s a very inconvenient disrupting narrative when you have minority groups that are enormously successful in the United States. The most successful ethnic groups in the United States today are majority non-White ethnic groups, including some Black ethnic groups, particularly Nigerian Americans. Part of that may be due to a selection process—immigrants from Nigeria are disproportionately better educated, have more resources, etc. So, it’s not quite a one-to-one measurement.
Nonetheless, there’s a huge range in success among ethnic groups in the United States. The ones that have stable family structure, commitment to education, a strong work ethic, mutual support within a community, etc., are very successful. Those ethnic groups that do not have those attributes do very poorly on many measures, including income. Appalachian Whites do very poorly while Nigerian Americans or other recent immigrants are doing extraordinarily well.
Skeptic: Are you optimistic we can achieve a colorblind society?
Rufo: There are reasons for optimism and for pessimism. The reason for optimism is that the American people really despise the DEI affirmative action principles of governance. Even in California and Washington state, where I live, voters have rejected affirmative action policies when they’ve been put to a ballot initiative. And the majority of racial groups also oppose these kinds of policies. Despite all of the media dominance, academic dominance, and bureaucratic dominance of the DEI movement—the American people want equal treatment for each individual, regardless of group category. They want colorblind equality, not racial favoritism and enforced equity.
The case for pessimism is that it’s going to be difficult. The problem of racial equality is a thorny one. It is one that has vexed the United States for its whole history and is, frankly, likely to continue. As long as there is visible inequality—statistically measurable inequality—the narrative of critical race theory will have a base of support. It will have the political, emotional, and intellectual grounds that can feed that narrative. This puts us in a bit of a conundrum because paradoxically, the remedies of critical race theory are actually likely to make inequality worse. And for the people who are running a critical race theory style regime, inequality justifies their claims to power. So, they have no incentive to make things better in the real world. If we go in that direction, we face a very long, very brutal, and very disillusioning politics in our future.
Skeptic: Do you see any role for any kind of reparations for formerly oppressed peoples or even currently oppressed people?
Rufo: I have certainly opposed any kind of race-based reparations payments. I think it’s absolutely the wrong direction to go for a host of reasons. Historically, if you look at Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society anti-poverty programs, these were to a large extent a kind of race-based reparations policy that was—they thought—backed up by the latest discoveries in social science, deployed at federal mass scale. These programs now are spending about a trillion dollars a year, disproportionately to African Americans, especially descendants of slaves.
These are policies that sound great, and that’s why they’re often passed in legislation. But we have to be sober and level-headed in analyzing whether they actually work. Do they help us achieve the stated intentions? The evidence that it has helped in any way is lacking. In fact, the most persuasive evidence, in my view, shows that it has had negative, though unintended, consequences. In my reading of it, both statistically and as someone who spent three years researching and documenting public housing projects in Memphis, Tennessee, and getting a first-hand look at their impact, I just don’t think that reparations would work.
[ This interview was edited from a longer conversation that took place on The Michael Shermer Show, which you can watch online. ]
#Christopher F. Rufo#Christopher Rufo#critical theory#critical race theory#Marxism#BLM#Black Lives Matter#affirmative action#racial discrimination#liberalism#anti liberalism#liberal ethics#liberal values#antiliberalism#Angela Davis#Derek Bell#reparations#diversity equity and inclusion#DEI bureaucracy#diversity#equity#inclusion#systemic racism#religion is a mental illness#colorblind#color blindness
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Alpas AU
Warning: This AU contains depression, suicid3 themes, and torture?????? (it’s only once)
If this AU in Ao3, the tags probs: It's Get Worse Before Get Better, Depressed Sougo, Tokiwa Sougo Need Therapy, Sougo Pull a Mei from Honkai Impact but worse, Theater Kid Sougo, Angst with A Happy Ending, the ending is not too happy though but at least it’s a good ending, Unreliable Author, I am so sorry Sougo but it is my duty as the President of Angst to make you suffer, Time Travel. Time Loop
Very Inspired by the HSHTNEP verse by @narashikari, Kagerou Daze song, My R song, Project Sekai, Honkai Impact 3rd, Honkai Star Rail, and Bungou Stray Dogs.
Alpas mean is to break free
In this AU basically, Sougo has to force himself to use his time powers to fix the villain mess, become a Homura but less bad (he is still sane but still needs therapy), also pull a Mei
Sorry if this not making sense at all, I forgot most Zi-O lore cause I hate it with my every being, just not the main characters but that hypocritical of me cause most of my AUs tend to not make sense. Also, i kinda rewrote the whole Evil Sougo here cause he so lacking in canon that i changed him a bit too cryptic but still a bad guy nonetheless. Also this AU kinda made it in my dream and I just had to continue it cause its ruined my concentration in class lol. (also the angst probably from my projection to my comfort charas so i am so sorry about that too)
If you want to know more about this AU, you can ask me like with the ask blog features lol.
Before we start how the AU happened, I need to explain that this AU is kind of different than canon or just the basic HCs of this AU
Basic Hcs: 1. The Main Riders have found a family joke but turn real (Mom and Dad are Emu and Shinnosuke, the kids are Takeru, Sougo, Ikki, and Houtaro, and the uncles and the aunts are the rest of the riders), Sougo is a theater kid beside he can do ballet, Sougo is a history nerd, Sougo in the past being bullied before because he wants to be a king in middle school before high school so he never talks about it openly again. And how do they meet together? Let's say because of the crossover movies, sometimes they meet for a reunion or fight for a world-ending fate again or beat up Tsukasa lol.
The summary of AU: some new villains want Sougo back to being an evil king to destroy other riders, and they do it by changing the past or rather trying to kill the main riders in the past, Sougo knows this by someone trying to warn him and use his time powers despite he trying not to use his time powers other than time-stopping, that someone also said to never said this anyone even Geiz and Tsukuyomi or he get the biggest regret of his life. Sougo has to force himself to use his time powers to the past to stop the villain while making the past riders not know what he is so he makes a somewhat villain persona for it. He also changes his style for this he even changes his hairstyle and clothes so no one knows it's him. Also, that someone is Hiden Atsuya, a future adopted kid of Fuwa x Aruto who secretly helps break Sougo's fate since these villains are from his timeline and other future kids.
This timeline is in 2024, meaning Houtaro is here too and Sougo is 24 years old.
His villain persona: not too talkative unless he wants to talk cause he doesn't want to give hints from the future, very quiet, very stoic, he is a good person but his persona feels like a quiet jerk, this persona is inspired by his mentor and dad figure, Tsukasa Kadoya.
For example :
Past!Shoutaro: Hey, who are you?
A!Sougo: ….
Shoutaro: Answer me!
A! Sougo, quietly said:…Protect your loved ones to your heart, Hidari-san…
His appearance disguised is his hair braided on his left side, has a lot of bandages on his right eye, and sometimes wears a hat sometimes not, his clothes are black/blue pants overall with a double layer of white/grey shirt. Sougo wears a pair of worn-out black combat boots as part of his disguised persona.
Sougo starts this journey is very optimistic but also wary cause he doing this alone this time, after several loops where he fails a lot of times and has to use his time to rewind the past to normal but he has to make the past riders forget his existence in the past and kinda losing it so when in 23rd loop, he tells to Geiz and Tsukuyomi but unfortunately, like the kid tell him.. It did make something bad happen like a world-ending scenario. He hates to see the dead body of his mentor lying on the ground, he hates to see his older brother's dead body near a river, he hates to see his parental figures' bodies lying on the streets, and he blanks out when he sees his lover's dead bodies. After that loop, his eyes start to dull but anyone in the present doesn't notice Sougo's weirdness until the 50th loop.
Sougo routine most of the time now is present timeline-past-go back to the present timeline so everyone becomes suspicious that Sougo suddenly disappeared most of the day (surprisingly they noticed after the 49th loop cause Sougo can act very well) to encounter this, Sougo made to redo the first day when he starts to go to past to prevent the villains and that day be his ‘checkpoint’ so anyone not sus about it.
The villains are psychopaths, they claim that they are very loyal to Oma Zi-O than to Time Jackers. They tried to do the same thing to Sougo’s daughter but she was very stubborn and the villains came in a bad timing like literally the baddest timing ever when her dads, her mom, her Nana Emu, Grandpa Shinnosuke, and other granduncles riders out there. So they had to resort to another plan, which made Sougo's life miserable to make him guilty of the villains so he forced himself to give in to the fate he had to face years ago.
1-22nd loop!Sougo: still optimistic but after some loops, he is kinda tired about it. This whole shit made him eat less but not too less, he was just not very in the mood to eat.
23rd-80th loop!Sougo: His eyes became dull, lost his sense of taste, got tortured by the same villain via the electric chair, and had to kill the said villain, always on the run then going home, sometimes getting a mental breakdown of what he did, he feels guilty to have erased his senpai and kouhai memories too much also kill someone. In mid of the 60th loop, he has hallucinations and nightmares of his senpai.
81-99th loop! Sougo: Lost his mind but his sanity is still intact, he somewhat embraces fate but at the same time does not, he reaches out to his bad future self, Oma Zi-O to give him the true potential of his powers despite his chances of being an evil king will greatly increase and his future self surprisingly give him. He plans for his own king's ‘execution’ after this whole thing is done. Also the villains found out to break the time loops mind erasing shit at 85th loop and the Riders demand answers from Sougo sometimes leading to fighting, Sougo had to force himself wrapped by his villain persona and get up but at one time he break his persona once. He mutters that he rather save them than not do anything about it so he calls himself a sinner or a liar once he defeats Geiz and Tsukuyomi.
I don't know what to explain anymore so i write the all WIPs of minific or/and songfics that I thought of, and not in chronological order sorry and sorry i totally take some HoT convo from chapter 17, sorry for the ooc and not making sense in this goddamn AU also sorry of my bad writing:
“I think this is the first time you have reached out to me even go to this timeline as well..” Oma Zi-O said, this time, he used a younger body with his left eye bandaged. He looks at Sougo with empty, cold eyes yet his expression doesn't fit him right now
“Are you no longer afraid of these powers?…” He asked him
“I don’t know.. I feel I am not afraid anymore ever since 81st loop” (Sougo)
“If you continue to tread this path, you will find yourself falling deeper into the abyss” warned Oma Zi-O
“……I don’t care, I will take care of it all” Sougo replied
“You will lose everything, your family and friends will no longer trust you” (Oma Zi-O)
“It’s doesn’t matter to me anymore, I always alone..” Sougo replied he embraced the fact he always going to be alone.
“You will leave them forever..”
"You won't be around them anymore, see their smiles, or hold their hands."
“It’s okay, I already know what I am getting into…”
“There is no turning back once you get into this path, are you sure is this your choice? ”
“It’s doesn’t matter… Senpai will take care of them but this is something I must do.. I already made my choice”
“Then so be it..” Oma Zi-O gives Sougo the true potential of his powers.
Tsukasa looks at Sougo with deep rage. Sougo’s eyes were in horror. Shit, keep calm Sougo.. Keep your goddamn persona in check!
Mama, ooh
I don't wanna die
Sougo feels Tsukasa’s weapon at his head. Sougo’s trying not to cry. “Now, Sougo.. Tell me, why are you doing this?..” His voice is empty, cold. Clearly, He doesn’t trust Sougo right now. Sougo’s eyes become dull. Shoutaro noticed this and is now worried for Sougo.
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all
Sougo got saved by his bike that actually can ride on its own, is his bike sentient or something??
Tsukasa, Shoutaro and Shinnosuke suddenly got summoned to future by Oma Zi-O.
“What do you want..” Shoutaro asked
“…………Make sure to watch my younger self back”
“Eh?” Shinnosuke was shocked.
“What do you mean by this?…” Tsukasa asked
“I'm just curious about his future after all, if it ends up with him being evil king again.. It will be just boring and… Every evil king always gets executed in the end” And at the right moment, a guillotine drops. The three riders jumped a bit and now realized what the evil king meant.
“Sougo planned to end this once and for all, and by that… He plans his execution”
“Huh, I didn't know you could care, why do you ask us this..” (Tsukasa)
4. (More of a summary than a fanfic but yeah) also this like the end of 100th loop
Finally, Sougo did it and defeated the villains on his own at least this time didn’t kill anyone and let the future kids handle them. Now, he is on top of a building, the tallest building in the city. He can finally execute his execution. He can wipe his timeline that made him an evil king but the idea of living scared him like what if this fate gets him again, watch his loved ones suffer from his fate, he just rather disappear and never come back. Sougo takes out his braid and the bandages off then takes the final leap.
The songs that fit Sougos:
He closed his eyes until someone took his hand in that fall, it was Takeru. Sougo in shock and scared, why did Takeru follow him, he didn't want Takeru dying with him, it was supposed to be his ‘execution’ not Takeru too. He realized he made Takeru cry, he felt guilty he was the reason that he crying right now. He doesn't realize that he is being saved by Inves plant and passes out when Takeru and him back to the rooftop.
5. (totally take this from Honkai Impact)
Sougo put Geiz's unconscious body to the wall. "You and Tsuku saved me from that fate, so i return the favor. If saving you is a sin then i'ii be the sinner..." Then Sougo left.
Kamen Rider after 100th loop to Sougo be like : Deichuu ni Saku
1-22nd loop!Sougo: Nomad, Twilight Light, Non-breath Oblige
23-80th loop!Sougo : Hated by Life Itself, Samsa
81-100th loop! Sougo : Honkai World Diva, Gehenna, Phony, Self-Inflicted Achromatic
After the whole shit : Reborn
I kinda made their roles when they sing it so sorry if it doesn't fit them
Unable to filter the pieces of our broken hearts, (Shoutaro)
Our tears gently dried up,
Unable to shed another drop. (Eiji)
"That's funny, isn't it?" we laugh…(Gentaro)
A difficult life, Maze-like brambles that obstruct you. (Kouta)
The darkness of this corrupt world blocks your path. (Tsukasa)
Ah, you're someone who's more depressed than anyone else.
So, right now, We're probably on the verge of drowning, (Takeru)
Saved by breathing correctly. (Emu)
Now, we simply live for the sake of dying someday.
When we realise why we dislike rain (Philip)
Deep down, we remember
That large soap bubbles
Must be really soft and fluffy.
While looking at every color on the ground (Shinnosuke)
We make sure to walk where there are no puddles.
Surely, you too, would resort to self-defence
If you could avoid a difficult path.
Right now, I am human; (Everyone)
Today, tomorrow too, and the day after that
It's enough to admit it,
Everyone takes in different breaths.
But you too are human, (Emu)
You just hate being one, that's all.
But you can't hate it, because you're a kind person,
You're that someone who would pray for just about anyone.
It takes, for a single blossom to scatter, (Aruto)
Water, earth, sunlight and its own seed
Whatever lies right in front of me,
Its meaning, past and future,
If a single one of those were missing, nothing would be born:(Touma)
Not me, not you, and neither that person.
“It’s nothing” -
I say as I burden you with my past.
Destiny getting in your way. (Tsukasa)
You reap what you sow.
But because this situation is unpleasant,
You want to run away, right? You want to live, right?
If there is a moment (Emu)
Where you feel like throwing yourself,
Cleave through the darkness of this world, (Shoutaro and Philip)
And let us search for the reason you were born.
The beginning at the end, (Takeru)
Once it begins, it will be your final life.
At the end of an endless journey (Shinnosuke)
There must be a "time" where it's now or never.
"It's impossible to drown in the rain", (Eiji)
Even so, it feels like it's hard to breathe.
“We live for the sake of dying someday”, (Emu sing this but its meant to sing it that someone said it)
If that is so, if that is so, (Everyone)
We'll never break again. Never. Never. Never (Ace)
Let the unbroken bells of our hearts resound
Everything will be covered by dark clouds (Haruto)
And smeared with mud.
Sorry if this doesnt make sense/weird-
Let us draw a line inside the maze (Kouta)
That obstructs the path of the world now. (Touma)
This line will be the overlapping map, (Geiz)
That flower that blooms for the sake of illuminating you. (Tsukuyomi)
That said, what if Daybreak!Houtaro meet this Sougo :
D!Houtaro : Sougo-san.. why you want to end yourself this way
A!Sougo : You will never understand my reason (he knows he completely losing it cause tbf, he seen a lot of loops where his family and friends died so yeah)
Tag : @maou-the-tree
#Alpas#kamen rider#Kamen rider au#Tokiwa Sougo#ngl i kinda rushed at the end lol#maybe later to include the future kids lmao#lumi rambles in the tags again#lumi rambles#kamen rider zi-o#kamen rider zi o
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"The Handful." From Surah Al Anfal, "The Spoils."
Ramadan Day 22
The world has not yet been expunged of the Republican Party or its devil god Donald Trump, who is expected to empty the prisons with mass pardons for former terrorists, activists, and insane persons to be used in his conquest of the free world.
Muhammad left behind specific instructions about circumstances such as these:
From Ibrahim 14: 42-45:
And never think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do.He only delays them for a Day when eyes will stare [in horror]. rushing forth, heads raised, never blinking, hearts void, And warn the people of the Day when the punishment will overtake ˹the wicked among˺ them, and the wrongdoers will cry, “Our Lord! Delay us for a little while. We will respond to Your call and follow the messengers!” ˹It will be said,˺ “Did you not swear before that you would never be removed ˹to the next life˺?” You passed by the ruins of those ˹destroyed peoples˺ who had wronged themselves.1 It was made clear to you how We dealt with them, and We gave you ˹many˺ examples.
All Believers on this planet must combine their voices and their wills: Donald Trump, the Republican Party, the Mormons, Evangelicals, Scientologists and Pro-Lifers must be stopped, dead in their tracks. Under no circumstances can they be permitted to sieze state power, they must never have it ever again.
˹Remember˺ when He caused drowsiness to overcome you, giving you serenity.1 And He sent down rain from the sky to purify you, free you from Satan’s whispers, strengthen your hearts, and make ˹your˺ steps firm.
˹Remember, O Prophet,˺ when your Lord revealed to the angels, “I am with you. So make the believers stand firm. I will cast horror into the hearts of the disbelievers. So strike their necks and strike their fingertips.”
This is because they defied Allah and His Messenger. And whoever defies Allah and His Messenger, then ˹know that˺ Allah is surely severe in punishment.
That ˹worldly punishment˺ is yours, so taste it! Then the disbelievers will suffer the torment of the Fire.
O believers! When you face the disbelievers in battle, never turn your backs to them.
And whoever does so on such an occasion—unless it is a manoeuvre or to join their own troops—will earn the displeasure of Allah, and their home will be Hell. What an evil destination!
It was not you ˹believers˺ who killed them, but it was Allah Who did so. Nor was it you ˹O Prophet˺ who threw ˹a handful of sand at the disbelievers˺,1 but it was Allah Who did so, rendering the believers a great favour. Surely Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
As such, Allah frustrates the evil plans of the disbelievers.
President Biden and the Department of Justice are playing with fire. Something has to be done. A clear message must be sent to the American Government: a future Donald Trump presidency and the ongoing existence of the Republican Party are not options.
An unified Muslim community would change history, it would unite Israel, it would save lives, it would bring never before seen levels of peace and prosperity to this world. But first, the Enemy must be dealt with, or the Peace of Jerusalem shall never return.
Joe Biden must be made to stop campaigning for president, debating the future of this world with that diabolic and tell the truth. Donald Trump is a traitor, a pedophile, a rapist, a murderer, and a war criminal and it is time the world avenged itself upon him and the diabolic estate that created him.
"This evil must be faced. As such, Allah frustrates the evil plans of the disbelievers."
The Value in Gematria, found in verse 8:17:
It was not you ˹believers˺ who killed them, but it was Allah Who did so. Nor was it you ˹O Prophet˺ who threw ˹a handful of sand at the disbelievers˺,1 but it was Allah Who did so...
The Number is 15671, אבו זה, abu za, "You have to want this."
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Mormon Chapter 2, Part 3. "The Understanding."
Every term in Hebrew has an up and a down. Earlier in the Book of Mormon we met a King Noah who was not a good man like the Noah named in the Torah. Noah's positive definition is "respite", the negative form is "downpour, falling down."
Now we encounter a Lamanite King named Aaron. Aaron means "Who exalts God." The negative form means "like a wild mountain goat."
The cheerful verb רנן (ranan) means to produce a ringing cry, either out of joyous cheer, distress or to introduce a declaration of some sort. Nouns רן (ron), רנה (rinna) and רננה (renana) all describe ringing cries. Plural noun רננים (renanim) refers to birds that deliver piercing cries.
The unused verb ארן ('aran) appears to have meant to be nimble, agile, or even high up or aroused, and in cognate languages it yields a noun for a kind of wild mountain goat.
The Scripture states an Evil Aaron comes against the people and there is a lament, "no one could keep what was their own." Keeping to one's own legal way of life is the greatest gift of God a man can obtain. It opens the world up to him and he in turn forges a path others need to learn how to recognize on their own.
This path is becoming blurrier in today's world. Too many corrupt politicians like the Republicans and their rabid followers are trying to wipe it away, and too few noble politicians are wielding the laws that protect it appropriately.
Evil men like the Republicans do not repent of the diabolical things they do. This is not even an option for them at this point in time, their crimes are too deep and too long. The repentence has to come from persons like President Biden and Steny Hoyer and the rest who are not enforcing the law, allowing the Republicans to gather and meet, to promote Pro-Life and anti-human rights measures that are forbidden by law. Their names are not legally permitted on ballots as a result, but still they are.
We shall never be free, not a single human being, plant, or animal until the Republican Party is burnt to ash. So this repentence by its opponents is one of the most important acts that will take place in human history.
If this is not done, o how we shall all be sorry.
9 And now, the Lamanites had a king, and his name was Aaron; and he came against us with an army of forty and four thousand. And behold, I withstood him with forty and two thousand.
And it came to pass that I beat him with my army that he fled before me. And behold, all this was done, and three hundred and thirty years had passed away.
10 And it came to pass that the Nephites began to repent of their iniquity, and began to cry even as had been prophesied by Samuel the prophet [see Helaman 13]; for behold no man could keep that which was his own, for the thieves, and the robbers, and the murderers, and the magic art, and the witchcraft which was in the land.
11 Thus there began to be a mourning and a lamentation in all the land because of these things, and more especially among the people of Nephi.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 9a: An army consists of students of the Torah who feel compelled to obey its Instructions and stamp out evil in the world. An evil army Numbered 44,000 promotes it, and the verse features one, Numbered 42,000 that opposes it.
The Value in Gematria is 11427, יאדבז, yadavz, "The hand and the eye of reproach."
v. 9b: Three hundred and thirty years passed away. The Value in Gematria is 8294, חבטד "Indebted to the hit, he batted."
Persons who are grateful to God for the chance to be alive will fight evil persons for the chance to live it their own way.
v. 10: The Nephites repented. The Value in Gematria is 9033, טאֶפֶסגג, tapesgg, "you will understand."
v. 11: Thus began a lamentation. The Value in Gematria is 4241, דבדא, dabda, "David understood."
If we presume there is more data appearing on the contents of the Nephite Plates, then the former frame says "prosecute the wicked" and this one "reproach with the hand and the eye." The hand is the law, the eye is the Witness, the conscience.
King David was a brutal killer but he gave the Israelites, who nothing, no one, and no home a place to live. He was an imperfect man in many ways, but he was the perfect king.
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So, I have a bit of a complicated question about Thin Ice ‘Verse. (Sorry if you have already answered it!)
So, how different is history, exactly? You say that Laurens and Hamilton stayed together, and that he never even got close to marrying Eliza. Does Hamilton still do the same things he did in real history? Did Washington? What did Laurens do? How did people not get suspicious of Hamilton and Laurens? Did Eliza still do the same things she did in real history? (Minus the stuff with trying to preserve Hamilton’s legacy or whatever) did Eliza ever get married? Did she have children? If so, did any of them die in a duel like Philip or do any of the other things the real Ham kids did? Did anyone preserve Hamilton’s letters? Did Hamilton still die dueling Burr? If not, why?
Sorry if you don’t feel like answering or this is spoilers, but I just had to ask. I’m obsessed with your writing and want to know everything lol
hi!! oh I love when you guys send me questions, especially when they're so in depth because it's just like. omg someone cares about my funny little universe.......
I have touched on some of this in the past already and some answers are actually somewhat of a spoiler for the series, but I'll answer what I can!!
okay, let's start from the top: John and Alex do indeed stay together! Alex finishes his law degree after the war, and he does become secretary of treasury later on due to Gwash's incessant bullying (he was bullied into presidency so now Alex has to suffer with him lmao)
(I will probably not get into it too much in the series tho. I'm not really interested in the politics, and while I might mention their positions as president/secretary, I won't go into it in depth!)
regarding John's future, I think I've actually stated in text what will happen with him :) it was not very subtle (at least I don't think it was) but no one has pointed anything out yet as far as I remember. this also plays into why no one gets suspicious about Two Known Bachelors TM living in semi close quarters together!
alright, time to break my silence on Eliza askjfhaskjhfk
I don't know if you've read the reincarnation au, but in there I've stated that her and Alex didn't really know each other at all and only met a few times. but I've also stated that this is not what I had originally planned for her in the main series, but I was reluctant to reference something I never even so much as mentioned
my Original Vision was introducing her in the second part of Green Eyes which I had to scrap as I barely managed to finish the first part on its own. it wasn't crucial to the story and I wanted to move the plot forward because I was really excited for everything planned for after Green Eyes, so I left it out (for now)
my plan was to have Eliza and Alex meet at a ball and hit it off. this entire part would have been from John's pov, as the first part was entirely from Alex's, and would have involved some delicious delicious angst about John considering Alex's bisexuality and yet again convincing himself he won't be able to give him the life he deserves. that he would be happier with a wife he wouldn't have to live in secret with.
meanwhile Alex and Eliza are just bonding in the background over both being bisexual and also being in love with certified Fools lmao
in the Thin Ice main series, they end up being life long friends! she does get married, and she marries down as she did in history/the musical, probably has a couple kids too. none of them meet their end by duel though, and truth be told, I'm not overly invested in most of the real Ham kids, so I don't know a lot about them
does anyone preserve Hamilton's letters? yeah! Jack's kids :) I think most of his things would fall to them after his death, and they did have great relationships with both him and John, so they would certainly care to preserve his and their shared legacy.
nope! he does not die by Burr. their relationship in this verse is not exactly..... over the top friendly, but they're on good enough terms. my Alex does care about his reputation and legacy, but he's not had to fight for it as hard as musical Ham had, so he's just. a bit more chill. he does fight, he's petty, he gets into arguments in the press, but he's not as obsessive about it as either musical or real Ham. mans just vibing basically!
thank you for the questions! I do always love to ramble on about it, so I'm very happy to get asks like this :))
#hehe :)#i've done some clunky foreshadowing about what john will end up doing! but yeah no one has said anything. i assumed it was too obvious tbh#thin ice 'verse#ask#anon
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Would Alivebur Join The Syndicate?
It’s been a question circling in my mind since Techno wrote out the manifesto. Because the Syndicate stands for something very important, not just promoting anarchy, but fighting tyranny.
In all its forms! Sic semper tyrannis. Thus always to tyrants!!
So, what does this mean for Alivebur? Well, his entire story is good to work this out.
From the second he experienced tyranny when all he was doing was making drugs, to the moment he gave everything up, proclaiming that government was not the way to go... Alivebur was fighting against tyrants. That was always his role.
Firstly, I will examine what a 16th of Nov Alivebur would think, then, I will factor in an Alivebur with Ghostbur memoires. So, let’s begin!
To truly see what Alivebur would think, we need to dive into past quotes:
*Sapnap hands over some Blaze rods* “Oh yeah, you can't buy our peace from your tyranny.” - (Wilbur’s The Wall: 7:19, 29th July)
This is the first time tyranny is mentioned, and it’s in reference to Sapnap. After all, he was the one who arrested Tommy, he was the one who tried to stop them, who killed Tommy too. This is when we find out what angle Alivebur is going for - that what happened to him and Tommy was down to tyrants.
Here, Alivebur insinuates the only way to get peace is with revolution and independence. Not from tyrants buying him off.
“Look, Dream isn't our enemy, he's our neighbour. But, we are seceding from his tyrannical rule.” - (Wilbur’s The Wall: 57:34, 29th July)
This is the second time tyranny is mentioned, and the first time it’s directed towards Dream. Alivebur clearly had no beef with him, as he claimed he wasn’t an enemy, but he does claim that Dream is a tyrant. Which, considering what happened to Alivebur, makes sense.
You can also see here that Alivebur didn’t want to fight, see:
“We don’t win wars with battles and with armour. We win wars with our words, Tommy. We’re starting a revolution, not a war.” - (Wilbur’s The Wall: 4:54, 29th July)
“We don't wish for bloodshed, we don't wish for war, we don't wish to show our power in any way, we just want our freedom, we just want emancipation, independence.” - (Wilbur's The Revolution is Coming: 26:02, 2nd Aug)
Alivebur being all about peace is important. He never wanted to fight:
“I’m not a fighter, I’m a writer.” - (Wilbur’s The Wall: 1:48:31, 29th July)
But he was dedicated to fighting tyranny. He just, at first, wished to do it peacefully. And if he joined the Syndicate, he could push for that. Peace over violence.
“He's the one choosing to live with the enemy, with the people who conquered us for so long.” - (Wilbur’s The Wall: 1:29:57, 29th July)
This quote is in reference to Tommy choosing to keep his home, and being conflicted about having a permanent residence in L’Manberg. But it’s not that part I want to focus on, it’s what Alivebur believes. That Dream and co had conquered them ‘for so long’.
You can see here that Alivebur had believed them to be tyranny for a long time, and that they had conquered them. This is important because it shows that Alivebur did indeed want freedom from them. To emancipate.
The first Independence book is another important piece of evidence. Alivebur references tyranny a few times. Calling what the people of the Dream SMP lands did to them tyranny. Saying disregarding their independence is tyranny. Which further proves the fact Alivebur was fighting against that.
But there’s a part of the Independence book that shows Alivebur could easily be open to anarchy, even back in the War:
It’s the second paragraph on page 5 that is important. The right of the people existing above the king, the government, and the economy. For this reason, it’s clear that even a Pre Independence War Alivebur would definitely be open to the Syndicate.
Moving on swiftly to the policies of the POG Party, tyranny is also mentioned there:
‘WE WILL NOT STAND FOR TYRANNY’. The fact that it’s in CAPS is an indicator that Alivebur was very set on this, and was always set on this. Even during the election. This was from an Alivebur scarred by the War and the Final Control Room. It shows he never backed down from fighting tyranny.
Which brings us onto the 16th of November...
“Techno, you've taught me a lot. You've taught me that government is not the way to go. And I agree with you. Everything you've said, I completely agree with you.” - (Wilbur's smithereens: 1:08:20, 16th Nov)
See... this was the first time that Alivebur directly stated that he agreed with Techno, and that governments were not the way to go. And this is possibly the most important quote here.
While it’s important to point out that Alivebur wanted to fight against tyranny from the start, from the revolution to his policies, him saying that he completely agreed with Techno is something else entirely.
What was it they called themselves... anarchy bros? :)
While Alivebur was focused on destroying L’Manberg because it ‘no longer existed’, he definitely was on Techno’s side. Saying that the both of them had won.
For this reason, Alivebur could not only join the Syndicate for its stance against tyranny, but also for its anarchy. After all, this is a guy who was a former President, a former leader of a revolution, the former head of a drug empire (for one day :P). He knows what it’s like to be on the other side, and in the end he chose no government.
He’d be valuable for this knowledge too, but you can see why, in all his fails, it would be easy to draw Alivebur in with anarchy.
Nothing else worked for him, except that one time he truly won in his own eyes, on his own terms, when he turned to Techno’s anarchy.
So, the answer to the question is yes. 100% yes. For the anarchy he eventually agreed with. For fighting tyranny.
What about Ghostbur?
Now... an Alivebur with Ghostbur memories, that’s a different story entirely.
But is it?
Ghostbur, with his memories and his history books, knows things others have long forgotten. It’s his quotes from the 16th of December that are important to examine here, as it’s the only time he has specifically referenced ideals that Alivebur had.
Freedom. Being against tyranny.
It’s subtle in the way he does it. But it’s important, nonetheless:
“I’m going to go see this cage.” *starts singing the first verse of the anthem* - (Philza’s Just a regular day: 1:17:18, 16th Dec)
This is one of the very subtle quotes. He says he’s going to see the cage, that he said isn’t very conducive to a free environment:
Everyone’s free to do what they want, and live how they want. I don’t think cages are conducive to that environment.” - (Philza’s Just a regular day: 1:08:25, 16th Dec)
And then begins singing the first verse of the L’Manberg anthem. In which the lines include: ‘The brutality and the tyranny of their rulers.’ As if to imply that the cage was tyranny, suggesting that Ghostbur was still heavily against tyranny, but instead of fighting with violence, he was very surely using his words.
Ghostbur calling L’Manberg tyranny is further implied by the following quote:
“I just destroyed the cage, I destroyed the shackles of oppression, I have drained the bog- the mire of injustice, and I have found peace in a land of tyranny!” - (Philza’s Just a regular day: 1:19.47, 16th Dec)
Relating the cage to oppression, injustice, and tyranny, does indeed suggest that despite Ghostbur being notably different to Alivebur, the one thing that stayed constant was his hate for tyranny.
The finding peace in a land of tyranny is interesting, as it suggests that was always c!Wilbur’s goal, peace from tyranny, as I referenced earlier. And my earlier point stands even more so with Ghostbur: If he joined the Syndicate, he could push for doing things peacefully.
However, if Alivebur gets Ghostbur’s memories, he may get an understanding about L’Manberg’s destruction he otherwise wouldn’t have, which could put him at odds with Techno and Phil.
But that also depends on if he remembers what Ghostbur may have forgotten. It is heavily implied he forgot his argument with Phil, but if he remembers it, then, this quote is important:
“I don’t want to hear what you have to say. I don’t want to have to hear what you have to say. I’ve read the history books, Phil. I’ve read the history books. You slayed the dragon, you slayed Alivebur. You are the St George of the Dream SMP. We understand, everyone understands that, Phil. But, look what you’ve done. How can you look at this and still see yourself as a hero. Sending a message, Phil. Sending a message?” - (Wilbur’s First Time Ghostbur Live: 17:58, 6th Jan)
A long quote! I will admit! But it’s an important one. An Alivebur with Ghostbur memories, and this memory in particular, would remember the anguish, remember seeing Phil as a hero for his death, only to denounce him as that, because he was trying to send a message, something Ghostbur categorically disagreed with.
Hell, even Alivebur didn’t do what he did to send a message.
And would an Alivebur with memories still be on Techno’s side?
“I gave Friend to Phil to look after. And Dream found me friend. And Technoblade, he said we were friends. See, people wouldn’t lie about that, would they?” - (Wilbur’s First Time Ghostbur Live: 9:36, 6th Jan)
Ghostbur was hurt. By Phil. By Techno. Even by Dream. And yet he asks that they wouldn’t lie, would they? So with this in mind, Ghostbur would not join the Syndicate.
But an Alivebur with Ghostbur memories? That is so much harder to determine.
With all the evidence, that Alivebur was dedicated to fighting tyranny, and was open to and sided with anarchy, that Ghostbur was still dedicated to being against tyranny, it seems very, very likely that regardless of what he remembers... a resurrected c!Wilbur would be up for joining the Syndicate.
However, an Alivebur with Ghostbur memories could very well choose another side that would fight against tyranny. If he felt too betrayed by Phil and Techno with his Ghostbur memories, he could turn away from them. But if he could move past that, if he talked about it with them, then with all he has said and done, he could still join.
So, for an Alivebur with Ghostbur memories... the answer to the question is... yes but no? It depends what he remembers, how he feels, where his loyalties truly lie. Hell, he could join Fundy instead.
All in all, with everything in mind, c!Wilbur as a whole, as unpredictable as he can be, is dedicated to fighting against tyranny. He agreed with Techno shortly before his death. And even in death, still believed that tyranny had to be challenged. That matters when it comes down to the Syndicate and makes him one day joining very likely.
#dream smp#alivebur#ghostbur#dream smp analysis#i have spent...#about 8-10 hours on this dfjhgjhdfg#between watching streams#collecting evidence#and actually writing the thing#i hope you enjoy this#i think it's very interesting to ponder#since there are similarities in what the Syndicate want to do#and what Alivebur's goals were
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Tommy SMP (DSMP)
H-hello? How did you get in here? Tommy doesn’t usually let randoms in. Uhhhhh lemme just consult the list real quick. What’s your name?
Huh. Doesn’t sound familiar. Buuuuuuut there you are. On the list. What’s your purpose here then, pal?
A tour? Well, the person who usually does the tours is out in the moment… But I guess I could show you around. If you would like to follow me – yeah just ignore the holes and stuff. They’re just remnants of a couple of wars we’ve had.
What kind of wars? Bro, where have you been?
Not from around here? Evidently. Well, first there was the Disk Wars. You see, Dream had these cool disks but Tommy really wanted them, you know? And this is /Tommy SMP/ and not /Dream SMP/ after all so there was all that. Then there was this Quackity kid who tried to start a nation and Tommy didn’t really like the look of that. And so Tommy and this Ranboo guy decided to blow it all up – I don’t remember the details. You see, I’ve been away… uhhhh… travelling so I don’t really see too much of what goes on here. That and I seem to be forgetting a lot of things… I really should fix that-
Huh? You’re confused. Buddy – I haven’t even told you about the Egg yet!
Yeah! An Egg! I can show you it right now actually. Just follow me.
The vines? Yeah! They’re a nice shade of blue but they’re a real pain to cut down, you know? They just seem to grow back stronger. Now, just pop down this hole here – yeah just straight down.
Oh! Ah. I really should have warned you about the fall damage, huh? I’m sure we can pop into George’s bakery later and fix you up. Providing George is in his bakery… He stopped baking a while back.
Why? I don’t actually know. I’m not really too involved in the politics around here (travelling and all that) buuuuut I heard a rumour that him, Ranboo, Charlie Slimecicle and Technoblade have started like a secret club. Not sure exactly what they do but if Ranboo is involved it can’t be good. Anyways! Here’s the Egg. Don’t step too close though – I’ve heard it has some serious manipulative powers. Niki’s best friend Foolish got transformed by it the other day. She was quite upset. I think she runs a cult in the Egg’s honour with Ponk or something now. She’s nice but pretty scary when she wants to be, I’ll tell you that much.
The Egg is giving you weird vibes? Yeah. You and me both. The blue is giving me shivers actually. Shall we continue our tour elsewhere?
Next? Hmmmmm. I know! I’ll take you to Hannah’s castle and museum. They’re a great tourist spot! Follow me.
Yes we have a museum! History has been made here on the SMP, I’ll have you know. This SMP was founded by the Tommy Team made up of the hot-headed, dashingly attractive Fundy; the greatly popular, widely enjoyed Bad Boy Halo; and, of course, the 1000IQ man himself, TommyInnit. Though, Tommy… hasn’t been about much… lately… not since… you know…
Well, if you don’t know I hardly have the time to explain now! (I’ll maybe show you later if we have time…) Anyways! Here we are: Hannah’s museum. This miserable little dark room here is a recreation of L’Manberg’s Final Control Room. Back in the first L’Manberg verses Greater Tommy SMP war, L’Manberg’s founding fathers (Schlatt, Sapnap, President Quackity and Vice President Dream) were all betrayed by a member of their own battalion: Hannah-Rose. They were dark times, kid.
You want to know more about President Quackity and his right hand man Dream? Well, they were incredibly close – practically brothers. They both went through a lot together. Until Quackity finally blew up L’Manberg and was subsequently killed by his own father, Charlie Slimecicle.
I didn’t say they were dark times for nothing, you know? Dream took it harder than anyone. And Tommy took the opportunity to traumatise and manipulate the fella further. Tommy even managed to convince Dream’s best friend, Schlatt, that he was the root of all problems on the SMP.
We couldn’t believe it either. Dream did have one friend, Ranboo, for a while. But they ultimately disagreed on their ideas of justice and went their separate ways.
Sad times, indeed, kid. Anyways, where to next… Oh! Hello, Eret! How are you doing?
Ah. He’s busy. Off being cracked at bed wars I suspect.
What’s the big black building over there?
Uhhhhhhhh… Have you seen HBomb’s hotel? It’s great this time of year! Just this way, matey. Technically it belongs Dream but HBomb briefly took it over. There was some kind of dispute between the two guys – nobody here really takes HBomb that seriously. (Personally, I blame the ancient skin he still wears. Kid really needs an update, you know?)
That? Oh, I suppose you can still see some of the remnants. That used to be Punz’s UFO. Someone blew it up but I’m not entirely sure who…
How do I know it was blown up? Look, I’m just taking Quackity’s word for it.
He did die but then he was recently brought back to life. He spends most of his time with Dream outside Las Nevadas.
Las Nevadas is basically the Tommy SMP version of Las Vegas. It’s pretty cool actually – wanna check it out?
Cool! We’re actually heading in the right direction for that anyways. So, where are you from?
Yeah, I gathered you weren’t from around here but where are you actually from?
…Not gonna tell me? Fine. So be it. You sure are a mystery, huh?
I’m not flirting! I just- I… Ah! Look at that! We’re already here! It’s pretty dramatic, right?
You should see it at night. Everything lights up and it is magnificent.
It belongs to Wilbur. He’s the head honcho around here. He’s here alongside Puffy and Phil. Oh! Speak of the devil, if you squint a little bit you can see Phil down there now, bouncing around. He’s a cutie really – though his puns do get tiresome.
What do you mean “you don’t get tired of puns”?
…Are you human?
…What a terrifying answer. Okay! Moving on!
I’m aware that it’s one of the ugliest structures in existence – but you can’t blame Wilbur and Las Nevadas for /that/ abomination. That’s what Quackity and Dream installed last time they were here together.
I know it’s phallic but you don’t have to say that out loud! Come on, man, have a little class.
That up there? That’s Schlatt and Techno’s “cookie castle” as I like to call it. When Dream was exiled, Schlatt met Techno and they started getting really close. They’re everybody’s favourite couple now. I think it’s a friendship that will last a long time, you know? They seem to have a lot in common.
Like what? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh They’re both American?
Look, if you know, you know.
Alright! Next – shall we have a change of scenery? Las Nevadas can get quite… heated, so perhaps we can give the snowy biome a visit, yeah? Now, when we get there it’s important to tread carefully: the forest is enchanted, practically everything there will eat you and, worst of all… Ranboo lives out there.
Ranboo? He’s a terrifying force of nature. I heard he slayed an entire army all by himself, owns a pet polar bear and he helped Tommy take down the entirety of L’Manberg. Ranboo and Tommy – they’re one formidable duo.
No no! There’s no need to be afraid! Apparently Ranboo’s arsonist days are over and he has his carer Charlie Slimecicle watching over him so he’s been relatively quiet recently. I like to think their neighbour Technoblade has been a good influence on them both.
Technoblade is a gentle soul. Poor kid just wants to make everyone happy, you know? I wish everyone was more like Technoblade sometimes – the world would be such a different place…
Nah, nobody can really sleep soundly – not when Antfrost and Purpled are still out there. The Eggpire and Las Nevadas never really rest when it comes to their members. Oh! But by far the worst person to come across – the real reason I haven’t slept in weeks on this server – is… Oh. Oh dear. I think I’ve summoned him. Walk this way – quickly! – and don’t make eye contact…
…Alright, no need to look at Jack like that.
Jack Manifold in a cat-maid- no. Don’t make me lock you up in Pandora’s Vault along with- uhhhhhh.
Forget I said that. Speaking of Skeppy, he built Schlatt and Techno a beautiful mansion around here somewhere-!
He also built an extraordinary diamond sculpture a while ago-
Please no.
…I guess you leave me no choice then, huh? I guess, I can show you the prison – but we have to be really, really careful, okay?
Who’s inside? Well…
I didn’t forget! It just… Tommy. Tommy is in the prison right now.
Well, of course I didn’t want to tell you! It doesn’t really look good on the server when the person its named after is locked up for life for doing unspeakable things.
No! I’m not gonna tell you what unspeakable things he did – it wouldn’t make them unspeakable then, would it?
…I don’t believe anyone else is in there, no. Why?
Ranboo? Nahhhhhh! Ha ha! What do you know, you silly goose! Well, before we go into the prison, we’ll have to get Puffy’s permission. She’s really strict about who she lets in and out of the prison and takes her role as prison warden very, very seriously. No one has ever died or been injured or brought back to life or wrongly imprisoned while the prison has been in her care.
What do you mean – “not convincing”? If you don’t trust my word, then that’s a /you/ problem.
…The prison is this way. Now, when we get in let me do all the talking… You know what? Perhaps you should stay outside. I’ll go in, talk to Puffy and try to get permission to go in – but I make no promises, understand?
…Alright, wait here.
Puffy said no.
No, it was a pretty definitive no actually. Wh-where are you going?
You can’t! Puffy hasn’t given you permission!
There’s nobody in there /to/ save. Tommy deserves to be in there-
There is nobody else in the prison!
You’re insane.
No, I won’t let you.
…I don’t think so, matey. Feel that sharp object between your shoulder blades?
I figured you did. That’s my sword. I am not afraid to push it through your chest if it means keeping you out of that prison. Understood? Now, step away from the prison.
Thank you.
…I think that concludes our tour. Perhaps it’s best you- oh! Karl is here! Karl Jacobs! Over here!
Yeah. He doesn’t talk ever but he’s still a great guy, you know?
Oi. Wave back. It would be rude not to wave back.
My name? Oh my goodness! I totally forgot to introduce myself! (Though, you never really asked until now anyways…)
It’s okay! I know I talk a lot – it can be difficult to get me to shut up sometimes – ha ha!
My name is Callahan.
#tommy smp#dream smp#tommyinnit#dream#callahan#tour#dumb#this was dumb#but still a lot fun#my name is callahan
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I found out a few days ago that Tales of Vesperia is available on the Switch and I’ve been playing nonstop. I loved it as a kid, and it’s just as good as I remember! I have a couple a.b.o headcanons (following the ‘verse rules I outlined here) that I wanted to share.
Yuri, Estelle and Raven are omegas. Karol and Rita are betas. Judy, Patty and Flynn are alphas. Repede is a dog.
When Yuri and Flynn met at a grand six years old, Flynn proclaimed that he would protect them because he’s an alpha and that’s what alphas do. Yuri beat him up. It was the start of a beautiful friendship.
Flynn is one of the more vocal proponents of recruiting more omegas to the knights.
The castle library in Zaphias has a generous selection of romance novels, and Estelle grew up reading about the incomparable bond between alpha and omega pairs. Every morning Estelle wakes up across from Rita, her beta mate, and thinks that no book she ever read could come close to this.
Karol feels insecure at times about being a beta guild leader, since all of his favourite heroes of guild history were alphas. Raven is the one who points out to him that just as many betas and omegas have contributed to the legacy of the guilds. It’s part of Brave Vesperia’s principles to never judge members for their dynamic, and that means Karol needs to embrace that philosophy fully.
Rita genuinely could not care less about anyone’s expectations. Blastia don’t care about dynamic, so neither does she. Travelling with Brave Vesperia opens her eyes to the way that dynamic stereotypes affect how her friends move through the world.
After having his entire identity defined first by Alexei and then the Don (both alphas) Raven is a bit wary around alphas he doesn’t know. it takes him some time to get comfortable with Judy and even Patty, and longer still for him to fully relax around Flynn. You’d never know it, though - Raven’s very good at hiding his reservations with jokes and bravado.
Patty is a young alpha, and... you know when a young boy decides he has a crush on you and he’s kinda casually sexist about it just because that’s how he’s been raised, and you roll your eyes and ignore it while also nudging him away from those chauvinistic ideas? That’s Patty and Yuri.
At one point Patty jokingly (...mostly) challenges Flynn to a duel for Yuri’s hand. Flynn just looks over at Yuri and says “Apparently I’m fighting for your hand,” to which Yuri responds “Go nuts, I’m gonna bite it off.”
Yuri and Judy sometimes play the protective alpha/cosseted omega duo for the sole purpose of riling Flynn up. Flynn is well aware that if he tried to be like that with Yuri - or if Judy tried it for real - Yuri would kick both their asses. It still grinds his gears.
The empire tends to be more traditional in its approach to dynamic roles; this is slowly changing, but there still aren’t many omegas in the knights. The Union is less rigid, although it does vary from one guild to the next. President Kaufman is the first omega leader of one of the Five Master Guilds.
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Post-Promised Day Roy is still a mess of a human being, and, what it looks like depends on the verse, how he gets his eyesight back, and what he’s doing.
Like, Roy is the king of putting on a brave face to hide how absolutely fucking terrified he is. When he lost his eyesight, it was probably the most frightened he’s ever been in his life. In Brotherhood, you can hear it in his voice. In the manga, what does he do as soon as he realizes that his eyes aren’t adjusting to his surroundings, and he can’t see? He’s on the ground. He’s not moving. He’s gritting his teeth.
And he makes no attempt to use his alchemy. Not until he has Riza at his side. This is for a good reason, though, since flame alchemy requires precision when there are other parties present. Then, there’s the fact that Father disabled Amestrian alchemy.
I still wonder if Roy could’ve used his, though. That’s a theory for another time.
But again, even though he’s just lost his sight, and had a sword go through each hand, he’s still doing what he can to help. He’s helping Ed and Al come to the same conclusion that he did: that Pride sacrificed something by forcing him through the Gate. He’s telling the others how many people live in Amestris so they have an idea of how powerful Father’s Philosopher’s Stone is.
And he still deems himself useless, the thing he hates being the most. It’s why that moment between him and Riza is so dang powerful. She knows this about him. Not only that, but she is the only one outside of Roy himself who even has an idea of how flame alchemy works. He trusts her with his life.
I’ll never be over that, okay.
When the battle ends, Roy is by himself. He’s out of the way. As soon as Dr. Knox starts talking to him, though, he puts on that face. He’s grinning because of the irony that he lost his sight. When Dr. Knox tells him that he’ll be discharged because of his lack of eyesight, he’s still determined to do what he can. We don’t know if he had a plan prepared since Marcoh showed up right then, but, honestly? I don’t think he did.
He makes it look like he’s okay with giving Grumman the presidency, but, internally, I doubt he is. This is what he dedicated his life to since the end of the Ishval war. In such a short amount of time, he’s forced to give up that dream. He has to find another way. Obviously, he’s still determined to move forward, still do what he can to help others, still improve Amestris. He’s one stubborn fucker who ignores his own pain for the sake of others. In this case, he’s putting his emotional pain aside. He’s scared, probably devastated, angry, and so many other things.
I’m not a big fan of Marcoh just giving him the Philosopher’s Stone. It’s the one plot point in the story that I disagree with. Roy, with how principled he made himself, wouldn’t want to use it for himself at all. He wouldn’t want the sacrifice of others, especially Ishvalans who no longer have any agency or autonomy, be used for himself. That’s one reason why Chrissy restoring his eyesight, along with Havoc’s spine, is so incredibly important and valuable to me. That verse is just... I have so many feelings.
For Post-Promised Day Roy, I want to explore more possibilities, aka him either finding a way to restore his sight without the stone, or learning to live with being blind. I’d have to do more research into eye surgery and its history to see if that would be possible. Amestris’s medical development is a bit hard to pin down in this regard.
So, say if a certain roach lived through the Promised Day. Roy wouldn’t even try to stop him from taking that magic cough drop. He doesn’t want it for himself. Besides, he doesn’t feel like he could safely use his alchemy at all, much less on Kimblee. Which... I’d have to wonder how Kimblee would react to hearing Roy say, “I can’t use my alchemy anymore.” Or, the worse one: “I’m useless.”
I also wonder if he’d actually admit that last one to Kimblee. He’s shown weakness around Kimblee before, but this is a different level.
Sure, he could keep relying on Riza to direct him, but he wouldn’t want to do that for her. It’s limiting what she can do, and, once she’s fully healed, she can do a lot.
I have no idea where I was going with this. Basically: gimme all those Post-Promised Day threads.
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It has been a long 7 years since The Strokes released their album Comedown Machine. Truthfully, I had no idea that they would be releasing another album. With all the criticism the band faced in terms of producing lower quality music, stealing shine from less privileged artists, and the age-old question of whether they could ever live up to Is This It, I was definitely a bit worried for The Strokes. Worried of whether they would stay together and worried if they would ever release another quality record. After listening to The New Abnormal pretty much everyday throughout quarantine, I can say that one thing is certain: The Strokes are back.
The New Abnormal is a beautiful “comeback” album for the band and really showcases a more boundary-pushing, experimental approach to the typical Strokes sounds. From the distorted vocals, guitars, and long-winded tracks, The New Abnormal definitely shows some risk-taking on the band’s part. My favorite track is The Adults Are Talking for its political overtones and disjointed song structure, including numerous small guitar solos that break up the verses in a truly unique way.
The way Julian Casablancas has written this song is simply brilliant, in that the interpretation of the lyrics can be taken in many different ways. However, perhaps the most relevant for this track is a political explanation for the meaning of the track. The title of the track is a nod to a common idiom used in America, where adults classically tell younger kids “the adults are talking.” This is a veiled way of saying to a child “shut up, you are irrelevant right now.” The Strokes cleverly liken the “adults” in this idiom to the politicians of the U.S. and the children to the citizens, who are unable to have a say or even sometimes understand what the “adults” are talking about. What an absolutely amazing comparison!! The first verse provides some pretty great insight into the band’s perspective on this concept:
They've been sayin' you're sophisticated They're complainin', overeducated You are saying all the words I'm dreaming Say it after me Say it after me They will blame us, crucify and shame us We can't help it if we are a problem We are tryin' hard to get your attention I'm climbin' up your wall Climbin' up your wall
Right out of the gate, it sounds to me as if The Strokes are showing a discrete support for Bernie Sanders. In past interviews, Julian has voiced his support for Bernie, so it wouldn’t surprise me if this is what he was writing about here. In particular the lyrics “You are saying all the words I’m dreaming” are interesting. It’s almost as if Julian is hearing Bernie’s ideals and agenda as the answer to solving all of the problems in America. He continues with “we are tryin’ hard to get your attention,” saying he is trying to get the politicians to listen. But, again, he is merely a kid - like every other citizen - who is voiceless against the political power of the “adults.” And finally, to top it all off, he ends the verse with “I’m climbin’ up your wall.” He’s gotta be talking about taking down the Trump presidency and the wall he promised to build at the border. In short, Julian wants rebellion and reform, and he beautifully connects these issues to the broader meaning of the song. The chorus reflects the corruption of politics as a whole:
Don't go there 'cause you'll never return I know you think of me when you think of her But then it don't make sense when you're trying hard To do the right thing, but without recompense And then you did something wrong and you said it was great And now you don't know how you could ever complain Because you're all confused 'cause you want me to But then you want me to do it the same as you
To me, it sounds like Julian is detailing the issues a young politician faces. They enter politics with a moral and just purpose -- to right society’s wrongs. However, they quickly realize that this isn’t truly possible, and “doing the right thing” is harder than it seems, especially without getting any money. So, the politician, after being introduced to this new world of corruption that turns a blind eye to the well-being of the citizens (the children), chooses to join in. This leaves them confused, and they hope they can eventually break the cycle of corruption. Julian echoes these thoughts by repeating the line “I’ll get it right sometime / Oh, maybe not tonight.” The politician internally wants to do right, just not right now. Perhaps they are addicted to the money that comes with corruption, as their greed is fighting with their morals. Such brilliant songwriting from the band that tells such an important story that has become increasingly relevant since the COVID response from the government. I really love this song for the instrumentation and the way they’re able to tie together such an interesting and abstract concept into such descriptive lyrics. Absolute genius.
The band explores similar politically relevant ideas throughout the album, such as climate change on Eternal Summer. All of these themes give more context as to why the project was called The New Abnormal. Where we are headed politically in the U.S. is quite unlike anything we’ve ever really seen in recent history. Especially with regards to the current presidency. The Strokes are acknowledging this “uncharted territory” by referring to it as a “new abnormal.” Overall, I love this project and I truly did not expect to be as artistic and relevant as it was. Each song tells its own story and the whole album is done in classic Strokes fashion with twists in production and vocals. Definitely looking forward to the next project we get from them, if/when that happens.
#thestrokes#the strokes#the new abnormal#julian casablancas#the voidz#the adults are talking#is this it#comedown machine
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Tomorrow Never Knows (President!Harry) Chapter 1: Had Me from Hello
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/77286133e636b175dae74f37cf909463/cfab56cd519e8d98-5e/s540x810/cbe870726a89fbaaba6b26a8ce8fdcb0a19b8bf0.jpg)
(Banner by the wonderful noblewomankat <3)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The car parks right at the entrance of the school, where some students are gathered around making conversation and trying to out-do the other in who’s had the most exotic vacation, while others swarm through the doors on a mission to get back into the flow of the semester. Harry eyes the building up and down from the window cautiously. Don’t get him wrong, he’s ecstatic to be attending Ashwood Prep this year, especially considering the fact he received a hefty amount of scholarship money when he had gotten accepted. It’s just that being the new kid at a K12 school might as well be like getting thrown into open water when all one knows is how to backstroke.
“I could drive around the block again, if you’d like?” Harry snorts at the suggestion as he turns back to his mum. “I can just feel anxiety coming off your aura,” she adds, circling her hand just around the side of his head. Over the last few months, she’s been very interested in trying to read his aura, whatever that means (he isn’t sure how this obsession started, but he’ll admit that she’s getting quite good).
“Mum...” he whines, shrinking further into the leather of his seat as he covers his face from any overly curious eyes that may find him and his mother a little too interesting.
Anne feigns offense and lets out a dramatic huff. “Not even a day in high school, and he’s already ashamed to be seen with me.”
Both remain silent for the time being, and only the chatter from outside fills the void of unsaid between them. It’s when Harry takes the chance and subtly tries to take a peek at her from the corner of his eye, does he find her doing the exact same. They burst into giggles, and Harry shakes his head as he sits up. Once he’s recovered, his gaze falls back towards the window, where the number of students has decreased in just a matter of minutes.
“’m nervous,” he admits despondently a few seconds later.
A hand falls over his, squeezing it tight as its thumb pads over his skin to calm him. “And that’s completely normal, but, darling –– it’s going to be alright. I know this because I know you, and you’re never one to back down. Besides, I think you look quite handsome in your uniform.” He’s dressed in black dress pants topped off with a white polo, a cool-toned dark blue cardigan and a black tie with school’s emblem printed in the middle.
As Harry lets the rest of Anne’s words sink in, he thinks about how he’d been in this position not even two years ago. A year and eight months ago, to be exact, he’d moved from his childhood home in Holmes Chapel in England to New Jersey. Anne had received a stellar job opportunity as marketing head at a consumer goods company, and Harry and his sister, Gemma, felt like that had to support her in this new chapter of her life. Unfortunately, that included leaving behind their friends, family, and all that they’ve ever known. So, in mid-January, he’d been the new kid to insert himself into the seventh-grade at JW Middle School. For the most part, everyone in his year had been kind enough, sans those few jerks who made fun of the way he talked and yelled ‘bloody hell’ whenever they’d see him in the halls or at lunch, but even that only lasted for a month. Other than that, he felt as though he’d really tried to make the best out of their situation.
Now here he is again, in nearly an identical position as the last. It’s a lot better now, he supposes. For starters, he’s starting school on the first day, so he’s sure there are going to be at least a dozen new students like him. By now, he’s also used to living in Jersey (loves it, his mum would say), even knows all the best diners within a thirty-mile radius of his house and where to get the freshest bagels on a Saturday morning.
The eighth grade had even been immensely enjoyable for him, he had made a lot of friends, had his first kiss, and he even graduated salutatorian of the class, only falling a thousandth of a decimal behind Andrea Chung.
“You know what? You’re right, mum. I can so do this,” he affirms himself.
“Hey, I didn’t say to be cocky,” Anne teases, pinching his cheeks before she unlocks the doors. “Now, get out of my car. I have a meeting in less than an hour, and I still need to stop for coffee. Love you!”
Harry lets his feet fall onto the sidewalk toes first, and pulls the straps of his backpack over his shoulders. Ashwood Prep looks even bigger now that he’s stood on the ground. Everyone is dressed in their uniforms, but of course there are those who obviously chose to customize theirs. He looks to his left, and swallows hard as Anne’s Mercedes merges onto the main road. “This is it,” he tells himself. This is where he’ll be spending the next four years of his life.
Suddenly, he feels something knock into his back, causing him to stumble a few steps forward.
Before he can catch a glimpse and ask if whoever it was is okay, a figure manages to dodge his eyes as she speeds off up the stairs.
“I’m so sorry!” the girl yells back at him, but all he can really make out is the side of her face and a silver and pink checkered scrunchie that holds her hair back in a half do style. “But I have to get these ready before Pattern A or else Mr. N is totally gonna be on my back about it!” Her echo sounds panicked as she disappears into the building, and even the students still remaining towards the entrance part a path for her to pass.
“You’re fine!” he shouts after her.
“You’ll find that your locker assignments and schedules are laid out for you in alphabetical order,” the homeroom teacher, Mr. Bartolome says in his most unenthusiastic tone. “If you have any questions...ask each other.” Harry heads towards the back in search of his last name, until he finds it at a desk right by the window, its position is in perfect view of the entire room. There are some small things he notices, like how the walls have barely a scratch on them and how the floors are so we'll polished that even the slightest of movements elicits a squeak.
Just as he takes his seat, a voice booms from beside him. “Excuse me!” His head leads the rest of his body as he pivots on his heel. A girl with magnificent auburn hair tied back in a high ponytail and freckles that dance across her face almost perfectly stares inquisitively at him. “You’re new, right? I’m Zoey”
“Oh, uh...yeah. I’m Harry,” he replies with a polite nod. As he sits down, he can feel Zoey’s eyes scan him up and down.
“Wait!” she gasps, her mouth falling open. “Are you...are you from England?” She looks at him expectantly, as though waiting for him to say that he’s related to the Queen or Churchill or something just as outrageous as that.
He nods before speaking. “Cheshire,” he replies, but she stares at him blankly. “It’s North from London.”
“Oh,” she tries to hide her disappointment. “Well, if you need help with anything, you can always ask me.”
“Thanks,” he offers her a tight-lipped grin. She sends him a wink in return before turning to her friend seated to her other side.
Harry takes the opportunity to look down at the gridded schedule laid out before him. Thank god he’d looked over his schedule ahead a time when it was posted online because it had taken him about an hour to fully comprehend, and if he’s being honest, Mr. Bartolome kind of scares him. The school works on a 6-day cycle, and each class is referred to as a ‘pattern’ rather than a ‘period’. Each day, one subject drops, and the one that had dropped the day before is added in at the beginning. He looks up at the board, where Mr. Bartolome has written an outline of how today is going to work out. Day 1, it says in green marker, followed by the order of classes. Harry looks back down at his schedule, and his eyes linger on his Pattern A.
His first class of the day just happens to be his favorite subject. Harry isn’t sure what it is, but he loves reading and learning about the past and drawing maps of how the past has contributed and affected the present. It might be because his grandad had been a university history professor at Oxford and would tell Harry tales from World War 2 in place of the usual bedtime stores (that’s not to say that Harry isn’t well versed in fairytales, of course).
Luckily there hadn’t been assigned seating, so Harry was able to snag a table in the third row when he had first come in. The seats are now slowly filling up as the rest of the class staggers in a few tired looking students at a time, and the teacher makes it a point to note that it’s the first day...the first class of the day nonetheless! Harry recognizes a few from homeroom, like the boy who had dared asked Mr. Bartolome a question, and Zoey, who flirtatiously waves at him with before being forced into the back by a few of her friends.
Their teacher pushes out of his chair and heads to the whiteboard. He takes a dry erase marker in his hand, and in big letters writes what looks to be his name, but Harry can barely make it out without squinting his eyes.
“Welcome to US History Honors!” he exclaims. “As I’ve just written in my embarrisingly horrendous handwriting...which is why we’re definitely using PowerPoint, so I don’t get a billion emails about what’s written, don’t worry...I’m Mr. Noone!”
Mr. Noone walks over to the door, but just as he’s about to shut it to start the lesson, someone calls out to him from the hall. “Wait! I’m here, I’m here!” Everyone watches as the elderly man lets out a knowing sigh, shoulders falling in defeat, but it’s followed by a genuine chuckle as the final student speeds into the room.
“Sorry, Mr. N!” she says, still trying to catch her breath. Harry immediately eyes the same pink and grey scrunchie that had knocked into him earlier. “But I had to wait for these to cool before packing them up or else all the sugar would fall off!” In her hands is a medium-sized Tupperware, and he recognizes the faint yet alluring scent of freshly baked treats.
“Earl grey short bread?” Mr. Noone cocks a brow at her as he finally shuts the door. “I don’t accept tardiness for just any average cookie.”
The girl shakes her head animatedly. “I’m insulted that you even have to ask that question!” Mr. Noone strolls towards his desk with his hands behind his back, then peaks over the top of the container. A pleased expression dances across his face as his fingers fish for a scrumptious cookie to bite in to, and he’s even more ecstatic as the shortbread touches his palate.
“You did good, kid. Now find a seat before I write you up for loitering,” he threatens lightly, and the girl lets out a little huff as she turns around.
And that’s when Harry finally sees her face.
His stomach flips over, and he’s left in that awkward position of will he or won’t he see this morning’s breakfast again (and he’d eaten a hefty meal). Her eyes have a glimmer to them, like a star on top of a Christmas tree or better yet, the real ones he watches from his bedroom window when he can’t fall asleep. He’s so in awe that he stops breathing when those sparkling eyes land on the empty seat right beside him. Whatever amusement he’d been feeling when he’d first sat down is now replaced with something else. It’s like heat that creeps up to his neck originating from the base of his spine.
The closer she gets, the sweatier his palms become, so bad that he has trouble keeping his pen firm in his grasp. “Hi, I’m Y/n!” she says as she stops in front of him, a warm smile embedded on her lips and a warmth that seems to radiate off her so naturally. “I hope you don’t mind if I sit here?”
“Y-yeah, I mean, no! I mean, of course. It’s...it’s all yours.” What was that?! Jesus Christ, Harry. It’s like you’ve never talked to a girl before! She giggles as he trips over his words, but thanks him graciously before sliding into the seat and getting herself comfortable. He tenses at her presence being so close to him and he couldn’t tell you why. “Harry,” he blurts out like vomit.
“What?” She looks up from digging through her bag.
He bites on the inside of his cheek, suddenly feeling conscious under this self-imposed pressure. “My name’s Harry,” and he shyly repeats before turning back to the board.
Y/n tilts her head at him, and the soft smile returns to her face. “Nice to meet you, Harry.”
At that, he’s finally able to breathe normally. He steals a couple glances at her as she sets everything down on their table, and he notices how her lips quirk to the side as she sets everything down with such precision. A printed Beatles-themed pencil case catches his eye, and he smiles to himself as he thinks fondly to all the times his grandad had played their records over and over.
“I love the Beatles,” he says almost as a whisper, but she picks up on it and perks up immediately.
“They’re my favorite band and all I listen to most days.” She picks up the pouch and twirls it in her hands. “My dad brought this back when he visited London a few years ago. I’ve never been, but hopefully one day!” There’s hope in her voice as she stares sheepishly at the print.
“Alright!” Their conversation is cut short as Mr. Noone chews up his last bit of cookie. “Now that that’s taken care of, let’s start class!” A projection screen starts to pull down over the whiteboard, followed by a slowly brightening white light. “While we’re waiting for this to load, I want you to take a good look at who you’re sitting next to because you’ll be partnering up for various projects and presentations over the course of the year.”
After class, Harry sits back as he watches a bulk of his classmates file out of the room en route to their next destination. As their voices carry out into the halls, it’s just him and a few others left, including Y/n, who appears to be taking her sweet time packing everything up in her bag.
“So,” the “o” carries out longer than he’d anticipated. He scratches the back of his neck as he searches for something, anything, he can say to her, so she doesn’t think he’s a complete and utter fool for not being able to speak without fumbling over his own tongue. “I’m not really sure where my next class is.”
“Oh!” Her eyes grow wide as she zips up her backpack. “I could help you, if you’d like?” And gosh, does his chest pound when she leans in close and takes a peek at his schedule in front of him on the table. “You’re actually just on the second floor!” she exclaims, pointing up towards the ceiling. “I’m like ninety-seven percent sure it’s the third door on the right if you take the stairs right outside this room.”
Harry takes a quick mental note of her instructions before pushing out of his chair. “Thank you,” he starts, and both of them head towards the door, with her leading the way.
Just as she takes one step outside, she suddenly turns around, and Harry nearly crashes into her. “I’ll be back for my Tupperware, Mr. N! There’s no way I’m letting you swipe another one from under my nose!” The old man waves her off and mutters something under his breath that Harry thinks might have been a “whatever you say”. Y/n looks up at him, and signals for them to continue into the hall.
“He’s a real sweetheart,” she says as they climb up the stairs.
“Mr. Noone,” she explains. “I think you’ll really like him! His classes are pretty chill for the most part and he’s super understanding, too. Like last year I had the flu for about a week and a half since my brother had gotten me sick because his whole kindergarten class had come down with for some strange reason, and Mr. N was the only teacher who didn’t have me make up any work.”
“Yeah?” he smiles at her.
She promptly shakes her head in confirmation. “Yeah! He just gave me this mini test with all the material I’d missed, and he even gave me a study guide to study off to help me with it!” Her face falls into a small frown when they stop in front Harry’s next class. “Oh, well I guess this is you.” She digs her foot into the marbled floor as she peeks into the room. “It was nice talking to you, Harry! I’ll see you around!” she says with a more upbeat tone.
“Bye, and thanks again for helping me get to class. It probably cut down the anxiety time by at least two minutes,” he confesses, a slight blush spreading around the area of his nose. She smiles before heading her own way, and he doesn’t know why he feels this sudden decline in his mood as she grows further and further. He just stands there, watching her walk down the corridor while the rest of the students laze into the classroom. Just as he’s about to head in, he chances one last look in her direction, and it’s just in time see her looking over her shoulder.
Harry’s managed to make himself a new friend in Debate class. His name is Max, and he’d been a transfer student from JW the year before Harry had started attending. They bonded over that, as well as a mutual love for movies made during the Classical Hollywood period (they’ve even made plans to watch a Hitchcock film this weekend), and even how they live in the same neighborhood –– a few streets apart, to be more specific!
“I think it’s cool that you have an accent,” Max says to him as they stop at Harry’s locker before heading to lunch. Harry empties out his books from his first three classes. It’s no wonder his back had been aching, he’d forgotten to take out his US Politics textbook, and he doesn’t even have that class today. He’d had a free (also with Max) before this, and he’d managed to finish up all the readings and homework for history and biology that are all due tomorrow. He likes to be efficient with his time, especially when the teachers start putting on a heftier workload. “Did you see how all those girls freaked when you introduced yourself? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it!”
“Everyone has an accent, mate. It’s just mine sounds a lot different from yours.” Everyone in Debate had freaked over the way he spoke, and as Max had pointed out, it had garnered a lot of attention from some of the girls in class.
“No need to get all technical with me. You have a gift, my friend. Use it wisely.” Harry shuts his locker, and the two continue towards the cafeteria. This morning, Anne had packed him his favorite roast beef and swiss on rye, a tradition on the first day of school that they’ve kept since he was small. Although, Max had been going on about how amazing the food here was, which is hard to believe that any school lunch can be anything but subpar, so he may have to test that out, as well. On the way there, they turn into a hallway, and are immediately hit with a sweet-smelling aroma of cinnamon and brown sugar.
Harry stops just outside the door, humming happily to himself as he pictures whatever magic is happening on the other side. “Kitchen?” He points in its direction with his thumb.
“Home economics room,” his friend smirks. “A friend spends a hell of a lot of time in there. She’s a really good baker, I can’t even count how many of her lemon bars I’ve had since I started going here.”
Y/n is late for lunch, but it’s really not her fault! She got caught up in decorating a cake with fondant roses and fancy piping that she been working on all period long because she wanted to impress Miss Genevra with a new technique that she had learned at a baking seminar she’d taken over the summer. And it turned out nearly perfect (there was one flower that looked a tad lopsided, but only Y/n fussed over it), and the flavor was just as impressive.
All that aside, she now only has about ten minutes left to buy lunch and scarf it all down before her Pattern J starts, and she still has to stop by her locker to get her art kit and sketchbook, not to mention she has to make time to hound Mr. N for her Tupperware back, or else her dad will throw another fit.
So, she quickly grabs a Snapple and a basket of chicken tenders from the hot rack, then brings it all to the cashier. A woman, about forty years old sits on her stool, and smiles at Y/n as she approaches. “Hi, Layla!” Y/n greets her, handing her over a crisp ten-dollar bill. “How was your trip to Ecuador? I’m sure Benny and Sammy loved it!” Benny and Sammy are Layla’s twin boys that Y/n babysits from time to time when Layla and her partner go out for a date night. They’re about her brother’s age, so Mason is always so happy when she brings him along to their house for an impromptu playdate.
Layla smiles, handing back her change of four dollars and fifty cents. “They did! Thanks for asking, sweetheart.” She stares down at her watch, then gives the young girl a knowing look. “Now you better finish that up before your next class. I think I saw Maxxie sitting somewhere in the back.”
“Oh, thanks for the heads up! And by the way...” Y/n looks into her bag and pulls out a stack of fudge bars neatly wrapped in tin foil. “The boys’ favorite! Made fresh today.”
“Ah! You’re just an angel, aren’t you?” Layla gushes before sending her on her way.
Y/n searches for Maxxie’s mop of dirty blonde hair as she maneuvers around all the busy tables. They’d met a few years ago, and she considers him to be one of her best friends. He’d texted her earlier saying he’d be bringing a friend to sit with them at lunch, and that he was totally cute and had a smile that would surely make her weak at the knees. Think Zach Anderson, but 100x better, his message had read. She smiles widely when she sees him.
“So, last night I saw this movie made in like the 40s and I totally got this ince-” She cover his eyes with her hands and does her best to bite back the erupting giggles.
“Guess who?”
“Well, you smell strongly of vanilla and...” He takes a long whiff through his nose. “...and...is that orange zest?”
“Lemon, but close enough, I guess.” Y/n takes the empty seat on his right. Maxxie leans in for a hug, and only then does she notice the familiar company.
“Hey, you! I was beginning to think you’d drowned in a tub of frosting or something,” he jokes, picking something out of her hair before settling back. He turns to his left. “This is-”
“Harry,” she says it like it’s a dream. Gosh! When she’d met him earlier, she did everything she could to stay with it, when all she really wanted to do was scream into a pillow about how unrealistically green his eyes are. Instead, she thinks she might have overshared some details with a complete stranger because regardless of how cute she thinks he is –– and that’s very much –– she doesn’t know one thing about him besides his name.
“Y/n, hi,” Harry replies just as whimsically. They hold eye contact for a while, but as Y/n feels the heat begin to rise from her neck to her cheeks, she soon turns away and begins to pick at her chicken, while Harry bites his lips inward and looks down into his lap to check his phone.
The boy in between them looks back and forth between the two. His eyebrows rise to his forehead and his mouth parts slightly in confusion.
“So... I’m guessing you’ve met?”
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Edward Stevens: facts
After the suicide of his uncle and guardian Peter Lytton, James Hamilton went off to train with an elderly carpenter and his younger brother, Alexander Hamilton, was whisked off to the King Street home of Thomas Stevens, a well-respected merchant and his wife, Ann. Of the five children born to the married couple, Edward born a year before Alexander became his closest friend, "an intimate acquaintance begun in early youth," as Hamilton described their relationship. As they both matured, the often seemed to display parallel personalities: both were quick and clever, disciplined and persevering, fluent in French, versed in classical history, held the same morals and were interested in medicine. In later years, Edward reminded Alexander of "those vows of eternal friendship, which we have so often mutually exchanged," he often fretted about his friend's delicate health.
Their physical appearance was close. Thirty years later, when Timothy Pickering, then secretary of state, first set eyes on Edward Stevens, he was torn by their resemblance. "At first glance, I was struck with the extraordinary similitude of his and General Hamilton's faces–I thought they must be brothers." Pickering confided with shock to Edward's brother-in-law, James Yard of St. Croix only to be told that this remark was said many times before. Pickering even concluded to himself that they were in fact brothers and Hamilton was an illegitimate child of "Stevens".
Edward Stevens also went to Kings College and years before Hamilton. November 11th, 1769 is Hamilton's oldest letter surviving in his pen–the recipient was Stevens. Arriving in New York 1773, the only person he knew was Stevens. In his first months at King's, he and a friend, Robert Troup, formed a club that gathered weekly to hone debating, writing and speaking skills. Stevens was one of the members.
While married to Elizabeth Schuyler, Edward Stevens became "the guardian angel" of the household and he appeared at providential moments and tended to Eliza reassuring her she was in no danger at times of illness. During the yellow fever epidemic in 1793, Edward Seven turned up Philadelphia and attended to both Alexander and Eliza when they both contracted the disease. He treated with bark, wine, and cold baths, a regimen that stirred some controversy since Stevens scorned the bloodletting treatment advocated by most doctors including Rush. Upon his recovery, Hamilton became an advocate for Stevens's method.
(Text above is credited to sonofhistory)
- He cured Eliza and Alexander of the fever within five days
- Stevens graduated from King's College in 1774 and then sailed to Britain to study Medicine at the University of Edinburgh
- He gained his doctorate (M.D.) on September 12, 1777
- Stevens' dissertation on gastric digestion was entitled "De alimentorum concoction"
- Based on this work, he was the first researcher to isolate human gastric juices
- His work confirmed that of René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur, who showed the digestive power of gastric juices, and helped dispel earlier theories of digestion
- Stevens's work on digestion would influence Lazzaro Spallanzani
- On January 20, 1776, Stevens was admitted to the university's Royal Medical Society
- He served as the Society's president for the academic year 1779/1780. Stevens remained in Edinburgh until 1783 and was one of the joint founders of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in that year
- Stevens returned to St. Croix in 1783. He worked there as a physician for ten years
- He maintained his friendship with Hamilton through correspondence
- In adulthood, Hamilton tended to shun his turbulent adolescence, and Stevens was the only person from his childhood, including even his closest living family members, with whom he kept in regular contact
- Following the death of his wife, Eleanora, in 1792, Stevens decided to move to North America
- Stevens had considered a move to Guyana, but William Thornton urged him to choose the United States
- Also in 1792, Stevens married Hester Kortright Amory. Stevens ended his ten years of practicing medicine in the Caribbean and moved to Philadelphia in 1793
- (A/N" so he was widowed one year and married that same year, good job Ned)
- While in Philadelphia, he engaged in a controversy with Benjamin Rush on methods for treating an outbreak of yellow fever
- Stevens was admitted to the American Philosophical Society on April 18, 1794. Stevens's work in digestion may have influenced other researchers in Philadelphia, notably John Richardson Young
- In 1795, Stevens was appointed as a professor at King's College
- Stevens served as the United States consul-general in Saint-Domingue (later Haiti) from 1799 to 1800
- Stevens's title, "consul", suggested a diplomat attached to a country not a colony, reflecting the administrations view of the Haitian situation
- Following his arrival in Haiti in April 1799, Stevens succeeded in accomplishing several of his objectives, including: the suppression of privateers operating out of the colony, protections for American lives and property, and right of entry for American vessels
- Stevens pushed for similar privileges for the British, who, like the United States, were engaged in war with France
- Negotiations between Haiti and Britain were difficult given Haiti's fears of Britain's desire to take control of the colony, and Britain's fears of the Haitian slave revolt spreading to its own Caribbean colonies. In fact, Stevens had to serve as the British agent for a time since Haitian troops feared having a British official in the colony
- Little is known of Stevens's last years. For two and a half months in 1809-10, during the British occupation of the Danish West Indies, Stevens served as President of St. Croix. He corresponded with David Hosack, including a letter introducing his son in 1823
- He outlived Hamilton by thirty years
- He also referred to Hamilton as "My Dr. Ham"
- Meanwhile, Hamilton called Edward "Ned" and "Neddy" and often reffered to him as his "particular friend"
- "Throughout the remainder of 1803 Stevens attended the American Philosophical Society regularly. He is recorded as being present on October 7, October 21, November 4, November 18. In 1804 he attended on February 17 and February 24. A minute on August 17 of that year is confusing. Apparently he donated two volumes of books, but the precise readings of the Minutes is unclear. The description is "Steven's Wars. 2 Vols". Thereafter Stevens never attended again. It will be recalled that in 1804 Alexander Hamilton died in a duel with Burr, and possible then, or later Stevens retired to St Croix. David Hossack wrote to him in St. Croix in a letter dated September 20th, 1809, from New York, so by that year, certainly, Stevens had left the United States."
— Edward Stevens: Gastric physiologist, physician and American statesman
(Ned must have been significantly distressed by Hamilton's death and perhaps even moved back to St Croix because of this)
Some letters between Ned and Alexander:
"I have written you so repeatedly since my Arrival in Scotland, without having ever received an Answer... I am perfectly at a Loss I assure you, my Dr: Hamilton, to account for your Silence. I have written you frequently, and, as I know that you was at a Distance from New York, enclosed your Letters to some of our common Friends in that City, and requested them to transmit them to you. But I have not been able to collect the least Intelligence concerning you from any Quarter..."
—To Alexander Hamilton from Edward Stevens, 23 December 1777
"Who could have imagined my friend that a man of your greatness, of your delicacy of constitution, and of your tranquility, would have shone so much, and in a short space of time, in the Champ de Mars, that you did it? I assure you, my Colonel, that I have tormented myself a great deal about your health, which has always been very dear to me since the beginning of our acquaintance. I do not know how you can sustain the hardships and fatigues of a winter campaign in America. Surely your constitution would never have sustained such severity without the assistance of something very extraordinary."
— To Alexander Hamilton from Edward Stevens, 1778
"Dear Edward
This just serves to acknowledge receipt of yoursper Cap Lowndeswhich was delivered me Yesterday. The truth of Cap Lightbourn & Lowndes information is now verifyd by the Presence of your Father and Sister for whose safe arrival I Pray, and that they may convey that Satisfaction to your Soul that must naturally flow from the sight of Absent Friends in health, and shall for news this way refer you to them. As to what you say respecting your having soon the happiness of seeing us all, I wish, for an accomplishment of your hopes provided they are Concomitant with your welfare, otherwise not, tho doubt whether I shall be Present or not for to confess my weakness, Ned, my Ambition is prevalent that I contemn the grov'ling and condition of a Clerk or the like, to which my Fortune &c. condemns me and would willingly risk my life tho' not my Character to exalt my Station. Im confident, Ned that my Youth excludes me from any hopes of immediate Preferment nor do I desire it, but I mean to prepare the way for futurity. Im no Philosopher you see and may be jusly said to Build Castles in the Air. My Folly makes me ashamd and beg youll Conceal it, yet Neddy we have seen such Schemes successfull when the Projector is Constant I shall Conclude saying I wish there was a War.
. . .
PS I this moment receivd yoursby William Smith and am pleasd to see you Give such Close Application to Study."
- Alexander Hamilton to Edward Stevens, St Croix, November 11th, 1769
#Edward Stevens#Alexander Hamilton#Historical#Facts#Founding father facts#Historical facts#NEDDY#YEET#historical Hamilton facts#my stuff
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11/17/2020 DAb Transcript
Ezekiel 35:1-36:38, James 1:1-18, Psalms 116:1-19, Proverbs 27:23-27
Today is the 17th day of November welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is a joy to be here with you today around the Global Campfire taking the next step forward. And we’re still working our way through the book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament but when we get to the New Testament we’re moving into entirely new territory and we’ll talk about that because, I mean, we’re gonna be hearing from a totally different voice than we've heard from so far in the whole Bible. So, we'll talk about that when we get there. But first, Ezekiel chapters 35 and 36. And we’re reading from the New Living Translation this week.
Introduction to the book of James:
Okay. So, for the most part in the New Testament we’ve…we’ve read the Gospels, of course, and we read the Acts of the Apostles, of course, which was written by Luke or the same author that wrote the gospel of Luke. Luke and Acts are two volumes from the same author. But then we’ve spent most of the rest of our time reading the letters of the apostle Paul. Then of course we got to the letter to the Hebrew's and its author is debated…well it has been debated for centuries and so most people just would say unknown. The origin, the absolute de facto for sure author of the letter of Hebrews is unknown, as scholars’ debate about some of the…the letters of the apostle Paul. Nevertheless, not to get too far in the weeds we’re moving into new territory now, territory that we haven't been in before with a voice that we haven't heard before, although we know this person. We’re about to read the letter of James, and James is known to be the brother of Jesus. But like all of the rest of the Scriptures that have been poured over for thousands of years by everybody from laymen to scholars to theologians to clergy and teachers. Billions of people over thousands of years have poured over the passages, every passage that we find in what we now know of as the Bible. So, James, the letter of James, has fallen under the same kind of scrutiny and scholarship as we would expect, and that includes debates about which James we’re talking about here. Which James wrote the letter of James? Which makes it difficult than to date James because which James we’re talking about would matter. And although there isn’t like 100% consensus there's really not 100% consensus about a lot of things in the Bible. There is a scenario that's maybe…maybe the most likely and that would be that the letter of James's probably really was written by James, the half-brother of Jesus. And this James that we’re talking about, the half-brother of Jesus didn't believe in Jesus or His ministry or His claims during His earthly ministry. James emerges as a leader and even like a foundational pillar of the early church after the resurrection. And it was James, if we remember from the book of Acts…if we remember from Paul's letters, we have talked so many times about the Jew / Gentile distinctions and the problems and the controversies and the challenges that the early church faced. And one of the earliest challenge…challenges was, “if God is doing a new thing in the world and Gentiles are allowed to be a part of it, how do they get in? Like, what governs that? How does it work?” And the first counsel that we know of, the first major decision in the church era was the Jerusalem Council, which is referenced in the book of Acts. It was James, the leader of the mother church, the Jerusalem church, the half-brother of Jesus who presided over that counsel. And, so, the reason that…that James, the half-brother of Jesus, is the leading, by far, candidate for who wrote the letter of James is in many ways because it was preserved. You know, if just some James decides to write some letter and nobody knows who this James is, and he writes this letter and gives it to somebody, I guess theoretically it could be preserved, but probably not preserved and passed around other churches and held in high esteem or even low esteem, as we'll see in a second. Whoever wrote this letter had credibility. Same way with the letter to the Hebrews. Whoever wrote this people knew who they were. They were recognized, and it seemed as if they should save what was written down. So, you would think that James, the half-brother of Jesus the Christ fit the criteria necessary to maybe hold onto the letter and would maybe give it credibility and significance in a way that…that there are no other candidates that could fill. So, although there's debate, James was probably written by James, the half-brother of Jesus, the leader of the Jerusalem church. And this letter really gives us glimpses into the Hebrew side of the early church. Most of what we look at, most of what we examine is examined through Gentile eyes. And certainly, the apostle Paul spoke to Hebrew people and tied the story of Jesus to the Hebrew narrative that had always been going on. Certainly, he did that, but his primary mission was to bring the good news of the gospel to the Gentiles. And we know that after the Jerusalem Council not everybody was on board with those decisions. And, so, we get a look in this letter from James into the early Hebrew believer’s perspective of the faith. It's…it's addressed to the 12 tribes, the scattered 12 tribes, the diaspora, for those who have been dispersed. And, so, that tells us it's a pretty broad audience that this is sent to bring the gospel. But it may have been...it may have been more specific than just those who have been carried away in exile. Persecution, marginalization, these kinds of things had begun and the gospel had begun to spread because of that. So, if a person lost their job and they were marginalized in their neighborhood and nobody was being nice to them anymore because they believed in Jesus and they decided they'd had enough and God is leading them to another city and they pack up their things and move to another city than they take the gospel with them to that city, a place where it's more receptive and the gospel than spread throughout the empire, the Roman world of the time. And of course, the stoning of Stephen that we read about in the book of Acts would and could have been a large catalyst. So, if that scenario's true than James would possibly be writing to the early believers who had been in his pastoral care in Jerusalem but had now begun to spread out. And the believers who received this letter wherever they received this letter, they had fled in all different directions to find a place of peace where they could just live their lives. But they would've always felt connected to the place that they found their faith in the Jerusalem church. And that's the mother church. So, a letter from the Jerusalem church. But that would've been something that would been treasured and kept and preserved especially…especially if James wrote it, the half-brother of Jesus, the leader of the church. And what we’re about to see is a little bit of the nuance that is a very important one. In Paul's letters and in the letter to the Hebrews we’re exploring faith and we’re going all the way back to the beginning of the Hebrew story, all the way back to Abram and seeing that it was his faith. And remember in the book of Hebrews we read the hall of faith. So, all of these…example, after example, after example in the Scriptures showing that faith is the essential activator of everything in relation to God. James believes that very thing, but he makes a very important distinction that is basically yes indeed faith is the essential piece. We must absolutely live by faith; however, faith without works is dead. That distinction has not always been popular throughout the journey in the history of the Christian faith. Even the reformer Martin Luther would have preferred to omit James from the canon of Scripture because Martin Luther, among other things, held a conviction of solo fide, it’s faith alone…faith alone that saves you. James wouldn't argue with that, he would just say, “there's a way of evidencing that you have faith, and that is how you live your life, your works. You can say whatever you want to say but there are ways of speaking that are far more powerful than words. Anybody can say anything, but you live what you actually believe.” So, the reformer Martin Luther may have called a letter of James, a letter of straw, but James probably couldn't, wouldn't have cared less. Because we’re about to hear a new tone in the Scripture. James is very, very forthright, very direct, very…attempting to be very clear so that there are no misunderstandings. And, so, we really are entering into the portion of Scripture that is about probably to kick our butt. And our butts will be kicked throughout James and the letters of Peter. So let's just get ready for that and let’s just be grateful for it out in front because sometimes it's the things that challenge us or disrupt us or kick our butt that make us stand up and wrestle with it and move forward instead of staying stagnant. And, so, with that, let's begin. James chapter 1 verses 1 through 18.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for another day, another day of life and another day to be in community together in Your word. And we thank You for this new territory, this letter of James that is certain to challenge us. It challenges me every year. And, so, we welcome that. We often try to minimize disruption and challenge and anything that we might have to endure, anything that we might have to go through even though it's the very thing that will make us stronger. We try to avoid those things but we’re grateful that in the Scriptures You confront everything, You touch everything. You move into whatever is going on with us and force us to ask the right questions about where we’re headed and we’re grateful that James begins to unpack that this very day by telling us when our faith is tested our endurance has a chance to grow. And we should let that happen. We should let it grow because if our endurance is completely developed, we’ll be perfect and complete, needing nothing. We’re also told that if we need wisdom, which we do, we’re to ask You Father and You will give it to us generously You’re not gonna rebuke us for asking for wisdom. So, we’re asking for wisdom. Give us wisdom as we move into this new territory in the Bible and as we move into this new territory in the world. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is…it is the website, it’s where you find out what's going on around here as I say most all the time. So, stay tuned and stay connected.
We are doing the Global Campfire initiative right now and that will come to an end tomorrow. And that is just the converging of a few things, like I shared last week. The Heart album, Heart a contemplative journey that we released in July really came at a time that it was needed. And, so, just a lot of really, really wonderful feedback about things that God did through that project and continues to do through that project. And then there was the reemergence or reawakening a new affection for an old technology, that being vinyl albums and just the love to…the love for having album artwork and stuff available kind of how they…how it used to be. And then there's the Daily Audio Bible app that we are pouring in sowing resource into continually with the objective that it continues to become the portal, it continues to become the way that no matter where we are, it’s just in our back pocket or in our purse. We have a way to be connected no matter what. And, so, we pressed up some vinyl of the Heart album and we’re just inviting anyone while the supplies last. And they’re about by gone. Anyone who can give $100 or more into this initiative, specifically earmarked to sow deeper into app development, then we want to send you the Heart album on vinyl. I want to say it's a collector’s edition because it's beautiful. It's something to treasure. I think I said it a few days ago and I hadn’t planned to say it but when I said it I was like, “that rings true.” It's one thing we can hold onto from 2020 and say this was a good thing. And there are many things in hindsight, we will see about 2020 that are a good thing, but a lot of…a lot of us are gonna acknowledge it was a difficult trip around the sun, to say the least. But this is a bright spot in that. So, here's how you get there. Go to dailyaudiobible.com or open up the Daily Audio Bible app. If you are at the website at the .com look for Initiatives. Click Initiatives and you'll find the Global Campfire initiative. If you're in the app push the little icon in the upper left-hand corner, it’s a drawer that will open up, press Initiatives and you'll find the Global Campfire initiative. And I thank you. I thank you profoundly for your partnership.
If you have a prayer request or encouragement you can use the very app that we’re talking about here. One of the things that we were able to incorporate in the last year because of the continued building is the Hotline button and that's the little red button of the top. And I talk about it all the time. You press that no matter where you are in the world and you can…you can share, you can reach out, you can pray, you can ask for prayer right there. So, that's what you do or if you prefer, you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
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