#verse; far cry 5 (herald)
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sirenaceae · 2 years ago
@eli-whitetail​ | X
The Herald of Henbane had been captured. It seemed too good to be true, and the Whitetail Militia were in a frenzy. There were calls for Faith’s blood and she did little to temper the rage. “She bit me!”​ one of the men cried out, his voice cracked. His skin was already bruising and her teeth had indeed punctured his skin in an ugly crescent wound.
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Faith thrashed against her confines. Her skin had broken out in a heavy sweat, her body expelling the drugs that Joseph had fed her since she was a teen. The dependency meant her withdrawal symptoms were leaning to the severe side, coupled with the general numbness to brutality that came with living in Hope County. “Who the fuck is this guy?!” she demanded when Eli came into view. “Just fuck off!!”
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tndrhrt · 7 months ago
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this  blog  is  a  sideblog  to  strnza  -  follows  &  follow-backs  will  come  from  that  main  blog,  as  this  is  just  a  hub  for  all  of  eliza's  far  cry  5  (& anything  else  relevant)  interactions,  plots  &  storylines.
MAIN CARRD (with rules), DNI. 🤍 this blog is private, generally pretty selective and very low activity.
🥀 AFFILITED W/ @allegored.
icons  will  not  be  used  frequently  on  this  blog  in  writing.  find  character  aesthetics  here.
insp  playlist.     pinterest / visual aid.     headcanons.     likeness.     musings & mannnerisms.
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NAME:   eliza  cecilia  bellucci  kardel. AGE:   flexible,  usually  mid / upper 20's.  timeline  dependent. DATE  OF  BIRTH:   october  26. GENDER:   female. SEXUALITY:   bisexual. PRONOUNS:   she / her. SPOKEN  LANGUAGES:   italian,  ASL  &  english. PHYSICALITY:   just  barely  5  foot  &  2  inches  tall,  but  no  less  of  a  presence  to  be  reckoned  with  because  of  her  smaller  stature.  dark  brown,  thick  wavy  hair,  usually  tied  back  in  a  loose  ponytail,  held  under  a  hat  or  let  loose  &  wild.  dark  brown  eyes.  olive-toned  skin,  freckled  along  her  cheekbones,  shoulders,  knees  &  hands.  lanky  in  her  stature  due  to  various  periods  of  malnutrition  in  her  life.  70+  tattoos,  all along her body.  (some  listed  here.) VOICE:   see here. ENJOYS:   music,  singing,  art.  cooking/baking.  warm  weather.  companionship.  summer  storms.  writing/drawing  more  than  reading.
FAITH  –        joseph  seed  appears  to  her  as  divinely  as  he  stands.  he  is  the  one  who  saw  her  potential;  he  soothed  all  the  crumbled  hope  that  had  built  itself  up  in  eliza’s  chest  when  she  first  came  to  the  country.  with  lackluster  gigs  and  even  lower  self  worth,  she  soon  found  solace  in  drink  after  drink  and  similar  self-destructive  behaviors.  but  he  found  her,  he  saw  the  light  within  her  –  and  he  promised  her  the  world.
rome,  georgia  soon  became  hope  county.  there  were  terms  set  forth,  the  promise  of  a  new  opportunity  within  a  new  life  on  the  conditions  of  an  entirely  new  life  –  a  cleansed  body,  mind  and  soul,  new  name  to  match  –  faith  seed.  he  told  her  that  she  deserved  hymns  devoted  solely  to  her  smile,  she  deserved  the  world  –  so  long  as  she  upheld  his  word,  they’d  all  reach  eden.  together.  she’d  accepted  the  name  faith  before  she’d  ever  knew  there’d  been  another.  she  allowed  them  to  carve  her  anew  so  long  as  they  kept  their  promises  –  don’t  abandon  me.  i’ll  be  good,  i’ll  do  what  you  ask  –  just  love  me  in  return.  the  seeds  gave  eliza  what  she’d  been  lacking  her  whole  life;  belonging,  love  and  purpose.
the  iteration  of  faith  had  come  and  gone  in  other  lost,  young  women  —  but  eliza  kardel  was  the  blueprint  of  true  faith.  empathy,  love,  affection  and  a  heart  stronger  than  her  mind  –  she  bespoke  sunshine  into  the  minds  of  whoever  would  listen.  she'd  never  been  the  perfect  picture  of  blind  obedience;  what  she  lacked  in  doubt  and  curiosity,  she  made  up  for  with  intoxicating  passion  &  compassion.  she  evaluates  and  understands  fear,  soothes  it  with  the  promises  of  the  project  in  her  adoptive  brothers  names  and  promises  a  stagnant  fact  –  whoever  you  are,  she  will  take  you,  and  she  will  love  you.  unconditionally.  can  her  heart  still  be  swayed  to  see  the  manipulation  she’s  fallen  victim  to?        TL;DR  …  eliza  is  taken  in  by  the  seed  brothers  and  named  adoptive  sister,  faith  seed  &  herald  of  the  project  at  eden’s  gate.  she  is  not  the  siren,  rather,  she  is  known  as  the  angel.
CHOSEN  –        more  info  coming  soon.  jacob  seed’s  right-hand  chosen.  elite  warrior,  weaponized  empathy  +  heart,  tired  soldier  in  search  of  reprieve.
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sirenaceae · 2 years ago
His sister's absence isn't unusual, but John has never much cared for her ways, her entrance into their family, a sister found in faith - the irony isn't lost on him, even if that isn't the sole reason for Joseph naming her that - rather than blood. But where John finds that blood brings the sins out of people, Faith uses her drugs. The Bliss. It feels stupid to use something of the sort, but Joseph doesn't listen. Faith is their sister because he commands it, and John has learned not to bring it up any longer.
But Joseph isn't here, and John doesn't care if most don't find her absence unusual. He doesn't trust it. So he leans his back against the table, crosses his arms over his chest, appraises her with a cold stare offset by a practiced smile that can feign warmth. He's sure she sees right through it. "So, where have you been? Had nothing but fun, I'm sure." He could say something if she left Hope County, but she's too smart, wouldn't admit to that even if she did. "The family missed you."
(and I've missed writing my FC5 muses, please take John being a little shit. I'll send Joseph and maybe my girl December her way too sometime soon)
It had been almost a fortnight. Enough time to get clean, sure, but no where near enough to be rehabilitated. Truth was, Faith had started to hear the whispers again, whispers from a teenage girl who had no where else to go and who had her own hopes and plans for the future fucked away.
Needless to say John was the last brother she wished to face fresh out of her drug cleanse. Joseph could make her feel loved. Jacob didn't a flying fuck so long as she kept supplying his men with barrels of Bliss, so if Jacob were here, she had a reason to be angry with the men in charge of production.
But John was here. And John hated her, told in how he constantly had his foot out ready to trip her up. His smile never reached his eyes — Faith flashed a shit eating grin of her own. "I found your latest fling and I pegged 'em legless." she claimed. "Someone had to give 'em a good fucking."
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It was the childish kind of remark that Faith knew itched John the wrong way. Like siblings poking at each other's sore spots. But she was sober and in a petty kind of mood.
"I've been busy, John. Can you refine Bliss? Stabalise the formula so it retains its golden ratio of hallucinogenic and truth-serum properties while minimising the pesky little seizures and damage to the nervous system?" Perhaps she wasn't telling the whole truth. But in order to remain useful, she had to get clean. "I'd love a little fun. Fuck, am I finally going to be invited to a family barbeque? I'll bring the salad."
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