#oc: reed sarabhai
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kaijumydude · 1 year ago
Bout to re-enter my Reed Sarabhai era with that new Dev Patel movie
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newpacificarcology · 3 years ago
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shitty artists rendition of the last thing my guardian paulie sees after being awoken at 3am
aka my hive oc Sarâk-hai (also referred to as Reed) gets the light and his first urge is to terrorize her ass
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kaijumydude · 1 year ago
I have a lot of OCs and my current fixations swap so here's a doc of (most) of my ocs
My current oc fixations are:
Augustin Mallard
Harper Mac na Ceàrdaich
Byrdie Mac na Ceàrdaich
Reed Sarabhai
More active on my misc sideblog @bat-zilla!
I've got a lot of other sideblogs for specific interests, I'll add them here at some point
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kaijumydude · 3 years ago
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Sarâk-hai on his way to terrorize Paulie
aka just a silly doodle while testing a brush
I’m completely inconsistent with his design but this was just for funsy so eh I wasn’t putting too much effort into it
+ something I put so much and so little effort into
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kaijumydude · 3 years ago
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Reed,,,,,, beloved
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kaijumydude · 4 years ago
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(click on images for better quality!)
@bodycountgame​ Couldn’t pick which I liked better so why not both? Reed Sarabhai 🌿 25 🌿 Nonbinary (he/they) & Pansexual
just your local nature loving, anxiety ridden softie
Ro choices: Imogen, Adegoke, and Charlie ;wink wink
+ two meme-ish personality boards under the cut
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kaijumydude · 3 years ago
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Gave Reed/Sarâk-hai a neat lil outfit
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newpacificarcology · 3 years ago
so Sarâk-hai is a child of Savathûn. He is small and unnoteworthy compared to his siblings, and if anything is about the size of a knight or wizard. He has no great achievements, no guardian kills, no interesting-to-the-hive discoveries, no genocide related kills, no throneworld of his own, and despises sword-logic. He goes unnoticed, preferring to hide away, reading anything he can get his hands on, he has more focus on life than death.
So in an attempt to make use of him, he is sent to the New Pacific Arcology on Titan to decipher any useful information for his mother and fellow hive to use. Sarâk-hai becomes ENAMORED with the place. The overgrown remains of a once golden age wonder start to feel like home, more than any hive ship, planet, or throneworld ever could. He connects more to the lost memories of its inhabitants than he own brethren.
Sarâk-hai continues to do what is asked, with the occasional fall behind due to loosing time while going through the fractured data left on the station. One of the fragmented data sets he comes across is a video journal recorded by a scientist who worked aboard the arcology. He ends up relating heavily to the stranger, gaining an interest in what they worked in. Sarâk-hai starts to read more into Biology and Botany, teaching himself with what remains on the station. Even jerry rigging the system to give him van-net access, which he uses to further his research.
Eventually things come to a halt with guardians arriving, he has to be more careful with them roaming about, but his curiosity gets the better of him. Sarâk-hai begins to observe them and gains great interest, they're funny to him, strange too. He figures he can disguise himself as a human, taking the form of the scientist from the video journals. He can approach and talk and begone before they even realize he's lightless. It opens wonders and he finds himself taking more risks to learn more, that is until he runs into an awoken warlock, who realizes too quickly that he isn't like them.
Paulie, introduces herself and Sarâk-hai, knowing he can't use his actual name, improvises on the spot. Reed Sarabhai, albeit maybe not the most convincing name with Reed being a plant he saw and liked and Sarabhai just being a bastardized version of his actual name, but it fools her so it was enough. He tries to leave, knowing with every second he remains the more apparent it will be that she cannot feel his light. And as the window of opportunity open and he makes his way to leave, she makes the obvious apparent. He shouldn't be there.
He was lightless after all, it was dangerous. He just admitted that curiosity got the best of him and he wanted to see the famed New Pacific Arcology in person (not a lie but not all the truth). She accepts this and offers to take him back to the city. Knowing there was no way to decline this (for declining would be suspicious and he REALLY wanted to see the city), he accepted.
I don't really have much abt his early times in the city, but there comes a point where he reveals the truth to Paulie who is surprised but trusts him and agrees to keep it hidden. So now he just vibes with Paulie going on missions and getting excited over the flora and fauna of different planets. He was devestated when Titan was enveloped by an anomaly and misses the arcology very much (mood). He stands by her and acts as a support system cause man is she goin through some shit.
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kaijumydude · 4 years ago
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small amount of misc Reed doodles because I've been thinking about their destiny 2 verse again,,, guardian turned hive wizard my beloved
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kaijumydude · 4 years ago
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[ID: Two pencil drawn images. The top image is of a bust of a brown skinned person with long, messy, and dark hair with a short beard. They are wearing a loose shirt that cuts down the front in a v shape, the v shape has string zig-zagged to both sides.
The lower image is a full body pencil drawing of a brown skinned person with long, messy, and dark hair with a short beard. They are wearing a hooded, loose, v shaped neckline shirt. A bag hands against their left hip and a cloth sash is tied around their midwaist and hangs loosely down their right side. /end ID]
Some Reed in his Mortalis disguise doodles for The Nameless by @parkerlyn, go check the demo (linked above) and their blog! It's super good and I'm already obsessed sjhsjsjsj
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kaijumydude · 4 years ago
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reed wip update,,,, 2! cause I’m reaching a burnout point despite me wanting to do more with this
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newpacificarcology · 4 years ago
Hive: *have an overall aesthetic that shows in their chitinous armor and small amount of clothing and architect* Reed: I am going to be the comfiest motherfucker in the hive brood.
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kaijumydude · 4 years ago
I love getting a new interest and immediately shoving Reed into it. Like they have so many verses it's like the council of Reeds in marvel except it's the council of Reed Sarabhais skldhkdhskdhsdks he has versions in destiny 2 (his original verse), far cry 5, far cry new dawn, alien(films)/alien: isolation, red dead redemption 2, so many interactive fiction games (like body count, the nameless, a tale of crowns, atollo, the exile, aeon's dawning, fernweh saga, the northern passage, a mage reborn, the heir quest, when twilight strikes, arcadie: second born, rise of etrea: the royal spy, blood moon, and some others I can't remember atm)
and now that I've seen The Green Knight I'm thinking about giving Reed an elder scrolls and/or dnd verse : )
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kaijumydude · 4 years ago
supposed to be doing hw but I can’t focus atm so here’s a messy Reed bio 
Reed Sarabhai
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(drawn by @/iigoart)
Faceclaim: Dev Patel
Birthdate: April 20th
Age: 35
Height: 6′5″ (195.58cm) [8ft ( 243.84cm) in Destiny-verse due to Hive-Experimentation]
Gender: Nonbinary (Pronouns: He/Him & Them/Them)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Varies on verse, Biologist & Botanist in all verses but other occupations include Guardian (Destiny 2), Choir Leader (Far Cry 5), Herald (Far Cry 5)
Backstory: Varies on verse
Personality: Very caring, can be described as a good-natured dork who dresses like a quirky college professor. Absolute sweetheart and gentleman though sometimes shy and secretive, but never with any ill-intent.
Qualities: Kind, polite, intelligent, patient, forgiving, creative, charismatic, curious
Flaws: Shy, secretive, anxious, self-conscious, finnicky, foul mouthed, soft hearted, withdrawn, stubborn in some cases
Enneagram: Type Two/The Giver
Hobbies: Cooking, Baking, Gardening, Reading, Archery, Playing Piano
Likes: Spending time outside, tea, making bread and desserts, jello, rain & thunderstorms, tea, gentle touches, sweets, soft music, nature, spicy food, caramel candies, coffee, random acts of kindness, family
Dislikes: Snapping at people, the cold, yelling, being submerged, bodies of water, things being slammed, being late, mustard, things getting out of control, not being able to sleep, beer
Destiny 2 (original verse I made him for)
Far Cry (4, 5, and New Dawn)
Whitmore (personal world made by me)
Fantasy (DnD)
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kaijumydude · 4 years ago
🩸💡🌋🧸💬 for reed!!
Me *sees Reed’s name in my inbox*: fUCK YEA BABEY
🩸 - Does your OC believe in blood being thicker than water? (meaning family relationships and loyalties are the most important)
That depends, Reed believes that family is strength, but more with the people you choose to call family. Sometimes the friends you make can be so much closer than the family you were born to. As another saying goes, “Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”. 
💡 - How does your OC enact plans? Do they plan down to the smallest details, or do the wing it?
Reed is very articulate with his plans. He likes to make sure he has a reaction for every or at least most situations. Plans very on verse. For Destiny, he usually does this when they have to face enemies, despite being immortal they can still die if they aren’t careful enough, or worse (he knows first hand). 
They usually work but sometimes he has to rely on Paulie’s quick improvising to save their asses. When it comes to scientific endeavors, he has a base plan and just sorta goes with the flow on the rest. In Far Cry he has to have every detail plotted out. If something goes wrong and he is found out by Eden’s Gate his whole operation of getting people out of the cult will fall.
🌋 - What’s your OCs temper like? Are they a slow boil, or an instant explosion?
He is very understanding and patient. Reed tried to see things from all angles (on smaller things, when it comes to moral quandaries and the rights of people he has firm beliefs). Yelling and slamming things give him anxiety due to past stuff so he likes to talk it out. However, you know he’s pissed if he’s dead silent and won’t look at you.
🧸 - On a scale of 1 - 10, how ‘soft’ is your OC? 1 being the edgiest of edges and 10 being a literal teddy bear that cries at everything? (Bonus questions, where on the scale would your OC place themselves, and where would they like to be on the scale?)
Hmmm I’d say Reed is probably a 10 slkdnksjds, He’s soft in a “just very caring and willing to show it” way. He saw an alien frog and starting crying on the spot (happy crying tho sdsjdhsk).  Reed would also say he’s a 10. He knows he soft, if anything he’s proud of it. 
💬 - Is your OC much of a talker? Do they only speak when spoken to? (Or not even then?) Do they ever talk over others?
Depends. If he doesn’t really know them or are just acquaintances, he’ll be more quiet and talk when spoken to. He’s a bit shy. If friends, he’ll talk a bit more but not too much. If a very close friend or someone he trusts/cares about, he can talk their ear off.
Infodumping on interests makes him happy. Paulie likes to hear him talk about stuff cause he just gets so into it and he knows how to say it in a way others will understand even if they have no knowledge in the topic. Sometimes she’ll have him talk when going to sleep cause she can easily fall asleep to his voice since she trusts him and his presence.
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kaijumydude · 4 years ago
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w.i.p that I couldn’t hold back sharing
trying to finally have a solid hive Reed design so uhhhhhh have this
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