#verse: tah
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mxstball · 1 day ago
(from 'a-watchful-gaze') Things are quiet in Johto's National Park, at least for the most part. There doesn't seem to be anyone else around, save for one person sitting on a bench with a large crowd of Meowth right in front of him and enjoying all the attention he's providing.
Although what's interesting is that this stranger looks an awful lot like someone Heidi knows--that being her adoptive brother, Aesen...
Heidi, Hera, and the True Arceus all found themselves in the National Park in Heidi's world. They were catching up missed things, as the former two had been busy with their own situations. So, having some time in the park while Heidi's Pokémon were doing their own thing in the grass was a good idea for everyone. Iniitally, they watched the Pokémon as the 5 team members all were doing some type of play together or even incorporating wild Pokémon to join them. Though, eventually the three sisters got up and started walking a little. They wouldn't be far, and both Heidi and the True Arceus still kept an eye on Heidi's friends.
Nonetheless, as they walked, they each started to notice something at the corner of their eyes. Despite it being pretty late and despite Arceus's attempts to keep it quiet, there was someone sitting on the bench with far too many Meowth for comfort. This individual was far too familiar for each of them, and yet for two of them, he was something else entirely.
The three girls had completely different reactions to the individual's presence.
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Heidi turned to Hera and the Arceus. "He... feels like Aesen, but I don't recognize him at all."
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Hera squinted at the individual but kept her voice low for Heidi and the Arceus to hear. "I'm not a big fan of the guy's vibe. Thoughts, Lacey?"
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"Oh, I have thoughts, alright." The True Arceus walked past her counterparts towards the individual. "Looks like you found yourself quite the litter there, little bro. Needed a little distraction while you wait to intercept us, hm?"
Heidi and Hera looked at each other and back to the True Arceus. What did she mean by "little bro"?
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kamipyre · 5 months ago
@ptternminds sent in: Sarang's hands suit themselves perfectly to the task at hand, even though they're the hands of a killer. It's almost a shame, how easily she forgets they are, when she buzzes around Suki like a butterfly, a dragonfly, as opposed to the wasp she actually is. She's holding up two pairs of earrings. Right hand: silver, long enough to graze the jaw ever so slightly if the head is tilted just right, fine and soft to run through a palm. Left hand: the other, similar, but rather than appearing like a string, small light pink hearts cascade in a shorter length, ending in a larger heart carrying most of the weight between her fingers. Her eyebrows waggle. She lifts the left hand slightly higher. "You gotta pick a pair. It's all about exploring new styles, come on." ((i was writing this and realized in spite of Sarang being a WHOLE LOT ORDER when I think about these two, Suki feels more mature? in how she handles the past, in particular? BUT ANYWAYSD FDKLHGL))
UNSURPRISINGLY, SHE'S ALWAYS HAD A LOVE-HATE RELATIONSHIP WITH FASHION. On one hand, it is a means of expressing herself– if she dressed well enough, smart enough, or maybe even outrageously enough, would they notice that before her face? She's dreamt about it before, always wondering, always milling on the possibilities, but never quite bold enough to take the risk.
( Of the things to be timid around, it just has to be fashion doesn't it? Perhaps this is something she could ask her co-workers for advice once upon a time– man or woman or enby, most are decidedly bold in their fashion choice. From leather jackets to fur linings, to frills lining the edge of magenta overcoats, they are brazen in their choices. Confident and closed to any if not all critiques. )  
Of course Suki barely knows where to even start. It's not like she can ask her co-workers ( or at least the ones she actually still likes ) anyways– it occurs to her that just like with other areas in her life, perhaps getting a mentor is key to learning. It can't be a man though, no matter how well dressed they are and unfortunately, if not all of them happen to be well, men. Again, it occurs to her that having no femme-aligning friends is coming to bite her in the ass.
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But even if it was a woman, her mentor would need to carry herself in the same manner as all the others: relentless, patient, and wise. Pro-active too– Suki's learning has always been more hands-on. So it'd have be someone like–
Jing holds up the two earrings, which as far as Suki is aware, are only different by the hearts dangling on the end of the right one. She tilts her head. "What about the rest of the outfit? I thought people are supposed to pick the accessories after they have one." Something she remembers from the one too many dramas she's watched. Would Jing also have seen and learned from them?
( Nowadays, her job is busier than ever, but in a strange contradiction, Jing has been around even more...almost as if she knew most of the people whom Suki used to hang around are gone. )
But of course, Jing, who handles everything with a light touch, insists on making a choice. That, Suki can empathize with. There is only so much time for one to deliberate before the waiting becomes the choice. And Suki?
Doesn't have the luxury of time. Especially not in her job.
She points to the one on the right. "I like the hearts but–" She pouts, exasperated. "I need them to look at me as an equal. I'll look more like a kid if I wear the other one."
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ardynzunia · 2 years ago
@galahdborn  from here 
Nyx is too drunk for this. Probably. The question definitely catches him completely off guard and he stares down at his drink, contemplating his life for a few long moments.
"I mean – obviously," he replies, a small frown on his lips. "I hope that wasn't your actual way of asking, though," because he didn't want to answer such a serious question whilst drunk. Maybe Arctus was hoping he'd forget about it in the morning, but Nyx always remembered the shit he did whilst drunk, even if he wished he didn't.
Marriage was a big deal tho, especially in Galahd. He didn't know about Insomnia or Altissia, but he really liked Arctus, so he hoped the other wasn't just getting his hopes up now.
“Leviathan would personally smite me if thiss were a proposal,” Arctus half slurred. “But you’re supposed to talk about it right? Avoid humiliating your partner with something really public they have to say no to.” 
Arctus rubbed his face and laid his head on the bar, his own glass completely empty. Not to mention a bottle or two of wine. He might have overdid it. But he’s not sure he regrets asking. 
“If. or, or When. It’s going to be proper, and visible, and show how much I care about you.” He mumbled. “But maybe ssooner than later. Don’t want the nobles to sell me off to someone.” 
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corvidcrossbow · 11 months ago
Every time I listen to Hazey by Glass Animals I just think of young Daryl like hhhhhhhuuuuuuuuu (I've been a Glass Animals fan for so many years and it's eating at me)
I imagine the verses would be a back forth between Daryl and his parents, and then you.
C/W: Mentions of abuse, alcoholism, smoking, parental death, Daryl's trauma
Your baby's falling, you know I'm talking now
You know I'm dancing, you know I'm racing 'round
No no you're so juiced, you said you'd kick the booze
You know I'll get bruised, you know that I'm just a boy
First verse would be a young him towards his father, his dad once saying he'd be sober - but of course that was broken following his mothers death, and it never held much truth or promise to begin with.
Daryl was just a little kid (I say 8 or so), and would try to use that as leverage, crying and pleading when his fathers abuse first started to really pick up. He'd always tell him to shut up and stop crying, which is where Daryl's tendencies to be closed off and hide emotions were cemented into his psyche - to 'take it like a man'. He'd hear it from Merle too under other contexts, who'd picked it up from their dad - but also bullies, teachers or most anyone else, that's just how it is growing up in the rural south.
Daryl never got to be a boy, he had to be a man.
Come back baby, don’t you cry
Don’t you drain those big blue eyes
I’ve been crawling
Come back baby, don’t you cry
Just you say the reason why
I can calm you
The chorus would be how Daryl would imagine his mom. He'd sit alone in the woods, or lay in bed in the dark, and try to hear the sound of his mothers voice - her comforting tone, arms reaching out as he'd run to her, feeling like he was crawling to her, and she'd hold him tight. She'd wipe the tears from his glassy big blue eyes. 'Wha's wrong sweetheart? Why're you cryin'? You can tell me. Shhh, shhhh... I'm here baby.'
He so badly wanted her back. To tell her everything, for her to save him from his father. Maybe she wasn't the best mother in the world, there'd been issues. But she was his mom. 'Pleas', momma... com' back...'
You say I’m bawling, I say I’m begging while
You take my photo, I fake my breaking smile
I’m fucking loco, I can’t get through to you
You turn your nose you, spark up and I can go
And again with the crying, Daryl's father would just say he was being 'a wimp' or 'a pussy'. Daryl had to learn how to mask everything, to act like it was all okay. Whether at school, in public, with friends, other family, or when Merle would come around - he needed to pretend what was happening wasn't happening. Maybe even then he could believe it too, that it wasn't real.
But as he aged, it ate away at him, drove. him. crazy. He knew the truth, that it did happen. It was real. And the scars that covered his back proved it. That's what led to his outbursts, how he'd get snippy and snappy with people. He could only keep his emotions buried for so long before they'd start to burst.
And it'd land him in trouble. Snarky mumbles towards a teacher when a test would be returned, and it was straight to detention. Giving someone the wrong look, then responding in the wrong way, and he'd find himself on the ground surrounded by kids a bit older and larger than him, kicking him before spitting at the ground beside him and leaving him there.
He was always more cautious around his dad, knowing he'd be a harsher outcome than any other - but there were still times where his father felt he was 'givin' 'im attitude 'n he needs tah check 'imself', even though Daryl was treading lightly.
Any time his father wasn't beating him, he was always drunk, or smoking. He gave up a long time ago with trying to reason with him, get through. He learned to rely on himself, and solely himself. Daryl would go out alone - and that time he was lost in the forest - and his dad was too engrossed in substances to realize, or care. He himself was all he really had, so he shut everyone else out. At least for a long time.
Come back baby, don’t you cry
Don’t you drain those big blue eyes
I’ve been crawling
Come back baby, don’t you cry
Just you say the reason why
I can calm you
And as the chorus would repeat, it'd be you. Daryl would distance himself, or even disappear. Isolating, shutting away what was left of a nearly nonexistent world.
Now you were the one begging. Going to find him and begging him to come back. For him to let you into his world, let you be there for him. Calm him, be what he needs.
And as you seemed to be metaphorically crawling after him, he finally let you in. Despite how many years had gone by, his eyes were still big, still blue, and glassy again.
Your words and actions would mirror what he pictured his mom doing. Holding him and rocking him, whispering against his head 'Shhh... it's okay, I'm here. Talk to me, angel. What's wrong?'
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gaybosposts · 4 months ago
Chromakopia Album Review
1. St. Chroma
This is a kick-ass opener! I loved the teaser for this song and album and this maybe on the same level as Igor’s Theme. Musically, this is a banger way of opening the album. Lyric-wise, it’s a perfect way to introduce the meaning and story of the album. The whispering rap of this song is absolutely masterful. Literally as great as Igor’s Theme. No joke. 11/10.
2. Rah Tah Tah
This one goes super hard and I love it. The chorus is a bit repetitive, but it’s still really good and fun. But the rapping only gets better throughout the whole album. 9/10.
3. Noid
While not having the same impact that EARFQUAKE had as a lead single, I still loved it. The first half was intense and amazing. The second half being the half I ended up loving more. Despite my love for this song, It is the most easy Tyler song to understand the meaning. Also, I absolutely adore the sample in this song. 10/10.
4. Darling, I
Omg! This song is so beautiful it makes me want to cry. Not just because of the instrumental and Teezo, but the message as well. It’s a simple but relatable one. But Teezo is absolutely incredible on this song, I love it! 11/10.
5. Hey Jane
This is definitely isn’t a song to come back to for the beat. But it’s what it’s about. I love the story of this song way more than Wilshire. I’m glad and upset about something tho. I’m glad I don’t have to worry about having an unexpected child because I’m male and gay. But I also wish I could experience my future child being birthed. I don’t know what it’s like to see my child being born, but I have an idea of what that feeling of your child being born into the world. I love this song. Maybe not the most replay-able song on the album, but it’s definitely not a skip. 10/10.
6. I Killed You
The title of the song being after Hey Jane is crazy and criminal 💀. At first, I didn’t really like this song. But it’s definitely grown on me. Not as great as some of the other songs, but not a skip. The deep meanings of the song are really well done. Yeah. That’s all I really have to say. I like the song, and it’s not a skip. 8/10.
7. Judge Judy
You think Childish Gambino was done dirty, wait until Baby Keem. I really like this song. But I want to “love” it tho. I just wish Childish Gambino was more than some background vocals. But other than that, I like this song a lot. But not as much as this next one. 8/10.
8. Sticky
I hate how much hate this song got at first and even now. But DAMN! This shit is so goddamn fucking fire! How can anyone hate this song? Sexyy isn’t even that bad. I think she’s fun on it. The beat drop with GloRilla. Lil Wayne?!?!?! This song is so fucking fire, you don’t even know. All three on one song is absolutely insane! Fuck it. 11/10. I could give it 12/10, but there’s a song later on that’s somehow perfect. 11/10.
9. Take Your Mask Off
This is another incredible song with multiple of the verses talking about different people. Telling them to take their mask off. With the last verse, Tyler is rapping about himself and I love it. It’s one of my favs from the album. This whole album is amazing! Maybe not as perfect as Igor, but it’s still amazing either way. 10/10.
10. Tomorrow
I need an extended version of this song immediately. It’s too short yet perfectly fine. At first, I didn’t like that the double song tradition Tyler has always done throughout his albums being thrown out the window for a single song track. But I don’t care about that after hearing this. I nearly cried here too. 10/10.
11. Thought I Was Dead
HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT?!?!?!??! This is perfect. I don’t care. I think this is perfect. It’s like every song from CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST put into one song and added a Chromakopia filter to it. It’s one of my favourite modern Tyler rap songs of the year. ScHoolboy Q is absolutely perfect in this. Beyond Playboy Carti. That’s right. I said it. Sue me if you don’t like my opinion. It’s perfect all the way through the whole song. 12/10. Sue me.
12. Like Him
Fuck… Tyler… I…I’m speechless… this feels illegal. Like I’m trespassing onto a private conversation… 12/10. The beat, the lyrics, Tyler, Bonita, Lola Young, everything. I love this song so much. 12/10.
13. Balloon
I was so shocked that this was in between two of the most serious tracks of the album. But I love it. I love Doechii. She gets to have fun on this one. I really gotta listen to her music. 9/10.
14. I Hope You Find Your Way Home
Such an interesting and poler opposite song compared to St. Chroma. But it’s such an appropriate way to close out the album. When Bonita is crying, I feel so happy for her and Tyler. I hope to have that same experience with my mother in the future. This whole album was amazing to listen to over and over. 10/10.
This is Tyler’s most personal album and I love that for him. He has never been this personal before and I think he needed it. I love this album so much. Despite it not being a perfect album like everyone hoped it would be and not being perfect, I still love this album and will always listen to it regardless. So I give this album… a 10/10. Just for “Thought I Was Dead”
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noonaishere · 1 year ago
Music of the Heart [J.YH] - eighteen | thinking about hats
You walked into the recording studio to find Hongjoong sitting by himself. “Oh, good, you’re here.”
He turned as you walked in and put your stuff down. 
“Something up?”
“I was thinking about one of the group's backlogs-- Desiré?”
“What about it?”
You sat next to him. “Have you ever checked the line distribution on that group?”
Hongjoong rolled his eyes. “If you’re going to tell me you hate it, that was done by the producer that left. I kept trying to reign in one of the girls who wanted more lines but he kept overriding me.”
“Ah-- well… that’s the member that left, right?” You looked at him expectantly.
“I know I shouldn’t talk shit about other people - especially if they no longer work here - but, yeah. It was her.”
You nodded. “Okay, so, she left and they haven’t had a comeback since then, so I was wondering what the plan was for them, going forward. Are they still under contract?”
“Umm…” he thought. “I don’t know if they’ve been approached about a comeback yet. Why?”
“Well, I think we can maybe correct some of the issues that… the guy who left caused.”
“I think I know what you might bring up, but, go ahead and tell me.”
“I don’t think Guy Who Left knew how to utilize their rapper properly.”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s barely in the song and then when she does show up, her flow is the same in every single song. It’s always at the same bpm and it never varies in any of the raps.”
“Well, I think our ‘friend’ wrote the raps himself.”
You scoffed. “He wasn’t very good at it.”
Hongjoong snorted a laugh. “Was that all?”
“In almost every song the rapper had nothing to do until her part. Why even have her?”
“I think it’s because of their time of debut: everyone had to have a rapper, even if they didn’t use them.”
“Can she sing? Maybe we can give her a few more lines in the bridge or something so she has something to do.”
“If she’s not opposed to it, I don’t see why not.”
“And for her rap verses, I think we should add more of an exaggerated beat behind them. It would make sense when it’s the bridge, and it would help to emphasize her part more. Or maybe we can pare down the melody so it’s not fighting against her. We should also vary her flow so every song doesn’t seem like it grinds to a halt when she starts rapping.”
“That’s good feedback. Unfortunately I think their songs might be handed over to another producer for their next comeback.”
“Oh… really?”
“Yeah. I believe it was a request they made before our ‘friend’ actually left, and before the member who left also left.”
“They didn’t leave together, did they?”
“Separate things.”
You sighed. You got up and got your notebook out of your bag. Hongjoong was quiet for a few moments before breaking the silence.
“You had a lot of ideas though, huh?”
“Oh,” you shrugged, “just stuff I thought about while I was transcribing.”
He nodded. “It’s always a bit sad when you think of things and can’t realize them creatively.”
You nodded.
“But, we have more groups and soloists than just Jongho who will have comebacks, so maybe you’ll get to be more involved with one of them.”
You looked at him for a moment before nodding. He was probably just being nice. After all, how much could a bassist affect the production or sound of an album?
“Hey everyone.” Maddox sang as he walked through the door. “Look who I found in the hallway.”
Jongho followed him in with Yunho carrying his stuff behind him.
“‘Found’ hyung? We were in the lobby before you.”
Maddox put the coffee carrier on the table and hung his coat up. “Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.”
“I thought it was ‘to-may-to, to-mah-to.’”
Maddox sighed dramatically. “Well, we’ll have to call the whole thing off. And I had booked such a nice venue, too.”
You chuckled and got your order from the carrier, placing everyone else’s on the table so they could grab them.
“T/n, can you come in later than me once in a while so I don’t have to always get the coffee order?”
You smiled. “I wasn’t aware my promptness was putting such a damper on your life.”
Maddox smiled in response. His request obviously wasn’t a real one.
“He’s our beloved Goldfish Boy. It’s impossible for him to come in on time, no matter how many times I’ve told him to.”
Maddox’s cheeks reddened with a slight tinge of shame. “But hey! I always get everyone’s coffee. If it weren’t for me, you’d have to get it yourselves.”
“Truly our lives would be for the lesser,” you nodded.
“I can’t tell whether you’re joking or not.”
You smiled. “I’m not.”
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Hours later, as recording dragged on, you had all decided a break was in order. Hongjoong left for the bathroom, Jongho was listening to the track again while Yunho looked at his phone as he sat at the table. You were sitting on one of the couches with your bass, working on a bassline, and Maddox was slumped in one of the couches looking at his phone.
“Hey.” He said as he leaned over.
Upon looking up his face was so close to yours that you jumped back in your seat. “--What?”
Out of the corner of your eye you could see Yunho look up at your startled question. He stared at you and Maddox. 
You moved back further. “What?”
He shoved his phone into your face. “What’s this called? A cap?” He had the hat section of a clothing website open. He pointed at the type of hat he meant.
“Are you trying to make me blind?” You pushed his hand back as you tried to make your eyes focus on the screen. 
Yunho looked back down at his phone.
You looked at the hat for a couple seconds. “A snapback?” 
“Ahh, yeah! Snapback.”
You laughed softly.
He leaned back and looked at the screen wistfully. “I want to buy one but they don’t go well with my face.”
He shook his head as he scrolled.
“Try… maybe a cadet cap then? If you really want a cap-type hat. Personally, I would suggest something with a full brim like a fedora or a panama hat. If you wear it further back on your head so it frames your face, that would look nice.”
He turned to you. “You think so?”
He went back to scrolling and you left him to his millineristic thoughts.
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About two or so hours later, after Jongho and Yunho had left for the night, you and Maddox became aware of a constant drone of Hongjoong’s keyboard. The two of you looked up from what you were doing and looked over at Hongjoong. He was slumped over his keyboard, most of the keys on it being pressed down by his torso, arms, and face as he slept.
Maddox looked at you for a moment in astonishment, stood and checked him. “He’s alive.”
You stifled a laugh.
“But dead asleep.” Maddox shut off the keyboard. “Let’s go home.”
“You’re going to leave him like that?” You asked quietly.
He nodded and responded as quietly as you did. “Laying like that? He can sleep through anything. I didn’t even have to turn the keyboard off, he would have slept through it.”
You laughed as quietly as you could as you both put your things together and left the studio.
“But I’d rather we don’t get yelled at for the electricity bill.”
You exhaled another laugh.
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*ᵐᶦˡˡᶦⁿᵉʳᶦˢᵗᶦᶜ ⁻ ᵒᶠ ᵒʳ ʰᵃᵛᶦⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵈᵒ ʷᶦᵗʰ ʰᵃᵗ ᵐᵃᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᵒʳ ʰᵃᵗˢ
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luvvvx • iamthehotdemon • 
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butchlifeguard · 3 months ago
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[ID: lyrics to the third verse of rah tah tah by tyler the creator, redacted to only say "dyke bitch" and "i swim good." end ID.]
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sweetbleu7 · 5 months ago
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Stand-Out Tracks
Rah Tah Tah
Hey Jane
I Killed You
Take Your Mask Off
I Hope You Find Your Way Home
A couple of months ago, I was explaining to my boyfriend that I am not a fan of Tyler the Creator. We were in the car, he was driving and I had probably taken over the music. Dogtooth was in our current rotation and it was probably what sprung the topic. “I like some of the Tyler songs, but I wouldn't call myself a fan”. We had listened to Call Me If You Get Lost and it's deluxe The Estate Sale, together from top to bottom. I could never find myself relating to a full Tyler Body of work. I beat the brakes off Earfquake and Who Dat Boy, but Tyler has never been one of my go-to's.
This album, however, is for the late twenty or early thirty-somethings. With themes of home-building being a constant lyrical motif. Whether he's talking about locking the doors and protecting his coveted assets or ruminating if he's ready to have children. This provides the perfect stage for me, someone only a little younger than Tyler and who couldn't get into him before, to relate to him. Tyler is using his insecurity about what he should be doing versus how he is doing as the vehicle for this album’s message.
Hey Jane, brings about a tone shift from the first half of the album. The first few songs feel like you can only go up. Hey, Jane pulls up and slows things down, reminding you and Tyler as the narrator that things are happening outside of you and it's time to come back down to earth.
Judge Judy, brings about a tongue-in-cheek, “corniness” that Tyler pulls off in a way that I haven't identified with since Roses by Outkast. This “corniness” serves to play into how Tyler and those who identify with his lyrics aren't there yet, maturity-wise despite adult themes. We're all just out here d*ckin around.
Another perfect swag track to add to his repertoire is Sticky. Tyler fully embraces the “bitch track” (a la RuPaul) by declaring I'm that n*gga and that b*tch. He also does that by putting some of the hottest women in rap on the song. I damn near jumped out of my skin when I heard GloRilla. Sexyy Red, not so much. I will say that I was pleasantly surprised by her. She was used to her strength, as a seasoning and not a main ingredient. Both GloRilla and Sexyy Red’s verses were tight and didn't overstay their welcome. No notes. Then Lil’ Wayne comes in and I'm jumping for joy. The 12-year-old in me that grew up with the Carter 3 is appeased. Sticky is a new favorite!
The narration over certain songs and transitions kind of reminds me of a mother or older sibling. Doling out sometimes misguided advice. The voice being peppered throughout the album is almost like a voice in the listener's head. The voice prescribes their virtues but also says how proud they are and how much they love you.
Balloon Ft Doechii is another great collab track and plays to the vibe both artists are on right now. The song embraces the queer and dance elements that Doechii has been utilizing for Alligator Bites Never Heal while seamlessly fitting into Chromakopia.
Balloon flows into the album's final track: I Hope You Find Your Way Home which serves as the cathartic roll credits on the album and perhaps the Call Me If You Get Lost era also. The song ends with the barking that Tyler has been adding to his songs as of late. As well as by calling out the album title Chromakopia, the same way as the album's first track St. Chroma. This perhaps is ushering us toward whatever Tyler has in store for the future.
I'm sad I didn't get the Doja Cat collab that Coachella had me convinced would materialize and the album was desperately needed (if only because the eras are so similar and it would make me happy). I think I'll be looking forward to whatever Tyler may do next. Maybe I am a fan.
Related Energy
1. Verbatim- Mother Mother
2. URRRGE!!!!!!!!!- Doja Cat ft. A$AP Rocky
3. Behold a Lady- Outkast
4. Sever the Blight- Hemlocke Springs
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lunarfortune · 1 year ago
im totally normal (lie) so heres a list of gunblaze au's just for fun
skinline au's
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• ruined/runeterra
the one that started it all. based primarily after the global harrowing in which both sarah fortune and shyvana were under viego's influence. with demacia and bilgewater both reeling in the wake of the ruination, jarvan temporarily sends shyvana to bilgewater for her own protection as demacia rebuilds, because captain fortune is the only one willing to take in the dragon who turned her flame on her countrymen
(because sarah, too, understood what it was like to be controlled by the mists)
eventual throuple verse with katarina.
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• lunar beast miss fortune/hexplorer shyvana
i like to think that hexplorers are able to travel to different universes in the search of treasure (especially since multiple universes are hinted in several hexplorer splash arts), so this one is hexshyv dropping by during a lunar parade and sarah knows a cute "i just recently discovered im queer" gal when she sees one. sarah winds up accompanying shyv on her travels, maybe they also get married. for insurance purposes of course.
to cope with shyv usually bearing Too Much human in her designs and never enough of her draconic heritage i usually headcanon her with additional reptile-aligned aspects, so i think of hexshyv as akin to geckos regarding her skin texture and stuff
occasionally throuple verse with project kat
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also related: lbmf/hexshyv/battle bunny miss fortune
shenanigan purposes. sarah flirts with herself in LoR if a copy of herself is played to the opponent's board so like. of course she would hit up alternate versions of herself. bbmf Also thinks hexshyv is very cute
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• star guardian miss fortune/dark star shyvana
ripped away from her team during a battle into a black hole, sarah eventually comes to in a dead space with a massive star devouring dragon
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• porcelain miss fortune/immortal journey shyvana
still cooking but thinking thoughts
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• gun goddess miss fortune/super galaxy shyvana
whats a dragon with a dragon mech to do when one of the most dangerous bounty hunters of the universe decides you've caught her interest
"why does the dragon have a mech" do you know how big space is. do u expect her to fly through that on her own. the mech is just super convenient
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• broken covenant miss fortune/arclight shyvana
still cooking, frankly trying to force myself to like broken covenant djkhsghjs
misc au's
• coven miss fortune/old god shyvana
indulgent bc these skins dont exist and i frankly dont trust riot to do old god shyv and Not just make her a conventionally attractive woman with minimal draconic aspects as per usual. shyv is a dormant god resurrected by sarah
• musicverse
modernverse with sarah as a singer thats sponsored by evelynn kda. throuple verse with kat
shyv and kat are roommates who encounter sarah as an up and coming singer at a club and have a. messy. relationship with her that she struggles to repair later
• egirl
modernverse. sarahs a streamer lmfao. shyv likes to play just dance :) throuple verse with kat.
could also be same verse as activate/captivate/annihilate but thats up to tah, idc either way
• siren
sarah being a siren very heavily based off the ones in the witcher but without the monster form bc i think conventionally attractive woman using her looks to lure in prey but her true form being monstrous is kinda boring and maybe sarah should just be fangy and dangerous while Also being pretty yknow. shyv is still a fire drake and happens to catch sarah by mistake while hunting the local waters, and well, sarahs not immune to flirting with fellow gal predators
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mxstball · 3 days ago
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"Alright, Dinah. What are you scheming this time? What is your relation to that human down there talking to my counterpart?"
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"...No relation."
"Oh, so you two just HAPPENED to look alike, huh?"
"That is correct."
"Believe what you wish, Arceus. Dinah has no reason to lie."
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tuxcatdoodles · 7 months ago
May I recommend my favorite method? Take a lyric or verse from one of your favorite songs, use the first letter in each word, tah dah. Easy to remember by just singing the song, but it's a jumble of letters to anyone that doesn't know.
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mawbeylistensbigly · 14 days ago
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Tyler The Creator is one of those rappers who i'm vaguely aware of but never bother to check out their releases, same goes for all of Odd Future really. I think the last full album I listened to was Flowerboy and didn't particularly enjoy it. But that was a few year backs, let's see if he's grown on me.
St. Chroma
I'm not vibing with the whisper rapping, harmony bits are all right, the normal rapping at the tail end is decent.
Rah Tah Tah
It's fine, not really my flavour of rap
More like made me aNoid, got em. Yeah didn't vibe with this at all, found it quite irritating.
Nice i actually quite like this one, not sure if im liking Tylers rapping more on this track or if it's all just Teezo
Hey Jane
I may be a basic vanilla bitch because this more stripped back one is far better than the overload of production on the earlier tracks.
I Killed You
Nah not a fan, i cringe every time he says I Kill You
Judge Judy
Verses are alright, the chorus is really annoying.
Is this a joke? The "its getting sticky" refrain sucks. I normally quite like Glorilla but she's doing nothing for me here.
Take Your Mask Off
Yeah this ones pretty good
Two in a row that I like, very nice change of pace
Thought I Was Dead
When they actually rap i quite like this one, but half the song is that one line and i found that pretty tiresome. Second half better than the first because they stop doing that.
Like Him
I liked the emotion of this but cant say i'l be in a rush to listen to this again.
Fucksake why is the Doechii track the shortest by far? I like Tyler more on this one but yeah Doechii unsurprisingly steals the song.
I Hope You FInd Your Way Home
Decent end tbf but on both listens through it was an end i was very much waiting for.
Yeah my opinion on Tyler hasn't really changed, mans rapping style is just not for me most of the time. The highlights of this album were almost entirely the features. I find it hard to articulate why some rappers works for me and others don't but unfortunately Tyler just doesn't pass the vibe test and I found some of the production on this a bit obnoxious.
4/10 from me dawg.
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smqazi · 1 month ago
Salaatul Haajat Du’a
The du’a that is said in Salaatul Haajat is a salat for need. Regarding Salaatul Haajat du’a, Abdullah ibn Abi Awfa narrates:
The Messenger of Allah said, “Whoever has a need with Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, or with any human being, then let them perform ritual ablutions and then pray two rakats. After that, let them praise Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and send blessings (Durood) on the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)The dua in Arabic with pronunciation guide:
لا إِلَهَ إلاَّ اللهُ الحَلِيمُ الكَرِيمُ، سُبْحَانَ اللهِ رَبِّ الْعَرْشِ العَظِيمِ ، الحَمْدُ لِلهِ رَبِّ العَالَمِيْنَ ، أَسْأَلُكَ مُوجِبَاتِ رَحْمَتِكَ ، وَعَزَائِمَ مَغْفِرَتِكَ ، وَالْغَنِيمَةَ مِنْ كُلِّ بِرّ،ٍ وَالسَّلامَةَ مِنْ كُلِّ إِثْمٍ ،لاَ تَدَعْ لِيْ ذَنْباً إِلاَّ غَفَرْتَهُ، وَلاَ هَمَّاً إِلاَّ فَرَّجْتَهُ، وَلاَ حَاجَةً هِيَ لَكَ رِضاً إِلاَّ قَضَيتَهَا يَا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِيْنَ
Laaa ilaaha illallaa-hul-Haleemul Kareem.
Subhaanallahi Rabbil `Arshil `Azeem.
Wal-Hamdu-lillaahi Rabbil-`Alameen.
As’aluka mujeebati rahmatik, wa `azaaa‘ima maghfiratik, wal ghaneemata min kulli birr, wassalaamata min kulli ithm.
Laa tada` lee dhanban illaa ghafartah, walaa hamman illaa farraj-tah, walaa daynan illa qadaytah, walaa haajatam-minha-waijid-dunyaa wal-aaakhirah, heya laka ridan illaa qadaytahaa yaaa ar-hamar-Raahemeen. Ameen, Thumma Ameen Ya Rabbil’Alameen.
Translation of Salaatul Haajat Du’a
There is no god but Allah the Clement and Wise. There is no god but Allah the High and Mighty. Glory be to Allah, Lord of Tremendous Throne. All praise is to Allah, Lord of the worlds. I ask you (O. Allah) everything that leads to your mercy, and your tremendous forgiveness, enrichment in all good, and freedom from all sin. Do not leave a sin of mine (O. Allah), except that you forgive it, nor any concern except that you create for it an opening, nor any need in which there is your good pleasure except that you fulfill it, O. Most Merciful!
And say, "Truth has come, and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood, [by nature], ever bound to depart.”NOBLE QUR’AN, Chapter (Surah) al-Isra, 17, Verse (Ayah) 81.
و تعاونوا علی البر والتقوی ، ولا تعاونوا علی الاثم والعدوان ، واتقوا اللہ ، ان اللہ شدید العقاب ، سورہ المائدہ ، آیہ 2
And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is severe in penalty. Chapter (Surah) al-Ma’idah, 5, Verse (Ayah) 2.
The Prayer of Need Du’a and How to Perform Salaat-ul-Haajat
Salaatul Haajat, also written as Salaatul Haajat, is the prayer of need. It is usually recited to Allah to help those with some pressing needs. This prayer helps in improving the spiritual well-being, mental health and physical health of a person.
Reciting this prayer on time ensures that one is guided by Allah 
Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.
What is the meaning of Salatul Hajat?
The literal meaning of the word Haajat is to wish. Salaatul Haajat has 2 rakats prayers that are offered to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.
What is the purpose of Salaatul Haajat?
The purpose of Salaatul Haajat is that emphasize your prayer and ensure that it goes to heaven, known as jannah in Islam, the best creation of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.
What is the best time to pray Salatul Hajat?
This Salaat can be performed any time of the day, however the best prescribed time for this dua is during the final third part of the night. It is generally considered as a du’a to be said after the Witr namaz.
Salaatul Haajat Du’a:
The du’a that is said in Salaatul Haajat is a salat for need. Regarding Salaatul Haajat du’a, Abdullah ibn Abi Awfa narrates:
The Messenger of Allah said, “Whoever has a need with Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, or with any human being, then let them perform ritual ablutions and then pray two rakats. After that, let them praise Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and send blessings (Durood) on the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)The dua in Arabic with pronunciation guide:
لا إِلَهَ إلاَّ اللهُ الحَلِيمُ الكَرِيمُ، سُبْحَانَ اللهِ رَبِّ الْعَرْشِ العَظِيمِ ، الحَمْدُ لِلهِ رَبِّ العَالَمِيْنَ ، أَسْأَلُكَ مُوجِبَاتِ رَحْمَتِكَ ، وَعَزَائِمَ مَغْفِرَتِكَ ، وَالْغَنِيمَةَ مِنْ كُلِّ بِرّ،ٍ وَالسَّلامَةَ مِنْ كُلِّ إِثْمٍ ،لاَ تَدَعْ لِيْ ذَنْباً إِلاَّ غَفَرْتَهُ، وَلاَ هَمَّاً إِلاَّ فَرَّجْتَهُ، وَلاَ حَاجَةً هِيَ لَكَ رِضاً إِلاَّ قَضَيتَهَا يَا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِيْنَ
Laaa ilaaha illallaa-hul-Haleemul Kareem. Subhaanallahi Rabbil `Arshil `Azeem. Wal-Hamdu-lillaahi Rabbil-`Alameen. As’aluka mujeebati rahmatik, wa `azaaa‘ima maghfiratik, wal ghaneemata min kulli birr, wassalaamata min kulli ithm. Laa tada` lee dhanban illaa ghafartah, walaa hamman illaa farraj-tah, walaa daynan illa qadaytah, walaa haajatam-minha-waijid-dunyaa wal-aaakhirah, heya laka ridan illaa qadaytahaa yaaa ar-hamar-Raahemeen. Ameen, Thumma Ameen Ya Rabbil’Alameen.
Translation of Salaatul Haajat Du’a:
There is no god but Allah the Clement and Wise. There is no god but Allah the High and Mighty. Glory be to Allah, Lord of Tremendous Throne. All praise is to Allah, Lord of the worlds. I ask you (O. Allah) everything that leads to your mercy, and your tremendous forgiveness, enrichment in all good, and freedom from all sin. Do not leave a sin of mine (O. Allah), except that you forgive it, nor any concern except that you create for it an opening, nor any need in which there is your good pleasure except that you fulfill it, O. Most Merciful
The meaning of this du’a in the words of Abu Dawood is, “Whenever a matter became serious, the Prophet (SallAllahu ’alaihi wa Sallam) turned to salah.” It means that one can plead to God at any time asking for help, for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala is the most merciful and beneficent. Among all voluntary appeals to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, there is also one important prayer, which is called Salaatul Haajat. It is observed for the purpose of completion of one’s particular Haajah (need). It is but one of the ways to pray to the Almighty for one’s rightful wish.
“He who makes wudhu, and does it properly, then prays two rak’ats, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala will grant him whatever he may pray for, sooner or later” (Ahmad)
How to perform Salaatul-Haajat?
For performing these prayers or namaz, there is a particular format that has to be followed. Here’s a quick guide on how to pray Salaatul-Haajat.
The person performing Salaat-ul-Haajat has to start making a Wudhu. Wudhu is a cleansing ritual that is performed as an important part of purity and cleanliness in Islam.
After this two rakats are performed with an intention of Nafl Salaat.
After the salaat is completed, the reciting of prayer to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and Durood Shareef starts. It is considered good to recite as much amount of Tasbeeh and Durood Shareef in Islam.
Once this all is done in the end, making a keen Du’a e Haajat is compulsory. This helps in the fulfillment of one’s requirement or obscurity.
Salaatul-Haajat Benefits:
Salaat-ul-Haajat rewards or benefits cannot be explicitly mentioned as they come from the purpose of the prayer. It is a prayer of the need and the rewards with benefits as per one’s need and wishes. It is a powerful salaat and must be performed with a pure heart and complete surrender to the Almighty. When said with honest intentions, this prayer is sure to fulfill all wishes and fetch miraculous rewards from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, the most merciful.
It is a prayer basically recited for wishes or the fulfillment of any specific purpose.
The voting against Future Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan is a struggle (جہاد) between a Sadiq-ul-Amin, (صادق الامین), declared by the Supermen Court of Pakistan and a BUNCH OF THIEVES and BLOODY LIARS, who are known all over the world to be NOTORIOUS for their well recorded corruption, looting and robbery of wealth of the poor people and the Government of Pakistan, and then depositing it in overseas banks, buying apartments, building and palaces, in overseas countries to live there.
And say, "Truth has come, and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood, [by nature], ever bound to depart.”NOBLE QUR’AN, Chapter (Surah) al-Isra, 17, Verse (Ayah) 81.
و تعاونوا علی البر والتقوی ، ولا تعاونوا علی الاثم والعدوان ، واتقوا اللہ ، ان اللہ شدید العقاب ، سورہ المائدہ ، آیہ 2
And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is severe in penalty. Chapter (Surah) al-Ma’idah, 5, Verse (Ayah) 2.
May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) bless you in this world, Ameen, and reward you in the Hereafter, Thumma Ameen, and I promise to remain, always, as ever, forever.
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lemecdlucas · 19 days ago
              🌾 ❛❛ 🧛🏻‍♂️❤️👑—Lo sé , por eso quiero hacerte un espacio especial para ti—Compartió mirando a Kendall. —Por supuesto que te quiero para mi y solo para mi, no quiero compartirte—Admitió con algo de celos.—Entonces, empezare con los preparativos. Ve pensando como quieres decorarla, que colores quieres, muebles, elementos para tu magia, artículos, todo—Animó a Kendall para que comenzara a pensar como quería que fuera su espacio, ella podía hacerlo todo pero, quería que tuviera lo que a su novia le hiciera sentir cómoda.���Sí, claro, ese sería mi sueño más salvaje; que te portaras bien—Rodo los ojos.
—¿Lo consideras así?—Preguntó porque para Danette había sido como si sus Strix hubieran sido niños de Kinder engañados. Pero, era de esperarse porque Kendall era una bruja destacada. —Cierto, tenías experiencia en ello—Soltó una risita. —Los tienen sin duda, Thérèse está obsesionada y más enfocada en su venganza contra Eliezer. En ocasiones trato de aconsejarla pero, está perdida en su resentimiento—Se encogió de hombros— ¿Entonces no te gusta que los hermanos estén aquí?—Indagó con curiosidad. —¿Te han hecho algo?—Agregó porque no iba a permitir que tocaran a Kendall de una u otro a forma. —Por eso me sorprendió cuando dejaste de enviar cosas. Pensé que habías encontrado a alguien más pero, ahora entiendo que fue—Y así era, sabía que Kendall había pensado mal después de su visita a Nueva York y que ella no había sido la anfitriona que debió ser. —Eso no es un pago, Kendall, es una regalo. Así que debes elegir algo como pago.—Aclaró para que la bruja pensara en algo más. —Suena a que te comportaras porque sino la castigada serás tú, señorita—Apuntó con el índice.—Hmmm. Ya veremos—Replicó refiriéndose a su "amigo".
Danette observó la molestia de Kendall. Pensó y le dio temor de que en verdad jamás fuera a querer a Tahirah, porque ambas eran importantes para ella.—No, yo lo siento. No fue mi intención molestarte, solo estaba jugando ¿sí?—No quería alimentar la aversión de Kendall con Tahirah. Porque ni siquiera tenía idea de como lo solucionaría, en especial porque Kendall era demasiado terca. —¿Te gusto de ambas formas?—Preguntó ladeando una sonrisa. Luego arrugó la frente ante la negativa.—¿No?—Indago y pronto llego la respuesta.—¿Entonces será un juego?—Danette miró a su novia, pensando que era un bonito y ocurrente detalle, algo que solo podía pensar ella. —Va a dar la una de la mañana—Indicó advirtiendo desde hace un rato el cansancio de Kendall pero, no deseando interrumpirla. —Adelante, está con Tahirah, ya te la enviará pronto, viene para acá—Informó poniéndose de pie.—Iré a preparar todo para duermas pronto. —Se acercó a ella y dejo un beso en sus labios.—¿Quieres una habitación para ti o quieres dormir conmigo?—Preguntó justo cuando llego al marco de la puerta.
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                           🌾 ❛❛🐺💘🌚Lette estaba conmovida y emocionada de la revelación ¿Sí había sido así de importante entonces por qué la dejo? Bueno, tendría que aceptarlo. —Bueno, al menos fue de tu agrado. Fue difícil considerando que no tenía antecedentes de gustos egipcios milenarios—bromeo con una pequeña risita. —Sí, definitivamente—Acordó asintiendo. La verdad eso era lo que había deseado escuchar desde un inicio. —Lo siento, debes practicar tu expresiones serias para no verte tan linda—Inocentemente se encogió de hombros, aunque dudaba que Tahirah pudiera verse "no linda".—Gracias por decírmelo—Lette sonrió sintiéndose más tranquila porque era una constante dentro de ella que Tahirah volviera a irse.
—¡Ah! tú te encargas de que acepte, entonces no me preocupo—soltó una risita. Lette observó con admiración a Tahirah, mientras sonreía y la escuchaba tan enamorada de la música.—Eso es parte de lo lindo en ti, Tah, pese a todos los siglos que llevas viviendo no hasta dejado de verle el sentido a las cosas, sigues disfrutando de ellas, como la música, como amar, como tener una vida, en lugar de amargarte o dedicarte al mal—Observó a la vampiresa. —Quiero conocer más de ti—Afirmó, porque sentía que no conocía nada de ella. —El violín, me gustaría oírte tocar el violín —Pidió porque era un instrumento que a ella le habría gustado a prender pero, no tuvo la oportunidad. Entonces la observación le tomó por sorpresa.—No, claro que no, puedo quedarme toda la noche despierta si se trata de estar contigo...no quiero que acabe—Un bostezo la delató pero, es que Lette tenía miedo que al día siguiente todo volviera a la normalidad y que esto solamente hubiese sido momentáneo. Le gustaba estar así en sus brazos, se sentía muy pero muy feliz. —No, no quiero—Se negó aferrándose a ella, hasta que escuchó lo de la habitación, se despego lo suficiente para mirarla. —Tomo la opción de dormir contigo aquí, no quiero dormir sola en un cuarto—Se quejó con un pequeño puchero, pues para dormir sola mejor en su casa...bueno en la casa con Kendall.—¿Quiere hablar?—Debía se importante.—De acuerdo, no tardó—Se alzó de puntitas y alcanzo los labios de Tahirah, antes de salir corriendo hacia donde Kendall, sin preguntar siquiera donde era que estaba su amiga, aunque no fue necesario se encontró en el pasillo a Danette quien le indicó donde estaba. —Toc, toc—Asomó su cabeza a la habitación encontrándola en el escritorio.—¡Uhhh! te ves como toda una jefa en ese sitio—Le gustó demasiado como se veía Kendall, era tan linda. —¿Qué ocurre?—Preguntó dispuesta a morder a quien tuviera que morder.
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💖🧙✨. — Me conoces bien. No me sacarás de ese lugar. — Sus ojos se iluminaron al pensar en lo enorme que sería. De no ser porque ella misma había sugerido ir lento, le habría dicho que se fueran ya mismo a conocer su biblioteca. Ahora tendría que esperar—. ¿Mi sala mágica? — Preguntó—. Oh, eso suena a que me quieres toda para ti — bromeó —. Sería lindo tener una sala mágica — dijo después. Tenía el cementerio claro, también tenía un pequeño espacio en casa, pero si iba a Nueva York en definitiva sería mejor tener un sitio mágico para ella. A todo eso, ¿quería decir que vivirían juntas? — Lo importante es que entiendas que yo me porto bien — intentó no sonreír se forma traviesa.
— Tampoco quiero decir que fuese fácil — decidió conocerle eso a los Strix—. Pero yo tengo experiencia en vampiros persiguiéndome. Después de todo, crecí aquí — repuso encogiendo sus hombros. Además, Kendall era astuta. Tenía trampas y tretas para todo. Simplemente les faltó estudiarla más—. Me alegra que pienses así —le sonrió —, a mi parecer aquí tiene bastantes defectos, pero no sé si estoy siendo objetiva porque detesto que exista otro aquelarre además del mío. — Giró los ojos. Si su intención hubiera sido convivir con otro clan lo hubiera aceptado, pero eran déspotas y crueles. Eso no lo soportaba—. Fue un placer. Te dije que lo haría. — le sonrió—. ¿Pago? Me acabas de decir que tienes una biblioteca gigante para mí, me quieres construir una sala mágica, creo que te salgo debiendo — observó mientras reía—. Suena a que me meta en problemas — insistió—. Sí, es un buen amigo y nada más — repitió, para que no estuviera celosa de él sólo porque sí.
— Bueno, vaya, bravo. Tal vez sí seamos la una para la otra — replicó, sarcástica—. Lo siento — agregó, no quería insultar a Tahirah en frente de Danette—. Me gustas culpable e inocente — se encogió de hombros—. No. No te la daré ahora — negó, traviesa—. Tendrás que descubrirla. Pero no te alteres, te dejaré pistas. — Kendall era dinámica y divertida. Pensaba dejarle las notas por toda su mansión—. ¿Es tarde? Siento que me pesan los párpados — admitió, elevando su mirada al reloj de la pared. Solía dormirse temprano porque Kiki lo hacía—. ¿Puedo hablar con Kiki? Será rápido, solo quiero saber que está bien — le pidió a Danette.
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👩🏻‍🎤💖🎵. — A eso —respondió al notar que la lobita lo descubría—. Elegiste un lindo atuendo, no quería dejarlo ir — expresó sus razones; aunque dentro de ella sabía que habían otras, pero no era momento de admitirlo—. Bien, suena mejor ser las dos — concordó. No dijo nada más al respecto, pues imaginaba que no había pactado encuentro con nadie todavía—. Gracias, aunque sea no era la intención —le sonrió, rompiendo ligeramente la seriedad—. No te haría eso, Lette —quiso aclarar, para que no se hiciera ideas equivocadas.
— Oh, lo convertí en vampiro, no hay nada que pueda rechazarme — presumió, divertida. Y en general, Tahirah no estaba acostumbrada al rechazo—. Así es, es muy agradable. No pensé que podría seguir dedicándome a la música después de tanto. Pero aquí estoy, aprendiendo. Es algo increíble dado el tiempo que tengo en esta existencia. —La música evolucionaba y eso le mantenía ocupada—. Te lo prometo, te mostraré lo que tú quieras —le dedicó una sonrisa. También era lindo que se interesará en su música—. Sí. Dime qué prefieres y lo tocaré para ti. —Después de todo, no había instrumento que no tuviese en esa sala—. Ya tienes sueño, ¿verdad? — Lo notaba por sus ojos caídos. Fue Lette quien se separó de ella, lo hizo de forma natural, así que no insistió en el contacto. Decidió aceptar el abrazo mientras acariciaba sus rizos—. Bueno, es hora de dormir —exclamó—. Ya que dijiste que es una pijamada podemos dormir aquí, a menos que prefieras un cuarto para ti —aunque imagino la respuesta, espero por su contestación—. Ah, Kendall desea hablar contigo. Ve con ella, yo prepararé todo y te esperaré aquí — le indicó.
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nuguabo · 4 months ago
album of the week: chromakopia by tyler, the creator
favorites: sticky, rah tah tah, tomorrow, st. chroma, thought i was dead
obviously an insane album. tyler is so talented and creative and unapologetically himself. ofc everyone raves about sticky (while also trying to pretend its super unpopular???) but it deserves every bit of the hype. glorilla and sexyy red sliddd and lil waynes verse always gets me so hype. i guess maybe some people do dislike the song but i guess i more so interact with ppl that praise it. and all the people that say it has hbcu band vibes are so right. like i need to hear the marching 100 perform this (i love love love the marching 100 theyre so cool). great album great concept love tyler
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dhirajsahu68 · 5 months ago
# hakka Kabir to
Sant Garibdas ji has stated in verse 32 of the chapter 'Futkar Sakhi' in the Amarnath:
Garib - Jhaanki dekh kabir ki, Nanak kiti wah. Wha Sikhaa ke gal padi,kaun chhutave tah. After seeing the vision of the Supreme Lord kabir in Satlok (Satlok), the word "Waheguru"came out of Nanak ji 's mouth.
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