#verse: spooky crew
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shadowworldwanderers · 1 year ago
Making New Memories - Donna Amato/Nonno Leeds, Gina Amato/Dino Leeds, Judith Amato/Julietta Day
A/N: The final part for the official Spooky Season In The Barrens by @jmathesonandsiblings,
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Julietta Day has always been just a little more nervy than her best friend, Donna Amato. She’s always been aware that love is not going to be easy to find, but Judith Amato, a fully grown adult woman, someone Donna adopted, had surprised her with how openly she loved her. Donna had invited her over this evening to the annual Family bonfire. Bonfires used to be something she loathed, of course, loneliness in the dark was never fun, but then she isn’t alone anymore. Judith smiles and moves to greet her, kissing her softly before leading her over to the group, introducing the man Donna loved as simply ‘Nonno’ and laughing when Nonno winked at her, squeezing Julietta’s hand reassuringly. Gina Amato, Donna’s sister, is next, the pretty blonde is shy, as shy as ever but Julietta can’t help smiling as she greets her again, then the man Gina has been dating, had chosen as her life partner, Dino Leeds. Here, Julietta thinks, she is just another of the Amato family dates, welcomed and cared for, it’s nice. Peace falls as the family settles to watch the fire, Julietta relaxing and allowing her arms to curl around Judith. She is not alone now, she has a family, a group who welcomed her and chose to let her in. She is, at last, home.
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sofoulandfairaday · 2 years ago
I have been reading Dracula Daily since the beginning but have only recently started with Re: Dracula. Oh, God. Oh, my God.
The Ratcatcher song was so haunting, so incredibly beautiful to hear- it caught me off guard in the best (and at the same time worst) way possible. The audio editing is phenomenal, the lyrics are phenomenal... Please, we need to do this with more books, not just Dracula.
Anyways, I don't think I can put into words how much it tickled my gothic/spooky-things-lover brain:
Here’s a trick to catch a wife Rob her mother of her life
I blanched. Full body chills.
But nothing compared to the Count's final verses (which I was close to missing) but left me speechless:
Here’s a trick to catch a lift Drink the crew up bit by bit Watch the captain’s final stand Run away when ship makes land
I am not okay.
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sunny6677 · 6 months ago
Round 1: Susie VS Roy
(Minor explanation: The opponents in this are usually told stuff about the people they're going against for the battles so they have a little more to work with. And are also given some slight encouragement so they don't back out of the battle from nervousness.)
(Also the reason they're kind of both sucky with their raps here is cuz they're teens who have little to no idea what they're doing. I'm also doing this to test my rap lyric skills /lh)
(The announcer is shown on her phone.)
"..huh? Oh—sorry." (She puts her phone away.) "Hah.. epic rap battles of—wait. Wrong series. Welcome to the first ever Spooky Rap Battle Tournament! Or.. something like that. Our first contestors for this round will be.. Susie—"
(Susie stands there, glancing around nervously.)
(Roy stands there with a somewhat bored expression on his face, but also looks a bit cocky.)
"..why are we making two teenagers rap battle again? Eh, whatever. This is what people asked for. Begin!"
Roy: (Turn 1)
"Hey, ha—how does it feel?
Y'know, being the older sister of a kid and daughter of your parents who probably aren't even real
I mean—they're not even around—your only caregivers an old man! Probably so ancient he's been here since time began
Y'know—I feel kinda bad for you, taking care of your brother all the time.
Your brothers so annoying it should be a crime!
Always breaking into your room and being a little piece of sh—uhh..
Yeah—if I were you, he'd already be done
But you always seem too busy having your own fun
You're into demons—but I don't think they're into someone like you
You're pissy already, and a total ass too
So why not give up? I'm gonna send you back crying
By the time I'm done with you next verse, you'll wish you'd be dying"
Announcer: "..uh.. great raps, Roy. Jesus, you suck."
Roy: "What?"
Announcer: "Nothing—uh—Susie. Your turn."
(Susie, now looking a bit more pissed, steps foward with a stern expression)
Susie: (Turn 1)
"Oh—come on, please. You can't even rap decently.
If you weren't about to be already, I'd say get on your knees.
You can't even rap compared to me—and I don't even like this kind of music.
You'll just be another stupid little asshole for me to kick!
And don't you see? Your gang is only in three
If anyone really liked you at all, you'd actually be seen as funny!
Really—is it that hard to see why nobody likes you? I'm telling you, it's true—
And if you don't believe me—I'll make you believe me through and through.
Even if it means I have to insult the rest of your stupid 'crew'."
Announcer, sarcastically: "..wow. Nice way to make things up on the spot, Susie. Anyway—Roy. Your tur—"
Roy: (Turn 2)
"Oh—you're asking for it now, aren't you? You wanna hear me spit?
Well it's about time that I let you know I'm sick of it! I'm done with it! I'm not dealing with your bullshit
And since you seem so keen on dissing me even with your own 'redeeming qualities'—
Allow me to tell you a little more about yourself and make you see!
You act like everyone else is a problem, you can't even draw anything besides basic sketches—and anytime your brother barely talks to you, you act like you're suddenly in the trenches!
You tell him to stay in the house and don't even let him go outside—but you can't even see with your own eyes
That he's like seven—you're just like that weird Kevin guy!
And even with knowing that he has a habit of going out, you get mad knowing he probably wouldn't listen to you!
Jeez—maybe it's better I keep beating him up! At least until you get a clue—"
Announcer: "Uhhh—"
Susie: (Turn 2)
"Oh—you're gonna bring that up now? Take a look at yourself!
With how rabid you are, they need to lock you in some kind of cell
At least I actually have a skill! Far as I know, you don't even have one
Telling me I'm the brat when you beat up kids for fun
And to add onto that, I don't give a crap about you or what you might do—touch my brother again and I'll hit you with a bat!
I don't care what you're going through—I'll make you never wanna come back!
Your parents are already classist and think they're so much better than everyone
But I guess that's why they're your parents—the only thing you know how to do fun
Is poke fun at others who aren't 'superior' like you—least you would be superior if you didn't act like a total douche
You wanna act like you're any good at this? You wanna act like you can diss?! You wanna act like anyone respects you at all?
All you've made me is pissed, and when I fight you after this, I won't miss!
I'll let the whole world know when I drag you into Hell and let you get lit!"
"Okay, okay, little edgelords. I think that's enough." (Sighs) "Welll.. that was the round, everyone. Who do you think won? If either of them won at all. Jeez.."
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star-light-shadows · 2 years ago
Imagine if Spot's theme in the Across the Spider-Verse OST was legitimately named "The Bagel Effect."
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I feel like if the crew for the movie had thought of the phrase it would be incredibly clever, not just because of the obvious riff off of the term "Butterfly effect," but because it's just so goofy sounding.
It reminds me of two things, Steven Universe, and Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion.
Steven universe had its single biggest plot-shifting wham-episode in "A single pale rose," a relatively innocuous episode name with the even more innocuous description of "Steven helps Pearl find her phone."
and the OST of Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion is full of unnerving sounding tracks with names that sound equally cute and disturbing, like "Aputated Marshmallow", "Lusting Strawberry", and "Unknown Hug".
The Goofy and innocuous-sounding name paired with the eldritch terror of the track itself would not only make the track even more unnerving by contrast, but also fit incredibly well with how Spot starts the movie as a klutzy comic-relief.
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rottingoranges · 3 months ago
oh wowowss
Annddd tags @lektricfergus @gh0st1al @the-spooky-arts @beetles-in-your-ass @ket4jet
Blorbo Poll
Rules: make a poll with five of your all-time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite.
Tagged by @powersuitup. Probably very predictable picks for anyone who knows me but whatevs.
NP tagging @tweetthang96, @coolnerdyrn, @kayliemalinza, @raaorqtpbpdy, and @thephilosophersapprentice.
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to-hold-the-line · 2 years ago
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V; Main - takes place during or after Jedi: Survivor. Cal is 23 and a Jedi Knight. Threads that take place after the events of the game will also be tagged as v; Tanalore.
V; Fallen - Takes place toward the end of the game. Cal has fallen to the Dark Side as a result of Bode’s betrayal and the stress of constantly fighting the Empire. He is not completely evil; there are still people he holds dear and things he won’t do, but in combat, he shows no restraint or remorse. He’s become a vengeful nihilist, hellbent on slaying those who have wronged him. First Bode, then Vader, and the whole of the Galactic Empire. The only things that matter to him are ensuring that all of them burn and keeping his very few friends safe. (Side note: this AU is largely inspired by how Cartoonz played the game after Bode’s betrayal, and I thought it would be fun to actually project his rage onto Cal. 😈)
V; modern - I don’t have specifics yet, but I do know that I want a verse where Cal is just the most normal earthling dude…or at least as normal as I can write him. He has a very helpful emotional support cat named Bede (pronounced like BD), drives a motorcycle but can’t drive a car, is very involved in his local HEMA chapter and well trained in both mixed martial arts and medieval weaponry, and likes to garden in his spare time. Cal is a historian by trade, and often has to travel abroad for work. Young as he is, he has some trouble getting colleagues to take him seriously, but it doesn’t diminish his love for the job at all.
V; Wednesday - Due to shenanigans, Cal manages to crash land the Mantis not only on earth but right in the backyard of a very creepy, kooky, mysterious, spooky, and altogether hooky family, shortly after they return from dropping Wednesday off at Nevermore Academy. He survives, and while the Mantis is mostly in one piece, she’s badly damaged and in need of some major repairs before she can fly again. In true Addams fashion, Gomez and Morticia welcome him into their home and do their best to help him recover from his injuries. He very quickly insists on helping them out in return, mainly by assisting Lurch around the house or keeping Pugsley company after school. He comes with them to meet Wednesday at Nevermore for parents weekend. (Anything can happen from there, although I won’t ship Cal with underage muses. This takes place at the beginning of Jedi: Survivor, after Cal leaves Coruscant, so Cal is 23, and a Jedi Knight, and still dealing with the loss of his crew. Bode and BD-1 will probably appear as NPCs for interactions with Wednesday/Addams Family characters. Also, this is just a fun little AU that I had rolling around in my brain.)
V; pirate - Y’know I gotta do it. Cal Kestis is the youngest captain the Mantis has ever had, having just inherited the bonny ship from his newly retired captain, Greez, and now sails the Caribbean, nay, all the seven seas! Treasure is a fine goal, of course, and Cal has always been partial to searching for historical artifacts, but what his heart truly desires is adventure. He’s a lovable rogue, hailing from Ireland, and the son of a sailor and a governor’s daughter. Saltwater flows through his veins. He has a pet parrot named Beady who’s very good at fetching things. (Again, he’s 23, but he’s a little more morally questionable in this verse. Very much against the British Empire. And honestly, all empires. I’m open to plotting out crew related stuff!)
V; Royal - Cal is a prince…or rather, a former prince. He was leading a massive research effort to uncover more of his nation’s ancient past, and right when he was about to make a crucial discovery, his best friend (possibly Bode, but could be anyone. I’m open to plotting) betrayed him by calling in an ambush. Cal barely managed to escape with his life and made it back to the palace…only to find it under siege. He was soon met by a scout who delivered a message from his father: ‘Do not come back. Run. Just save yourself. Follow your stars.’ Prince Cal did just that, though it broke his heart to leave. Shedding his noble title, Cal went on the run with his familiar, Bede (BD), eventually getting to a point where he had to become a sellsword and artifact hunter in order to survive. Currently, he’s a bit more rugged, having been on the road for the past five years, and he finds it hard to trust others, but he’s still a very compassionate man, and will always do his best to help others.
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msommers · 4 years ago
oc tag.
tagged by: nobody! i just found the meme while scrolling and decided to have some fun with it for the medium girl. tagging: anybody who would like to give it a go! 
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name: lucinda sage armitage alias/nicknames: luci gender: cis female age: twenty-one zodiac: pisces abilities/talents: astral/mental projection, automatic writing, mediumship, precognition, psychometry, retrocognition, sewing, leathercrafting, speed reading alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
religion: lives in a home of atheists but is agnostic herself due to her constant questioning of where spirits come from and go when they’ve been dealt with sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath languages: english, french, tidbits of latin and greek because she can never decide which to fully learn next family: william (father), adelaide (mother), nicholas (eldest brother), charlotte (older sister), thomas (older brother), samuel (younger brother) friends: jordie, beauregard, miles sexuality:  heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other eyes: brown / blue-gray / green / black / other skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other height: 5’6” scars: none
dogs or cats birds or bugs snakes or spiders coffee or tea ice cream or cake fruits or vegetables sandwich or soup magic or melee sword or bow summer or winter spring or autumn past or future
five songs that remind you of them: now lucinda doesn’t have any sort of official playlist yet because i’m Lazy, but here are ones that came to me
mandus / the new century by jessica curry. the two songs i listened to while developing lucinda so they’re now associated heavily with her, but also have incredible vibes for her character in general tbh.
jenny of oldstones by florence + the machine. it really captures an initial vibe for lucinda that is “a girl who starts to drift away because she’s so absorbed by the spirits around her” and her general attachment she develops to some of them.
four by sleeping at last. the type four enneagram suits lucinda incredibly well and this song hits just right for numerous reasons, particularly the theme of retreating into a safe place but hiding away in it for too long and suffering for it. there's also the line about being in love with a ghost which could be taken literally if we're feeling frisky. 
life on mars? by postmodern jukebox. less so for any of the lyrics, more because it has the vintage-y vibes that suit the armitage household. something lucinda could get away with playing in the home without her parents bickering about the way new music sounds so odd.
get well soon by ariana grande. the predictable ariana song because it’s me. this one is for the lucinda theme of drifting and how she needs to be grounded in reality by her friends. it also feels like the type of song that lucinda would find a lot of comfort in, would play it often while by herself and feeling particularly disconnected from the world whether it be from family issues or how much time she spends focusing on the other side.
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pillowdrawz · 2 years ago
Commission Sheet
(Idk how a master list work)
Btw I did all of this for fun FOR FUN.
♤Turtles forever Au [just a bunch of Turtle gen. Interacting] (On hold)
° Meeting 1. (Old art)
• Meeting 2 (old art)
○ busted meeting 3 (old art)
● Cloaking broach? 1 (old art)
□ Cloaking Broach! 2 (old art)
■ Don's training (old art)
♤ Training
◇ Mutated Soldiers
♡ Mutated Soldiers Leo
◇ Mutated soldiers Donnie
♧ Raph meeting 2012 meme
☆ Meme a Ten is speaking. (Old art
▪︎ Into the leo verse. (Old art)
¤ Turtles and Their Krang
《 Leo's traumas
{ Think leon think
》Leo's and Rise raph
¡ 12 MIKEY CHEATZ. (Old art)
? Spider verse Meme leos
} Hopeful (old art)
[ Don't talk to me or Otherme (Oldart
☆ Playing (old art)
R adorable Rise raph. (NOT SHIPPING)
\ Pranks and Destruction.
◇ watching Leo get L.
♧ watching Donnies get guns
$ Bamf Leo in 2012 world.
1 Future Leo's,MiseryxCprxreesespuffs
% Energy and Stab-
$ Accidentally Mutated Vs Purposely Mutated
2 Raphs Slay
÷ Raphs Height (Not canon I just had fun)
E He likes to be tall
V Is For Valentine's L is for 2003 Mikey/j
Y- Yoshi!!??
, :3
4 Mutant Mayhem ???
5 Tmnt Animatic Leo's "You'll play your part"
B B.e.a.s.t Leo Joins?
🃏 Joking about trauma be like
💥 Mutant Mayhem Donnie meets??
🐇⚔ Leosagi both 2003 and rise
🙂 ask someone else
◇ Hamatos Umarekawari Au.(On going)
* first post Explannation
+ Raph's death explained
× first meeting part 1
÷ Second meeting part 2
= Meeting (thanos meme)
€ Ryu took the wheel literally
£ Memes
^ more Memes twins
¥ Posture
₩ Bandana
# Rise Boys Looks
$ Random Art of the Au.
% Twins powers
& Float
- Another meeting but different
= Baby?
# Origin???
8 The Kids cloaking brooch/Human form
9 Shelly take care of grandpa...NO DONT KILL HIM-
Random things/ Headcanon)
Rottmnt recoil fanart
Cloaking Broach Raph
Cloaking Broach leo Part 1 (bad art)
Cloaking Broach Leo part 2
Cloaking Broach Donnie
Rise Leo new Hc???
He attacked the floor
Rise raph to Rise splinter
Rottmnt memes
Leo wants his sanity back
Disaster twins and Wildberry
Artist is on their Ao3 Author arc /j
💀♠️RISESAGA A ROTTMNT X UNDERTALE AU! <<<And for more content click the blog there is now a master list there!!!♠️💀(Rewritting)
+Ninjago Kung fu panda part 1
# Ninjago Kung fu panda part 2
= Lloyd,Brad and Gene fanart
$$ Sensei Garmadon SCREENSHOT REDRAW
B What if Uno reverse card Harumi
Rise piece Rottmnt X one piece
- Join His crew
Alabasta arc. Super what??
⚠️spoiler Marineford arc⚠️ Older brother
-------$⏯Monster Promx Monster High crossover comic⏸(On.hold)$----- A SPOOKY CROSSOVER
❌ Oz] Their mission
🧟‍♂️ Brian's And Zombies Part 1
🖤 EXPLANATION? AND PIEBALD???(joke art only the pokemon one)
👌 Memes
🙌 real lore and Tmnt 2007
✨️Funfacts Mikeys Flaming heads yokais friends
----- Loading-----
--🐢⛑Ninjago x Rottmnt "Turtles Aid Au"🐢⛑--(Ongoing)
⛑ Prologue/first
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inmateofthemind · 2 years ago
I adore both versions with all my heart; Rogues because of emotional impact, AA because he's clearly having All the Fun. I've been following Codot!verse from when everything was on separate accounts, so they get me on nostalgia. Audio Adventures is the new kid on the block, giving Jonathan interesting plotlines that grip me to my seat for more. Both of them come with amazing vocal performances from people who are passionate about what they are working with. Heck, just the mere fact that both finalists in this contest come from audio-based productions speaks volumes about the quality of their respective crews.
Honestly, the only way I was able to choose had nothing to do with the character himself; it's where his universe has him.
Without getting into spoiler territory, Audio Adventures Season 2 ends...weirdly. I understand we need cliffhanger(s) to lead-up to Season 3 (at least, I'm praying there's a Season 3 because this series is wonderful & fantastic & I want to see where it goes next <3), but it comes off as "unfinished" rather than "paused for dramatic effect". This is especially apparent when you compare it to how Season 1 wrapped up; the ending here is much more abrupt/sudden.
In contrast, Codot!verse tends to finish that season's story arc while also laying to groundwork for what's next. Granted, we have a year's worth of audiofiles versus ten episodes from a streaming service to work with, but the point still stands. Actions have consequences, and those consequences sometimes come with payoffs that only appear at a time where you forgot they were there at all. Storylines have evolve to become more intricate while still remaining fun and easy to follow. This goes without mentioning that long-time listeners have become Pavlovian with anxiety to the start of "Spooky Season" because we've come to associate that time of the year to "this is the part of the story where these guys could actually die! D8" >:D )
In conclusion, this has been an entertaining battle to witness and both competitors should feel proud of their work!
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thesnadger · 2 years ago
20 Great Horror Podcasts To Fall Asleep And Have Nightmares To
I listen to a lot of horror podcasts, and if you’re looking for a spooky recommendation for October, I am here to provide. These are my personal top ten (not in any order) and ten rapid-fire “honorable mentions” as well.
The Silt Verses – Strange, soothing folk horror. Two followers of an outlawed god travel their deity’s great black river, hiding from a police manhunt and encountering other weird gods that have flourished in forgotten rural territories. There is a god in your fridge, a god in your radio, a god in your deepest regrets, and none of that is a good thing.
The Hotel – Someplace beyond time and space is The Hotel, where guests check in but they don't check out *Vincent Price laugh* instead meeting a violent death at the will of the Hotel. The truly stand out part is the hotel staff, who end up getting most of the focus. The interplay between these terrible monsters who are all trapped in hell together is absolutely fantastic, horror office politics at its finest.
The Magnus Archives – Jonathan Sims’s job is to record statements of encounters with the supernatural. But the more he records, the more connections he makes between these seemingly disconnected tales of terror. A horror/tragedy with a deep emotional core, difficult moral questions, and just the right amount of humor. You’ve already heard of this one why am I even telling you about it, it’s good.
Unwell – Mount Absalom, Ohio is a small town, the kind of place where you don’t lock your doors at night. Where the ghost tour at Fenwood House runs rain or shine. Where buildings still bear the marks of the last great fire in the Burning Woods. Where you might hear echoes of conversations long past in the observatory on Chapel Hill. Unwell is particularly memorable for its fun, colorful characters and for its themes of history and loss. A Midwestern Gothic mystery about family, memories, and the things that haunt us in the end.
Down – A submarine called the Virgil enters a seemingly bottomless Antarctic trench. Its mission: to map the pit and collect samples of any scientifically interesting creatures within. But when an encounter with one of these creatures goes awry, tensions form among the crew, and they begin to wonder how safe they really are. All the while, the Virgil descends … and descends … and descends.
Mockery Manor – It’s the summer of 1989, and people are going missing in Mockery Manor theme park. It’s up to a pair of teenage sisters to unravel the mystery and catch the killer – if they can get past their own traumas and work together. If you like 80s and 90s horror/slasher movies, this one is for you. The audio production values are some of the best I’ve seen, and include in-universe pop songs and wonderfully atmospheric 90s horror synth.
I Am In Eskew – David Ward is lost. He’s found himself in Eskew, a place of steep and winding streets, where the architecture changes at will and the rain never stops. Eskew grips its people tight, and does not let go easily. These are David’s stories of the city that has claimed him, and of someone who is looking for him there.
Gospel Of The Flood – The world is sinking. Slowly, day by day, the continents are vanishing under the waves. This is the age of the Flood. We follow a priest who has lost his faith, as he searches for the people he remembers in this doomed and dying world. A tragedy/existential horror about faith, despair, kindness, cruelty, and the tide that carries it all away.
The Lost Cat Podcast – Our narrator is looking for his cat. It isn’t the nicest cat, nor the most well-behaved, but it is his cat and he misses it. As he searches he encounters many people, many creatures, and some truly terrible things. He’d like to tell you about them. The tone for this one fluctuates from story to story, from genuinely horrifying to purely comedic to incredibly soft and gentle.
Archive 81 – A man named Daniel Powell listens to some audio tapes. This will surely not have severe consequences for anyone. Melody Pendras interviews the tenets of a building where reality wears thin at the edges. A play from golden age of radio brushes against something mankind wasn't meant to hear. Two siblings attempt an occult ritual left by their estranged (and now deceased) father. It's a lot of weird analog horror with fun found footage scattered within.
(Note: Archive 81 is genuinely nothing like the Netflix adaptation of the same name. The plot is entirely different, the characters act differently, the podcast is a surreal cosmic horror while the adaptation is a straightforward demon cult and Netflix made Melody straight. Don’t mention the Netflix adaptation in this household we all hate the Netflix adaptation here.)
Honorable Mentions: (i.e., I like them but for one reason or another they weren’t right for the top ten.)
Midst - More Fantasy/Weird/Western than horror, but if you like horror you’ll love the monsters, the cosmic horror reality storms and the truly weird imagery. The unique narration style is like nothing else I’ve ever heard and keeps the energy high.
The White Vault S1 & S2 – Frozen tundra horror, similar vibes to The Thing, in a found footage format. I mostly recommend the first two seasons, because they’re the most solid and they work as a self-contained story.
Old Gods of Appalachia – Appalachian folk horror, angry ghosts and forest gods. Some characters and threads run through it but largely each season is its own setting and story.
Alice Isn’t Dead – A truck driver searches America for the wife she long assumed was dead. Soft spoken road trip horror slowly unraveling an inhuman conspiracy.
Woe.Begone – More scifi/thriller than horror, but good shit. What begins as a mysterious and violent ARG with real-life consequences becomes a search for the technology that makes the game possible. Great music, fun narrator, dark themes.
Death By Dying – The Obituary Writer of Crestfall, Idaho just can’t stop himself from investigating the mysterious deaths he’s supposed to be writing about. Very silly and whimsical, more black comedy than pure horror with big Welcome To Night Vale vibes.
A Voice From Darkness – Parapsychologist Dr. Malcolm Ryder helps those who suffer from supernatural troubles on his call in radio show. I’ll warn that the update schedule is a bit slow and not super consistent.
The SCP Archives – A podcast that takes stories from the SCP Foundation wiki and gives them voice acting, foley and the full audio treatment. Picks a pretty good variety, too.
The Wrong Station – Anthology podcasts are always a little hit and miss, but the fact that The Wrong Station keeps the same writing/VA team from episode to episode really helps keep it consistent. I made a list of my favorite episodes here.
Nightlight – Anthology podcast with creepy stories written by black writers and performed by black actors. Like all anthologies, you’ll like some stories better than others, but they cover a pretty wide range.
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shadowworldwanderers · 1 year ago
Mysterious Girl - Donna Amato/Nonno Leeds, Judith Amato
A/N: Another fic for @jmathesonandsiblings Spooky Season In The Barrens. (another technically for @welcometoleedsdiner )
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“Where did you even find her?” Nonno’s question hangs in the air even as he watches the girl Donna has brought home. She tall, slim, clearly not Donna’s biological child but she looks like family enough he has to admit she would fit in, assuming he let her stay. He would let her stay. “She was just…. Wandering in the road… I don’t know where her home was… It’s a mystery…  she just… she needs a home Abramo… look at her.” Judith, the girl in question, is quiet, calm but clearly too thin for her own good. As they watch Solina places a plate in front of the girl and Judith picks at it at first, then, once she’s sure the food is safe, eats with a speed and fear that shows just how much she’s been through. “She’s my daughter now, ours if you want…. But I’m not throwing her out, the girl deserves better.” “I wouldn’t ask you to… is she… healthy?” “Besides starving hungry? Yeah, she’s fine.” “Then I’m happy for you, both of you…” Nonno pauses then sighs. “I can’t just adopt the kid… but you know I’ll look out for her.” Donna smiles, nods and kisses his cheek softly. “Thank you, Love.”
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kiame-sama · 4 years ago
Master List 1
Master List 2
Love Letter- Yandere x Reader
Spooky Time
My Mate- Yandere!Muzan x Reader Lemon(s) NSFW
Porcelain Queen- Yandere!Muzan x Innocent! Fragile!Reader
Stolen Sunlight- Yandere!Muzan x Marechi!Reader NSFW
Yandere!Muzan x Angel!Reader
Family- Nezuko x Motherly!Reader Fluff
Yandere!Sanemi x Reader
Love? - Inosuke x Reader fluff
Enji (Endeavor):
Yandere!Centaur!Enji x Human!Reader NSFW
Jealous Yandere!Aizawa
Yandere! Aizawa x Pregnant! Reader
As You Wish- Yandere!Aizawa x Clueless!Reader Fluff
Drider!Yandere!Aizawa x Reader NSFW
Forever~ Yandere!Midoriya x Reader Lemon~ NSFW
Yandere! Izuku x Reader- Escape attempt
I Ship Them- All Might x Reader Fluff
The Mandalorian:
The Mandalorian, The Child… The Stowaway?
Death Note:
Yandere!L x Reader- General HCs
Yandere!Light x Reader- Lemon Forced NSFW
Yandere!Light x Reader- NSFW HEADCANNONS
K I R A- Yandere!Light x Reader
One Piece:
ParentalYandere!Doflamingo x Child!Reader- General
Yandere!Zoro x Reader- Crew Catching Them Having Sex
Dove- Yandere!Mihawk x Reader fluff
One Punch Man:
My Hero- Saitama x Reader Lemon NSFW
Yandere!Vampire!Saitama x Reader
G, I, O, N- Yandere!Saitama x Reader
Yandere!Saitama x Reader
Bunny - Yandere!Adult-Trio x Chubby!Gentle!Reader NSFW
Bunny- First Time Alone With Trio
Monster verse Bunny- Yandere!Adult-Trio x Bunny-girl!Reader
Yandere!Adult-Trio x Reader- Trick or Treating
Bunny- Yandere Adult Trio x Reader LEMON NSFW
Yandere!Adult Trio x Reader- Sick s/o
Yandere!Meruem x Human!Reader
Yandere!Meruem x Human!Energetic!Reader
Royal Guards (Shaiapouf, Menthuthuyoupi, Neferpitou)
Yandere! x Reader- General Hc
Yandere Kurapika x Petite Kurta Reader hc
Yandere Kurapika x Reader- Children w/ Kurta Eyes
Yandere Kurapika x Kurta Reader- Breeding Reader NSFW
C, R- Yan!Kurapika x Reader
Phantom Troupe:
Little Spider- Yandere!Chrollo x Reader x Yandere!Phantom Troupe- Kidnapped
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader Lemon
Little Spider- Yandere!Chrollo x Reader x Yandere!Phantom Troupe- General hc
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!Phantom Troupe- Narcoleptic Reader
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!Phantom Troupe- Pregnant Reader
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Reader and Child Go Missing
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Troupe Playing w/ Baby Spider
Web of Desire- Yan!Hisoka x Narcoleptic!Little Spider Lemon forcedNSFW
Little Spider/Web of Desire- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!Hisoka- Finding Out
Little Spider/Web of Desire- Yan!Chrollo x Reader- After Kurapika vs Chrollo
Little Spider/Web of Desire- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!Hisoka- After Yorknew
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Other Darlings?
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Only Paying Attention to Baby
Yan!Phantom Troupe x Motherly!Reader
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Hisoka React to Baby Spider
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Baby Spider’s First Word
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Baby Spider Trolling Chrollo
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Baby Spider Trolling Chrollo pt 2
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Baby Spider Birth
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Hisoka Getting Caught Watching
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Someone Upsets Little Spider
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Chrollo and Baby Spider
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Polly Relationship w/ Hisoka
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Depressed Reader
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- How Cute Is Baby Spider?
Little Spider- Little Spider Has a Daughter
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Reader Turned Into Child
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Other Darling Jealous
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Asking for a Second Child
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Asking to go to Sleepover
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Mafia Takes Reader
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Beach Party
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Random Headcannons
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- First Meet
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Dating
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Dragon and Princess
Little Spider- Yan!Chrollo x Reader x Yan!PT- Clothing NSFW
Yandere!Nymph!Futa!Machi x Fem!Reader- Stalking NSFW
Yandere!Uvogin x Reader- Yan Alphabet B/H/I/L
Yandere!Uvogin x Reader- Beauty and The Beast NSFW
Yandere!Centaur!Uvo x Reader- Stalking
Yandere!Feitan x Reader- Yan Alphabet Q
Vampire!Yandere!Feitan x Reader- Stalking Reader
A- Yandere!Feitan x Reader
Mine- Yandere!Illumi x Reader Lemon (Forced) NSFW
🍋Mine - Yandere! Illumi x Reader (forced) Part 2 Lemon NSFW
Big Bad Wolf- Yandere!Illumi x Chubby!reader
🍋Mine Forever - Yandere!Illumi x Reader Lemon NSFW
Guardian-Angel!Yandere!Illumi x Reader Light NSFW
Yandere!Illumi x Reader- Gentle NSFW
Yandere!Illumi x Reader- Stalking Reader Light NSFW
Yandere!Wendigo!Illumi x Reader
Yandere!Hisoka x Reader- Headcannons
Tied Up- Hisoka x Reader lemon NSFW
Web of Desire- Yan!Hisoka x Narcoleptic!Reader Lemon Forced NSFW
Web of Desire- pt 3
A/K/U/X- Yan!hisoka x Reader/ Yan!Chrollo x Reader
Yandere!Incubus!Hisoka x Reader NSFW
Hisoka x Reader- Halloween Makeup
Incubus!Yandere!Hisoka x Reader NSFW
Yandere!Drider!Hisoka x Reader
Platonic!Yandere!Gon+Killua x Sisterly!Reader
Platonic!Yandere!Gon+Killua x Sisterly!Reader pt2
Platonic!Yandere!Gon+Killua x Sisterly!Reader
Platonic!Yandere!Gon+Killua x Sisterly!Reader pt2
Platonic!Yandere!Killua x Sisterly!Reader
Yandere!Milluki x Neko!Reader
Yandere!Zeno x Reader- Lemon Forced NSFW
Yandere!Zeno x Reader HCs
28 Years- Yan!Silva x Reader (Conversations?)
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader (Forced Lemon) NSFW
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x reader Lemon (forced) part 2 NSFW
28 Years (1st pregnancy)- Yandere!Silva x Reader (tiny lime) Slight NSFW
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader Lemon (forced) part 3 NSFW
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader (Killua leaving)
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader Oral Lemon NSFW
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Killua’s Conception/Birth NSFW
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Reader Death Headcannons
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Children Reaction to Reader DeathHC
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- If Public Hear About Reader
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Reader Kidnapped
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Phantom Troupe Learn About Reader
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Distant/Cold Reader
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Silva On a Long Mission
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Reader Escapes For Good
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Reader Being Cute w/ Killua
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Killua’s Birth Complications
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Handmade Toys
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Reader’s Past?
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Obsessed Reader
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Anniversary
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Pregnancy Cravings
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Maha and Zeno React to Broken Spine
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Maha/Zeno React to Broken Spine pt 2
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Lemon NSFW
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Silva Apologizing Lemon NSFW
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Body Swap w/ Killua
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Zeno Keeping Reader Company
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Kids Bringing Their Mother Presents
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Family Game Night
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Cute Motherly Moments w/ Illumi
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Having a Daughter
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- 2nd Pregnancy
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- 4th Pregnancy
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- 5th Pregnancy
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Fake Wife? Fake Husband?
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Verbal
28 Years- Yandere!SIlva x Reader- Gaming
28 Years- Yandere!Silva x Reader- Outside?
Merman!Yandere!Silva x Reader
Werewolf!Yandere!Silva x Reader- Reader is an Offering to Silva light NSFW
Werewolf!Yandere!Silva x Reader- Domestic Headcannons
Werewolf!Yandere!Silva x Cat-Demon!Reader- NSFW
Wendigo!Yandere!Silva x Reader
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Pet Names
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Butler Hits on Reader, Jealous Silva NSFW
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Reader Tries to Dominate Silva NSFW
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Silva and Reader Play Videogames
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Reader’s Period
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Clingy Sleepy Reader
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Squirting NSFW
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Zeno Likes Reader
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Silva Turns Into a Kid
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Body Swap w/ Silva
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Braiding Silva’s Hair
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Braid Silva’s Hair pt 2
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Smacking Silva’s Ass
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Yan Alphabet A/C/L
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Fem!Reader Turns Male
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Strap-on? (slight crack)
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Yan Alphabet T and U
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Wearing Silva’s Clothes
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Lingerie
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Reader Turns Into a Child
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Reader Turns Into a Child pt 2
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Child Looks Like Reader
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Reader w/ Cute Baby
Yandere!Silva x Reader Headcannons
Yandere!Silva x Jealous!Darling Headcannons
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Interact with Alluka Headcannons
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Soft Headcannons
Yandere!Silva x Manipulative!Reader- Headcannons
Yandere!SIlva x Reader- Stealing Illumi’s Darling
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Kikyo’s Reaction to Silva Bringing Reader Home
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Sick s/o
Yandere!Silva x Reader- POC Reader Headcannons
Yandere!Silva x Reader- Watching Shows Hc
Pariston x Reader- Reader Similar Temper to Pariston
Heart Thief- Chrollo x Reader Fluff
Q, I, L- Yan!Chrollo x Reader
Drider!Yandere!Chrollo x Reader Incorrect quotes
Yandere! Chrollo x Reader- Thief Reader
🍋Tied up- Yandere!Drider!Chrollo x Reader (forced) Lemon NSFW
🍋Payback - BDSM Chrollo x Reader (Forced) Lemon NSFW
Yandere!Chrollo x Kurta Reader
Vampire!Yandere!Chrollo x Reader- Kidnapping Reader NSFW
Drider!Yandere!Chrollo x Reader- Fluff
Incubus!Yandere!Chrollo x Reader- NSFW
Yandere!Demon!Chrollo x Reader- Accidental Summon NSFW
Vampire!Yandere!Chrollo x Reader- NSFW
Yandere!Chrollo x Reader- NSFW Hc
Yandere!Chrollo x Reader- Honeymoon Hc
Yandere!Chrollo x Reader- Micromanage
Yandere!Chrollo x Anxious!Clingy!Reader
Mate - Heat/Rut! Sesshomaru x Demon! Reader Lemon NSFW
🍋Heat- Sesshomaru x Reader Part 2 Lemon NSFW
Sesshomaru x Reader- Pups Fluff hc
Yandere Sesshomaru x Reader- Pregnant Reader
Yandere Sesshomaru x Reader- Reader and Pups in Danger
Yandere Sesshomaru x Reader- Soft Hc
I, J, L, N, O- Yan!Sesshomaru x Reader
Xiaolin Showdown:
Chase Young:
Yandere!Chase x Reader- General Hc
Yandere!Chase x Reader- Chase Gets Cold
Yandere!Chase x Reader- Kidnapping Reader NSFW
Yandere!Chase x Reader- Dragon Form
Platonic Yandere!Zen-oh x Reader
Cuddle Time- Beerus x Chubby!Reader NSFW
Yandere!Daishinkan x Reader HC
Daishinkan x Pregant!Reader
Playing House- Daishinkan x Reader Lemon NSFW
Yandere!Daishinkan x Reader- Domestic NSFW
Yandere!Goku x Reader- General HCs
Yandere!Goku x Reader- Kinks
Yandere!Goku x Reader- Reader is Saiyan
Only Mine- Yandere! Frieza x Chubby! Human! Reader (Forced) Lemon NSFW
Yandere! Frieza x Chubby!Human!Reader- Yan Alphabet F/G/V
Yandere!Frieza x Pregnant!Human!Reader- Pregnancy hc
🍋Unwind - Dom!Kurenai x Shy!Male!Reader Lemon
Working Overtime- Tsunade x Fem!Reader Lemon NSFW
Return- Tsunade x Male! Uchiha! Reader NSFW
Yandere! Hannibal x Drugged! Reader Slight NSFW  
Angel in Black- Yandere! Hannibal x Drugged! Reader NSFW
Yan!Ferid x Innocent!Reader
Crowley x Reader NSFW
Twitchy- Dominant! Winry Rockbell x Shy! Male Reader NSFW
🍋Wolf Among Sheep- Yandere!Aizen x Reader Lemon NSFW
Lazy Day- Kenpachi x Reader Fluff
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tisthenightofthewitch · 3 years ago
Ghost's Impera is on course for the band's biggest UK album chart debut ever!
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New Ghost album Impera looks set to make history for the band here in the UK
Ghost's bombastic, critically acclaimed new record Impera is on course for the band's biggest ever debut in the UK album charts, following its release on Friday. It was revealed today by the Official Charts Company that the fifth studio album from Tobias Forge's spooky crew, their first for four years following the similarly lauded Prequelle, is currently sitting at number two in the UK midweek chart, with only the new album from bedroom pop artist Rex Orange County, Who Cares?, ahead of it.
Anything higher than tenth in the final UK album chart positions, which will be revealed on Friday afternoon, will represent their highest ever debut in this country. Prequelle debuted at 10 upon its release in 2018.
Speaking to Metal Hammer about Impera in our exclusive cover feature, out now, Tobias Forge revealed that legendary British rockers Def Leppard were one of his key inspirations in writing the album.
“I thought I would see if I could do it a little more like Def Leppard did it," he notes, "where every song starts with one thing, and then there’s a verse, then there’s a pre-chorus that feels like a chorus, and then there’s another pre-chorus and after, like, five different sections, comes the chorus, in a completely different key. It’s such a riot! I’m not saying that as a surprise – I think they were great.”
Metal Hammer
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Podcast I listen to that don't get enough attention:
Haunted Places is like ghost tales around the fire on steroids, each episode tells the tales surrounding a real life place's ghost story or stories. I love it cause it satisfies my need for spooky stories, combined with my love of history.
The Hamlet Podcast takes you through Hamlet verse by verse translating it and exploring it's historical setting and different takes on it given through the years.
Ghosts in the Burbs, takes place in the small town of Wellesley. Each episode tells the the story of a different everyday suburbanite who is besett upon by ghostly and otherworldly creepiness. A lighthearted yet entirely terrifying podcast for those who love comedy and a hair raising tale.
King Falls is another version of our old faithful: Radio host in a very strange town, tells strange news... except you can almost buy it at first. It's a very realistic take, with a radio host from out of town trying to tell the news like normal while getting thoroughly creeped out by goings on, joined by his co-host who's lived here forever and loves the old folklore, but can't quite find it in himself to actually be freaked out.
The Wrong Station is a podcast of horror Small Stories, very creepy and very entertaining.
Personally only listened through season one before things got weird and we lost the rat, Archive 81 is about an archivist in a secret warehouse carefully archiving a series of very strange tapes and trying very hard not to care about the mystery behind them. A very entertaining podcast, that reminded me of Warehouse 13. After season one it turned into a full blown 70's sci-fi and I couldn't keep track, but that might be more your thing than mine, and if not the first season was still amazing.
The Bridge takes place in an alternate universe earth where a bridge was built over the Atlantic, but in doing so they woke many a ocean based supernatural creature, no one uses the bridge anymore, but there are still those based on the bridge at various Watch Towers tasked with keeping these creatures contained. We join one such team as they strive to keep Bob safe but still contained, from both hunters and supernatural animal rights activists alike.
While Wolf 359 is more famous than most podcasts in this list it's still not as famous as podcasts like Welcome to Nightvale, and Magnus Archives, and that is a crying shame. Revolving around the crew of Hephestus a space station orbiting around Red Dwarf sun Wolf 359 they are there to learn as much as they can about the star and maybe even make alien contact, but in the end they learn much more about themselves and how much they all hate their bosses back on earth.
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softrozene · 3 years ago
What If Robin… Halloween Headcanons
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Anonymous requested: i really like the what if ideas ! i jlust wanna know what if robin took halloween very serious in one piece uni verse vs modern ? she's a gothic queen 🖤
I want Robin’s favorite holiday being Halloween canon please. Adfjlaka Enjoy anon!
🎃 Halloween Masterlist 2021
Nico Robin General Halloween Headcanons
Warnings: Short and cute
Words: ~300
One Piece Universe:
Robin makes sure that the crew knows when Halloween is and if it is possible – Will try to have them stop at an island that celebrates Halloween
To make sure she gets her way she makes sure that Luffy knows that Halloween is about dressing up in scary costumes and getting FREE candy
That is all he needs to know before he sides with her in going to an island that celebrates it
She is definitely going to have a location planned for the ultimate scare, have costumes ready for not just herself but the crew, or throw a scary costume contest
Knows intensive history on Halloween in all cultures around the different Blues
She makes sure to decorate the ship and will have the others have fun decorating it too
If they can’t get to an island in time – She plans a spooky night on the Thousand Sunny
Has Sanji make candy for everyone
Has Nami dressed up as a witch or a devil
Let’s the others have fun with their dressing up
Bobs for apples and helps to cover them in caramel later
And to end the night it will be a series of horror stories out on the deck, and she will succeed in scaring everyone <3
Modern Universe:
Robin would unintentionally be famous on social media for her creepy stories and quotes aldkfalksa
I imagine if she were to be intentionally famous she would be like Bailey Sarian – Doing her makeup while talking about real-life serial killers and facts
Robin’s favorite movie would definitely be the Blair Witch Project and Jennifer’s Body aljdfakl
She goes to Halloween parties with her friends, but she would love to end the night in the comfort of her home binge watching Halloween movies and eating sweets
10000/10 best spooky gf or friend to hang out with during the spooky season
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msommers · 4 years ago
parallel gifset of ghost beau watching over lucinda as she sleeps, reaching out to touch her cheek but being unable to // corporeal beau cupping lucinda’s cheek for the first time after he's gained his tangible form
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