#verse unknown. tbt
acuityfeed · 1 year
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  “&– -I don't mean to be so forward, but I'm an opportunist that does not like missing chances- how opposed are you to being studied? Or answering a few questions? Maybe even just providing a small sample?” // @monstersugars liked for a oneliner starter
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voidfangs · 11 months
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@duskichor : ’ there’s no freedom to be found for one such as me ’
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FREEDOM — AN ODD NOTION AND THE THING EVERY PERSON CRAVES, and yet, the hardest thing to achieve. Calamity has not met nor even heard of one who is truly and wholly free, always under control of someone or something. Even now, with the power she wields, with all that she’s done to take control of every aspect in her life, her own hunger, the need that aches in her still controls her. It’s a sickening thought, one that angers and disgusts her both. This is not a desire she asked for, and even if it’s one she’s come to accept, she hates the loss of control and the feelings that arise in her from it. She is beholden to one thing, and Antigone is beholden to another.
  They are both beholden to something, and yet, she does not feel pity for the woman before her. They’re both killers, after all. Calamity would not wish her past upon anyone, not all the conditioning and training, nor all the missions, and she’s sure Antigone is the same, and yet, one is starved and a monster, and the other is something more, even if a monster all the same. Still, she sighs, lighting up a cigarette as she finally turns her attention to the hunter. 
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“If you want freedom so bad, do whatever you must to achieve it.” Calamity huffs, inhaling a drag of her cigarette harshly. “If that means you must kill, so be it. If you need to find a way to rid yourself of the bounty on your head, ask for help from someone you trust. Or hells, fake your death even.” She takes a pause to exhale the smoke, watching it drift into the air. “If you want to find a way to rid yourself of whatever lingers in you,” it's something, that's for sure — a power she’s aware of through her own senses but can’t make heads nor tails of, “I’m sure there’s something that can be done, but it sure as hells won’t be achieved by thinking those kinds of thoughts.
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bitofthisandthat · 1 year
The landlocked law-cow has just about had it with these long trail track downs on his own. However, he's so close to the docks at New Portleans, it means success--therefore--he's not giving up. Besides, once this is over? BIG drinks and BIG fun to reward himself for all his hard work on his own. No place parties like THAT seaside city.
The bull narrows in on just the dockside he's looking for, but his trusted horse Jezebelle is hating every moment of the jagged wood, nails, and slimy seaweed beneath her hooves. That surely doesn't stop the reckless deputy from forging ahead, despite her annoyed whinnies.
"Hey! Hey--you there! Blondie! "
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"You mind tellin' me where the Captain's Offices are in this here cesspit? It's like cardin' through a burr-filled pad of sheeps' wool tryin' to find that dad-blasted office."
Is he playing ignorant to the pirate? Or is he truly this thick? With the Kid, it could be either-or...
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mckiingbiird · 2 years
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@soulsbetrayed asked:
Yakumo hums not before reaching over to Harper before playfully pulling at his cheek. Being a nuisance was how the storyteller showed his affection it seemed.
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"You're a menace."
He says it with a roll of his eyes, but his tone (and expression) is full of nothing but fondness. He turns his head, carefully dislodging his cheek from Yakumo's fingers before pressing a kiss to the hand still lingering close to his face, lips twisting into a grin.
"But you're my menace~"
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tiimecrash · 2 years
tag dump 002.
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acuityfeed · 1 year
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  “&– -Woah- you might not trust my word, but I'm not here to cause problems. Need we not settle just a bit?” // @batinstincts liked for a oneliner starter
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harrleen · 2 years
@crimeloyalty​  WANTED  SOME  TUNES  !   — song.
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       "  HOPE THEY DON'T  check up under the floor!  "
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bedevilest · 3 years
@crowpyre​​​   sent   a   text,           ❝ “ 💬  ” ❞.          from the prompt:    send 💬 for a randomly generated line of dialogue.
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                    "          so  you've  been  living        in  denial      all  these  years?          "
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qaesitr · 3 years
     A tranquil break time before following her duties ---mostly related to small errands this time. She's sat somewhere safe, then she picked a small paper bag inside her working bag. Some pastries rested inside the package. They were barely undone, but their scent made Holly's lips to curve into a big smile. She has probably been waiting to taste such croissants since the moment she bought them, even though work called & her priorities were put somewhere else. 
   It wouldn't be strange to hear her hum something as she satiated her hunger. . . something like an ( uplifting ) song, which seemingly attracted another presence nearby.
  Her eyes were put in orbit with her environment. Hovering the area vaguely wouldn't put anyone in her way, perhaps, if she looked behind. . .
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——❝Hello there, you---- It is okay, come out. I am on lunch time, but if I can help you I would gladly listen.
Ah, also those... croissants are... quite crushed, but they do taste nice, if you would like I can offer you some. They taste sweet...❞
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ahlite-a · 4 years
@drakenskies​ : “here, i made you some tea.”     /     accepting.
Lumine’s hands don’t tremble when they take it — that’s good, if nothing else.  It’s rare for wounds to truly bother them; even now, they can’t feel them.  But Lumine knows they’re bad when they make their body shake, as they had when she’d first woken up.  “Thank you,” she says, a beat too late, legs drawing close to their chest.
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If the stranger — Raihan — hadn’t found them where they’d collapsed...they’re grateful, even if it doesn’t show on their face.  (  nothing shows on their face.  they’re relieved to feel thankful at all, a reprieve from the nothingempty that’s cannibalizing them.  )  But Raihan had found him, passed out, and is apparently a good enough man to help.  So Lumine woke in an unfamiliar place, wounds bandaged and body wrapped in a blanket.
She doesn’t taste the tea when she sips it, but she knows she needs both nutrients and warmth to stave off shock, so she keeps sipping even so.  Language doesn’t come easily, never has, but she knows she needs to say more.  Should explain what happened, should offer to make him back somehow.  But her lips part, and nothing escapes.  Those wide eyes shift, empty still.  Finally, she manages to murmur, “I’m...Lumine.”
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gentledeaths-arc · 3 years
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@doekkabi​    ♡ .   𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐒 & 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐀.
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𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒   !      ‘ dying isn’t all that scary, i don’t believe. ’
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lunarspearedarchive · 3 years
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               " Mom.. can I ask you something, and like, I swear it's not to make you sad or like your not enough or anything because you totally are everything I wanted in a mom! But I've been curious for like so long because Donald barely told us anything about you so he definitely didn't talk about them but like- Um- Who's our dad..? Do we like... have one? " [ Dewey becomes a chatterbox when he's nervous <3 ] / @dollhousemuses​ | unprompted.
▬▬▬ ☾☆      The question takes Della  slightly  off  guard.  Not  that  she  had  an  issue  with  disclosing  the  information  -  &&  really,  it  was  about  time  she  said  something.  To  both  the  kids  &&  their  biological  father.  No  more  putting  this  off.  She  gave  her  duckling  a  soft  smile,  ruffling  his  hair  a  little  bit.  
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                                  ❛  Yes sweetie - of course you three have one. I’m pretty good with pulling off the impossible, but I’m not that good. But - it’s probably time to stop putting this one off. C’mon, let’s sit && I’ll tell you all about him.  ❜
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crimesnghouls · 4 years
“so, the victim was last seen here on the way to her home at 8 pm and nobody can say where she went after that. so we need to find evi..” clarence looked up to bastian, to get his thoughts but was kind of disappointed. “are you listening? this is important and i am not standing in the midday sun for fun.”
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@lovetoretm​ liked for a starter
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acuityfeed · 1 year
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  “&– -It's not what it looks like... okay maybe it is but it's at least not as bad as it looks.” // @antigodeus liked for a oneliner starter
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grovemaiden · 4 years
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    ❛❛  something like that would have left a visible wound on you--  even a small one,  yet you appear unharmed  ..  ❜❜   ——   ( @vvangzi​​ ✧  sc ,  )
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bedevilest · 3 years
@dvarapala​ sent   a   text,           ❝ “ 💬  ” ❞.          from the prompt:    send 💬 for a randomly generated line of dialogue.
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                           "      i  dread  the  sound  of        his  key      in  the  lock.      "  
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