#verse ;; noumu : rebirth
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eriversible · 4 years ago
Aya blinked a few times, surprisingly taken back by this news. All this time, she's assumed that she could only receive something once she's done something else to earn it as reward. Granted, it wasn't something told to her---the Noumu aspects of her brain was actually what led to this belief, truth to be told---but something about it seemed to run deeper than her modifications...
Before she could question it, though, Deku's 'room-warming' gift quickly pulled her attention away to fancy her interests. Aya accepted the candy apple, examining and sniffing it before pulling the clear wrapping off. Something about it felt nostalgic, and she was searching for the answer yet again. Has she.. had this before...?
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"...! A cc-andy app-le...!" Light seemed to flicker within her eyes. She's not sure why, but.. she just knew what it was. This epiphany confused her. She's never had it before, but she knew for a fact what its taste was even like... So she looked at Deku, looking for confirmation.
Hearing his response only made her frown deepen more. Trusting in other people outside of the ones she already did was such a hard thing to do. Just because the people here were nice didn’t mean they might not be thinking something else behind her back… She’s been deceived before prior to being reborn, and has grown prickly with her trust as a result. Aya needed to be smart. She can’t go blindly trusting people without them proving themselves worthy of it first…
But whatever questions he wanted to ask her, and whatever it was that Aya wanted to say in light of him not always being around to help, they both were pushed to the side just so that Aya could take in Deku’s comforting warmth once more. The expression on her face quickly softened, and she soon gave in without much complaints. The thought of having to convince herself this was a safe place with trustworthy people without Deku always being there.. admittedly scared her. Still, Deku was his own person, just as she was her own. She knew to respect that more than anything. For the sake of his promise, as well as her own freedom, she’ll.. just have to learn.
“..Okay..” Tears threatened to collect at the corners of her eyes again, but the little noumu just wiped them away and wrapped her arms around Deku instead. “I.. A–Aya will.. trr–try… I– hhave to… Pp-Papa and Mmaster– nnev-er c–ame, so… Sc..ared.. B-ut I’ll.. tr-try…”
“..If– Aya behaves.. cc..can I.. gg-get apples as rreward-d..?”
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It hurt him so much. She was so scared, so afraid… Part of him was angry that All for One never came for her, but he was even angrier that she was in his state in the first place. If Izuku ever ended up in front of that bastard ever again, he’ll do more damage than All Might did. 
Her request was so heartbreaking, but he couldn’t help but laugh. It was a pathetic, almost sad laugh. “You don’t need to do anything special, Aya.” Pulling back, he pet her head. “If you want an apple, all you have to do is ask… Oh!” He stood up, holding his finger up as if to say ‘wait here’.
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He went over to the corner, opening his backpack and unzipping it. It sounded like he pulled out a plastic bag? Coming back, he handed the girl a candy apple. There was a clear wrapping around it to keep it good, and a ribbon tied to keep the wrapping in place.
“Here! It’s sort of a ‘house warming’ gift. Or, uh, ‘room warming’ gift…? Anyway, I thought you might like it…”
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eriversible · 4 years ago
@silver-strings-of-fate​ liked for a noumu!starter!
..Aya had been in the heroes’ captivity for quite a while now. She was so depressed, so dejected as she sat there in the blank chamber that prevented her from even using her Quirks. Aya failed. She failed Papa, her Master, even the Doctor by being captured. Fear built up in her chest at the thought of what this might mean for her. With her being captured, would this mean she’s lost value in their eyes?
...No, don’t like it... Papa, Master, somebody, please save me...! Please, don’t leave me here...! Please don’t leave me alone...!
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“---!!” Aya jerked her head up at the sound of someone approaching her cell from the opposite side of the glass wall. Some adult man, probably looking to extract information out of her, too. All she did was just scowl at him. 
Stupid heroes. How many times will she have to be aggressive in order to make them leave her alone?
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eriversible · 4 years ago
Aya's bottom lip stuck out in a quiver much like how any child would do when trying not to cry. She continued to struggle with her tears, sniffling and hiccuping to herself. No, he shouldn't be blaming herself. This was all her fault. She made her decisions on behalf of everyone back then. She had to.
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"I-I just-- wanted to do the right thing..." Her voice shuddered with so much doubt. "You---You didn't break anything, i-it's not your fault. Aya's-- responsible for everything. I should be..."
Knew, eventually, yes, for his cunning is often unmatched, overlooked, due to his personality, moreso how he used to behave like.
However, the moment it all became clear, he’d begun to feel anger towards himself, not to her. 
He once promised to be here, no matter the hour, be there for Eri, even at ungodly hours and yet, when he had heard of the girl’s dissapearance, so many dreadful scenarios toyed with his head. It seems of all possible situations, it was one he hadn’t thought of, expected at all.
Despite that, how he failed her, failed that promise, an oath, it ate at him, it still does, unfortunately. Damn adults and their lack of progress to find her. He would have done so, stubbornly at that, if not for the teacher warnings. Damn rules.
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The apologies are heard but Bakugou didn’t need them, not when…
‘‘So am i, i broke my words to you, when you needed someone the most’‘, aye, he’s angry only at himself, for being such a coward, acting so cruel by not doing anything.
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eriversible · 4 years ago
@dynamitem​ liked for a n͍̻̟͍̩̹ọ̸͓u̴̬͎̞̭̫̦̪M̸̸̫͉̣̳̟U҉̼̙̼̮̠̠!̸̶̩͖͎̝̦̹s̳̝̀t̢̡̬͈͖̻͎ͅA̲̗̞͍͚͚̰͢ͅR̫̗t̲̬̻̘̘͘͢ḙͅr̸͏̭̩.
That doctor’s terrible work never seemed to end. Noumus just kept on appearing all throughout the surrounding prefectures, each one more developed, more intelligent than the last. This one, however, may just be his greatest creation yet, one that may finally be on par with Gigantomachia himself. 
She was a small one. So small, and so full of potential thanks to the body’s initial Quirk. All those burdens that weighed her down in her past life were gone, no memory there to follow after her. This must be what freedom truly felt like, with nothing to ever hold her down.
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So why did she seem to hesitate the second she saw this young man of all people? Her form shuddered in place, struggling to retain the amorphous appearance that enveloped its human body of a core. 
Who was this guy? Why did he seem so familiar? She can’t remember.. can’t remember at all...
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eriversible · 4 years ago
@silver-strings-of-fate​ liked for a noumu!starter!
     Ever since he visited her, Aya no longer behaved aggressively towards anyone that tried to confront her. Tests were no longer an issue, seeing how she stopped fighting back. Even though it made her heart race in fear, even though she wanted to lash out from the faintest contact, Aya just.. stopped with her defiant behavior. 
     Majority of the people in Tartarus probably thought that it’s because she no longer had any instructions to follow, thereby making her just as docile as every other Noumu that’s been captured. If that was the case, though, she wouldn’t be responsive, either, yet there she was, following simple requests, such as when the scientists would ask her to come sit on the examination table, or when the guards tell her to come over so that they wouldn’t have to walk in and fetch her themselves.
     She was most responsive of all whenever Akira came to visit her, going beyond that sense of her just tolerating everyone else. Maybe there was a bond forming between them like a father with his daughter. Maybe everyone was wrong, and that she really was just a child, after all.
     Was it really the case, though? ..To be honest, she’s not.. sure anymore.
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     All she knew was that she just needed to wait each time he left. Eventually, he’ll come and finally take her out of here. He promised. He had her trust. She’s certain now that he means no harm, so...      ..It’d be nice.. if he could come back soon again.
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eriversible · 4 years ago
@0stormy0muses0​ liked for a noumu!starter!
...!! That’s.. Papa’s aura... Papa... Where are you...??? Aya leapt across the rooftops, her speed making her look nothing more than a bird flying past for the people below. He’s here, somewhere. That presence is just like his. It’d been so long since she last saw him... She needed to run to him, to see what had become of him, to bring him back to the hideout so that he could be safe once more. All this time, it was presumed that the heroes had finally gotten hold of him. She didn’t want to believe it. She wanted him to return home so, so bad...
“Papa--!!” The second she finally caught sight of the figure, she skidded to a halt with widened, slitted eyes.
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Standing before her was someone that wasn’t him. He had a similar aura, but it wasn’t Papa. Who.. was this guy...?
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eriversible · 4 years ago
Aya shook her head. "Aya-- nnever had-d apple tt-arts or p-pies." Whatever those were, even if they had apples in them, she wasn't sure if she'd liked them or not. Besides, she wasn't in the mood to try new foods to begin with. Aya was too stressed about her situation to care, and too anxious about getting out already.
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The need for reassurance was expected for a young child like her. She clung to Akira's sleeve without meaning to, all while keeping fixating her gaze on the floor.
"..Cc..ome back---ssoon.."
     Aya frowned, though to be fair, she also expected just as much. It just didn’t make it any easier to cope with the fact she’ll have to endure a while longer with the treatment she’s been getting here. Toys and games sure would be nice, but she also knew they’d probably get confiscated eventually, so in the end, she just shook her head at the options.
     “..Ap-ples..” Surely, though, they’d be fine with him offering her food. They offer her food anyways, as they do with the rest of the captives here in Tartarus. Technically, she didn’t need any sustenance to live—it’s partially the reason why she’d always refuse the food they provided—but Aya loved apples regardless whether she needed them or not.
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     “..Jjust.. appless-s.” Any chance to get some was more than enough for her.
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“Alright, apples it is. Are there any kinds in particular you like, or does it not matter?”
Akira knew for sure that he couldn’t taste the difference between apple-types. But Children tended to be very opinionated about food.
“I can also get you apple tarts or pies, if you like.”
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eriversible · 4 years ago
@for-his-sake​ started following you!
There she was, sitting at the table like instructed. She was mumbling to herself, talking to herself, practicing her speech so that she could talk better, all while waiting for any other commands to follow. Her mind would sometimes wander, though. She’d think back to all those big, dark Noumus still in cylindrical tanks, much like the one she used to be in. Why did it feel like she was different compared to them? Wasn’t Aya a noumu herself, too?
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Footsteps could be heard. It must be the doctor. The little noumu finally paused with her mumbling, and lifted up her gaze to greet him with it, awaiting his next command.
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eriversible · 4 years ago
@witheredtodust​ liked for a noumu!starter!
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Another one, and then another. One by one, heroes that were dispatched to capture the leader of the Paranormal Liberation Front would be brutally disposed of before they could even get close enough to him. Whoever located where he was currently at must have never noticed the child that tagged alongside him---a fatal mistake on that person’s end. She was a harbinger of bloodshed herself; the doctor’s greatest Noumu creation yet, sent to Shigaraki so that he wouldn’t need to raise a finger himself.
“..Mm-Master, Aya.. cc-can’t sense an-nymore her-oes.” She reverted back into her human form, and returned to his side. Aya looked up at him with innocent red eyes.
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“Dd-id Aya do.. good?”
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eriversible · 4 years ago
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// sometimes, you just forget, you know?
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eriversible · 4 years ago
At once, her eyes widened upon hearing that he knew All for One. He was.. Papa's younger brother. A family member. Their family member. That alone made her irises return to normal. Soon, that dark, aggressive aura she was displaying had dispersed as quickly as she revealed herself just prior. Aya couldn't possibly bring harm to a member of the family. Family was important, after all.
Instead, she revealed the more innocent child side of her identity---someone who was more than just a Noumu. Someone that deeply cared about bonds and trust.
"--Aya." So shy, so polite, so obedient with her response. She kept that stupefied look on her face as she stared at him for a while, as if she was still trying to process all this in her corrupted mind. But soon enough, her lips parted once more, if just to speak the results of all that she pieced together.
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She said it again, this time with more emotion in her eyes: "--Un-cle--...!"
☔︎ What do I do? ☔︎
Aya took a step back as she mentally scolded herself for making the mistake of exposing herself. It’s so strange; she’s never found anyone who bore such a similar presence to All for One… What could this possibly mean? What kind of connection did this person have with Papa?
“..Y..You..” She grew anxious, her body now tense. “Evenn th-ough, you f-feel just like Pp-apa…” Just when she thought she could finally see him again…
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“..Wh-ho.. are you..?”
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    A deep breath is taken, Tenshi doing his best to calm his racing heart. This isn’t something he was prepared to deal with—not at all. A flash of anger fills him; anger for this child who was snatched up by a monster and twisted into one of those poor creatures. The suffering she must have endured…he shakes his head. ‘Focus on what’s happening now, not your own dark thoughts!’
    He’s left with a dilemma, how honest to be? His brother is in Tartarus, though he holds no hopes that the prison will be able to hold him. Yet for now…maybe there’s something he can do, to try and get through to her. If nothing else, she needs someone on her side.
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    “My name is Tenshi. I…I know your Papa.” Ugh, the word tastes bitter on his tongue. “He’s my…brother. My older brother. What’s your name, dear?”
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eriversible · 4 years ago
// since the inspiration is still fresh in my mind, i may as well make use of it, SO
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// like this (or comment your muse if you’re a multimuse) to encounter noumu!eri!
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eriversible · 4 years ago
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// since i'm still in the mood for it, like this post (or comment your desired recipient if you're multimuse) for a starter with noumu!eri, also known as aya!
// cap will be at 5!
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eriversible · 4 years ago
“Last breath” hit me with that pain
[ Send me “Last breath” for my muse’s last words to yours as they lay dying in their arms. ] // prepare yourselves 'cause this one's gon' be a long one my dudes
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     When Aya saw that the white-haired commander of the Paranormal Liberation Front was unleashing noumus near Deku’s and the place he’s interning at, she didn't waste a single second before she went barreling out of the teacher's dormitory. She didn't listen to All Might calling after her, instead shifting into her noumu form to run off to the battlefield at frightening speeds. He's there. Even though it was being shown through live broadcast, she knew exactly who was really there: Papa.
       It was Papa. He’s somehow using Master's body like a vessel. Being aware of his presence practically flooded her body with j o y. Oh, how she'd love to hear him address her again. It'd been so long since she's ever heard his voice, she wanted to see him so badly again... But that feeling also brought a terrible pang of guilt and shame through her throat and guts at the same time. Even though she retrieved all her lost memories, her body was still reacting so joyously for her 'savior'... No, she should be full of fear for all the heroes over there, especially Deku. She knew both Master and Papa's capabilities, knew that not even the young hero could stop him. He'll die by Papa's hands. He might even die before Papa could reach him thanks to the other high-ends. All the heroes are gonna die... They'll die. They’ll all die...
               --Not on her watch.
    It was right before any high-ends specifically targeting Deku could lunge for him when a massive figure crashed in-between to leave a sizable crater on impact. Familiar black tendrils were wildly flaring out like a shield for her dear hero as the cloud of dust began to settle. That sheer amount of malice emanating from her tiny, little frame was enough to temporarily stun the noumus where they stood. This was Doctor's greatest creation, after all. Not even the combined powers of all the high-ends present could overwhelm her once she's like this.
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            "NOBODY. HURT. DEKU."
    Deku was calling her name. He probably wanted to ask what she's doing here and why, then maybe tell her to go back before she could get hurt... But before he could even finish his sentence, one of her tendrils had suddenly shot out backwards to pick him up and pull him away from the sudden onslaught of attacks. They’re there to obey Papa and not her, after all. Even so, she easily blocked and evaded the barrage, all while having that one tendril gently place the young hero down on safer, solid grounds away from harm. Handling noumus was cakewalk for her. She had the powers to fight and win, so she'll use it for just that.      She'll use it for good. For Deku. Especially Deku.
    There was no need to worry about her getting hurt. Even if one did manage to land a hit, Aya had the power to quickly revert herself back to optimal conditions. Her strength, her power, her unquestionable combative skillsets there on the battlefield... Had she had the moment to think about it, she probably would've realized how this would've been the very first time Deku's actually seen her on the actual offensive. Deku would've realized how lucky he was on the day that they finally met again after her disappearance, when she was having other lesser noumus wreck havoc rather than causing it herself. What fell before him was a noumu massacre. She fought to kill the enemies without a shred of mercy. No being could stop her, not even Deku if he truly wanted to try and kill them off himself...
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    ..The only thing that did stop her.. was him. Aya finally crushed the last noumu's head when his voice had finally rung out to her. He was congratulating her, praising her, prompting her to shrink back down to the body of a young girl with nothing more than dark mass coating her face, arms and back. It was him. He was calling out to her. It felt so wondrous to hear him again. Papa's voice alone held so much influence that it even drowned out Deku's desperate shouts to bring her back to reality...
    He and Master only wanted to test her, it seemed, to see her grow. She failed to keep her faith in him, but that's okay. Aya was just so important to him. He's so, so proud of her... He loved her, wanted her to come back. Papa was so willing to forgive her for everything she's done. That’s just like him to be so kind to someone like her. They both knew that they she still cared so much for him anyways. She did care about him, didn't she...?
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       ... She did. It's true. It showed in her hesitation, and the way tears were soon rolling down her face. She missed him so terribly much. She's do anything for things to go back to much simpler times when all she cared about was just receiving his praise and love. In fact, she would’ve been perfectly fine had she never recovered any of her past memories. She wouldn’t have had to remember such a painful upbringing, instead believing that the one he provided was all she ever knew.      She could have that again, that blissful, ignorant life. He’s offering her to come back. Anything for Papa. He loved his sweet little girl, and she’d do anything for him...
    And yet.. therein lied the problem. Aya.. had to kill the boy behind her if she wanted that. She had to kill Deku, her light of hope that stayed even when she turned towards darkness. Turning to look at the young hero must've brought so much anguish and tension in the air. The look in his eyes hurt her so much... It was so tempting to forget everything, to forget all the pain and misery and suffering she went through...      ..But if there’s anything that Deku showed her, it’s that it’s thanks to those things that she became such a loved little girl who loved everyone back.      So she couldn't do it. She wouldn't.
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She won't do it.     She won't be tricked and used anymore...!
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Never, ever again--!!
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     Right. Aya didn't want to. She wasn't here for Papa. She was here for Deku. She was here for her own reasons. She came here because she didn't want Deku getting hurt in the first place. That’s her choice. Papa's words can't control her any longer. She was never even his to begin with. Aya didn't have any remorse over the fact that she was now turning the powers he bestowed upon her all against him. She's free from his control. Her fighting him would prove it.       And so, she fought, turning towards the embodiment of pure evil with such a fierce and determined look on her face. Aya fought so valiantly under her own accord. She fought, and fought, and fought until All for One finally found his opening. Landing a piercing blow through the black mass and its core's chest inside, he stunned her for just one second. 
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     Just one second, and it was all he needed. Aya's reflexes may have prevented the shot from capacitating her head clean off, but it still ripped a terrible chunk off the whole upper right of her head. He’s damaged the head. A damaged brain for a noumu made it a useless, dead noumu.
It’s Game Over. She lost.           Aya.. can't function anymore.
    She stumbled. And then, she fell. Her fall made such a quiet impact against the ground. She should have listened to Deku. She should have listened, because then she wouldn't have had to hear such a raw, mortified scream come from the boy as he threw himself over just to pick her up. So much pain was in that scream... He shouldn’t ever have to make such a heart-wrenching cry. Oh Aya, what have you done...?      She.. She couldn't move her tendrils, or revert the damage. Her ruined head meant that she could no longer properly use her Quirks, so they dangled there uselessly as Deku pulled her desperately close to his chest, as if that’d stop all the horrors happening right before his very eyes..
    ..Deku was crying. He was so full of despair. It might be hard to tell with just one eye and a blurring vision that's quickly being consumed by darkness, but Aya could easily tell that he was crying, she could feel it. She could feel the tears spill on her face, his trembling, shaking hands struggling so much just to keep hold of her body, her tiny, frail little body. He sounded so unintentionally angry with her. His breaths were so heavy, so hoarse and painfully torn with despair, and.. he was so, so warm against her body. Deku was so warm, and she was quickly growing cold... Aya was wasting away too quickly in his arms. Death was fast approaching.      How was she even still alive at all, anyway...? Who knows...
“Dammit...! Why wouldn't you listen?” “Why did you have to do all that?!”     “Why couldn't you just leave!?” “Why Aya?!”             “Why?!?”
     So many why's... She.. really wanted to answer him. She wanted to say that it's all because he was always doing the same for her, always sacrificing everything he ever had and ever could have just for her. She wanted to tell him that she wanted to protect that glint of hope that's always been there for her, even when she was no longer herself. She was scared. She’s scared right now, fading away so quickly against her wishes.       If only she could apologize---no, if only she could just.. thank him for everything. He deserved so many thank-you’s, so, so many of them. It’s thanks to him that she could bring herself to behave as such up until the very end. It’s thanks to him that she learned to value and cherish the once thing he fought just for her: freedom. Freedom was such a beautiful thing. He fought so hard for it, and she just.. didn’t want it to go to waste... 
     ..And yet, there was only so much she could say in the last fleeting seconds of her life. So, she just.. smiled, so content with the decision she made, hoping all those thoughts and wishes and gratitude would be conveyed---that, along with a simple explanation over selfishness. How proud she looked to be selfish for once.
     “My choice. I wanted to.” Just as simple as that. 
          “For you, Deku.”      “..Thank you..”
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eriversible · 4 years ago
Aya, the Little Noumu
Name: Aya ( 理 )
Noumu-Tier: High-End (similar to Kurogiri)
Host Body’s Age: 7
Date of Creation: ?????
Height (Human/Noumu): 3′7″ (110 cm) / ~9′-10′+ (varies)
Devotion Motif(s): freedom; trust; family
Abilities Overview: insanely agile and nimble; unnatural super strength; amorphous transformability; prehensile tendrils; sapience; self-awareness; capable of speech; intuition
Faceclaim: Charlotte from Monster Child
Selected Quirks:
Rewind (Base Quirk)
Inversion -- allows the user to apply the opposite effects of a Quirk placed on either themselves, or upon others via physical contact.
This is used in tandem with Rewind, and is the reason why Aya is capable of shifting between forms at will.
Due to compatibility issues, this Quirk is also the reason why Aya does not have Super Regeneration.
Inversion is presumably capable of being selective with inverting a Quirk’s effects, but it’s currently unconfirmed.
Muscle Augmentation
Black Whip
Human Forme: 
Completely identical to the host body, excluding the absence of the host body’s signature horn on the right side of the forehead. This is due to her ability to make use of Rewind in tandem with Inversion.
Capable of partial transformation anywhere on the body, which is signaled by slits forming in her pupils. By default, her black tendrils usually come out from her back, second being the head and arms.
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Noumu Forme (default):
Is massive in size by default. The tendrils on the back are mainly where stored, lower-tiered Noumus come out from.
The form is actually a tough, muscular shell with the host body deep inside. If given the right circumstances, it’s possible to hit this core.
Capable of morphing its structure via Muscle Augmentation. So long as it’s no bigger than the host body, this form can even squeeze through small openings. It’s also possible to take on a more fluid, amorphous structure.
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Fun Facts:
Although her body now inherits multiple Quirks, Aya’s blood is still capable of turning someone Quirkless when injected into the individual.
Despite not needing any sustenance to live, Aya is still capable of having food or drinks, if just for the taste. Apparently, apples are her favorite.
Aya views AFO as a father figure, and states that he’s the one who granted her a chance to be ‘reborn’.
Attempts in recalling her past life only brings up the most prominent sensations and emotions she could remember feeling. These happen to be loneliness, despair, pain, suffering, self-loathing and alienation -- an obvious sign that any memories she’s capable of remembering are only of those when she was still under the yakuza’s hold.
Specific details that Aya knows of her past are only what she was told upon being reborn. She’s been told that her past life was nothing but imprisonment and exploitation because of her Quirk.
Once Aya thinks of someone as family, she becomes extremely loyal, protective and faithful to them.
Aya’s ability to read is only about as good as an elementary schooler. She can’t quite read anything other than Hiragana, but can do word association with Katakana and Kanji if repeated enough.
Aya’s name is actually the nanori (name reading) of the second kanji in Eri’s name. Eri’s name is read in onyomi (Chinese reading) for both kanji.
Compared to all other High-Ends (excluding Kurogiri), Aya is much more docile when she isn’t provoked or under commands. She’s also very empathetic, but tends to struggle to understand this.
Personal Headcanon on High-Ends like Aya and Kurogiri
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eriversible · 4 years ago
''So, it is true then'', (hi, i'm gonna dunk this in, bc mighty need for the feels uwu)
// mighty need for the feels u say? 👀👀👀👀👀
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Aya looked up from where she sat in UA's little infirmary. By now, the select number of people on-campus who knew about Eri have all been informed of the noumu's situation. Aya was really truly Eri. She regained all her memories and, in a way, was finally whole again.
But just because she obtained the dead's memories didn't mean she was no longer what she's now become. At the end of the day, Aya was Aya. Aya was a noumu. Aya has killed people, and she even tricked Bakugou into bringing her to the police station so she could kill the people there as ordered, too.
What will become of her now...? She.. honestly doesn't know, but that wasn't what's currently crossing her mind. The moment she heard Bakugou's voice and saw him at the doorway, Aya felt a terrible, shameful pang in her guts. She immediately ended up lowering her gaze back down at her lap, apprehensive of what he might say. Would apologizing do anything for her? Was apologizing even worth anything at all...?
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..She's.. scared.
Guilty and scared.
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