#ic ;; muse answers
Ash received a message from the planet the Milan was berthed over. "Lord Finley, this is lord Zarath, I'd like to make use of your services." The voice was slightly sneering, exactly what you would expect of a noble on an important planet such as this.
- Noctine for Ash
Ash sighed the tone alone made him want to say no. This was exactly why he didn't usually stop by his more well off planets. He set a reply a few moments later. "What service exactly?"
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*yukino decided to pay a visit to Yuji seeing him with Megumi and Gojo as he snuck up behind him before jumping on his back, wrapping his arms around him from behind* "Hey Yuji, surprise seeing you strolling around here again"
Yuji was thinking about something but he then blinks to feel someone on his back. Both Gojo and Megumi looks seeing Yukino while Yuji laughed.
"Umm same for you too, Yukino." he said.
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casanovasadmiral · 5 months
How do you guys feel about the captors?
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sol being the closest thing to my kismesis, wwe are close, if youd describe it as such. i hate him and he hates me equally. tch. its been somethin rocky, i guess. thats wwhat ashen is for, though. it wworks out in the end or wwhatevver and wwe dont triple kill eachother.
me n tuna dont chat anymore, tula advwised me that maybe our kismesitude should be put on hold after his accident, i got a lot nicer to him and wve uh. just never resumed our pitch. its cool tho i dont miss him at all. yea.. porrim told me he said theres no hard feelings but i just feel bad, man.
I pity The Psiioniic, and respect his immense powwer. I saww him noww and again on my reports back to Dealia. wwe wwould talk and after i got him to stop threatening me on sight with lightning, chuckle wwe had a fair bond. Though, I think Avelux alwways hated me for not freeing him- I regret not doing so. Politics wwere not as simple as wwhat you saww on the outside. There wwere expectations of us all.
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myristicisms · 6 months
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Eyes flash near dangerously, the usual subtle glow of the mako staining his irises giving way to the sudden rush into his head and there's a soft laugh that he barks out, head cocking slightly to the side curiously while he mulls over the statement. He could handle everything fine enough, or at least that's what Zack thinks even if it would be fun to hand the reigns over and see what Cloud would do if he allowed the blonde to take over. “ Depends. ” He manages, voice as calculated as possible given the way he has to hold himself still, body growing jittery from excess energy beginning to pool within his limbs. “ If you think you can then go ahead, I wanna see what taking charge looks like to you. ”
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@strifesoldier | Cloud Strife
"Do you want me to take charge? "
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justsescape · 12 days
What's Asuka up to tonight?
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"It's your fault that this keeps happening, you moron! And now it's happened in my own bedroom while I was just trying to change!"
The scene sported all the trappings of a sudden and unexpected expansion. An outstretched hand to clutch the corner of a three-drawer dresser; the other, gripping the carpet and breaking her fall. Knees bent and legs sprawled out haphazardly like she had just slipped on a sheet of black ice. Bare and oversized breasts, the size and consistency of beanbag chairs, teardropping downward and hiding her torso entire. They jiggled in apparent amusement together -- almost as if they were more than happy to leap across her body like an excitable dog.
"I haven't been to NERV in years, so why are your sodas still laced with that damn expansion serum?!" Asuka gestured at the nearby remains of her bra -- broken, of course, with holes in the cups where her nipples had their say -- before pointing a vindictive finger at you. "If you had just said something, I could have prepared and put on something different!"
Asuka's breathlessness could have easily been a product of her anger. She did have a habit of breathing fire, after all. But it was the peculiar way in which she gasped -- like a rhythmic and shallow exhaling, as if her breasts were weighing upon her torso as much as they were weighing upon her heart. Her face was laden with sweat; her legs crossed and uncrossed themselves, leaving her gigantic boobs heaving clumsily across her thighs. They were the width of a loveseat and surely just as soft.
"...f-forget it," she muttered, averting her gaze and letting her long red locks curtain her eyes. It was picturesque. Her healthy skin glinted like marble. The room vanished around her.
"Just hurry up and carry me to the tub before I start leaking again..."
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whiskeysmulti · 1 month
@thehandworld replied to your post “"Noisy as always."”:
Does Hibari want to be blow away too?
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"I prefer biting."
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"How about you get lost" from Dom @ {The bean for the angel au}
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Poor thing was just trying to help him out a tiny bit with his place before hiding. Even if she was his guardian angel, he did scare her to a insane degree. She stiffened when she heard his voice and mentally yelling at herself for stopping and hiding earlier. Even if she wanted to go, she couldn't. She was assigned Dom even if he liked it or not.
She was folding a blanket up and was about to put it in its usual spot she noticed it was at but got spotted by the man.
"I..i'm assigned to you. I-i can't leave"
She forced herself to speak quickly before getting yelled at or threatened again.
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ayakoito · 3 months
“May I ask yer advice on somethin'?” he asked the woman sitting on the bench in the park.
Ayako raised her head when she heard the stranger's voice, scrutinizing him for a moment. She had been engrossed in her phone, so she hadn't noticed him at first.
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"Um… yeah… sure! What's it about?" Aya lowered her phone, keeping it in her lap and giving the stranger her full attention.
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astrxlfinale · 4 months
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He sees what you're doing.
That one particular moment? It's not being hidden from this Trailblazer.
How does one come to challenge this smug stare? What business could the person in question be up too as this moment?
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rxcklessdxvotion · 11 months
(crew-from-capulet) Text From Kay: Hello. Where are you? And are you currently fucked out of your mind?
Most of the time his phone vibrated, it was about business he was involved in. Only when a longer but temporary relationship was in the offing, be it drug dealing or other circumstances, did he give anyone his number, but this time when he looked at the display, he was overcome first by a strange new feeling... then anger.
Matthew quickly reached for his cell phone and typed.
[TXT]: The fuck u talking about…?
Then he remembered that the last time they had parted ways was in some sort of argument. He believed that Kay was the only one to blame, because he had acted like a petulant bitch.
[TXT]: What do you want? [TXT]: Weed? [TXT]: Sex? [TXT]: Or both…? ;)
As always, he just couldn't help himself.
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misc-muses · 2 months
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"I will not apologize for being weird and off-putting because it will happen again!"
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vocesincaput · 11 months
@pyratezlife continued from [x]
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Frenchie had been inconsolable at Izzy's side, trying anything he could to talk to the man he loved. Trying to will him to stay awake and with him. That he needed him. When the first mate had closed his eyes, hand falling from his cheek, Frenchie had cried out and buried his face against Izzy's chest. Sobbing uncontrollably.
He didn't know whether it was seconds, minutes or more before he was being pulled back and away from Izzy and he tried desperately to cling on to him. But Auntie forced her way through as several of the others wrapped their arms around Frenchie. Comforting and holding him back as Auntie pulled something out of a pouch and worked on Izzy's wound.
Everything that had happened next had been a blur to Frenchie. He knew people spoke to him, could hear their voices in the distance but nothing reached his ears. He felt numb all over. Nothing was right. Nothing could be, not with Izzy like this. not when he could still lose him.
Izzy had been moved into the Captains quarters and onto Stede (and Ed's) bunk, both men insisting that he had the best place possible to hopefully recover. No one had even tried to get Frenchie to leave him.
The sofa had been pulled to the bedside for Frenchie to use and the bard had taken Izzy's hand in his and refusing to let go.
When Izzy awoke, Frenchie was practically wrapped around his arm with his head on his shoulder. Having cried himself to sleep.
The moment the hoarse voice spoke, Frenchie opened his eyes. Blinking and rubbing away dried tears from tearstained cheeks as he raised his head. The moment he saw Izzy's eyes, he practically jumped off of the sofa and to his feet. Hovering over him. Breath caught within his lungs and heart stilled in anticipation and hope.
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Marina came up behind Verosika after her concert ended. “Hey Vero I have a surprise for you if you want to sneak off for a bit.” She kissed her cheek but could feel her heart beating fast since she was nervous
As Verosika was drinking something after her concert ended, she blinks hearing a familiar voice. She saw her cute Marina only to smile. "Hey cutie. And a surprise? What are you planning this time? Trying to spoil me before I do?" she smiled to kiss her cheek back.
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casanovasadmiral · 2 days
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myristicisms · 11 months
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@strifesoldier | Cloud Strife sent;;
' You and me. Your body near mine, close. I'm not right when you're not with me. I get the shakes ' oop zack made him codependent...
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Vulnerability, no matter how small or largely given, was always a difficult thing to express; Years of forcing himself into the mold of what Zack thought was the ideal hero only further forcing him to push the overwhelming desire to rely upon someone else to the back of his mind. Being relied upon was the closest he'd ever come to sharing a vulnerable moment with anyone and it was something he cherished far more than even his own life. That much so had never been in the question though, only further proven with each moment where he took a beating to protect those he cared for most, often coming as victorious in each battle he'd carelessly chosen for himself.
Perhaps it was the hubris of a man who has lost damn near everything already or maybe it was just the delusion of someone who had grown lonely over the years, someone who felt as though nobody bothered to know who he was outside of his uniform and rank; At least not until after he'd managed to establish a connection with another person for the first time since... ( Nevermind. ) Zack has come to rely upon being needed, feeling helpful and he's long since found that purpose at the side of his blonde companion. While he'd known that Cloud was capable of taking care of himself well enough, he also couldn't scratch the desperate itch to feel helpful, to do more than just stand beside the other man silently like some brooding shadow.
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Though that's what he's become, hasn't he? Bitter and violent should he feel it necessary to be so, a trained killer unafraid of ripping and rending through flesh that managed to be snagged within the maws of an enraged beast, many saw the once proud warrior as nothing more than a monster as of late; A creature that thrived on combat and the destruction of the very people that made him into who he was today, but not Cloud, never Cloud apparently. Lips curl into a gentle grin at the idea, he was helpful to someone at the very least, even if he'd grown all too protective throughout their time beside one another and perhaps he cared far more than the average friend should have, but then again; Average friends don't go through the same horrors as the duo had to endure together. That's how Zack justified it, anyways.
A rabid guard dog trapped in an endless loop of biting despite never wanting to bring harm to those unfortunate to cross into Zack's poor graces, a feature of which was far easier done than said given how low his tolerance for anyone daring to cause problems for either Cloud or himself truly had become. That dependency, as it seems to be, is reciprocated. Though that hardly came as much of a surprise, being without the blonde felt off, something so viscerally incorrect that his very being often trembled with wrath when the two were separated for too long and the verbal confirmation he wasn't the only one to experience that... ( Validating, freeing even. )
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“ And here I was, stewing about whether I'm being overbearing towards you. ” He huffs out, amusement glimmering within mako stained eyes; An odd calmness kept Zack completely and uncharacteristically still. At times such as this, he'd often be pacing or doing squats, clears his mind and allows the former SOLDIER to focus on his surroundings but instead he simply sat, jaw twitching while his tongue feels at the sharp canines meant for rending through his foes and that familiar emptiness he'd been so prone to slowly seeps in. “ I'm always here though, always nearby until you tell me to go away and mean it, I promise. ”
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justsescape · 6 months
Can a cow be too fat?
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Nyx had become a proverbial mountain of fat; her body filled the capacity of an airplane hangar. Rolling waves of skin resembled the dimples and folds of raw pancake batter as they piled themselves atop the concrete. Breasts -- each large enough to rival entire biplanes -- lurched themselves over the only thing bigger than them: her gut. Its rumbling was like thunder. Perhaps she had buried a couple of buildings underneath its weight.
"BWOOOOOOUUUURRRRRRRP-HYIUCK!" Nyx's head emerged from her body the same way someone's would if they were buried in sand at the beach. Every gaseous expulsion left the flabby flesh surrounding it rippling like a pond. "HIC! HIC-URP-HIC!"
Lips, dripping with drool, opened and closed rhythmically almost as if she was chewing gum -- not that she was chewing anything at all. At least, not yet. Her dull, hazy gaze craned upward toward a distant feeding tube connected to the ceiling. Unable to lift her tree-trunk arms, all Nyx could do to vocalize her appetite was belch, hiccup, or moo. Sometimes, all three at once.
The call was heard. The pipe descended. Nyx's gaping mouth wrapped thoughtlessly around it. Gulp... gulp... gulp... Drooping nipples lazily produced milk that ran like little streams down the folds of her lard-laden body. Her fat had long since found its way into her lactation: it wasn't so much milk that she was making as much as it was heavy cream. It clumped up in the countless crevices that wrapped around her entire gluttonous frame.
From Nyx's limited perspective, the world was but a pale, endless horizon of lard below, and a cold, metal ceiling above. The feeding tube delivered euphoric sensations. It was her escape. The bigger she grew, the more she pressed into the walls. The more she pressed into the walls, the less they could do to confine her. The less confined she was, the more she could grow. The cycle repeated. Fat was freedom.
Nyx swelled like a balloon connected to a garden hose.
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