#venus [hivemind]
harboneger · 6 months
I love you hivemind I love you seattle live show 💙🧡💛💚
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Venus: Wäre Asklepios hier-
Ich: *weint*
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roetrolls · 2 years
One more post before I go to bed,, These guys aren’t related to Alternia or fantrolls in any way but I think the world should see them
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Lume and Venus, 2 aliens who got stranded on Earth from 2 different planets and wound up as roommates through sheer coincidence
They both try to pose as humans at each other and neither realizes the other one is faking because they both know nothing about human behavior
Hijinks ensue.
Then they kiss.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 6 months
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The autism has officially won. Anim vs Bug Fables, lets fucking go
Victim, the mercenaries, Chosen One, and Dark Lord are all going to be in here too as well as Alan. I just haven't gotten around to drawing them yet.
Infodump under the cut
Ive been thinking about this au a normal amount.
Alan will be a more aware Deadlander Omega.
Yes Purple is kind of a hivemind. He's basically the Royal Monarch boss, but if they didn't lure in bugs to kill them. He mostly just wants to protect the abandoned Ant Settlement and keep to himself. Also despite being awakened, he cannot speak Bugnish.
Green, Red, Blue, and Yellow are all a group from the North (aka front yard) and wanted to go to Bugaria for various reasons. Red wants to be an explorer, Yellow wants to study roach technology, Blue wants to make an offering to Venus in hopes of getting her blessing, and Green wants to be with his friends. They decide to go through the Giant's Lair because "haha most people go in there with only two bugs well be fine :)" and run into Second and Alan.
Victim I'm still not entirely sure what I want to be, but he will be a cordyceps zombie, Chosen will be a murder hornet, and Dark will be a red and black mason wasp.
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✨ Blog Event!! ✨
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Night Raven College cordially extends an invitation to you, the family members of those in our student body.
Come to NRC for Family Day!! Tour the historical campus, meet our esteemed faculty, pay a visit to your beloved children and maybe leave a generous donation on your way out; we happily accept cash, credit, and checks!
The family members of NRC’s students have landed in Sage’s Island for this special school event!! This is your chance to interact with them ✨
From now until the 14th of May (Mother’s Day) 11:59 pm EST, the inbox is open to NRC Family Day requests~
Just submit dialogue or an interaction with the family member of your choice! I’ll write an in-character response to your ask.
This isn’t limited to just family member and reader/self insert/Yuu interactions!! You can also request interactions between family members (Mama Spade and Lilia Silver’s Dad, Cheka and the Clover Siblings, etc), between family members and a TWST boy; whether related or not (Papa Zigvolt and Sebek, or Mama Rosehearts and Trey, etc), and between family members and NRC Staff (Crowley and Papa Asim, etc).
2 family members maximum per interaction!! (TWST boys, NRC Staff, and Reader/Self-Insert/Yuu do not count toward this number.)
Please avoid interactions that amount to asking family members for their approval to date/marry the boy of your choice; I’m restricting this kind of interaction because I worry it will otherwise be the bulk of the writing requests, and I don’t want to write similar responses again and again.
Don’t act rudely/violently toward any family members!! I know Mama Rosehearts and a few others are particularly disliked, but don’t go out of your way to fight them. (Sarcastic and snarky remarks are still fair game though, just don’t go too overboard!)
Don’t give parenting advice! The ones most likely to receive it probably won’t take it to heart.
All other blog rules still apply! (This means no OCs, no NSFW, avoiding certain topics, etc.)
The available family members to interact with are (This list does not include ALL known family members. I mainly included those with enough characterization to write, but I did also try to include at least 1 family member per boy):
Mama Rosehearts / Big Bro Trappola / Mama Spade / Clover Parents / Younger Clover Siblings / Older Diamond Sisters / Falena Kingscholar (with Kifaji at his side) / Cheka Kingscholar / Granny Bucchi / Younger Howl Siblings / Mama Ashengrotto / Stepdad Ashengrotto / Mama Leech / Papa Leech / Papa Asim / Younger Asim Siblings / Viper Parents / Najma Viper / Eric Venue / Hunt Family yes, they’re a hivemind / Marja Felmier / Papa Shroud / Maleficia Draconia they didn’t forget to invite her / Lilia Silver’s Dad / Mama Zigvolt / Papa Zigvolt / Baal Zigvolt
***NOTE: Though I will do my best to stay true to canon, we aren’t given the same amount of information for every possible family member. This means that I will have to take creative liberties with the interpretations of some characters, such as the Maleficia’s personality or how the family members may look.
Please also be aware that as new TWST content comes out, my portrayals may become outdated or inaccurate!!***
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justadeadreaper · 9 months
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Powers were the hardest of all the Angels to get close to which made it all the more difficult to learn about them and furthermore understand them and the contradicting nature that controls their existence. When Powers were together in large groups on the battlefield or even when they were resting in their barracks in Heaven they seemed to be made up of a collective hivemind, all acting as if they were appendages of the same body tasked to do different things that when put together made complete sense to them but only them alone. But, when alone they seemed to be numb, almost nonexistent as they would stand there watching everything else, only moving or talking when it was deemed necessary or whenever there was a Demon around.
The only emotions that other Angels ever noticed in the Powers were normally either nothing at all or an unstoppable violent rage that would be more fit for someone like Satan to use. Although in secret, surrounded in the safety of the others of their kind or even just when they were alone with people they trust, Powers were seen to display two other emotions, grief and comadiary. If another Power they were close to had the unfortunate demise of dying at the hands of a Demon the Powers that were closest to it would build a shrine for their fallen at which they would mourn and cry at what they had lost. While on the other side of the spectrum, if they had a glorious battle where thousands upon thousands of Demons were killed they were known to privately celebrate with each other by having their own parties and telling jokes to one another as they enjoyed the taste of their friendships and victory.
It was rare for a Power to be by themselves even if it was a task given by the higher-up Angels, except for a rare few cases of Powers that voluntarily stayed alone as if they had been outcasted by the rest for doing something wrong which would not get them kicked out of Heaven but was looked down upon by the others.
If you would ask any Angel if they knew of a Power that voluntarily stayed by itself, most would answer no but if you met the rare few that had witnessed the aftermath of an encounter with him they would all give you the same name.
The Ghost.
No Angel knew his real name, it was believed he did not have one, the only name that he had was the nickname that had been given to him by the other Powers and by Demons. And that nickname was earned, well earned.
He was said to act like a ghost, hiding in the shadows as it stalked its prey like a predator waiting for the right moment to pounce. A being that could be there for one second but as soon as you moved your head to look somewhere else even if it was for less than half a second, when you turned your head back to see him once more he would be gone. Although you could always tell when he was around as the room was completely cold, devoid of any noise as a shiver would rattle through your spine to put every hair on edge. Each sense would be on edge to see if they could catch any sign of him but all of those attempts would be futile as time seemed to stop around him, and he was silent to the point that everyone who had encountered him thought he was mute as no noise would ever be produced by him. Some Angels would joke that the name Wraith would be better suited for him as he was as violent as one, known to rip the heads off of Demons he fought with his own bare hands if he was not bothered enough to use a weapon, if he was command to wipe an area of all the Demons or other enemies that resided there by the time he was done there would be none left.
It would be agreed upon by anyone that heard about him that he was strange even for a Power. Alone and silent. What made it far worse would be the fact that no other Powers seemed to know where he came from. He was an anomaly. No star could be matched to him, it was speculated that he would have come from a star that either surrounded Venus or Mars like most other Powers but no hatched star had an undocumented Angel. Each star hatched around the areas was matched to a Power in their documents, dead or alive or even fallen. Some Powers had taken it upon themselves to go through every Power that had ever emerged to see if any that were believed to be dead or missing would be able to match to him but they found none that even came close. While cockier Powers that were higher in rankings from the amount of Demons that had been slayed by the swords had gone to challenge him to a fight. Those fights had only forced him into a deeper isolation as the Powers all stood defeated with egos so bruised that they would be mistaken to be the lowest and weakest of the Powers with how their confidence was shattered into pieces that would amount the number of the stars, and as anyone would know if you were to bruise the ego of people who believed themselves to be better you would suffer at their hands as they would try anything to gain back the power they thought to have lost through the humiliation. They convinced any Power that would listen to ostracise him from the rest as he was violent and did not care about hurting others of his own, hypocritical as they had been the ones to go for a fight but they did not tell anyone that they had asked for the fight as it only made it all the more easier to paint him as different, to secure their goal made purely from spite. It was painted that he would have not cared about being ostracised and outcasted as he had started it himself. Most tended not to care as he was just a mystery that would distract from their role. No name, no backstory. If he wanted to be outcasted then they would only follow by the example he set. Why would they bother to care when he did his job like the rest, not to forget how effectively he would do the job as he had already accumulated a large number of vanquished Demons.
By all definitions, he was a nobody. A Power that seemed to have randomly appeared one day to kill all Demons with no desire to interact with anyone. No story or life to be focused on. No connection to other Powers as for some reason no other Power was able to mentally attach to him with their hivemind-like link as all that tried seemed to be overwhelmed with a headache that was as agonosing as being stabbed with the unholiest of weapons as all they seemed to see was blood stained claws or nothing inside his mind.
It even got to the point that it was debated over what he looked like as those who did see him never lived to tell the tale but there were rumours of there apparently being two as the Angels that had been luckily, or well unlucky, enough to have seen him had described his armour in the same way but the rare few details they gave of his body would look either one of two ways even if it was just about his hair colour or his height.
The Ghost did not wear the normal armour like the other powers did instead of it being made of the holy light and shell of stars his was instead made of the bones of Demons and the Netherstone that formed on the borders of Hell at which the Angels and Demons would fight at. He wore the skull of a Demon over his face instead of a helmet as the small cracks in the skull allowed people to see small glimpses of his face if they dared to get close enough. Then covering his body was a unique set of armour that was unlike the armour of the other Powers that tended to be styled in the fashion of gladiator or mediaeval armour that was usually decorated with carvings of long forgotten battles, runes of lost tongues, or the sweetest of flowers. Over his head, obscuring his mask to a degree was a loose black hood that connected to the loose black fabric that was fashioned around his body; the fabric had been fashioned into a sleeveless and buttonless trench coat with the hole for his left arm dropping just below the elbow as the long fabric dragged behind him before it pulled up at a point as the right side was not worn normally but instead draped over his shoulder to cover his right pec before crossing over to hide his left ribs before it tied off by Netherstone chains to keep it secure in place as the fabric that was left continued to drape down his side. The “trousers” he wore was actually just a simple piece of loose fabric similar to a long shirt that gave his legs and other parts the perfect amount of freedom he needed when fighting. It hung to his body by Netherstone chains that were thrown over his left shoulder as it was draped in such a fashion that it exposed some of his thigh and his hips but kept what was in the middle a secret. A full rib cage and spinal cord lay on top of the fabric as it was decorated with cracks filled with Netherstone as the ornaments on his shoulders were made from several shoulder blades  that fanned out to take the appearance  of wings as they were connected to the collarbone he also wore. And from out of the fabric that draped from his right shoulder was a singular piece of armour that was fashioned to look like the armour of other Powers even if it was made from Netherstone, it covered his right arm as it itself was covered in splinters of bone leaving only fragments of the metal exposed. Both of his hands and his left arm had been covered in bandages but the claws that ended his hands were still visible as to inflict damage onto his enemies. Nearly all the fabric was riddled with cuts and holes from the numerous years of fighting they had withstood as more chains were draped around his body.
Most would agree that with his armour on he closely resembled a Fallen Angel or an Angel of Death or even the mostly extinct Watchers, due to most falling a long ago, as his attire bore a resemblance to all three but it was easy to tell that he was a Power as out of his head sprouted horns that fused together at the top to create a halo that was fused into the body as it casted out a blinding light. But another staple of Powers that he had was a sword that could burst to life with a flame made of light that was specifically given to Powers to be able to kill Demons.
But under the armour was what you would expect from any Power but with some very noticeable differences. Most that had seen strands of his hair would debate on if it was a messy, greyed blonde or a dark brunette but next to his hair were two small wings instead of ears that seemed to be sewn on, but nevertheless the smaller wings matched the four much larger wings that were attached to his back, each feather was white but seemed to be greying as when the light hit them they seemed to reflect back the colour black. With one set of baby blue eyes and another set of eyes below it that were pure black and oozed out a black goo as if the eyes were crying while it seemed as if he was smiling even if his scarred lips were frowning as he had the scar of a Glasgow smile engraved into his cheeks. Covering his whole face seemed to be a faded imprint of a skull that had been decorated on by a mixture of coal and chalk; all was included like the fangs and other teeth to sockets formed around all four of his eyes. The imprint did not seem to be made by a professional and could only be seen if you were close enough to his face to feel his breath as most of the powder that had once been so bright had lost its vigour over the eyes as he never seemed to repaint over it. It was obvious he had the build of the Power as like most he was bulky as he could be, he was most definite larger than most as his chest was the size of two Powers put side by side but his height was debated on if he was as tall as the largest mountain ash tree or just a few feet shorter than it. His pale body was riddled with scars as covering his left hand, his left arm, both of his feet and calves, and most of the flesh above the left ribs was a moving black ooze that seemed imbedded into his skin, it was as if someone had pushed ink into his skin and let it spread out as it would do in water to make ornate patterns as it curled around his muscles and turned his nails to claws. A slightly spectral aura seemed to cling to his form as sometimes when the light hit his body he seemed see through as if he was merely a hallucination on the spot as it also seemed to make him seem as skeletal as his armour even with all his muscle to contest such an idea.
His appearance matched his personality. It was just as mysterious with odd additions of unknown origins that seemed to appear out of nowhere just as he did. It truly made him.
The Ghost.
Taglist: @frogchiro @diejager
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official-megumin · 10 days
Y’know, I generally like to think that I’m pretty good at staying in my lane, so I don’t typically stray too far into fandom stuff or whatever.
But as some people may know, destiny as a franchise recently turned 10 years old. And I wanted to talk a bit about that.
Back when I was a wee little girl at 14, destiny popped up at my local gamestop, this was back before gamestop left Denmark as well.
Back then I didn't even go to the internet. So all I knew about destiny was that it was made by the people behind halo. Which at the time was my favorite series.
All I had to go on about destiny was the little pamphlet I got when I pre-ordered it.
And the way all these worlds we've all grown up imagining visiting, being presented? It just captivated me, the way all the characters looked both like they came from a distant past and the far future all at once.
So I went the rest of the year just looking at this pamphlet. Again, I barely went online at this point, so I had no idea how excited people were online, I had no idea that I could find out more about it online.
And then it came out, I barely knew how my xbox worked, so it took me a week or more to even get access to the game.
So I made a character, a male warlock at the time. The promise of great powerful magic and discovery had me intrigued.
And I will never forget the first time I saw the game.
The intro, seeing humanity go to Mars for the first time, seeing the traveler and what it could do.
The shifting landscape in the back, almost showing how this is something that has happened time and time again, repeating for eons.
All with some of the most beautiful music I have ever heard.
And then I got control of my character, and ghost spoke to me. I got to look around an abandoned road leading to a great wall.
Ghost told me I had to hurry because something was stalking us. I had no idea what.
So I kept going into the wall.
I still knew nothing, but this world already had me hooked. Around every corner was mystery and excitement.
As I went further through the wall, they found me; the fallen, a race of space pirate spider monsters.
Back in 2014 I just saw them as cheap copies of the covenant from halo. But as the years have passed, it had become so obvious that they are much more than that.
Luckily just before the fallen found me, or I found them really.
I found a rifle, a rifle that has stayed with me every since that day.
I still have my original khvostov in my inventory after all these years, still safe in my vault.
After fighting my way through the fallen, I came out the other side of the wall. And the world opened up.
It was a huge space port, filled with ancient secrets and rocket ships designated for the stars, but left to rot on Earth.
As I didn't have much time to play back then, it took me a while to get further.
A couple months later I reached the moon. Another place we all know so well from staring into the night sky.
But standing there in the dust of a great calamity felt different. And of course, we had neighbours there now.
The hive and their organic gothic architecture.
I pushed forward and reached Venus, another location that has etched itself into my memory.
The jungle, the vibrant volcanic pools everywhere, the blue lava and of course. The vex.
I robot hivemind existing beyond time. Like the hive and even the fallen. Their architecture was unlike anything I had seen in a game before.
It was geometric and ancient, it defied logic yet felt real.
It devoured Venus and imposed itself on everything.
Then I got to Mars, a planet that had defined my imagination unlike any celestial body till then.
Here we met the cabal. A race of militant giants.
At the time I didn't much care for them. But as we have moved further into the series, I have come to miss them as they were then greatly.
They were like us, they were conquerors and scientists. War pushed their limits in all fields of existence.
Like us, they tried to understand the vex.
And that let us to the black garden. The final level of the original game.
As I wasn't very experienced with gaming, I couldn't beat the final boss.
And as much as it's embarrassing to admit, it made me rage. And I ended up breaking a table.
This rage marked my end of playing until I was 15.
I had very limited money, so I didn't get to buy any dlc, or even play online with other people till then.
But then I somehow saved up the money to buy the taken king.
And since then I have bought everything on day 1. And the franchise has become a constant for me. It's become a source of comfort and excitement.
Be it exploring the dreadnaught or braving the plaguelands. Destiny 1 always sparked wonder.
Then destiny 2 came out, and I stuck around even in the darkest hours of the franchise.
It always hurt to see how much people hated what I loved so much.
As forsaken came out, my thoughts and feelings about my gender were starting to resourface.
I started struggling more, but destiny was still there for me.
A year passed, and by this point I had admitted to feeling how I did, and I came out as trans.
With the nex expansion called shadowkeep, old content returned too.
The first ship you got in destiny 1, the arcadia class jumpship. Returned, and it had me excited.
I started over, made a new warlock, female this time. To reflect who I now was. It also saw us return to the moon. It let us, for the first time in destiny 2. Explore hive architecture.
And I loved it.
This time was especially hard for me. It was a time of the players being the least hopeful since destiny 2 launched.
And it was a time where I was on the brink of collapse.
I attempted to take my own life, and in the wake of that. I came out to my fiends and aquaintences.
Luckily for me, this still mostly worked out, and I kept having friends to play with.
As the year kept going, beyond light was announced, and I lost interest for a while.
Gear would be sunset and I would lose all the armor I had worked so hard to aquire for years.
I didn't come back till the season just before transmog was introduced.
It happened to drop on my birthday.
Since then I have played pretty much constantly.
We have seen highs in the form of witch queen, and lows in the form of lightfall.
But I stayed through all of it. Enjoying all of my time spent in the process.
And now, tens years after I set out on this journey with bungie leading me and all other players.
It's over, the light and dark saga has been completed.
We defeated the witness.
And I'm thankful I got to experience it.
Few things in my life has been there for me as consistently as destiny.
I left out so many things that has happened over those 10 years.
I barely have mentioned the lore and how it helped get me back into the game several times over the past decade.
I have alluded to how much the music has meant to me.
But it has been the one consistent thing about the game, and now all the original composers are gone.
And I'm sad to see it end. But I regret none of my time in this game.
Neither do I want to see it go now.
Bungie has announced the next multi year saga. And I'm ready for it.
I'm excited to see the mystery and wonder return to this franchise so near and dear to me.
Thank you bungie, for letting me have this in my life
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ursidaez · 2 months
thank you stranger on da internet for teaching me to no longer pathologize my behavior. Sorry i started muttering and rocking back and forth its because everyone in the venue we were in became a giant hivemind monster connected by one source and their laughter and chatter the unintelligible mockery of human speech.
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crowgvts · 7 months
hellooo I’m brand new to punk. do you have any advice for finding any sort of punk community in Real Life?
honestly I'm not gonna be too much help on this I don't think because there simultaneously is and isn't a "proper" punk scene in my area in the same way I've seen it in other places which is probably because I live in a town
basically, in my area there's not really what you'd count as separate groups of alt subcultures or anythin, we all just kinda mingle and I'm one of maybe ten (at most) people I know of in my area who would consider themselves punk. A lot of people don't bother with a category, they dress how they like and listen to whatever they want and don't really label it. Like it's to the extent that it was a running joke for a while that me and two other friends were the punk scene in the area
and the way I found that generally alternative community was basically just through talking to people I thought looked cool about music n stuff, which lead to me meeting their friends and their friends etc etc and eventually finding those other punks (and we all seemed to develop a temporary hivemind that lead us to all drink in the same place for a good while but don't do that there was so much drama and I do not promote underage drinking in public lmao)
Going to gigs also helps! As I've said before, it doesn't have to be a punk gig! Literally just finding local bands you like and going to their shows is going to introduce you to even more bands and more venues which is how I eventually found the more local punk bands I listen to via the venues I regularly go to advertising their shows and a few of them playing shows with the other bands I already regularly went to see
imo don't JUST hone in on trying to exclusively find a "punk scene" in your area, because in some cases such as in my area there isn't a definable punk scene, more just a general alternative community and that's literally fine!
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dyke-mecha · 7 months
How about 5, 21, 30 and 31 for broken trifecta!!!
Thank you Megan!!!
5. What is the origin of the mutagen?
It‘s created by the krang! It‘s not really for terraforming like in 2012, but rather for making possible hosts (krang are these single-celled organisms that share a hivemind and are also parasitic) stronger. They don‘t really have to care about the side effects, since the bodies they mutate are just tools to them and can be easily replaced in most cases.
Shen for example didn‘t get mutated or fully infected because she‘s more useful to them the way she currently is
21. Do the turtles time travel?
I haven‘t planned anything like that, no. You saw how much I struggled with time travel in 2012 😭
(To be fair, I‘ve been playing around with different verions of sending bad timeline turtles into the good/canon timeline, but that‘s not, like, „canon“ to anything, it‘s just me going „if Donnie saw what he can turn into would that be fucked up or what“)
30. Is there a Venus? / 31. Is there a Jennika?
I really, really wanna say yes, but I‘m still on the fence about including them. If I do, I don‘t think they‘re gonna be mutants, at least not ones mutated on earth because I don‘t plan to have anyone aside from the turtles properly mutated. I could see them as mutated aliens that the krang brought with them to Earth as like, additional protection/power. I don‘t think they‘d be infected by the krang, at least not to a degree where they lose control of themselves. Actually, yeah, this could be really fun. Would also give me more characters with stronger ties to the Shen/krang mess.
The turtles at first just assume they‘re normal aliens because their only point of reference is Mona, but once she sees them she‘s definitely gonna recognize them as mutants.
They don‘t particularily want to be on the krangs‘ side, so as soon as Venus and Jenny see their chance, they make a break for it and pretty quickly join up with the turtles afterwards. (This is in contrast with Karai/Miwa, who stay on Shredder‘s side for quite a while before leaving.) I can see one of them betraying the others to the krang though under the (false) promise of protection and then having to put in the work in act III to regain everyones‘ trust (thinking their betrayl is what leads to the krang capturing and infecting Raph, so getting that trust back is gonna take A While)
Send me more here!
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lost-in-the-pink-mist · 7 months
6, 12, 30, 31, 49, 50 and 79 for the ask game?
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6. Is there a battle nexus? Is it a respected facility or operated by criminals?
Yes there is a battle nexus! In terms of respectability and the legality its a little iffy. The battle nexus is an underground yokai fighting ring, run by Big Mama and connected to her hotel chain. The issue is that its a yokai owned, run, and visited business, and yokai societies that are so closely connected to human society, like those in New York, aren't able to be closely organized enough to have things like "laws", only "rules", and there's no one to enforce those rules really, people only follow them for the sake of self preservation (exposing the yokai world to humans would royally fuck them over)
But back to the facility itself. Mama does technically do things "ethically", as long as you thoroughly read your contract with her before signing. There is no way to get out of the contract once its signed though (poor Hueso, he'a a prime example of this. He isn't involved in the fighting ring but still, he knows better than most how much a Big Mama contract can ruin your life). The fighting itself is brutal, the only limitation is that you can't kill (Mama would lose so many fighters and potential signees if she allowed that), its an absolute bloodbath in there. Aside from the terrifying fighting, painful and potentially permanently disabling injuries, and the inescapable contract though, the life of a battle nexus fighter is pretty great, Big Mama knows how to make her show ponies want to prance, y'know? They all get private rooms in her hotel chain (unless they try to escape), and a large amount of luxuries (unless they try to hurt staff or guests), and they can live pretty good lives (unless you hurt one of her children. That is the only way you'll escape a contract early. Some have purposefully chosen to go this way though.)
12. What is the main villain's motivation?
The Krang want to enslave the planet and use its residents and its resources to make more bodies for themselves! They're a hivemind (just one mind, last hivemind of the species, entirely by choice on their part) who are practically immortal as long as they keep getting new bodies, and having a lot of them makes enslaving planets much easier (they don't like to keep the bodies of those they've enslaved, too cramped, and its been proven that some species can escape and cause problems). They've learned in the past that a loud hostile takeover (especially without adequate numbers) can cause annoyances like "rebellions", and one species in particular, the Salamanderians, even managed to build a resistance to their control and force them off the planet, so yeah, slow and subtle. And the easiest way to do that is find the planets most compatible mind, one that could work as a conduit, if they can get into this mind and spread through the population through them, takeover is a piece of cake.
It just so happens that the Hamato family line are the last yokai-human compatible link, even witches (yokai-human hybrids, not at all uncommon) aren't good enough, it has to be a Hamato. And unknown to anyone who isn't from the Bad End timeline, the perfect Hamato is Angie (Michelangelo)
30. Is there a Venus?/31. Is there a Jennika?
Yes! Two of a trio! Venus, Jennika, and Lita, are the only survivors of the Bad End timeline, and they're the kids of Lee (and our OC Julie), Raph (and Mona Lisa), and Angie! They, along with Usagi, are at the core of the chaos in season 2, where the present Hamato family have to prove to the Time Court that they will properly take in the future children and bind them to their timeline (not an easy thing for Angie, as zeir daughter is.....well there's a few major ethical dilemmas with her creation)
49. Are the turtles the same species?/50. Are the turtles the same age?
Nope and nope!
Lee is the oldest, 15 in the prologue and 23 in season 2, and she's a spotted turtle.
Angie and Donnie, the twins, are next, 14 in the prologue and 22 in season 2, Angie being the older twin and Donnie being the younger twin, they're pink bellied sideneck turtles!
And Raph is the baby, 13 in the prologue and 21 in season 2, they're a white morph Mississippi map turtle!
78. Tell us something you want to share about your au/iteration!
Hard to think of one specific thing, but we really wanna emphasize the farmhouse arc! Sooooo many big things happen in this arc, including the mutation of one character, the introduction of a certain baby girl, the end of the coma arc + recovery from said comas, and the introduction of the yokai ocean cave village! So many events to talk about, it makes it hard to talk about the events themselves!
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Now that I think about it, they don't even need to blow up Holy Terra at the end of 10th to give the 'Nids a win that does not end the setting as a whole
They just need to make it inaccessible by conventional means.
The idea of Terra is that it is a place mythologized to the degree of insanity despite just being a dead rock with a corpse and ten millenia worth of paperwork on it. The point of a mythological place is that it is, mostly, unreachable. So to do that you need to check the following things:
Have Mars unaffected for the most part
Have the Astronomican unaffected or replaced
Have an event that sends out such a massive shockwave it ends the fight instantly
So you need to explode, you need a constant warp presence, and it must not reach Mars with the primary devastating effect. Actually, there is a way to achieve that. Little seemingly unrelated fun fact: if our sun would reach the end of its life-cycle, it would become a red giant that would swallow all the inner planets of the system - but not Mars.
Remember that fact and now consider the Solar Emperor Theory. tl,dr: main reason the Emperor can defy the Chaos Gods directly is because he is backed by an entity that in raw power is above the gods: the warp-presence of a star, that stands above beings shaped by the fleeting emotions of mortals. Read the link for more, but let's assume that BigE, who's aesthetic is blinding golden light that burns people's eyes, is connected to the Sun, or rather the Sun's "soul".
So everything fails, Holy Terra is about to be overrun by bugs, but the Emperor still knows that if Terra falls, the Imperium essentially falls with it, because with to the Astronomican gone it would fall back into another Age of Strive. However, if the psykic explosion he causes to burn the Nids away keeps going, and if it shines so bright it's a point of reference for Navigators even on the other side of the galaxy, that'd be sufficent. The plan is to link into the origin of his power, and create a "psykic explosion" from the sun, which would create a peristent "golden warpstorm" - at the price of most of the vitality and sanity he still has left in him and/or gathered in the last 10.000 years.
The issue: such a "Psykic Sunstorm" would require a massive amount of fuel to get started. What a curious happenstance then that one of the biggest things 'Nids are currently rumored to have released is THAT thing:
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Big new psykic bugs, potentially the most powerful psykic living beings after Magnus the Red - and there will be a whole bunch of them, with 'Nids being a swarm and allll.
Second fun fact: you don't need to agree to be fed to the current day Astronomican, it just consumes your energy and kills you.
So the Emperor uses part of the Hivemind's powers as fuel to start the process, and the warpstorm that explodes from the sun swallows Mercury, Venus, and Terra and kills most likely every bug (and let's be real also most humans) on direct contact. As a second effect it also burns away the "shadow in the warp", essentially scorching the connection from the bugs to the Hivemind. Isolated they will most likely tear into each other, and can be dealt with while they are disoriented. Meanwhile Mars will be severely shaken, but they will make it out somewhat alive, now surrounding the storm and being the new central point of worship as the closest planet to it.
With the new "Golden Storm" established, Navigators can use it and the Eye of Terror as fixed points to navigate, so the Astronomican's functionality is preserved. What is not, however, is access to Holy Terra for anyone that is not a Custodes, Sister of Silence, or Primarch - and even they will struggle, as the level of energy inside the Storm is probably enough to make people's eyes burst into flames and their brains melt out of their ears, if they can even navigate through it.
Maybe there are pockets of conventional reality preserved on Terra, maybe deep below the surface or close to the Emperor in the palace with him trying to shield it, but for all intents and purposes the planet would be deemed lost. You would need to send an expedition force of Custodes and Sister of Silence into it, make it to the palace in one piece, and then come back out. This is no way to run any sort of goverment whatsoever, and my guess is that the Sol System will be taken over mostly by Mars, with Custdoes holding positions on stations and ships around the "Golden Storm".
That'd be the one way of "how to destroy Terra without actually destroying Terra" - and the shockwaves of the event could have effects in the entire galaxy.
Maybe even beyond.
I wouldn't be surprised if at the end of the event it says "and now, after only acting on pure instinct for eons, the Hivemind finally woke up."
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I need a Venus/Eli scene where they talk and reflect about Asklepios
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yao1-sex · 2 years
[Hivemind au]
Venus trap was chillin near a forest and saw a blue flower..?
" Huh?- "
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saga-project · 11 months
August 5th, 2024
They just keep coming.
When that portal first opened, when we first lost that key....I don't think any of us understood what was going to happen. Leo was certainly quick to laugh it off, say that we'd get it next time, but how could we possibly have known? We all went home, and the next thing that happened was the sky ripping open and those things coming out. Splinter says they're called the Krang. Intergalactic conquerors of a sort. The key apparently opened some kind of portal to release them from a prison dimension.
We thought if we could force them back through the portal....we didn't know they could assimilate people. Which reminds me WAY too much of that damn plant hivemind that Theatre and I fought. We didn't know that they could create more than three soldiers for themselves. That they can negate magic. Theatre and I have been hitting them with everything we have, and it's still not enough.
But there has to be some way to beat them. I'll look into it. There has to be some weakness we haven't exploited, some hidden information. There has to be.
I'll fix this. I'm going to fix this. Fixing things is what I'm good at.
November 5th, 2024
Supplies are running low. We have enough growing in my makeshift garden to make it through the rest of the winter, most likely, but....the climate is all out of whack now. Whatever those things did, it fucked with the growing season. It's either blazing hot or freezing cold half of the time. And there's no real seasons to speak of, anymore.
I'll have to go out to try and raid one of the few stores that are still standing, at this rate. Venus....Venus needs food. And Raph does, too. He's been giving his portions away to the kids in the camp. I berated him about it. He can't afford to be wasting food, none of us can. We have to eat what we can to get strong. To keep fighting. I know there's not enough food to go around for everybody, I'm trying to fix that, but the frontline soldiers have to have first pick if we're---
Fuck. That sounds so shitty and selfish. I'm supposed to be a good person. When did I start thinking like this again.
It's fine. It'll all be fine. I'm working on some food replication system or something, we just have to get through the winter on the vegetables and canned goods I managed to find. We just have to be careful. And then I'll fix this.
December 11th, 2024
He's dead he's dead he's fucking dead I went to check on him because he hadn't come to roll call in the morning and he almost looked like he was sleeping but he was COLD and he was SO THIN and how the fuck did I not notice how the fuck did I not see that he wasn't eating he was LYING to me--
December 20th, 2024
The funeral was a few days ago. But I can't. I can't accept he's gone. He promised he was always going to be here to protect us. He PROMISED.
Why can't I fix this. Why can't I find a way to fix any of this. There has to be a way. There has to be. People are suffering and dying and I can't fix it.
I need to fix it. I have to fix it. I have to. Otherwise people are going to keep fucking DYING.
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kittie1996 · 1 year
aww ur so sweet<3333 well i play guitar and sing a little so drums would be the perfect addition!! stretched septums are sooo cool!! also i was thinking of studying music production/technology bc a local college offers a degree in that! ideally if that happens i will get work at concert venues or maybe even work for bands on tour! i love live music so much so any way i can be involved in that would be so amazing :3 - bug🖤
THATS SO COOL youll have to show me sometime :3 people working concert venues are always the coolest <3 AND IVE NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT OMG that route thats really smart i love live music so much i usually have a really hard time with noise but feeling live music just vibrate and resonate through your entire body is HEAVENLY and one time this guy that worked the venue at a korn concert i attended asked me out but otherwise i meet the coolest people ever at concerts :3 we’re all like a hivemind
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