#venture overwatch 2
gelicatz · 4 months
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quality always gets chopped on my drawings, but that biker venture skin concept going around has been rattling around in my head like nobodies business ⛓️⛓️😮‍💨
Check out more often updates on my other handles!
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jugemusequencer · 6 months
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vencha overwatch
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prince0fpaints · 3 months
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dr1lldash · 2 months
yandere!venture x reader 2.9k tw: violence, fire, death (not major character), unhealthy relationships
i have never written something like this before, i dunno how to feel about it tbh but i did my best ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
prompts: 3. “no babe, you aren’t weak – i should just be the one protecting you, okay??” + 7. ”i only hurt them because i love you…” (slightly modified)
You didn’t get the chance to meet Sloan until you had already been working with the Wayfinders for a few weeks. You had certainly heard about them, the other members of the Society constantly talking about things they had done in the past, their work ethic, the way they can always light up a room, the ideas they had to unearth artifacts that the others would think lost. You were impressed by them, eager to meet them, but if you could turn back time, you would have left the site before you had a chance to.
You finally got the chance to meet them one night when you and a few other Wayfinders were having a bonfire. The dig was going well, you still had a lot to excavate, but you had made a lot more progress than you usually would have by that time. Part of that was, of course, due to Sloan working overtime, forgoing sleep in order to keep digging alone with only a headlamp to illuminate them. On this particular night, however, they had decided they needed a break, and what better way to get a rest than by roasting hot dogs and marshmallows over an open fire?
It took them a while to notice you. They greeted their friends with a wide smile, showcasing their chipped tooth, taking a skewer and a hot dog and letting it blister before they devoured it. You could hear their laugh from across the firepit, a sound of pure joy that made butterflies erupt in your stomach. You kept an eye on them, entranced by the way the flames danced in their eyes, but quickly turned your head when they looked at you. For a split second before you could react, they made intense eye contact with you, intensifying the feeling in your abdomen. When you gained the courage to stop staring off into the cliffs surrounding you, they had already looked away, now fully engrossed in their conversation.
The smoke blowing in your face was starting to make your eyes water, so you got up, walking towards the tents so you could get a drink out of the cooler. You pulled out a bottle of cold water, slightly wet from the melting ice surrounding it, and sat on top of the cooler in order to enjoy it. You were looking up at the stars, trying your best to find the constellations you know, and you didn’t hear the quiet footsteps approaching you. When an unfamiliar voice behind you asks, “Can I get in there?” you jumped, nearly falling off the cooler.
You quickly turned your head to apologize, but the words got caught in your throat when your eyes met Sloan’s, a lot closer than you had anticipated. They were hunched over, hand already on the cooler, face inches away from yours, if that. You stuttered, not really getting any proper words out, sliding off the cooler and away from them.
“Didn’t mean to scare you,” they said as they opened the cooler and grabbed themself a water bottle. “Sorry about that.” You struggled to find the words to respond as they drank quickly.
“No worries,” you eventually managed. “I was just distracted, I didn’t hear you.”
“What were you distracted by?” They crushed the now-empty bottle and shoved it in their pants pocket.
You pointed up. “The stars are a lot clearer out here than I’ve ever seen.”
They looked up, a small smile on their face. “First time I ever really saw the stars was on a dig. You never really get used to it.”
The two of you continued your conversation for what felt like minutes, but the herd of people entering their tents tells you otherwise. Sloan looks at their wrist, to a watch with illuminated numbers wrapped around it. Their eyes widened. “We should, uh, get to our tents. We have to get up to dig in a couple hours.” They turn their wrist so you can see the numbers, telling you that it’s just past three in the morning.
“Shit.” The two of you said your goodbyes and goodnights quickly, rushing to your individual tents to get as much shut-eye as you can.
Morning came too quickly, but your energy levels spiked when you found out Sloan would be joining your field crew. “The director said going out alone could be dangerous, and she doesn’t like me going out as late as I have been. Said we’re a team, we’re supposed to keep an eye on each other and keep each other safe,” they explained.
There were eight people on the crew with them joining, so you’re all able to split off into pairs to excavate certain areas. Sloan had the most experience, and you had the least, so they volunteered to partner with you, to show you the ropes and make sure you’re able to keep up.
You were grateful for their help, knowing that they could work at least twice as fast without you, but they never made you feel like a burden. They slowed their walking pace so you didn’t get exhausted, showed off any artifacts they uncovered and let you try to identify it before they did, even guided you to shady spots they had found in the previous days so you could cool off when the sun beating down on you got to be too much. The two of you talked for most of the day, and by the time the two of you were walking back to the campsite, a half dozen new artifacts in tow, you felt like you understood why everyone liked Sloan so much.
Slowly but surely, over the next few weeks, they started to hang around you more.
The first step, of course, was to go on every dig with you. It was easy enough to convince you that it was necessary, and you were so eager to learn, you never even considered that you weren’t the only new Wayfinder. They started to eat breakfast and dinner with you, only a few times a week to start, but it became every day before you knew it. It made sense, though, right? You eat breakfast together, you go and uncover what you can find, and you talk about it that night. Things started to feel more off when you had a free day and Sloan all but refused to leave your side.
Your plan was to go into town and just look around. Sloan asked if they could tag along, and since you knew they had seen the sights before, you gladly accepted. You followed them around like a puppy for a few hours, listening intently as they told you the history of the town around you and recommended shops and cafes for the two of you to stop by. It was a good day, by all means, but there was a nagging voice in the back of your head telling you that something was wrong.
Sloan bought you lunch, a t-shirt you were eyeing and even a postcard. “I have a whole book of them in my tent, I get one for every dig. I can show you when we get back, if you’d like.”
“Absolutely!” Your eyes were wide with excitement. “How many do you have? How long have you been with the Society?”
They paused. “Not sure how many I have, but I bet it’s over a hundred at this point. I’ve been a Wayfinder for about a decade now.”
“Woah.” You blinked a few times. “That’s…a really long time.”
They smile at you. “Time flies when you’re having fun. It barely feels like it’s been a year sometimes. There’s nothing I’d rather be doing.”
When the two of you left the cafe, the sun was beginning to set. You made your way casually back towards the digsite, but a small shop caught your eye before you left town. “Ooh, one sec, I wanna look in there.”
You turned your head to look at Sloan only to find them glaring at the store, an expression you hadn’t seen on their face since you met. Not when you needed a break after only a few minutes of searching an area, not when an artifact they had been so ecstatic to uncover crumbled to dust in their hands, not even when someone else took the last marshmallow right as they had been reaching for it. Their scowl was gone in an instant as they looked back at you. They glanced at their watch, the numbers starting to glow as the light around you faded.
“It’s kinda late, we should really be getting back.”
“Oh, okay.” Your voice was quieter than you had intended, but if Sloan notices, they don’t say anything. They take your hand in theirs as they keep walking, pulling you away from the store. You convince yourself that you imagined the look on their face, that it was a trick of the shadows due to the setting sun. The look in their eyes was so full of hatred, and there’s no way Sloan has that type of loathing in their heart. You shake your head slightly in an attempt to get rid of the thoughts, and it seems to work.
Then, you’re distracted by the fire engulfing the digsite.
Almost every tent was in flames, a thick smoke covering the area and spiraling up into the night sky. The tents that weren’t in flames were already ash. A wave of heat hit you as you stood still, completely unable to move your legs. Sloan, on the other hand, was immediately in action.
“[Y/N].” They put their hands on either side of your face, forcing you to look in their eyes instead of the chaos a few yards ahead of you. “I need you to stay here.” Their eyes flitted back and forth behind you, taking in your surroundings. “There’s a clearing right over there. Can you stay there for me?”
You shook your head. “I want to help you.”
They pursed their lips. “I don’t know what’s going on, it isn’t safe. Please just trust me on this.” They looked over their shoulder. “I’ll find help, we’ll put the fires out, and everything will be okay, but I need you to be safe first.”
“I can help, I can keep you safe. I’m not weak.”
They let out a sigh, but it didn’t seem exasperated, more concerned. “No, you’re not weak, I don’t think you’re weak, I just…I should be the one protecting you, okay? Please let me do this.”
You nodded, but it felt like admitting defeat to do so. They nodded back, not saying a word as they turned and ran into the inferno.
You manage to stumble a few feet to the clearing, and you fall backwards into some sand. The smoke wasn’t so thick there, you could breathe more comfortably, but you could barely see your hands in your lap. As your brain adjusted to the situation you were now in, you found yourself worried about Sloan. It felt like it had only been a few minutes, but it could have been longer, and the crackling of the fire hadn’t faded at all.
You managed to get to your feet, immediately regretting it as your lungs filled with smoke. You doubled over, coughing loudly, and something knocks the wind out of you as it knocks you to the ground. You felt a considerable pressure on your chest, and as you struggled to breathe you were able to crane your neck to look at it. An armored black boot and a matching pants leg rests on your sternum. You tried to look up, but smoke obscured everything above their thigh. A gun appeared out of seemingly nowhere, and you heard it cock as it pressed to your forehead.
“Straggler, huh?” The voice was slightly muffled, but you could almost hear them laugh as they said it. “Should’ve just stayed wherever you were. Boss said no survivors.”
You wanted to beg for your life, you wanted to scream, you wanted to travel back in time an hour ago and beg Sloan to let you go into that store, just for a few minutes, but everything you wanted to do got caught up in your throat and you were completely unable to make a sound.
“No last words? Pity.” The gun pushed harder into your head, and you felt tears welling up in your eyes as you tried to come to terms with your fate. You squeezed them shut, silently praying for the stranger to make your death quick, when you heard the whir of an excavation drill coming to life behind them. The foot preventing you from breathing felt lighter for a moment before it was completely removed, a loud thud to the side following as you felt something warm spray on your face. Even through the smoke, you could smell the metal.
You were borderline hysterical. Now able to breathe, you felt sobs shaking your entire body as you breathed in lungfuls of smoke. The fast, almost painless death you were about to face was ripped away from you, and now, your fate might be much worse. The drills used to destroy packed dirt were anything but gentle. You had heard of people losing fingers, hands, entire limbs due to careless use, but the cracking of bones you had just heard had already been cemented in your brain. You were beginning to panic, wondering why it was taking so long for them to just end you already when you opened your eyes and saw a familiar hand reaching out to you.
Their yellow nail polish was chipped more than it had been earlier and blood trailed up as far as you could see in a spiral pattern, but there was no mistaking Sloan’s hand. “Are you okay?” they asked, coughing as they did. You heard another thud and their other hand reached out to you, equally stained with blood, if not more. Unable to blink, much less move, you stayed limp and allowed them to pick you up.
“Did they hurt you?” The concern in their voice was evident, and it took all of your willpower to force a sound out of your throat.
“No.” They wrapped their arms around you at this, squeezing you tightly.
“I was so worried.” Their head was pressed into your shoulder, muffling their words. You struggled to pick your arms up to match their hug, but you managed. After a moment, they pull away from you, looking into your eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
You nodded slightly. “Sloan…” your voice trailed off. “Where is everyone else?”
Tears instantly welled in their eyes. “I couldn’t find anyone. I put the fires out but I couldn’t find anyone. There’s so much blood, [Y/N].”
You looked down at Sloan’s hand, now resting on your shoulder. The blood was still fresh, and beads of it dripped onto your shirt, staining it. “You killed someone.”
They shook their head. “I didn’t want to. I didn’t know what else to do.” You started to turn your head to look at the body, but everything in your heart screamed at you not to. “I only - I only hurt them because I love you.” Their grip on your shoulder tightens. “I need you to be okay. I don’t know what I would do without you.” You looked into their eyes and you saw that same intense gaze you had seen the first night you met. The butterflies in your stomach returned, but it didn’t feel like such a good thing anymore.
“They almost killed me.”
“I would never let that happen, I swear.” Their wide brown eyes were pleading, and you felt tears welling up in yours once again. One fell from your eye, and as if a dam was broken, you started to sob uncontrollably. Despite the situation lasting less than an hour for you, the stress was overwhelming and your body was finally able to catch up on it. Your chest hurt and you weren’t sure if it was the smoke clouding your lungs or a bruise from the boot that had been crushing them beginning to form.
You barely manage to get the words out. “Sloan,” you choked out between sobs, “they almost killed me.” Without a word, they wrapped you in a hug once again, stroking your hair gently. They held you like that until you were able to calm down, and when your sobbing stopped, they helped you to sit on the ground.
“It was Talon.” You looked at them as they began to explain. “We found something they wanted, and we didn’t give it up fast enough. I don’t know what it was, but they destroyed everything else.”
“What are we going to do?” Your voice was hoarse.
“I’ll contact headquarters. They can pick us up, get us out of here, keep us safe.” Sloan clenched their jaw. “As safe as they can, anyways.”
“Has this happened before?” you asked before you could stop yourself.
Their eyes unfocused for a moment before they blink a few times. “This is a dangerous lifestyle, [Y/N].” You decided to accept their lack of an answer.
“I’m scared, Sloan.”
They leaned over, taking one of your hands in both of theirs. “I’m never going to let anyone hurt you. I just need you to let me protect you, okay?”
You nodded softly. “Okay.”
They brought your hand up to their mouth, pressing a gentle kiss on it. “I won’t let you out of my sight ever again.”
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mochilly · 3 months
Silly meme with Venture my beloved
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lemonflavouredzest · 4 months
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pinkstinkbug · 5 months
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@solardvst lil messy and unrendered lol (the pink one is the spidersona I made when the second spider-verse movie came out)
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chu-mockatoo · 2 months
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unfortunately for you, i have already depicted you as the confused bystander to me being proposed to by Venture Overwatch
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wormzandgutz · 2 months
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Hello spacerocks community
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jugemusequencer · 6 months
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prince0fpaints · 3 months
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Working for the Wayfinders Society leaves Sloan with the dilemma of messy nails, which reader works so hard on perfecting for their big day..
I wrote this at 1 am so pardon any spelling mistakes and enjoy the new Venture crumbs!!
"Stay still! I won't be able to get it on properly otherwise." Sloan was especially fidgety today, glancing over at the clock and at the calendar that hung slightly lopsided in the kitchenette. "Sorry pebble, It's just today is THE day! How can I keep still!" You were acutely aware of the day Sloan was talking about, they had been talking about it for about 3 weeks now. You sighed as you applied the final coat of clear polish onto their nails listening to them go over the story of how they waited and waited and now the day was finally here. "I mean, how can I not be excited!? My team is finally visiting Göbekli Tepe! Only teams of 4-5 were allowed there every year and now.." you were smiling at Sloan, pure love smeared across your expression. Though, it was quickly wiped away when they scooped you up into a vice grip they called a hug. ".. I'm finally going!! Aw man I can't wait!" They were practically bouncing off of the walls as they waited for the transportation to take them all the way to the barely excavated site. All the meanwhile you were delicately putting away the nail polish and decorative stickers while Sloan rambled on and on about this once in a lifetime expedition. "It was discovered in 1963 but wasn't excavated till 1993! Teams stopped going to preserve its core history but now after so long it's finally open to us! And the Wayfinders are the first to touch its grounds in years!!" You listened with a proud smile on your face, you could listen to your love for hours, late into the night, early in the morning, or all afternoon. You loved Sloan and it honestly hurt when they had to leave. But, they had been looking forward to this for years, and you were more than happy to see them off.
. . .
"Got everything? Goggles, boots, cell phone, backup cell-" "Amor! I've got everything, but I've gotta get going." you frowned just a little, you honestly wanted to go with them, however, because you weren't a member of the Wayfinders society you couldn't go with or on certain sites with Sloan. "Promise I'll call you as soon as I get to the living quarters and I'll take plenty of photos.. If I get permission." You loved that goofball dearly, anything they did made your stomach fill with butterflies. "And besides, If I miss you, I'll just take a look at the masterpieces on my hands!" That made you smile, compliments from Sloan and actions like that would prove they'd go to great lengths to do just about anything to make you happy. That sweet moment had to come to an end soon and with a kiss that felt like saying goodbye to a lover going to war, Sloan was in the car and off to the site. And almost in an instant after the car pulled off, you missed them. Man, these were going to be a long 3 days.
. . .
"Mi Vida! Mi Amor! Ven Mira!!" not even a second into the apartment and sloan was barreling through the door covered in dust and dirt from the site, not even bothering to clean off their coat as they stumbled into the kitchen where they found you. "While I was searching an area in the site, I found something that dated back nearly 200 years! This was the biggest discovery in ages!" You gasped and threw yourself into Sloan's arms, praising them telling them how happy you were for them to be back. "Look look! The discovery made the paper and news! They didn't let me keep the artifact but I was on the front cover of the paper! How cool is that!?" You were beaming so hard, proud of them, their discovery, and their return, you stared at the paper thrust into your face and read about three words before noting your lover's hands, covered in dirt.. And nail polish chipped. "Sloan. I'm so incredibly happy and proud for you but.. I need to fix these.. " They pulled a hand to their face and chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of their head. "Yeah, guess the artifact and my nails have one thing in common." you tilted your head quizzically. "And what's that?" "We both didn't come up in pristine condition!" Oh how you loved your goofball. 
As always, feedback is welcome and requests and critiques are appreciated!!
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cholvoq · 5 months
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I fucking love this goober,,,,
Thank you Blizzard for making a character with only me in mind /j
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quibbs · 3 months
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everyone stop. i'm having visions
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lemonflavouredzest · 4 months
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cryptcoop · 6 months
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Queen's Gambit (2020)
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g4ydhd · 4 months
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Happy Pride month :D
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