#venom review
natsuzora · 2 years
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joshorrorificthrills · 3 months
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So… I watched venom!
(I haven’t watched venom carnage so please no spoilers)
Click more for my poorly written review below!!!
(spoilers for the venom movie fyi)
Overall the movie was very good! I found it very interesting and I only checked the time left for it once which is a new record lol. The action was great and the second hand embarrassment was so crazy. I was covering my face through the first half of the movie because oh my god feral Eddie is so embarrassing.
I also thought that it was shockingly homosexual! Like the kiss scene??? And when it was revealed that it was venoms idea too???? (It was kinda obvious it was venoms idea tho I must admit, he just seemed into Eddie (haha pun)). Although there is a perfectly heterosexual explanation for the kiss between Eddie and Venom: that being that venom is like a wing man for Eddie and wants the two to get together.
However I choose to believe that venom is in “love” with Eddie or at least somewhat interested.
And… that ends my review :D
Thanks for reading!
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2-gay-2-furious · 6 months
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strxwberrymllk · 1 month
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Australia made me fear spiders less. Yes, I saw lots of way-too-big, colorful spiders, but they were all 'over there.' One was in a bathroom corner. But not one came near me, and it was honestly a bit of exposure therapy of sorts. So when I was in Brisbane, I picked up Silk & Venom: The Incredible Lives of Spiders to learn more about how spiders were cool.
This book definitely taught me that spiders are awesome. Diving bell spiders live in underwater nests by using air bubbles. Spiders can use electromagnetic fields to balloon rapidly away from the ground and find new territory. Spiders live at the top of the Himalayas. Spider silk is biocompatible and may be the key to future implants, healing, and even chronic pain treatment. Spiders are a fellow victim of widespread doctor misdiagnosis, because an astounding number of "spider bites" are actually due to something else. Some spiders can change color, others pretend to be ants (very successfully), and spiders make fascinating traps out of their webs. Hanlon's love of spiders comes through wonderfully, and his writing is accessible and fun.
I do think that James O'Hanlon could do some self-examination work on his approach to people's fear of spiders. His dismissive, baffled tone risks alienating the very people that he wants to self-examine. There are a lot of other reasons people might be scared by spiders that he doesn't explore (any Naked & Afraid episode will show you crawly many-legged things are mostly very bad for humans—ants, ticks, cockroaches, millipedes). His mystified lack of empathy will simply turn off many readers. He is 100% right that storytelling is the key to vilifying or saving species (think about how we talk about sharks now vs. after Jaws first came out), and so it's worth pointing out that his storytelling comes off as condescending in many of these passages. Particularly (unfortunately) in two anecdotes that feature women or girls being frightened by spiders, which is a big, big issue (I promise men hate spiders at least as much as girls do).
So ultimately, a good read, but Hanlon could take a lesson from his own book and think about the message sent when stories are told in a certain way.
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anarchoarchie · 2 years
venom (2018) is about direct action it’s about scary aliens it’s about exploitation in the medical field and it’s about learning to love in spite of each other’s differences but most importantly it’s about being bisexual and really really really hungry
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hero-of-the-twlight · 7 months
Dude why cant we just have fun with bad movies anymore. Why do we need video after video saying Madame Web is bad. DUH DUDE! We all know that from the first trailer just like Morbius and now Kraven. I want dumb cult movies where people scream dumb little phrase and throw things at the screenings. Think Rocky Horror or The Room. Something that just cant manifest in this era of the Internet because when movie ticket cost $15. We all take it as a personal gut punch when the movie is "bad".
I want to see the world where its 12am and the shadow cast that is doing Morbius that night is just FUCKING KILLING IT!
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Quick Review: Venom and Vow by Anna-Marie & Elliott McLemore Rating: 4/5
Mistaken identities, a trans4trans romance where both characters had physical disabilities and a hint of fae magic made this book an enchanting and unique little novel. I love a standalone fantasy though the worldbuilding is always the tricky point but the McLemores pulled it off here. They develop the world just enough to make it all make sense while letting the characters shine. If you're in the mood for a fantasy with a sense of individuality, please give Venom and Vow a go.
(And I loved Vico Ortiz's narration in the audiobook. They were just lovely.)
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episodicnostalgia · 7 months
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Comic Book Break: The End of Venom (but not really even a little bit)
Featured artwork Pencils: Mark Bagley Inks: Randy Emberlin
A few posts ago I talked about how it took roughly a year after my initial introduction to Venom (through the fold-out poster from the interior of “Amazing Spider-man #365”) before I would finally get to read a full issue featuring the character.  By that point I had become as well versed on the Symbiote lore as I was able to be without the aid of the internet, which basically meant I was limited to the comics my dad bought me, along with any cursory trivia he’d absorbed from glancing through back issues in the local comic shop.  But issues #374 & #375 would finally reward my patience with Spider-man and Venom’s “FINAL CONFRONTATION!”  And oh lordy, they did not disappoint. 
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The story itself is entertaining enough, but it was Mark Bagley’s artwork that really left an impression on me. I mean no disrespect to Todd McFarlane here, but while he may have co-created the character, Bagley’s take was always the definitive version for me.  Bagley’s artwork just makes him look so nightmarishly intimidating, and even with ‘the comics code’ censorship guidelines, there was no mistaking with my very-active-imagination what the character was capable of.  I do remember feeling incredibly fortunate that I was even allowed to read those issues (my folks were fairly cautious about exposing me to graphic violence), especially considering this would be Venom’s last appearance ever, if the cover was anything to go by.  After all, who would just lie about something like that?
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Of course, it wouldn’t actually be the last time the those two would cross paths, or even butt heads.  In fact, Venom would end up returning only three issues later for the ‘maximum carnage’ saga.  But these issues did (sort of) signal a change in the character that would shift his/their motivations moving into Venom’s turn as an anti-hero under the ‘Lethal Protector’ moniker, which I never found as interesting.  In theory, it’s a character choice that I could get behind, but sadly Venom became a victim to weak writing and oversaturation.  Of course, the irony isn’t lost on me that just as I discovered the character, his relevance in the larger cultural paradigm was about to implode.  Thankfully I remained largely oblivious to all for some time, as my continued exposure to Venom would be drip fed to me through back issues or alternative media (e.g. the animated series).
Honestly though, even though these issues were obviously being sold using a cheap marketing ploy, I do think it’s a pretty solid point to ‘end’ the characters story, and least for that particular era.  After all, that is the thing with comics books, you kind of have to decide for yourself when to come-and-go.
That’s also part of the fun.
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cybersgate · 1 year
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Behind the scenes of Topher Grace in Spider-man 3 (2007)
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ash-and-books · 2 months
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Rating: 5/5
Book Blurb:
One woman learns the secrets of the five Jaeger brothers in the new romance from New York Times bestselling author Penelope Douglas.
On the other side of town, in the dark glades, under the rain…
Macon is the oldest. Thirty-one. Ex-Marine. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile.
Army is twenty-eight. A single dad with the most beautiful green eyes. He has no idea who he is, if not a Jaeger brother.
Iron will be in prison soon. You’d never think it to meet him. He’s a nice guy, actually. But he can’t stop reacting to everything.
Dallas is the one I hate. Twenty-one, cruel, and selfish. He takes and then throws away whatever’s left.
And Trace is mine. Or he was for about two seconds. No one can tame him for long.   
Not that I ever wanted to. It was fun, but now I need to go home. Back to my side of the tracks. Away from the swamps and these men. To my parents’ big house. On my clean street. Where I’m never dirty or messy or hot. And I will. I’ll leave first thing tomorrow morning. I just want to crash on the couch tonight.
Their house is dark and quiet, everyone else is asleep. Except for one. He sees me crying and comes at me from behind. I let him wrap his arms around my body and hold me tightly. His breath is on my neck, his fingers are in my hair, and he doesn’t stop there.  
I don’t think it was Trace.
One woman, five brothers, and the mystery of who is the one who stole her heart. Krisjen knows the Jaeger brothers and she knows that what she craves is someone to love her, to see her... and after one of the brothers sleeps with her and actually gives her what she's always wanted she's determined to find him and keep him... the only problem is she doesn't know which brother she slept with.
Macon: The oldest, a 31 year old ex-marine. Grumpy, imposing, cold...and yet she can't keep her eyes off of him.
Army: The 29 year old single father with beautiful green eyes. He's always kind... but has a broken heart from a Saint who left him.
Iron: Will be going to prison soon... but he's kind and caring, but can't help reacting to everything.
Dallas: The cruel 21 year old who hates her for no reason... who is selfish and petulant.
Trace: Playful and joking... never serious... and only hers for a time but no more.
Between these five brothers Krisjen has to figure out which one is the one, the one who saw her and fits her. But finding out means getting closer to each of them and it only makes it more complicated. On top of that Krisjen is looking after her siblings, dealing with a mother who would rather sell Krisjen off for money and an absentee father. Krisjen just wants to make money to save her siblings and finally find someone to love her... but the path to finding the one will never be easy and its only more complicated for a Saint like her amongst the tracks. Krisjen might be kind and sweet and look innocent but there is something darker in her, something that hungers and she's not afraid to stab to get what she wants. She needs someone to see her, to understand her and love her... and the one person who it might be will be the one person no one else expected. This BOOK, let me tell you the way I was kicking and screaming while reading this book. I love Krisjen so much, I love how badly she wants to be loved and how far she will go for those she loves. I love her sweet heart and honestly don't blame any of the Jaeger brothers for wanting to be with her cuz if it were me I would be first in line to ask for her hand. Now the romance in this one was so much fun because Krisjen has to figure out which one of the brothers is for her, she gets to know each of them more and we get to see more of their characters and sides. Macon, sweet sweet Macon, I just KNEW IT. I love how you can see him drop the hints of how much he is looking out for her whether he wants to or not and after everything thats happened to him, how much he cares for her and loves her. These two were so good together! ALSO CLAY AND LIV MY BABIES I AM SO HAPPY WE GOT TO SEE MORE OF THEM. AND LAST but not least that last paragraph, MISS PENELOPE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?!?!?! AM I GETTING TOXIC CALLUM X DALLAS AT LAST? Those two boys are UNHINGED AND ABSOLUTELY INSANE. I CANNOT WAIT for the terror and chaos they will cause. As you can see I loved this book with my whole heart and absolutely need more books set in this universe for each of the brothers.
Release Date: July 30,2024
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
*Thanks Netgalley and Berkley Publishing Group | Berkley for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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scar-can-relate · 2 months
The Acolite?
Don't you mean ✨ The Parent Trap: Star Wars Edition ✨
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nexfinity · 24 days
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The Multiverse's Mightiest Heroes - A Quick Review of the Marvel Rivals Closed Beta Test
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   Doom strikes! Across an entangled timestream converging around a duo of battling Doctor Dooms, various iconic (and some obscure) heroes and villains from across the Marvel multiverse are thrown into battle in NetEase’s Marvel Rivals! An upcoming hero shooter in the same vein as Overwatch or Apex Legends, Rivals hosted a closed beta test earlier this year that I was lucky enough to participate in. For two weeks, testers got to play as 23 different Marvel characters battling in the halls of Asgard or the neon streets of Tokyo 2099 in a surprisingly polished beta with only a small handful of standout issues. Testers could play as tanky Vanguards like Thor or Magneto, powerful Duelists like Iron Man and Spider-Man, or helpful Strategists like Rocket Raccoon and Luna Snow. I’ll share my thoughts on the closed beta here before the full game releases on December 6th 2024 - enjoy!
   The majority of the cast has highly satisfying gameplay; bringing the thunder as Thor or zipping around as Spider-Man feels just as cool to play as it seems in the comics and films. Many characters should also feel very familiar to players of other hero shooters - for example, Storm’s controllable weather aura will remind Overwatch players of Lúcio’s switchable music - and I had no trouble quickly picking up how to play as, alongside, or against each hero despite the sheer number of them. Quick kill times means it’s easier to feel like you’re providing more impact per match even if it means more personal deaths - if all your scoreboard numbers are high, you can’t be doing too poorly right? The regenerating destructible environments also really set Rivals apart from the rest of the genre and keep things interesting. Someone hiding from you in a building? Just get rid of the building!   Of course, it was a beta test, so some issues are inevitable. I’m expecting most of these to be resolved by launch - but one can only hope. The lack of map variety was one particular problem; with only three game modes across four maps in total, it started to feel rather repetitive once I’d escorted Spider-Zero through Tokyo 2099 nine matches in a row. I’m also begging the developers to add proper Australia/Oceania servers - I, and plenty others, had to endure skyrocketing latency all beta long, getting repeatedly trapped in the loading screen for half the duration of many matches! I tended to be quite late to those first decisive team fights after staring at that 99% loading bar for several minutes.    Gameplay aside, this game’s artstyle is amazing. The characters all look incredibly striking and distinct, instantly recognisable yet with a unique twist on each one. Definitely my favourite look for Scarlet Witch in any of her adaptations. The voice acting is also top-notch, with an absolutely stacked cast; Troy Baker, Nolan North, Nika Futterman, Liam O’Brien, James Arnold Taylor, Yuri Lowenthal, and so so many more familiar talents. Finally, my personal highlight - lore! A hero shooter with actual in-game storytelling! Imagine that. Each hero includes a snippet of excellent writing found in their gallery that is just as compelling as the gameplay itself, showcasing various different story threads all slowly weaving together around the core conflict between two alternate versions of Doctor Doom. I’m just as excited to see how all their stories unfold as I am to play the game again when it releases on December 6th 2024.   I hope you enjoyed this quick review of the Marvel Rivals Closed Beta Test! Feedback, reblogs and likes are all much appreciated!
   Thanks for reading!
An Aussie Button-Masher
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moviewarfare · 2 months
A “QUICK!” Review of "Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)"
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This is still one of the best action movies I've ever seen! 2 hours of exhilarating action and practical stunts with phenomenal performances from everyone.
You must WITNESS IT!
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mobilerafie · 3 months
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Todo Just Loves Getting Into Fights!
Here, I am having with my figures. Posing this Todo toy has been so much fun. Check out my full review on YouTube. Link down below.
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