#vender opportunities
realwomenofgaming · 6 months
Togethercon 2024!
Source: Real Women of Gaming Try to stay calm everyone, because this is an announcement that Togethercon is just around the corner. Yes! You read that right. Our two day virtual convention is quickly approaching. We will be back with all your favorite things to do that weekend. We will have movies. We will have anime. We will have a place for cosplayers to gather and show off their hard work.…
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helloescapist · 1 year
Apple-y Ever After | Najimi Osana
Word Count: 2256
Setting: Najimi Osana x gn!reader, pining
Content Warnings: SFW, fluff, short, little angst
Summary: The draw of an Autumn Festival always brings out the playful nature of Najimi, and this year, drawn by the tale of soulmates determined by apples, you find yourself into a plot to tease Tadano and Komi.
[image is not mine]
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The tender warm scent of orange osmanthus met the sweet smell of yakiimo. The cool of smoke caught by light breezes, dragged into the walkways. The nostalgic scent teasing the noses of wouldbe buyers, drawing them to food stalls. Sweet potato vendors greeting them eagerly, the warmth of their product a satisfying relief from the chill of the season.
The occasional savory skewer of matsutake mushrooms, accompanied by delectable grilled meats. Candy venders mixed into the food stalls, all eager to peddle their snacks. Festival goers enthralled by the scenery. Elders warmed by their teas; families snuggled into their children as they appraised the venders. Knit closely together in an attempt not to lose one another amongst the crowd. Their close quarters drawing warmth to their features. Toy makers providing a variety of novelties, dragonflies, vibrant lanterns, coveted kites and sparklers. Small fingers that grasped eagerly for a prize, the call of games dragging older siblings to stalls. School age kids charmed by their peers, playful as the weaved through the crowds; their laughter harmonious amongst the masses.  Warm hues of chestnuts touched by the smoke of the grills, a welcomed cozy greeting from the chill of the season. The touch of fall settling into the fading of the day, drawing not only the glow of lit festival lanterns overhead, but the small chill at your fingertips. Waves of oranges envied of persimmons, reds of rouge drawn from Japanese maple leaves, and the touch of golden leaves that settled to the ground. Touched the limited space between festival goer. The edging of ribbons dancing upon the autumn breeze. Bearing the wishes of inscribers, colorful in the dwindling hours.  Edged together, pressed into one another. The draw of your nose, pink and chilled despite the awning of the stall. The touch of fabric, and waves offering only a small shelter of warmth.
                The heat upon your cheeks not elicited by the warmth of the stall. The touch of playful banter ringing in your ears. The joy vibrant upon their cheeks, touched at the corner of gingerbread kissed eyes. Long eyelashes teased as their wide mouth released their series of chuckles. Mischievous as the pull of the back of their hand meeting the touch of their lips, feigning a hushed laugh. Not contained amongst the jovial atmosphere. The edges of their hair touched upon the high of their cheeks, the lavender drawing the growing rise of your blush. Najimi’s frisky behavior having drawn you out, guided by their own intentions. At the time, you had little understanding of why they would bring up *that* memory, threatened to expose you to classmates—it certainly seemed an unnecessary blackmail. You could think of a number of individuals who would seize the opportunity to accompany them on a date. So upon being coerced so roughly, the mention of childhood woes exposed to the light, you hadn’t fought tangle of Najimi’s overly familiar small hand that had nabbed your own. Dragged you to your bedroom, greeted your parents as though they were home themselves before plunging into your closet. Raided the contents of our wardrobe. Shameless remarks of how little style your selection offered. The touch of their overall short shorts lacking modesty, the twirl of their hips revealing that as always, their own clothing selection had been intentional. The light color complementary, the edge of their turtle neck long sleeve tucked underneath flirting at the draw of their neck. Their fashion choices drawing melancholy as their words inflicted invisible wounds. All well-meaning, hurtful regardless as they selected specific items. Long pants, touched upon ankle boots, and the relaxed touch of plaid. Comfortable, and breezy, Najimi’s teasing grin all too aware of how the chill often touched upon you. They insisted, they needed you dolled up—you were so pretty, but today, they needed you. So much so, that they had threatened blackmail—and outward confusion as to the way you had thrown them from your room to change.
                You should have known better, this was Najimi Osana you were considering. Once again. Toyed against compliments, shuttering at thoughts of an rare outing together. Hinted about the intimacy implication, how they had assured you that they had no interludes—this time was secured for the two of you. You. Fool.
                No, at the time, the decision had certainly seemed spontaenous as it often did when Osana was involved. The warm of their invitaiton touching your cheeks. They complimented you. Considered how much of you must be a masochist to bend to their will at a moment’s notice, or allow them to drag you to the festival. Fingers interlaced. The melancholy at your heart as you pressed a smile, all too aware that this was just the nature of your childhood friend. Playful. Familiar. Even if it elicited the blush upon your cheeks, or left your heart longing for inedible rejection. Yet, as you stood here now. The touch of Najimi’s hands upon your shoulders. Your knees collapsed to your chest. Their energy radiating as they shook your bones eagerly. The chill of the season fading from your view, as the brow drew upon your face. Face to face with the class queen, the beauty of her long eyelashes. Hair as black as the night sky, delicate features that would shame any doll, Komi’s eyes revealing her resolve. The touch of pink nothing compared to the horror Tadano’s expression revealed. The draw of his fingers to his mouth, shooing Najimi. Demanding they stop torturing Komi, insisting the apple tale had been nothing more than folk lore, and Najimi was just… well, being Najimi.
                Your invitation settled into disappointment… You were not invited on a tryst. Of course not. It’s Najimi. Rather, you had been a pawn in their game, pitted against the class beauty the flicker of apple carvings revealing names as the floated in the barrel. Rolled upon the gentle shake of the water, the way Najimi shook your shoulders as though you were a ragdoll, your hands had leaned upon the wooden barrel for support. The stall keeper laughing joyously offering his support for Komi’s desires. The names, characters that had been etched into the skin of the apple upon Najimi dragging you to the stall.  His warm voice detailing the apple folk lore. One born of European beliefs, secured amongst the orchard’s produce. His aged hands gently carving into the flesh of the fruit, the names he had been provided.  Najimi quick to offer their own as well as Tadano’s, the man shared the tale of bobbing apples. To secure the apple upon your lips, the name revealed to reflect your soulmates. Najimi and Tadano’s own attempts having landed an apple prior to your own, thus eliciting Najimi’s challenge whether Komi’s apple would match. Your childhood friend’s prodding having pitted you against Komi despite the oblivious way Tadano tried to defer the showdown. You had fallen for Osana’s games, again. The touch of the wood between your fingertips. The ripple of the water beneath your grasp buzzing with the energy of the companion at your side, as well as the intimidating light of Komi’s eyes. Her eyelashes long and luminious as she willed herself to breath. The stall keeper beginning the countdown.  You had been had. Again. Next time, you would urge your mother to reject their advances, regardless of what sweet compliments they paid her. Never again, you told yourself before sucking the cold air between your nostrils, the plunge of water shattered and cooled into your hair. As though the dropping temperatures of the season had been revealed beneath the surface of the water, faintly aware that Komi had targeted her apple. The snip of apple flesh between your teeth. The jerk of your head compulsory flinging water into the air as you grasped for breath. The fruit bruised and skewered by your bite.  The chill of th temperature drawn at the ends of your hair. The droplets touched upon your bangs, hitting the high of your cheeks. Shuttered against your eyelashes. The praise of the shop keeper teasing and warm, edged his elbows against your short companion. The heat of the stall having touched upon Najimi’s complexion. Their eyes wide, revealing the warmth of caramel that they hiddened, their tongue just as sweet upon the way they averted their eyes from meeting with their own. Quick to push upon Tadano, demanding he pay the determined fee—“T-Tadano, you owe [FN] takoyaki,” they exclaimed. Quick to divert their attention. Pushing Tadano from the stall, the urge of their movements lost upon you. Whether Komi had procured the apple of her desires, you weren’t sure. Your eyes left to gaze upon the gentle flesh, the touch of golden yellow that had begun to set into the rose petal hue of the apple. The luster of the fruit caught between the lanterns, appraised between your fingertips. The melancholy that settled at your heart, the bashful retreat procured by the name carved into the apple.
                The fall of your shoulders as your eyes traced the characters. The tremble of your lip. Stupid you told yourself with a sigh, all too aware of how flighty Najimi’s heart could be. Playful, and teasing, despite the care you had long since cultivated towards your childhood friend, you had been all too aware that the way in which they regarded you was of little significance. As familiar and embracing to others, you were just their friend. Reprimanded your daydreams aware of the way Komi’s eyes peeked at you through her bangs. The rise of panic settling in her chest, nearly vibrating in the way she regarded you. The splutter of vowels you could not comprehend. Shattered and anxious, her fingers fumbling. Rattled against keys, the realization of unease you had drawn in her, anxious and shattered. “Are you okay?,” typed against the phone keys.
                “Y-yes,” you reassured her, delicate to regard her. What it was you were feeling--- you shouldn’t let it ruin Komi’s night. The small bit of pride in which she had faced the masses to join your excursion. It wasn’t fair to allow your disappointment to drag her down.
  Forcing an uneasy smile. Told yourself to submerge the ache of your heart until you were home. Until you were in bed.. then you would allow yourself to cry. Ah, not that you had even been rejected, really to have been rejected would have meant that you had padded out of the friend zone if only for a moment… in which you had not. Nor did you suspect that anyone had ever done so with Osana, or if they in fact, had a zone outside of friends… did they even have enemies? Shaking the thoughts from your head, the touch of your bend of yoru back, attempting to bid the shop keeper farewell. His words reassuring, barely offered the time to express you ha—what you did not hear. The draw of fingers that interlaced between your own. Tugged backwards. Loud and expressive, demanding your attention as though a jealous child. “Say AAAAAAh!” Najimi demanded. The tray of Takoyaki decorated with hearts, over filled with toppings and sloshed upon the toothpick. Piping hot in the way they pressed the octopus to your lips. Dragging you fro the premises, enthusiastic to explore the festival.
The smile upon the shop keeper’s lips warm and knowing. The touch of age that had marked his whiskers. Many years spent sharing the tales of soulmates decided by the passing of the autumn fall. Etched into tradition, as well as the apples of the season. The passing of time having gifted him to witnessing a variety of relationships, and how they had progressed as time went on. Some couples clearly smitten in their early years, intertwine long before they had visited his stand. Others, bitter and snip at each other in their formative years, bound together and combative in their age, their children reflecting the same competitive nature. The passage of time had been the very reason he set up his festival stall every year. The growth of relationships, warmed and playful had provided him comfort over the years following the loss of his wife, such as the first year he had been coerced by a friend to set up shop.
His first costumers had been small children. Drawn by the promise of festival treats, playful as children often are. A noticeably timid child dragged along by their friend who expressed the utmost confidence in their skills. Dressed in flamboyant colors, the child’s voice had boomed despite their petite size. The touch of their lavender hair and their large smile had not faded from his memories. Nor had the way they had turned to their companion and declared that they would be the one to retrieve their friend’s apple--- they would show them! The desperate plop, struggle of water, and over enthusiasm. The tremble of their small frame, resolved. determined. Pressing their luck with each bob. The shopkeeper, had admittedly expressed concern for the child's future-- gambling was not the answer to a happy life. Though it had done little to shake the young one's resolve. It was though a fire had been lit in the child’s resolve as they attempted time and time again before proudly thrusting their secured apple into their friend’s face. Their laugh jovial, and loud. Proclaiming they would be together forever.
The memory eliciting a smile from the shop keeper as he watched you slip from view, once again dragged from his stall by your over enthusiastic friend. Still excited to tow you along, the affection slipping from your understanding. “Perhaps, I will see you again,” he whispered to the apples forgotten in your departure. Placed them snug against each other. Touched the edge of not quite rippened fruit together. THe touch of the flesh revealing that there was still some time to come, but in no time at all, the apples would be ripe and ready. Side by side.
Najimi Osana.
[FN, LN].
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midgardianminx · 1 year
Art Walk
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x reader (reader’s gender not explicitly stated/no use of pronouns). 
Summary: A Dieter Bravo (artist AU?) meet cute. Is that what this is?
Rating: M (18+) - while this fic is not explicit, this blog is. Minors be gone.
Notes: Hi. I was really down about my unused theatre degree when I wrote this, and needed a little Dieter comfort. This is self-indulgent and all mistakes are my own. Enjoy!                                                        
Cross-posted on AO3
It had been years since you’d ventured out to an art walk. Not because you didn’t love them, but because you felt like a fraud at this point. You’d graduated with your art degree nearly a decade ago and had nothing to show for it. You had been sucked into the “stability” of corporate America (what a joke that was) and have slowly been having your happiness and creativity drained since.
You’d stumbled on it accidentally. You were going to grab takeout from your favorite hole in the wall downtown. Parking seemed to be harder than usual and the streets were more busy. As you approached your destination you noticed the packed alleyway. Vender tables lined the street and people were milling about in every direction looking at the different trinkets and knick-knacks. Drawn like a moth to a flame, you began to wander down the alleyway, completely abandoning your initial mission for food.
It felt like a fever dream. Everywhere you looked you saw artists pouring their soul into their work. Chalk art decorated the street. A graffiti artist was bringing a crumbling wall back to life. You ventured into a small studio space filled with art on the gallery walls. People gathered in a crowd to take in the performance art happening before your eyes.
As the crowd dispersed, you finally felt like you could catch your breath and something inside you came to life.
- - -
He took notice of you immediately. He was pulling out the uneven cut of burlap that would act as his canvas when he first spotted you. You were impossible to ignore. You took in your surroundings as if your life depended on it; as if everything would disappear if you blinked. And although your stare seemed distant and almost unfocused, he could see something come to life the longer you looked around. You disappeared into a small art gallery, but even with you out of sight, he couldn’t forget that look in your eye.
- - -
You left the small gallery and found yourself back in the alley. The streetlights had turned on in the time you had been inside and your body felt a steady buzz of excitement. The sound of a band caught your attention and you wandered in that direction hoping to find the source and taking the opportunity to take in more of the art booths along your path.
You didn’t reach your destination, never finding the source of the music. Instead you were stopped in your tracks by the sight in front of you. His curls were a mess on top of his head. His shirt and pants hung loose and comfortably on his frame. You didn’t even question the Crocs because they seemed so right for him.
Your feet were taking you to his space before your brain could even catch up. It was as if there was an invisible string attached to your core and you were helpless to fight against the pull. You finally managed to take your eyes off the artist and caught sight of the wrinkled canvas he was working on.
It took your breath away. You stood in awe as you took in the piece of art that wasn’t even completed but was already perfect in your eyes.
It was the alley, but not in a literal sense. You couldn’t explain it, but it was as if the artist had climbed inside your mind and witnessed what you saw felt when you first stumbled upon this place. You imagined that to others it may just appear to be a collection of shadows accompanied by bright colors. Abstract. Others would see it as abstract, but for you it was clear as day. It was this alleyway on this night.
You were so transfixed by the piece that you hadn’t even noticed the artist had stopped painting and was now focused on you. After a few moments he cleared his throat which snapped you out of your trance. Heat began to creep up your neck to your face, and you didn’t know if it was because you had been caught staring at his work or because now that you could see him fully you were taken aback by his beauty. That’s the only way you could explain it. Beauty. Maybe not in the traditional sense, but beauty nonetheless. His curls were tousled and loose, as if his fingers had been raking through them. His face was warm; decorated with scruffy facial hair and laugh lines that hinted at a life well lived. You noticed the sun glasses propped on his head and thanked your lucky stars that they resided there so that you could fully appreciate his eyes. They were soft and kind and had a spark of mischief behind them. If you thought his art was beautiful, you now realized that it didn’t hold a candle to the beauty of the artist himself.
He was smirking at you now. Fuck. There was no denying that you had just spent the last several seconds gawking at this complete stranger. And although embarrassment began to flood your system, you couldn’t bring yourself to regret it.
“Hey” he said. One word. He said one word to you and you held onto it for dear life. Trying to play it cool, but failing miserably, you managed to mumble a “hey” back.
“You like it?”
“It’s beautiful,” you rushed out on a shaky breath. “I’m sorry for staring, it just really spoke to me.”
“Never apologize for appreciating art, or beauty. I won’t.” His eyes were locked on you as he said this and you couldn’t help but wonder what he meant by that. You broke eye contact when you could feel the heat returning to your cheeks.
“This is the first time I’ve seen you here.” He said lazily, bringing your attention right back to him. He was cleaning a paintbrush on his shirt, which was already patterned with splotches of paint and other stains.
“Yeah it is. Just kind of stumbled upon it by accident.”
“Well you fit here.” He stated matter-of-factly.
You couldn’t help the nervous laugh that escaped you. That feeling of being a fraud slowly returning.
“You don’t believe me.” He stated plainly, it wasn’t a question.
“Sorry, it’s just I haven’t been in the art scene for years, so it’s hard to believe I fit.”
“You can doubt yourself all you’d like, but I’m right. It may take some time for you to believe it, but I like a challenge.”
Another nervous laugh escaped you. “That’s all well and good, but I don’t even know your name.”
“Hmm. No, I don’t suppose you don’t Moonbeam.”
The nickname knocked the wind out of you. You had only just met this man and yet you felt the trajectory of your life had now been changed.
“Dieter Bravo”
“Huh?” You asked, having forgotten the current direction of your conversation, too hyper-focused on the nickname he had bestowed on you.
“My name. Dieter Bravo. Now you know it.”
“Dieter Bravo'' you repeated, testing out the name for yourself. The smirk returned to his face, and his warm eyes darkened. Fuck. He loved the sound of his name falling from your lips. He wanted to hear all the ways you could utter his name.
“Di” you said, cutting in on his thoughts and trying the nickname on for size. At the sound of the nickname it was now Dieter’s turn to be breathless, totally caught off guard by the way it made him feel. He recovered quickly.
“Yeah Moonbeam. You can call me Di.” He winked and said with that signature smirk you’ve so quickly grown accustomed to seeing him wear. Yeah, you were in trouble, there was no doubt about that. And although you had no way of knowing it, Dieter was feeling the same way. You may have stumbled upon the art walk accidentally, but he didn’t believe in accidents or coincidences. The universe brought you to him, there was no doubt about that in his mind. You were meant to come into his life and he just knew that going back to a time before you wouldn’t be possible, not that he’d ever want to. He too knew he was in trouble, but knew it was going to be the best kind of trouble he could experience.
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halo-therebuddy · 2 years
Silver Investing Tips
1. Investigate the market and spot price.
Before you do anything more, you need to ensure that you understand what's happening in the market. This doesn't just apply to silver. It additionally applies to different things like internet marketing, disconnected marketing, setting up our standard business, exchanging anything, and so forth. In the event that you understand visit site here what's happening in the market, you will constantly keep steady over everything and you won't ever overpay for your product. For example:
Suppose I'm investigating getting some silver. In the event that I don't have the foggiest idea about the market, since it is a precious metal, in my mind I will assume that it will be truly costly for me to purchase. Obviously the realities are that I can purchase silver for only a couple of dollars an ounce, yet in my mind I assume I want to spend a little fortune for this precious metal.
So I set myself up to spend a ton. I gather the money, I find a vender that gives me, as he says, a good deal, and I wind up purchasing 10 ounces of silver at $50 an ounce. Presently, on the grounds that I don't have the foggiest idea about the market value, since I don't have a clue about the price of silver, I might actually say this was a good deal, yet had I done a little research, I would probably acknowledge realities. Silver isn't costly at this moment, and I shouldn't pay $50 an ounce. Out of nowhere a deal that I believed was very good turns into a sham.
I genuinely want to believe that you get my point. Continuously understand what the spot price is. Find out who the legitimate venders are, find out who is good to work with, and carve out opportunity to learn who you ought to keep away from.
Obviously all of the exploration that you really want to do to get everything rolling you can accomplish free of charge on the web. Simply go to research and look into anybody you go over, look into things you want to be familiar with silver investments and look at individuals, sites and YouTube channels I direct you toward. You will be given a ton of extraordinary outcomes that will teach you in the blink of an eye. It won't take long and it can truly save you truckload of cash and you can keep your finger on the beat of what's going on with silver with the information that you have experts to take advantage of on the web.
Later on, when you become a seasoned investor and you're actually creating gain from your silver investments, you can start paying individuals to do explore for you, to keep steady over the market for you and so on. For the time being, remain as distant from spending your own well deserved money as conceivable.
Another good exploration strategy is simply going out and conversing with a group. Perhaps somebody who has had some involvement in silver investments. Plunk down with them and simply pick their minds for a couple of moments. Take them out to supper or something and they can perceive you things you want to be aware to kick you off. On the off chance that they are a good companion, they will gladly converse with you. They may not impart their trade secrets to you, but rather they will protect you and caution you about tricks and different perils that look for you.
In the event that you don't know any individual who is trading silver as of now and you have done adequate web-based research find your closest dealer and visit them. Last of all there's dependably the papers. In the papers, you will in all probability find what the patterns are, including what the prices are for silver. On the off chance that there is a crisis coming up in the financial world, which might impact your trading choices, you will learn about it from papers and you can constantly confirm the subtleties online later, so make sure to a couple of dollars on training here.
The one thing I want to specify before I wrap up this part is that you ought to learn everything yourself before you pay any money. Before you decide to recruit anybody to assist you with anything connecting with research, or actual trading of silver, you ought to find success with it from the get go. This way you will realize the trade well, and you will be capable not exclusively to prepare your workers, however you can likewise recognize any inconsistencies and any problems as they happen and regularly much before they happen.
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thequeenofthewinter · 2 years
One Ship
I've been a little emotionally wonky lately, and so I haven't been working on my WIP. Instead I will offer this to the WIP Wednesday gods as my contribution. I was struck by this idea when I was pacing the floors of my kitchen, and it's the only thing I have been able to write recently. Tagging: @oblivions-dawn, @nocturnalswarehouse, @sneaksandsweets, @romantichore, @blossom-adventures, @rose-like-the-phoenix @dumpsterhipster and anyone else who would like to share something with me. I love reading what you all write.
As she walks down the streets of Windhelm, Dahlia hums with a smile on her face. Despite the fact that the crisp morning air of has chased most of the normal patrons of the market stalls away, she continues her perusal of the merchants’ wares and goods. The biting cold of the city’s airs only makes her feel more alive. For the first time in about a month, she has woken up feeling fresh faced and full of energy, and this is the perfect way to take advantage of the rare day she feels normal. Her confinement to the Palace has made her restless.
Of course, she brings Lydia along with her as she would get quite a lecture were she caught without an escort in her condition.  Still, despite this fact, she knows she’ll get an overprotective look from Ulfric and a lecture later. However, the time outside is more than worth it, and she has a secret weapon up her sleeve which is sure to pacify him. 
While she continues on her stroll, she greets the sparce numbers of citizens mulling about with a smile and a wave which they happily return. Although if asked, she would say that she was done nothing notable to earn their love as of yet; however, the people are fond of the new Lady of Windhelm: she has done more than she knows for their country alongside of Jarl Ulfric.
She continues her leisurely stroll, buying this and that as she passes, and dropping a healthy number of septims into each vender's till before she decides to take a turn down to the docks and to see the ships. It has been a while since she has been able to observe them and she has always been curious about taking a short trip on one. Maybe one of these days she’ll convince Ulfric to take her.
As she steps out onto the docks, Dahlia is assaulted by the bustling activity which is in stark contrast to the nearly-empty streets she just came from. Dockworkers of Argonian, Khajiit, and Nord heritage rush back and forth carrying large cargo crates full of supplies and trade goods; fishwives boisterously shout about the “freshest fish in all the White River” peddling their husbands early catches; and various riffraff stealthily seize the opportunity to make mischief.
“Dahlia, are you sure it’s a good idea to be down here?” Lydia asks with a frown pulled onto her face.
However, the Lady of Windhelm doesn’t pay her any mind. She is too busy admiring the wind blowing through the sails on the ships as it makes them strain against their main lines. It’s quite an awe-inspiring sight to see them all lined up with their flags flying the Stormcloak colors alongside their respective company’s. And as she strains her ears against the noise of the wind, to her delight, she can even hear the sounds of a few sea shanties spilling over from the decks of the vessels.
“Dahlia, I really think we should go back to the Palace before Ulfric or Galmar…”
“Stop worrying, Lydia. All anyone does anymore is worry about me. Let me be. We will go back soon. I just want to listen a little more.” She turns to her most-trusted housecarl, a look of annoyance plastered onto her face. 
“Besides, have you forgotten that I am the Dragonborn?”
Lydia humphs as Dahlia has clearly made her point.
She stands there for a few more minutes admiring the music and activity of the docks, which is so similar yet distinct from the movement she sees day-to-day in the Palace, before finally putting Lydia out of her misery and turning to go back home, singing under her breath the whole way. 
By the time both ladies make it back to the safety of the Great Hall, Dahlia has gone from vaguely humming to full blown belting out in song. The melody is beautiful, similar to what they just heard on the docks, and yet the lyrics are nothing like any of them have heard before.
“I’m a ship lost in deep waters, sailing in one direction”
She continues to sing, gaining the attention of some of the staff as they come to listen. 
“Always in one sea because that’s all I need”
The Lady of the Palace must be in a good mood to be singing like this. 
“Since I’ve met you, there was only ever one course for me, one sail pointing to you”
It’s almost as if she is calling out to Ulfric, and a few moments later, he appears, the sound of her voice echoing through the Palace summoning him to her. 
“Hello, dear wife of mine. Where exactly have you been this morning?” He asks, voice hinting that he is none too pleased with her absence this morning.
Dahlia continues to hum, twirling as she makes her way to her grouchy, overprotective husband.
“And what are you doing wearing my cloak?”
“What is yours is mine and what is mine is yours.” She sing-songs to her affectionately.
“If you think this is going to get you out of trouble then…”
She takes off the cloak slowly to reveal that she is wearing a rather fitting dress. It’s very different from the clothing she has taken up to wearing recently which has mostly been loose trousers and Ulfric’s tunics. However, what is most interesting to note and stops Ulfric in his tracks is the appearance of a small bump.
Up until now, neither of them has actually been able to see the evidence of Dahlia’s pregnancy.
“I was feeling well when I woke up for once, the morning sickness having left me alone, so I decided to go on a little stroll. Lydia was with me the whole time, and there was nothing for you to worry about.”
Ulfric is left awe-stricken, eyes gazing softly at the small swell of her stomach.
The sight brings a slight smile to her lips as she walks closer to him to place one of his hands on her stomach.
“Yes, I noticed this morning, and it’s quite the sight. I thought you might like to see it as well.” She tells him quietly and leans into him and places a kiss on his stubbly cheek.
“Have I told you lately that I love you?” He asks, eyes finally finding hers.
“Every day.”
"Then I will tell you once more because I do love you."
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior* Bad Batch Edition
Previous Chapter
Chapter Seven - Entombed Pt. 1
I wake up with a pounding headache and grumble a string of curses in Mando'a. Slowly I sit up, feeling a wave of nausea start to bubble but I'm able to push it down. I cock my head when I see the table across from me, has my buy'ce (Helmet) and vambrace on it. "Vor'e (thanks) Tech" I mutter to myself. I get myself up and decide a shower and fresh change of cloths is a good idea. During my shower, I try to replay the events of last night in my head but it's a little cloudy. I remember taking multiple shots with Wrecker.....and dancing— Hunter. Suddenly I feel my face heat up with both slight embarrassment. He must think I'm a di'kut (fool). I decide I'll play it like I don't remember after doing shots with Wrecker. Yeah, seems like the safe option.
I finish getting myself around and head downstairs. "Good Morning!" Omega yells and both Wrecker and I wince. Echo and Hunter laugh. Cid looks annoyed, "I'll bet you two had fun last night." I head around behind the bar and make myself a cup of caf closing my eyes. "Sure, help yourself" Cid sasses. "Shh not so loud" I whisper. When the caf is done, I pour two cups - sliding one across the bar to Wrecker. We both wince "Ni ceta (sorry)". I can feel the others eyes on me, "Something I can do for you?" I ask looking into my cup. Echo laughs, "No don't think so". "Then do you mind? I'm trying to peacefully enjoy my caf." "Shes cranky" Omega whispers. "Some of us had a little too much fun last night" Tech is practically scolding us. "I need some food-" "Don't-" I'm cut off by Wrecker who cuts himself off by rushing to the fresher. "That bad huh?" I ask finally looking over at the group. Echo smirks and nods.
"Tech, thank you by the way. I saw my buy'ce and vambrace in my room." "You will have to give them a try when you aren't so....hung over" he again scolds. I finish my cup of caf and Wrecker returns. "Ughhh I feel much better" he says loudly. "Good, I need you to and Omega to go to the scrap yard and get me a compressor" Tech says looking at his datapad. "Ugh why me?" Wrecker protests. Tech with a mischievous look says "Unless you wanted to go to the market, where there's a lot of food". Wrecker gags and wheezes out "fine".
Wrecker and Omega head out to the junkyard. I turn to Hunter and Echo, "To the market then?" Hunter gives a small smile and nods. "You guys go without me. I wanna hear this story" Echo says slyly. We look over to Phee telling the story - we’ve heard a few different versions of - to 2 of the regulars. I give Echo a suspicious look, "This story changes every time she tells it" Tech says not picking up on why he wanted to stay. I roll my eyes, "Fine. Do you want anything?" "No I'm good" he smirks and Tech says nothing. "Great let's go" I sass motioning for Hunter to follow.
The two of us stroll in silence for a while. "Are we looking for anything in particular?" he breaks the silence. "No, not really." The market comes into view and is really busy. Hunter stays behind me a few paces as I wonder between venders. When I notice he isn't right with me I stop and look around. "I'm right here" he says from behind me, I jump a little. "Patrolling the crowd? I'm pretty sure we are safe here. Besides, I never go anywhere with out these" I tease, while showing him my blasters and vibroblade inside my jacket. He slowly looks down and chuckles. He definitely took that as an opportunity to check me out...not just see what I was talking about. "The caf must have finally kicked in" he teases. I give him a look and pop a small piece of fruit in my mouth.
We continue our walk and a pastry stand catches my attention. I look over the selection, "See anything Omega and the guys would like?" Hunter comes closer. Close enough I can feel his body heat radiating off him, and looks over my shoulder. I look over at him noting how close we are, studying his tattooed face recalling what happened lastnight. His scent fills my nose and distracts me for a moment. He glances at me out of the corner of his eye and smiles. Having been caught staring, I feel the heat rising in my face. I turn to the person running the stand "Well take 12 assorted." I fumble trying to get credits out of my pocket to pay. When I finally do, Hunter is dropping credits in the guys hand. "I was going to get it" I sass. "My treat. Plus...Wrecker will probably end up eating half of them." I laugh and take the neatly wrapped package.
We make out way back to Cid’s in small talk. It kinda feels like he's trying to avoid the subject of last night too. When we enter, Wrecker and Omega aren't back yet. "What'd you get?" A curious Echo gestures to the package. "See for yourself" I hand it to him. He opens it and immediately the air is filled with the sweet smell that's been caged in the box. Echo sets the box on the bar top and pulls out a pastry, "V’ore! (Thanks!)". I nod grabbing the box and heading over to Tech. He's in a booth typing away on his datapad. "Want one?" I ask, pulling his attention away from what he's doing. "Sure", he takes the box and looks it over - much like Echo did - before making a selection. "Much appreciated" he smiles before taking a bite. I head back over to where Echo and Hunter are talking. I hold the open box toward Hunter, "Your turn." He eyes me before taking one and settling himself on one of the stools. I do the same and we all eat in silence.
Suddenly Wreckers voice can be heard. He and Omega enter with their haul. "Mission accomplished! One compressor as requested." He eyes the box in front of me, "What's that?" I laugh and hand him the box. He puts the compressor down and looks inside. "That's not all we got" Omega speaks up and dumps random items all over a table. A curious Tech comes over to look, "This assortment, however, could have been left at the junkyard." Phee notices us gathered around and shoves past Tech, "Easy, quick draw. Let the expert take a look." I roll my eyes and Hunter huffs out a small laugh at my reaction. Omega - also now eyeing the box Wrecker has - has a confused look on her face. Wrecker hands her the box and she paws through it until she finds what she wants.
"It is a manifold regulator. And a broken one at that." Tech watches Phee eyeing a piece. "Thanks....Clone Obvious" she sasses. "Hang on" she says picking up an unusual piece. "These look like coordinate markings" she continues. Omega stops chewing for a second "Coordinate markings?" "Mel, take a look at this" Phee gestures to her droid in the corner. The droid comes over, scans the item, and makes beeping sounds. Phee interprets, "I was right. This is a compass. One from long before our time. These coordinates are in the Kildare Trinary system." Tech refers to his datapad, "I have no record of that system." "Becasue the best treasures usually aren't found on any maps." Phee has Omega's undivided attention, "Theres treasure there?" "Without a doubt. This compass is a rare find. You got a good eye." Omega starts jumping up and down, "Let's go check it out! You heard Phee!" Hunter crosses his arms not totally believing what he's hearing, "she says a lot of things" he sighs. "I can go alone and take he spoils for myself, or....we go together and split it 50/50." Omega takes the 'compass' from Phee, "Please Hunter! What if there really is treasure there?" "Yeah. We're not on a mission" Wrecker chimes in, also beaming with child like excitement. I shrug, Hunter and I exchange a look. "Last time we went after treasure. It didn't go as planned" Echo reminds the group. "You weren't working with a professional then. What do you say?" counters Phee. Her droid beeps in what I can assume was excitement. Hunter glances at Echo and then me before sighing "Gear up" he says reluctantly. Omega bounces around holding the compass above her head. The display makes me smile.
Aboard the Marauder, Phee and Omega are in the cockpit, - ensuring we are heading the right way - Wrecker is sleeping, Tech and Echo are doing Makers knows. I see Hunter standing in the doorway to the cockpit twirling his vibroblade, shaking his head. “Don’t hurt yourself” I joke as I approach. He gives me a look, “I still don’t really buy it”. “Buy what? The treasure hunting thing? I mean people do it so there must be something to it” I shrug. He’s still giving me the look. “Oh I get it, you’d rather have blaster fire over head or someone on our tail” I roll my eyes at him and he laughs. “I’ve got you all figured out Hunter” I wag my finger in his face. “Don’t deny you didn’t enjoy getting dumped out of a speeder, running across roof tops, AND jumping to the Marauder” he sasses. I choose to stay silent an bite my lip. “That’s what I thought” he smirks and I about melt into a puddle. “It was kinda hot too” he says under his breath and I pretend not to hear. We listen to Phee and Omega chat. “That’s the life of a treasure hunter” Phee tells Omega. “Don’t you mean ‘pirate’?” Hunter butts in. Phee spins around to face us, “I prefer ‘Liberator of Ancient Wonders’” she says gesturing with her hands. I cover my mouth to hide my giggle and Hunter elbows my side. Phee turns back to Omega, “Wanna hear bout the time I found the Blade of Zakata Par?”. Omega lights up, “Yes, I do!”. “It’s an exciting story….so strap in.” Hunter sheaths his blade in his vambrace, deep sighs and to the back of the ship. I opt to stay….lets be honestly I’m a little curious about this story myself - even if I don’t totally buy it either.
The Marauder finally comes to rest on a planet that, honestly, doesn’t look like much to me. We all exit the ship, Tech and I immediately scan the area for signs of life. “I’m not picking up any signs of civilization what so ever. Which makes sense considering this land appears to have been razed and left uninhabitable” Tech explains. “Woah” I say, finally getting really test out what Tech did to my HUD. Hunter looks over and lets out a small chuckle at my childlike amazement. Thanks to Tech, I no longer need a range finder. On both sides of my buy’ce (Helmet) he added 2 antenna, one short and one long- which is super wizard because now I look like a commando - that have boosted the capabilities of my HUD. “Have I ever told you how great you are?” I say to Tech. He laughs “A few times in fact.” Suddenly theres a strange noise coming from Echo. “What was that?” Wrecker says getting nervous. Echo looks down at the compass in his hand, “The compass just activated. It’s telling us to go south.” “Let’s go!” Omega says jumping to grab it. Phee leans over to the group, “Now she’s got the right attitude. Wait up kid!” She takes off chasing after Omega. The rest of us follow.
We walk for a while and the group breaks into smaller pairs, Omega and Phee at the front, Me and Hunter a little ways behind, and the other three behind us. Hunter breaks the silence, “So uh, you really don’t remember anything from the other night?” Thank Maker for my buy’ce (Helmet) because I start to panic. “Some. It’s a little hazy” I nervously laugh, hoping he doesn’t pick up on the fact I’m lying. Well I’m not completely lying….Parts of it are hazy but I’m sure he’s referring to the part where I spent most of the night calling him ‘pretty’ and admiring his tattoo. He looks over at me and narrows his eyes. Osik (Shit)….he totally didn’t buy it. “Reaaallly? So you don’t remember calling me ‘pretty’?” He quirks a brow. I sigh and tilt my head back, looking towards the dull grey sky. Hunter laughs at my reaction, “So, you do remember.” Knowing I’ve been caught I figure I might as well own it, “Yeah alright I remember a good chunk of it.” He hums in satisfaction, “So you think I’m pretty huh?” He teases. “Don’t let it go to your head” I decide not to deny it. He is pretty what can I say.
Omega suddenly comes to a stop at the bottom of a mountain “It’s a dead end” she says sadly. “Maybe we go around the mountain?” She says thinking out loud. “Or….it’s telling us to go inside it” Phee concludes. She looks around for a moment, “Big guy, help me move this.” Wrecker pushes his buy’ce on his head and does as he’s asked. When he moves the rock, more fall exposing the entrance to a cave. I fold my arms across my chest, “I don’t like this.” Hunter gives me a look, “Now who’s not buying it” he teases. Tech types away on his datapad and Echo looks around. “Look its a secret entrance!” Omega says in awe. Wrecker echos Omega before following them inside.
We enter a big circular room with squares sticking out of the wall. Tech types away on his datapad, “Hunter, these etchings are easily a thousand years old.” “Older. Much older. If I’m right - which is always - we are standing in the entranceway to Skara Nal” Phee chimes in. “Come again?” I ask. “To what?” Echo sounds just as confused as me. Phee turns around annoyed, “Every pirate out there’s heard of the legend of Skara Nal.” I scoff, “It’s a good thing we aren’t pirates.” Echo chuckles at my quip. Phee gives me a look and continues, “It traces back to the ancients.” “You mean the Jedi?” Asks Echo. “No, older.” Phee is beginning to irritate me because the way she talks is like she wants us to ask questions. I much prefer being told straight up. I sigh in annoyance. Wrecker takes the bait, “So, what kind of treasure’s in there?” “The heart of the Mountain….And we’re going to liberate it.” I raise my hand, looking around, and step forward, “Uh Hi, sorry, excuse me but how do we know this is a good idea? Maybe it’s not supposed to be messed with?” Phee just gives me a look and I shrug. “Shes got a good point” Hunter backs me up. “How do we get in?” Omega whispers.
“It’s a pattern.” Phee says shining her light on one of the squares sticking out of the wall. “We need to align the symbols in the right order” she continues before pushing the square turning the wall. We all shine our lights around the room. “Some help would be nice” Phee says annoyed. Wrecker jumps in and helps her finish moving the pieces. Something starts rumbling “That doesn’t sound good” Hunter voices our concern. The whole room starts to shake and the door we came in shuts. “Wrecker look out!” I yell before tackling him out of the way. A huge piece of the ceiling falls where he was just standing. Wrecker coughs “Uh thanks.” “Yeah, Don’t mention it” I sass. Phee get excited “Booby traps. Now it’s getting interesting.” I stand up and dust myself off before Wrecker does the same. A string of curses in Mando’a come out of my mouth. “You’ve just trapped us in here!” Hunter gets in Phee face. “Relax! There’s always a way out. We just have to find it. It’s part of the puzzle” she says very matter of factly.
“Wait! We’re aligning the wrong symbols!” Omega exclaims. She runs to the center of the room and hops up on the pedestal, looking through the compass. “What do you see?” Asks Hunter. “Some of the symbols are glowing” she says looking around the room. “Here, lay the compass on my lantern” Phee offered her lantern. The faces of some of the squares start to glow and we help line them up. At first nothing happens, but then the whole floor starts to turn revealing a now open doorway. “Mel, note the coordinates and stay here” Phee tells her droid and it beeps in response. Phee turns to Omega, “Come on kid, time to go exploring!” “Looks like we’re doing this!” Wrecker says excitedly. “My interest is certainly peaked” Tech says from his datapad before following them through the door. Echo stops and looks between Hunter and I, - I’m sure also feeling our uneasiness - before the 3 of us follow.
Next Chapter
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Cheesesteak Day 
The delicious flavor of grilled onions and thinly sliced beef steak, topped with some ooey-gooey melted provolone cheese – that’s what the cheesesteak sandwich is all about.
This day is celebrated in honor of this delectable sandwich that originated in the US but is now enjoyed all over the world!
History of National Cheesesteak Day
Cheesesteak sandwiches are almost a hundred years old, getting their start in 1930 in the city of Philadelphia. Pat Olivieri was a street hot dog vender on the and he was just making his own lunch by slicing up some beef and throwing it on an Italian bun with some grilled onions. A regular patron stopped by and asked to have what Pat was eating, and then suggested that he start selling them. And they were a hit.
A few years later, Pat Olivieri eventually turned his hot dog stand into a more substantial restaurant, and the corner shop with neon signs continues to please customers with their cheesesteak sandwiches to this day. Other competitor sandwich shops cropped up in the 1930s and 1940s, including Geno’s across the street, and Jim’s Steaks which was run by “Jim and Millie” for many years.
Eventually the idea to add a slice of provolone cheese surfaced, and the popularity of the sandwich grew from there. The sandwich has changed a bit over the years, subject to interpretations such as adding grilled peppers or mushrooms, or switching up the type of meat. But its essence still remains the same, and the cheesesteak sandwich is a delight for all who have the pleasure of encountering it!
Since their creation, cheesesteaks have often been associated with the city of Philadelphia as that’s where they seem to have originated. In fact, many people refer to them as Philly cheesesteak sandwiches, lending even more credibility to the name.
National Cheesesteak Day is here to offer a specific opportunity to pay respect and honor to this venerable sandwich that has been a favorite for almost a full century. So get ready to enjoy a delicious treat on National Cheesesteak Day!
National Cheesesteak Day Timeline
1682 Philadelphia is founded
William Penn founds this city in the English province of Pennsylvania, some 250 years before the cheesesteak will be invented in this city. 
1930 Philly Beefsteak is created
The story goes that the “Philly beefsteak” is created by a hot dog vendor who put beef on the grill to make a sandwich. 
1940s Cheese is added to the Philly sandwich
At Pat’s King of Steaks in Philly, the cheese makes its way onto the sandwich and the name evolves to the Cheesesteak sandwich. 
1986 First Charley’s Philly Steaks opens
The first cheesesteak store opened by Charley Shin is located in Columbus, Ohio, near the Ohio State University Campus.
How to Celebrate National Cheesesteak Day
Days that honor food bring some of the best opportunities to celebrate! And National Cheesesteak Day is no different. Keep it simple or just go all out on this delightful day by implementing some of these fun ideas:
Order Up a Cheesesteak Sandwich
Isn’t it obvious that the best way to celebrate this day is with a hot, delicious, freshly grilled cheesesteak sandwich?! Charley’s Philly Steaks is a chain of around 700 different restaurant locations serving customers in 46 U.S. states as well as 17 countries throughout the globe. So hop over to a Charley’s, or another delicious cheesesteak eatery, and order up a tasty sandwich in honor of National Cheesesteak Day.
Make Cheesesteaks at Home
Those who are up for a little culinary adventure in the kitchen might want to consider making their own sandwiches in honor of National Cheesesteak Day. Start with some tender ribeye steak and slice it super finely against the grain. (Pro tip: freeze the steak for 30-40 minutes to make it easier to cut). Or ask the butcher to do it for you.
Saute some sliced onions on a flat cooktop or griddle. Saute the beef and then mix in the onions at the end. Divide into portions and top with slices of provolone cheese, then scrape onto a sliced and butter hoagie bun. Yum!
Get a Cheesesteak in Philly
Of course, one of the best ways to celebrate National Cheesesteak Day is to make a trip to the city where it all began: Philadelphia. It is arguably the best place in the world to eat and enjoy a cheesesteak sandwich. Several different famous cheesesteak restaurants can be found here and this would be the ideal day to check them out. And while there, don’t forget to see some amazing American sights, like the Liberty Bell, the Betsy Ross House, Independence Hall and so much more!
Here are a few of the top recommended cheesesteak places in Philadelphia:
Pat’s King of Steaks. The original place where the cheesesteak sandwich was created, Pat’s is an icon in the city of Philly and is still owned and operated by the original Olivieri family.
Max’s Cheesesteaks. With their massive neon sign out front, Max’s is easy to find in Philadelphia. Walk in and grab a table or order takeout, for lunch or late at night, with sizzling steak and gooey provolone.
Geno’s Steaks. This one dates back to the 1960s when the owner, Joey Vento, started a business with two boxes of steaks and some hot dogs. Now, it’s an iconic cheesesteak place in Philly.
Jim’s Steaks. One of the originals in the city, Jim’s dates back to the 1930s when the proprietors sold sandwiches out of their house and then opened a restaurant on the same spot.
Get Creative with Cheesesteaks
Those who love a classic might simply enjoy keeping it super basic in celebration of National Cheesesteak Day. On the other hand, it might be fun to get a little wild and adventurous on this day when such innovation (like making a new kind of sandwich at a hot dog stand) is celebrated and appreciated!
Consider trying out some new and creative ways of enjoying the cheesesteak sandwich, like these:
Philly Taco. This is an almost ridiculous blend of a couple of different types of food that somehow go together. A “Philly Taco” is actually a slice of pizza that is piled with cheesesteak filling and rolled up into a taco shape. Wow!
Cheesesteak Poutine. A nod in honor of those neighbors to the north, this dish blends the concept of Canadian poutine but piles the fries high with Philly cheesesteak toppings instead.
Cheesesteak Stuffed Peppers. Those who are looking for a low carb or keto options for celebrating might want to consider using the cheesesteak meat and grilled onion, but stuffing them inside of green peppers, topping them with cheese and then baking.
National Cheesesteak Day FAQs
What meat is in a Philly cheesesteak?
Traditional philly cheesesteak is made with very thinly sliced ribeye steak.
What does cheesesteak taste like?
A cheesesteak sandwich has a very tender, meaty taste with the flavor of sweet grilled onions and gooey cheese. 
Is cheesesteak one word?
Yes! Cheesesteak is just one word. 
When was the Philly cheesesteak invented?
The Philly cheesesteak was invented in 1930.
What kind of cheese goes on a cheesesteak?
Philly cheesesteak is typically made with provolone cheese.
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jkpoptterheadiru · 2 years
Secrets of a Gold Purchasing Millionaire
Purchasing scrap gold is quick catching up as an exceptionally worthwhile business. Individuals are more ready to offer their gold to a gold purchaser than to a pawn shop or jeweler. I'm a gold purchasing expert and I'm in this field for a long time. Also, I have just seen the quantity of gold purchasers and venders increase in gigantic sums every year! Pawn shops and jewelers just give 50-60% though a gold purchaser can give 70% which is extremely useful to the client. In the event that you see, the worth of gold has just been increasing yet never diminishing. What's more, this present time gold is at an all opportunity high read more here and this is a valuable chance to purchase gold and invest it in different ways. The worth of gold just increases with time.
Turning into a piece gold purchaser is exceptionally easy on the off chance that you are thinking so. It needn't bother with any preparation or instructive capabilities. You simply have to invest a few time and some good judgment. Furthermore, trust me that right away you will end up being an expert in this field. You can make millions in a tiny timeframe considering that the Americans are selling as much as $50,000 of gold every week. On the off chance that you adhere to a few good hints and directions you might earn substantial sums of money in a brief period. Kindly visit: for direction to make your business profitable. However let me let you know a portion of the straightforward ways and strategies for a gold purchasing millionaire.
Picking the right treatment facility to sell your piece gold is vital. It is really smart to consider a nearby processing plant. Assuming your processing plant is far away you might need to send you gold through mail and you likewise need to go through protection work. Yet, prior to choosing your treatment facility, ensure you visit their office and look at their assets. The processing plant cost is normally not over 5%.
Stone tweezers are useful when your client just needs to leave behind her gold yet not the stones in the adornments. In such an extremely long time I have seen numerous gold purchasers simply losing their clients since they don't have hardware to eliminate stones and other precious diamonds from the adornments.
Publicizing your business and making individuals mindful of your occupation is vital. You can put your advertisements in Craigslist, which I did when I started the business and it made all the difference! Ensure you host however many gold get-togethers as could be expected under the circumstances. Most gold purchasers create immense gains in gold gatherings. A typical client has about $300 of gold and regardless of whether you pay 65% you will make $100 prior to paying the processing plant. Furthermore, considering a party of 10, you can without much of a stretch earn up to$1000 in only a couple of hours!
Continuously monitor the market conditions and different insights concerning gold. The worth of gold continues to change regular and you should be refreshed properly. Proper information and data will save you huge load of cash.
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Top Circuit Breaker Buyers in Chula Vista | TheCircuitbreakersource
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Are you looking to Circuit Breaker Buyers Chula Vista? It’s vital to discover a dependable buyer who offers competitive costs and makes the prepare hassle-free. TheCircuitbreakersource, a best circuit breaker buyer in the range, is known for its amazing benefit. Whether you are looking to offer modern, utilized, or out of date circuit breakers, TheCircuitbreakersource guarantees you get the best esteem whereas giving quick and effective benefit. Circuit Breaker Buyers Chula Vista may appear clear, but finding the right buyer can make all the contrast. TheCircuitbreakersource is a trusted title, known for obtaining a wide extend of circuit breakers, from private models to expansive mechanical ones. Here’s why they are the go-to choice for venders in Chula Vista. TheCircuitbreakersource offers reasonable and competitive estimating for circuit breakers of all sorts. Whether you have present day, commonly utilized breakers or more seasoned, hard-to-find models, you’ll get best dollar for your equipment. Their group values each breaker based on the current advertise, guaranteeing that you get the best cost conceivable for your excess or utilized things. Time is important, and TheCircuitbreakersource gets it this. They give a speedy and consistent offering prepare for all clients. Essentially reach out with subtle elements almost your circuit breakers, and their group will give a cite. Once you acknowledge, they handle the rest, counting provoke pickup and quick installment, clearing out you with a stress-free experience.
Transporting overwhelming electrical equipment can be challenging, but Circuit Breaker Buyers Chula Vista takes care of that for you. They offer nearby pickup in Chula Vista, sparing you the bother of orchestrating transportation. Their group will collect the breakers at a helpful time and handle the coordinations, so you can center on other assignments. Once your circuit breakers have been collected and confirmed, you’ll get your installment rapidly and safely. TheCircuitbreakersource offers numerous installment strategies, guaranteeing you can select the one that suits you best. Whether you lean toward bank exchanges or checks, they have you secured. TheCircuitbreakersource buys a wide assortment of circuit breakers, from private to commercial and mechanical models. They are too interested in out of date and suspended breakers, making them the perfect buyer no matter what sort of hardware you have on hand. Private circuit breakers are commonly utilized in homes and little private buildings. If you have additional breakers from domestic redesigns or overhauls, Circuit Breaker Buyers Chula Vista is prepared to buy them. They acknowledge breakers from beat brands like Siemens, Square D, and GE. Commercial circuit breakers are utilized in office buildings, schools, retail shops, and more. TheCircuitbreakersource specializes in buying commercial breakers, guaranteeing that you get a reasonable cost. If your trade has overhauled its electrical frameworks or has excess hardware, this is the idealize opportunity to sell.
Industrial circuit breakers are outlined for production lines, stockrooms, and large-scale operations. These high-capacity breakers are profitable in the auxiliary advertise. Selling your excess circuit breakers to Circuit Breaker Buyers Chula Vista is a basic, four-step handle. It’s planned to make offering your breakers simple, from begin to wrap up. Holding onto excess circuit breakers doesn’t make sense when you can effectively turn them into cash. Here are a few key reasons why offering your unused or overflow circuit breakers can advantage you. Overflow circuit breakers can take up a parcel of space, especially if you have a expansive stock. By offering them to TheCircuitbreakersource, you can free up important capacity for other imperative ventures or hardware. This is especially advantageous for businesses that routinely bargain with electrical hardware. Unused circuit breakers still hold noteworthy esteem. Or maybe than letting them assemble clean or arranging of them, offering them to a dependable buyer like TheCircuitbreakersource permits you to recover a few of their esteem. This additional cash can be reinvested into your commerce or utilized for other purposes. Selling your circuit breakers to TheCircuitbreakersource is moreover a feasible choice. Or maybe than permitting your excess hardware to conclusion up in a landfill, these breakers can be reused by others in require. This contributes to a circular economy, diminishing squander and advancing maintainability in the electrical industry. If you’re prepared to offer your Circuit Breaker Buyers Chula Vista, TheCircuitbreakersource is here to offer assistance. Their proficient group offers competitive estimating, speedy nearby pickup, and secure installments, making the offering prepare simple. Whether you have a few additional private breakers or a expansive overflow of mechanical models, TheCircuitbreakersource will guarantee a smooth exchange from begin to wrap up.
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Trusted Circuit Breaker Buyers in Ontario, CA | Double-D-Circuitbreakers
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If you’re looking to offer your utilized, excess, or out of date Circuit Breaker Buyers in Ontario CA, finding a reliable buyer can be a challenge. You need a buyer that offers competitive estimating and guarantees a smooth, hassle-free exchange. That’s where Double-D-Circuitbreakers comes in. With a long time of encounter in acquiring electrical hardware, Double-D-Circuitbreakers gives top-notch benefit to dealers in Ontario, CA. Whether you have private or commercial circuit breakers to offer, this direct will walk you through why Double-D-Circuitbreakers is your best alternative. Circuit Breaker Buyers in Ontario CA offers a few of the best costs for circuit breakers in Ontario, CA. Whether your breakers are modern, utilized, or indeed obsolete, they assess the gear and give a reasonable, market-driven offer. Their group gets it the request for different brands, guaranteeing you get the best esteem for your hardware. Selling your circuit breakers shouldn’t be complicated, and Double-D-Circuitbreakers guarantees it isn’t. Their offering prepare is planned to be straightforward and direct. You can ask a cite rapidly and effortlessly, and they handle everything from assessment to pickup, making your offering encounter stress-free. No require to stress approximately how to transport expansive, bulky circuit breakers. Double-D-Circuitbreakers offers neighborhood pickup in Ontario, CA, making it simple for you to offer your hardware. Their group will come straightforwardly to your area to collect the breakers, sparing you time and hassle.
Once Double-D-Circuitbreakers receives your circuit breakers, they handle installments rapidly. You won’t have to hold up long to get your cash, making this an productive arrangement for turning excess electrical gear into cash. Circuit Breaker Buyers in Ontario CA buys a wide run of circuit breakers, making them the go-to buyer for any vender in Ontario, CA. Have you as of late overhauled your home’s electrical framework and have extra circuit breakers? Double-D-Circuitbreakers buys private breakers from brands like Square D, Siemens, and Eaton. Indeed if they are gently utilized or overflow, these breakers still hold noteworthy esteem, and Double-D-Circuitbreakers guarantees you get a reasonable cost. If your commerce or mechanical office has overabundance or out of date commercial-grade circuit breakers, Double-D-Circuitbreakers is prepared to buy them. They are especially interested in brands like Common Electric (GE), ABB, and Schneider Electric, among others. These commercial-grade breakers are fundamental for keeping up and updating electrical frameworks in bigger offices, making them important resources. Double-D-Circuitbreakers has made offering circuit breakers in Ontario, CA basic and proficient. Here’s how the handle works Begin by reaching Double-D-Circuitbreakers and giving subtle elements around the circuit breakers you need to offer. Incorporate data such as the brand, show, and condition of your gear. Based on this, they will rapidly evaluate the esteem and give you with a competitive offer.
There are a few reasons why Circuit Breaker Buyers in Ontario CA is the favored buyer for dealers in Ontario, CA Double-D-Circuitbreakers makes it simple for you to sell your circuit breakers without going through long or complicated strategies. Their streamlined handle guarantees that you get a cite, organize for pickup, and get installment in a opportune way. Unused or out of date circuit breakers take up profitable capacity space. Offering them to Double-D-Circuitbreakers makes a difference you free up this space for more beneficial employments. By offering your excess circuit breakers, you contribute to an naturally inviting reusing handle. Instep of disposing of them, you are permitting Double-D-Circuitbreakers to repurpose them, lessening squander and supporting feasible hones. Double-D-Circuitbreakers remains upgraded on advertise patterns, guaranteeing that you get a reasonable and exact offer based on current request for your breakers. Offering your circuit breakers to Double-D-Circuitbreakers is the best choice for those in Ontario, CA. With competitive estimating, neighborhood pickup, and quick installment, the handle is outlined to be hassle-free. Whether you have private, commercial, or mechanical circuit breakers, Double-D-Circuitbreakers is here to offer you the best esteem. Contact them nowadays to get begun and turn your excess electrical equipment into cash.
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helloescapist · 1 year
To Wish Upon a Lantern | Shota Aizawa
Word Count: 1357
Setting: Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead x gn!reader [pining]
Content Warnings: none really, minor suggestive because I can't behave myself.
Summary: a sweet moment releasing a lantern for Mid-Autumn festival with Shota Aizawa.
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The night settled into intense shades of lapis lazuli plunged into passionate hues of indigo, touched upon fervid plums. Luminous stars that glistened upon the night sky, beckoned the hushed reminder of distant worlds and celestial bodies untouchable by man. The distant jostle of festival music a mere hum carried across the breeze. Whispered the reminder of the festivities only short voyage away, the rare request of an interlude together having drawn you from booths. The touch of his elbow against yours as he ushered you away from the crowds, from venders peddling their wares, and children in cheer.
The jostle of cheer and drums replaced by the hammering of your heart now inter tangled over the crash of waves against the beach. Shadows that grazed one another, nudging the hammer of your heart. The soothing touch of his hand grazed upon your shoulder. Dark eyes that embodied the vast entity of space, hinted upon black sapphires that traced the sky above, imparting no wards into the silence of the night. The scintillating glow of the moon illuminating his stoic features. The mid-autumn moon offering the rare opportunity to his features in the confidante of the hour. The discoloration of his scars varied amongst several shades; the mark carved into his cheek bone having earned company in the past two years. Thick luscious waves of cocoa locks twirled at the highs of his cheek. The mass of his hair combed back to the best of his abilities. Secured by a ponytail that captivated your heart, concealed his unruly mane. The glimpse of his neck offered by the reveal of his collar. Far more than enough to thrill your features, and whisper prayers to the gods that the night would not reveal the quiver of your heart. Stubble that traced the definition of his jawline, the sharp lines of his eyelashes that could slash your resolve if only he pressed. How you wished he would venture. Bedroom eyes posed and lethal, crumble your façade, and vacated your sense. Trembling beneath the seductive imagery of his dark yukata against delicate ivory skin. The hushed yawn stifled against the back of his hand before resting in the folds of his collar. The touch of taunt muscles wary from fatigue. The movement, the reminder of your circumstances shooing away unsavory thoughts that through the depths of the night, and weaved together lust and yearning. Concerns quick to seize the opportunity to evade your heart, all too aware of the deepening of the bruises beneath his lower lashes. Bid farewell to moonlight trysts, and stilled the hammering of your heart. Aizawa was exhausted. Worn from the duties of Eraserhead, carved from his path, and torn asunder whether to answer the calls of educator, pro-hero, or vigilante. Disaster after devastation, the in balance in this world had long since bared its fangs upon his flesh, and yet, her persevered. Remained steadfast in his ideals, defended his convictions, and remained loyal to his classmates, an unknown name amongst the general population willing to throw his life away without hesitation.  The quiet of the scenery beckoning him, urged Shota to utilize your shoulder if only as a means to rest upon in the ambience of the waves. His husky voice, warm and sultry as it vibrated against your ear. Hummed appreciation for your willingness to accept his burdens if only for the moment. Oblivious to the way it afflicted your heart. Cooed the shiver down your spine, persuaded you to lean into his touch. The flutter of his eyelashes, the touch of his breath against your neck as he breathed in the chill of the night, and savored the scent of your body against his. Comforted, and soothed, as though a child who relied upon another to hush the horrors of the past, to provide distraction for those to come. If only for the one night.
                If only for tonight.
                “There,” Shota’s voice spoke before offering a low growl that vibrated against his Adam’s apple. Revealed his discontent of the contort of your body, daring to pull from his at the draw of his voice. Shuddered at the sudden way the words had practically petted the back of your neck, unable to admit the indignant coo that near threatened to escape your lips. The whisper of his voice in your ear, making you suddenly aware of the intimate prospects that fumbled through your brain all too aware of the press of his chest against your back. Joy that sparked through your yukata, a moth to the flame drawn in by the prospect of intrigue. Shota’s arms threaded around your middle, drawing you into him. Beckoned you to remain still. The close press of fabric, slipped from shoulders and tucked. Thin. Very little separating the graze of his flesh against your skin. Your response curious, allowing you only to avert your eyes under his intense press. Warmed your cheeks, taunted your senses. Betrayed dormant desires as absent minded as the way he held your form to his own. The mix of vanilla that danced with a citric note whispered sweet notes into your heart, Aizawa’s scent touched upon your fingertips drawing your attention.
                The callous of his fingers, wrappings that coiled around the digits of his hands drawn to the direction. Reprimanded yourself for deluding a tender moment with an old friend with perverted daydreams as your eyes followed his guidance, ignoring the pounding of your heart.
                The vivid hush of night that had spread across the sky, shy hues now elicited to life. Celestial bodies painted across the night hours. Their brilliance reflected upon the ripples of the sea below. Hummed distant memories of the year that had passed, touched upon fond recollections of the time you had been gifted alongside Eraserhead’s side. As though a spirit guided to the heavens, caught amongst the breeze; a delicate paper lantern ascended to the sky. Its solidarity quick to draw company. The prayers and wishes of festival goers weaved into every lantern. Desires and hopes etched into their siding, the flame elicited intended to carry their wishes to the heavens above. Warm, and tender. Gentle. Thousands that grew by the moment, a small lantern no longer along amongst the dark night. The warm sigh that tickled against your neck, and the press of arms that remained at your side. His hold tender against your frame, careful of your size difference.
                The melancholy that threatened to rob the joy of the moment from your pores. Your fingers betraying your conscious, revealed the depths of your anxieties. The uncertainty that clung to the back of your mind regardless of how you wished it away. The fear--- an adult of your age all too aware that prayers…. Often go unanswered. Clung to the touch of wood between your fingers, a lantern—your hopes clutched between your small fingers. The tremble of your knuckles threatening to grow white, and splintered wood against the pads of your fingers. Your response defiant to the flicker of the flame. Unable to relinquish your prayers to the night. To the risk of rejection. Horrified that the rejection of your hopes… would mean to witness the fall of Eraserhead, to become acquainted with his absence, ignorant of the press of his form against yours, and to endure cold nights as a permanent reminder he would never return home. To never know more. The doubts that shook your heart, whispered anxieties to the pit of your stomach was only soothed by the warmth of his breath, warm and reassuring against your neck. Delicate in the touch of his calloused fingers, careful to gently unfold your fingers from the lantern’s frame.
                Shota’s fingers intertwined between your owns. If only to remind you that life still resided within his bones. The flicker of the flame ascended from your reach. The cutesy motif of a cat the pro-hero had etched into one side, oblivious to the scribble of your hand writing. Urged prayers, hummed into your heart, into your soul.
                Your wishes carried to the heavens.
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sociomi · 2 months
Finding the Best Online Casino
While you could like playing a couple of games at the gambling club, really you presumably value one or a couple more than some other. Without a doubt, expecting the gaming machines are something you genuinely participate in that there are certain subjects or styles of betting machines (for instance music subjects like Guns'n Roses) that you like better.
Grasp that at whatever point you have picked an internet based gambling club you are likely going to stay with that page from here onward, indefinitely. This will transform into your web-based home for playing at the gambling club. Consequently, assuming this is the case, why not ensure that they have the kind of games that you will see the value in playing?
It's a horrendous thought for you to fit into what the gambling club has to offer when there are various choices free to you. In light of everything, pick a site that offers you such games you appreciate. This is your opportunity to get definitively the specific thing you want, settle don't as well.
We moreover accept you ought to understand that you don't have to play on just a single internet based club essentially. Expecting you want it, you can join something like two objections to play.
There are different advantages to chasing after this choice. The first is that you get twofold the quantity of welcome prizes. In case you can get a $500 match for your hidden store on the two districts, that is $1000 free to you. Why not exploit that?
You may moreover find that one site offers contests that you should be a piece of while various doesn't. Maybe one site has a gaming machine you like, but you favor playing roulette on the other site. You could like that one site since they have live venders.
Anything that the clarification is, you can make the choice. Do whatever it takes not to lock yourself to one site accepting you like to play somewhere around two. Check out ok win login.
Accepting you recollect these things, you can find the best web-based gambling club for you. This is a more prominent decision than you may normally think, considering the way that this will presumably be your betting home for a significant length of time. Guarantee you put away an edge to find the right site for yourself with the objective that your experience will be the definitively precise thing you are looking for.
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acerealty1 · 2 months
Eligibility Criteria and Home Loan Process for NRIs
For Indians residing abroad, claiming a property in the nation of origin is as yet a significant suggestion. Whether it is for an opportunity to return or as a venture, buying a luxury 2 BHK home in Thane is a significant resource. Be that as it may, for a great many people, this can appear as though a convoluted undertaking with a typical concern being whether NRIs can choose home credits. Here, we will let you know that not exclusively are NRIs qualified for home advances however will likewise direct you through the reports and qualification models to assist you with getting everything rolling.
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Qualification Measures
This is a critical to note as qualification measures are different for NRIs than for homegrown residents. While banks might have various models, they all extensively adhere to the rules set by the Hold Bank of India (RBI) for conceding home credits to NRIs. To guarantee you can get a home credit for your 2 BHK property in Thane, make certain to check for the accompanying.
1. Age
The age section might fluctuate across banks. While certain banks might acknowledge a base age of 18 years and a greatest age of 65 years, others might keep the age section between 21 to 60 years.
2. Advance Residency
Most banks offer an agreeable residency of as long as 30 years for home credits to Nri's. This makes it simpler to put resources into a real estate project in Thane. A few banks might lessen the residency to 20 years in view of their inner strategy and different variables.
3. Sum and Loan cost
These numbers will rely upon a few factors, for example, resources held, FICO rating, and pay level. Normally, banks might offer a credit somewhere in the range of 70 and 90% of property estimation, with the rest being contributed by the planned proprietor. Certain banks might require a base pay level to be qualified for a home credit.
Documentation Required
The documentation interaction for NRIs is somewhat greater contrasted with inhabitant Indians. While this might shift across banks, a portion of the ordinarily required records include:
1. KYC Archives
Character Evidence: Legitimate Identification and visa.
Abroad location verification
Credit Application structure properly filled
Indian Personality and Address Confirmation: Skillet/Identification/Driver's Permit/Aadhar Card
2. Property Archives
Consent for development (where material)
Installment Receipts or bank A/C proclamation showing every one of the installments made to Developer/Vender
Deal Arrangement
Business and Pay Archives
Abroad ledger subtleties for the past a half year for pay and reserve funds
Credit A/C explanation for most recent 1 year (if relevant)
Substantial work grant
Most recent compensation declaration/slip in unique and duplicate of personality card gave by the ongoing Work locale confirmation
Last 2 or 3 years Evaluated/C.A. affirmed Asset report and P&L accounts,
Last 2-or 3-years Individual Expense form
Abroad Credit Agency Report
Note: While these are a portion of the generally required records, banks might require different reports too as indicated by their home credit strategy.
The home advance cycle is very straightforward for NRI's in India. Possessing a business or residential property in Thane can offer a place of refuge for the future or act as a worthwhile venture. This guide assists you with better comprehension of the qualification models and records expected to get your home credit and contribute towards a superior future.
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dragonchildcomic · 3 months
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Ready for day 2 of BayCon at the Marriott in Santa Clara, CA. This is a four day event, and the vender hall is open to the public if you’re in the area, want to get out of the heat, but don’t want to purchase a ticket to the full show. Looking forward to another opportunity to meet and introduce you to my indie comic and handmade dragons!
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Discovering the Hidden Gem of Maharashtra
Aurangabad, with a pinpoint location in the middle of Maharashtra, unravels the magnificent history and pulsating culture of the state. Not as scintillating and hip as other tourist centres, this city is the cosmos’ gift to adventurous people who like hunting for beauty in the midst of the uncurrent. In spite of many bustling city centres with attractive views, Aurangabad, which is hiding its beauty in the dark, is a small wonder to be exposed.
Exploring Aurangabad: A Cultural Sojourn
Aurangabad is a city of long traditions blended with modern style. Though it is probably less recognized, this city is home to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of the Ajanta and Ellora caves apart from splendid architectural masterpieces. When meandering through its labyrinthine markets, you will see people busy with their trade, remarkable fine craftsmen presenting their wonderful works, and food venders engaging your taste buds with various delicacies.
The culinary wonders and colourful bazaars.
An Aurangabad visit will remain incomplete unless you have relished its mouth-watering street food from mild scented earthen pots, experienced its hustling bazaars, tasted everything from the bewitching chaat of Punjabi to the lip-smacking vada pav, and have relished the sweetest of sweets from all possible corners of the city. The city’s cuisine culture is unique in its own way and provides a complete sensory experience with spicy pleasures, like Naan Qalia and Bhadang and sweet ones, like Jalebi and Shrikhand. Do not forget to stop at Gulmandi and Connaught markets, where you may trade for spices, textiles, and gifts as much as you want.
Introducing Ginger Aurangabad: The way to a peaceful and efficient society.
Although it is one of a busy and liveable city, Aurangabad also harbours the Ginger Hotel where travellers will find serene and budget-friendly accommodation after their journeys. Either you miss plans to visit your old friends in the city or you want a suitable venue to close a business deal or have a planned family tour, Ginger bear will always be waiting with open arms.
Ginger Aurangabad re-design what you know about overnight stays, the combination of contemporary design and homely hospitality. With the 63 well-furnished rooms all rooms have the modern amenities like Wi-Fi, in-room dining, tea/coffee maker, air conditioning, mini refrigerator and an LCD/LED TV with satellite channels, the hotel enables every guest to feel at home.
They offer an accommodation that is just a few kilometres from the city railway station and it is reached so easily from the major tourist destinations in Aurangabad city, this location makes it the perfect place for tourists to catch a glimpse of wonderful sights of Aurangabad city. Whether it is the majestic architecture of Bibi ka Makbara or an unforgettable food safari inside the bustling city streets, ginger aurangabad presents you a classy combo of personalised care with modern comforts.
Café Et Cetera
Allude to Café Et Cetera, Ginger, one of the best restaurants in Aurangabad for dinner, where art, food, and ambiance blend together perfectly. Experience the collection of flavours from the homemade comfort foods to have a taste of professional culinary preparations that offer you that once in a lifetime experience. The Cafe serves guests with a wide variety of mouthwatering breakfast spreads and appetising dinner menu that are not just fulfilling but will ignite the taste buds of all and will satisfy all the kinds of food lovers in the world with an inclusive mixture of international and local dishes.
1. Best Time to Visit: October to February as a great opportunity to explore the place is considered a quintessential time for those who want to visit the area.
2. Getting There:
By Air: Aurangabad Airport (Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj Airport) is really accessible because the journey from major cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, and Hyderabad will take only 30 to 40 minutes by air. lying on the margin south of the main town about 11km.
By Train: Aurangabad Jnane devi junction, has trains departing from Mumbai, Pune and Hyderabad, which are major cities.
3. Of course, Aurangabad's local transportation services are numerous. The cheapest means of moving might be shared Uber/Ola or auto-rickshaw (besides, remember to bargain on the street). 
4. On both your lists of shopping and sightseeing, add Gulmandi shopping centre to appreciate majestic Paithani sarees. Skillful Bidriware metal handicrafts that bear the imprint of the land should not be ignored too. The embellished Himroo shawls would be a great option for gifting as souvenirs after your trip.
CONCLUSION The city of Aurangabad which has become a legacy of multiple bright characters and abundance of culture, art and gastronomy is an harmonious blend of the past, a present and a future that are being projected into buildings of this time. Contrarily, the quiet virtues of the metropolis in its UNESCO World Heritage sites of Ajanta and Ellora and being able to gust its local cuisine in the street and in the bazaars are not always conspicuous. The other personality will show its face as bold and oftentimes insolent and glaring in its bold and sometimes insubordinate and flashing appearances. However, amongst the cultural textiles is Ginger, one of the best hotels in  Aurangabad for stay, a beautiful place indeed for those who are looking for an abode at a reasonable price. So be it savouring especially pleasant food samples at Café Et Cetera or seeing the overly-grandeur architecture of Aurangabad along with discovering the ancient culture from all tourists.
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purchasingshopping · 4 months
Convenience and Care: The Benefits of Ordering Animal Medical Supplies Online
In the domain of veterinary medication and animal consideration, admittance to solid and great medical supplies is fundamental for guaranteeing the wellbeing and prosperity of our fuzzy companions. With the approach of web based business, requesting animal medical supplies online has become progressively famous among pet people, veterinarians, and animal consideration experts the same. How about we investigate the various advantages of buying animal medical supplies online:
Accommodation and Availability: One of the essential benefits of requesting animal medical supplies online is the comfort and openness it offers. With only a couple of snaps, pet people and veterinary experts can peruse a great many items from the solace of their homes or facilities, killing the need to venture out to actual stores. This accommodation is especially helpful for occupied pet people and veterinarians who might have opportunity and energy to visit physical stores during standard business hours.
Extended Item Determination: Online retailers spend significant time in animal medical supplies frequently convey a greater choice of items contrasted with customary pet stores or veterinary centers. From meds and enhancements to indicative devices and careful hardware, online customers approach a different scope of items to meet their particular necessities. This extended item determination permits pet people and veterinarians to find the specific supplies they expect for their animals, even those that might be hard to locally find.
Serious Evaluating: Online retailers habitually offer cutthroat estimating on animal medical supplies, permitting clients to set aside cash contrasted with buying from actual stores. With online shopping stages, pet people and veterinarians can undoubtedly think about costs across various venders and exploit limits, advancements, and mass buy arrangements to expand their reserve funds. This cost-adequacy is particularly profitable for pet people overseeing persistent circumstances or veterinary experts loading up on supplies for their practices.
Time Reserve funds: Requesting animal medical supplies online recoveries significant time for pet people and veterinary experts, smoothing out the buying system and killing the requirement for tedious excursions to numerous stores. With quick and effective transportation choices, online retailers can convey orders straightforwardly to clients' doorsteps inside merely days, guaranteeing that fundamental supplies are promptly accessible when required. This efficient accommodation permits pet people to zero in on focusing on their animals, while veterinarians can give additional opportunity to patient consideration.
Admittance to Data and Assets: Online shopping stages frequently give significant data and assets to instruct animal people and veterinary experts about the items they are buying. Itemized item portrayals, client audits, and instructive articles assist clients with arriving at informed conclusions about which supplies are the most appropriate to their animals' requirements. Moreover, online retailers might offer client assistance administrations to resolve any various forms of feedback that emerge during the shopping system, further improving the general shopping experience.
Inner harmony: By requesting Deworming Tablets for Dogs from legitimate retailers, pet people and veterinary experts can enjoy harmony of psyche realizing that they are buying authentic, excellent items from confided in sources. Online retailers might offer item ensures, merchandise exchanges, and secure installment choices to safeguard clients' inclinations and guarantee fulfillment with their buys. This inner harmony is priceless with regards to really focusing on our adored animal sidekicks and keeping up with their wellbeing and prosperity.
All in all, requesting animal medical supplies online offers a large group of advantages for pet people, veterinarians, and animal consideration experts looking for comfort, openness, and cost-viability. With a huge determination of items, cutthroat evaluating, and efficient comfort, online shopping stages have changed the manner in which we access and obtain fundamental supplies for our fuzzy companions. By bridling the force of online business, we can guarantee that our animals get the consideration and consideration they merit, all with only a couple of snaps of a mouse.
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