#velma and is horrible
Velma Rewrite: Part 1
Velma: My name is Velma Dinkley. This is my story, told my way. And it starts with a murder, bitch.
(Camera pans over shot of a lump under the covers- alarm goes off, making the lump shoot up revealing a indian/black girl with red hair. The girl groggily reaches over to turn off the alarm and grab her glass)
Sophie: (from downstairs) Hurry up velma! You’re going to be late again.
Velma: Just a second! (she jumps into her clothes and quickly brushes her hair. Before leaving the room, she stops to look at a wrapped christmas gift solemnly.)
Amon: (from the bottom of the stairs) Velma! Hurry up, I’ll be late for work!
Velma: (calling back) I have to brush my teeth!
Amon: (groans) You should have that ages ago!
Velma: (Running to the bathroom, not looking at him) I’ll be quick! (Closes the door, quickly locking it. Sighs and opens the mirror cabinet to grab toothpaste, grabs the toothbrush off the sink and closes the mirror. When she does, she sees her mother reflected back at her. She stops and cocks her head.) Mom? (Her mother melts away, showing her again. She gasps and backs up to the wall, terrified.) This isn’t real, this isn’t-
Sophie and Amon: Velma!
Velma:Ah!(Throws the toothpaste and brush down) Coming! I can go one day without brushing my teeth, right? (As she walks down the steps, she smells her breath and gags) Ugh! Hey Aunt Sophie, Dad- You got any mints?
EXT School entrance. (A girl with bright red hair walks into school with many other girls, all chattering together.)
INT School hallway. (The girls from before and her friends are at their lockers, wolf whistles follow them)
Daphne: (Rolling her eyes as she closes her locker) Ugh. This school sucks.
Gigi: (Following her lead) Oh, I know right? I see roaches all the time.
Olive: I saw them humping each other once.
Krista: The boys or the roaches?
Gigi: I’ve seen both. (shudders) Word to the wise, never investigate crashing and banging in this school. (Other girls groan and shudder too)
(Flash back to the entrance. Velma walks in very obviously chewing something. Insults galore follow her. She groans and ignores them, going to the nearest vending machine)
Velma: Hmm. What to get, what to- Ah! (Daphne slams her hand against the machine) Damn it, Daphne!
Daphne: Hey Velma. (examining her nails nonchalantly) You actually going to shower today or are you going stay a stinky-
Velma: Finish that sentence, Daph. See what happens. (reaches into her pocket and pulls out wadded up cash and gets something from the vending machine)
Daphne: Fine- (School bell rings. Velma smirks and bites down on a snickers, walking off) This isn’t over!
INT Classroom. (Teacher writes down the words RACISM IN MOVIES)
Teacher: Alright class- can anyone tell me why we’re talking about this in history? (Velma raises her hand) Yes Velma?
Velma: Because historically, ever since movies became a concept, they only wanted perfect white people to get people to watch. And considering the trend hasn’t fully gone away and it’s black history month, it’s not out of the question to talk about.
Daphne: (rolls her eyes and groans) Know-it all…
Velma: Well, how do you feel about race-blind casting then, Daphne?
Daphne: (smirks) Well, as an Asian woman, I think it's cool. I mean, not to oversimplify a thorny issue, but everyone loves it when white people play Jesus or a professional boxer. Why can't it ever go the other way?
Velma: (blinks) Uh, yes. I wasn't expecting such an enlightened answer from such a bitch. (The two lean out of their desks, noses nearly touching as they glare)
Teacher: Alright girls, that’s- (PA squeaks on)
PA Voice: Could Velma Dinkley please come to the principal’s office with all of her things?
(All students ooh and ah, saying how she was in trouble. Velma grabs her things and heads out the door. Before leaving, she glanced at the teacher. He was reading something on his phone with a worried expression. Velma takes the opportunity to flip Daphne off. Daphne growls.)
INT Office. (Velma walks in and sees Krista crying while hugging herself tightly. The receptionist was trying to comfort her.)
Velma: Uh, why did you- (Both of them shot her terrified looks.)
Krista: (Points at Velma accusingly) That’s her- I found Brenda dead in her locker!
Velma: (Camera pans to Velma’s face quickly to see her horrified expression) Wait, what?
(Cut to title and Theme song)
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They don’t hate each other. Maybe they get annoyed and cause they’re together all the time it might get a bit much sometimes but at the end of the day, they really deeply care about each other. They live out of a van most of the time and are on the road constantly out of CHOICE. TOGETHER. for crying out loud.
They are four teenagers and a Great Dane. They’re a family.
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geekgirles · 2 years
Thinking about how the only way a sex-related joke in a Scooby-Doo adult show wouldn't be juvenile and lazy is if the gang (adults, please) were investigating the case, heard some noises, and, thinking it's the monster, went to see what's going on, only to find two of their suspects getting freaky with each other, which would ultimately give them alibis, and I can't decide which would be funnier:
Should Velma cover Shaggy and Scooby's eyes while Daphne covers Fred's (despite all of them being, y'know, adults in an adult show), or Scooby covering Shaggy's while everyone else looks on, disturbed.
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wild-saber1337 · 2 years
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mystery inc’s fred is so poly he just assumes the whole gang will live in a single house together when they graduate
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In light of the new Velma series
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alphashley14 · 6 months
One of Us
A Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated/Mystery Skulls Crossover
<Prev Next>
Chapter 23
“Shitshitshit- LEWIIIISSS!!!” Arthur shouted from the driver’s seat! He turned the steering wheel frantically to and fro as he struggled to regain control of the van careening across the desert. The squealing wheels sent orange dust flying, shrouding the monstrous cattle around them in clouds of ginger. And that same dust invaded the open back of the vehicle, even as the corpse of the dead skull cow tumbled out of the back, slamming into its’ brothers behind it, and Vivi Yukino struggled to get the back doors shut once more.
It occurred to Cassidy to help her, but her battered body protested and it was all she could do to keep herself from tumbling out of the back of the vehicle after the beast. The dust was all-encompassing. Every breath burned as it invaded her lungs, and she had to shut her eyes tight to keep the fine particles out of them. She held on tight to her shotgun and to the bars of one of the shelves in the back of the van, struggling to keep herself as still and secure as she could.
Then there was a flash of pink light behind her eyelids. And suddenly, abruptly, unnaturally even, the van lurched to right itself and there came the telltale sound of the back doors slamming shut. Then Cassidy dared take a breath, she realized the air had become clean. Her eyes fluttered open, and the sight that greeted her didn’t make any sense. 
The interior of the van had completely transformed. The purple fabric upholstery had been replaced with bright carmine leather, and the rest of the van’s interior, which had previously been oranges and deep reds, was now entirely black with tasteful gothic touches of purple and bright magenta.
And this did not seem to concern the other occupants of the vehicle in the slightest. Vivi leaned back against the now-redwood shelf and breathed a sigh of relief, wiping orange dirt and bits of yellow gore off of her face with a spare towel. (Not that it did any good for the rest of her.) “Thanks, Lewis. Good catch.” 
Wait. Lewis! As soon as Vivi said it, Cassidy realized that Lewis was no longer in the van. But again, the Mystery Skulls didn’t look the slightest bit perturbed about this. And no sooner was Angel sitting up to investigate, any question she could have asked was answered with another flash of pink. 
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“Ah, shit. Forgot about you…” The skeleton that had appeared beside Vivi sighed. 
“I- WHAT THE- YOU-” Cassidy stammered, bewildered beyond words.
“This is Lewis,” Vivi said in a complete deadpan. “You met him a minute ago. Long story short he’s my boyfriend, he’s dead but didn’t exactly go anywhere, so now we solve ghost stories… with a ghost.”
“Not even the weirdest thing we have going on here,” Lewis sighed, and in a flare of pink fire that engulfed him from head to toe, the ghost transformed back into a handsome teen in a vest and ascot - with not a speck of dust or gore on him.
“We’re happy to have him with us,” Arthur added from the front seat. “Lewis is a really great guy and you should definitely not be scared of him.”
“The hell I shouldn’t!” Cassidy strongly disagreed. 
“Alright then, be scared of him. But ya gotta ask yourself: are you more scared of him or Bessie the murder bull and his five thousand friends?” 
And almost on cue there came a particularly loud MOOOO from the Devil’s Herd, still stampeding after them. 
Cassidy opened her mouth, but immediately closed it. She pursed her lips, then after a moment she came to a conclusion: “Bessie. Definitely Bessie. Fuck that.” And she began to aggressively brush and flick as much of the blood and chunks off of herself as she could. Vivi handed her a clean towel too, which helped.
“Amen,” Arthur agreed. 
Then the dog, who had gone very quiet up until now, spoke up. “Lewis, get ready to open the passenger side door. We’re approaching the hive.” 
The atmosphere in the van immediately shifted (except for Cassidy, who was out of the loop and along for the ride), the trap returning to the front of their minds. 
“The trap?” Fred exclaimed with glee. 
“Yes Fred,” Cassidy sighed fondly, “the trap.”
“What kind of trap?” He asked, tapping his fingers together and bouncing lightly in his chair, a giant grin on his face. 
“A big, crazy, stupidly dangerous trap that I still can’t believe worked,” Cassidy groaned, some of that old anxiety returning just at the memory of it. 
“I’mma be totally honest with you: if we didn’t have magic it probably wouldn’t have,” Vivi shrugged. 
“Would 100% not recommend for your own investigations,” Mystery agreed. 
“-And if you do attempt it for one of your own mysteries, you’d better hope you don’t survive because I will kill you,” Cassidy growled. 
Ricky knew that tone. “Fred. She means it!” 
But the master trapper was hardly listening. “Less lecturing, more trapping!” 
And with another exasperated yet fond sigh, the storytelling continued.
Cassidy had absolutely no idea what she’d been (quite literally) pulled into, but she was about to find out.
“You have the flare gun at the ready, right Vivi?” Asked Arthur. 
“Got em’ right here.”
“And the dynamite?”
“That too.”
“And Lewis? Remember, you have to get out not long after Mystery.” 
“Just tell me when,” the ghost said.
“It won’t be long. The hive’s just ahead! Get ready!” 
Cassidy craned her neck to look between the two front seats, and she could see them approaching a system of canyons and gorges. They had just entered them when the song on the radio changed to an intense set of crescendoing, pulsing chords. 
“Hellbent? Oh Hell yeah! Now this is ‘fuck shit up’ music!” Vivi cheered. 
“It really is the best car chase song,” Lewis agreed. 
“Easy for you to say,” Arthur gulped. And Cassidy got the distinct impression that there was a story there, but she didn’t exactly have any time to dwell on it. Because that was when the shaking ground beneath the van’s tires began to tremor. “Here they come!” Shouted Arthur! 
And that was when Hell poured out of the mountainside. Like a mob of angry ants, the Devil’s Herd came from every cave, crack, and crevice. But instead of driving away, the van turned and began to drive around the perimeter of the hive, stirring it up even more, prompting the cattle to come out after them. 
“Lewis! NOW!” The dog shouted! And by itself, the door swung open and the dog leapt out of the van with a flash of red light.
I’ve been Hellbent, baby, 
Cassidy shouted after him. “DON’T! DID HE JUST- OH MY GOD!” 
Hellbent on lovin’ you all day long,
“Don’t worry about him, Vivi said dismissively. “He’s a professional.”
Hellbent on drugs ‘cause it turned you on,
“-Not to mention he’s more dangerous than anything he’ll find in there,” Arthur added. 
Don’t know what else to do,
“I’ll tell you what. You want to be helpful? Get in the front seat and start throwing sticks,” Vivi said. 
I’ve been Hellbent, baby, 
“Alright,” Angel groaned as she heaved herself between the seats and onto the passenger side. 
Hellbent on makin’ you love me, too, Even though not what I’m supposed to do, I don’t give a damn,  Mmm~
“I’m up here, but I don’t know what you mean by- OHMYGOD!” And Angel had never in her life rolled down a window so quickly as when Vivi Yukino suddenly dropped a lit stick of dynamite into her hand. The BOOM that followed after she threw it brought even more angry cows out after them. 
“WHAT IN THE- OHSHIT-” (She chucked yet another stick out the window just as fast as Vivi handed it to her) “-HELL?!”
“We’ve got to get as many of them out of the hive-” BOOM! “-and to the trap as possible!” Vivi shouted over the wind as she took another stick out of a box, held it out for Lewis to light, and passed it to Cassidy - who promptly threw it out the window, much to the displeasure of the cows. “Not to mention the fewer of them are in there, the easier Mystery’s job is.” And as soon as she finished talking there came another explosion as the stick Cassidy had just tossed went off.
Immediately after, over the roar of the wind surging in through the open window, there came a sound from the radio like the cocking of a shotgun, and the song launched itself into a call-and-response verse. 
I’ve been hellbent, baby  (I’ve been hellbent, baby)
“Aaand the most effective way to do that-”
It’s been too long, baby  (It’s been too long, baby)
“-is to make them mad,” Arthur added just as loudly as Vivi. But unlike his friends he was sweating bullets and looked even closer to a panic attack than Cassidy.
My eyes wide shut (My eyes wide shut)
“Well a little bit of damn warning would have been nice!” Cassidy retorted, throwing out yet another stick. 
And I feel your touch (I feel your touch)
“Would love to but we’re on a time crutch,” Vivi disagreed over the resulting BOOM.
I’ll prove you wrong! (I’ll prove you wrong!)
 “Here - this last one should do it. Make it count.” 
You make me strong! (You make me strong!)
Grumbling, Cassidy took the last stick of dynamite and threw it out the window as hard as she could. 
I said all I need is, all I need is, all I need is you!
The explosion that followed brought out the biggest swarm yet. 
“-Aaand that should do it. Lewis, get us the blazes out of here.” 
And as the music carried on into more of those intense beats, Cassidy’s vision was engulfed in blinding pink light and if she could have screamed she would have! It felt as if her battered body was being forcibly sucked through a very long tube. When it finally stopped, the van was a great distance ahead of the herd (but not so far that they weren’t still being chased) and the Mystery Skulls’ attention was on her. 
“What the hell just happened?” Vivi demanded from the back seat. 
“Oh no - you’re hurt!” Arthur cried. 
“No shit,” Cassidy groaned. And she would have said something snarky, but she broke out into coughs and when she took her hand away from her mouth her palm was covered in blood. 
“Lewis, did you-” 
“She must’ve been more seriously hurt than we thought before we picked her up,” Lewis said. “I’m so sorry - I never would’ve teleported us if I’d realized.” 
“S’ fine,” Cassidy gritted out, clutching her even-more-broken ribs and struggling to keep her composure. “I’d already be dead if you hadn’t grabbed me.”
“We’re gonna have to talk about this later,” Vivi said. “And you? You will tell us how this happened. But for now? Lewis, you have to go.” 
“Will you be alright-”
“That’s why we have the contingency plan! Now go!” 
And in a swirl of pink, he was gone. And not a moment after he disappeared, there was another slurry of pink light across every surface, and everything reverted back to the way it had been before Lewis possessed it.
“How much further to the gorge?” Vivi asked, as if none of that was unusual at all.
“Just ahead! You need to switch places with- uh…” Then Arthur turned apologetic. “Sorry. I don’t think we ever asked for your name.” 
“Angel,” Cassidy groaned, already moving back into the back seat. 
“Angel- haha. What a coincidence, right?” Arthur said, awkwardly looking away so he didn’t make direct eye contact with Cassidy’s ass as she passed him. “Well- nice to meet you Angel. Sorry if we’ve come across as rude but given the circumstances-” 
“Not the time for niceties, baby. Jus’ drive!”  
“Yes ma’am.” Arthur said quickly, right as Vivi hopped into the now empty seat beside him. She rolled down the window and the gale that filled the van assaulted Cassidy’s ears, even as Vivi hopped to sit on the window’s edge with her entire upper body outside of the vehicle. 
Cassidy, having laid down in the back of the van, felt the terrain beneath the vehicle tilt downhill and Arthur shouted over the wind, “This is the gorge! Fire the first flare!” And distantly, Cassidy heard Vivi fire it with a bang and a loud hiss. Unbeknownst to her, the blue light was visible for miles. Vivi tossed the now useless thing. And right as she was readying the second, the edges of Cassidy’s vision started going dark.
She was vaguely aware of a walkie talkie cutting on, but she couldn’t focus on the words being said. And right as Hellbent was coming to an end with one final dramatic chord, she blacked out. 
“How bad was it?” Ricky asked tensely. 
“Wipe that concerned look off your face Ricky, I was fine!” Cassidy waved him off dismissively. 
“Internal bleeding is not fine, Cassidy! If we didn’t have magic you may have needed surgery!” Mystery scolded. 
“I’m a little lost,” Fred scratched his head. “How did you get hurt?” 
“The particle displacement that occurs during magical teleportation isn’t easy on the body,” Lewis surmised. “Basically, in Cassidy’s case, suddenly displacing her weakened, injured body from one place to another worsened the tears in bruised tissue, reopened cuts, and as for her bones? The displacement puts pressure on your entire body at once, so you can only imagine what that does to bones that are already cracked or broken. Imagine if someone has broken ribs, (which Cassidy did) and some asshole walks up and squeezes them around the middle as hard as they can. But on your whole body.” 
“Jeepers. I’m glad you’re okay, Cassidy. That must’ve really hurt!” Daphne cried. 
“It’s water under the bridge now,” Cassidy shrugged. “If I had a nickel for every time Lewis apologized afterward… But he never would’ve done it if he’d realized I was injured and I’m still glad he did, given that we had the Devil’s Herd right on our heels.” 
“How did the rest of the trap go anyway?” Fred asked giddily. 
“Long story short,” Vivi explained, “We reached word of the third herd while we were still cleaning up the mess from the second. So before we had set off from there, we harvested an organ from the second queen’s carcass - the one whose head is mounted on our wall. That organ produces highly potent pheromones. That’s how they communicated - like bees. 
“We put those pheromones in gas canisters all over the van that continuously released small amounts, which made the cattle think we were another queen. So their instinct was either to destroy us or to take us back to their hive - either way,  they’d have to catch us first. So Arthur and I lured most of the skull cattle into a deep gorge, and beyond a certain point the people of Tumble caused a carefully orchestrated rock slide with dynamite to close them in. Then, long before they could dig or climb their way out, Mystery showed up, luring the rest of the herd into the gorge.” 
“That was my objective when I leapt out of the van,” Mystery explained with a hint of pride. “My job was to slink through the hive, kill the queen and any of her daughters, rip out her pheromone organ, and use it to lure any skull cattle left in the hive back to the trap with the rest.” 
“It’s a shame you missed that bit Cassidy because it was really cool,” Vivi said excitedly. “He jumped right off that cliff and they all followed. Most of them were either dead or close to it when they hit the bottom, save those who landed on the corpses of those who jumped before.”
“Rou jumped?” Scooby exclaimed. “What about the landing?”
“Kitsune are shape-shifters, remember?” Mystery smirked. And in a flash, he transformed into a large white raven and perched on the top of the chair behind Vivi’s head. “I flew- oh. I’m sorry, Ricky. Is this alright?” The kitsune-turned-bird asked, apologetic and concerned. 
“Oh- yeah it’s fine,” Ricky said sheepishly, rubbing his eyes and sitting up from where he’d been laying his head on the table. “I think what freaked me out yesterday was that you turned into something too similar to a parrot, and I wasn’t expecting it. But this is alright.” 
“‘No parrot-like things.’ I’ll keep that in mind.” Mystery said with a pleased fluff of his feathers.
Then he hopped off of the top of the perch, turned back into a dog, and landed squarely in Vivi’s lap - who couldn’t resist the urge to give him a cuddle. Which, if his wagging tail was anything to go by, had been his plan all along.
“So once they were in the gorge…” Velma prompted. 
“The townsfolk poured hundreds of gallons of molten tar down on the cattle,” Lewis said grimly, igniting a single flame on the tip of one finger, “-And I burned them alive.” Monsters as they were, Lewis could still hear their screams. And he felt no satisfaction in their deaths. 
“Like, zoinks,” Shaggy gulped. 
“Jinkies,” Velma gulped in agreement. “That’s… dark.” 
“There were too many of them to euthanize them humanely,” Vivi said sadly. “We tried that in Idaho and it cost us dearly. We didn’t even try in California because the Redwoods were in danger. Not to mention, obviously, all the people and wildlife who were also at risk. Then in Arizona a whole small town was in danger. And like the others, that herd had already caused a lot of damage and killed a lot of people. We didn’t even consider doing it humanely at that point.”
“Good,” Ricky said gravely. All heads turned with their undivided attention. “I can’t even begin to imagine how many people those things hurt. So even if they suffered, it’s better for them to not exist anymore. They never should’ve existed in the first place. God, why did I-”
“Don’t.” Mystery said. His eyes narrowed, flashing red, and his voice was very firm and stern, only to immediately turn gentle. “Come back, Ricky. Turn around. Don’t go down that path. The regrets, the what-ifs, the should-have-dones, the self-loathing. You’ll only drive yourself mad. Believe me… I know.” 
Ricky sat back in his chair a bit, sullen, and said no more on the matter. Though everyone could tell, and Ricky knew they could because he could see the concern on their faces, that particular battle wasn’t over just yet. Finally, he could take the silence no longer and put his head on the table, his face hidden in his arms. The table was awfully comfortable. And his eyes were growing so… heavy. 
“Cassidy!” Lewis said suddenly, which made everyone jump including Ricky, who quickly sat up and ran his hands over his face. (This went unnoticed by everyone except Mystery.) “Now you need to tell them what happened after you woke up.” 
And that made Mystery stiffen. Ah, yes. That.
“Why? What happened after you woke up?” Fred asked. 
“This one damn near gave me a heart attack and killed me, that’s what!” Cassidy shouted, jabbing an accusatory finger at Mystery. The “dog” batted his eyes and innocently looked away as if he had no idea what she was talking about, except he was also smirking as if to say, ‘I did it and I’ll do it again!’  
“Why am I not surprised?” Velma said dryly. 
“Oh they didn’t tell ya’all shit,” Cassidy laughed. “Just wait until you hear what the first damn thing out of his mouth was!” 
When Cassidy awoke, the first thing she registered was the pain. Her whole body protested with either stiffness, discomfort, or jabs that came with every little movement and adjustment. Next came sound - the hustle and bustle of movements and voices all around. Then the dry heat of the desert that clung to her skin, and the coarse, stiff bedding beneath her back. Then, finally, she blinked her eyes open. 
The light was dim and orange. Late afternoon sunlight just permeating the tent’s fabric above her head. Cassidy turned her head to and fro, taking in her surroundings. She was laid on a pop up cot with a very thin mattress inside of what appeared to be a medical tent. The other beds were empty, a monitor stuck to her arm kept track of her vitals, and a fan in the corner was trying its best to combat the Arizona heat. Aside from that, she was alone. And she could see her bag sitting on a makeshift bedside table, though her rifle was nowhere in sight.
As what had happened before she passed out came back to her, Cassidy sat up as carefully as she could with a groan. Ghosts, magic, and skull cattle? Were the mysteries not limited to Crystal Cove? 
Careful not to jostle herself too much, Cassidy reached over, pulled her bag over into her lap, and started digging around looking for her weapons and to check that all of her stuff was there. Surprise surprise, her pistol, shotgun, mace, and knives were all missing. As were her notes and files on the Mystery Skulls.
Just then, Cassidy’s head snapped up at the sound of someone entering the tent, and Arthur Kingsmen jumped when they locked eyes. “Oh! You’re awake! It was… Angel, right?” 
“Yeah. That’s right. And you’re Arthur Kingsmen, synth player of the Mystery Skulls. And… also a monster hunter apparently,” Cassidy said with a groan as she hefted her bag back onto the table. There wasn’t a single thing in there she could use at the moment anyway.
“Yep. That’s me,” he smiled and rubbed the back of his head, an embarrassed blush coming across his face that reminded her painfully of Ricky. 
Three kids and a talking animal… could there be a fourth? Even if there isn’t it’s too close to be a coincidence but there’s just no way… 
Just then, Vivi popped her head into the tent. “Hey Artie, how’s- Oh! You’re up!” Vivi Yukino said happily. “Hey Lewis! Miss Dynamite is awake!” 
Which led the ghost (apparently wearing his human disguise) to stride into the tent after her. “How are you feeling?” He asked. 
“Like that skull herd trampled me,” Cassidy said in the least-pained tone she could. 
“Sorry,” Lewis said guiltily. 
“From what I gather, you didn’t do it on purpose. All the same, I’d say we have a lot to talk about.” 
“That’s for sure,” Vivi said. “For starters, let’s properly introduce ourselves. I’m Vivi Yukino. This is Lewis Pepper, and this is Arthur Kingsmen. But you apparently already knew that, Miss… Angel Dynamite?” 
“Yeah, that’s my name.”
“No it isn’t.” 
Angel whirled around just in time to catch a glimpse of an enormous shadow on the other side of the tent dart out of sight. 
“What was that?” 
“Mystery…” Vivi warned sternly, but her tone went unheeded as a huge snout forced its way between the Mystery Skulls, followed swiftly by an absolutely gigantic beast. 
“SWEET lordy…” A gasp forced its way out of her and as much as every instinct she had was screaming at her, Cassidy found herself frozen in place. Not that, as hurt as she was, she would have been able to do much else anyway. The kitsune’s seven tails fanned out magnificently behind him like the tail of a peacock. Snow white fur was stained and splotched with orange mud and the golden blood of the cows, and when he shook himself speckles of it misted into the air around him. “What- that the hell-?” She asked shakily. 
“Angel, this is Mystery,” Vivi said in an even, measured voice. “You’ve actually met him, briefly, in the car before he jumped out.”
“That was a cute little dog!” Cassidy all but shouted. “Not some dog- wolf- fox- whatever-you-are! I- eep!” 
Cassidy jumped, shaking, when Mystery abruptly leapt up, his front paws on either side of her body, absolutely towering over her. His red eyes glowed in the dim light within the tent, and the sheer intensity of his glower through his gold spectacles locked all of her limbs in place. 
“What’s your name?” The creature asked. And his voice was all-encompassing, reverberating into the deepest parts of Cassidy’s chest in such a way that it shut all of them right up. 
“I- it’s Angel Dynamite,” she replied. Panic fluttered in her stomach. Why would he think otherwise?! 
“No it isn’t,” he snapped, hackles raised and teeth bared. “I do not know your face as I once did. But if there’s one thing I never forget it’s a smell. Especially one I pursued with such passion as yours. ‘Angel Dynamite?’ Ha! No, that’s the name you had to give yourself. I remember now. That’s what he used to call you, isn’t it?” 
Cassidy’s heart seized inside her chest, and the lovestruck face of the boy she’d loved once flashed before her eyes. He knew. He knew! But how? And the other Mystery Skulls didn’t, if the bewildered looks on their faces were anything to go by. 
Cassidy nervously swallowed. “You know me,” she said, as evenly as she possibly could. An admission with deniability if ever there was one. But Mystery would not have it. 
“What. Is. Your. Name?” He barked. And the force in his tone and the desperation in his eyes was so powerful that she had no choice but to give in. 
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“... Cassidy Williams,” she admitted quietly.
And at those words his entire demeanor changed. His lips dropped over his fangs in a gasp of awe. The hardness vanished and the tension in his shoulders let out like a deflated balloon. He looked- relieved. So relieved he looked as if he might cry. “You’re alive,” he muttered, disbelieving. But then tearfully, he laughed. “I knew it!” 
“You know me,” Cassidy repeated, and he must have heard the fear and confusion in her voice. 
“I do,” he said, and his voice had become very gentle. Melancholy, yet fond. Reminiscing. “And you knew me. A version of me, anyway. But you would not remember me. My children and their families, you knew as well,” he said, gesturing to the other three Mystery Skulls. “But that doesn’t matter right now. The others! Ricky, Judy, Bradley. Are they alive as well? Do they still live?” 
Cassidy was so flabbergasted by his enthusiasm that it didn’t even occur to her to lie. “They are! They are!” 
At that news, Mystery became so excited that it took a whole twenty minutes to calm him down enough for him to tell them a story that Cassidy had only thought was familiar. And for Vivi, Arthur, and Lewis, that revealed wounds so old and so painful that no one around them had ever been able to bring themselves to tell the whole thing - until now.
Once Cassidy stopped talking, the table fell very quiet. 
Then silently, five heads slowly turned to look at the little dog, sitting solemn and silent in Vivi’s lap. And he had that same expression on his face as that day in the desert: Joy and sorrow blended together in a tapestry of painful memories. 
Finally, Ricky swallowed the knot in his throat. “... You knew us?”  He asked quietly. 
And the dog looked right at Ricky and replied, “I did.” 
“... H-how?”
“I don’t blame you for not piecing it together yourself,” Mystery said. And his voice was forcibly even as he wrestled his own feelings under control. “A lot has happened in the past twenty-four hours. You all had so much more on your minds.” 
“That doesn't answer my question,” Ricky said. And he was forcing himself to stay calm too. 
“Do the math,” Mystery said simply. “You disappeared a little over twenty years ago. Vivi, Arthur, and Lewis were all born in Crystal Cove and are all twenty-seven, twenty-six, and twenty-five years old respectively. And their families lived here for some years even before that until they all moved away, almost two years after you left. I am the guardian spirit of the Yukino family. I was here too. Vivi, Lewis, and Arthur were so young they hardly remember Crystal Cove. But me? I remember. And yes, I knew you. I knew your families, your friends, your neighbors. The Yukinos lived not two blocks away from the Owenses. Five from the Williamses. Four generations of Yukinos lived in Crystal Cove, and for all that time I was here too. I was there when Vivi’s parents and grandparents congratulated yours on your birth. Both of your births. Brad and Judy’s too. I watched you grow up. I followed your mysteries - they were the only exciting thing that happened in Crystal Cove back then. And I was there, sniffing in vain around in the brush, when your father and Cassidy’s parents led volunteers to trudge through the caves and waterways with sticks… looking for your bodies.”
That last bit had Ricky’s throat closing and his eyes burning. 
Ricky and Cassidy both did not like thinking about their families. How much their disappearances must have hurt them. Even now, with the Freak not a threat anymore, neither of them had looked up or approached their families. It had been twenty years. Surely, they had moved on. Surely, showing up now would only hurt them more. And seeing them from a distance without being able to reach out would surely mean only more pain on their end.
“... Why are you only telling me this now?” Ricky asked. 
“I did not get to finish my story last night,” Mystery reminded Ricky gently. And, it’s as I keep saying: A lot has happened. There have been other things to talk about. And… I do not mean to diminish your pain when I say this. But would you believe me if I told you that it is painful for me too? Remembering everything that happened back then?” 
“Then why don’t I remember you?” 
“I was the guardian of the Yukino family. I tried not to get too involved in the lives of humans that were not mine, and it was in my nature to be forgettable. But I think, once reminded, you may yet remember.” 
“Then start talking,” Ricky said firmly. “And don’t you dare leave anything out.” 
“I will,” Mystery said. “But I believe a more comfortable setting would be appropriate, as it is quite the long story. And I need to get something from my chambers anyway. Vivi, Lewis. Why don’t you lead our guests to the family room? I’ll meet you there.” 
“If that’s alright with Ricky,” Vivi shrugged. 
And if Ricky had a bit more pep in his step right at that moment, he may have fought it. But at this point, he already felt so exhausted and utterly drained that he simply sighed, “Sure.” 
And so, Mystery hopped from Vivi’s lap and skedaddled out of the room, while the humans got up and silently picked up stacks of dishes from breakfast and carried them into the kitchen to be washed later. Then, awkwardly quiet, they followed Vivi and Lewis into yet another unexplored part of the mansion. 
Ricky kept quiet, his head swimming, and it was all he could do to keep his eyes trained on Cassidy’s back walking just ahead of him. Her shirt fit her well - he could see her toned muscles and defined shoulder blades shifting beneath the fabric with each step. Beautiful, he thought to himself. Even now, part of him feared that if he took his eyes off of her for too long she’d disappear. Or worse: he’d wake up to find that the miracle of this morning had been nothing but a dream. 
As for Cassidy, there were a lot of things that were yet to be explained to her, but for now she was content to hear what Mystery had to say until Ricky was ready to tell her the truth. Some things about the kitsune’s role in Crystal Cove twenty years ago had been explained to her back in Tempo, but she was looking forward to having a lot of gaps filled. 
“So like,” Shaggy cleared his throat after a while, “how exactly did you guys know Mystery Incorporated back in the day?” 
“Yeah. And why didn’t you mention it before?” Velma asked. Curious - not accusatory.
“Our families knew each other from what I understand,” Lewis said. 
“More than knew each other,” Cassidy corrected gently. “After spending some time in Tempo, I managed to find out more than what Mystery told us. Ya’all ain’t gonna believe this: Fred and Vivi are related.” 
At that, everyone abruptly stopped walking and turned around. “What?!” 
“Wait- how?!” Vivi exclaimed, just as shocked as everyone else.
“What’s your Momma’s maiden name?” Angel asked.
Vivi thought for a second, then smacked herself on the forehead. “Reeves! Of course!” 
“I thought Vivi was Japanese,” Fred said, confused. 
“Half Japanese, on my Dad’s side,” Vivi corrected. “I mostly take after him, but my Mom is definitely white. Like she is blonde. And- actually, come to think of it her hair is the same yellow as Fred’s. Anyway - all I know is some sides of Mom’s family had lived in Crystal Cove for a very long time. So I guess I shouldn’t really be surprised. How are we related, by the way? Specifically?” 
“Your Mom and Judy’s Dad are cousins,” Cassidy explained. “Which makes you and Judy second cousins, and you and Fred are second cousins once removed.”
“Wow. Small world,” Fred said.
“I didn’t even know my Mom had a cousin,” Vivi said. 
“They apparently don’t talk much anymore,” Cassidy shrugged. “And Fred and Vivi aren’t the only ones with a connection. I don’t know if anyone else is related, but apparently the Owenses, the Kingsmen, and the Yukinos were pretty tight. But I didn’t hear a lot about how or why that is, apart from that the Yukinos became fast friends with the other two families when they first moved to Crystal Cove, and the Kingsmen and Owens families were friends even before that. Then when my parents moved to Crystal Cove a few years before I was born, the Nocedas and the Peppers were the first to welcome them to the neighborhood, and the Yukinos weren’t far behind.” 
“Wait- who are the Nocedas?” Daphne asked. 
“My birth parents,” Lewis said quietly. 
And a sympathetic silence followed as the eight of them continued on before Vivi pressed through the awkwardness. “Anyway- Arthur, Lewis, and I really couldn’t tell you much about back then. I was only six when the Original Mystery Incorporated disappeared. Arthur was five, and Lewis was four. And we moved away like… a year later? I have a few fleeting memories that are relevant. But they’re mostly glimpses, feelings, or single moments. The adults back home in Tempo who do remember everything only have parts of the puzzle, and even then talking about it has become a sort of unspoken taboo. Mystery has more of the story than anyone else, and even he doesn’t like talking about it. All the hurt that happened in Crystal Cove 20 years ago… a lot of people have either forgotten about it or tried to. But Mystery sure as hell hasn’t.”
“No kidding,” Cassidy agreed. 
“It’s frustrating,” Vivi sighed. “Mystery’s become more and more open with us since he first revealed himself as a kitsune and started actually talking to us, but his days as Kit and Koa are the only really important part of his life that he won’t talk about.”
Ricky had been starting to nod off, but something about what Vivi said caught his attention. “His days as what?”
“Those were the names he lived under during his time in Crystal Cove,” Vivi explained. “Throughout his days as a guardian spirit, he’s assumed whatever name the family gives him. Usually during and after a period when he takes the form of some companion animal and decides to live among the family for whatever reason instead of watching over us unseen. He’s been Mystery for a little over eighteen years, if memory serves me right. But before that, he took the form of a border collie and my grandma named him Koa. If you remember him at all, that would be the name and form you knew him by.”
Koa… something about that name rang a bell. Where do I know that name from??? Ugh, it was only nine in the morning, and too much had happened already. What Ricky really wanted to do was lie down and take a nap. But there was still too much to do and too much to talk and think about. 
He didn’t ask any more questions, and kept trudging along with the others.
At last, they came upon a spacious yet cozy lounge with dark blue wallpaper and red and orange furniture. Apparently the “family room,” where Mystery had for some reason decided to hold this discussion. 
Ricky plopped down on a large, L-shaped couch and leaned back, arms over the back of the couch with his eyes closed, intending to mentally prepare himself. Cassidy spared him a worried look before she sat down on the other line on the “L” beside him. While the kids walked around the room and looked at the pictures. 
Only then did it become clear as to why this was known as the “family room.” Because that’s what all of the pictures were of: The Mystery Skulls, along with their families. And quite a few of the older ones, the kids recognized, had been taken in Crystal Cove! They were so busy looking around and asking questions, especially about the pictures that included Vivi’s Mom’s side of the family, that they hardly noticed when five minutes went by. Then almost another five minutes. And right when they were starting to wonder what was taking Mystery so damn long, in the kitsune trotted, looking a bit too pleased with himself, carrying a large book-shaped package in his mouth. 
“Apologies for the wait,” the kitsune said a bit too merrily as he set the package down on the coffee table. 
“No kidding. What took you so long?” Cassidy asked suspiciously.
“Ah, silly me. I’d misplaced my photo album. I’ve accumulated so many things over the years, you know. I was beginning to fear I’d left it back in Tempo when I found it under my pillow of all places. Imagine that.” 
“You’re up to something,” Vivi stated. 
“Up to something?” Mystery cried in his most offended possible tone. “Vivi! I am shocked and appalled that this is your opinion of me!” 
“Hear that, kids?” Lewis asked. “That’s the sound of bullshit.” 
“Yyyep,” Fred agreed. 
“Rullshit,” said Scooby. 
“‘Bullshit?’ ‘Up to something?’” The Kitsune balked teasingly, “From the way you all talk, you’d think I was some sort of shady vagabond!”
“What. Did you do?” Vivi asked dryly. 
“Very well,” Mystery sighed. “But you can’t be mad at me.” 
“What. Did you do?”
“Technically,” Mystery said, “I didn’t ‘do’ anything. But… let’s just say that my story is going to have to wait until this evening.”
And right as Vivi was about to demand why, she was cut off by the sound of a soft snore. 
Ricky. Had fallen asleep. Right where he sat, leaning back against the couch.
“Ricky?” Cassidy called him and lightly shook his shoulder, but he didn’t so much as stir. “Ricky?” 
“No no, don’t wake him,” Mystery said. “I’ve been waiting for this all morning. It was only a matter of time.” 
“Why? What’s wrong with him?” She demanded. 
“Don’t fret, little Angel. Nothing is wrong. Sleepyhead’s medicine simply hasn’t worn off yet.” 
Lewis smacked his forehead. “The sleeping potion! Of course!” 
“The what now?” Cassidy cocked an eyebrow.
“Ricky couldn’t sleep last night,” Vivi explained, “So Mystery gave him a potion. He really needed the rest. That’s why he slept in.” 
“I told him to go take it right away, or at least I thought it was implied,” Mystery sighed, slightly irritated, “But instead he bumped into Velma on the way back to his room and stayed up for another few hours. Then took it.” 
“Okay,” Cassidy said, confused, “That still doesn’t explain…”
“Have you ever taken nighttime medicine?” Vivi asked. “It can be difficult to get comfortable and fall asleep when you’re sick, so a lot of nighttime medications have stuff in them to help their patient sleep. But those medicines are supposed to wear off by morning. So if you take it late and wake up early without the effects wearing off, you feel super lethargic for the first half of the day. The same thing has happened to Ricky, but he took a potion instead of ‘normal’ medicine so the effect is a lot stronger.”
“Poor dear. It’s likely that the only reason he’s been awake as long as he has is due to the stress,” Mystery said. “But with magic, even stress can only hold it off for so long. Then we likely sped it along by feeding him.” 
“Like, why by feeding him?” Shaggy asked. 
“Eating a big, comfortable meal like that would be enough to make anyone satisfied and drowsy,” Lewis said. “Add a dreamless sleep potion into the mix and it’s no wonder he’s zonked out.”
“Oh for Pete’s- you planned this!” Velma cried accusingly, jabbing a finger at Mystery. 
“I did not plan for Ricky to take his medicine late. But just now, did I intentionally have Vivi and Lewis take him to the most comfortable lounge in the house then stall long enough for him to doze off? Yes I did,” Mystery smirked mischievously. “Because I didn’t want to argue with him when I told him he needed to go back to bed before anything else. Just like Cassidy is about to.” 
“What- me?” Cassidy snapped. 
“You’ve been awake and on-the-move for over twenty-four hours,” Mystery said, bending his neck down to her level. “That, and we won’t urgently need you for anything for another few hours anyway. So yes, Cassidy. The others and I will be going out into Crystal Cove to make some preparations, and in the meantime you and Ricky will remain here. Not that you’ll miss us - we should return at about the same time you wake up - at around 3:00. Five hours still won’t be nearly enough rest but for now we’ll have to take what we can get.”
“The hell I do!” Cassidy stubbornly spat, indignant at the mere suggestion. “I still haven’t-” But mid-sentence, Mystery exhaled a cloud of red smoke in her face. Cassidy abruptly stopped talking, her eyes rolled over, her entire body went slack, and she slumped over on the couch beside Ricky. 
With a red flash, Mystery took the form of the man with long black hair he’d shown them last night. Except of course, his seven magnificent tails were still showing from under his kimono and his tall pointed ears were sticking out of his hair on top of his head. Twenty years later and they’re still so adorable, the kitsune chuckled to himself, fondly remembering a time long ago when this very pair of sleepy meddling kids fell asleep on the Yukino’s couch. 
“Jeepers! What did you do to Angel?” Daphne cried. 
“Just a simple sleeping spell, Daphne. Fear not,” Mystery said dismissively. And gently, tenderly even, he lifted Ricky’s upper body from the back cushion and moved him to lie longways on the couch. “I believe I mentioned that we kitsune have some power over dreams. Which makes us skilled in all sorts of sleep-related magic,” Mystery continued, and he picked up Ricky’s legs from where they hung over the side and put them onto the cushions. “This one will only put her out for a few hours. Assuming I’ve estimated correctly, Ricky should wake up an hour or two before her, but I’m sure he’ll be fine as long as we leave a note explaining things.”
Rolling her eyes, Vivi came up behind him with a couple of blankets as Mystery moved on to Cassidy. “Why did you put Cassidy to sleep?” She asked. “Her needing the rest can’t have been the only reason.”
“I mean, she couldn’t exactly have helped much until this afternoon anyway,” Lewis guessed, scratching the back of his head. 
“-But knowing her, she would have tried to regardless,” Mystery added, having now moved Ricky and Cassidy to each lie longways on the cushions. “And when we didn’t let her, as if we could stop her, it only would have bothered her while she waited. So I felt it was best that she sleep until then.” And he took the blankets from Vivi and draped one over each of them.
“Why’s that?” Scooby asked. 
“Because,” Lewis announced, a piece of paper magically appearing in his hand, “I went to see Arthur last night, and he has a plan. But he needs our help to pull it off, so we’ve got homework and the deadline is in less than 48 hours.” 
“And all of it involves going out into Crystal Cove,” Mystery added. With a flourish, a long ornate gold kiseru pipe appeared in his hand and he began to smoke kizami while he spoke. 
Unnoticed by Mystery Incorporated, this caused Vivi and Lewis to spare each other a very worried look. Being a spirit, smoking wasn’t bad for Mystery in the way it is for fully mortal beings. But while it wasn’t harmful for him, he knew second-hand smoke could be bad for humans and that the habit had become increasingly frowned upon in the past few decades. Which meant these days, wanting to set a good example for the younger ones, Mystery never smoked in front of them anymore unless he was extremely stressed about something. In the three years since he’d revealed himself as a shape-shifter, this was only the third time they’d ever seen him do it.
All of this to say, if whatever Mystery was going to have to say about twenty years ago was affecting him this badly, then it was extremely concerning indeed.
“But,” Mystery continued, blowing out a long, beautiful red stream of smoke, “it would be extremely unwise for Cassidy to go into town with us. If she did, she could be spotted on one of Mr. E’s cameras. And if our enemies saw her, then best-case scenario there goes our element of surprise and one of our wild cards. Worst-case scenario, we end up with kriegstaffebots at our door trying to finish what they started.” And as he finished talking, he began blowing lovely red smoke rings as he listened to the others.
“Zoinks! Like yeah, those are good reasons!” Shaggy gulped, his eyes nervously following a trail of smoke that went by his head. 
“-Not that they could get into the house anyway if they tried!” Vivi added quickly. “Not with our defenses, remember?”
“Yeah but it’d be annoying. And since we’d be essentially under siege it would become near-impossible for anyone aside from Mystery, myself, or maybe you to leave. That, and this is a great spot. I’d rather avoid having to move the house if I can,” Lewis pointed out.
“That’s true too.”
“Rud reasons,” Scooby agreed.
“So what’s the homework?” Velma asked eagerly. 
“The two main keys to success in Arthur’s plan are physically escaping Destroido and ditching Pericles, Brad, and Judy. Then getting the cobra larvae removed. As you could guess, the second part is the tricky part and also what we’re going to do today,” Lewis said. “Because the capsule is pretty deep in there, and it’s like a centimeter away from Ricky’s spinal cord. The only way it’s coming out is if Arthur’s sedated and someone cuts it out, and that’s not something we can do safely. Which means we need a surgeon, equipment, and a place where that surgery can be done.” 
“Uh, why don’t we just take him to the hospital?” Scooby asked.
“It’s too obvious and too dangerous,” Lewis replied. “Removing the cobra venom will probably be Pericles’ first guess about ‘Ricky’s’ next move, and the hospital is the most obvious place that could be done. And the last thing we need is them dragging Arthur back right when we think we’ve won. Or worse: bringing killer robots into a hospital full of sick people.”
“So,” Fred surmised, “We need somewhere equipped with surgical equipment and someone who can perform surgery, but it can’t be at an actual medical center.” 
“Not only that but it has to be the right kind of surgeon. Or at least a surgeon with the right training,” Velma added. 
“This is where you come in, Mystery Incorporated,” Mystery smirked. And he blew an enormous, beautiful red smoke ring that encircled the four kids and their dog before it dissipated, filling the air with the smell of tobacco.
“The Mystery Skulls aren’t established in Crystal Cove,” Vivi explained. “We don’t know anyone here. We don’t have any connections. You guys on the other hand have been meddling around this town for years. You probably know just about everyone by now. So finding the answer to this is going to be up to you.” 
“I think I might have an idea of where we could do the surgery, but I don’t know about a surgeon,” Velma said thoughtfully.
And Fred, Shaggy, and Scooby didn’t have any ideas either until, with a defeated sigh, Daphne raised her hand. “Actually… I think I know the exact person who can help us.” 
And HERE IT IS! I'm sorry for the long wait, and I hope the long chapter and the fanart makes up for it! I didn't mean to make you all wait this long for this chapter. I went through a bit of a rough patch the past couple of months because of school stuff. I picked the wrong major. BUT! I'm on a different path now that's much better for me and my mental health. I can't promise when the next update will be, as my current schedule doesn't leave me with much spare time. But I don't intend to make you wait another three months either. On to talking about the chapter itself and its future, I don't know how they keep ending up this long but no one particularly seems to be complaining about it. Cassidy still doesn't know what happened to Ricky, Mystery has revealed yet another can of worms to open so expect lots more flashbacks ahead, and we're finally going to see our heroes actually start contributing to Operation: Free the E in the next few chapters. As for my song choice, I wasn't originally planning to use "Hellbent" for this part of the story, but as I was writing the flashback to Arizona I realized no other song could possibly be this appropriate for a car chase. That, and the past several chapters have been God, Pay for My Sins, and Angel. So why not continue the trend and put all of the songs with Christian/heaven/hell titles in one place? I would also like it to be known that Hellbent will most likely be used as a chapter song/title again in the future. I had been planning to use it for another chapter anyway, and tbh I'm running out of good Mystery Skulls songs that remain fitting to what's happening in the plot. I'mma try to have song repeats be few and far between tho! I would also like it noted, some of you may have noticed, that I have added "previous" and "next" buttons to the format of my posting. I got the idea from Morningmark's comics he posts here on Tumblr. I can't promise how consistent they are to every single post though, because some of my chapters have proven difficult to find. I'll work out the kinks eventually, and I hope they make reading 'One Of Us' on Tumblr more manageable. Just don't forget to run over to Ao3 to leave a kudo or a comment too! Seriously, do share your thoughts and possible theories. I never grow tired of them and they're what encourage me to keep going! I stay busy with school so I don't know when I'll have time to post chapter 23 to Ao3 but you can bet it'll be posted there by this weekend!
Chapters 1-22 of 'One of Us' are presently posted on Archive of Our Own!
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misteria247 · 2 years
Y'all wanna know something super ironic that I noticed? Due to my brother showing me clips way too many times in that terrible show Velma, Mindy tries so hard to make people sympathize with her version of Velma. And tries desperately to make it seem like everyone else, mainly Fred is the bad guy. But honestly I feel more sympathy for Fred than I do her. Like-
Despite Fred's rich reputation, this guy's got the absolute worst home life ever. He's got this really awful dad who pressures him to hit puberty despite being unable to and who puts him in uncomfortable situations, he's got a mom that babys him so much that she literally feeds him and watches him use the bathroom. (Which btw that's completely unhinged behavior). Not to mention that the people he's surrounded by on the daily are absolutely God awful.
His supposed gf Daphne has no respect for his personal boundaries and tries to pressure him into doing things he doesn't want to do and tries to make him feel guilty when he tells her no. Not to mention that she cheats on him with Velma while he's in jail for a crime he didn't commit. Velma's constantly belittling him and embarrassing him in front of people all the time, and makes fun of his insecurities and uses them against him. Fred literally gets laughed at by the entire town while in court due to his late blooming of puberty, because Velma decided to throw those insecurities out there for everyone to see. Everyone treats him like he's stupid when in reality he's actually smart because he read a whole book on the complicated history of women in the span of a single day. Plus he's actually pretty nice as seen with the attorney when he thanks him for helping him out, (only to have his father pressure him to be more "manly" and made him change his attitude). There's also the moment where he thanks Norville for the help while in jail. Fred's literally under constant pressure from everyone around him and has so many expectations put on him that he literally lashes out in fits of anger because it becomes too much for him. It's no wonder he gets snippy.
Like it's so ironically funny that Mindy tried so hard to make her "Velma" the character you're supposed to root for and sympathize with, but in the end she ended up making Fred that character despite her obvious want to make him the bad guy.
It's just insanely hilarious.
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shadow-turtle-234 · 2 years
Can't believe I am saying this...
but Loki is somehow better than Velma.
Yes. That fucking garbage Marvel show that actively shits on the title character and said character's fan base, as well as genderfluid folk; that has abuse, incest and fascism apologism sewn within the very blood stream of the series, is somehow better than Velma.
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lastoneout · 2 years
nothing is a more clear and brutal condemnation of a piece of media than how quickly and often fans feel obligated to tell people that "it's not really bad it's just satire"
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thecastilloking · 2 years
Me (after watching Velma) to Mindy Kaling:
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cockyroaches · 1 year
So sad thinking about all those 2/10 nickelodeon cartoons from back in the day that YouTube reviewers just loved to shit on because oh if only we knew.
Does anyone have a show like that ur still attached to. It was pgbc and breadwinners for me at age 13
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gaaralover55 · 2 years
I am so happy that no one is defending the Velma show!
It's offensive, racist, using sterotypes, not funny, bad writing, no Scooby doo, sexualising minors and turning the character OOC! They are not the fun characters feom the Scooby do animated serie! Thoose we had grown up to love.
They are horrible pepole who act horrible against eachother! And I know this is suppose to be a adult cartoon but it's just burning GARBAGE! Burning Garbage that tries to be like the Harley Quinn serie and fails miserable!
I still can't belive that HBO greenlighted THIS!!? That there are no parents who are trying to shut it down?! Seriously HBO?!
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ann-whispers · 2 years
Scooby-Doo Remake By Me
Because of the horridness that was Velma, I present my version of a modern Scooby-Doo remake in the "adult show" format. I have no ideas for the title
First off concept:
I’d imagine they're all in online college rather than in highschool. Velma would major in either law or history, Daphne is studying fashion, Fred is studying engineering, and Shaggy is studying psychology. Though one little change is rather than a group of monster hunters I’d imagine them as a small news company and they’re all basically journalists (as a part time job). I do want to follow the one mystery per episode format however I will be taking the idea of there being a string of murders that the gang is following. I guess how it would be implied that it's an adult show would be the gore, just a few swears, and maybe for characters arcs and side plots more adult topics are explicitly talked about. 
Fun little thing I’d like to add is the gang has a swear jar hence all their different catch phrases, I believe that Shaggy would swear the most. I would also make it so the gang travels around the world and we'd get to see different ghost folklore and history.
Now the fun part; The Gang
Velma I imagine being a very book smart person with a more dorky personality. I imagine her being not very street smart and tends to be a bit unaware of the situation meaning she tends to be a bit brutally honest. She gets a bit far too invested in the mysteries. Velma would be very organized and controlled compared to the group and just really loves learning things and solving mysteries. I do imagine her being more introverted and not as willing to talk to others outside of the gang. I also just like the idea of an autistic Velma, which I think might fit.
Daphne I suppose would be a very upbeat and energetic person. I remember in some versions she was very damsel in distress type, so I just imagine her being reckless and clumsy so she gets into danger often but she can hold her own. She definitely loves the danger and adventure aspect of the mystery solving the gang does. I also just like the idea that she was in a very high up family so she’s very rich so she tends to be a bit unaware of what counts as expensive to others, so sometimes she just spends without thinking while the others stare confused. Daphne would definitely be the one interested in more horror related content.
The golden retriever. The himbo. The sweet guy who just wants to make everyone happy. I imagine him being more kind and charismatic in this version and is just a very likable person, like a teddy bear. I do see the potential to make him someone who goes a bit too far in the self-sacrificing side of things. I also imagine that he is actually very intelligent (the traps) but focuses far too much on that one thing. I also just imagine his smart moments just come out at the most random times and he believes that its basic information doesn't explain anything so everyone else (maybe except Velma) is confused. I believe in the idea that Fred’s catchphrase is fuck and everytime he says that he puts a coin in the swear jar. ADHD coded Fred, just an energetic person with strange fascinations (aka traps)
Shaggy and Scooby:
Shaggy I don’t know why but based on what we already know I imagined he’d be a very sarcastic person. He also just really loves food and of course is a bit of a coward. Based on the idea from Lavender Town, I do wanna follow the idea of Scooby being a service dog however I’d make him an anxiety service dog instead. I do like the concept of Shaggy suffering from anxiety and maybe developed the habit of overeating. For Scooby, if he talks then he talks but I love the idea of his situation being similar to Groot meaning everyone in the gang can understand him but everyone else (including the audience) can't understand anything. Shaggy is the coward of course but I also imagined he’s actually somewhat of a jock and is often used as a distraction because of his speed. Also based of his past interpretations he would be a pretty sassy and sarcastic kind of dude here. He just seems to like insulting people in the past versions.
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supermanandlois3 · 2 years
This is the only Velma I will watch.
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I have an awful, terrible theory that would require people to actually watch Velma. The show starts off with everyone being awful, right? That's because it's an origin story. We're seeing how this group of people who are complete assholes and nothing like their original characters turn into the Scooby Gang and adopt Scooby Doo. I think they'll actually get less worse as the show progresses because Velma sorta already is (I'm only on episode 4 though).
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