#vein health
Deep Venous Disease in the US: Treatment Options, Market Players, Stents, and Patient Satisfaction
In the United States, Deep Venous Disease (DVD) is a common medical ailment that has a big impact on a lot of people. This illness affects blood flow in the deep veins of the legs, resulting in swelling, discomfort, and ulceration as symptoms. In this article, we'll look at the several treatment choices for DVD, the major industry participants, the function of stents during treatment, and patient satisfaction.
Read Full Blog Here: https://www.grgonline.com/post/deep-venous-disease-in-the-usa-available-treatment-options-key-market-players-stent-usage-and-pa
Treatment Options
Conservative Management: Mild cases of DVD can be controlled by making lifestyle changes, including as elevating the legs, wearing compression stockings, and exercising frequently. These actions enhance blood flow and lessen symptoms.
Medications: Anticoagulant medications are prescribed to patients with DVT to prevent the formation of blood clots. This treatment is crucial in preventing life-threatening complications like pulmonary embolism.
Endovenous Procedures: Minimally invasive procedures like endovenous laser treatment (EVLT) and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) can be used to close off malfunctioning veins and redirect blood flow. These treatments have a shorter recovery time compared to traditional surgery.
Stent Placement: In cases where the veins are severely narrowed or obstructed, stent placement may be recommended. Stents are small mesh tubes that are inserted into the affected vein to keep it open and restore proper blood flow.
Market Players in Deep Venous Disease Treatment
Several companies are at the forefront of developing innovative technologies and treatments for Deep Venous Disease. Some of the key market players include:
Medtronic: Medtronic offers a range of products for the treatment of venous diseases, including stents, catheters, and other medical devices used in minimally invasive procedures.
Cook Medical: Cook Medical is a leading provider of medical devices, including stents and catheters used in the treatment of DVT and other vascular conditions.
Boston Scientific: Boston Scientific manufactures various interventional devices, including stents, for the treatment of deep vein issues.
The Role of Stents in DVD Treatment
Stents are often used in the treatment of DVD when there is a significant narrowing or blockage in the deep veins. These devices are designed to expand and keep the vein open, allowing for improved blood flow. Stents can be particularly effective in cases of post-thrombotic syndrome, where the veins are scarred and narrowed due to previous blood clots.
Patient Satisfaction in DVD Treatment
Patient satisfaction plays a vital role in evaluating the success of DVD treatments. Factors contributing to patient satisfaction include:
Symptom Relief: Effective treatment should alleviate symptoms such as pain, swelling, and ulcers, leading to an improved quality of life.
Minimally Invasive Options: Many patients prefer minimally invasive procedures, as they offer shorter recovery times and less postoperative discomfort.
Long-Term Outcomes: Patients are often concerned about the long-term success of treatment and whether it will prevent recurrence.
Quality of Life: Improvement in mobility and the ability to engage in daily activities without discomfort or limitations are significant factors contributing to patient satisfaction.
Deep Venous Disease is a complex condition that can have a significant impact on the lives of those affected. Fortunately, there are various treatment options available, including stents, which play a crucial role in restoring proper blood flow. Market players like Medtronic, Cook Medical, and Boston Scientific continue to advance the field with innovative medical devices.
Patient satisfaction is a key metric in evaluating the success of DVD treatments, and ongoing research and development efforts aim to improve outcomes and enhance the quality of life for individuals living with this condition. As medical technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more effective and patient-friendly treatments for Deep Venous Disease in the future.
Visit our website now: https://www.grgonline.com/
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m0tiv8me · 3 months
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Such a mentally noisy day today. Needed to quiet my mind before bed so I decided to move some iron and hopefully focus my thoughts elsewhere for a bit to break through the fog.
Helped a little but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t seeking validation this evening to help quiet the doubting demons, hence this post.
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fishareglorious · 4 months
wonder if we're ever gonna get an event/moment/flashback dedicated to the storm that involved people's veins turning into wires. that's one of the mighty fucked up storm syndromes around and i do kinda wish we'll see someone's POV of it
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baratrongirl · 11 days
I have been dealing with non-stop health problems since 22nd June or thereabouts and I just want it all to stop.
On 21st June, which was my birthday, I went to an Elder Scrolls Online 10th Anniversary party at the offices of Bethesda/Zenimax in London. I proceeded to catch COVID from being out in public, and spent a week in bed.
On 29th June I was sitting at my computer, still with a high fever, stood up to go to the loo, and something in my right leg tore and I fell over. Couldn't walk at all for several days. Finally got free of COVID, went to the hospital, and they thought from an ultrasound that I'd torn my Achilles tendon. So I got put in a horrible cast and was not allowed to put any weight on the leg at all.
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Went to Germany for the ESO Tavern anyway because I figured that accessible hotel rooms would be less stress than my house, which is only accessible for my normal disability and not for "you can't put any weight on your foot at all". Had to inject myself with an anticoagulant called Fragmin because of being immobile, which is super great if you're needle phobic.
Once I got home and saw the specialist, she thought it probably wasn't a tear and ordered an MRI. This showed that actually, I "only" had "thickening and inflammation" of the tendon. So it looks like I "only" tore my calf muscle which is a much less serious injury to heal. (I could dig out the hospital letter with the actual names of the muscles but I frankly don't care enough.)
However, my right leg was STILL rock solid with oedema. (Medical for "swelling"). The calf felt hard to the touch instead of squishy like my left leg. The young doctor that I saw the second time was only bothered about the tendonitis and severe inflexibility of my foot, not the fact that my leg was swollen. And I continued to have pain spikes so bad that my temperature hit 38.0 C and I started puking for probably six weeks after the initial injury.
TL;DR my leg started to get better and then it got worse again. About two weeks ago I noticed the leg was more swollen than ever, and the skin was bright red and very itchy. Took myself up to the hospital again, had a blood test, sat and waited for the results.
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My foot turned LITERALLY purple and by the time I got to see the A&E doctor, she just looked at my foot in combination with the blood test results and declared that I had a clot. (Though she was very thorough, carefully checking the entire length of my bad leg against the good one.) They gave me a massive dose of anticoagulants and sent me home to sleep in my own bed for a bit, then I went back the next day and had another ultrasound at a different frequency from the first. (Different frequencies of sound penetrate different levels of tissue). And promptly got diagnosed with Deep Vein Thrombosis.
Blood clots are kinda gross (don't worry, there are no pictures):
Apparently the blood clot is from behind my knee all the way up to mid-thigh. I thought a blood clot was an amorphous, approximate spheroid blocking the vein at a particular place, but it actually fills the entire vein! (Gross!)
Also the main concern with Deep Vein Thrombosis is that bits might break off from the main clot and travel through the bloodstream to cause a Pulmonary Embolism. So the high dose of anticoagulants is actually to deal with bits breaking off from the clot rather than to break down the clot itself! That's why the treatment is 3-6 months on a high dose of anticoagulants.
I was worried about the risk of stroke but that's from blood clots in arteries, not veins.
I'm still annoyed with the doctor in the Fracture Clinic who basically looked at me and saw a fat person, rather than checking that my uninjured fat left leg and injured fat right leg felt the same. Because I had the oedema then. I had a soft, squishy fat left leg and a hard, unsquishable fat right leg.
If I'd actually followed his advice I might have accidentally killed myself. Fortunately I know the medical word "oedema" and knew not to use the special socks which said "do not use if you have oedema".
I am so fucking frustrated. So stupidly tired. I can't work out whether I'm depressed because I'm exhausted or exhausted because I'm depressed. Or whether the two states are orthogonal and caused by something else.
I feel like I've basically missed the entire summer to being sick and mostly unable to move very far from my bed, and the only joy I have is that I live in the UK and have paid nothing for any of this healthcare because it's all funded from our taxes.
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"But it is a mysterious law of our nature, that as the period approaches when the exhausted energies of life require a new support from the warm, gushing fountain of another's veins, the strong desire to live grows upon us, until, in a paroxysm of wild insanity, which will recognise no obstacles, human or divine, we seek a victim."
ps Except if the blood has male cooties or the woman has had sex before
the weird Gender Restrictions on blood-drinking in this story are hilarious sometimes.
in chapters 232-233 he seems to have some kind of Magic Victim-Homing Sense which leads him to the nearest eligible maiden in his vicinity. maybe they're just the most nutritious?
(this is a Watsonian answer, of course.)
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Got my blood drawn the other day...
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denim-bias · 4 months
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zickmonkey · 6 months
Oh my god hey besties guess who's having an awful time like mentally
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fullscoreshenanigans · 8 months
reading through Return to Grace Field arc like
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vaciena · 3 months
I don’t think your veins are supposed to be squishy
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m0tiv8me · 5 months
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A nice 40 minute workout with some free weights. Got a good little pump for the first time in a long time. Probably going to feel it tomorrow. 💪
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 3 months
mmm actually now i am ready to play cecio again. in wotr where physiological torture doesn't hurt real people.
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pintsizeginger · 1 year
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Yesterday was my birthday!
In the past I typically love celebrating my birthday! That normally involves either game nights with friends or a fun trip. Last year and now this year due to health issues those things have been difficult to do.. Last year I was fresh out of surgery and this year I'm just a few days away from a major surgery. Because I can't do much to celebrate I figured I would share my wishlist for surgery recovery items. Since I have fibromyalgia I need all the recovery help I can get! I'm so ready for the surgery but I also know that recovery is going to be rough!
The wishlist link is here
And if you don't want to use Amazon, my PayPal and Venmo are both @SelinaMariaA and CashApp is $SelinaMAngotti
The reason for the surgery is that after having reoccurring blood clots we discovered that I have Venous Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (vTOS). So to allow my veins to work properly I'm having decompression surgery, which will be removing my first rib on the problem side and possibly removing muscle, and I will probably need vein repair too. It's been hard dealing with this, my arm and shoulder has been just getting worse and worse. I'm so thankful that my hematologist recognized it for what it is!
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elshanr · 5 months
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Fitness Selfie
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chamerionwrites · 2 years
Also what people need to understand before leaving condescending shit in the tags is that by and large nobody is frustrated about CBT (yes the therapy, insert obligatory giggling) not being a mental health "panacea". People are frustrated about:
Therapists making zero attempt to ascertain whether CBT is right for their patients before diving in with a methodology that can actively make some mental health problems worse; and/or
Patients who do say "hey this really isn't working for me" being told (or frequently berated) by friends, family, assholes on the internet, and not-infrequently therapists themselves that they just need to work harder rather than offered alternatives; and/or
Systematic difficulty accessing other kinds of treatment because the healthcare system is fucked and CBT is more likely to be covered by insurance
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The Descent is so prettyyyy
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