#veggie doctor
theveggiedoctor · 2 years
immuno boost veggie doctor
Theveggiedoctor.com is the #1 online store for your vegan health supplements to cater to your health. You should definitely try our immuno boost veggie doctor tablets for boosting your immunity system. Please visit our website today for any more details.
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stevetwisp · 3 months
still not over the fact ive spent the last couple of years becoming so lethargic and depressed it's become nearly impossible to motivate myself to do anything, including eating- despite this i make a point of going outside everyday bc my body struggles with processing certain vitamins
well yesterday i found out my body has not been processing vitamin d for who knows how long, which is causing my lethargy and lack of appetite and depression, and i am starting a treatment that involves being given a 50x the regular amount dose to get my body back in balance
im both excited and feel so vindicated i knew something was going wrong and im so glad to finally get some treatment
here's hoping i can finally become a functioning human being
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jvlianbashir · 5 months
i need to go home and make potato soup so bad
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Ways I get fruits n veggies in me:
- putting oranges and peppers on the counter where it’s easy to snack on while I make other food
- buying frozen strawberries for cheap to make smoothies which are cold on a hot day
- buying 100% fruit juices or 100% fruit popsicles so I have cold juice to drink on a hot day
Ways I do not get fruits n veggies in me:
- buying frozen veggies I don’t really want to eat because I think they’re healthy
- buying fruits I don’t really like because I think they’re healthy
- buying fruits or veggies which require prep time to eat in a way I like
- getting upset at myself for not eating enough fruits n veggies
Notice how the ways I eat the fruits and veggies have a built in incentive to eat them?
- peppers n oranges on the counter are easy to eat and require no prep time. If I want a meal, or I’m just I the kitchen, they’re easy to grab and munch on.
- I get bored and distracted when I cook. Having something to do with my hands, like peeling an orange, keeps me busy while keeping me in the kitchen near my food. And then I peeled the orange so I might as well eat it.
- smoothies and cold juice/popsicles work because the weather is hot and I already want to cool down. The incentive exists naturally because I like how they taste and I’m already looking for something cold.
- smoothies/juice/popsicles also have a consistent texture, which unprocessed fruit and veggies do not have. Texture is a big driver of what I eat or don’t, so having a pleasant/consistent texture makes me more likely to choose something.
If u prep ur own food and are worried ur not eating enough fruits n veggies, it might be time to go through how you usually choose what to eat and what’s blocking the fruit and veggie choices. Usually there is something that makes the alternate choice you make more appealing (including not eating anything, that is a choice that you make too).
Does having to cut/peel an orange take too long, so you pick the easily openable chips? That’s great! You have chips! But if you want fruit too, maybe get something you can just pick up and eat, like an apple or pear.
Does having fresh veggies sound great, but they’re not warm and you’re already freezing, so you pick the warm tater tots you can make in the oven? That’s great! You have tater tots! But if you want veggies too, maybe make some warm vegetable soup, or get a microwave pack of steamed green beans or broccoli.
Do you feel like you want to add more vitamins to your diet, but you don’t like the taste of vegetables or fruit, so you just stare in the cabinet and then don’t pick anything? Get something that has what you need that tastes different. Maybe that’s a supplement (talk to your doctor first, those still can interact with other meds or general health), maybe that’s a protein bar you like, maybe it’s chopping veggies up real tiny and putting them in your pasta sauce. It’s okay if it’s not the most “economical” or “healthy” solution; if it results in you actually eating more of what you’re trying to eat, it’s worth it.
This applies to other foods too; I need more protein in my diet, so I buy protein bars and oven-bakeable orange chicken, even if there are “healthier” more protein dense foods. I don’t like kale or beans, eggs and I are frenemies, and steak (my beloved) takes a lot of time and attention to cook properly. I need to drink more water, so I buy powdered lemonade and sparkling water. Maybe you hate chicken and protein bars and sparkling water and lemonade. You’re not me. What do you like? What do you need? What makes your needs more likeable? Go buy/make/do that.
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
I stopped eating red meat for a long time after I lost my local beef contact and stuck to basically just chicken or fish if I was eating any meat at all. I started feeling sick and after some blood tests found out my iron was really low even with me taking supplements. So even though it's not something I really wanna do, I gotta have red meat a couple times a month.
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23sanguinity · 1 month
I may be sick in bed, but at least I will heal. at least I know I’ll live to see tomorrow. Free Palestine
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iamvegorott · 8 months
Ink Month 2023 Day 28
“How are you not hot in that thing?” Chase asked Henrik with a chuckle, the two sitting on one of the Manor’s couches together. Most of the other Egos were around either in the same room or the kitchen, all of them gathered for their weekly dinner. “I mean, I know it’s fall, but we’re in the house with everyone, and a turtleneck sweater’s gotta be toasty.” 
“I am fine. I am running a slight chill, is all.” Henrik gave a reassuring smile. 
“You not feeling good? If you gotta pop back home early, you can. The others will understand.” Chase said, his ‘worried dad voice’ kicking in. 
“I am feeling just fine, my friend.” Henrik chuckled, patting Chase’s leg before standing up. “Being cold is no cause for worry. I am going to do my little social lap, but I may take that offer and head home soon. I can handle the crowd for only so long.” 
“Just hit me up if you need anything.” Chase fired some finger guns. 
“Of course.” Henrik smiled again and walked off. 
“Come on, let me prove it!” Jackie said with a laugh, holding his arms out and walking toward Dark. Jackie, Dark, Phantom, Mad, Mare, Anti, and Edward were in the kitchen when Henrik came in. 
“Put your arms around me, and I will remove them from your body.” Dark threatened. Henrik could see the slight flush on most of their faces, several empty bottles of alcohol telling him that they were at least somewhat intoxicated. The only one without an alcohol flush to their face was Edward, fully sober and watching everything with an amused grin. 
“What is going on?” Henrik asked as he joined Edward. 
“I told Jackie he’s not strong enough to pick up Dark.” Edward said with a casual shrug. 
“You know Jackie can not refuse a challenge, right? Dark will never let him do that, despite all of us knowing Jackie can easily lift Dark physically.” Henrik sighed and crossed his arms. 
“That’s why it’s fun.” Edward chuckled. 
“Don’t be a party pooper.” Jackie moved in closer, and Dark stopped him with a hand on his forehead.
“You could pick me up.” Mad offered with a giggle, leaning heavily against Mare. Being his size, not drinking much before meeting the others, and being fairly human compared to them as well had him much more intoxicated and bright red. 
“Okay!” Jackie moved to go to Mad, but Mare wrapped his arms around Mad and moved him away. 
“Nope.” Mare shook his head. 
“But he’s trying to prove something, music man,” Mad whined, weakly slapping at Mare’s arms. 
“Lifting you doesn’t prove anything. Literally everyone in this room can do it easily.” Mare then whispered something into Mad’s ear that got his flush to deepen for a much different reason. 
“Would I count?” Phantom pointed to himself. “Pick me up so we can get this over with.” 
“It has to be Dark, or it doesn’t count,” Edward said. 
“Just let the man pick you up for like a second.” Anti poked Dark’s arm. 
“Fine. For one second. Then we are done with this.” Dark huffed and sat his drink down. “Just don’t-” He didn’t get to finish before Jackie had him up and over his shoulder. “Jackieboyman, put me down!” 
“Jackie wins,” Edward said with a laugh. 
“Spin, spin, spin!” Anti and Phantom started guiding Jackie to twirl with Dark still on him. 
“You really do enjoy causing chaos sometimes.” Henrik tugged at the front of his sweater.
“You look warm there, Hen.” Edward’s grin turned into a sly one. 
“Of course I do. I am burning up, and you know damn well why I have to wear this.” Henrik glared at Edward. 
“Let’s head up to my room so you can change and call it a night. The others are messed up right now and won’t notice.” Edward took Henrik’s hand and walked off with him. Henrik held his tongue until they were in Edward’s room, and the door was closed.
“You are terrible.” Henrik got the turtleneck off him as soon as he could, showing he wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath and exposing the massive hickey on his neck. “You just had to do this to me the day of everyone gathering. Do you know the type of things they would say if they saw me parading around with this thing?”
“They’d say what a lucky doctor~” Edward half-sang and hugged Henrik’s waist from behind. “And, besides, they can’t really judge when most of them have their own little marks on themselves all the time. Hell, Marvin, Anti, and Phantom literally show theirs off and compare who has the bigger one.” 
“Well, Mr. Smarty-Pants. I am not like them and don’t want to expose what we do behind closed doors.” Henrik tossed his sweater aside.
“And that’s why I love you.” Edward kissed Henrik’s cheek.
“And you are lucky I love you, or I would be kicking you right now,” Henrik mumbled but leaned back against Edward’s hug despite his pout. 
“I can make it up to you.” Edward offered with another kiss, this one on Henrik’s jaw. 
“You better and-” Henrik turned to face Edward, placing a finger on the tip of his nose. “-all markings are below the collarbone.” 
“Yes, sir.” Edward chuckled before taking Henrik’s hand by the wrist, kissing his palm, and then pulling Henrik into a proper kiss. 
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miodiodavinci · 1 year
you know what actually it was very fucked up that even when i was in the ""healthy"" weight range i was still being pressured by my doctors to lose weight because my bmi was on the upper end of the range and not the lower end. like.
what the fuck was up with that.
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afterthefeast · 7 months
the serendipity of. only the movie so less of my beautiful autistic lesbian. but. so much freedom for big finish. so charley
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bpdshan · 9 months
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if anyone has heard of/ tried the AIP diet… what do you even eat because it basically cuts out everything…
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bob-and-larry · 2 years
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sethjarvy · 6 months
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can't he take some vitamins probiotics or just become a bubble boy jesus fucking christ his immune system is non existent
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girlscience · 7 months
making funny haha jokes to myself like "oh i'm doing so fine" *extreme side eye from the dishes in my sink*..... only to finally do my dishes tonight and discover all my tupperware have become their own microbiomes. fuck
#i am pretty sure i am riding that depression wave hard right now#i am just so stressed all the time#and i feel like i could fix some of that stress if i checked a few very specific things off my to do list#here's the thing tho. i am realizing i might need outside help to get those things done#and that is uncomfortable for two reasons#one being that means i will have to ask someone to help me do these things and be my external motivator#and put up with me being cranky the whole time because i will be deeply embarrassed about it and will end up taking it out on them#and then two being that. these things are for grad school. and if i can't even get the fucking applications done on my own#how the fuck do i think i'm going to be able to get through two years by myself??#also i am so sleepy and my sleep schedule has been fucked for like two weeks now and that's not helping#and i need to do things to my car and make several doctors appointments and work stuff and apartment stuff#and everything happening in the world and stuff happening with my friends and my family#and i just. how i am supposed to live with this much in my brain all the time#and i'm reading fanfic and comparing myself to the characters and coming up miserably short#and i hate the way i look all the time and i could do something intelligent like.#stop eating gummy worms and meat sticks for every meal and eat veggies and go to the gym and learn to love myself...#or i could decide my straight hair is the root of all my problems and get a perm#you know. like a normal person does#it's OK!! I'm Fine!!! aaaaaaaaaa
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corpsebrigadier · 1 year
My resolution for 2023 is to be more chill and open about identifying as genderfluid. I like having an abundance of gender. I've loved deeply the moments in my life when I can effectively shift from a masculine presentation to a feminine one and back again over the course of a week. I dig finding euphoria in both the gender I was assigned at birth and in a multitude of presentations that seem to reject it.
I'm going to try to embrace more of all that insofar as I am able to this year.
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bunnihearted · 10 months
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toxtricity-v · 1 year
I know posts aren’t written with a universal audience in mind and that when people make posts like this they are probably not talking to me but
I HATE posts that are phrased to talk to everyone and say shit like “you NEED to be eating X”
shut up! you do not know a persons needs. just saw one that even went so far as to say they didn’t care if a person has a condition that makes it hard. shut up shut up! things that are healthy for most people are not necessarily good for everyone! like. my body does not tolerate cellulose. it makes me throw up. I can only tolerate vegetables in very specific circumstances, and I’m even then I will, not might, WILL, throw up part of the meal. I also receive premade meals in the mail as a disability accommodation. These meals are inevitably designed to cater to the Healthy Diet For Everyone. and as a result, I can’t eat like half of every single one because it’s steamed vegetables that will make me sick. nothing I can even do about it. it’s not possible to receive medical meals for MY medical needs. not to mention all the other stuff they send me that is prohibited for me (whole grain bread —I’m on a low fiber diet. milk —lactose intolerant. pineapple fruit/juice —allergic. tomatoes…allergic again.)
idk man it is an active problem in my life that everything presumes there is only one way to be healthy. I’m so sick of dealing with it. I DONT want to see it on tumblr too! leave nutrition advice to people’s doctors!!!
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