#This is like telling a doctor you broke your leg and they slapped a bandaid on your arm
bob-and-larry · 2 years
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biasedwriting · 7 years
Skin Talk [VIXX, Leo] ||1||
Characters: VIXX’s Leo || OC
Soulmates au inspired by @animeotakupooh / @vixxscifiwritings ‘s soulmate au “Your Words on My Skin” as well as the discussions we had while she was writing it.
General concept :  In a world where the marks on your skin also show up on your soulmate’s.
Warnings : trash writing after a long time
Length : Two-shot
It started off bizarre when at the age of six or so, coloured streaks resembling marker marks appeared on his skin. He found it fascinating to be honest, the nonsensical green and red patterns that criss crossed over his arm, belly, and even his legs.
"My, your soulmate is a messy baby, Taekwoonie!" His mother claimed when he displayed this sudden phenomenon to her.  She had suspected his soulmate to have been born somewhere a year and a half ago when she spotted random birthmarks appearing on her son's skin all of a sudden, only to fade over the day. There would be new doodles every day, colours streaking across his skin and Taekwoon would gaze at them with fascination. The marks would fade over the day and new ones would appear the next. Sometimes he would doodle on his skin and wonder if the person on the other end could understand what was going on. Not that his doodles had any shape or form. Over the years, the meaningless scribbles on his arms took form and shape. Often circles, spiralling over his forearm. Sometimes, splatters of paint or ink, sometimes it was  thin scrawls written with a pen.
 Minah would wait, blinking at the empty spaces of her skin, waiting for some formless patch to appear like magic. Sometimes she felt like she was the only one talking; scribbling endlessly onto her skin, waiting with bated breath to get nothing. Oh, but the days the marks did turn up, she squealed, happy to see some oddly shaped monster (or rather, Taekwoon’s attempt at drawing a puppy) painted on her skin. Sometimes it would be to-do lists, odd observations, some days it would just be a pen squiggle appearing on her arm. It was random, strange, and infrequent.
 At fifteen, Taekwoon found the doodles on eyes on his forearms a little odd. He felt like he was constantly being watched. The random anime character names made him chuckle, but the little star on the edge of his wrist, that, he found very sweet as it stared back at him, dark in contrast to his pale palm.
 She smiled when she saw another small star appear right next to it. It reminded her of the fact that even if she felt alone and insignificant, at the tender age of eleven, there was always another star to help her shine. She pressed her lips to the star, smiling, knowing that she wasn’t alone.
 Taekwoon groaned in pain. This time the injury seemed to run deep and he was worried that his dreams of becoming a soccer player had been crushed. He sighed unhappily as he looked at the bruises on his body. The doctors had insisted that he stay in bed till he recovered, but boredom was killing him and all he could do was listen to the few tapes he had and stare at the ceiling.
 Then they appeared.
 The little bandage doodles appeared on every bruise. He blinked, following the lines that showed up taking the shape of a bandaid. His soulmate was watching. His soulmate knew. His soulmate was trying to help in their own strange way.
 Taekwoon  let out a laugh as tears pricked at his eyes and a small heart was scribbled right next to the biggest, most painful bruise. And all of the sudden, Taekwoon felt like everything would be okay.
 Taekwoon panicked when the skin around his eye purpled all of the sudden. There was no pain for certain so he knew that somewhere in the universe, something had caused his soulmate to injure themselves. Moments of panic were put to rest when he saw a scrawl appear on his forearm, written hurriedly. His first message from the person who was his soulmate.
“Sorry! I dropped the showerhead on my face by accident! I promise I’m not a punk! :3”
He let out a laugh, reaching for the marker on his desk to write out a “take care of yourself, silly.” right under the squiggly writing on his arm. He grinned when he saw “Thank you! I will! <3” appear right next to it.
They did write to each other frequently. They didn't know how to work this system out. But some days, Taekwoon would wake up to a “have a nice day”written across his palm. Some days he would wake up to lovely poetry written across his thigh.
 One day he woke up to  bruising on the back of his hands, the injection marks, and the single word “ill” written on his wrist which sent him into a worried frenzy. It was followed by silence for months as he wrote prayers onto his skin, feeling the anxiety and sickness that his soulmate was feeling. It reminded him of how close they were wound together and all he wanted to reach across to hold onto the warmth he could feel fading into the distance. He didn’t realize he that his heart had tightened, wound up, till the day the words appeared on his skin. The strings of his heart loosening, filling his lungs with air that he didn’t know he had been missing.
 “Thank you for the prayers, I am better now.”
 The familiar handwriting caused a wave of relief to spread across his chest.
 “Do you think soulmates can be friends?”
They had finally started talking, scribbling little notes to each other on their arms. Sharing enough and yet not knowing who the other person was. Somehow the anonymity gave them comfort.
 So when this message suddenly turned up in the middle of the night. She frowned, realizing she had never thought about that. But how much would a fourteen year old think when her major concerns was to get through school while her soulmate’s was to navigate through the beginnings of adult life?
 “I suppose. I haven’t really thought about it.” marker ink blotches on her skin.
 “We’re friends, aren’t we?”
 “Of course we are.”
 It wasn’t till months later that she woke up to a single bruise on the side of her neck. She gazed at it, baffled, poking it to see if it hurt. Sure, she had seen her share of bruises as well as her soulmate’s share of them, but this one was odd. She pulled a pen out of her pocket and shifted the sleeve away from her arm.
 “You have a bruise on your neck?”
 There was no response for hours. She sat there, staring at her arm, waiting for some sign only to be interrupted by a hiss from her sister.
 “Kim Minah! You’re fourteen and too young to be getting involved with someone!”
 She turned around to gape at her sister who was pointing at the said bruise on her neck and ranting furiously.
 “Involved?” she blinked “this isn’t mine though.”
 Her sister paused, blinking “clearly your soulmate is an ass.”
 Taekwoon stared at the scribbles on his wrist as they appeared in rapid succession.
 “Since we are friends, when were you going to tell me that you were seeing someone?”
“Because I have to go around explaining the hickey on my throat.”
“My sister thinks you’re an ass.”
“I don’t even know what to think.”
 “I didn’t think you’d understand...yet.” he began slowly, feeling his heart sink. Sure the girl he had met was beautiful and sweet. They had courted for months and yet...it just didn't feel right when she kissed him. It was deeply unsettling the way his heart simply rejected her acts even though his body tried to reciprocate it.  His soulmates was too young. He wanted to protect his soulmate.
 “I understand you think I'm young and probably don't understand relationships.” the words stung as they appeared “I don't mind you liking someone else...but please don't break my trust by not telling me.”
Taekwoon stared hard at the words as they faded off his arm knowing that his soulmate had wiped them off.
 It was hard not to talk to each other even then. Their souls were far too intertwined with one another to truly hate. Taekwoon had been apologetic. Sufficiently so, he hoped. He knew that his relationship with his classmate wouldn't work out because every time they spoke, he felt awful. She was wonderful for certain, but beyond the pleasantries, something just didn't click.
 “I broke up with her.” the cool metal of the pen nib scraped against his heated skin. The ink spread over in small blotches, following the pattern of his skin.
 “Is she alright? Are you alright?” came the response, clearly written with a thin marker.
 “Yeah, something just didn't feel right.”
 “Well, you always have me.”
 “How Exciting.” he chuckled, knowing that on the other end his soulmate was furious.
 “You're a real pig for someone who is going through a break up and is supposed to be my soulmate.”
 “But you're stuck with me.”
 “I wouldn't want it any other way :)”
 “Who the hell is Han Sanghyuk and why is my soulmate constantly talking about him?” Taekwoon grumbled. His sister looked at his arm, covered in scribbles, chuckling at how excited his soulmate was to be hanging out with someone with so many similar interests.
 “Awww our little baby brother is jealous!”
 “Everyone thinks we're dating, It's hilarious how we're the talk of the town though!” Taekwoon gritted his teeth as he read “how has your singing been going? I hope you're going to audition for a nice company who doesn't try to kill you. I'll  come for your fansign when you make it big. I promise.” And immediately he was smiling.
 “What if I fail and become a vocal coach?”
 “I'm  signing up for your classes.”
 Taekwoon grinned, picking up his marker to respond.
 “Although I promised I'd sign up for Sanghyukkie’s dance classes too.”
 Taekwoon was grumpy again.
 Even after the many assurances to Taekwoon that she was not dating ‘that giant lump of human!’ Taekwoon was still being a pouty and annoying child. After all, his soulmate was seventeen and there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop her from liking anyone, considering his own past. But she was his soulmate damn it!
 The worst hit though came months later when Sanghyuk had the audacity to write “Property of Han Sanghyuk.” Right below her shoulder. Minah had sufficiently slapped his hands away considering the two were not on romantic terms. She was also in the middle of her “I am not property, I am my own person!” rampage. He chuckled, holding the Sharpie away from her as she tried to snatch it from him, calling him several expletives. But all of the sudden he paused, gaping at her arm as a big red cross appeared across his name and three letters appeared beneath it.
 Minah's arm now read  “Property of JTW”
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Papa Don’t Preach
Summary: Dean isn’t very happy when you tell him your secret.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1.5K+
Warnings: Angst, unplanned pregnancy, angry/hurt Dean
Author’s Note: Hello all! This is my entry for @whispersandwhiskerburn ‘s MUCH ADO ABOUT SPN Challenge . I got the letter F and the Shakespeare quote  “What’s gone and what’s past help should be past grief” (Winter’s Tale III.2). I hope I did this justice and to be honest I had a great time writing it .
My Masterlist 
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Y/N brought her fingers to her mouth, absentmindedly chewing on the tips of her nails. It was an awful habit, that she knew. It wasn't like she did it all the time, only when she was especially nervous, or stressed. And at this moment she was most certainly both.
She paced inside the small gas station bathroom. Reluctantly, she had decided this was the best place to complete her task. She couldn't take this back to the bunker, not with the brothers breathing down her neck. They always worried too much and with how sick she had been the past week, she was lucky she even made it out of the bunker.
Y/N jumped as the timer on her phone went off, signaling the end to five minutes. She shut the alarm off and returned the phone to her pocket. Closing her eyes, she took a few deep breaths, willing her heart to stop racing. She felt lightheaded and nauseous and so scared.
“Jesus Y/N, pull yourself together.” Y/n whispered to herself. She opened her eyes, finally picking up the first test from the sink. She flipped it over to reveal two lines. Her stomach flipped and she reached for a second one; two lines. She combed through the last four and they all gave her the same definitive answer.
She was pregnant.
A sob ripped through her as she fell to her knees. Y/N didn't even notice the wad of gum just inches from her leg or the distinctive wet feeling of the concrete floor. She only felt her world tumbling down around her. And it wasn't that having a kid was so bad. Hell, a few years ago she was ready to start her family. But that had been before she lost her husband. It was before the Winchesters. And now the life she led, traveling across the country, staying in dingy motels, and fighting the supernatural was no life to be bringing a child into. It was absolutely not fair to the human now growing inside of her. What was she going to do? Never did she think she would honestly have to think about ending a pregnancy. And this was honestly not just her decision. This baby was half Dean, and her choices would affect him too. So now Dean and her would need to deal with their consequences come hell or high water.
She hiccuped slightly as her sobs subsided. She willed herself to calm down. Her makeup was smeared down her face. Her y/e/c eyes were red and her face was all around puffy. She stood back up and shoved the tests into her purse. She attempted to fix her face as much as she could before she went back to the bunker. She had to talk to Dean. Y/N had to tell Dean.
How was she going to tell Dean?
The drive back to the bunker was quick. A little too quick for Y/N. she didn't have nearly enough time to come up with the words she needed to say.
Dean, I’m pregnant.
That felt too simple, and yet she felt no need to drag it out. And she knew she wouldn't be able to keep it from him. Once she saw his face she knew she would break down again instantly. She already felt the tightness return to her chest, and her tears threatened to fall down her cheeks once more.
She pulled into the bunkers garage, and parked the borrowed car back in its place. She took a deep breath.
“It's just like ripping off a bandaid.” She said to herself as she stepped out of the car. She made her way inside, calling out for the brothers.
“Sam?! Dean?!” She called as she walked through the kitchen and into the library. Dean appeared from down the hall, his hair was disheveled, and Y/N assumed he just got out of bed even though he was fully dressed. She had left before he was awake.
“Y/N? Where have you been?” Dean took her in his arms and lightly pecked her lips. Y/N cleared her throat, but her voice still came out hoarse.
“The gas station.” She croaked as the tears began to fall again. Dean looked down gently at her, confusion and worry crossing his beautiful features.
“Hey, shhh. Hey, what happened? Are you okay?” He quickly gave her a once over, making sure she wasn’t harmed  before he pulled her into his chest. Her tears had returned to full blown sobs. The snot and tears  coming from her being caught in his cotton t-shirt. Dean held her against himself. Reassuring her gently as he rubbed small circles on her back. Y/N hiccupped as she tried to control herself.
“Okay you are really starting to worry me now sweetheart.” Dean pulled her from his chest, his hands tight around her upper arms, and peered down at her. His eyes were narrow as he searched her face for answers.
“I’m so sorry,” She mumbled as she wiped her face with her sleeve. She shook her head and turned her gaze down to the floor.
“Dean, I’m pregnant.” She managed to let out. She felt Dean stiffen, and he dropped his grip on her upper arms. Y/N looked back up at him. His jaw clenched, and she could see him gently bite his lower lip.
“Fuck!” Dean growled and spun on his heel, smashing a small lamp that sat atop one of the tables in the library. Y/N flinched and took a step back. She quickly realized she hadn’t been really scared until now. This was not the reaction she had anticipated. Y/N had figured it wouldn’t be at all pleasant, but Dean breaking things was not on that list. And that look on his face, the one that was usually saved for when he was mid attack on a hunt. And it scared her. Y/N’s fight instincts kicked in as adrenaline rushed through her blood.
“How could this have happened?”
“Oh come on Winchester, you know exactly how this happened. It takes two to tango, honey.” She hissed. The anger was rising deep in her chest. Dean was acting like she did this all by herself. Or worse, on purpose.
“What’s your plan?”
“I don’t have a plan. I came straight to you.”
“Are you keeping it?” Dean’s voice was a little softer, almost like he didn’t want to ask the question out loud.
“I don’t know, it not just my choice. I think we need to talk about our options, see a doctor.”
“What could I possibly say? I can’t be a father, Y/N.” Dean’s voice wavered slightly. “It won’t end well.” Y/N dropped her defensive stance, her resolve fading as she saw the anger turn to fear in Dean’s eyes. Dean dropped into a chair in the middle of the library.
“Why do you say that?” She also sat down into a chair across from him.
“Look at our lives, look at all the mistakes I’ve made.”
“Where do I freaking start? Selling my soul and going to hell, letting the apocalypse start, going to purgatory and befriending a freaking vampire for Christs sake. I took the Mark of Cain and the First Blade and became a demon. A demon!” Dean’s voice broke as a single tear rolled down one of his cheeks. Y/N brushed the tear from his face.
“First, yeah, selling your soul was not a very good idea, but you did that to save your brother.”
“Yeah, as if family is not the cause for every single bad decision I have ever made.” Dean interrupted.
“BUT,” she drew out the word and continued. “The apocalypse was not entirely your fault. And going to purgatory, you did that saving the world for like the upteenth time. Benny was a great guy, there is no denying that. And lastly, you took the Mark of Cain and the first blade and saved the world with it from two different dicks. You didn’t know the consequences of that, and that is on Crowley not you. Besides Dean, all those things you listed are behind you. They are lessons that you have grown from. The things you have done are in the past, you can’t worry about them now.” Y/N let out a breath as she finished.
“But still, this is not a good idea.”
“Dean, I’m pregnant. I think that I would like to have this baby. So let’s talk about it.” She placed a hand on her abdomen. “I’ve had a while to think about this. I’m terrified out of my mind, this is not what I had planned for my life, by any means, but three years ago, I would have been begging for this.”
“I know that, that’s why you should go, take this baby far away from here and live a normal life. Live the life you have always wanted. Otherwise,” Dean swallowed hard hesitating with his next words. “If you stay, I think it’s best if you should end it.” The words slapped her in the face. Sure she had left the options open, but she always thought he truly want a family, a legacy. Y/N never thought she would actually hear him say the words. And they burned into her, showing her truly how she felt. But here he was telling her to end her pregnancy, no second thought.
“So that’s it, either I go, or I have an abortion. Those are my options? What happened to you Dean Winchester? I honestly thought this is what you always wanted.”
Dean flinched at her use of the word abortion and he leaned back in his seat as his mind raced. Y/N sat there waiting for him to say something to her. They sat in silence for what seemed like hours, when Dean stood suddenly causing Y/N to jump.
“I need to go.” He grunted under his breath.
“Right now?” Dean didn’t look back at her as he ran out of the bunker. “Dean wait!” Y/N called after him, but it was useless. He was going, and there was nothing she could do to stop him. She felt the tightness returning to her chest as the coldness of the empty bunker consumed her.
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