#veggie burgers are not technically burgers
loyalshipper · 4 months
'Cheeseburger' and 'Hamburger with cheese' are two different styles of burger.
My argument-
Cheeseburger: cheese slice is added to the patty when it is still on the grill and nearly done so the cheese gets melty and gets into all of the little grooves on the patty, and becomes significantly greasier. Also, if multiple patties, cheese slice is added to each patty.
Burger with cheese: added on while burger is being assembled after patties are done cooking so it doesn’t melt, just gets warm from the heat of the burger. Is able to be placed anywhere on the burger because it isn’t dependent on the placement of the patty. If having multiple patties, doesn’t usually include multiple cheese slices, or if it does, each slice can be put anywhere.
In both cases, the position of the cheese changes how each ingredient in the sandwich hits your taste buds and can change the flavor out come by one ingredient activating your taste buds before another and causes what I call The Color Theory Effect in your mouth where the activation of one prior to another causes the flavor to react differently, much like how the background or surrounding color variation can affect how our eyes perceive certain colors.
It can also change the temperature your mouth experiences from the burger of either the cold edges of the cheese added on with assembly or the hot grease of the pre-melted cheese.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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starry-bi-sky · 8 months
fast food is the best course of action after causing a scene. ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀɴʏᴀʟ ᴀʟ ɢʜᴜʟ ᴀᴜ
(First Post Here and Second Post Here
Danny finds Sam easily.
She's right where she said she was over the phone: standing outside on a balcony, in Gotham, at Father's many charity functions. 
("Would you still be willing to fly over to Gotham, Danny?" She asks, her voice ringing clear through the speakers. Danny is already climbing out his window before she even finishes her sentence. He was just about to settle down for the night, his ghosts would know better by now than to disturb him at this time. The Box Ghost not included.)
("Of course." He says, sounding more confident than he feels. Sam was one of his best— closest friends, he would do anything she or Tucker asked. Even if it means stepping foot into his Father's city. He drops down silently, and walks through the house's ghost shield. "Would you like me to bring you anything?")
(Sam sighs through the phone, relief leaking through. "One of the veggie burgers from Nasty Burgers would be great, with their new ecto-fries. Extra salt. I'm sick of all this rich people food.")
(A small smile pulls across Danny's face, tilting at the corner as his living form falls away to his ghost self. "Alright," he says, and kicks himself off the ground, "I'll be there in a few minutes.")
("Thanks, Danny.")
He had the bag of food with him, stored in a container he had to run back to the house to get that would prevent the food from cooling during his flight over. Clutching it in hand, he floats down behind Sam and sheds his invisibility.
Being visible and being invisible always felt different, but in a way Danny can never describe, no matter how many times he tries to think about it. It's like a gut-feeling, a sixth sense, he always knows when he's visible and when he is not.
His ghost form burns away like steel wool being lit, and Danny drops the last foot to the ground silently. In his other hand lies his thermos, but filled with plain ectoplasm — lazarus water. "I have your food." 
(He brought the thermos for himself — his side was still healing from his last fight with Technus. The ghost impaled him with a broken pipe, and Danny returned the favor by wedging his sword into his chest. Technus had been quite offended by him ruining his favorite coat.)
Sam jumps a foot into the air, and her hand slams across her mouth to muffle the shriek she lets out as she whirls around. "Danny!" She hisses, her voice rising in pitch, and her eyes narrow at him into a glare. "Freaking-- Tucker's right, we seriously need to put a bell on you."
"You have been saying that for years," Danny grins, sharp-toothed and jack-knifed, and passes the container over to her. "And yet I've yet to see any kind of bell." He was going to start getting disappointed at this rate.
As Sam takes the container, Danny hops up onto the railing and looks around. He hadn't seen any of Father's other children lurking around the building before he revealed himself, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. He wasn't going to fool himself into thinking that their stealth skills were poor.
He wasn't that arrogant.
"Oh you will." Sam threatens, unzipping the container and grabbing the takeout bag. "I'll get you a collar and everything, we can start calling you Catwoman." When she pulls out her fries, Danny snaps forward and steals one from the box, ignoring her indignant yell as he pops it into his mouth.
"I spent my own money on these fries, Sam." He sniffs, leaning away from her with a stifled huff of laughter as she swats at him. "So they are technically my fries. And also, Catwoman would be a poor thief if she wore a bell."
Sam grumbles at him, and takes a bite out of a handful of fries. "I'll venmo you money." She says past a mouthful of food, Danny would have been disgusted in the past, when he was still new. But he's gotten used to this... normality. So he makes no reaction to it. "How does three hundred bucks sound?"
Danny immediately frowns.
"Did you have a fight with your parents?" He asks, eyes glancing to the doors. Doors that are covered heavily by curtains and blurred heavily, decadent music passing through in muffled sounds. He shifts himself away from the light. "You only spend that much money when they've pissed you off."
Sam's chewing stops, and her annoyed expression falters into one Danny knows well -- hurt, furrowed brows, a small frown, disappointment -- and she turns her head away from him. She swallows. "Yeah." she says, quiet.
Danny knows that tone too.
Guilt settles like a rock in his chest. He leans forward, "Was it about me again?" He wasn't blind to the disdain Sam's parents had for him, far from it. This wasn't the first time Sam had gotten into a fight with them over her friendship with him and Tucker. But especially him. He unsettled people, even after years of observing his age-mates and trying to mimic their behavior, and anyone who knew him in middle school knew it was an act.  
Sam's silence gives him all the confirmation he needs, and the guilt heavies itself with the weight of the sky. Danny's never much cared about others' opinions of him -- he is (was?) an Al Ghul, they never heed to mind what the weight of a simpleton's thoughts.
But.. he cares a little a lot when it hurts his friends like this. He presses his lips together into a thin line, and forces the words out through his teeth. It sounds robotic. Al Ghul's do not apologize. "I... am sorry." But this one does. It doesn’t come easy. 
Sam sighs through her nose, and turns to roll her eyes at him. "Don't apologize on their behalf when you won't even apologize for your own; their assholes." She says, and goes reaching for more fries.
It's a sign, a signal. A silent word for the conversation to move on, to change. A distraction. Danny grasps it with both hands, and makes an offended noise in the back of his throat. And like he has learned, puts a hand to his chest like a scandalized American southern lady. "I apologize! I apologize plenty."
She snorts. "Only when you think it matters." And pokes him in the ribs sharply with her fry. He withholds a wince and snatches it out of her hands. "You're about as unapologetic as they come, Danny J. Fenton. I've seen you look more sincere when you're trying to drive your sword between Vlad's ribs."
"Stabbing Masters is a very important task for me, Sam." Danny says in only partially faux-seriousness. Masters has yet to realize that Danny had no interest in becoming his son, but he had to (reluctantly) admire his persistence. "Of course I will apply myself to it as best as I can."
He grins triumphantly when Sam laughs, and she reaches over to shove him square in the chest. He barks out a laugh of his own as he grips onto the balcony railing and catches himself at an angle.
"Quit with your method actor talk," Sam retorts, grinning sharply while Danny twists himself back up elegantly. "I know you can talk like a normal person, I've literally seen you do it."
Danny sniffs, and snatches more fries from the carton as revenge. "I'm not entirely sure what you mean, Miss Sam." He says, grin-twisting when Sam rolls her eyes. "My speech has always been this way. This 'normal' you speak of, I do not know it."
She waves her hand dismissively at him. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. But if you keep talking like that, I'm pushing you off the balcony."
"Such violence, Sam."
He gets a laugh again, full of disbelief without any of the annoyance. "I'm gonna be the one that stabs you, oh my god. Pot meet kettle." She looks at him again, smiling.
Danny smiles back, and with a flick of his wrist pulls out a kunai from his sleeve. It was one of the few weapons Mother was able to pass on to him whenever she made her scarce visits. He cherishes it well, along with anything else she was capable of giving him. 
He holds the handle out to her, and watches her face shift from disbelief to shock, then back to disbelief. "Then you're gonna need a weapon to do that." 
"Of course you have a pointy object on you." She mutters, and takes the kunai and puts it in her purse. Danny makes a pleased hum, it resonates low in his core, and drops his hand. "When do you not have a pointy object on you?"
As if to make her point, Danny's hands twist near his side, and he holds his palms up to her, revealing the shobo he had also hidden on him. He gives her a shit-eating grin. "Never." He lowers his hand, and pockets the small weapon once again. 
Sam huffs, "Of course," she repeats, "thanks. I was gonna bring a knife but..."
Danny finishes the sentence for her, kicking his feet idly and knowingly. "The security at the door?" He'd seen them on his flight over the building. It wouldn't do much in the face of the Rogues, but at least they were good at keeping appearances and keeping out the smaller threats.
He rolls his eyes and turns his head away, looking up to the ugly, smog-covered skies. There was no bat signal in the air, and while that was a good thing, Danny almost wished there was. He wanted to see it. "I saw, and I would’ve called Father foolish if he hadn’t hired help. He attracts trouble almost as badly as I do."
"Maybe it's hereditary," Sam jokes, laughing under her breath. With her fries finished, she started on her veggie burger. "At least your dad isn't a vigilante like you are."
Danny smiles wryly. It felt nice to be able to talk more freely about this. That he didn't have to hide the fact that his father was Bruce Wayne, now that Sam knew it from her own accord. Maybe he could have conversations like these more often. Even if it was limited to Bruce Wayne only.
(Even if it felt a little terrifying to know that his father was so close by, close enough that Danny could reach out and touch him. To speak to him. But how would he explain that? And with an audience?)
(He’s wanted to see him since he was a kid, and he still does. It clings onto him like a cough that doesn’t go away after the cold already has, and while it has faded over the years, it clings. His mother’s words still ring in his ears however; it’s not safe. It’s not safe.)
(And isn’t that why he faked his death in the first place? So that his little brother would be safe? Why he gave up the heirship, his home, his Mother, Damian, and his chance to meet his Father? Going to see Father, even now, would be throwing that all away. He has to stay away.)
(Why is Damian with Father if staying with Father was unsafe?) 
He just needed to tell Tucker. Danny wouldn’t keep him out of the loop, he was just as much as his friend as Sam was. His eyes draw towards the door, where the golden glow of lights was still pouring through, where music was playing loudly. "Yeah, fortunately." 
They fall into a comfortable silence after that, and Danny finally cracks open his thermos. The pipe Technus impaled him with was covered in a goo that Danny didn’t recognize, but whatever it was, his injury was taking its time healing. The ectoplasm was speeding it up. 
He isn’t sure what the difference between the ectoplasm that Drs. Fenton collected and Grandfather’s Lazarus pools is, but there’s a difference. He swirls the thermos slowly, watching as the ectoplasm inside twists into a small whirlpool sluggishly. 
When left alone, it thickens into a consistency similar to egg whites, or perhaps a thick smoothie, but reverts back into a water-like substance when moved and swirled. It was strange; unexplainable. He can understand, to an extent, why the Drs. Fenton are so obsessed with studying it and the dimension it comes from. 
Sam watches him idly as he brings the thermos to his lips and drinks from it. The effect is instantaneous, a sense of relief washing over Danny as if someone had put a soothing balm onto an injury. It buzzes down to his fingertips, and when he lowers the thermos, he licks his lips and watches the tips of his fingers burn green like frostbite. 
“Your hair turned white again.” Sam comments, her hand reaching out and touching the hair on the nape of his neck. While it’s not the first time Sam’s touched his hair, it still makes him tense up with her hand so close to his throat. Instinct. dan
He ignores the urge to bat her hand away, humming thoughtfully. “I’ve noticed it does that.” He says, pulling down his bangs to see if they’ve also turned white. No, still black. He lets go. “Let me guess; my eyes are green too?” He lifts the thermos again and peers into the chrome casing. 
Sam nods, “Yep, but it’s only the, uh.” She makes a circle around her eyes with her finger. “The iris part. Everything else is fine.” 
Danny can see that. The faint reflection on the chrome casts back an intense green. He takes another sip. It chills the back of his teeth, and he can feel his canines warp and sharpen. He runs his tongue over them, and swallows. 
Sam is still watching him, her fingers drumming against the balcony railing. “What’s it taste like?” 
“Carbonated.” He says dryly, before taking a large swig. He couldn’t name a specific flavor if he tried, it changed every time he took a sip. The only thing that stayed consistent was that it tasted carbonated. And slightly sweet. When he pulls the thermos away, Danny twists his body towards her and offers it out, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. “Want to try?” 
Her reaction is immediate. Sam’s nose scrunches up and her mouth twists into a smile, and she makes a huffing-laugh sound. “No, thank you.” She pushes it away lightly with her fingers, “I don’t know how to explain to my parents why my hair is white.” 
Right. Danny pulls the thermos away and puts it down beside him, straining his eyes to see if the rest of his hair has changed colors. Even just his first sip would take half an hour to fade back to its normal black, and he was a halfa. He had no idea how long it’d take to fade on Sam, who was human. 
There’s movement from the corner of his eye, and Danny snaps his head towards the source. There’s a figure, small, a boy, trying to hide behind one of the curtains at the door. His form just barely peeking out from the angle Danny was sitting at. He wouldn’t have seen him if the boy hadn’t moved. 
His fingers curl tightly into the railing, and he breathes in sharp. Sam’s smile crumbles away and she turns to see what he’s looking at. “I should go.” He says, and reaches for his thermos. “There’s someone spying on us. Don’t say anything, just look at me.” 
Sam’s expression warps, twists. Her eyes widen, her jaw starts to drop before fixing itself into place, and her shoulders curl up and tense. She forces it all to smooth over, and she leans casually against the railing. There’s a tick in her jaw. “I see.” Her voice comes through teeth. “Do you think they saw you?”
“I am not sure.” Danny says. He keeps an eye on the figure as he twists himself over and grabs the Nasty Burger bag and the container. He tries not to look like he’s rushing. He is. How long has that boy been there? How much did he see? Did he hear anything? 
“Father, fortunately, has privacy films on the glass. Nobody should have seen me unless they’re specifically trying to peep through the door.” He says. The boy seems to realize that Danny was starting to leave. And, his heart beginning to sink, instead of leaving, moves to grab the door handle instead.
No. No, no, no, no, no.
Danny’s breath catches in his throat, he’s hoping that isn’t who he think it is. But how else would he have not noticed an eavesdropper on their conversation unless it was someone who was capable of bypassing those skills? He told himself that he wouldn’t fool himself into thinking that his siblings’ had poor stealth. He got distracted. 
Five years, five years. He refuses to let that go down the drain. He zips up the container and throws his legs over the other side of the railing, his back facing the door. He hears the doorknob click, and without a word to Sam, slips off down the side and down to the ground below.
Just in time. The once muffled music now sounds blaring as the door presumably is thrown open and the pull of invisibility washes over him like a second skin. He doesn't stay to see who it is.
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dpdc#dpxdc crossover#danyal al ghul au#older brother danny#first danny pov of the au! whoo!#danny's hair turns white if he drinks ectoplasm brrrrr and his eyes turn green. good for him#this sat in my drafts for the last few days until i finally finished it during class#it was a math class and i already knew the material so tis fiiiine. now i just need to finish my CFAU post rewrite :)#ectoplasm tastes like that time i went to go get pepsi from the soda machine and it was all out of the pepsi flavoring so instead i got a#cup full of carbonated liquid. it was disgusting. ectoplasm kinda tastes like that. sometimes.#danny smiles in this more than i thought he would but yk it fits. he IS more smiley around his friends and family.#ectoplasm is a weird non-newtonion fluid and danny is fascinated. its got the consistency of egg whites one minute and then water the next#its a water slime and then suddenly its as brittle as annealed glass. it heats up and rots like milk or it heats up and boils like water#it congeals. it thickens. it boils. it solidifies. it does whatever it wants. it gels and melts into a tar-like substance#how long has damian been standing there? good question. :) i almost had him open the door and make eye contact with damian before falling#backwards. i also almost had it be *bruce* and damian opening the door bc bruce found out that damian pulled a knife on sam and was gonna#have him come apologize. that would be a fun scene. prolonged eye contact prolonged eye contact prolonged eye contact#imagery brrrr. had fun playing with how danny's ghost form works. if anyone has seen a video of steel wool burning thats how i imagine#danny's ghost transformation to be like.#also ayyy balancing danny's dialogue be like “how fancy should he sound and how Normal Teenager Should He Sound”#when sam gets home she catches tucker up to speed about everything including the convos with the waynes she had and they both form the#'“Fuck Them Waynes” squad. Sam has jumped to the entirely wrong conclusion about danny's separation from his family but in her defense.#it is a pretty sound conclusion to jump to considering the lack of context she has from danny's prior home life. which is almost none at al#so to her it looks like danny got abandoned by bruce wayne
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ghostbunnyboy · 3 months
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”Both Teens”
this is a redraw of a screenshot originally of Sam and Tucker
I have some some parallel AUs built on the concept of both roleswapping and ageswapping pompous pep and veggie burger, so this a both teens and no powers au technically
(I have too many ideas to work on pls help)
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vespersposts · 2 years
We all know that Daiki hates vegetables, but if you're the one cooking them, that's okay too. 🍅🥦🥕
For this story, I wanted to play a little bit with the theme of expressing your feelings: some people are naturally inclined to share their thoughts, and some people struggle a little bit more, and maybe Valentine's Day is a good opportunity to take an extra step. 💙
I hope you enjoy it,
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You have known each other for a long time, but sometimes you still wonder what’s going on in his head.
Especially when he is so quiet and silent. 
Today, however, the situation is worse than usual, as he has even offered to help you with the houseworks, without specifying the details of his reward. 
The main event is to clean up the black hole he calls the 'drawer of my basketball stuff'. 
Daiki's not messy, he's just lazy: he doesn't take the trouble to fold his shirts, uniforms, shorts or hang up his socks but he gets upset when he can't find what he wants to wear, especially if it's for practice or a game. He will chase you around the house yelping like a hungry puppy until you, exhausted by his complaints, plunge your magical hands into that pandemonium of technical clothing and pull out what he wants; each time arousing his amazement and unleashing an exaggerated gratitude that is both sincere and mischievous.
But today is different.
You can tell by the way he follows your instructions without distraction, you can see it in the way he meticulously folds his clothes and places his terry socks in the compartments. He doesn't complain, he doesn't find an excuse to go for his phone, he doesn’t try to lift you and throw you on the bed, claiming a sudden dizziness because of the little attention you're giving him.
He behaves well, very well, that's why you have mixed feelings. 
"Are you in the mood for something different for dinner tonight ?" you ask, turning your eyes to his, busy trying to figure out if the arm bands he holds in his hands are the same colour or not.
"Your choice babe, I'm up for anything!" he replies with a smile.
"Veggie burgers and mashed potatoes?" you offer, aware of the avalanche of complaints that will soon overwhelm you. Veggies are a forbidden, dark spell in his vocabulary, especially since it was your revelation that chips are not real food, let alone vegetables.
Daiki blinks and returns your hug, running his big hand down your back before leaning in for a chaste, lip-smacking kiss.
" All right babe, gonna eat veggies if it makes you happy ! " he sighs, shrugging his shoulders in a surrender that is as easy as it is suspicious.
You tie your hair up in a ponytail, wash your hands, open the big fridge in the kitchen, arrange carrots, celery, onions, cabbage and shiitake mushrooms on the chopping board and sigh. From the kitchen window, your gaze falls on the pedestrian street where, under the yellowish light of street lamps, you see many people enjoying the cold, clear evening. They walk slowly, hand in hand, flowers and presents swinging from their arms. Some are posing romantically in front of the large maple tree, others are exchanging shy glances, while scattered singles are looking around nervously, sure that someone exciting, their beloved maybe, will suddenly appear around the corner. All that love frenzy for no apparent reason, as if Cupid himself was shooting arrows at them or there was a virulent epidemic of romance in the air.
Only then you realise what a day it is,above all you realise that you have not prepared or bought anything for him. Valentine's day was about to slip through your fingers, caught up as you were running from one end of your life to the other, trying to carve out a few hours just for the two of you. Hours you wasted cleaning your house, teaching him the useless art of folding clothes and matching socks, instead of celebrating what you achieved in your relationship. You should have told him how happy you were to turn your head and find him beside you, buy a sweet treat to share, or at least dress in something nicer than an old cartoon hoodie and leggings. Small signs of care, so unusual to someone as independent as you, but that instead came so easy from him, who isn't the best at speeches, but who affirms his feelings every day through small gestures addressed to you and you only.
You look at the ceramic bowl full of the tangerines he peeled without even asking, because he knows how much you like them; but he also knows how much the smell of orange oil on your fingers annoys you. You touch their firm slices, the white veins, the cold white surface of the bowl, lost in your thought until you sense his figure behind your back. You feel the warmth of his large frame, the good smell of his skin, his strong arms sliding around your waist, his chin resting on your head, his hands lazily caressing your womb and hips until he feels you relax against his chest.
" I forgot it’s Valentine's day" you admit, earning an amused chuckle behind your shoulders "It just slipped off my mind" you repeat, almost horrified at your own alleged negligence.
" Are you apologising for forgetting a sappy commercial festivity ?" the boy's voice adds ironically, then closes his lips on your head, on your temple, turning you gently around to look into his eyes to put your guilt at rest for good “Who cares, babe” he concludes, caressing your nape with his long fingers .
"I'm so sorry, Daiki, I didn't mean to" you confess, lowering your eyes and feeling your body wrapped by his broad shoulders, his arms holding you tightly, his nose bumping into yours just to give you a fleeting eye contact before closing your mouth with his, chasing away those bitter, meaningless words. You feel his warm hand on the back of your spine, his knee slipping mischievously between your legs, his lips leaving yours only for the time of those words. 
"Let me make it simple: as long as I have you, fuck Valentine's Day! " he exclaims, shifting the attention of his incredible eyes from yours to a spot on your neck which he first rubs with his thumb and then closes between his lips, determined to give you an everlasting memory of the night. You try to answer, but all he wants is to know that you will give in. You feel your body go soft, almost liquid, under the touch of his fingers. You call his name and he moans in response, pressing you against the kitchen counter, stopping his love attack as breathless words escape your lips: "I love you with all my heart". 
You can almost feel him shiver, you can see him blink, his eyes get a little moist and he looks at you with genuine astonishment, for you are rarely so brave in expressing your feelings. He smiles at you and brings his lips to yours for a second, enjoying yet another provocation he can't seem to let go of. "That’s quite a gift, babe, let me return the favour " he adds, making you sit down on the kitchen counter to thank you, peppering your smiling face with little kisses until you, bothered by all the senseless sweetness, push him away with a gentle shove.
"You’re so annoying! " you giggle, as you get some more kisses and a new set of teases. “But still, you love me with all your heart!” he fondly corrects you, caressing your cheek with his long fingers, bringing his lips close to your earlobe, never taking his mischievous gaze from your eyes. 
“I definitely do” you nod, eliciting an amused look. 
You bend your head towards him, letting your cheekbone rest against his skin, breathing his breath, tightening your lips, preparing yourself for the most sensual of offers, which is not long in coming.
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I have a theological question about νηστεία. While meat is technically prohibited, I feel as if simply substituting meat (ie veggie burgers) is cheating since we have the technology where it isn't really a sacrifice and more of a minor inconvinience. My priest, Father Poulais, has refused to speak with me on the matter. Thoughts?
show me a good vegetarian kokoretsi !.
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residentweevils · 3 months
i’m not technically american but any excuse to bbq some veggie burgers tomorrow, fuck yeah 🇺🇸
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wishvolo · 7 months
writing fanfic for my ocs except i’m the creator so it’s really more like “fic” except i’m still technically a fan and also fic is just short for fanfic except a more accurate word would be “lore” maybe except the one story i wrote was at 1am where they went to get veggie burgers and chocolate ice cream
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hollygl125 · 1 year
#about me
Tagged by @coping-via-clint-eastwood. (Fun! Thank you!)
1. If you were to attend a costume party tonight, what or whom would you go as?
Miss (Ms.) Scarlet or Mrs. (Ms.) Peacock (depending on whether a red or blue dress is fitting best), with the candlestick (candlestick as prop), in the library (book as prop). (If the party’s really dull, the second prop comes in handy!
2. What are your choice of toppings on a hamburger? And do you prefer gas or charcoal grilling?
Charcoal would be great if available. I don’t eat red meat, so it will have to be a chicken/turkey burger, a fish burger, or a veggie burger. Ideal burger toppings may include: cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, red onion, pickles, sautéed mushrooms, aioli, French’s mustard, relish.
3. You are chosen to have lunch with the President. The condition is you only get to ask one question. What do you ask?
What’s next?
4. It's your first day of vacation, what are you doing?
Trying to work up the energy to do whatever I planned to be doing.
5. What is your concession stand must-have at the movies?
Junior Mints or Glosette raisins.
6. Which do you dislike most: pop-up ads or spam email?
7. What do you think Captain Hook's name was before he had a hook for a hand?
8. Rock, paper, or scissors?
9. How long was it from ‘the first date’ until the proposal of marriage? How long until the wedding?
This is Tumblr, so I’m just going to move straight to applying this to the fandom context. In that case, it was roughly a decade for our two lovely science nerds. 🐝🦋💕
10. Which is worse, being in a place that is too loud, or too quiet?
Too loud.
11. What is one quality that you really appreciate in a person?
Kindness. (Agreed.)
I will also second @figsr’s answer: understanding.
12. At the good old general store, what particular kind of candy would you expect to be in the big jar at the counter?
Maybe gum balls? Or I could go for a jaw breaker.
13. What is the most distinguishing landmark in your city?
Probably the mountains, though they’re not technically in the city. As part of the city itself, there’s a very large park with a lot of trees and a lot of water around it. It’s very nice.
14. Everyone hears discussions that they consider boring. What topic can put you to sleep quicker than any other?
General business affairs? Golf maybe? My parents discussing mulch over Mother’s Day tea?
15. How many times did it take you to pass your driver's test?
16. If you had to have the same topping on your vanilla ice cream for the rest of your life, what topping would you choose?
Hot fudge, baby.
17. What food item would need to be removed from the market altogether in order for you to live a healthier, longer life?
On the one hand, cheese. But, on the other hand, cheese is often how I convince myself to eat healthy foods…. (Salad? Add cheese! Roasted veggies? Add cheese!)
18. You are offered an envelope that you know contains $50. You are then told that you may either keep it or exchange it for another envelope that may contain $500 or may be empty. Do you keep the first envelope, or do you take your chances with the second?
I hate risk and I’ve been given no odds, so right now I’m sticking with what I’ve got. (“Hey, maybe this envelope has more” does not sound very promising.)
19. If you had to choose, which would you give up: TV, or internet?
Assuming my devices can still access streaming, iTunes, etc., then definitely I would give up my TV.
20. Who is your dream girl or boy from movies/TV?
First things first: I really love love. I would say I’m a romantic; F. Scott—if he were alive and we were personally acquainted—would say I’m sentimental, because I always want happy endings.
So I love Gil Grissom, but I love him for Sara Sidle. I love both characters individually, but I love their love story (their love for each other) more. Similarly, I love Josh Lyman for Donna Moss, Logan Echolls for Veronica Mars (though, four years later, I’m still not ready to talk about that one), Ben Wyatt for Leslie Knope, Seth Cohen for Summer Roberts, and so on.
I think one of the only characters I’ve ever loved really primarily for myself has been Dr. John Carter (although I also liked him with Lucy 😭). I’m also fond of Dr. Spencer Reid. Oh, and… uh… I would totally go for some conjugal visits with Jakes Bridges. 🔥🔥🔥
Mostly, though, if I’m looking to daydream for myself, I will come up with an OC who fits into my own life and shares attributes with various characters (and/or people) I like.
Of course, these days I am pretty much exclusively using Sara and Grissom as my personal imaginary Barbies, so I can push their heads together and actually make them KISS (as well as undertake other activities involving various states of undress), ffs. 💕
21. Have you ever met a celebrity?
I got my picture taken with my celebrity husband (local professional sports hero) at a restaurant once and got an autograph from him and some other players another time. (I’ve had the same celebrity husband since the ‘90s. He is currently participating in an awareness campaign on intimate partner violence, likely cementing this as a lifelong commitment. Honestly there’s nothing sexier to me than a hot man speaking in support of women’s rights.)
As for celebrities people elsewhere might know… I didn’t meet him, but Robert de Niro (he of just becoming a dad again at the age of 79 fame) kind of looked over at me and my mom when he walked past us in an otherwise empty inner courtyard in his NYC hotel. Also, I again didn’t meet him, but my mom talked to Matt Bomer in NYC when he was filming Suits and brought me a note from him. Oh, plus I once rode a hotel elevator with Scott Speedman and his dog. I ate dinner on a patio near Sara Chalke. I once saw Robert Carlyle in the grocery-store checkout, and I’m convinced I walked past Jason Lee in a clothing store. I was on a plane from NYC with Ally Sheedy. But actually met? I don’t really think so.
22. What kind of lunch box did you have as a kid?
My Little Pony, I think (I hope!). (I’m talking good, ‘80s Ponies here.) Maybe Care Bears? I’m certain it was pink. 🦄🦄🦄
If you feel inclined to participate, please consider yourself tagged!
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inktog · 11 months
tagged by @nikita-not-nikola
3 ships: Noelle Holiday/Kris Dreemurr (which includes but is not limited to Noelle Holiday/The Red SOUL), Anne Boonchuy/Sasha Waybright, Connie Maheswaran/Steven Universe
first ever ship: Depends on how you define ship, but plausibly Ash/May from Pokemon. They had a Moment in the Deoxys movie.
last song: They Might Be Giants - Kiss Me, Son of God
last movie: Chinatown (1974)
currently reading: Antiphony by Sherwood Smith—the last of the Sartorias-deles saga, which I have been following for over a decade, so, exciting! Also Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
currently watching: I just finished Disenchantment and nothing has filled the gap. I guess I'm technically in the middle of my American Dragon: Jake Long rewatch.
currently consuming: Veggie burger
currently craving: The ability to sit down and work on an AMV. There are a couple of obstacles to clear before I can do that…maybe tomorrow.
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What is valkyries favorite color? Does she need to eat? If so what is her favorite meal?
And what do you think Karl’s fave meal would be, if he needed to eat? Or do you think he does need to eat? Can’t remember if that’s been established or nah lmao
Valkyrie's favorite color is tied between the orange of the sunsets on the mountain pass and a blue-ish gray green of a certain person's eyes 👀 And maybe the dark green of pine? She just really enjoys earthy deep tones and can't pick a favorite.
She technically doesn't need to eat, much like the other mutated lords and ladies, but it still provides them energy if they've used their powers too extensively.
She really likes the soup that Luiza makes, full of pork, vegetables and homemade noodles. And she could eat homemade bread for every meal. It's just so warm and filling and makes her feel safe. She about loses her mind when she discovers there's a thing as sweet bread. (i.e. Cozonac) Overall, she's a carb & veggie girl.
Karl has the appetite of a coke addict. His daily intake consists of beer and cigars, with the occasional snack. His favorite thing to eat (when he does) are the meat rolls and bacon-like fried bits that Duke makes. The juicier and crunchier the better. He's a meat enjoyer. He really liked the American style burger that Duke made once.
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Sorry not sorry cough cough Heisenburger
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weirdgirlcroix · 2 years
Blacktober 2022, Week 1: The Cookout
I'M BACK BITCHES and this time it's to post a short story I wrote for blacktober. This one was a blast to write cause Russ is a new oc and I just fixed up Ivan's backstory, so I got to explore writing their backstory for the first time. Content warning for mildish homophobia and uhhhh a lot of fire. Previous chapter (technically) is here and the follow-up is right here.
Russ didn’t give a damn about the 4th of July. That holiday was for white people who thought that slavery actually ended with the 13th Amendment. That being said, he was a hell of a good griller, and he’d take any chance he could get to host a cookout and invite a bunch of friends over. As the fateful holiday approached, he texted and called nearby family and old friends to invite them.
He hadn’t done the best job at socializing lately, but there was one new name in his contacts that stuck out: Ivan Beatty. They’d met because Russ had gotten Ivan out of a sticky situation recently, and they hadn’t talked in a couple of weeks. Russ wondered if they were doing better now. He shot them a text, Yo I’m hosting a cookout on the 4th. Wanna come? and stared at his phone, hoping for a quick response.
A minute later Ivan responded, maybe and sent a thinking emoji.
What you thinking on? You don’t know no one who’s coming but it’s all family and friends they’re chill.
………… ok.
Russ sent a couple of skull emojis. The periods LOL. I’ll text you the date and addy see you there. He couldn’t help smiling to himself, feeling like he’d accomplished something. Ivan was so quiet, but maybe now Russ could finally figure out what was going on inside their head.
Finally, the 4th of July arrived. Russ got an early start on grilling since there was a lot on the menu: a few fruits and veggies, hamburger, hotdogs, and wings. One could smell grilled pineapple and barbeque chicken wings from anywhere on the block. Jamie, his beloved golden retriever, kept begging him for a piece of chicken. Since no one had arrived yet, Russ relented, tore off a piece of meat from a chicken wing, and tossed it to her. She snapped it up and wagged her tail in thanks. He grinned, pet her, and finished up the wing so he could go back to grilling.
As the guests arrived, Jamie greeted them by running up to them and barking, and she received plenty of pets in return. Russ shook hands and bumped fists with each of them and offered them sodas from the cooler. One of his friends from high school smirked and asked, “It’s been forever, Russell! You still on that sigma male grindset shit?”
“I’m on that focusing-on-health-instead-of-relationships shit, if that’s what you asking,” Russ retorted as he flipped a couple of burgers.
One of his cousins spit out her soda while laughing. “I thought you was gonna ask if he was still on that homo shit. He gotta be ‘cause he be wearing them flannels every day. Ain’t that a lesbian thing?”
Russ slowly began to remember why he didn’t talk to his friends and family as much. He had the urge to take off his unbuttoned green flannel, but that would make him look worse. “There ain’t nothing gay about knowing how to dress, Michelle. Y’all know I like bitches.” Russ couldn’t remember the last time he’d actually fallen in love with a woman, but that was beside the point.
“The nigga you was fucking with in 9th grade—”
The flames in the grill flared up like a horse rearing its head, spooking everyone in the conversation, and Russ hurriedly checked on the burgers and hotdogs to make sure they weren’t burnt. “Aight, y’all, that’s enough. Relax ‘fore I burn everything on purpose,” he said jokingly. He couldn’t sound too serious, or he’d get accused of overreacting — not that he wasn’t prone to taking things too far, but he was totally in the right this time. He was a normal gym bro and he was straight as an arrow.
Before someone could think of another jab to throw at him, he decided to change the subject. “Speaking of fire, y’all wanna see something impressive? I’ve been working on this one. Stand back so y’all don’t get hurt.” Russ didn’t keep his ability to control fire a secret, and it was the reason he was always the life of the party. He poked a finger through the bars of the grill, and a few small flames latched onto it as if he were lighting a candle. They gave his finger a warm tickling sensation, but they didn’t burn him in the slightest. He pulled his finger back out and held it in front of the crowd. The flames grew large enough to engulf his hand, and he lightly flicked his wrist upward. The fire plopped onto the grass and formed a self-sustaining ball of energy that didn’t need to burn an inch of grass to keep itself alive.
People clapped, already impressed by the display, but Russ wasn’t done yet. He furrowed his brow and concentrated even harder on the fireball. It grew bigger and bigger, taking on a humanoid shape. Eventually it formed a blazing silhouette of Russ himself. He handed it the pair of tongs it was holding, and it took some finished hotdogs off the grill before setting the tongs down and fizzling out. He bowed dramatically and went back to grilling, taking in the audience's whoops and cheers.
That trick was exhausting, so he wouldn’t be showing off for a while, but at this point he didn’t need to. The conversations had moved on from targeting him to the usual cookout talk: the latest sports and music news, how everyone’s relationships were faring, and venting about the latest white bullshit. Russ chimed in whenever he thought of something to say, and he really began enjoying the cookout. He was surrounded by people who enjoyed good food, good conversation, and thought his jokes were hilarious. There was nothing to be mad about.
Russ finished grilling when there was enough for everyone to have seconds and then some. He made himself a juicy cheeseburger with a side of grilled pineapple and a can of Mountain Dew. As he ate, he realized that there was a glaring problem: Ivan hadn’t shown up yet. They’d seemed hesitant to come, so maybe they just needed some convincing. Russ pulled out his phone and called them, but they didn’t pick up. Instead he received a text that simply said, hi.
Hey. Where you at? You’re missing the cookout.
Ivan took a couple of minutes to respond. ik. idk if i should go.
Russ frowned at his phone, earning him a few judgemental looks from the people sitting near him. Why not? I made a ton of food and it’s lit you ain’t got nothing to worry about. You scared ‘cause you don’t know nobody here? Russ couldn’t imagine what it was like to be an introvert who didn’t like social interaction, but he supposed that anyone who’d been invited to a cookout with people they didn’t know would feel overwhelmed.
yeye. I can show up for a few ig. omw.
“Score!” Russ thought, pumping his fist. Now he could finally learn what Ivan had been up to these past few weeks in a face-to-face conversation.
Ivan knew they’d regret going the second they got on their bike. Not knowing anyone at the cookout besides Russ wasn’t a plus, but it wasn’t the main problem either. If they weren’t able to keep it together, there’d be another disaster.
They parked their bike outside of Russ’s place, a brown brick row house at the end of the block. It had a porch with a swinging bench and a lawn chair, and some people were relaxing there while nursing cans of coke. When they saw Ivan they waved and wished him a happy 4th. He nodded back, too nervous to speak. Russ had bragged over the phone about how good of a griller he was, and at first Ivan had his doubts. But the grilled-food smell wafting from Russ’s backyard was delectable. Maybe things would go well if Ivan focused on how good the food was.
When they opened the gate to Russ’s backyard, the first thing they noticed was the amount of people. About 25 people outside, an unknown amount inside, and even one fluffy golden retriever. That meant at least 26 possible casualties. Pressure started building up, and they took a few deep breaths to try and calm themself down.
The second thing they noticed was Russ in the middle of the crowd, chatting with someone who looked kind of similar to him — a half-sister or cousin, maybe? — about how well different NFL teams had performed during the last season. Russ stood confidently with his arms crossed and his dark red hair falling over his left shoulder. His tan face was coated in brown freckles, as were the faces of a few other people at the cookout. Ivan figured it ran in the family, which he thought was nice. Russ’s bushy unibrow was raised in surprise as his relative said that she actually wasn’t a fan of the Baltimore Ravens at all, her boyfriend just made her go to their games.
When Russ spotted Ivan, he walked over and dapped them up like they were old friends. His dog, who Russ had mentioned was named Jamie, bounded up to them and sniffed their hand. “How you living, man? You came just in time, the food’s still warm. You more of a burger or a hot dog guy?”
“B-B-Both,” Ivan stammered, absent-mindedly reaching down to pet Jamie. They hadn’t gotten a good look at Russ’s face up close since the day that they’d met. They liked how so many of their features were the opposite of Russ’s: dark ebony skin, short curls cut into a frohawk, a pair of brows that they shaved into dots. They were much stockier than Russ, and he was toned but fairly tall.
Russ waved a hand in Ivan’s face. “Earth to Ivan? I was saying this is my stepsister Anita.”
Anita had a sweet smile painted on her face. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Ivan nodded again. Russ hadn’t made fun of his stutter yet, but what if someone else did? He couldn’t afford the extra stress right now.
Russ patted Ivan’s shoulder and explained, “This guy is just super quiet. Come on, Ivan, lemme show you around some.” Russ led Ivan around the backyard and introduced them to people that they’d probably never see again. His little tour ended in front of the grill, where he explained, “And this here’s my pride and joy, besides Jamie. I’ve had her ever since I moved here and she ain’t failed me once.”
“W-Wow.” The grill wasn’t lit right now, which gave Ivan a little time to think of an excuse to leave if Russ did decide to start it up.
“It’s a little harder to tell now, but I actually just cleaned her the other day. Finna clean her again tomorrow,” Russ continued. “Oh, you wanna see something sick? I already ate some regular food — which was hella good, by the way — but I haven’t eaten any fire yet. I was doing some intense tricks earlier, so I gotta get my strength back up.”
Before Ivan could react, Russ jogged to a small garage on the side of the house and returned with a couple lumps of charcoal. Ivan wanted to protest, but all that came out was a jumble of stuttered syllables. The pressure within him was growing exponentially as Russ took his lighter to the coals and let the flames engulf them. He was starting to grow dizzy. The sun was glaring down on him like a laser beam, and he was sweating bullets. Jamie barked incessantly at him, aware that something was about to happen, and it made his ears ring. There was only one way to return to normal now.
“Ivan? This the second time you’ve spaced out, man. What’s up?” Russ snapped his fingers in Ivan’s face, and they exploded.
The ground shook with the force of a 5.7 magnitude earthquake, if Ivan had to guess. He was frozen in place, filled with a mix of horrid relief and regret. The guests screamed in fear and confusion, and Russ desperately tried to evacuate them. He’d finally figured out what was happening, but he wasn’t a professional and he had trouble corralling everyone. Ivan wanted to explain that everyone would be fine if they got as far away from him as possible, but his voice could hardly be heard over the sound of shifting earth. He recalled the days when he could raise his calm yet authoritative voice loudly enough to cut through any commotion, and the earthquake’s magnitude ticked up to a 5.9.
Once Russ managed to get every guest out of the backyard, he began trekking his way back to Ivan. “What are you doing?” they thought. “You’re going to get yourself killed!”
As if reading their mind Russ called out, “I fucked up! I wasn’t thinking ‘bout how you hate fires! I got no idea how to make it up to you, but I’m sorry!”
Russ’s apology made Ivan feel a little better, but it wasn’t enough. What if Ivan killed someone? Or decimated Russ’s house? What if someone else figured out they were the problem and ostracized them for it?
To Ivan’s surprise, Russ stepped closer. “You remember how you calmed down last time, right? I think you was thinking about happy thoughts! And, uh, we was holding hands!”
Fragments of memories from that night popped up in Ivan’s mind. Russ was right; he did hold Ivan’s hand while they thought about the good things in their life. But Russ couldn’t get any closer to Ivan than he already was. Ivan jerkily raised their hands in protest, hoping that Russ would stay away.
Luckily, Russ got the message. “You right, I’ll prolly die if I get too close. Maybe try… pretending to hold my hand?” He outstretched his hand, squeezing his eyes shut as if keeping them closed would make him closer to Ivan. They mirrored him, holding up a trembling hand and closing their eyes. Had anything good happened today? Besides petting Jamie, not really; they’d spent the entire day worrying themself sick about the cookout. How about this week? They’d gotten hired to be a personal trainer, which was definitely a good thing. Plus, Russ had called them eight days ago to rant about the best puppy he’d ever dogsat, and that was an uplifting phone call. Life wasn’t all bad, Ivan realized. There were plenty of low points, but the good moments balanced them out.
Slowly, Ivan’s seismic waves grew weaker and weaker. Suddenly, they felt a large, rough hand latch onto theirs. They cracked an eye open and saw that Russ had finally reached them, awkward smile painted on his face. The last couple of seismic waves flowed out as Ivan smiled back. “Y-You saved me. Again.”
“That’s what friends are for, yeah? We still friends?”
Ivan looked around. A few of Russ’s guests nervously peeked into the backyard, assessing the damage from afar. Russ’s house had sustained a couple of cracks, but it was still standing. Jamie had calmed down a bit, and she ran between Russ and Ivan to make sure the two of them were okay. Nobody was badly injured or dead, the damage was fixable, and Russ still liked him. “Yeah. We’re, we’re still friends.”
Russ’s smile grew wider. “Good. This cookout’s officially over, but you can stay for a bit if you ain’t well enough to go home.”
“I’d like that,” Ivan decided, smiling back.
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nathank77 · 4 months
11:24 p.m
I just ate a chicken sandwich. It was so good. I want to go get a chicken tomorrow but I'll wait until Wednesday cause I got my testosterone shot and therapy at 7 p.m. I'll be losing a lot of hardcore nuketown time Wednesday no matter what.
Whereas tomorrow I have virtually nothing to do but play nuketown. I'm just going to look forward to veggies burgers and vegan bacon cause it's bomb af. I really love how the vegan bacon compliments the cheese and all the veggies in the burger.
Beyond that i realize my last cheat day was the 13th of May. I'm totally alloted a cheat day every like 2-3 weeks. Technically based off of online results once a week is okay but I'm super serious about my diet. I've never dieted until now and I'm astounded at how well it works having a caloric deficiency. I can't wait until I can see how skinny I get and how muscular I get once I join the gym.
Imma have Simulate nugs and smiley fries tomorrow or wednesday. I may need to get smiley fries after this next Cheat day. I also am going to cheat a little further and eat some corn nuts. My mother bought them for me post diet and I don't want them to go bad. I have thrown out a lot of food. A lot. A lot.
But I basically eat what I buy now, I'm talking older food cause my diet is very planned. I may enjoy some chocolate on my Cheat day. My mom got me a valentine day heart chocolate thing. Idk I got to look at expirations dates. I'd like to not throw everything out that isn't on my diet. I may do chocolate and the smiley fries. And do corn nuts on my next Cheat day.
All I know is I'm fucking excited for smiley fries. It's funny though that when you start dieting, yea you want to Cheat and then you do.. and it's like this food makes me feel gross.... like last time I had smiley fries I got some acid reflux. I haven't had that in ages. So as much as I look forward to it, I actually really like the food I'm eating and find it to be tasty.
I do miss chocolate, French fries and cheese burgers. I do know if I went to Wendy's I'd enjoy it but I'd feel like shit after. Even if I made my own cheese burgers. When I eventually cheat and get a cheese burger I'm getting a fucking baconator. The very best.
Anyways, I'm about to brush my teeth and keep watching ink master. I just tried my new white mulberries cause of the return policy of a month. I can't return the others, not that I would. They seem to be fine but they don't taste as good.
Also as for bloodwork, wondering if I'm hyper or hypo or normal. I'm pooping normal. I'd say my tempature is normal, I didn't sweat today in sweat pants and a t shirt when I went to cvs. I would have if I was hyper.. I mean I'm hungry every 4-6 hours. That seems very normal to me.
When I was Hypo I fell asleep a lot easier. I wouldn't say I'm sleeping better. It was the only good thing about being hypo... and I haven't noticed it.
My heart rate is very normal when I check it too. So as for right now I'm prob doing my bloodwork on the 14th. Nothing I'm experiencing is pointing toward hyper or hypo. So that's cool. Although I'd like to go into remission...
My hallucination as I sit here is like chanting happy birthday and i have a birthday present.. it's really fucking driving me up a wall.. it sounds off. Sorta in a good way. I took my white mulberries almost a hour ago.. maybe it's changing it? Idk. All I know is I got to drown this annoying POS that makes me wants to kill myself everyday out before I do end my life.
I'm still worried about xanax... and I'm hoping Maybe one day this hallucination stops... still waiting on Kristen....
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priyanshisingh · 5 months
Soy Protein Ingredients Market Overview: Growth Factors and Future Trends (2023-2032)
The global demand for Soy Protein Ingredients was valued at USD 8458.2 million in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 11036.0 million in 2032, growing at a CAGR of 3.00% between 2024 and 2032.
Soy protein ingredients are derived from soybeans and serve as a key protein source in various food applications. They are particularly popular in vegetarian and vegan diets due to their high protein content, but are also widely used across the food industry for their functional benefits. The main forms include soy protein isolate, which is highly refined and contains about 90-95% protein, making it ideal for protein shakes and meal replacements. Soy protein concentrate, which retains more natural carbohydrates, contains about 70% protein and is used in baking and as a meat extender. Textured soy protein, also known as textured vegetable protein, is created by processing soy protein concentrate into a fibrous, meat-like texture, commonly used in meat substitutes such as veggie burgers and tacos. These ingredients are appreciated not just for their protein efficiency but also for their versatility in enhancing texture, flavor, moisture retention, and emulsification in various food products.
Market Challenges
Consumer Perception Issues: Soy products have faced scrutiny over potential health concerns, such as the effects of phytoestrogens on hormone levels and potential allergenic properties. Misconceptions and negative perceptions about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in soy cultivation also impact consumer choices.
Competition from Other Protein Sources: Soy protein ingredients compete with a variety of other plant-based proteins, such as pea, rice, and hemp proteins, which are gaining popularity due to their hypoallergenic properties and different nutritional profiles. Animal-based proteins continue to dominate in many markets, offering competition as well.
Regulatory Hurdles: The regulatory environment can be a significant barrier, particularly in regions with strict guidelines on GMO products or specific labeling requirements for food allergens, including soy.
Supply Chain Volatility: Fluctuations in soybean prices and supply can affect the production costs and availability of soy protein ingredients. Factors such as weather conditions, trade policies, and economic instability in key producing countries can lead to supply chain disruptions.
Technical Limitations: While technological advancements have improved the sensory and functional properties of soy protein, challenges still exist in achieving textures and flavors that perfectly mimic animal proteins, which can limit consumer acceptance in certain applications.
Sustainability Concerns: Although soy is considered a more sustainable protein source compared to animal proteins, concerns about deforestation and the environmental impact of extensive soy cultivation, particularly in South America, pose sustainability and ethical challenges for the market.
Nutritional Limitations: While soy protein is rich in essential amino acids, it may not provide all the nutritional benefits of animal proteins, such as certain vitamins and minerals, which can be a disadvantage for some consumer segments.
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/soy-protein-ingredients-market
The soy protein ingredients market refers to the sector focused on the production, distribution, and sale of soy-derived protein products used in various food and beverage applications. This market has seen significant growth due to the rising popularity of plant-based diets, increasing awareness of lactose intolerance and other dietary restrictions, and a growing interest in sustainable food sources. Soy protein ingredients, such as soy protein isolate, concentrate, and textured soy protein, are used extensively in health and wellness products, meat substitutes, dairy alternatives, and functional foods. Manufacturers are investing in research and development to improve the functionality and taste of soy protein products, responding to consumer demand for higher-quality plant-based foods. Additionally, the market's expansion is fuiled by the global shift towards protein-rich diets and the economic advantages of soy protein as a cost-effective alternative to animal proteins. This sector is also influenced by regulatory frameworks and advancements in food technology that enable broader applications and improved product offerings.
Supply chain issues also pose significant challenges, with fluctuations in soybean prices and availability affecting market stability. Moreover, the sustainability of soy production is under scrutiny, particularly regarding environmental impacts such as deforestation in major soy-producing regions like Brazil.
Despite these challenges, technological advancements in food processing are improving the texture, taste, and nutritional value of soy protein products, expanding their use across a broader range of food products. The market is also supported by regulatory efforts in many countries, promoting plant-based diets for their health and environmental benefits.
Key Players-
AG Processing Inc.
Archer-Daniels-Midland Company
Cargill, Inc.
CHS Inc.
Doves Farm Foods Ltd.
E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company (Dupont Nutrition and Health)
Kerry Group, Plc.
Kraft Heinz Company
the Kellogg Company
Wilmar International Limited.Top of Form
The soy protein ingredients market is driven by several key factors that contribute to its growth and expansion:
Health and Wellness Trends: There's a rising consumer interest in healthier dietary choices, which includes increasing protein intake, reducing meat consumption, and seeking out plant-based alternatives. Soy protein, with its high protein content and low fat levels, fits well within this trend.
Vegetarian and Vegan Diets: The global rise in vegetarianism and veganism has significantly boosted the demand for plant-based protein sources. Soy protein ingredients are a staple in many vegetarian and vegan products because they provide essential amino acids comparable to those in animal proteins.
Functional Benefits: Soy protein ingredients offer excellent functional properties such as emulsification, texturing, and water retention, which are valuable in food processing. These properties make soy protein ideal for a range of applications, from meat analogues and bakery products to dairy alternatives and convenience foods.
Cost Effectiveness: Compared to many animal proteins, soy proteins are more economical to produce and process. This cost advantage makes them attractive to food manufacturers looking to manage production costs while still offering high-protein products.
Sustainability Concerns: Soy protein is viewed as a more environmentally sustainable option compared to animal-based proteins. Its production typically requires less water and land and produces fewer greenhouse gases, aligning with the growing consumer demand for environmentally responsible products.
Globalization of Diets: As Western eating habits spread globally, there is increasing consumption of protein-rich and convenience foods in emerging markets. Soy protein ingredients are being used to meet these needs due to their versatility and nutritional profile.
Technological Advancements: Innovations in food technology have improved the texture, taste, and nutritional profile of soy protein products, making them more appealing to a broader audience and expanding their use in various food applications.
Regulatory Support: Governmental policies promoting plant-based diets for health or environmental reasons can also drive the market for soy protein ingredients.
By Type of Soy Protein Ingredients:
Soy Protein Isolates (SPI)
Soy Protein Concentrates (SPC)
Textured Soy Protein (TSP)
Soy Protein Hydrolysates
Soy Protein Flours
By Formulation and Application:
Bakery and Confectionery
Dairy Alternatives
Meat Alternatives
Nutritional Supplements
Infant Formula and Baby Food
Cereals and Snacks
Processed Foods
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/soy-protein-ingredients-market
Browse Our Blog- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/soy-protein-ingredients-market-projections-global-industry-singh-yueff
Contact Us:
Phone: +91 6232 49 3207
Website: https://www.credenceresearch.com
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xtruss · 5 months
What To Know Before Buying A Grill! When It Comes To Good Grills, You Get What You Pay For.
— By Shayna Murphy | Apr 19, 2024
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'Tis the season, after all. / Westend61, Westend61 Collection, Getty Images
For a lot of folks, grilling is synonymous with summertime. From succulent beer brats and burgers to grilled veggies and kebabs, the dishes you can make over those seasoned grates will help set the mood for the months ahead and make your cookouts even more memorable.
But if you’re a first-time buyer, there are a few important things to keep in mind while you’re checking out the most popular grills on the market today. Here are key factors to consider before you invest in a grill, beyond simply determining which type is best for you.
Table of Contents:
Which Types of Grills Are Best?
What Are Grills Made Of?
How Much Do Grills Usually Cost?
What Foods Work Best On A Grill?
Which Types of Grills Are Best?
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Not All Grills Are Created Equal. RgStudio/E+ Collection/Getty Images
Even if you’re not quite a grill master yet, you probably already know that there are multiple types to choose from—and that they rely on different heating and fuel sources. From charcoal to gas, electric, and pellet grills, the right one will probably depend on your budget, space, grilling style, and most of all, the sorts of foods you’re planning to sear.
Let’s take a closer look at what distinguishes them, along with some pros and cons of each.
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Charcoal Grills: These classic grills typically use charcoal briquettes or lump charcoal as a fuel source, and they’re a popular choice among foodies because the escaping smoke gets absorbed by meats and veggies and imparts a distinctive, charry-like flavor onto food. (Grilling food on cedar planks over a charcoal fire only enhances its delectability.) They also can be highly portable, so they are a popular choice for campers. The process of heating up a charcoal grill can take time, though. It’s often harder to control the internal temperature inside the unit, too, meaning you may have less precision than you might with other grill variants.
Kamado Grills: Technically speaking, kamado grills are a type of charcoal grill—as are charcoal kettle and charcoal barrel grills—but most manufacturers recommend lump charcoal over briquettes because of the high temperatures they can reach. These egg-shaped grills also have a bit more sophistication because they’re usually made from ceramic, which some believe is the superior choice if you’re looking for great heat retention and temperature control. Comparatively, most charcoal barrel and kettle grills are made with plated or stainless steel grates. While kamados can reach temperatures up to 1000°F, they’re usually expensive and pretty heavy (due to the ceramic construction), and can be a hassle to move around, so they might not be ideal if you want something that is easily portable.
Gas Grills: While some might crave that smoky taste from food fresh off a charcoal grill, others strongly prefer the convenience that gas grills deliver. With a unit powered by natural gas or liquid propane, you won’t have to sit around and wait for it to warm up. Most can be fully heated within 10 minutes. If you want even temperatures, these types of grills are perfect; they’re also less frustrating to clean up than charcoal-fueled models because you don’t have to worry about any leftover ashy residue. But you won’t get to enjoy that rich added flavor (unless you have a smoker), and if you opt to use natural gas as a fuel source, it will require a permanent installation by a professional, meaning you lose out on portability.
Pellet Grills: These grills are fueled by food-grade, aromatic wood pellets sourced from oak, alder, apple, cherry, hickory, and other trees. They’re sort of a middle ground between charcoal and gas models, as they function as both a grill and smoker so you get that kick of smoky flavor. You can even use cedar or other wood planks on top of the grate to impart an extra zing to meats and seafood. These types of grills do tend to be fairly user-friendly, heat up faster than charcoal grills do, and offer better temperature control. As a downside, however, cleaning up the burnt pellets after the fact might be just as annoying as it would be with charcoal grills. Also, most pellet grills only reach a maximum of 450°F, so if you’re looking for high heating capability, they might not be the best choice.
Electric Grills: Live in an apartment? You might want to consider an electric grill. There are plenty of models—including countertop and pedestal varieties—that you can just plug in and use right at home. These compact, convenient devices are great for quick and easy cooking year-round, and some are designed for outdoor use too (you’ll just need to have an exterior outlet nearby). One potential downside is that they tend to use up a lot of electricity, so they’re not always as economical in the long run, and while they tend to be lightweight, you probably won’t be able to use one while camping or at the beach. Additionally, most average electric models can only hit up to 450˚F.
Infrared Grills: While typical gas and charcoal grills work via convection heating (meaning the air gets heated, rises, and then circulates around the food on the grill’s grate, causing it to cook), these types of grills don’t. Instead, they produce actual heat, usually through a hot object inside the grill, and that is what causes the food to cook. As such, they can reach very high temperatures—up to 1200˚F—and they can warm up within minutes of use. Many infrared grills are powered by natural gas or liquid propane but can be very pricey (they can cost well up to $2000 and beyond). Some are powered by electricity, however. Regardless of the fuel types, these kinds of grills can be bulky and not very portable.
What Are Grills Made Of?
Grills are made from all kinds of materials, but stainless steel is usually the most common component. Cast aluminum, powder-coated steel, and cast iron are often used, too. For grates, porcelain-enamel cast iron pops up a lot because it’s great for heat retention, although stainless steel, plated steel, and regular cast iron grates are widespread.
How Much Do Grills Usually Cost?
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Want a grill that will really last? Expect to spend around $400 and up. 10000 Hours/DigitalVision Collection. Getty Images
Setting a budget before you go shopping can be helpful, but how much you ultimately end up spending really depends on the type of grill you want. For the most part, charcoal grills are available at affordable price points starting at under $50, especially if you’re looking at brands like Cuisinart or Weber’s Smokey Joe line. Generally speaking, though, you can expect to spend anywhere from $100 to $600 on a solid charcoal grill (like Weber’s Original Kettle Premium) that will last for multiple seasons.
When it comes to gas grills, makers like Char-Broil and Coleman have units available for under $400, but most experts say you should expect to spend at least $400 if you want a reliable model that could last a decade or longer (with proper upkeep). In this regard, Weber is the gold standard, and models like the Weber Spirit II E-310 get consistently high marks from reviewers.
If you’re interested in a pellet grill, Traeger specializes in that type and popular units run for anywhere from $450 to $2000. Meanwhile, electric grills can pretty much run the gamut, as brands like Hamilton Beach have offerings under $100, while others—like Breville—have models that cost just under $400.
While you’re at it, grab a grill cover. Most are going to be priced at well under $50, and it’s not just for cosmetic reasons. Because rust can be such a problem with grills, a cover can be a useful way to protect your investment during rain showers. Not only that, but a cover will help keep spiders and other small beasts from making a home in your model.
What Foods Work Best On A Grill?
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Some grub is better over charcoal. Lisa Romerein, Stone Collection, Getty Images
Hot dogs and burgers aren’t the only things you can cook on a grill. Because of how versatile they are, you could whip up a wide variety of meats, fish, fruits, and veggies on one, but certain types of grills may be better choices than others.
With charcoal grills, steak will absorb all that smoke in a really flavorful way, as will shrimp, ground beef, and even veggies like zucchini and eggplant. Salmon in particular can also be good to prepare using planks on a pellet grill. If any of those foods are cookout mainstays for you, prioritize a charcoal or pellet-fueled model. Though steak and burgers can come out perfectly delicious on a gas grill, foods that cook faster—like chicken breasts, hot dogs, and pork chops—are great for this grill type.
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grillsadvisor · 1 year
Traeger Grills Pro Series 22 Electric Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker Review & Test
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The Traeger Grills Pro Series 22 Electric Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker is known for its versatility, allowing users to grill, smoke, bake, roast, braise, and BBQ their favorite meals to perfection.  But how well does it truly live up to this reputation? Can the precision of its temperature control, sturdiness, durability, and its large cooking capacity set it apart in the bustling world of barbecue? And perhaps, most importantly, does cooking with wood truly make a difference in taste?  Join us as we peel back the layers of this bronze beauty, armed with real user experiences and technical understanding, to help you decide if this grill can truly take your grilling game to new heights. Traeger Grills Pro Series 22 Electric Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker Features Superior Flavor with Wood Pellets One thing that sets the Traeger Grills Pro Series 22 apart from the traditional gas and charcoal grills I've used in the past is its use of 100% all-natural hardwood pellets. Over the years, I've experimented with a variety of grilling methods, but there's something about the unique, smoky flavor that only wood can impart to the food. I remember this one summer afternoon when I invited my friends over for a barbecue. The pork ribs I prepared were an absolute hit - their taste was elevated by the natural wood flavor. The consensus was unanimous: Cooking with wood pellets does make a considerable difference. Versatility: From Low and Slow to Hot and Fast Not all grills can handle the range of cooking methods that the Pro Series 22 can. The 6-in-1 versatility feature allows me to grill, smoke, bake, roast, braise, and even barbecue food to juicy perfection. I recall one day I decided to challenge the grill to a culinary duel. I started by smoking a large cut of brisket low and slow. Then I turned up the heat to grill some veggies and finish with a high-heat sear on a pair of prime steaks. The results were nothing short of amazing, with every dish cooked just right. Precision Temperature Control What's remarkable about the Traeger Pro Series 22 is its Digital Pro Controller which uses Advanced Grilling Logic. This feature ensures a +/- 15-degree F temperature control, allowing for precision grilling. On one particular occasion, I was grilling a couple of salmon fillets - a dish that requires accurate temperature control to get right. I was able to maintain the grill at a steady 350°F, resulting in perfectly grilled salmon with a slightly smoky flavor and a delicious, flaky interior. Sturdy Construction and Large Cooking Capacity The sturdy steel construction and durable powder coat finish ensure the Pro Series 22 can withstand the rigors of regular use. Additionally, its large cooking capacity of 572 square inches allowed me to grill large batches of food at once. I remember hosting a large family gathering where I needed to grill burgers for 20 people. The generous grilling space of the Pro Series 22 made the task seem effortless, and I was able to serve everyone simultaneously. Effortless Maintenance Cleaning grills can be a daunting task, but the Pro Series 22's easy-to-clean porcelain grill grates make the task a breeze. After a big cookout, I was dreading the cleanup. But, with a quick scrub, the grates were looking brand new. The all-terrain wheels also add to the grill's convenience, making it easy to move around my patio. The Traeger Grills Pro Series 22 Electric Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker delivers on all fronts. With its reliable performance, robust construction, and the unique flavor it imparts to the food, it’s an excellent investment for any grilling enthusiast. Final Thoughts In this section, you'll find our curated lists of the best grills across different categories. Our aim is to assist you in making a well-informed decision on which grill suits your requirements and preferences: - Best Value Natural Gas Grill: For those seeking high-quality performance at an affordable price, our compilation of the best value natural gas grills should be your go-to resource. We've carefully reviewed and ranked these grills to ensure you get the most bang for your buck. - Best Rated Electric Grill: If you're on the lookout for an electric grill, be sure to check our list of the best-rated electric grills. These grills have earned top marks from users and experts alike, ensuring a fantastic grilling experience. - Best Value Pellet Grill: Pellet grills offer a unique mix of convenience and smoky flavor. Our list of the best value pellet grills provides you with top-tier options that won't empty your wallet. - Best LP Gas Grills: For those who prefer grilling with propane, our curated list of the best LP gas grills covers a wide range of options. Whether you're after a small, portable grill or a larger, more sophisticated model, we've got you covered. Our aim is to provide you with reliable, in-depth information that simplifies your grill-shopping process. Happy grilling! Read the full article
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oliviachows · 1 year
Top 5 Veggies for Hydration this Summer.
Keeping hydrated is fundamental for beating the heat and staying healthy during late spring. Fortunately, some foods can provide important vitamins and minerals as well as significant hydration.
To buy these fresh vegetables and fruits online in Kingston, Ontario with a free delivery option, reach out to Gomaple Farm Fresh.
The cucumber (Curcumis sativus) is a creeping vine in the gourd family Cucurbitaceae that is widely grown. Although it is technically a fruit, its use as a side dish or raw in a salad makes it a vegetable.
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Cucumbers are great for eating during the summer because of their high water content, which helps prevent dehydration. They additionally give numerous other fundamental supplements like L-ascorbic acid, vitamin K, folic corrosive, potassium, and magnesium. They have few calories and are simple to digest.
Celery contains a wealth of nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium, and is 95% water. Use it in recipes, as a snack, or in salads.
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Otherwise called celeriac, turnip-established celery, or handle celery, a solid vegetable can be developed all year. It is a good source of lutein, zeaxanthin, and vitamin C (important for healthy eyes). Spiralize it into pasta, slice it into MamaSezz high-protein burgers, or raw chop it into salads.
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Lettuce is a popular summer vegetable that is 95% water and contains essential vitamins and minerals like potassium, folate, and vitamin C. You can eat it grilled on your MamaSezz High Protein Burger or shredded into a fresh salad. Lettuce is also a popular salad green.
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In the summer, tomatoes are at their most flavorful and juicy, whether you eat them on a sandwich, in a salad, or blend them into a refreshing gazpacho. They're 94% water and give fiber, nutrients C and K, folate, and potassium.
High in water content, these food varieties extinguish your thirst and give significant supplements to your eating regimen. They additionally assist with controlling internal heat levels and further develop rest quality, cognizance, and state of mind.
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The Brassica (Brassica oleracea) family includes cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and kale, all of which contain 92% of water. It can be eaten raw or cooked and contains calcium, iron, potassium, sulphur, folic acid, and vitamin C. It is low in calories and fat. Napa and Savoy's cabbage have loosely layered and ruffled leaves, whereas green cabbage has tightly packed leaves that form spherical heads.
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