#vegas round trip deals
myths-tournaments · 1 year
Awful Characters Round 1 Part 4 (2/8)
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Propaganda under the cut!
he's such a polarizing character because there's the group of us who are like Vegas <3!!! and then there's the people that point out his many crimes against humanity and lack of redeemable qualities or actions. he brutally tortures his love interest. he commits lots of crimes against the protagonist including drugging him. he's literally the villain. I love him so much though he's the poorest little meow meow of all time
As the oldest son in the minor mafia family in Thailand, Vegas seeks every opportunity to outdo his cousin from the main family. He hires an assassin to go after him. On another occasion he drugs, kidnaps, and assaults a guy to get at his cousin. He secretly schemes with the Yakuza, plots to frame that same guy as a mole working for the main family, fakes being in love with his cousins ex-boyfriend to the point of getting engaged (and then ditches him), and allegedly has done the same thing with the actual mole working for the main family. The definition of manipulate, manwhore, manslaughter. Vegas has a whole ass Patrick Bateman-style murder coat for torture. Methods of torture used: extracting a man's Cochlear, electrocuting a man's balls, forcefeeding by shoving said man's head into slop, whipping him with his own leather belt, setting a fake escape trap only to chase the hostage down and tase him. Whenever he makes deals he'll slip his hand into the other person's with a firm grip before they've consciously expressed a choice (so it always goes in his favor). He shields himself with other's bodies during shootouts, letting several people die for his sake. He's into BDSM (this isn't one of the bad things, but hoo boy people will act like it is). Listen, he's a piece of work. He cries because his pet hedgehog dies. He falls for his hostage, fucks him, and then continues to be shitty so the guy knocks him out to escape. He gets pathetic about it. He confesses his love and kisses him in a parking garage full of dead bodies in the middle of a mafia coup that he is leading. He's absolutely reprehensible and is treated as the main villain of the show for several reasons. Except I love him and his insanity. He gets a lot of shit that he doesn't deserve (both in canon and in the fandom). Not that I wanna fix him, that wouldn't be fun! Vegas and his partner deserve to serve cunt, be disgustingly in love, and murder to their hearts desires because I said so.
This is based on vibes and general like…hesitancy in others to agree that Milverton is worth simping over. He's the true evil foil to a necessary evil protag. He is always on a power trip he finds himself smart but can't pivot when things go off script, he's the king of blackmail because he isn't trying to get the money he's trying to make the person come to ruin and really wants to watch. His goon pissed on what they thought was Sherlock Holmes' Stradivarius, simply to humiliate him. He's a wet rat, sexy as hell, and entertaining af.
Look, the man is pure evil, he blackmails people not for the profit of taking the ransoms but to watch them frantically scramble to gather the ransom and then watch the light die in their eyes as he brings their worst nightmares to life before them. He ordered the death of a disabled child (and i’m still mad about it). He made his boyfriend destroy a violin (as far as he knew, a very expensive violin at that) by pissing on it. He would kick a puppy. But he’s also dramatic and fun about his pure evil, and I’m attached. He tries to make clowns out of my favourite couple, and gets called the whole circus for it. It’s funny. Also, his depiction in the musicals (specifically the fourth musical) dials this drama up to 11, while also giving him a very cute relationship with Ruskin. He’s the literal worst, but he’s fun about it, so it’s all totally okay.
He blackmails people for fun. He isn't after their money, hes already rich, but still he asks amounts of money that are over the limit for the people he blackmails. His greatest joy is to see good people blackmailed into doing bad things.
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evita-shelby · 2 months
What happens in Vegas
Chapter 2
@justrainandcoffee @zablife @thegreatdragonfruta
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To sell the ruse that they have always been dating, Jack takes her home for Christmas. A trial by fire before they set off to Mexico before New Years because of course Katie and Colin are tying the knot on fucking New Year’s Eve.
God, his sister and her fiancé were so cheesy. Jack’s never gonna be like that when his time comes.
His sister likes her already, Eva was amazingly easy to like. Friendly and fun and good at lying.
Like saying that they had been dating since October, but not wanting to jinx it so they kept it a secret until her aunt found out two weeks ago. It was easy to lie when they have proof something did go on, that they have gone on ‘dates’ and have an easy time with public displays of affection.
Jack had no trouble in greeting his fake girlfriend with a peck in the mouth when they had coffee with Katie before class.
He had solicited Katie’s help with it, and Katherine had delivered. Chicks like Eva love antiquing and the perfect gift for her would be found there. And she’d been right, the old jewelry was definitively something Evie wore, and his gift was gonna knock her socks off.
Even better, it was found in the first shop his sister had taken him to because Jack has no patience for anything let alone shopping.
A locket with a black anatomically correct heart with flowers carved into it because he knows Eva loves that shit. The picture inside ---because Katie demanded a picture when he asked for her help--- even made them look like a couple. Him with his arm around her shoulders and kissing Eva as they won yet another round of craps at the casino they met.
“She doesn’t mention you on her Instagram.” Katie points out as she snoops on Eva’s social media to call their bluff. He’d taken his phone from her when the next item in the album ended up being a series of nudes taken during their crazy hook up in Vegas and now entertained herself with Eva’s Instagram.
“Wants privacy, her family is a big deal in Mexico. Like the Koch Family except left wing and as crazy as the Kardashians.” Jack knew enough about Eva to answer these questions with ease. Her family was obscenely rich, too much in the limelight and that always made her relationships go to hell.
Her last breakup had ended with paparazzi outing her as a lesbian despite being bisexual causing a whole shit show that ended with her leaving the country for good and meeting him in Vegas.
Their arrangement worked for her because no one knew who she was seeing, so they didn’t bother either of them, and Jack really enjoyed having a great excuse as to why he never became serious about the other women he fooled around with.
They were friends who partnered together often and enjoyed fucking each other without all the messiness of relationships while focusing on their studies.
“It’s why I like being with you, I get to be just Eva with you, dark_avenger69.” She had said leaning her head against his chest and teasing him over his short ---but unsurprisingly lucrative--- time as the American camboy with the realistic fake Australian Accent when he studied in Melbourne during undergrad.
Only she knew about it beyond Katie, the moment he returned to the states he had closed the account for good, went to Vegas to keep his mother from assuming he’d gone back to the gang that had him hiding out in Australia for two years and invested in stocks that Eva had recommended for him.
They were a match made in heaven, or so Katie had said.
Maybe this trip to Mexico could let them see where it goes. It wouldn’t be that different to make the jump from friends with benefits to real boyfriend and girlfriend.
“Was afraid you’d forgotten I can’t drive.” Eva jokes as he opened the door to his car for her. She is dressed to the nines like always, but this outfit was picked out to match his on purpose not accidentally like the other times they’ve ended up matching.
“I’d be a shitty boyfriend to forget that, doll.” He smiles and hopes his corny ass sister put the mistletoe on the doorway for the third year in a row.
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His family is nice.
Her family is nice too, but Eva’s not ashamed to say they are a lot.
Her mother was spending it in New York after dropping her latest gigolo in wherever the fuck she was this time. Eva just didn’t feel like seeing her and pretending she’s fine despite the fact that she abandoned her when she was a kid because Isabel Riley was “just not cut out to be a mother”.
But Eva’s issues with her mother and her slight nerves at making a bad impression on Jack’s mother are forgotten when out of nowhere Jack dips her and kisses her like people do in movies. He could be thoughtful and romantic when he cared about his significant others, never seen more than Jack carrying his exes’ books or lying about the nature of his relationship with Eva.
She kisses back ---obviously--- and looked forward to more kissing outside of sex. If his mom hadn’t opened the door, Eva knows neither would’ve stopped.
“What? Just introducing my girlfriend to American Christmas traditions.” He jokes with his mother before introducing them like the good boyfriend he is pretending to be. “Mom, this is my girlfriend, Eva. Eva this is my mom, Rosemary.”
Eva’s first words to Jack’s mother are an apology for making out with her son at her doorstep, and yet it all went pretty well. Hell, the woman even got her a gift and a tres leches cakes from a local Mexican bakery.
Eva had not come empty handed, with good wine and gifts a bit too grand for the occasion that could make her come across as the out-of-touch rich girl she doesn’t want to be, but the whole thing was depending on them falling for their lies.
If they weren’t too busy with school and setting up their future businesses, they could give this a real and honest try. They like each other, they are sexually compatible, and Jack is not weird about her being bi and having dated women.
“So did you get your wonderful girlfriend anything?” she asks him once his family is out of earshot. It’s a small gathering, Rosemary’s mother and brother had only come for a short while and Jack’s paternal family still lived in Ireland, Katie and Colin had brought one of his siblings visiting from England and for now it’s just the two of them cuddling on a couch.
Jack was a different guy than he appeared, one look at him and you’d think he’s a stereotypical fratbro who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. She knew that already; it was just seeing more of that secret softy side was really making it difficult for her not to get the wrong idea about him. He probably doesn’t want her that way and Eva’s just imagining things because he’s putting several of her former lovers to shame tonight.
“It’s not a thong if that’s why you’re asking.” He pulls out a small gift wrapped in a black bow from his coat pocket.
Eva knows its jewelry and yet when she finds the heart carved locket with a hint of wear and opens it to find that picture of the two of them together in Vegas, she is so touched that her heart skips a beat and knows her gasp has been heard by everyone there.
“It’s beautiful.” She touches it feeling a great deal of emotion with a heady sense of déjà vu. She believed in magic, had a touch of it and yet this felt wonderfully different.
The locket even had their initials carved on the back.
Despite how often they have touched each other since they met, Jack putting the locket on her feels different. More intimate than any caress during sex, more heartfelt than anything they’ve had, and Eva would be lying if she claimed she didn’t want it to happen again.
“Katie helped me find it, first thing I saw, and I knew you’d like it. The previous owners were also called Jack and Eva weird enough.” He doesn’t believe in magic or soulmates, and yet he because he knows she does, Jack had bought it for her.
She kisses him again in thanks, a sweet kiss that doesn’t go very far, but shares that vibe of ‘different’ as everything that’s happened tonight so far.
Eva’s afraid to admit it, she might have fallen for Jack.
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The locket is from this story where Jack and Eva are soulmates in three universes
The Koch Family is the third richest family in the US and notorious for buying politicians, the level of wealth and power is just a reference to how the Rileys would be in the modern era. Just as the Kardashians are a reference as to how batshit insane they are without the restrictions of 1920s limitations.
Dark_Avenger69 is the name James Frecheville has in the Omeleto shortfilm on YouTube where he is the camboy the housewife is getting off too in Homebodies.
This may be too obvious, but James Frecheville is actually Australian lol
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starvels · 1 year
SteveTony Reclist: Road-Trips
@stevetonygames 2023 team future. challenge: camouflage. a reclist in the style of the inspiring @carsonian ! (thanks for your fun reclisting haha)
A Long Road To Share [FANART] by SirSapling
After 50 years in the ice and a couple exhausting years leading the Ultimates, Steve realises he isn't quite sure he knows anything about the new modern America he's supposed to represent. Luckily, Tony has an idea how to show him.
such a sweet hopeful look at ults in the future! the landscape is warm and so is my heart. this comic encapsulates the road trip vibes in its scenery, colors and soft focus on steve and tony discussing believing in each other.
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After the Devil is Gone by Ironlawyer
When Steve leaves to travel the country on his bike, Tony comes with him. But Steve is not ready to face those particular demons yet.
CW for noncon offscreen. a super sharp desolate view of steve's 616 roadtrip, this fic aches to its core! the things it doesn't have to say ring so loudly and painfully across the text.
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Are we satellites? by starvels
In between sunrises on the road, Steve is speaking, eating, stepping into diners to save people like coming back to his childhood home. And Tony, Tony is watching him. Tony is relearning being awake. - A cross country roadtrip where Steve and Tony find the typical American town, a fuckton of trees and finally, finally, find the right questions to ask each other.
Notes: a self rec! this is an ode to winding american roads, the trauma and aches of being a superhero, the longing that comes with being in love with your best friend, and both steve and tony being the little spoon.
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BACK IN BLACK!! Eyes on the road Tony… [FANART] by @shaggybeetle
MCU roadtrip featuring sing alongs to blaring music, delicious snacks and a phone ready to topple off the dashboard
what a style! what a scene! steve and tony jamming out is so fun and they both look so at peace and ready to dig into vacation. great atmospheric details like trees through the windows!
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Flight of Icarus by Missy_dee811
“Tony,” said Kamala, hurried. “I loaded up some music to give you a little boost,” she said. “Oh no,” he said, shaking his head. “Don’t worry,” she added. “It’s not mine.” He smiled. I knew I liked you. She wished him luck. He thanked her, though he didn’t believe in luck. He had one try, one try to get it right. She was counting on him, they all were. It felt good to be needed. It felt good to be useful. All these years, he had wanted nothing more. He couldn’t fail now. Not again. [Written for Lights On Park Ave - Round 13.]
a marvel avenger's video game rec! a wistful retrospective of tony dealing with the loss of steve, flipping through memories like a photo album, topped with a reunion cherry!
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the honeymoon suite by CapnShellhead
Wade Wilson is getting married and he's assembling a team to get him to Vegas for his bachelor party. Requiring a team with a special set of skills, he asks Wolverine, Spider-Man, Special Agent Preston and Captain America to come along. Steve decides this would be a wonderful opportunity to fix a rift between him and an old friend.
a thoroughly enjoyable 30k 616-verse fic based in an oft-overlooked moment in canon featuring delights such as: bed sharing! team fight scenes! wistful conversations! snark! accidentally thinking of your crush while jerking off!
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On the Road We Find the Journey Home by navaan
In the Aftermath of Secret Empire, Steve goes on his Road Trip to find out who Captain America can be after Hyda!Cap put fear into the hearts' of the people who used to cheer for him. His thoughts trail back to Tony.
follows 616 canon for steve's post-hydra road trip gives this fic the opportunity to have steve connect genuinely to things in a way that reminds us all why we love cap. the end pay-off is good and the writing is so very even keel and wonderfully paced.
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somewhere along the oregon coast by Marvellous
Tony stared at the door of the coffee shop they’d pulled up to, watching multiple people come and go. He crossed his arms and laughed to himself, “How much do you want to bet he’s having a very in depth conversation right now?” A deep but agreeable woof sounded from the backseat of the car.
small and sweet like a little dessert! a tale of a pup and a love so warm it melts your heart to look at it. sometimes, it is that easy.
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ride (with) me [FANART] by wingheads
kobik brought steve back. tony woke up from a coma. a road trip seems like a good place to start some reacquaintance. square filled: e1 motorcycle lol i really wanted that stevetony roadtrip in 2018 bc it had been a long time ?? since steve and tony were together where steve isn't old (i love old man steve btw) or evil and tony isn't in a coma or an ai. etc. etc. inspired by steve's road trip.
a vibrant scene of steve and tony on their way to reconcile some loving feelings, complete with a gorgeously detailed motorcycle. the vibes here are so picturesque and the pose is so sweet.
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You Go Up Instead of Down [FANART] by MissionCritical
This is set in the universe of the 1966 Marvel Superheroes cartoons (Earth-600026). Only two years ago, Iron Man and the original Avengers discovered Steve, frozen and floating in the Arctic Ocean, and rescued him. It's been rough for Steve, adjusting to this new world, but he has a lot of support -- from two people in particular. Tony Stark is brilliant, handsome, and a generous benefactor to the team. He's even given Steve a place to live in his own actual mansion! Steve doesn't really understand why, but it's clear Mr. Stark is good man, devoted to helping the Avengers. And then there's Iron Man, who has quickly become Steve's best friend, Iron Man is brave, and determined, and just a terrific teammate. He's given Steve the thrilling experience of flying into battle by riding on his back! And in that gleaming suit of armor, Iron Man always has Steve's back. Steve is Iron Man's biggest fan.
a delightful lil glimpse into a fun, small universe, this edit is such a delight to experience! we all need a little more flying steve in our lives, don't we?
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go forth: stevetony beans, greens, potatoes, you name it! and give these treats the resounding kudos/comment/retweet/reblog chomps they deserve!
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trina864 · 1 year
⇢ Keypoints:
S - Smut - MDNI F - fluff A - angst
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- Getting It Your Way | S, F, A
Summery: Your best friend, Hoseok, have just released his new album and you couldn’t be more proud. But with a new album comes a listening party where he for the first time invites you. You being a supportive friend couldn’t say no to him, but did he realize that it would be the first time for you to meet the members?  Word Count: 14.6 k
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- Kingdom And Wars | A, F
Summery: You always thought it was your fault what happened that night, but when you find out what really happened and that something much bigger is going on it brings you closer to the one you thought you lost.  Word Count: 16 k
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- Distance Between Us | A, F
Summery: Your insecurities rise as your boyfriend becomes more and more distant. Maybe he just needs some space? Word Count: 2.6 k
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- Try | F, A?
Summery: The infamous playboy tries to ask you, the good girl, on a date. Word Count: 1 k
- Dancing With A Stranger | F
Summery: On a trip to Spain you had never imagined that one dreadful night could turn into such a beautiful thing. Word Count: 2.2 k
- Late Night Drive | F, S
Summery: You and your boyfriend take a late night drive through the city where you met, it starts out with love, ends with a round of fuck and love. Word Count: 2.2k
- Seven | S, F | Friends 2 Lovers Part: One, Two, Three - coming soon.
Summery: Jungkook and you are perfect for each other, everyone sees that. But what do you do when two best friends flirts all the time, but can't commit? You make a deal with them.
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Stray Kids
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- Eleutheromania | A, F
Summery: Love and hate come from around the corner. You may not see it at first sight, but the next second it’s already there. Your hate was strong, but who was it pointed towards?  Word Count: 3.9 k
- Circus | A, F
Part: One, Two, Three - On a break
Summery: When all your life starts to crumble and you just want to get everything over with, you find a way to forget your pain and live your dreams
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Han Jisung
- The Smell Of You | F, Criminal AU
Summery: In an interrogation room they ask you about him, but do they even know who you are? Word Count: 1k
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Tomorrow x Together
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- MMM | A, F
Summery: They always say what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, so you're not sure you ever want to leave Vegas and the handsome stranger and magician, who has a weirdly comforting effect on you. Word Count: 5.7 k
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♡ Last Updated: 27-09-23 ♡
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femslashfictournament · 11 months
Femslash fic tournament: Round 1
Touch me and gimme that rush Ship: Tori Vega/Jade West Media: Victorious Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1717927 Summary: When Jade allows Tori to kiss her, you know, as a favor, things become a little bit complicated. Especially when they have to play husband and wife on stage. Or when Tori needs a ride to school because she can’t stand forty minutes in the car with Trina. And that time Tori’s chosen to perform in the Platinum Music Awards and turns into a total grunch (that’s Jade’s opinion, anyway).
I submitted this to the other general fic tournament and it didn’t get in, but so help me god I will keep sumbitting this to fic tournaments. This is my favorite fic ever written. Like it’s so well written. I went on a nostalgia trip for Victorious in like 2020 and then looked up fanfic for Tori/Jade, as you do, and holy shit I was not expecting this gem. This is my Bible. This is also longer than the entire Bible btw. This is what the Victorious canon is to me now. Also as weird as this is to say it has like?? Sex education??? Like I have never come away from a fanfic being like “wow I learned something” before. This also happens in the third part because Tori becomes a sex ed professor more or less, which sounds weird out of context but I promise it feels super natural to how her character is written. The writers build on canon as well as make up their own plot lines that feel like they would naturally fit into canon. Also I cried during the third installment. It’s a really good fic I would recommend it to literally anyone who is invested in a good f/f ship, tho it would make a tad more sense if you have watched Victorious, I don’t think it’s necessary since the writing is just so good. There’s also 2 more chapters left to come! I am patiently waiting the Jori wedding… even tho it has been over a year since the last update… I have faith we will get it one day… please…
Linked in Life and Love Ship: Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee/Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long Media: RWBY Link: Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee/Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long Summary: A single intimate night together... and it lead to so much more. Follow as Team RWBY dive into a relationship none of them could have imagined, trying to make sense of their new situation, as well as deal with the reactions of the people around them. All the while facing White Fang drama, family secrets, and most devastating of all: homework. Pollination, with no Enabler.
There were so many Pollination stories that were nothing but smut that I wanted to try and make one that was an actual, full length story... and I somehow obliterated the RWBY canon in the process. Whoops.
No propaganda submitted
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fineprintedsunsets · 1 year
ᴅᴇᴀʟ ᴍᴇ ɪɴ
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Part 1 Of "Red Room Toy Collection" | Master-List Link
Toy: Icecubes
Synopsis: Sidney makes a bet with a stranger she's just met, and her fate with him lies in two cards and their outcome.
Word Count: 3.1k
!Trigger Warnings! - mentions of gambling. alcohol consumption. au (alternate universe) needy bucky. specific female oc. icecubes are the "toy" in this one. p in v sex. dirty talk. oral (M receiving) creepy ass old men. (not buck obvi) breeding kink if you squint.
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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ :
Red Room - Bryce Savage
1:35 ───ㅇ─────3:47
The sounds of slot machines echo throughout the dark building. Lights illuminate both disappointed and excited faces. The smell of alcohol on practically everyone. 
She notices.
Sid- Scarlet -Davenport was a sight for sore eyes, especially when she walked into one of Vegas’s most popular casinos, wearing a glittering red dress with matching red pumps. She was the devil in disguise, and yet an angel if you got to know her.
She was known around Blackwell Casino for being a money maker, a constant visitor, and the jack of all trades. This time, Sid had caught her eye on something different. 
Something unique. 
A man dressed in all black leather, gloves covering his hands as he waits by a card table, eyes focused on the dealer's hands. Sid smiles, adjusts her shimmering dress, and weaves through the crowds of people. 
Music drowns on as she arrives at the man's table, clearly seeing he’s about to start a game of Black Jack with 5 other men. 
This table needs one more person to start a round. Count her in.
The dealer shuffles cards distinctively, not paying attention as he works them between his skilled hands, whistling along with the beat of drums. Sid finds an empty spot, next to the man that caught her attention and does the same to the dealer. 
She clears her throat, feeling 6 pairs of eyes land on her. 5 of them go to her body, as expected, but the man with smooth brown hair and piercing blue eyes keeps his head up, looking at Sid with an earnest smile. 
A gentleman. How exquisite. 
“Ms. Davenport, Welcome To Blackwell.” The dealer stumbles a little bit, tripping over his words, but Sid only smiles her charming grin, flashing sparkly white teeth. 
“A pleasure, Deal me in, will you?” 
A card falls out of the man's hand, and he clears his throat, clearly embarrassed. “Yes, Of course.” Sid finds her seat, resting on the backless stool, the commotion of other players drowning out as she smiles at the man next to her. Their eyes meet, and her heart flutters. She can feel it. An instant connection. A voice pulls her out of his intense gaze as she tries hard to hide her gasp. “Scarlet Davenport. Well, I’ll be damned.”
“Please, just Sid.” Sid forces a smile at the balding man, trying hard to maintain her composure as his eyes slip down to the dip in her dress.
“Shall we start, Scarlet?” The dealer interrupts, noting her clear discomfort. 
“We shall.” She places her bag down next to her, watching the dealer's skilled hands as he rounds the table, giving each player two cards. Sid places a hand over hers, feeling the shiny material she’s felt oh so many times before. 
“Wait, Scarlet, you're used to high-stakes games right?” 
Sid tilts her head at another brown-haired man, fairly good-looking, dressed in a suit and tie.  “I am.” She replies. 
The man pats the blue-eyed one on the back, smiling a wide grin. “It’s my pal Bucky’s birthday this evening, whatcha’ say with up the stakes?”
Her eyes find Bucky’s, seeing the embarrassment already clouding his cheeks. “Come on, Steve. Knock it off.” Bucky grits out. She tries hard to hide her smile, the dealer's expectant eyes waiting for the game to begin. 
Sid thinks for all but two seconds before replying, “Sure, why not.” Bucky’s eyes shoot up, locking with hers. 
“Got to treat the birthday boy, right?” She adds in a playful tone, looking at Steve. 
“Tell you what, If you win, Bucky will supply you with drinks all night. If Bucky wins, why don’t you let him take you to one of those red rooms?” 
“Steve!” Bucky shoots up from his stool, anger coursing in his voice. 
Sid only laughs, grabbing at Bucky’s leather jacket. “It’s okay, I’m up for it, if you are?” She raises her brows, trying very hard to ignore the electricity shooting up her veins at where her fingers meet his clothed bicep. His muscles flex as he shoots his friend a glare. 
Let the games begin.
The game starts with the dealer flipping over a singular card, now laying face up, it displays the six of diamonds, he flips over his next card, showing 10 of hearts. 
16 in total. 
The balding man flips over his cards, showing an ace of hearts and a ten of spades. 
11 in total. 
Sid can feel the anticipation building in her stomach, just like every time she plays. The feeling of winning or losing, a balanced scale, willing to tip in your favor or against your favor at any moment. 
The bald man sighs as the dealer takes his original bet, stacking it with his other chips in the dealer tray. A dark man is next, he flips both his cards. 
Six of clubs and four of spades. 
10 in total. 
The man loses his bet, huffing as he takes another sip of whatever liquor he’s consuming. Sid grips her cards, already knowing her hand. The next four men lose all their bets as Sid watches their money being taken. Some have only bet ten dollars or less. Either way, pity did not make it into Sid’s heart. 
Although the game was about all seven players against the dealer, Sid knew what game she was really playing. The game between her and Bucky. 
Her own bet. 
Bucky flips over his first card and time seems to slow as his fingers land on the table, the card stock displaying a seven of clubs. Everyone's breath slows as they watch Bucky’s gloved hands, his eyes zeroing in on his next card. 
Another flip displays the ten of clubs. 
17 in total. 
Bucky beat the dealer by one point. He smiles, his eyes lighting up as he is returned double his original bet. 
Sid already knew she was going to lose this game, everyone's eyes moved from Bucky to her as she clutched the cards in her hands, being careful to obscure her numbers. 
Sid slams down her cards, laying them face down as she displays a disappointed look.  “Only 3, you win, birthday boy.” Sid gives her chips to the dealer, sliding the cards to him. The men do the same, laughing as the cards collide and the man scoops them up. 
“What are you staring at her like a doe in headlights for? Don’t back down from your bet.” Steve the suit and tie guy murmurs, pushing Bucky off the stool. 
He stumbles before catching himself, throwing a glare his way. Sid picks up her purse, angling her eyes at Bucky. 
“Shall we?” 
Bucky only gulps. 
Blackwell Casinos' red rooms were exquisite. Expensive leather couches, private places, and specialized services. Sid had been asked to the red room before but she’s always denied the offer.
Until now. 
The bouncer sees her approach and right away unhooks the stanchion, the muscular man eyes Bucky, but Sid nods, signaling to the man that he’s with her. He nods, letting Bucky through the red ropes. 
The pair come out of the red curtain blocking the visible entrance, the music is less existent in these rooms, and the sounds of moans and groans are more prominent. Sid smiles, hooking her arm through Bucky’s. 
“Afternoon, Ms. Davenport. Finally coming to the red rooms?” Sid smiles at Toby, the casino manager, and a great friend. 
She rolls her eyes, bringing Bucky up to the front desk, black and white marble illuminating the red led’s of the room. Women in barely any clothing carry platters of champagne to the tables. “I lost a bet, don’t be cocky.”
“Sidney Scarlet Davenport, lost a bet? To whom?” Toby’s eyes already find the man responsible, his eyes dilate just a bit. 
“Bucky Barnes, it’s an honor.” 
Sid’s eyebrows furrowed, feeling as if she’s heard the name before while watching Toby’s palm slide into Bucky’s, greeting him with a firm handshake. 
“Always,”  Bucky replies, flashing a smile. Toby retracts, fixing the lapels of his suit. 
“The red room on the left is open, free of charge.” 
“You treat your guest well, Tobias.” Sid mocks Tobias' wink, his eyes switching to Bucky for just a split second. 
Toby smiles, leading them away from the marbled desk into one of the many private red rooms, a black door concealing anybody's view from the activities happening inside.
 “A little too well”. He winks and echos a smile, letting the pair take in the room. The room is paired with a large leather couch, wrapping around the entire wall. A black marble table, and red led lights. 
Simplistic, but so many possibilities. 
“Anything I can request for either of you?” Toby crosses the floor, placing one hand on the door handle, Sid places her purse down on the glass table top.
“Champagne and ice cubes. Lots of ice cubes.” She adds turning around, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth, already anticipating what’s to come. 
Tobias smiles one last time before participating in a mock bow “Your wish is my command.”. Laughing before shutting the door and exiting the room. 
A bowl of ice cubes and two tall glasses of champagne layout on the table. Sid licks her lips, thanking the server as she locks the door behind her. Bucky looks at his companion, seeing her curves basked in the red hue of the room. 
And Sid looked at the man sitting on one end of the leather couches. She dips her hand in the bucket of water and ice, pulling out one of the many odd-shaped cubes. 
Her eyes stay on Bucky’s as she plops the frozen water into her mouth, swirling it around on her tongue. The act isn't meant to be teasing, but Sid can see him grow hard in his pants. 
“Take off your clothing, Bucky.” She orders and he does so without a hesitant hand, his pants fall to the floor as he pushes them somewhere in the darkness of the shadows. His jacket, he doesn't take off. 
Sid quirks her eyebrow, stalking to where he stands, grabbing at the leather. Again, that same bolt of electricity shoots through her. Bucky notices the friction too by the way he shifts and clears his throat. 
“Ok, playing hard to get?” Sid smirks as she keeps the ice cube under her tongue, holding it in place as she kicks off her heels, the fabric of her dress falling to the floor. 
She’s in nothing but red panties, and oh how Bucky can’t keep his eyes off of her. Her breasts are pliant and perky as she backs Bucky into the leather couches, climbing on top of him. 
He palms her ass instantly, looking up at the woman straddled against his hips. Sid can feel his cock pressing into her, its length larger than she’s ever taken before. 
And she has yet to see it.
Sid brings her plump lips to Bucky’s eager ones, sliding her cold tongue into his mouth. Bucky’s own tongue battles with hers, tasting each other as she fights the ice cube to stay in place. 
“You're eager, Barnes.” She rocks on his cock once, smiling to herself as his fingers go to her hips, halting her movements. His gloves and fingers against her bare skin made her melt, although Sid couldn’t help wanting more. 
She needed more. 
With one fell swoop, Bucky’s jacket fell to the floor, along with his T-shirt. Sid stepped away from him to admire his abdominal muscles, his hard abs as he looked up at her wide-eyed. 
Her eyes fell to his left arm, his flesh replaced with a type of metal. She can tell Bucky’s trying hard to hide his embarrassment, curling his fist, avoiding her gaze. 
“Don’t hide from me, birthday boy.” Bucky smiles up at her, his gaze running over her body basked in red light, the sound of sensual music distant. 
Sidney grabs another ice cube, the previous one having melted in her mouth. She puts the pointed end in her mouth while leaving the slate sent outwards. Bucky watches as she walks over to him, and leans down, the cold sensation hitting his neck. 
Sid trails the cube down his collarbone, mimicking the feeling of frozen kisses. Bucky grips the leather of the couch, feeling the icy cold mixed with her hot mouth. It was as if the angel and the devil collided and met with permanent bliss. The cube left trails of cold water dripping down his stomach, Sid dipping down with her tongue to lap it up, her breasts hitting his abdominal muscles. 
Bucky groans as the cube coats his pecs, cold pleasure shooting up his spine. The man shifts, his caged cock pressing into Sid’s bare stomach. 
“You're hard, baby. You want more tongue or more mouth?.” Sidney teases the man, watching him bend and break, shiver, and groan as the ice meets his skin and her warm tongue licks it up. 
Bucky moans as her fingers travel to the waistline of his boxers, teasing him with both the cube and her fingers. “As long as it’s you, doll” 
“Correct answer.” Bucky bucks his hips as her fingers dip into his boxers, wrapping around his cock, and allowing it to spring free. His eyes are locked with hers as she licks her lips, palming his erection. 
“You're big, baby. You think it’ll fit?” Sid pumps his cock once, allowing pre-cum to coat his skin, Bucky groans, forcing himself into her hand, 
“Jesus, doll. I hope so.”
“Yeah, so do I, ‘would love to have this big cock in my tight cunt.” Bucky’s eyes never leave hers as her cold mouth meets his belly button, her fingers working his cock.
Her other hand reaches behind her to the bucket of ice, taking another piece. This time Sid uses her fingers, running the block up his cock, coating one of his veins. Bucky groans, his metal fingers grabbing at one of her breasts, fondling its peak. She licked away the cold water with her tongue, gathering his arousal. 
Sid does the same for each protruding vein, teasing it with cold water before relieving it with her tongue, water, and fire collide. Bucky squirms, the sight of this beautiful woman on her knees for him, teasing him, playing with him, was enough to make him cum right then and there. 
Sid licks a few more broad stripes before inching him into her throat. Bucky’s fingers find her hair, gently tucking himself into the strands, letting her do all the work. Never forcing it. 
He thrust into her throat, feeling it contract as saliva gathers at the corner of her mouth. His metal fingers wipe it away, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Sidney bats her eyelashes, feeling the way his cock filled her throat, as she too was getting very slick with arousal.
“Fuck, doll. You're so pretty like that, taking my cock.” 
Oh. So Bucky could talk dirty.
“God, I'm cumming, Sid.”
A few more thrust has Bucky panting, feeling her tongue hit his cock each time he moves in and out, his groans over the loud music and the loud ring of his ears when he releases down her throat. 
Sid could almost cry, she’s never felt pleasure out of someone else's enjoyment. A first time for everything, she supposed.
Sid stands from her kneeling position, swallowing Bucky’s release as she straddles his lap. Bucky’s fingers position themselves at her hips, her wet folds laying right over his cock. 
“What do you want me to do? You won the bet.” Sid teases him, batting her eyelashes, trailer her cold fingers over her body, teasing her breast, her thighs, her panties waistline as Bucky watches it all, growing even harder than before. 
If that was even possible. 
“I need you to ride me, doll. I need to see that pussy take every inch.” 
Sid groans, lifting up to move her panties aside, wrapping her fingers around his cock, “I was thinking the same outcome.” She replies before pushing down, taking him to the hilt in the first push. 
It was painful, excruciatingly so as Bucky twitched inside of her, nudging inside of a crevice she never knew existed. “Fuck, doll. You're tight.” Bucky’s fingers wrap around her back, keeping her to him as she adjusted to his girthy cock. 
Her knees dig into the leather of the red room couches, the smell of champagne on both of their breaths, as she pulls up once, allowing Bucky to slip out, before thrusting back in. They both buck, skin meeting skin as the ecstasy courses through their bodies. 
Bucky guides her movement, groaning as her cunt clamps down, sucking him into her. “You like that, baby? Like seeing my hungry pussy take your big cock?” 
“Fuck yes, doll. ‘Could watch you ride me all day.” Their lips meet in a passionate kiss as Bucky takes over, thrusting into her slightly, slowly, sensually. Bucky’s metal hand runs over her neck, her collar bone, to her spade tattoo, tracing the ink splotch with skilled fingers. 
Sid’s orgasm was cresting, bubbling deep inside her stomach as she bucked her hips in tune with Bucky’s thrust, his metal hand playing with her body, while the other kept her hips in place, guiding each thrust, each buck, each groan. 
“Gonna cum, Buck. Be a good boy and come with me, yea?” Bucky twitched inside her, hearing the praise from Sid’s lips was like an angel guiding you off the battlefield. 
“Anything, doll.” Their lips stayed together, kissing and sucking as their thrust sped up, their movements never slowing as the music played over their moans, as each other's hands caress hot, sweaty bodies. 
“Good boy, keep fucking into me just like that-” An explicit moan exits her mouth, as Bucky finds her lips again, hot and needy for her touch, her taste, her smell. 
“Fuck, Sid-” Bucky pauses, slowing his thrust just a little,  “Ca-Can I come inside you?” 
“Yes, baby. I need to feel you come, fill me up like a good boy.” 
“Yes ma’am.” Two more broken thrusts had Bucky’s fingers digging into her hips as he pushed all the way into her, watching as Sid took every inch of his throbbing cock. 
“Fuck!” Sid’s thighs shook as she receded into the blanket of ecstasy, her orgasm coating her veins as Bucky’s own release coated her walls. They both fall into a kiss and wouldn’t let go until the tides had cleared. 
The two lay side by side, curled up in each other's arms, panting. Big smiles coated their faces. 
“Wow.” Bucky laughs, running his metal fingers up and down Sidney’s bare shoulder. 
“Yeah, wow.” They lock eyes again, their lips crashing together as they continue to intoxicate themselves with each other's scent. She’s never felt this happy, this alive in so long. Bucky places a kiss on top of her forehead, tucking himself into the crook of his shoulder. Then she knew it was worth it. 
Did Sid lose the game intentionally? 
Yes, she did. 
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sebvora · 7 months
LOCATION — Green Dragon Café Apartments.
WHO — Sebastian & Esther ( @estherclements ).
WHEN — A few days before his, CJ & Ty's Las Vegas trip.
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With Tyler’s fight around the corner, Sebastian had understandably spent the last few days getting all of his ducks in a row for the upcoming trip to Las Vegas to witness it. Well, maybe ducks in a row was a rather loose phrase, considering he’d mainly just assured that he’d have enough cool clothes to last if they’d somehow gotten stranded on the strip, and he’d hit up the smoke shop for the same reason. The last thing he really needed to do was make sure his snake, Spider, wasn’t hungry. In theory, he timed out the feeding perfectly so that Jeanie wouldn’t have to deal with doing it while they were away. In actuality, though? He’d gotten everything prepared, padding over to the enclosure where Spider should have been, only to find that the tank was missing a snake.
Despite the fact that it should have been a bigger cause for alarm initially, Sebastian didn’t panic right away — he’d looked around the apartment, flipping up all the cushions and checking under every piece of furniture surprisingly calmly, even with his lack of luck. It wasn’t until he rounded the corner into Jeanie’s room and he saw Professor Murderclaws sitting there, licking his paws and cleaning his face, that he finally started to panic. And almost like he knew exactly what was going through his brain, the cat looked up at Sebastian and he swore he literally saw murder in his eyes. 
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The fighter immediately turned on his heel, physically bolting from the room and out of the apartment altogether. He hadn’t seen Spider, yet, hadn’t even figured out if his hypothesis was correct, but he was running on limited time and needed to gather evidence quickly. His intention was to go straight for Jeanie, to interrogate her on why she named her pet in such a hauntingly accurate way, but unfortunately he ran into Esther first. “Yo! Yo, yo, yo — where’d you just come from? You seen Jeanie anywhere?” he asked, frantically, before he pushed some hair away from his face and tried to explain a bit more calmly. “I think her cat needs to be put in prison. Actually, forget Jeanie, you seen a snake around? Like, in your apartment maybe?”
( @estherclements )
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nstvanshika · 7 months
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mattmickiewicz · 9 months
2023 Recap - A Year of Travel, Reading and Investing.
After COVID and two years of caring for a dog with heart failure which limited our travel, 2023 really amped it up.
In 2023, I visited 7 countries, across 4 continents, staying at 31 different camps, lodges, hotels, resorts, villas, boats and apartments.
Highlights included an epic Safari to Zambia where I celebrated my 40th birthday at Old Mondoro, learned to play the board game Nsolo, and a month spent touring (and eating) through Spain in September which turned out to be a great month to visit - but it was still very busy. During the grand tour of Spain across more than a dozen cities, we got to paint with Paco Broca in his studio in Seville, spend a day visiting the Roman ruins in Merida Spain, and eating countless tapas.
This year, I also finally got to spend a significant chunk of time in Argentina for the very first time, spending a month between Buenos Aires, Salta and Mendoza. Salta was simply breathtaking and BA surpassed expectations. A visit to the very private & exclusive James Tyrell museum at Colome was a highlight. Definitely want to go back to Argentina soon and visit Patagonia on the next trip.
Along the way, I managed to eat 17 different Michelin starred restaurants (mostly in NYC, London & Spain) while also visiting the #1 bar in the world after waiting in line for an hour before opening.
Dining highlights included Mantua in Jerez and Atrio in Caceres, though the Kochi, Al Coro (pasta tasting), Muse by Tom Aiken and Nakazawa where all excellent as well.
I also finally got to see Agatha Christie's Mousetrap in London, in addition to Burnt City and Funny Girl (on broadway). A visit to Las Vegas for the When We Were Younger music festival also allowed me to pop into the infamous Omega Mart for some nut-free peanuts, dehydrated water and tattoo chicken. A complete meal, if there ever was one.
Along the way, I managed to read over twenty books with stand outs including Atomic Habits, Die with Zero, Power of Now, Turth: A Brief History of Bull*, Pompeii, The Second Sleep, Dark Star Safari, An Elephant in My Kitchen, The Black Nile and Am I Being Too Subtle . It was nice to devote so much reading time to topics that aren't directly business or investing related, and to read for the sheer joy of it. Favorite podcasts in 2023 included "The Explorers" (interview with Matt is amazing), and Fall of Civilizations.
On the streaming side, The Bear, Beef, Dave and White Lotus Season 2 stood out, alongside the final season of Succession and the first season of Silo and Last of Us on AppleTV+.
Over the course of the year, I also met with hundreds of amazing entrepreneurs and founders this past year, and ended up investing in a handful of really interesting companies in legal AI, spacetech, and SaaS. To my surprise, prices for early stage deals remained stubbornly high for most of 2023 as late-stage investors moved down market, causing me to pass on some great ideas and teams. Of my existing ~60 angel investments, one startup investment in LATAM shut down and returned some cash to shareholders, while several more did recaps and down rounds. I expect to see more in 2024 as the goal posts for a Series A have moved substantially and many companies that raised in 2021 won't be able to live up to their last round valuations given public market comps.
Final note
Lastly, to end on a sad note, my father passed away in June of this year from progressive supernuclear palsy at the age of 66. Watching his dramatic decline in the last year of his life was beyond brutal, and I hope he rests in peace. Having lost both parents and both my dogs in the span of just 6 years serves a a stark reminder that our time here is finite, and we should make the most of every day and not defer experiences, friendships, and goals.
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0 notes
greenbagjosh · 11 months
Day 3 - 11 November 2003 - ferry to Macau and bus to Coloane to see into China's Guangdong
Tuesday 11 November 2003
早上好 (Zhou sen)! おはようございます/ Ohayogozaimasu! Bom dia! Good morning!
It is the second (or third day if you count crossing the international date line from 9th to 10th November 2003, making 10th November 2003 possibly the shortest day of my life that I remember as an adult).
On the 11th November 2003, I went somewhere where I had no prior intention of going, prior to my arrival in Hong Kong the previous evening. That same morning I took a hydrofoil ferry to the Macau S.A.R. Access from the Novotel (today's Hotel Jen) was possible either by trolley which was accessible at Des Voeux Road, or with the hotel's shuttle bus, to the Hong Kong Macau Ferry terminal at the Sheung Wan subway station. The HKU subway station that is now close to the hotel, was not built in 2003.
The morning of the 11th, I wanted to get a good view of Hong Kong and Kowloon. This was possible by going to the pool level, I think 25th or 26th floor. It seemed a bit chilly to go swimming, as it was about 55 F / 12 C, and also it was cloudy. I did not stay more than fifteen minutes. But the view was very interesting, I could see as far as Tsing Yi and maybe Nathan Road in Kowloon.
It was not yet time for the hotel to serve breakfast. I walked along Queen's Road, and the morning commute was already underway. The local McDonalds and 7 Eleven were busy at the time. I bought a few provisions for the day, a bottle of lucozade and Sprite and curry buns that I enjoyed the night before.
About 7:30 AM breakfast was ready. I was one of maybe three or four people in the entire breakfast room. Breakfast was a buffet of cheeses, bread, cold cuts, hard boiled eggs, and even freshly baked curry buns, that the server highly recommended. It was very delicious, and a good deal for a surcharge of US $ 9.00.
After breakfast, I let the front desk know that I wanted to go to the Hong Kong-Macau ferry terminal, so they put my name down for a space. The shuttle was a Toyota Coaster 15-seater with manual transmission. The ride was about ten minutes along Des Voeux Road to Sheung Wan. Once I entered the ferry terminal, I bought my ticket for about US $ 15.00 round trip. I was assigned a second-class seat for the outbound trip and had a first-class seat for the inbound trip later that evening. Before boarding the ferry, I had to get an exit stamp in my passport, and when I boarded, I had to get to my seat and buckle up. Hydrofoil boats can travel fast and is susceptible to winds along the Zhujiang River Estuary. The ferry boat announcements were in Mandarin, Cantonese, English and Portuguese.
When the ferry left Hong Kong, it went nonstop on the south side of Lantau Island where the Chek Lap Kok airport is located. For those who never visited Hong Kong or Macau, it is difficult to tell the land mass, where Macau begins or the PRC begins. Back then (year 2003), the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge did not exist and it was not even an idea until years later.
The ferry arrived about 11 AM at the Terminal Marítimo do Porto Exterior de Macau, or the external ferry port. This would be the entry and exit point for my travels that day. I had to get an entry stamp into Macau. For US citizens, no entry visa for the PRC was necessary, so all I received was a 30-day leave to enter stamp in Chinese and Portuguese.
The ferry terminal is located in the St. Lazarus Parish, and is also in some ways like "The Strip" that you might remember from Las Vegas, as gambling is legal in Macau but not Hong Kong. I walked along Avenida da Amizade and noticed that there were chain-kinked fences around some of the streets. This was because the 2003 Macau Grand Prix was about to happen in a few day's time.
Trying to change Hong Kong dollars to Macau patacas is a waste of time, and the money changers will simply refuse to change HK dollars for the pataca. Macau accepts Hong Kong Dollar notes at par, not necessarily the coins. There is a slight advantage for the US dollar, you may receive 3% more in Macau than Hong Kong. Coins between Hong Kong and Macau have different shapes, some have odd shapes, and with the Hong Kong $10 coin, there is a single longitudal groove.
I was getting hungry about 11:45 AM, so I tried to find a bus to Coloane, namely Fernando's, located at Hac Sa, but I ended up instead at Parque Eanes on the opposite side of Coloane, and eating at Restaurante Espaco Lisboa - which I think was a better deal. The bus traversed first through Macau, past the Hotel Wynn Macau, then on the Ponte da Amizade (Friendship bridge) past the airport on Taipa. The bus went further south on Taipa along Estrada do Istmo, past Estrada Flor de Lótus. Along the way there were many white statues of the Chinese zodiac, including the tiger, monkey, rabbit, pig, rat, and horse. There was a bridge to Zhuhai in Taipa, which on the Macau side was left-hand running, until Zhuhai when it switched to right-hand running.
Once the bus started after Estrada Flor de Lótus, the bus drove onto Estrada de Seac Pai Van and then Rua de Entre-Campos, and it was in the Coloane district, the furthest south in the Macau S.A.R. The bus stopped at the southeast side of Parque Eanes, corner of Estrade de Cheoc Van. The bus driver said in English "Last stop". I tried to find the bus line to Hac Sa, but I changed my mind when I saw the sign for Restaurant Espaco - Lisboa, and thought maybe this might be a better experience. I could not find the alley way, and not knowing I needed to go along Rua das Gaivotas, in 2003 there were no smartphones and consequently no Google-Maps available, so I used my in 2001 purchased cellphone to call the restaurant, a ++853 number. The owner answered and was helpful. She was very nice enough to come to Parque Eanes and show me the way to the restaurant. I had a table facing Zhuhai. I was served a bottle of Sintra beer. I think at the time, it was already 1 PM Beijing/HK time. I ordered a steak with fried egg and two strips of bacon. I think also it was served with potatoes. I had my radio with me, I was listening to Radio Macao 98.0 FM, the Portuguese-language station. Three songs I distinctly remember being played between 12:55 PM and 1:15 PM that day, "Pandajero" by Cantoma, "Two Fingers" by J J Johanssen and "Island" by Heather Nova, including a top-of-the-hour-em-português news report. Eventually I needed to use the bathroom. The bathroom was not the Chinese kind I had expected, it was a proper European bathroom with sit-down toilet, and the electric outlet was the same as in Hong Kong and the UK, namely the "G" type rectangular pins, bottom two flat and middle one vertical. After lunch, I let the owner know that I enjoyed having lunch there. About 1:40 PM or so, I walked down Rua das Gaivotas and Rua do Tassara, then south on Avenida de Cinco de Outubro, so that I could get a good view of Zhuhai, and that would be pretty much all of the PRC that I would be able to see at the time.
Along my walk, I passed by the Escola Primária Luso-Chinesa de Coloane and turned back to Parque Eanes at the Tam Kong Buddhist temple and along Rua do Estaleiro. The Chinese and Portuguese cultures seemed to jump out at that particular section. For example, there was a painting of a panda eating bamboo, and a block away, was a portuguese Quinta house painted in pink. I walked the rest of the way to Parque Eanes by Rua do Meio. The fare back to Macau was a little more than from Macau, I think somewhere around $ 0.90.
I am not exactly sure anymore where the bus from Coloane to Macau took me, but I think I exited around the Jardim de Sao Francisco, in the Cathedral Parish. I remember a distinct building, painted in pink and white, called the Clube Militar. I took photos of its northwest side along the Avenida da Praia Grande. While walking towards the Ruins of St. Paul's, I saw a display for the Macau Grand Prix, and a 1970's performance edition of the Ford Escort. It is a 3/4 mile walk from Clube Militar to the Ruins, so you would walk along Avenida da Praia Grande, Calcada de Sao Joao, pass by St. Dominic's church, Rua da Palha and on the hill, are the ruins. There exists only the facade of the cathedral, maybe two feet thick at most. When you walk through those streets I have named, those are basically pedestrian alleys and most of the old colonial Portuguese buildings remain. Behind the ruins, is a Buddhist temple, and anyone can enter the grounds on condition that they keep a quiet and calm demeanor.
After seeing the ruins, I think it was 4:30 PM or so. I took a bus to Portas de Cerco, which is physically the closest I have ever been in my life to the PRC. There is not much to see, and the wall that separates the PRC from Macau is so high, that it kind of gives a feeling of being in Cold-War era West Berlin. 5 PM came around and it was time to do some shopping. I walked along Istmo de Ferreira do Amaral, and found some place to buy crispy egg roll cookies. They were half an inch in diameter, about six inches long, and for about 30 of them, in a tin box. I was thirsty and went to a grocery store located along Avenida de Artur Namagnini Barbosa. I bought a few cans of lemon soda.
It was getting around 6 PM and the sun went down. I had to get back to Hong Kong. I took the bus back to the ferry terminal. Buying postcards was a challenge. No one spoke either enough English or Portuguese, so I had to resort to hand gestures. Eventually I was able to buy postcards and Macau postage. Leaving Macau, I had a "saida" exit stamp in my passport. The ferry ride back was a little choppy as it was high tide. I was buckled well into my seat. I was served a light snack as I was in first class going back to Hong Kong.
When I arrived in Hong Kong, I had to declare that I did not have SARS, stand for a few seconds under a temperature sensor, and then had my passport stamped. Due to the proximity of the Hong Kong Macau Ferry terminal to the Sheung Wan subway station, I thought it would be a good opportunity to ride the subway for a little bit. My Octopus card was valid for the journey, unlimited rides up to the 13th. I did not go very far, maybe just to Lai King in the northwest of Kowloon. I would ride more of the subway on Wednesday the 12th. After exiting at Sheung Wan, I took the trolley to Hill Street and walked to the hotel on Queen's Road. The ride cost around US $ 0.30, actually HK$ 2.00. You enter at the back, and at your stop you exit at the front paying the 2 HK dollars. The trolleys are generally slow, going about 20 mph / 30 km/h.
I ate a curry bun and drank Sprite, and then went to bed. I had to make the most of the next day before flying home.
Next chapter, the great Far-East subway adventure, dragon-hole building sighting, buying tea at the Tung Chung Wellcome store and even a train trip towards Sheung Wan, lastly with an evening in Kowloon Nathan Road.
Xie xie, domo arrigato, obrigado and thank you!
Music seen years later on a tape I recorded while in Macau
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- "Sounds of the samba" by Victor Davies
- "Happy Here" by Danmass
- "Pandajero" by Cantoma
After the news came
- "Two fingers" by J J Johannsson
- "I am an island" by Heather Nova
and I ran out of tape and had to replace it with a fresh one.
Nice memories of Macau from so long ago.
0 notes
1thekdonna · 1 year
USA Travel Tickets — Flights From Detroit to Las Vegas
USA Travel Tickets —$90 Flights From Detroit to Las Vegas
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Ahoy, fellow travelers! Are you in pursuit of a grand adventure from the bustling streets of Detroit to the dazzling lights of Las Vegas? Fret not, for I bring you a treasure map of tips and tricks to uncover the most affordable flights, courtesy of the esteemed USA Travel Tickets. Let us set forth on this thrilling expedition together, as we unlock the mysteries of economical flights from the Motor City to the City of Lights!
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2. The Timely Revelation: An ancient secret unfolds! On average, the most affordable flight from Detroit to Las Vegas unveils itself approximately 89 days before the great departure. Wise timing is the key to success, my dear adventurers.
3. Unveiling the Right Moment: Picture this — booking at least 6 weeks before departure bestows upon you a price below the average. A triumph indeed!
4. Seasons of the Skies: Amidst the celestial dance, the high season rises in May, June, and July. Yet fear not, for January, a month of enchantment, grants you the most economical passage.
5. The Tale of Departure: Beware the morn, for morning departures tend to cost around 12% more than the serene evenings. Choose your flight hour with care!
Embarking on your grand journey to the City of Lights, allow the world of USA Travel Tickets to guide you to delightful comforts and pocket-friendly havens:
· Seek an oasis of comfort away from the glittering Strip at the La Quinta Inn & Suites Las Vegas Airport South. Nestled just south of Las Vegas McCarran Airport, this sanctuary offers complimentary WiFi, a delectable breakfast, and a refreshing pool — all within a two or three-minute drive from the airport terminal.
· Ah, the burden of excess baggage! Fear not, for New York John F. Kennedy Intl. offers a safe haven for your belongings, with baggage storage at a reasonable cost of $8-$20 per day until your triumphant return.
· Grace the Las Vegas Strip with a touch of glamour! Commence your journey at John F. Kennedy Intl. Airport, where MAC cosmetics beckons with a dazzling array of high-end products, certain to awe your fellow casino-goers.
· Heed the call for sustenance at New York LaGuardia Airport’s Victory Grill. Indulge in a sumptuous burger or a hearty breakfast, and embark on your journey with newfound confidence.
· As the sun sets, your voyage commences. Refresh your spirit with a cup of delight at Newark Airport’s Java Moon Cafe, ensuring your senses remain sharp throughout your flight to Las Vegas.
FAQs for Your Flight Expedition from Detroit to Las Vegas:
· Alas, Las Vegas hotels do not offer shuttle service to the airport. Seek solace in paid shuttle services, whisking you to and from the airport with ease.
· Venture forth with a fare between $10 and $20 for an Uber ride from Las Vegas McCarran Airport to the Strip, where convenience meets affordability.
· Fear not the weight of your belongings! Las Vegas taxis graciously permit a maximum of five passengers without any per-bag charge. An initial fee, coupled with a reasonable fare, guides your journey through the desert oasis.
· At Las Vegas McCarran, Passenger pick up at Terminal 1 awaits on the first level of the garage, while Terminal 3 welcomes you on Level 1 of the parking garage. Remember, these areas are for loading and unloading, with no parking permitted. Short-term parking, free for the first 15 minutes, awaits to aid your reunion.
Armed with wisdom and knowledge, set sail on your flights from Detroit to Las Vegas, where the skies await your arrival. May your ventures be bountiful, and your wings take you to wondrous heights!
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cheapflightspicks · 2 years
How to book cheap flights from New York to Las Vegas
New York to Las Vegas
Las Vegas ranks second on our list of the top 15 vacation spots for New Yorkers, with a staggering 2.45 million flight searches from the Big Apple each year. The three New York airports are fairly equally used for travel; however, travelers leaving from LaGuardia will frequently need to make at least one connection in order to reach Las Vegas. However, travelers departing from JFK have a lot of options, since JetBlue, American, Virgin America, and Delta all provide nonstop service to Las Vegas.
There are several off-the-beaten-path activities to spice up one's trip to Sin City, while everyone is aware that the casinos and dazzling glamor of the Strip are the main draws to Las Vegas. A few of the city's quirky museums include an atomic testing museum, a graveyard of neon signs, and a hall of fame for pinball machines. Renting a car and visiting Death Valley, Zion, and the Grand Canyon, three fantastic national parks close to Las Vegas, is an additional fascinating option.
How do I reach Las Vegas from New York ?
No matter which airport in New York you are traveling from, there are several direct flights to Las Vegas. Not to mention, there are several airlines to select from. The most well-known are American, United, Delta, and Southwest, but there are others as well. Naturally, if you don't find any direct flights from New York, don't worry; there are plenty of connecting flights available as well.
How long is the flight between LGA and LAS?
Typically, direct flights from New York to Las Vegas take 5 hours and 26 minutes. Between the two cities, it takes 3590 kilometers to fly.
How frequently are flights between New York and Las Vegas?
There are typically 1,311 flights every week, or 187 direct flights per day, departing from New York in the direction of Las Vegas.
Which airlines fly between New York and Las Vegas the most frequently?
During regular hours, United Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and Delta Airlines all provide up to 27 flights every day between New York and Las Vegas.
Which airlines operate flights from New York City to Las Vegas?
Most of the major U.S. carriers fly to Las Vegas from New York; some of them are:
Delta Air Lines (DL) has 881 monthly flights.
United Airlines (UA) has 217 monthly flights.
JetBlue Airways (B6) has 121 monthly flights.
American Airlines (AA) has 112 monthly flights.
Southwest Airlines (WN) has 112 monthly flights.
Spirit Airlines (NK) with 60 monthly flights
It isn't always easy to find a last-minute offer because flight rates are subject to constant fluctuation. While there are still some offers between New York, NY (NYC-All Airports) and Las Vegas, it's a good idea to keep an eye on rates well in advance of your flight. Some airlines even release their fares up to a year in advance!
The cheapest way to fly to Las Vegas from New York
Whether you are looking for a quick getaway or planning a longer vacation, flying to Las Vegas from New York is easy and affordable. 25% of our customers were able to book round-trip or one-way tickets on this route for no more than $43,231.
On average, 61 days before departure, travelers were able to find the best airline deals from New York to Las Vegas.
To get the best price, make your reservation at least five weeks in advance. May, June, and July are considered high seasons, so flying in January is usually the most affordable option. Additionally, morning flights are typically around 25% less expensive than evening flights.
Which day has the lowest round-trip airfare from New York to Las Vegas?
Travel costs can be reduced by departing on a Friday. Prices are frequently raised during weeks of high demand.By planning your trip on a less busy day, you may reduce the cost of your ticket from New York to Las Vegas by up to 26%.
When should I reserve a trip from New York to Las Vegas in advance?
In order to save money compared to reserving during the same week of travel, travelers have discovered it is advisable to book a flight 61 days in advance. The price of this flight route might potentially go up as your departure date gets closer. There are still other methods to get a discount in the near future, even though choosing to book 61 days in advance may not be an option for everyone. If you book 1-2 weeks in advance, you might be able to get a trip from New York to Las Vegas for as little as $500, or $535 for flights within the next 24 hours.
Flying to Las Vegas from New York can be a terrific idea in January, with airfare costing, on average, roughly $400. Users of Cheapflightspick have discovered January discounts as low as $150.The month of June has the most costly pricing.
When are flights from New York to Las Vegas (NYC-LLAS) the cheapest?
Flying from New York to Las Vegas before midday is an easy way to reduce the overall cost of your trip. If you're willing to be flexible, you may save up to 19% on your vacation by doing this instead of scheduling an early-morning flight.
Why visit Las Vegas?
Visitors to Las Vegas come from all over the world to experience the city's top tourist attractions. Discover the magnificence of Sin City and learn why you should visit Las Vegas at least once in your lifetime, from the world-famous Las Vegas Strip to the crazy pool parties.
The weather                             
In Las Vegas, it may become very hot. Given that summertime highs in the city often exceed 110°F (43.3°C), it might appear as though the weather would deter tourists from visiting. However, day clubs and hotel pools draw sizable audiences, especially in the summer, transforming them into aquatic day clubs. Winters in Las Vegas are still mild enough to enjoy the outdoors, making it an excellent year-round destination.
Outstanding service
The Las Vegas Strip maintains its reputation as a top vacation destination by providing excellent customer service. Hotels frequently encourage staff to go above and beyond what is necessary (legally) to look after visitors, as Las Vegas' economy is heavily dependent on tourism. The Aria, Mandarin, and Bellagio are a few examples of hotels that have gotten five-star AAA Diamond Ratings, whereas nearby properties have only obtained four stars. These rankings demonstrate that every visitor to the Strip prioritizes luxury, flair, and comfort.
Proximity to further holiday spots
The proximity of Las Vegas to other locations is another benefit of coming. The driving time between Big Bear, California, and Zion National Park, Utah, and Las Vegas is three hours. Two hours will get you to Death Valley National Park and the Grand Canyon, and with some careful preparation, you can make the most of your time by visiting many places in one trip.
Mountains and a desert at one location
Although Las Vegas is surrounded by desert, there are some greener locations if you know where to look. Visitors may reach Mount Charleston, a lush oasis in the middle of the desert, by taking a short journey north. Mount Charleston, which is accessible year-round and has 12 hiking paths, seven picnic areas, six campsites, and a tiny ski slope, provides a refreshing respite from the scorching heat that can often engulf the Las Vegas Valley.
Late-night activities
Due to the city's well-known late-night establishments, there are many things to do in Las Vegas at night. Topgolf is located on the Las Vegas Strip, directly behind the MGM Grand. No matter what time of day it is open (early morning until 2 a.m.), it keeps both children and adults active and engaged. For ticket holders searching for an alternate way to spend their evening, venues like Absinthe at Caesars Palace provide performing arts acts late into the night.
A town that is open round-the-clock
The phrase "city that never sleeps" is widely used to describe Las Vegas. Similar to New York, the city is a 24-hour hub of activity, whether it is in the downtown area or on the Las Vegas Strip. Everything is constantly accessible on the Strip, so guests can continue the celebration until dawn whether they're looking for food, gaming, or amenities.
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Ebook your Southwest flight to Hawaii by Thursday to get 30% off
For the subsequent two days solely, Southwest vacationers can e-book discounted flights to Hawaii at 30% off, utilizing the code “GOHAWAII30” at checkout. This sale solely goes by way of the top of the day Nov. 3, so remember to e-book your journey by then for flights by way of early March. Deal fundamentals SOUTHWEST AIRLINES Airline: Southwest Airways. Routes: Sacramento; Oakland, California; San Jose, California; Las Vegas; Los Angeles; San Diego; and others to the Hawaiian locations of Lihue, Honolulu, Kahului, Kona and Hilo. Methods to e-book: Instantly with the airline utilizing the promo code “GOHAWAII30.” Journey dates: Dec. 1, 2022-March 8, 2023. Excludes journey from Dec. 16-Jan.9, Feb 15-Feb. 19 and Feb. 19-Feb. 24. Ebook by: 11:59 p.m. Pacific time on Nov. 3. Pattern flights Provided that this sale is somewhat restrictive, it solely leaves a restricted journey window. Nonetheless, you’ll find some good offers, together with the under one-way routes from the West Coast: Los Angeles Worldwide Airport (LAX) to Daniel Ok. Inouye Worldwide Airport (HNL) and Norman Y. Mineta San Jose Worldwide Airport (SJC) to Lihue Airport (LIH), beginning at $91. San Diego Worldwide Airport (SAN) to Kahului Airport (OGG), beginning at $95. LAX to OGG, beginning at $119. Sacramento Worldwide Airport (SMF) to OGG and Oakland Worldwide Airport to Hilo Worldwide Airport (ITO), beginning at $138. Harry Reid Worldwide Airport (LAS) to OGG, beginning at $154. To look this deal, use Southwest’s Low Fare Calendar to view flights out of your departing airport to your Hawaiian island of selection. Then, filter outcomes for the months of December, January, February and March. SOUTHWEST AIRLINES As you’ll be able to see from the calendar, you should use the promo code “GOHAWAII30” to e-book two discounted one way-flights to make a round-trip flight. For instance, you can e-book LAX-HNL in mid-January for $186 round-trip. Make sure you choose the discounted fare kind, which is indicated by the unique fare with a line by way of it, as proven under. Learn extra: Everybody on this Southwest Airways flight bought a ukulele and classes on the way to play it SOUTHWEST AIRLINES You would additionally e-book this flight for 10,918 Southwest Fast Rewards factors which, based mostly on TPG’s present valuations of RR factors, would prevent $10. Be aware that this sale is for discounted flights for all Southwest fare sorts, which embrace two free checked luggage and two free carry-on gadgets. All of its fare sorts, together with probably the most restrictive Wanna Get Away fare, are eligible for cancellation as much as 10 minutes forward of flight time. Should you used factors to e-book your fare, these factors will return to your account. In any other case, those that use money to e-book a Wanna Get Away fare will obtain a flight credit score for future use (which may actually be used at any time because it does not expire). Join our day by day publication Maximize your buy Make sure you use a bank card that earns bonus factors on airfare purchases to e-book this deal. If you’re a Southwest frequent flyer, use your Southwest Fast Rewards Precedence Credit score Card to earn 3 factors per greenback on Southwest purchases. Or contemplate the Citi Premier® Card or Chase Sapphire Reserve, which each offer you 3 factors per greenback on airfare. Or attempt the American Specific® Gold Card for 3 factors per greenback on airfare when booked straight with the airline or by way of Amex Journey. In any other case, consider using the Chase Sapphire Most well-liked Card which earns 2 factors per greenback on journey. See this submit for extra methods to maximise airfare purchases. Backside line GADO/GETTY IMAGES Although this sale is restrictive in date availability, it is a good alternative for vacationers who’re based mostly on the West Coast to get to Hawaii. Make sure you use the promo code “GOHAWAII30” to e-book your one-way or round-trip flight to Hawaii by Thursday. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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nichepiner · 2 years
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cruxair · 3 years
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nstvanshika · 7 months
Looking to jet off to Montreal without breaking the bank? Look no further! At Travelodaddy, we specialize in making your travel dreams a reality without draining your wallet. Our unbeatable deals on cheap flights from Las Vegas to Montreal are here to whisk you away to the vibrant city of Montreal without burning a hole in your pocket. Explore the charm of Montreal, known for its rich history, cultural diversity, and delectable cuisine. Whether you're craving a taste of European elegance in Old Montreal or seeking out the trendy vibes of the Plateau Mont-Royal, Montreal has something for every traveler. With Travelodaddy, booking your affordable flight from Las Vegas to Montreal is a breeze. Our user-friendly platform ensures a seamless booking experience, allowing you to focus on planning your Montreal adventure. Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience the magic of Montreal without breaking the bank. Book your cheap flight from Las Vegas to Montreal with Travelodaddy today and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey filled with excitement, exploration, and savings!
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