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alisongollup-blog · 4 years ago
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#Repost @canadianveganforever (with @report.for.insta) ... #Repost @the_vegan_dad_1 • • • • • • Imagine being outraged over another country killing 20,000 dogs for meat while you're contributing to the death of 20 million calves just so you can consume the milk meant for them. The dairy industry in 5 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcN7SGGoCNI #vegan #veganfortheanimals #dairyisscary #ditchdairy #milk #gotmilk #veganmilk #vegancheese #veganizeanything https://www.instagram.com/p/CC1YYAQDioJ/?igshid=abp9rlstuk8p
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veganfatkid · 9 years ago
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While I'm waiting on #CinnamonRolls to cool down I'm upping my #FatKid🚶🏻 knowledge with vegan Chef @jonimarienewman's book "The Complete Guide To Even More Vegan Food Substitutions" - This thing is seriously gonna elevate my #VeganFatChef🍴 game!!! #VeganizeAnything!!! - Grab a copy today from Amazon or at an old school bookstore #TheBuildingWhereTheySellBooks - Then invite me over to eat all the bomb vegan food you make🏃🏻 - #Cheers #DoYouEvenLoveCookBooksBro
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alisongollup-blog · 4 years ago
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#Repost @vegan_truthbomb (with @report.for.insta) ... Let’s get one thing straight; vegans are not extreme. Ripping a newborn calf from his mom and killing him so we can use the milk intended for him? Now that’s extreme. Follow👉🏽 @vegan_truthbomb 🍏 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The dairy industry in 5 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcN7SGGoCNI #govegan🌱 #vegan #veganforlife #veganfortheplanet #veganfortheanimals #veganactivist #veganmemes #animalrights #animalrightsactivist #veganforthevoiceless #govegan #friendsnotfood #veganizeanything #veganforeverything #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram #dairyisscary #meatismurder #dairyisrape #dairy #dairycows #gotmilk #veganmilk #vegancheese #veganize #dairyfarm #dairyfarmer #dairyfarming #animalagriculture https://www.instagram.com/p/CCeEkhbjcwG/?igshid=160p4ok38mzrd
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alisongollup-blog · 4 years ago
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www.whatthehealthfilm.com www.dominionmovement.com www.cowspiracy.com www.nutritionfacts.org www.pcrm.com #vegan #veganizeanything #compassionisnotaluxury https://www.instagram.com/p/CCOxXRdjhPy/?igshid=h9pp01ge5k5q
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alisongollup-blog · 5 years ago
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#Repost @litterpickingvegan (with @report.for.insta) ... "As a long time vegetarian I used to tell my vegan step dad “I couldn’t give up cheese” and “I don’t like soya milk” and then I educated myself on the cruel dairy industry and went vegan. For the animals. For the planet. For future generations. For my health." - @litterpickingvegan ... The dairy industry in 5 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcN7SGGoCNI #vegan #dairykills #vegancommunity #veganfortheanimals #dairy #dairycows #dairyfacts #dairyisscary #dairyiscruel #vegetarian #vegetarianismisnotenough #cows #lovecows #cowsofinstagram #dairyfree #vegancheese #veganmilk #veganize #veganizeanything https://www.instagram.com/p/CBGUOxujggw/?igshid=1omkljum9lz99
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alisongollup-blog · 5 years ago
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The dairy industry in 5 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcN7SGGoCNI www.dominionmovement.com www.cowspiracy.com www.whatthehealthfilm.com www.nutritionfacts.org www.pcrm.com www.vegankit.com #vegan #veganism #veganforthem #animals #animallovers #animalloversofinstagram #dairycows #dairyfacts #dairyfarm #dairyfarming #dairyfarmer #dairy #thisisdairy #dairyindustry #dairyfree #vegancommunity #vegancheese #veganmilk #veganizeanything https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-xkY4DTO5/?igshid=fpxrgvpbxcqo
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alisongollup-blog · 5 years ago
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www.dominionmovement.com www.vegankit.com #vegan #veganforthem #veganfortheanimals #veganizeanything https://www.instagram.com/p/CA3iWzOjl5D/?igshid=1nmy5jcmq4am5
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alisongollup-blog · 5 years ago
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#Repost @lisalharbison (with @report.for.insta) ... The dairy industry in 5 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcN7SGGoCNI www.dominionmovement.com www.cowspiracy.com www.whatthehealthfilm.com www.vegankit.com #ditchdairy #veganmovement #vegancommunity #dairyisscary #dairyiscruel #vegetarianism #vegetarian #vegetarianismisnotenough #veganforthem #veganfortheanimals #veganizeanything #veganmilk #vegancheese #veganized https://www.instagram.com/p/CAp7GlzD5rj/?igshid=1kuupx9wl2dvy
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alisongollup-blog · 5 years ago
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#Repost @vegan.jenwilks (with @report.for.insta) ... Veganism is not a diet. Veganism is a moral baseline; it is the absolute least we can and must do. Humans have ZERO biological need to use or consume animals or their byproducts in any way. If you know you can live (and thrive), improve your health, help save our environment, and the animals who suffer and die needlessly and horrifically, why wouldn't you? For information and resources, please watch the following films, and utilize the resources below. www.dominionmovement.com www.cowspiracy.com www.whatthehealthfilm.com www.pcrm.com www.nationearth.com www.vegankit.com #vegan #veganfortheanimals #veganizeanything #veganforthem #vegancheese #veganmilk #veganeverything #animals #animallovers #animalloversofinstagram #babyanimals #iloveanimals https://www.instagram.com/p/CAp6JeIjceM/?igshid=1blus8ewv75b8
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alisongollup-blog · 5 years ago
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The dairy industry in 5 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcN7SGGoCNI www.dominionmovement.com www.vegankit.com #animals #animallovers #animalloversofinstagram #vegan #veganforthem #dairy #dairyfree #veganizeanything https://www.instagram.com/p/CAIiEqLDQhr/?igshid=o8q3xswcci7q
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alisongollup-blog · 5 years ago
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Humans have ZERO biological need to use or consume animals or their byproducts, so my question to you is, what's stopping you? www.vegankit.com #veganforthem #veganizeanything #chicken #animals #animalsofinsta #chickensofinstagram #chickenrescue #someonenotsomething https://www.instagram.com/p/B_qZE2YjBTl/?igshid=u91a8j5t5unc
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alisongollup-blog · 5 years ago
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#Repost @purveyorofinconvenienttruths (with @report.for.insta) ... 🔥Fish are sentient animals, emotional beings that feel pain the same way that humans do. They develop cultural traditions and can recognize themselves and others. Primary senses of the fish are "just as good" and in some cases better than that of humans. Fish form friendships and experience 'positive emotions'. The level of mental complexity that fish display is on a par with most other vertebrates. ▪️Fish deserve justice, our respect, and compassion as fellow sentient beings, not cruel exploitation;they have individual personalities. Fish "feel" and their lives matter. ▪️Choose to not support the commodification of the vulnerable. Please live vegan. - www.howdoigovegan.com www.vegankit.com . . #bekindtoeverykind #vegan #veganforthem #veganizeanything #fish #fishing https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Xi9VaDwuv/?igshid=1j0rpc8zmnik7
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alisongollup-blog · 5 years ago
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#Repost @purveyorofinconvenienttruths (with @report.for.insta) ... #meatcausespandemics #endanimalagriculture #endtheanimalholocaust #itsnotfooditsviolence #vegan #veganforthem #veganizeanything https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Xg9qKDOhQ/?igshid=1h5f95inzyere
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alisongollup-blog · 5 years ago
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www.dominionmovement.com www.cowspiracy.com www.gamechangersmovie.com www.whatthehealthfilm.com www.nationearth.com www.pcrm.com www.nutritionfacts.org www.vegankit.com #vegan #veganforthem #animals #animalsofinsta #health #veganize #veganizeanything #veganized #animalsarenotours #animallovers #animalloversofinsta #animalloversofinstagram #babyanimals #iloveanimals #animalrescue #bekind #VeganFood #stoptheviolence #earthday #earthday2020 #noplanetb https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Xe8ZzDCKm/?igshid=19xj62qfp3fqh
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alisongollup-blog · 5 years ago
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www.dominionmovement.com www.cowspiracy.com www.whatthehealthfilm.com www.nutritionfacts.org www.pcrm.com www.vegankit.com #EarthDay #earthday2020 #earthdayeveryday #vegan #veganism #veganforthem #noplanetb #savetheearth #veganize #veganizeanything https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Sx1AcDXZp/?igshid=bj22pxotc6zt
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alisongollup-blog · 5 years ago
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www.cowspiracy.com www.whatthehealthfilm.com www.dominionmovement.com www.pcrm.com www.vegankit.com #EarthDay #earthday2020 #earthdayeveryday #vegan #veganforthem #veganizeanything https://www.instagram.com/p/B_SqweADHQq/?igshid=1tllt9rclinvb
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