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creativemessbyvd · 10 months ago
'I'm in love with a Jedi' Support Group - One Shot
Happy May 4th! In honor of this day, have the full one-shot of this post that still makes the rounds here and people seem to find fun! All mistakes are mine, I just finished and it is 1:50 am for me! But I will clean it up and post it to Ao3 later today. Enjoy!
Now on AO3!
Read on if you like Anidala, Codywan, Dinluke, Hanleia, Quinfox, Kesett, Blyala, Kanera, alongside Grogu being cute and getting too many cookies!
Description: Din gets jumped on the way back home and wakes to find he has been welcomed into a 'secret club' made for those who fell for Jedi and now have to deal with Force Osik.
A Star Wars May 4th One-Shot
Din was no idiot. He had clocked the people following him since he had been halfway through his market run. But they were good at hiding themselves. He knew at least four people were keeping a close eye on him. But every time he had tried to look more closely, they had hidden themselves among the crowd. It was a Sunday at 10 am, which meant that the market was especially packed. Part of the reason he had decided to leave Grogu and Luke at home, big crowds left them more tired. It was fun, they definitely enjoyed their time out and about, but by the end of it, both would be tired the rest of the day. Considering they would have visitors later tonight, he and Luke had agreed that it was better that he took care of the shopping so they would all have the energy to host later tonight.
And now he was even more glad he had left them at home. He did not need Luke and Grogu exposed to someone looking for a fight. Din was 70% sure these people were looking for the Darksaber. Most of the time, challengers came alone, but more than once some random Mandalorian would come with their clan to try to intimidate him as he was challenged. It could also have been just someone who wanted Din's armor, but that they were good at evading him made him consider this was no mere group of criminals looking to jump him.
Still, Din kept on and finished his purchases. No need for them to know he knew they were there. He hoped as soon as he got done with the Challenge for the tittle of Mand'alor (which he still did not want, at all), he would be free to grab his stuff and get home in time to give Grogu his cookies before naptime. The kid would not be happy if he didn't give him the cookies before. Otherwise, after naptime it would be too close to lunch time for a snack. Grogu loved those blue cookies. He would rather avoid having his child give him a cold shoulder, Din would prefer going against another Krayt Dragon.
Saying goodbye to a regular vendor that delighted in spoiling Grogu with his favorite cookies, Din made his way seemingly towards home. He tried to shake his tail, he would fight if necessary, but he would rather just go home and deal with this idiots on another day. But, they were good and he couldn't shake them. Din had to admit that getting to let off some steam from his nerves about tonight's dinner would not be a bad thing. He took a couple of more turns, and quickly dived into a hidden alley. As he settled in the shadow of the entrance, expecting to jump whoever came lookign for him, he did not expect the blow to the back of his head.
It was never good to be knocked out, but at least they had placed him in a comfortable chair. He made sure not to move or change his deep breathing. His helmet was still on, and he could feel the Darksaber still on his hip. He could not see yet all that clearly, but the tranquilizer was fast working and already leaving his system. He could still not hear, but his vision was now good enough that he could see he was in front of a window. What was he doing in the only building in their town that was so high up to see over the whole market? As he pondered this, trying to remember what the building was (a Hotel he was sure), his hearing finally returned enough to hear the heavy steps coming towards him from the left. He tensed as he heard a familiar voice, which immediately overrode his instinct to pretend to still be knocked out beacause he knew that voice.
"You can stop pretending, I know you are awake." Commander Fox had now sat down next to him on a couch, in what as he gazed around, he could clearly tell was indeed a Hotel room. Fox was holding a beer on one hand and another he offered to Din, who on auto took it. As Fox opened his, the door opened and more surprised entered.
Leading the group, was Luke's mother, Padme Skywalker, holding some bags clearly also from the market. Han Solo came next, also carrying more bags. Both headed straight for the little kitchen to the left of the front door. After Han, Hera Syndulla and Commander Bly enter next, deep in conversation. They sit at the bar that separetes the kitchen from the sitting area as Padme directs Han to put away the food they had brought. The last to enter are Commander Cody and Boba Fett, both sporting matching scowls directed towards Din.
Din might still be under the influence of the drug, he can only stare open-mouthed while holding a beer on one hand as everyone else (who were suppossed to arrive for dinner in the evening) moves around like Din hadn't been knocked out and brought here.
As he opens his mouth, willing to ask what was going, Cody and Boba approach them and now he can see their piercing gazes are not for Din, but rather, for Fox.
"Fox, drugging him was not the plan!" Despite having only known the man for a few years, and already as an adult, Din still felt like a misbehaving ad whenever Cody used his "Commander Voice" (as Luke called it) around him.
"This is a secret meeting, we have done the same for every single one of the members. Besides, needed to test how well he could avoid us."
"He is a trained Mandalorian and the current Mand'alor! You already know how good he is!"
"What if it had been an imposter posing as him? Couldn't risk it."
"Fox, are you listening to yourself!"
As Cody continued to fight with his brother, Boba grabbed Din and gotten him to his feet, taking the beer off his hand and directing him to the bar. Hera had now moved to help in the kitchen with Han as Padme directed them in chopping various things. Bly had moved as Boba and Din approached to also join in the scolding of Fox, all three now almost screaming at each other.
"Did I hear that right? Din, are you okay honey? C'mon, grab a seat, and have some water." Padme motioned to the stools and Boba directed a still dumbstruck Din to seat. He also gave him a water bottle and padded his arm. Din finally managed to stop pretending to be a fish and removed his helmet. He tried to get his hair in some order before drinking the whole bottle. He turned to Boba finally asked what was going on.
"Welcome to the club, cousin. The plan wasn't to knock you out, that was all Fox. He insists on doing that to 'preserve our secrets' or some osik like that."
"It's more of a support group."
"Support for what?"
"The Force."
"Boba, you are confusing him more!" That was Cody, who had left Bly to deal with Fox.
"Then you come and explain it then!"
"Boys, boys, keep it calm please! Here Din, I think you will need this." Hera had opened up some wine and had given him the first glass. As she continued to pass them about, Han and Padme, who were still chopping and now putting stuff to cook at the stove, took pity on the confused face Din was sporting to explain more.
"Back in the Clone Wars, I stumbled upon Cody, Fox and Bly lamenting on the fact that they were in secret relationships with Force Users and it was too much sometimes when none understood anything about the Force. Considering that my own marriage back then had been a secret, I offered to host some get togethers to just unwind and tell each other our woes when it came to the things we encountered with our significant others." Padme finally deemed everything ready let it cook on its own and grabbed the final wine glass Hera passed to her. Cody, Boba, Bly and Fox had come around now to listen to her explanation.
"And as more of us got together with our partners, we were 'kidnapped' and brought into the club, so don't take it personally." Han was hard at work as he added some herbs to the boiling pot at the stove, under Padme's watchful eye. Din was surprised to see how confident Han was in the kitchen and with his mother-in-law. Din had seen him be on edge when in the same room as Anakin Skywalker, so this was a true change of character. But Din understood, Padme had that way of being that made you be calm in her presence. Din knew that Luke share that trait with her, always so quick to make both Grogu and Din be at ease in his presence. Oh no.
"Luke and Grogu!" How could he be so stupid as to forget? As he stood up, Cody got next to him and forced him to settle him down back in the chair.
"Easy there, don't worry. Luke knows that you are safe, and we made sure that those groceries you were carrying got home to them. It's been taken care of." Din could breath easier at that, finally taking a small sip of the wine as he let the adrenaline go. Hera offered to refill it and he accepted, as Fox crossed his arms and shot his brother a scowl from the other end of the bar.
"You better not have given our position or meeting away, Cody!"
"Not very secretive to be in the only Hotel in town, Fox."
"Fox still thinks we should keep these meetings as secret as possible, as if by now, over 20 years after the fact, the whole Galaxy was not aware of our relationships." Bly offered, sitting next to Din and blocking a fuming Fox.
"Those security measures kept us safe, Bly! What do you think would have happened had Palpatine figured it out?"
"Death most certainly but he has been dead for decades Fox! If we want to hang out, we can do so like normal people!" Bly had turned now to address Fox and they continued squabbling.
"Now, its more about keeping it secret from our partners, or rather, Fox's." Hera offered, as she helped Padme with some sandwhiches and passed those around too.
"IF VOS FINDS OUT HE WILL CRASH OUR MEETINGS!" This seemed to be a common phrase from Fox, as Din saw Bly, who had turned his back to Fox to face Din, mimic his sentence in an exaggerated manner for everyone's amusement. Fox still noticed though and tackled Bly to the ground, but no one batted an eye to this or stopped them either.
Din remembered then that everyone here was supposed to be at his and Luke's home later in teh evening and couldn't fathom how they were keeping it all a secret. He was sure that Luke would have asked after his whereabouts, regardless of Cody being the one to explain Din was safe.
"What exactly does Luke think I am doing?"
"Told him I needed your Bounty Hunter expertise for something. Obi Wan knew I had some last minute business and that I would arrive earlier to get your input, he should still be on his way with Anakin and Leia, we still have that congratulary dinner to get to at your place tonight after all."
"And everyone else?" He turned to Han and Hera. Han answered first, finally getting away from the stove. He took the sandwich Padme offered and leaned against the fridge.
"I was already with Padme on some business, so I offered to bring her with me. As far as Leia knows, we are still on our way." He dove into the food as Hera explained next.
"Kanan thinks I'm wrapping up some business too, he was dropping off Jacen and we will meet at your place."
"I'm on my way from Tatooine and Cal should still be on route from Coruscant." Boba had already finsihed his own sandwich as Din was barely on his first bite. His cousin was grabbing onto Bly's plate when Padme wacked him with a spatula. She motioned for him to make his second sandwich himself as she turned to the two still on the floor.
"Fox, Bly! Stop playing and come get your sandwich or I'm giving them to Boba!"
That got them both off the floor quick. Padme smiled and nodded as she saw them take their plates, finally diving into their own. Din was still confused on one thing though, which he couldn't help but voice.
"Why bring me in now? Because we invited you today?"
"Oh no, we were just waiting for you and Luke to finally admit it to each other." Hera explained.
"We … didn't want to push you into something you might not actually want." Bly offered sheepishly.
"Even if it was very painfully obvious. OW!" Han had smacked in the stomach by Padme, who just smiled serenely towards Din as if nothing had happened.
"Even if you hadn't actually gotten with Luke we had a backup plan, you still have a child who is force sensitive, I know what that feels like, and so does Hera." Both mothers looked at each other and then to Din, who felt better about all of this.
"It always better when you know you have people in your corner who understand the realities of having Force users around." Cody's tone was full of wisdom, gaze momentarily lost in the past and in his own insecurities when he first started seeing Obi Wan.
"Yeah, the realities that they will pull the craziest osik and blame it all on the Force." Boba chirped in, and Cody had to agree. Both had more than once compared notes and guessed that like with orange tookas, red-headed Jedi were some of the most unexpected types of Jedi in terms of what they would try to pull and then blame it all on 'the will of the Force'.
"Seriously, Din, we aren't just saying it, if you ever need anything, you can come to any of us." Bly had finished his sandwich and proceeded to the kitchen to wash the dishes, patting Din's shoulder as he went.
"Or if you just need to vent, we got a group chat that is only for documenting the wild Force osik of every day life." Han had started it, and he was very proud of the secret shots of the craziest things he had caught Leia doing.
He didn't know what to say, but he felt he would make a fool of himself if he tried to speak pass the lump in his throat and preferred to keep quiet. He had been apprehensive in hosting the big dinner tonight, he knew everyone here, most were his family, and many others', family to Luke. As Hera and Fox got close to add him to the various chats, he considered that this was definitely a good surprise.
As Padme asked after Grogu, Din was encouraged to share as many crazy stories as he wanted, and he felt good once he got going and found all the others sharing in similar stories. Padme and Hera, as the other parents to Force Sensitive Children, gave him tips on how to Force proof the upper cabinets to stop Grogu from getting cookies whenever he wanted. So far, Din and Luke had hidden them, but Grogu was good at catching Luke in the act of getting the snacks and then going back for more. He also learned that Obi Wan was, like Luke, very likely to set things floating if left too long to his mediation. Cody had to force his husband to communicate when he would do longer meditation sessions on harder days, so that Cody could be prepared to time him and have food and water ready for the drop after. He also caught snippets of Fox talking to Boba on their own Jedi's particular brand of abilities, Boba sharing some recent incident that had left Cal very distraught on some memories on old Jedi texts he found on a mission. Fox had his own stories and offered to share some of the tea that helped calm down Quinlan when he had tough visions.
Upon hearing the word tea, Han had to intervene saying that he felt that the last tea Cody had recommended to calm Leia's excessive energy had done the opposite of calming her down. At that, Padme and Bly interjected on how to best burn that energy when meditation didn't really work on their own Jedi. From what Din understood, not all Jedi could calm down by simply mediating, like Luke, Obi Wan and Kanan preferred traditional meditation. Some, like Cal and Quinlan, would need to tire themselves out first before meditating; while Anakin, Leia and Aayla would be the kind who any sort of calm meditation would leave them more cranky than relaxed. Din could understand that, Grogu was more manageable if he was allowed to play first, otherwise he would not accept quiet, sitting meditation. Jacen, Hera mentioned, was much the same, and from what Padme shared, it was common for young Force users to be the same way. As children, neither Leia or Luke had wanted to stay still in meditation, Anakin and Obi Wan had to tire them out first so they could properly have a calm mind. On the other hand, Cody mentioned, Obi Wan had a very hard time with a young Anakin, who had never taken to meditating as a young boy. Obi Wan had instead opted for moving meditation, which left Anakin more calm and collected than forcing him to sit down in the traditional way. Hera felt that maybe she would bring it up to Kanan for their son, and Cody told her that Obi Wan would love nothing else than to talk on his tips on raising the "Choosen One".
Topics changed quickly and everyone was in more than one conversation with some other little group, and Din sat and took it all in. He noticed Padme by the stove and helped her in checking for salt as she was too short for the big pot. She was going to bring it for tonight's dinner and Din was grateful to have her do most of the talking. He loved that soon, Fox had taken out more beer and everyone was relaxed and happy, and Din felt content. He felt better and he didn't even know he had felt in any distress before. It was not how his day was planned but he already knew his life was anything but normal. He hadn't realized he might need someone to ask whenever something that Luke taught Grogu left him confused but also made him feel stupid for not knowing, scared to ask. But those around him understood him, and that left him strangely comforted. He felt happy, and couldn't wait to get home to Luke and Grogu, to share this precious moments with his new family.
On the other side of the town, on the outskirts, Luke felt a small disturbance as he and Grogu meditated. The Force wasn't warning him of any danger, but rather seemed to be … amused. Then, his door was thrown open, and Quinlan Vos barged in with a bunch of bags, most of beverages if the clanking was anything to go by. Behind him, all of his guests for the evening also entered, the loudest being his father and sister. For a moment, Luke panicked in thinking that he had somehow gotten too lost in mediation again and that the time for the dinner was upon them already. But then he saw the sun shining through the window, still high up in the sky signaling it was still before midday.
His father quickly grabbed him into a tight hug and lifted him from the ground, as Leia picked up Grogu. Quinlan was already making a ruckus in the kitchen and thankfully he saw Aayla follow to babysit her old Master. As Luke was losing breath in his lungs, his Uncle Obi Wan finally rescued him, but Anakin still held onto him, using him as a head rest. Neither him or Leia had grown as tall as Anakin and he delighted in reminding them about it.
Freed of his father's embrace, Luke also spotted Cal and Kanan now sat at the living room, cooing at Grogu who had been given some cookies by Leia and had run to be picked up by Cal. Grogu loved visiting Cal and Boba and their pet rankor, which left Din a bundle of nerves but Luke knew it was good for Grogu to have the chance to interact with all manner of creatures. As he was about to try to get away from Anakin for a moment to close the door, his trusty Artoo wheeled in, bickering with Threepio as the golden robot carried some more bags. Almost tripping Threepio was a small, white and red blur that went straight for Grogu. Luke recognized it as Cal's robot BD-1. Then, an orange and louder robotic voice hailed the entrance of Chopper, who also gave commentary on whatever Artoo was fighting Threepio about, for which the golden protocol droid took great offense as Chopper, Artoo and Anakin laughed. Finally, Ahsoka and Rex came in and close the door, his father's Padawan finally able to pull Luke away from Anakin to give him their own hugs.
"Not that I am not happy to see everyone, but the dinner was later in the evening wasn't it? I didn't mess up the invite?"
"Not at all, my little Sunburst! We just decided to take advantage of the other early get-together to come keep you company!" Anakin grabbed him again from Rex's side, leaving the Commander to roll his eyes and go say hello to Grogu in the living room.
"Get together?" Luke was very confused.
"The "In Love with a Jedi Support Group." Cal offered as he bounced Grogu up and down, BD cooing from his shoulder as the toodler happily babbled away at them.
"Luke, we are going to need more wine glasses! You only have 4!" Quinlan shouted from the kitchen, sticking his head out.
"Uhm, Din went out to the market, he should be back soon with some more-"
"Ehhhh, actually, he was kidnapped so he'll be kinda late." Anakin said, going to try to take Grogu from Cal. The little one instead floated himself to Kanan, leaving a pouting Anakin, who mimed himself crying and dropping to the floor. Luke would have found it hilarious that Grogu was always a little mean towards Anakin for some reason whenever they met but was still worried that his boyfriend was kidnapped and no one around was at all worried.
"I have the items he bought Master Luke! Not to worry!" Now looking closely, Grogu could see the bags were the ones Din had taken to the market with him, inside all the items they had been missing for their dinner. Aayla heard him and called out from the kitchen herself.
"Bring them here to the kitchen, Threepio!" Ahsoka helped him with one of the bags, but as they passed by the fake-crying Anakin who was still sobbing loudly for Grogu, she tossed and hit him in the head with a packet of cookies. Anakin immediately changed his tune and was easily the toddler's favorite from then on out. Rex, Cal, Leia and Kanan took turns in giving Grogu a cookie.
"Quin, it's too early for wine. Leave that for the evening dinner." Obi Wan had gone to help out in the kitchen, his voice carrying easily. Luke still felt rooted to the spot by the breakfast nook that was cleared for morning meditation. He walked towards his father, who was now again grumpy that someone else had Grogu's attention, Leia sticking her tongue out at him over Grogu's head.
"Dad, what do you mean Din was kidnapped?"
"It's never too early for wine, I say you open the bottle Quin." Anakin, forever happy to do and say the opposite of his old Master, gave a thumbs up to Quinlan who wasted no time, despite Obi Wan's clear annoyed look. Ahsoka and Aayla simply shared a laugh, both drinking water but accepting glasses of wine nonetheless.
"He is safe Luke, he is with the others." Anakin offered, not all bother by his son's rising panic.
"What others?" Luke felt like he was going crazy. Finally, Ahsoka took pity on him and came by to direct him to the open spot on the sofa, giving everyone else a glass of wine except Anakin.
"Ok, ok, let me explain kiddo. During the Clone Wars, Cody, Fox and Bly where stumped in their secret relationships to Jedi so they formed a little club." She said. Anakin swipped her glass and took a big gulp, then yelped when a pillow was thrown at his face and the glass taken out of his hands. Grogu found great joy in that and attempted to do the same, encouraged by Cal and Leia.
"My sweet Angel found out and joined in to impart her wisdom." Anakin was so distracted by the mention of his wife, he never saw the 4 pillows coming straight for his head.
"A blessing, I was tired of them venting when we went out in between campaigns." Rex had no need for the Force, he just straight hit Anakin in teh back of the head with his own pillow, then gestured to Ahsoka who was behind Anakin. She directed two more pillows and both hit Anakin when Rex ducked down.
"But you said he got kidnapped?" Luke was still weary, they had yet to be attacked by people looking for the Darksaber here in their peaceful home, but both him and Din knew the leftover Death Watch members were relentless. He wasn't as panicked, if Din was with Cody, Fox and Bly, he could breath easier at least. His uncles were the most capable men he knew.
"Oh, don't worry, that's Fox trying to keep it all 'secret' because I tried to catch him the first few times way back when." Quinlan had finally come around, Aayla with him. She was carrying Anakin's glass with her, which he thank her. "It was a game between us. He still thinks that I don't know and will crash their party if I found out. Jokes on him, when I got wind of it, I just went for Obes and Aayla and we got our own club starte to gossip."
"Once your mother joined them, I got Anakin and we have been recruiting every time they do." Obi Wan sat down beside him, giving Grogu a sippy cup with blue milk and more cookies, which the baby squealed at and then proceeded to use the older man's lap as his seat to enjoy his snacks. Luke could only hope Grogu would take his lunch without much fuzz later on.
"It was nice, if a little weird when I teased Bly and he tried to keep it a secret." Aayla shared, leading to others to chuckle as well. Bly was a terrible liar, and it was funny to picture him trying.
"Yeah, no one but Fox is keeping it 'secret', Boba told me the minute he was on route when Fox tried to get him. Gave me updates all the way until he was sure it was just his brother being weird." Cal was now holding onto BD, who was trying to draw Grogu's attention. Chopper however, was taking all the attention as he showed Grogu some of the coloring pages he stored.
"Paranoid, you mean. But yeah, Fox gets all new members kidnapped to 'test them', or so Hera has said." Kanan was watching his droid closely, making sure he wouldn't take out the flamethrower to boast about it to Artoo, who also had coloring books and crayons for Grogu, each droid very competative if left un supervised.
"So, why not just let them know you all know about it?" Luke could not understand on keeping it a secret. Quinlan quickly shook his hands, laughing a little.
"No no, that's the fun part! Fox pretends that I don't know and gets to relieve some adrenaline from the old Guard mission days."
"Din is fine Luke, Cody assured me he was given the quick neutralizer when he passed me the bags." Obi Wan was as serene as ever, even if Luke's stomach dropped. But he had to admit that his uncle was right. Din would be in no danger, if by his calculations, Fox, Cody, Bly, Boba, Hera, Han and his own mother were with him.
"But, why now?" He had a feeling on the reason it had just happened, considering Din had been someone known to most of them for years.
"Because you finally got off you ass and confessed, little brother." Leia smirked and Luke had to resist the urge to stick his tongue out when he noticed that Grogu was looking at him. He still glared towards his twin.
"Language!" Obi Wan, Kanan and Anakin all shouted.
"I'm older than you!" Luke couldn't resist firing back, though.
"By a minute!"
"As if this little tyke didn't hear worse from Boba." Cal commented to the room at large, leading most to either nod or roll their eyes. Boba Fett had always been very expressive with his language, regardless of who was present, despite his older siblings attempts to get him to stop swearing so much.
"Cal, do not encourage this." Kanan lamented, knowing it was impossible that his son wouldn't have heard such language from Chopper, who just laughed as if he knew what the Jedi was thinking.
"I'm just saying. He doesn't mind, right little frog terrorizer?" Grogu had hopped down from Obi Wan's lap, dodged Anakin's attempts to pick him up and aksed Cal instead, who gladly took him.
"How about some lunch?"Ahsoka offered, standing up and stretching her back.
"Yes, Quin only brought alcohol." Aayla mentioned, as Quinlan looked offended.
"It was a priority! I know they are drinking too!"
"I was going to go and get some takeout." Luke said, remembering his plan to surprise Din with food when he arrived.
"No need, we'll get it. C'mon Rexy. From that Alderaanian place Luke?" Ahsoka was often at their place and she knew all the best spots by now for takeout.
"Yeah." Luke said, standing up to get the menu from the kitchen.
"Gotcha, you guys look over the menu and let us know. Should only take us 10 minutes to get there." Ahsoka grabbed Grogu from Cal's lap, ignoring the huff from the red head and his attempts to retrieve the toddler, who was happy to be so high up.
"Grogu you're coming with us! Droids! We are rolling out! C'mon!"
"Right behind you Miss Ahsoka!"
"I could go with you-" Luke started to offer, before he was pull back by Obi Wan and Anakin.
"No no, you stay and unwind, talk about your boyfriend with the others and we'll handle the food. As honorary members of both 'secret' clubs, we are here to get you what you need. We'll also pop in after to check on the others, make sure Fox hasn't taken it too hard with the bets." Rex mentioned, following after his partner in crime behind the line of droids now headed for the door. He was glad Anakin had repaired Threepio so he was much faster now and less clunky when walking.
"Honorary members?"
"Ahsoka and Rex hang out in both groups for the entertainment, or so they say." Cal said, arms still crossed as both his droid and his favorite toddler left him.
"We like being informed and getting all the gossip. And taking care of the little ones and droids too. It's too bad Jacen couldn't make it this time." Ahsoka remarked, bouncing Grogu, who wanted to ride on top of Artoo. She let him, but kept close.
"He has been pestering us about going to visit Mace for months now, we had no idea Din would be drafted so soon. My bet was till the end of the year. I'll make sure to bring him next time." Kanan remarked, and then blanched when he realized his slip. He took a big gulp of his wine as Luke turned to him in suspicion.
"Shh, Kanan!" Aayla said, but it was too late.
"What bet?"
"No bet, nothing at all!" Anakin tried to stall, avoiding his son's stare as he tried to gather the secrets of the Force on his wine.
"That reminds me! Luke, I lost so many credits! That rat of Ohnaka got the biggest cut! You really couldn't wait two more weeks?" Quinlan whined, as he got pillows to the face now.
"Or been quicker by like 3 days?" Cal mentioned.
"I think the way they finally got together is very cute!" Aayle had also betted, but she wasn't going to add more fuel to the fire, unlike Anaking who chirped next.
"You didn't have so many credits riding on this, Aayla!"
"Dad! Not you as well!" Luke couldn't believe his family would bet on him and Din. Then he thought about for ten seconds and found out he could, actually, believe it.
"I think it was cute too." Obi Wan said, the picture of poise, until Leia called him out.
"Uncle, you also got a big cut, don't think I didn't find out!"
"Obi Wan!" Luke should have expected it.
"Obes!" Quinlan was not expecting it seemed.
"You liar! You told me you hadn't betted!" Anakin laughed, as Ahsoka and Rex stood by the door, watching as Artoo got farther away with a toddler on top of him.
"Yeah, ooook! Don't forget to look at that menu! Bye!" With that, they closed the door and left the bickering behind them. They were glad that there was forest all around, it sounded like Luke was now going full Padme on Anakin and the others.
"Who do you think Luke will go for first?" Rex wondered, as they caught up with the droids. Threepio had taken to watching over Grogu to make sure he didn't fall.
"Not Luke, Anakin and Quin will definitely get to Obi Wan before Luke even thinks about it."
"Hmm yeah. So, should we get our own lunch and then ask for their order?"
"Oh you bet, afterwards we should see how the others are doing. Cody wanted to make sure they wouldn't miss the dinner." Ahsoka remarked, smiling down at Grogu, who was having so much fun riding Artoo.
"Padme and Hera are there, how crazy could it get with them? Also, you know Din is responsible enough he won't forget." Rex said, but Ahsoka just scoffed.
"You forget that time they got Han to join, Padme was the one who had the idea of going to the zoo and Hera encouraged it." That had been a meeting they had spend with the Non-Sensitives, and it had been a crazy night. They were glad that Padme how covered up, otherwise the papers would have had a field day. Ahsoka had known that Padme and Anakin fit so well precisely because they shared a unique brand of crazy, that their children had ten-fold.
"I forget Anakin's craziness is contagious. Alright, how about it, Grogu? Want to eat something and then get to see your uncle Boba?" Rex had gotten Grogu up and placed him on his shoulders, to the toddler's delight.
An hour later, everyone's comms went off when the Holo news started reporting of a bunch of Death Watch who had attemped to kidnapped Grogu and had been taken down by two flamethrowing droids, a Jedi Knight, a Clone Commander, a golden protocol droid who fretted about and a tiny BD droid. Ahsoka and Rex had attemped to get Grogu out of the fight, but BD-1 had electrocuted someone and almost been trampled, so Grogu had jumped in, which prompted Artoo and Chopper to start blasting everyone around. Threepio had panicked and sent the massive message right before the news had gone live and that's how everyone got to meet up earlier than expected back at Din and Luke's.
No one mentioned either 'secret' meeting, but they did enjoy their time together very much. Especially when Grogu got fed more blue cookies than he ever had, given that everyone kept slipping them when no one else was looking. Any he didn't eat once full, BD gave to Chopper to store. Artoo didn't do it because he would be the obvious choice and he kept Threepio occupied as he was 'worried for the sugar intake of the infant'. Kanan still caught them but Grogu had already passed out by then, leaving the adults to their own devices. Din and Luke kept shooting each other looks, each thinking how lucky they were to have such a loving family to have their back.
Thank you for reading till the end! May the Force be with You!
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Heated Rivalry
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A Sobbe story by Beulaugh
Cover art by @polarisartworks 💖
Beta’d by the amazing @claire.loves.booksandhockey 📚🏒❤️
Written for the SKAM BIG BANG 2024 🎉
Robbe/Sander, side VDS and Elippo | Rivals to Lovers, Classical Musician AU, Fuck Buddies?, Slow Burn | 3/12 | Explicit | ~90k total
Rival French Horn players, Robbe and Sander, meet when they are in high school and immediately dislike one another; however, at a summer music camp they learn that they don’t have to like one another to take advantage of the spark that ignites whenever they’re alone. Cue a years-long clandestine, secret…something. Can they call themselves fuck buddies if they’re not actually friends?
How do these two rival musicians weather their non-relationship as their lives interweave and change, as they make choices that take them far from one another? Is it only convenient, or is it something more?
Fic posts every Tuesday til September 10
Current chapter count: 3/12
Check out @skambigbang for all the other amazing fics in the event ❤️❤️❤️
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mstrota · 10 months ago
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army-issued condoms and bucky used all of it on gale (even used gale’s when he ran out) man is Very Educated on this. totally a two per week kinda guy (monogamously as the army intended) gale who mistakenly took out his condom tin case instead of his toothpicks bc how often he switches between the two. don’t get me started on lube—
for more info because this website is phenomenal since they’re a fellow fanfic reader as well
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linagram · 4 months ago
the wildest thing to say as a prisoner who literally has hunger as her theme
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kohakhearts · 1 year ago
[through tears] yeah, this oneshot fic is going great
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sirpercevaleclerc · 2 years ago
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Your honor i love them so much my babies 🩷💛
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Bonus: Tony commented under Alonso’s instagram post is everything to me 🫶🏼
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good-beans · 1 year ago
*thinking about Double a normal amount*
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infiniteiram · 2 years ago
sad because it’s been awhile since i’ve written my fic (which i’m so excited for) but i never feel like i have enough time to actually write
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ashes-in-a-jar · 2 years ago
The rest of the fans: I can make him worse <3
People with library, archiving and information science degrees who are fans of The Magnus Archives: I could fix him (the archives)
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creativemessbyvd · 29 days ago
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Crafting with Heart and Spite now on Ao3.
Rating: General | Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M | Fandoms: The Hobbit
Relationships: Thorin Oakenshield/Bilbo Baggins
Characters: Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins, Balin (Tolkien), Glóin (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Bofur (Tolkien), Gandalf (Tolkien), Bombur (Tolkien), Mentioned Belladonna Baggins, Mentioned Bard the Bowman - Character, Mentioned Company
Additional tags: Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Alternate Universe - Bilbo Remains In Erebor, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, POV Thorin Oakenshield, BAMF Bilbo Baggins, Yuletide, Traditions, Fluff and Humor, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Summary: Not always are traditions done for preserving something, sometimes they are done in order to spite others. A badly made sweater gives Thorin the courage to share in a dwarven tradition with Bilbo.
Words: 3,583 | Reading time: 18 minutes
Done for the Bagginshield 101 Discord Event: Holiday Tradition 2024/2025.
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This one fought me, I struggled so much T.T but I did it. Despite everything, I liked it. I hope the tenderness and fluff managed to get through.
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whtepony · 5 months ago
Hey this is a request for dexter morgan. I was thinking outside the box and thought a crossover between dexter and Vampire diaries. Obviously not the entire VD character line but the reader can be a vampire trying to escape and ends up in Miami as a new blood splatter analyst. She works with dexter who has a hunch about her, after a couple of instances where she kind of flips out at a crime scene cause she hasn’t eaten, or when her eyes turn red from seeing so much blood. he ends up catching her trying to eat someone, he becomes more intrigued and they start seeing each other more and she helps him find brian. She compels people to steer them away from finding out dexter is the bay harbor butcher. if you could make it smutty that’d be a bonus
this is so so awesome anon and literally sounds like some shit that would happen in dexter 😭 unfortunately i’ve never seen VD and i’m not a fic writer <\3 if you send this ask to another blog + it gets written i would love to read it!!
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bitingdrivers · 18 days ago
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we waited for so long and it's finally here! the VD bones au fic!
❤️ A challenge for Valentine's Day
maxiel, 3.1k words
“Fine,” Lewis sighs, but Daniel recognizes the look on his face. It's not going to end well.  “Really!?” Charles gasps.  “Yes. Everyone will get to go home if we solve this murder by 6,” Lewis states.  “If…”  There it is.  “If Daniel kisses Max,” Lewis finishes, grinning dangerously.
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cecilysass · 1 year ago
Milagro Fic Recommendations
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These are good for any time of year, of course, not just February 14. But here are my favorite fics related to the season 6 episode Milagro, a long time favorite. (And @sisterspooky1013's favorite episode of all time: happy VD, girl!) I’ve been reading and sifting through these for some time, and I have tried to include some from all eras: newer AO3 fics, some written right after the ep aired, etc. But I'm sure I've missed some, so hit me with your own faves, please.
Because of Milagro's ending, this entire genre of fic tends to be heavy on the hurt/comfort and angst (which is fiiiiine by me), but that’s not all that’s here. Many of these are smutty, but not all.
Adagio - Terma99 A meditative, peaceful take on the aftermath of Milagro by a veteran author that includes both agents realizing something they had learned. Lovely.
Alma - 6hoursgirl (@sixhours) A lovely hurt/comfort Milagro piece. This one is Mulder POV, which is a little less common for post-Milagro, I think, and I like this characterization of Mulder as desperately wanting to help Scully, desperately wanting to protect her, but also a tiny bit scared of the intimacy and relationship he feels they’re on the cusp of. He’s so good-hearted and also a little dysfunctional here, and I love it.
Bated Breath - dreamingofscully (@dreamingofscully) This one has an original take on Scully's experience; it leaves Scully with clarity and new direction in her relationship with Mulder. DreamingofScully tends to write a more confident, in-charge Scully in the MSR than some do, and I appreciate it.
Beyond the Strokes of a Typewriter - storybycorey (@storybycorey) When Scully is stricken and ashamed that it’s been so long since anyone has seen her as a woman as Padgett did, Mulder is pushed to revelations. Mulder 3rd person POV. Very good smut build up. And nobody does a gorgeous feelings reveal from Mulder like storeybycorey, man.
I Believe - Diana Battis There are a lot of lovely, heartfelt hurt/comfort fics about the aftermath of Milagro (for obvious reasons), but this one is especially well done. Viewed from Scully’s third person point of view, it focuses on Mulder’s capacity for tenderness and guilt. Plus some smut.
Don’t Look Up - ArtemisX5 After Padgett's hallway revelation, Scully is horrified that she has no secrets left. But you know, Mulder is much slower on the draw than she gives him credit for. There is also such moving hurt/comfort in this.
Intimacies with Strangers -mldrgrl (@mldrgrl) This mid- and post- Milagro piece has Mulder and Scully simmering in tension and then boiling over. Their relationship is complex and painfully entangled, and I love how it plays out. There is also excellent Scully characterization. This one helps me to get more fully why she might have been drawn to Padgett initially, something I struggle with in the episode.
La Madrugada - h0ldthiscat A carefully told tale of RST that takes both characters seriously and is sincerely moving. Excellent.
Lacuna - Aloysia_Virgata (@aloysiavirgata) This is a longer work, not really a classic post ep per se. But I love this moody, angsty casefile set right after Milagro. This Scully has not come to terms with her emotions, is thoroughly freaked by how she reacted to Padgett, and hasn't even entirely worked out how she feels about Mulder. There is Scully/other here, but the ship is steering home. The end of this is so moving, but cw: dark themes in the casefile, extreme violence against children, traumatized agents.
Still Life - Seek_Its_Opposite (@seek-its-opposite) Ah, this is such a thoughtful and exquisitely written Scully character piece — and it contains some truly beautiful insights about Mulder, too. It suggests the heartbreaking idea that Mulder’s way of showing Scully respect (giving her distance) is continually hurting her. So tragic (and consistent with canon, e.g. Never Again.) One memorable line: “Every one of their fights is about how to care for one another, every last one.”
Alma Gemela - matchingfabric (@matchingfabric) After the events of Milagro, Scully (and Mulder) get accustomed to platonically sharing a bed for comfort. This is a slightly different take on post-Milagro. Exceptionally, irresistibly sweet. Oh, and smutty.
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What did I miss? Tell me. And yes, I'm working on my own short Milagro fic that will be coming soon-ish.
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mako-neexu · 19 days ago
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ever think about prison tower. then monte cristo's profiles.... and then everything suddenly makes sense about edguda. EVERYTHING makes sense and how they act towards each other after all that they've been though (mako crazy brain at work)
also early valentines fic! its a dark(?) kind of fluff i think?? i will write about the recent VD scene as soon as i get some time or if im free from my neverending deadlines lmao
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whenitcomestodeath · 7 months ago
I am surprisingly In a good mood for someone who had a test tmrw that I haven't prepared for
Awie♥️♥️ thank you sm
Btw Hey hey hey @raeprise ✨✨✨, how are we doing today?!
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angelasscribbles · 23 days ago
WIP File Game
Thanks for the tag @justafunctionalmess
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Ok, I’m doing a couple of things differently.
First, don’t send an ask (they are currently turned off), just comment or reblog here or send me a DM.
Second, I’m just tagging my tag list. Consider this both an invitation to ask me for info/a snippet on my WIPS AND to post your own WIP folder titles. Also applies to anyone not tagged. Everyone who sees this, feel free to play along.
NOTE: If you ever wonder why I sometimes get overwhelmed and stop writing, it’s not for lack of ideas, but rather it's because I have so many ideas that my brain can’t decide where to focus and I end up focusing nowhere. It’s an ADHD thing, and it’s a real problem, believe me. You’ll see how many WIPS I have and this is just my fanfic. I have original stuff I’m currently working on as well.
My WIP titles:
(BR=Bad Romance, CRA=Cordonian Royal Airlines, VD=Valentine’s Day. BB=Blood Bound. TRH=The Royal Heir. ONiC=One Night in Cordonia. BRC=Bad Romance Continues. RC-Romance Club.)
Unless otherwise noted, these are all TRR fics.
BB Jax
BR relationship check in (ask)
Drake Cheating
Driam Drake steals Riley on purpose
Kuck Kink Drake
Liam claims her back at engagement kick off
Mistaken marriage
ONiC Liv x Max
The Highway Man follow up
Lost and Found (BR reboot if Riley had married Drake instead)
Ask: Bianca shares info with Hinge Riley
Ask: Drake and Liam friendship begins
Ask: truth or dare
Ask: Update on Dreo
Ask: Dominic x Maxwell (Choices/RC crossover)
Ask: Deliliah x Drake after she’s turned, like in Dark Elf
Ask: BR gang VD
Savage Love ch 39
 Law’s End ch 8
Dark Elf ch 9
The Dark Kingdom ch 9
Queen of Hearts: Leo
Insurrection ch 4
Behind Closed Doors ch 3
Leo and Liv ch 7
Bad Parenting ch 4
Bad Parenting Leo, Siobhan and Drake
 The King’s Mistress 2
The Defiant King Rock a bye baby
CRA The New Girl
BRC Bad Hinging
BRC bday
BRC Liam shhh
BRC Domvallier
BRC First Impressions Liam
BRC Jace in ambulance
BRC limo
BRC Max and Riley one night stand
BRC Operation Sunflower
BRC paintball
BRC Valtoria dinner party
BRC who do you love more
RC Melting Point Tenley (OTI)
RC HSR car battery
RC HS power
RC HS Austie
RC HS Mortal Ascension ch 3
Tagging everyone under the cut:
@walkerdrakewalker @kingliam2019 @twinkleallnight @tinkie1973 @secretaryunpaid 
@irishgrl2022 @queenmiarys
@differenttyphoonwerewolf  @jared2612  @belencha77
@karahalloway, @harleybeaumont @alj4890 @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone
@lovingchoices14  @bascmve01
@kristinamae093 @tessa-liam @gabesmommie1130
@queen-arabella-of-cordonia @sillydg
@3pawandme @dcbbw  @amandablink 
@indiacater  @bebepac @twinkle-320 @mattiematt1234 @phoenixrising0308
@emersyn-in-cordonia @lunaseasblog  
@hollygirl1269 @mainstreetreader @ohmyeightpastlives  
@gardeningourmet @21-wishes @73geenalove @jennieausten
@kachrisberry @tornbetween2loves @fangirling12566  @pinklipsandmasonjars @savannahdix
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