thymehallward · 3 months
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June before June ends :]
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f1archives · 27 days
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Zhou Guanyu & Yuki Tsunoda during the drivers’ parade - Monza, 2024
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sharpsuite · 2 months
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Does he understand the appeal of these particular games? No, not in the slightest.
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ultimatelifefcrm · 6 months
"If it's already starting to get hot outside, why don't you put your hair up in a braid?" He had overheard her complaints and couldn't help but pipe up with the suggestion. It was practically a kneejerk suggestion.
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"Or cut it." No matter how he tried to save it, it wasn't going to work.
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horoffic · 1 year
👻 "So you are Kyrie. I wasn't sure since you were so green." The sun was setting which meant that Perona's bat instincts had told her it was fine to fly. She wanted to explore Diapool but had come across a familiar face on the town's outskirts instead.
Smirking from above has they had walked below her, Perona had been dangling upside down from a tree branch with her wings wrapped around her. If not for the ears and the hands and feet, you might've mistaken her for a vampire.
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"This situation is a little weird, don't you think? But I like your hair! Very pretty."
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grymfared · 7 days
❲ @hanabisays ❳
There's sorrow that radiates from her, it's permeated the space around her, and Malchior simply watches. Because of course he does. He's distant and proud and so very numb, because very little has been written in any color on his pale gold ⎛ parchment ⎠ body. He's dipped his fingers in various paints he's seen around the Ward, but he's yet to truly stain- to be filled with anything other than the base magic of a dragon. Not that it's such a bad thing, but ... it's so strange not being able to feel much at all. He has to re-learn emotion, a rather important thing to have in the first place.
❝ Your soul aches, ❞ he says, because he's felt in in the color as he's walked over it. It's dull, but he pities her for it.
Her color feels like the weight of the world, and Malchior wonders if he'll be filled with something like that, too. Surely, if he stays too long, if she reaches out to grab him- although she seems in a state where she'd be more likely to wrap her arms around herself. ❝ Carrying such pain at your core ... I once knew someone else like that- filled with a burden that was not meant to be hers. ❞
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swordsovereign · 2 months
@deathreversed ❲ phantasm amalgam, part 1 ❳
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Ah, Death's evoker. After all the asking for familiarity, Seofon wasn't sure what to think about seeing the young mage. Her pact with Death gave her power that made her dangerous, and wasn't that something that made him want to ... at least keep an eye on her...
She's changed ever since the Captain showed her kindness. She has a place to belong.
She had one. The Captain isn't here. She doesn't have to hold back, does she? I want to have faith. I trust the Captain, and if the fearless leader of that crew says that Nier's not a threat, then I won't treat her like one. It's called benefit of the doubt and positive thinking. You should try it.
For once, Anosiete didn't have a response. Seofon counted that as a massive win on his part.
❝ It's nice to see a familiar face, ❞ Well, she's familiar to him, but he's not sure if it goes both ways. With all the coming and going on the Grandcypher, it was hard for everyone to keep track of each other. Of who they'd met and who they'd only heard of in passing... But everyone knew about the Eternals, right?
Sierokarte had often teased him about the fact that no one knew who he was at first glance. The captain hadn't known about the Eternals when they'd first met either. Ok, but most people did, right?
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❝ It's me, Seofon! Leader of the Eternals! I think this is the first time we've really met, but I've seen you here and there on the Grandcypher. What's brought you to this neck of the woods? ❞
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warriorcrown · 2 months
@waelahst // meat puppets.
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to say this lovely gentleman had a few screws loose was seemingly a generous statement. the honorable, sacred grounds of the dead he had presumably dug up on his own spoke ample of it character, as did his very existence. no sane person would sing the praises of rotting bodies operating on invisible strings in order to move about. it was depressing. eerie.
even for a man surrounded by carnage and mayhem, vegeta found himself put off.
" is that question rhetorical? "
maybe it was poised towards himself, as the madman seemed the only creature in the vicinity capable of admiring these miserable sacks of flesh. even the meat puppets themselves seemed despairing, recognizing the fault in their reanimation and lamenting it with groans out of tattered, decaying vocal cords.
" are the living so put off by you that you have to settle for the dead? "
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hollowfaith · 8 days
「✧」 After the surprise wears off, the first thing Aurelius does is take a step back while crinkling his brows.
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"You're too close," he complains.
He's been careful so far to remain mostly untainted by the strange hues haunting the other residents of the island. Not only was it annoying to get splotches of color on his suit, he doesn't even like pink (too loud and ostensibly in your face).
Unfortunately, they're sharing the same elevator for the next 100 floors in a fancy high-rise in Fibonacci. The buttons have long been stained a veritable rainbow, and even the walls show patches of color from where people leaned against them. Aurelius is careful to keep his distance from those as well while narrowing his eyes at his unwanted companion.
Pointed ears, pointed fingers, a rather...delicate-looking tail, and some sort of horns on their head...? If it wasn't for the absence of malice in the air, he'd suspect the other was a demon. Perhaps they were a devil of a different sort, as a subtle sense of danger echoes in his instincts.
"Keep your distance," Aurelius warns before looking at his watch. How long will this elevator trip take?
@viladlind ໒꒱
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rhaenyrsa · 3 months
The daughter of Harrenhal was an oddity, yet Rhaenyra didn't mind it all too much. There were plenty of oddities in her world, such as her half - brother taking her birthright, her son dying . . . Perhaps they weren't such oddities as they were tragedies. Regardless, the reputation the girl she stared at now did not frighten her. There were worse things in the world than the ramblings of a woman.
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She looks like him, but she won't say it. She bears the same strong - eyed gaze that Harwin did, the same dark locks that sprout from her boys' heads. It must be a coincidence. “ I never got to write after Lord Strong and his son passed. ” She says, hands clasped behind her back. “ I can only imagine the effects it had here. All this to say, I hope this place is thriving as it once was. ” The girl doesn't say anything, which Rhaenyra takes as a cue to leave. She clears her throat, a silent way to say excuse me, and moves to leave.
@linament: An eye for an eye.
It strikes her to her core, those same words repeating in her mind in the Dowager Queen's voice. An eye for an eye, a son for a son. Rhaenyra turns around to look at Alys, trying her best to hide her surprise and horror. “ An extreme philosophy, until one is put in the spot to live it, wouldn't you agree? ” A reality for her, a horrific, brutal reality. “ Though, completely fair and just. It leaves no room for mercy, however, and where would we all be without mercy? ” She sighs, hands clasped together. “ Forgive me, I'm not sure what came over me. Shall we go back inside? ”
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draoidhean · 22 days
Kayneth had a vague memory of this one- of what must've been another life in a time that was not his own, but it was all the same. He remembered ... was it really Waver? His former student had grown taller, he looked tired. He said something about looking up to Kayneth, and he'd buried the guilt deep down. After all, mages weren't allowed that sort of sentiment, were they? Not in a war like that. ❝ Ritsuka, was it? ❞
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❝ In another life, perhaps ... did we fight as allies a war? Or was that simply a dream? ❞ It's simply curiosity, although he's still distant. Kayneth had never really known how to reach out to others- he'd lived isolated and lonely, hadn't he? Because that was the saying- it's lonely at the top. Not that he'd ever admit it, and not that he really knew how lonely he was, because maybe that was normal. Maybe that was how it was supposed to be for mages.
He shouldn't have been a mage. He should've stayed an artist. Maybe he should've run away from home as a child. But for all the strife it had caused him, hadn't he met some amazing people by living life as a mage? By casting aside his heart, hadn't he been someone great, too?
⎛ He wouldn't let it show, but it was rather unsettling knowing that all he could do now was some rather simple illusion craft- simple to him, complex to others, but not nearly all that he'd been able to do. ⎠
❝ If so ... then ... thank you. ❞ He's never been one to ask for help, and while he'd played along, the entire thing had been so wildly unsettling- Not to mention, he had no memory of what had happened next. Waver somehow knew about letters left in his office, which could only mean that he had died- but it was better not to think of that sort of thing, right?
❲ @hopeled ❳
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f1archives · 23 days
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Daniel Ricciardo greeting fans in the paddock - Monza, 2024
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sharpsuite · 3 months
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" . . . I didn't realize sleep time would need to be mandated. "
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doctornota · 1 month
ONE KID RUNNING AROUND LOOKING LOST IS JUST BAD LUCK. There's a whole lot of worlds out there, go figure even teenagers aren't exempt from get caught up in this bullshit on occasion. But two and McCoy's starting to get a little suspicious— he's already starting to figure out that there's a certain look when folks first arrive, a little bit like a lost dog, one he'd thought was exclusive to Ed but clearly isn't. It's pretty clear: this kid just showed up, too.
Guess that's how everybody figured out he was a newcomer earlier this month. He looks affronted just from passing her on the street.
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"Good god, how many of you are there? Did they abduct a school bus or something?"
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fangirldream · 8 months
sheesh, what kinda cafe keeps its heating all screwy during the winter? it's thanks to her mechanical expertise that pascal noticed something was off (a minor issue, really), and now it's driving her up the wall!
she pokes her head out from the maintenance room (having not-so-subtly snuck in beforehand), only to be met with a familiar shade of sandy blond hair. "ohmigosh, it's you again! or... not?" she squints with a loud hmm. there's a resemblance, but... unless he suddenly got way prettier, this can't be the same person she met earlier! meh, not that it matters.
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"you mind holding something open on this here boiler while i give it a lil' ka-chunka chunka? it'll only take a sec, promise!"
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jamesherr · 2 months
com @maximeloi & @alekseii
James chegou na sauna, apenas curioso para saber como funcionava. Não se lembrava de já ter estado em uma, nem como deveria se comportar em tal lugar. As pessoas preferiam ficar em silêncio, curtindo o vapor, ou conversavam normalmente? Tagarela e extrovertido até demais, ele não segurou a língua assim que entrou e se sentou em um dos bancos. — E aí... Aleksei, não é? O cara da sombra. — Perguntou, incerto, franzindo o cenho. — Como funciona? Ela te segue em todo canto? Está aqui agora? — Passeou os olhos pelo lugar, procurando, mas a meia-luz e a fumaça, certamente, dificultavam. Nesse pequeno passear de olhos, encontrou Maxime e a expressão mudou um pouco. — Eloi! — Cumprimentou, o sorriso um pouco tenso, sem saber como agir. — Você... pode estar aqui? Quer dizer, que bom que está aqui! Você está... bem? — Os dois costumavam ter algum nível de intimidade, mas ainda não entendia bem o que estava acontecendo com ele.
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