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isola affiliated shadow the hedgehog. luminous subgiant rank. house 111.not indie friendly. icon+banner by @coracat
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ultimatelifefcrm · 1 month ago
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The cutest 🦔🌼
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ultimatelifefcrm · 1 month ago
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Guess who just watched sonic 3
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ultimatelifefcrm · 2 months ago
For Shadow's 'Choose Your Own Rerun' I've gone and picked Mistified for obvious reasons! So consider this post an information post as well as an interest check for Mistified!!
ARK Labs
Prior to the raid on the ARK, Shadow was often being tested on, as a means to help cure Maria. As well as these testing days. There were also less stressful dayes such as clases and even some recreational activity between the two kids on the ARK!
Shadow's best friend! They'll often be seen together, holding hands, very cute...She's naturally very curious and will stray a bit from her friend here. But, he's never too far behind. Do not try to hurt her :)
Black Doom (Doom's Eye)
Shadow's DNA donor. Kinda has it out for the alien hedgehog for betraying his entire race/kind. While he won't outright try to kill the hedgehog, Black Doom might be a little more malevolent with humans and the like as a way to provoke and attempt to manipulate Shadow. Whoopsie!
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ultimatelifefcrm · 2 months ago
The fog that had rolled in was proving to be quite annoying for Shadow, no matter where he turned, he felt like he was going around in circles. While it was only minutes, with the cold prickling at his neck, it felt like hours.
And each different path taken just led to a dead end...Well until this one. As he began to glide against the ground thanks to the air powered shoes, it'd make this go a little faster.
That was, until something particular caught his gaze as he sped along.
The hedgehog reached out, and called after the spectre, "Wait!" He swore he wouldn't chase any ghosts anymore, but something was tugging at his gut to not ignore this. And eventually, after what felt like a neverending path, he reached what he had been chasing.
His best friend who'd been ripped away from him on the ARK so many years ago. Ever so gently, the young girl reached down and took one of Shadow's hands in her own: while she said nothing, the beaming smile she wore on her face spoke volumes enough for him. Her presence was all he needed right now.
"Isn't it wonderful, Shadow? It's what we dreamt of so long ago! And we're here together."
With the gentle way she spoke, his ears perked right up as to not miss anything of what she said. It was like they hadn't even been separated.
"Now, what are we doing just standing here?! C'mon, let's go, there's so much to do!" And before he could even think to protest, Maria was off running with her hedgehog friend in tow, keeping as tight a grip as she can!
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ultimatelifefcrm · 2 months ago
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We previously teased that we'd be doing something different for the December event, and this is it! Because everyone is busy with the holidays and there are likely event reruns some members would like to do but can't since they never win the polls, we decided to try a period where you can choose whichever event you'd like to write during the three week event period.
There are, of course, some rules and caveats for this:
Most events are available to be chosen but not all of them. This is because some of the staff who wrote those events are no longer with us. You can find a list of eligible events at the bottom of this post!
You must choose a single event to receive event participation with on any single blog. You're more than welcome to thread with others doing other events so that they have people to write with, but you can only claim participation for a single event during this period!
There is a flat reward of a free unlock for everyone who participates regardless of whether or not the event you pick gives an unlock. This is so everyone receives an unlock regardless of the event chosen. Picking one that gives an unlock will not give you two, you will still only receive the single unlock. You must write at least 300 IC words for your chosen event to be eligible to claim the unlock.
The usual rules on the EVENT RERUN GUIDE still apply! Your character will see the city in the state that it was in during that event, and will believe everyone is going through the same thing.
As a preliminary reminder: you can only claim participation for a single event regardless of how many you participate in. Participating in multiple events is more to help others get interactions as most members will be choosing different things.
Characters are sent to a different digital reconstruction of the city depending on which rerun you're doing. Areas unique to the event are recreated in this space too.
Characters will not remember being in multiple events at the same time during the event period. You can't have a thread in Subversion and then hop into The Maskerade Festival and have your character recall being in Subversion right before that. They will remember all of the events after this event period is over, however.
Because the event reruns take place in a digital space, there is no 1:1 timeline with the outside world. Reruns have no tangible effect on the city where business continues as usual. Just because your character feels like they spent a week in an event does not mean a week has passed in the city proper. Just keep in mind that events do canonically last two to four weeks depending on the event, so your character couldn't spend more than that amount of time (from their perspective) in a single event rerun.
Below you can find a list of eligible events along with links to their information posts:
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ultimatelifefcrm · 2 months ago
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"...Bothersome." Whoever decided to attach jingle bells to his shoes would pay for this.
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ultimatelifefcrm · 2 months ago
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ultimatelifefcrm · 4 months ago
While he was more than fine with their walk being nothing more than comfortable silence. It didn't take him long to figure out that something was gnawing at her. Given that comfort wasn't his strong suit, it didn't seem that that's what Amy was looking for.
No, in fact, she wanted his opinion on a decision she made for herself. Talk about hardly fair...
"...It's not my choice to decide if I deem your wish a mistake or not. Whether we like it or not: we've forged this despair riddled path, and it's only a matter of time until one of us is next." And while he was always vague on just how long he'd been doing it, his hardened exterior definitely lent to him being in the game for far too long.
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"What's done is done. What you need to do now is not lose focus on your resolve. You've seen it firsthand, what happens when you start to feel lost. That's when you're most vulnerable." Had it not been for Amy, talking some sense into Shadow (and some slight assistance from a grief seed), he would've succumbed to a labyrinth just like Maria had those many years ago.
"Don't tell me you've started to doubt yourself. That's not something I can just let slide..."
"Shadow? Oh, um, nowhere, really. I guess I'm just... thinking, is all," Amy offers a smile and resists the urge to insist that she's perfectly fine on her own—after all, isn't that part of what her wish was all about?—but Shadow is kind to her, in his own way, and she'd feel bad to brush him off, especially since she's not sure she deserves it at this point. "...But maybe I should be heading home."
She continues walking, now in the direction of her condo. Hands clasp behind her back, eyes staring down at the ground as the toe of her boot kicks a pebble. After a minute of uncharacteristic silence, she speaks up.
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"I don't really feel like I'm getting through to him," She sighs, tilting her head only slightly to glance up at Shadow, "Shadow... Do you think my wish was a mistake? Or was it not enough...?" Sure, she's strong now—strong enough to wallop witches with her hammer and to defend herself, but... something significant is missing: the most important part.
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ultimatelifefcrm · 4 months ago
"Amy." Well, the way his voice cut through the white noise of the idle passerbys and traffic was hardly friendly, he wasn't here seeking anything malicious. Actually, quite the opposite. Despite the fact she'd been in and out of Spirale like he had, there was something to be said about how neither of them let despair take them in its inevitable hold.
Maybe they'd find a way to beat it. But, that was hopeful thinking, and maybe impossible, but the idea was enough to stave off any grief that could threaten to take hold of either of them.
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"Where are you going? I'll walk with you.." Despite his disdain for other magical girls (for more than obvious reasons), it was possible to crack through his fortified walls it seemed. And, those whom did manage to break through, though unspoken in his devout loyalty, would at least be able to see it.
While he didn't make for chatty company, he was always more than willing to be an ear for those who earned it. So, if there was something she had wanted to yap about, this was the best outlet for that!
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ultimatelifefcrm · 4 months ago
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Memories of Her psst you can get this as a print
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ultimatelifefcrm · 4 months ago
"I don't mix my business with pleasures." As that threat was a wash, as it usually was with the blue hedgehog (he really couldn't win with someone as stubborn as he was). "That is to say: no, I don't know any food places around here."
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With the threat falling upon deaf ears, in the blink of an eye, Shadow was back to his casual wear, and his weapon was nowhere to be seen once more.
"You have a look in your eyes." It reminded him of a spark that Maria had, when they both were a team. It's been just Shadow for a long time, since he had to end her suffering himself, by means of his wish. This just made the black hedgehog roll his eyes, "I'm not interested. I don't do team ups."
His hands raise in his defense as he rounds the corner, pausing himself just before he nearly runs into Shadow. He hadn't been looking for him, but he doesn't look upset to see him! In clear contrast with the other, who.. clearly wasn't thrilled. Slowly his finger extends to the tip of his spear, aiming it downwards rather than directly at him.
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"Well, it's a good thing you won't have to share, then - like you mentioned, I haven't seen any witches around. Besides, I didn't even know this was your territory. I was just having a nice walk around town! But hey, since it is your territory, that means you'd know all the good food stops around, right? Can I ask for a few tips?"
There's the attempt to switch gears from " leave me alone. " to " lets hang out! ". It's something Shadow's probably a bit sick of at this point, and he's aware - but it's not going to stop him from trying! Shadow's.. really the only other magical girl who's been doing this as long as he has. He worries - they were both beating out the odds, so they should work together to make sure they kept at it, right? Maybe this time he could keep someone from despair.
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ultimatelifefcrm · 4 months ago
@windsknight being meguca is lonely...
"YOU KEEP TAKING MISSIONS TO BENEFIT THE CITIZENS HERE WITHOUT REWARD FOR YOURSELF. WHY?" Doom's Incubator spoke aloud, following the hedgehog on the fence line.
"I don't need to explain myself to you." As they walked together, though their presences together were hardly friendly. In fact, their relationship seemed quite contentious to any onlookers.
"YOU'LL NEED TO RECHARGE IF YOU KEEP USING MAGIC SO LIBERALLY." It was unimpressed with the hedgehog, in order to cause great catastrophy, there would need to be a greater buildup rather than just losing himself because he simply used too much magic, how boring!
It's not until Shadow rounded the corner, that he ran into Sonic. It was really comical at this point. And with the incubator deciding it best to just vanish and let them go at it, it left both of the hedgehogs to their own devices!
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"I told you before. I don't share. I'll show you mercy here, but don't expect this courtesy next time." And to emphasize his threat, he brandished his spear like weapon the other's way.
"This is my territory, witches or not."
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ultimatelifefcrm · 4 months ago
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became meguca?
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ultimatelifefcrm · 4 months ago
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"If you see a disgusting one eyed black cat looking thing. I'm encouraging you to shoot it point blank."
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ultimatelifefcrm · 4 months ago
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wuh oh! become meguca? consider this a starter call for the event, capped at 2!
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ultimatelifefcrm · 4 months ago
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SHADOW. - Puella Magi Madoka Magica
✧ Formed a contract with a slightly uncanny valley incubator who was interested in his wish in particular: To prevent or change the course of her fate. A wish, that once succumbed to despair would create the Black Arms incubator's near endless supply of entropy.
✧ Unfortunately, Shadow was much more stubborn than the incubators' bargained for and has made it his new purpose in life to prevent people from going down his own path.
✧ His soul gem is obscured by his chest fur (you have to be a level 10 friend to see how much the despair has consumed me.)
✧ "How long have you been a magical girl?" "A long time." type aah.
✧ Despite he has a penchant for hand guns, his actual weapon is a golden lance he's affectionately dubbed 'Chaos Spear'. A lot of his moves involve the word Chaos!
✧ Speaking of which, his signature ability: Chaos Control manifests itself as the ability to stop time for brief bursts. It's as obnoxious as it sounds.
✧ Though, in the context of Spirale, with no contracts to prevent or witches to fight. It seems his soul gem has stopped beckoning him to recharge with grief seeds for the time being. So, now he gets to be a normal teenager! And he doesn't know what to do with that, so he's just in the corner...
✧ Black Doom vc: /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ CONTRACT, HEDGEHOG?
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ultimatelifefcrm · 4 months ago
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"Do you really expect me to fall for that?" It almost worked, that was for sure! He won't admit it though...
"Ultimate lifeform and scared don't belong in the same sentence, try again."
"Really? Sorta sounds to me like you're just saying that cause you're too scared to do it.."
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Is he being a smug bastard to try and goad Shadow into doing something silly and maybe stupid? Maybe...
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