#vayne icons
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kumihogames · 2 years ago
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kumihogames | icons dawnbringer & nightbringer
do not repost my work anywhere. like or reblog if you save it. psd khaos by @miniepsds.
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aurelion-solar · 2 years ago
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Demacia - Champion Illustration Summoner Icons
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druh19 · 1 year ago
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༝ Crystal Rose Icons |like and reblog if saved|
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aspectofthe-moon · 1 year ago
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ꜛ120x120 Firecracker skins |like and reblog if saved|
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nozomikei · 11 months ago
FFXII reblogging tonight, no remorse
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 1 year ago
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 4
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Natsuki -
"He has a flat affect, especially towards the start of the series, and a strong special interest in fishing. He does not get along with Haru and Yuki at first because he doesn't think they are taking fishing seriously, but after seeing Yuki's drive to improve and growing appreciation for his interest, he warms up to them and develops, what seems to be, the first close friendships he 's had. As the boys learn to fish, he is the source of most of the very specific fishing knowledge in the series, and after the show is finished we see that he has moved overseas to continue pursuing his special interest."
Luca -
*okay I screwed up, this submission didn't have propaganda. It WAS marked 'yes' for propaganda use though, which is where the confusion came from. At this point I'm too tired to move the bracket around though, so Luca's just gonna stay here.
Adrian -
"Not a full time boy (but a boy nonetheless, bigender icon fr) but working autism overtime."
Rui -
"aside from being an adorable piano genius with the voice of an angel? he grew up sheltered and doesn't have a lot of physical stamina but he does his best to become an idol (rescuing his own black kitten along the way) and is officially considered the most cat-like in his unit. he will eat your pudding. also he grows up! he used to be like fifteen and now he's 26?!"
Hikaru -
"He's shown to have difficulty emoting since childhood. In a particular episode, a mother comes to him to alter her child's brain and remove the parts of him that make him difficult to handle. It is heavily implied that the things she wants removed is autism and Hikaru is more upset about this than most other things in the series but seems to understand that acceptance for people like him and the kid is few and far between. He also says things that could be considered rude when it comes to situations where people ask him to alter who they are as people, such as when a friend asks him to change her sexuality so that she's straight and doesn't have to suffer heartbreak anymore."
Rei -
"AUTISTIC ICON!!!!! just like. look at him. look at that one face he makes all the time. it's hard for me to name specific examples other than the obvious fixation on shoji and like general lack of social skills because i haven't gone through the whole thing in so long but there's soooo much there. i might be talking out of my ass but it's also like? such a sensorily focused story (both the anime and manga). he could even be considered a sports anime boy if you just believed ❤️ or something ‼️"
Vayne -
"Relies on his pet cat for social cues, because the cat is better at them. The saddest, most gentle boy to ever wield a cat-sword-gauntlet. Absolutely listens to all of his friends' infodumps with infinite love and interest. Completely oblivious to how everyone in his workshop adores him by the end of the game."
Ganta -
"he has insomnia (frequently comorbid with autism). once he gains an interest in astrophotography it becomes a special interest very quickly. he's sweet and kind but also gets annoyed easily and he rides a bike and works at an arcade and wants to be a nurse and he loves his girlfriend isaki so so much"
Aoi -
"He has a very devoted special interest in the idol Takada-chan, which he frequently imagines in fights and other situations… the moment someone (Itadori) expresses equal interest in something he is passionate about, he immediately declares them besties and brothers and creates a whole elaborate shared history for them that doesn’t actually exist. He’s not really interested in connecting with people who don’t share his interests. He’s seen as somewhat strange and eccentric. Though in the present he is respected because of his strength as a sorcerer, as a child he was very isolated."
Ray -
"Due to his extremely strong memory, Ray is forced to grow up faster than his best friends and gives himself up as a lost cause in hopes of saving them. He is very sharp and smart but has massive blind spots when it comes to trusting and considering others."
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yourbelgianthings · 10 months ago
don’t yell at me for whatever iconic one missing lol this is more personal favorites although some of them are still on here too
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instantdemon · 9 months ago
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f2u Anima Squad icons | Battle Bunny Miss Fortune 🐇 Battle Cat Jinx 🐈 Battle Bat Vayne 🦇
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regedeer · 1 year ago
You wanted Jhin questions so I must ask; what's your favourite skin lore of his? Personally I'm a sucker for High Noon but I'm biased as someone who is actually a cowboy in real life -Sincerely, a wandering anon
OMG OKAY...okay hear me out... because it's between project and soul fighter because i think they're both fuckin RAD... THANK U KINDLY ANON!!!!
but i think project takes the cake because it's what got me really into jhin as a character since i started playing league during the 2017 project event,,, and i was like,, oh this guys pretty cool,,, and played him...
just with the knowledge that despite all of his,, personality fragmentation he still has a need for high-clearance upgrades just makes me giggle because he's so predictable LMAO. despite everything he still needs those upgrades constantly huh. just imagining him going from some random black-market guy to...well... Jhin is really funny to me because imagine how many of these botched upgrades he really has installed. yeah no wonder he ended up the way he did lmao. even in the story all he really cares about is the upgrade that vi/vayne has!!
also this is my favourite part of the story if you were curious (of course you were!) :
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because he knows he was once a man, simple and human, but he also most likely knows he lost himself a long long time ago and there wont be any coming back from anything hes done hes so chill with it all i wish i was as chill as him omg... also he just looks neat...
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especially his icon it looks very silly and cool
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awww look at him,, what a guy... i want his jacket. it's probably about the only thing human left of him (that's assuming it was his in the first place and he didn't like...steal it from someone he killed lmao)
ALSO I REALLY LOVED THE EVENT THEY PUT OUT. THAT SHIT WAS SO FUN!!!!!! HELL YEAH!!!!!! Thanks to riot games for fueling my special interest since 2017 love u guys...
tl;dr: project jhin my favourite lore skin & i like him a lot!! your honor he is just a silly guy
i am absolutely going feral over these jhin questions please keep 'em coming... >:))
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hybridraita · 1 year ago
[Vayne in Atelier Resleriana's 3D Model Character Showcase Review Part 1] 25 February - 13 March 2024
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This… This- this- this- this- This is first time about-about Oh no, i'am mean
Vayne Aurelius got 3D Model Character after 15+ Years!
I was surprised after first react post twitter media is actually retweet by Mana Khemia's Japanese fan, it after Atelier spin-off Nelke appeared at 2018.
I seen Raze got 3D Model Character well, not bad so my react is fine then continue search post another- KYAAAAAaaaaaahhhhh!!!
i was screaming and scared after seen Vayne got 3D Model Character with A DE- Let's see about the second trailer on youtube after reacted post twitter, I was already A first trailer days ago then
My Reaction Result: Ok, how many times have main character female again? Well everyone goes worried and disappointed because a new game is mobile game (also on PC Steam) known the Gacha Game. It worried like previous atelier online.
My eyes… Vayne as appeared in second trailer Oh my gosh...
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I tried use photoshop to edit Flip Horizontal It's better like Mana Khemia Opening Animation now hahahahaha!
Let's review about Vayne 3D model character How handsome boy his face and why his hair so differently than previous official art by Yoshizumi Kazuyuki it always his front hair has left and right, like 2D Sprite mirrored?
Ambidextrous Sprite
I was found search from TV Tropes. I never seen like that but still confused that's why his hair looks different in current official art and fanart too.
In 3D his hair has no longer be mirrored see it confirm his front hair, back hair and he's have big ahoge hair now which his hair is no longer fluffy now so it be like Nomura's favourite spiky haired i think.
My friend from twitter says: Vayne looks like a wet cat because his hair no longer fluffy anymore, is this remake character design? Oh noo, I need to see looking conpect or reference art reveal so much
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There's A Full Body and This is Al-Revis Male Uniform reveal is appeared due on Coast (it's before be update photo mode on 7 March, it will update again.)
A Canon Backside is confirmed after 15+ years, i think Al-Revis Male Uniform has jacket, however it's not, I do not know why? It's really remake character design, why Al-Revis Male Uniform had same front and back detail, it curious how and where's removing uniform inside?
If Vayne's Friends be appear in Atelier Resleriana, I wonder to see backside reveal again Not just only that, Other characters like previous Sequel of Salburg, Gramnad and Iris had too. Raze's Friends and Ulrika's Friends, will rival enemies too? I think be lame update because it should be need new redesign character reference, voice actor and more. It's like Pokemon Masters
How Vayne wear black ribbon armor now, where's Sulpher?! I do not know again... what's Vayne armor name? It's first time seen that backside! It's unlikely previous Official Art and Opening Animation too.
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I tried my best to caught screenshots, thanks use setting high quality. Oh look, why remind like Riku from Kingdom Hearts his hair "A boy with spiky hair and blue eyes"
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I did caught screenshot without- how new battle pose like that, unlikely previous 2D Sprite version. Well.
This is how look without mirrored his hair Thanks 3D Model Character, he's looks so cool like classic shonen protagonist.
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But why people called he's cute, my boy/mah boi what?! how did word come from?! you don't says about from iconic zelda meme
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I wonder if Vayne got redesign 3D Model Character… Maybe next time but i'am glad to see him so much.
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teeto-peteto · 1 year ago
…Out of curiosity, what’s your least favourite skin line?
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ah i see... blood, i like that.
Ok so i hate Riot and i like destroying like a kaiju with rabies so, i consider a skinline something that has at least 2 sets, cause saying Zenith Games would be repetitive and we all know that was a literal crime. So if i had to say one, Project.
Okay, the first release of Project was good, i dont really remember if i saw the release when i started playing, but the initial skins were good. The colors were well put on, the whole mecha but prothesic but futuristic stuff was well glued together, the designs were neat! They were simpler, but well put together. The only itch i have is that they made women have like, at least the half down of her face uncovered while the men champions get all their face covered. But yeah, Riot making gendered accentuations in skins, we have been knew, it keeps happening.
Master Yi and Ashe were cool when they came out eventually, again i think they are neat (gendered nonetheless) and Yi had cool interactions, Ashe had that toggle where she uncovers/covers with her hood when surrounded by enemies or being alone, wich is cool for a legendary skin from back in the day.
Vayne, Vi and Jhin were also good, Jhin is iconic, i think Vayne has a good skin, Vi went kinda on the irrelevant hole but its a neat skin nonetheless. See this is exactly what happends in all of the skinlines riot has exploited. They make good shit until they realize they can milk fans EVEN MORE and then start to get lazy.
I dont understand the downgrade with the next skin set. It was hideous, they made Pyke so dirty with a literal scam skin that recycles the default animations a lot of the time but still costs 15 dollars, and the whole story was very mushy imo. The gender remark on the skins started to get frustrating. Cause of course Irelia is pink cause shes a woman and she's also showing her face, Fiora was pink. Katarina is also pink. Jinx is purple thank god but thats probably because she was released alongside Irelia because in another case they would have made her PINK cause she's a GIRL. On the other hand Akali is there and everyone has ONE colour just not to mess up with the palette but they give her BLUE hair and RED weapons. Honey just pick a damn fucking colour you cant have both.
Since then everything has been crashing down, honestly i cant remember when did Katarina and Ekko appear but they were before Pyke and his gang release and i dont think they are bad skins entirely i just think its obvious that Kata is pink. At least they also show Ekko's half face.
There's this weird ass change (i didnt read the lore nor i care but...) were they were like robots at first and there was also human characters and now they're just HUMAN CHARACTERS or human characters stuck in ANIMAL MECHA SUITS im loosing a braincell typing this. Project Mordekaiser? They said it was the best skin in the whole game. Im not anyone to interfere on their opinion and i think their opinion is great but here's my angry opinion: Bullshit, fan inflated, male character oogabooga, if they did same with a female character everyone would be zzz. Project Renekton is eh? Project Warwick is also an eh? No clue why they started with a lets make the animal characters in project and put guys inside like. They dont know about the springlocks wink wink. I often forget Sejuani exists in this universe but yeah she has a robot pig. Or is it a guy in four inside a pig suit? Tell me cause i didnt get the memo quite well. Senna is purple cause making her pink was going to be obvious and anyway doesnt fit her aesthetic but its also a forgettable skin, at leasy you can pair it with Lucian, her face being shown of course cause yeah Riot being creative. Project Sylas is HIDEOUS i've never seen such a terrible concept of a skin he's just himself in his canon outfit but with changed colours and they keep trying to sell it to me for 10 dollars. Project Varus is literally the same as Akali but less painful, honey just pick a colour you cant be blue and yellow. Icky.
In conclusion: Girls in mecha futuristic suits show their faces cause they are too pretty to be covered even when there are laser blasters and stuff falling from the ceiling. Sylas is shirtless and thats his entire personality in the skinline. They made Pyke dirty (honestly this is my most painful statement, im drying my tears with my Project: Pyke and his 7 chromas). There are guys inside animal suits but Bristle is there so i just raise my eyebrow in confusion. Mordekaiser being the best thing to ever happen to humanity after the discovery of fire according to the fans. Etc
Anyway, set in on fire.
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stingslikeabee · 1 month ago
@5judgements sent: i just want to do everything in my power to help. / from zargabaath
[ from Final Fantasy VII Remake . accepting ]
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It had been something organized off-schedule and barely advertised - there was no real interest from the Resistance for that act (and neither was the Empire keen on providing any sort of assistance to those deemed inferior). It had been an idea from Melissa and her alone, but with backing from one judge magister instead of a solo adventure that could jeopardize her safety.
The girl had learned the hard way that not everyone in Old Archades welcomed the charity or the good deeds of those living in the capital proper, surrounded by luxury. The experience had been a shocking one, if not for Gabranth secretly following her and rescuing the Bhujerban before a real tragedy occurred. Unfortunately, some outlaws from the lower city had perished - but the political repercussions of someone like Melissa dying within the imperial borders would surely beget worse consequences for the fragile collaboration between the Sky City and Archadia.
But Zargabaath knew the city - he was an example of an orphan that, one day, went above and beyond what most would generally expect for one born under such unfavorable conditions. But unlike some of his peers, he did not think his own personal trajectory fair or reasonable. If there was something that he could do to ensure a better life to those living under the banner of the Empire, he definitely would lend his aid to such cause. And when Melissa suggested performing for the families and children that would never have the means to see her in the capital, he had agreed to help with preparations.
With the proper measures in place and with Zargabaath's own connections drawn into the organization, the entire affair of an evening of entertainment and escapism from their dire reality was nothing but a merry event. True to her word in relation to doing some good, the songs that Melissa danced to were the same ones that the wealthy people of the capital paid for; the colored silks and props had no difference from the ones in the art posters for the theater. The Bhujerban spared no expense and labored as hard as she did for those who financially rewarded her for every show.
When it was over, Melissa had a wide, pleased smile on her face - cheeks still sporting a light rubor thanks to the effort of her craft and with eyes sparkling from the joy brought to the people, she approached the magister after donning a more demure robe and bowed before him. Zargabaath, however, shook his had and merely took her hands into his, the gesture hardly seeming out of place given how the man looked like anyone else once he was outside the iconic armor, comfortable in his own skin away from work.
"Thank you, Severn. I will never forget the look of joy on their faces - I only wish the war would end sooner."
"No need to thank me, Melissa," his voice was kind, just as the smile which was visible in the absence of the helmet, "I just want to do everything in my power to help. This was nothing to me - and it was a great help to them."
The dancer nodded, feeling her heart still full and content from the experience; perhaps Ondore needed reminding that not everyone within Archadian borders deserved a painful ending. There were people like Severn Zargabaath who could see reason - if only he had been at the helm of the country instead of Vayne Solidor.
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aurelion-solar · 1 year ago
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Dragonmancer Summoner Icons - Vayne, Kassadin, Fiora, Rakan & Prestige Rakan
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freyayuki · 1 year ago
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia In the Garden of Evil Boss Rush Lufenia Quest
Lufenia Quests are currently the hardest kind of fight in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. They’re level 200.
In the Garden of Evil Boss Rush Lufenia Quest
The In the Garden of Evil Boss Rush Lufenia quest has 4 waves. To get all the time-limited rewards, you need to win using at least 3 parties or fewer. If you bring a char that’s synergy for this fight, the rest of your team will get boosted stats as well.
My first party was Garland from Final Fantasy I, Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII (#ad), and Paladin Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV with Ramuh as my summon.
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My Calls were Bartz Klauser’s (from Final Fantasy V), Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII), and Ramza Beoulve’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics). Tifa is synergy for this fight.
Cecil, Garland, and Tifa are fully MLB and Purple, including their LD. They have their Bloom Stones and all of their Boards have been completed.
Tifa’s High Armor has been upgraded to Blue. Cecil and Garland are equipped with their Burst weapons and they have their High Armor.
Garland has 3 ATK 108 with He Who Thirsts for Strife Boost★★ (Raises MAX BRV, ATK by 5% while Soul of Chaos buff active) Artifacts. Tifa has 3 ATK 108 with MAX BRV 330 Artifacts.
Paladin Cecil has 3 ATK 108 with Ordeal Grasping Light Boost★★ (Raises own INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF by 5% if HP is MAX at start of last wave) Artifacts. Should have replaced Cecil’s Arts with triple 108/330 instead since this party didn’t even get to the last wave, but I forgot. Ah, well.
Tifa is equipped with the following real Spheres:
Shadow’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Single Critical Attack Up Longer A Sphere
Raises ATK by 10% for 6 turns when dealing critical hit to single target
Leo Cristophe’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Single Power A Sphere
When attacking single target: • Increases BRV damage dealt by 10%
Lyse Hext’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Break Hit Attack All Longer D Sphere
After inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break: • Raises party’s ATK by 5% for 6 turns
Garland is equipped with 3 of Vayne Carudas Solidor’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Breaking Power (RF) A Spheres:
When attacking target afflicted with Break: • Increases BRV damage dealt by 4%    
Paladin Cecil is equipped with the following RF Spheres:
Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Critical Power (RF) A Sphere
Raises BRV damage dealt with critical hits by 4%
Maria’s (from Final Fantasy II) HP Heal Base Attack All Shorter (RF) C Sphere
After recovering HP: • Raises party’s INT BRV, ATK by 2% for 3 turns
The first wave only has one enemy. The Lufenia orb is increased every time the boss takes critical BRV damage. The boss has some pretty annoying gimmicks so it’s better to not let him get a turn.
When the fight started, used Cecil’s LD right away for the buffs and auras. Used Tifa’s Battle Cry then Meteor Crusher.
On Garland’s turn, had him use Bartz’s regular Call. Was second-guessing myself on whether it would work or not though because the boss was immune to all debuffs. But reading through Bartz’s Call again, there was nothing there about inflicting a debuff.
Looks like the wind enchant and imperil were both tied to the “C” icon that Garland got underneath him when he used Bartz’s Call. So I took a chance and, thankfully, it worked. Right after activating Bartz’s regular Call, I had Garland go into his Burst mode. By then, the boss was down to 88% HP.
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By the time he was about to cast Ultimate Conflict, his finishing Burst move, the boss was down to 76% HP. Thanks to Garland, the boss’s turns got pushed back a lot.
Just kept on spamming everyone’s skills since I only had 50 turns with this party anyway so there was no point saving ability uses. Garland kept on delaying the enemy and dealing a lot of damage.
Tifa dealt lots of damage too. She’s really amazing. Her DPS was off the charts, especially with her Blue armor, Garland’s BT effect, and Cecil’s auras and buffs. With her Ex, she can launch an enemy and delay them by 1 turn.
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Cecil didn’t deal much damage. His healing wasn’t that useful either since the enemy never got a turn but his auras and buffs were amazing and really helped Tifa and Garland dish out a lot of damage.
I’m sure wave 1 would have been a lot harder if the boss actually got a turn, but since that never happened, he basically just stood there while my chars attacked and attacked some more.
My party only had 24 turns left when they finished off wave 1′s boss and got to the second wave. There are 2 enemies on this wave. The Lufenia orbs here are increased when the enemies take BRV damage.
Once again, just spammed skills and delayed the enemies to oblivion. Summoned Ramuh when I only had 5 turns remaining. By then, one enemy was down to 34% HP while the other was at 24% HP.
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On Tifa’s turn, used the last of her LD, Meteor Crusher. On a side note, it’s really nice to see her with so much brave. She can get a lot even outside the summon.
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Was already more than pleased with this team. They’d already done more than enough by getting past wave 1 and like more than half of wave 2 so I didn’t mind if they weren’t able to finish wave 2. But they’re all so super special awesome that they were able to finish off wave 2′s bosses by the time the summon ended.
Two turns before the summon ended was Garland’s turn. One enemy was at 1% HP while the other was at 14% HP. His Bind of Chaos+ finished off the boss who was at 1% HP and left the other at 5% HP. Tifa finished off the last enemy with her Beat Rush+.
My chars entered the 3rd wave with 5 turns remaining. I think they might have been able to go all the way to the last wave if there was no turn count limit per party and they had ways of dealing with the rest of the Lufenia orbs. Nevertheless, it’s really great how they were able to get this far.
Anyway, so Paladin Cecil was all out of his LD. He still has 4 uses of Saint’s Fall and 5 uses of Holy Flame left.
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Garland has 1 use of Bind of Chaos+, 4 uses of Round edge+, and 5 uses of Soul of Chaos+ left. On his turn, used the last of his LD.
Tifa has no more uses of her LD but she still has 4 uses of Beat Rush+ and 1 use of Battle Cry left.
By the time it was Tifa’s turn, there were only 3 turns left before I had to switch my party. Used the last of her Battle Cry then her HP Attack (Full Throttle) for the instant turn rate then either her Ex or Beat Rush+ for her last turn.
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For my second party, I decided to bring Terra Branford from Final Fantasy VI, Ramza, and Galuf Halm Baldesion from Final Fantasy V with Shiva as my summon.
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My Calls were Bartz’s, Tifa’s, and Amidatelion’s (from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers).
Galuf, Terra, and Ramza are fully MLB and Purple, including their LD. They have their Bloom Stones and all of their Boards have been completed.
Galuf’s High Armor has been upgraded to Blue. Terra and Ramza are equipped with their Burst weapons and Terra has her High Armor.
Terra has 3 ATK 108 with Trance Boost★★ (Raises INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF by 5% if HP is MAX at start of last wave) Artifacts.
Galuf has 3 ATK 108 with Buff Attack Up★★ (Raises ATK by 5% with active buffs) Artifacts.
Ramza has 3 ATK 108 with Mightiest Squire Boost★★ (Raises INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF by 5% if HP is MAX at start of last wave) Artifacts. Should have replaced Terra’s and Ramza’s Arts with triple 108/330 but I forgot.      
Galuf is equipped with the following real Spheres:
Eight’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Evasion Attack Up Shorter A Sphere
Raises own ATK by 20% for 3 turns when evading enemy attack *Does not stack with same sphere
Galuf Halm Baldesion’s (from Final Fantasy V) Evasion Attack Up Longer B Sphere
When dodging attack: • Raises ATK by 10% for 6 turns
Wakka’s (from Final Fantasy X) Buff Attack Boost All 5 D Sphere
With 5 or more buffs: • Raises party’s MAX BRV, ATK by 5% *Does not stack with same sphere
Terra is equipped with the following real Spheres:
Gau’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Full HP Power A Sphere
Increases BRV damage dealt by 10% while HP is MAX
Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Buff Success Attack All Longer D Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party’s ATK by 5% for 6 turns
Yuffie Kisaragi’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Debuff Success Attack Boost Up Shorter E Sphere
Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns when inflicting debuff on target
Ramza is equipped with 2 of Sazh Katzroy’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Critical Attack All Longer RF D Sphere:
When dealing critical hit: • Raises party’s ATK by 2% for 6 turns
The third wave has 2 enemies. The Lufenia orbs here are increased by dealing magic BRV damage.
When I started wave 3 with this team, one of the enemies was already down to 88% HP while the other was at 75% HP thanks to Garland, Cecil, and Tifa.
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Terra took the first turn. Had her use one of her base skills. On Ramza’s turn, used his LD to get his overhead buff up and running for the party auras. On Galuf’s turn, used Shirahadori+ and Dawn Katana for the buffs and auras. Also had him use Bartz’s LD Call.
When Terra got to move again, had her use Tifa’s LD Call then activated her Burst mode. By then, the Lufenia orbs were at 1. Was really pushing it since only Terra can handle the orbs here.
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By the time she was about to cast Trance Ultima, her finishing Burst move, the orbs were at 9 and 7 while the enemies were at 66% and 57% HP.
Afterwards, just continued spamming skills. Everyone did pretty well, especially considering no one has synergy stats. Terra took a lot of turns thanks to her LD. In retrospect, I should have spammed her LD more since I didn’t get to use it in the last wave.
Also in retrospect, maybe I shouldn’t have brought Glauf to this wave and with this party. I wanted to use him in the boss rush, especially since I even upgraded his armor to Blue but I feel like he didn’t get to shine much with this party. He batteried his allies and he provided decent buffs and auras.
However, thanks to Terra being able to get multiple turns, the enemies only got to move a few times which also meant that Galuf only got to counter their attacks a few times.
Ramza supported the party with his buffs, auras, and battery. The primary reason why I brought him here though was that when the enemies get down to 29% HP, they gain massive amounts of brave and you’ll deal 1 BRV damage until you break them. Ramza’s Shout can instantly break one enemy.
The timing got a bit messed up though. It was Terra’s turn when the massive brave damage reduction happened. Had to summon Shiva so I could quickly get to Ramza’s turn already.
Then when he finally got to move, I ended up just having him use Amidatelion’s LD Call instead of his Shout skill. Amidatelion’s LD Call reduced the brave of all enemies to 0 so it’s easy to break them. I opted for this instead of Ramza’s Shout since it’s AoE whereas Shout was single target.
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Another thing I kinda regret was using up all of Ramza’s LD on this wave. Should have saved at least 1 for the final wave since his LD launches. It’s fine though. I mean, things still worked out anyway. There were only 21 turns left by the time Terra finished off both bosses.
The final wave has 2 enemies. The Lufenia orbs here are increased by dealing wind BRV damage.
My current party has no way of taking care of the orbs here other than by using Bartz’s regular Call since I didn’t think that they’d be able to get this far.
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This team wasn’t prepared for this wave at all, but they did well enough, all things considered.
Terra was gimped here since the bosses heavily resist magic and I didn’t have anyone to imperil and enchant her. However, thanks to the battery from her allies and her brave gains before her attacks, she was able to deal decent enough damage.
Refrained from using Terra’s LD, so the enemies got to move more often. This also meant that Galuf got to counter more as well. Then I managed to get both bosses down to below 79% HP.
When that happened, a message appeared on the screen, saying something about the bosses. From looking it up, it seems they just used Sylvan Union and they need to be launched to get rid of this.
Couldn’t do anything about that though and by then my party only had a few turns left so I didn’t think it mattered anymore. Was basically just waiting for time to run out and for the game to prompt me to switch parties.
Before that though, the enemies were set to move. Didn’t think that’d be so bad since I had Galuf. I thought, why not let him deal more damage via his counters, right?
So the enemies attacked and suddenly Galuf was at 1 HP. All his buffs had disappeared. Welp, guess I should have paid more attention to that Sylvan Union thing.
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At least Galuf didn’t die thanks to his Last Stand. Still, was very annoyed about this because now instead of 0 HP damage, I ended up with 10685 HP damage.
One of the mission requirements was to take 15k or less HP damage so the HP loss wouldn’t cost me the run. Nevertheless, this was infuriating. So I decided to “Retry from wave 4″. Did pretty much what I did before.
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That is, until the bosses dropped down to 77% and 79% HP. The orbs were currently at 15.
It was Ramza’s turn and I still had 6 turns left with this party. Didn’t want to risk Galuf being brought down to 1 HP again though so I decided to “Retire current party and continue with next party”.
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My third and final team was Bartz, Kadaj from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, and Dark Knight Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV with Pandemonium as my summon.
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My Calls were Keiss’s (from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers), Tifa’s, and Fujin’s (from Final Fantasy VIII).
Bartz, Kadaj, and Dark Knight Cecil are fully MLB and Purple, including their LD. They have their Bloom Stones and all of their Boards have been completed.
Kadaj’s High Armor has been upgraded to Blue. Bartz is equipped with his Burst weapon and his High Armor.
Cecil has 3 ATK 108 with MAX BRV 330 Artifacts. Kadaj has 3 ATK 108 with Remnant Up★★ (While Latent Thoughts active: Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 5%) Artifacts.
Bartz has 3 ATK 108 with Simple Mastery Boost★★ (Raises party’s INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF by 5% while 2 abilities mastered) Artifacts.
Kadaj is equipped with the following real Spheres:
Garland’s (from Final Fantasy I) Break Hit Raging Attack Up A Sphere
Raises ATK by 2% when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break up to 5 times, once per turn
Oerba Yun Fang’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Break Hit Attack Up Longer A Sphere
Raises ATK by 10% for 6 turns when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break
The Emperor’s (from Final Fantasy II) Debuff Success Attack Up Longer E Sphere
Raises own ATK by 10% for 6 turns when inflicting debuff on target
Dark Knight Cecil is equipped with the following RF Spheres:
Jecht’s (from Final Fantasy X) Critical Base Attack Up Shorter (RF) A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises INT BRV, ATK by 4% for 3 turns
Alphinaud Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Buff Success Base Attack All Shorter (RF) C Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party’s INT BRV, ATK by 2% for 3 turns
Seymour Guado’s (from Final Fantasy X) Debuff Success Raging Attack Up (RF) E Sphere
When inflicting debuff on target: • Raises own ATK by 3% up to 2 times, once per turn *Does not stack with same sphere
Bartz is equipped with the following RF Spheres:
Seven’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Weak Power (RF) A Sphere
When attacking target’s weakness: • Raises BRV damage dealt by 4%
Alphinaud Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Buff Success Base Attack All Shorter (RF) C Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party’s INT BRV, ATK by 2% for 3 turns
Hope Estheim’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Buff Success Attack Boost All Shorter (RF) D Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party’s MAX BRV, ATK by 2% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
I brought Bartz to deal with the Lufenia orbs here. He’s synergy for this fight and he’s a good support with pretty decent buffs and auras, especially with his Burst effect.
Brought Cecil for the launches. He also provides HP damage up and he batteries the party when he launches.
Brought Kadaj since I wanted to use him. He’s the first char I Blued. He’s a debuffer with some DPS capabilities. He can gold frame his debuffs so they can’t be dispelled.
When I started the last wave with this party, the Lufenia orbs were at 15, the enemies were at 77% and 79% HP, and it was turn 60.
Used Kadaj’s Additional Ability (AA), Tifa’s LD Call, then Kadaj’s LD.
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On Cecil’s turn, used both of Keiss’s Calls (with his regular Call, I targeted Bartz), his LD then Valiant Blow+.
On Bartz’s turn, used Fujin’s LD Call then went straight into his Burst mode. By the time he was about to cast Quick Spellblade Dual-Wield Rapid Fire, his finishing Burst move, the enemies were down to 53% and 49% HP.
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Afterwards, just kept on spamming skills. Got to launch the enemies a lot thanks to Dark Knight Cecil. Between him and Bartz and even Kadaj’s own brv gain, there was a lot of battery to be had.
With all the buffs, debuffs, and auras that were currently up, everyone was able to deal a lot of damage. It was really awesome to see my chars with so much brave, especially Kadaj who got brave that broke the 99999 cap thanks to his Blue armor.
To prevent the bosses from getting a turn, I summoned Pandemonium on turn 67.
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Dealt even more damage during the summon so before it ended, the bosses were down to 8% and 9% HP.
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On the last turn before the summon ended, one boss was at 1% HP while the other was at 8% HP.
It was Cecil’s turn. Bartz and Kadaj had more than 100k+ brave. Used Cecil’s Valiant Blow+ to launch the boss who was at 8% HP. Bartz’s HP attack took the enemy down to 3% HP. Kadaj finished him off.
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The summon ended, leaving one enemy who was basically dead already since he only had 1% HP remaining.
It was Bartz’s turn. Any one of his moves could have finished off the last boss already. Was hoping for Kadaj to be the one to deal the killing blow though. Unfortunately, that wasn’t possible since even Bartz’s BRV+ attack deals HP damage.
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So Bartz was the one who ended the fight on turn 69. Managed to get the score and all the other mission requirements.
The bosses on the last wave never got a turn. Bartz, Kadaj, and Cecil had plenty of skills left. Heck, they still had 36 turns left before I had to switch them out.
Feels like they really steamrolled this wave. I think I could and should have just switched to them the moment Terra, Galuf, and Ramza got to this wave.
Anyway, here are screenshots of my parties:
Party 1
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Party 2
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Party 3
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All parties
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So, what about you? Which chars did you use to complete these Lufenia Quests? Have you decided to Blue a char’s High Armor? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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aspectofthe-moon · 1 year ago
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୨☆ノ Dragonmancer Fiora, Rakan, Prestige Rakan, Vayne & Kassadin Icons |like and reblog if saved|
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atlascolors · 4 years ago
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      ˀ̣ ご愛猫ス 𝗹Ꭵ𝗸𝗲ᩚ 𝗼𝗿 𝚁𝖾𝗯𝗹꩜𝗴 ! ꉂ 𖤐 ⋮ !ꐚ  𝗰𝗿𝟑𝗱𝗶𝘁𝘀 ლ𝕖. ─ 𝚂𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗹𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝙻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 ☆★ ¡ଡ଼ⴰマミとモ𑇛ᩚ䨻䕽›᠉︵ இ 💭♨️🖇・⍰コ ᦰ 🍄꒧ⴰ ⍣ 爱❛◞ <3′
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