#vav ayno scenario
emeraldbabygirl · 11 months
Cooking with VAV
I wanted to do a ‘how would vav cook or bake’ like a scenario and reaction in one kinda thing. Mostly because St.Van is the god of cooking but I thought I’d do the other members too.
Loves it when you ask to cook with him or when you want him to teach you how to make something
Geumhyuk excels at both cooking and baking, truly an all round husband uwu
Lou I feel would be really good at baking like Geumhyuk and he would always have a mountain of recipe books that are bookmarked with recipes he wants to try
Ayno wasn’t big on cooking, he usually left the cooking to you but there were a few things he loved to cook and bake and whenever he wanted to cook he’d ask you to help him
Ziu wasn’t really into baking but he loved helping you in the kitchen whenever you asked
ACE is similar to Geumhyuk and Lou, he loves to cook whether it’s with your or for you but he was bad at baking so he always asked for help from Hosung or Geumhyuk or you when you wanted to bake something like a cake
Wooyoung’s favorite thing to bake is bread. He loves the fresh smell of homemade bread
Baron was just beginning to learn how to cook, he was taking lessions from Geumhyuk and Hosung every few weeks and when their was a recipe he loved he came home to replicate it. Sometimes it would turn out excellent
Jacob always did his best when it came to cooking, he never wanted to ask for help but you would always stand by him in case he changed his mind, or accidentally set something on fire
Jacob was strange when it came to cooking or baking. For example, he could make up his own recipes and execute them perfectly but when it came to following any other recipe he was bad at it. This always discouraged him and you always reminded him that with practice he’d get better
He’d refuse to take lessons, even if it was from Geumhyuk or Hosung. He wanted to learn all on his own
Another strange thing was how Jacob cooked. He knew how to boil water, grill a steak, even make ?flambay? but when it came to frying anything he chickened out. He could bake cookies and pop popcorn, make homemade ice cream, but he couldn’t bake a cake
I’m just gonna post this now to thing blog instead of my writing one and then move it later. It’s shitty kinda but meh maybe I’ll make it better later
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pocket-scenarios · 4 years
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(Admin: Sxng, it is PS’s 4th birthday soon so I’m bringing back one of our most popular formats. Also this one is shorter in comparison to the others I think. It has been awhile since I checked out the older ones)
The cutest dork
He’s bouncy and really energetic most of the time.
He can be hard to keep up with sometimes because of just how energetic he is.
Forehead kisses at random
He is so clumsy
He knows how to laugh at himself though
Kinda embarrassing in public
Probably makes you want to hide in a hole on a regular basis.
Yoonho is, of course, human and does have low days.
He typically keeps his issues to himself, he’ll write them into lyrics in an attempt to get them off of his chest.
Yoonho would rather not get you down when he is, so he tends to go quiet for a few days when something happens.
If he is still having a hard time after a few days he will confide in you, but he apologizes while doing it.
You really just want him to know he doesn’t have to apologize but he still does, no matter how many times you tell him it’s not necessary.
He invites you to the studio when he is working on something new
Despite his busy schedule he always tries to give you an update so you don’t worry about why he is not answering.
He brings you souvenirs from tours.
Yoonho is always so bright while talking about stories from tour
It makes you feel warm, listening to how happy he is.
Mature Part:
He’s clumsy, he struggles a bit to get his clothes off
He gets nervous easily, but it’s cute.
Yoonho wants to make you feel good
He likes to watch your expression while he touches you.
Laughing during sex happens a lot with the two of you
His hands are always somewhere on you
Your thighs and hips are particularly a favorite of his
He likes to leave hickeys, but only in places where he can see them
He loves holding you during sex.
You on his lap with his arms wrapped around you middle, his head pressing against your shoulder.
He is not loud during sex most of the time, but he does whimper and gasp into your shoulder.
He also rambles sweet nothings
He likes having his hair pulled but won’t admit it
Also won’t admit that he loves being praised too, but please keep praising him.
After sex the two of you usually end up just cuddling until you fall asleep, well as long as it is at night.
If it is during the day the two of you usually end up in the shower together.
← Previous Boyfriend!St.Van  //    →
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kpophours · 4 years
prompt game | vav - ayno x fem. reader | roomate!au, friends to lovers | fluff
warnings - slight mentions of drinking/alcohol
requested - @excindrela​
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The monthly movie night with your roommate has... escalated quite a bit by now. It’s almost 3am and you have decided to play a little drinking game - two truths, one lie. You’re already a giggling mess, because Ayno’s lies are becoming more and more elaborate with every round. “Okay, so, when I was younger, I had an earthworm for a pet and was heartbroken when it died, I was almost kidnapped by a mafia gang and”, he hesitates for a few seconds, tongue darting out of his mouth to wet his lips while he pushes his light brown hair out of his face, “I have a crush on my roommate.” You blink at him, confusion written all over your face. You laugh, a bit nervous all of the sudden, heart beginning to beat rapidly. “Okay, maybe I’m crazy but did I just hear you say that out loud? You got abducted by a mafia gang?!”, you ask, and cup your own cheeks because they feel very hot all of the sudden. Ayno shakes his head, fixating you with both eyes, his gaze intense, and reaches out one hand to grab yours. “I- ... You confuse me.”, you whisper and duck your head, averting your eyes and fixating the drink in front of you - a margarita, your favorite. Your roommate slips two fingers under your chin, gently lifting your head so you have to look at him again. “You had no idea, did you?”, he murmurs, and tilts his head to one side, a soft expression on his face. You smile at him, feeling shy and giddy and excited all at once, and shake your head. “About you being almost kidnapped by a mafia gang? No, I didn’t know.”, you joke weakly, and Ayno grins, leaning closer. “About my crush, silly.”, he whispers, voice low, and then - finally - his lips are on yours.
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dougiewonderland · 5 years
VAV // How They’d Propose
A/N: Sorry if some of these don’t fit the members as well as you think, I’m still getting into VAV so I only have a basic knowledge of their personalities.  I also don’t know that much about Korean or Chinese tradition so if anything doesn’t fit please let me know in anon or message!
Photos and gifs are not mine: credit where credit is due!
St. Van/Geumhyuk:
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Tries to cook a grand romantic meal
He even lit candles on the table and turned the lights down low to set the mood
Unfortunately because of nerves the cooking goes all awry and is unfit for the proposal so he orders takeout instead
You walk into the house after work all confused as to why there’s candles with takeout
He just brushes it off and you guys enjoy candle-lit takeout
A week later he’s just casually making you guys dinner
After he finishes making it he decides tonight is the night (because he successfully made a nice dinner tonight and all)
So he quickly lights candles and freshens up and dresses nicely
You kinda suspect something but also don’t? after the candle lit takeout
He fumbles his words all during the meal when you make conversation which makes you suspicious of his plans
After the entree he takes your hands in his and just stares in your eyes before he finally reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little black box with shaky hands
“So I’ve been wanting to do this for a while…”
“...you mean everything to me and I’ve known since day one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, so will you do me the honour of marrying me?”
You just smile ear to ear and nod, mustering out a “yes” after a few seconds of tears streaming down your cheeks
He stands up with you next to him and slides the ring on your finger, giving you a loving, passionate kiss
He also left rose petals on the bed in the shape of a heart for you to discover later ;)
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Wants to take you to a place as beautiful as you are
He found a lovely spot along the Han River that doesn’t seem to get a lot of traffic and thinks that’ll be a perfect spot
Decides to do it at sunset to make sure it’s a memorable moment for you
You guys head out to walk around the city and get dinner when he suggests you guys walk along the river because it’ll be pretty
You agree of course, he did always know the best spots in the city
You guys reach the spot he found and there’s other people there also watching the sunset
You hear him mumble something under his breath about it but don’t think too much about it
You guys watch the sunset and enjoy each other’s presence
He looks at you and stares into your eyes, remarking about how beautiful they are, making you blush
As the sun finishes setting, the other people leave and he sighs biting his lips, almost as if he’s anxious
You cock your head at him and he just smiles at you
Eventually he turns to you and just looks into your eyes more, a calm smile on his face
A sudden wave of reassurance and calm washes over him looking at you
He pulls out the ring and gets on one knee, smiling at the look on your face
“You’re my world and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you.  Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”
“Of course!  I want nothing more than to spend my life with you too!” you say as you nod
As tears start streaming from both of you he stands up and puts the ring on your finger before pulling you in for a passionate kiss
He just holds you and twirls the ring on your finger as you both look out at the river and the rest of the city, city lights twinkling in the reflection in the water
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To him he had it all planned out
Since you guys worked out together sometimes, he would use that to his advantage to surprise you
He didn’t think you’d ever suspect him to do it at the gym
So he decided that he’d do it one of the days you guys train together
In your usual routine you guys hold each other’s feet down when you do sit ups
So one day you guys are doing your usual routine when you get to the sit ups
He makes you go first (as in you do sit ups first) while he holds your feet down
You normally switch it up each time so you think nothing of it
You do a few sit ups until around sit up 10 you sit up
And there he is in front of you holding a ring
You just alternate your stare between him and the ring in shock
“I wanted to surprise you as best I could, but you make me the happiest person on earth.  Will you marry me?”
The few other people in the gym are aww-ing and you nod and say yes of course you’d marry him!
He slips the ring on your finger and you tell him “you definitely succeeded in surprising me” to which he smirked, proud of himself
But of course your workout isn’t done and he still has to do sit ups and you have to finish your routine
Every time he does a sit up he gives you a kiss, a proud smile on his face all day
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This lil bean
He decided to choreograph a little dance you and combine his love of dance with his love for you
Precious baby practiced so hard to make it perfect and at the end he’d pull you up to dance with him and would end the choreo with the proposal
He stayed late at the studio so many nights perfecting it
He even got Baron to help him, after all he wants it to be flawless
As your anniversary is coming up he decides he’ll do it then
“I have an anniversary gift for you~”
He takes you to the studio where he puts on the song he created to the choreography to (you can pick whatever song you want it to be, just imagine something slow and romantic)
He dances flawlessly, occasionally looking at you to make sure you like it
You’re having the time of your life and feel spoiled that he’d spend all his time coming up with something like this for you
The ending comes up and he pulls you up to join him
You tell him you don’t know what to do to join and he just says to follow along
As he goes to get the ring out he accidentally drops it (silently cursing himself for not keeping it in the box) but picks it up before you can see, but you still hear it
“What was that?”
He twirls you one last time and as you return to face him there he is with the ring in between his fingers and you just look at the ring in shock
“Is that...is that what I think it is?”
“I know it’s our anniversary but this choreography is more than just a gift.  I wanted to show you how much I love you in the best way I know how.  Y/N, will you marry me?”
Obviously you say yes, you can’t deny lovestruck Ayno
You hug him and give him a sweet kiss, “Yes of course I’ll marry you”
Ayno is beaming with happiness as all the members barge in to congratulate you guys (so much for privacy for two seconds lmao)
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Would do it on a trip to China to meet his family
Wants you to meet his family and have you guys connect first
After he sees you guys getting along so well he knows he wants to seal the deal and make you his for keeps
He double checks with his family who are ecstatic about it and give him the thumbs up
Will take you to his favourite place in his hometown
Someplace scenic that he wanted to show you anyway, but also wants to make an even more special place in his heart
You guys get there and just appreciate the view for a bit and each other’s presence
He asks you what you think of his family
You tell him you adore them and hope they adore you as much as you do them
He tells you they do which makes you happy
That’s when he looks into your eyes for a second before pulling out the ring
‘My family loves you as one of theirs.  Would you do us the honour of becoming a part of our family?”
You start happy crying and say yes a thousand times all while he’s smiling and tearing up that you said yes
He puts the ring on your finger before taking your hand in his while you guys just enjoy the view a bit more
His family is thrilled you said yes and throw a small celebration in honour of your engagement
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I feel like Lou would want to do it somewhere private??
Like just the two of you, he wouldn’t want an audience
He’d either take you to a secluded scenic area or just do it at home one night
He’d have to gather the courage for months beforehand because what if you say no??
Once he finally chocks up the courage he sneaks out during practice one day with one of the members to pick out a ring because he’s afraid of making the wrong choice and wants the opinion of the member you’re closest to (besides him of course)
But the member almost spoils it next time you’re at the dorms by talking about the excursion with Lou and Lou lowkey wants to kill the member
Once all the members know what he plans on he knows he has to do it soon so they’ll stop teasing him
He takes you to your favourite place to eat (even if it’s a food truck he doesn’t care he just wants you to have your favourite food) then takes you to a movie
Afterwards you guys head home and settle in on the couch to watch something
You can see him fidgeting with his fingers but don’t say anything
After a few minutes of fidgeting and shaking he turns to you
“So I wanted to do this at home with just the two of us…”
You’re confused and slightly worried
Like is he going to break up with you??  Did something happen??  You have no clue and it makes you a little anxious
“So I’ve been thinking about this for a while now…” he says as he holds your hands
Finally after not being able to speak he pulls out the little box and presents it to you with a heavy blush dusting his cheeks
“...will you...um...will you marry me?”
You sigh with relief and give him a kiss “yes of course I will”
He gives you a kiss back and puts the ring on your finger, just admiring you for a minute because ??? you said yes???
Next time he goes to the dorms the members immediately start teasing him not realizing you came with
He just pulls you towards them and shows them your ring with a proud smile on his face
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I feel like he’d be the type to do it spontaneously
Like you guys would be doing something random like chilling at home on the couch together
Or walking in the park with bubble tea or street food
And he would suddenly feel compelled to ask, like something just clicks inside him
There’s no planning but he just knows
If you’re at home he finds something resembling a ring or pulls one of your rings out of your jewelry box and asks you with that
If you’re at the park he’d fashion a blade of grass or a flower stem into a ring and use that
“Let’s get married”
You’re just like ??? where did this come from?
But you of course say yes no matter what
He takes the makeshift engagement ring and puts it on your finger
Immediately takes you back to dorms to tell the rest of the group (and to tease the single members that the maknae got engaged before them because he’s a lil shit)
A couple weeks later you guys go down to the shop and buy your wedding rings together
He uses your newly acquired wedding ring to propose again except with a formal ring this time
Though if anyone ever asks to see the wedding ring you show them the makeshift one because you think it’s cute
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VAV “You call them daddy”
VAV Masterlist                                Group Masterlist
Ask:  If your request are still open can you do Vav and stray kids reacting to you squirting and calling them daddy. If that’s not to much😅
I changed the request a little to just calling them daddy because well... I did feel like it was a bit much  😅 Also I haven’t written something like this in such a long time so please if it sucks I apologize
St. Van/Geumhyuk: 
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Geumhyuk’s fingertips moved up your spine teasingly, looking up at your face as his hand gripped your hair and tugged. Your neck was now fully exposed to him as you gripped his shoulders, needing something to hold onto as he fucked up into you. 
Your mouth opened into a silent cry as your nails dug into his skin even more, making him smirk up at you. Your words came out jumbled, inaudible as you felt yourself tetering on the edge. “What was that, princess/prince?” He asked, stilling his thrusts and making you whine. “Daddy, you make me feel so good.” You choked out and he used his grip on your hair to make you look at him. The smile on his face was undeniable as he looked at your fucked out face, matching your fucked out words. 
“Daddy, that’s a sweet little nickname.”
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Chunghyeob’s slender fingers moved your core gently, almost teasingly, no most definitely teasingly. You could tell by the smile on his face as he looked down on you. Just as you thought he was about to give you what wanted, his fingers moved back to your thighs and you couldn’t help but whine. 
“Daddy, don’t tease me. Please.” You whined at him, grabbing his arm and tried guiding it back to where you need him most. He started laughing, moving to take a step back and taking his touch with him. “You’re so impatient. Maybe you should touch yourself instead. No, you should touch yourself instead.” He was smiling at you cheekily because he knew exactly how badly you wanted him. 
“Make sure to moan that sweet name while you do.”
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Wooyoung held your hips down onto his own as he forced you to stop moving. You really had no choice but to abide, but you could express your frustration towards it. “Doesn’t patience make everything better?” He asked, knowingly and you bucked your hips. Wooyoung’s hand moved up, gripping your chin and made you look at him. 
“Come on kitten, doesn’t it?” He asked and your eyes locked with his. “Yes, daddy.” You bat your eyelashes at him and he tutted. “You know exactly what to say to drive me crazy.” You couldn’t help but giggle at his words, until he fucked up into you roughly and your laughter turned into a gasp. 
“Don’t drive daddy too crazy though.”
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The work of those dancers hips reduced you to moans and whimpers only, gripping the sheets with your face burried in the pillows. His hands moved over your ass to your hips, lifting them off the mattress so he could fuck into you harder. 
“Daddy.” You moaned into the sheets and Yoonho smiled, allowing one of his hands to move up your back to your hair. Tugging it, he lifted your face out of sheets. “What was that?”He asked, your back now arching as you felt yourself get close. “Daddy, please don’t stop.” Your words egged him on, the force of his thrusts intensifying immensly.  
“I’ll give you what you want babygirl/boy, only because you asked so kindly.”
Jacob/Jang Peng:
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It was a game of teasing, your hand brushing over his crotch, his hand travelling a little further up your thigh than normal, you bending over and exposing your favorite underwear to him. It really was just a matter of time before he pulled you into your bedroom.
“You really love teasing.” He mumbled in your ear as he kissed down the side of your neck. “Don’t act like you don’t.” You retorted, gripping his hair to pull his lips to yours. “I do, because I like the way you respond.” He bit at your bottom lip making you smile. “Do your damage, daddy.” You told him, making Jacob pause and look at you. 
“You’re pushing all my buttons babydoll. Just how I like it.”
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The hand petting your hair was used as praised and a way to keep you there, his cock deep in your mouth. Hosung was always so gentle yet commanding in the way he controlled you. You looked up at him, blinking as you swallowed around him. 
The hand in your hair pulled you off of him and he leaned down towards you, pressing your forehead to his. “You always treat me so well.” He said softly, running his thumb over your lips to wupe away some of your spit. You blinked up at him with a soft smile and threaded your fingers through his hair. “Anything for you daddy.” Your words came out without thought but you watched his lips curl into a bigger smile. 
“That’s a new name baby, but I love it.”
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“Look at me.” He groaned, threading his fingers through your hair. Your eyes were still closed, feeling completely fucked out and out of focus. But his hips never stilled. “Look at me.” He said again, your eyes opening to lock with his. 
“You always take me so well. But you don’t always listen.” He commented as a moan tore from your lips. “I’m sorry, Daddy.” Your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to you. Heejun grunted at your nickname for him, really quite loving the way it sounds. He burried his face into your neck, hands moving to your thighs for leverage. 
“I love the way that sounds.”
A/N: idk how this is, I haven’t written like this in forever.
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mileyjassie · 4 years
"𝖂𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝕬𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙 𝕸𝖊?"
Pairing: Ayno (VAV) x reader
Genre: Suggestive (but pretty romantic tho)
Word Count: 4K
Synopsis: You're afraid of start loving someone you know nothing about, but he will show you that he's not that different from you. Remembering that English is not my mother language so sorry for any mistakes
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You shouldn't be there, you didn't like it, you didn't like the place and didn't like the people.
It would be normal to see yourself in your house looking at the mirror before going to sleep and then going to bed, but by coincidence you decided to go, and by coincidence you saw him that night. You would not speak to someone like him, you would not approach for personal reasons but not by prejudgement. But by coincidence, that time, that one time, you sat with him, and he sat with you. It was an exception, just that one time.
He was different, he was really different from you. Curiosity could soon be discovered in your watchful eyes. His dark hair hid the sight of his eyes, but by the pool of that house sometimes when the lights danced above you, you could see a spot of light hidden in his well-designed eyes. The way he looked at you was different from the way others looked at him.
He had seen something in you, something that seemed clear. But you couldn't understand what was holding you to that person. What drew you so much attention? His appearance was already peculiar, it was already something to become personal, so you knew it was not his appearance that got you sitting next to him for so long.
— Did I get your attention? ... — He asked quietly, discreetly, even if the party around didn't ask for it. You almost saw a nice smile come out of the corner of his mouth, but it didn't happen anyway. — It usually happens ... did I scare you? ...
— You didn't scare me, I don't think you're scary ... You look like that because you like it more, it doesn't scare me.
He remained silent and calm, moving minimally for any gesture. It would be a risky bet to characterize him as shy, but you kept thinking it was, for you it was a good guess that maybe some others would not agree.
— What caught your attention about me? ... — He asked in the same tone, but you couldn't look at him for much, the lights were dim, he could hide his gaze, but he didn't feel like he was doing it.
— I'm trying to find out ...
He nodded slightly, without complications. It seemed unhurried, as if the night was long enough to pass the time there.
— Are you curious?
You watched him a little, stating.
— I'm a little curious about you ...
— If I let you get close to me, would you like to know about me? ... — His voice came out more firmly, a direct question that stuck in your mind. His voice echoed a little more, making you a little lazy, you ended up answering low after.
— I'm not sure I know how to do this ...
His hands slid on the floor, pulling himself a bit closer.
— Do what?
— To be close someone ... — You said shyly but loud enough, so he wouldn't notice your traces of shyness. — I don't know much about it ...
His head dipped a little, paying attention to the movements of your mouth to help to understand a little against the beats that echoed in the speakers scattered around the party.
— You shouldn't be here ... isn't?
You didn't answer, but waited him to continue.
— You don't need to feel alone ... I shouldn't be sitting here either ... — He fell his head, his bangs danced without losing every gesture he made, it seemed to be all on purpose, but when you saw his eyes exposed, you realized he was purer than you thought he would be.
This boy was so soft that his clothes seemed to lose all of his real meanings.
The darkness was so comforting that the surrounding light began to bother you. However, it continued to slide to where you were in the same order as always, and you ended up regretting your thoughts every time his face brightened and you could memorize all the exposed features of his face.
Then he smiled.
When that happened, you forgot that you could be far away. When his smile appeared, that person you would like to see far from you ended up mesmerizing you and making you fall into his charms.
Was he an angel? Was he so beautiful all this time? ... Why did you think to keep him away from you?
For you, an angel wouldn't have black, peeled nails like he did. An angel would not have tattoos on his hands showing the boldness of a mysterious young man as he showed himself to be. He wouldn't wear black clothes or piercings, nor would he have dark, intense eyes like the ones he had.
You were silent, looking at the brilliant water of the pool, only adorned by a light blue sky.
— Among all these people, you are here with me, even scared ... That's cool ... I would like to be talking to you if we were not anyway... — He said between pauses, quietly, sometimes pressing his lips, but you didn't know well what it meant. — Thanks for staying with me.
— I'm not scared. — You said it again.
His attention turned towards you, looking at your form from the corner of his eyes.
— Come with me...
You bent your head, so he stood up extending his hand to you.
— Would you accept me?
You took his hand and he helped you to stand up, not letting go to hear your answer closer.
— Come with me ... — He lowered his head to speak close to your cheek.
— Where would you take me? ...
— Not far. I don't want to do anything different, don't think too much, just look around ...
You looked around, seeing young people having fun with each other everywhere, some groups, some friends, some couples.
His face turned back to yours, but he didn't do anything, he stayed that way.
— I want to stay with you tonight. — He murmured, his sweet voice preventing my desire to look anywhere else. — So come with me.
He held your fingers, pulling you slowly just to allow time enough to you deny it, but that didn't happen anyway. You followed him, paying attention to his face, extremely curious.
Habits that you had never made, decisions that you never would have made, you ended up forgetting these things. No, you haven't forgotten them, you just left them aside.
It was just a distant wall, where the lights didn't shine, where there were no eyes. There was nothing different, and it was there that he touched you, hiding you with his body.
The night was cold, but your hands were warm enough with the situation you was in. Your cheeks were flushed with his eyes meeting yours.
He didn't touch you at first, he just got a little closer, lifting his hands up to your neck, sliding his cold fingers through the strands of your hair, resting on the back of your neck.
You held his clothes in your hands, without strength, but it brought him closer. His head lay down until it reached your face, his bangs brushing against your skin.
You closed your eyes, which were already a little heavy, feeling his lips pressed against your cheek, going to the other one leaving one same kiss there. You opened your eyes, a little impressed by it, receiving a friendly smile from him. Then you felt a tender squeeze on the back of the neck, feeling his lips on your forehead.
His eyes met yours again, but this time his smile remained there, a little lighter, but there.
— I will ask the question again ... Answer me in good tone ... — He slid his thumbs around your neck, like a harmless caress, but the cold rings he wore send you shivers in a matter of seconds through your body. — Would you stay with me tonight? ...
You held his wrists, feeling the thick texture of his clothing.
— There would be no denying ...
— Just tell me again ... in the right way ... — He brushed his nose over yours, not getting any closer.
— I want you to stay with me, so please stay with me tonight ...
He confirmed with satisfaction, letting out a smile again at one time or another as he smoothed his hands around your neck.
— It's gonna be a pleasant evening ... — He murmured, closing his lips to rest them on yours silently.
You stared at him while he stopped in front of you with a confused expression.
— What makes you think so deeply that I'm different from you?
You didn't know how to answer.
— Why can't you accept me?
— I can't just trust you that much.
He looked upset but not hurt by what you said.
— I know you wouldn't have done this with anyone, I know that, don't think these things ... — He seemed to try to explain himself, even without needing to, he was attentive and careful and he still tried to avoid misunderstandings even when you offended him. — I know you wouldn't kiss anyone else like you kissed me ...
You avoided his eyes quickly when felt the embarrassment restraining your movements.
— It's so hard to think that it was the same to me? ... That I happened to make an exception just that time? ... Why it is different only for you?
You bit your lip, you didn't want to offend him, but you couldn't defend your thoughts without doing so.
He frowned, this time breaking your heart with the disappointment draining from his eyes.
— Can't you really accept me?
— I-It's not that way.
He was silent, watching you briefly before leaving without saying goodbye.
— I thought you wouldn't regret it.
You saw him leaving and don't looking back, you feeling a certain lack of his presence.
Everything was dark, it was late, everything was silent, so you was afraid before you saw him.
— Why were you walking around alone? It's so late, you know it's dangerous ... Don't scare me like that ... — You said a little low and sleepy, seeing him so late at night had scared you, without any warning of his arrival.
— I wanted to visit you, I wanted to see you ... despite that, I feel sorry for bothering you, I'm sorry for not thinking twice ...
— I can't imagine what you would like to talk to me at a time like this ...
The murmurs stopped slowly, an awkwardness being built in the air as only breaths could be heard.
He was looking good, he should have stayed on the street until that moment, strolling around. You could feel the perfume exhaling from the boy from where you were, you tried not to get closer the boy to feel more of his fragrance.
His mouth opened for a moment, it quickly caught your attention, then he proceeded in whispers.
— If you want me around ... Why don't you have the courage to tell me? ...
You were quiet, organizing the thoughts that flew in search of answers. He didn't wait for you even if he still didn't hear anything from your mouth.
— If you had called me ... said you wanted me with you, I would have come after you without doubt... — He approached, enough so that you could see his eyes. — Am I still the problem? ...
You pressed your fingers together, don't wanting to answer him directly.
— Did you ... have you been drinking before you came here? ...
He closed his eyes, patiently denying.
— I just came ...
You noticed his melancholic tone, a little discouraged, so you decided to leave the insecurities aside to actually talk to the boy in front of you.
— Yoonho ...
When you said his name out loud, you felt something different when you heard it leave your own mouth. His eyes lifted towards you quickly, attentive and intense, it seemed to be something intimate to hear his name coming from you.
— I don't think you're the problem because ... — I pressed my lips together. — Because I think you're beautiful ... You're ... more beautiful than I thought you were ...
He listened without moving a single finger, but his expression softened when he heard that statement.
— I didn't want to hurt you, nor make you think that I regret having stayed with you at that party ... — You commented low, trying to find any sign under that long, smooth bangs if his.
— So ... — He interrupted you, curious but subtle, he always knew how to stay in his place, like a good boy. — What is holding you back? ... What could prevent you from approaching me? ... Fear?
You sighed.
— I told you before that fear is not what I feel for you.
— Not that fear. — He took two steps forward, still keeping some distance. — Fear of me being different ...
You remained silent, receiving those words with emphasis echoing in you thoughts. Then you realized that you was a little surprised to hear the truth coming out of his mouth.
He didn't expect an answer from you. He looked at the floor, smoothing his hands between his fingers, catching your attention to his tattoos and rings.
His hands seemed to be soft, his fingers were long and his nails were cut perfectly, but they seemed to have been painted for a long time ago, due to the peeling nail polish.
His hand moved up his arm timidly, landing on the curve of his neck, gently pulling the ends of his hair behind his ear.
His piercings were finally seen, your attention being especially on the earrings that occupied the pinky skin of his ear.
He knew you was paying attention on him. He wanted this, he wanted to see how you were watching him. How you admired him.
You closed your lips and opened it a few times, unable to make the sound in your throat come out on the first try.
— You...
His gaze lifted quickly, but remained in the same position, crossing his other arm in his body to hold his waist, as if he were hugging himself because of the cold.
— Do you want to spend the night here?
He remained silent, letting his hand on his neck fall on his shoulder.
— Are you inviting me to stay? ... — His voice came out light and hopeful, only that was able to make your body tense.
— Yes. I prefer you to stay. Sleep here tonight.
— Are you sure?...
You agreed, stepping away from the couch a little.
— You can sleep here, it is safer for you wait the day to come.
— Thanks for worrying about me ... — He smiled with his mouth closed, looking away.
You agreed, going to the bedroom to get a sheet for him.
You took a thick, soft sheet, hoping to please the boy with dark clothes. When you returned to the room only lit by the light outside the balcony, you saw the boy already barefoot and sitting on the sofa, hugging his legs with his back on the arm of the sofa, looking to the side, perhaps nowhere in particular.
You approached the sofa slowly, but the boy didn't look at you, he lowered his head, hiding his face on his knees.
You waited standing, silent, until you felt the corage to sit in front of him.
You left the sheet aside.
— You're sad?...
He raised his head, laying in his arms, looking at the floor. He slightly denied it.
— If I spend the night here ... Will you remember me tomorrow? ... — He lifted his head, resting his chin on his arms. — Or will you just remember what I was wearing? ... What others will think ...
You looked down, shaking your head.
— There is no way to forget you ...
He smiled weakly, lowering his head a little. Upon hearing it, you soon searched for his face when you raised your head, not being able to see his face because of the dark and his long hair.
He dropped his head when he noticed.
— What are you looking for? ... — That soft voice appeared again, and that shiver circulated through your body.
— Your eyes. I can't see them ... — You said in the same tone, still analyzing him.
Gradually his hands slid down his legs, making a path to your hands that shaked a little with the unexpected touch.
— If you can't see my eyes ...
He took them to his face, making your fingers run through his skin and the root of his hair, combing the silky, soft strands of his locks back.
— It's because you don't want to.
You could see his face perfectly, his forehead, his eyebrows and his well-formed and open, dark and shiny eyes that were watching you deeply.
After that moment of silent observation he placed your hands on his knees, slowly putting his hands to the sides of your face, bringing you closer.
— Listen to me...
He commented in whispers, running his fingers in small, simple lines across your face and neck.
— I would undress myself for you ...
Such a comment made your fingers hold on his knees, scratching the fabric of his pants.
— Everything in my body. — He said without stuttering, he seemed convinced of it. — Just for you.
You was paralyzed, even so, he didn't expect an answer yet.
— If you wanted, I would take it all out ... — He looked at his clothes, you ended up looking together, following his gaze anywhere. — I would take off each piercing and ring ... one by one, each piece of clothing ... until nothing is left.
You felt your face heat up intensely, his fingers remained cold on your skin, sometimes curling up in your hair.
— If you asked me to, I would do it for you ...
His whispers remained soft, as if they were little secrets made only to you to hear.
— Now? ... Would you do that now? ...
He nodded slowly, looking at the pieces of your face, pulling you close from the back of the neck, his scent becoming more and more irresistible.
— I would throw all those pieces away ... Just so you could finally see me for real ...
— Ayno ... — You murmured. His eyes closed for a moment. — Would you do that now for me? Would you let me see you? ...
His hands expanded, holding the back of your head into your hair to join your lips to his. You grabbed his knees, accepting his kiss willingly, feeling his warm breath against your cheek.
His kiss lasted for a while, barely pulling his lips away to bring them back to yours, making you feel the contrast of his warm lips and the little could piercing pressed against your lower lip.
His lips moistened yours for a long, silent time, but he did not deepen in the kiss. He pulled away, leaving the tip of his nose to brush yours.
— Don't waste a second ... — He took his hands out of your hair, taking them to his ear, removing an earring. — Look at me...
Then he took off one after the other, without haste, until his ears were bare.
He looked at you a little.
— Do you want to do this for me? ...
You confirmed slowly, he brought his face closer, lifting his chin a little, then opening slightly his mouth.
He watched you remove the piercing from his lip, tilting his head a bit to the side when you did, looking into your eyes temporarily.
— What do you think? ... — He asked quietly, waiting for your approval.
You watched his features, making him hold his piercing with the other earrings to slide your hands under his hair, finding his warm ears hidden by the long dark locks.
You smiled.
— You look like an angel.
His eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up a little. He opened his mouth, but said nothing, ducking his head a little, but not so far as to be away from you.
You looked at him confused, sliding your fingers through his hair, combing them behind his head and ears. His eyes fluttered and then softened after the affection.
His cheeks turned red. His eyes closed and his eyebrows rose slightly. His fingers surrounded your wrist and his rings gave you a small thermal shock again.
— An angel? ... — He sighed, laying his face on the palm of your hand, making you melt with the gesture.
You stroked his cheek with your thumb, enjoying the feel of his fingers around your wrist.
— Yes ... the purest ...
His other hand ran backwards, leaving his piercings beside the small lamp without having to leave your hands, then bringing it back to hold your other wrist while you stroked his hair over the head.
He continued to feel it, opening his eyes when he felt the proximity of your face. You sealed your lips to his, this time only feeling heat from him.
Without separating from the kiss you let go of his fingers to hold one of his hands, sliding your nails across his skin until you removed the first ring, repeating this with the others.
You sucked on his lips, hearing a sigh.
His hands remained still in the air, even though you had already removed all his accessories.
You pulled away from his mouth, he stared at your face, looking for something that not even he seemed to know what.
You looked at his necklaces, he straightened up, hurrying.
— I will help you. — He commented a little more shy, bringing his bare hands to the back of his neck, but you wanted to be part of it anyway, approaching his neck to remove his necklaces on your own, his hands stopped automatically, waiting for you to finish.
You removed them, joining them with the rings and putting them next to the piercings behind him, next to the unlit lamp.
His breath hit your neck as you slowly came back. His body had laid down a little so that you could take his accessories to the others, but his knees remained glued to his body.
His torso was slightly curved, so that he could lay his head on the arm of the sofa where he was leaning before. You leaned, giving him space to stretch his legs more between yours, so that he could go down a little more and feel comfortable.
He lifted up with his elbows, searching for the proximity of your face again.
— Are you going to do this 'till the end? ... — he murmured quietly, enough to create a more intimate atmosphere.
You sat on his hip, trying to take his coat off his shoulders, realizing this he soon sat down, making the job easier, staying only with a sweater.
— You want me to do?...
He stated with some slight nods, caressing your cheek with his.
— I will ... but before that — You held his hands, kissing his hand's backs, paying attention to their tattoos. — I need to worship you a little more ...
His eyes followed his hands, watching each of his fingers being kissed and caressed, then you noticed that until then his hands which were so cold now were as hot as ever.
— Do you ... l-like my tattoos? ...
You stated with a murmur, continuing with the kisses.
— You are telling the truth?
You smoothed his nails with your fingertips, looking at his face after the question.
— I am.
— It's not a problem anymore? ...
— It was never a problem, Ayno ...
A smile escaped the corner of his lips, a sheepish smile.
— I'm feeling good ... — He held your fingers, squeezing your hand gently.
— Are you? ... — You asked, he confirmed.
— Because you're seeing me exactly the way I wanted you to do...
You met his attentive gaze, smiling along with his relieved expression.
— As you said ... I just didn't see you, because I didn't want to ... The problem was with me, after all.
He shook his head, lowering his face to yours, to kiss your mouth.
— It's nobody's fault, baby. — He raised his hand to the side of your face, drawing with his fingers up to your jaw. — You just need to trust me. — He lowered himself again to your face, meeting your lips again.
You let go of his hand, taking both of yours to his hair, pleasing him in the strands of his locks, listening to a contented sigh coming out of his throat.
One of his hands came to grab your neck, while the other landed on your back. His tongue moistened your lips, asking for passage to deepen the kiss, letting out a little whimper and making you both weak by the first intimate contact. You pulled his hair lightly with your hands, hearing another pleasant sound coming out of his throat.
You grabbed the hem of his sweater, just holding it for a moment, noticing the boy shivering all over.
You separated the kiss for a moment, letting one last peck before running your hands along the sides of his torso, sliding up in his thin waist until he removed the piece from his body.
You hugged his waist, sliding your fingers down his back, leaving some small kisses on his shoulder until the curve of his neck.
His head fell to the other side, giving full access to his neck, you took the opportunity to smell him, closing your eyes, almost bewitched.
His hands slid down your arms, kissing the area below your lobe, kissing your jaw, cheek and forehead.
You smiled when you felt his lips on your forehead and temple, keeping your eyes closed.
— Hm, yeah ... I missed that ...
— You did? — His voice came out lower, but he still smiled. You agreed, he continued. — You can have as much of it as you want ... — He kissed my head once again, hugging my neck.
You looked to the side, meeting his face, receiving another kiss.
— Do you accept me? ... — He murmured with his lips still near yours, giving some pecks.
You returned his gestures, removing the fringe from above his eyes, looking at him for a few seconds.
— I accept you. The way you are.
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simplykpopaus · 4 years
~ VAV Master List ~
Bold = coming soon
You not being able to ice skate
St.Van - [11:30 am] 
Baron - [9:57 am]
Ayno - [5:14 pm]
St.Van - Baron - Ace - Ayno - Jacob - Lou - Ziu
St.Van - Baron - Ace - Ayno - Jacob - Lou - Ziu
St.Van - Baron - Ace - Ayno - Jacob - Lou - Ziu
St.Van - Baron - Ace - Ayno - Jacob - Lou - Ziu
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yourfavkpopgurl · 4 years
For VAV, size kink and breeding link. That is all😭
VAV having a size kink- Reaction
I'll do your ask in 2 different reactions ^^
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He knew how much of a mess you were for him. He shoved himself into you and you screamed. "You're so tiny. Or am I to big for you to handle?" He smirked but was kinda flustered inside.
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When he found out you had a size kink, he would laugh and blush a bit. He would kiss you and whisper "I like it".
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He would just like st.van know that you're a mess for him and he would always tease you with your kink.
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Boy would get soooo cocky. "So you really like my big cock right" he raised an eyebrow and smirked. "You don't have to say anything babygirl bcs I know you do"
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"So you really like my big cock that much he. I'll make you scream even more right now" and be ready bcs he wasn't kidding.
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I think he would get kinda flustered when he found out about your size kink. But he wouldn't show it for you bcs he knows how much you like his daddy side.
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The usual loud and confident man would suddenly change into a shy cutie. But he would just like Lou try to not show it. But he honestly would fail and you'd find it cute. Until a few times later when you called him anything but cute :)
A/n: sorry that it took soooo long but I really had a writer's block with this one 😔👉👈hope you kinda like it tho.
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monstaless · 4 years
VAV Reaction
To Y/N Sending Them a Dirty Text While They’re In A Meeting
Warnings: implied smut
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for a while because I struggled to think of anything for some of them.
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St. Van- He was trying to focus on the meeting, but he was really just ready to go home. It had been a long day and he’d promised you that he’d spend the evening with you. He glanced down at his phone as it vibrated and decided that maybe he should let you know that he was going to be late and if you wanted to postpone, he would understand. When he opened his phone and saw your message, he changed his mind. There was no way this could wait. You were laying on his bed in nothing but your underwear.
Y/N: I’ll be waiting for you when you get here. Don’t take too long or you’ll miss out on all the fun.
He was out the door as soon as the meeting was over.
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Baron - He smiled at the cute selfie that you’d sent him. You were pouty, wanting to know how much longer he was going to take. He was about to reply that he’d be on his way soon when he received your next message.
Y/N: I need you right now.
Y/N: If you get here soon, I’ll let you take pictures.
He looked up at everyone else. At this point, the meeting had basically ended, the guys were all just sitting around talking. They didn’t really need him anyway.
“Y/N, is waiting for me. I’m going home. I’ll see you later.”
He grabbed his things and ran out the door.
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Ace - Your message popped up on his screen as he was trying to show something to Baron. He cleared his throat and quickly swiped it away, apologizing. He’d only caught part of your message, but that didn’t mean Baron hadn’t seen more. When he’d returned to his seat, he opened his phone. The message was preceded by a screenshot of texts between you and your roommate where they were letting you know that they would be out for the night.
Y/N: I’m all alone. How about you come and keep me company in a bath?
Woo Young: I’m on my way, but you are in so much trouble when I get there.
Y/N: I’m counting on it.
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Ayno - He should’ve been paying attention in the meeting, but he couldn’t help it. He missed you. The conversation had started off innocent enough anyway. You were picking up groceries to make dinner for the night. Somewhere along the way, you’d picked up a cute apron that you were pretty excited to show him.
Yoon Ho: I’m gonna be a little later than I expected, but you can send me a picture. I’d like to see it.
You sent him a picture, but it wasn’t what he expected. You were in nothing but the apron. He almost spit out the water that he’d been in the process of drinking and when he looked up, everyone was staring at him.
“Sorry,” he muttered, clearing his throat. “There’s an emergency. I think that I should go.”
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Jacob - He’d initiated it honestly. It didn’t matter that there was a meeting going on. He should’ve been home a half hour ago and he wanted to make sure that you knew that his intentions for the evening hadn’t changed. He didn’t want you going anywhere. It didn’t matter how late he was going to be, he wouldn’t be too tired.
So when you sent him a picture of you waiting, mostly unclothed on his bed, he couldn’t stop himself from grinning.
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 Lou - He’d been trying to focus on the meeting, but his phone kept going off. He knew it was you and as the fourth message set his phone off, he decided maybe he should check the messages.
Y/N: I brought you dinner.
Y/N: I can’t wait until you get here.
Y/N: I put the food in the fridge. You can skip it and have me instead. 
You followed it up with a mirror selfie. You were in nothing but your underwear, one hand slipped teasingly under the waistband. Lou quickly locked his phone and glanced around to see if anyone had been looking. He apologized to everyone as he excused himself from the remainder of the meeting, using the excuse of not feeling that great.
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Ziu - Your relationship was still fairly new. New enough that Hee Jun hadn’t really talked to any of the other members about it yet. Lou was the only one who knew anything and he’d agreed that he wouldn’t say a word. But when you sent him him a picture of you, lying on your bed in a cute dress and asked him to come over for dinner and maybe a little more, he couldn’t think of a reasonable excuse that would get him out of the meeting fast enough. Maybe they’d be too surprised to get mad about him ditching the meeting midway through.
“My girlfriend is waiting on me and I should probably go,” he said suddenly, grabbing his things and running out the door before anyone had time to speak.
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Hi bby~! ☺️ i’d reeeeeeally love a subby Ayno oneshot where his dom!girlfriend ties his wrists to the headboard and denies his orgasm a couple times and then over-stimulates him once he’s finally allowed to cum~ 💕💕
Sorry again for the wait and complications but here you go! I also made it where his hands where tied behind his back and not to the headboard but I hope that's alright.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: Edging, overstimulation, sub!Ayno, fem!dom!reader, bondage, and very light degradation.
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The Video
As soon as you walked through the door of your shared home with your lovely boyfriend Ayno, you glared at the smirk that rested on his face as he was sitting on the counter in the kitchen drinking a glass of water, which he set in the sink after seeing you walk through the door.
     "Why so angry? Did something happen at work?" He said with a teasing tone in his voice, "Do you wanna talk about it?" He said with a fake pout set on his pretty lips.You slammed your hands on either side of his legs as you made it over to the counter he was sitting on. He opened his legs a little bit to let you stand between them.
     "Do you think this is funny?" His smirk only widened.
     "A little, yes." Your eye twitched in annoyance. One hand gripped his hip while the other grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled his face to yours forcing him to make eye contact with you. He gasped at the feeling of you pulling his hair and bit his lip when he saw the dark look in your eyes.
     "I only have a few rules babyboy, and they aren't that hard to follow. Do you remember your rules baby?" He nodded quickly. "Really? It seems like you didn't remember when you decided to be a little slut and send mommy a video of you playing with your pretty little cock while she was at work." He whimpered at the growl in your voice and moaned when he felt you roughly grab his dick, his hands flying to your shoulders to find something to hold onto.
     "'M sorry mommy. I-It's just that you weren't here and it hurt mama!"
     "I don't care how much it hurt. What was rule number three?" He whimpered louder as you squeezed his dick harder.
     "A-ah. D-Don't touch my pretty little cock without momma's permission because it's her property."
     "Exactly baby! So why," he whimpered more as you squeezed his dick harder, "did you think it would be a good idea to touch mommy's property? Did you want to be punished like the slut you are?" He moaned out as his eyes rolled back while grinding his hips into your hand.
     "Y-yes! Wanted mommy to ruin me! Wanted to be mommy's good little slut!" You smirked at the statement and tutted at your boyfriend as you pulled your hand away from him. He whined and looked down at you due to lack of friction.
     "Good sluts listen to mommy, sweetheart. They don't touch themselves like little whores." You could see his cock twitch in his pants at the statement, which made your smirk only grow wider as you backed away from him. 
     "I'm giving you 1 minute to get to the bedroom, take off your clothes, get my box of toys, and get in position." His eyes widened as his breathing became faster. He hurled himself off the counter and raced to the bedroom to get ready. You waited 1 minute, as promised, and made your way to the bed room. Upon entering the bedroom, you were very pleased with the sight in front of you.
     Ayno was sitting on his knees in the center of the bed facing the door while he was bare, his clothes folded and placed neatly in you desk chair and an all too familiar black box sitting next to him. You walked up to him, carefully removing your shirt as you approached him. Once you reached him you cupped one side of his face with your hand.
     "See how much easier this is when we follow instructions baby?" He cutely smiled at you with his eyes closed as he nuzzled into your palm. The sight was so adorable it almost made you just want to worship and praise him instead of punishing him.
     "Lean back on the headboard baby." He leaned back as you asked. You picked up the box and looked through your toys, and your eyes immediately moved to look at the red silk you used to tie him up with most of the time. You motioned for him to turn over and put his hands behind his back so you could tie them there. You smacked his ass making him whimper before you turned him back over and kneeled between his thighs. You kissed and sucked on his neck while reaching down and touching Ayno's cock as he whined squirming and getting louder.
     "Please mommy..." he whined, trying to thrust up into your hand. "Please touch me. I'll be a good boy! Promise!" You smirked at his desperation and finally grabbed his cock and started quickly pumping him. He moaned out at the sudden pleasure, throwing his head back and giving you more space to mark him. After a few minutes his moans started getting higher in pitch and his cock was twitching in your hand.
     "F-fuck! Mommy, 'm gonna cum!" You stroked him a few more times before backing away. He looked up at you with confusion in his eyes.
     "This is a punishment baby, and I get to decide when you cum." He whined and threw his head back against the headboard when you started to stroke him again. You continued doing this for what felt like, to Ayno, hours and he was squirming and crying beneath you.
     "Please mommy! I wanna c-cum! Please mama!" He managed to get out through broken sobs. You smirked at him and moved your hand away from him again, which made more tears fall down his cheeks. You then moved down to where your mouth was directly over his angry red cock, making him whimper loudly beneath you.
     "You can cum this time baby." You told him before taking him into your mouth. He threw his head back and choked out a moan, his voice hoarse from how much he had been screaming, at the feeling of your warm mouth around his dick. After a few minutes he released in your mouth, screaming 'thank you' over and over again as his body started to relax. He quickly tensed when he realized you didn't move away. 
     "No no no, no! Mommy!" He whined out, his legs shaking and kicking. You glared up at him and gripped his thighs with bruising force to keep him still.
     "What's the matter baby?" you asked,pulling away from him for a second. "You were begging me to let you cum before and now you want me to stop? Such a needy brat aren't you." You teased before quickly taking him back in your mouth. 
     He arched his back off the bed with a sob as you ripped his third orgasm out of him before pulling away to look at his tear soaked face. You moved up to grind your hips into his, making him whimper loudly and making him hard again.
     "Please…" he managed to mumble out.
     "Please what baby? Do you want me to stop?" He violently shook his head no at the question and bucked his hips up.
     "No! Wanna make mommy feel good. Want mommy to use me, please!" You smirked at his pleading before sinking onto him, making both of you moan. You started bouncing on him making him scream from oversensitivity and jerk his hips up to meet yours.
     "Fuck, you look so pretty like this baby. Crying and screaming under me like a good slut, right baby?" He let out a cracked moan at your words.
     "F-fuck yes! A-Ah! Mommy's good little slut! Ngh- Oh god! Please let m-me cum! S-shit! Wanna cum for m-mama!" You let out a low groan and rocked your hips against him faster.
     "Of course baby. Fuck! Fill mommy up like a good boy." You bounced on him a few more times before he moaned louder and, with a final jerk of his hips, came with a final scream, his eyes rolling back in his skull. He continued to whimper and whine with shaky legs as you continued to grind on him for a few more minutes, making him cum for the fifth time that night before you came as well.
     You both laid there panting for a few minutes before you slowly moved away from him, making a few more tears spill down his face as he felt his sensitive dick exit you. You pulled him to sit up a little so you could remove the ribbon from his wrists, kissing the red marks from him pulling at them after you set the ribbon on the bedside table. You left the room to quickly grab a wet rag and a glass of water for your fucked out boyfriend.
     "Are you alright baby?" You asked him as you handed him the water.
     "A little tired but I'm alright." He answered with a scratchy voice that made him wince as he took another chug of the water. Your eyebrows furrowed in concern as you leaned in and gave his neck a few kisses.
    "Oh, I'm sorry baby." He shook his head at you and smiled, letting you know it was alright. You quickly cleaned him up and threw the rag in the laundry basket and decided you would take the glass into the kitchen to the sink tomorrow. You flopped into bed next to your boyfriend with a sigh and cuddled into him as he threw his arms over you.
     "Y'know, a spanking would have been a good punishment." He said looking in your eyes. You chuckled.
     "Yeah, but you like being spanked so it wouldn't have taught you anything." He pouted at your words and rolled his eyes as he brought you closer to him and both of you started to fall asleep.
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emeraldbabygirl · 3 years
VAV reaction to you falling in the shower
Ahoy gremlins and gentleman! (It’s a joke of course) it me! It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything VAV related and I was having a moment to process a thought and came up with this!
St.Van: you and Geumhyuk were getting with it in the shower and things got a little wild. Geumhyuk had you against the shower wall fucking into from behind. You were both moaning. Shower sex was something you to did a fair amount of times. Geumhyuk really enjoyed it and it was easy clean up after. His hands were on your hips digging into your skin as he came in you. When you pulled out and tried to turn you around to face him you lost your footing and slipped falling into him. “Are you ok precious?” He asked his hands gripping your arms to hold you up. Your heart definitely dropped to your stomach when you felt yourself fall, thank god Geumhyuk was there to catch you. “Y-yes I think so. Thank you Geummie.” “Maybe we should stop messing around in the shower huh?” You nodded agreeing with him.
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Lou: a week had gone by since you fell out of the shower actually. You slipped and went to grab to door but it opened and you fell pretty hard on the tile. You didn’t want to tell Hosung so you tried your best to keep it a secret. That was until he noticed you leaning over holding your side. “Princess are you okay, what’s wrong?” Hosung came over to you from the living room where you were leaning over by the kitchen counter. “Uh..just um..I fell. I tripped in the shower and fell out and umm. I think I hurt my ribs or something.” Hosung’s eyes got wide as he went to grip your chin firmly. “When did this happen?” You looked away feeling guilty. “Like a week ago..” you started to tear up. You felt horrible for not telling him right away. “Y/n why did you not tell me? You’ve been hiding this for a week. You know I want you to tell me things especially if you get hurt.” Hosung pulled his phone out of his pocket and started dialing. “I’m sorry I just didn’t think it was a big deal. What are you doing?” You asked. “I’m making a doctor appointment to get you checked out.” Hosung said. You heard the phone ring. You reached up to grab the phone out of his hand to stop him but a sharp pain dig into your side causing you to yelp. “Ok that’s it, we’re going to the emergency room right now. You could be seriously hurt how could you be so stupid.” Hosung quickly grabbed you a coat and the keys and off you went. You were in tears the entire way there continuously apologizing. “Princess I’m not mad I am disappointed, you could be hurt bad. Next time you fall anywhere you call for me. That’s what I’m here for.”
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Baron: you fell in the shower and must’ve passed out or something. When you came to you slowly got yourself up and very slowly got dressed. It was 7:30 by the time to got done and you checked your phone to see a few texts from your boyfriend and a missed call. You called him back and he picked up right away. “Y/n where are you? Why didn’t you answer me?” He sounded upset. “I’m sorry Chunghyeop, I fell in the shower and passed out. But I’m” “you fell?! He said the tone of his voice an octave higher sounding alarmed. “Are you okay baby I’m 15 minutes away I’ll be right there.” You sighed into the phone. “Sweetie I’m fine. I just have a bit of a headache is all I’ll be okay I promise.” It was silent for a bit and you could almost hear his shake his head. “No y/n you passed out I need to take care of you. I’ll be home as soon as I can take some pain pills and lay down and stay there til I come home okay?” His tone was calmer now and caring. It made you blush that he still went out of his way to take care of you. “I’ll be fine Chunghyeop.” “Please babe, let me take care of you. I’ll make you some soup or a bowl of rice and some hot tea okay? You need to take it easy for awhile. Let me do my job and take care of my baby okay? I’ll be home soon. Now go lay down.” And with that he hung up. You sighed to yourself and got under the covers. You must’ve fell asleep cause you heard Chunghyeop calling out to you. “Babe I’m sorry I was late there was a bit of a road problem, I had to take a detour. How are you feeling?” He asked bringing a kiss to your lips before cupping your cheek. You smiled at him. “Did you get some medicine?” When you said no Chunghyeop just shook his head. “Alright stay here, I’ll be back with some hot food and medicine okay. Don’t move.”
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Ziu: you went to take a bath while Heejun was playing video games. You had just finished and went to stand up to pull the plug but you lost your footing and fell backwards falling back into the water whacking your noggin on the shower wall. “Fuck!” You yelled loudly. Seconds later the door opens and Heejun pokes his head in. “Everything al- kitten are you alright?” He asked making his way towards you. There was a few puddles of water on the floor so Heejun threw some towels down. “I’m just fucking peachy.” You say trying to stand up but you got a bit dizzy and fell back down. “What happened?” He asked reaching under the water to pull the plug. “I slipped and about cracked my damn skull open is what happened.” You snapped back. You weren’t trying to sound like a bitch but boy did you hit the wall hard. “Looks like lack of adhesive ducks. I told you if you had a mat or adhesive ducks you wouldn’t fall but you didn’t listen.” Heejun said grabbing a towel. “It has nothing to do with damn ducks now please help me Heejun. I don’t think I can stand on my own.” You were frustrated with yourself and him and so you just started to cry. “Hey now, you’re okay. Come here kitten.” Heejun wrapped the towel around your body that was now shivering and helped you out of the tub. “You might have a concussion, do you feel nauseous? You’re definitely going to have a nasty lil bump.” Heejun gently kisses your cheek and helped walk you out of the bathroom. His arm was tightly wrapped around your waist holding you close you him. You felt dizzy again and leaned over. Heejun held you up and checked you. “Are you gonna throw up?” “No I just got dizzy again.” You said holding your head. Your vision was buzzing but you finally made it to the bedroom. Heejun put a towel on top of the pillow and set you on the bed. He put some pajama pants on you and manouvered one of his button ups on you. “Just rest but don’t fall asleep okay? I’ll be right here.”
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Jacob: you just stepped out of the tub and onto the bath towel set on the floor but you must’ve moved wrong or too fast cause you came crashing to the ground feeling immediate pain shoot down to your ankle. You cried out in pain tears forming on your waterline the icy prickly sensation in your nose. “J-Jacob! Jacob help!” You called out as loud and as clear as you could. You heard footsteps and the bathroom door swung open as Jacob entered. “Oh my god what happened are you hurt?” Jacob asked kneeling next to you. His hands cupped your face and wiped some of your tears. “Jacob, I fell and I think I twisted my ankle. Jacob it hurts.” You cried. Jacob looked at where your feet were and saw the bath towel twisted around your ankle. “Okay hey, I got you. You’ll be okay.” Jacob stood up and grabbed the towel from the bathroom counter and wrapped it around you. He then picked you up bridel style and carried you into the bedroom setting you down on the bed. “Does it hurt anywhere else?” He asked checking your face and arms before kneeling down to look at your ankle. You sniffled. “I don’t know just my ankle really hurts Jacob.” You sobbed. Jacob knew you had certain parts of your body that were more sensitive then others so he understood why you were crying so much when normally when you got hurt it was little to none. “Okay let’s get you dried and find something to wear and I’ll take you to the hospital. You’ll be alright, I’m right here and I’ll take care of you.” Jacob have you a gentle hug and kiss before finding you something to wear.
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ACE: you were in the shower singing obviously when you heard a knock. “Can I come in?” Wooyoung asked. “Yeah!” You shouted. “Sorry darling I just need to put these towels away before I start on dinner.” You hummed the same song you were singing while listening to the shuffling noises Wooyoung was making. “Hey babe?” You asked. “Yes darling? What’s up.” He said still in the cupboard. “Do you think we could go out to-ah!” Your question was cut short as you slipped falling to the shower floor. The door doing open and Wooyoung was there immediately to turn the water off. “Darling are you okay?” He asked wrapping his arms around you lifting you to your feet. Wooyoung was quite petite in size but he was stronger than an ox. “Uh, yeah. I think, just took a tumble I guess.” You started to blush feeling embarrassed. Wooyoung grabbed a towel and helped dry you off. You were on your feet so he assumed you didn’t hurt yourself. “I’m gonna feel all of this in the morning.” You said half laughing. Wooyoung chuckled too. “Yeah you might even get a few bruises. And they won’t be from me this time.”
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Ayno: you were sitting in the tub shaving your legs. When you finished you stood up to rinse the rest of your body off making sure to clean all the soap off but you didn’t see the slightly large drop of shampoo that was near the side of the tub so when you stepped on it you fell over the side of the tub and landed face first on the floor. It all happened so quickly you thought you died. Your chin hit pretty hard causing your teeth to grind against each other and you definitely felt the pain in your neck and your stomach as you hung over the side of the tub. “Y/n love are you okay? Oh my god!” An angel flew in to your bathroom and he looked just like your boyfriend Yoonho. Oh wait, it was your boyfriend Yoonho. Or was it? Your thoughts were all shook up. You couldn’t tell up from down and you sure as hell weren’t gonna try and move on your own. Your entire body hurt and you couldn’t tell if you broke anything. You felt the Yoonho angel lift you up with his strong arms and wrap your body up in a towel before setting you on the counter. He was such a pretty angel. And he looked exactly like your boyfriend it was crazy. Same platinum blonde hair, same gorgeous face and same caring eyes. You were definitely in heaven. But it was a bathroom. Your mind was swimming and you suddenly got this awful ringing in your ears. “I heard a loud thud from downstairs. How did you fall? Where does it hurt? Can you feel your legs and arms. Does your neck hurt, be careful we don’t know if you broke it. I should probably call an ambulance. Don’t move.” Angel Yoonho was panicking. You could hear it in his voice. Angels don’t panic. Man your jaw hurt like a bitch. You slowly wiggled your fingers and toes and you spoke slowly your teeth in pain as well as your chin and jaw. “A-angels..don’t..am I dead?” You slurred your words. Poor Yoonho had the most confusing look on his face. “Baby you had a real bad fall didn’t you?” His hands were very large, much larger than you remembered, he had to be an angel or a god of huge hands. Man you were totally loopy. Yoonho held your face gently in his and checked your body for bruises, scratches and anything that looked abnormal like if something was sticking out. “I am not an angel. I am your boyfriend Noh Yoonho and I’m calling a bus because you are not okay. Oh my poor baby.” Yoonho hugged you gently being careful not to move your neck. You could hear him sniffling and when he pulled back to look at you tears were streaming down his face. Angels don’t cry so you clearly came to the conclusion that it was indeed your boyfriend and you did indeed have a bad fall. Yoonho was scared you could tell. You slowly lifted your hand up to cup his face. He leaned into your hand and covered your hand in his. “I’m sorry. I-I don’t know what to do. I hope you’ll be okay. I’m never letting you bath alone again.” Yoonho said gently kissing your lips.
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Haha hello! So a couple things. I’m sorry all the others are way longer than St.Van’s oops. Uhhh I basically turned ACE into a sexy butler 👀 and I think I got a lil bit to soft with Ayno. He’s in the back of my mind crying. I miss him and ion what the hell is going on but I hope he’ll be okay I’m so ready to grab @excindrela and find our baby boy and give him the best hug ever Idk man I just. I’m worried about that kid. Anyway yes I stole your platinum blonde comment from demon Ayno and yes I am technically tagging you cause I want you to read this please? 🥺👉👈 also also the adhesive ducks I stole from The Big Bang Theory and if anyone is confused why you conked your mind prison on the shower wall despite being in a tub some tubs, Idk if they still make’em like this but like one of our bathrooms (our because communism) has a shower and a tub combo and so that’s what it is here. So if y’all confuzzled thar be your explanation ùwú! ALSO YES THE LOU GIF DONT FIT BUT LOOK AT HIM LOOK AT HIM HE IS BEAUTY HE IS GRACE PLEASE ROUND HOUSE KICK ME IN THE FACE with your lips, softly, cause I like you. And I saw a gif of big daddy geumhyuk’s smile and my heart went 💓💓💓 his smile is perfect and he’s so cute when he shows the natural human emotion of happiness 🥺 I FUCKING MISS HIM BITCH DONT TALK ME I ANGY
I have a confession to make: I’ve never seen any of these new gifs before. The last time I searched for gifs in the gif function nothing much showed up but there’s so many new gifs I’ve never seen before because Made for Two was the last mv I saw from VAV. No I have not seen the mv without Baron. Tbh I’ve been avoiding any and all VAV content like the fucking plague and it hurts. I miss them all I really do, I was so into them and I went through so much with them but I’m afraid that I’ll get too sad if I listen to them again. Poison really has me by my throat and if I listen if even get the song stuck in my head I might get real sad. Made for Two made me choke on my own tears and I’m just not ready to watch anything vav rn but god I really do miss them a lot. It feels like they disappeared of the face of the earth and a part of me went with them cause I don’t look at them the same way anymore and boy does that shit hurt right in my meow meow 😔 I wanted to make this a vav reaction because not only had it been awhile since I’ve written it even talked about the guys on my blog but I really truly miss them. There’s so many holes in my soul and one of them is waiting for them to come back. But I feel like the hole will stay a hole. :( man vav putting me in my feels at 7 in the am and they aren’t even doing anything.
I’ve just been doing other things and listening to and writing for other groups but I’ve written so much for vav in fact I started writing on here because of vav. Because there wasn’t a lot of anything for them here so I just stepped in. I’ve written a lot of vav stuff and my vav tag is heavy heavy but so is my heart man 🥺 idk I’m just. Like damn I’m really feeling the void this day and I miss everything about them. I miss when I would get so excited and find out new things about them and watch videos and I made that st.vsn blog because he shot to the top of my ult list. My entire being still belongs to that man. I just stopped talking about them altogether and all my thoughts were either in my mind prison or with @excindrela and I’m so fucking thankful for her and damn I’m really not tryna make this go south. Anyway I hope it was an okay reaction, it has been awhile since I’ve written a reaction. I was gonna do Great Guys but no great guys gifs and then I thought ATEEZ but my heart said “pour one out for each of them.” I hope it was okay and sorry about the fucking monolith of sadness :(
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pocket-scenarios · 6 years
Lunch - Ayno
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(Admin: WS, I wanted to write this about Ziu but I couldn’t find a good gif sadly)
You look down to take your wallet out of your bag when suddenly you run into someone that almost certainly wasn’t in front of you when you looked down three seconds ago.
“Can I borrow a quarter, I only have a dollar,” he rushes out, you look up to see a tall man clasping his hands together pleading, he definitely doesn’t look familiar.
“Yeah, sure hold on,” you mumble taking a quarter out of your wallet, he starts to ramble thanking your profusely which makes you laugh a little, “what grade are you in?” You ask curiously.
“Oh, I’m a freshman at this college,” he says finally ending his rambling apology you nod your head, it makes sense why you haven’t seen him.
“I’m a junior,” you say stepping to the drink machine next to the one he was using, “do you have money to eat at the cafeteria?” You ask genuinely concerned for the underclassman he pauses letting out a heavy sigh.
“I forgot my wallet this morning, I just happened to have a dollar on me,” he says dropping his head resting the top of his head against the coke machine.
“I was going to get a drink then go to the campus food court,” you say softly nodding your head to yourself, “I’ll pay for your lunch if you come with me,” you say patting his shoulder he snaps his head up a look of guilt covering his face.
“I’m sorry, I’m really forgetful, you don’t even know my name,” he says breathily, you put your drink in your backpack shrugging.
“I’m Y’N,” you introduce yourself, “I have work in two hours, are you coming with me or not?” You say with a laugh resting one of your hands on your hip shifting your weight to the opposite foot.
“I’m Yoonho, and I guess I’m going with you,” he says with a laugh finally leaning down to pick up his drink, you gesture for him to follow you, “I’ll pay you back tomorrow,” Yoonho assures.
“I don’t know you that well, but for some reason, I don’t believe you,” you say with a laugh, “if you forget it’s fine,” you say with a small nod glancing in his direction.
“I promise I’ll remember,” he assures.
|| Masterlist || Submit A Request ||
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imagineurfavs · 4 years
Hello could I request something with VAV (I had a look to your rules but wasn't sure if it was something you would do) with what pet names they would call you? If so, thank you! If not, sorry!
Hellooo~ I do write stuff like this, i just mainly seem to get smut requests for the same kinda things lmaoAlso thank you for actually reading the rules before requesting, its amazing the amount of people who dont sfgfgdf
St.Van: darling, my love, honey
Classically romantic kinda names, he like names he can use in public and not feel everyone around yall die from the cringe lol
Baron: princess, sugar, dear
More-so kinda cute pet names rather than overly romantic lol
ACE: angel, sweetheart, love
Kinda simple nicknames, yet really romantic at the same time
Ayno: love of my life, beautiful, kitten
Likes the dramatics of proclaiming you as the love of his life every day lmao, super sweet >.
Jacob: babygirl, princess, doll
Names that are romantic, but still a lil bit sexy at the same time lmao
Lou: babe, sweetie & probably a super cute variation of your name
Hosung is probably the least comfortable with pet names tbh, so he goes with just the basic kinda names, as well as a more personal one that ties in with your name, it’ll probably come from some kinda inside joke lol.
Ziu: sunshine, pudding, pumpkin
He really loves anything a little bit cheesy and over the top, anything that makes you crack a smile or roll your eyes at how cringey it is.
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kunderdogs · 5 years
Making Out With VAV
Let me start off by saying I've been into VAV since June 2018 and they're coming to my city in a few months. I will fucking die when I see them okay. On an unrelated note the photos with them are like $40 each and if you want one with each member its $250 (which is more expensive than the vvip tickets!) Ugh should I get them all or do 1? I'd feel terrible if one member's line for pics was shorter than another ya know UGH I'M GOING THRU IT PLS HELP ME
I got carried away with some of the members but tried to keep it short so I'm sorry others are longer than some. ^^' I’m not even Baron biased but why does he hurt me so...I’m so sorry Lou.
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Thank you to the anon who requested this. As you all can tell, I have a weakness for VAV so I love writing them. - Cookie
St. Van:
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I've deadass dreamed about making out with St. Van (who hasn't? you're lying if you said you didn't). He's such a fucking tease LIKE WHY SIR? 
Anyway, I can imagine making out with him is ALWAYS hot and heavy, no matter where you are. 
He'd much rather make out in his room or your place, where no one can interrupt because 11/10 times it's going to escalate to new heights. 
Honestly, he has no preference when it comes to a "make out style". If you want it short and sweet, he's down. Rough with lots of tongue? Sign him up! 
Doesn't like much dialog when he's in the mood, he'll catch your face in his hands and open mouth kiss you so you didn't get any mixed signals. 
Likes to be dominate no matter what but he likes when you're sitting on his lap. 
His hands, without fail, will always be in your hair - stroking, pulling, pushing it from your face. 
If it's up, NOT FOR LONG 'cause he'll take it out the ponytail
That's on hair pulling kinks
Be prepared for lots of noise. 
He's a moaner and WILL moan in your mouth if you nibble his lip or try to take over the dominate role. 
He'll find it so so so hot when you're rough with him - his unoccupied hand will grip your thigh and force you to connect your bodies fully and he'll definitely grind up into you, pushing your hips down into him. 
There's absolutely nothing gentle about making out with St. Van. 
He won't bruise you but ALMOST.
He'll give you bedroom eyes when you pull away and smirk when he notice how turned on you are. 
Leaning back into the couch with his head tilted to the side and breathing just a bit hard, he'll lick his lips disrespectfully. "I like when you're on top, baby girl, but I think we should take this to the bed, hm?"
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Ok my sweet baby Baron. 
I feel like he's a low key freak. 
The first couple of make outs are sweet and precious. 
He's very loving and kind so he won't be rough with you, like never. 
Is so shy the first time, but will initiate it about maybe 3 weeks in the relationship - sooner if you're flirty. 
Doesn't know what the hell you're comfortable with in this new step of your relationship. Picture this:
It's been a few weeks since you two made it official, even though you went through a month of the talking phase. You were flirty, but Chungheop was still shy with you on certain things. Today, the two of you had a fun-filled day at the amusement park. He had been eyeing you with heart eyes all day and you to him as well. It was hard not to, especially when you have a boyfriend as cute as him! As you were driving back to Seoul, the rain came down in buckets but Baron didn't want to go back to the dorms just yet. With cute puppy-eyes he asked you if he could come over to hang out for a few hours. There was absolutely no way for you to resist that.
So here you were, walking back into the living room after changing out of those ridiculously tight skinny jeans and into your pajama shorts. You traded your cute blouse for one of Baron's large shirts. He was lounging on the couch, scrolling through Netflix for something to kill the time with. Nothing was particularly catching his eye though. He didn't have to wait long until you flopped directly next to him and snuggled into his side.
As he took in your attire, his heart was pounding a thousand times a minute. You were too cute! When you two mutually decided on a Rom-Com, he got bored pretty quickly and shyly kissed your cheek.
With a smile, you turned to see him gazing at you. He leaned closer to your lips and hesitated only for a second before closing the distance. Softly, slowly would mold his lips to yours. Chungheop tilted his head to the side, softly exhaling while the arm on the back of the couch comes to the back of your neck.
Won't introduce tongue but will groan when you do it first. 
Heavy breathing and a whole lot of gentle caressing. 
His fingers slide down your cheek to cup your jaw before trailing to your cleavage only to settle on your hip. 
He won't have a tight grip, it's always light but never in the same place for very long - boy has wondering hands. 
Typically they're gripping and stroking. 
Will quietly groan if you deepen the kiss or start touching his skin (neck, stomach). 
His lips aren't ever rough with you 
He'll like to take his time tasting you. 
He's a nibbler/biter so expect him to bite gently on your lips a few times. 
Also he'll pull some freaky moves out of nowhere like sucking on your tongue and smile cheekily when you moan into him. 
Likes to keep you on your toes so some times, just to hear you gasp in surprise, he'll throw you on the bed/couch with a playful smirk.
Overall, he’s very sweet to you. “You look so cute like that, baby.”
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A whole tease. That's it. That's the post.
Jk. But Wooyoung is a big fan of a foreplay, like this is where he thrives! 
He knows how to fuck with you too, so he'll initiate the kisses and will make them so fluttering and lingering that you'll be on the verge of trying to smash his lips to yours. 
He'll pull away and be like "Uh-uh don't be so impatient, baby. We got all night~" 
Might even laugh a little bit if you were getting frustrated with all his teasing. 
He's the type to dominate everything about making out but it's in a sensual way (?) 
like not rough or aggressive at all. 
Will sneak his tongue in to spice it up after a few minutes just to catch you off guard.
French kissing
With a lot of moans from him - he’s pretty vocal but he’s not nearly as loud as you
Likes to suck - on any part of skin on your body. He’s not picky
Sloppy kisses since he has less self control than you think he does
He'll pick up the pace only to slow it down again and smile when you make noises into his mouth. 
Lives for the moment that you finally break under all the teasing and yank his hair.
Ace likes to catch you off guard a lot so he'll sneak up on you when you're distracted and spin you around just to give you kisses. 
He's a romantic at heart so back hugs that turn into making out on the kitchen counter are very common for you two. 
Wooyoung wouldn't want to make-out in public spaces but a hello and goodbye peck when he's in disguise is alright. 
He'll be mortified if you were in the middle of a heated make out session, his hands slowly creeping up your shirt only for the members to burst in. 
He would be soooooo red in the face lol so yeah y'all would have to be ALONE ALONE to have any real freaky time.
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(first off, how dare I use this gif)
Has zero self control when it comes to his s/o
As mentioned previously, Ayno is an ass man
So if you want him to jump your bones, just wear a flattering pair of skinny jeans or a tight skirt
He’ll literally follow you around like a puppy
Lots of gulping, narrowed eyes stuck to your hips and ass as you walked in front of him
When it comes to making out, he’s the same way
A kiss is never just one and done
NO MA’AM, he wants all the smoke
He knows you like how his lips are so he goes in for the kill immediately
No build up
He’ll catch your wrist and spin you to face him
As soon as you notice his body pressed into you, his lips are pushing and pulling you to fold into him
Who are you to deny him that?
Doesn’t waste any time with teasing - his tongue is already putting in work
Likes to cradle your head and tilt it up to him
Wants to hear you whimper and moan breathlessly into him
Always likes to break the kiss to stare at you with an intensity that has your blood boiling
But is soooo playful
Might smirk and leave you hanging
Some times he’ll purposefully attack your mouth when you two really shouldn’t be kissing like when you went to his parent’s house
Enjoys the thrill of getting touchy when you guys could be caught any moment
A little bit of an exhibitionist 
He’ll tickle you or nuzzle you to cut some of the sexual tension or say something to make you giggle as he’s pressing kisses on your cheeks
Looooves to handle you if you’d let him
REALLY loves when you handle him too!!!
That one time when you pushed him on the couch, straddled him and yanked his hair, he swore that he was in heaven.
He’ll easily submit to you if you want him too
But he’ll make you work for it
Licking your lips, neck
Yoonho will beg you to let him put hickeys on you and when you agree, he’ll jump on you that second
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HOt, heavy, messy, passionate all the time with no build up or warning for you at all. 
Jacob likes to keep you guessing so he'll initiate a make-out just about damn near everywhere and at any given time. 
He honestly doesn't care whose in the room, unless it was like yours or his family. 
The members and other staff? 
Yeah, doesn't matter - if he wants to kiss you then he will. 
If they don't wanna see it, they better leave because he won't stop unless you want him to ;)
Making out isn’t just kissing for him - it’s a prelude to the nasty-ness that’s about to come
So if you try to break the kiss to go answer your phone, he’s thoroughly offended and will drag you back to his lips
The type to walk in, no words, and catch the back of your neck with his large hand
Likes to make out with you against surfaces with him standing up
He’ll tell you he thinks it’s really hot when you wrap your legs around his waist
A bit of a size kink because he loves to corner you and pin you to the wall/bed and hover over you
You...have absolutely no complaints so...
He’s the dominate role even in making out
But just so gentle and loving that it makes you swoon
Rarely makes a sound other than breathing heavily, humming or growling
Face grabbing!!!!!
100% of the time will grind into you
Since his body is always smashed against yours, he doesn’t need to move much for you two to feel the friction
Has a habit of biting his lip and looking to the sky to grab his composure 
Likes your attention on him so he’ll grab your jaw
Playful but not as Ayno
Chuckles when he accidentally tickles you but easily refocuses your attention to the matter at hand:
His tongue in your mouth
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Shy baby won’t initiate any make-outs until later in the relationship
Probably like 3-4 months into it
Doesn’t mean he doesn’t like making out
Exactly the opposite actually
Hosung loves the intimacy of making out with his partner and finds it really romantic
Is very soft about the entire thing
Nearly melts into a puddle when you kiss him out of nowhere, literal hearts in his eyes 
Light pecks - just lips pressed against each other the first few seconds then he’ll slowly move and close his eyes
Hardly any freaky shit until he’s more comfortable with you
When he is comfortable, he’s still very sweet and loving but will be a bit of a tease
Likes to pull away from you and watch you chase his lips
Will play innocent when you get upset that he won’t move against you
Makes you work for it ‘cause he’s a bit of a brat
His hand kink will show during make outs
As soon as your hands touch him under his shirt, he’s a mess
Loud, deep groans and sucking his breath
Wants to watch you so he’ll love it when you’re in his lap
Lots of slow, teasing kisses until he can feel you grind into him
“Do that again.”
Knows how deep his voice can get so when he figures out it’s a turn on for you, he won’t shut up
“If you keep kissing me like that, I’ll have to take you in the room.”
“Unless you want me to strip you right here on the couch?”
“Princess, you’re eager hm? Mhm, I like that~”
You try your best to shut him up but the more you do, the more he’ll do also
He doesn’t prefer boobs over ass or vice versa but he tends to find his hands are constantly caressing your ass and waist a lot
Is hardly ever rough with you but will appreciate a few bites and sharp grips from your hands
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Playful then turns hot and heavy. 
Heejun likes to goof off so making out will start off very innocent. 
You two could be just talking and laughing and he'll strike- tickling you and tackling you onto the couch. 
Eventually, it'll die down and as you were giggling and telling him he was crushing you under his weight, he'd be too busy staring at you to hear you. 
In a split second, he leaned down and gave you a soft kiss - something to convey what he was thinking at the moment. 
He had no intentions of going past that but when he felt your arms wrap around his shoulders, thin fingers stroking the back of his neck and down his back, it sends shivers down his spine. 
Ziu knows how big he is, and he is very cautious of you as well so he won't be rough with you unless there's a special reason. 
Usually, his hands stay on your body, running patterns down your sides but they'll always settle on the swell of your hips or your ass. 
He'll definitely man-handle you a bit - pulling you on to him, pushing you into the couch/bed. 
Some times he forgets how strong he is so his kisses suddenly turn very passionate, and in turn kind of sloppy. 
Open mouth kisses with lots of tongue clashing.
Likes a little bit of pain
Your nails scratching his back, yanking on his hair - as long as there’s no blood
He's pretty vocal, groaning and whispering sweet words in your ear. 
Dirty talk is only for rough sex so most times he'll be just a big ball of love and sensual, lingering kisses.
Then, when you want to deepen the kiss, he'll leave you hanging out of literally nowhere and look at you like you're crazy for trying to get freaky in the dorm living room when any of his members could walk in. 
"We're not doing any of what you're thinking on this couch, little lady." 
Finds it hilarious how sexually frustrated he can get you though, so he'll leave you hanging a lot more than you want lol.
Will probably laugh in your face when you pout and curse him for turning you on with no intention to finish
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coolskinless · 4 years
Between Pleasure and Pain
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I was getting ready for our date night, even though I felt a little uncomfortable because it was that time of the month and my belly did not feel right. I usually never get cramps, but I do not know what it was with me tonight that I just did not feel good enough. So, I decided to call Lou and change the plans.
*On the phone with Lou*
Lou: Hey babe, what’s up?
Y/N: Hey babe, I don’t feel very good enough to go out tonight, can we just say in this time?
Lou: Omg, sure! Are you ok? What’s wrong? Do you need me to take you something? Do you need to go to a doctor? Tell me what to do, what do you need?
Lou sounded frenetic which made me giggle because of how adorable he is.
Y/N: Noo haha I’m fine, I just don’t feel comfortable enough to go out, maybe we can stay here tonight…order something…watch a movie?
Lou: Of course! Whatever you want, you got it. Are you sure you don’t need me to take you something? Medicine or…?
Y/N: Nah, I’m good, thank you babe, you’re very sweet.
Lou: Mmmkay, I’m on my way.
We hung up, and I just smiled looking at my phone, he´s just so sweet and attentive, he literally can’t be any more perfect. I put my phone down and start putting some more comfortable clothes because just the thought of putting on some jeans made my uterus rumble.
A few minutes passed and I heard a knock on the door and I immediately get happy butterflies in my stomach instead of angry wasps in my lower belly, so I drag my sorry but excited ass to the door and open up to see Lou holding a grocery bag up to his face. Just when I thought he could not be more perfect, he tops himself.
Lou: I did not know in what mood you might be in for, so I brought you everything.
He dumped the whole bag in the kitchen island, and he did bring me everything. Ice cream, instant noodles, strawberry milk, spicy chips, mini cakes, the whole ass store! I looked at him with grateful eyes and reached out my hands to cup his face.
Y/N: Thank you babe…
Then joined out lips in a gentle and warm kiss. His lips are so soft and plump, his hand grab me tenderly by my waist and pull me closer to him. I move my hands to the back of his neck and intensify our kiss. He really is the perfect man.
We break the kiss and look at each other smiling.
Y/N: So, what movie do you wanna watch?
Lou giggles
Lou: You pick the movie, first I wanna make my famous homemade instant noodles for my sick girl.
Half an hour went by and Lou finished making his so called “famous instant noodles”, lowkey they looked bomb, smelled spicy, lots of veggies and an egg, just how I liked it. I was grabbing my first bite, but as soon as I swallowed the spicy broth, my cramps started to act up again intensely, like Satan started to shake hands with my womb. So, I couldn’t help but to make a painful face with still the noodles in my mouth. Lou started to panic, as usual and came to my side of the island.
Lou: What is it!? You don’t like it!? Is it too spicy!? I’m so sorry babe! Spit it out, its ok! Tell me what’s wrong! What do I do!?
I smiled at him as I still chewed the food in my mouth, trying to look better so he would stop worrying. But the look on his face told my total opposite, he looked concerned af.
Y/N: I’m fine babe, its not the noodles, its just that time of the month and it hurts a bit.
Lou: Omg babe, why didn’t you tell me? I’m so sorry!
Lou apologized as he hugged me in the chair, putting one hand in my back, the other at the back of my head and resting me on his chest.
Y/N: Sorry for what? Its not your fault.
I smiled while looking at him
Lou: Still! I don’t like it when my baby is in pain.
Lou looked at me with those puppy dog eyes, and it just made me melt. I convinced him that I was fine after much insisting to go to the doctor lol. We finished our noodles, we talked and laughed about our day, this kind of distraction is just what I needed to make me feel better. Then we grabbed some more of the snacks Lou brought and moved to the couch. We started watching some movie while eating the snacks, but at some point, I feel asleep in his chest, my favorite place.
I was sleeping comfortably with the movie noises on the background when all of a sudden I feel a sharp pain in my lower belly that made me sit up abruptly scaring the shit out of Lou who was also falling asleep.
Lou: Babe, what’s wrong!? Are you okay!?
Y/N: Yeah, it’s just…
I couldn’t even finish my sentence, I just sat there holding my belly trying to make the pain away. Lou held me tight against him and surprisingly the pain went away almost immediately. I was happily surprised and looked at him in awe.
Y/N: It stopped…
Lou: It did!?
Y/N: Yeah, I guess it has something to do with the apartment being so cold and your body temperature being warm.
Lou: Okay, that settles it.
Lou got up, picked me up in his arms bridal style and started walking to my bedroom.
Y/N: What are you doing? Haha
Lou: We are going to bed
He said that with total confidence, and I was in shock because we´ve never been in bed together. But I couldn’t help but to look at his side profile and smile at him.
He tucked me into bed, went to put the unfinished groceries away, turn the TV off, to switch all the lights off so just the moonlight entered the room and crawled in next to me under the sheets. This was a next step to our relationship, but I was loving it. Just the two of us together, in bed, you could listen to our breathing, and just by feeling Lou´s warm body next to mine made me feel so much better.
The hours went by and I didn’t even notice when I fell asleep, but another sharp pain woke me up out or nowhere. I opened my eyes and saw Lou´s face get illuminated by the moonlight entering the dark room through the window. I felt a sense of peace just by looking at him sleep, so calm and beautiful. I wanted to keep admiring him, but a second wave of pain appeared like the one in the living room, making me move and moan a little, waking Lou up.
Lou: Babe, what’s wrong?
Lou´s groggy and confused voice next to me made me stop my complaining and look up at him because he highkey sounds very sexy when he just woke up. His roommates are very lucky guys.
Y/N: I’m fine…
I say out of breath, while I press on my lower belly trying to make the pain away. I can tell by the look in his eyes that he knows that he can’t do much. So, without saying anything, he just grabs me and pulls me close to him, again, my head in his chest, his arms wrapped around me, our legs intertwined, if my lower stomach wasn’t so uncomfortable I would say this is heaven.
Some minutes went by and the pain would come and go, mild, I can handle it. But it started getting worse to the point where I couldn’t keep still, I was moving and moaning and shaking. All I could do was hug Lou for some comfort.
Lou´s POV
It hurt my soul so see Y/N in pain, I couldn’t do much but to hold her and wait for her to feel better. But then something happened...
She was moaning, and moving her body against mine, I didn’t know what to do. She was like, asleep still, but in her discomfort, she couldn’t keep still. She was moaning and rubbing her body with mine, her legs went up and down on mine, she kept tilting her head back with her eyes closed, just enough of the moonlight hit her so I can see her features het enlightened in the most flattering way. I’ve never seen her this way, not that I haven’t imagined it, I actually think about her like this all the time but seeing her like this in real life is just so much better.
Little moans escape her slightly opened lips, making me go crazy, but I can’t do anything about it. Her arms keep moving back and forth at the back of my neck, and all I could think about was this is how she would look like if I was insider her.
Lou get your shit together…your girlfriend is in pain and you are here next to her just perverting yourself. You´re right…I should stop thinking, I should stop thinking about her breasts pressed to my chest, her hips pounding against mine, her breath against my ear, saying my name over and over again. How can I focus on making her feel better when she is turning around, and her ass is literally pressing on my cock??? I mean..I cant to much but hug her anyways, so I just hug her by her tiny waist and pull her even closer to me to feel her even better. She keeps moving and if I let myself go I can easily cum right now, but I keep my cool and just snuggle my face into the back of her neck and breathe in real deep. She smells amazing, a combination of her shampoo and Y/N, makes my blood boil in lust just like that. I run my hand through the side of her body making a perfect wave between her arm, her waist, and her hips, I cant believe that this is…like, she…and…I have no words to describe the effects that she has on me.
She turns around again, facing me and breaking my trance, she has her eyes open and is looking at me. I was breathless for a second because I didn’t know how long she was awake, if she felt me grow in my pants, maybe I made her feel uncomfortable by touching her in her sleep, I don’t want her to think that I don’t care about her feeling sick. I was lost in my thoughts when I feel Y/N lips against mine.
I was half asleep and half awake, I was so uncomfortable, I couldn’t find a comfortable position to sleep in, the only thing that made me not lose my mind was Lou next to me holding me tight. I was moving nonstop in my sleep without realizing it when I felt it.
Lou was rock hard next to my thighs, pressing against them, me with still my eyes closed I kept them that way, I don’t want him to notice that I felt him and scare him away. I’ve always thought about Lou that way, we’ve been dating for two months and since we met, I’ve always wondered what’s he like in bed. We´ve never done much but make out on the couch, but this was different, he was rock hard, and I knew he wanted me. So, I just kept pretending that I was asleep in discomfort and kept moving, the only thing that wasn’t pretend was the pain, the cramps actually made me shake, I was just gonna keep my eyes closed while I ride the waves of pain and see how Lou reacts.
I turn around and purposely face my butt against his bulge, feeling grow harder. I don’t know if he is asleep anymore, but I don’t care, I keep moving slowly and little by little, so he doesn’t realize that I’m awake. But then I feel him trace my side with his hand, his slow steady hand drives me crazy, then he puts his face in the back of my hair and I feel him inhale and exhale, he is definitely not asleep anymore. So, I turn around and look at him wide awake, I stare at him for a few seconds and just see him look a little surprised, like waiting for me to do something, but all I can do is cup his face in my hands and press my lips against his.
I would love to continue this kiss and see what happens next, but unfortunately I’m on my period and we cant do anything about it, so I just kiss him softly and return to our original position and try to fall sleep again.
Lou´s POV
A few days have gone by since that night, and all I can think about is Y/N. Her body in the moonlight, her collarbone exposed, her thighs rubbing mine, her lips letting out little moans. I find myself distracted thinking about that in everything I do, while I’m cooking or eating, while I’m in the studio, with the guys, cleaning, or literally just laying awake at night thinking about her. The bathroom of our dorm has been very busy lately, not gonna lie, she is all I can think about. Its hurts that I can´t see her every day because of my schedule, but I gonna see her tonight and I cannot wait.
A few days have gone by since that night, and all I can think about is Lou. I keep daydreaming of what it would be like to have him inside me, moaning in my ear, squeezing my flesh…ok that’s enough. I need to focus, because thanks to all these thoughts I have been washing a lot more of my underwear than any other clothes lately. I’m gonna see him tonight, and maybe who knows, maybe tonight is the night.
Lou arrives late at night as per usual, he greats me with a kiss like always but it feels different this time, the kiss was longer and more passionate than usual, you know…those kisses that leave you breathing a little heavier after. And in general, you feel like there is a heavier mood around the room, like, dense, but I ignore it. We order dinner and start our nightly ritual of eating and watching a movie. While we have dinner, we talk about our day and just regular stuff, but with these glares he gives me, I finally figure out what this dense mood I feel is, its sexual tension. You can feel the sexual tension in the air like fog, this boy wants action tonight, and you know what? He´s gonna get it.
We finish our dinner and move to the couch to watch a movie; we start cuddling like usual, me slightly on top of him resting on his chest and his arms around me, but the dense fog of sexual tension is still there. I look up at him and smile looking for some clue, but he just gives me a side smile with a kiss on my forehead. So I look back at the TV and continue the movie, but then I feel his hand slowly lower from my upper back to my lower back where my skin is showing because of my crop top and I feel his thumb draw a little heart between my Venus’s dimples which send shivers all over my body. I look up at him and we stare at each other’s eyes for like 5 seconds looking for permission, and we join our lips on a profound kiss. My hands are around his neck and his hands are all around me, we continue kissing for a few minutes with hot and heavy breathing before I break the kiss to look straight into his eyes again and tell him:
Y/N: Lou…can you make love to me tonight?
Lou´s pupils dilate with hunger and just nods lightly before joining his lips with mine once again. He stands up with me on top of him and we stumble across the room on the way to my bed while his hands rumble across my body in desperation. Oh my god, this is finally happening.
The back of my knees feel the edge of the bed and Lou lays on top of me as we continue kissing frantically. For a second Lou break the kiss and with heavy breathing he looks at me asks:
Lou: Are you sure you wanna do this?
Y/N: Im sure…
And I pull him back to me kissing him anxiously, I run my tongue lightly through his bottom lip and bite it softly, making him let out a little grunt from the back of his throat. Which was the drop that spilled the glass, I was soaking wet and ready for him.
The make out session became a little more rough, I could feel ALL the weight of his body all over me and then some…I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling his pelvis in between my legs and feeling his bulge press against me as he starts to grind driving me crazy making me moan out loud. His hands move up to my hair and his lips move down to my neck, down my cleavage, placing wet kisses all over my chest. He sit up a bit to lift my shit off and down a bit to take my bottoms too, after he strips me off my clothes he stays at the edge of the bed just staring, and I start to feel shy and he notices.
Lou: You´re perfect
He leans down on me again kissing me painfully slow from my stomach up to my now very exposed breasts. You could se my hard nipples through the lace of the bra, and he is just over them basically breathing on them, he places his mouth over my nipple and starts playing with it over the fabric making me feel electricity. I tilt my head back to the bed and just enjoy the moment, but then he starts softly biting on my nub making me moan and squirm of pleasure. I put my hand on the back of his head to pull him closer to me at the same time he bites a little bit harder making me pull a fistful of his hair, which he moans to the motion. At this point I’m kind surprised because this boy lowkey kinky, and I live for it.
He leads the kisses downtown and continues kissing me over the wet fabric of the underwear, he runs his hands along my legs until he reaches the sides of my panties to pull them down. Instinctively I try to close my legs on his face, but he stops them by putting his palms on both my knees and spreading them wide open.
Lou: Oh my god, you´re perfect, you´re so wet
He starts sliding his hands through the outside of my thighs as he starts going down on me, slowly licking, and caressing my pussy. Giving kitten lick on my clit making me whimper, slowly making his lick bigger and bigger on my clit warming me up for the main event.
Y/N: Oh my god Lou!
I start moaning and arching my back as he is sucking at my clit like as if it was a tiny cherry flavored lollipop. My moaning just encouraged him more to keep going because he wasn’t stopping anytime soon. He grabs me by the hips and pulls me closer to his face to the point my legs are at his back and his mouth is at my entrance inserting his tongue in and out scooping my juices out for him as I’m curving my back in ecstasy. I’m moaning to loud at this point, I have to cover my mouth, but I feel a hand from underneath uncovering my hand from my mouth.
Lou: Don´t stop, I love hearing you scream for me
He picks up the pace and its getting me closer, I’m a moaning mess, my body was reacting by its own, I wasn’t in control any more, was I ever in control with Lou? I start to feel my stomach knot up, you feel yourself getting tighter and tighter, your legs start to shake and close on Lou´s face, but he keeps them open with his arms as you cum on his mouth, drinking everything from you.
Lou: Oh my god, you taste delicious
Lou incorporated himself and started to take his clothes off right in front of me, I was already a breathless mess by just climaxing, now seeing him strip is another type of high. He starts to take off his shirt and you´re blown away just like the day you saw him for the first time, he was just perfection. Then he proceeds to take off his pants to release his hard cock from his boxers, he starts to stroke it as he looks at me, and I can see his jaw clench and his arm muscles tense and release with every stroke.
Lou: You like what you see?
He asks with a smirk on his face as I, apparently, was staring at IT all this time. I just couldn’t stop imagining how his size was just perfect to stretch me open and fill every bit of my insides.
Y/N: I love what I’m seeing…
I said trying to be smooth. He smirk again and starts to crawl over me again, looking straight into my eyes, he positions himself right over me but a few inches away, so I move my hips a little closer to have him right at my entrance. I started to open my mouth to say something, but he started to enter in me before I could say anything, what was I gonna say anyways? Who know? All I knew was that Lou was finally inside me, and without breaking eye contact he started thrusting in an out of me. I move my legs around his waist to give him more access, I want to feel all of him, with every thrust I can feel him stretching me open, and all of a sudden he stops and rests his head on my neck, I was confused and wanted to ask him to please keep moving, but I realized, he was already close, if I asked him to keep moving he was gonna cum and this was gonna be over very soon, so I just cupped him by his cheeks and started kissing him with all the love I have for him.
His breathing intensified as he is trying not to move, but just feeling his cock throb inside me made me quiver, and I cant stand it any longer, I just need him to move and fuck the shit out of me.
Y/N: Lou…please…move
Lou starts to move faster and faster each time, you can hear him moan in your ear, it’s like hearing an angel sing with a very deep voice, I want more of that, so I start pushing my hips at his compass with every thrust.
Y/N: Oh my god Lou, it feels amazing!
I cry out, with every thrust you feel a spark starting to form in the pit of your stomach.
Lou: You´re amazing baby, you feel so amazing, taking me all in, swallowing… me… all… in…
His thrust started to slow down, and I feel him getting harder and bigger inside of me as I start to get tighter around him. He buries his face in my neck again, occasionally biting and sucking at my soft skin, probably gonna have marks later.
Y/N: L…Lou…i´m gonna…
Lou: I know baby I know, you´re getting so tight, cum for me
I tried to warn him, but I feel myself snapping into a million pieces. He picks up the pace and starts circling his thumb around my clit, wrapping my arms around his neck, clinging onto him as hard as I can, I feel my core bursting making me moan like crazy as I’m seeing his name in starts.
He moans as he comes with me, riding my orgasm like a wave. He stays inside me while I continue shaking, he moves some hair from my face and kisses me tiredly but passionately. He pulls out gently and you can feel the your juices combined pour out of you, he lays next to me and pulls me onto his chest, laying on top of him he wraps us in the blanket, hugging him I can get a scent of his cologne and his sweat, the perfect combination to make my endorphins act up.
Lou: Y/N, I love you
Y/N: I love you too
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VAV “You bite them”
Ask:  Vav reaction to you biting them? I love your writing ~💕
St. Van/Geumhyuk: 
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You and Geumhyuk hardly got alone time, his room in the dorm being one of the few places you guys got to be alone. Geumhyuk had his arms by your head, keeping himself propped up as hips slammed into yours. Your face was burried into his neck trying to keep yourself quiet, the boys being just in the other room. At this point, he didn’t care if you were loud, he was just happy to have time with you. 
You however felt very loud as his hips did a number on you. Biting back a scream, you bit down on his shoulder. The feeling surprised him, making him chuckle as he picked up the pace more. 
“Does it feel that good? So good that you need to bite me to keep quiet?” 
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Cheunghyub couldn’t help but smile as you left kisses down his neck, slowly making your way to his chest. His fingers in your hair as you made marks, you were taking your sweet time. “Makeup artist is going to be so mad.” He mumbled and you just laughed, unattaching your lips from his neck as one more love bite was made. 
You moved down again, starting to get to his chest and beginning another mark. But you changed things up. Biting down on the sensitive skin only to get a gasp from him. 
“Makeup artist is going to give me hell because of this.” 
Ace/ Wooyoung: 
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Wooyoung had a teasing smile on his face as your hips slammed against the kitchen counter. He was fucking you good and you knew it. You glanced behind you to look at his expression. His bottom lip was caught between his teeth and his eyes were shut, just digging his hands into your hips. 
His hand moved up your body, coming near your mouth before telling you to open your mouth. Wooyoung placed 2 fingers in your mouth, wanting you to suck on them as he fucked you into oblivion. The force made you bite down on his fingers. He started laughing before leaning over you. 
“Damn baby, wasn’t expecting you to do that.” 
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Yunho held you close to him as his tongue ran over your bottom lip. His fingers holding your hips down onto his as your makeout session got more intense. Your lips moved down to his neck, swiping your tongue over the flesh and he moaned, tugging your hair a little. 
You bit down this time, not hard but enough for him to wince and let out a whimper. You smiled to yourself before kissing him again. Just wanting to tease him a little. Yunho pulled away, looking at you mischeviously. 
“How about I bite you? See how much you like it.” 
Jacob/Jang Peng:
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Jacob had this thing, about making you scream. He loved it, he wanted the other members to hear it. It turned him on to no end to have everyone in the building know who was making you feel good. Especially now, he was teasing the shit out of you and slowing down his thrusts making you cry out in frustration. Then you realised that, that was why he was doing it. 
You bit down on his shoulder, stopping your screams and turning them into soft whimpers. He groaned, picking up the pace wanting to hear your voice again. 
“Biting me to keep quiet, I’ll take that as a compliment.” 
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Hosung wasn’t one for receiving body praise so when you placed kisses down his chest, he couldn’t help but be shy. His fingers threaded through your hair, making sure you didn’t take too long in one spot. He felt you starting to make a mark on his chest and tried pulling you away. 
It wasn’t that he didn’t want you marking him, it was that he felt awkward at that type of affection. Things were usually the other way around. You were tired of him movving you because of his awkwardness so you bit down onto his skin lightly. Hosung moaned out and made made a cute face, so you just continued marking him. 
“I really liked that. Why did I really like that?” 
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Sex with Ziu was always playfull and fun, today was no different. He sat between your legs, taking his sweet time and running his fingers over your thighs. You smiled at him as he leaned forward to kiss you, spreading your thighs further apart. 
You playfully dodged his kiss moving to bite his shoulder instead. He started laughing, grabbing your chin and looking at you as he entered you. The eye contact sent shivers up your spine and the soft smile on his face made you laugh. 
“You totally just bit me.” 
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