#varrick tethras
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bluehairlaunch · 9 months ago
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Ok so the representation is there, I do like that. Not a fan of the fortnite graphics or overall presentation of the reveal trailer. The Mage Killer guy has a 5 head and all the companions except Neve look... Uhhhh. Not as interesting as what we've come to expect in a Dragon Age installment. Why couldn't we have Qwydion instead of Trash? The tone is also pretty Marvel circa 2011, but we haven't been a dark fantasy since Inquisition, if not Dragon Age: The 2.
When you fuck up a title, then announce a scaling back of features (fewer companions), and all after a decade wait where the direction has changed fivefold on a whim, this comes as no surprise.
In a way I prefer this. It's fitting for Dragon Age to somehow get worse and further from DA:O with every installment.
Also Varrick. Oof. Again? He's gonna die.
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silveradiant · 9 months ago
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madredp · 1 year ago
*this must be a funny joke*
*I would be grateful for a quote with your jokes and this picture, there will be such a flash mob*
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lemonina00 · 6 days ago
Today is day 3 of Illario appreciation week! Yay🥳💖
For this one, I picked the nsfw prompt "Sweet Talker", though this one is really tame. There's some light swearing, but nothing explicit.
I don't own any of the mentioned characters except for my Rook Julice. This is all just for fun. Not a native speaker here.
Thank you @captastra for uniting us Illario lovers! 😊
Illario Dellamorte finds Rook sulking away after Lucanis literally ghosts her in the aftermath of the dragon attacking Treviso (my canon choice for the Illario x Rook ship). He senses a chance to reignite her interest in him. After all, he's always been a sweet talker.
Read on AO3:
or under the cut💕.
Such big words
"He should not treat you like this!" Illario sighed, sitting down next to a miserable Julice. The woman in question just turned her head to look at him with red and puffy eyes. A clear giveaway that she'd been crying. Shit! Illario wasn't one for consoling others. Especially not crestfallen women. Yet somehow he couldn't stand the lack of Julice's usual charming smile.
"Even though my cousin might tell you otherwise, not even I am that cruel." He carried on. And he meant it! He would not treat his cousin's teammate so poorly. Given the chance he would treat her very differently.
His stomach fluttered as he once more registered his undeniable attraction to the human woman and former Lord of Fortune.
"He's not talking to me at all as it is!" Julice lamented, hanging her head.
"Yeah...he can be a sulking asshole. Take it from me, Julice.” He rolled her name on his tongue. Her actual name, not the nickname that had been given to her by the infamous Varrick Tethras. Illario barely knew Julice, but he'd gathered enough hints to conclude that she actually preferred being called by her given name.
“I've been on the receiving end of his...how shall I call it?...Well no matter what it is ... I've gotten it as well!"
"But you're his family! And I'm just..." Julice struggled to find the right words to put her relationship with Lucanis into words.
They'd started out strong. The initial chemistry that Illario had had the misfortune of witnessing first hand at Caterina's funeral service, had been undeniable. And it had left Illario with a bad taste and a sinking feeling in his stomach.
Ever since he could remember, he had been the more charming Dellamorte. Not Lucanis.
During their first meeting, he could've sworn that Julice had returned his lingering looks. But as soon as she'd brought his cousin back from the underwater prison, all her attention had been given to his family’s golden child. Only that the golden child had apparently decided to mistreat his soft-hearted companion.
Could this be Illario's time to shine? To recapture her interest?
"Just what? You're his savior! The one that got him out of the Ossuary!" He tried his luck. Every woman liked being reminded of her worth. Julice would surely be no exception.
"The one that destroyed his city!" Or would she?
"His city?! Treviso was...is... he's way too full of himself! And it was that blighted dragon that destroyed it, not you."
"But I made the wrong call! I chose to head to Minrathous, first. And ...I had my reasons! I still do. I tried...if only....he wouldn't even hear them!" Her voice, usually so melodious shook.
"That's Lucanis for you." Illario shrugged, like this was a given. He was unfairly painting a wrong picture of his cousin for Julice. But damn, he would paint this woman anything to get her to finally realize that he was the better choice. His ego wouldn't allow anything less.
"Yeah but he...."
"He what?" He cocked his head to the side, giving her his full attention. She wanted to talk? He would listen.
"Why only blame me, you know? It was Neve who all but guilt tripped me into choosing Minrathous. He was there, he heard her....and still...he seems to have no problem with her company. He...he won't even look me in the eyes!"
Illario did. Straight into those big blue orbs, filled with hurt and regret.
"And that bothers you so?" He inquired.
"Then ...look at me! I am not blaming you for what happened! Treviso is my home as well. And as for your reasons...." He offered her an encouraging smile, followed by presenting her with a bottle of wine he'd brought with him, only to forget about it upon seeing her in such a sorry state. Maybe sharing a drink would lift her spirits, he surmised.
"I would hear them..." And an open ear. Maybe even a strong shoulder to cry on. He could offer her that.
"Would you now?"
Juice chuckled, but then her faint smile faltered and she eyed the bottle in his hand wearily.
"This isn't poisoned if that's what's holding you back! Look..." Illario removed the previously loosened cork.
He'd been meaning to drown his own sorrows in alcohol when he'd stolen this ridiculously expensive bottle of old red from his grandmother's wine cellar. Now they might as well do so together. The Antivan took a swig himself, for good measure, before holding it out to her again.
"Now wouldn't that be funny?" Julice's lips lifted into a tentative smile.
"No, it wouldn't...believe me! There's much…nicer ways to go." His voice dropped low, changing into his seductive tones. The ones he was used to pique people's interest with. Juice was a difficult case to crack, sadly.
"Just tell me, Illario...there already is a contract with my name on it, isn't there?"
"What? No! Not that I know of."
She eyed him long and hard, then she finally accepted the bottle.
"Well I'd rather this be my end than some random backstabbing in a dark alleyway!"
“Nobody is going to stab you, Julice! Not while I am here!”
“You would protect me?” Her brow lifted at his unspoken promise. A promise he actually intended to keep.
“I would end whoever would dare and come for you for something like this long before they'd as much as look at you!”
“Wow, that's… that's big words.”
“It's what you need to hear. What you want to hear, isn't it?”
She blushed, her hopeful gaze locking with his. Illario inwardly triumphed. He was a sweet talker through and through. And apparently he'd not yet lost his bite.
“Maybe it is.” julice confessed, her cheeks turning en even darker shade of pink.
Mission accomplished!
Thanks for reading ❤️
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bronsautracks · 2 years ago
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I rewatched lok and this wouldn’t leave my brain
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the-random-hamlet · 1 year ago
I am here to spread the joy (read: pain) :)
I had a dream where Varric was in formal clothes with cut short hair combed to the side. Even in dream, I was "What have they done to my boy?!"
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jacklyn-flynn · 3 years ago
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Varric absolutely loves blowing raspberries on any and all of the soft parts of his lover. Usual, they are strategically placed or timed for maximum laughter, which he also absolutely loves from them.
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garage-thedas · 5 years ago
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Moment at camp
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zvonkayatishina · 5 years ago
Varric reading a letter from Sebastian
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extraordinarymage · 4 months ago
Varrick at the proving grounds in dao and Varric Tethras
BioWare why did you name two NPCs in two different games Tarquin. I don’t like that
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silveradiant · 9 months ago
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astrolabud · 4 years ago
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skyholdlibrary · 5 years ago
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basilboo · 6 years ago
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The companions of Dragon Age II
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mafkin · 7 years ago
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cullen-clunkerford · 6 years ago
Any Dragon Age RPers?
// Hello!! I am searching for Dragon Age RPers. I write multi-para or semi-liners. I am a bit rusty though since I haven't RPed in awhile.
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