#vanossgaming x terroriser
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vanosslirious · 3 months ago
Terroriser: Oh my God, I don't know how to fucking aim!
Puffer: Why is the announcer still talking?
Vanoss: Our captain is on a megaphone.
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poly-bus · 7 years ago
TerrorNoss : Gang Wars 1
Genre: Angst and Fluff
AU: Gang/GTA
Evan wasn’t the strongest, emotionally, mentally, or even physically.
All he had was a glock and some spare ammo when they were raided.
Of course, there was a half robotic fucker right by his side with an ak47 in his hands and a Sniper strapped to his back.
Brown eyes searched the room for any other weapons.
Brian glanced over and tsked, “Unprepared for the worst, to be expected of our beloved boss.”
“Shut up, Brian- Now’s not the time for fun and jokes.”
He stepped closer to the Canadian and knelt down, gun in one hand trained on the closed door.
“You’re not hurt, are you?”
“My ankle is sprained, and I’ve been shot in my side.”
Brian hummed in thought before wrapping an arm under his boss’ armpit, pulling him up, “Deal with the pain, where’s Del?”
“Dead, they killed him,” The Canadian’s face stayed stern, feigning emotionless while a battle of sadness and rage boiled in golden flecked brown eyes.
Brian bit his lip and groaned, “Fuck it, come on,” he helped the other towards their escape route.
A small cellar door, the place where he just came from to rescue his gang members, was laying open against the stone floors.
A small yell outside the door alerted him and he laid the other down to turn and shoot at the door.
A few bullets leaped through the wood, he got a clear shot of them.
A groan was heard as the door crept open slowly.
“Crawl inside, go!”
Evan made haste to get inside the cellar tunnels, shifting so he could clamber down the wooden steps of the ladder.
Brian followed after, shutting the cellar’s trap door behind them and helping Ev to his feet as he made it to the tunnel floor.
“This leads to Tyler’s base, last I checked, Marcel and him were clearing the courtyard and prison chambers.”
Evan nodded solemnly, “If I die down here, you’re the new boss, Terroriser.”
Brian’s face contorted into one of rage and annoyance, “You’re not dying, and don’t call me that. I’m Brian. Brian you fucker.”
“R-Right,” the Canadian offered a meek smile, face paling from blood loss.
The brunette huffed as they made it to their fellow gang’s base.
He quickly laid Evan out on a table, clearing it from any beer cups and wine glasses.
He ripped open Evan’s blood stained button up and gently tugged his pant leg up to his knee.
He poured alcohol on the bullet wound to sterilizing it, allowing Evan to bite down on a rag as he did so.
“What the fuck happened to Evan!?”
Tyler’s rage-filled yet exhausted voice called out in the pub, almost echoing off the walls.
“Our space got taken over, Del is dead, I couldn’t find Brock or Lui either.”
The American huffed and hurried to the back of the pub, probably retrieving medical supplies.
“We’ll go back and clear it tomorrow, before daybreak.”
Tyler huffed and returned, nodding to the other and taking over.
Brian gently leaned over the Canadian, planting a hand against his forehead, “He might be getting a fever.”
“He can rest in the- uh, upstairs... area.”
Brian nodded quietly, watching the other wrap his ankle and the spot where the bullet had scratched him deep.
“Luckily, the bullet isn’t stuck inside of him, he’ll make a clean recovery.”
Marcel entered the pub, closing the door behind him, “We’ve been declared war on, what do you want us to do?”
Tyler glanced up, “Who?”
“The Misfits.”
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broimanalien · 3 years ago
Being a woman sucks
Terroriser x Vanoss x Wildcat x reader
Brian/Terroriser POV
I was filming a video for my channel with Evan, Tyler, and David when I heard the door to my open and a quiet shuffle. I turned around and saw Y/n cuddled in what looked like two fluffy blankets flop down onto the couch in the room, Nussle into them, and go to sleep. When I say that was the cutest thing I ever saw. I mean it, but me being distracted by Y/n gave Tyler time to kill me in GTA. "HA! Sucker I win!"
"Yeah, sure whatever," I say deep down knowing that I win because I have Y/n at my house and not theirs.  "Dude, you just stopped trying what happened?" Vanoss asked.
"Y/n just came into the room"
"WHAT!" Tyler yelled
"Ow," David said
"What is she doing?" Vanoss asked
"She just came out of nowhere with two fluffy blankets and flopped down on the couch, I think she's asleep?" I say looking at her trying to figure out if she actually is asleep.
"Bro your getting cuddles!" Tyler said annoyed
"Well, I would be if I wasn't playing with you guys!" I said kind of annoyed because she looked so comfy and all I wanted to do was be close to her, yet here I was on this chair playing GTA. "My girlfriend does that a lot either when she's upset, tired, or wants attention so good luck finding out which one it is," David says
"Thanks, A lot Nogla," I say still looking at her
"Your welcome"
"I'm coming over" I hear Evan say before he goes off the game and discord
"I'm not missing out on cuddles, be there in 10!" Tyler says before he leaves the game and discord just like Evan. "Well good luck I guess, see ya later," David says before he does the same as Vanoss and wildcat. I log off and then walk over to Y/n. "Baby, you awake?" I say pulling the blanket down so I can see more of her face. I look and see tears coming out from her clenched eyes. "What's wrong baby?" I ask nealing down in front of her so we are at eye level with each other. "I hate being a woman," she says sniffling, she starts crying more then sat up and threw herself at me. Now she's full-on crying into my t-shirt but I don't mind. I start rubbing her back whispering sweet nothings into her ear trying to calm her down.
I'm sitting on the ground with Y/n sitting on my lap still crying when I hear the front door open and I hear Vanoss and Wildcat talking. "Were in the gaming room!" I yell to them hoping they come so we can calm her down fully to find what hurt her. I hear their footsteps getting closer and their conversation about who knows what comes to a stop when they enter the room. I look up and see them staring at me with confused looks, I just shrug my shoulders and look back at y/n who sniffling.
Tyler/Wildcat POV
Evan and I were talking about what came first, the chicken or the egg when we enter Brian's gaming room to see him on the floor with Y/n in his lap crying, I look over at Brian to see him shrug his shoulder and look back at Y/n. I walk over to them and crouch down to their level and rub Y/n's back. "Hey babe it's me, Tyler and I guess Evan too" I hear Evan schroff but I ignore him. "What's wrong?" Y/n moves so she's now sitting on Brian's lap facing me and Evan who's now also crouched down looking at Y/n. She looks at me and Evan with such defeated eyes that make me want to kill whoever hurt her. She looks down, takes a deep breath, and says "This guy sent me a DM on Instagram saying how hot I was and stuff like that and when I said I had a boyfriend he started saying a bunch of horrible things, and normally it doesn't get to me but I guess I've just been having a hard time recently that it just got to me more than it should of." During her confession, she never once looked at us and during this, I just got angrier and angrier. I stood up and started pacing around the room. I mean why would someone do this to her. I mean I get why he would want to get into her pants because I do to but then afterwords just because she said no doesn't give him the right to go say horrible stuff about her.
Evan/Vanoss POV
As she finished telling us what happened I was beyond angry but I knew that I would have to try to be calm because Tyler would be furious and Brain will and angry too. I looked at Y/n to see him looking at Tyler with tears in her eyes so put both of my hands on her cheeks and made her look at me. "Hey, don't worry, it's not your fault the guy was awful and whatever he said was a lie, your beautiful and amazing, and he's just jealous that he can't have you." Y/n jumped into my arms and hugged me like I was going to melt away if she let go, I hugged her back as she cried into my shoulder. I moved so my back was against the couch and just held her telling her that everything was okay and how much of an amazing person she is.
I watched as Tyler kept pacing the small gaming room and Brian stands with his back against the wall watching both Y/n and Tyler trying to calm him down. By now Y/n had fallen asleep in my arms and we were trying to figure out what to do. "We should send a police report and make them kill the bastard!" Tyler said, "Quiet you bimbo Y/n is asleep" Brain said looking at Y/n. For the first time since Y/n told us what happened Tyler stopped pacing and turned to look at Y/n asleep in my arms, he then sighed and sat down next to me running his hands through his hair "It's just not fair"
"I know but there's not much we can do," Brian said coming to sit down on the other side of me. "What about we look at her phone and see what he actually said?" Brian said looking over at Y/n. "I don't know if that's a good Idea" I spoke for the first time. Tyler looks over at me with a confused yet frustrated face "Why not, we will get to find out what he actually said so we can know how bad it is."
"But we will be invading her personal space and we don't want her not to trust us"
"Yeah but Evan if it made her this upset it must have been bad and if we find out exactly what he said then we can help fix it," Brian said trying to persuade me. I thought about it for a moment, if we did we would be looking through her phone and if she finds out we did that she might get angry at us and I don't want to lose her, but if we don't then we probably won't find out what happened and then we won't be able to undo what the bastard said to her. I looked at Y/n who was peacefully sleeping in my arms and decided that it was better to find out what he said than not know what happened. "okay" I see Brian stand up and leave the room to go get her phone. While he's gone I stand up still holding Y/n and look over at Tyler. He gets the idea and stands up and grabs the blankets of the couch. I place Y/n on the couch and Tyler places the blankets over her and we both just stand there watching her sleep (not creepy though, of course not)
I hear Brian walk into the room but I don't look up I just keep watching her. There's a moment of silence where everyone's just silent thinking over the plan and making sure that this is a good idea. "Well..." Brian says snapping out of my thoughts causing me to look over at him. "Let's just get this over with," I say going to stand next to Brain so I will be able to read what he wrote. You may be thinking, how are these three idiots going to log into her phone. Well, it's as simple as Y/N gave us the password. Brian logs into her phone and goes straight to Instagram, when the app loads he goes to the message simple and taps it. Once it opens the first person is someone I don't recognize I look over to Brian to see him looking at me. I just shrug my shoulder and Brian inhales a deep breath and presses the messages. I look over his shoulder more as the conversations come up. "Well, what does it say?!" Tyler asked annoyed. It's like I'm frozen looking at what he sent, time has stopped as I read over everything that he said again and again.
Tyler/Wildcat POV
I just see both their faces go pale and I start to wonder if I even want to know what he said but I need to know. "Well, what does it say?!" "umm... It basically says that she needs to kill herself and she's not good enough to ever be in love and that we are just with her for... you know" Brian says still staring at her phone. "WHAT! THAT'S INSANE" "Tyler calm down we don't want to wake her" "BUT SHE FELL ASLEEP BELIEVING ALL THAT BULLCRAP!" "Tyler, please stop yelling"
I woke up to yelling, lots of yelling coming from Tyler and Evan trying to calm him down but what they were yelling about was beyond my half-asleep brain so I decided to try to make them shut up. "SHHHHHH! I'm trying to sleep here" I say causing the whole room to straight away fall into silence. "Thank you, I would ask what you were yelling about" I start saying sitting up to see Tyler across the room staring at me while Brian and Evan were standing next to each other and Brian had my phone. "And why you have my phone but I'm too tired to care so let's go to Brian's bed and cuddle with no yelling, please"
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jollyhaunt · 5 years ago
i have never felt as old as now hearing:
daithi is engaged (sINCE 2019???)
babylirious is due in a month
scotty and chrissy are married
and not to mention brock being a dad, and evan making music
edit: and evan, tyler, brian, and marcel making their own show??? holy shit
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weetiebel · 5 years ago
V: Alright, alright. I just wanted to make sure...
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heck-damn-so-i-draw · 5 years ago
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cha0sbunny · 5 years ago
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eliza-writes-stuff · 6 years ago
Popular tropes in fanfics or at least bbs fanfics
just an excuse to write and trying to be consisitent
Sharing a bed
“Oh no.” Scotty said. He stared at the king’s size bed.
Mini clicked his tongue, “Indeed.”
“It appears that are two of us.”
“That is correct.”
“AND ONLY ONE BED!” They both yelled in sync.
Hanahaki Disease
“So there’s a guy I liked.” Smiity twiddled his thumbs. “And I think I might have a-” Before he could say anything, he cough, really hard. Then he coughed out a bunch of petals.
“What the fuck is this?!” Cyrus yelled. His hand on his forehead to grasped any of his brain cells.
“So, according to my diagnose, you have hanahaki disease, which means there are flowers growing in your lungs and you’ll hack them up. Until the person accepts yer feelings.” Dr. Brian Hanby explained the problem.
“No way borther!” Then Smiity coughed up another petal.
“Yep, there’s a possibly of suffocating, choking and/or dying because of this.”
“Wait, what?!”
High School AU
“Your favorite banana bus boy?” Maeve flipped up their hoodie. “Now, they’re in high school.” Then they point at two people.
“Hey nerd!” Kryoz pinned Brock against the wall.
“What?” Brock is confused about this situation.
“I have self-esteem issues and at the end of this fic, I’ll be hopelessly in love with you.”
“Excuse me?”
“Kiss me!”
University AU
“Your favorite banana bus boy?” Arcia flipped up her pink hoodie. “Now, they’re in University. See Evan over there? Yeah, he’s roommates with Brian Michael Handjob and a major crush on him.”
“It’s Hanby, you dumb bitch!” Brian yelled across the yard. But his anger is quickly resolved when Evan put his arms around him.
“Don’t mind her. Hey, wanna study and make out? Your name is Handjob.” He wiggles his eyebrows.
Brian is red in his face, “Shut up, you Canadian fuck.”
And that’s it!
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vanosslirious · 3 months ago
Vanoss: We're good, we all survived, nobody died.
Puffer: Wait, what?
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prettyinpassing · 7 years ago
Evan and Brian's relationship has become my favorite to see, they're just so supportive and loving to each other, honestly their friendship is the kind of friendship we all should aspire to have.
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poly-bus · 7 years ago
TerrorNoss : Plans
Brian nodded, “Yeah, unless Del made plans with you and Tyler again.”
“Nah, he tried. But Tyler’s not here today. Him and Mini goGenre: FLUFF!!
The Irish fuck had been grinning all throughout second period and on his way to third period.
As he stood in the front of the classroom, spying out a place to sit, a handsome Asian entered and leaned against the wall.
Brian grinned, making his way to the man.
“Ev, you weren’t online last night, what happened?”
Evan smiled, calmly yet nervously shifting to gaze into the male’s eyes, “I was busy with homework. Del didn’t have the answers this time.”
“Was he drunk again, yeah?”
Ev nodded, “Completely wasted. I think he had a girl over as well?”
“Were they fockin’ or somethin’?”
“Nope, his study friend. Me and her worked together instead.”
Brian chuckled, “Always such a hard worker, eh, Ev?”
The man smiled and blushed, glancing nervously to the ground at the praise, “Yeah, I guess so.”
Brian beamed at the man’s gorgeous expression, secretly wishing he’d always wear that cute smile and light dust of pink along his cheeks and tip of his nose.
Ev glanced up, suddenly super happy and excited, “We still on for first lunch break?”
“Yeah, unless Del and Tyler make plans today.”
“Del’s not here, and Tyler’s taking his new fuck buddy to lunch today.”
“Who’s his new fuckbud, eh?”
Before Ev could answer, a British accent interrupted, “Me, so back off, you Irish fuck.”
“I wasn’t after your boyfriend, Craig,” Brian laughed, doubling over a bit and laying his head on the Canadian’s shoulder.
Ev felt his smile twitch up some more and laid his head against the Irish lad’s, letting out a nervous giggle.
Craig winked at the Canadian and made his way to his seat.
“Let’s go sit, okay?”
Brian nodded, following his best friend to their table.
Ev smiled and turned to the other immediately, taking his hand in his own, “You gonna pick me up after practice?”
“I might be later than you, Ev. Football ain’t easy, okay?”
Evan laughed, “Didn’t say it was.”
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h2oblooky · 8 years ago
Mini: [smiling brightly] Hey honey!
Wildcat: Hey shit.
Mini: [hurt] Wow!
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annoyingvoidhologram · 4 years ago
Hey there! If you're looking for some Vanoss Crew/BBS fanfiction, I would appreciate if you checked out "Under Pressure" on Wattpad, written by yours truly. It is a Female Reader x BBS/Current Vanoss Crew read.
Not sure if you want to? Here's the story description to help you out -
"Your mission, Miss [l/n], is to protect a group of...video makers-"
"You mean Youtubers?"
"Is that what they're called?" [Y/n] nods. "Well, whatever. Your mission is to protect these 'Youtubers' from a group of terrorists that are planning to storm the E3 event happening in Chicago." Director Caymbrig slides the manila folder file across the smooth, clean glass table to [y/n]. She opens it and flips through the pages of information, studying each person listed.
"You must protect these men with your life. The fate of the world depends on it." Director Murfin states.
"Why? What's so important about seven grown men who play video games all the time? And why me of all agents?" Director Caymbrig and Murfin look at each other, then back to [y/n].
"They have important information and intel that we need..." Director Murfin starts.
"And as for why we chose you, well... you are our number one agent. The MI6 and the CIA are relying on you, [l/n]. Don't fail us."
Vanoss Crew x Fem. Reader
(In this story, reader (y/n) (l/n) is 28)
Characters include:
Reader (Y/N) (L/N)
Evan Fong (VanossGaming)
Tyler Wine (Wildcat)
Jonathan Denis (H20 Delirious)
David Nagle (Daithi De Nolga)
Brian Hamby (Terroriser)
Marcel Cunningham (BasicallyIdoWrk)
Brock Barrus (MooSnuckle)
Thanks everyone!
#vanosscrew #bananabussquad #bbs #bananabuscrew #vanossgaming #bananabussquadfanfic #bananabussquadfanfiction
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heck-damn-so-i-draw · 4 years ago
Hello all you frogs and snails and newts alike, @ouijaasylum (aka @2003-tmnt) and I have concocted a special october brew.. All in a story!
We've come up with an interesting tale that merges the two stories, into an au- of two aus! They've already posted the first part! I'll reblog it again after I post this so its easy to find 💞
Now, none of this is canon,
But its been super duper fun to create this with my friend, so make sure you follow both of us to get the full story!
The ghost adventures au will also be brought back to life, and .. I may need to reorganize so I may be deleting and doing that.. Stay tuned!
Happy Halloween
🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃
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smol-emo-bobatea · 4 years ago
Wow this kinda blew up alil, so it looks like I will be continuing the fic! If you're interested in reading, please follow me on wattpad (MarcyTheEmo). I will start writing it when I get more inspiration. Now I'm not the greatest at writing, so don't judge me too hard 😂
Alright, I got a question to ask the bbs fandom. Back a million years ago (2016) I started a wattpad book about writing bbs x reader stuff. Well during that I started a small story of my oc doing a bank heist and running into them. It's cringey but it did really well. I know the fandom is kinda dead thanks to [redacted youtubers name], but I really want to continue it. It was honestly my pride and joy and I had alot of fun writing that. Do y'all think I should continue it? Would anyone read it if I did continue it? Of course [redacted youtubers name] wouldn't be in it anymore, but I figured I should still ask. I don't have any friends who are into it so I wanted to ask Tumblr about it. Please let me know 👉🏼👈🏼 if this gets enough likes, I'll write a second part!
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jesshq · 4 years ago
disney villain and henchmen randomness:
made this for @slashingdisneypasta
all of these are random things I thought the villains and henchmen would be like, I hope you like them
also I censored cussing that was text, but if you go to the video links there will be cussing so be warned, also if you watch the video’s imagine the Disney villain or henchmen are those people in the videos:
Panic, kronk, lefou, Reuben, Kaa, Joanna, and fidget: “eating a cinnamon bun each”
 The other henchmen: cannibalism/cannibals…
Panic, kronk, lefou, Reuben, Kaa, Joanna, and fidget: ? “Heard that and don’t get it why their being called cannibals”
(they are cinnamon rolls and must be protected)
Diablo: you insufferable, reprehensible, deplorable, vermin
Goon 1 (the pig like one): wha?
Goon 2 (bird like one): it’s aristocratic talk for “f$#% off dips$#%$”
Horus: you’re full of s$#%.
Iago: my overall personality or my dishonesty?
Banzai:  ED! Don’t run with sharp rocks!
Banzai: “hands Ed a sharp bone” try this
(This one had scissors and a butterfly knife but the hyenas are from the pridelands so sharp rocks and bones seem more accurate)
[in a argument]
Pain: f$%# you
Pegasus: “in a horse which the imps can understand” later, now listen here you little shit…
(I ship pain x Pegasus ok….pain even admits he loves Pegasus in the movie 2when Pegasus was beating him and panic up)
Kronk: “making spinach puffs and freezing” my sad friend senses are tingling…
“Cut showing a crying Anastasia”
Kronk: “runs for her startling her” ahhhhh!!!!
Anastasia: aaahhhh!?!?!?!
kronk: “hugs her” no cry friend
Anastasia: “giggles and wipes tears from her eyes”
(Look up animated a grump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaV8NeT0fnY&t=835s and imagine pain and panic as arin and Iago or flotsam and jetsam as Danny, and a random henchmen as Ross)
(Another game grumps thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xrS5NEBKjU  )
“Ursula, and jafar and hades playing a glitchy game”
Ursula: now look how silly this is “flying around”
Hades: you have to….”character gets stuck”
Jafar and Ursula: oh...ooohhhhh “hades gets up and leaves glowing red” heheheh
Jafar: hades don’t leave hehehehe “hades closes the door”
Ursula: HAAAAADEEEEEES I LOVE YOU~ “trying to get the characters free”
hades: NO IM F%&$ING DONE!! IM F%&$ING DONE!!
Jafar: “losing his s&$t laughing” no your not
Hades: this is bulls&$#
Ursula: hades! “Laughing at hades rage too”
Hades: look at this bull#$& man
Jafar: hades! “Laughing more”
Hades: you gotta draw a line in the sand!
Ursula: hades “laughing more”
Hades: you have to draw a line in the f#$%ing sand guys!!
Ursula and jafar: “laughing so hard” 
Hades: you have to make a statement!!!
Hades: “as Ursula and Jafar laugh harder” you gotta look inside yourself and say ‘what am I willing to put up with today?’ NOT F*&%ing THIS!!! “Flames up and points to the tv screen”
Ursula: “gets the character free” IM FREE I BELIEVE I CAN FLY
(Listen to grump it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9gRg3_A-RM  thinking of Disney villains and henchmen raging at a game)
Scar: “to facilier” what do you wanna eat?
Friends from the other side: the souls of the innocent~
Facilier and shadow (facilier’s shadow): a bagel 
Friends from the other side: NO!
Facilier and shadow: 2 bagels
Kaa and shere khan, cruella de vil, Horus and jasper: “to hades and pain and panic, scar and the hyenas” did you know you can’t say bubbles angry 
Hades and pain and panic, scar and the hyena: really?
Maleficent: does anyone know why hades, scar and their henchmen are on the roof trying to angrily yell/screaming bubbles on the roof
Kaa and shere khan, cruella de vil, Horus and jasper: “choke on their drink/food in laughter”
Iago and jafar: “notice hades and the imps over working” what are you doing?
Hades and the imps: working
Jafar and Iago: you guys should rest, look at your hands “gestures to hades and the imps cramping hands from signing scrolls”
Hades and the imps: we’re ok just let’s us-
Jafar and Iago: “pouting” 
Hades and the imps: what’s that look for?
Jafar and Iago: “grabs their friends and tries to drag them off their chairs but fails” GO REST
scar and the hyenas: “see this and join in trying to pester hades and the imps into taking a break” you can work later
Jafar and Iago: “leave to Ursula and the eels room where hook and mr smee are” Ursula, flotsam and jetsam, mr smee and hook. Hades and the imps are overworking themselves again…
Ursula and the eels: excuse?!?...
Mr smee and hook: what?!?...
“Little later”
Ursula and eels: “coiled around hades and the imps with coils and tentacles and drags them off their chairs by their desks” HADES! PAIN AND PANIC! REST!
Hades and the imps: “unholy screeching and complaints as their dragged to their room”
Hook and mr smee: “follow to help Ursula and the eels”
Facilier and shadow (insert other villains and henchmen):  “coming back from the store and see Ursula and the eels dragging hades and the imps to their room, with hook and smee following” f$#% this s#$& we’re out “leaves”
(hades and the imps are workaholics)
Frollo: “minding his own business when hades, facilier, shadow and the imps tap him from behind and he turns around ” OOOOOH MY F&#$ING GOD!, IT'S A DEMON/WITCHCRAFT SPAWN!! JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE F$#&!!! OH MY F$#%ING GOD! F%&#ING DEMON/WITCHCRAFT SPAWNS! JESUS CHRIST “falls on his knees” WHAT THE F$#$#$#$#$#&!!!
Hades and facilier: “losing their s#$& laughing”
Pain and panic and shadow: “as well laughing hard”
Hades: “holding pain and panic and his third imp neurosis (actually a canon thing in the animated series)” these are my sons you can’t have them... good day sir
“Person tries to touch the imps”
Hades: “flares up and holds the imps tighter” I SAID GOOD DAY SIR! “leaves with the imps”
“The villains and henchmen are out in a mall and missing hades, jafar and Ursula as well as their henchmen in the crowd”
Mr smee and hook: oh dear we’re missing some of us
Shadow and facilier: oh don’t worry
Gaston and lefou: no one can find allies like Gaston and lefou
“A giant snake and angry squawks, electric zaps along with a women yell, and three fire flare ups of teal, red, and pink appear in the crowd each followed by angry cursing and more”
Gaston and lefou, shadow and facilier: found them ^^~
All the other villains and henchmen: oh boy/dear/dang it
(vanossgaming team 6 animated prank part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CguHTxrMQ0A  (imagine the henchmen as human like with animal/creature parts example iago looks like a harpy): with vanoss being iago, wildkat being banzi, basically as shadow, delirious being flotsam and jetsam, terroriser being pain and panic (due to their immortal state XD) and nogla being a ‘I don’t know what’s going on’ kronk )
Hades: BOYS!!!!
Hades: “realizes the thing he was looking for and thought the imps stole it was on his desk the whole time” oh...NEVER MIND 
(before I do this one I need to explain, my headcanon that the disney characters have ‘worlds’ they live in with their movies era example: hercules characters live in ‘ancient’ greece in their ‘world’ but have some modern day things made using magical things (like TV, indoor plumbing, magic like phones) added to their ‘worlds’ but hercules, aladdin and little mermaid characters are share the same ‘world’ as in the hercules animated series: ursula appears in the episode hercules and the bacchanal, and then there's hercules and the arbian night where hades and jafar team up)
Maleficent: “thinking with ursula” so are you and hades related and you, him and jafar are from the same world  ooorrrr….
Ursula: I honestly don’t know…. I know we live in the same ‘world’ but… “thinking too” my father is Hades and Zeus’s brother if i'm right.....
Pain and Panic, Iago and Shadow and Flotsam and Jetsam: “flying/swimming round around hyper as all hell” WOOOOOOOO
Faciler and Jafar: “groans as they watch their henchmen on sugar high”
Hades: ok who’s the wise guy who gave them sugar…. “Tired/angry dad mood activated”
Kronk: I did...they wanted to test some sweets for me…”thinks he’s going to get in trouble”
Ursula: oh well then that's ok then Kronk you didn’t know, that they get sugar high
Jafar: I'm not dealing with the crash thou.. Uh where did they go?
Hades: found them~.. “Smiles evil like” let’s leave them with him~
Hades: “passed out on the couch with pain and panic asleep on him” zzzz
Jafar: “peeks over holding a marker with Iago”
gaston: “peeks over too with lefou with makeup”
“3 hours later”
Hades: “wakes up and along with the imps and they don’t notice what their friends did, and head to the kitchen”
Ursula and the eels: “see hades and the imps and choke on their cups of coffee”
Maleficent: “giggles seeing hades” good morning sexy~ 
Diablo: you girls sleep well?~ “trying not to laugh”
Hades and pain and panic: “tilt their heads” what do you mean?
“They notice their reflection in Ursula and the eels’s tank/movable water, and they see they have makeup on and writing/doodles on their faces”
Hades: oh for the love of…”glowing red”
Pain and panic: oh our gods… “eyes change”
Hades: JAFAR!!! GASTON!!! “Flares up”
Both imps: IAGO!!! LEFOU!!! “Follow their boss/’dad’ “
“Later outside shows Jafar and Gaston running from a red flamed Hades, and Iago and Lefou and running from two shapeshifted into beasts imps”
Jafar, Gaston, Iago and Lefou: WORTH IT XD
“Inside watching the chase” 
Faciler: should we tell them me and Shadow took photos of Hades and the imps and posted it online?
Hook: who’s computer did ya use? 
Shadow: “as he records the chase going on outside” cruella’s and Horus and Jaspers’s too 
Mr. smee: I guess it’s good they’re out of town then….
Yzma: me and Kronk made popcorn who wants!~
Scar: and the other villains and henchmen are placing bets: are they going to escape the wrath of the lord of the underworld and the embodiments of pain and panic? or will Hades and the imps give up?
“All the villains and henchmen inside are eating popcorn and watching the chase go on”
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