#vanessa lemm
En términos esquemáticos puede decirse que en el discurso de Nietzsche el olvido pertenece al animal, la memoria al humano y la promesa al sobrehumano.* Puesto que en su pensamiento el animal, el humano y el sobrehumano se vinculan entre sí, las relaciones que establecen entre ellos son agonísticas en lugar de estáticas, y no pueden ser separados en distintos estadios evolutivos: "El humano es una cuerda tendida entre el animal y el sobrehumano" (Z: 4 "Prólogo"). Nietzsche afirma la continuidad entre el animal, el humano y el sobrehumano. Cree que la vida humana es inseparable de la vida animal y del mundo orgánico e inorgánico en su conjunto. Incluso afirma haberse descubierto como un ser que no hace más que reflejar una repetición y una variación de los devenires poéticos, lógicos, estéticos y afectivos infinitos de la historia de la vida en su conjunto. Por lo tanto, Nietzsche rechaza la postura que concibe a la vida humana como una isla autónoma al interior de la vida. Al contrario, sostiene que toda forma. de vida que se desvincula de las demás decae, porque se separa de aquello que genera su propia vida. De acuerdo a esta perspectiva, la vida humana no puede darse únicamente sobre la base de su propia fuerza, sino que depende absolutamente de su relación con y contra otras formas de vida. La concepción nietzscheana de la vida como un continuo rompe con la tradición occidental que considera al ser humano como la cumbre de la evolución.
[*En la presente versión en castellano del texto original en inglés se ha optado por traducir el término "overhuman" (afín al alemán Übermensch) como "sobrehumano". Esta decisión merece una breve nota aclaratoria debido a que las traducciones de Nietzsche de mayor circulación en castellano han tendido a inclinarse por el término "superhombre". Creemos que la palabra "sobrehumano" es más adecuada principalmente por dos razones. En primer lugar, el prefijo inglés "over" y el alemán "über" sugieren superioridad, exceso e intensidad, pero asimismo aluden a una dimensión espacial, a un estar "por encima de" o "sobre" alguien o algo. Esta dimensión espacial de "ovet' y "über" está ausente en el prefijo castellano "super" y resulta clave en la comprensión de la elevación requerida por Nietzsche para ir más allá de lo humano y sobrepasarlo. En segundo lugar, el término inglés "human" carece de especificación de género y es más afín al uso del alemán "Mensch" que al del castellano "hombre". Este último término suele ser utilizado como sinónimo de "ser humano", reteniendo sin embargo su connotación de género masculino. A diferencia de "superhombre", el término "sobrehumano" evita el sesgo de género en la caracterización del ser humano en general. (Nota del traductor)]. -La filosofía animal de Nietzsche. Cultura, política y animalidad del ser humano, Vanessa Lemm
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drac0line1nn1t · 1 month
Salutations Tumblr,
Okay I'm not going to lie, I got possessed to draw this, and I am not rendering this shit
Have some sketches
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themeliona · 2 years
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Michael seem to got angry to someone..
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But.. UH- things didn’t go as planned
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Kailman Legacy || 12: Birthdays, Besties, and Blow Ups
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Taking the day off, DJ happily helped his oldest sister pull off the combined birthday party of Benjamin and Clover. He remembered the day she told the family she was expecting, when he met all her kids as newborns, and so was honored to help her celebrate them. DJ felt that longing again as he played with his nieces and nephews, chatted with his family, and enjoyed home-style cooking courtesy of his mom and sister. He still wanted this for himself: children of his own to throw birthday parties for, toddlers eager to play and fall asleep in his arms, calling him "daddy." Thankfully, he wasn't given much room to get the baby fever blues when he overheard his ex-brother-in-law say an all-too-familiar name.
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After wiping barbecue sauce off his hands, he heard the name "Vanessa," and his stomach dropped. Wait, there's no way, he thought, there is no way he's talking about my Vanessa. His Vanessa was a pretty brunette he met on SimDa months ago, with whom he had a lot more platonic chemistry than romantic. She felt similarly, and they have only gotten closer since. He'd even consider her one of his best friends at this point. But, alas, his worst fear was brought about by one glance outside the glass doors.
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Practically running outside, DJ went out to greet her, and the two were just as surprised to see one another as to be expected. DJ's stomach met the floor when she heard the words "my boyfriend," and he asked who she was talking about to make sure ("You know, Tim Goldbloom"). More uncomfortable than ever, DJ asked how long they'd been together, how they met, all the typical questions you'd ask in a normal situation. This, clearly, wasn't a normal situation, but by the way Vanessa answered his questions, it sure seemed that way to her. Dear God. She has no idea.
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He eventually got her inside, and Tim came to his rescue, taking her to meet Dayla Ann before joining the rest of the party. DJ could only watch from a distance as he saw his oldest sister try not to burst into flames on the spot. This was nowhere near planned, that's for sure, and Dayla Ann was not happy about it one bit. Still, she handled it like a champ and kept calm around the happy couple for the sake of everyone, including their four kids only a few steps away. Tim, thus, threw Vanessa into the deep end and she managed to meet the kids with little drama, except for the youngest. Clover, not a fan of strangers in general, wasn't keen on being held by this new woman and caused a scene only an infant can conjure, putting Vanessa on edge.
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The party continued with an awkward air around the four Sims, most aware of the situation, but the kids had a blast, and soon came the big event. With Mom and Dad holding the pair, Benjamin and Clover blew out their birthday candles and were thus swept into their new stages of life. Clover, therefore, waddled her way to the pile of presents, with Benjamin racing to beat her to it. The two loved every gift from their loved ones. Vanessa continued to mingle amongst the Kailmans and made a decent first impression, while Dayla Ann held her tongue for the remainder of the party when anyone asked about her. DJ ensured his sister could enjoy the festivities and the winding down of the night while he handled clean up and keeping the littles busy before heading home.
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Once the train of goodbyes began, Dayla Ann and Tim took a breather outside and began to argue over the obvious. Vanessa, having already left, was the main topic of conversation, and DJ could hear everything from behind the window, troubled to know that his friend was in the middle of their drama. Dayla Ann, rightfully so, called Tim out for crossing the clear boundary she set while he defended his decision, saying there would never be a perfect time, so he just wanted to get it over with "for the sake of the kids." DJ was left at his crossroads: would he remain friends with Vanessa, even with all this going on? Would he be the one to tell her the truth about her coupling up with Tim, the man who was clearly too good to be true? Would DJ play Switzerland and pretend this doesn't involve him when it very much does?
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bitterborne · 11 months
" THERE'S STILL TIME TO CHANGE YOUR MIND. " Mike knows his words are useless. Wants to tug his baseball cap down over his face, casting it in shadow like usual, because being so damn exposed like this makes his skin ( what's left of it ) crawl — but this is more important than his self - image. For Vanessa he bares his face whole, displays just exactly what working for his father has done for him. Purple, bruised flesh all over; scars tracking in every direction; perpetual hell, never allowed to die. Pauses in his pacing to turn to her, gaze serious, heated - " When he throws you aside - and he will - this is what you'll end up like. Trust me. " If he can convince her to abandon the glitch; step away from her duties, hell, sabotage them, burn the Pizzaplex to the ground, even . . . Then he'll consider his work half - done. Leave his father to rot without his helper. " Don't let him fuck up the rest of your life, too. " Come on, Vanessa. You're cleverer than this.
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reallilystuff · 1 year
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alien y/n be upon ye
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i’m a very big and very happy fan of vanessa and lemme tell you they way she is portrayed with glitchtrap makes me laugh SO HARD
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darnell-la · 28 days
Please I need more “drive-by sniffing” It’s so funny to me but also I’m into it
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warnings: jealousy, hiding keys, sniff-by (drive by sniffing), lying, teasing, trapping, kissing, carrying, oral (fem receiving), etc.
note: perv!logan???? FUCKIN’ HELL.
follow our Instagram @ darnell.la so we can start posting random videos, photos, edits, and memes of the people we write about!
“They’re just a friend, Wade” y/n sighed as Wade kept complaining about where and why she was going. She was trying to find her keys and he knew for a fact he took them.
“Where are they, Wade? I told you I was leaving before I took a shower and now they’re off the kitchen counter so — Where are they!?” Y/n yelled at the man, making Logan choke on his beer.
“I don’t know, peanuts. Maybe it’s lost up your ass,” Wade shrugged as he got up and slipped his shoes on. “Shame on you for leaving mister I have no life and I hate everyone and everything, over there. Maybe you couldn’t take him on a date,”
“It’s not a date!” She yelled at the man, knowing this might be, but it was none of his business. “Yeah, sure it’s not, but since it’s so not a date, why not take Grandpa with you? He hasn’t seen the sun in a while,” Wade whispered.
Before y/n could say anything, he left, shutting the door hard and singing as he skipped down the hall, ready to go see Vanessa. “Dick shit,” said under her breath.
“Language, young lady,” Logan chuckled as he took a sip of his ninth beer. “Who are you? The god of prohibited language?” Y/n rolled her eyes at the man before she continued her search for her car keys.
“Lookin’ for these, bub?” Logan’s voice spoke after a few minutes of silence. She wanted to ignore him, but once she heard her keys jingle, her head snapped towards him.
“Bro, you had it the whole time!?” Y/n wanted to yell at the man, but he was Wade’s guest. Y/n only stayed here at times when it got too late for her to drive home. He’s somehow friends with her elders and he needed a “full-time babysitter for his dog” that he had just picked up and left with.
Her parents and grandparents insisted she didn’t help Deadpool and Dogpool. They were all big fans, but y/n wasn’t planning on working for him.
Wade had something behind what he was doing after y/n served him his food at bingo night. She was young but not too young, pretty, went to college, and was hard to deal with. Right up Logan’s alley, but did Wade tell him his secret evil plan? No.
“Yeah, because you’re lying,” Logan put the keys back in his pocket after she came over to him to take back what was hers. “What? Bro, give me my keys,” y/n was annoyed.
“You are going on a date, ain’t ya?” He asked. She could do all the washing she wanted, but he could still smell her. “No, for the love of god. Can you guys stop asking me that shit? It’s annoying!”
“Last time I checked, it only takes you ten minutes to shower, not thirty,” y/n was surprised he paid attention to her shower times. She’s only been in and out of Wade’s shared apartment for a couple of months.
“Your point is?” She asked, knowing he wasn’t dumb, but she hoped he’d give up. “I don’t know, you tell me,” he got up, now towering over her. Her neck ached from the sudden new angle she had to look at him.
“I can smell you, you know,” Logan admitted. “What do you mean?” She genuinely asked. “I can smell you leaking. It’s hard to miss when you smell like that every time you leave to meet up with your friends,”
She wanted to call out his perverted activities but had nothing to say. He was old, but she wasn’t a minor, so what could she say to make him feel uncomfortable for invading her privacy.
“How good is he? Seems like he fucks good if you’re soaked right before you leave,” Logan had y/n cornered on the wall. She didn’t know she was backing up that much until she had nowhere else to go.
“How about you let me meet him. Lemme watch how he fucks you so I can show you better,” his hot breath blew on her face. He was so close and intimidating. Where did all of this come from?
“Sometimes I can smell him on you. I hate it so much, you know why, bub?” Logan asked as his finger cupped her chin. Y/n softly shook her head. “Because I can do better,”
Before she knew it, his lips were all over her, barely letting her process before his tongue slipped into her mouth.
Usually, she found that nasty, hating the sloppy kisses, but this time — Fuck, it felt so nice.
Y/n kissed back, whines escaping her mouth as she now felt needy. She was already turned on, knowing she was going to meet her boy toy tonight, but Logan seemed better. He was always the better choice.
“Greedy slut,” the man spat, sounding angry, but she knew that’s how they talked when they were turned on. She could feel his hard on through his jeans. He was grinding up and down her body like a pole.
“Always leavin’ to fuck another man, like I’m not here, baby. I don’t like that disrespect,” Logan pulled the girl off of the wall and now carried her to his room that they sometimes shared.
Wade’s apartment is a two-bedroom, so if she slept over, she’d sleep on Logan’s bed, and he’d sleep on the small couch in the room.
He would be lying if he said he didn’t sleep better when she was right across from him. He’d also be lying if he said he would switch the sheets because he loved her smell.
He never did anything like this back where he was, but something after that fight made him switch. He was turning into a small pervert for a young lady in who’s barely the legal drinking age.
“Smellin’ like candy,” Logan sniffed, loving the new lotion she had bought a few days ago. “Gonna go through all that work when I take you on a date?” He asked as he slowly took the girl's clothes off. “Maybe,” she shyly said, surprised he wasn’t thinking about this as a one-night stand.
“Doesn’t matter, bub — Ima still eat that pussy till you cry,” he said as he spread the girl's legs. She felt so smooth. She was ready for him, not that dickhead she was getting ready to meet.
Logan slowly slicked up the girl's slit, taking in how close he is to her smell. All the days of smelling her getting ready for another man, just for her to get pulled back for him.
“Bet this cunts sweet,” the man said before diving in for a few seconds. Her mom got stuck in her throat. That was amazing, and he had more.
“Sure fuckin’ is,” Logan quickly went back in, arms wrapping around and thighs to pull her into his face. He wanted to suffocate in between her thighs.
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mary-eats-kids · 3 months
help I tried-
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I was tryna test out a different artstyle but oh my god I just couldn't draw vanessa's proportions right but uh oh well.
Okay lemme give you guys the context of this, this was supposed to be like a comic strip of how I think game vanessa would have reacted to meeting Michael afton but like always I messed up. I'll maybe post the actual comic thingy sometime later once I figure out how to draw vanessa. also I depicted Michael as shorter because he's a rotting corpse as he is practically 'decomposing'
Character designs belong to @chloesimaginationthings
I'm so sorry writing so much-
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AAAAA OH MY GOD<3333333 Please do a part 2 to hold me, console me, im eating it up
The angst is delicious, thank you<333333
Hold me, console me (part 2)
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Theworst!logan x reader (part 1)
A/N: I know this goes without saying but I am a WHORE for broke men and the “I can fix him trope”, Logan fits just that. LEMME KNOW WHAT YALL THINK!! (not proofread btw)
You find yourself standing in front of a familiar door that morning—Wade's door. He had been the one to play matchmaker between you and Logan, always eager to meddle in his own chaotic way.
‘Sweet and sour, just how I like my cu-‘ he used to tease about your dynamic, though he never meant harm. How could he, when all you did was bring him and Al delicious dinners and baked goods? Wade would’ve married you himself if Vanessa weren’t in the picture. ‘You’re my twin flame,’ he’d often joke, even though you were nothing like him. You were quiet, reserved, and detested socializing unless it was within the comfort of either your or Wade’s apartment.
Now, here you are, on the morning of your worst heartbreak, clutching a tub of ice cream and a bag of microwavable popcorn outside his door.
Three sharp knocks echo in the hallway. You hear a clatter from inside, followed by a string of muffled curses, until the door swings open to reveal a face that knocks the air right out of you.
“Oh...” Your eyes widen as you freeze, a storm of emotions brewing within you.
Before you can stop yourself, you push past him, setting down the ice cream and popcorn on a nearby table. When you turn around, your face is met with the solid wall of his chest. He looks down at you, sorrow etched deep into his features. And suddenly, everything boils over.
“You,” you spit, fire blazing in your eyes. You strike his chest, again and again, and he lets you—lets you unleash your frustration, your anger, because he knows he deserves it.
“You left. No warning, no note. You were just... gone! Clothes packed, phone off! What were you thinking? I begged you to stay, Logan. I begged.” Your voice cracks, and the tears come, burning hot down your cheeks. But all you notice is the tears in his eyes, and the soft rustle of movement from the kitchen where Wade is likely listening.
You try to ignore the thought of Al and Wade overhearing your heartbreak, keeping your tear-blurred gaze fixed on Logan.
“No,” you cut him off sharply. “I know it’s hard, Logan. I do. I was there when Wade went through his worst. I’ve stood by friends in their darkest days. I want to be there for you, through everything. But you shut me out.”
Your voice trembles, betraying you, and you see him instinctively move to hold you, but you step back, wiping at your tears. The hurt in his eyes is unmistakable, but you continue.
“I’m sorry if you think I’m pushing you too hard. I’m sorry if I ask for too much. But I love you, Logan. And no matter how much you run, I won’t leave you. Not ever.”
The silence between you lingers, thick with unsaid words, before it’s broken by slow clapping from the kitchen.
“You really hit him with that one, sweets,” Wade’s voice calls out. “No, seriously, I was just telling him he should’ve dealt with his frustration by boning you—”
But Wade’s words are cut short. Before you know it, Logan’s grabbed your wrist and is pulling you toward the door, past Wade’s crude commentary. He leads you out of Wade's apartment, two doors down to your own, ignoring the continued yells from Wade behind you.
“Logan, what—?” you barely get the words out before his arms are around you, lifting you from the waist until your face is nestled against the crook of his neck. You feel the warmth of his tears against your skin, his body trembling with quiet sobs.
You hold him, your hands moving to comfort him, running through his hair, soothing his ragged breathing.
“You—” he starts, his voice breaking with the weight of it. “In my world... you died. I killed you. I let you die.” His voice shakes as the sobs take over. “I never meant to... I didn’t mean to let them die, bub.”
You feel his knees give way, and the two of you sink to the cold hallway floor. He’s crying harder now, his grip tightening around you as if letting go might make you disappear too.
“I’m sorry, I’m so—”
“Shhh,” you whisper, cutting him off softly. “I’m here. It’s okay. I’m here.”
He clings to you, his desperation palpable. You pull away just enough to cup his face in your hands. “Look at me, Logan. I’m alive. You didn’t lose me—not here.”
You press a kiss to his forehead, feeling his breath begin to slow, then to his tear-soaked eyelids. You kiss him softly, murmuring gentle reassurances between each touch.
“I’m here. I’ll hold you. I’ll love you. Forever. Does that sound like a deal?”
As you cradle Logan’s face in your hands, his breathing starts to slow. The raw emotion in his eyes begins to soften, though the weight of everything still lingers in the air between you. He looks at you, truly seeing you, and for the first time in what feels like forever, a small, shaky smile begins to form on his lips. It’s brief, but it’s there. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
“I don’t deserve you,” he whispers, his voice hoarse.
“Don’t say that,” you reply softly. “You’re here now. That’s what matters.”
For a long moment, neither of you moves, the cold floor grounding you both in the present. His arms are still tight around your waist, as though letting go might shatter the fragile peace you’ve found. You stay like that, the world outside your apartment and Wade’s chaotic energy fading into the background.
Eventually, you pull back slightly, your hands sliding from his face to his shoulders.
“Come on,” you say gently. “Let’s get up. You’re going to catch a cold sitting here, even if it’s for a little bit.” You say, aware of his super healing.
Logan hesitates, as if reluctant to let go of the closeness, but then he nods. You both stand slowly, your legs shaky from the emotional intensity. Without a word, you lead him into your apartment, closing the door behind you.
Inside, the dim lighting casts a soft glow over the room. It’s quiet, a contrast to the whirlwind of emotions that just unraveled in the hallway. You sit on the couch, and Logan follows, sitting beside you. There’s still a heaviness in his movements, a man weighed down by too many ghosts from his past, but he’s here. He’s with you.
For a few minutes, the silence is comfortable. You lean against him, his arm naturally wrapping around your shoulders. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest is a soothing reminder that despite everything, you’re both still here—alive, together.
“You don’t have to talk,” you say softly, sensing the turmoil still swirling inside him. “Not now. Not until you’re ready.”
Logan’s thumb traces slow circles on your shoulder, a sign that he’s listening. After a moment, he speaks, his voice quiet but steady.
“I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready,” he admits. “But... I want to try.”
You turn to face him, your heart swelling with a mixture of hope and sadness. “That’s all I need to hear.”
He leans in, pressing his forehead against yours, his breath warm against your skin. “I’m sorry for leaving,” he whispers. “For everything.”
You close your eyes, feeling the weight of his words. “I know. But you’re here now. And we’ll figure it out. Together.” You reach for his hand, giving it three squeezes before reaching up to give him a peck, one of reassurance.
For the first time in a long while, you both let the quiet settle, not out of avoidance, but out of mutual understanding. The journey ahead might not be easy, but it’s a path you’ll walk side by side. As the minutes tick by, you feel a sense of calm wash over you. You’re not alone in this—neither of you are. And for now, that’s enough.
Suddenly, a loud knock on your door breaks the silence that makes you jump, followed by Wade’s unmistakable voice shouting through the wood.
“Hey! Are you two done with the emotional stuff yet? I’ve got pancakes in here, and they’re getting cold!”
You exchange a glance with Logan, both of you barely suppressing a laugh. The tension in the room eases just a bit, the smallest sliver of normalcy creeping back in.
“We should probably go before he kicks the door down,” you say with a smirk.
Logan stands and offers you a hand, his expression a little lighter now. “Yeah,” he agrees, a small but genuine smile finally reaching his eyes.
And for the first time in what feels like forever, you both walk back toward the world—not broken, but healing, one step at a time.
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starysky1289 · 8 months
Toxic!Soroity!Vanessa X Reader. New Wares
TW: Toxic Relationship, DubCon, Drugs, Drug Use, Forced Drug use.
You sat around the pushed together coffee tables, Vanessa was in the other room getting something. The Soroity girls sat around the table, taking amongst themselves and passing out drinks.
“ ok girls so. Bad news, my guy got arrested the other day and I don’t have anymore coke. But, good news, I’ve got new ‘ wares ‘. “
Vanessa came into the room, sitting next you you and pulling you into her lap. She dropped the bag, dispersing some bags evenly.
“ weed? Are we ghetto now? “
“ we arnt ghetto, lily, your one to talk. this is good shit. It’s expensive. I know most of yall know how to roll these, so help eachother. Here you go baby girl, I wrapped yours for you “
Vanessa played with your hair as she dug through the bag, handing you a wrapped paper roll. You’ve seen your Roomate smoke them once or twice, but you were never to interested in it.
“ ness..I don’t do this stuff, you know it…”
“ I got this all fancy for you sweetheart! Besides, we’re with all our friends….you don’t wanna embarrass me, don’t you sweetheart~? “
You glanced down at the ground, picking up the blunt from the table, and passing it through your fingers.
“ no…I’d never wanna embarrass you…lemme see the lighter…”
Vanessa smiled, passing you the pink bic lighter. You flicked it on, starting to light the tip, letting it burn slightly before pulling it to your lips. The sweet flavor fit your mouth quickly, you closed your eyes, before pulling the blunt back, coughing out the smoke. There was a small cheer from the other girls, a few clapped, mostly snickers, but you looked up at Vanessa, who smirked, kissing your head gently.
“ see? My girl knows exactly what to do. Keep going y/n…I’ll start mine..”
Vanessa finished wrapping her own blunt, lighting it and taking a deep breath from it. She pulled it back, blowing the smoke upwards. You looked back down at yours, it tasted sweet, and it couldn’t be that bad. So, begrudgingly, you pulled it back up to your lips and took another puff from it, leaning back into Vanessa as you blew the smoke out.
You didn’t know what time it was, or how long it had been. You were slightly dizzy and exhausted from smoking, is this what getting high was? Your roommate would come home and just fall asleep, but you were dizzy, starving, and mostly, you felt a heat spreading through yourself, starting at your cunt and spreading through your body. You still sat on Vanessa lap, so, without thinking, you gently grinded against her thighs,glancing around to make sure no one was watching.
“ what’s the matter princess…feeling…icky~? “
“ n-nessy…what was I-in that…”
“ don’t worry about it. Take another hit and I’ll help you..”
You groaned, picking back up your blunt. You lit it again, taking another deep breath through it, pulling it back before blowing the rest of the smoke out. You felt even dizzier than before, as you leaned into Vanessa. Her hands trailed over your body, as she gently kissed your neck.
You could feel her hands trailing along your legs, keeping you spread. She tugged on your pants, pulling them down slightly to reveal your panties.
“ n-nessy…the g-girls…”
“ shh…there to busy getting high…it’s just us, ignore them sweetheart…”
With a swift tug, Vanessa pulled your panties down, dragging her fingers through your already soaked folds. You let out a small whine, and Vanessa used her free hand to bring your blunt back up to your lips.
“ again baby. Another hit. “
You started your puff, and Vanessa slammed her fingers into you, making you gag out a moan around the smoke. Vanessa held you up as she steadily worked her two fingers in and out of your tight hole. You whined again, throwing your head back against her. Your brain was practically melted, you where to tired and dizzy to do anything, but too horny to stop her.
“ n-nessy…”
“ oh I know sweet girl…girls like you shouldn’t need to do anything except sit here and be played with…I told you I made it special, didn’t it~? “
You could feel the eyes. The eyes of every other girl around the table watching, trying not to be obvious about it either. You knew they all had to be just as fucked up as you are, perhaps you even more so. Vanessa had you take another puff, before she slid her third finger into you, picking up the pace. Your moans slured out, as your three your head back onto her shoulder.
“ s-s’to much Vanessa…I-i c-can’t n-nessy!! “
“ you’re doing just fine. Don’t disappoint me in front of our friends baby…take it..”
Your legs twitched as she dove her fingers in deeper, curling them ever so slightly. You heard a slight Russel from besides you, you simply closed your eyes, moaning out as Vanessa slowed down slightly.
“ cmon ness..if your gonna give us a show atleast let us see something~ “
You then felt your shirt being tugged upwards, before the sound of a hard slap. You lifted your head, glancing over to see a girl holding her nose, and you could see Vanessa’s eyes staring at her, like she was looking straight into her soul.
“ keep your hands off her. You’re lucky I’m letting you watch. Get the Fuck out of here “
Vanessa then returned to her quick pace, and another round of slurred moans erupted from you. Vanessa held the blunt to your mouth once more, having you take one last, long puff of it.
“ you close arnt you slut~? “
“ S-so close v-vanessa..d-don’t s-s-stop again p-please!! “
Vanessa bit hard against your neck, her thrusts grew harder and faster, as you could only babble out incoherent words. With one final thrust, you felt the rush of pleasure wash over you, practically passing out in Vanessa arms.
“ so good sweetheart…get up to my bed. I’ll join you soon…”
“ I-i l-love you n-nessy….”
You quickly fixed your pants, stumbling to stand up, wobbling out of the room. You could hear the laughter from the room as you left. You made your way upstairs, and collapsed into Vanessa bed, holding tightly to her pillow.
You where out of it, your head pounded and you felt like you where gonna collapse any moment. You heard the door open after a bit, and felt Vanessa settle next to you. Without a word, she pulled you into her. You finally passed out, contempt with the…love?…Vanessa had given you.
It most be love.
Why else would she fancy up your blunt if not to love you.
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imnotoverlyobsessive · 4 months
Return to the Water
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Chapter Eight: You Taste Like Home
AO3 one two three four five six seven eight nine
We cross the deepest oceans, cargo across the sea, and if you don’t believe me, just put your hands on me. And all the constellations shine down for us to see, and if you don’t believe me, just put your hands on me.—Vanessa Carlton, Hands on Me
Timothée trailed open-mouthed kisses down the damp skin of her neck, and Lea panted, her breasts pressed against his bare chest.
“We— we shouldn’t—“
“We should,” he countered, grabbing her ass firmly and giving it a squeeze. “I’ve been wanting this for months, baby. Don’t you want it, too?”
Lea blinked up at him, confused. “Want what?”
Timothée pulled back, staring at her in confusion. “Wanna… y’know.”
She frowned, even more confused. “No, I don’t know.”
“Lea,” Timothée said slowly, pulling slightly back, “do you not know what sex is?”
She frowned, shaking her head and looking up at him in bewilderment.
He looked up at the night sky and muttered something under his breath that she couldn’t quite make out. Then he looked back down at her, his expression equal parts affection, amusement, and exasperation. “It’s how I’ll get you pregnant,” he explained. 
“I always figured I’d lay eggs, the way fish do,” Lea mused. 
Timothée laughed. “No.” Then, he leaned in close to her, his lips brushing against hers. “Lemme show you,” he murmured, leaning down the rest of the way to kiss her again.
Lea kissed him back without really thinking about it, her hands threading into his still-dripping curls. “You taste like the ocean,” she observed. 
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Timothée asked, kissing her neck and fondling her ass again. 
“D— definitely a good thing,” Lea managed to stutter out. “You taste like home.”
She felt his smile against her damp skin. “Good.”
With that, he pulled her down onto the wet sand and climbed on top of her, palming her breast with one hand and gripping her hip with the other. “Your tits are by far my favorite in the world.” He gave her breast another squeeze before moving both hands to her outer thighs. 
When Timothée looked down at her, the moonlight from above them cast shadows on the sharp lines of his face.
He moved down her body slowly, trailing kisses across her skin as he went, even suckling a nipple into his mouth briefly and making her inhale sharply in the process. Then, to Lea’s immense confusion, he pulled her legs apart and settled between them, his elbows in the sand. “What’re you—“
He grabbed her legs and threw them over his shoulders. “Don’t move,” he told her, his eyes locked on her face. 
Then, Timothée did something that was both confusing and delightful. He shoved his face between her thighs and started to lick her there. Insistently, like he had some sort of intent. All thoughts flew from Lea’s mind when he did this, and she gasped sharply, throwing her head back into the sand.
He wrapped both arms around her thighs as if to pull her closer—impossibly closer, they couldn’t get any closer, she was certain of it—with a groan, licking at her with so much determination that she would’ve been confused if she’d been in possession of the ability to form a single half-coherent thought. Instead, her hands gripped his wet curls, to either push him away or pull him closer—she wasn’t sure—as she cried out, her hips bucking mindlessly. Lea was certain that she was hurtling towards something; something significant, something only Timothée could give her, and she was almost frightened by the intensity of whatever was building within her lower abdomen, but she was even more afraid of him stopping what he was doing, and for a second, she thought she was about to die, and then—
And then Lea exploded with a scream. She was still staring up at the sky, wondering what the hell just happened as her entire body pulsated, blood thrumming through her veins, when suddenly, Timothée moved to kiss her again.
Lea felt empty. She didn’t know how or why, but she knew—she knew—that he could fix it. “I need—“ Lea inhaled sharply. “I need— I don’t even know what I need—“
“I know what you need,” he murmured, his mouth moving into a smirk continuing to kiss her neck and squeeze her breasts, thumbing her nipples. “I’ll give it to you, baby, I promise.”
Timothée moved his hands down his own body to remove his shorts, and—much to her dismay—she couldn’t get a very good look at his body since it was pressed up against her own. “What’s happening?” Lea asked anxiously. She wasn’t nervous about what was going to happen, but rather that she'd disappoint him in some way.
He paused, then cupped her cheek and looked into her eyes. “I’m going to put a part of my body inside your body,” he explained. “It’ll feel good. I promise. It’s…” He paused, looking away for a moment. “When I get you pregnant, that’s how I’ll do it.”
Something deep inside Lea fluttered with want, aching for him without fully comprehending how or why, but it was Timothée, her mate. And nothing with him could ever be wrong.
“Okay,” Lea whispered.
He reached down between them and seemed to adjust something, and then she felt an odd sensation against her center.
“What’s that?”
Timothée smiled affectionately at her. “Me,” he murmured. “It’s me, baby.” Then, he cupped her cheek and rested his forehead against hers. “Tell me you love me again.”
Lea inhaled sharply, her cheeks reddening a bit despite the chill on her still-damn skin. “I love you, Timothée,” she whispered, her words nearly drowned out by the sound of the waves.
He smiled again, leaning the rest of the way down to kiss her, and then the odd sensation at her center moved forward, no— inside of her.
“Oh,” she gasped out in shock, both at the sensation and that this was actually happening. “That’s—“
“I know,” he grunted, pushing further into her. “Fuck, I know.”
The further in he went, however, the more uncomfortable it became for her. It was like nothing she’d ever felt before; like some unused, previously unknown muscle was suddenly being overworked. “It— it hurts,” she frowned, telling him somewhat apologetically.
Timothée nuzzled her nose with his. “I know, I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he said gently. “Your body needs a bit to adjust.” He stroked her cheek with his thumb, affection—and something else she couldn’t name—in his eyes. “Will you give me a few minutes to make it feel good?”
Lea would’ve done just about anything he’d asked of her, so she nodded. “I trust you.”
He kissed her sweetly, and moved further inside her. He was slow and gentle, but it still stung, and she felt uncomfortably stretched. “God, Lea,” Timothée groaned against her mouth as his hips finally met hers and he was fully within her.
Lea looked up at him with wide eyes, unsure of what to make of his reaction to whatever sensations he was feeling. “Is… is it good? Does it feel good?”
Timothée nodded with a short, raspy laugh, kissing her again. “Best feeling I’ve ever experienced.”
Lea smiled up at him, kissing him back. She was thrilled she had pleased him. Then, she began to feel the same.
“It… it doesn’t hurt anymore, I don’t think.”
“Can I move?” he asked, looking excited.
“Move?” she said in confusion. 
“Lemme show you, sweetheart,” he rasped out, withdrawing slowly and then pushing back in. 
Lea inhaled sharply, and he repeated the motion. She wasn’t entirely sure if it felt good, exactly, but the discomfort was gone now, at least.
“Fuckin’ hell, baby,” Timothée grunted, rolling his hips against her own. “So damn tight.”
With every thrust, the sensation within her changed, shifted, until her entire body was tingling. “Timothée,” she gasped out, reaching out to touch him.“That feels—“
He gripped her wet hair, his lips brushing against hers as he groaned. “Does it feel good?”
“Y— yeah,” she finally decided. “It feels… it feels good, it feels really good—“
“Fuck,” he grunted, moving a bit faster now. “Best pussy I’ve ever felt. Fuck, Lea.”
She lifted her pelvis off the wet sand to meet his thrusts, and he gripped her hips in response, clearly enjoying her enthusiasm. It felt good, the best thing she’d ever felt in her life. “Don’t stop, Timothée,” she begged softly, her hold on him tightening, “Please don’t stop.”
“Not gonna stop, baby,” he swore, his voice low and intense. “Wanted you too much for too long.” He thrust a bit harder, gently tugging her bottom lip between his teeth and squeezing her hips so tightly she idly wondered if they might bruise, which, strangely enough, didn’t sound like a bad thing in the slightest. “So fuckin’ good.”
Instinctively wrapping her legs around him, her knees bracketing his hips, Lea ran her hands over his chest and shoulders, fascinated by the way her mate—Goddess, she was doing this with her mate, her mate wanted her in this way—was shaped, the way his lithe muscles moved and flexed beneath his too-perfect skin, and she wanted to trace every one of his freckles with her fingertips and mouth and tongue and she never—never—wanted this to end, because it—no, he—was everything, too much and not enough all at once in the best possible way.
“Timothée,” Lea moaned, the sound of it, her desperation for more, drowned out by the waves behind them.
“Yeah, say my name,” he encouraged in a low voice, mouthing wetly at her neck and squeezing her hips harder. “Say my name, sweetheart. Can’t get enough of you.”
“I can’t get enough of you, either,” Lea confessed, surprised by how easy the admission was. Everything about this situation felt right, felt perfect, like she didn’t need to feel embarrassed. Not here, not with him.
Timothée sat up a bit, burying his hands in the wet sand on either side of her. Her legs fell from his hips, and he continued to roll them against hers as he looked down at her. “God, you’re sexy,” he muttered, his gaze flitting from her face to her breasts to her hips and back up to her face again. He balanced himself on one hand and reached down to grip her breast, giving it a rough squeeze. “Could watch the way these bounce for hours.”
Lea’s lips parted on a moan, and she arched her back off the sand and into his touch. Her breasts bounced from the force of him driving into her, but that didn’t stop Timothée from pinching her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She whined at that, the unfamiliar sting sending sharp jolts of what felt like lightning through her veins and down to where they were joined.
“Oh, I—“ Whatever half-formed thought flew from her mind and she cut herself off with an involuntary moan, because he gently twisted her nipple, making her back arch again.
“Don’t think,” Timothée rasped out, lowering himself back down, propping himself up on his elbows as he thrust inside her. “Don’t think, Lea. Just feel.”
“I am, I’mfeeling—“
He cupped her cheek, gazing into her eyes for a moment that was both an eternity and simultaneously not long enough, and then he kissed her. Slowly, intensely, like he wanted it to last forever too.
Lea threw her arms around his neck and returned the kiss enthusiastically, even as she moaned into his mouth at the things he was doing to her, the things he was making her feel. As they kissed, he reached between their bodies and rubbed the same spot he’d been licking before.
Lea moaned, her muscles tensing up as he wrung pleasure from her like he knew her body better than she ever could, no matter how long she spent as a human, and he rubbed faster, more insistently, never ceasing the delicious movement of his hips.
“That’s it, baby,” he encouraged. “Cum for me. Wanna hear those pretty little moans again, wanna hear you screaming my name. Cum for me.” 
Lea didn’t understand exactly what he meant, but when she had that second burst of… whatever it was, it was even more intense than it had been before, and she was suddenly immensely worn out.
Timothée, however, was neither satisfied nor worn out. Instead, he moved faster, harsher. “Fuck, Lea,” he grunted, burying his face in her neck. “‘m gonna cum, you feel so fucking good—“
Lea was so dazed that she was hardly even aware of what he was saying, but she knew she was happy. And then, he thrust a few more times, each one more long and intense than the last, before he finally stopped altogether and collapsed atop her. He panted against the skin of her neck for several long minutes, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore drowning out the sounds of their breaths and thundering heartbeats.
Lea hadn’t realized she’d closed her eyes and couldn’t recall having done so, but she kept them closed anyway, holding him against her. “I love you, Timothée.” Her voice was tired but full of such obvious contentment that he lifted his head up to kiss her again.
“I think it will be very easy for me to love you back,” he told her gently, kissing her again. “Just give me time.”
Lea opened her eyes and smiled up at him. In that moment, as her mate helped her to her feet and led her back to the house, all she could think of was how perfect this all was. He was everything. Everything.
He took her to the patio outside his bedroom and opened the door. “Where are we going?” Lea wondered, confused. “My room is over there—“
He pulled her towards the bathroom, into his shower, which was substantially larger than the one in her room.
“What, you didn’t think you’d just go back to sleeping in your own room after that, did you?” he said with a little laugh. “No, baby. No.” He leaned down and gave her a slow, passionate kiss. Lea sighed, smiling against his lips. “C’mon,” he murmured, turning the water on. “Let’s get all this sand off.”
She stared at the water flowing in rivulets down his unnecessarily—obnoxiously, really—perfect body. She blinked, examining a certain part of him that was very different from her own human body. “Is that what you put inside me?” she asked, pointing at the unnervingly sized appendage.
Timothée glanced down at himself and laughed again, getting his hair wet and encouraging her to do the same. “Yeah, it was that.”
She stared at it. “How odd.”
He chuckled a bit, helping her rinse the sand from her body, and admittedly taking far too long on her breasts.
“What are you doing?” Lea asked as he kissed her neck and squeezed her breasts with both hands, teasing her nipples.
“Washing the sand off?” It sounded more like a question than a statement, so Lea said, “I think those parts are free of sand.”
One hand continued to tease her nipples while the other trailed down her body, his fingertips gently touching her center. “Do you want me to stop?” Timothée murmured, kissing her neck.
Lea considered this for a moment. “Okay, just a little,” she finally decided, leaning back against him as he slipped his fingers inside. “Just… just a little.”
After the shower, he dried her off with a soft towel before leading her—on stumbling, unsteady feet—to his bed, where he cocooned her in his arms.
And then Lea slept, and slept well, for the first time in months.
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Sorry for the wait, smut is harder to write than just about any other type of scene. Anyway big thanks to my beta @lilmaymayy
Tag list:
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angelwiththeblue-box · 3 months
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The twin bed is decidedly not big enough for all of them - it’s barely big enough for Tyler and Vanessa, who are sitting on it when they arrive - but they squish around to make it work. (i would be anything for you by @starstruckodysseys )
taglist: @wheelsupin-azarathmetrionzinthos @incorrect-play-it-by-ear @dapper-nahrwhale @leelovessharks @thedragonemperess @depressedtransguy @starchaserbaby @blueskiesandstarrynights (lemme know if u wanna be added or removed)
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pomegranateboy333 · 10 months
I thought you wanted to dance
Sidedude!Mike x GN!Reader
Warnings: smut…, cheating, reader is not the greatest person, neither is mike, some fluff, it’s just kinda sad, mike is the other woman, Vanessa gets cucked
Based off sweet/i thought you wanted to dance by Tyler, the creator, possibly part 1 of a longer series but only if y’all like want it lemme kno
The two of you lay in his bed, staring deeply into each other’s eyes, and you swear you’ve never felt happier. You’d told her that you were going to your homegirl’s place for the weekend, told your homegirl to keep her mouth shut.
“You know,” Mike broke the tranquil silence, “I think that when God made you, he really took his time.”
You snorted at that, “you’re so corny.”
He smiled at you, “but he got one thing wrong.” You raised an eyebrow. “Your name,” he pulled you in closer, his lips hovering over yours, “shoulda called you Sugar, you’re so sweet.” He crashed his lips against yours as he finished speaking, taking your breath away. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt like this. It was so nice, so new, so, so wrong.
Try as hard as you might, you couldn’t silence your conscience, but with his lips pressed against yours you came pretty damn close. So you pulled him in closer, deepening the kiss and pushing her image out of your mind. He shifted the two of you so that you were resting slightly on top of him, his thigh between your legs.
He steadily applied pressure, your breaths becoming small whines of pleasure as he began to move you against his thigh. You shifted again so that you were on top of him and began to grind down against him. You moaned at the feeling of him pressing against you, your lips twitching up into a coy smile as he began to whine beneath you. You loved having him like this, putty in your hands. It might’ve been your favorite way to see him.
Leaning down, you began to leave marks along his neck, obsessed with the way his scruff and soft skin felt under your lips. You began moving down his bare chest towards the waistband of his boxers, sucking hickeys into the skin and feathering kisses over the bruises. His hips bucked up as you kissed him over his boxers, his hand moving to tangle into your hair. You pulled him out of his boxers, licking a long stripe up his shaft before moving your mouth around him. You relaxed as you let him take control, fucking up into your warm mouth. The room soon filled with lewd, wet noises and his whines and moans as you took him down your throat.
You could tell when he was close, his dick twitching in your mouth as he repeatedly hit the back of your throat. You reached up one hand, massaging his balls as your pulled back to take in a deep breath. Then you took him back into your mouth, moving down until your nose was buried in the curly hairs at his base. He came shortly after, thrusting into your mouth as he let out a high pitched, almost girlish whine. You gently worked your mouth over him as he came, pulling off slowly and swallowing whatever hadn’t already dripped out of your mouth.
Moving up his body, you pressed a gentle kiss to his lips before he flipped you over, smiling down at you, “your turn.”
“How was Stacy’s?”
You jumped slightly as you shut the door behind you, you hadn’t expected her to be home. When you turned to look at her, she had the widest, sweetest smile on her face. She was so happy that you were home. You felt your heart sink into your stomach. “It was a lot of fun, I, um,I had a great time.” You forced a smile onto your face, your eyes glued to your shoes. God, you were such a piece of shit.
“Oh, I saw Mike at the store yesterday, he says hi,” she walked over to you, wrapping her arms around your waist. You hoped that you didn’t smell like him.
She planted a gentle kiss on your lips before you responded, “oh. Well, when you get a chance tell him I say hello.”
“Will do. So, what did you and Stacy do all weekend?” She grabbed your overnight bag and began moving down the hall towards your bedroom.
You kicked your shoes off, trying your hardest to act casual, “oh, you know, stuff. We, uh, we saw the new Scream. It wasn’t as good as the other ones.” That wasn’t a total lie, you and Mike had risked a night out one town over to see Scream 3, and it really wasn’t as good as the others. You’d both agreed that the twist was pretty interesting, though, and it made you kind of sad to think that this was the end of the trilogy. You both loved the movies so much.
“Oh, really? You know, I don’t know what you like so much about those movies. Mike loves them too, I just don’t get it.” Her laughter carried to you as you walked into the room behind her, love filling your heart at the sound.
“He does? That’s cool,” you reply as you wrap your arms around her, pulling her back to your chest. “You have no idea how much I missed you,”n you mumble into her neck, breathing her in. You really could spend forever like this. God, what was wrong with you? You ignored the way that your stomach turned in self-disgust as you peppered kisses along her neck. You couldn’t help but notice the difference. Her skin was softer than his, no hairs tickling your lips around her chin. For a moment you found yourself wishing that it was him.
Pushing the image of him falling apart beneath you out of your mind, you led Vanessa to towards the bed.
You sat in the living room, watching tv in his arms. Abby was at a friend’s for the night and the two of you were relishing in having the time alone. Without his sister there, you two could be as openly affectionate as you wanted without the risk of something accidentally getting back to Vanessa. It sounded fucked up and fake, but the last thing the two of you wanted was to hurt Vanessa. You didn’t want to break her heart or destroy her trust, but that seemed inevitable if you kept this up.
There was just something about Mike, you’d felt it since the moment Vanessa introduced you to him. It was hard to explain and hard to resist and eventually you just got tired of trying. So you let him kiss you, or maybe you kissed him, either way you ended up in his bed with his head between your legs and you felt something you couldn’t remember ever feeling before. It had just sort of… escalated from there and before you knew it you were carving out entire weekends, fabricating week long trips to visit extended family that just wouldn’t align with Vanessa’s work schedule.
You were both well aware that you were a shitty partner and he was a worse friend. You knew how much Vanessa loved you, you knew how much you loved her. But none of that seemed to matter in comparison to how much you wanted Mike. It made you feel pathetic and like a low life if you thought about it too much, so you tried not to think about it too much.
Mike was pressing gentle kisses along your jaw, his teeth occasionally nipping at your skin, making you grin. You pulled away and turned your head towards him, “what’s on your mind?”
“Just thinking about you,” he hums, leaning back towards you, kissing down your neck, “how much I love you.”
You felt your blood stop pumping at his words. Pulling back again, you met his eyes. “L-love? What the fuck do you mean ‘love’?”
He looked into your eyes, taking your hands in his in a tight grip, “I love you.”
You began to shake your head slowly, “oh, Mike, no-“
“No, listen,” he cut you off, “I love you. I love you so much it drives me crazy, and I don’t care if you don’t feel the same. I just had to let you know.”
Your breath was caught in your throat, you had no idea what to say so you just stared at him, your mouth opening and closing like a fish.
“Please say something, though. Otherwise I’m going to feel really fucking dumb for saying anything at all.”
You took a deep breath before speaking, your words coming out slowly as you struggled to formulate your thoughts. “No, Mike. You don’t love me. Love… it isn’t apart of this. That’s not what this is.”
He wouldn’t let go of your hands, “maybe not to you, not to me either at first, at least. But I swear I love you. I love you so fucking much and you can get up and leave right now and never talk to me again and I wouldn’t care. I’d still love you.”
You stood up, snatching your hands away from his far harsher than you intended, “Mike, please just listen to me. You don’t love me-“
“No Y/N, I do. What makes you think that I don’t? I wake up every morning and my first thought is you. I go to sleep at night and your face is all that I can see when I close my eyes. I’m always right there whenever you call, always. You think that I don’t love you?”
“Well, you can’t!”
“Who are you to tell me who I can and can’t love?”
“I don’t care who you love Mike. As long as it’s not me.”
He stood across from you like a wounded puppy, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that Vanessa loves me, and I love Vanessa and you and I have fun sometimes but that’s all it is. That’s all it is ever going to be.”
“Fun? This is just fun to you?”
“I thought it didn’t matter to you if I felt the same. Besides, what am I even supposed to do with this information? I suppose you want me to leave my girlfriend for you now? Move all of my shit in here and play family?”
“I don’t expect you to leave her, I just- I just wanted you to know how I feel, do whatever you fucking want with the info.”
It was obvious you’d hurt him, something you’d never ever wanted to do. But that was how it had to end, wasn’t it? Someone always had to get hurt in things like this.
You grabbed your coat and bag and left without another word, regretting everything except for him. You weren’t sure if you’d be able to stay away.
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kakusu-shipping · 11 months
Monty x reader would be cuteee~
But also i wanna see your littol guy with the animatronics!!!i like seein your widdol guy
I've had a concept that can do both at once for a while now so I might as well use that.
Lost and Found
Monty X GN Security Guard Reader
In which you ignore protocol on a whim
Patrols in the Pizzaplex were always very dull for a night shift employee, especially sense the head security guard, Vanessa, gave you explicit instructions not to talk to the animatronics.
There was never a break in at the Pizzaplex, anyone locked in after closing are always found basically right away, and every square inch of the main floors are patrolled by Staff bots who are basically walking motion sensors.
Recently you hadn't even bothered to patrol the floor anymore, and instead find yourself crashing in the Security Tunnels until your shift ended. Tonight included.
You made your way to Monty Golf through the underground maze, as you'd found the muffled golfing music relaxing, when a distant sound caught your ear. Something you were sure the dayshifters were much more use to than you were.
A child crying.
You checked the time; almost 2am. If they'd been left here when the doors had shut at 10 surly someone would have already found them by now and reported them to Vanessa, right?
You picked up the pace a little, turning off course and following the sound. Around a few more corners, you found the source.
Montgomery Gater stood over a very small child in a very big sweater, who was currently sobbing his little eyes out.
The animatronic looked rather freaked out, glancing over his shoulders, motioning with his hands for the child to calm down, repeatedly softly shushing them to the best of his ability. You'd heard he was stiff around the kids sense his upgrades to join the band, but this was pitiful.
"Monty? What's going on?" You asked as you approached, tucking your flashlight back into it's holster on your hip.
Monty whipped around to face you, knocking into the child with his large tail as he did so, "Nothin'!" He got defensive immediately, a soft growl to his voice, which just made the loud screaming of the now collapsed toddler next to him even worse.
You walked passed him and helped the kid up. He was small, with round cheeks and big sopping wet eyes. His hair was white and messily cut, which was hard to tell with how wild and curled it was. He wore a child's 2XL daycare sweater you'd seen in the gift shop a few times, with the sun Daycare attendant's cartooned face on it, and one sock.
"Are you okay, baby?" You asked softly, patting his very unkempt hair, "Did the big bad gator scare you?"
"Hey, I ain't bad!" Monty squatted next to you, "He was cryin' BEFORE I found him, just so you know."
You looked at Monty, "Did you contact Vanessa?"
"I tried." The gator huffed, "Somethin's jammin my signal." Monty did a motion that mimicked someone picking their ear with their pinkie, but he both didn't have an ear nor anything worth picking out of it.
"Probably just the way it is down here," You suggested, standing up with the child in your arms, "Let's get back up on ground level and figure it out from there."
Monty nodded and stood up as well, following you as you made your way to the stairs to Monty Golf.
Once above ground, Monty tried again to contact the head security guard, but still nothing.
Technically at this point, you were supposed to take any lost children to items to lost and found and leave them there. It basically functioned as Vanessa's office, and she would eventually show up and handle the situation, but just leaving a kid in an office all alone for who knows how long didn't sit right.
You glanced at the kid, who was doing a lot better now that he was out of the dark tunnels, staring in awe at the fairy lights of Monty Golf.
"Lemme try my walkie." You said, and then passed the toddler off to Monty, who very clumsily took him, "hold this."
"Wha- Hey!" Monty barked at you as you stepped away, you could hear the child laugh at Monty's frustrations, so at least he wasn't scared of the gator.
Just like Monty though, all you were getting was static. The stupid walkies were always junkie anyway. Fazbear was always looking for costs to cut after all.
Now what..?
"Hey," Monty suddenly was right behind you, "No luck?"
"Nothing," You answered Monty, putting your walkie back and turning fully to face him, "Guess we should head for lost and found." You reached for the kid, only for Monty to take a step back from you.
You blinked, "What?"
"What?" Monty echoed you, now two steps away.
"You... Don't want to take the kid to lost and found?"
"I didn't say that." Three steps.
You motioned to the distance between the two of you with an annoyed look.
Monty shifted his weight, still clumsily holding the kid an arm's length away from himself, "..I think it's a bad idea." He finally admitted.
He glanced away, the toddler looked between the two of you, very confused. You felt the same way, but decided to give it up and sighed.
"Alright, but we have to do something with him." You watched at Monty turned to you, shocked you'd agree to go against protocol like this. You were too, to be honest. But, you figured he had a good reason. "Any ideas?"
Monty looked at the kid in his hands, who stared back at him with big, blank eyes. "..The daycare?" He suggested.
You thought on it for a moment, "...It is a place built to hold kids, I suppose..." You walked over to him, finally taking the child from his clumsy grasp, "What do you say? Wanna go meet Sun and Moon?"
The kid's face lit up as he gripped onto your shirt, he nodded rapidly and smiled a wide, jagged toothed grin at you.
You nodded, and headed back down into the maintenance tunnels with Monty close on you heels.
It didn't take long to get to Daycare from Monty Gold through the tunnels, so long as you know where you're going. Which you admittedly did not. But Monty did, and was more than smug about getting to lead you around.
In the daycare the child you'd found quickly lept from your arms and ran to the pickup doors, pulling them open and running inside, calling loudly for "Mr. Sun". When the door slammed closed, you were unable to get them to open again, which was worrying for several reasons, and probably should have been more of a concern, but you let it go when Monty's hand slammed against your shoulder blades with a chuckle.
"Good work, Boss." Monty smiled down at you, "I really didn't expect you to help me get away with that. Thanks."
You rolled your arm, which stung, and looked back at Monty confused, "Get away with... What?"
Monty smiled a toothy grin, "Don't worry 'bout it. Just know ya did good."
You probably would have pressed more if your watch hadn't started going off, signaling the end of your shift already.
"4am already, huh? I'd offer to walk ya to the door but y'ain't supposed to talk to us animatronics anymore, are ya?" Monty turned and made his way back to the maintenance tunnels entrance, "See ya tomorrow night, Boss. Don't tell ol' Vanny 'bout this." He waved over his shoulder.
You gave one more glance to the Daycare door. Inside you could hear the Daycare attendant. His usual anxious voice, muffled and distant, twinged with relief.
You decided you'd done the right thing, even if you didn't really know what you'd done, and made for the main entrance to daycare.
Maybe Monty could explain exactly what you'd done right tomorrow.
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conspicuous-clown-car · 4 months
lemme ramble for a bit
so i have this story in my head of my self insert and the bs they go through while working at the pizzaplex for like 2 years as a night guard
and originally they were gonna die at the end of it before the events of security breach, smth about them finally getting what they wanted bc that’s one of the reasons they wanted to work there in the first place. but i thought that was way too sad, despite, yknow, it being a horror and if i was in their place id definitely be dead before then. plus there are some things worse than death in the fnaf universe. so i decided to veer away from angst for this story and go for a more thriller horror (maybe psychological) type thing yknow? makes it more fun
THEN i was like yo what if ghosts kids start haunting them to help them find their killer and there’s like 1 for each pizzaplex animatronic (excluding freddy and roxy bc they got gregory and cassie). and it could be super angsty bc 2 of the kids were inadvertently killed because of moon and one was killed by moon, and my s/i is super close with moon right? so it would be like a moral dilemma, bc they want to help the kids but they still want to be friends with moon, but they’re also horrified that he killed a kid. and my s/i would start dreaming and sleepwalking, forced by the ghost kids to relive their deaths to try and find who killed them. but then i started thinking about the timeline of that, and it would mean moon would’ve had the virus or whatever years before this story takes place, which isn’t what i wanted nor did it make sense. so after a while i was just like nahhhh, and it didn’t really mesh well with the story of security breach anyways, its more sci-fi than supernatural now, and including the ghost kids would just be too much crammed into self insert story i have. the kids designs im still gonna use tho lol
NOW after getting back into fnaf after like a few months of not really caring about the lore, i’ve been watching more theory videos and book summaries and stuff like that and it made me shift my whole view on security breach’s story
so i’ve decided that i wanna stick as close to canon lore as possible and make gregory and vanessa/vanny more present and important. i want to focus more on the issues with ai, and show the slow downfall and problems with depending solely on them. i also need to figure out why my self insert has plot armor bc anyone in their situation would’ve been fired or killed by now (i don’t have to stick that close to canon for this i guess). but im just gonna justify it as they’re a pushover who doesn’t ask any questions and just does what they’re told, which is pretty much what got the other employees fired or killed bc they did the opposite (they’re also a huge nerd about robots so they end up being good friends with all the animatronics which is a HUGE plot point in this story, friendship is the real magic love conquers all etc. etc.) don’t get me wrong, they are fully aware of how wrong things are in the pizzaplex and how some things vanessa has told them don’t add up, but they are a good little employee (they are a severe people pleaser) so they feign ignorance to it all.
my self insert being autistic and having adhd is also a big thing i wanna include, bc there’s some really specific shit about their autism that would affect how they survive and stuff. things like trauma responses, masking, unmasking, meltdowns, and shutdowns that will affect their relationships with the others and will domino affect over time and lead to them surviving. idk ive just been thinking a lot lately about social interactions and experiences i have that are negatively or positively impacted specifically because of my autism. choices choices
i also want to make sure that it’s clear how neglected all the animatronics are. not just the dca since it is intended to be a s/i x sun and moon story. but there’s a lot of issues the in game messages have talked about with the animatronics that seem to happen because no one is bothering to help them. they just put a bandaid on a situation but they don’t fix the root problem yknow. also, my s/i doesn’t think the animatronics are sentient at first, and i want that to be a big thing that gets explored several times throughout the story bc i love thinking about robot sentience.
at first i was gonna have monty sort of start to be nice to my s/i, and maybe they could be friends or even have a sibling type relationship (red hair lol) but then i was like nah, monty being an asshole is what makes his character interesting. plus his behavior is a nice contrast from the rest of the band. though i think it would be funny for some characters to think monty is my s/i’s favorite at first bc their hair is dyed red
i also want sun and moon to be as close to canon as possible. while i love love LOVE pretty much every dca x reader fic i ever read, i have a preference for canon depictions of sun and moon lol. no hate to fanon depictions of sun when i say this, but ive been lost in the sauce of fanon sun for too long, and i wanna make him passive aggressive, and sarcastic, and picky, and fussy!! but still an anxious wreck and a people pleaser perfectionist. i’ll admit im still struggling with this. it was kinda hard to get a gauge on his personality at first because until help wanted 2 we had only seen how he interacts with kids. and even though in universe that isn’t the real sun it’s the only indication we have of how he interacts with adults, so im taking it. moon is still gonna be mischievous, creepy as hell, and won’t talk much, but he’s not gonna be killin anyone (yet), he’s just gonna be kind of a stalker lol. also the dca and freddy have beef for some reason, it’s a personal head canon of mine but im adding it to this story hehe
lots of physical injuries, several concussions, a migraine so bad they loose the ability to communicate properly (smth i experience) will all happen to them, bc i am throwing them through the ringer. they will be stressed more often than not. get projected on idiot (i say that as if this isn’t my self insert and is literally me)
tbh this story would mostly be just a slice of life, shenanigan, character driven thing for most of it. but then little things brought up in the past will become important to the plot later on.
like how copyright music can’t be played in front of any of the animatronics or else they will freak out :]
that’s all lol
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