sapphyreopal5 · 9 months
Are you really royalty of The Fey, or just a really cool human being?
Hello Anon, thank you for stopping by to send in this ask. It happens to actually be the former. I've made some posts pertaining to some unique experiences I've had, such as "meeting" the Faye king in a field when I was about 17 years old ♥, crossing over off of Earth to Vanalfheim aka the Faye realm around when I was almost 5 years old and coming back a year later, etc. To answer this in short terms on how I learned this about me, when I first began delving into divination my twin sister also got started on it not long after I did. It was actually her who introduced me to using a printable abc chart with my pendulum! One day when I had visited her a couple summers ago in part because I was going to a friend's wedding. She was asking her guides some things using her chart, and I was asking my guides some things without my chart.
My sister was asking about things like past lives and stuff. I asked my guides if I ever created animals at any point (stuff like this was discussed in Dr. Michael Newton's books regarding what people do between lives) and was told yes. I was guessing numbers like did I create 2, 3, 7 animals, all of which were yes. A deity named Ba'alat said to my sister "more like at least 2 of every species minus creepy crawlers". Not long after this deity said this to her, they also said to her "Ellie's birth brought all dead planets that were once teeming with life back to life". I just looked over at her and had absolutely no idea how to respond to this. I sat in dead silence wondering what the hell to make of that.
I eventually asked my guides if this is really true and Hades Odin said "yes, we chose your sister Erica to tell these things to first instead of you because we knew she wasn't going to expect this, let alone believe it". I really learned about being their Queen when I was learning who my guides are and discovered all elemental types are guides of mine. I was informed by Hades Odin that only the Queen has all elemental types as guides, let alone as many as I do overall. It was Hermes who several months later told me one day my sister has a tumor that needs to be addressed. I panicked and said "omg please tell me you can help her!" I said nothing to my sister about this reading but I said to Hermes "Please bring my sister to the Faye realm and treat her". I am not kidding you when I say this but the very next day my sister said she woke up and realized her varicose veins on her legs are all gone and have not returned.
So, to answer your question in short yes I am their Queen. Thank you again for your question!
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 years
My Experiences as a Worlds Traveler Dreamwalker
Hello, my name is Ellie. I'm a psychic whose methods mainly involve a pendulum and printable ABC chart. Any information that is not readily available by physical means (internet sources, books, etc.) I obtain via divination. I've asked all guides to prove they are who they say they are, all of whom have done so in a variety of interesting ways. In this particular post, I talk about my personal experiences as a worlds traveling dream walker. However, before I dive into my experiences I do ecourage you to read this post of mine where I touch briefly onto what sources call dream walking and then what it really is (and isn't). I've admittedly made a lot of artwork inspired by places I "dreamed" about in the past. As it was said in the Supernatural episode "The Bad Place", my creating this artwork was subconsciously my creating "reportage" of the places I've seen.
I've asked my guides including Odin why it is none of these star systems are considered to be candidates for life on other planets in the search for extra terrestrial life, he responded with "Really, we The Seers use illusions to obstruct the fact there are planets around these star systems. This is my way of saying 'Hey, where do you think you're going?'" I admittedly could not stop laughing when he said this.
Faye Realm/Vanalfheim (Arcturus)
Vanalfheim (Norse cosmic realms Vanaheim and Alfheim) aka The Faye Realm is one place incarnated divine blueprinters have visited on many occasions while physically dream walking or even astrally. This particular place is located around the star Arcturus in the Bootes constellation. I've also written about this place in another post of mine here on Tumblr. The best way I can describe this place is by comparing it to the games "Spyro the Dragon" and "Spyro: Ripto's Rage". There are a lot of houses here that are built with stone and even within mountains and hills. I recall seeing many different types of "magical" beings here, including elven people (mainly deities), fairies, etc. At night time, many of the plants glow and there's a lot of what appear to be glowing sparkling lights floating around, perfectly beautiful sight really. Perhaps those who came up with "fairy lights" were inspired by subconscious memories of their time spent on Vanalfheim either astrally or even physically. All deities and other benevolent beings that are guides of mine call sleep time "illusion time" for many reasons.
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Vanaheim is the Norse realm of The Vanir gods who are known for their proficiency at using magic and seeing into the future. No location for Vanaheim has been given in any Nordic texts or even a description of what it looks. However, given that the Vanir are fertility deities known for using magic, it is often thought to be a pleasant, beautiful place. Alfheim is the Norse realm of The Light Elves. According to the Norse poem "Grimnismol: The Ballad of Grimnir" (largely informative or like an encyclopedia in nature), the Nordic deity Freyr (separate from Freya who is said to be his sister in Norse mythology and paganism) is the ruler of Alfheim. According to norse-mythology.org, this has puzzled scholars due to the ambiguous connection between the Vanir especially Freyr, and the elves with no solid conclusions regarding the nature of such. No clear description of Alfheim has been given in any Norse texts. The Marvel fandom website however mentions fairies, unicorns, elves, mermaids and other creature residing there and also states "there are many more gardens than there are stars", enchanted forests, coral castles in the oceans, and many other colorful descriptions of Alfheim.
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Based on the many divination readings I've gotten from Freyr, Odin, Loki, Hermes, Quetzalcoatl, Hela, and many other guides of mine regarding the Faye Realm, the reason for the lack of clarity on the whereabouts of Vanaheim along with the descriptions for how both Vanaheim and Alfheim look in terms of what Norse texts say is because they are one and the same wonderful place they call Vanalfheim. I also recall an underwater tunnel at one point with many glowing crystals under the water and colorful marine life. Bubbles were swirling around me as I was traveling in this underwater tunnel. I ended up in a cave with more crystals and the "giant glass-like computers" I mentioned earlier. I saw many vials on multiple shelves with what looked like glowing orbs of various colors. It turns out this is the lab where souls are created and are "sent" to other places via the astral planes to be placed in vessels ("copy of the higher self's conscience is placed in the frontal lobe of the brain" per Loki).
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Asgard (Pleiades)
According to the Nordic song "Grimnismál. The Song of Grimnir" (again more informative in nature, not necessarily what some might consider a hip song ha ha), there are 12 realms within Asgard most of which are said to be mansions belonging to different deities (Thor, Odin, Freya, Heimdall, etc.). I've learned also throughout the years thanks to my big interest in astronomy (NOT astrology) that the Pleiades star cluster has up to 12 stars that can be seen with the naked eye under ideal conditions per Space.com (most report 6 or 7 under less than ideal conditions however). I recall when I asked Loki on June 16, 2021 when looking at a simple list of the Norse cosmic realms asking where each realm was and got yes when I asked if Asgard was in the Pleiades. I learned also about the 12 realms of Asgard around the same time and got this reading from Odin on June 21, 2021 when I asked if the 12 realms of Asgard are correct: "Ugh, none of these are correct except for Valhalla, which is not even in Asgard" (not a topic I wish to discuss here as to where and what the purpose of Valhalla's existence really is).
* Maia (the main star in the Pleiades)
This is the main star that people on various starseed websites in the past reported seeing in their dreams (lavender and purple sky, 3 moons, lots of forests, and even some including myself talked about seeing a city with buildings above the water somewhat similar to Roman architecture with buildings that had what looked like marble columns). I made a video about a trip I made to this planet over 9 years ago, where I talked about a meeting I was running to attend to. I remember running across a small bridge with a dimmed down rainbow spanning across it. I recall seeing a lot of "floating sparkly lights" here as well. I unfortunately did not spend too much time looking around this place, as I was in a rush to attend a meeting.
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The room I ran to had meeting with 9 other people at an elongated oval table. I saw 4 others standing in the room against the wall. I recall seeing one man with brown skin (who I learned later on is named Truvixy who is King of Atlantis, AWESOME guide by the way!) pulling out a scroll with the planet Earth on it. I could not recall the context of this meeting at the time but I definitely knew it was BIG and it involved Earth entirely. It turns out that all of the people in this room are members of what book author Michael Newton and others have referred to as "The Council of Elders". Really the name of this council as Truvixy and others have called it is actually known to other benevolent beings including the council members themselves as the Khala. Weirdly enough, the Khala "Path to Ascension" is in the Starcraft games and refers to the religion of the Starcraft race Khalai protoss. This religion was based on the philosophy that there is a psionic connection between all of the "religion's" followers.
When I returned home from this trip, I remember having problems breathing for several days after this. I felt very winded for at least a couple days and was trying to figure out why this is. It turns out I had physically dream walked to this planet and do recall running to attend to this meeting. I was suffering from Hypoxemia, due to the thinner air on this planet. It's for this reason I ended up having to physically dream walk to Jotunheim for treatment.
* Merope
I briefly recall one night about 12 years ago encountering a blonde man wearing a black and red body suit asking me who I am. I remember my name being mentioned but also heard what's apparently part of Hela's name Aliyana Akrina (full name of Hela the astral higher self is Hela Aliyana Akrina [more on the connection between Akrina and The Winchesters' Akrida in another post]), who is one of my deity higher selves that make up my soul's essence. The man responded with "Aliyana Akrina (again only heard part of Hela's name who was speaking through me physically)? If this is who you really are, you are certainly welcome to come here". I don't recall too much about this place, only that it has a minty green and darker green sky. Per Hermes while I am writing this post (3/19/2023), this planet does not get a whole lot of sunlight similar to northern Alaska in the winter for example. The weather was generally pleasant, felt like mid 60s to lower 70s but reached about 50s or so at night time.
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* Atlas
I myself have briefly visited this planet but do not have the best recall of it years ago (not the most certain of when I went there either sadly enough it was so long ago XD ). I do remember seeing small houses built above the water with wooden decks going between the buildings. The sky was a rather interesting color (remember seeing some pink and bluish purple at one point). Another dream walker who had a video up years ago whose YouTube account name is Arcturianstar described this place better than I could admittedly (I do wish she never took this video down). She described having to put some special eye drops in her eyes "due to the different atmosphere here" prior to getting off the ship she and the others she was with were on. She talked about seeing a lot of blonde hair, blue eyed people with very skinny wrists, and even a room with a lot of sleeping bodies. She talked about how all of them looked like they were in their 30s, even the children. She recalls a bird she describes as looking "like something that you'd see in the Amazon" before leaving this place.
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This woman talked about her suspicions that this planet is "an off world colony" for when things go haywire on Earth. She was amazed when I brought up a line from that movie where one scientist said "Do you remember that paper on extra-solar activity I published? Yeah, sure, I remember. I found evidence of a series of super-flares from a star in the outer-Pleiades region". I never knew the name of this star system this planet's around until about a couple weeks ago from Hermes and Odin. This woman however knew it was in the Pleiades (unfortunately can't quite remember if they mentioned this on the ship or if it was before she got on this ship).
Funny enough, my son's name is Atlas which I picked (I won the name battle with my son's dad in this case who wanted to name him after himself, so typical ha ha). It turns out that my memories of being at this planet were mostly erased and the dream I had of it at one point after my son was born was me trying to recall what I saw. It turns out this woman and I were both part of this same group who went to this planet at the same time. No wonder there was a time many moons ago when my eyes were particularly blurry one morning (never had this issue show up after this one morning)...
Jotunheim (Mintaka, Orion's belt)
Many people talk about how bad "giant" Reptilians from Orion apparently are, they are the world leaders, and are bloodthirsty beings looking to take this planet from mankind. None of this is true, as the Reptilians do not care for planet Earth, nor do they rule our world leaders (they're vegan as all other immortal beings are period). I will say that however they are hostile towards incarnated demons, aka most of mankind on Earth. I'm not here to talk about "the Reptilian Agenda", as the focus of my post is about Jotunheim which is the Norse realm of the Giants. If you recall my mentioning earlier in this post learning where the Norse realms are just by reading a list of the names of the realms online almost a couple years ago. I learned that Jotunheim is around the star Mintaka, which is located in Orion's belt.
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I also mentioned earlier having to go to Jotunheim for treatment. I remember mostly being in what looked like a poorly lit cave on a table surrounded by very tall people, one of whom turns out to be the leader of the giants named Jotunn (who is on the council of Elders that's really called The Khala as I mentioned earlier). I do recall seeing some so called reptilians who I later on learned are named Eponea and Feomiza who are also members of The Khala (oh no, the horror of so called reptilians on a spiritual council determining where people go, aka "The Path of Ascension", ahhh!). They said they VERY briefly put me inside of one of the cages as I remembered at one point per Jotunn today 3/19/2023 "to show to me how terrifying it is for small people to be captured by giants on Jotunheim". I do recall an area with what looked like a lab, and also recall a small stream inside of this lab that led to outside. I recall the sky being orange during daylight and towards night-time and sunset looking more green. It was admittedly cooler here, although I spent the entire time I was here in this cave within the mountains.
After I watched the Supernatural episodes "The Bad Place" and "Wayward Sister", I decided to pick up my pendulum and ABC Chart to ask "Is "The Bad Place" Jotunheim?" after seeing the giant creature in the show around Thanksgiving November 2022. Hermes responded with "Yes, they were in the chaotic forests of Jotunheim. What is shown in the first Marvel Thor movie is the cold mountainous area of Jotunheim. Giants are very hostile towards other beings who are non-giants except for members of The Khala including the male God and female God, the 2 physical beings they curiously treat better than other giants".
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Jotunheim according to Norse mythology is also known as Utgard, is described as being chaotic, anarchic, and wild. It's been described as a wilderness that surrounds a more civilized area. I would not really call Jotunheim having any central civilized place in the same sense people are thinking of when it comes to Earth, since giants do not treat most outsiders kindly. According to the Poetic Eddas per the website Norse-mythology.org when describing Jotunheim, the places where the giants live are "deep, dark forests" and also "mountain peaks where winter never eases its grip". It turns out that Supernatural's "The Bad Place" is indeed taking place in one of the deep, dark forests while the Marvel movie "Thor" (2011) takes place in the mountain peaks where a fortress exists in which the said frost giants reside.
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Final Notes
Mainly the sources I mentioned regarding the places I've visited come from divination and Norse texts. Interestingly enough, the debate regarding the validity of Norse texts especially in describing the realms (particularly Helheim versus Hell) involves whether it was written before Christianity came about or afterwards. Therefore, I feel it's important to touch onto Bible verses that happen to mention the Norse realms (unknowing to the Bible writers, and no I'm not religious by a long shot ha ha). I asked about all of these verses on 2/27/2023. I'm sure there are other ones if I look hard enough but I wanted to only touch onto these 3 main ones that people frequently quote regarding other star systems.
John 14:2-3 in the King James Version of the Bible states "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also". When I asked about this verse while researching for the video I made regarding my dream walking experiences (below) what the significance of this verse is, Odin answered: "The writers of the Bible heard seers speaking about the 12 main stars in the Pleiades aka Asgard". If you look into what the 12 realms of Asgard are listed as, they are mainly mansions of different deities in the Nordic pantheon.
Job 9:7-9 in the King James Version of the Bible quotes "Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; And sealeth up the stars. Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, And treadeth upon the waves of the sea. Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, And the chambers of the south".
Job 38:31-33 in the King James Version of the Bible quotes "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, Or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? Or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth? When I asked about these 2 versus from the Book of Job that according to typical interpretations in real generic terms are regarding "the greatness of God's creations" and "changing the weather", Odin stated: "We the Seers were telling the writers of the Bible where the off world [not on Earth] Norse realms are and what the weather's like on these places."
And to wrap up this up and give it to a kid on their birthday 'cause I'm just done typing ha ha, here is my video summarizing the places I visited as a worlds traveling dream walker.
For Further Reading https://www.tumblr.com/sapphyreopal5/712242814410489856/my-experience-as-a-stasis-walk-in?source=share https://hiddenremote.com/2017/12/18/whats-the-real-lore-behind-the-supernatural-dreamwalkers/ https://norse-mythology.org/cosmology/the-nine-worlds/alfheim/ https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Alfheim https://norse-mythology.org/cosmology/the-nine-worlds/vanaheim/ https://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/poe/poe06.htm https://www.space.com/pleiades.html https://www.janehalliwell.com/blog/2015/01/18/council-elders https://starcraft.fandom.com/wiki/Khala https://norse-mythology.org/cosmology/the-nine-worlds/jotunheim/ https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asgard_(Mythologie) https://www.bible.com/
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 year
Sapphyreopal5 Index Page 2
Welcome to my page! These posts of mine are things I post less frequently about, such as my artwork, Dolph Lundgren appreciation, "getting to know me" type of posts, polls I randomly take for fun, things like that. This page will get updated over time, so stay tuned for most posts here.
Sapphyreopal5 Index Page 1
More About Me
Learning to Read Myself
23andme Results (Anglo Indian)
Signature Makeup Look
Learning Methods (Neurodivergents like me)
LGBT stance
Old ass gaming
Chaos Island: The Lost World
Nick and Sarah Level 3
Supernatural CharCon 2023
Mantra Labs Post (a sign?) (reshare)
Drake Photo Op
Rich Photo Op
CharCon was Good thanks!
CharCon J2 Main Panel Questions Ugh
The Winchesters (Thank God it's Dead!)
Mary died when he was 4, Danneel! (reshared)
The Winchesters Lawsuit
Another 10 years LOL
Save the Winchesters Posts = ALL Danneel
Victims aren't here to protect you
Money just makes the world go round
Reddit sucks
Dance with Life, I'll See You Again
Hindu Piggy Bank
Panda Piggy Bank
Ganesh Tattoo Idea
Hibiscus Water Droplets
Autumn Tree
Japanese Maple Bluebird
Saturn Ocean
Quetzalcoatl World Creator
Enchanted Fairy Forest Vanalfheim
Extraterrestrial Fractal Sunset
Purple Hibiscus
Mandala Sea
Altar Ideas
Marine Altar Table
Norse Altar Table
Hindu Altar
Folding Table
Public Service Announcements
Residuals SMH
Kripke SPN Residuals SMH
David Yost Sag Aftra
Cambridge Analytica Settlement
Domestic Abuse App
Soulmates Challenge You
Happy Twins Day!
Healthy Love Exists
It's okay to divorce with kids I promise
Friend Not Foe
Saturn Aurora
Blue Moon (8/31/2023)
Dolph Lundgren Appreciation
Showdown Little Tokyo
Rocky IV
Health Scares
If it walks like a Penguin...
Childhood Artwork
Dolph & Grace
Happy Thirstday
Golden Pancakes & Strawberry Orange Juice
Artwork Shares
Rainbow Cup
House Project Ideas
Closet Door
Feminine Archetype
Seafood Neurodivergent
Fruity Character
Pick a Room Horror
Tumblr Accomplishments, YAY!
250 Posts!
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 year
Sapphyreopal5 Blog Index 1
Welcome to my page! Please before you ask any questions about this, stop here first as I may have already answered your question in another post.
In light of recent events as of today 9/16/2024 11:31am EST, I have the following rules for sending me asks.
1. No ad hominems. Resorting to personal attacks is never okay and neither is accusing someone of having a mental illness or personality disorder or whatever else. You most likely will be ignored, possibly blocked. I'm conservative on the block button but after recent events I must say maybe I should've be so conservative.
2. Don't ask me about my personal opinions about another user as an ask. I will answer about my thoughts on a post of theirs but that's about it. If you have a problem with someone, talk to them directly about it. We're all adults here, aren't we?
3. Be reasonable and matter of fact with your questions. If you disagree with anything I've said or want clarifications on something, I'm okay with this. But no heated arguments. Debates are one thing but arguments are personal, which are a no go. Lame I even had to come up with these rules for asks but oh well, we live and we learn right?
On this index I linked to the posts I primarily write about on my blog. This includes spiritual related topics such as about how incarnations work, my own experiences, divine blueprints, dream-walking, some pagan mythology (particularly Norse), etc.
I also write a lot about some celebrities, particularly from the show Supernatural. This page will get updated over time.
Sapphreopal5 Manifestations E-Journal
Sapphyreopal5 Index Page 2
Sapphyreopal5 Index Page 3 (Supernatural Part 1)
Sapphyreopal5 Index Page 4 (Supernatural Part 2)
Sapphyreopal5 Index Page 5 (Anti Genevieve/Jarevieve)
Spiritual Experiences
Yes, I'm the Queen of Faye
What made me interested in the paranormal to begin with?
Meeting Faye King
Gone from Earth for a Year (Stasis Walk-In) 
Seeing through Jensen Ackles' eyes (2008) "Heaven & Hell"
Vanalfheim = Vanaheim and Alfheim
Note to Skeptics
How Incarnations Work 
10 Unpopular Spiritual Truths
Types of Seers
Reptilians Ask (An Honorable YT Mention YAY)
Reality Shifting
Signs A Place is No Longer Serving You
Soulmates and Soul Crossings- "Be Careful What You Wish For"
White vs Black Clothing Attire
Bad luck days (13th USA, 17th Italy)
Who are They an Incarnation of?
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Jennifer "Genevieve" Padalecki
Nicky Minaj
Tom Hiddleston
Nikola Tesla
Dreamwalking vs Dreaming
Jotunheim = SPN's "The Bad Place"
Reportage (Dreamwalking)
Me, A Worlds Traveler Dreamwalker
Night-time Tree Fractal
Faye Realm (Arcturus)
Faye Realm 2
Fairy on the Moon
Divine Blueprints
What are Divine Blueprints
Black Magic
Cloud Nine
Rust Tragedy
Didn't meet Jensen
Tips on Pendulum Cleansing and Speaking Only to Benevolent Entities
Tips on Reading Tarot Easier
Picking a deck
Natal Chart Sapphyreopal5
* interpretation
Conceived son late 8/29/2014 or early 8/30/2024
Legal Case 3/12/2019
Tarot Requests (Will Only Accept Certain Requests at My Discretion Thanks!)
My Stance on Personal Readings (Please read before requesting)
Declined Hellers & Destiel Tarot Request
Accepted Tarot Request 1
Accepted Tarot Request 2
Matthew Perry & Jensen Ackles: Connected through Drownings, Addiction, and Batman?
GTFO My Page
Can't be factual
Just no, Jensensgroupie
Be a blind skeptic
You're an AA
Psycho Misha stan
Misha & J2 Besties LOL
Can't see Misha is a liar
Abi the creeper
Advertise your religion
Woke shit (use a dictionary, "can't use words literally")
Are ignorant and think you should speak because "everyone is entitled to an opinion"
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 year
Can fairies and other beings have a corporeal form? Is it possible to see and interact with them on the earthly plane?
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. Yes and yes for both, depending on what they want (or don't want) you to see. Some even have human incarnations on Earth! Also, the Faye realm by the way is not on Earth but is actually around another star system Arcturus. My guides call the Faye realm "Vanalfheim" (Vanaheim and Alfheim in Norse mythology). Thought this would be an interesting tidbit to mention here as well...
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