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creature-wizard · 2 years ago
Reminder that the lizard alien conspiracy theory is antisemitism
"They drink blood/adrenochrome/feed on fear" - repackaged blood libel.
"They're manipulating the economy and starting needless wars" - repackaged Jewish banker conspiracy theory.
"The reptilian aliens control the media" - repackaged "Jews control the media" conspiracy theory.
"Judaism was created by reptilian aliens in Babylon" - demonizing Judaism by claiming it was created by malevolent aliens.
"Reptilian aliens are creating fake 'vaccines' to harm/control us" - repackaged conspiracy theories about Jews creating dangerous vaccines.
"We're not inciting violence against everyday Jews, we just want to share the truth" - still trying to convert Jews to something else, which itself is antisemitism.
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pangeen · 2 months ago
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" These jaws can exert 1,000 pounds of pressure! "
// © Tanner Mansell
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reality-detective · 11 months ago
Greg Reese Report 👇
The British Royals and the Reptilians
One of the most monstrous families on Earth is fading away. 🤔
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arconinternet · 10 months ago
A Visual Guide To Alien Beings (Book, David W. Chace, 1996)
You can read it here. It's huge.
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pulpsandcomics2 · 1 year ago
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knuciuc · 6 months ago
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Commission for@Malachidahfolf! Really glad I could work on this one!
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penisdungeon · 7 months ago
BURY US ALIVE // STRFKR [Reptilians, 2011]
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seeinginthedark · 6 months ago
I discuss what I know about the reptilians and a bit about the artificial super consciousness that has pervaded the astral realm recently and trying to merge with us.
Here is a link to some comprehensive research about the reincarnation soul trap and reptilians being the ones behind it :
#reptilian #afterlife #ai #reincarnation #greys #interdimensionalbeings #4thdimension #galacticfederation #aliens #entities #soultrap
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tenmillionthfirefly · 9 months ago
Reblog for a larger sample size!
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adam-trademark · 11 months ago
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Corps of Discovery
(September 22, 2021)
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creature-wizard · 14 days ago
A brief introduction to New Age spirituality (and some of the things wrong with it)
New Age can be summed up as spiritual movement that believes our planet is on the cusp of a new cosmic cycle (hence the term New Age) where humanity enters the next phase of its evolution. Its mythology incorporates a number of fringe beliefs and conspiracy theories, including Atlantis, Lemuria, ancient astronaut theory, and numerous conspiracy theories.
It was heavily influenced by the teachings of Helena Blavatsky, one of the main founders of Theosophy. Influenced by Victorian-age misconceptions about the nature of evolution, Blavatsky taught that we would soon enter the Age of Aquarius, where we would begin to see a new "race" of people who naturally had more powerful spiritual abilities, and then:
Then, as they increase, and their numbers become with every age greater, one day they will awake to find themselves in a majority. It is the present men who will then begin to be regarded as exceptional mongrels, until these die out in their turn in civilised lands ; surviving only in small groups on islands—the mountain peaks of to-day—where they will vegetate, degenerate, and finally die out, perhaps millions of years hence, as the Aztecs have, as the Nyam-Nyam and the dwarfish Moola Koorumba of the Nilghiri Hills are dying. (The Secret Doctrine, Volume II, page 445.)
You can see the influence of eugenics here - she's basically saying that when "superior" people arrive on the scene, then it's just the natural order for the "inferior" ones to die out.
New Age is rife with ideas informed by eugenics, including the belief that you literally have to "upgrade" your DNA to spiritually grow and the belief that humans are destined to become the most powerful beings in the galaxy because we were engineered from the best DNA each alien race had to offer. There are supposedly alien beings who are incapable of genuine kindness because it's just not in their genetic code, and these beings are said to walk among us. There are allegedly alien beings and even some people who cannot connect to the divine because it's not in their DNA.
I want to emphasize here that saying some people are just genetically incapable of kindness or experiencing God is the kind of thing people do when there's a bunch of people they really, really want to die. This is the rhetoric of genocide.
In fact, the evil aliens in New Age mythology, the reptilians, are based on antisemitic conspiracy theories. Depending on who you listen to, they're said to drink human blood and eat human flesh, or just feed on their life force or mental anguish. (Blood libel.) They're claimed to be behind everything described in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. They supposedly disguise themselves as humans so they can exploit us. (Not all Jews are supposedly reptilians, and not all people accused of being reptilians are Jews, but Jews make up a disproportionate number of people claimed to be reptilians.)
David Icke, who is behind the reptilian alien conspiracy theory most people know today, wrote in his book The Biggest Secret (page 212):
The so-called Protocols of the Elders of Zion were discovered in the last century and tell in incredible detail the events and methods of manipulation we have seen manifest in the 20th century. These documents were very much the creation of the Rothschilds and the reptilian-Aryans. But they are not really the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, they are, in truth, the Protocols of SION, the Sun, and the Priory of Sion. So much disinformation and aggression has been hurled at the Protocols and anyone who has mentioned them - including me - because the Brotherhood are desperate to discredit their contents. It is far too close to home. Hitler used the Protocols in part to justify the oppression of Jews, but he was given the Protocols by a Rothschild agent of Khazar decent called Alfred Rosenberg. I don’t accept that the Protocols are ‘Jewish’ in the way people have come to understand that term. They are the work of the reptile-Aryans and made to appear ‘Jewish’ so that we lose the plot.
Icke is also invoking a discredited hypothesis that proposed Ashkenazi Jews are descended from a group of Khazars who converted to Judaism. No one takes it seriously anymore, except for some people who try and use it to claim that Ashkenazi Jews aren't actually real Jews. It's a very ridiculous conspiracy theory because even if Ashkenazi Jews were descended from Khazars, they would still be 100% real Jews. The only people who think your "real" culture or ethnicity determined solely by your genetics are eugenicists. (Go look up blood quantum and the Mischling test.)
Moreover, the "Brotherhood" Icke refers to is a variation on Alexander Hislop's conspiracy theory that the Catholic Church is secretly a Babylonian mystery cult. Hislop was a Scottish Presbyterian minister who claimed in his book The Two Babylons that Babylonians were behind every religion that wasn't good, wholesome Protestant Christianity. He asserted, for example, that "Easter" was derived from "Ishtar" on the simple basis that they sound kind of similar. He also claimed that nearly every pagan god and goddess was actually based on Semiramis, Nimrod, and their son Tammuz (who was regarded as a reincarnation of Nimrod). Hislop's assertions also rely on a literal interpretation of the stories of the Flood and the Tower of Babel. There is of course to evidence to support any of these claims. This article briefly explains just how bad Hislop's methodology is. (By the way, each and every conspiracy theory that claims a Babylonian mystery cult is behind everything is derived from Hislop's work!)
The rest of the alien mythology New Age incorporates also has racist origins. The existence of large and sophisticated stonework like the Great Pyramids challenged the belief that Europeans were inherently superior to the non-white people they considered primitive. So people began to propose that others had built these structures for them. (Ignatius L. Donnelly, for example, proposed that they'd been built by Atlanteans.)
One of the first people to propose aliens was Erich von Daniken. In his 1968 book Chariots of the Gods?, he tried to spin various Sumerian myths and Biblical stories as historical accounts of alien beings. He listed a number of sites as likely to have been built by aliens, such as various pyramids and the moai of Easter Island. Most of today's ancient astronaut conspiracy theories are influenced by this book in some way.
Now here's the thing: the main methodology of ancient astronaut theorists is to look at an ancient structure and say, "Well, I can't figure out how humans could have built it, so it must have been aliens." And then from there, twist and distort local legends and myths - if the story talks about beings from the sky, then they must have been aliens. If a divine being had any kind of vehicle or craft, then it must have been a spaceship. Etc. Cultural and historical contexts are ignored and archaeological evidence is cherry picked.
Oh, by the way, before writing this book, von Daniken spent time in prison for embezzlement, forgery, and fraud:
A court in his native Switzerland found Von Daniken guilty of embezzlement, forgery, and fraud, sentencing him to three and a half years in prison. While operating a Swiss hotel. it seems he fraudulently obtained money by misrepresenting his financial assets, this experience in deception later proving invaluable in his literary career.
In any case, Jason Colavito noticed that von Daniken's narrative looked more like HP Lovecraft than real ancient mythology. Specifically, The Call of Cthulhu proposed that ancient gods came from space:
There had been aeons when other Things ruled on the earth, and They had had great cities. Remains of Them, he said the deathless Chinamen had told him, were still to be found as Cyclopean stones on islands in the Pacific. They all died vast epochs of time before men came, but there were arts which could revive Them when the stars had come round again to the right positions in the cycle of eternity. They had, indeed, come themselves from the stars, and brought Their images with Them.
Meanwhile, The Call of Cthulhu was essentially Lovecraft's own response to Theosophy. Once you compare The Call of Cthulhu with Theosophy's teachings, it's pretty hard to miss that he was straight-up telling Theosophy where to shove it.
Another influence on New Age mythology was Zechariah Sitchin, who also claimed that Sumerian myths actually described alien encounters. It was he who spun the yarn that they engineered humanity to mine gold for them, and he published these ideas in his 1976 book, The 12th Planet. Dr. Michael Heiser's website sitchiniswrong.com explains how Sitchin distorted myths and language to support his narrative.
To try and give you an idea of what these people are doing, I want you to imagine someone coming up and telling you that JRR Tolkien was actually an alien contactee, and that the elves in Lord of the Rings represent an alien species he actually met. Even if you knew absolutely nothing about Tolkien or Lord of the Rings, you could research who he was as a person and it wouldn't take very long to work out that it wasn't alien visitations who inspired him, and you could easily read his books and see that the narratives just don't really suggest anything about alien visitors. So it is with the ancient cultures and texts ancient astronaut proponents plunder. Once you really get in and do the research, it's obvious that these people are cherry picking what they want to hear and projecting what they want to see.
Various ancient astronaut theorists have done this with all kinds of traditions from around the world, and it's become so prevalent that numerous people just take it for granted that these stories were actually all about aliens and somebody just covered it up. If you're one of those people, I encourage you to start chasing down the sources. Start searching for - and start demanding - citations and sources. I promise you, it's all going to go back to some racist white asshat or other. If somebody cites a holy text or legend or something, read it for yourself, and I promise you it won't actually say what you've been told it says. (You'll find that somebody just saw something talking about divine beings from the sky and projected aliens onto it, or otherwise pretend it says something that's just not actually in there.)
New Age mythology also incorporates a number of benevolent alien races. Most of them aren't too remarkable; they're mostly your one-note Planet of Hats aliens, not so much offensive as they are uninspired, bland, and even a little twee. They embody a very average western person's idea of what enlightened or advanced beings would look like. In channeled messages they often dole out generic platitudes couched in New Age jargon. Their advice is probably enough to satiate the middle class white people who make up most of their audience, but it's almost useless - if not insulting - if you have any genuinely difficult problems. Through their channelers, they deliver messages of miraculous wonders and changes ahead - always just a few years around the corner. Of course these promises never manifest, and of course the channelers keep on repeating them.
To be clear, the benevolent aliens were supposed to reveal themselves to humanity dozens of times by now. We were supposed to have miraculous quantum healing technology available everywhere by now. We were supposed to have a new economic system that would end poverty by now. The history of New Age is a history of failed prophecies and broken promises.
There is one genre of "benevolent" alien we have to talk about in specific, however - specifically, the Nordic type, so named because they are supposedly tall, pale, and blond. One might also say they look… Aryan. They pop up quite a lot. One notable alien of this type of Commander Ashtar, a high-ranking leader in the Galactic Federation of Light. Through the many people who purport to channel him, Ashtar has assured us that the evil reptilian aliens have already been defeated, and that a time of great peace and prosperity is just about to arrive.
Commander Ashtar, by the way, was first channeled by George van Tassel in the early 1950's. He published his sessions in his book, I Rode The Flying Saucer. Here are a couple of interesting quotes:
On July 18, 1952, Ashtar seemingly told us that we had to stop building hydrogen bombs or else they'd make us stop:
When they explode the hydrogen atom, they shall extinguish life on this planet. They are tinkering with a formula they do not comprehend. They are destroying a life-giving element of the Creative Intelligence. Our message to you is this: You shall advance to your government all information we have transmitted to you. You shall request that your government shall immediately contact all other earth nations regardless of political feelings … Your materialists will disagree with our attempt to warn mankind. Rest assured they shall cease to explore life giving atoms, or we shall eliminate all projects connected with such.
On August 22, 1952, Ashtar seemingly told Van Tassel to start preparing for disaster that never came:
You are constructed to work together without personal regard for individual property. You are instructed further to consolidate your unity to build structures possible to prepare for food storage due to rapid changes now affecting the financial, military and political conjunction. We advance you this information in the light of true love.
Obviously, nothing ever happened to justify any kind of prepping, and aliens never intervened to stop anybody from building nuclear bombs, which just goes to show that alien channelers have been setting us up for disappointment as far back as when boomers were babies.
Another aspect of the New Age movement that has to be talked about are starseeds. This is basically the idea that alien beings are incarnating into human bodies for essentially the purpose of spreading New Age beliefs to help the planet ascend to 5D. There are many issues with this whole concept. For one, there is a strong current of ableism - when you read any list of starseed traits, you'll inevitably see a list of characteristics more typically associated with ADHD, autism, and even just low-grade social trauma. Some proponents even go so far as to claim that autism and ADHD don't actually exist at all, but were made up to hide the reality of starseeds from the populace. Young children who are believed to be starseeds are expected to show advanced spiritual powers and wisdom, and I should think it's pretty obvious how placing these kinds of expectations on a young child - especially one who is probably struggling with neurodivergence-related issues already - could cause some psychological damage.
Moreover, the whole starseed myth is rooted in white colonialism; specifically, the idea that "primitive" cultures need to be taught true spirituality by more advanced or enlightened peoples. It's the whole "we need to send missionaries out to bring those poor unenlightened Natives to Christ" mentality in a new hat. The aforementioned distortions of cultural beliefs serves a purpose here, too; if they can just convince people that their own traditions are actually about aliens, then they'll have to convert. This is also out of the Christian playbook; for example, Christians would try and project Jesus into Kabbalah to convince Jews to convert. (Dr. Justin Sledge talks about this in his online lecture, The Dark Side of Perennialism.)
I don't think many New Agers (if any) are particularly conscious of the colonialism happening here. As far as they understand it, they are simply spreading the truth which will help usher in this new era of enlightenment and prosperity. But that's what makes it to insidious - this glittering truth they've actually fallen in love with is actually a pack of lies.
Also, many practices and beliefs within the New Age movement make it incredibly easy to manipulate people. Teaching people that information contrary to their own teachings is all the work of an evil conspiracy stifles critical thinking. Teaching them that they can always use their feelings and intuition to tell what's true or false makes them vulnerable to emotional manipulation.
Many New Agers also practice various techniques to try and learn about their past lives, including hypnosis and similar forms of trancework. There is no evidence that these exercises can help anyone remember really remember much of anything; in fact, people mostly seem to confabulate things based on what they expect to see and what they've been generally exposed to. A number of people "remember" encountering the reptilian aliens described by David Icke - the ones we've established are based on the conspiracy theories promoted in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and The Two Babylons, and recycle the old blood libel canard. (If you'd like some examples, you can see them over here and over here.) Interestingly, there is some research that suggests people who believe they have past life memories actually have a poor ability to recall where they learned information, which further suggests that these people are just confabulating from things they've seen or heard in this life - they just forgot where they encountered it.
Also, the pseudohistory and conspiracy theories in New Age mythology are often used to promote a lot of medical quackery. Vaccines are often claimed to be mind control technology or meant to poison us (another conspiracy theory with antisemitic roots), while treatments with little to no evidence to support their efficacy are promoted instead, such as homeopathy, colloidal silver, or whatever this week's alleged panacea is.
Now to be clear, not each and everything New Agers do is inherently bad. Many practices associated with New Age can have psychological benefits, provided they don't become spiritual bypassing. We know that meditation is good for you, and I personally find that speaking "light languages" is cathartic. There's even evidence to suggest that energy healing promotes relaxation, if nothing else. If somebody's practice is helping them in any way (even if it's just helping them relax and focus) and it's not hurting anyone else, then I think they should keep doing it. We need all the tools we can get right now.
The problems lie with the conspiratorial and pseudohistorical narratives the belief system pushes, and the uncritical acceptance that mystical or spiritual experiences that seem to confirm them should be taken at face value. These things to justify the oppression of minorities and the erasure of their cultures, justify colonialist attitudes and behaviors in general, and promote dangerous medical quackery. It's these things specifically that must be challenged and fought.
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styrbear · 1 year ago
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Some rough concept art for DnD npcs I am developing. A few Draconic mutants and a big buff draconic god of fire (alongside his beloved wife, an ice goddess) STILL ALIVE I PROMISE I AM DRAWING AAAAAAAA
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nightmancer · 1 year ago
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Starting a new comic series! Going to be posting some work-in-progress shots and final pages whenever I get a chance.
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knuciuc · 9 months ago
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You contacted the personal warrior service
And your warrior has arrived!
This is Biluto, and he will fight along you in whatever journey you're taking!
He can also cook some meaty meals and arrange tents for the night! (These tasks will cost additional charges $$$)
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blaccmoonart666 · 27 days ago
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Kashka watching Alzira unload some boxes
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seeinginthedark · 6 months ago
I’m lucky that I’m in a position in life where I’ve had so much time to sit and think about this look into this really observe this and learn as much as I can about this situation we are in . It started when I was a nurse and I learned that a huge majority of people’s poor health , is due to their environment and the systems that are meant to help them to heal . Like hospitals . I’m lucky i had a curiousity in looking into things and being like an advocate for my clients who were mostly disadvantaged groups . I kept on wondering why we are so fucked up to each other and started following all the leads , going down more and more rabbit holes and I did that straight for four years full time and now this is where I am with it. It’s led me to these 4th dimensional entities.
So there are different kind of entities messing with us . Like different species with different agendas
all from the same dimension which i think is the 4th dimension. They know that we are fascinated with space exploration that’s why a lot of them say they are from space . They aren’t from space. They created very realistic androids that look humanoid and they get programmed to say that they are “good” aliens from Space. With amazing technology they want to share. Which is so suss I don’t know why other people aren’t suspicious of this like I am .
Quite a lot of the entities are a bit jealous of us I think because we can create life. And they can’t . We are like mini creators or mini gods and goddesses. And so some of them are pretty smug and satisfied with themselves at what they managed to pull off which was getting us (fifth dimensional beings ) into this third dimensional fake holographic reality . Which we can emancipate from by realising and remembering who we are and how powerful we are . We are way more powerful than them . I’m sorry if I’m on repeat when I say this as I’ve said it in my other videos as-well and I won’t stop saying it. Don’t be afraid of them once you become aware of them. They are lowly parasites. They think they are very clever . But they wouldn’t of been able to house us here in this prison planet situation or been able to place time on us if they hadn’t made shonky alliances with other species and merged themselves with an A.I , a bad one. Subsequently a lot of them have merged with this bad A.I and alot of them are semi -robotic now.
The species that are interfering with us that I know of , are the Reptilians and Draconians who like to spread rumours about themselves such as they have very powerful psychic abilities. Or They’ve colonised other planets in other star systems . Which is bulshit because remember they aren’t from space , they’re inter dimensional . Other rumours they spread is that They can hypnotise humans with their eyes and like paralyse you and read your thoughts , shape shift , like to eat human children and shit like this . Like bogeyman stories . It’s rubbish . It’s all lies to get us to be scared of them once we find out about them . Yes I’ve heard of Loosh like it could be true. they could be feeding off our low vibrations like scavengers. But if you have protection from your ancestors or friends from the spirit realm , they can’t feed off you or try mess with your destiny pathways . Most of the harms that they do to us is from their technology that they use and they wouldn’t be able to do without their A.I alliance . So I see them as pathetic creatures . I don’t believe the hype basically. When you get to your true 5D self, you will see this the same way I do , probably .
Other species that I’m aware of are the “content viewers” I call them. I’ve known about them since I was a kid . They love to watch us from outside the simulation as content, like we are in a reality show . when I was a kid in the early 90’s I had a feeling I was being viewed by cameras a lot. And I didn’t mind it actually . which is interesting because this was before the age of big brother before they started putting cameras everywhere and before I knew what a reality show was. And it was Just before the time when they made it appealing to us to want to be famous on tv . I was usually out in nature alot because i wasnt allowed to watch tv shows , just videos of movies , so I don’t know how I imagined this concept but I knew something technical was going on. I didn’t have the language or the knowledge to describe it . But now I realise what it meant. They seem to be involved with my bloodline because my mother actually had a vision once when she took psychedelics for the first time and she told me it was horrifying she was shown that this reality is just a big like reality show with cameras everywhere, watching us . She never wanted to try psychedelics again after that. So I think the content viewers like to watch people who are on heroic destiny pathways . These people go through alot of trials and tribulations in their lives, they sustain alot of damage and drama for them to grow and develop into a hero and that’s the kind of content that this species likes to view . I think they have an alliance with the next species that I’ll mention which is the paedophile species . I’ve had run ins with this species and I was researching their agenda for a couple of years . The paedophile species introduced pedophilia and kink or fetishes to us . Their aim is to groom us to be perverts. And I think they are successfully doing that. Looking at the world today it’s quite obvious I won’t spend too much time talking about this topic because it’s very disturbing what is happening with this . We have very unhealthy and un natural social attitudes around gender and sexuality and Im pretty sure they had something to do with that , because when we’re living naturally in small tribes in history before they moved us into the big yucky cities , there was no pedophilia . Children were looked after . Elders were respected . This concept of pedophilia was introduced to us and it has links with the Freemasons and some influential occultists and was normally reserved for the elite and like the evil priests and people in positions of power . Which is not the majority of us. But now we have these pop stars looking more younger and younger , child stars being exploited and sexualised, USA is the biggest consumer of child pornography so it is creeping into society more and more . Men are more susceptible to this type of programming unfortunately. Not only that but their has been a lot of attacks happening by these entities to the hero’s of the population the ones that are spiritual warriors the ones sent here to help in the spiritual war. These attacks are sexual in nature and also involve mind attacks putting disgusting thoughts and suggestions into peoples heads . Thoughts around paedophilia and beastiality. Causing people to have a psychosis . Causing people to want to suicide . Inhibiting people from astral projection or astral travelling. Entering into peoples dreams and suggesting they do disgusting things to children in their dreams. So this is really horrible that people are going through this. I’ve also been hearing of human Freemasons going into the astral to hunt for victims to abuse . Of this is you please hang in there you are not alone and help is on its way. The helpers are just triaging right now because things have heated up in the spiritual war in the past couple of months and it is going to be like this for a couple of years. I said in another video that we are at a crucial stage of it. We have many spiritual heroes at the moment getting attacked and neutralised from all areas . It’s being addressed, I’ll have more updates.
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