#vampire vs werewolf
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rainbowpopeworld · 5 months ago
Michael Sheen weighs in:
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Previous interview with Michael Sheen:
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acutemushroom · 8 months ago
A thing I really love about Lost Boys lore is how hellhhounds aren't vampire ennemies but their protector. I was born in the 2000s, as such, I grew up with vampire medias from the 2010s where werewolf (and canine in generals) are their ennemies.
So, to me, it felt fresh. Seeing dogs being guardians to their vampire felt like a very fresh and novel concept in the genre to me (despite the movie being from '87 ^^').
Though, it makes me wonder... who is the lost boys's guardian ? Micheal and Sam have Nanook, Max has Thorn and them... ? Is it Thorn too and it's just the equivalent of teenagers sleeping anywhere but at their house ? Or is there a chihuahua or something hiding in their lair who really failed at its job since Marko died ?
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tanupoki · 5 months ago
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girl out here biting people⁉️ ok chihuahua 🤨
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emilyscastlevania · 5 months ago
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My beloved Copia 🖤
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voukkake · 2 years ago
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*and then, the kiss*
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princeadamart · 8 months ago
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Vampironica vs Jughead the hunger
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parashy-art · 5 months ago
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Happy Halloween everyone! My FestZestZine piece had a relevant theme (vampires from vampires vs werewolves), so I'm posting it! Please check out the rest of the pieces in the full zine ^^
Commission info in pinned
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x-lizzy-x · 2 years ago
If you reblog this, tysm! Also, if you want, put in the tags reasoning and opinions and whatnot. This is all purely out of curiosity and for fun! :]
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vampire-apostrophe · 4 months ago
I wanna say I chose vampire apostrophe because I love history I love the more gothic way of thinking I love poetry. Yet my mind is oft turned by the werewolf. The monstrous creature that frightens even you and yet is it not your truest form? Oh beautiful monster that came from my flesh, yet never leaves me.
There is something in the lycanthrope that calls me . To be the beast protecting the girl, to be the girl who is the beast. The monstrous within, the valiant protector. I think it perhaps my comfort of mortality. The idea that I should be denied the dark quiet rest of dead seems cruel. I do not wish for the sun to turn me to ash. No bury my bones in the woods I ran. Bury me monster or bury me girl I do not care. Only wrap me in my mother’s cloak and attend my bedside gentle.
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two-frogs-screaming · 7 months ago
How did we get the vampire vs werewolf idea?
Like, those are two immigrant families that have bonded and are tag teaming their prey, with their children being a classic childhood friends to lovers troupe.
Idk, it just seemed like vampires and werewolves would be gay for eachother, with zombies and selkis being wingmen to these two fucking idiots. They might help the dating idiots to better understand eachother or something.
TL;DR: more werewolf x vampire. It only makes sense.
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rightous-int · 2 years ago
Is that just me or this years artfight is just about kinks?
As we all know vampires are about accepting your repressed, inner sexual desires.
We've seen interview with a vampire both movie and series and pleaseeee watch the movie cause its superb books are amazing as well but watching Brat Pitt have gay panic under the teeth of Tom Cruise is a holly experience
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We have seen also what we do in the shadows we've seen shit ton of vampire aus so i dont have to touch that subject....
Oooor i can-
Anyway so vampires as a creatures from rural myths and legends
were always seen as undead for this world monsters who under the moon light were catching Young women, man and children, turning them into one of them and passing this curse on or straight up eating them up and out.
Ring some bells balls?
With that being said we can easly see why queer community in the second half of XX century adopted their asthetic. And after a few decades vampires became sexual icons in modern popculture what we can observe in Twilight saga, Dracula or in MORBIN TIME
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So vampires have to always answer one question if they accept their true nature and live against humans or they try to fit in risking their true identity being found. With the gift of immortality they often also have to face loss of their loved ones.
You Can feel why we can find in them queer closure
//making that joke in the name of the furries as a closeted furry imma come out one day
So for me warewolfs are about being mentally ill or neurodivergend
They are often born this way and having promise of a normal life, they always must be warry of the time when they turn into a monster and their true nature comes out. It cant hurt them but if they are not carefull and not issolate from their loved ones they can hurt them and destroy everything they could accomplished when they were 'okay'.
As a person with borderline personality dissorder and audhd i can see myself in this fear. People with anger issues, depression or other various dissorders can find it relatable.
The question for warewolfs to answer is whether living with humans and 'threatning' their lives is better than issolation from everyone.
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manofmanymons · 2 years ago
You think Myotismon and WereGarurumon argue about who's more fuckable in Survive?
...if they learned what that word meant then tbh yeah XD
WereGarurumon just being a prideful little shit vs. Myotismon not actually caring but enjoying riling him up is hilarious to me XD Mans just arguing to argue
While we're all here though
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braveclementine · 9 months ago
An Attack and a Kiss
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Twilight characters or locations. I do own Davina Mikelson and Marcel. I also own the backstory for my OC. I do not condone any copying of this.
Davina P.O.V.
When I woke up in the morning, I was sure that everything had been a dream. Except that I was still laying in the clothes that I had worn last night.
Strange, how had Carlisle gotten me into the house? How had they even known which house was mine?
I felt a bit pleased that Carlisle hadn't undressed me. That showed he truly was a gentleman. I was lucky to have him.
I remembered what happened last night and when I stood up, I fell to the ground. Holy shit I was sore. I climbed out of my clothes, wobbling to the shower, washing my body, keeping my hair in a bun so it stayed dry. Stepping out of the shower, I noticed the bruises that decorated my legs. There were also two large bruises- one on each arm- where the guys hands had pressed down.
Looking out the window at the drizzle, I decided today was a long-sleeved day.
Stepping into the closet, I saw that all of my clothes were hung up, the shoes put on the shelf. The knee-high boots that had been ruined were no where to be seen- a new, unscathed pair sat there instead.
Well damn. I was going to have to thank Carlisle for doing this. I hated shopping and I hated putting clothes away.
I pulled on a pair of black jeans and a blue sweater, pulling on the heeled pumps. I curled my hair, letting most of it hang down my back while a few curls framed my face and down my front.
I grabbed my Hufflepuff backpack, making sure my Shakespeare essay was complete, and then went downstairs to find something to eat for breakfast.
Opening the refrigerator revealed the leftovers from last night, confirming that it wasn't a dream.
There was a sudden knock on the door. I quickly took out the carton of eggs, setting it on the counter before hurrying to the door, wondering who was there so early in the morning. Was Sam picking me up?
Opening the door revealed a very handsome doctor. I smiled easily before my eyes fell to his tie which was just a little crooked.
"Good morning Davina." He said in that oh so fucking sexy voice.
"Good morning Carlisle." I said, feeling elation as his name rolled off the tongue. I reached out, grabbing his tie so that I could straighten it. "Don't vampires have impeccable perfection?"
He chuckled lightly. "Usually. But I also had no idea what time you were leaving at so I wanted to get here and make sure you ate something."
I looked up at him and got caught in his- not quite gold eyes at the moment- more like buttercup, before pulling his tie a little so I could capture his lips with mine.
I had never really liked taking charge, but at that moment, his tie in my hand- the moment was to great to miss.
One hand settled on the small of my back, the other, fingers wrapped in my hair, pulling me to him.
His lips were cold, marble like, but they shaped around mine, capturing them. The kiss was intoxicating and I pressed into it as much as I could, trying to get more of him. His hair was soft and silky between my fingers and I finally pulled apart to get air.
As I caught my breath, unsure what to say, I said, "Would you like to come in?"
He chuckled, "Of course."
I stepped back, letting his tie go, heading for the kitchen, cheeks red. Oh dear, I really hoped he liked it.
I set about making eggs while he looked around the kitchen quietly.
"Thank you." I said quietly, knowing he'd hear me at whatever volume I spoke at.
"For what?" He truly sounded puzzled.
"Last night."
"Oh, you're welcome." He replied, a hard edge to his tone. I wondered if the men had woken up yet and what they would say happened as an excuse for his broken ankle and arm.
"So. . . what are we supposed to do now. . . is there like. . . a ritual or-"
"Edwards' right, you do read quite a bit, don't you?" Carlisle asked.
I blushed red. "Well, I have read a lot on mystical creatures and witches. And of course, people absolutely love making movies and TV shows about Vampires, werewolves, and witches so I'm just trying to figure things out."
"There's not really a ritual, no. We're just soulmates. I just want to ask you on dates and then marry you. Get to know you. Love you."
"Vampires can't have children, right?"
Carlisle seemed sad. "No, they can't. I mean, you have a choice. You can fall in love with someone else-"
"No thanks." I replied, finishing up the eggs, grabbing a plate and scooping them onto it. I quickly grabbed the shredded cheese in the refrigerator, dumping it on the eggs so it would melt and make a blanket. "Human guys are terrible. Besides, there are plenty of kids in the foster homes. We can always adopt."
I set the plate down on the counter with a fork, dancing around the kitchen to get a glass for milk and a lime.
I cut the lime up quickly, sliding three pieces onto my plate before putting the rest in a bowl and setting it back in the refrigerator.
"Lime?" Carlisle questioned.
"I like sour foods." I replied with a bit of a smile.
I ate quickly, barely noticing Carlisle this time, before going upstairs to brush my teeth. As I was coming downstairs, the front door banged open. I winced.
Sam was standing there, inhaling the air.
"Sam! Do you know how much it'll cost if I have to repair the wall because you slammed the door handle into it!" I exclaimed, pushing past him to yank the door back from the wall. The wood was hard, thank goodness, and there was barely a scratch.
"Who's here?" Sam growled.
"Carlisle." I spat, "Do you have a problem with that Mr. Magical Creature who doesn't trust me enough to tell me what he is?"
"It isn't about trust or else I would've told you on day one!" Sam spat back. "It's a law. I can't break the law."
I huffed. "I'll come see you after work alright? Go home."
"He's driving you to school now, is he?"
"Actually, this is the first day." I spat. "There was a problem in Port Angeles last night and he wanted to make sure I was okay."
"What problem?"
"Four guys. An alleyway. Don't worry, I beat up two of them. Carlisle got the other two."
"What the hell were you doing in Port Angeles by yourself! I told you if you needed to go shopping I would've taken you!"
"I was with friends! It was Bella and I! I told her to run alright! I can take care of myself Samuel."
I never called him Samuel and he fell quiet. I was truly pissed with him and he knew it. He turned sharply, leaving the way he'd come, slamming the door behind him.
"DON'T BREAK MY HOUSE!" I yelled after him, knowing he probably could've heard it if I'd whispered it.
I stormed to the kitchen where Carlisle had apparently done the dishes. My anger dissipated into surprise. "You do dishes?"
Carlisle chuckled, "There's quite a bit I can do."
"I could kiss you again." I sighed, grabbing my backpack.
In a flash, Carlisle was in front of me, his arms on either side of me, caging me between himself and the table. Passion stirred behind the yellow orbs that were his eyes as he bent closer to my lips. I closed my eyes, letting him press them to mine.
His arms encircled my body, pulling me against him, my head tilted upwards to keep in touch with the kiss. I dropped the bag, pulling him down against me as I wrapped my arms around his marble like neck.
"Are you feeling better now?" Carlisle asked softly against my lips as he pulled away a fraction of an inch.
"Much." I whispered. "I quite like kissing you." And with that, I pressed my lips to his again.
There was so much intensity in the third kiss, I was surprised he didn't break me in two. It was like the two of us couldn't be close enough, even though we were pressed together, our lips meshing together. His tongue flicked out, swiping my bottom lip and I parted my lips, letting his tongue in.
His tongue, despite the rest of his body, was a warm thing and so was his breath. It was a pleasing contrast to the cold of his lips. My fingers knotted in his hair, pulling me closer.
He smelled and tasted divine. If you could think of the most exotic, richest cologne, but on a small, delightful, fulfilling scale, not overpowering, just light enough that you wanted a bit more, that was what he smelled like. Like Jasmine and mint and herbs and just. . . words I didn't even know.
And if cologne could be a taste, once again- not overpowering or overbearing, but enough to make your blood boil and senses become shock sensitive, you had it.
Finally, I had to surface for air and I tried not to gasp as my lungs filled with air. He pulled me into an embrace and I could feel his chin lightly pressing on the top of my head. "Perhaps I was wrong." He murmured and I felt my heart start to beat faster in worry, "I think I already love you."
I flushed, my heart beating faster still. "I love you too."
And I did. I barely knew him and I loved him. I loved everything about him. Strange how it had gone from hate to love so fast. But I had the comforting sense that he wouldn't hurt me.
His arms tightened around me, holding me as close as possible. I could feel the cold radiating from his body, but there was also a warmth to it as well.
Eventually, he pulled away slowly and said, "Let me get you to school."
I smiled, picking up the backpack I'd dropped and said, "Lead the way Doc."
He opened the door and I followed behind him, turning to lock it while he warmed up the car. I climbed into the passenger seat of the small car, not bothering to put my seat belt on.
"No seat belt?" He asked, sounding amused while not putting his on either.
"You won't crash." I said confidently.
He smiled, reaching over and taking one of my hands to hold while he drove me to school.
"Do tell, why is a nineteen year old still taking high school classes?" He asked in curiosity.
"Ah, well, my dad was in the army. A colonel, to be precise. And we lived in Forks until I was eight and then we moved to one of the bases in Kentucky."
"Fort Knox?" He asked.
I tried so hard not to flinch and instead said, "Yes. I was mostly homeschooled and there were programs of course for army brats but I didn't get all the classes I needed as part of my junior year and most of my senior year were scattered with inconsistency. So when I moved out here, I wanted to finish my degree."
He nodded, "What's your favorite band?"
I chuckled at the random change, "Babymetal, The Beatles, and Imagine Dragons. But Tom MacDonald is my favorite artist."
"The Beatles and Imagine Dragons I'm familiar with. The others, not so much."
I giggled, "Yeah, I've never met a Babymetal or Tom MacDonald fan in real life."
"Favorite flowers?"
"Lilies and Magnolia Elizabeth flowers."
"Interesting." He murmured. "Animal?"
"Panda Express or Applebees."
"Bloodstone or sapphire."
"April 7."
"Middle name."
I bit my lip, pursing my lips.
"That bad?" He questioned.
"It raises people's expectations." I muttered. "It's Hermione."
"Right, you haven't read Harry Potter." I laughed a little. "Davina Hermione Michaelson. You can't get a more horrible name than that."
Actually, I liked my name, but every time someone heard 'Hermione' they immediately thought smart and I'm not really all that smart. Just average.
"It's starting to sound like I should read the series."
"You really should."
"Favorite book then?"
"Changes. Right now, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies."
"I think Alice was reading that."
"I let her borrow my copy."
"Interesting. What's wrong with the normal Pride and Prejudice?"
"There's no Zombies."
He full out laughed this time and it was such a deep wonderful sound that I wished I could make him laugh like that all the time so I could hear it.
"Favorite movie?"
"All the classic Disney Princess movies. The cartoon old-fashioned ones. I don't really like the new stuff they come out with."
He nodded. "Musical?"
"I swear if you ask me what Hamilton is we can't be together." I teased.
"Guess I'll have to watch that."
"We'll watch it together." I promised.
"TV show?"
"Bones or Vampire Diaries and following series. Which- I'm already having all the kids watch with me later so you can just join in on that." I added.
He chuckled again, pulling into the parking lot. "I'll pick you up after school."
We stared at each other for a moment and I leaned in, kissing his cheek. "See you later Doc."
"See you later Davina."
I closed the door behind me and started to walk to my history classroom when suddenly, Alice and Jasper were standing beside me. I jumped. "Damnit."
Alice gave off a tinkling laugh, "So? What news? How was Carlisle?"
I blushed, "It's not like we did anything."
"But you kissed!"
"Yes but-"
"So? Who started it?" Alice chirped excitedly.
I laughed, "I did. I didn't mean to, his tie was just a little crooked and I fixed it and then- I just kissed him."
Alice clapped her hands excitedly as though it had all been her plan. I stopped walking and looked at her with a smirk, "Did you tell him to leave his tie crooked?"
Alice grinned, "Maybe. Oh, by the way." She dug in her bag and brought out my book, "The entire family read it."
"You only had it for like. . . four days."
"We don't sleep and we decided we had nothing better to do." Alice chirped.
"Did you like it?" I asked.
"Emmett did." Jasper answered. "I enjoyed it as well. Rosalie didn't and Edward is conflicted. Aunt Esme was a bit disgusted but said it was enjoyable."
"Alice?" I questioned, shooting Jasper a grin.
"Conflicted like Edward." Alice replied. "We had an argument over it. It was very good."
I giggled as we walked into class. And though Alice kept chattering, I couldn't pay attention to any of it- I was looking forward to work way to much.
Carlisle P.O.V.
I couldn't concentrate on my work. Davina kept popping into my mind at the most inconvenient times. Her soft, warm, blood-filled lips on mine. Her exquisite taste of not just her lips, but the inside of her mouth which I had explored as in depth as I could.
I could feel the bulge growing against my pants and I groaned. Of all the things!
I sighed, putting my pen down. I had to pick her up from school anyways. That was when I got a knock on the door.
"Come in." I called, sitting back down.
Davina opened the door. I blinked. "Davina-"
"Edward drove me. It was on the way to Bella's home. Gym was canceled today."
"Oh." I replied. "Very well, come in."
She closed the door behind her and headed over to the cabinet where I kept the things I needed her to do. There was a lot more in there than there usually was as I hadn't gotten anything done today.
"You only need to take half of that." I said quickly.
She took all the folders. "It's fine, I don't mind. Do you mind if I work in here today?"
I wasn't going to get anything done today. "Of course not."
She settled down on the couch, picking up the first folder and got to work. I stared at her for a few minutes as she fell into the work zone, becoming relaxed and completely focused on the papers in front of her. Occasionally, biting her bottom lip and making me feel crazy. I wondered if she knew the effect she had on me.
She was less vocal with her work when she worked in here, probably because she didn't want to distract me. Finally, I tore my eyes from her to focus on my work.
Today had been a slow day. All of the physical appointments had been taken care of and now it was just paper work unless there was an emergency, which there almost never was.
A few hours later, Davina was replacing the folders.
"You're done already?" I asked in surprise.
She smiled at me. "Yep!"
She closed the cabinet, padding over carefully to throw her arms around my shoulders. I relaxed into her embrace as she kissed the top of my head.
"You work so hard." She murmured softly, her hands moving upwards to start caressing my shoulders. "Can Vampires feel massages?"
I chuckled. "Yes."
I completely gave up on work as 'The Lord' purred contently inside of me. Her hands working wonders on my shoulders, her lips placing light, feathery kisses along my jaw and neck. I groaned lightly at her touch and work, closing my eyes. This was the closest I could get to resting and I was savoring it.
"Carlisle" She murmured in my ear as she worked lower on my back.
I was now fighting an internal battle: Myself vs. Lord. Be myself, or be a complete sexual bastard. The fight shouldn't have been so hard, but it was.
Her hands shifted, her fingers turning on my shoulder as she came around in front. "Are you alright?"
She took my face in her hands and I leaned into her touch. "I love you." I murmured.
"And I love you." She whispered back and then her warmth settled on my lap, both legs on one side of my chair. She rested her head on my collarbone, stroking my cheekbone with one hand. I opened my eyes, looking down on her lovingly.
She sighed unhappily. "I do need to go see Sam though."
I sighed as well, reaching out to free her hair from behind her ear, making it fall in front of her eyes. She giggled, reaching up and kissing my lower jaw. I held her in my arms for as long as possible before I finally said, "If you must."
"Will you come over tonight?" She asked curiously.
"I will."
She smiled, slowly getting to her feet. She swooped down, placing a light kiss on my lips. "See you later then Carlisle."
The things she did to me when she said my name like that.
"See you soon love." I murmured.
Davina P.O.V.
I was ecstatic was I made my way back home- Jasper picking me up- before getting dressed in a Hufflepuff sweatshirt and a pair of blue jeans. I took the motorcycle to La Push.
I sighed as I parked in front of Emily's house, knocking on the door. Emily opened it after a few minutes. "Sam's not here."
"Oh, do you know when he'll be back? I. . . I need to apologize to him." I replied softly.
"Maybe in an hour? I don't know exactly." Emily said.
I nodded, "Okay, thanks. I'll just take a walk and come back later."
Emily nodded, "If he stops by, I'll let him know you came by."
I set off almost into the backyard. I kind've wanted to go to the ocean, but I didn't really want to go far from Emily's house either.
I wandered the woods, following an indistinct path. I was mostly looking down at the grass, so sure I'd step on a snake or something. I did that once as a kid. It was a harmless garden snake, but I screamed so loudly Sam had been startled and fallen out of the tree he'd been climbing to come to my rescue.
I smiled fondly at the memory, wondering if I could find the same spot. But that would mean going back to Emily's house and trying to find Sam's house again. I wasn't sure I remembered the address.
At that moment, there was a wolf howl in the forest. It actually sounded very close to me and I froze. It was to close for comfort which meant it was nearby. Would Sam recognize me in wolf form? Or would he try to attack me?
Sure that Emily probably knew Sam was a werewolf, I turned and started sprinting back to Emily's house. My heart was pounding, my breath heavy, the adrenaline shooting through my veins.
I didn't hear the padding of wolves paws until I heard the growl. Emily's house was nearby, I could see the glint of windows through the trees. That's when I turned, seeing the shadow that was over my head.
The giant wolf was headed towards me, spit flying from its' jaws. I screamed. Louder than the garden snake. Louder than when the bombs went off. Louder when I saw my parents dead bodies and realized what I had done. I screamed until my lungs gave out, the wolf slamming into me, it's claws digging into my skin.
I threw my hands up, panic clouding my senses as though it would stop the wolf from ripping my head off. And then the weight was gone, tossed off. I peeked through my fingers and saw a pitch black wolf standing above me.
"S-Sam?" I questioned- and then I fainted.
"Davina? Dav? Beloved?"
I shot upwards and the three boys and one girl jumped back.
"Ow." I muttered, clenching my head at the sudden headache.
"Are you alright?" Sam's normally dark complexion seemed lighter, almost pale.
"That was my favorite sweatshirt." I muttered, looking down at the claw marks that had ripped through it. "Dammit Paul."
"Maybe it was Jared." Paul said through clenched teeth.
"Somehow, I don't think so." I jabbed, moving to swing my legs over the table I was situated upon and gritted my own teeth in pain. "The hell did you attack me for?"
"You have vampire scent all over you." Paul muttered, "It's not my fault."
"Guess I should've taken a shower before I came down." I shot at him.
"Yeah, you should've."
"Enough!" Sam shouted. "Davina, are you alright?"
"I'm fine. Emily, do you have antiseptic?"
"Yeah." Emily said quietly, moving towards the doorway, disappearing from view.
"I am sorry." I muttered indignantly. "I didn't know dating a vampire put a target on my back."
"You're dating him now?" Sam asked through clenched teeth.
"Well apparently he's my soulmate and he makes me happy. Deal with it wolfy." I shot back.
"Here." Emily came back with antiseptic, cotton swabs, and band-aids.
"Thanks Emily." I said, taking the things from her, lifting my shirt over my head. Immediately, the three boys whipped their heads away from me. I snorted.
The claw marks weren't deep and I cleaned them easily, bandaging them quickly before slipping my shirt back on. I had noticed that my claw marks, though much more shallow than Emily's, matched. I exchanged a look at her and she motioned carefully to Sam's back. I nodded in understanding and mouthed 'accident?' She nodded again.
I gave Sam's back a pitying look. I could only imagine how he felt looking at her.
I broke the silence, "By the way Paul, you owe me a new sweatshirt."
Jared snorted. Paul glared.
"Does anyone have my phone?" I asked.
Sam handed it to me.
I dialed Carlisle's number and walked to the other room.
"Hey love."
"Hi Carlisle."
"Did something happen at Sam's?"
"Well, I thought I should tell you ahead of time that they may have mistaken my scent for you."
"Are you hurt?"
"Erm- well- the scratches aren't deep but I thought I should warn you now instead of later so you- or more specifically Lord- does anything rash."
There was silence on the phone.
"I'm going to rip that dog's head off-"
"Lord, they didn't mean it. Let Carlisle take back over, okay? Please?"
More silence and then finally Carlisle's more normal voice said, "Will you come home soon?"
"I'll text you when I'm on my way." I promised.
"What do you want for dinner?"
"Don't worry about it, I'll cook."
"Well, alright." Carlisle said hesitantly.
"Have fun at work."
"I'll try."
"I love you."
"I love you more."
I smiled and then turned off the phone, walking back into the room. Sam had his face in a scowl, his arms around Emily's shoulders.
"Right so, can you check my face next time Paul?" I asked with raised eyebrows.
"Stop picking on me." Paul growled.
I smirked.
"Davina, I did tell you not to goad Paul to much." Sam warned, pressing his lips into Emily's neck.
"Right, anger issues. So. . . would you like to explain things to me now?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"Right, we're werewolves." Jared replied.
"No shit." I rolled my eyes. "And I've also gathered you don't need a full moon to shift. How about the details I don't know."
"We phase on will or if we get angry enough." Sam muttered. "We heal fast if we get hurt, we can kill vampires, a sign of our curse is being extremely tall and hot-"
"Actually you're quite ugly." I interjected.
Jared laughed, "Can we keep her?"
Sam threw him an ugly look, "Knock if off Jared. As I was saying, we're basically protectors and also we imprint. It's like having a soulmate. We couldn't move on if we wanted to, but we don't want to because, well obviously they're out soulmates."
"And we have extremely large appetites. Do you have good recipes?" Jared asked eagerly.
"I don't know." I said, raising an eyebrow. "Do you like Stew or Chili?"
Jared shrugged, "Probably."
I rolled my eyes.
"I didn't tell you, not because I didn't trust you, but because it's against the pack law." Sam murmured.
"It's okay, I figured it out on my own." I muttered.
"You already knew before you came here?" Sam asked.
"I figured it out days ago."
"Vampire Diaries. The enemy of the Vampires is either witches or werewolves and you're really not pretty enough to be a witch so a werewolf was the more obvious answer."
He rolled his eyes.
"Can a girl be a werewolf?" I asked and my tone was eager, even to myself.
"No." Sam stated flatly and I was rather disappointed. "And you couldn't be one anyways, you don't have it in your blood. It's Quileute blood."
"Damn." I muttered. "Guess I can only be a vampire."
Sam's hands spazzed, "Why do you have to be a vampire?"
"Well, Carlisle's my mate. I mean, he's going to live forever, isn't he? And as a human, I won't. So eventually I'll have to become a vampire. I mean, I don't plan on it until I'm around twenty-eight or twenty-nine. I want to go through college first and other things, but eventually I'll have to."
"If the Cullens bite you, they break the treaty." Jared replied.
"Treaty?" I questioned.
"They promised not to bite anyone." Sam replied coolly. "I'd have to give them permission."
"Oh, but you will, won't you?" I asked.
Sam glared at me, dropping his arms from Emily's shoulders. "Of course I won't! I'm not going to let that happen to you Davina!"
"That's not fair." I argued hotly.
Sam actually growled at me. We were almost nose to nose now and Jared, Paul, and Emily had backed away. "Why the hell would you throw your life away huh! You realize you wouldn't be able to have children! You would cease to be human!"
"I can't have children if I'm human or vampire because Carlisle can't have children either way." I spat. "What you don't understand is that my mate is a vampire and it'd probably be safer if I was a vampire than if I was human!"
"PICK A HUMAN!" Sam barked. "ANY HUMAN!"
I had pushed him to far. In a flash, Jared was yanking me backwards while Paul jumped in front of Emily as Sam transformed into a black werewolf. He was much bigger than I remembered, almost the size of a car. His body took up almost the entire room.
He panted and growled, holding his place, his eyes closed, fur bristling as he tried calming down. His clothes had exploded, leaving scraps of clothing fluttering down from the ceiling.
I closed my eyes.
I pushed past Jared, ignoring his protests and bent down in front of the very large werewolf. "Sam?" I said, taking the shaggy face in my hands. "I'm sorry. I just don't understand. I'm sorry."
He shrunk, turning human, his face in my hands and he muttered, "Fuck." He lowered his head to my lap helplessly.
"I'm sorry." I murmured, running his short hair back through my fingers. "I can't make you understand. You can't make me understand. We're both stubborn. Just like when we were kids."
"I just want to protect you." Sam muttered. "You've made it clear I'm like your last relative and I just want to keep you safe."
Tears dropped from my eyes, falling in his hair. I bent down, pressing my forehead to the back of his head.
"Always." I murmured.
"Don't quote me Harry Potter." 
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nutakugames · 2 years ago
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The much anticipated free-to-play Dark Fantasy RPG has arrived. You can play Overlewd now on Nutaku!
Embark on an action packed journey filled with intense 3 v 3 turn based battles and the hottest vampires, werewolves, witches, demons, and angels!
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nyle-style · 2 years ago
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Come follow me on Artfight!
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indigos-shits-and-giggles · 2 years ago
Day 5 of Art fight and I did two drawings today
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We got the Blue Shit Squad consisting of Eve, Garrett (both belong to @microbialism) and Neptune, and also a lil pixel Kami (@wowaintisomething)
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