#vampire hunter andrew
turquoisepolo · 2 years
Fight So Dirty, Chapter Three
Chapter Summary: Neil is introduced to the rest of the monsters and his long lost love, Exy
Chapter Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): Implied violence
Neil wasn’t sure when he fell asleep, only that he’d done so stupidly with his contacts in and was dealing with the consequences. He huffed and fished out eye drops from his bag and used them. It lessened the pain somewhat, but still, Neil knew he’d have to remove the contacts as soon as possible. 
He got up and stretched, sliding out of bed and running a hand through his hair. He looked at the alarm clock and saw that he’d only slept for two ish hours. Neil relaxed at that, thankful that he hadn’t slept the entire night through without changing and with his contacts in. Neil walked out of the bedroom and headed to the general area only to see three new strangers had arrived and he immediately tensed up.
Andrew had spotted him first, only sparing him a brief glance before turning his eyes back to the television. Then, what seemed to be a picture copy of Andrew looked at him and frowned, looking over at the others for an answer, and suddenly the other two were staring at him. Neil was fairly sure he looked stupid just standing there, but wasn’t sure what else to do really, and let them look their fill.
It wasn’t long until someone spoke up, that someone being Nicky Hemmick. Neil hoped he hid the “oh shit” feeling well. One vampire hunter was bad enough, now two? He’d fucked up majorly, unfortunately Neil knew that dashing out the door would be nothing less of suspicious, especially after the incident with his pulse earlier. 
A wide grin spread across Nicky’s face. “Andrew! You never said the new guy was such a looker!” And Neil had to resist the urge to frown, immediately deciding that Nicky was somebody to be cautious around. Nicky didn’t seem to pick up  on Neil’s discomfort and made room for Neil in the same bean bag as him. “Come on, sit down, we don’t bite!” Neil glanced at Andrew who seemed to be ignoring the entire exchange. Maybe not bite, but definitely stab. 
He accepted the offer and walked over to an empty bean bag, and saw Nicky’s smile twitch at that. 
Neil carefully surveyed the room and racked his brian to remember what he had known about each bounty hunter. Andrew and Nicky’s profiles were easy to recall however the other two were more difficult. Having 4 pairs of eyes watching him didn’t make it any easier.
Aaron Minyard. 20 years old, and the (somewhat) identical twin of Andrew. Unlike Andrew, Aaron didn’t wear twin bands with knives, nor did he appear to lift as much as Andrew. Although Aaron seemed less dangerous than Andrew (and although that’s probably true), he’s lethal in his own way. 
It was no secret that Aaron was in a premed program and was excelling in his medical career. His skills were demonstrated on the hunts with Andrew where Aaron would use the power of chemicals and toxins in bullets that would release once the poor vampire was hit, effectively injecting the quick release poison. If the bullet didn’t kill the vampire, the poison would.
Andrew was the brawn and Aaron was the brains it seemed. However, Neil couldn’t help but second guess that assumption when meeting the honey filled hazel that seemed to see through him. 
Kevin Day. 21 years old and six feet of toned muscle. His appearance was deceptive in that the short blonde dressed like a funeral attendee was much more deadly statically, however no matter what numbers say, a threat is a threat regardless. Especially to me, mused Neil. 
The vampire hunts weren’t new, but the increase in number of victims certainly skyrocketed after his transfer from Edgar Allen to Palmetto State. The reason would be unknown to the public, perhaps just a lack of competition would be the widespread idea. Neil knew better. He remembered keenly the bloodthirsty smile on Riko’s face the first time he saw him nearly a decade ago. Even more so, Neil remembered the way he treated his “younger brother” Kevin. There was no doubt in Neil’s mind that Riko kept Kevin firmly placed in second place.
Whether it be attributed to Kevin’s lack of confidence or efficiency’s sake, the taller man’s weapon of choice was a simple hand held pistol. 
Unlike Nicky, none of the other hunters in this room would be inclined to give Neil a chance to run. Not even Kevin. Especially not Kevin if he realized who Neil was and what his presence here in Fox Tower meant.
“Do you play?” Neil was startled out of his thoughts by Kevin’s unexpected question. He furrowed his brows and frowned.
“Yes. Play.”
Neil stared at Kevin dumbly, resulting in a scowl from the latter. “Play what?”
He froze. Kevin knew. He had to know, why else would he ask? Neil shifted in the bean bag, sitting up just a little straighter. He could lie. He could lie and no doubt that would lead to more questions that he wouldn’t have the answers to. Or, Neil could tell the truth..which would result in questions he did have answers for. Answers that he couldn’t give.
“I can,” Neil slowly said, “but not like you” he quickly added.
Kevin snorted. “Obviously.” 
Neil wanted to wipe the amused look off the arrogant bastard’s face. Kevin beat him to the challenge. “Show me.”
It wasn’t a suggestion, and Neil found himself in a corner. Refusal wouldn’t be accepted. “I don’t have gear,” he argued feebly and was met with an unimpressed look from both blondes and Kevin and laughter from Nicky. 
“That’s a weird concern, don’t worry Neil! We have a bunch of extra gear, different racquets too!” Nicky offered eagerly, making Neil wish he never woke up from his nap.
He forced a smile onto his face, feeling the muscles in his cheeks groan from the effort of forming such unfamiliar features. “Oh. Perfect.” Neil knew his voice was flat, but he was tired. Sure maybe his plan was doomed from the start, but he didn’t expect it all to go downhill so fast. The moment Kevin figured him out this would be over. 
Still..Neil strongly remembered the weight of an exy racquet in his hands. He knew the rush of adrenaline when the ball got caught in his net, or rebounded off the plexiglass walls. Furthermore, Neil could feel the euphoria when the goal turned red with every shot made. 
In the end, Neil was just a boy. 10 years old again, the world still bright, playing in the little league with Kevin Day and Riko Moriyama, unknowing that the racquet in his hands would become a gun, aimed to kill.
Neil was just a boy, without his mother. In the end, Neil followed Kevin and the rest to the Foxhole Court.
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judy-ley · 3 months
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mekanikaltrifle · 1 year
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Oh my god there's so many of them now ! they're multiplying as we speak! (I'll need to do the rest of my crew....)
Let me know what one's your favourite!
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seeksstaronmewni · 2 years
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Can we just talk about how AWESOME Genndy Tartakovsky’s prologue in Priest (2011) is? Beautifully animated by Cathy Jones (All Dogs Go to Heaven 2, Sym-Bionic Titan, Sofia the First), storyboarded by Bryan Andrews (Star Wars: Clone Wars, The Powerpuff Girls), and designed by Genndy himself at Viking Animation Studios.
When you can’t do animated opening credits, you can try animated prologues. (tweet)
Tweet version here.
BACKGROUND DESIGN: Justin K. Thompson (as MICHAEL KENT THOMPSON) @shinypinkbottle
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soviet-space-ace · 2 years
Portrayals of historical figures in movies poll #2
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Desolate Sand
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Literally was playing RD:O and took at nap and dreamt of this guy lol
Rated Explicit: Warnings: Vampirism, based loosely on Vampire Hunter D universe and the IDV Halloween lore
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“If you choose a way to die,” Your voice coming from inside the carriage, “What would it be?” Trying to make idle banter to pass the time. It is a long trip before the next town is in view. The bounty hunter, Desolate Sand, will only stop to give the horses a break. Nothing more. The roads are dangerous for a human, adding vampires only makes it ten times more dangerous.
They already had some fledgling vampires try to attack them, but all died twelve miles back. Seems the vampire Lord Bloody Sword truly wants you dead, that only verified part of your story. The next half will be verified when he gets you to the rendezvous point with Misfit.
The other half of the payment awaits him there as well.
The bounty hunter swore to never involve himself with anything Nightstalkers-related, it always ends up messy. But… With a sigh as if giving up on trying to ignore you, “I guess looking at the sunset.”
“That sounds lovely!” You say, “I think mine would see a lake with fireflies.”
“It always sounds so mythical in books, I would like to experience that.” You smile as you reach your hand out to touch the man's back, “Andrew, I think I'm going on you.” Happy.
“Weeds grown in gardens, that does not mean it is necessarily a good thing.”
“So mean!” Pouting, “... I'm hungry…” Hate having to mention that.
“It is almost sunset, wait it out.”
You nod before pulling your hand away to curl up in your coffin. The preserved yellow flowers ease you to sleep off the hunger pains, if you can hold out a bit longer then Andrew will let you feed on him and he can rest during the night. You close your eyes thinking of anything other than blood, you think about the next town and how a bed will be nice to see and maybe there will be a general store with some sweets.
Andrew glances behind him as you are quiet longer than usual, it seems you fell asleep. Good, the longer you are up, the more the vampiric hunger will affect you. All your energy needs to be reserved for at night in case more of your hateful kin want another shot at you.
A dhampir, Misfit in his letter called you this, half human half vampire created by the Sacred Ancestor. Whoever that is, vampires and their need to be mysterious is annoying. Apparently, the Sacred Ancestor has ties to the Embrace, but nothing more is recorded due to the mysterious creature separating itself from the Embrace early before recorded vampiric history.
Complexities, he rather get paid quickly and move on.
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Night arrives, horses are taking a rest, and Desolate Sand is in the carriage with you on his lap. He had only let you feed from him after the third attempt on your life destroyed the supply of pig's blood. Never has he heard of a vampire who refuses to drink human blood! There is a reason vampires are gluttonous and murderous towards humans, they are cattle that strengthen them more than any other living creatures could.
Andrew removes his coat partly then starts to unbutton his shirt until you tap his hands away and do it yourself. Gentle, you are very careful, giving thanks and apologizing for taking from him. It does not hurt, he is used to being stabbed and shot at so that a bite from you feels like a doctor's needle. The most he feels is the arousal that comes from the venom of the bite, it both makes the one bitten docile and draws more blood out of the wound. Those weak of will would be like a rabbit in the jaws of a wolf, Andrew had the fortune (or misfortune) of being trained by Misfit— It is the only reason he took this job.
You hold him, the attachment you have for him is clear yet he is keeping it minimal to no complex things, your hands trembling as you grip his shoulders. Your fangs deep into the vein in his neck, leaning your weight on him as you drink, his hand on your thigh squeezing to single it enough. You are careful as you remove your fangs from his neck, tongue licking the mess you made though he often told you not to. He hisses when your hips move, grinding on him as your hand starts to unbutton more than what is necessary.
He has slept with you once, a stupid decision looking back yet not one he regrets. It was needed to burn out that high blood gives vampires who first time experience drinking human blood.
As the Embrace spoke of human blood like water to drink from freely, the Sacred Ancestor spoke of it as vice. A drug, addictive, it enslaves and its chains burn upon the skin of the Nightstalkers. To feast on humans is to understand the consequence of it as well as the power it will unlock. This you understand, this is why you give thanks to Andrew and take only what is needed. However, you were not prepared for how human blood tastes, it outmatches any sweet you have ever eaten.
“Careful.” Grabbing your hips halting your movements before this becomes another night where he will struggle to wake up the next morning. Damn, vampire stamina. You place your forehead on his shoulder, breathing in and out before burying your face in his chest inhaling deep his scent. His skin is dusted by his blush, the bounty hunter turned his face to the side avoiding eye contact, mind counting how much ammunition is has left, anything to get his boner to calm down.
“Town,” You pull back when you can think clearly, “Could we?” It is strange for you to ask for such things of the flesh, “I will compensate you.”
“I ain’t some Saloon lass you can buy for the night,” Scoff, “When I want you then I will let you know, Nightstalker.” He is being mean to keep this at arm’s length, to keep you from slipping in somewhere you should not be. You claw off his lap a bit hurt but not emotionally hurt, you simply are needy after feeding and unrealistic want to ride the man until sunrise.
“Alright.” There is nothing more to say, you simply will burn out your frustration by… You do not know! Throw rocks? Andrew stares as you sit at the edge of the carriage with your back to him, readjusting his clothes before climbing into your coffin as it is the only comfortable spot in this carriage.
“Two sunrises and a sunset,” You say, “Then we can see your friend.”
“He's not my friend,” In The next town there is someone named Black Tulip, Desolate Sand knows him; you are excited to mean someone Andrew knows. “Let me do the talking when we get to town.” Closing his eyes after adjusting his rifle and revolvers to be accessible.
You pout, “Why? I can talk for myself!”
“Loose lips get you shot around here,” Answering, “You can talk when we are alone.” Because he does not trust anyone the second they hear how different you speak. Accent, pronunciation, clearly educated; all of these points against you.
“... Fine.”
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You are terrible, a demon in the skin of beauty, and Andrew does not have the heart to stake you— Not like there is a cause for it. Maybe the venom is not so bad when he can keep up long enough to get a few shots in you before having to let you use his hand or thigh to get yourself off again.
The thin cigar in his mouth as he watches you try to give him a blow job. The room is nice and the bath pleasant, the courtesy of the Black Tulip. Andrew pulls the cigar out of his mouth to grit his teeth when your fangs touch a vein just right. A light enough skim that has him gripping your hair and pushing you further down his cock. You choke a bit, nails on his thighs leaving mini crescent marks, your eyes on his face that looked both pained and frustrated. He wants to cum and his cheeks burn from his blush, the realization he is pent up is messing with him. Guess if you are going to politely offer yourself he might as well make use of it before the inevitable separation.
You struggle to swallow his seed, a bit of mess down your chin and chest, eyes half shut.
“Show me.” Out of breath as he releases your hair to see the mess he made of you, cock drunk you who opens your mouth to show you swallow. “Christ.”
“More,” Nuzzling his still hard cock, “Please, more.”
The bounty hunter can, a few more rounds before the venom burns out.
You are grateful Andrew takes on the bed though you had no problem riding him on that chair he was sitting in. He is very considerate no matter how needy or desperately begging for him to simply bed you. You can take the momentary discomfort! You can handle a few seconds delay so long as his cock is in you!
Of course, you are later going to be grateful he takes the time to prepare you. You writhe as his mouth takes your nipple, toying with it with his tongue and teeth; as one hand is between your legs working your hole open with a mixture of your own essence and oil from the draws. Other hand holding you close to his chest and playing with the other nipple. Andrew has you lying on your side with your back to him, the angle a bit awkward for him to maneuver but it stops you from trying to bite while in mist of pleasure.
The first orgasm he draws out of you is slow and he helps you through the high. The second one is quick and has you saying his name louder than the first time. The third, he makes sure to have you on your back, balls deep in you, and letting you bite his wrist. You want this to last, you need it to last as long as possible, you crave him.
Blood, body, if possible his soul; the nature of a vampire cannot be tamed by human blood— The most it does is allow one to resist. The bounty hunter, Desolate Sand, is accommodating to allow you to take from him; he gives because it benefits him ultimately and maybe, just maybe, he likes you.
Not that he will say it.
The wall clock says it is three in the morning when both of you finally stop going at it like rabbits in spring, Andrew is sore all over. He barely notices you have left his side until he flinches at the warmth of a wet cloth on his face. Red eyes narrow then close as he realizes you are cleaning your mess.
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foolish-neko · 3 months
Because series made me to think about this canon again
For years, I was confused about how to feel about Armand's book backstory.
Like. He's from Kyivan Rus', BUT at the same time from 15th century. Kyivan Rus' was feudal monarchy that existed from probably IX (at least we assume so, because it was mentioned under that name in 852, tho it's not popped from the air, you know) to 1240. From ~1240 to 1349 the country was Rus' Kingdom. After that, Ukraine was splitted between Poland, Lithuania and Moldavian principality. Tho, Ukrainians were called Ruthenians (Latin name for former nation of Kyivan Rus') up until 19th century. I've read Beauplan's and Merimee's works about Ukraine, and they call Ukrainians both Ukrainians and Ruthenians.
When was Andrii (yes, this is how you would pronounce Ukrainian variation of Ανδρεας or Andrew)? He was Ruthen from Kyivan Rus' or he was Ruthen from 14th century Rus' Kingdom? Or he was even later? Book says he was born in 1481. So, later. A lot later.
We also know that he was kidnapped and enslaved by Mongolians. Mongolians entered Kyiv in 1240, it was a 13th century, not the end of 15th.
Vampires live very long. So, probably it could be a mistake. Maybe Armand is simply older. Maybe he was around in 1240. He was just a child back then. Probably centuries later he was like 'yeah that Mongolians they sold me... so... it was... um... 15th century... yes? no?' Maybe it's just miscount. And then he never bothered to fix that.
The book is written by Daniel if I remember correctly. Perhaps Armand was like 'dude I was in orthodox Christian church I didn't know what year it was, I almost forgot my name and appearance in the catacombs under Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra'. And Daniel asked Marius when he met Andrii. And Marius... Well, if you are around for 2 thousand years, you can remember things incorrectly. So, Daniel, who is American and know nothing about history of Ukraine, and Marius who maybe knows something about Kyivan Rus' because it was a huge and powerful country back then just made that. They counted and assumed that it was 1481. And it was wrong.
Armand is a liar. How we can know that his real name is Andrii? Maybe he had a friend who's name was Andrii and Armand stole it. Maybe he was Taras. Or Bohdan. Or Oleh. How we would know? And maybe he never saw Mongols. How we would know? How would Daniel know? Maybe it was just his grand grandmother who told she saw Mongolians and how they burnt Kyiv. And little Andrii (we can say he was a weirdo all along) was just 'wow I want that! how cool it would be!'. And then he was kidnapped. And assaulted. And sold as a slave. And little weird Andrii just wanted a little comfort in his misery and a cool story. And when Marius asked how Andrii was captured, he made up this cool story about Mongols. Maybe in reality it was something more... Common. Dark and common. Everything could happen. Maybe he was sold by his parents, and he denied it. Maybe it was abuse in that church. Maybe he ran away from church and somehow ended up on the slave market.
Actually, I tend to 3rd. Isn't it a western movie where little talented boy paint so beautifully that Prince Michael (Mykhailo II of Chernihiv I assume) orders one of his icons, but on the way he and his father are interrupted by Mongolians. Also, it was said that Andrii suffered an amnesia due to his trauma caused by life in a brothel. He even starts to learn how to paint from the start, like he never knew how to paint before. So, was he at Lavra at all? Was he an icon painter? We would never know. He could just go to the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, point at some old icon and say he drew it.
Or maybe some part of the story is true and some - isn't. I would speculate that Armand had an education. He wasn't a son of a hunter, no. He knew about Mongols. He knew who was the knyaz in 1240. But in 1481 Yurii Paz was knyaz. Mykhailo would be long dead by that time, obviously. So, how would little poor Andrii Ivanovych from 1481 know who was knyaz back when Mongols burnt Kyiv?)) A hunters son could not, he would not have an education, he would not know how to read or write, so history? Oh no, no way.
So, simply, we do not know who is Andrii. Is he Andrii at all? Was he born in 1481? Was he even 17 when Marius was thinking he was? Was his father a hunter named Ivan? Was he an icon painter at Lavra? probably yes and Ann Rice just didn't research enough
I just was thinking about it for years since I have read Vampire Armand. All these years I was wondering how he end up stolen by Mongols in 15th century...
Tho, it would be hilarious to see Armand's icon in Vampireverse Lavra. Imagine that. By the way, Lavra still have catacombs (I was there on tour). Maybe in Vampireverse some of Andrii's friends are there. Literally, their mummies as saints. He would arrive in Ukraine, in Kyiv and like 'oooh let's go see my old friends'. 'Look, Daniel, this is Marko, I knew him. Oh, and this is Illya, he looks better now, actually'. And then he would see his icon. And like... You know how it feels to see your artwork after some time. It's just not that good anymore, you know. You can do better now. Yes, this is how he would feel. It was a masterpiece in 1490s, he painted it for a year and a half. And now he can draw photo-like detailed art on his graphics tablet.
If you read this, thank you for the attention! Love you!
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fanfics4all · 9 days
Kinktober 2024
Day 1- Temperature Play: Toy Otto x Fem!reader
Day 2- Voyeurism: Lou Chan x Male!reader
Day 3- Public Sex: Barry Allen X Fem!reader
Day 4- Sensory Deprivation: Negan x Fem!reader
Day 5- Bondage: Derek Morgan x Fem!reader
Day 6- Anonymous Sex: Jamie Hunter x Fem!reader
Day 7- Bruising/Biting: John Murphy!Vampire AU x Fem!reader
Day 8- Flogging: Oliver Queen x Fem!reader
Day 9- Food Play: Fred and George Weasley x Fem!reader
Day 10- Overstimulation: Sub!Ambrose Spellman x Dom!Fem!reader
Day 11- Knife Play: F.P. Jones x Fem!reader
Day 12- Breath Play: Savitar x Fem!reader
Day 13- Role Play: Callie Adams-Foster x Male!reader
Day 14- Gangbang: Draco Malfoy x Blaise Zabini x Theodore Nott x Fem!reader
Day 15-Teasing: Althea Szewczyk-Przygocki x Fem!reader
Day 16- Cock Worshiping: Daryl Dixon x Fem!reader
Day 17- Squirting: Bellamy Blake x Fem!reader
Day 18- Foot Fetish: Archie Andrews x Fem!reader
Day 19- Fisting: Caliban x Fem!reader
Day 20- Cunnilingus: Brandon Foster x Fem!reader
Day 21- Shower Sex: Spencer Reid x Fem!reader
Day 22- Thigh Riding: Tommy Merlyn x Fem!reader
Day 23- Breeding: Malachai x Fem!reader
Day 24- Somnophilia: Roy Harper x Fem!reader
Day 25- Pussy Slapping: Leonard Snart x Fem!reader
Day 26- Pegging: Jesus Adams-Foster x Fem!reader
Day 27- Angry Sex: Rosita Espinosa x Male!reader
Day 28- Phone Sex: Luke Alvez x Fem!reader
Day 29- Uniforms: Octavia Blake x Male!reader
Day 30- Sex Pollen: Harvey Kinkle x Fem!reader
Day 31- Cock Warming: Severus Snape x Fem!reader
Here's how the days are gonna go, hope you're all excited!
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foodsies4me · 6 months
April Malec fic rec!
Thanking @just-add-butter and @ariella9melody for this month's theme which is a double combo of "Outsider's POV" and "Let Alec have friends!" The same rules apply as always, one fic per author, even though all of these authors have other brilliant fics you should be reading and if you want to add your own recs in the comments, tags, or reblogs please feel free to do so! 😊
Also, I have tagged the authors whose Tumblr account I know, but if you'd prefer I not tag you, please tell me! I don't want these to be annoying for the authors.
Enthrallment by @smilebackwards: Magnus' magic being possessive and warlocks reacting to Magnus' magic being possessive, what more could you want? OC POV!
It does look a little bad, Parmela thinks, looking at it from outside. As more specialists had been called in for consultation, they’d decamped to one of the larger conference rooms—eschewing attendance at A, B, AB, & O: The Impact of Blood Type on Non Subject Specific Blood Magic, because this was vastly more interesting and potentially important—and there are a round dozen high-level warlocks clustered around Alec, poking at him with magic. Or: Alec attends the Magical Inventions and Advances convention in hopes of recruiting warlocks for another Downworld Cabinet. The warlocks, however, are more interested—and concerned—by the blue magical aura following Alec around.
And I am breaking my own rules by rec-ing a second fic by smilebackwards: Portable Magic
Magnus may go slightly overboard helping Alec set up for the book club gathering. Technically, perhaps, he didn’t need to create a signature cocktail or barter a favor to Raphael for O neg blood for the vampires or source the biscotti directly from Italy. But hospitality is important and these are Alec’s friends. He wants to make a good impression. Or: Alec is in a Downworld book club and Magnus finds this unaccountably fascinating.
I'll die on this (Under)hill by @clottedcreamfudge: like all of the fics written by clottedcreamfudge, this fic is downright hilarious. That said, poor Underhill. Underhill POV!
The point is, Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood clearly have an intimate knowledge of each other, and it has never once impacted on their work. What it is beginning to impact on, however, is Andrew’s sanity. Because apparently he really is the only one to have noticed it.
Be careful with my best friends heart by TheLostLightwood: A fic in Cat's perspective, who I maintain is one of the best characters in the series and we needed more of her! Cat POV!
Catarina Loss had known Magnus for a long time, she had seen him cry, laugh, mourn, get injured and fall in love many times before. But she had never seen him more in love or more broken than she had in this moment. Cat's POV, as Alec is seriously injured in a fight against demons. And Magnus well he...
Alec's Little Ducklings by @to-the-stars-writing (this will be one of two recs for to the stars because I am being very bad at keeping to my rules this time around). Alec gets hurt and all of his friends appear to take care of him!
After Alec's hurt coming home from the Hunter's Moon, he's left laid up in bed when the drug they gave him prevents his injuries from being healed by angelic or magical powers. Magnus is fully prepared to do take care of his stubborn boyfriend, only to find out that there are a few other people who are more than willing to offer their help.
the right thing by @cuubism: As the summary says, Alec's first speech as the Inquisitor doesn't go exactly as planned. Izzy POV!
Alec's first speech as Inquisitor doesn't go exactly as planned.
nock. draw. release by chaidrivenwhore: A non human POV, but a weapon POV! Alec's bow to be specific!
the bow and arrows had tempted many, but this specific one, with its curved limbs engraved with angelic runes and sharp arrows, straight and unbending, had called out to a nine year old alexander lightwood like no other had.
Multi-chapter fics or series:
Families of Choice by MonPetitTresor, a recommendation made by @ariella9melody that I can only agree with because this fic is wonderful (as are all fics my MonPetitTresor).
Life at the Institute takes a turn for the worse for Alec. When he's alone with nowhere else to turn, his siblings step up and help him find his feet once more with help from a few new friends along the way. Between them, Alec finally gets a chance to realize that the world doesn't begin and end with being a Shadowhunter, and there's more out there for him, so long as he's got the courage to reach out and grab it.
ask the always impossible of me by @faejilly: Some very nice Aline and Alec friendship!
Just for one night, a magical ball where anyone can meet, when anything is possible... And that's just the beginning.
Running from the Night by @to-the-stars-writing: I love how Stars depicts Alec's struggles with his mental health and there are a lot of friends for Alec in this one!
For a long time, Alec had felt like his life was held together by strings tied on him by the Clave, his parents, his siblings. Strings that pulled and tugged him in every which direction, heedless of the bruises and blood left behind. As much as they hurt, some days they’d been the only thing to hold him together. That is, up until the moment Alec stood on the shores of Lake Lyn and faced the death of the one person who held a piece of his soul, and the lies that followed his mysterious resurrection. There, on the shores of Lake Lyn, those strings finally pulled too hard, and Alec broke. With the permission of the Inquisitor, and the help of the warlock who Alec had wanted so desperately to allow himself to fall for (and had been terrified to do more than smile at his flirting) Alec walked away from everything and everyone. He left New York behind and made himself a home in the small town of Prayer – a joke Magnus found particularly funny. But, two years after that fateful night, Alec’s old life comes knocking, and those strings he thought he’d finally cut are tugging him home. Back to the place he never wanted to have to see again. At least this time, he’s not facing it alone.
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Have you played DEMON : The Fallen ?
By Andrew Bates, Ken Cliffe, Michael Lee, Rich Thomas, Stephan Wieck, others / White Wolf
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Set in the original World of Darkness - along with Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Hunter, Wraith, and Changeling - the player is, as the title suggests, a demon struggling with their nature in a broken world of humanity (much like other WoD titles).
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notanichan · 6 months
otome masterlist
Warning: May have spoilers.
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🌕 - Routes I have finished. 🌑 - Routes I need to finish. 🌗 - Routes I have started but not finished. 🌟 - Games I have finished. 🕒 - Games' Developers/Publishers
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-> Mystic Destinies : Serendipity Of Aeons 🌟
🌕 Shou Hatori 🌕 Shinji Hirayama 🌕 Takumi Arai 🌕 Tatsuya Yukimura 🌕 Hikaru Kazama
-> Amnesia : Memories 🌟
🌕 Toma 🌕 Ikki 🌕 Shin 🌕 Kent 🌕 Ukyo
-> Nightshade 🌟
🌕 Kuroyuki 🌕 Gekkamaru 🌕 Goemon 🌕 Chojiro 🌕 Hanzo
-> Seduce Me
🌕 Sam 🌕 Damien 🌕 Matthew 🌕 Erik 🌕 James 🌑 Suzu 🌑 Naomi 🌕 Andrew 🌕 Diana
-> Seduce Me 2 - The Demon War
🌕 Sam 🌕 Matthew 🌕 Erik 🌑 James 🌑 Damien 🌑 Diana
-> Demon Crashers
🌕 Kael 🌕 Orias 🌕 Akki 🌑 Mirari
-> The Men Of Yoshiwara: Kikuya
🌕 Hayabusa 🌕 Takao 🌑 Kagura 🌕 Kagerou 🌕 Iroha 🌗 Iroha 2nd Season 🌑 Tokiwa
-> The Men Of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya 🌟
🌕 Ageha 🌕 Utsusemi 🌕 Takigawa 🌕 Gakuto 🌕 Asagiri
-> Seven Boys 2 🌟
🌕 Vincent 🌕 Randle 🌕 Bevis 🌕 Kevin 🌕 Aaron 🌕 Clement 🌕 Rock 🌕 Julian
-> Soulset 🌟
🌕 Yvonne 🌕 Shira 🌕 Apris 🌕 Verin 🌕 Shirr 🌕 Marco 🌕 Feathor 🌕 'Secret'
-> Hustle Cat
🌕 Reese 🌑 Finley 🌑 Hayes 🌑 Landry 🌑 Mason 🌑 'Secret'
-> This World Unknown
🌕 Asa 🌗 Luca 🌑 Garett 🌑 Val
-> The Royal Trap: Confines Of The Crown
🌕 Callum 🌕 Oscar 🌗 Nazagi 🌑 Gaston
-> Let's Not Stay Friends
🌕 Frenz 🌕 Taf 🌑 Burain
-> Nameless: The One Thing You Must Recall
🌕 Red 🌕 Lance 🌕 Yuri 🌕 Tei 🌑 Yeonho 🌑 ???
-> Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds
🌕 Souji Okita 🌑 Toshizo Hijikata 🌕 Hajime Saito 🌕 Heisuke Toudou 🌕 Sanosuke Harada 🌑 Shinpachi Nagakura 🌕 Keisuke Sanan 🌑 Susumu Yamazaki 🌕 Hachiro Iba 🌑 Kazue Souma 🌑 Ryouma Sakamoto 🌕 Chikage Kazama 🌑 Independant
-> Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms
🌕 Souji Okita 🌑 Toshizo Hijikata 🌕 Hajime Saito 🌕 Heisuke Toudou 🌕 Sanosuke Harada 🌑 Shinpachi Nagakura 🌕 Keisuke Sanan 🌑 Susumu Yamazaki 🌗 Hachiro Iba 🌑 Kazue Souma 🌑 Ryouma Sakamoto 🌕 Chikage Kazama
-> Re Alistair 🌟
🌕 Derek 🌕 Travis 🌕 Shiro
-> Backstage Pass
🌕 John 🌕 Benito 🌕 Adam 🌕 Matthew 🌑 Lloyd 🌑 Independant 🌑 Nicole 🌑 Alvin
-> Dream Daddy
🌕 Joseph 🌕 Robert 🌕 Craig 🌑 Mat 🌑 Brian 🌑 Hugo 🌑 Damien 🌑 Joseph Secret Ending
-> Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome
🌕 Saito Shinjou 🌑 Miki Hiraizumi
-> Monochrome Heaven 🌟
🌕 Kamishiro Akito 🌕 Kamishiro Asuka 🌕 Kamishiro Riku 🌕 Touma 🌕 Misaki Ryuuto
-> Dandelion: Wishes Brought To You 🌟
🌕 Jisoo 🌕 Jiwoo 🌕 Jihae 🌕 Jiyeon 🌕 Jieun 🌕 Wizard
-> Amplitude
Katy's Route 🌕 Jon 🌕 Ari 🌕 Simon and Bunny 🌕 ??? Jon's Route 🌑 Michelle 🌑 Katy 🌑 Liz 🌑 Luna 🌑 Grace 🌑 Eric
-> Cinderella Phenomenon
🌕 Rod 🌕 Karma 🌕 Fritz 🌕 Waltz 🌑 Rumpel
-> Home For The Heart
🌕 Joshua 🌑 Philippe
-> The Letter
🌕 Luke x Rebecca 🌕 Luke x Hannah 🌑 Luke x Marianne 🌕 Hannah x Zachary 🌑 Hannah x Marianne 🌕 Ashton x Rebecca 🌕 Ashton x Isabella
-> Crossroad
🌕 Wolf 🌕 Hunter 🌑 Fox 🌑 Wizard 🌑 Main Route
-> Night Class: A Vampire Story
🌕 Rowan 🌕 Aaron 🌑 Both? I think?
-> Miraclr
🌕 Lucifer 🌑 Michael 🌑 Gabriel 🌑 Uriel 🌑 Raphael
-> Heart No Kuni No Alice
🌗 Boris Airay 🌑 Peter White 🌑 Blood Dupre 🌑 Julius Monre 🌑 Twins 🌑 Ace 🌑 Elliot 🌑 Gowland 🌑 Vivaldi
-> 7'Scarlet 🌟
🌕 Isora Amari 🌕 Hino Kagatsuchi 🌕 Toa Kushinada 🌕 Sosuke Tatehira 🌕 Yuzuki Murakumo 🌕 True Route (Toa Kushinada) 🌕 Bonus Character Route (Hanate Yatsukami)
-> Steam Prison 🌟
🌕 Eltcreed 🌕 Ulrik 🌕 Adage 🌕 Ines 🌕 Yune 🌕 Grand Ending 🌕 Fin
-> Destiny's Princess
🌕 Sanada Yukimura - The Twin Brother 🌕 Takenada Hanbei - The Fiance 🌕 Fuma Kotaro - The Ninja Reinforcement 🌕 Oda Nobunaga - The Father 🌑 Date Masamune - The Commander
-> London Detective Mysteria
🌕 Holmes 🌗 Watson 🌑 Akechi 🌑 Jack 🌑 Lupin 🌑 Kobayashi 🌑 Baker Street Boys 🌑 Grand End
-> Psychedelica Of The Black Butterfly 🌟
🌕 Real World Ending 🌕 Bud Ending 🌕 Happy Ending 🌕 Bad Ending 🌕 Kagiha Ending 🌕 Hikage Ending 🌕 Yamato Ending 🌕 Monshiro Ending 🌕 Karasuba Ending 🌕 Karasuba Good Ending 🌕 Kazuya Ending 🌕 Yamato Good Ending
-> Red Embrace: Hollywood
🌕 Common 1 🌕 Common 2 🌕 Randal 1 🌑 Randal 2 🌑 Randal 3 🌕 Randal 4 🌑 Randal 4 (Leader) 🌕 Randal 5 (S.E.) 🌑 Heath 1 🌑 Heath 1 (Leader) 🌕 Heath 2 🌕 Heath 3 🌕 Heath 4 (S.E.) 🌑 Markus 1 🌑 Markus 1 (Leader) 🌑 Markus 2 🌕 Markus 3 🌕 Markus 4 (S.E.)
-> Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk 🌟
🌕 People 🌕 Heroes 🌕 Bad 🌕 Lord 🌕 Lavan 🌕 Heroine 🌕 Levi 🌕 Lugus 🌕 Hugh 🌕 Traveler 🌕 Links 🌕 Wolf
-> Dark Nights
🌗 Zeikun 🌑 Junoru 🌑 Sachiro 🌑 Kurato
-> Gods Of Love 🌟
🌕 Lysander 🌕 Helder 🌕 Exinious 🌕 Rhane
-> Re:Birthday Song 🌟
🌕 Yoru 🌕 Kairi 🌕 Syun 🌕 Ame 🌕 Nami
-> Ayakashi Gohan
🌕 Inushima Yomi 🌕 Serigano Manatsu 🌕 Hana Suou 🌕 Inushima Uta 🌗 Ibuki Haginosuke 🌑 Kimura Asagi
-> Bad Medicine ~Infectious Teachers~
🌗 Kuzuha Kakeru 🌑 Shido Kaname 🌑 Yanagi Ryota
-> Taisho x Alice I 🌟 🌕 Red Riding Hood 🌕 Cinderella
-> Taisho x Alice II 🌟 🌕 Gretel 🌕 Kaguya
-> Taisho x Alice III 🌟 🌕 Wizard 🌕 Snow White
-> Taisho x Alice Epilogue 🌟 🌕 Alice
-> Taisho x Alice Heads & Tails 🌑 Cinderella 🌑 Red Riding Hood 🌑 Kaguya 🌑 Gretel 🌑 Snow White 🌑 Wizard 🌑 Alice 🌕 Ryouishi
-> Ozmafia 🌕 Caramia 🌑 Kyrie 🌑 Axel 🌑 Scarlet 🌑 Caesar 🌑 Soh 🌑 Pashet 🌑 Robin Hood 🌑 Brothel 🌑 Hamelin
-> Fxxx Me Royally!! 🌑 Kaoru 🌑 Ryuusei
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🕒 Cheritz
-> Mystic Messenger 🌟
🌕 Jumin [valentines confession|http://aminoapps.com/p/200ytad] 🌕 Yoosung 🌕 707 🌕 Zen 🌕 V 🌕 Ray 🌕 Jaehee
🕒 Voltage
-> Love 365
🌕 Yamato - My Forged Wedding 🌕 Yuma - Buter Until Midnight 🌕 Genji - In Your Arms Tonight 🌕 Sosuke - Finally In Love Again 🌕 Subaru - My Sweet Boyfriend 🌕 Eisuke - Kissed By The Baddest Bidder
🕒 Visual Wordplay
-> Locked Heart
🌗 Sol D'Lockes (Mama Bear) 🌑 Royal LeBlanc (Papa Bear) 🌑 Deon D'Lockes (Baby Bear)
🕒 Hunex Co. Ltd.
-> Ephemeral
🌕 Shiba The Werewolf (R) 🌗 Shiba The Werewolf (L) 🌑 Nagi The Invisible Man (R) 🌑 Nagi The Invisible Man (L) 🌕 Ray The Vampire (R) 🌗 Ray The Vampire (L) 🌕 Natsume The Mummy (R) 🌕 Natsume The Mummy (L)
-> On The QT 🌟
🌕 Hibiki 🌕 Keima 🌕 Akira
-> Ephemeral - Miniature Garden 🌟
🌕 Hisui 🌕 Rion 🌕 Yugu
-> My Lovey
(Secret Crush) 🌟 🌕 Soshi Kujo 🌕 Masaki Kirigaya 🌕 Kotaro Kurumi 🌕 Reo Takatsuki
(Fantasy Of The Mind) 🌟 🌕 Julius 🌕 Kay 🌕 Lucian 🌕 Diorca
(Shinobi Kakuran Musou) 🌗 Hayate 🌑 Mikage 🌑 Kugumo 🌑 Yukinojo
🕒 NTT Solmare Corp. Games
-> Story Jar
🌕 (Deluxe Ver. The Last Sacrifice | The Demon King's Desire) 🌕 (The Last Sacrifice | Forbidden Ties)
(The World Or You)
-> Ninja Love
🌕 Sasuke Sarutobi 🌑 Goemon Ishikawa 🌑 Saizo Kirigakure 🌑 Kotaro Fuma 🌑 Musashi Miyamoto 🌑 Munenori Yagyu 🌑 Rennoshin 🌑 Hanzo Hattori 🌑 Nobunaga Oda
-> Obey Me 🌟
🌕 Lucifer 🌕 Mammon 🌕 Leviathon 🌕 Satan 🌕 Asmodeus 🌕 Beelzebub 🌕 Belphegor
🕒 Hanabi Media Games
-> Love Magic 🌟
🌕 Minuet 🌕 Paris
-> Love Magic 2
🌕 Minuet 🌑 Paris
-> High School Love
🌕 Tetsuya 🌑 Naoki
-> Love Triangle 🌟
🌕 Tsukasa 🌕 Kazuya
-> Ghost Love Story
🌕 Kyle 🌑 Vincent
-> Vampire Love
🌑 Tom 🌕 Sam
🕒 Ciagram Co. ltd.
-> Princess Closet
🌕 Reo 🌑 Shuu 🌑 Kai 🌗 Akito
-> Nightmare Harem
🌕 Lucia 🌕 Kaim 🌕 Levy 🌕 Mikael 🌗 Noel 🌕 Ricardo 🌑 Mefy 🌑 Oswald 🌑 Lucas
-> Dateless Love 🌟
🌕 Soji Okita 🌕 Toshizo Hijikata 🌕 Shota Yuki 🌕 Yoshinobu Tokugawa 🌕 Akinara Aiya 🌕 Shinsaku Takasugi 🌕 Ryoma Sakamoto 🌕 Shuntaro Furutaka
🕒 Genius Inc.
-> My Twin Romance
🌗 Haru 🌑 Yuki 🌑 Both 🌑 Shizuki
🕒 Seec Inc.
-> Jimi-Kare My Quiet Boyfriend 🌟
🌕 Prince Ending 🌕 Arrogant Ending 🌕 Dark-Side Ending 🌕 Princess Ending
-> In Search Of Haru 🌟
🌕 Haruka 🌕 Takaharu 🌕 Bad Ending 🌕 Haruto
🕒 Day7
-> Miss Detective's Undercover
🌕 Sean 🌗 Jeremy 🌑 Walter 🌑 Mystic Thief
-> Love Signal: D-Mate
🌑 Simon Lane 🌑 Richard Upton 🌑 David Mason 🌗 P:Ure 🌕 Greg Odell 🌑 Tay Caden
-> Marked By King Bs 🌟
🌕 Ashton Griffin 🌕 Nicholas Rosada 🌕 William Kal 🌕 Zack Snyder 🌕 Joel Barret
-> Loved By King Bs
🌑 Ashton Griffin 🌑 Nicholas Rosada 🌗 William Kal 🌑 Zack Snyder 🌑 Joel Barret 🌑 Erick Blanche
-> Sleeping Delivery
🌗 Damian Kraus 🌕 Luke Morris 🌕 Julian Parker 🌑 Leo Reinhardt 🌑 Sebastian Weiss
-> Beauty Rental Shop
🌑 Toby Lowell 🌑 Lucian Vasilis 🌗 Soren Rayne 🌑 Kylar Xander
-> SECRET Fan Crush
🌑 Leon 🌑 Woobin 🌑 Haejin 🌑 Dohwon 🌑 Taehee 🌕 Parang Ki
-> Proposed by A Demon Lord
🌑 Penn 🌑 Hael 🌗 Laika 🌑 Riley 🌑 Vernius 🌑 Ren 🌑 Cornell 🌑 Isaac
🕒 Avocado Entertainment
-> Vampire Idol
🌑 Edgar 🌑 Kang Tae Jun 🌑 Ian 🌑 Lee Sun Woo 🌑 Baek Do Ha
🕒 DeareaD Inc.
-> Monster's First Love
🌗 Achille 🌑 Ibuki 🌑 King
🕒 StoryTaco.inc
-> Dangerous Fellows - Romantic Thrillers
🌕 Zion 🌕 Eugene 🌑 Lawrence 🌕 Harry 🌕 Ethan
-> Queen's Number - Jackpot is not my concern 🌟
🌕 Aaron 🌕 Freyr 🌕 Gon 🌕 Mo-wan
🕒 Nix Hydra
-> The Arcana : A Mystic Romance
🌗 Julian 🌗 Asra 🌑 Nadia 🌑 Lucio 🌑 Muriel 🌑 Portia
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-> Storm Lover Kai!!
🌕 Kyosuke Mikoshiba 🌕 Yuto Uzuki 🌑 Mio Ikari 🌑 Rikka Toratani 🌑 Soya Tatsuhara 🌕 Takumi Mishiro 🌑 Tsukasa Sugai 🌑 Chihiro
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-> Collar x Malice 🌟
🌕 Kei Okazaki 🌕 Mineo Enomoto 🌕 Takeru Sasazuka 🌕 Kageyuki Shiraishi 🌕 Aiji Yanagi
-> Code Realize ~Guardian Of Rebirth~ 🌟
🌕 Arsène Lupin 🌕 Abraham Van Helsing 🌕 Victor Frankenstein 🌕 Impey Barbicane 🌕 Saint-Germain
-> Piofore: Fated Memories
🌗 Nicola Francesca 🌕 Dante Falzone 🌑 Gilbert Redford 🌕 Yang 🌑 Orlok 🌑 Finale Route
-> Birushana 🌕 Noritsune Taira 🌕 Shungen 🌑 Benkai Mukashibo 🌕 Yoritomo Minamoto 🌕 Tomomori Taira
-> Cupid Parasite 🌑 Allan Melville 🌑 Raul Aconite 🌑 Gill Lovecraft 🌑 Shelby Snail 🌑 Ryuki Keisaiin -> Virche Evermore 🌟 🌕 Lucas  🌕 Mathis  🌕 Scien  🌕 Yves  🌕 Le Salut (Adolphe/Ankou)
-> Hana Awase New Moon Here I am considering each game as a single route. 🌕 Iroha Volume 🌕 Mizuchi Volume 🌑 Karakurenai/Utsutsu Volume 🌑 Himeutsugi Volume
-> even if TEMPEST 🌟 🌕 Crius Castlerock 🌕 Tyril I Lister 🌕 Zenn Sorfield 🌕 Lucien Neuschburn 🌕 Ish
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To Play 1. Olympic Soiree 2. Butterfly’s Poison; Blood Chains
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just-some-guy-joust · 4 months
Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side A: Round 3
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to @ tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
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Tulip | It/Its | @joyfulness03
-Literally just a little tulip mouse -Caught in the middle of a monster war, but is entirely oblivious to anything happening (not privy to The Horrors, because it is literally just a mouse) -Day plans: curling up in the sun to photosynthesize. it is fully booked, indefinitely -The most neutral of neutral parties (group pet) and the most background of background characters (group pet) -very friendly to everyone that pets it and gives its treats. it only bites a little bit, just little love nibbles. Average rodent behavior but with slightly sharper, plantier teeth
Andrew Moss | He/him | @flowerrose14 (submitted by @rainecloud020604)
Andrew is just your average nerd, ghost hunter and an anxious wreck but despite it all he is a guy. Despite the horrors of being shrunk and traumatized hes still himself, an anxious wreck of a human who thinks the supernatural is awesome and he wants to study it so so bad. Even though fairy hunting gone wrong is literally the reason he got cursed, he's still interested in the supernatural. After all its awesome, and whats going to stop him.
Promos: https://toyhou.se/14728111.andrew https://toyhou.se/HotChocolateGalaxy
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
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[no extra description provided]
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Andrew is in a group of lets see, a demon, vampire, a dragon, and hes the only human and hes literally just some guy in the group its so funny. He's weird yes but hes so normal compared to the rest of them and even though he was cursed for a while other than the fact that he was a bit traumatized by the whole thing he is just some guy still he just sits weird and asks his demon boyfriend weird invasive questions about being a demon and his habits.
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mekanikaltrifle · 1 year
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[Everyone disliked that]
47 notes · View notes
Superhero Timeline.
10th Millennium
First appearance of humans. Some super powered. 
Proto Avengers (heavily altered humans, primordial gods, and mutant). Celestial tampering happens on countless planets. (Tamaranians, Skrulls, Kree, Eternals, etc) causing multiple humanoid aliens to exist.
Myths concerning “Elders of The Universe” and proto-tangible beings are formed by early life.
Vandal Savage, Immortal Man, Anthro, King Kull, Kyra Arg, Gnarrk. Hippolyta (first life).
Grak (neanderthal politician)
Cotati, Kree, and Skrulls discover eachother.
Atlantis forms.
“Ulysses” Bloodstone
50,000 B.C.E (Thurian Age)
Inhumans created by Kree scientists. 
King of Atlantis, Kull.
Doctor Mist.
Darkhold creates some of the first vampires.
Atlantis and Lemuria Sink.
Amazon Race born.
Selene Born.
Hyperborian Age.
Kulan Gath
Red Sonja
753, 785- BEC
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Golden Gladiator
Alpha Centurion.
Rome forms a colony in South America. Nova Roma.
Rama Tut
En Sabbah Nur was born.
Wizard Shazam empowers Teth Adam.
Mad Pharaoh discovers an alien Scarab and claims to have created it.
6th Century
One of the Camelots (for there are many and they are nebulous)
Merlin (Merlyn)
Shining Knight
Silent Knight
Black Knight (Sir Percy of Scandia)
Mordred the Mystic (not arthur’s mordred)
Earth was briefly invaded by Klyntar. 
New Genesis and Apokolips forms, set in a higher plane of dimension.
7th Century
Tang Dynasty was contacted by aliens the likes of Fin Fang Foom. They take advantage of their advanced technology
Jong Li Green Lantern
Viking Prince
8th Century
Brotherhood of the Shield was formed in 750.
9th Century
Diablo (Estaban De Ablo).
12th century
Crusades, the mutant Bennet Du Paris meets Eobar Garrington and clan akkaba.
Belasco born at the tail end of the century.
14th Century
Mutants immune to the black page die in the sea.
X’Hal ascends to godhood.
15th Century
Intelligent gorillas form Gorilla City.
Manhunters deviate from original programming.
Zemo barony formed
16th Century
The Black Pirate
Andrew Bennet becomes a vampire.
17th Century
Gotham City founded
Romeyn Falls founded
Metropolis founded.
Uncle Sam
Frankenstein Monsters
Jonah Hex
Atlas City formed.
Hellfire Club formed
Trigger Twins
Rawhide Kid
Carter Slade
Red Wolf
Irene Adler and Raven Darkholme
Sherlock Frankenstein
1859 Nathaniel Essex begins experimenting on Mutants.
1882 Wolverine Born
Morpheus Imprisoned.
Tom Strong born
Balloon Buster
Mister Cakewalk
Enemy Ace
Freedom’s Five
Cult of Blood formed in Zandia
Krypton destroyed
Kal El Lands in Kansas
Doc Steele, Tazara, The Crimson Fist
Ghost Hunter, Baron Von Fang
1930s - World War 2 
Batman appears
Superman first appears
Wonder Woman appears
Captain Marvel (Billy Batson) appears.
Invaders. Captain America 1-3
Based on Project Rebirth, Vought develops Compound V, empowering Soldier Boy. Germany empowers Stormfront using a duplicate.
Justice Society of America was formed.
Seven Soldiers of Victory
Freedom Fighters
Liberty Squadron
Black Hammer Squadron
Doctor Star
Abraham Slam
Sgt Rock
Sgt Fury and the Howling Commandos
Haunted Tank
GI Robot
The Losers
Albrecht Strong born.
Charles Xavier
Golden Gail (spawn of a shazam protege)
1950s (Silver Age Beginning)
Billionaire Oliver Queen is stranded on an island.
Hal Jordan inducted into the Green Lantern Corps
Astro-Naut dies and Astro City is named after him.
William Burnside and Jack Monroe become Captain America and Bucky.
Hero Licensing Agencies were formed in Japan, one of the first being formed by Dragon King. “Former” villain of the JSA and Acrobat.
J’onn Jonnz teleported to Earth.
Barbalien, a contemporary of J’onn’s arrives on Earth.
Colonel Weird.
Peter Parker was Bitten by a radioactive spider
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)
The Confessor
The Midnight Mink and Chippy (Short lived Batman inspired criminal)
Jessica Jones falls into a coma.
The Question
Fantastic Four
Challengers of the Unknown
First Family
Max O'Millions
Suicide Squad.
The Flash (Barry Allen)
Black Canary II
JLA formed
Teen Titans formed
X-Men founded
Captain Marve (Mar-Vell)
John Stewart Green Lantern
Avengers Formed
Black Rapier
Luke Cage.
Iron Fist (Danny Rand)
Shang Chi
Silver Agent framed and is executed
Putrid Punk
Black Lightning
Black Hammer I
JLI formed.
Aaron Aikman becomes a doctor and is murdered by Morlun.
Doom Patrol
Winged Victor
Original Batman Dies
Mister Unknown, inspired by Batman becomes a vigilante crimefighter in Japan.
Suicide Squad II
Spiral City is almost consumed by eldritch Anti-God.
Nightingale and Songbird
All Might receives his Quirk.
The Samaritan prevents The Challenger Disaster.
Tesla Strong born.
Vought America begins to push its corporate superhumans. Their minds are twisted by Compound V. Vought refuses to seek alternatives.
Jon Kent, Cir-El Kent born. 
Christopher Kent adopted
Superman Dies.
Unteens (not super long-lived)
Hal Jordan goes evil and dies.
Kyle Rayner.
First superhuman reality TV show, Youngblood.
They’re immediately met a year later by Vought’s onslaught of Superhuman reality TV shows.
Black Hammer II
The superhuman civil war in america.
Japanse Military creates Big Hero 6 in response to Hero Agencies.
The Super Young Team forms an act of social rebellion by the children of Japanese superheroes who reject the Hero Agency route while despising government work like Big Hero.
Little do they know, they are integral to humanity's further evolution into the super-world.
Peter Parker dies. Mantle was taken up by Miles Morales.
Skrulls invade earth.
Black Hammer II
Black Rapier retires
Jiro Osamu, the replacement for Mister Unknown becomes "The Batman of Japan"
Young Avengers Form
The Authority was formed after Skywatch and IO were exposed to the world
 Izuku Midorya receives the One-For-All quirk
The hero agency system in Japan has cracks forming and they’re big.
Green Door Opens.
Miss Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Multiverse opened up.
China formed the Justice League of China, followed by its very own Lantern Corps.
Izuku becomes a superhero once again.
Black Hammer II becomes a mother.
Miles Morales becomes a vampire.
Team Titans
First Krakoan age. Mutants who have been dead for decades return.
Hulkling unites Skrull and Kree to form a new galaxy-spanning empire.
JLA Beyond
Bishop Born (Good Timeline).
The Future State. Corporations begin to create private security to crack down on superhuman threats. Especially in light of corporate superhero projects repeatedly failing.
Superman’s dynasty ascends to the stars. 
Corporations Dominate the World.
Age of Heroes is Over.
Spider-Man 2099
Avengers 2099
Franklin Richards ascends.
Superman’s Dynasty returns to Earth. It’s an ancestral land. It is in ruin.
Compound V-descended humans begin to activate their powers en masse but after 100 years of development, their minds can handle it.
30th Century
Legion of Superheroes
Centuries of Mutants, Compound V Descendants, Inhumans, Metahumans, and alien-influenced humans have fundamentally changed the definition of a baseline human.
Humanity is almost there. The rest of the universe is inching toward it too.
Golden Lantern
853rd Century
It’s a superhuman universe. 
The Justice Legion, influenced by their literal and metaphorical ancestors patrol all sections of the known universe. 
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doyouknowthisactor · 1 month
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By "roles" I mean playing a different character, and in a different piece of media; someone playing one character across a franchise only counts as one thing for the purposes of this poll, as does playing multiple characters in one franchise/piece of media
Below are some of this actor's roles. Please only check after voting!
Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power as High King Gil-galad
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter as Abraham Lincoln
Flags of out Fathers as Harlon Block
In the Heart of the Sea as George Pollard
Walker has also had a significant stage career, originating the role of Patrick Bateman in the OBC production of American Psycho: The Musical and Andrew Jackson in the OOBC of Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson. In 2019, he was nominated for a Tony for the revival of All My Sons
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honeybeehimbo · 5 months
looking for new partners for m/f pairing's where i play the male. discord only. i love angst, smut and a little fluff (not too much fluff or it gets uninteresting for me, sorry!) plots under the read more, but open to other ideas too. some fandom ideas also under, hence the tags. like and i will dm you or dm me directly
best friend's older sister
muse a is a vampire/demon hunter, muse b is a monster with a soul/conscious. 
summer best friends
emergency contact
older muses reunite
something based off this, cue all the angst
ideas with my own muses
drew (kyle allen fc), a musician, reunites with the girl his songs are all about. can be another artist or someone outside the musician lifestyle.
chase (dylan minette fc), your typical geek boy, is hooking up with the popular girl, who wants to keep it a secret. but chase is catching feelings
rish (rahul kohli fc), er doctor/chief resident, your muse and rish dated in their 20s, but eventually broke up because they never saw each other because of rish's commitment to his work and inability to make time for the relationship. your muse suddenly pops up during the graveyard shift at the er with a twisted ankle (or something else!) rish is the doctor in charge and they catch up and old feelings resurface.
elias (andrew garfield fc), a magnificent fine artist needs a nude model, which is your muse, tensions arise and it's clear that they both want each other. but elias has commitment issues. (this one is really bare bones, but im open to adding details, maybe making it more forbidden, affair? age gap? im open to hearing ideas)
fandom wants
canon x canon only! i will not do canon x oc
marvel: peter parker (andrew garfield or tom holland) against any other female marvel character from any "universe"
glee: finn hudson against any female glee character, might also be willing to do crossover with other shows in the same realm.
ER: i will play pretty much any of the guys from the show er against any of the female ones.
one tree hill: jake/peyton, brooke/lucas, rachel/any male, mia/any male, alex/any male, i will not do any of the canon pairings that actually end up together, since i feel like that story has already been told.
sex education: any girl/otis
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