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@valhecka - Happy Inceptiversary!!
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petrichoriess · 1 year
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tagged by @honeyseller 😚 to post my top 5 songs on repeat!!!
tagging @valhecka @mr-iskender @paladellie @jaroslav-halak if yall would like, and as always anyone else who wants to! lemme steal ur good music tastes
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silverbrume · 2 years
5 Songs
Thanks to @aniron48, @eleanor-is-fine, and @samanthahirr for tagging me in this music ask meme! Here are 5 songs I currently have in heavy rotation.
rules: 🎧🎵 when you get this, you put in 5 songs you actually listen to at the moment. Then tag 5-10 people to do the same. 🎵🎧
Ocean (From "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker") performed by Polygon Piano
The Roost (From "Animal Crossing City Folk") performed by Polygon Piano
Final Ascent (From "No Time To Die") composed by Hans Zimmer
Fourside (From "EarthBound") performed by Polygon Piano
The Living Daylights (End Title) performed by The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra
I used statsforspotify to generate this list, and there's nothing surprising here! I'm still very much on my Polygon Piano kick, and Bond movie soundtracks are still in my daily rotation. If this meme captures your fancy, I'm tagging @iamanonniemouse, @1deabril, @hideyseek, @valhecka, and @a-forger-and-a-point-man. No pressure if not! :)
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frembly offszn remembly: all of the not-hockey stuff is @valhecka where i rb shitposts, talk abt books, & pretend to have a tagging system. happy shinee comeback, lotro midsummer, inceptiversary (soon), & pride month
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inceptgen · 4 years
InceptGen Masterlist
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Thank you a million times over to everyone who created works for InceptGen, everyone who liked, reblogged, and commented on gen fanworks, and everyone who cheered people on! This was the first InceptGen fest to run, and we are so happy at how it went!
Also, despite the fact the fest itself is officially over, the InceptGen Collection on AO3 is always open, and we are happy to reblog and signal boost any Gen fanworks that come to our attention! We always say yay to more Gen works! So please keep creating that lovely Gen content, and be sure to let us know when you do!
Without further ado, here is the masterlist of all the fanworks created during our first ever InceptGen Fest! Thank you all!
(Works listed alphabetically by creator)
Moodboard for His Mother’s Hamartia, by @100dabbo
What Happens When Dom Cobb Leaves the Warehouse for One Minute, by @thisarthurandeames​ 
Graphics for Polyhedrons of Fire, by @flosculatory​
Nothing to be Said, by @valkrist
Nothing is Down There, by @valkrist
Downward is the only way Forward, by @valkrist​
Give him the kick, by @valkrist​
A Robert Fischer playlist!
His Mother's Hamartia by @100dabbo
4.3k words, rated M, creator chose not to use archive warnings
Robert Fischer’s mother was the only person he ever cared about. The years leading up to her death had some of his fondest - and foulest - memories.
Sus-ception, by aristotle-chipotle
10.3k words, rated T, no archive warnings apply
Tasked with setting up subconscious training exercises for the team before the job, Ariadne gets the idea to design a world based on her new favorite video game.
Six players. One imposter. All they have to do is vote the right person off. It's a test of instinct and intuition, and good practice for working as a team. But working as a team isn't easy when you're on an unstable spaceship straight out of a nightmare, and you don't know who you can trust.
What could possibly go wrong?
Cauchemars & Rêveries by @aquietthinker​
1k words, rated T, graphic depictions of violence
Maybe it was all real. Maybe when the wall finally crushed his skull and punctured his lungs he would actually die and be left there to rot.
Or maybe they were still in a dream, and he would open his eyes back in the warehouse with the only pain on his body being the needle on his wrist.
Or: Team bonding after Arthur has a particularly bad nightmare.
The Plaid Scarf by @aquietthinker​
870 words, rated G, creator chose not to use archive warnings
While shopping with Eames in order to get a break from stress and work, Ariadne notices a familiar face in the crowd.
Captain's Log by @deinvatiwrites​
559 words, rated G, no archive warnings apply
Who in their right mind would put Dominic Cobb in charge of a Starship?
polyhedrons of fire by @flosculatory​
1.5k words, rated T, no archive warnings apply
In which Cobb heard that slide transitions are the future, if he could just get his team to sit down and pay attention. 
outfitting of the budget-conscious dream thief by hardscrabble/@valhecka​
877 words, rated G, no archive warnings apply
“Look, I mean. It’s been slim pickings, and you go and buy a flat and get that charity off the ground and you’re still wearing new suits every day. Do you have a money tree?”
The Art of Precious Scars by @iamanonniemouse
5.7k words, rated G, no archive warnings apply
When Phillipa was a little girl, she knew what her parents were doing, but she didn’t understand.
She knew that they were researching and developing something that made them very excited. She knew it involved a shiny box with clear, octopus-tentacle tubes, and she knew it made them sleepy.
But she didn’t understand what exactly that shiny box did, or how dangerous it could be.
And she certainly didn’t understand that it would be the thing that tore her family apart.
Destined by @iamanonniemouse
2.1k, rated G, no archive warnings apply
Yusuf has always been destined for greatness.
Rich & Famous  by @iamanonniemouse
411 words, rated G, no archive warnings apply
There’s a loud sigh. “Eames.”
“You told me we were going on a supplies run.”
“This is supplies!”
“I need a new bunsen burner!”
“Not my fault you blew the last one up.”
Selvedge by lazarov/@shmazarov​
2.9k words, rated T, no archive warnings apply
Arthur signs on to be Dom's accomplice — er, associate. Dom insists on getting him a signing bonus.
Or: Arthur learns to love the cut of a goddamn beautiful suit.
Tightrope by @little-specificity​
2.1k words, rated G, no archive warnings apply
Arthur’s city has no clouds, he’s surrounded by pretty lights and his tattoo kills him.
Lavender Breeze by @stormofsharpthings​
631 words, rated G, no archive warnings apply
Well, Cobb is not Vader, at least...
Of Nightmares and Neurotransmitters by @stormofsharpthings​
828 words, rated G, no archive warnings apply
A dream goes askew and the team needs a nap. Yep. That’s pretty much it.
Dreams Pay by @valkrist​
104 words, rated G, no archive warnings apply
Too Many War Wounds (Not Enough Wars) by @winterskywrites​
5.5k words, rated T, no archive warnings apply; tagged for aftermath of torture
Pain is in the mind. Unfortunately, so are dreams.
Pity Wig by @deinvatiwrites​, @flosculatory​, @iamanonniemouse, @stormofsharpthings​
575 words, rated G, no archive warnings apply
Glitter is really craft herpes, you know?
(alternatively: this is what happens when you take the team to a thrift shop and find a glittery wig)
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valpwca · 3 years
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mein Neffe als Affe :3
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inceptionpositivity · 3 years
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@valhecka - Valhecka? More like Val HECK YEAH
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inceptionpositivity · 2 years
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inceptionpositivity · 5 years
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@rudimentaryflair + @queuebird + @madbrilliant84 + @kkrune + @valhecka + @withinmeloveresides1 + @iquitelikeagoodbook + @stolennumbers + @freighttraininmybrain - Shoutout to all of these fabulous people who participated in the 30 day challenge (and anyone I missed!) I loved seeing everything you guys came up with!
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all I need to know:
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hi kevin & FUCK THE DUCKS
(I learned how to kill rats in patho also)
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