#valentine's (when having a partner) makes her even more insane
mizuki "i'm not jealous" sato planning everyone's downfall on her head because if one more girl asks her to deliver chocolates to kou she might as well commit murder /j i think. i. think
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ladykailitha · 2 years
Can Anybody See Me? Part 6
Yes, my darlings, you read that right. I promised I would get back on this one once I was done with In the Midnight Hour and admittedly I did get side tracked for a week doing the Valentine’s fics, once that was out of my head I have written almost 7000 new words for this story. I went from half way through this one to a few hundred words into part 10. So yeah. Expect to see this one updated fairly regularly. I haven’t given up on Star Child I’m just trying to decide which direction the next part should take.
Also on the tagging, I HAVE REACHED MY HARD AND FAST LIMIT OF 50. I love the response this story has gotten. I do. I love you all. I love every reply, like, and reblog. It brings me so much joy, you don’t even know. But tagging is hard for my ADHD brain. I have gone up from 20 to 30 and finally 50 as my system improved but I think if I do any more than that I’ll go insane. So any future tagging requests will be ignored. Sorry.
The best way to keep update on these stories is follow me and set me on notifications. I rarely do a lot of reblogging these days (too busy churning out stories like whoa), so more often then not a post will be a story. I try to post at least once a day (some times twice if I’m trying to rush through the posting a bit like I did to make sure the Valentine fic got out in time without making people wait on Vamp!Eddie), just never at set time.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
They all met up by the fountain in the middle of the mall. Eddie was bouncing on the balls of his feet nervously.
“You sure he’s going to come?” Jeff asked.
Eddie tried to peer around the crowd. “That’s what he said.”
And then they spotted him. He was in a nice red sweater with a white polo underneath and fitted jeans. Eddie ran his tongue over his teeth in appreciation.
But then he noticed the gaggle of children following behind him. And what a gaggle it was. It consisted of Red, his new best friend, another girl with a thousand yard stare. The tall black kid must be the Sinclair boy. The remaining three were also very interesting. There was the short curly haired kid with no front teeth. The last two were both dark haired, but the one on the right was darker. Hair and attitude, judging from the rounded shoulders and down cast expression of the other boy.
Steve sighed. “I’m sorry I’m late. Dustin called asking me to take him to the arcade, only when I told him that I was going to the mall, suddenly they all wanted to come.”
“And then I got roped into this because they wouldn’t all fit in Steve’s car,” a voice called from the back.
The person jostled his way to stand next to Steve. Jonathan clasped Steve on the shoulder. “I gave Will money to call me when you’re done so I can pick up him and El. Make sure he doesn’t spend it on the gumball machine.”
Steve nodded. “Thanks, man. I’ll see you later.”
Jonathan nodded and waved goodbye to everyone, but especially the timid one. Which Eddie figured must have been Will.
“Your children, I presume?” Eddie asked, eyeing the thirteen year-olds warily.
“Yup,” Steve said with a put on expression. He pointed to each of them in turn. “That’s Dustin, Mike, Will, Lucas, Max and El.”
Eddie did the same to his friends. “I’m Eddie, these are Jeff, Gareth, and Brian. Or collectively, the band Corroded Coffin.”
“That’s bitchin’,” El said with a smile.
Steve ducked his head as he tried not to laugh.
“Hell yeah, it is,” Jeff said, taking an immediate liking to her.
“All right,” Steve said, turning to the kids. “You are to stay in pairs at the very least. And you know who your partners are. Will and Mike, Max and El, and Dustin and Lucas. Regardless of what you are doing, you will meet up here at 2pm. No later. I have plans with these guys at three and I’m not going to be late because of you guys a second time.”
There were a lot of eye rolls but everyone agreed to meet at the fountain at two.
Once they had left, Steve turned back to see that all four of them were struggling not to laugh.
“No, no,” he said, shaking his head. “Go ahead and laugh. Because fuck knows it’s hilarious.”
So they promptly burst out laughing.
“Oh my god,” Gareth wheezed. “It was like watching ducklings.”
“Yes!” Eddie agreed. “My dude, I hope you are charging their parents for this.”
Steve shrugged. “It’s not like I need the money.”
They all just shook their heads.
Eddie clapped his hands together and rubbed. “Right, Stevie, this is how it is going to go. You’ll have one hour to get the most outrageous gift. Ten dollar maximum.”
“Each person or total?”
“However you want to swing it,” Jeff said. “But forty bucks is a lot.”
Steve nodded. “I guess my one concern is that I don’t know you guys very well and I don’t want to offend anyone.”
“So take Eddie with you,” Gareth said. “And then for the last ten minutes split off to buy something for each other.”
Eddie and Steve looked at each other.
“Yeah,” Eddie said, “that could work. What do you say, Stevie?”
Steve shrugged. “Yeah, sure.”
Every one but Steve set a timer on their watches. Steve’s wasn’t a digital one, so he couldn’t.
“On your marks, get set,” Brian said. “And go!”
Eddie grabbed Steve’s hand and suddenly he was being dragged along.
Steve giggled. “Where to first?”
“We are going to Suncoast,” Eddie said with a grin. “It’s the best place for all your metalhead needs.
“Lead on, MacDuff!” Steve said with a grin.
Eddie finally let go of Steve’s hand as they neared the store.
“I found out in drama that a lot of the sayings and words we use today are because Shakespeare couldn’t find the right word and made them up,” Steve said nervously.
“Wait, really?” Eddie asked, coming to a complete stop. “Like what?”
“Well, ‘Lead on, MacDuff’,” Steve said, “just for starters. It’s from Macbeth. Green eyed-monster. Just loads that I can’t think of off the top of my head.”
Eddie stood there for a moment blinking. “If they had taught that in English, I think would pay more attention.”
Steve laughed. “I know, right?”
They entered the store and everything had a dark red neon glow to it and it was clearly separated between the movie part of the store and the music part of the store. It was almost jarring. The movie part was dark like the inside of a movie theater. The music part was well lit and almost sterile white in its design.
They wandered around the music section. And they stopped by the minuscule instrument section. It had mostly accessories but also a couple of guitars. Mostly acoustic but one or two electric as well.
“This is pitiful,” Steve said staring at the selection.
“Beggars can’t be choosers, dude,” Eddie said. “There is an actual record shop with a full on instrument section. But that is not the point of this.”
Steve stopped by the drumsticks. “Gareth is the drummer right?”
Eddie nodded.
“I’ve been to a couple of concerts and I saw that the drummer had a bucket of sticks...”
“Are you asking if you should get Gareth more drumsticks?” Eddie asked. Steve nodded. “Go for it.”
“What’s his favorite color?” Steve asked.
Eddie frowned, but Steve pointed to the drumsticks on display and the had all sorts of different colors and patterns.
“The black ones with the flames on them, for sure.”
Steve grinned and picked them up. They got a couple more things here, but it was time to move on.
They hit up the stationary store, the weird little shop that sold incense and little Egyptian figurines, and Hammond’s Toys.
As they were passing Shapiro’s on their way to Hammond’s Toys, Steve found his gift for Eddie. It took every bit of will power not to just rush back and grab it, afraid it would be gone by the time he got back.
Eddie came up to him. “All right, Stevie. This is where we have to part ways. We only have ten minutes left and we need to get each other something, too.”
Steve smiled and nodded. He doubled back to Shapiro’s and quickly bought it. He raced to the fountain to be there first. He sat down on the edge of the fountain, his packages tucked under his legs so people wouldn’t steal them.
It wasn’t long before the others started showing up. Brian showed up first.
“How the hell did you beat me, man?” he asked as he sat down next to Steve. “I’m always the first to arrive.”
Steve blushed. “I got lucky.” He was practically vibrating with anticipation.
Brian eyed him suspiciously. “And you got a present for everyone?”
Steve pressed his lips together and nodded.
Gareth was the next to show up. “Now that’s just embarrassing. Being beaten by Brian is one thing, he’s a shopping guru. But Steve Harrington, too? However will I get over the shame?”
Jeff laughed from behind him, having just shown up himself. “You’ll live.”
Eddie was the last to arrive showing up exactly at the hour.
“Ooh,” Jeff teased. “By the skin of your teeth. Is Steve-o here really that hard to buy for?”
Eddie grabbed his knees, panting for breath. “No,” he huffed. “Just on the other side of the fucking mall.”
“So,” Gareth said turning to Steve. “Now for the next phase of our little get together. We meet up at my house at three and exchange gifts and play a one-shot.”
Steve wrinkled his nose. “Is that like a D&D thing?”
“Yup!” Brian said gleefully rubbing his hands together. “It a story meant for a single day instead of multiple days like a campaign.”
“Yeah,” Jeff said. “We roll up quick character that are meant to die and just go to town no real rules. Just fun.”
Steve nodded. “Sure I could do that.” He looked at his watch. “I’ve got twenty minutes before the kids show up.”
The other three backed away slowly.
“Yeah,” Jeff said, “we aren’t going to wait for that mob.”
“Oh, hell no,” Brian agreed. “I’m sure they’re great kids and all but I have three younger siblings, if I wanted chaos, I’d hang out with them.”
“Middle schoolers, man,” Gareth said, “are the plague of the earth. See you at three.”
Steve laughed. “Agreed on all accounts. I see you at Gareth’s. I’ll get the address from Eddie.”
The three boys walked off, shoving and pushing each other, laughing as they made their way to the exit.
“So what about you?” Steve asked. “You going to run before the hoard gets here?”
Eddie laughed. “I should. Leave you to the wolves.” He grinned. “But nah. I want to properly meet the kids that Steve the pied piper of Hawkins has taken under his wing.”
Steve blushed. “I wouldn’t call myself that. They barely listen to me.”
Eddie’s face softened. “I’m sure that’s not true. I bet the little sponges are just soaking up everything you tell them.”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “That would explain the language problem.”
Eddie tilted his head to side. “What language problem?”
“They swear like sailors.”
Eddie blinked a couple of time before he burst out laughing. “Having trouble not swearing around kids, Stevie?”
“You would be swearing too if you had to deal with them all the time,” he said with a shake of his head.
“So why do you do it?” Eddie asked.
Steve huffed out a sigh and kicked the side of the fountain with the heel of his foot. “Most of them don’t have great home lives. Except the Sinclairs, of course. Especially when it comes to caring adult men. I know what that’s like, so I try to be that for them.”
Eddie didn’t have much time to comment on that because the first of the terrors had arrived.
The two dark-haired boys that seemed joined at the hip.
“Hey, Mike,” Steve greeted, “hey, Will. Did you already call Jonathan to come get you?”
Will nodded.
“Good,” Steve said. “Eddie here DMs for his friends.”
Both heads turned to him in shock.
“There is no way,” Mike said. “Steve would never be friends with someone who likes D&D.”
“Hey!” Steve protested. “I’m friends with you assholes!”
Mike rolled his eyes. “Fine. Steve wouldn’t be friends with people his own age that play D&D.”
“Mike...” Will protested, speaking up for the first time. “What’s your favorite class?”
“Bard. It’s kinda self-insert type of thing,” Eddie said. “I play guitar, so I get the class. Um...second favorite would druid. I have a twelfth level druid named Kilmar Goatfiend in a campaign my club is doing right now.”
“You have a D&D club?” Dustin asked coming up from behind Will and Mike. “No way!”
“Yep!” Eddie said with pop of his lips. “The Hellfire club. Lenny Fitzpatrick is president this year. Next year, it’ll probably be Janice Montgomery.”
“You have a girl in your club?” Lucas asked, think of his sister Erika.
“Girls don’t play D&D,” Mike growled.
Steve hit him on the back of the head. “Oi! Your sister played. She’s the one that taught you. Show her some respect.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “Nancy Wheeler plays D&D.”
“Did,” Will clarified. “She’s the one that gave me my wizard robes to DM in.”
“You dress up?” Eddie asked. “That’s so cool.”
Will blushed.
Just then girls arrived both of them eating ice cream cones.
Dustin spotted them and gasped. “You got ice cream cones?” He turned to Steve. “Why didn’t we get ice cream cones?”
Steve stood up and put his hands on his hips. “Because they saved their money and bought themselves ice cream cones?”
Max stuck out her tongue at him and El giggled.
“You better finish those up before you get into my car,” Steve said wagging his finger at them.
“Hey, I could take Max home,” Eddie said with a shrug. “I’m heading that way anyway.”
Steve looked at Max. “It’s up to you. You can go home with him or I could drop you off at Hopper’s and you and El can continue to hang out.”
Max thought about it for a minute. “I’ll think I’ll go home with Eddie and hang out with El tomorrow.” She turned to El. “Is that okay?”
El nodded. “I wanted to spend time with Will and Mike today.”
Mike blushed.
“What about you two?” Steve asked. “Where am I dropping you two off?”
Dustin and Lucas just shared a glance and shrugged.
“Well then you two can sort it out in the car,” Steve said and then turned to Eddie. “So what’s Gareth’s address?”
Eddie pulled out a pocket notebook and pen and scribbled out the address. “There you go, see you later, man.”
Steve took the piece of paper with a smile. “Do you always carry a notebook and pen with you wherever you go?”
Eddie grinned. “Sure, sometimes the muse will strike while I’m out and about so I need something to jot down lyrics or chord progressions as needed.”
“That’s sooo cool,” Mike said, a little star struck.
Will and Lucas looked over at each other and rolled their eyes. Eddie fought back a grin.
They split off, with Will, Mike and El, staying at the fountain to wait for Jonathan.
Part 7  Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17 Part 18  Part 19 Part 20  Part 21
@shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites @garden-of-gay @anaibis @thing-a-ling @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @artiststarme @sundead @nelotegreitic @gregre369 @butterflysandpeppermint @thedragonsaunt @kodaik97 @messrs-weasley @scarletzgo @deadlydodos @renaissan-vvitch @evix-syne666 @emly03 @justforthedead89 @ashwinmeird @huniibee @phantypurple @stevesbipanic @shucks-yuckyuck @awkwardgravity1 @bookbinderbitch @reportinglivefromsoda @chasinggeese @be-the-spark-bitch @jinxjinn @kohlraedirectioner @cr0w-culture @xjessicafaithx @whimsicalwitchm @jaywhohasthegay @dangdirtydemons @lovelyscot @howincrediblysapphicofyou @the-redthread
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withacapitalp · 2 years
The Only Exception Pt 1
Happy Valentine's @riality-check !!!!! I was so psyched to be your Valentine committing Valencrimes and I hope you love it!!!
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Read the first chapter on ao3 here!
There really wasn’t anything in the world that felt as good as kissing Eddie. 
Steve prided himself on being a good kisser. He was attractive for a lot of reasons, and one of them was that he knew how to kiss. He had never had a problem getting girls to melt into his lap or quietly beg for more in soft breathy moans. 
It was wild to be on the other side of that.  
Eddie just had this way about him. It wasn’t that he was the most amazing kisser Steve had ever been with, but there was just this energy that he had that made Steve weak in the knees and fuzzy in the brain. It was like everything he did was electric, and all Steve could do was surrender. 
But everything about Eddie was like that. 
All of the mundane things that Steve liked about relationships just felt better. Holding hands was warmer, sharing a bucket of popcorn at the movies tasted better, even driving around in the middle of the night was more peaceful. Steve adored everything about Eddie, everything about the relationship they had built 
In fact, Eddie Munson was probably the love of Steve’s life. 
There was just one little problem…
“The boys are here!” Eddie immediately gasped when there was a knock at the door, breaking their kiss and practically throwing Steve off of him as he went flying out of the room. Steve hung back, lying down flat and staring up at the ceiling, trying to will away both his boner and his irrational disappointment. 
The problem was that Eddie Munson didn’t seem to have a single romantic bone in his body. 
It wasn’t that he didn’t love Steve. Eddie practically worshipped Steve, and he made sure his boyfriend knew it too. They were always together, always touching, always falling asleep in one bed tangled up in each other. There were times when Eddie would just hold his face in both hands and look at Steve like he was everything the world had to offer. Steve had never doubted that devotion. 
But they didn’t have romance. 
Part of that was probably the fact that they had fallen into a relationship almost purely by accident. Steve and Eddie hadn’t had some long drawn out courtship, or big confession in the pouring rain. At times it almost felt like one day they had gone from best friends to dating without ever really saying anything. One day they were Steve and Eddie, and the next they were SteveandEddie. 
It just turned out that holding hands wasn’t a joke to mess with the kids anymore, but just the natural thing to do when they walked anywhere. It went from Wayne teasing Eddie for keeping Steve like a stray, to calling him son and saying that he can stay as long as he liked. 
It was nice. Steve had always done things in a really formal routine way. When he decided that he liked a girl, he followed steps. Do stuff to get her to notice, make the first move, take her on dates, maybe sleep together, and break up eventually. 
This was different. It was warm, easy, a slow unexpected slide into love that began with Eddie softly kissing him goodnight without any fear that Steve would reject that kiss. They went into it already knowing they were in love. 
And because of that, there wasn’t really a need for over the top gestures or grand speeches about undying affection. They had done all that before dating, when Steve brought Eddie back from the dead, and then when Eddie taught Steve how to live. After all of the drama, it was nice to have something that was peaceful. Steve didn’t want anything insane or theatrical. 
Okay, maybe he wanted it. 
Just a teeny tiny version of it. He wanted pulled out chairs at a candlelit dinner and a dozen roses ‘anonymously’ delivered to his workplace. He wanted little gestures that would make his heart flutter, little ways he could flaunt how wonderful his partner was. 
Steve was dating his best friend, and that was great, but sometimes he wanted to be dating his boyfriend, and he had no idea how to explain the difference to Eddie. 
“Steeeeeeeve! Come save me from our children!” Eddie’s voice called from the living room, pulling Steve out of his funk and back into action. He hefted himself out of the bed and down the hallway, stopping in the doorway of the living room and looking down at the pile on the floor with far too much fondness. 
Somehow all of the boys had ended up wrestling Eddie to the ground in the thirty seconds that they had been here, and now they were lying all over him, giggling like loons. It warmed Steve’s heart to see them just getting to be kids, and he loved the goofy smiles on all of their faces. 
No one he had dated before had ever understood his relationship with the kids, and it had always been a point of contention. Eddie embraced his ‘single mother’ status with gusto, and even the kids he didn’t already know had quickly begun to consider Eddie another one of their ‘parents’. 
See? Steve told himself, This is the kind of thing you never got with anyone else. Romance never gave you this. 
He loved this. This was perfect. There was no need to want more. 
……he still wanted more. 
“Alright brats, let your other father go,” Steve said with a laugh, gently kicking the part of the pile he was closest to. The boys untangled themselves from Eddie, leaving him starfished out on the floor dramatically gasping for air. 
“You’re not our dads,” Mike grumbled, just because he had to for appearances. Steve rolled his eyes and walked past them all, leaning down and holding out a hand to his boyfriend. 
“What are you even still doing here?” Dustin demanded in that oh so bratty tone of his, “It’s Hellfire night,” 
“Nice to see you too Dustybun,” Steve snarked back, helping Eddie up and giving him a soft kiss on the cheek, “Just saying goodbye.”
Eddie wound his arms around Steve’s middle, knocking their foreheads together and dipping Steve backwards till they were both stumbling to catch each other.  
“I like it better when you guys aren’t romantic,” Dustin said with a groan, the other boys instantly agreeing. Steve sighed and pulled away from Eddie, trying to ignore the way the words dug in between his ribs. 
Was that romantic? It was just a kiss on the cheek and a hug. That didn’t really feel like the pinnacle of romantic gestures, but maybe his standards were just too damn high. Maybe he was too lost in what romance was ‘supposed’ to look like. Maybe things were different when it was two guys. 
Maybe he was overthinking things.
“Guess we’ll have to get used to it seeing as Valentine’s is around the corner,” Will said with a shrug, completely unaware of Steve’s inner struggles. 
“Shoot. I gotta figure out what to get Max,” Lucas said, rubbing the top of his head in a slightly theatrical way. 
“You don’t know yet?” Dustin asked incredulously, shaking his head, “Dude, you’re asking to get dumped. Again.” 
Lucas flipped him off with ease, turning to Steve and Eddie with a frantic look. 
“Eddie? Help?” He practically begged, clasping his hands together. Steve opened his mouth to say something snarky about Lucas choosing to ask Eddie instead of him, but Eddie managed to speak first. 
“You’ll have to ask someone else. I hate Valentine's Day,” Eddie stated, stopping all thoughts in their tracks.  
“What?” Steve blurted out, turning to Eddie with an affronted look, “How do you hate Valentine’s?”
“It’s a fake holiday!” Eddie said with a laugh, staring down at Steve like he was amazed Steve didn’t already know that. 
“All holidays are fake holidays,” Steve argued back, unsure of why he was holding so tight to this. It wasn’t like Valentine’s was his favorite holiday in the world, but it felt significant now, important when combined with the already there problem in their relationship. 
No romance and no Valentine’s? They were going to be glorified roommates by the end of the year at this rate. 
“Other holidays have some reason for existing. Even April Fool’s has some history to it,” Eddie started, untangling from Steve and beginning to pace as he ranted, “Valentine’s is completely made up and totally cliche. There isn’t any reason it exists besides capitalism and societal pressure. Basically it’s just a stupid excuse for stores to jack up prices on chocolate and for couples to measure the worth of their partner in dollars and nickels.”
Normally Steve loved Eddie’s little speeches against society and conformity. Loved them, or tolerated them, at least. He liked how passionate his partner was, how much Eddie cared about everything. 
This one just left him feeling kind of hollow.
“Didn’t know you hated it so much,” Steve muttered, hating how transparent he was about how upsetting his boyfriend’s words were. 
“Hey you knew what you were signing on for. It’s my sworn duty to hate anything that the man supports,” Eddie said, coming back over and swooping down to press tons of tiny kisses to Steve’s cheeks till he was smiling again. 
“Besides, who needs all that fake bull?” Eddie sighed, shifting and wrapping his arms around Steve from behind, resting his chin on Steve’s shoulder, “We get along just fine without having to pretend and do all that unnecessary crap, don’t we Sunshine?”
“Whatever you say,” Steve said, shaking his head. He didn’t really want to get into it when he already was so unsure of what was upsetting him. Besides, Eddie loved being able to say he was right. 
Sure enough his boyfriend started to preen the second he heard Steve’s words, giving him another kiss and bouncing away towards the dining room of the new house. 
“Goodbye, my darling prince! I hate to see you leave, but oh do I love to watch you go,” Eddie declared poking his head out from the doorway to the dining room and waggling his eyebrows as the boys groaned and declared that they were the ‘grossest’ couple ever. 
“You’re such a goofball,” Steve chuckled, waving as he began to walk out, “Have fun,”
“See ya later, Babes!” Eddie called out behind him, making the cool night air just a little bit warmer as it hit Steve’s cheeks. 
Eddie and Wayne’s new house was in a nice neighborhood. Not exactly Loch Nora, but not far from it. The government’s way of saying ‘sorry we let you take the blame for all of this and almost get killed by an angry mob’. It was a pretty little one story cottage with a treehouse and everything. 
And the best part was, it was right across the street from Max’s new house. 
“Sorry I’m late,” Steve said as he walked in the door, already hearing the sound of a movie playing on the TV and the smell of burnt popcorn hanging in the air. 
“Let me guess…you were with Eddie,” Erica said as the girls came into the foyer, crossing her arms and giving Steve an up and down look. He opened his mouth and she clicked her tongue, “And don’t try and say you weren’t, cause we just watched you walk over from his house.”
Steve huffed out a soft laugh, toeing off his shoes and walking into the living room.
“I wasn’t planning to say I wasn’t,” Steve said, sitting down on the couch, “Just that I’m sorry I lost track of time,” 
All three girls gave him scrutinizing looks, sharing glances with each other. Steve waited patiently for them to decide his fate, grabbing one of the less burned pieces of popcorn and tossing it into his mouth, checking out the movie they had chosen. 
Desperately Seeking Susan. 
He was really going to have to start talking to them about their Madonna obsession. It was getting concerning. 
“We will forgive you if you do our hair” El finally said, jutting out her chin as if she was daring Steve to say no. He crossed his legs and pulled his ankles close, pushing the coffee table forward to give her enough room to scoot in between the two pieces. 
“Get over here, Supergirl,” Steve said in lieu of agreeing. She eagerly flew down into the free space and Max scurried off to get her supplies. 
The girls were good at making things up on the fly when they wanted to mess around with their hair, but they wanted to make their hair look like the pop idols they saw in the magazines. El had come to him with puppy eyes and a cut out picture of Madonna a week ago, begging without words for assistance. 
So here he was with teasing combs, scrunchies, a full slew of hair care products, and a head full of advice from Mrs. Sinclair on how to do Erica’s hair. Mrs. Sinclair had been pretty unsure about Steve’s intentions when he first came to her to ask for help, but his eagerness had been enough to melt the icy wall around her, and he had won a full set of instructions on the best way to braid Erica’s hair, which he had studiously read over and over until he was sure he had it down. 
But as much as Steve loved spending time with the girls, it was obvious to everyone in the room that he was still distracted. Eddie’s words from before were the only thing he could focus on, which meant his normally stellar hair styling skills were leaving something to be desired. 
“Oh geez, sorry El,” Steve apologized as he pulled on her hair hard enough to make her yelp. 
She floated the hairbrush out of his hand and gave him a low level glare. He held out his hand, and she smartly rapped him on his palm with it once before handing the brush back and settling back into place. 
“Awww is your mind still stuck on Eddieeeeee?” Max teased, getting in Steve’s space and making the other two girls laugh and trade silly smirks. Steve’s barely recovered mood instantly soured.
“No,” He answered shortly, turning all his attention to the short curls in front of him, brushing through them with brusque efficiency 
“What’s got your panties in a twist?” El muttered, once again making the brush float out of his reach.
“El!” Steve said scandalized. He turned to Max and shot her a look, practically wagging a finger at her. 
“Don’t teach her phrases like that,” He ordered. 
“Why? She’s right. They are twisted,” Erica pointed out. 
“Erica,” Steve groaned. He tipped his head back and closed his eyes, praying for strength, before facing forward again and grabbing El’s hair to start pulling her curls back into a bun, “Nothing’s wrong you guys,”
The girls clearly weren’t buying it. El untangled herself from Steve’s grip, and now all three were right in front of him, staring at him with intense little looks. 
“Oh Steve, you fool,” Max tutted, shaking her head, “You just told a lie. And what is the first rule of our party?”
“Don’t say it,” Steve shot back, fully prepared to get up and walk out of the house if he had to hear that damn little line one more time. 
“Then tell us what is wrong,” El demanded. 
There was no way he was getting out of this. This was only going to end when they knew, so he might as well just tell them. 
They might even be able to help him. 
“Eddie hates Valentine’s Day,” Steve admitted, watching Max and Erica both immediately explode. 
“What?! No one hates Valentine’s Day. Not even me,” Max said, throwing up her hands in disgust. 
“Apparently he does,” Steve said glumly, sighing and resting his chin on his fist. Now that he had said it out loud, it was even more of a bummer. It wasn’t like they could go out for a date or anything, but the prospect of not even celebrating was just a complete downer
“Valentine is the candy holiday? The one Mike calls Winter Halloween?” El asked hesitantly. 
“It’s not exactly the same. It’s a holiday where you celebrate love,” Steve explained slowly, trying to pick the perfect words to convey the full concept. They learned quickly that El would fill in gaps with her own thoughts, and those thoughts were usually…not always the best, “Couples usually get each other chocolates or do something special to show how much they care about each other,”
“That sounds very nice. Why does Eddie not like it?” El wondered aloud, quirking her head to the side. 
“He says that it’s cliche and fake. He doesn’t think we need romance,” Steve shrugged, hating the thorns that were digging deep into his chest, “I guess he’s right,”
“No he’s not!” Max snapped, giving Steve a disgusted look, “If you want romance, which you should, then make him give it to you or dump his ass,” 
El nodded along sagely, and Steve chuckled softly, rolling his eyes. That was the problem with asking high schoolers for advice on your love life- inevitably their advice would be about forcing a situation to go the way they wanted. There was no explaining to them that in adult relationships, compromise was king. 
“Why don’t you just show him?” Erica asked, clearly deep in thought, “Make him see why you like romantic stuff so much, then tell him you want more of that. Then he has an idea of what you’re looking for.”
That…actually wasn’t a bad plan. 
Steve didn’t have to ask Eddie for more, he just had to show Eddie how much better things could be with a little bit of romance. 
“You’re pretty smart, you know that?” Steve said rhetorically, giving Erica a warm smile. 
“Yeah I do,” She replied. Her tone was biting as usual, but she was ducking her head and looked thoroughly pleased at helping him turn around his mood. She sat in El’s former spot and fluffed out her tight curls, “I also know that my hair is still not braided. El, Max, help Lover Boy come up with ideas while he makes another attempt at box braids.”
“Let’s see if I’ve gotten any better,” Steve mumbled to himself as the other girls began to grab magazines and leaf through them, throwing out suggestions left and right. 
This idea was going to work, and the best part was that it wasn’t even that hard. He was the King of romance, a modern day Romeo. Eddie wasn’t going to know what hit him. 
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Hello! May I request dbd, with Jill Valentine? Where survivor s/o was around in the fog for a long time and helps her (and newer survivors) getting the hang of their new normal? Maybe s/o is close to another survivor (Nea if you want it specific?)
This is romantic Jill request- Also thank you for considering hun!
No problem! Here you go :) I hope the plot was okay, I tried to add more violence-
Yandere! DBD! Jill Valentine with Fog Veteran! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Arguments, Forced relationship, Blood, Violence, Jealousy, Possible OOC Jill, Some manipulation, Forced kissing, I still struggle writing yandere survivors, Entity manipulated Jill.
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The Jill that goes into the Entity's realm in canon is RE3! Jill.
She already has survival experience against the undead and bioweapons.
Despite her natural survival instinct, Jill may still be lost in the Entity's realm.
First of all, survivors are unable to have weapons such as firearms to harm killers.
This is something Jill had grown used to... without a weapon she needs to learn to rely on other instincts.
Then there's the fact she isn't just dealing with Nemesis in here.
She has to evade other horrors with the help of three other survivors.
Not only does she need to look out for herself, she needs to look out for her new "team".
Even for a survivalist like her it's easy to be overwhelmed.
Then she met you, an even more skilled survivor.
You were one of the first survivors that the Fog claimed.
As a result you are better acclimated to this realm unlike Jill.
Upon introducing yourself to one another over a campfire, Jill learned you took on the role of a guide in the basics of the realm.
"Here, survivors need to learn a new normal. We are constant prey. Yet luckily, you'll have plenty of time to learn how to survive."
Jill remembers your words to her as helpful, yet she also catches the dark undertones of your message.
This isn't going to be a walk in the park.
Jill is used to dangerous situations, this is new to her however.
Jill begins to learn the harsh truth of this realm when she begins her first few trials.
Every trial is harsh with a new killer and area to learn.
The slightest mistake is punished, be that poor team performance or lack of knowledge about your surroundings.
Punishment is usually always a painful experience.
Although, by the end of the trial, you wake up fine regardless of your performance.
It's disorienting and could easily make someone go insane.
That is unless they aren't alone.
Jill quickly learns that if she wants to succeed in survival here, she needs to learn from you.
She learns about this realm a lot from you.
She learns how to stall the killer, how to repair a generator, and how to function with fellow survivors.
She even learns some survivors have relationships in the realm despite the situation.
"It's our new normal." Jill remembers you saying.
Jill's obsession is slow to develops romantically in this realm.
She takes time to apply the skills she knows and was taught by you to her situations and actually thrives quite well after a few dozen trials.
She has you to thank for that.
Jill actually bonds well with you due to you helping her, be it survival skills or coping with the loss of her friends.
That is until she realizes she was actually sent here with Leon, Chris, Claire, etc...
As a result Jill may feel like she wants to be romantically involved with you.
It's perfect... you've done so much for her already, it's worth a try isn't it?
She hasn't had time for a partner... now she has all the time in the world.
The woman prepares a confession to you until she finds out one final thing.
You're close to someone else already, a survivor named Nea.
Jill keeps an eye on Nea to see the relationship between the two of you.
You're about as close to her as you are with Jill, if not more due to Nea being around longer like you.
Jill is not normally the jealous type.
In fact it surprises her when she discovers a dark burning feeling deep in her gut when she sees you with Nea.
Has this realm been changing her and she's never noticed?
I like to imagine Nea soon finds out about Jill's intentions with you and proceeds to start things over it.
Nea may be yandere herself or may not be, yet she confronts Jill's strange behavior towards you.
The grown woman who survived the apocalypse follows you everywhere like a puppy, come on.
Something's up.
Nea may confront Jill to cause some sort of rift between you and Jill or just to genuinely understand why Jill is so infatuated with you.
It's not your typical crush, Nea can tell that much.
Jill's eyes just look too... dark.
As a result I can imagine these two fighting.
Seeing survivors fight one another isn't uncommon due to the high stress level the realm creates... yet normally others get along.
Which is why is surprises you when you walk in on a fight between Jill and Nea, a bloody fist fight Jill may just be winning.
This new violent nature in Jill puts everyone off.
Jill's surprised she let her jealousy get the best of her.
Nea's surprised Jill would be that kind of person and worries for your safety.
You are surprised that the two would fight so brutally and wonder what it was about.
You get your answer when Nea comes up to you and confesses her findings.
Jill's jealous of Nea and wants her out of the picture.
You ask your friend why and she looks away nervously.
"She likes you... more like obsessed with you if you ask me. She wouldn't stop telling me to stay away from you."
Once you're more aware of Jill's dark and corrupted feelings, you stay wary of her.
A theory as to why Jill's behavior changes to drastically could be due to the Entity.
The Entity could have manipulated Jill, turning her protective intentions into a suffocating jealousy and obsession towards you.
Part of her doesn't mean what she does.
Although she continues to try and be close to you, scared of losing you.
She tells you it was just an argument!
Everyone in this realm has seen worse!
Jill tries to tell you that she truly just wants to protect you in this realm.
You've done it with her, right?
She'll repay the favor, just forgive her!
This may also cause arguments between you, causing conflict in the survivors and their trust.
Jill is not normally one to force anything.
Although if the conflict continues, Jill may just snap due to the Entity's influence.
Maybe the Entity doesn't just like blood and violence.
Maybe it also likes the obsession and conflict between survivors, without a killer...
Why else would the Entity allow Jill to drag you away from the group in private?
By this point, Jill won't be herself.
She's let these romantic feelings corrupt her mind and now all she can focus on is you.
All she wants is you and your warm embrace/comfort in this dark realm.
She may not be able to kill Nea, but maybe she can scare the others away from you instead, or mark you to show you are taken.
When you're pinned to a tree by Jill and she gives you that bloodshot look before kissing you with such force... you learn killers aren't your only threat.
It's easy for the Entity to corrupt even the most innocent of feelings... and Jill, normally such a stoic survivalist, is an example of what could happen if you listen to the Entity's whispers.
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acidh2otoby · 2 years
Dating Headcanons
Warnings: Opinions
This was one of the posts that I made my complaint about because the amount of times I fat thumb pressed something and it forced me to delete everything is insane.
Chris Redfield
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• Teddy. Bear.
• Just look at him, those arms 100% give the best bear hugs, are amazing for cuddling, and also to keep you safe and protected.
• Chris' love language is physical touch and he's most likely touch starved to the extreme, so expect him to have his hand somewhere on you.
• His time is spent a lot at work or is even still doing work when he's home or in public and he feels bad whenever he can't spend time with you. But when he can, he will not leave your side.
• Chris has some flaws and issues but he's working through them and you helping is something he deeply appreciates.
• He deals with alcoholism, severe PTSD, and anger issues. He's always been working on these flaws of his because they are somewhat fixable but now that you're in the picture, his need to fix himself has grown stronger.
• Chris takes pride in the people he cares about, meaning that if anyone says anything remotely bad about you, some of his coworkers might, he'll immediately warn them with something. You've talked with him about it and now all he really says is, "Hey..." and giving them a look.
• Pet names aren't Chris' go-to way of addressing you, especially to your face. He does use them, but not a lot. You might here, baby, honey, sweetie.
• All in all, he's truly a good boyfriend and his little flaws get overshadowed by everything else that makes him awesome.
Leon Kennedy
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• Awkward lil guy.
• Leon is the kind of boyfriend that if he has no idea what your telling him or asking him, he'll either shrug or just give you a thumbs up.
• He cares about you, a lot, he just has a hard time showing it.
• He's kinda shy when talking to you as his partner, normally he's fine with talking to you, but if he's trying to flirt or tell you how much you mean to him, he's a stuttering mess until he eventually just says something stupid like, "You're awesome."
• Leon can't cook. At all. It's a disaster when he does. He needs help.
• He also has some flaws that are kinda hard to work with. He also suffers from alcoholism and PTSD like Chris, but his other thing is that he has the tendency to run away, mentally and sometimes physically, if a confrontation gets too heated.
• He hates fighting with you but knows it's a healthy thing in relationships, he just gets a little scared when things start to get loud. He isn't scared of you, he feels like the reason you're upset is because of him and his thoughts get the better of him.
• Leon will come back after he knows you've calmed down and then you two will continue with the topic in a more quiet manner. A lot of the beginning of the conversation is you reassuring him that you weren't mad at him and that he did nothing wrong and that you're sorry.
• Pet names for Leon are simple and he uses them a little more than Chris but he still says your name more. You might here sweetie, sweetheart, honey.
• Overall, he's a good boyfriend, you just have to be a little patient with him from time to time.
Jill Valentine
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• Badass with a big heart.
• Jill has made it clear to a lot of people that she isn't someone to fuck around and find out with. But for the people that she cares about, she's nothing but a sweetheart to them.
• When she loves someone, they know it, and they should never throw that kind of affection away. Ever.
• The beginning of the relationship might not be as grand as all others but that's mostly because Jill is testing the waters with you, her trust issues will always get in the way but she's always willing to try.
• After you've gained her trust, there is nothing, absolutely nothing that stops her from showering you in all the love she has to offer.
• Her love language is also physical touch and she won't stop showing it to you, even in public. The only difference outside is that it's in small ways, her favorite thing to do is just simply booping you on the nose.
• Jill can cook but it's mostly just easy stuff or stuff that have instructions on whatever packaging it came in.
• Her issues/flaws are trust issues, PTSD, and anxiety. She gets nightmares and gets a little panicked whenever she hears or sees something alarming, leaving you to be the person to comfort her in her times of distress.
• Jill uses pet names sometimes, more-so if she's in trouble or is about to tell/ask you something that could potentially get her in trouble. You may hear, honey, hun, babe.
• Jill's a great girlfriend to have and is all around amazing, getting with her is like finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
Sherry Birkin
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• (I honestly need to do more with Sherry because she's genuinely a character I feel everyone loves but gets overshadowed a lot by other characters so, this is a little short to maybe a series?)
• Sherry hasn't had the greatest life, to say the least. But she doesn't let that stop her from being happy and content with who she loves and cares about.
• Her childhood probably wasn't the greatest, her teenage years undoubtedly got ripped away from her, then she became an agent, another time consuming thing.
• The chances of her not having a romantic partner prior to you was incredibly high due to the way the government... or, Derek Simmons, treated her.
• She loves you to death and would do anything for you, even without asking. Her love for you was a little startling to you at first but you eventually got used to it and found it cute.
• Sherry is a sucker for classic and even cheesy romantic stuff and her optimism about it makes you feel the same, seeing her face light up every time the two of you do something together that would be classified as such is just amazing.
• Her flaws are not terribly bad but they do sometimes worry you. Hers consist of PTSD, parental issues, and having a hard time with confrontation.
• Not all bad things necessarily but can be a little troublesome for times. Her PTSD can give her nightmares or keep her up all night and she has a hard time going to doctors appointments, especially if needles are involved. The parental issues is something she doesn't really talk about but you notice she gets a little sad around September. And the confrontation thing? Well...
• The first time you and Sherry had a fight, she knew it was normal but she felt like the little defenseless girl she once was and hated the feeling. She ended up breaking down and crying, it was the first time you saw her cry and it felt like someone stabbed you in the heart.
• She uses some pet names but kinda only uses your real name. You might hear, sweetie, honey, baby.
• Sherry truly loves you and in her dreams, she plans on growing old with you. You landed yourself an amazing girlfriend with a heart of gold.
Finn Macaulay
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• Big puppy energy.
• Finn is undoubtedly one of the sweetest and nicest guys out there, also just the most wholesome.
• He cares about a lot of people but it's pretty clear that once he meets you, he'd do anything and everything to keep you safe and feel loved.
• Like I mentioned with Sherry, Finn probably didn't have a whole lot of relationships before you so he's kind of the hopeless romantic type.
• His love language is physical touch to an extreme, he always has to be in reach of you or it's like he's in a depressive mood. It's very sweet but he also gets in trouble for it a little when working.
• Finn's flaws aren't terrible, to say the least, and they're actually rather cute when you really think about it.
• He has some small PTSD but it's not too bad (yet), some anxiety, and a little paranoia.
• Now, they all sound bad but they're not severe at all, and they mostly come off as Finn worrying too much.
• The PTSD is just hearing a loud bang and thinking it's a gun or missile and nightmares that keep him up at night.
• Finn uses pet names a handful of times but prefers to use your name. You might hear, honey, baby, princess/prince. (I was gonna put Pumpkin but I thought if he had a kid, he'd call them Pumpkin instead.)
• In the end, Finn is an amazing boyfriend and does everything he can to make sure you're the happiest you can be. Finn wants to have a family with you when he's ready and he hopes you'll let him.
Jake Muller
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• Oh, this assho--
• Jake's an asshole but he's not an absolute dickbag. He just has his moments.
• He has a different way of showing he cares about someone that's not like everyone else's way.
• Like I said, he has his moments of pure asshole-ness and being incredibly nice and sweet.
• His flaws aren't necessarily as bad as others either, just something you have to get a little used to them or talk with him about it.
• Jake has some daddy issues, anger issues, and a touch of dickishness.
• All of these things Jake can work through and also some things you get used to at some point but they also make him who he is.
• His love language is pebbling, he finds something he likes or something that reminds him of you and he'll just give it to you without explaining.
• Jake's pet names aren't what a lot of people would expect but you call him a lot of these things in return to even each other out. You might hear, dumbass, idiot, fuck-head.
• Jake truly is a good boyfriend when it comes down to it and he cares about you deeply. Also like Finn and Sherry, he wants to grow old with you and have a family eventually.
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hamausagi · 5 months
For Pua?!
♥ (01) Is your OC in love? If so, with whom, and for how long? ♥ (02) Does another OC love your OC? If so, whom, and does your OC know? ♥ (03) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC loves? ♥ (04) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC hates? ♥ (05) What is the most romantic thing your OC has done for someone else? ♥ (06) What is the most romantic thing that has been done for your OC? ♥ (07) How successful is your OC at flirting with others? ♥ (08) What is your OC’s dream marriage proposal? ♥ (09) What is your OC’s favorite small way to show their love? ♥ (10) What is your OC’s favorite big way to show their love? ♥ (11) What do others love most about your OC? ♥ (12) What do you love most about your OC? ♥ (13) How does your OC show their love to those that are not their partner(s)? ♥ (14) Does your OC have any romantic traditions? ♥ (15) What is your OC’s favorite type of Valentine’s Day candy?
♥ (01) Is your OC in love? If so, with whom, and for how long?
Nohealani is currently in love with Gabriel Laurent! i'm not sure exactly how long they've been together in canon but a few months at the very least
♥ (02) Does another OC love your OC? If so, whom, and does your OC know?
gabriel <333 angel's trumpet my DARLINGS she most certainly knows LMAO
♥ (03) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC loves?
pua's not super good with romance, she often doesn't really know how to react, so she's a big fan of small things that don't overwhelm her especially in public. light PDA like hand holding/small kisses/hugs and petnames are fine with her, but she's a lot more comfortable in private. will accept gifts in private as well, prefers private dates
♥ (04) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC hates?
she generally hates big displays of affection, especially in front of others. pua gets very flustered very easily and often feels cornered in these situations, and she'll probably run away
♥ (05) What is the most romantic thing your OC has done for someone else?
honestly, let her guard down. pua has a bad habit of hiding behind her wild and careless persona and has trouble letting her walls down and actually getting emotionally close to someone, let alone romantically intimate. saying that she's not good with romance is an understatement, so letting someone get that much farther past her walls than anyone else is frightening for her.
♥ (06) What is the most romantic thing that has been done for your OC?
literally just pursuing her in general. showing her that someone wants to love her and understand her. showing her that despite her brashness and fear they want to stay for her anyway
♥ (07) How successful is your OC at flirting with others?
she was SO BAD at first, poor awkward baby 😭😭 but after a bit she got really really good. now in private she makes it her mission to drive gabriel INSANE. but she will only flirt with him <3
♥ (08) What is your OC’s dream marriage proposal?
she is terrified of marriage, she is not ready 😭
♥ (09) What is your OC’s favorite small way to show their love?
physical closeness. pua is NOT always a touchy person, it takes a while for her to warm up to too much physical affection and even still she is not always comfortable. but i think she will stand really close, shoulder to shoulder or a little behind him just to feel near
♥ (10) What is your OC’s favorite big way to show their love?
handmade gifts and art! i think i've only mentioned like ?? once that pua was an artist waaaay back when she was first created LOL but most of it she keeps waaaay to herself anyway. HOWEVER she loves making little crafts and drawing for her partner, its just her showing the more vulnerable parts of herself 🥺
♥ (11) What do others love most about your OC?
she's fun, outgoing, and outspoken! will stand up ruthlessly for what she believes in, and wont hesitate to throw herself into fights for her friends. very confident and loyal
♥ (12) What do you love most about your OC?
i honestly love that she never gives up on what she 100% believes in, even if it causes problems. one of my favorite things to write and work through for her was the conflict between her and artisan, and the fact that her best friend was caught in the middle and she lost them over it. i just think her personality leads to a lot of really great interactions with other characters and she's propably my favorite OC ive ever made
♥ (13) How does your OC show their love to those that are not their partner(s)?
quality time!! she loves spending time with her friends, playing games, learning new things, training, cooking, she loves spending time with them <3
♥ (14) Does your OC have any romantic traditions?
definitely not 😭
♥ (15) What is your OC’s favorite type of Valentine’s Day candy?
she will DESTROY those stereotypical sweetheart candies that lowkey taste like chalk. everyone says she's weird for it but she lowkey loves them LMAO
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years
Best Friends Till the End - Andy Barclay x (Fem) Childhood Friend!Reader - Part 6
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Word Count + 6 K
Warnings: Pretty much the same warnings of the previous chapter. 
Summary: Too many findings for one day leave you confused and emotionally exhausted, but when the night approaches you come to Andy with an offer he can't reject.
Notes: Sorry for taking so long with the upload, I had a bit of a writer’s block derived on how much i wanted to write this part. I got too perfectionist during the writing process and that delayed me a lot. 
Tags: @losersclubisms​ 
“CHUCKY HAS A WIFE?” You wondered out loud, in horror. “ HOW?” 
Andy hated to drop that specific piece of information to you like that, especially after the very personal conversation you had. It happened only because you were resting back at your home and he wanted to make a flattering joke about your acting when circumstances forced you to pretend to be his wife, only that he forgot that for it to work you had to know about Tiffany. 
“ Shit… Sorry… I didn’t mean to… I mean, so many years have passed and there are certain things I normally don’t have to over explain. Mostly because I don’t talk about this with anybody. I… just… forgot you haven’t been around.” He apologized, some of the cute nervously returning because he was afraid of screwing things up. “ It’s complicated, but yes. Believe it or not, he is married.” 
“ So…, Strawberry Shortcake or Raggedy Ann? Which brand is she?” 
He had no idea of where to start, but at least your jokes managed to keep him motivated. 
“ That is the blurry part. As far as I know she was a woman, his old partner in crime back when he was the boogeyman on the news…” 
“ … The Lake Man. “ You cutted him off to correct.`` I created my own childish mythology around him and I beg you to respect it. In the field of initial education we have created a term, those are called children theories and are really important. He was not the boogeyman, but maybe he could have been friends with the boogeyman.`` 
“ Fine, whatever. The point is that the Lake Man had a Lake Lady that we were unaware of.” Andy recalled, returning to the original track of the conversation. “ She was human, then he killed her so she got inside a doll, then woman back again. Her name is Tiffany Valentine and she is the bitch that keeps bringing him back no matter how many times he gets killed.” 
The much needed explanation frustrated you. Not because of its content, but in the implications. 
“ Crazy, isn’t it? That asshole gets to have someone by his side at the end of the day. He is married to this woman that drags him out of the mud while we are too broken to keep a relationship.” You commented, trying not to sound exactly as bitter and disappointed as you were feeling. “ When I think about Chucky and I do it as an adult, not as the little girl I was, there is only one thing I found that somehow brings me comfort. I wonder how miserable life must be in that doll body. “
What you had to say wasn’t easy to admit, but it was your truth. 
“Before you came back to tell me about how he supposedly embraced that form, I would twirl my mind around the desperation he had when he was willing to take you in order to escape. Consider that plan seriously: the dysphoria regarding age would have driven him even more insane, he would have been a man trapped in the body of a kid. Think of Claudia from ‘Interview with the Vampire’, that would have been his fate for a good chunk of years… and he killed trying to get that. Why? He wanted to be human, I get it. But what truly means to be human?“ 
He was silent, attentive to your quasi philosophical spite ramble. 
“ Humanity is social and the doll is like being a ghost with extra steps, nobody really sees you. I convinced myself with this idea of a lonely Chucky who's already broken mind gets progressively damaged by the extreme isolation in his form of life. A Chucky that can’t really talk to anyone over the age of ten, a Chucky that cloned himself into multiple dolls so he could get some freaking adult company. I want to think he didn’t embrace the doll, but resigned to his curse. He is the only one in his species, a sort of Gollum or Bigfoot… A Frankenstein monster, and I was enjoying imagining that was his punishment for what he did to us… Turns out he isn’t alone and he isn’t paying shit.” 
The theory was fascinating, Andy felt sorry for ruining it for you because it was deeply disturbing at a psychological level. A creative punishment that he didn’t consider before due to the lack of introspection on his own acquired isolation. Chucky ending up alone just like him, made a loner through his own lifestyle after he ruined his chances for a normal social life. 
It was too good, he himself wished he could get convinced of it. For so, he focused on bringing in points to keep it standing despite some refutative facts. 
“ I told you he is married, never said he is happy. You already know the act is not an automatic recipe for domestic bliss.” 
“ Don’t sugarcoat it for me.” You complained right away. “ You can’t throw a ‘ he seems to be doing better than us but in fact he is miserable’ card now. I’m not buying it.” 
“ What if I tell you that his wife is trapped in your worst nightmare?” He pointed out, knowing that part would make you feel vindicated. “ I sincerely think Chucky doesn’t love her, they are together because he needs her. Tiffany is more a minion than a wife: he keeps her for convenience either for his evil plans or simply to have someone around. She may be aware of that or not, but that woman is giving a lot for a man who doesn’t give a shit about her. Every once in a while he gets tired of her and things get really ugly.“ 
Despite the affirmation getting a shy half smile from you, it didn’t end your skepticism. There was no possible situation you could imagine happening where Andy could have veridically got so much information about the marital life of Chucky. How many hours of talking would that require? No fight could have lasted so much, not with his characteristic quickness of movements. 
Chucky liked to talk with his hostages, you did remember that. He talked a lot with you, he even told you that story about the woman he hurted the same way he intended to hurt your mother. You couldn’t know for sure that was true, but he was damn serious about it and you believed him. He clearly had no issues about telling disturbingly intimate things to the poor fools he would capture. 
“ You sound like some trusting co-worker of many years used to hear him bitch about his wife all day.” 
He had no confessable explanation for that, so he seeked to conclude by bringing the chat back to the joke that started it all. 
“ My point stands: our fake marriage is better than theirs.” 
“ Your sister may say you are bad at acting, but there is at least one role that you have always played perfectly since we were kids. “ Was your sweet comeback. “ I got a bit jealous of my character, you know? What a lucky girl, she is married to a handsome guy who adores her. The bad part is that she was pregnant and that made me feel sick, but the rest was dreamy.” 
The praise felt a bit too deep, as intense as it was from your part. Even if you were just teasing him as a mock, Andy loved it. 
“ Pregnancy aside, i hope you where comfortable playing pretend with me.” 
You weren’t hiding anymore, at least not from intentionality. 
“ I enjoyed playing her, that man she got is the whole package. If he was single, I would date him in a heartbeat but I wouldn't get in between because I am not a homewrecker… What a wonderful guy, I wonder where can I get one like him.” 
“ Well, he has learned his lesson after ignoring her for his friend on his birthday.” 
The flirting began to be obvious enough for him to start thinking he could have a chance with you, but he was just too neurotic to enjoy of that without worrying for the many times in which he had fucked things up with other women. He didn’t want to ruin whatever he seemed to be doing good with you, his brain freezing while seeing you staring at him post reaction to the joke wondering if that was a good moment to confess.
Unfortunately, he waited too long and the arrival of his sister interrupted the moment.
“ Tell her about Jennifer Tilly. People tend to trust celebrities so she has to be aware.” 
That part was the weirdest and it surely got the less composed reaction from you. Contrary to your exhaustive elaboration on your wishes for Chucky’s suffering, you were unapologetically dumb to the bizzarre tale. Apparently, his wife was living the fabulous life of an actress she possessed, which ruined the point Andy had regarding her struggles that were supposed to make you feel some sense of justice. 
Your mother got married to a man who never loved her and their marriage was a source of suffering for you while growing up, but you didn’t have millions of dollars as comfort. However, you felt terrible about the poor woman who was being her victim,which also brought to your mind a perhaps weird question to make. 
“ Andy, look at me and swear it on your mother… No! Better you both swear on Andy’s mother that you will tell me the truth.” 
You sounded so serious that no one would have dared to do otherwise. Kyle put a hand on her chest and encouraged her brother to do the same. 
“ Fine,we do it. We swear on Andy’s mother that we will not lie or hide shit to you.”
You stared deathly into their eyes, as if you were evaluating the promise in seek of authenticity proving, then proceed to vent your doubt.
“ Has anyone, I repeat, ANYONE… played a Freaky Friday on Jamie Lee?”  
The siblings stared at each other, unable to believe that was the issue that they had to deal with from your part. You were just worried about the Halloween actress because you were a fan. 
“ Don’t worry, she is fine.” Andy answered first. “ As far as we know, Miss Tilly is the only famous person being unwillingly dragged into the mess.” 
“ Oww, sweetheart! Is Jamie that important to you? ” Kyle followed. “ I know you like Halloween, but that was pretty drastic. You freaked us out.” 
“ Daphne from Scooby Doo and Jaimie Lee’s Laurie Strode were my role models when growing up, so forgive me for caring a bit too much. “ You attempted to explain, making your audience fear for another ramble. “ Do you know how hard I cried the first time I watched Halloween as a little girl and I saw a grown up girl hiding in a closet that looked just like the one Andy made me hide in? And when the killer got to her and she had to fight? I grew up to that, processing my feelings through her, then she made her comeback a decade later and I saw her behead him. Kyle, I felt peace watching that! Ever since then I know that I want to chop off Chucky’s head. Only that way will I feel strong again.” 
It may be linked to some cathartic moment you got from a movie experience, but your expressed wish of decapitating Chucky was a bit familiar. Kyle directed a complicit but mockfull glance towards her brother and he knew he was going to get teased to no end about that. 
" You forgot you can't behead Chucky, not at least if you want him dead" Andy told you, patiently explaining back that random fact. " That hasn't changed, the body can still move headless and the head can survive bodiless." 
" Forget logic: It was a revenge fantasy. I had control and he would never see me as his weak scared pawn anymore." You defended yourself, then stopped for an instant as a powerful idea was crossing your mind. " What if we could save Miss Tilly? She may not be Jamie Lee, but she deserves better than to be a vessel for Chucky's wife. Besides, she was really funny as the ex wife in ' Liar, Liar'. Was that her acting or was Tiffany playing herself?" 
Andy threw a way too loud chuckle. 
" Save that somewhere, get it written if you need to. it's good enough to distract Chucky, it may save your life someday if you use it to make him lose time talking of her." 
" We don't know any way of saving a person in Jennifer's situation. '' Kyle added back into the core of the point. " Nothing that isn't a mercy kill. All we do is destroy dolls, if the possessed is a person we run out of options."  
"I have proved to you that researching occultism is useful. What if we try it? I have no idea of where to start, but I remember little pieces of exorcism anecdotes my psychic friend told me. Maybe we can start from that." 
" Ríght now I just want you to rest. " Andy replicated. " You had a hard day and I made it worse. " 
" I like when you tell me things, I want to know. You don't have to cover my eyes on the scary parts anymore." 
" Duty of playdate fake husband, I have to take care of you and I actually like to do it. We can deal with that later but you need at least one good night of sleep. I know resting when you know he is out there is hard, but you have to." 
" Trust the expert: Andy is the champion of never sleeping, then collapsing for twelve hours straight. " His sister added, acting properly like the eldest and watcher of his bad habits. " Cut those micro dates you are having while I go to sleep for one night and rest for real, both of you. Tomorrow you can go back to being all over each other." 
" Excuse me? You reacted to the callout even while you knew she was aware of your feelings for Andy. " We are recovering some of the lost time, Chucky ruined our last sleepover." 
" Sure you are. Do you think I haven't heard you sing the Scooby Doo song in the middle of the night? How many cartoons did you watch last night?" 
You stared at each other like mischievous children being nagged. 
" Thanks, Kyle. " Andy replicated. " We will sleep tonight, I promise." 
" And to prove we are being serious, I'm taking the little sleep demon with me so he will stop bothering Andy. " You concluded, then began to search for your cat across the room. " Freddy, it's sleep time!! Leave the friend be for tonight, honey." 
One simple thing Andy had learned about homes with cats through living with you was that inside doors were never closed. Those animals liked to wander around the house in the middle of the night while the owners were asleep and would complain over anything blocking them access to spaces. Whenever you would close the door of your room for privacy reasons, your cat would rush to sit in front of it and patiently wait for it to be opened. If it would take a while for you to do so and he would grow impatient he would even start meowing to try tricking someone else into opening it for him. For so, you acquired the habit of sleeping with your bedroom's door open, which made Andy feel nervous just thinking about that.
At first he couldn't understand how you were able to sleep with a tiny creature moving around your house. The silent steps of your cat following his nocturnal habits, movement only felt through the external noises of things he would stumble with or throw, reminded him of the movements of Chucky in activation mood. Only after a good while of observing your cat and engaging in his world Andy began to understand why that adorable little guy was a great pet for you. 
Freddy was aware of even the most imperceptible changes going on in the house. If anything was moved, he would investigate it to later make it be noticed by the nearest human around. Even the smallest thing out of place would get his attention, making him a living detector for Chucky's home invasion techniques. You didn't get a cat for that purpose, but Andy was glad for your little alarm and happy to be liked by it. However, he was a bit jealous when you told him the story of his arrival. 
That cat was an improvised gift of your last boyfriend, then ex boyfriend, from around the time you started dating.That blond guy in your phone pictures was a firefighter who rescued it , then you adopted the orphan kitty. Despite the many times in which you let him know he was a hero in your eyes, Andy knew he would never be one valued by the community and his duty would never make him bring you any cute things from it. 
It wasn't like he would be able to steal for you an orphan child rescued from Chucky. The foster system sucked, but humans were forced to go through that unlike kitties.
The night wasn't advancing as wished because the couch was starting to feel uncomfortable over the accumulation of sleeping rounds passed on it. Andy still wouldn't dare to complain, he preferred to get back pain as long as he wouldn't have to leave you. Knowing that you were close and he was able to reach you if something would go wrong was tranquilizing, but what he truly loved was simply to be with you. 
Just as he was about to knock himself out ignoring the uncomfortable position a subtle noise awakened him. He was inclined to guess it was once more your cat wandering around, but a soft whisper of your voice made him open his eyes immediately. 
" Andy, Andy? Are you up?" You called for him and smiled when his glance answered for him. " Sorry, I don't wanna .." 
"... It's alright. " He cutted off your excuse with a sleepy voice. " Is something wrong?" 
" ... You know, I was thinking... I am not having a good night and you must be tired of sleeping here...What if you stay in my bed? I have plenty of space for you." You tried to hopelessly make sense of a need that you felt shameful over." We used to do it all the time, so it will not be weird... Ríght?  And Chucky owes us one for the sleepover he ruined.``
You made a brief pause before the conclusion, afraid of what you were about to say. 
" Please, come with me. I don't wanna be alone.." 
The last time you were that close you were little children and you were the one climbing to his bed. He remembered it well, it was the night you experienced the firsts of Chucky's lies. Andy found no reason then to decline the sweet request. After all, it came from the spirit of your childhood friendship. 
Except that you weren't kids anymore and he had feelings for you. 
It had been so long since the last time he got that close with someone and you were old friends who haven't bed shared since childhood. Time passed, feelings had changed: he was so into you and that was eating him up.
Your cute face, that pastel purple nightgown you were wearing in such romantical style and your tendency to constantly seek for his touch were a bad combination if the objective was calming the infatuation. You were so affectionate to him and his love starvation made it hard to concentrate on anything else whenever you would give him a little extra of lovely attention. 
Every touch, for as simple as it was, felt too much,but he couldn't get himself to make you stop. Only once in the entire night he attempted it, when you climbed to the bed after him and gave him a sort of hug that qualified as torture for a lonely man. 
He was there just sitting at the edge of the bed and you came from behind. He felt knees straddling the sides of his body, arms sneaking around him and the soft pressure of your torso against his back. 
" Do you touch me all the time to make sure I am real?"
You chuckled very lightly and pressed a kiss on his cheek popping your head from behind. 
" Would you just let me love you? You always say you want to take care of me, but forget that goes both ways. You want to keep me safe, I want to keep you happy." 
To emphasize your point you took the reasoning one step further. 
"You still mean the world to me, is not just a thing from when we were kids. I know it sounds crazy, but that strong connection we had, how we used to understand each other... I have realized that I still feel it. " 
You delivered the conclusion while resting your head on his chin. 
" Do you feel it too?" 
What he truly wanted to do was confessing he was falling madly in love with you. 
" It feels different, but still the same." Was his hint of a clue. Speaking on riddles was easier than coming to terms with the truth. " I am a happy child when I am with you, but an even happier man."
He felt one of your hands moving up to his chest in what was one of the most intimate acts a woman has had with him. 
" I can feel your heart beating from here... Do you wanna feel mine?"
The beatings were rising like crazy and that time you didn't ignore it. Laying on the bed together, you offered him your body as a heat pillow to hold on for sleepy cuddling and couldn't resist. 
Andy was acting way shier than before and that was understandable. The kid who used to give you bedtime forehead kisses was a man shying away from feeling your heart because he wouldn't want you to think he was getting too touchy. Timid caresses traveling from your hips to your waist while curling around you were the maximum of self initiated touching he allowed himself.  
" ... Do you remember when we used to sleep like this? I can't believe it still feels so ríght. Your face will be the first thing I will see when I wake up, no more monsters. " 
It was a very similar position to one you used to adopt back in a time when sharing a bed meant nothing. Facing each other while sharing the same pillow, giving each other smiles and a mutual childishly cute ' i love you' before closing your eyes because you were the best friends in your little world. 
His kid self would kiss you goodnight so easily, just as he would have kissed his mom or babysitter. Kissing was one of his primary forms of physical affection, proven by how often he used to kiss Chucky's cheek as a naive little boy. 
The Andy from his present had no idea of what to do when having you so close, fearing that his goodnight kiss could only land on your lips and dying for so. He simply couldn't keep his mind straight with your body pressed into him like that, even tho he knew it was the same thing you used to do all the time. 
" It's sad to think I once got a woman killed just to have this..." He heard you comment and got out of the trance. “ All because of some shit on the news.” 
He would never let it go, but it was a good moment to make a bit of peace with his inner child. 
" Maggie's death is not our fault, Chucky manipulated us both. He used your fears against you and made us believe he wanted to be released to look after us for the night." 
" No, Andy. I didn't get him out of your bed because he told me. I did it because I was scared and I wanted you to protect me, not him." 
A truth kept for many years, you simply couldn't tell him that when you were children. 
" It has always been you the one I seeked for affection and protection; I never asked it from Chucky. He used to scare me, even since that night. I only dissimulated when I had to because if you would have known I didn't want to play with him you would have stopped being my friend."
The naive adoration implied fitted with his memories of the little girl you used to be. 
" You suspected there was something wrong but stayed ... just for me?" 
" And I would do it again if I had to. I follow you like a minion. "
He knew exactly from where you came up with that and regretted telling you. 
" God, please... Don't! Tiffany is a cold hearted bitch, don't even joke with being like her."
" I have better taste, the boy i played to marry many years ago still cares for me. " You joked in return before making a serious question " ... Andy, did you wonder what I was like over the years? Did you want to see me again someday?" 
" Sure I did, but I was scared of what, or better said who, I could be bringing with me. I guessed you were fine without me and it was better to keep things that way. " He admitted, the avoidance of your eyes whenever he would feel nervous fading in the act.  
 He was going very serious and wanted to highlight that to you.  
" Whenever in adult life I would remember you, I used to imagine you must have become the wife of someone else. In my mind you had the full happy normal life deal: big house, kids, a dog. I thought your imaginary children didn't deserve to get their dog killed by the evil doll following that dude who used to play with their mother when she was very little."
" Had you ever watch ' Supernatural'? It's básically like Scooby Doo for grown ups and all the monsters are real. I followed one season and had to drop it because it would make me think too much of you. " You playfully confessed. " That's how i used to imagine you and for most i thought it was really crazy on my part..  Kind of unrealistic, just because you fought Chucky as a kid that didn't have to be your entire life even if we know paranormal evil exists." 
The fight did become his entire life, always against the same enemy and continuing for decades. You had no way of knowing that, but perhaps there was a sparkle of that sad perseverance already on him when he was a kid and you figured out he was never going to get over it. 
“ I have never found myself, not in the way you mean. The truth is that Chucky has become the topic my life revolves around.” 
“ It’s alright, you don’t have to be ashamed of that with me. We are … a militar? I think that’s what you are… “ You comforted him, making him laugh a bit to the reminder of how you truly had no idea of what he was doing with his life. “ Let’s say a militar with a hunting hobby and a kindergarten teacher who spends her weekends doing craft work for the class. Besides my job and my sister, my life is still pretty empty. That’s all I have, not much but it is what keeps me going.” 
He made a nodding sound, feeling some of the burden a tiny bit less heavy for the moment thanks to your understandment. 
“ Since it’s confession time and if you don’t mind, there is something I need to get off my chest.” You continued, attempting to finally explain yourself further from your shameful behavior on the house walkthrough with the estate agent. “ When I was alone with him during the kidnap Chucky described to me how he butchered a mother and her unborn child. That’s what I never got over, what I kept to myself and I couldn’t tell you.” 
You weren’t sure of how, but you did your best to continue. 
“ It wasn’t just a threat, Andy. He didn’t say that only because it was an easy way to scare me … When he was telling me he was… he was enjoying himself, like if he was remembering something he loved to do. He did it before, I am convinced of that. Perhaps he would have attacked my family regardless of my abeyance to him.”  
The heaviest part of your explanation was about to come and you wanted to let it flow. It was your intuitive attempt to make some things about you make sense.
" After you left I waited Chucky for years and nothing happened, but i never forgot and my concern was manifested in different ways. The first signs of the phobia appeared when I got my first period. My mom told me that my body was getting ready for when i would be a mother and then it hitted me... I suddenly felt like I knew what Chucky was doing. " 
He didn't interrupt you, but you stopped an instant so you could put your thoughts in order. 
" The memories, the blood coming out of me and the first cramps and the motherhood talk... We didn't let him get to my mom and sister on time, so it occurred to me that he was waiting for me to grow up and become a mom. Then he could kill me with the child, just as he promised that time. I know it was insane, a normal thing to expect was guessing he could be dead for real, or he could have forgotten me. "  
" Chucky never forgets a victim, even less a survivor... And he certainly never dies for real. " Andy pointed out, supporting you from his experience. " You did ríght in imagining something like that, it totally sounds like him. Even if it damaged you and turned out to be a wrong idea, it showed you kept yourself alert. Figuring out the next step of the planning isn't easy when it comes to Chucky, You did your best and I am so proud of you." 
He gave you a forehead kiss, remembrance of your old nocturnal habits. Your answer was settled in the present: caressing his face from his chin up to his cheek tracing the path delicately with the back of your fingers
" At least now I understand why he didn't come back for me earlier." 
He watched you with a wondering expression, almost amused. 
" Really? Why?" 
" On the second time he knew where I lived, but you also did. If Chucky would have returned you would have found the way back and that wasn't convenient for him because he wanted you lonely." 
Some skeptical chuckling came from him to that articulated theory. 
" He has bothered other people, (y/n). The world doesn't revolve around me. " 
" We were the meddling kids and he made me be the Daphne to your Fred that first time. " You defended your point. " Chucky tried to trick you using me as bait and he paid the price. He forced me to take him to the mental hospital and together we escaped him... Don't you see it?" 
" Seeing what?" 
" Chucky wins with your Isolation. He still wants you to believe that people are your weakness, that you are meant to be forever alone and everyone is better without you... The truth is that not only our story was different. All the stories you told me prove the opposite of that bullshit he carved in your mind."
He certainly couldn't believe his ears. 
" Most people I have met are dead, I have killed more than what I have saved. I hate it, but it is not bullshit." 
" Can't you seriously not see the pattern? Chucky is about to win only when you seem lonely, but there is always someone. You were alone in your bedroom that night when he tied you to the bed, but then Kyle showed up from the window. You were alone at the military school, but Da Silva searched the carnival with you. Chucky also thought Tyler was alone, but he had you. " 
He couldn't help smiling, your viewpoint was heartwarmingly positive. 
" People are your strength and you are ours. Don't push us away from your life. Every time you do it, you let him win." 
The only story he hasn't told you about confirmed it. He fought alone in Harrogate and lost, Nica got possesed.
" Would it be a win for us if I kiss you now?" He whispered, inspired by you to be completely sincere about his feelings. " You drive me crazy, I can't stop thinking about you." 
Your reaction of ultimate relief was a bit funny to him. 
" Andy, please! Haven't I been obvious enough? Kyle says it is painful to see but that's because I don't understand what the hell is happening to me. " 
The conclusion you were about to drop was bigger than he would have ever expected.
" Never before have I been swept off my feet like this, I swear." 
The rush of confidence felt amazing, Andy was barely able to process what was happening but he wanted to enjoy the moment. 
" ... Not even by the father of your feline son? He seems pretty impressive. " 
The slightly cocky joke was making fun of some jealousy he got to feel for real despite you didn't get to know that. 
" No one compares to you, Andy. " You purred close to his lips. " I'm falling so fast, I just want to be with you."
He couldn't take it anymore, the situation was like a dream coming true. As soon as you stopped speaking his lips were on yours and he knew he would never want to let you go.
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euphoriabled · 2 years
———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME:    kaliya (kuh-lee-yuh)
PRONOUNS:  um, so i guess i use she/her the most, but also mostly out of convenience? but i don’t think i have an attachment to any pronouns really so i’m also experimenting with she/they but really you can use any because again i really don’t think i feel any sort of connection to any -- okay let me rephrase ...  really, as long as you refer to me kindly, use any you’d like. :’)
ZODIAC SIGN: oh!!! i’m a libra sun, pisces moon, taurus ascendent, leo ve---!
TAKEN OR SINGLE:  in a long distance relationship with my favorite person. sometimes i think about how insane it is that we even crossed paths, how many things had to align, and it blows my mind. genuinely get teary eyed thinking about them. i’m so lucky. 🥹
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1 -    i auditioned for a wes anderson film, b.reaking dawn, and misc. other things as a child, but i decided to stop acting as i got older so i could have a ‘real high school experience.’ gotta be the biggest L of my life.
2 -     i met half of all my closest friends and my partner on a fucking karaoke app.
3 -   i keep thinking about choosing a new pen name but then i get nervous that maybe someone already has that pen name and has a callout post of some kind and that i’d stress out people i don’t know by popping up as a blog with that pen name because what if they think i’m the other person with that pen name and then i’m making them feel unsafe and then i get really sad thinking about how scary would that be for them and then i realize i’m literally worrying about writers that i literally made up and don’t even exist ... so i just stick to kaliya. 
( bonus fact -   i use these emojis a lot: 🌸🦋💕🥺🥰 )
PLATFORMS USED: 💀💀💀 don’t even ask me that bro, it’s so cringe ---- ( i used ask.fm, facebook, discord, smule ims, text, PASSED NOTEBOOKS BACK AND FORTH -- if there was a way to write there, i wrote there. )
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: any way that suits my writing partners is honestly what brings me joy ! comfort and excitement brings the best threads!!
GENDER: ANY !    ( i typically write women and nonbinary individuals, but i’ve written guys! shout out to my old muse bennett. miss him & calliope every day. maybe i’ll bring ‘em back one day. )
MULTI OR SINGLE: Either! I don’t have any muse preferences.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S):    uh, people i know or used to see at auditions wkejfbwelj it hasn’t happened yet, but it’s a real fear. c.obra kai fandom could have gif packs of one of my childhood best friends. 💀
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF:  oh, fluff just makes my heart melt. i love love so very much. i truly adore shipping; i know it’s lame to say so, but damn. it fills my soul with sunshine.
ANGST:   i also love angst; what’s yin without yang? heartache, my tragic valentine, i love you so. i honestly probably write angst the most if i look at all my blogs.
SMUT :  okay, so i find smut so intimidating !! i’m open to writing it with writers i trust, but i get nervous because it is just not my forte. i’m open to explore all levels of my muses’ dynamics, but i don’t typically write it. (AND WILL NEVER EVER WRITE IT WITH UNDERAGED MUSES. NEVER.)
tagged by: found it when looking for memes ! tagging: @forwardmoved @illogihcal  @risingmccns and anybody else who would like to !! please tag me so i can see it 👀 💕 got too nervous to tag more people tbh!
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ecargmura · 4 months
A Condition Called Love Episode 6 Review - Fears and Insecurities
This was the best episode by far! Hananoi gets called out for his behavior by Hotaru and the two work together to try and find a middle ground so that both sides can be happy with their relationship! It’s a lot different from previous episodes where Hananoi does something creepy and Hotaru doesn’t pay too much mind to it. I guess falling for Hananoi helped Hotaru realize these things now. I’m applauding for the positive progression!
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Congrats Keigo, you’re no longer on the top of Hananoi’s kill list as Yao takes first place now. Yao as a character seems very friendly to the point that it can cause misunderstandings…and it did in the past and in the present. In the past, Yao was liked by many girls, including Hotaru’s friend Non-chan. However, there was a rumor going around that Hotaru liked him too, which caused Non-chan to get to a breaking point and cut off Hotaru’s hair in retaliation. Like I mentioned in a previous review, what Hotaru experienced was bullying. What kind of friend chops off your hair just because she liked the same person you did? That’s insanity.
Yao’s existence causes misunderstandings in the present because his friendliness towards Hotaru causes uneasiness towards Hananoi. Hananoi becomes insecure because the thought of someone better for Hotaru makes him anxious. The way that his obsessive behavior slowly increased to the point that Hotaru, who normally didn’t mind it at first, now becomes bothered by it really does show that they do like each other, but they need to communicate. Hotaru said it best: it’s not that he’s worried about her but more that he’s worried about himself. I’m glad that these two actually talk things out without being all dramatic or over the top. This is what communication does! Hotaru communicated and Hananoi realized his mistakes. I do wonder what Yao’s purpose in this story is. Is he there for pointless love drama? If so, will he learn about what happened to Hotaru during elementary school? How will he react? Also, it seems that Yao seems to know Hananoi because of the way he said his name when Hotaru said it. Does he know him?
It turns out that the reason Hotaru doesn’t know love was due to her being bullied by Non-chan in elementary school. I think that’s understandable. She didn’t understand why liking someone so much would cause her to retaliate and cut her hair. She didn’t understand why people’s behavior changed when in love. Because she had witnessed that, she was scared of falling in love. That makes absolute sense. A bad experience can make someone have negative opinions about something, after all. I think this was rather clever writing. Now that Hotaru has fallen for Hananoi completely, she understands the complicated stuff about love like the uneasiness that comes with it or discomfort that comes from your partner not respecting your boundaries. This is such good progression and I love how mature both are handling it.
The Valentine’s scene with Hananoi not being a skilled baker and even looking dorky with thick glasses is probably the most casual Hotaru has seen him. She knows that Hananoi isn’t all too perfect underneath his perfect mask and it seems that she prefers what’s underneath too. I also liked that her confession was said to this version of Hananoi and not the “perfect” version of him that she always sees. It feels more refreshing in a way? Speaking of which, I also like that the confession was just blurted out like that. It feels more natural when it’s not all sparkly shoujo bubbles and not in a fancy or special location. It’s just them in his house in their natural state. I really like that.
I just hope that Hananoi’s character progression stays on the positive side and not stagnate after this. I feel like the author is pretty clever with her writing. Hopefully, Hananoi will learn to be nicer to Hotaru’s friends, make some friends for himself and that Hotaru will call him out for anything about him that bothers her more often. Is this the best episode of this show for you?
0 notes
tartagliaxx · 3 years
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━━ PAIRING: xiao/reader
━━ GENRE: fluff
━━ SUMMARY: the stubborn reluctance to admit defeat leads some stories to end in bitter tragedies. thankfully, xiao was much too willing to give in against the nonexistent war your presence has brought.
━━ CONTAINS: modern!au, slightly vulgar language, one mildly suggestive scene
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you'll have more luck trying to find a needle in a ten-meter tall haystack than you'll have when trying to decipher the inner workings of the human mind. there was just too much to consider — too much information and contradictions for our puny, little brains to comprehend. it's nigh impossible and the only reason a big shot philosopher hasn't screamed about it as they ran down the street, caffeinated and definitely insane, is because no one's ready to admit that they don't and will never know. still, if you want to be meaninglessly stubborn, taking a look into xiao's brain is definitely a great place to start. he doesn't really bother segregating information into ridiculously minuscule categories — just what he tolerates and what he does not. a simple mindset for a relatively simple man who liked to stay away from unnecessary baggage.
"crap man... it's valentine's day tomorrow. i don't even know what to give my girlfriend..."
xiao sighed in disinterest, hoping that this person would speak softer for the sake of his peace of mind in this cramped train, "just buy her roses or chocolates like every other guy out there?"
"you know... this is exactly why no one likes you."
he thought that it was better to zone out rather than be forced to listen to a conversation that was heading steeply into a conversation that he frankly couldn't care less about. he tolerates most festivities and holidays because there was always a silver lining. valentine's day, however? xiao wouldn't go as far as saying as he despises it because that's how little he thinks of the celebration.
it's just a regular day turned into a breeding ground of opportunistic, capitalistic monsters. he'd hate to quote his horrible, narrow-minded teachers from his childhood but wasn't love something that's supposed to be shown every day and not just one day of the year? no matter how he looks at the situation, he just can't see the point in buying overwhelmingly sweet treats or overpriced flowers that were sure to wilt the next day.
"listen... it's the effort and the thought that counts! partners love the idea of special treatment. it makes them feel like they're appreciated because there's a day that's dedicated just for them, you get me? no one stays for a lazy piece of shit who couldn't be bothered to think of a special something to give..."
"...since when did you become a love guru? wasn't your girlfriend just saying that she wants to break up—"
relief settled into his bones as people — including those high school students — poured out of the train. with more room to move, he stretched his legs out, pulling out the headphones he had in the process. xiao's station was the last stop which was currently two stops away from where he was now. with everyone located in the other carts, there were only five other people seated around him, all of which are busy minding their own business with no intention of bothering him anytime soon. good. some peace and quiet... with that thought in mind, xiao's eyes slowly fluttered close. a little nap couldn't possibly hurt...
no one stays for a lazy piece of shit who couldn't be bothered to think of a special something to give.
opening his eyes with a start, xiao cursed those burdensome kids and their equally burdensome words. he tried to pretend that the anxious feeling in his guts didn't exist as he hurriedly shoved his headphones in his bag. seriously... why do unnecessary burdens keep on flying in his direction? biting back a groan, he stood up from his seat with what was without a doubt, his deepest frown of the day (a weighty comment seeing as he spent the entire day with a grumpily frowning).
he disliked valentine's day a lot, he thought to himself as he stepped out of the train one station early, he was sure of it now.
sniffling out of habit, you tapped the send button on your phone for the sixteenth time in a row. xiao wasn't one to send lovey-dovey texts first thing in the morning but he also wasn't the type to leave you hanging. heck, he responds even when he doesn't feel like talking to you after a fight! memories of that time only made you feel more uncomfortable so you settled on worrying your lips as you hailed a taxi. the logical angel on your shoulder tells you that you were probably thinking too deeply into the unlikely extremes but what can you say? you love the guy too much to be unbothered by his missing replies.
being apart from him without knowing what was happening was dreadful and the words 'never again' keep on etching themselves on your mind until all you could do was attempt to control your heart's rhythm by looking at the blurred, discolored buildings outside the car. were cabs always this slow? it was running on sixty kilometers per hour, which in hindsight, was not necessarily slow when you consider the fact that you don't usually move an inch until half an hour later when trapped in the usual morning rush. still, the antsy feeling that was making it hard to sit still remained and gnawed at your mind. perhaps it was the caffeine that was making you feel more nervous than necessary. whatever the case, you suddenly felt bad for taking the updates he usually sends for granted.
xiao might be a little rough on the edges but he was a sweetheart who just had a little more trouble when it came to expressing himself. he was someone who tells you that he's at your favorite bakery as a silent cue for you to tell him what you want. he's also someone who sends you random spotify qr codes when he's feeling extra sweet so that you can listen to the same songs he was listening to. he's different from other guys but you never once doubted his affections because every day, he reminds you that he does almost everything with you settled comfortably in the back of his mind.
thanking the cab driver for bearing with the way you were anxiously tapping your fingers on your knees for the past fifteen minutes, you rushed out of the car and into the three-story apartment building he was residing in for the time being. it's stupid, really. you would've insisted that he move over to yours more if you knew that you'd run up three flights of stairs because of your wild hypothesis. maybe then you would worry more about who's going to catch the roach in your bathroom instead of his entire safety and wellbeing.
"xiao?" you croaked out as you tried to regain your breathing. the small, wooden sign that read '304' was barely hanging upright and the five consecutive knocks you did finally caused it to fall with a muffled thud, "xiao? are you home?"
no answer.
you knocked three more times — with more force this time and you wondered if you would have to keep standing here until your knuckles were all red and raw. to be honest, you would've left to try your luck elsewhere if it weren't for your strangely precise gut feeling telling you that he's somewhere in there. well, that and the fact that you could vaguely pick out the sound of clanking from beyond the door.
jumping in surprise, a panicked call slipped out of your lips as you heard xiao's sharp curse. you were certain something was wrong now. bless him but xiao was more indifferent and passive-aggressive than resentful and feral — two things that you most certainly heard in what appeared to be a small burst of emotions. quite frankly, you have had enough of it. you knew that xiao, despite voicing out his dissatisfaction, began leaving a spare key somewhere after coming home to you sitting in the hallway pathetically because you forgot keys and wallet at home. you didn't feel like walking for thirty minutes or so just to get home, you said, and the expression he wore in reply was still deeply ingrained in your memory: an exasperated and, it could've been just a trick of the light but you wanted to believe that there was endearment as well in his tired frown.
just as you remembered the foreign tenseness in his shoulders when he saw your slumped-over form, you found exactly what you needed. the key in question was small and silver-coated; particularly easy to miss behind the green, polka-dotted clay pot you gave as a gag gift to break the monotony of his place. fighting back your frown, you eyed the key on your hand. well... if things went south because of your invasion of privacy, you could always say that it was because he managed to snatch an extremely precious lover who worried a little too much over his seeming lack of concern about himself. right... surely, he won't deny that much...
"xiao?" you called out softly, carefully taking a few steps forward as if the ground you were treading on was made of the most fragile glass in the world, "where are you?"
he still hadn't replied but the unfamiliar metallic noises were much louder now that you're inside. it didn't look like he was in trouble as everything was exactly how you left it two days ago. one of your larger sweaters was draped over the couch, something you placed there on purpose because xiao had a horrible habit of choosing to suffer in the cold instead of moving out of his comfortable lounging position when he's already so deep into scrolling through youtube videos. sighing, you crouched to pick up a notebook that had slipped out of his bag. it looks like he hasn't tidied that up either when he got home yesterday.
it was all very unlike him and with a better sense of security now that you're here, you find your concern transform into confusion. the xiao you knew wouldn't stay inside the kitchen for long unless the world would cave in if he didn't. with a small knock to announce your presence, you immediately find yourself stifling a laugh. the xiao you knew also wouldn't be caught dead staring at you like a deer caught in headlights in the middle of what appears to be the remnants of a previously functional kitchen.
"what in the world..."
flinching at your not-question question, xiao immediately averts his gaze to the chocolate-covered floor, "why... why are you here?"
"am i not welcome?"
you didn't mean to tease him but before you could stop yourself, the words were pouring out of your mouth. at your response, xiao sighs, running a flour-covered hand through his hair. an unknown feeling nibbled at some unfamiliar part of your brain as a strong urge to fix his hair in place became apparent. the flour had dusted his hair white and you realized that darker tones suited him better because it made his eyes pop out more; his eyes that were always firm and strong — always composed save for the times where it's about you. his eyes that were always seeing through your white lies and hesitation; eyes that were also dim and tired and looking at everything but your inquisitive gaze.
"no, it's not that..." he finally breaks his silence with another groan, "you weren't supposed to be here yet."
"hey, what's wrong?"
xiao shifted his weight but nonetheless relented to your hold as you gently squeezed his forearms in encouragement, "i was... attempting to make a cake but i wasn't aware that there are a lot of... ridiculous steps to it."
"a cake? well, yeah... it's a pretty tedious process at the start but what for?"
his frown grows deeper as he stared at you like you grew two heads in the span of the seconds he was not looking at you, "...you don't know what day it is today?"
"what day?" you mirror his expression, "oh my god, did i forget your father's birthday?"
"you're hopeless... even i know what today is."
cake... now that you thought about it, your instagram feed was oddly full of flowers and chocolate cakes... was it already february 14? time flies by fast but you don't think xiao of all people would go out of his way to make you a cake on a holiday that's not even a proper holiday. noticing the furrow in your brows, xiao sighs for the nth time. he had an inkling of what you were thinking about.
"i thought you'll appreciate it if i did something everyone else is doing. i know that i'm not good at showing my emotions and all this romantic nonsense but i... i didn't want you to think that i couldn't be bothered to do things for you."
of course, you knew that. if xiao was someone who genuinely didn't try to make things work then you would've long walked out of the door with a relieved smile. the fact that you were here, face still warm from the way you rushed from your home to his just because you were afraid that something happened to him meant that you loved him. you loved him so much because he loved you just as much. you loved him because he's always so willing to cross the boundaries he had set just to make you smile. the discomforting gloom that made his shoulders slouch almost imperceptibly made your eyes gloss over with gratitude. where else will you find a man who would go out of his way to do something for you even when it's painfully obvious that he's leagues away from his comfort zone? you're doomed, you think as you took another step closer to him. he's ruined everyone else for you and you've presented yourself as a willing sacrifice for this so-called demise.
"there's no need," you smile sweetly as you laid your forehead against his, "you're fine as is. i love you even without the grandeur and cheesy lines."
without warning, he felt the air getting stuck in his throat. there had to be something seriously wrong with him. it wasn't normal to hear the way adrenaline rushes to every crevice of his body and it was definitely not normal to have his hands shake as you slowly cradled them in between yours. he feels weak and rather helpless as all he could do was wait with bated breathe as everything that comprised your being overwhelmed and filled the blank void of his mind. nothing but everything about you — your tender caress, your citrusy shampoo — you. wars were unpredictable but this was no war. you came and you conquered, leaving him no room to fight back. actually, perhaps it was better to say that he didn't want to fight back. the sweet repeat of your voice was coaxing him to say 'i surrender — all of me, all of what i will be. have it all if you want' and he's way past being ready to admit that he's nothing but a subservient subject of yours who'll present everything in this world if you gave him your word.
feeling the courage dealt by the aftermath of his intimate realization, xiao takes your hands off to properly pull you into a hug. blinking in surprise, you stifled another chuckle as his nose brushed over a ticklish part of your neck. ah, he's doomed, he thinks as his eyes fluttered to a close to better remember the way his heart flips over and over in delight at the sound of your laughter. what have you done to him that he's become exactly like the person he thought he'll never be? the scent of sugar and coffee clung to his beige sweater and it's sweet and nice and incredibly familiar just like the warmth that seeped through your clothes as his hands pulled you closer to his thundering heart.
"wait... just a little bit more... don't pull away just yet."
you tried your best to pretend as if you weren't affected— as if your heart wasn't seconds away from breaking through your ribs. you tried but why did you bother? those amber eyes could demand the most hideous from you and you'll comply like a doll so pliant you could only be said to be made for him. how can you say 'no' when he pulls back just so you could see the way his eyes grow a shade deeper — when his fingers, a little calloused from work, tenderly touch your cheek as if you were made of porcelain? his touch moves lower— to your jaw— and you mutter all the prayers you can remember in your lovestruck haze, all so his lips would meet yours just a second faster.
"thank you for understanding," he whispers and the rarity of his words was nothing compared to the rarity of haze and love hidden in his voice. you don't trust your own to deliver — finding that you have long lost your ability to communicate in front of someone who was undeniably in love with you and all the worry lines you had because of him; because you're always so caring and gentle when it comes to him that it makes him weep for his lost rationality.
you look after him so well that it almost makes him feel so bad for taking so much from you.
"happy valentine's, xiao."
but he also was not above welcoming his greed as he finally slots his lips between yours.
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© 2021 𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐗𝐗. all rights reserved. do not copy, claim, repost or translate in any platforms but reblogs are appreciated.
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kissingagrumpygiant · 2 years
hi 😏…………🌙🕷🌹 for elmell, and the heart ones for shiv :-)
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🌙 MOON - what is your oc’s greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
hmm.. she believes she's too old for wishes at this point. when she was younger her wish was for respect and independence and she was willing to risk her stronghold's wrath for it, and she did, and looking back she's still not sure if she regrets it or not. now her wishes would be to keep what she sacrificed for safe and secured
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
her biggest fear is anything happening to her son. anyone finding out her secret and that threatening mhez. an irrational fear? she's scared of snakes. they gross her out
🌹 ROSE - do they like valentines day? have they been confessed to before? have they confessed to anyone before?
when she was younger back when she lived in the stronghold in wrothgar, she loooovveedddd heart's day. she'd get so much attention. she never confessed to anyone herself, even as an adult, and today she doesn't care much for that day... (lie)
ALL OF THEM whore. ok
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
that eye contact and entire attention on him 💕👌 passing and quick physical contact when he's in the crushing stage. hand on the back, fingers brushing, close breaths...
💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
he didn't really think he should have a relationship so he has no idea what he's looking for in one until vlwls, which also leads to how he never had a stable one.. but yeah he'd like to be appreciated, someone who'd accept his affection, someone who'd listen to him with undivided attention. and he doesn't believe in love at first sight, but the crushing at first sight happens to him too much when he's younger
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticeable? what changes when they’re in love?
god you wouldn't even notice when he is in love, he just looks like he wants to shit himself slightly more. he asks more questions when he's in love, trying to spark conversations, which he doesn't do with people that aren't Vipers that often.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
words of affirmation, quality time & physical touch
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn’t around?
he could go for about a week without seeing his s/o before he succumbs to inner madness, which he doesn't show but inside he's shitting and crying. those 10 years of not seeing cintera was the most insane he's ever felt given they weren't even in a relationship then but he wouldn't stop thinking about her. when khizim dumps them he punches a wall
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
hugs <3 he really gets in there
💖 SPARKLING HEART - are they a subtle or a showy lover?
subtle, unless it's a special occasion and then he becomes gordon ramsay and the kitchen staff of khizim's castle are his poor idiot sandwiches as he's planning the most over the top dinner he can think of
💌 LOVE LETTER - do they like love letters? what kind of messages do they leave for their partner?
loves getting them, hates writing them, because he feels so stupid when he puts emotions to words. the closest he can do in end a regular message with a 'love, detlef'
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
making him feel he was used in the end. he expects it, but it still hurts every time he finds out it was true in a way
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The companions react to the sole stating that they are giving up on life (after a long day maybe a failed mission?) and laying down on the floor refusing to eat or drink anything and when confronted they state that life just hurts and they see no reason to get up and head back out. They keep this up for a long time.
I had way too much fun imagining my F!Sole acting dramatic and lying on the ground. I know that Sole is probably serious about life hurting and not wanting to get up, but I for some reason pictured it looking very dramatic 😂
Thank you for the request and I hope you enjoy! 😁
Cait - When Cait is finally tired of it, she tells F!Sole that she has exactly ten minutes to change her mind about giving up on life before Cait does something. Ten minutes pass, and Cait lifts her up, throwing her over her shoulder as she hangs onto her and carries her to the nearest river or pond. She wastes no time in throwing F!Sole in. When F!Sole reemerges, mad as a wet hen, Cait just shrugs with a slight smirk, saying that she told F!Sole she'd do something about it. As she helps F!Sole out of the water, she gives F!Sole a little pep-talk and makes her feel better about things in that Cait-esque manner.
Piper - When it first starts, Piper talks to her about it, and tries to make her feel better. F!Sole says she'll think about what Piper says. However, after a day of this, Piper is sick and tired of it, and she sits down next to F!Sole, relentlessly poking and pestering her Blue until she at least raises up off of the floor. She might even proceed to tickle her senseless, both of them giggling like madwomen, until she finally decides to get up. Piper then offers her a sweet roll and a Nuka-Cola, telling her that it's nice to have her back in the land of the fully functioning.
Curie - Will fuss and fret over her until F!Sole is absolutely at her wit's end. She will insist that F!Sole drink something and eat something, then she will offer a checkup, and then she'll persist that F!Sole eat or drink. Eventually, Curie drives her crazy to the point that she decides to keep going with life just to shut the well-meaning girl up.
MacCready - Tries to talk about it with her. However, if she is being stubborn, he pulls out some of his favorite Grognak comic books and proceeds to read them to her. He even tries to make the voices for the different characters. The first comic book he happens to pick up has the Silver Shroud in it, and he absolutely insists that F!Sole read it with her Silver Shroud voice. It ends up cracking them both up to the point that F!Sole feels tons better about life.
Deacon - Just lies there next to F!Sole and starts making really sad sighs and noises constantly. She slowly gets more and more aggravated, and then he starts making the noises even louder. She eventually gets up, declaring that the both of them are just plain pathetic and ridiculous lying in the floor like this. He grins widely. Mission accomplished.
Codsworth - Tries to comfort her in the best manner that he knows how. If this does not work, then he proceeds to tell her some really terrible jokes that he knows. Eventually, he tells a joke so insane and strange that she laughs from pure bewilderment and it somehow pulls her out of the funk she has been in.
Hancock - Offers her some chems to dull the pain, and if she doesn't want chems, then he tries to talk it out with her. If she refuses to cooperate, then he tells her that he is going to have to make an announcement to Goodneighbor about his heroic friend that is for some reason feeling sad because she failed one mission. When he actually starts getting some notes for a speech together, she decides that he must be serious, and she decides that life is worth getting up for.
Danse - Tells her to vent to him and tell him everything she is feeling if she comfortable with it. He just sits and listens to her, and offers a large, comforting hug if she needs it, just holding her in his arms until she feels okay again.
Preston - After a day or two, he calls several groups of Minutemen that F!Sole helped in the past, and he gets them to tell her how much she helped them. It reassures her and cheers her up so much that she gets up and decides to keep going.
Valentine - Gives her time to mope, but then comes and sits beside her, telling her to talk it out to him and explain why she's giving up. He then somehow turns it around on her and tells her to keep hoping and keep trying. He ends up motivating her enough to get up and go again.
X6-88 - As soon as she starts to do this, he is displeased. After a while, he finally comes over and informs her that if she keeps it up, he is going to have to ask for another partner. When she seems unaffected by this, he grabs her by the foot and drags her around after him wherever he goes. Eventually, this starts to hurt her back, and she decides to walk with him and keep going.
Dogmeat - Just lies close to her and tries to comfort her. He licks her hand and lies near her to protect her. He will sometimes nudge her and try to get her to stand up and leave the floor. However, when she does not, he just stays by her, refusing to leave her alone even if she won't get up. Eventually, he starts bringing her sticks and trying to get her to play fetch with him. His sad whimpers and whines eventually coax her into getting up to at least play with him.
Strong - When he finally is fed up with her lack of movement and refusal to get up, he quickly snaps her out of this spell by threatening to squish her with his foot. Milk of human kindness is serious business and her refusal to cooperate is seriously slowing the process of finding it.
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megan-is-mia · 3 years
Valentines Request!!!🥰🥰🥰 can i ask for MCW 8, 195 and 212 for Jade leech please?
(Sorry for how long it took for me to get this stuff out!) 8. “I’ll kill them all. For you.” 195. “I want to know what sounds you make. What happens if I touch you…here? Can I touch you wherever I like? Can I make you come?” 212. “I never planned on loving you this much, but my feelings for you are absolutely insane.” (Yandere! Jade Leech x Fem! S/o) (WARNING NSFW AND NON-CON AHEAD)
There was one thing (Y/n) knew for certain, the love of a predator was a dangerous kind of love. To be loved by a predator was not to be loved as an equal, it was to be loved as something lesser than the predator. Yet if one could become content with being seen as something less, then there was much joy to be had as the possession of a predator. These kinds of thoughts drifted through (Y/n)’s head as she filled up the bathtub. Her darling boyfriend Jade Leech would be home soon and he’d surely want a bath before he headed to bed.
“Good evening my lovely Minnow” Jade said coming up behind (Y/n) and hugging her as she turned the faucet of the bathtub off now that the bathtub was full. “Hello Jade, I thought you’d want a chance to wash up. Dinner’s in the fridge but it can be reheated and I promise it’ll taste just as good” the young woman answered, turning her head to press a kiss on the young man’s cheek and clicking her tongue when she saw that he was covered in blood. “You told me this would be a clean job, why are you soaked in blood?” she said reproachfully. “Oh the job was quite cleanly executed if I do say so myself” Jade said gently turning (Y/n) to face him. “It was an encounter I had after my job that caused me to get all dirty love. On my way home I heard some unruly individuals who were talking about you and the things they were saying were not very kind minnow” he added with a toothy grin. “So they had to die, I had to end their lives to protect your honor” the eel finished still grinning. (Y/n) let out a sigh and began unbuttoning her boyfriend’s jacket so she could toss it in the laundry hamper.
“You don’t have to defend my honor that zealously, I can take a little negative commentary once in awhile” (Y/n) said moving onto Jade’s shirt before having her hands grabbed and lifted up so the young man could press kisses to them. “Minnow it doesn't matter how many lives I must take to make my point clear, I’ll kill them all if necessary. For you I would do anything” he cooed finally letting go of the girl’s hands so she could resume undressing him. There were fewer bloodstains on the shirt than the jacket but it’d still require a good washing later. “You know I can undress myself Minnow, I’m not hurt at all. None of the blood is mine” Jade said although he did not stop (Y/n) from unbuttoning his pants and unzipping them before taking hold of the waistband to pull them down his legs. “I know, I’m doing this because I want to” the young woman said, tugging both pants and the boxers the young man was wearing down to his ankles. She was lying, she did not want to do this. She wanted nothing to do with the eel but she had no choice in the matter. 
Jade put a hand on (Y/n)’s shoulder to help him keep his balance as he stepped out of his remaining clothing and stepped into the bathtub before sinking into the water with a contented sigh. At the same time that was happening the girl was scooping the rest of his discarded clothes off the floor and tossing them onto the pile with the rest. The young woman then moved to leave the bathroom but her wrist was caught in a firm grip that prevented her from moving an inch. 
“There’s room in the tub for the both of us, why don’t you join me Minnow?” Jade said with a wide grin at his darling partner. (Y/n) sighed and nodded her agreement so her wrist would be released. She did not undress herself with the same care she’d shown for the eel. Her clothes were tossed onto the floor haphazardly and she shut her eyes as she stepped into the tub and sank into the water. As soon as she was settled the young man’s arms wrapped around her middle and his legs caged hers on either side.
“You know Minnow, I never planned on loving you this much. You were just supposed to be a short-term fling and then I’ll kill you when I got bored but my feelings for you are absolutely insane. Now I can’t imagine life without you in it... funny how things work out like that right?” Jade said with a chuckle hugging (Y/n) close as he nuzzled her neck. The young woman hummed her affirmative to his words and turned her head to bestow another kiss to his face so he wouldn’t accuse her of being too cold.
For a time they just sat in relative silence, enjoying each other’s company and the warmth of the water. Eventually, however, Jade’s hands began to wander and dipped between (Y/n)’s legs to poke around. “Jade” the young woman said, squeezing her thighs together to try and still his wandering limb. “Hm? What's wrong I’m just sating my curiosity Minnow. We’ve never done it in the tub. I want to know what sounds you make in this type of situation” Jade replied using his other hand to pry her legs open and free his trapped hand.
“What happens if I touch you…here?” the eel crooned, pinching the girl’s clit and making her let out a yelp. “Can I touch you wherever I like and get the results I want?” he slipped a finger inside her cunt at these words. “Can I make you come with just my touch Minnow?” Jade went on using his other hand to tease (Y/n)’s clit as he pumped a finger in and out of her pussy. The young woman bit her lip trying to stay quiet even as the young man slipped more fingers into her cunt to finger-fuck her. “You look so cute when you’re trying to hold your voice back Minnow, it only makes me want to tease you more” Jade cooed moving his fingers faster and faster until (Y/n) came with a weak whimper. After he pulled his fingers free, he lifted the young woman’s hips up and then guided them back down so her pussy would sink onto his cock, The girl whined as her body was forced to stretch to accommodate the male’s girth and for a moment she thought she might tear in two. However, after a few deep breaths, she relaxed enough for her partner to move.
Jade wanted to absolutely destroy (Y/n)’s cunt but he restrained himself. She’d been a very good girl lately and he wanted to reward her for good behavior. There’d be plenty of chances to punish her and fuck her pussy raw in the future. He nibbled at her neck and played with her breasts as he gently fucked her, making sure to hit her sweet spot with each inward movement so she’d moan out. It wasn’t long before her body was tensing up around him and she was cumming with a cute wail. The eel sped up just a little bit before he was finishing inside her cunt with a low growl. The boy leaned back against the wall of the tub bringing the girl with him. Jade panted softly enjoying the post-coitus bliss while (Y/n) began to shiver. Eventually, he pulled out and stood up, lifting the young woman up into his arms as he stepped out of the tub. He set his partner on the edge of the bathroom counter as he grabbed towels to dry the both of them off before pulling the plug on the tub so it’d drain. Jade then lifted (Y/n) back up into his arms and carried her to bed. He felt this was a sleep in the nude kind of night. After all, he still had the energy to go a few more rounds but his darling Minnow would need a chance to rest up a bit before she’d be ready for anymore bedroom tomfoolery. He helped her under the covers before sliding in beside her and wrapping a possessive arm around her body. The boy felt the girl eventually relax into his embrace as he kissed her goodnight and they drifted off to sleep…
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Hey hey, Valentines day is on. And on this lonely day, may I request Shuichi, Nagito and/or Miu with an S/O who proposes to them? It sounds very romantic to me:)
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Ahhh yess!! I'd love to do this! (Especially since I simp for all 3) You don't have to be alone anon! I'll gladly be your valentine if you'd allow me!! Slight warning for Miu’s part at the end is that a suggestive comment is made! Hope you enjoy and Happy Valentines Day!
-Mod Kiibo
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Since he's introverted you went with a private but meaningful proposal
We don't want to give him anxiety on such a big day after all
The day of the proposal you got up earlier than normal to set your plan into action
With the help of Maki and Kaito, you set up hints around the town which would lead to your proposal spot, an area in the forest where you two had your first date <3
Hearing the sound of footsteps walking your way your nerves increased, taking a deep breath you smiled and looked at the direction of the sound only to find your slightly confused boyfriend. "Shuichi! Over here!" You called out and made your way over to him, adoring the way his face lit up as soon as he heard your voice.
"Ah! S/O! So you were the one who planned all of this" He sighed in relief and hugged you, noting how your heartbeat was faster than normal. "You seem nervous"
You let out a slight giggle, nothing gets past him huh? "Yeah, I actually have to talk to you about something" You saw him visibly tense up and finished off with "its nothing bad though!"
Seeing him relax a bit more and giving you his full attention, you gained more confidence "Over these past few years of us dating its been amazing, we've been there for each other through good and bad and you've never given up on me. I feel like I'm on cloud nine whenever I'm with you. You're everything that I want in a partner and more, I can't imagine my life being without you." You smiled up at him and pulled out the ring, getting on one knee. "Now I just have one question Mr. Detective, will you marry me?"
The yes that followed after was worth everything you could've asked for.
Nagito would definitely cry as soon as your propose to him ngl
Wanting it to be simple yet sweet you did the traditional restaurant proposal
That way everyone around you can know how much you actually love him
Getting up in the morning you made him breakfast in bed to start off his day right
Afterwards you two spent the day inside the house just cuddling and watching movies
As soon as night came you and Nagito got dressed up and went to the restaurant where you would propose to him <3
"S/O, trash like me really doesn't deserve any of this"
You shook your head at him and grabbed both of his hands softly, giving him a soft smile "You don't see it yourself Nagito but you deserve the world. Your far from being trash my love". Nagito flushed a bit at the pet name and only gave his carefree smile in response along with a slight squeeze of you hand.
"I will never see what you see my hope, but I trust that your words are full of love." He smiled at the last part and flushed even more once he saw the look you were giving him. "That's just it Nagito, I love you more than you can imagine. I love how passionate you are, how you can always think of your way around any situation, how even with the bad you still fight on no matter what." You saw his face heat up more at your words and you took a deep breath squeezing his hand.
"Nagito, ever since you've came into my life I've had nothing but hope by my side, that amplified when we started dating too. You're the reason why I wake up in the morning and the reason why I can smile knowing I have such an amazing partner. You've been nothing but hope and love to me and I can't thank you more for all of the years we've shared together. I love you more than anything in the world and I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else." You bent over and wiped away his already falling tears then reached into your pocket to grab the ring. "Nagito Komaeda, will you marry me?"
Nodding his head yes while crying you slipped the ring onto his finger while everyone around you cheered.
That is until Nagito’s luck kicked in and the waiter accidentally spilled water onto him.
Miu would be too shy to be the one to propose, so you would have to do it inevitably
There's nothing wrong with that though! It just allows you to make it perfect for the both of you
You decided to go on a date to the movies first and propose in a park that you two often went through
You made her feel special all throughout the first half of the day by spoiling her and making sure she felt loved before taking her to the movies.
From there is where operation propose to Miu began
"That movie was great!! I really liked it!" Miu exclaimed trying to hold herself from saying anything inappropriate since children were around.
You just chuckled and held her hand smiling at how she flushed almost immediately "I'm glad you liked it honey, are you having a good valentines day so far?" She instantly beamed and looked at you "Of course I am! And I'm sure you are too since you have the gorgeous Miu Iruma as your date!!"
You laughed and started walking with her to the park "That I do, I'm also very lucky to have such a genius inventor as my date" you teased as she got even more flustered. "H-hey, I may be amazing but your pretty good too, after all I do like you back.." she mumbled embarrassingly still learning how to properly express her feelings all the way.
"Thank you love" you smiled and lead her to a pond in the park where the night sky reflected off of it. "Tonight has been pretty nice dont you think?" You looked over to her, smiling when you saw how she was in awe with her surroundings.
"Y-yeah" Miu stuttered out an agreement and shyly looked at you, how could you have ever gotten such a cute girlfriend.
"You know, this night wouldn't have been amazing without you." You squeezed her hand and continued on with your speech. "Like every other day that your in it, its amazing. You always make me smile and feel loved. You're insanely cute about your passions, especially when your eyes light up in excitement over them. I love how you get flustered so easily and let your walls come down around me. I'm glad that you've let me into your life and let me be your partner. I couldn't have asked for a more amazing girlfriend myself. I love everything about you and have been so grateful about the days we've spent together so far." You looked over to see her face as red as a cherry and chuckled.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, giving you all of the love I can possibly give" You smiled and grabbed both of her hands getting down on one knee. Pulling out the ring and presenting it to her you asked the fated question. "Miu Iruma, will you marry me?"
She quickly said yes and rushed you to put the ring onto her. The moment was absolutely perfect.
"You know whats another thing I can do with these fingers right?" Miu smirked as you just rolled your eyes. Well its a good thing her personality is what you fell in love with.
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If the Spit Hits the Fan (Glee) Part XV
Follows pt I, pt II, pt III, pt IV, pt V, part VI, pt VII, part VIII, part IX, part X, part XI, part XII, part XIII and part XIV.
Being Sebastian's boyfriend really isn't that much different from being his friend. They do a lot of the same things, and talk about the same stuff, only now there's hand-holding and kissing and cuddling with it. Apart from the touching though? Nothing really changes much.
Which kind of makes it sound like how it was with Blaine.
It's not though.
Sebastian will hold his hand in the hallway without worrying about being seen. And yes, Dalton is different from McKinley – so, so much different, and safer – but Blaine even hesitated to hold Kurt's hand in the choir room, surrounded by friends.
Sebastian kisses him in a way that never leaves Kurt doubting there's attraction, and has to stop his hands from wandering too far on a regular basis – yet never making Kurt worry he won't stop.
Sebastian makes Kurt have to stop himself, both from allowing it and from doing his own wandering. They're still too new to go there, no matter how much Kurt's hormones sit up and beg every time Sebastian touches him. (They'll get there, Kurt's sure, just... Step by step, and not yet.)
Sebastian reaches out for Kurt without looking – sometimes seemingly without thinking – to pull him close, and always makes a space for him.
And when Sebastian sings, it's with Kurt, or for him, not at him.
It's a far cry from scheduled make-outs and avoiding even PG13 levels of PDA and being made to feel like his boyfriend is more interested in his own hand than in Kurt.
It's amazing.
There's a rainbow rose hanging on Kurt's door on Valentine's day. He and Sebastian have been dating for two days – a day and a half, if he was to be picky – and Kurt knows from last year's insanity that there's not a flower shop within two hours of Vesterville that carries rainbow roses. They have to be ordered special, and with a lot more warning than two days.
Kurt's not the least bit ashamed about how he squeals, or how he turns on his heel and kisses his boyfriend (!) for long enough to be a little dizzy afterwards.
This isn't to say that Sebastian is a perfect boyfriend. He's not. Then again, neither is Kurt. He's working from romantic movies and the examples from the New directions, and of course from his time with Blaine. Neither is a good road map. Romantic movies have so many flaws Kurt don't really want to examine, and a lot of his favorites are set too far back in time to be useful as guidelines. The loves lives of his old glee mates are...well. They're flawed too, when seen without rose-colored glasses and envy.
As for his relationship with Blaine... Even if he's not counting how it ended that relationship was so very less than perfect, and honestly it was both their faults. Kurt's not without blame, he knows that and can admit it without somehow pretending what Blaine did wrong never happened.
So he's trying to learn from his mistakes, and other people's mistakes, and he does his best to communicate with Sebastian – who does the same in return.
Also, no one can say that they don't argue. They definitely do. They have from the beginning, and they're both opinionated passionate people, so why should they stop now? Their relationship has changed – they themselves haven't.
It's just that they manage to argue in a way that works. That doesn't makes Kurt pull out his claws to eviscerate Sebastian, that doesn't scare Kurt, or make him give in to “preserve the peace”. That, right there, was one of the things that had sent his relationship with Blaine down the wrong turn. When he'd first told his dad that he'd begun dating Blaine Burt Hummel had told him never to go to bed angry with his partner. He'd meant to sort out arguments and disagreements, but Kurt had interpreted it as needing to back down and push down his anger or hurt. With Sebastian he doesn't.
They argue, because that's who – and how – they are, but they do it in as mature and healthy way as they are able to, being teenagers. And they apologize if they step over the line. Not Kurt apologizes, regardless, with Sebastian pouting until he does, but both of them.
If Kurt had to, he'd call it damned near perfect. Instead he'll just say it's good, and he's happy.
That's never something to look down on.
The week of Regionals is weird. Kurt's never felt as prepared or as calm with a competition approaching, which is rather telling. The rest of the Warblers are a different story though. Kurt has made it clear that his primary goal is to beat the Troubletones, and his friends are feeling the pressure. They even ask if Kurt and Sebastian won't reconsider singing 'Human Nature'.
“Look, guys, I'm honored, really, that you would trust me, us like that. But I want to win more than I want that solo. And even if we ignore the fact that Ohio doesn't seem ready for a gay duet, I really do think the setlist we have is stronger as is. The Troubletones have a great presence, and both Mercedes and Santana are awesomely talented. However, everything about the Troubletones are built around them. The rest of the girls are background and dancing. If we go on with a number that's the same they are going to win, for no other reason than that most people find girls prettier and nicer to look at.
“But if we go on as an actual choir, for a show choir competition? We'll win. I'm sure of it. We've worked so hard with our songs, and I wouldn't change a thing about our setlist.”
And it's true. They have an amazing setlist, and everything flows in a way that makes Kurt feel practically professional, and he's not giving that – and its chance to win – up to stare longingly at Sebastian while singing a song that exposes them to the core.
No. Kurt's going to have quite a lot more time in the spotlight than he'd expected when turning down a proper solo. He's going to sing with his friends, and his boyfriend, and he's going to show McKinley what it means to be a team onstage.
The Troubletones are just as amazing onstage as Kurt thought. They've done a good job picking their songs, and Mercedes still has the best voice he's ever heard live. Santana's not quite as talented, but give her the right song – which these are – and she'll blow your mind. Their choreography showcases the girls poached from the Cheerios without making Mercedes look too far behind, and their clothes look good.
Kurt would vote for them any day, even with Rachel being given a place in the background, except this one. This is going to be his day. He meets Sebastians eyes as they line up and nods.
'I want You Back' does exactly what it's meant to, namely getting the audience in a party mood. As the last notes flows into the first from 'Man in the Mirror' the mood shifts and Kurt feels his own shift with it. His solo feels a little raw, because in no way can he sing those lines without being reminded of all the crap he's gone through over the past 6 months.
“...a willow deeply scared, somebody's broken heart and a washed out dream...”
Well. His heart might have been broken, and his dreams about Blaine did wash out. But he's got new dreams, and his hearts healed, and no matter the scars he's whole where it matters. And even if he wasn't? He's looking in the mirror, and he's changing.
They bring the party back with their last song, giving their all transforming the sounds of 'Beat It' to sounds that can be reproduced by the human throat. The dancing is the most demanding Kurt's ever done onstage, and he knows he will definitely be beat after. But they look and sound awesome, and that's all that matters.
Or maybe not, he ruefully thinks as he sees Finn on his feet, jumping up and down and whooping as the Warblers are proclaimed the winners and Rachel looks like she's been pelted with eggs again.
“You stole our songs!”
Of course. All Kurt wants to do is get on the bus, go back to Dalton and celebrate. Okay, shower, then celebrate. So naturally Rachel is waiting to ambush him. Well, that's not going to go the way she's probably thinking.
“Really? Really Rachel, you're going there? You know very well that we didn't steal anything. Oh, I know that there was a suggestion that the New Directions do Michael for Sectionals, but I also know that you were the one who refused to accept it.
“You really blew it there. Michael is a great choice for Sectionals or Regionals, what with the Ohio mindset, and I'm pretty sure you would have won with the setlist the guys suggested. I'm not surprised you put a stop to it though.”
Rachel draws back, looking first shocked, then insulted, then finally like an angry goose, complete with hissing sound. He's not letting it touch him though, lets it run over him, one might say, like water over a goose.
“There are no songs in Michael Jacksons discography that's a given for you, no certainty that you'll be featured. And in the end, that's what mattered, wasn't it? Not that the New Directions won, but that you won. You wanted to beat the Troubletones, didn't you? Wanted to show that you were better than Mercedes, wanted to prove that her beating you when auditioning for Maria was just a fluke. Wanted to prove what everyone knows, that's she's every bit as good as you, and sometimes better, is wrong.
“Well, congratulations. You got what you wanted in terms of the setlist and the spotlight, but you fucked up everything else. And not just for you, but for everyone.”
An expression of pain flies across Rachel's face, and he pushes the knife in a little bit further.
“We weren't as blind though. The minute Finn told me about the Michael setlist I knew it was a winner. As did the other Warblers. I asked Finn first, and Sam and Puck. They didn't think we needed their permission, as you didn't use the songs, but they gave it any way.”
Kurt looks at Rachel, looks at the way she's still fuming, still refusing to see any other side than her own. It won't matter what he says – she'll keep ignoring any and all arguments against her. Once he might have tried harder to make her understand, but as things are he just wants to leave. His boyfriend's waiting and that makes Kurt out of time to spend on his former friend.
“Your loss, our gain.”
He starts to leave, but thinks better of it. He's got one more jab in him.
“Oh, and Rachel? Don't worry. Going to Nationals is a privilege, and we won't waste it. We've already gotten started on a setlist.”
It's petty, but. So's she.
That evening the Warblers celebrate as thoroughly as a bunch of uniformed boys in a well-staffed boarding school can. This means that it's late when Kurt drags Sebastian to his room (unlike him Sebastian's in a single), but neither of them is under the influence of anything but happiness.
That's important to Kurt as they tumble into Sebastian's bed while kissing, because he doesn't want there to be any doubt in Sebastian's mind that when Kurt pulls off his shirt and then goes for his fly it's because he wants to.
Having Sebastian stop him is frustrating, to say the very least.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
It's only the fact that it's Sebastian, and that he's shown himself trustworthy in so many ways over the past months that stops Kurt from storming out.
“I thought we... You know?”
It's so hard to say, to open himself up like this, years of being told he's a predator, or ugly, or plain wrong getting just as much in his way as the fact that he's never done this, and the only time he's been even close wasn't even about him.
Apparently he's going to have to use his words regardless, because Sebastian's not taking the opening.
“I thought we could have sex.” There. Words. Consent. Door wide open.
And yet Sebastian's still not taking the opening.
“What's the hurry?”
Kurt pulls back a little, hurt blooming.
“No, no, don't. Talk to me, okay? I'm a bit surprised I guess. We haven't even been dating for two months yet, and I know this is new for you.”
“So? It's not like I'm waiting for marriage.”
Kurt knows he sounds a bit snippy, and he has sort of been waiting – not for marriage, but for something, some feeling of more. He's got that feeling with Sebastian, so what's the point of waiting any longer? Everyone else his age (or so it feels) is having sex so why can't he?
Some of it must bleed through because Sebastian gets that “aha” look, and nods a bit.
“Look, regardless of what I might have said or implied when chasing Blaine, I'm actually not the whore of Babylon. I have, however, rounded a few bases and enjoyed them. I think you'd enjoy them too, and I would love to find out first hand. But that doesn't have to mean we go straight to fucking.” Kurt blushes, because he might be ready to do it, but those words...
“So. I'm not going to push, and I'm not going to rush. I am more than interested though, I'm just happy to take it a bit slow. To build up to every step. As far as I'm concerned you've earned that.”
Sebastian's looking so earnest it kills Kurt annoyance, and then lightning-quick it's replaced by a vicked look than makes him shiver all over.
“I wouldn't mind showing you the first of many, many bases now though. How about it, babe?”
Kurt doesn't mind either, neither then nor the next day.
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ellovett · 3 years
how about dating hcs for Akna, Lillet and Jesse?
i put my blood sweat and tears into this riley thank you for asking [atomizes]
Relationship HCs for Akna, Lillet and Jesse [adult/staff reader ofc, is aged 29 and above]
Akna in a relationship, honestly it's hard enough to even approach this intimidating woman, imagine trying to bond and establish a relationship ! shes very closed off
By the chance you're lucky enough to score Akna as your significant other (how does it feel to be gods favorite), be prepared to keep up with her fast-pace! [both in terms of her walking and just. overall]
While she wouldn't understand most of the flirts you'd tell her, she can be such a smooth talker if she wished, unintentionally even !
Is definitely the one to confess first, though it only happened because Krahn pestered her to and only after thinking over it for very very long, she isn't one to go out of her comfort zone so spontaneously but for you she'll go the extra mile!
Shows you off and will definitely boast about you to the others.
"Oho? You're asking about the picture in my wallet? HA! My darling of course, who else! Aren't they a beauty?" [SLAP] "Don't get your dirty fingerprints all over them, you imbecile!"
Yes. She does have a photo of you in her wallet.
She isn't very affectionate, and she stiffens like a board when given said affectionate or even compliments, as she isn't used to receiving such intimate praise.
As for giving affection, she's one to give hand kisses specifically
She does things in very unconventional or even dramatic ways, like she'd make some flashy smoke potion to wow you with on valentines day, take you to places she wouldn't dare tell anyone that she frequents [like a cat cafe], write a message on the sky using fireworks [that she made btw] professing her love to you on your anniversary, she can be quite the romantic, even though she does have some trouble showing that she cares.
takes care of you when you're sick, by the chance it ever happens she'd drop everything immediately to take care of you, and then spend the entire day concocting a medicine
Lillet I would say is such a considerate and thoughtful partner, she's so incredibly sweet and goes through many lengths to make sure you're okay and to express her love for you!
Is usually the more composed person in the relationships, is incredibly reserved and modest but you will not be exempted from her shower of compliments and teasing
she absolutely loves seeing your flustered face, while she won't go overboard with the compliments she still internally gushes on how cute you are!
"[laughs] Why are you flustered so, my love? It's true isn't it? You do deserve the world, and more~ Oh! You're red again..aha, my apologies."
talks about you fondly to the others, though sje doesnt show you off like akna does, she would absolutely gush abt you given the opportunity
Her classy/elegant/powerful demeanor is enough to intimidate everyone but trust me she is such a sweetheart and dont ever think that she',s out of ur league
is very responsible, and is surprisingly really bold, is one to make the first move or to initiate things
She would never admit it outwardly but she loves impressing you with her magical capabilities/strength. whenever she'd release a rather flashy spell she'd always look in the corner of her eye for your reaction, then laugh to herself upon seeing you in complete awe and adoration.
TEA DATES ARE AN ABSOLUTE MUST. she'll gladly invite you over to her garden for tea, or any other beverage if you're not fond of it jfjrjf she has a wide selection!
Though if she does want to be more intimate the two of you can just read together and just enjoy each other's company
honestly lillet can be lowkey unhinged sometimes so, id recommend you watch out :skull: shes planning smthn insane
You know that image of this tall girl pinning the other to the wall, yeah that's you and her.
overworks herself to the core !!! bitch needs a hug !!!! and like. really good tea !!!!
Jesse is really fun as a partner there's never really a boring moment with him, despite his prestigious past this man is..something :skull:
playful banter is smthn to be expected from him, he loves it, its kinda his love language jdfdk
you'll be surrounded by sm cursed items and artifacts, best be careful with them! If you're interested in them he'll get super excited and just starts rambling about them to you for hours
in terms of teasing goes, he's super charming ! and has a way with words, though give him one simple compliment and this man is already on the floor gasping for air he is easily swayed despite his ability to charm ppl into doing whatever he wants
HES A TOTAL S/O GUY, he would kill for them die for them literally would do anything, he may be an all powerful demon lord but he will go crazy go stupid for his s/o.
Will let you ride on his back whenever he flies, if it impresses you he'll do it more often !
"Can you just feel that morning breeze? Such a beautiful time to fly out, I need some wind in my hair...[smiles] I know that look, come on over then, hop on! I promise I'll catch you if you fall."
First date? He'll probably try to plan a Very Human Normal Date[tm] but it'll just derail and all of a sudden they're driving towards a cliff 🗿for. for some reason. I mean it was fun right?
would probably tell you abt all the gossip happening at work , hes just smiling in his seat and u ask him why hes smiling like that and hes just like 'u wont believe what happened today.'
Prepare to be turned into a moronsexual bc Jesse is the epidemy of stupid.
hes absolutely insane but u know u love him <3 funky demon bitch, icon.
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