theriverbeyond · 1 year
abscission for the bingo ask?
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AH yes, my "what if Cytherea got a villian monologue" fic that got wildly out of hand. I was primarily motivated to write this fic because I have very very specific opinions about Cytherea & her illness & her relationship to the concepts of death, grief, mourning, dying, etc and needed to inflict them on the world. Also I thought it would be hot
thank u <3
send me a fic bingo ask
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arithmonym · 6 months
hiiii yes please i would love recs for camilla grief fics
here you are, anon! i limited myself to eight fics, but i’m still going to put this post under a read more, haha.
Canon Compliant:
something dead that doesn’t know it’s dead by quadrille
Judith silently makes another internal note for her subdermal report: Camilla Hect is in denial to the point of delusion. Suspect I cannot get through to her. A useful asset but a broken one.
(A character study slash grief study focused on Camilla Hect, set during As Yet Unsent.)
as I surrender unto sleep by patiencespardon
Camilla attempts to wrangle her insomnia back under her control. Or, a meditation on grief, devotion, and things left unsaid.
Send Your Name Up: Postmortem associations in the Post-Resurrection Myriad, a multidisciplinary review by JeanLuciferGoHard
Camilla Hect picks up the pieces in the wake of Canaan House.
Twin Human Highway Flares by JeanLuciferGoHard
God is forever. A tape reel holds about eight hours. The world is ending in five days. You can lay in the dark in the bath for maybe sixty minutes before something else happens instead.
In which Camilla has a time.
your bones picked clean and the clean bones gone by pipistrelle
Deuteros is keeping a record of her captivity; I may as well do the same. I have no way to record this, but you'll want the data, when you're back. So I'm remembering it.
(Some of Cam's thoughts during "As Yet Unsent")
the hands that beckon by friendamedes
Camilla Hect takes a bath, thinks about the Warden, and has an awkward conversation with Nona.
Alternate Universe:
a pain star has entered your house by valancytrinit
She and Sextus always made each dive look like the natural currents of a river. Of course they moved that way, it’s how they were meant to, it’s how everything was meant to.
Looking at her now, Pyrrha can see the pain as it sits in Camilla's collarbones, in her throat, in the hands she’s hiding in her pockets, clenched into fists. She knows that’s how it feels to be cut off from the mouth of the river.
a grave, deep and narrow by arithmonym
Only Lyctors were meant to leave the First House alive. Ianthe insists on bringing Coronabeth; Judith dies of her injuries. Camilla is stranded alone at Canaan House — alone, except for the persistent hallucinations of her necromancer.
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nepenthean-sleep · 1 year
griddlehark fic recs, part 4
hello and welcome to part 4 which is locked behind a community label because tumblr sucks. as a general rule i do not recommend smut because one person's sexy can be another person's squick and vice versa. nevertheless: i have some M and E rated fic recs (not all of them are smut, btw). please remember to check the tags before reading a fic.
with that being said: this fandom has some incredible writers and i'm very happy to share the below fics with you guys. tumblr usernames have been added if i could find them (sorry for the notification!). here is part 1, part 2, and part 3.
Flinch M - InverseAlchemist oneshot set after the pool scene in gtn. a beautifully written fic in which gideon and harrow share a bed for warmth (a classic) and harrow spirals a bit about it. there is so much longing.
So Familiar a Gleam E - silverapples short oneshot, harrow nova au featuring kiriona gaia. nova has a dream about kiriona and its just as disconcerting and interesting as you’d think.
turn you inside out (lick you like a crisp packet) E - valancytrinit / @valancietrinit long oneshot, modern au. a first of many wonderful fics from one of the best griddlehark writers in the fandom. gideon and harrow are roommates and gideon has a really bad 48 hours that culminates in a really good morning. this fic is an excellent balance of chaotic and angsty and sweet.
knife to a gunfight E - dryrsheet two chapter modern au. they were roommates! they were roommates sharing a bed! gideon is extremely oblivious in this one and the irony is delicious. also has one of the lines of all time:
“Okay,” Gideon said, “I need you to act like I am actually as stupid as you pretend to think I am and explain why in the fuck you want me to do that.”
hand to heart i swear M - corpsesoldier / @corpsesoldier short oneshot. harrow heals gideon’s stigmata. i very badly want this to be a thing in alecto, but i am happy with this fic version right now. this fic is superb and i love everything about it.
you're still the one pool where i'd happily drown E - valancytrinit / @valancietrinit long post-ntn speculative multi-chapter, completed. i love everything about this fic. i was literally hanging on every word when i read each chapter for the first time. the writing is incredible. there is a shower scene that is legitimately fucking shakespearean. additionally, i absolutely love the way that harrow’s mental health is portrayed in this fic as someone who struggles with similar conditions.
illbringthestrap69420 liked your post E - imalwaysstraight / @nooomagnus long multi-chapter college/uni au, currently unfinished. the enemies to anonymous tumblr mutuals to lovers fic. listen. this fic is an incredible experience for dramatic irony enjoyers. this fic is like dramatic irony: the fic. i love this fic so fucking much. another fic that has kept me on the edge of my seat while reading.
Bid My Blood to Run M - winterkill / @thebrimmingheart short oneshot. another fic where harrow heals gideon’s stigmata! the banter in this fic is wonderful. again, i really hope there's a scene like this in atn.
Let Me Hold It Lightly M - downjune / @itstartledme short oneshot set during htn. a classic ‘harrow sees gideon in her dreams’ situation. very tender and bittersweet.
Wormian E - BonesforTime long oneshot, postcanon au/spec. harrow works through some religious trauma. ok full disclosure: my favorite thing about this fic is the way it’s written. when i first read it, the prose had me completely fucking bewitched. the fic gets more speculative towards the end, and as it was written pre-ntn there’s some pretty big discrepancies with current canon. regardless, the fic itself is extremely well written and compelling.
east of the sun, west of the moon E - zealotarchaeologist short oneshot set during htn. another dream situation, this time featuring harrianthe and harrow/the body. the writing here is exquisite.
let's drink to feelings of temptation not rated - overnights / @televangelists long oneshot, modern bartending au. gideon gets hired at camilla’s bar and harrow is not having it. there’s women who hate each other. there’s customer service shenanigans. there’s ianthe in a grocery store. it’s a very solid modern au.
Mors Vincit Omnia M - WalkingDisaster / @four-for-fidelity long multi-chapter modern au, currently unfinished. a murder mystery where gideon is a witness in an investigation and has to assist forensic scientist harrow. it’s really well written and the mystery is very fun and macabre! it is currently unfinished but i am excited to see where the plot goes.
grab me by my ankles (i've been flying for too long) E - valancytrinit / @valancietrinit long oneshot, college/uni au. harrow is a competitive diver and gideon is a mechanic who ends up carpooling harrow to diving practice. there is a truly astounding amount of dyke drama going on here and it is excellent. the dialogue is incredible as well.
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falloutcoys · 9 months
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got my first bingo on @feedthefandomfest's card! next up i'm eyeing that diagonal
below the cut are the fics in no particular order - they're all wonderful <33
some of them want to abuse you by anonymous - the locked tomb - explicit
I'll hold in these hands all that remains by corvidlesbian - the locked tomb - explicit
but if you want solace, i wouldn't think about it by felixcosm - woe.begone - explicit
In a Yellow Wood by oprime - malevolent - teen
Sold to a Woe.Begone Game Runner?! by notyourcaptain - woe.begone - gen
in the garden of eden by cinnahearts - the locked tomb - teen
grab me by my ankles (i've been flying for too long) by valancytrinit - the locked tomb - explicit
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gideonisms · 1 year
Hey I just read what you have of out of Hold You Like A Weapon and... NGL I am really intimidated by the fact that the first chapter was in Jan 2022 and now This (No judgement, it's just a bummer when chapters take forever), but even if you never published another chapter again I would be so breathlessly grateful for what you have. “I want to make you suffer too. I want you to think about this every day, Griddle. I want to watch you die.” this is Every single part of their dynamic I have ever wanted to read, in SUCH a hot piece of writing as to make me literally breathless because it is so good. In the meantime, do you have any Explicit Griddlehark fics that scratch a similar itch? (Your style is to DIE FOR and I am in withdrawal) It's a plus if they're longer, but I trust your judgment for anything.
This is such a nice ask to receive, thank you so much for reading and enjoying my fic, let alone sending me such a sweet message about it <3
I totally get being intimidated by longer unfinished fic. Look, I still kind of wish tamsyn muir would finish her homestuck fic from 10 years ago, although it goes without saying I'm a fan of what she's done with her time instead. Anyway, I've been dealing with some mental health stuff for the past few years and although I think I've figured out what was going on, it's taking some time to get back to anything resembling a functional life. It is kind of a bummer because I have so many creative ideas I'd love to pursue, but have had to focus on the bare minimum. THAT SAID I just graduated so a lot of my college stress is behind me at least! And I have a good outline of what happens in this AU. I'm hopeful about finishing it before alecto comes out.
Anyway, as to your question about explicit griddlehark fics, I DID do a couple of rec lists here and here (not all griddlehark, but many are). For writers whose style I especially enjoy, I rec bonesfortime, raxheim, igneousbitch, corpsesoldier, valancytrinit, and zoicite. If you're looking for something in the specific enemies with benefits to lovers genre, there is a figure skating fic here I enjoyed and then this fic I mentioned in the first rec list linked up there, and the buzzfeed unsolved au by igneousbitch has this premise too, but if anyone knows some other good ones too, feel free to comment! I can never get enough of that trope
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liesmyth · 2 years
Your recs are ON FIRe and I was wondering if you have any more Harryanthe recs (any POV)?
Harryanthe my beloved! I'm a multishipping mess these days but THIS is actually the ship I got back into fandom for
A Little of You, A Lot of Bloodletting by monochrome_agalma; rated E, HtN era
Horrors pile upon horrors when Harrow walks in on Ianthe masturbating and finds her unwilling to stop.
Burned Out from a Joyride by @theriverbeyond; rated E, HtN era
“Or,” she said lightly, folding her long legs up to sit in front of you, close enough that you could feel the heat radiating off her skin. “I can show you how very grateful I am for your assistance, and we can fuck each other until we both forget what a horrible place this nightmare station is.”
or: Ianthe tries to thank Harrow after The Bone Arm scene. It's complicated for both of them.
docile, unkind, fraught by @meikuree; rated T
By the time you returned to Ianthe’s room from another practice session for Ortus the First’s ill-advised murder, it was late, or the Mithraeum’s moorless definition of late.
Or: Ianthe invents intricate rituals to touch Harrow. Harrow has a twisty time about it.
gallery walls by goldentwin; rated E, violence
Ianthe is very fond of the nude portraits that decorate her room aboard the Mithraeum. Harrowhark vehemently is not.
Some rough and horny Harryanthe content for art history enjoyers who want to wax poetic about iconography and religious ecstasy in your Lyctor porn.
Glory and Gore go Hand in Hand by quiriusblack, rated E
Harrow makes Ianthe a new arm. Then she fucks her about it.
thought that love was a kind of emptiness by @banrions; rated E, soulmate AU
The first time that Ianthe sees Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Reverend Daughter of Drearburh and Heir to the House of Ninth, she seems like an unremarkable little twit with some idiotic face paint.
to settle in a kingdom made of sugar by rosedamask; rated M, HtN era
Ianthe the First crashes a party in the River.
Repeat recs! I've recced these before but they're GOOD
a never feeling pleased when pleased by peacockbutchboy; Ianthe/Harrow + Ianthe & Corona, rated E, up to HtN
Despite wagging tongues claiming the contrary, Ianthe is capable of waiting patiently for her spoils. She and Harrow are caught in each other’s orbit for good, and there is no need to rush. She has an eternity at her disposal to capture her heart, and an eternity more to keep it for herself.
the cellar door is an open throat by 2wisheslikeafool; Ianthe/Harrow, rated E, HtN era
Ianthe experiences human emotions and tastes Harrow’s blood, only one of which is pleasant.
(Fics that aren't ONLY Harrow/Ianthe but I would rec specificially to Harryanthe fans)
(bad, bad news) one of us is gonna lose by valancytrinit; rated E, modern AU with powers
"You're not actually going to send Ianthe nudes, are you?" says the Body, in a tone that suggests she sincerely disapproves. Harrow never entertained what she thought the Body's views on pornography might be. She certainly never considered they might be quite conservative views.
Harrow sends the picture anyway.
[This is a modern AU with necromancy where Ianthe and Harrow sext. Also Gideon's ghost is there AND so is Alecto's ghost and they both have horny vibes with Harrow. This is just as weird and even better than I'm making it sound]
Lies Found Favor In Heaven by monochrome_agalma; rated T
God looked at you and saw everything wrong with the world he had wrought. It was painfully clear. So, when he asked about you and Harrow, you told him a lot of hot bullshit.
Or: what if John tried to talk safe sex with Ianthe too?
real love is a heart attack by @augustmourn; rated E, canon-setting AU (incest CW)
Harrow arranges a political marriage. Ianthe chafes under Ninth customs. Babs has a bad time. Corona will always come first.
[Ianthe marries Harrow and moves to the Ninth; this is primarily a Ianthe-centric fic and there's Corona/Ianthe alongside Harrow/Ianthe but I'm reccing it for the STEAMING HOT smut scene of Harrow punishing Ianthe in sexy ways.]
The Emperor's Daughter by @naryrising; rated T, Divine Highness AU
"Does anyone here actually want to marry the Emperor's daughter?" Harrow asked.
"That's a great question," said Palamedes. "I assume someone must. Lady Dulcinea Septimus says she's, and I quote, 'stacked.'"
[Harrow and Ianthe both try to flirt with God's daughter. They're competitive about it]
there is only one thing by @slashmarks; rated E, HtN AU
Resurrection Beast Seven stays on the original timeline, and Harrow's plan unravels anyway.
[This is Gideon/Harrow/Ianthe in a Gideon&Harrow bodysharing situation, but I'm reccing it here because the Harrow/Ianthe content is A+ Two words: sewn tongue]
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valancietrinit · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Locked Tomb Series | Gideon the Ninth Series - Tamsyn Muir Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gideon Nav/Harrowhark Nonagesimus Characters: Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Gideon Nav Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Avulsion Trial, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn with Feelings, Oral Sex, Blasphemy, Cunnilingus, Making Out, not using mercymorn's lyctor study as intended Summary:
“I asked you yesterday how I might earn your trust- only for you to show me today that I apparently already had it, and that it seemingly has no limits.”
Gideon is staring down at her with a look on her face that Harrow cannot decipher, something brightening the spark behind her yellow eyes.
"I have done nothing to earn that from you, Nav," Harrow says, firm in her resolve. "I have done nothing to earn the loyalty that you have shown me. At least let me prove that I might one day deserve it."
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moondal514 · 2 months
Just Leave a Comment Fest 2024
Final overall comment total for @justleaveacommentfest: 65
Here’s a multi-fandom fic rec list of a few of the fics I read, loved, and commented on that were on theme for each day of the fest:
Day 1: random fic
Fandom: Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
until the world is turned to ash by featherx/ @featherxs
When I come back… No, the next time we meet, it’ll be when we perform together, okay?
Yoo Sangah suddenly returns to Korea after 12 years of studying overseas, right in time not just for Han Sooyoung’s second year in Star Stream Music Academy but also a series of underground auditions for the position of ‘top star.’
Revue Starlight au that goes so hard
Fandom: All For the Game
takes one to know one by rwnjun/ @rwnjun
Neil, on the run, ends up on a remote ranch in the west.
He has no intention to stay, until he does.
Andreil cowboy au ftw!
Day 2: set a goal
Fandom: Meet You At the Blossom
a soft touch, a scar, a smile by Anonymous
Xiaobao’s expression drops as soon as he sees the scars on Huaien’s chest.
“Didn’t you apply the ointment I gave you? Are you so strong that you don’t feel pain?” Xiaobao is accusatory, pained.
Xiaobao has lost all his pretences, whatever he wanted to do to Huaien while Huaien is paralysed— whatever Huaien would have let him do— forgotten. Xiaobao’s concern is more important.
This fandom is in its fledgling stages but this anon is already out here writing the missing sex scenes and I love it
Fandom: Mo Dao Zu Shi
Help!!! I’m a Broke College Student How Did I End Up With a (Hot) Amnesiac Sword Spirit For a Sugar Baby??!?? by spookykingdomstarlight/ @spookykingdomstarlight
Wei Ying is a normal first-year college student. He lives with his parents. He gets good grades. He has friends. Or a friend, at least. Everything is going well, at least until a stunning man in hanfu with white hair manifests right in front of his eyes on a field trip. Suddenly he’s stuck introducing a sword spirit to the modern world, dealing with a mystery involving metal shards appearing all over Jiangsu province, and grappling with the possibility that Siri from his old phone might be sentient.
What’s a normal first-year college student supposed to do under these circumstances? He dives right in, of course.
A super fun read that made me feel like I was watching a donghua
Day 3: restaurant/entertainment au’s
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
bad coffee & lemon bars by abillionstars
Oikawa, on first impression, looks nothing like the devil from hell that Hajime soon learns him to be. Rather, he looks soft and handsome, wrapped up in a scarf to ward away the autumn chill, hair perfectly styled and brown eyes warm. He is taller than Hajime, his clothes just thin enough to cling to the defined muscle of his arms and Hajime reflects that he really is good-looking.
It really is too bad that his order is the stupidest thing that Hajime has ever heard.
(in which iwaizumi is the new barista at Karasuno's Coffee + Bakery and Oikawa is the pretty asshole with horrific coffee choices)
I’m not usually one for coffeeshop au’s but I wanted something sweet to lift up my spirits and this was exactly what I needed
Fandom: The Locked Tomb
get nostalgic for disaster by valancytrinit/ @valancietrinit
It makes her feel starved of air just to realise that, short of dropping to the lino floor and giving into death’s sweet embrace in the middle of the dinner rush, no one’s got a fucking clue what a mess her head is. She knows how to suffocate gracefully, now, how to do it quietly.
Gideon, though. Gideon makes it so so so fucking difficult. Gideon always fucking does.
The Bear au that is beautifully written and captures Harrow’s wet rat energy extremely well
Day 4: bingo
(See here for the full list of fics I read for the bingo)
Fandom: Jing Wei Qing Shang
The Good Year by banjjakz/ @banjjakz
Jingnu must still leave her lover each spring, no matter how many times she takes that forbidden fruit into her mouth.
The seasonal narration and Hades/Persephone myth references have me frothing at the mouth
Fandom: Six of Crows
anti-hero by alltheworldsinmyhead/ @alltheworldsinmyhead
Why should she worry? Inej is alright. She’s perfectly fine. She’s gilded in gold, marked for sainthood alive. The slavers tremble when they hear her name and people whisper it in the dark like a blessing.
She flees on The Wraith as quickly as the wind lets her. Salt air cuts through her to the bone.
She takes the painted icon of Sankt Kho that her father gave her in the harbor and locks it in her desk’s drawer. /
or Inej and the weight of her halo
Incredibly written and so good
Day 5: <500 words
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
the way a knife loves a heart by copperiisulfate/ @chalcanthite
Suguru says his name and it makes his head spin because that’s always been the effect it’s had on him for one reason or another.
Love when a fic can devastate you in 300 words
Fandom: Tian Ya Ke
contact point by northofallmusic/ @northofallmusic
Evidence of life under the snow; points of connection between bodies.
Beautifully written ficlet
Day 6: free day
Fandom: Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
regrets of xian shu by kitschlet
Liu Mingyan was waiting when Sha Hualing, the Demon Saintess, sauntered through the gate to Xian Shu Peak. The Demon Saintess had yet to find a way not to set off Cang Qiong Mountain’s alarms. Sometimes it seemed like she wasn’t trying. How disrespectful.
“You caught me again,” she giggled, playing with one of her earrings. “Jiejie is so diligent.”
Liu Mingyan is so funny
Fandom: Star Wars
we gladiate but I guess we're really fighting ourselves by pearwaldorf/ @pearwaldorf
She dreams, and she is back in the fight with Ren. But there is no frenzied struggle for survival; she knows how this turns out. It’s replaced with the exhilaration of the meld, in a way that just fits. They flow like water in the Force: apart sometimes, but still the same thing fundamentally.
She wakes up, and the absence of that communion almost brings her to tears. But she will not waste water on something that will never happen again, and certainly not him.
It could always be like this. His voice in her head is almost gentle, and somehow it makes it even more repulsive. You and me, back to back, against the whole universe.
Every so often I read a Star Wars fic that makes me think “wow I would’ve liked the movies so much better if this happened” and this fic is exemplary of that
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theriverbeyond · 1 year
firmly in the "griddlehark reunion will involve them beating the shit out of each other" camp they have always had their teeth and claws in each other, it only makes sense that in order for them to find each other again they need to let their teeth sink home
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theriverbeyond · 1 year
salut!!! do you have any fave griddlehark au fics?? your taste is immaculate so i would appreciate the recs
omg thank u!! and YES i have tons of recs. I have started a couple of bookmark collections on ao3 for my personal favorite fics, THREE of which are about griddlehark!! As a heads up I only made them somewhat recently, and am therefore trying to catch up on my bookmarks backlog, so they aren't complete but I recommend everything in them :D
Griddlehark Modern AU bookmark collection (what it says on the tin, all fics >10k words) Griddlehark Canon Divergence AU bookmark collection (Basically any AU ft. griddlehark with canon divergence from any period in the timeline, including regular canon divergence & more drastic alternate paths such as Nova AU, BOE!Gideon, Her Divine Highness AU, etc) Griddlehark Misc AU bookmark collection (Any non-canon, non-mundane AU)
for specific fic recs, just off the top of my head:
Waiting and Better Days by badgerjaw (Griddlehark modern AU sickfic & hurt/comfort, made me cry (positive), really beautifully written)
I am one of the young women who was rescued from the Locked Tomb cult, AMA. by mintpearlvoice (formatted like a reddit AMA, funny but also angsty in the best way. what can i say but them <3)
literally anything written by @valancietrinit/valancytrinit, especially if you like your alternative universes with an angsty modern flavor they have some utterly FANTASTIC oneshots here, literally no words u just have to read them and experience it for yourself
hold you like a weapon by @gideonisms/GingerAlchemy (ballet fake dating AU with pitch perfect griddlehark dialogue and banter. holding them in my arms)
The Heart Is Hard To Translate by JustBeCos (BOE!Gideon AU, Harrow is captured by BOE and Gideon ends up guarding her. One of the most scrunchable Harrows ever, with SUCH a well written Gideon as well, tears my heart out with each update!!!)
Mors Vicit Omnia by @four-for-fidelity/WalkingDisaster (forensic anthropology AU that has me by the THROAT!!! in suspense, truly one of the Fics Of All Time, to me)
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by @neornithes/pipistrelle (MOBY DICK AU where the scions of the Houses are called by God to go on a Ressurection Beast hunt. Once again, truly one of the fics of ALL time, the way this fic re-interprets Resurrection Beasts, Lyctorhood, the River, and necromancy in general is just beyond fantastic)
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theriverbeyond · 1 year
hey after your fic recs of holy cross alaska, after me the flood, and the devil and the deep blue sea i think im actually Gayer now and also more broken inside </3 thank u for ur service
OH??? 🫡 always happy to be of service
Holy Cross, Alaska by sofie ghost
After me, the Flood by liesmyth
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, by pipistrelle
HERE ARE SOME MORE fics for specifically when you want to feel even more broken inside (positive) (cannot emphasize enough how much i loved being destroyed by these fics):
Let me grow a backbone by itsprobablynot (griddlehark. mkdern AU, despite Gideon & Harrow's love for each other, Harrow has to enter an arranged marriage with Ianthe. everyone deals with the situation poorly)
knowing me, knowing you (there is nothing we can do) by valancytrinit (Nona/Kiriona. Nona can't remember who she was before the accident. then she meets a stranger that recognizes her face)
the soul that seeketh him by bittybelle (John Gaius remembers the people he left behind. a John Gaius slut era fic but like. idk how to describe it this fic made me cry (positive))
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valancietrinit · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Locked Tomb Series | Gideon the Ninth Series - Tamsyn Muir Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Gideon Nav/Ianthe Tridentarius, Kiriona Gaia/Ianthe Tridentarius Characters: Gideon Nav, Kiriona Gaia, Ianthe Tridentarius Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Smut, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Body Horror, Improper Use of Flesh Magic (Locked Tomb Series), Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Shower Sex, Blood and Gore, Hair-pulling, Hair Washing, Bondage, (sort of? does it count as bondage if the restraints are her own manipulated body parts?), involuntary codependency, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, presidential alert: the girls are fucking nasty!!!, (actually they're fucking miserable but whatever), Consensual But Not Safe Or Sane Summary:
Ianthe doesn’t actually mean to start sleeping in the same bed as her fellow Tower Prince. Frankly, besides all her big talk to Harrow (Oh, but who hasn’t done that?) and Harrow’s own nastier proclivities (She wants the D. The D stands for dead.), Ianthe’s generally not interested in anybody, much less the already dearly departed.
Kiriona Gaia is neither dear, nor is she completely departed, so she supposes it’s fine that she’s the outlier in this case.
(She’s giving herself a lot of leeway these days. It’s fucking exhausting.)
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theriverbeyond · 2 years
Sex pollen, Came bacj wrong, Amnesia
Sex pollen
F: Hate it. Will immediately make me nope out of a fic
mutual sex pollen (the most common iteration of this trope, i think) is in between a D and F for me. i HAVE read a handful of mutual sex pollen fics that hit right for me, but it is usually either a back-click or something i avoid entirely based on the tag. i only read it if it's been recommended to me specifically, tbh. one sided sex pollen, however, is rated A. incredibly choice, 100% emoji, etc
Came back wrong
A: Love it. will click on a fic only because of this tag
LOVE this trope. what can i say..... it's just Good to read. the drama, the angst. i love it especially when there is exploration of the fallout of Coming Back Wrong, and i love both the character and their loved ones having Emotions about how they came back wrong
A: Love it. will click on a fic only because of this tag
Once again, the drama, the angst. Only reservations i have about this trope is amnesia fic that also leans really hard into describing like.... the rehabilitation process? because it is often really inaccurate which is an instant back-click for me... i just cannot do it. but amnesia fic that leans into the angst, the emotions, the grief for someone still living? holy shit, sign me up
on that note, knowing me, knowing you (there is nothing we can do) by valancytrinit on ao3 is incredible, fantastic, amazing, actually made me tear up (Kiriona/Nona modern AU, Nona is amnesiac Harrow)
send me fanfic tropes and i'll rate them!
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