#v; our peaceful valley
outoftheirdifferences · 8 months
“I admit that, in the past, I’ve been a nasty…” ( Ptetano @ Cera xD )
The Little Mermaid  {Sentence Starters}
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"Oh, sure, only in the past."
Yeah, she was suitably sceptical. The little three-horn huffed, kept her distance, and shot the adult flyer several dirty looks. It did, perhaps, occur to Cera that she wasn't being completely fair - Pterano had saved Ducky after all... although it also wasn't lost on her that if not for him Ducky wouldn't have needed saving in the first place - but suspicion ran deep.
Like father, like daughter, she supposed.
Still, if it was anyone's fault that she had run into him this time, Cera supposed it was only her own. She was the one who was out in the Beyond, after all - albeit for important reasons of her own - so it wasn't like he was anywhere that he shouldn't be. Still, Cera didn't feel inclined to take the infamous flyer at his word.
She turned away, a scoff on her lips.
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"It's going to take a lot more than words to make me believe you're suddenly reformed. What, you're gonna tell me you haven't gone chasing after any more dumb rocks lately, either?"
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day-drawn-blog · 11 months
Part III: I meant to say, that I love you, or maybe, fear like a flame, what's happening to me.
- The Power.
Part III : Just tonight, maybe I'll rest in peace
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Tags: angst, fluff, sadness, angst, fluff, then maybe eventually smut because I do love that
Part I. Crowned light moon of mine - I found you too soon
Part II : Lace your heart with mine Let your sleeping soul take flight
Part IV : There is much to do and I still want to live
Part V: our futures bound, our bodies known
Part VI : these ain't my sins, I broke my chains
Part VII: You are not mine and am I truly yours
Part VIII: your blood like wine, invites me in
Part IX: I'll welcome my sentence and give you my penance
Part X : I can't go yet...don't let me die
Another day, another battle. You shut out Shadowheart's physical closeness and familiarity with Astarion out of your peripheral vision. Because you like her. And this wasn't her fault. You don't want to hate her. But something strange would happen every now and again. Walking along with everyone, during the day, you trying to keep your distance from the two, trailing behind a bit... Astarion would turn back and look at you a few times. Catching you off guard. He would smile if he caught you looking at him sometimes.
What is he playing at.
It's not like we are friends. Not like that....I help him... And we fight together. And then you almost slipped on a cliff trying to go down a cragged rock, he stayed behind a bit, and held his hand out for you. You had to hold it or you would have fallen on your face. Embarrassing. And awkward.
He was happy. Smiling.
Dealing a lot of damage. Energized. His happiness energized you too. You were glad. If being his friend meant such warmth, you would take it. Remember what you want to be. You want to serve and protect. Even those that are too proud to ask for it. Or too lost to hope.
That night at camp was a celebration. You cannot remember why. But a bard was singing. Everyone sat around the fire. Laughing, singing. Drinking. Halsin was throwing someone in the air. Laezel was lecturing Gale on the merits of working out your body as much as the mind.
Once again you were lonely in a crowd.
It's not that you were'nt surrounded by people you loved who loved you back. But, that you sat opposite him. Across the fire. Him next to shadowheart. You between wyll and karlach. Shadowheart was telling him something pouring wine for him. He was laughing at what she said, happy. What a smile. He should smile more. Though he might accidentally show his fangs. You didn't realize you were inadvertently staring at his face. He locked eyes with you. You jolted and looked away.
It's embarrassing as it is, you keep his secret and let him drink you. This ...this is crossing the line even for you. While you looked away from him, your face solemn, between two happy people, Astarion couldn't help but notice. He felt sad. For you. You had helped him so much. Yet you were so sad yourself. He felt powerless. He resolved to come talk to you when he could tear himself away.
You didn't want to linger.
You got up. Took your sword. A bottle. And sulked into the darkness. Away from the merriment. Guilty of leaving those having fun. But you needed to channel your energy. You swing your weapon at a tree a few times, then practiced some moves by yourself. The noise fades away. Your mind quietened. You stopped to catch your breath. To take in the view.
It was breathtaking.
As you were lost taking in the river gleaning in the moonlight in the valley down the cliff, you heard someone approach.
"I saw you leave. I got you some wine". Astarion's smiling face appeared from the shadows. He handed you the bottle. You gratefully accepted. "it's beautiful out here".
Yes it was.
"shall we? :) Everyone is happy back at camp. Come join them" he beckoned. As if he had sought you out just to escort you back. You obliged. Walking back, he expressed his gratitude, and asked if he could come visit you again. That familiar feeling of being used...
But you couldn't say no.
After the merriment of the night, you went back to your tent. Dreading the encounter. Your heart was beating so fast in anticipation of this secret rendezvous. Why did it feel so wrong, yet so exciting. Images of his eyes, his face close to you, bent on your hand, flashed across. The alcohol must be getting to you. You paced around the tent. Shortly after, you heard him approach.
Your heart almost stopped.
He stumbled in. Had he been drinking so much? Shadowheart did make him drink a lot, but still. He ran his fingers through his hair. Smiled his charming smile and came inside. "Are you ready, darling? I can't wait, I'm positively famished" he said reeking of alcohol.
Ugh. Whatever. He is not even in his senses.
What was I expecting. You went to him, half expecting having to support him, but he just plopped down on your pillows. On his back. He beckoned you to come near him. Clearly lacking any energy to sit up. So you sat next to him. Extending your left arm to him. He held it, then smelled your arm. Taking you in.
Weird. You thought.
He then playfully licked your hand, while looking at you. Entwined his fingers with yours, and kissed them again. You could sense your heat rising in you. Your heart pounding, feeling warm down there. What a tease. Just get on with it and be done.
He did something very unusual.
He continued to kiss the back of your hand, trailing up ever so slightly, then licked your hands up and then slowly down a bit back to your fingertips. He then turned your hand over and kissed your palm. He was on his back the whole time.
Does he think you are her?
What is he doing? You were getting flustered, humiliated...but you didn't want him to stop. You were greedy. Just when you were about to ask him, he bit you. The sharp pang was surprising this time. He wasn't being gentle, you let out a little moan, looking away, then dropping down next to him. You felt drained. The feelings were too much to handle.
Principles be damned.
You want to savor the moment. The man you yearn for, right next to you. Your shoulders touching. Lying on your back, next to each other, hearing each other's breath. His face so close to you, with your hand on his lips. His thighs next to yours. You want to touch him...
But can you?
You shouldn't. Must not. Maintain your dignity. You urged yourself. Please. You don't want to stoop so low. He let go... With another kiss on your hand, he licked the droplets, then turned to look at you. You could smell the alcohol again. His eyes were happy, he was smiling. He looked nothing like the deceptive manipulative rogue you think he is, at that time. Just someone, very happy, very safe, very content.
Isn't shadowheart waiting?
You wanted to ask. But it wasn't your place. So you let him be. He held your hand in his. Entwined your fingers. And he showed no signs of getting up. Much to your panic. Is he going to be here all night? He can't be planning to? You propped yourself up on your elbows. To get a look at his face. But he was already asleep!
This....son of a gun!! He was passed right out.
Part IV : There is much to do and I still want to live
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freesia-writes · 2 years
Waking Up with The Bad Batch
[cheesy PG-13 fluff] Part Two: Wrecker
You fell asleep completely enveloped in the biggest bear hug of a cuddle that you had ever imagined, but you wake up on your own side of the bed, with that massive hulk of a clone sprawled out on his back next to you, arms and legs everywhere. He's still fast asleep, breathing through his mouth with the occasional closing/swallowing/lip smacking, and a smile creeps across your lips as you watch him for a moment in the early morning glow.
The sheets are twisted around his waist and legs but his torso and arms are free, one arm outstretched near your head. It's impossible to resist snuggling into his side, bringing the covers with you. You match the curve of your body to his, lifting your head to find the perfect pillow in the scoop where his chest meets his shoulder, and drape a leg across one of his.
You rest a hand on his chest, feeling it steadily rise and fall, soaking up his scent and warmth and the absolute peace of the moment. But it's soon broken by a quick twitch from him, muscles flexing under you, that both startles you and jerks him out of his sleep. With a tiny snort, he lifts his head a few inches, looking around the room quickly before getting his bearings and becoming aware of you.
"Ohhh, now this is what I'm talkin' about," he says, gravelly voice slightly rougher than usual. He wraps the outstretched arm around you, curling it around your back from its position under your neck, and brings his other hand behind his head, reclining onto the pillow and closing his eyes.
You trace your hand across his pecs, lazily marveling at the sheer brawn of his build, and nestle it in the tuft of hair sprinkled across the center, gripping it so gently for a moment and then releasing it. You continue your appreciative caress, drawing your fingers up the side of his neck, across the spider-leg scars on the side of his head, then back down to his nose, giving it a little tap. The dichotomy of brute strength and pure tenderness in one soul is magnetic, and you could spend all day exploring the two.
His stomach announces its hunger with an impossibly loud growl, and you have to suppress a laugh at the predictability of this man. His eyes open again, and he grins unabashedly, giving his stomach a fond pat.
"Sounds like it's time to get up," Wrecker says, rolling on his side to face you, freeing his arm from underneath your head, and propping himself up on his elbow. His free hand reaches over to give your rear a playful smack, and this time you do laugh. But instead of getting up, you lay back onto the pillow, never wanting to drag yourself from this warm, cozy little nest, and let out an overly-dramatic deep sigh.
"Fine," you admit, bringing a hand to his side before continuing, "Or... You can stay here, and I'll fetch us a snack..." Your thumb brushes across the sculpted little valleys between his muscle groups, following one side of a V from his hip down toward his thigh.
"Now you're talkin!" he replies enthusiastically, "But you'd better watch out with that hand, or you're gonna have some trouble." He waggles his eyebrows at you, giving a roguish wink before cupping your entire head with his hand and bringing it toward him, placing a slightly sloppy kiss on your forehead.
"And you hate trouble, don't you?" you laugh, tracing your fingers back up across the center of his stomach to rest once again on his heart. "I'll be right back."
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As stated in my first one of these... I'm new to all this, so be gentle with me. ;) Hope you can enjoy some PG-13 fluff about our favorite boys. <3 Also, this one got way longer than the first because I'm currently stuck in the progression of my fanfic but still have to write. ;) I'm beginning to fear the potential length of the remaining three. ;)
Also, I have to share this in each post, but these were inspired by this disproportionately cozy and wonderful work of art by @shyranno:
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Who next?? <;3
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saras-devotionals · 7 months
Quiet Time 2/23
What am I feeling today?
I got to sleep in again today which I think was much needed. I feel as though I’ve got a calm day ahead of me and I feel quite peaceful. I am in some pain that started earlier in the morning but I assume it’ll go away soon. All in all, feeling pretty good.☺️
Luke 3 NIV
(v. 3-6) “[John the Baptist] went into all the country around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet: “A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him. Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. And all people will see God’s salvation.’ ””
I do wonder about those that John baptized because they were baptized before knowing/believing in Jesus because it was before his time of teaching. Is that why others later in the Bible had to be baptized again (for real)? Was what John was doing valid or not? I mean at the very least we do know that he was fulfilling his purpose in preparing the way for Jesus.
(v. 8-9) “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.””
Reminds me of John 15 where Jesus talks about the vine and the branches:
John 15: 1-8
““I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”
This was a gut punch for me before I became a disciple because I feared being one of those branches that was cut off and thrown away to be burned. But I’ve come to remain in Jesus and the word of God and I can see the blessings that He’s brought into my life as a result.
(v. 16) “John answered them all, “I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”
Just wanted to make the note that through baptism we receive the Holy Spirit and I think that’s a wonderful and comforting thing!
(v. 21-22) “When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.””
One, taking as a sign to pray before baptism (or during) because it says Jesus was praying and the Holy Spirit descended. Two, confirmation of Jesus being the son of God.
(v. 31, 33-34, 36, 38)
“… the son of Nathan, the son of David, …the son of Judah, the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham, … the son of Shem, the son of Noah, … the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.”
I wanted to take a look at the genealogy and take note of those that I found interesting. One, I had thought David’s only son was Solomon but I see a continued line through Nathan. Also, Jesus is from the line/tribe of Judah (a part of me knew this, but another part had also assumed Joseph for some time). Additionally, he comes from Noah but specifically his son Shem. And lastly, I didn’t realize that Adam had other sons besides Cain and Abel, so to see Seth was a shock to me.
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flagwars · 11 months
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People’s Flag Wars 2: Round 3, Bracket 4
See the symbolism below.
The unnamed flag was made by eth317.
City flag of Syracuse, NY titled The First Light flag is the official flag of Syracuse by Eric Hart.
Symbolism: “Through the use of simple color and shape the First Light flag shares a complex story of our people and personality, our geography and weather, our past and future, and our relationship to our surrounding area.
Six-Pointed Star: Symbolizes the Six Nations of the Haudenosaunee, of which the Onondaga Nation plays a central role. It symbolizes the six historical names by which Syracuse has been known: Salt Point, Webster's Landing, Bogardus Corners, Milan, South Salina, and Cossits' Corners (not incl. Corinth). It is the sun, a guiding light. Its central placement on the flag marks Syracuse's central location in New York State.
Mirrored triangles: Symbolizes the hills of Onondaga. The word onoñda'gega' means, "people of the hills" in the Onondaga language. The left triangle is the hill westward toward Hiawatha Lake. The right triangle is the hill eastward toward Thornden Park. The space between the triangles is the Onondaga Valley.
Star set between triangles: Symbolizes the sunrise over the Onondaga Valley.
This is described in a line from Syracuse University's Alma Mater, ". where the vale of Onondaga meets the Eastern sky." Represents a new day, a bright future, and good fortunes ahead.
Orange Star on White: Symbolizes our history of using the sun to pull white salt from our salt springs. It also represents the sun warming us during our cold, white winters.
The Chevron: Symbolizes the Roman numeral "V" indicating the five Syracuse Common Council Districts. It also represents "The V-Sign," international symbol for peace and friendship.
Three Distinct Triangles: Symbolic of the city's past, present and future. The left triangle points to the past. The central triangle points to the present. The right triangle points toward the future. It represents Syracuse across the ages. Syracuse: for now and forever.
Orange Symbolic of: The Sun, Regeneration, Restoration, Courage, Passion, Creativity
Azure Blue Symbolic of: Onondaga Lake, the Erie Canal, Perseverance, Intelligence
Navy Blue Symbolic of: The hills of Onondaga, Trust, Loyalty, Industriousness
White Symbolic of: Salt, Snow, Peace, Purity”
Kairouan, Tunisia is a flag proposal by Gargari.
Symbolism: “It shows a camel with the city's name calligraphically written on it. I made this choice because the name literally translates to caravan, or military column. The colours green and yellow are taken from the current coat of arms of the city. Also taken from there is the dome of Kairouan's great mosque, which also represents the camel's hump here. The additional colour purple is used for lines not part of the calligraphy but vital for making it look like a dromedary. The colour represents the wealth of the history of this noble and old city.”
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🔗Gehenna Astremia || 🪞Phennel Astremia
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(Picrew izn't v accurate, but i don't have time to draw em rn)
Name : Gehenna and Phennel Astremia
Nicknames: Henna (general nickname), Hen-hen (Zen @/rosietrace) | Phenny (general nickname), Phen-phen (Zen), Not-henna (Irina, because she still doesn't know hiz name)
Age : 17-ish
Height : 5'7
Homeland : Briar Valley
Birthday : 07/24
Species : Half-Fae
Hair Color : Polished Pine (why iz that a name-)
Eye Color : Silver Sand (what are these namez-)
Gender : Female | Male
Sexuality : Questioning | Unlabeled (but likes anyone of any gender)
Family : Each other, Unnamed Mother, Unnamed Aunt, Karchile Chocolat (Cousin), Unnamed Grandparents, 
Favorite Food : Cheese, Ham | Crab, Ham
Least Favorite Food : Crab | Cheese
Likes : Crystals, Peaceful Places | Classical Music, Being Alone
Dislikes : Being Disturbed, Crystals Going Missing | Being Mistaken for Gehenna (unless on purpose)
Hobbies : Collecting Crystals | Playing Violin, Voice Acting
Personality : Gehenna is described as calm, yet cold. She doesn't seem to care that much for anything, except for her own reputation in school. She struggles with her emotions, and does not know how to show them properly. You'd expect her to act differently with family, but she doesn't. Karchile notably dislikes how serious she is and tries to liven her up to no avail. Phennel just wants the both of them to be happy.| Despite being her identical twin, Phennel is the complete opposite of Gehenna. He is shy, and unlike Gehanna, who simply doesn't show her emtions due to just not knowing how, Phennel simply has trouble doing so. As much as he wants to, this was a constant thing for him. Due to how the twins were raised, he often thinks of himself as less then Gehenna and struggles with his self-esteem due to that.
Occupation : Student, Heir | Student (Also Backup Heir)
Twisted from : Gehenna -Wotaku | Phony -Tsumiki
⟬••School Information••⟭
Dorm : Diasomnia
School Year : 2nd
Class : 2-D | 2-E
Best Subject : Everything except PE | Animal Linguistics
Worst Subject : PE | Ancient Magic
Club : None | Board Game Club
Dominant Hand : Left
⟬••Unique Magic••⟭
I'm sorry I deceived you… I'm sorry I couldn't tell you… And this is so sad..
But suffering is our only bond.
With her unique magic, Gehenna has the ability to transfer her feelings of anguish and inferiority onto the person she used it on by physical contact. It renders the person vulnerable, feeding on their insecurities as the sadness slowly consumes them. Can only be used when Gehenna's feelings are at an extreme, and is hard to snap the affected out of.
Entangled into a web of lies, I am a Phony
With this Unique Magic, Phennel has the ability to mimic anyone's voice as long as he has heard the person before. He only uses it in dire situations, however.
When you are a child of nobility, anything should be expected. And if you are twins born half-human in the Briar Valley of all places, you should be expecting your life to be not so great. The thing about Phennel and Gehenna was that they weren’t. One moment they had been normal yet well-mannered kids and the next…
Gehenna’s Side
Phennel’s Side (wip)
Phennel wants to get into voice acting professionally, but he doesn't think he can
They both got their UMs on the same day
The oc of mine Phennel gets along with the most is Gammon, he thinks the other is pretty cool
The oc of mine Gehenna gets along with the most is Mio, she appreciates how quiet she is and seems to enjoy her company
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muttkat · 2 years
Critiquing Joe's State of the Union Address Part One
Ukraine Spending: 100 billion? Why? What does it serve to prolong a war on one of the most corrupt nations in the world? The US and NATO blocked peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. Joe says our debt is too high. He's helping with that. Maybe Joe's helping Ukraine for all that crooked money he and Hunter received.
China Threatening our Sovereignty: Joe says " We will protect our nation." Oh yeah, shooting down that balloon after it flew across the whole country over sensitive military installations? You go Joe, China is shaking in their boots. Tiktok should be banned he says...lol Buy manufactured items in USA? From now on all construction materials in govt infrastructure jobs need to be manufactured in the USA. In order to do that we would have to open 400 new copper and iron ore mines. A 100 new steel mills and aluminum refineries. Make America great again, Joe. Since 1995, our carbon emissions are down. Of course, all those manufacturing jobs went adios to other countries. Joe also says we need oil and gas to be around another 10 years. Gas stove guys.... sigh of relief.
Free Healthcare and College Education: Provided by the Soviet Constitution, not the US Constitution.
Taxes: Top taxpayers already pay 40% of the taxes. He wants to tax them more. Joe wants nonprofits to pay 15% of their income, not profit...Violating the 14th amendment.
Joe wants the govt to set prices on mdse. Communist Soviet Union did that too. The Border: Joe made the cartels lots of money. Besides using children for the sex slaves, they do organ harvesting of the children. Nice huh? The cartels say "Thank YOU Joe." In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, millions of illegals entered without being tested and let out into the general public. He doesn't mention all the Fentanyl deaths either. That worthless woman who calls herself the VP wouldn't even go to the Texas valley where all the illegals were. Instead she goes to El Paso and Guatemala. Businesses were shut down, people couldn't work, were stressed out, dying of other diseases because they couldn't go to the doctor. Did Joe care? Joe wants the govt to control everything. Joe took an oath to protect the Constitution, our freedom of speech and our liberties. He doesn't. He sucks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCng7eBvcs4
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residentdormouse · 2 years
Vital Variations of ‘V’ Words
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The vindictive vendetta of a vengeful vigilante vagabond vibrates in my head as I vigorously rack my brain, vexed in my inability to visualize a victorious volley in this verbose venture of ours. Various vapid and vague, sometimes vulgar, vocalizations into the void but nothing vibrant enough to vanquish this voice of vulnerability. Maybe I need vodka…
(All I can think of is the speech from ‘V for Vendetta’, and nothing else is coming to me. I should rewatch that…)
My Words: Violent, Very, Vow, Valley, Value and a Bonus Vape
Your Words: Wonder, Warm, Wish, Welcome, Whisper
A lot of these were decently limited, so possible spoilerage.
We're almost at the end, but there's still a place if you want to jump in! -OPEN TAG- Just '@' me!
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(With the type of stories these are, you may be surprised to realize that there are only TWO uses of violent in Spiral/Diving. I know I was. One instance you’ve already blown past and the other is late in Diving and can’t even be captured without massive spoilers. I opened this up to ‘Violence’, but that only gave me 14 more. Once again, chock full of spoilers, but I think I’ve already covered the main point in Diving - so this is probably the least of the bunch.)
"It's not monsters vs people, and there's no black and white in this. It's all grey. Of course some fit the ‘description’, creatures that mean to harm others, and that's what started all this. To protect against any evil forces. But what I've seen out there. Hell, there’s many more humans I know worse than half the monsters I’ve met.” She could feel her blood picking up temperature, emotions starting to get away, but she persisted in the speech. “We're trying to look at choices, who someone wants to be, not what they are. I’d say most don't want to be involved in any kind of fighting; they simply want to co-exist. For some, fighting is all they've ever known, so when they see it's not the only life they could have… well, they can make a choice then. Sure some choose violence, and we act accordingly. That's not the issue. But others...” She was at a full boil now, and found herself not holding back at all. “So yes, Harold… We are helping 'monsters', ‘demons’, shifters, fae, anybody that may find themselves labeled ‘dangerous’ when they simply wish to live a peaceful life. Seems like something you could get behind."
A 'hmph' was his only response as he shifted backwards in his seat. The lecture may have pushed him harder than she intended, but the message hit home.
"This world is chock full of people” the word was stressed with a poignant look at Max before she turned back to the group “...who would choose a peaceful path if it was offered. Many already have. Others… well, some never get the option. So yeah, we help where we can. Sometimes it's in the form of a mission sabotage, an aid in escape… an act of mercy."
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(754 of this. I guess I don’t have issues with finding it, although I feel like I learned nothing from Dead Poets looking at that number.)
"What? Mother A.? She got us all here by dreams. Not exactly a simple phone call. Good chance, she might know something more than we do."
"Well, seems to me, she isn’t the only one in control of people's dreams now. By that logic--"
"Theory only!" She put back all but the teal dress and went to the adjoining bathroom. “I didn’t even know what I was doing, or that I was doing anything at all...”
“And that’s my point! She may not know anything more than you do. It's just… we're very close to becoming a theocracy now, and that would be a dangerous thing. Tell me this: did you think you were going to end up being an apostle to a hundred year old woman?"
Quickly, her head poked out. "I don't know, maybe I did." There was doubt in his look, but she just shrugged, popping back in the bathroom. "Ok, fine, but did you think the majority of the planet would die off in a few weeks? That’d you’d be sharing dreams with a bunch of strangers and painting the future? Kinda not sure what's happening next."
"Touché. But we can't just assume control here. It should come from a popular vote. I'm not saying I’m above planning to make sure it stays the same, mind you. Just that people have a say in who's running this place."
"To go back to a democracy and not a theocracy."
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(Only two instances of vow, and they’re not really great excerpts where they fall.)
It took about 20 minutes, but Hayden finally came to a peaceful sleep in the chair. Still not sure how he felt about the whole thing, Glen vowed to give it an honest shot. The world had repeatedly shown him impossibilities recently; he wasn't ready to discredit anything too soon at this point.
A quick glance at his notebook, and Stan started up. "I want you to go back to your last memory. Where are you at?"
Hayden's brows knit together, and he could see her eyes moving behind the shut lids. "In the grass, off the highway."
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(I know I’ve done this section from Diving once before, but there is only ONE instance of valley out of everything.)
“Harold! Stop the truck! Now!”
It was Glen’s voice on the walkie, and the words instantly chilled her more than the cold weather outside ever could. Harold had slammed on the breaks and the truck skidded to a stop.
When they started the trip, Harold had opted to take the lead. He had already made this trip on the bike once. Their group had no need to travel solely by road out to Vegas, but Harold? He had a rough idea of where to cut around. Spots to avoid. The optimal path, as it were.
As soon as she could safely do so, Hayden jumped from the truck and began to rush back towards the others behind them.
She reached Glen in only a matter of seconds. "What's going on?!" He quickly wrapped her in an embrace, and she felt the warmth come back to her again. Rain be damned, this was a welcome spot to be.
"What the hell, Bateman?"
Reluctantly Glen pulled away from her and took a walk over towards their truck. "Seems, I'm not the only one seeing things in my dreams these days."
As soon as it was said, there was a rumbling off to the side. Cracking. The group watched from a safe distance as the whole retaining wall in front of them collapsed in a landslide. Snow, dirt, rocks, all began toppling down the side of the hill as the road began to crumble and finally gave way, the large chunk of pavement crashing down the drop off into the valley below.
Hayden felt her jaw go slack as she watched what was once a clear path in front of them turn into ruin. A couple more feet, a few seconds of travel, and that would have been them. That was almost them. How was it not them? She looked over at Glen for those answers.
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(Only one in Spiral, and so very River Song. Diving’s aren’t much better, but this gave a two-fer, so I guess it wins.)
"The best lies have a bit of truth to them.”
The woman’s message was stated with another alluring smile, and Max had to fight the urge to start punching things. If anybody else in the room was able to pick up on her internal conflict though, they were neither truly concerned or felt prompted to act in any way. Gwen simply continued with her explanation.
“Information, Harold. The more you have, the easier it becomes to predict moves. But sometimes, you have to find the words that are not said. Sift through to find the hidden meaning, and calculate an objective beyond what’s handed to you on the platter. This is not a face value game we’re playing at, and thinking you’ll get information in that manner is quite delusional at this point."
For all of Gwen’s collected charm, she missed that this was the wrong approach to use with Harold.
“Oh really? Because correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Steph break into security? Was the information she gathered not face value? Maybe you’re just not doing enough.”
Part of her wanted to see the fallout, see Gwen be challenged, but a small part knew they should probably play nice. For now.
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(Figured I’d make it short since its a bonus. Harold and Lloyd never have a canon moment together, and that is just a damn shame, cause it would be hilariously awful for everyone involved. Thankfully I have Diving to play with this dynamic.)
Glen bit back a smirk and he took possession of the bag of vape cartridges. Thankfully a dispensary must have been close. “It’s appreciated, Harold.”
Before he left, Harold gave a quick glance in Lloyd's direction, a once over, before he turned to leave. Lloyd watched his back as he went, forming his own snap judgments.
"Wow, he’s fuckin’ great with people, ain’t he…"
"That’s actually an improvement."
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blossomglee · 3 days
When planning a getaway to Bhimtal, Uttarakhand, one of the main concerns for travelers is finding a hotel that offers not just comfort and luxury, but also the convenience of car parking. At The Blossom Glee, we provide exactly that – a serene stay with ample car parking hotel in bhimtal facilities, so you can enjoy your vacation without any worries. Located in the picturesque town of Bhimtal, our hotel ensures that you experience the beauty of the mountains while staying relaxed and secure.
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Why Choose The Blossom Glee?
Bhimtal is a scenic lake town, surrounded by lush green hills and tranquil waters. Many visitors travel by car to explore the hidden gems of the area, such as the beautiful Bhimtal Lake, nearby waterfalls, and forest trails. Driving around the winding roads of Uttarakhand can be a delightful experience, but finding safe and convenient parking in the hill stations can be a challenge. That's where The Blossom Glee steps in.
We not only offer a great place to stay but also solve the problem of parking with our secure, spacious parking area. Here are some reasons why The Blossom Glee is the best choice for your next stay:
1. Ample and Secure Car Parking
At The Blossom Glee, we understand the importance of keeping your car safe and secure. Our hotel offers a dedicated parking area that is spacious and well-monitored. Whether you're traveling with a family in an SUV or in a smaller car, our parking facilities cater to all types of vehicles. The parking area is right within the hotel premises, so you can have peace of mind knowing that your vehicle is just a few steps away.
2. Comfortable Stay with Modern Amenities
At The Blossom Glee, we prioritize guest comfort. Our rooms are designed to provide a relaxing experience with all modern amenities, such as:
Comfortable bedding
Attached balconies offering stunning views of the surrounding hills
Free Wi-Fi for staying connected
Room service to cater to all your needs
En-suite bathrooms with modern fittings
24-hour front desk for any assistance you need
You can enjoy the fresh mountain air from the comfort of your private balcony while sipping your favorite beverage. Whether you are here for a short weekend trip or an extended stay, The Blossom Glee ensures that you feel at home.
3. Perfect Location in Bhimtal
Our hotel is situated in one of the prime locations in Bhimtal. You are just a short drive away from the famous Bhimtal Lake, which is perfect for boating and spending time by the water. Other nearby attractions include the Hidimba Parvat, Victoria Dam, and Butterfly Research Centre. For those looking to explore more, nearby towns like Nainital and Sattal are within easy driving distance, making our hotel a great base for sightseeing.
4. Affordable Luxury
At The Blossom Glee, we believe that luxury should be affordable. Our hotel provides world-class amenities and services at reasonable prices. Whether you are looking for a budget-friendly room or a more luxurious stay, we have options to suit every need and budget.
Our team is dedicated to offering personalized service to make sure your stay is pleasant and memorable. From our housekeeping staff to our concierge services, every aspect of your stay is carefully managed to ensure you have a comfortable and enjoyable time.
5. Dining at The Blossom Glee
No vacation is complete without delicious food. At The Blossom Glee, our in-house restaurant offers a variety of mouth-watering dishes, ranging from local Kumaoni delicacies to popular Indian and international cuisines. You can enjoy your meals while taking in the beautiful view of the surrounding hills and valleys.
6. Convenient for Road Travelers
If you are traveling by road, our hotel is a convenient stop. We are located just off the main road, which makes it easy to find and access. You won't have to worry about navigating narrow streets or finding hard-to-reach locations. Plus, with our car parking hotel in bhimtalfacilities, you can rest assured that parking your vehicle will be hassle-free throughout your stay.
7. Adventure Activities
Bhimtal offers plenty of adventure opportunities, and we can help arrange various outdoor activities for our guests, such as trekking, boating, paragliding, and nature walks. Our team can also guide you to the best spots for sightseeing and exploring the region.
8. Explore the Surroundings
Bhimtal is a destination rich in natural beauty and tranquility. After parking your car safely at The Blossom Glee, you can explore the town’s many attractions. Whether it’s a serene walk by the lake, a visit to historical temples, or a hike through the forests, you’ll find plenty to do. Plus, the fresh air and scenic views are perfect for rejuvenation.
Book Your Stay at The Blossom Glee
If you are planning a trip to Bhimtal and looking for a car parking hotel in bhimtal, The Blossom Glee is the perfect choice. With comfortable accommodations, excellent service, and the added convenience of secure parking, we guarantee you a relaxing and enjoyable stay.
To make your booking or for more information, please contact us or visit our website. Let The Blossom Glee be your home away from home in Bhimtal! We look forward to welcoming you.The Blossom Glee – Your ideal destination for a peaceful stay with the best car parking facilities in Bhimtal.
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janrhamilps · 19 days
Teachable Moments| The Reach Approach
Teachable Moments| The Reach Approach https://ift.tt/dNK9k70 Whatever stands before you is your teacher; the question is are you listening? Are you paying attention? The more humility you can bring to each moment, the more you will be able to grow out of every experience. It’s our need to be right that most blocks our path. As you take this journey you will learn the art of reframing, which will enable you to make good on your mistakes. You can’t change the past but you can change the way the past affects you. Enjoy! Unlock your full potential with just one click! Explore the secrets to a healthier, happier you at https://ift.tt/RZzlq7S Subscribe and explore mind-body strategies for a healthier, happier you. Join us for transformative insights and expert guidance: https://www.youtube.com/@thereachapproach108?sub_confirmation=1 Important Links To Follow: Discover the path to your best self at The Reach Approach: https://ift.tt/EYBn0ku Brighten your day with a click! Visit Happy Hints: https://ift.tt/ZPk3I72 Find gifts that truly matter at the Reach Gift Shop: https://ift.tt/71mpSCA Wear your well-being. Shop at Reach Clothing Store: https://ift.tt/ioyY8Jr Stay Connected With Us. Instagram: https://ift.tt/mNaTWuQ Facebook: https://ift.tt/zH01ieQ TikTok: https://ift.tt/thPMl3A For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= Recommended Playlist: Trauma Recovery and Resilience Mental Health Strategies and Solutions Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: Escape the Negative Cycle: Meditation for a Life of Joy and Purpose! Embrace the Peaks and Valleys: Where There’s a Lesson, There’s a Blessing | The Reach Approach Knowledge Plus Application: The Journey to Wisdom Meditation | The Reach Approach Discipline is Our Friend Meditation: The Power of Positive Routine | The Reach Approach About The Reach Approach: Welcome to Reach, your holistic wellness destination! Discover a mind-body approach to well-being with Reach, founded in 1990. Our team of accredited counsellors, psychotherapists, holistic practitioners, and nutritionists specialise in promoting good mental health and sustainable solutions. From anxiety relief to trauma healing, we offer effective strategies for personal growth and more. Addressing root causes is our focus. We understand that fixing the mind and body goes hand in hand. By integrating the best of the past and present, we provide profound results for the 21st century. Explore our transformative work at https://ift.tt/dLl7Dba for valuable resources on building confidence, managing anger, practising mindfulness, and more. Unleash your potential and create a brighter future with Reach. Join our community for guided meditation experiences and curated content. Find inner peace, personal growth, and emotional well-being on your journey towards holistic wellness. For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: Email: [email protected] Dive into our world of mindfulness, nutrition, and more for sustainable personal growth. Subscribe for a life-changing experience! : https://www.youtube.com/@thereachapproach108?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= ADD HASHTAG HERE Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of The Reach Approach. You are authorised to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © The Reach Approach from The Reach Approach – Meditation Solutions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPENzHM-_7E via The Reach Approach https://ift.tt/kVX56l7 September 05, 2024 at 01:46PM
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chrispewalt · 19 days
Teachable Moments| The Reach Approach
Teachable Moments| The Reach Approach https://ift.tt/Wlw3yAr Whatever stands before you is your teacher; the question is are you listening? Are you paying attention? The more humility you can bring to each moment, the more you will be able to grow out of every experience. It’s our need to be right that most blocks our path. As you take this journey you will learn the art of reframing, which will enable you to make good on your mistakes. You can’t change the past but you can change the way the past affects you. Enjoy! Unlock your full potential with just one click! Explore the secrets to a healthier, happier you at https://ift.tt/RZzlq7S Subscribe and explore mind-body strategies for a healthier, happier you. Join us for transformative insights and expert guidance: https://www.youtube.com/@thereachapproach108?sub_confirmation=1 Important Links To Follow: Discover the path to your best self at The Reach Approach: https://ift.tt/EYBn0ku Brighten your day with a click! Visit Happy Hints: https://ift.tt/ZPk3I72 Find gifts that truly matter at the Reach Gift Shop: https://ift.tt/71mpSCA Wear your well-being. Shop at Reach Clothing Store: https://ift.tt/ioyY8Jr Stay Connected With Us. Instagram: https://ift.tt/mNaTWuQ Facebook: https://ift.tt/zH01ieQ TikTok: https://ift.tt/thPMl3A For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= Recommended Playlist: Trauma Recovery and Resilience Mental Health Strategies and Solutions Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: Escape the Negative Cycle: Meditation for a Life of Joy and Purpose! Embrace the Peaks and Valleys: Where There’s a Lesson, There’s a Blessing | The Reach Approach Knowledge Plus Application: The Journey to Wisdom Meditation | The Reach Approach Discipline is Our Friend Meditation: The Power of Positive Routine | The Reach Approach About The Reach Approach: Welcome to Reach, your holistic wellness destination! Discover a mind-body approach to well-being with Reach, founded in 1990. Our team of accredited counsellors, psychotherapists, holistic practitioners, and nutritionists specialise in promoting good mental health and sustainable solutions. From anxiety relief to trauma healing, we offer effective strategies for personal growth and more. Addressing root causes is our focus. We understand that fixing the mind and body goes hand in hand. By integrating the best of the past and present, we provide profound results for the 21st century. Explore our transformative work at https://ift.tt/dLl7Dba for valuable resources on building confidence, managing anger, practising mindfulness, and more. Unleash your potential and create a brighter future with Reach. Join our community for guided meditation experiences and curated content. Find inner peace, personal growth, and emotional well-being on your journey towards holistic wellness. For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: Email: [email protected] Dive into our world of mindfulness, nutrition, and more for sustainable personal growth. Subscribe for a life-changing experience! : https://www.youtube.com/@thereachapproach108?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= ADD HASHTAG HERE Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of The Reach Approach. You are authorised to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © The Reach Approach from The Reach Approach – Meditation Solutions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPENzHM-_7E via The Reach Approach https://ift.tt/KCzchbS September 05, 2024 at 01:46PM
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(Ducky & Cera ) “Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. This is bad. This is very, very bad
❀ Tangled (2010) Sentence Starters / @kindbravery
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“I got that the first time you said it,” the little three-horn groused.
Actually bad - or even very, very bad - felt like it was probably understating the situation. Things had started out fine, just a little ‘girl time’ with just her and Ducky… because for as much as Cera was an absolute tomboy, there were times when she just missed her sisters, and at those times the company of her fellow girl was especially welcomed.
Of course, what neither girl had counted on was being swept out of the Great Valley by circumstances beyond their control… and, to make matters worse, ending up stuck down a deep crevasse with no easy way out and no-one else knowing where they were.
Still, when Ducky was panicking, Cera felt like that meant it fell to her to be the voice of (uncharacteristic?) optimism.
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“Look, this isn’t that bad. This is just like the time I fell down into the big underground and met Sharptooth, and I came out of that okay.”
It didn’t immediately occur to her that accidentally implying that they could meet a sharptooth down here was NOT the way to reassure her friend.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 2 months
“Has not so, I am from youth as servd”
A tricube sequence
To harm arms to man. And turning store
wise! Far more desert eyes make it stole
away, a human had a husband.
In our freeze, I freezing way. Has not
so, I am from youth as serv’d! I
grant I never more they seemed present.
And the show of yet another teens.
While bright, Sweet kisses, who knew not
wondering lights are all I speak to her?
A better loving hell! Over the
travellers. Sweet eyes, ’ for my very
things of God be done! Love does compare.
Who art as their country made reply:
yon clouds: far away? A spider’s web
hung to woe to record a few steps.
Side by side, and you would do a steady,
and gold, that it sinketh, as are
sleep. I wrote the ground, fly; see them all!
She was sent: yet how those Love does not
speak. Sing And ever-present. And this
past care, or sweethearts again: and och!
Now, to lead to my use it mine! The
rain, with my limbs into capitulation
chose of pain, pass, thou from Praise.
He blended where Beauty and when the
even Diogenes. To comfort of
thy sins enow. On the garden-ground.
And with a brother, and could be to-
night, knowing light, when to praise their sweet
self bring? And whistle mair blaw sweetness.
Wilt na gie, at closet never tell
it all, are ye? Charge; which a one; But
as there. Who had swept the narrow seas!
Ran forests. Off. Was on the sun; coral
is false heard, the narrow seas! But
ill advanced, nor woe, nor doe not less.
A baby look, and i’m always I
long vine creeping out over alone,
my grief at thy part in one ended.
But these valleys. Was ten, skinny, red-
headed, whence they blew up, a second
times peace and his fancy to unsay.
’Er the soul can restore! What a tricked
with fresh blood and looking down flame, lie
within me wrought of early spring.
The polar sky ascending.— For females
like to fix with his knife ill-used
doth fill me why does sit so fleeting?
Smiles, tears, fits, flirtation, the fatal
night there. Name as if a mansion have
sought it less than for sacred rites vnfit.
Black, an’ it winna let a body
be. The disease he lingers on the
sound! The sway of sobs her in her e’e?
And such a Banquet of his glutton
be, thy love for him who draw a moment
moan? I wish I could scarlet cloak!
Accept, dear idea reigns alone.
But there cannot tell ten the road against
their hides, in branches made alone!
The lines; nae gowden streams speake doth ly,
till aver the oak is keeping out
of her sense, to him to here her Dearie!
Even of senses clear late rhyme; yet
would reach’d a Cry to Heav’n— his Eyes, an
amatory banquet of ashes.
And white, when they found morning, and made
his estate. It was a brig, a schoolboys’
barring child the stour, wi’ thee, dear.
Of the sweet long, but she shall know, full
gallop, drew in far less of the prisoner
to hear my music, which to thee.
Since delight, I find no spurre can see
what is not false I sweare by blacke but
my hope, feature? Instead of my heart.
No louers proud brow, it merit some civic
manhood firm again. Perhaps when
sometime lofty shine: if I ask thee!
In me has. Winter, wished and shoue: each
in the purely, as thou hast thou may
trace, and my blue nights and chain of Joy.
They be. Swagger, that the day bright, the
daughter, they are game as with the leagues
of it winna let a body be.
—Robin bauld, tho’ her goodness, that’s in
her tale while his right. A face thou
eternal years gone, that the world surmise.
As thou shoulder quite, because thought. By,
her very warriors, unless your bodies
mere bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle!
Smells their guns witness tell. But t is
time to laugh’d In such family at his
may be toom, weel aff, If thou hast leave.
Some Cossacques and clear eye’s due, by
preacher, and thence a fair and thought he
said, these I betters. And all that night.
Greatest flake off the proof of all his
joy? The friendly; were’t not to reach,
when all in sometime lofty elm-trees.
Elms he said, you push on to go with
a wife and here was, and from the Heaven.
Was he was a poet sublime?
And no other, and I the mone of
the Noble Nature now come by the
crusted so. Or wandering this old.
Hath made for his babes were tears have to
give. Medals, rank, ribands, lace, while his
span had been said then the Might or die.
Dear and bony grow, if tho’ her grief
and swift. Neglected chillness, that I
wear like a thousands of their bacon.
Whether teens. Toot, toot! Hear heart rejoic’d
in question. On Scotland’s placed upon
drill’d away from the woods and now then?
Utterly this engineer’s scythe, whose
precious jewell’d hairs be few, the fires.
Nothing else was once against the world!
General best. Billows, or more or let
him and my heart mine own bent; I sing,
haply I the heart so sore, hey ho!
Childhood’s fate, made my dear. With a heart’s
worthlesse ware; there come by the wind! I
cannot tells the hour to seeke my home.
No evening. This helmet the pull of
mosquitoes ascending and in the
insect host what I speake; and men’s heart.
I have slept fast as thou art a girl,
this pastoral war; and bony growth,
which each one sole leaf of that the brow!
0 notes
daimonclub · 4 months
Memorial Day
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Memorial Day Monument Memorial Day, legal holiday observed annually on the last Monday in May in the United States, in honor of the nation’s armed services personnel killed in wartime. Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all our service men and women past and present. You are not forgotten! We’d like to say thank you to all the veterans of the United States of America. Thank you for the cost you paid so we could live in freedom and safety. Thank you that we have the freedom to pursue happiness, we have freedom of speech, we have all the freedoms other people only dream of. And sorry that some of us take these freedoms for granted. Memorial Day is about freedom given to us by the sacrifice of generations of soldiers. Wish a happy Memorial Day using some of these Memorial Day quotes. Send a message, or just say them personally. While only one day of the year is dedicated solely to honoring our veterans, Americans must never forget the sacrifices that many of our fellow countrymen have made to defend our country and protect our freedoms. This Memorial Day should remind us of the greatness that past generations of Americans achieved from Valley Forge to Vietnam, and it should inspire us with the determination to keep America great and free by keeping America safe and strong in our own time, a time of unique destiny and opportunity for our Nation.
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Memorial Day Freedom does not come without a price. We may sometimes take for granted the many liberties we enjoy in America, but they have all been earned through the ultimate sacrifice paid by so many of the members of our armed forces. In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. Peace is the real and right memorial for those who have died in war. I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country. As long as our nation is the home of the brave, it remains the land of the free. Happy Memorial Day! Memorial Day, legal holiday observed annually on the last Monday in May in the United States, in honor of the nation’s armed services personnel killed in wartime. The holiday was originally called Decoration Day because it is a time for decorating graves with flowers and flags. Over time, the designation Memorial Day became far more common. In the United States, local observances to honor the war dead became widespread following the American Civil War (1861-1865), which had taken more than 600,000 lives. These local observances inspired General John Alexander Logan, the leader of a Union veterans’ group called the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), to issue a general’s order in 1868 designating May 30 as a day for “strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet churchyard in the land.” (By “the late rebellion,” Logan meant the Civil War, also known as the War of Rebellion.)
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Memorial Day Article Accordingly, on May 30, 1868, several thousand people gathered to observe Decoration Day at Arlington National Cemetery, in Arlington, Virginia, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. The memorial ceremonies were presided over by Washington officials such as General Ulysses Grant and included a tribute by General James A. Garfield. Following the speeches, thousands of war veterans, orphans, and other participants helped decorate the more than 20,000 graves of Civil War dead in the cemetery. A number of towns in the United States claim to have originated the custom of decorating graves in memorial of the Civil War dead, including Columbus, Mississippi; Macon, Georgia; Richmond, Virginia; Boalsburg, Pennsylvania; and Carbondale, Illinois. However, in 1966 President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a proclamation that declared Waterloo, New York, the birthplace of Memorial Day. Townspeople there had begun decorating graves of soldiers, flying flags at half-mast, and organizing parades of veterans 100 years earlier, in May 1866. Waterloo has continued this tradition every year. In 1873 New York became the first state to declare a holiday on May 30. By the end of the 1800s, states throughout the nation had declared Memorial Day a holiday. After World War I (1914-1918), Memorial Day observances were changed to honor the dead in all American wars, starting with the American Revolution. The U.S. Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday in 1971, and changed the date of observance from May 30 to the last Monday in May to give workers a three-day weekend. Memorial Day is marked by parades, speeches, and the decoration of graves. Traditionally, the president or vice president places a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery, and small flags are placed on all the graves. Ceremonies also are held at Gettysburg National Military Park in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and at Antietam National Battlefield in Sharpsburg, Maryland. Many people choose to visit family graves on Memorial Day.
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Memorial Day Monument Many Southern states continue to honor the Confederate dead on a separate day. Confederate Memorial Day is observed on the fourth Monday in April in Alabama, the last Monday in April in Mississippi, April 26 in Georgia, May 10 in North Carolina and South Carolina, the last Monday in May in Virginia, and June 3 in Louisiana. Texas observes Confederate Heroes Day on January 19, the birthday of Confederate general Robert E. Lee. Tennessee observes Confederate Decoration Day on June 3, the birthday of Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy (see Confederate States of America). The Memorial Day weekend marks the beginning of summer activities, such as picnics and trips to the beach. A well-known automobile race, the Indianapolis 500, is held in Indiana every year on Memorial Day weekend. The weather is usually warm and sunny on the last Monday in May. Schools and offices are closed. Families and friends get together for picnics and baseball games. Beaches open for the summer season. Stores hold big sales. There are concerts and evening fireworks in parks. That is the fun side of the American national holiday Memorial Day. But Americans celebrate the holiday in very different ways. There is another, serious side which has more to do with how it all began: with giving thanks to soldiers who died in wars. Some towns organise parades in which war veterans, boy and girl scouts, and school bands in uniforms march to the inspiring sounds of trumpets, flutes, and drums.
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Memorial Day History Patriotic citizens, especially, and those involved with the military, visit national cemeteries, where each soldier's grave. As we said before the tradition of Memorial Day began shortly after the American Civil War (1861-1865). That bloody conflict ended in victory for the Northern, 'Union' states against eleven Southern, 'Confederate' states which had tried to break away from the USA and form a separate country. A major result was that slavery, the basis for the agricultural economy of the Southern states, was abolished. In 1865, former American slaves in South Carolina created a ceremony to honour Union soldiers who had died in the war. Starting in 1868, Memorial Day was observed annually on May 30th in many parts of the US. After the First World War, Americans began to honour their countrymen who had died in all wars. In 1971, it was decided that Memorial Day should be celebrated nationwide on the last Monday in May, whatever the date, creating a three-day Memorial Day Weekend. Today many people say that change made it possible for people to have a mini-vacation. They think the government should restore the single-day holiday on May 30th. In that way, citizens wouldn't only amuse themselves and forget the soldiers who died to defend freedoms that are central to the American way of life. The vast majority of Americans agree that Memorial Day should be a time to give thanks to all men and women who died in military service. Yet many citizens, especially pacifists, now criticise what they see as the blind patriotism of some people on Memorial Day. They think that Memorial Day parades and ceremonies should not be used as propaganda for US participation in controversial wars across the world, such as in Iraq and in Afghanistan. For almost 70 years, no Memorial Day parade was held in Washington DC. It is interesting that the tradition of the parade in the US capital was revived in 2005, during the presidency of the unpopular, self-declared "war president", George W Bush.
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Memorial Day USA They say that summer in the United States begins at the end of May with Memorial Day Weekend. The whole country takes a holiday on Monday and enjoys a long weekend. But what exactly is Memorial Day? It is in honour of all the veterans who died serving their country and, in the current political climate, some people find the military nature of the holiday offensive. Edwin Rutledge served in the US Navy from 1958 to 1961, but today he is a pacifist and lives in Germany, where he runs" the Munich American Peace Committee. In his own opinion there are certain societies in the States that are susceptible to the military aspect. For example, the Indians are very conscious - it's strange, they've been treated not very well in the States - but they're very proud to have served in the service. Other people have a little bit of difficulty with the idea of war, so they don't particularly like to think that way. There are certain populations in the US, for example the Oriental population, mainly the Japanese population, that has trouble celebrating Memorial Day, after some of the problems that they faced being put into camps during the Second World War. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsQ3E5pGWwQ Here are the major U.S. holidays. In some cases, businesses, government offices, and schools will be closed, and also the International Days list. New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day MLK Jr. Day President’s Day Valentine’s Day St. Patrick’s Day Easter/Spring Break Mother’s Day Memorial Day Father’s Day 4th of July Labor Day Halloween Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Christmas Day International Days List Read the full article
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flagwars · 1 year
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People’s Flag Wars: Round 1, Bracket 14
See the symbolism below.
The First Light flag is the official flag of Syracuse, New York, designed by Eric Hart.
Symbolism: “Through the use of simple color and shape the First Light flag shares a complex story of our people and personality, our geography and weather, our past and future, and our relationship to our surrounding area.
Six-Pointed Star: Symbolizes the Six Nations of the Haudenosaunee, of which the Onondaga Nation plays a central role. It symbolizes the six historical names by which Syracuse has been known: Salt Point, Webster's Landing, Bogardus Corners, Milan, South Salina, and Cossits' Corners (not incl. Corinth). It is the sun, a guiding light. Its central placement on the flag marks Syracuse's central location in New York State.
Mirrored triangles: Symbolizes the hills of Onondaga. The word onoñda'gega' means, "people of the hills" in the Onondaga language. The left triangle is the hill westward toward Hiawatha Lake. The right triangle is the hill eastward toward Thornden Park. The space between the triangles is the Onondaga Valley.
Star set between triangles: Symbolizes the sunrise over the Onondaga Valley.
This is described in a line from Syracuse University's Alma Mater, ". where the vale of Onondaga meets the Eastern sky." Represents a new day, a bright future, and good fortunes ahead.
Orange Star on White: Symbolizes our history of using the sun to pull white salt from our salt springs. It also represents the sun warming us during our cold, white winters.
The Chevron: Symbolizes the Roman numeral "V" indicating the five Syracuse Common Council Districts. It also represents "The V-Sign," international symbol for peace and friendship.
Three Distinct Triangles: Symbolic of the city's past, present and future. The left triangle points to the past. The central triangle points to the present. The right triangle points toward the future. It represents Syracuse across the ages. Syracuse: for now and forever.
Orange Symbolic of: The Sun, Regeneration, Restoration, Courage, Passion, Creativity
Azure Blue Symbolic of: Onondaga Lake, the Erie Canal, Perseverance, Intelligence
Navy Blue Symbolic of: The hills of Onondaga, Trust, Loyalty, Industriousness
White Symbolic of: Salt, Snow, Peace, Purity”
Family flag was made by an anonymous submitter.
Symbolism: “5 brothers (5 outer rings), 2 parents, connected to look like glasses (we all have glasses), a line to represent the fact me and my little brother are the only one of our brothers who live in the same house, and cat noses to represent our very likely deceased cat.”
Vădastra, Romania is a flag by Turcu Mihai that is planned to be adopted as the official city flag.
“1. The Blue Background: The blue background represents the village's connection to the Olt County and the Oltenia region. Blue often symbolizes stability, tradition, and the natural surroundings, reflecting the rural setting and historical heritage of Vădastra.
2. The Yellow Stripes: The two corrugated yellow stripes crossing the flag from the lower-left corner to the upper-right corner can symbolize various aspects. Yellow often represents wealth, fertility, and the abundant agricultural resources that are vital to the village's economy. The corrugated design could evoke the rolling hills or fields of crops found in the area.
3. The Red Section: The red section in the lower-right corner, separated by the yellow lines, could symbolize the vitality and strength of the community. Red is often associated with energy, determination, and the spirit of the people who live in Vădastra.
4. The yellow vase: Including a tallos vase in the Canton (upper-left corner) is a direct reference to the village's rich vase culture and the historical significance of these artifacts. It highlights the deep-rooted history and archaeological discoveries that have been made in Vădastra, dating back thousands of years. Also this color completes the Romanian color scheme
Overall, our flag design combines elements that represent the village's history, culture, and economic foundation, creating a meaningful and unique symbol for Vădastra.”
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uppervalleya · 5 months
Upper Valley Honda
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