#v; orphaned rebel
vortship · 1 year
Hal WOULD let herself be adopted if it meant free food. She’s that petty.
Of course she’ll still expect to be able to do whatever she wants. Which… yknow Hal you can’t really have that cake and eat it too.
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teecupangel · 10 months
Hello! I was just wondering if you've gotten any asks yet about Desmond being in the hunger games :0? Like whether he was transported there or something else :v
I don’t think I’ve ever had any asks for a Hunger Games AU. For this one, we can make Desmond be born in one of the other Districts and volunteers himself as tribute to keep one of the younger children safe. In this one, I suggest he be born as an orphan who takes younger orphans under his wings, teaching them to a bit of self defense and anything he can that won’t get the attention of the Capital’s goons.
He knows there’s something deeply wrong in this world he is reborn in and, given any other situations, he would have already started to make plans to rain hell on the people directly oppressing his district but he gets caught up in all the Hunger Games to save one of his fellow orphans.
If you want him to be caught up in the Hunger Games that Katniss was in, then I would suggest he be part of any of the District where the tributes died during the initial bloodbath in Cornucopia.
Desmond would probably feel sick about the whole ‘appealing to the audience’ and will be snidely making remarks about how disgusting they all are for watching all of these for entertainment, making him more or less a black sheep of the tributes that even his fellow tribute would try to shy away from.
Honestly? Putting Desmond who has the memories of 3 mentors and 1 grand master in a field filled with children?
Not a good deal.
He would never hurt innocent children and would even try to help them even though most of them (if not all of them) would doubt his sincerity. He would definitely go head to head with the Career pack and kick their asses but he wouldn’t kill them because they’re children and he knows that they were ‘conditioned’ to think of killing as normal but, at the same time, he would definitely make sure they would not be able to harm anybody else.
In all honesty, Desmond’s real enemy in the Hunger Games would be the Gamemakers and he’d definitely get into their bad side. The only reason why he doesn’t fall for their traps is because of his Eagle Vision.
If this does follow Katniss’ Hunger Games then Desmond would probably have a wary truce with Katniss (after saving Rue ofc) and there would be less death this time around with Desmond fucking the Gamemakers’ plan all the time, all the while goading the watchers to see how fucked up this is.
Honestly, at some point, Desmond is probably going to find a weak point in the location they’re in and exploit it, maybe even use the monsters they send out later in the game by having them attack the weak point and essentially jail breaking everyone out.
(Although, there’s probably some tributes who would talk about how this would only punish their districts and Desmond knows that they are holding their districts hostage so it’s really between two hard places)
Sidebar: Desmond would probably understand why District 13 is not ‘acting’ against the Capitol and he would probably side with the rebels but, at the same time, he would definitely not agree with a lot of the plans the rebels. This also has the side effect of the rebellion probably having Desmond as the symbol instead of Katniss (or maybe not, who knows)
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presidentstalkeyes · 1 year
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Some more OC beeswax I've had on the mind for a while, or half-OC in Dart's case. I know it's common to depict him either the same age as Raz or younger, sometimes making him the next-generation Intern to Adult Raz, but then I thought 'what if he was older?' And then I threw in an unrelated OC and things mentally blew up. :V (This also plays off my earlier headcanons about Dart's power set)
Razputin wasn't the first psychic to be inducted into the Psychonauts at such a young age - Dart beat him to the punch by nearly twenty years. An orphan permitted to become a full-fledged agent on Otto's personal recommendation, he simply wasn't ready and got overconfident during a mission, indirectly causing the execution of several hostages. Horrified, he deserted the agency, dropping off the grid, only resurfacing years later after studying under a sect of psychic monks in the Himalayas that sent him out on his own to meditate and strengthen his connection with the collective unsconscious.
His journey took him to the obscure Central African country of Makanisi (nestled somewhere between Angola, Zambia and the DR Congo), known for two things: once being privately-owned by a Grulovian businessman, and being the site of the world's largest Psitanium deposit outside North America. He took up residence in a cave, banking on the Psitanium enhancing his astral projection powers.
It was here he met Tandi Ngazu, a psychic teenager from the Makanisian capital of Zoltzberg. A martial arts prodigy, Tandi ran away from home after she lost a championship bout and lashed out with her psychic powers, injuring her competitor in front of a huge audience. Dart found her hiding out in the slums while on a rare excursion into town, and reminded of how he was found by Otto as a street urchin in Rotterdam, he agreed to shelter the girl and give her some advanced tutoring - though due to his own relative youth and the fact he was on his own quest for understanding, he was far from confident. He was always a cynical person, and struggled with the whole 'empathy' thing, which in a way made him uniquely suited for 'taming' the collective unconscious without allowing it to affect his own emotional state.
Eventually, after about five years, a civil war broke out in Makanisi. Against Dart's advice, Tandi emerged from her secluded training to aid the rebels - many of whom she personally knew - in their struggle against the corrupt colonial government. She used Dart's training in astral projection to leave her own body while wide awake and completely ignore pain, gather information from people's mindscapes, and channel background psychic residue into physical attacks while far outside her body. She avoided the same fate that befell Lucrecia by staying guarded against outside influence and maintaining her sense of self even when among the Collective Unconscious, a technique mastered by Dart and soon noticed by the Psychonauts who arrived in the country to secure the Psitanium. She ended up joining the agency after Makanisi secured its freedom, but was unable to convince Dart to return with her.
That was all another five years before canon - Tandi is now 26 and has recently graduated to a full-fledged agent, and there's talk of letting her instruct the kids at Whispering Rock in combining out-of-body projection with physical exercise, provided they can work on her patience. Dart is 32 and his whereabouts are currently unknown, though rumour has it he's been sighted around the Questionable Area?, poking around through caves.
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wherret · 1 year
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obligatory lore here v
I don’t have any names for these characters just concepts and ideas. I’ve been referring to them in my head as Cinnamon and Orange so I’ll just call them that here 😭 Cinnamon is an orphan who was taken in by a tribe of notorious thieves who plunder caravans. She was really good at her job and even got some metal claw implants. Something happens, either she has a change of heart abt her job, rebels, or is kicked out maybe all three Idk and she’s left to fend for her own.
Eventually, she sneaks into Orange’s village’s mines and in desperation tries to steal the jewels not thinking anyone would be in there as it’s the dead of night. This is where she meets Orange, who is the hardest worker of the village and is still tending to the mine. Cinnamon attacks Orange and nearly escapes but is caught by the rest of the villagers. As a punishment she must work in the mines to repay the village. Orange, despite being attacked, keeps visiting her, bringing her food, and showing Cinnamon kindness. Cinnamon at first isn’t open to it at all and doesn’t understand why she’d be so nice to her BUT EVENTUALLY.. they do fall in love hurray
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incaensio · 1 year
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name: constantinus xanthus snow nickname(s): con, connie, iullus (alias only known and used by his rebel buddies). gender and pronouns: cis man; he/him. age: thirty - two. date of birth: 27th of november, year 42 after the treaty of treason. home: the capitol. occupation: gamemaker.
dossier / background / timeline (below)
tw: forced prostituion, murder and death, drug use, attempted suicide, depression. nothing explicit, but please be careful while reading it.
— timeline
42 ATT: constantinus is born.
47 ATT: constantinus' alleged mother passes away.
51 ATT: constantinus' father passes away; constantinus moves to live with his grandparents in the snow mansion.
61 ATT: constantinus graduates from the academy and begins studying in the university.
66 ATT: constantinus graduates from university.
68 ATT: constantinus falls in love with a recent victor and she tells him about the capitol abuse; his grandfather murders her, and constantinus tries to kill himself. after the later fails, he is approached by rebellious forces within the capitol and begins working with them.
70 ATT: constantinus begins working as a gamemaker.
— intro
con's dad was coriolanus' third son, and by far the biggest disappointment of the crop. he was known as a sort of lothario around the capitol, and died before he was even thirty due to a morphling overdose. con's biological mother was an avox that had been killed after giving birth to him while his alleged mother (his dad's wife) died some years later. so he was still a kid when he became an orphan, and went to live with his grandparents.
livia and coriolanus may have hated their children, but there was a softer side of them shown to their grandchildren, and con got all that. nah, he wasn't tucked in bed and kissed by the president or even taken care of by livia when he was sick but he was pampered and dragged around like he was a prize, and he got to sit by his grandpa's chair and listen to his tales, and perhaps, had coriolanus been able to get past the whole "he's a bastard" thing, con could have been set out to be the heir to the whole thing one day.
not that he cared much for it. work was boring, he much rather enjoy his life. he had def inherited his dad's self - indulgence (or his grandparents bred it into him) and he was v glad to do whatever he wanted, whoever he wanted; he was obsessed by the games like most capitolites but as the president's grandkid, he actually got to have them: he was taught how to hold arms by a victor from two, often attended private displays of talents by other victors, and if he wanted one of them, all he had to do was ask.
he didn't partake in buying victors' favors, but he did fall in love with one of them, when he was twenty five. she ended up telling him about the rotten part of a victor's life, and con was distraught. entitled as he was, he had never thought of what was the price to the greatness of the capitol. when he sought out his grandfather, snow confirmed it to him, and so con begged for his girlfriend's freedom from it all because he loved her. ofc coryo killed her; in turn, constantinus tried to kill himself.
it didn't work, and the situation was never made public. for months he was miserable, only living because he had to. he went back to his grandparents' house and was treated as a breakable thing. during one of his sessions with a psychologist, he was approached by one of the capitol insiders from district thirteen and, though they were wary of working with a snow (especially one so fickle, so spoiled), he proved himself worthy by revealing little things from within the mansion (perhaps coin thought there was some bitter irony to it too, that even snow's family despised him).
for his family, it seemed like he was gaining the will to live. it couldn't be farther from the truth (he's well-aware he's going to be killed when the rebels take over and he can't wait), but he plays the part: he cracks jokes during dinner with his grandparents, asks to become a gamemaker (to carry on our family's great name), and develops no more fancies to district people. he's seething from the inside, but he's got his grandpa's silver tongue, golden purse and a purpose now. and he won't rest until it's fulfilled, whatever the cost.
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Today in Christian History
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Today is Wednesday, March 8th, the 67th day of 2023. There are 298 days left in the year.
Today’s Highlight in History:
1550: Death in Grenada of John of God on his fifty-fifth birthday, having contracted pneumonia through plunging into an icy stream to rescue a youth. Impulsive and tenderhearted he had operated a hospital for the homeless and insane which he supported through hard work and begging.
1551: Genevan authorities admonish Hierosme Hermes Bolsec for meddling in theology, but Bolsec now and later argues that men are not saved because they are elected but are elected because they have faith. Eventually he is expelled from Geneva and writes unflattering biographies of Reformation leaders Calvin and Beza.
1740: In Nottingham, Pennsylvania, colonial evangelist Gilbert Tennent preaches his famous sermon, “The Danger of An Unconverted Ministry.” His message deplores placing men in pulpits who are not themselves converted to new life in Christ. “Is a dead man fit to bring others to life?”
1782: Over a period of two days a group of Pennsylvania militiamen under the command of Captain David Williamson attack peaceable Indians of the Moravian mission at Gnadenhütten in retaliation for the deaths and kidnappings of several Pennsylvanians by other Indians, murdering twenty-eight men, twenty-nine women, and thirty-nine children.
1839: Overcoming difficulties, such as two stout Hindu bodyguards set to prevent him from visiting Christians, Mahendra Lal Basak leaves his father’s home in Calcutta determined to forsake idolatry and pursue Christ. He is baptized this day and will become a Christian minister and educator, but will die of cholera within six years.
1892: Death in England of Methodist missionary James Calvert, a pioneer in the Fiji mission.
1921: The Evangelical Lutheran Immanuel Synod and the German-Scandinavian Synod of Queensland, Australia, merge with the General Synod at Ebenezer, South Australia, forming the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Australia.
1948: In McCollum v. Board of Education, Justice Hugo Black hands down a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that religious education in public schools is a violatation of the First Amendment of the Constitution. The court rules that allowing children “release time,” even with parental consent, to receive religious instruction during school hours on school property is a violation of the separation of church and state.
1960: Death of the Orthodox archbishop Vitaly Maximenko of the North American diocese. Born in Russia he had endured many hard knocks as a young orphan and obtained a reputation as a rebel. However, he so proved himself on every job he undertook that he was delegated tasks of great responsibility and  built up two major religious printing houses as well as laboring with minimal rest to evangelize and build up his church. In America he strove to reunify expatriated Orthodox groups.
2009: Angered at Christian conversions of Hindus, Rajesh Singh tosses a bomb into a House of Prayer church in Buhar state, India, and then shoots pastor Vinod Kumar, who will survive.
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s-lily · 2 years
Avatar - High Ground V.1
Urrgggg! I know Na’vi anatomy can be difficult, but they are copying shots from the movie. I have seen the movie too many times that I recognize all of them! On top of it, it’s very difficult to tell who is who. I have seen fanart comics much better drawn than this. Sorry, I don’t want to disrespect the artists, but they put minimum effort into this. 
Also, I’m just conflicted because it says it’s based on the actual screenplay by James Cameron himself. Does it mean this is canon?
Because if it is, I have a lot of questions.
….. Spoilers ahead …..
Questions like why a Na’vi kid is calling Norm dad? (page 11) or maybe he’s Jake dressed in human clothes and that is little Tuk? If so, why is Jake wearing human clothes again?
I think it’s interesting it’s mentioned that Na’vi kids grow up faster. 
I’m also very confused with Kiri and her ikran. She was a child! Like Tuk’s age. Did Kiri have her ikran before Neteyam? I thought Neteyam has been the youngest to complete the Iknimaya rite in the whole story of their clan so far. It’s not like they take children to the rite. When Jake got Bob (his ikran), Tsu’tey also took two trainees probably a lot younger than Jake, but they were not children, probably teens, so why is Kiri so young?
I found it fascinating that Neteyam was the youngest to get his ikran, and Lo’ak failed on his first try.
The three laws of Eywa… I never hear about it. I think it’s an interesting concept, but also maybe a discarded one. I think If it was important, sure James Cameron would have mentioned it if not in the first movie, in the second. 
Ok, this is hilarious, Neytiri is behaving like Spider is that rebel bad boy who is coming to take her saint daughter’s virtue LOL. She is too psychotic. The child is not to blame for the sins of the father. Also, isn’t she been a little too much hypocrite? She is married to Jake, a human, maybe not in body, but he still has his human mind.
On the other hand, this comic is making Kiri sound so ungrateful about being adopted by the Sullys. “Us orphans” You’re not an orphan girl!  (page. 39) She has parents and siblings who love her, contrary to Spider, who only has legal guardians who don’t give a fuck about him. Seriously, the McCosker guy is so cruel in his comments about Spider. (page 42)
Also, why is the lab so abandoned and dirty? Didn’t Norm and the other science fellows work there anymore? Not like pay-work, but passion-work. I would think that if they stay in Pandora, it is because they love it there, and with their scientific curiosity, they would keep taking samples and running experiments. At least you would think they keep it running for the links units. 
I didn’t like Jake being so obsessed with war before the humans returned. That’s not the vibes I got from the movie (atwow). I mean, I get he may be concerned, but seriously they made him sound so paranoiac here. 
Which let us to the elephant in the room. NA’VI IN SPACE! What?!
I don’t ruled out it might happen in future movies, but here, it seems so out of context. And anyways, why is Jake asking permission to the Olo'eyktan Council if all the warriors are from the Omaticaya clan? His clan?
And isn’t the kids exploring the battlefield and founding the Samson helicopter too much like what actually happened in the second movie? I know it’s based on the screenplay, and maybe it got changed. But then again, I ask, is this canon? I honestly don’t think so.
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themovieblogonline · 4 months
Rebel Moon Director's Cut: More Blood (and Maybe Apologies)
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Get ready, Netflix bingers! Remember that epic sci-fi saga "Rebel Moon" that dropped on Netflix in two parts? Yeah, well, Zack Snyder, the director behind the whole thing, always planned to unleash a way darker, way more messed-up version. And guess what? The Rebel Moon Directors Cut is (almost) here! And guess what? The Director's Cut comes with new titles: - Chapter One: Chalice of Blood - Chapter Two: Curse of Forgiveness Sounds intense, right? That’s because it is. Sounds pretty wild, right? The Netflix Cut vs. The Rebel Moon Director's Cut The Director's Cut of Rebel Moon isn’t just a rehash of what you’ve already seen. Now, the first two parts that hit Netflix were like the PG-13 version of the story. It promises significantly longer runtimes and a much darker, edgier tone. Think less family-friendly and more grown-up. But Snyder, being Snyder, always envisioned a more hardcore experience. The new names alone, Chalice of Blood and Curse of Forgiveness, hint at a deeper dive into the mythology and madness of this saga. Chapter One: Chalice of Blood" and "Chapter Two: Curse of Forgiveness" Those new titles alone hint at the darker tone, with words like "Blood" and "Curse." Snyder's staying tight-lipped about exactly how much more messed-up this version is, but expect way more action, way more violence, and probably some scenes that'll make you wanna clutch your pearls. Whether the Director's Cut blows everyone away remains to be seen. Rebel Moon's regular editions had a mixed reception. Critics were divided, but fans know Snyder’s work often shines brightest in its full, uncut glory. The extended editions of his past films have proven that sometimes, more is more. Whether you’re a die-hard Snyder fan or a sci-fi aficionado, the Director’s Cut is likely to offer something special. One thing's for sure: come August 2nd, we'll all have a chance to dive into the darker, bloodier world of "Rebel Moon: Chapters." Just grab a metaphorical chalice (of whatever you like to drink), because things are about to get intense. A History of Rebel Moon Here's the thing: Snyder's known for his extended director's cuts. Think "Watchmen" or the "Snyder Cut" of Justice League. These versions usually blow the doors off the original movies, adding tons of new footage and cranking up the intensity. So, there's a good chance the "Rebel Moon: Chapters" will be the definitive way to experience this sci-fi epic. The story centers around a peaceful settlement on a distant moon threatened by the tyrannical Regent Balisarius. Enter Kora, played by Sofia Boutella, a mysterious stranger who becomes the settlement’s best hope for survival. Kora’s mission? Assemble a ragtag group of warriors to stand against the overwhelming forces of the Motherworld. Think Seven Samurai, but in space. With orphans of war, insurgents, and peasants banding together, this motley crew is all about redemption and revenge. (Source: Empire Online) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qr1G4vmtPg Read the full article
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newswisenow · 1 year
Zack Snyder's 'Rebel Moon': OTT Release Date, Plot, and Behind-the-Scenes Revealed | Netflix's Sci-Fi Masterpiece
Finally, after much anticipation, Zack Snyder's latest science fiction masterpiece, "Rebel Moon," has unveiled its poster and release date. Netflix made the exciting announcement during its highly anticipated Tudum 2023 festival, leaving fans eagerly awaiting the film's arrival. Snyder, known for his previous directorial works such as "300" and "Justice League," took the opportunity to provide exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpses of the film during the Netflix worldwide fan event, Tudum, held in Sao Paulo, Brazil on June 18.
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Zack Snyder's 'Rebel Moon': A Sci-Fi Spectacle of Epic Proportions
According to Snyder, "Rebel Moon" has been a labor of love for the past two decades, with the visionary director harboring a long-standing desire to bring this epic tale to life. Described as a colossal, atmospheric space adventure, the movie explores the themes of a valiant few against insurmountable odds, battling the forces of evil. To accommodate its expansive storyline, "Rebel Moon" features a 174-page script and is divided into two parts, both of which were shot simultaneously. This strategic approach ensures that viewers will be fully immersed in the captivating narrative from start to finish. Those eager to embark on this intergalactic journey can mark their calendars for December 22, the much-anticipated release date for the film exclusively on Netflix. https://twitter.com/NetflixIndia/status/1670812178834935810 The official trailer and plot synopsis have been unveiled, shedding light on the captivating storyline that awaits audiences. In the heart of a remote galaxy lies a peaceful colony on the brink of destruction, oppressed by a tyrannical governing force. The colony's only hope rests with Kora, portrayed by the talented Sofia Boutella, a mysterious stranger with an enigmatic past who resides among the people. In her quest to save her planet, Kora assembles a small but formidable group of warriors comprised of outsiders, rebels, peasants, and war orphans hailing from diverse planets, united by a shared yearning for redemption and revenge. Together, they embark on an impossible mission to rally skilled soldiers and mount a last stand against the oppressive Mother World. The fate of the colony hangs in the balance as Kora's courage and determination are put to the ultimate test. Unveiling the Anticipated Trailer: Get Ready for a Thrilling Glimpse into 'Rebel Moon' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nc4TDtogcs Boasting an Impressive Ensemble: Joining Sofia Boutella's Captivating Performance in "Rebel Moon" are Doona Bae, Ray Fisher, Staz Nair, E. Duffy, Charlie Hunnam, Jena Malone, Cleopatra Coleman and Fra Fee. Notably, the film is produced by Zack Snyder's wife, Deborah Snyder, adding an extra layer of passion and dedication to the project. While fans eagerly await the release of the full trailer, the behind-the-scenes video has generated significant buzz and heightened excitement for "Rebel Moon." With its December 22 release date aligning with the festive season, the film promises to deliver a thrilling and captivating cinematic experience, offering audiences a Christmas gift like no other. As the countdown to the release of "Rebel Moon" continues, fans are left eagerly anticipating the epic space odyssey that awaits them. With Zack Snyder at the helm, audiences can expect a visually stunning and emotionally charged film that pushes the boundaries of the science fiction genre. Read the full article
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rocknets · 4 years
thinking about how well ezra bridger and rey would have gotten along on this blessed day 
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cygnetasauveur · 7 years
themxdhatter replied to your post: “I prefer watching from the sidelines to...
He’d been making excuses ever since he’d sat down close to the circle, enough for the occasional spin to still land on him. When Emma’s spin landed on him, he hadn’t expected her to ignore his excuses and grab him by the front of his shirt. Jefferson had been eyeing her during the party and now found himself leaning in to her kiss.
Emma loosened her grip when he kissed back, ignoring the sudden outburst of those around when she’d kissed him so forcefully. She could even forgive the frat boy currently burning a hole in her ass as she bent over the bottle and across the circle. Eventually she let go, pulling back to look him in the eyes. “I know you’ve been eyeing me, so stop playing coy and how about we go outside, hmm?”
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
In her last dance chapter Dany fails to make a hat out of grass to protect herself from the sun. We all know george doesn't write random scenes, everything even little details like that have a meaning. What do you thinknis he is trying to say with that scene in the book?
Hi anon!
I already made a post about that subject here. :)
Basically, her failed grass hat is a mirror to Tyrion meeting Aegon "Young Griff" who is wearing a straw hat at the time.
Both are a reference to the Dunk and Egg tales, which depict their mutual ancestor king Aegon V Targaryen as a child, travelling incognito with Ser Duncan "Dunk" the Tall as his squire, wearing a floppy straw hat in "The Sword Sword".
Aegon and Dany represent the early promise and eventual dark failure of "Egg", who began so sweetly and in the end collapsed into everything that made House Targaryen villainous.
(But also seriously. GRRM introduces Young Griff with a straw hat and a hedgeknight named Du(c)k whom he later names his kingsguard. He travels on a poleboat with orphans of the Greenblood, with dyed hair. Both have Dornish mothers and their dad's are Rhaegar and Maekar who both died in battle against rebels. Could the Egg references with Young Griff be any more blatant? And people speculate that he's a Blackfyre.)
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writeblrfantasy · 3 years
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epic political fantasy🖤 estimated wc between 150-200k🖤classical italian/renaissance inspiration🖤found family, wlw and mlm, one sided fake relationship, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers🖤
herra has nothing left of her old life but her ancestral duty of appointing an emperor. leonidas has never known truth, only the lying lives he uses to get into the beds and purses and minds of others. aquad has nothing special ahead of him, only a boring life in the scarlet king's army. survivable, affordable, all with distant dreams of fame and fulfillment and greatness, but nothing remarkable.
they each meet someone--handsome king, traitor with a ticket to your past, messenger bearing the end of peaceful days--who changes everything.
the empire needs its emperor, but in empires, people and countries get lost, drowned out, fall through the cracks. anarchists reign and rebels fight for two causes. some don't know what they're already in or getting themselves into. others should be lucky to remain oblivious in the golden court of mariosa, opulent and totally unaware of its impending doom.
the man who would be emperor tears his way through the empire as dynastic secrets are unearthed and three new romances bloom.
a weaving tale of an estranged family, a historical romance repeating itself, a woman with the weight of heaven's responsibility resting on her shoulders, a lost ring lying in wait, and a traitor turned desperate, THE LOVER OF FIVE NAMES has three povs and five parts.
leonidas sartini: a spy and master of seduction on his fifth identity, falling for his target and his fake life for the first time. main pov.
ricarda donati v: king of golden mariosa, a historian whose big romantic dreams are pulled back to earth by war.
herra of the ancients: an orphan turned rebellion leader with a dynastic duty to perform--appointing an emperor. main pov.
augusta tanner grimash: excommunicated warrior of house grimash who wants nothing more than her people’s independence from the empires that swallow them up.
aquad di mars: a lowly soldier working only to feed his family that gets mixed up in a plot to mutiny and accidentally fall in love with his commanding officer. main pov.
lasilas tanner catiana: an exiled and estranged prince from house catiana, a general fighting for the enemy of his people despite wanting nothing more than them safe.
alessandro de rege: lord of the mariosan court, a pianist and a bad poet. all of his efforts are in an attempt to woo his love, antonia.
antonia bevelia donati: a princess of the mariosan court, ricarda’s younger sister, a woman smarter than all the men around her.
(everyone is grouped in twos with their love interest in this list)
lover taglist (lmk to be added/removed) @magic-is-something-we-create @47crayons @ashen-crest
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Hello lovely Farm Witches. Being new to the fabulous SC and the gorgeousness of David x Patrick, I wondered if you could help me - I need more baseball Patrick! Currently reading wonderful AU 'the most important thing (isn't baseball)' by Leslie Writes @wild-aloof-rebel . Do you know of any other fics where Patrick is a baseball player please?!
While not all of the witches are sportsball fans, we do all love a baseball-playing Patrick.
A hat, a bat, and that’s not all - aelia_gioia
Hit me with your best shot - ignisgayentia
I’d swing with you for the fences - nontoxic (@danverses)
M. V. (I.) P. - orphan account
The most important thing isn’t baseball - hudders-and-hiddles (@wild-aloof-rebel)
This time - @doublel27
You are the only, only, only - @designatedgrape
Your eyes are wider than distance - @grapehyasynth
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andromedaceline · 3 years
Daevabad Similarities (Spoilers)
While I was reading, I couldn’t help thinking of other stories/movies that have similarities to the Daevabad Trilogy characters and plots. These are just SIMILARITIES, not exact, obviously. Here are a few:
Gladiator: Dara’s life as a soldier/rebel general gave me mad Maximus vibes. Family/sister’s death and the drive for vengeance from that. Not to mention, he was enslaved. Also, Dara’s desire for a peaceful life, free of having to fight/be a weapon.
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The Lion King: Betrayal/Conflict between siblings, Rustam and Manizheh for sure. Daevabad “dying” under her occupation. Nahri coming to face her at the end, total Simba/Scar battle for Pride Rock vibes.
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Anastasia: Nahri not having memory of her past and being an orphan in Cairo, only to find out she’s somewhat of a princess. Her “Journey to the Past” with Dara to Daevabad and them falling in love in process. 
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V for Vendetta (movie): Dara is a “weapon” similar to V, and in the end, destroys those who used him to gain power. Unfortunately like V, since he’s a product of that old, destructive system of the past, for Daevabad to heal, he cannot be apart of it’s prosperous future.
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The Prince of Egypt: The River Lullaby scene in the beginning makes me think of Duriya and Nahri’s last moments. 😭 Also, Muntadhir and Ali’s relationship reminds me a lot of Ramses and Moses.
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Notorious (1946): This is a very old Hitchcock film, so I don’t expect many people to know this one (still very good film!), BUT mostly why it reminds me of Daevabad Trilogy is the forbidden love vs duty aspects in the film. Devlin is a US agent assigned as the contact for Alicia, who is being tapped by the US to spy on a German sympathizer/terrorist in Brazil. Early in the film they meet and fall in love, however, once it’s confirmed what the US Gov is planning to use her for, they realize they can’t be together. Devlin is torn between his duty/pride and his love for her, so throughout the film there’s a lot of this lovesick “I can’t have you, but I want you and it’s killing me” tension that is sooo Dara and Nahri in Act II of CoB.
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The Bodyguard: Come on now. How can you listen to “I Will Always Love You” and NOT think of Dara and Nahri at the end of EOG? 😭
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Did anyone else find other movies/stories that you found similar to as well?
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sangrialuvr · 3 years
okay so about onf lore
my theory
hyojin - is essentially the cliche “tyrant leader in a dystopian society” - kinda brainwashed on team to do whatever he wants - eventually gets k!lled by j-us in revenge for murd3ring wyatt - probs tried to abduct yuto into joining on team - possibly k!lled laun for being a double agent and trying to assassinate him (so he no longer exists in onf universe) - “created” the rest of onf with the help of mk, who are basically robots (with perfect human ideals, ubersmench) - was possibly homeless and orphaned, so he wanted to be powerful and show everyone that he was capable of power too
j-us - could be hyojin’s frenemy, since they COULD stay in the same room without murd3ring each other for a few seconds in Why - “rebellion” leader - avenged wyatt’s d3ath by k!lling hyojin (shown in Goosebumps and Sukhumvit Swimming) - k!lled e-tion, probs since he doesnt know on team arent in control of their actions - mk could be next on his list? - enlisted laun as a spy before wyatt
e-tion - confused child doesnt know whats going on he just wants to be with his blue flower on the moon 😔 and maybe just alone on the island in Why - poor bby was brainwashed by hyojin and then shot by j-us - but in j-us’s defense he helped k!ll wyatt - but then again he wasnt in control of what he did - dont blame him blame evil hyojin - doesnt know ANYTHING, except what hyojin tells him - so he then shot wyatt bc he was forced to - probs hurt yuto since yuto was stealing stuff from hyojin and he was forced to harm yuto - probs also didnt want laun to di3
wyatt - poor child also doesnt know anything and feels alone - threw away the key to the New World since he either didnt know what it was or didnt want hyojin to get it - most likely threatened by hyojin to give him the key but bby didnt know anything about a key - so then he kinda guessed that hyojin was gonna k!ll him and kept an eye on him - and so j-us found an amazing spy for the “rebels” to bring hyojin down - was caught by hyojin in the end and was executed 💔 - but ofc tried to drown hyojin before he di3d - welcomed d3ath (we all stan a mentally-strong man)
mk - could have helped hyojin create the rest of onf? - not as brainwashed as e-tion but still v loyal to hyojin - was caught by off team (j-us tried v hard to get him) but escaped - basically the “hacker” who helps hyojin do all the electronic work - works out of the back of a truck (Beautiful Beautiful truck wooooo) - tries to create holograms to fool off team (wyatt and yuto believed everything was real until j-us told them it was all VR) - the last member of on team alive, j-us wont let him go - has a special connection w e-tion, maybe since they were both under hyojin’s control
yuto - tried to steal the info on team had about the key - poor thing didnt know his teammate threw it away - injured by e-tion when he was caught (shot e-tion a bit too) - probs tried to steal the info when j-us was trying to break wyatt out of hyojin’s place - very hurt when hyojin k!lled laun, could be closer than the other members - so then he tried as hard as he could to find the key and bring hyojin down
laun - is basically d3ad in onf universe :(( - double agent and spy for off team - was k!lled by hyojin when he found out :(((( - dearly missed by both yuto and e-tion - told j-us everything he knew about on team - wasnt intended to be sacrificed to buy time for wyatt 💔
New World - can only get through using the cube (?) and key (which wyatt threw away so they were all trapped in Old World for some time) - the Land Of Robots/Hyojintopia/everything off team despises
Old World - is dying so they all want to get out asap - off team wanted to change New World to be a better vers of Old World and not All Hail Hyojin Land
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