#v; ( is there any wonder why i'm scared? ) MUTANT/BNHA
personifiedchaosx · 3 years
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 @towercursed​ asked: When he gets back to her place, he'll find all the lights are off, instead lit by hundreds of glowing orbs that float around the apartment like fireflies, courtesy of her powers. She's in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on a white and blue marbled cake that bears 'Happy Birthday, Jack!' in dark cursive, but she spins around immediately when she hears him, a bright beam crossing her face. She dusts her hands on her skirt before rushing to him, pulling Jack into a close and warm hug before kissing his nose with a laugh. " Hey, happy birthday! I've got dinner in the oven, it's ready whenever you want it. "
Happy Birthday, Jack!! ( Nov. 10th )
His birthday was still such a strange affair; something that he was only half sure of, and even when learning the true date, it never... clicked fully. While his memories of his time within Fredrick’s lab were slowly becoming more solid around the edges, the time before that - with his family - were still just blimps. Fuzzy and hard to make out. Even with Rapunzel and him uncovering more and more about his family - a mother and sister - genuine memories of them were... rare. Not like he was ready to even face them yet. While he and Rapunzel were in a much better place than before the craziness started, it still meant there was new feelings for him to navigate; feelings that had begun to blossom even before his memories started to creep back. He had given forgiveness long ago, and now there was only these emotions that had been planted by her warmth and care and smile.
It was closest thing that he could assume to be ‘love’. But... he kept it close to his chest. Just for now. Just for awhile longer.
Pushing open the door to the apartment, blue eyes blinked rapidly at the darkness, heart lurching for only half a second before golden orbs registered in his vision; Rapunzel’s doing. He’d recognize them anywhere; she has created them many nights where they laid awake in place of sleeping. Moving in further, he catches the familiar crop of now brown hair, going from her person to the cake on the counter, making out enough of the frosted words to know what it said.
Jack had spent so many ‘birthdays’ alone, only having cake if he’d decided he felt like stealing a slice or too, and now...
I... I’m so in love with you.
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Laughter leaves his lips, grateful for the distraction from those internal thoughts right in front of him, holding onto her hands tightly as a mixture of red and blue dusted his cheeks in a flush; staring into green eyes with a wide grin.
I don’t know how i got along without you... “Thanks, Punz. I’m actually starving -- so perfect timing!”
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a-personifiedchaosx · 4 years
@decayman​ | winter/holiday starter call!
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“Aren’t you cold?”
Expression scrunches slightly at his question, as though to emphasize his... concern? Curiosity? The temperature had dropped the previous night enough for icicles to form on doorways and rooftops, and for snowflakes to flutter almost ominously from the sky. It wasn’t so bad for someone who seemed to be encased with snow and ice, but he was still human who felt the discomfort... The same could be applied for Shiragaki.
Besides, it was a bit easier to throw out an inquiry with him opposed to how it used to be with Pitch.
“I mean... Your clothes don’t even seem like they would cut it.” A small tilt of his head. “Would gloves work? Ah, maybe not... but maybe special sort of gloves. Could it count if you put on a pair that excluded one finger but then you put on another thing to cover the finger sticking out? Cause technically you wouldn’t be touching it with all five...” And here he was going down the rabbithole...
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personifiedchaosx · 3 years
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 @towercursed​ asked: She shifts herself on his lap, settling her knees either side of his hips as she smiles down at him. Her fingers lace through his as she guides his hand to her hip and under her shirt, her skin shivers where he touches her. But she continues to slide his hand upwards, over her ribs and to the edge of her bra before she pauses, her heart beating feverishly. As much as she's burning for this, she doesn't want to go too fast for him. " You can touch me. " She muses quietly, offering him a gentle huff of a chuckle. " I'm okay - we're okay. "
Jack couldn’t help the way he tensed as Rapunzel settled into his lap, blue eyes flickering to meet her green as warm already seemed to settle at the base of his stomach. Already the position felt suggestive, intimate in a way that was different from anything they’ve done before; and while he was new to this, a part of him had been softly shifting towards desiring this, even if he couldn’t but a definite name to it.
“Rapunzel...” Her name escaped his lips in a barely above a whisper, feeling his body relax against her until his hand is taken and brushed under her shirt. Immediately, he tenses again; breath catching in his throat slightly, not because he was reluctant to do so...
Well, perhaps he was. But it wasn’t because he didn’t want to --- his skin must feel as cold as ice. It was something he was always conscious of, how cold he was and how uncomfortable it could be. It made being with her difficult: he wished almost constantly that he was more ‘normal’, but he could be someone she cuddled with when she caught a chill, or he could touch her without worrying about his very presence chilling her.
A blueish blue stains his cheeks, heart beating faster in his chest as his eyes flickered from her face towards their travels hands, and back again; finger hesitate but taking in as much of her warm as his fingertips brushed over. Feeling the sleekness of her bare waist, brushing over her stomach and then...
He swallows thickly, thumb brushing over the underwire of her bra, eyes unable to pull away from her chest, where his hand - and hers - were hovering near underneath her shirt. The cool heat at the base of his stomach twisted with anticipation, tongue brushing over his lips as his thumb rubbed over it again slightly. He wanted to move his hand further up, to possibly move her bra from her breast, maybe even remove her shirt altogether and look upon her, while also following her lead and fully indulging alongside her, but--
Jack’s eyes jerked back to hers at the sound of her voice, whatever remaining tension in his body softly leaving. He hadn’t realized how much he needed to hear some variation of those words until they were spoken, icy eyes flickering over her face as his lips quirked slightly, a relieved huff of breath escaping him before he leans in immediately; catching her lips in his as his other hand rests on her hip, gripping onto it gently before pulling her closer.
The permission released the hesitancy within his chest, and now he was eager to release the extent of his desire, need, and love for Rapunzel. Right here, and now.
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personifiedchaosx · 3 years
@towercursed​ | x
If he pressed his back any more against the wall behind him, the boy could very well phase through it. He could feel his heart beat rapidly in his chest, blue eyes still wide in terror as he watched the guards that had been moments away from recapturing him be taken down. Almost effortlessly. Perhaps he should of been overcome with relief from having a savior, but it only feed the frigid flames of fear in his chest; the air around him dropping a couple of more degrees in kind. ( If it was possible. )
He could understand her words, of course he could, but adrenaline was running so furiously through his veins -- he couldn’t help but think that he was still in danger. That she was going to turn to him next --- take him down. Was she from the lab as well? Tasked with finding him and bringing him back? Or maybe worst -- He sent her to kill him too. Bright blue eyes flicker down quickly towards the downed guards, noting the red spot of blood, pushing himself further into the wall.
Escape... He had to escape; he had to leave, but she was blocking the way and of course she would hurt him, of course she would--
I’m not here to hurt you.
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Breathing slowed just a tad, wide eyes fixing on those nearly glowing green irises; watching him with a look that he has never seen directed at him --- with concern. With warmth. Rapunzel... It was a mouthful of a name, but it sound soft around the edges; so soft when all he’s known was sharp and rough for so long. He couldn’t explain it, but... he wanted to trust her. He wanted to believe her.
The runaway’s head snapped towards the loud sound of the passing car quickly, faint sound escaping his lips. What was that? Was it them--- was it him?? What was he doing standing there, of course there would be more after him. Eyes glanced towards the wall behind him, quickly trying to wonder if he could scale it without his powers, wondering if it would lead to another dead end. With them down he had the lead now, so---
She’s speaking again, drawing his attention back to her. He glances down to her outstretched hand, offering a question he’s never been proposed. His eyes looked back to her emerald green, searching them for any sign of malice; of wanting to turn him in, to hurt him or tear him apart.
There was none.
Lips purse slightly; heart rate decreasing slowly, the cold around them thawing a tad. She was promising a way out... slowly, he found himself nodding, a hand leaving him to extend slowly towards her, brushing them over her warm skin. “... okay...” His voice was barely a whisper, as though scared he would break this spell; that she would transform into something evil. Pushing himself off the wall, he took a hesitate step towards, bare feet shuffling against the rigid ground; tattered shirt barely hanging onto his shoulder.
“... Okay... I trust you...”
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personifiedchaosx · 3 years
@towercursed​ | random lyric starter call
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“It’s a wicked, twisted, fable --- he’s not stable.”
no place like home - todrick hall
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personifiedchaosx · 3 years
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 @herflame​ asked: “  was that you?  ”
His response was immediate, hands having already dug into the depths of his sweater as the small swelling of pandemonium was brewing behind him. Obviously, it was his fault -- a swell of ice that he had caused by being spooked had leaked into the street, causing a small car crash. From what Jack could hear out of the snips of voices, the people involved were only a bit hurt and nothing more --- but it did nothing for the sludge of guilt weighing in the base of his stomach.
Of course, not like another could tie it back to him. At least... he figured.
Blue eyes flickered towards the girl beside him, dark blue hoodie pulled up over his head before tugging at the gloves over his hands; as though to make sure that they were secure. “Come on --- it was a patch of ice in the middle of the street. The weather is getting colder, it happens. What; do you think I went and splashed water out there or something?”
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He hoped that his rambling didn’t seem too suspicious, although really people could look something extraordinary right in the face and be completely oblivious to it. There wasn’t any reason to think that he wouldn’t be fine.
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personifiedchaosx · 3 years
@towercursed​ | x
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His silence is an answer in itself; arms pulling his knees up closer to his chest as blue eyes remained on the ground before him.
Pitch had been an overarching presence in his life since he was young; an impressionable kid who just wanted to get closer to finding out who he truly was. Of course he had a real name, a name he’s heard his other subordinates call him, but... ‘Pitch’ just seemed more accurate. ‘Pitch Black’ was a name of a monster, and over the years he had proven to be just that.
He made him believe he was everywhere at once; that one little move would get back to him somehow. That he knew everything. And of course to a small child in the throes of an abusive, manipulative relationship perhaps it was understandable for him to truly believe that Pitch was a larger than life monster, but...
.... Why was it that he still felt that way?
Jack had thrown away the burner phone he used to keep on him months ago; when he had become more comfortable with Rapunzel, before.... before. He had hoped that maybe by trying to move on that he would truly be left alone, but he’d heard the whispers on the streets when he went out to outrun his intrusive thoughts and memories. Of where he could be. Of... someone looking for the white haired boy with ice powers.
A shiver raced up his spine at Rapunzel’s words, blue eyes slowly lifting to meet worried green, pursing his lips. Friction still sparked in the middle of their relationship, and he wished there was a way to make it fully disappear, and yet--- the thought of her standing before Pitch, of trying to step in the middle between them to protect him... his chest twisted with anxiety.
Lips parted; a part of him really did want to talk about it, talk about him and what he was capable of, but... fear restrained him. That same damn childish fear; as though he would be waiting in the shadows, ready to pounce the minute Jack even whispered his name.
“... I don’t need you to protect me.” His voice is low, absent of any venom that may have been present before their excursion to see Fredrick; eyes sliding away from hers. “He’s... He’s just... a bad guy. He has a lot of power in the underground... a lot of sway.” A small sigh. “-- I hate talking about him. I just... I don’t want you getting involved. Please...”
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personifiedchaosx · 3 years
@heartsaked​ | x
His emotions have been haywire since his shattered memories had begun to stitch themselves together, and even now Jack is overcome with restlessness and misplaced panic and anger, and the cold around him fluctuates with it. Pacing erratically, he had tried moments earlier to grip onto the back of a chair to ground himself: only to have ice shoot from his palms and cover it in a thick sheet, palpable with his anxiety.
“Do anything rash?? Me existing is already doing something rash to them!!” Words fell from his lips with varying tones, lips parting to inhale sharply, trying to calm himself to no real avail. His brain hadn’t intended to come here, his feet had just started moving and moving until he ended up at Sam’s door, and he’s unsure if it was a good thing or not. Not while he was like this.
“I can’t--- I just--- All this time---” There was too much memory for him to short through; too much vivid flashbacks of pain and cold faces and tears for him to handle without feeling as though he is on the verge of drowning. God, it all started to make sure -- why he was so scared of the dark. Why he always panicked when waking up somewhere new. Why the feeling of anyone grabbing at his arm or wrist made him want to shrink back on himself.
It all was starting to make sense, and he felt like he was drowning, drowning; and there was white hot anger, and god he wanted to just make them p a y, to find them himself and--
Cold body goes rigid when Jack is pulled into the older man’s embrace, brought back to the present and the way he was swallowing down gulps of breaths; blue eyes wide open as his face was tucked into his shoulder. Hands were still brimming with energy, with the need to release his heightened emotions in the form of ice and he keeps them out at his sides, as to not harm or chill Sam by accident.
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The half frozen tears formed before he realized what was happening, ragged sobs escaping past his lips as he leaned into Sam, trying to find comfort in the good of the present to protect from the murky evil of the past. “I can’t--- I-I can’t turn it off, Sam. I-It’s all back, and I just-- I-I can’t stop remembering--”
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personifiedchaosx · 3 years
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@towercursed​ asked: “ stay with me tonight.  ”
Jack paused, lingering near the doorway; a covered hand brushing over the wood as he considered those words. He was quick to learn that he and Rapunzel shared similar sleep schedules; where both of them still seemed to be up and unable to fall into slumber at 2am, and due to that they naturally navigated to one another during the night. ( Not like he wasn’t drawn to her during the day, but... )
It was... nice. Jack didn’t realize how much he craved having someone to talk to who wouldn’t talk down to him, and they traded subjects back and forth until he was sure he could recite a million small things he knows about her. Things he didn’t think he would soon forget.
But eventually, he always wandered back to the living room. Until--
“You... want me to stay?” He’s grateful for the darkness now; since she wouldn’t be able to see the faint blush that stained pale cheeks, his grip on the door frame tightening slightly. There’s a lot of reasons why that was a bad idea -- most if not all of it having to do with his powers and how it would chill her to the bone.
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“Uh...” A hand brushed over the back of his neck, clearing his throat as blue eyes glanced from her outlined shape in the darkness over to the wall. “Are... Are you sure? I... I can get pretty cold, you know. Even through blankets...”
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personifiedchaosx · 3 years
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@towercursed​ asked: “  every time i touch you, there’s a moment where you look like you think it will hurt. ” 
memes for that specific brand of ships
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A misplaced blush of shame stained his cheeks, blue eyes flickering from soft green down to Rapunzel’s outstretched hand before he’s looking away; arms crossing over himself without him fully realizing. She hadn’t been doing anything too out of line -- just reaching out towards him in the mist of her musical laughter while she was speaking, causing him to tense in a way that he had hoped wasn’t noticeable. Turns out it always was.
He was still so new in this place; new to the apartment and still to Rapunzel herself. He still had yet to even stay the full night in the place, itchy restlessness and discomfort always forcing him to sneak out at some point before he found his way back after sunrise. He was always , always surprised that the doors and window still remained unlocked for him.
How could he even hope to try and explain to her? She knew nothing about his life aside from the small amount he deemed okay enough to share, and none of it had to do with the awful things he’s been forced to do. The company he’s had to keep. How was Jack to tell someone like her that the only touch he could remember ever having came in the form of harsh grabs of imposed dominance or violence? It was... pathetic.
“... Sorry. You just surprised me.” A weak lie; her movements hadn’t been quick at all or hard to guess. The need to curl into himself bloomed in the mist of his chest, heavy and uncomfortable; teeth biting down on his lower lips before he’s moving himself; standing up in a swift movement, inhaling deeply. “I... I need to take a walk.”
Running away. The one thing he was good at when faced with anything he was uncomfortable with. You’re on a roll, aren’t you Frost? “I... I’ll be back. I just.... I’ll be back.” Jack turned away from her on the ball of his feet, cold air fluctuating along with his turbulent thoughts as he nearly hurried towards the door.
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personifiedchaosx · 4 years
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@burglarlotus​ asked: 🍫+ ||for the jack + Jim (in his spidey verse) we talked about?? I'm excited to do it
💘  Valentine’s Day Prompts!  ‘ 🍫+ ‘  for my muse to give yours a box of chocolate
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“I had a feeling I would run into you.”
Of course, not mentioning the faint sounds of sirens from the crime that had just been stopped a couple of blocks away from them. Jack was tempted to tug his mask down or his hood back, but refrained; you never knew who was watching and he didn’t want to Jim to get tangled up in such a rookie mistake. He smiles, digging into the pocket of his sweatshirt to pull out a small box of chocolate, not wrapped, but still bare in all of it’s branded glory. ( At least he had the decency to scratch the price sticker off, though. )
“Don’t think I forgot what day today is.” He tosses the chocolates over towards him, already knowing that they would be caught; lips quirking into a faint grin underneath black mask. “I mean, I figured someone ought to make sure you get something before every goes to hoard the half off stuff tomorrow.”
He was sure both of them knew the reason was far beyond that of convenience or practicality.
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a-personifiedchaosx · 4 years
@ohpuddin​ | winter/holiday starter call!
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��... I would ask if you stole that, but I don’t really want to know the answer.”
Running into Harley was always it’s own brand of excitement; hands stuffed into the worn pockets of his sweater. A thick layer of snow had already covered the ground from the snow storm the other day, but he could barely feel the biting chill. ( One of the good things about his ‘affliction’ it seemed. ) An eyebrow quirked slightly, tilting his head slightly towards her.
“It’s the holidays. How were you even able to do it without getting caught??” Everyone knew that there was heightened security during this chaotic time of the year.
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a-personifiedchaosx · 4 years
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@decayman​ asked: Tomura Shigaraki has become the kingpin of the criminal underworld. There is no disputing this fact, not after he gathered an army and tore through the ranks of top-heroes, killing them off one by one. And yet, Tomura still faces villains who dare to oppose him. "Was this Pitch guy a friend of yours?" asks Tomura over his shoulder as blood pools at his feet.
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He could feel his heart beating rapidly in his ears, frozen in place as blue eyes are trained on the bright red that stained the otherwise dirty floor. The only reason why he was here was because he had been summoned perhaps an hour prior, and whether he liked it or not, when Pitch called he had to respond. But it seemed like someone got there first...
Jack’s heard stories and murmurers about Shigaraki, it was impossible not to when being so close to the grimy underground of the city. But he had always seemed like one of the celebrity pro-heroes: you knew of them, but the chances of meeting them seemed slim to none, unless you were really someone special.
And yet, here he was right before him. With the one who had held him by the proverbial dog collar in a lifeless, bloody heap at his feet.
All he could hope was that he wasn’t next...
“N... No.” He stumbles over his words when he’s addressed, straightening his back as blue eyes are trained elsewhere; it seemed a little too dangerous to look at him directly. “No... he wasn’t.” In his fear there was a little blossom of relief mixed in with it. This meant that he was free...
“I’m sorry... I came in the wrong room, uh... I should go.”
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a-personifiedchaosx · 5 years
@towercursed​ liked for a starter!
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“I want to meet him.”
His voice seemed far from steady, and blue eyes couldn’t focus on Rapunzel for the moment as the fair around them was frigid with anxiety. Sleep had evaded him ever since she had told him the truth concerning her father: every-time he closed his eyes, more and more memories seemed to surface. ( A cold, unfamiliar room that felt like a cellar, harsh light hurting his eyes as he could feel his limbs being held down forcibly, his own screams as he was injected with god knows what-- )
“I want to meet him.” Jack’s voice was harder this time, swallowing thickly before finding it in himself to look into the girl’s green eyes. “--- I want to look in the eyes of the man who did this to me.”
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a-personifiedchaosx · 5 years
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@kindcstguardian asked: “ no one wants to be alone ”  Amajiki Tamaki !        
Jack was already so used to being alone; to fading within the background of the city and it’s inhabitants to the point where in his lowest moments he’d seriously wonder if he was trying there.... alive, and not invisible. Of course, he didn’t enjoy it... nor did he genuinely want to stay this way. But it was familiar and constant. And he didn’t know how to change it so... he allowed it to remain without challenging it.
He’d half expected his throw away response to some inquiry by a fellow UA student to be taken at face value - so caught up in his own reasons for joining the school, he’d neglected even attempting to connect with his classmates. It was some question that he barely even remembered a moment later, but his response was a throw away, almost self depreciating comment about how he was fine with being a ‘loner’, but the response had actually stopped him. Jack glanced up towards the other, noting that it was someone he vaguely knew - Tamaki... or something?.
There was something about the way he seemed to carry himself that... well, reminded him a bit of himself, and he was still reeling from the fact that he was engaged in a... conversation(?).
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His expression scrunches slightly, a shoulder shrugging once as he attempts to shake away his own surprise, glancing away before looking back towards him. “Well... yeah... but sometimes it’s just easier, y’know?”
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a-personifiedchaosx · 5 years
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@kindcstguardian​ asked: ❛  i cannot stop him from disappearing  ❜ Todoroki Fuyumi ! 
possibly from a meme that i don’t have energy to find
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Even sitting before the other, Jack couldn’t help but question his presence here. While his search on his past and possible family that given him the name ‘Todoroki Rei’, prompting him to cautiously follow the small thread until he was faced with the woman before him... he couldn’t help but see how reckless he possibly could of been. ( How could one even hope to explain such a situation to someone entirely separate from it when he couldn’t do it to himself? )
“Yeah... Of course, I get that.” He attempts a small smile, blue eyes unable to not take note of how the woman’s hair and how much similar it was to his own hue. ( Minus those wisps of red... )  “I mean... It’s not like I wanted to see him... I mean, I did!-- er... maybe?”
To be fair, he probably wasn’t the first person to want an audience with Endevour, although he perhaps was the first to show up at the home...
“I’m sorry... This is probably really confusing. And-- creepy.” A small laugh escapes him before he’s even aware of it resting on his lips, sapphire hues glancing towards the ground as gloved hands shove into the pockets of his hoodies. “I didn’t mean to bother you, I just thought...”
The words refused to find themselves, and a scrunched smile touches on his lips. “--- Nevermind. It’s complicated... and I’m probably wrong anyway, so... I’m... I’m gonna go.”
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