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ofthewhitehands · 7 months ago
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Sometimes it was little Arya who coaxed her Aunt out of some old melancholy. Aunt Lyanna could use a sword as well as a needle. It wouldn't be long till Sansa was following up behind, prattling and ladylike tattling about stitchwork and lessons that Arya had skipped.
The direction would change, Lyanna would take their hands in hers and move about her home to where she knew a warm hearth would be as the sun set and somehow the noise of their voices would summon Bran who would ask after old stories that Old Nan simply wouldn't tell anymore.
Lyanna found them hard to tell, too. Brandon had loved them and Brandon was gone.
So the girls sat with their needles and Bran took residence on the floor. Lyanna was sure Robb would find his way in, too, before they all would be appropriately scattered to more appropriate evening activities.
" Garth the Green walked the land long before your stranger." Lyanna began as she turned back to Sansa, who already was asking questions about old heroes. "He would not be remembered as a hero if he hadn't had the help of Jon Who Climbs The Wall. He trapped Death in a sack for dear Garth." Lyanna continued knowingly, as Bran asked how that was possible. It was Robb who shushed him, having found his way in, stating that their Aunt would tell them if only he listened.
" But back then the Gods had eyes that could see farther than their roots could stretch. Some, I've heard tell, say they even saw into the sea." Lyanna bent to help Arya untangle her thread from her work. and carefully took the freed needle back out of its resting place as she continued to sew grey stitches into her work.
"In those days, the Gods eyes saw many things, even strange and wonderous things, Death among them. You see, Death had no eyes, but thousands of hands. On his back sat the moon and his armor was made of stars. Death is a curious being, because he cannot see. Death's touch is very cold. Colder than the longest night."
"Garth the Green had one wife and had two sons. They were very happy, you see, for they were blessed to live in the godswood and were friends of the children. To befriend the children is a very lucky thing. And this particular godswood was a very sacred place. It was always winter's solstice, and it was always bright noon sun shining through the trees."
Lyanna paused in her work to remind Arya to keep working on hers ( she wouldn't want her septa after her, now would she --or worse-- old Nan) before looking up to see another at her door,
"Come in, Jon, we've only just started." She was always glad to see her boy, even if she could never openly admit that he was hers.
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chyornaya-vdova · 2 years ago
Natasha smiled when he seemed to remember their training sessions. When he picked her up, she gave him a nod, telling him she's ready and then he threw her back into the arena. Having done this multiple times already, Natasha landed perfectly, but rolled around and made it look like she got hurt. The crowd became silent then, trying to figure out what just happened. The redhead staggered when she got back up and reached for her batons again. "Let's go, Big Guy!" She called, before running towards her opponent. Nat easily dodged whenever he swung his big weapons at her. Since she's small and agile it looked more like she danced around him. She got a few hita with her batons as well. The electricity in them where turned to low, to not hurt him, even though she couldn't even hurt him if they're turned to max. But she wanted to be extra sure.
"Just throw me to the ground whenever and I'll pretend to be knocked out." She told him in a hushed voice. "Or knock me out for real if it helps better. We have to end this fight somehow."
This has probably been the craziest day of her life so far. A random woman she’s never seen before actually managed to kidnap her. Her body could take so many electric shocks…Nat had to admit, she put up a good fight. Then she woke up in space again and was actually brought to another planet. At least this proved that none of her enemies sent her. But why was she doing this? How did this woman even know her?
Then she was brought to a crazy man that called himself the ‘Grand Master’. He told her this place was an arena and she’s here to fight. And when she tried to free herself from the shackles, that stupid thing on her neck electrocuted her again.
And then things happened fast. That guy wanted to see her fight and she barely had any time to prepare for what’s to come. She was pushed around this place -and was electrocuted when she tried to fight back- and then she was in this gigantic arena with a few weapon in hand. And her first fight was with the champion. They could’ve just killed her on the spot, but no these crazy people wanted a big show…
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flowersoldier · 3 years ago
Cloud, ex-SOLDIER now mercenary, went out for the day. It’s very difficult earning enough money in the slums, especially if you care for a friend who’s in a coma, but he’s still doing his best everyday. And today he’s gonna try out his luck in Sector 5.
As expected the people there got easy enough tasks for him, usually getting rid of monsters, but the payment wasn’t really that great. Just as he expected. But it’s better than nothing. As he slayed the last monster his customer wanted to get rid of, he stumbled on a church on the other side of the sector -or at least it felt like it. Cloud needed a break anyway, so he decided to check it out before going back.
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multimxsings · 4 years ago
Rita steered her horse towards the forest, her little boy was sound asleep on her lap. Surely no one would look here for her. Especially Runeard. The Enchanted Forest was big enough to hide from her now Ex-husband. Surely she won’t stay here forever. Just a little bit and then they’ll go somewhere else. For now she didn’t know where else to go and since the Northuldra were their allies, maybe they’d help her.
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thewonderingsorceress · 4 years ago
Trauma has a way of following you
~7 Years Ago ~
Ella had had her tour of the medical schools who were interested, and she had one in the afternoon the next day, but she was in New York for a week for free. She was gonna enjoy it, wanting to make sure she got the feel for the city and her first time out of state and celebrate her graduation from college. Hell she had no family, no friends, little to no cash, and had been on the street most her life she had a reason to celebrate. So she did, she’d already had more than a few shots and was dancing about, but she’d been making her way to sit at an empty seat drink in hand when someone bumped into her- or maybe she bumped into them?  “Shit- sorry.” Ella said loudly over the music as she heard the person echo similar sentiments, she looked up wiping her arm of the drink as the man in front of her did the same making sure it wasn’t on his shirt. They both looked at each other for a minute before the man stepped closer, “You alright?” She nods tilting her head back to look at him, “Yeah, my drink may have suffered but I’m good, what about you?”
He offered her a flirtatious smile, “Your poor drink, let me buy you another one?”
Ella smiled up at him matching his flirtatious expression, “Well I won’t say no to free drink.”
“Just the drink?” He asked
“Maybe more.” She teased, letting him lead her back towards the bar. As they waited for the drinks he leaned down as said into her ear, “I’m Nick, and you are?” 
“Ella, nice to meet you Nick.” She said in response, smirking up at him  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present Day 
Ella had finished her residency and was starting a new job in a couple weeks. She’d already moved into her new apartment and decided that her first vacation was in order, a real one. She had a passport now and decided she wanted beaches and sun, and fresh food, and somewhere far away. A colleague of hers went to Greece every year so Ella decided to start there- clubs, food, beaches, a private little villa she could have privacy in if she wanted to- and she wanted to. She’d just gotten in and spent some time on the beach as others went to dinner, before having her own dinner - not yet use to the time change she was up and ready to go  even though it was late. She knew how she wanted to expend that energy as well, so she made her way to a club. The one closest to a few of the hotels since she was sure there were someone fellow tourists looking for one night fun. 
It was a small place outside that boasted a tiki styled bar that amused her, and a busy dance floor which pleased her.  She made sure her form hugging dress slid up a bit and she made her way to the bar to get a strong drink, but it wasn’t long before someone came up to her flirting and obviously interested in getting more which she was happy to take the attention. Eventually she made her way to the dance floor with them, eyes closing as she enjoyed it, and surprisingly the music she normally just danced to the beat and ignored anything else because the music never interested her. 
When her back was to their front she opened her eyes to see who the DJ was, only to stop moving eyes widening as familiar eye peered back at her and suddenly she back to the summer before med school and she was on the streets with the New Yorker who was up on the DJ stand. She was tense when the person behind her whispered in her ear and encouraged her to keep dancing- now she felt awkward thanks to the angry and surprised eyes that were now staring at her. She eventually excused herself from the man, and hid a bit as she drank a bit more to calm her nerves which helped. She saw the moment the man got off his set and headed to the bar. She walked over to the bar and leaned on the bar top next to him and said the same words she said years ago after his set, “I normally don’t like the music at clubs, but you’re really good and have good taste in music.”
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ladyxredxwolf-a · 5 years ago
Sansa had learnt to keep her mouth shut, no matter what the Lannister’s threw at her she still stood tall and attempted to get on with her life. But this was different, while she kept her calm and her composure like a lady, she found herself hurting and feeling in trouble. Taking a deep breath she adjusted her dress and looked at herself in the mirror, she kept thinking about what Shae said, Tywin was old, he’d die soon enough and then she’d be free. But could she be free if he planted his seed inside of her? The thought sent a shudder down her spine. The doors opened and there stood Joffrey looking smug. “Come on, you’re going to be late, grandmother.” She turned and nodded gently, before following him out and heading to the sept. She hated that he took so much joy in calling her that, maybe once she was married, maybe then Joffrey would leave her alone.
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not-just-a-letter · 6 years ago
A tall man with brown hair made his way through the active streets to return to where he was staying with the parts he was sent to get. With his errand over the young adult took his time to try to enjoy himself on his walk back even if the bustle of people made it hard to relax, but he ignored them by looking through the shop windows as he passed.
A few windows down in the South District Alec’s lazy gaze looked into what he had to remind himself wasn’t a pet store, but a tech store with virtual computers. His opinion on them was undecided since he preferred to be alone, but at the same time liked animals. The only downside being that they talk, and were programmed with personalities like humans so it could end up more annoying than useful.
He was about to walk by the glass door when display stands holding the inactive Allmates fell one by one and alerted the passing man as one hit the window. The store he had just looked in turned upside down in a second as a store clerk ran and tried to trap one of the small furry contraptions in a corner before it got through his legs. Alec was going to chuckle and go on his day, but as the employee turned too fast and busted himself on the ground the brown haired man caught a ringtail shimmying under a case. A mistake as the human reached in and dragged it out by its stripped appendage. It was a raccoon.
When he looked at the small robot Alec felt a bit nostalgic having not seen the animal since leaving America. From the look of the shop it would seem that they really did have an alive raccoon trapped in there, but there was a voice yelling that seemed to come from the critter itself. It was trying to keep itself from being reset—how strange—the screaming sounded genuine even though it was coming from a robot. He furrowed his brow just before a reason popped up in his mind to walk into the shop and offer to buy pre-used Allmate.
The store owner looked pleased to get rid of it, and the raccoon itself was happy to get away from him too as it hoped up Alec’s chest and around his shoulders to hold onto his brown hair mostly out of the small old middle aged reach. He got a discount before left inwardly pleased with his purchase, and curiously probed the small android on its sense of individuality as well is its name— Glitter, it wanted a new one.
The newly donned Cooper was showing him how to switch over his contacts as the tall freckled man heeled his shoes off and went toward the balcony of the loft he was staying in to have a cigarette.
“Here,” Alec spoke inattentively while still listening to the raccoon speak as he lightly tossed the bag of parts into Noiz’s side of the loft. The other man was quiet in comparison to the houses owner which was nice. Honestly, he wasn’t quite sure what to think of the new people after the older man of the two at the residence hassled him in off the street. It wasn’t out of rudeness it was just he was already mistrusting and not that sociable. In reality Alec was quite thankful to not be sleeping on the ground for another month like he was after the orphanage dumped him out at eighteen this year.
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cosmicxblade · 6 years ago
Nearly a dozen visits in 3 months and the nurses were already dubbing Keith their frequent flyer.  Always in and out of the clinic, body littered with day-old bruises, scrapes and cuts.  One time a gash that might have come from a knife, though Keith was never all that forthcoming about how he managed to get beat to hell half the time.  But the clinic didn't press, didn't call the authorities.  It was just some small place tucked between an office building and a corner mart, and didn't seem to question the young man's utter lack of insurance.
Which suited him just fine.  Questions were annoying, and the answers dangerous.  Authorities meant word might reach the Galra, and that meant Keith was gone.  
He was grateful for the places that operated just a touch under the radar.  Letting him get fixed up, maybe grab some good painkillers along the way, without having to visit an actual hospital or suffer through the ER waits.  Now it was only the doctor he was waiting for as he sat there on the edge of the padded exam table, one hand placed gingerly over his side where the skin was miscolored with ugly splotches of a darkening purple and blue.  A black t-shirt and red jacket were already tossed over the armchair in the room, the young man staring off into space, looking rather bored as he waited.
That boredom faded as the door opened, blue-gray eyes taking in the man that entered with an almost resigned air.  All those dozen visits, each unplanned and unscheduled, Keith cycling through probably 3 or 4 different nurses.  And yet Doctor Shirogane was the only physician who ever saw him.  
"Does nobody else work here?" he asked dryly, shifting his arms over his chest.  Or tried to.  That grimace tightened his lips, pulled at his brow as his bruised side protested the movement.  
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lucielchoi-707-blog · 6 years ago
@smallartist123 continued from [X]
She was gazing at her with a careful and calm expression, unsure on how to reply, unsure on how he should react. He had known for a while now what she was, had known that she much be scared of being around him as much as she was but his selfish heart raced inside his chest and though he was a hunter, though he had made an oath to destroy all of the monsters in this world, he could not look at Mary and see the monster that she was claiming to be. She seemed so different from other vampires that he had hunted in the past, seemed so much more compromised, in control of herself and her desires. He sighed a little, reaching over and gently taking her hand, a finger tracing along her pale skin as he took in small, careful breaths. He wanted to keep her safe. No matter what may have happened in the past, he still wanted her to be safe. “...I have to protect him too. If the people I worked with discovered that he’s been changed...I’d need to turn against them...”, he frowned and glanced down at the floor as he tried to think for a moment, his chest feeling as though it was suddenly rather tense with a pain that he couldn’t place a word to. How did he even begin to do this though? How could he find a way to both protect his brother and the girl that he loved? He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, glancing up towards the sky for a few moments. It was dangerous to be out here, dangerous to be resting against this dangerous woman, to be telling her about the person that he treasured most in the world, to be admitting out loud that he was in actual danger because of his affections towards herself and his brother. He’d moved to rest his head against her shoulder, a soft sigh escaping him. What was he to do? What was he to say? Before he had time to think for much longer though he froze as he felt a gun being pressed up against his back, Vanderwood standing with his full attention on Mary, fully saying with his gaze that if she were to move, Seven would be shot. “I was wondering where you two had gotten off to - I didn’t think this was what I was going to hear through”.
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multimxsings · 3 years ago
"You know this is on you if he's getting a black eye?!" Growled the guard still holding him. Once the prince was tied up good, the strongest of them picked him up and carried him on his shoulder. "Let's get out of here before anyone finds us." But as soon as they took their first steps, the wind tried to push them back, which was weird because the wind was calm till now.
Agnarr sighed in exhaustion, looking down at his feet as he walked with the soldiers. They walked to a place to establish camp, being banished from Arendelle for Agnarr’s actions but welcomed in Northuldra for saving their elder. A spot within walking distance to the Northuldra tribe, neighbors, in a sense.
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goldnwulf · 7 years ago
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Leopold shouted, ecstatic to be able to see him. It’d been too long since he’d seen him, in fact, Leo wasn’t sure if he even saw Benjen during his stay at Winterfell when he arrived with the royal family and Tyrion had suggested Leopold journey with him and Jon to the Wall. Which, Leopold had hastily agreed to.
“It’s good to see you again”
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ofthewhitehands · 4 years ago
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Her resistance to any help has been stemmed from fear. Fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of the people around her.  She is the only wolf left alive in Kings Landing. She has her reasons- good reasons- to untrustworthy of her surroundings. 
The bones of Brandon and her father are unaccounted for. They had no iron swords to keep their souls at peace. Rhaegar promised he would find them, but the dead did walk and their gods had no eyes to see them with this far south.  to guide them to rest.
 She’s refused a wet nurse and the babe in her arms hasn’t stopped crying.
“ He won’t latch.” she spoke defensively when she saw the other enter unexpectedly. She surmised the sudden arrival was due to the cry of her son.
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chyornaya-vdova · 6 years ago
Reunion on Sakaar
Natasha woke up disoriented and with her whole body hurting as if she’s been hit by lightning. It took her a while to remember what happened. Someone attacked her and put something on her neck. This must’ve taken her down. She still felt it sticking on her neck and wanted to take it off, but her arms were tight to the armrests of a chair. And so were her feet.
Then it’s like the chair moved through a tunnel and a voice said that she’s on ‘Sakaar’ and there’s a guy called Grand Master and something about being his property. And then she involuntarily met him and he’s just another crazy guy, thinking he owned her and wanted her to fight.
Well, since she was tight up on a floating chair she didn’t have a chance there and was practically immediately thrown into a colosseum to fight a champion. This planet was so crazy...And all the creatures on it were crazy as fuck. The only good thing there was the champion, who turned out to be her big green friend.
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flowersoldier · 4 years ago
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“Cloud, there’s something I wanted to tell you..” They knew each other for so long now, they literally grew up with each other. Over the years she happened to fall in love with him and now it was time to tell him. But instead of actually saying it, she mumbled something unintelligible.
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multimxsings · 5 years ago
@universeofmuses​ liked for a starter where anything can happen - random idea box says: werewolf au
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“Tonight’s full moon again...” Iduna said to no one in particular. Full moon’s are really the worst. Especially when it makes you turn into a monster and also needs to hide it from your family.
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thewonderingsorceress · 4 years ago
I want a thread about Ella being paid for a job to gather information from your muse, but it’s not a quick in an out. It’s a full undercover, subtle seduction or friendship type of job. 
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