Indie semi-selective rp/ask blog for many many characters. Read my Rules before interacting please, then choose a chara and let's rp!
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Is anyone interested in a personalized Mimigma for 3€?
Open for fursonas, Pokemon and Digimon
Request via dm or on my ko-fi page
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“I also meant what I said.”

“Chips sound good. I’d say we go for sweet popcorn. And maybe some chocolate for Gatomon? If she likes it, of course.” Takeru smiled at his friend, as they created their snack list. “Patamon’s very addicted to Pocky right now, I’ll get him some of that. He also mentioned once that he wanted to try out some other flavours than chocolate. And I’m sure he’d want to share them with Gatomon, too.”
@herd-of-muses liked for a thing

“Hey, Hikari-chan!” Called Takeru to get her attention. As everyday, he was waiting by the gate to go home together. Or maybe hang out for a while and then go home. Whatever his best friend’s up to.
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As soon as the waitress reappeared, Takeru asked for the tab and payed everything, just as he promised. Once everything’s been taken care of, he slowly stood. “Okay, let’s go.” Of course he held the door open for Hikari as they left the restaurant. “So, what kind of snacks should we get for our movie night? Except popcorn of course.”

@herd-of-muses liked for a thing

“Hey, Hikari-chan!” Called Takeru to get her attention. As everyday, he was waiting by the gate to go home together. Or maybe hang out for a while and then go home. Whatever his best friend’s up to.
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TK and Patamon how did Summer go for the two of you.

"Well, it was very hot, but I wouldn't say it was completely bad. Patamon and I hung out with the others and visited the DigiWorld once in a while."
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Takeru gave her the brightest smile he could muster. “You’re welcome!” What could he say, he just loved making Hikari happy. Though he had to admit that Hikari feeding him slowly became embarrassing, as more and more people peeked over to them and whispered.
@herd-of-muses liked for a thing

“Hey, Hikari-chan!” Called Takeru to get her attention. As everyday, he was waiting by the gate to go home together. Or maybe hang out for a while and then go home. Whatever his best friend’s up to.
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It’s still very difficult getting out of this...
I’m still totally down to continue, though^^ And I wouldn’t mind if we start sth new too, maybe it’ll help me have fun at writing again. (Just checked on our thread and noticed your reply, so guess what I’m gonna do now~~)
After a long time I wanna end my hiatus and get to rping for a while again. I think the writers block stayed way too long...
I'm gonna go through some old drafts and just reply, you guys decide if ya wanna continue or start sth new. Sry for staying away for so long.
#I'd GLADLY be pikachuxD#I've also spent most of my hiatus drawing Digimon#and Digifakes! so I wasn't#that unproductive after all#^^
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It’s been quite a while since I’ve done my own art. I’ve actually been getting into Pokemon recently (I blame @xxtc-96xx haha). I missed out on it growing up, so I’m catching up a bit now. XD
I recently got ClipStudio Paint and I’ve been really wanting to test out some animations with it. I love how much more natural it is to do traditional animations. Though the shading could be a bit cleaner, I’m quite happy with how it turned out.
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Hell yeah I am😁😉
Start a biker gang with three of your friends. BECOME the evil team
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Sora ran up to her, his grin stayed on his face the whole time. "How's your training going, Kairi?" He asked, immediately going to the point but didn't give her any time to answer when he continued. "I just wanted to check on you. See if you're okay. Not that I think you're weak or something! I mean I'm more worried about Axel. Not that I didn't worry about you, though! I mean...I just wanted to see you." The boy rambled, chuckling to try to cover up his embarrassement.
"Hey! Kairi!" Called Sora, waving and grinning brightly at his best friend. He was practically begging Merling to let him see her, even though they both needed to train. But it's worth it. [multimxsings: hope it's ok if I just drop this here ^^']
With a little, surprised gasp, she takes just a moment to realize that Sora called her.She spent so much time in that place already, by now she got used to hear nothing but Axel’s voice and the occasional chirping of the few birds!
She still replied with the most upbead tone, immediatly showing a gentle smile as she waved back, hardly containing her joy after seeing him. It’s been… way too long!
#hi#sry went on an unexpected hiatus#v.v#wanna continue this?#v:sokai#v:kh3#on mobile#and have no icons rnxD#but continue using icons if ya want
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After a long time I wanna end my hiatus and get to rping for a while again. I think the writers block stayed way too long...
I'm gonna go through some old drafts and just reply, you guys decide if ya wanna continue or start sth new. Sry for staying away for so long.
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@herd-of-muses liked for a thing

“Hey, Hikari-chan!” Called Takeru to get her attention. As everyday, he was waiting by the gate to go home together. Or maybe hang out for a while and then go home. Whatever his best friend’s up to.
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New Ko-fi Commissions Open!…
A YCH thing I just did for Pride Month (the traditionally drawn example isn’t finished yet but will be uploaded when it is). Info’s and prizes are on my ko-fi page.
(Had to fix 2 mistakes)
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How to figure out mewtwo hands. A quick guide!
Since I’ve gotten a couple of questions on this I will do my best to outline my general thoughts on how the heck to draw mewtwo’s weird frikin digits.
First off of course- study the source material.
yeah… that’s something aint it? But lets pick apart what we have here shall we?
The blue highlighted area is more or less a human wrist. The green is also a humans palm right down to seeing the life line of the mound of the thumb which I’ve traced over. You can’t see it because the finger pads are pointed at the viewer but there are distinct joints for the fingers as well. But with the fingers curled in its masking that part. The fingers themselves are a large thumb and a fused index/middle and ring/pinky. (marked as T, I/M, and R/P) And the ball things on the end? Well thats more or less feline toe pads. Yes dems beans.
So having all that you have the building blocks to kinda rig together that hand anatomy!
References of human hands for the base shape and form with cat pads and alterations to make it work.
Here is an older doodle of the bones to again show how I kinda piece it together. This was the reason I decided to give my twos claws really it made the finger pads click for me but that is by no means required for anyone else to do.
So here lets show how to do it. Here are some shots of my left hand.
Now here it is with a doodle over following the above guidelines.
Notice how on the side view I made the fingers a little more chunky then my own? also notice how on the foreshortened dramatic view parts of the joints get obscured by the finger pads?
and here it is without my monkey meat paws in the way.
Of course this is just a guideline for wrapping ones brain around the anatomy. Feel free to make adjustments from here. I know I do!
Well hope this helps and happy drawing everyone!

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Takeru smiled , happy that Hikari liked the ice cream. Then he opened his mouth when she offered him the next bite, letting her feed him. It's in timed like these where Takeru understood why everyone called them a couple. They really acted like one. He couldn't believe he's been so oblivious for as long as he was. "It's really good." He commented as he let the ice cream melt in his mouth.

@herd-of-muses liked for a thing

“Hey, Hikari-chan!” Called Takeru to get her attention. As everyday, he was waiting by the gate to go home together. Or maybe hang out for a while and then go home. Whatever his best friend’s up to.
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Didn't you say before Amber will have her own Mewtwonite Z? If so would it be a dual type like Mewtwonite X?
The scientists that cloned her made her extra special. They found a way to combine the X and Y stones together, thus creating the Z stone before implanting it inside her.
I actually made this a few months ago but because it's just an idea of a concept I never posted it. Though since I'm on the topic I might as well.
I don't know if this will be the final design or not so her Z form might look different in the future. It's basically like a combo of all 3 forms. She's kinda the whole package XD This also makes her the strongest mewtwo of the four
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Hikari looked at Takeru with big eyes "You brought it for me? I don't think I can accept it, you already brought a lot for me today..." If she didn't wanted to think about Takeru eating dessert by himself, she just couldn't eat this all alone while HE watched. "Unless-" So, while they had been sharing just fine sitting across one another, Hikari stood and moved her chair by Takeru's side; making their shoulders touch before dragging the ice cream back to them. "We can eat it together."

Takeru half expected her to want to share the ice cream. What he didn’t expect was her coming over to his side and sitting so close to him. His heart sped up a little, but he tried to keep it cool. “Okay, let’s share then.” But he insisted she’d take the first bite.
@herd-of-muses liked for a thing

“Hey, Hikari-chan!” Called Takeru to get her attention. As everyday, he was waiting by the gate to go home together. Or maybe hang out for a while and then go home. Whatever his best friend’s up to.
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