#v: trivia;
obscurushydrae · 4 months
Alphabet City, New York, Early 2005
“Hey! Mickey! Open up!” a voice called, banging upon the door of 4W. He used his flesh and bone hand-- otherwise the big stone hand might have taken the whole door and part of the walls given how shoddy the place was.
“Alright, alright, I’m coming!” a voice hollered on the other side. The jangling of locks unlocking was quickly followed by the door swinging open.
“Hellboy!” exclaimed the apartment's owner, Mick, in a thick Bronx accent, arms--paws-- wide in greeting. Mick was six foot rat with a keen eye for things. After a bit of misunderstanding a few years back where he stole Hellboy’s prized pistol, Mick became a some-time supplier, informant, and consultant to the BPRD.
“Come to see the new stock? I’ve got on my hands a copy of—”
“Not today.” the half demon rumbled. “Kiddo’s been missing for almost a week now, wondering if your guys might've seen her.”
Mick’s expression were limited due to his rat features, but he shifted to an equal concern. Mick’s apartment was only a few short blocks from the Aster residence. Hellboy would occasional pay for the occasional eye-- usually when he was off on a job, or when his younger sister hit puberty and suddenly decided to just slip out her window disappear on a whim-- much to everyone’s chagrin. Honestly Mick never met the kid face to face, but even he had grown to have certain fondness for her. A fuzzy guardian angel she new knew existed.
“Come in, come in.” Mick gestured to his apartment, floor to ceiling filled with things, some of it subjectively junk, some subjectively treasure. He remembered a story his sister once told him about a par of brothers who lived in Harlem. They hoarded so much, and died because of it. Or something like that.
“Ey! Denny! You seen Kiddo recently?” Denny was one of Mick’s “front facing people” humans who conducted Mick’s business in his stead. Somehow, a six foot tall talking rat didn’t exactly endear people. Denny was a bit more greyer, more clean since their first meeting.
“Sorry boss, but I think Hal spotted her not too long ago. Getting into a big black car?”
Mick turned is face to Hellboy, whiskers twitching.
“That was Father’s funeral.” Hellboy explained. “She went missing the afternoon after, according to Frankie.”
“Ah, My condolences, to the both of yous.” Mick replied, “Never met him but your old man was one of my best customers!”
There was unprompted moment of silence for the late Professor. Denny broke the silence.
“Benny should be back later…” He pointed out. “He’s out in Brooklyn. Lotta places to go underground there.”
Mick nodded thoughtfully, agreeing.
“Y’gotta cell phone, big guy?”
The flip phone was tiny even in his non-stone hand, but had been how he occasionally kept up with the Asters, and a few select others. After trading numbers, he thanked them and slipped Mick few bills for their troubles. While not the result he was hoping for, at least he had feelers out. He figured he’d walk back over to Frankie and Ava’s to check in. Nothing had changed, and he tried to not get upset at the agents delegated by Manning. Well, almost all of them.
Rook had been Kar’s liaison when she lived in headquarters full time. In reality, Rook was more or less a nanny to keep her out of the nasty stuff (not that it had stopped her from attempting it). If there was someone who could get her, it was Rook.
“Whaddya think?” Hellboy asked, taking a smoke break outside the apartment.
“Worst game of hide-and-seek we’ve played so far.” Rook teased, a nod to his days as her liaison. “It’s gonna be hard. You know how she is. If she doesn’t want to be found, she’s not gonna be found.”
Hellboy scowled at the thought. She wasn’t a kid; and this wasn’t a game. But he got it. Kar had a habit of going to ground in some part of headquarters, only appearing when she was well and ready to return to the world. A habit she seemed to keep. Normally he’d agree, and just wait it out, let her come around on her own terms, but something about it didn’t sit well in his gut. A few days, sure, but it was almost a full week.
“That’s what I’m afraid of.”
“You don’t think—” Neither man wanted to finish the sentence.
“I try not to.” Hellboy answered, the unfinished line left unsaid. “The morgues haven’t anyone matching her-- I’m trying to stay hopeful.”
He couldn’t go back to Fairfield. Hellboy decided to join the vigil with Frankie and Ava. The comfortably sized three bedroom apartment was covered with reminders. Photographs of events, birthdays, gatherings. One in particular caught his eye. A little twelve year old Kar, tallit and yarmulke, surrounded on one side Frankie, Ava, and Ava’s parents, on the other was him, Abe, Liz, and their father, all grinning brightly. Another more recently-- they all went to dinner to celebrate her graduation from NYU.
“You mind if I look through her things one more time?” With their permission, he excused himself to Kar’s bedroom.
It was slightly smaller than her bedroom at Fairfield; but decorated similarly. The juxtaposition of Carl Sagan quotes and punk band posters, a few plastic stars and objet d’art hung from the ceiling, her aluminum bat sitting by the door. Action figures held up books on physics, engineering, history, a few comic books here and there. The bight red barrel of her robot puppet sitting above her desk. Nothing seemed out of array. A soldering iron, magnifying glass, and few tools, her brush kit wrapped in its canvas bag, a few fossil teeth. Her silver and opal magen david. The one she rarely took off.
No note. He phone was dead; left in her backpack purse decorated with the weird, green little dog guy she was fond of. The clothes she wore to the funeral hung from the chair, the bed was unmade, like she changed and went out for fresh air and decided not to come back.
He sat down onto her bed, groaning under her weight, the little plush Godzilla falling to the side of his thigh. It was dinky little toy she won a few years back. One of their last time going to Coney Island together.
He couldn’t do it. He just lost his lost his father-- he almost lost Liz in Russia. He couldn’t even bear the blow losing Kar. He numb, and furious-- Manning should have told him, he should have had one quick chance to find her before they left.
Mr. Zwicky, the rotund tuxedo cat who made his home in her bedroom window, oozed himself from his perch with a stretch, and meowed. Hellboy loved cats, and Mr. Zwicky was no exception. The cat meowed, and launched his bulk onto his lap without further ceremony.
“Hey there, Zwicky.” He caressed the cat’s head. His hand was large enough to cover even the cat’s large bulk. The low rumble of a purr gave him some comfort. He’d been around the family enough times that the cat saw him as just another lap, another source of attention (and sometimes food).
“If only you could talk, huh?” He mused, petting the cat further. The only witness they had so far, and he was just your average house cat. They fell in as much of a comfortable silence as someone could in his situation. Still a mess of emotions, but it was awfully hard to go through it with a twenty-odd pound cat in your lap.
At least, until the buzz from his cell phone broke him from his brooding. Apparently some of the rats in Brooklyn had some promising leads...
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trivia-yandere · 16 days
divine intervention
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you'll do anything to have your own baby one day - even to go against your morals and allow a wiccan to help you. same universe as metamorphosis
warning: cheating/affair, cursing, mentions of infertility and miscarriages, blood (reader is cut), rituals, smut, licking, voyeurism, breeding kink, creampie, character death, nipple sucking/play, dirty talk, oral sex, fingering, overstimulation, squirting, rough sex, fingering, begging, character deaths, slight degradation/humiliation, deepthroating, face slapping, blood drinking/cannibalism, rough sex
word count: 10.243
Halloween Masterlist
@sweetempathprunetree @darkuni63 @momnomnom @bangtans-momma @chimmy-licious @investedreader
You’re wet and cold, body trembling as the harsh rain fully covers your frame. You’re blinking away droplets of rain water from your eyelashes, eyes staring right at your target. You stopped dead in tracks when you noticed the familiar car park right into the parking lot and got out of said car - the passenger door had opened as well.
You had gotten out of your car prepared to confront him, but you didn’t. Your heart sank when  they both entangled their fingers together, hearing a few struggling laughter even through the rain, as they ran towards the motel doors.
You watched as your husband entered the motel room with the woman - obviously who he was going to leave you for - and closed the door behind them. Through the closed blind, you witness the lights flicker on and behind them, their silhouette engulfing in a hug.
You swallow thickly, your throat hurting as you think about the fact that your marriage was going to be ending - and yet maybe you should’ve listened to him the first time when he asked for said divorce. You had only thought he was upset with you and eventually, the both of you would come together once more.
Your legs pick up and you’re stomping towards the motel room. Your heart is already shattered and now you’re angry.
You didn’t deserve this. You were a good wife to him and you remained by his side with all the bullshit he went through - all the shit he has put you through. In the end, where did it leave you both? Down the path of a divorce while you sit at home alone and he’s out with another woman.
You stop right outside the motel door, contemplating if you should be doing this now. It was a week prior when you caught sight of the motel receipt - you had been washing clothes and decided to wash his. You checked his pockets to assure nothing would be damaged and in the end, only your heart was. No man is going to a motel in the same town he lives in if it wasn’t because he was creeping with another woman.
There were signs - of course there were signs. You chose to ignore them all. The sudden “work phone calls” and “staying overtime” should have struck you as off - but you were blinded by love for your husband that you didn’t allow yourself to see what the fuck was in front of you.
Your fist connects with the door rapidly, banging against it with all your might that your knuckles begin to throb - but you didn’t give a damn at this moment. You had gone to the same motel each night that he had not come home and waited to see if his car would be here - and tonight you happened to be lucky.
There’s shuffling behind the door and when it swings open is when you attack, your fist connecting to the face of your husband. The woman screams in shock and comes between the two of you.
“What the hell-”
Maybe it was the adrenaline that gives you such strength and courage. Maybe the rain and heavy wind has caused you to get sick faster than usual and now you have super powers; who the hell knows? It only took one punch for the woman to fall onto her ass and clench her nose and by the end of it all, you know that you’d feel guilty because surely this wasn’t her fault. She didn’t owe you any loyalty.
Your husband is grabbing your shoulders, eyes wide at the act of being caught red-handed. “How did you-”
“Shut the fuck up.” You hiss, having no desire to explain yourself to him. It was you that needed to be asking the important questions. “This is the overtime you’re putting in?” you ask him. “This,” you point to the woman on the ground. “is the work calls?”
Your husband shakes his head, unable to form words. What could he truly say? It was obvious that this was an affair and you weren’t dumb enough to fall for any more lies when it was slapped in your face like this. 
“When did it start?” you interrupt once more. “How long-”
“I asked for a divorce!” your husband hisses and instantly sighs. He didn’t want to do this here. “Can we talk-”
“We can talk right here.” you say, yanking yourself away when he goes to reach for you. “So that’s it? You want a divorce?” you scoff. “After I stayed when all your business ventures went to shit? All your investments went downhill?”
Your husband's eyes widen at your words and he takes a step back.
“Don’t look like that now.” you scoff. “It was my money that kept us afloat.”
“My apologies, Y/N, for not being a trust fund baby!” your husband retorts. “I don’t have mommy and daddies money to fall back on like you do!”
You lick your lips, swallowing back more harsh insults you could dish out. You nod your head with a shrug of your shoulders. 
“We’ve been together for years and the relationship has gone nowhere.” your husband states. “I thought a divorce would be mutual-”
“Mutual?” you snort. 
“You know what I want, Y/N.” he murmurs. “We both know what we want and you cannot do it. I can’t…” his eyes blink away from your face, unable to look you in the eye as he says it. “...I don’t want to adopt. I want to have my own child. And you don’t want to do surrogacy-”
“You’re divorcing me because I cannot carry a child.” you state. “I see.”
“It’s deeper than that, Y/N and you know it.”
“What else is there?” you ask. “We were fine prior to me finding out.” One too many miscarriages to be exact. You recall the day your heart sank when you were told the low possibility of you actually having a child - and you refused to keep trying to just get let down.
“Tomorrow,” you began, eyes glancing at the woman. She doesn’t look at you and you wonder just who she is and what her intentions were with your husband - now ex. Was she planning on getting into a relationship with him or was this just them fucking in cheap motels? “you can come get you stuff from the house.”
Your husband swallows but he nods.
“I’ll have my mommy and daddy call our family lawyer.” you say, voice laced with sarcasm and venom. “We’ll sort something out. I’ll tell you this now that the most I’m willing to let you keep is your car.”
Your husband watches you leave, back out in the heavy rain. You enter your car and sit for a moment, mind racing with the events that just transpire. The rain hides your view of outside your windshield and you have yet to start your car. You sit idly in the cold car and listen to the sound of said rain hit against it.
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It doesn’t get easier with time, you note, and your home only feels empty and cold without his presence. You told yourself this was for the best - this is what he wanted after all. Soon, the divorce will be finalized and he will be someone else’s problem.
Even now you sit alone in a diner, stirring your tea. It’s quiet and only low music plays through the speakers. It’s also not busy, an older couple sitting a few tables away.
You shouldn’t be here now. This is where you and your ex-husband came at any given moment as it was 24 hours and it’s pathetic that this is where you went because you didn’t wish to be home.
“You’re sad.”
You’re startled by the voice speaking suddenly and your eyes blink upwards to the woman sitting across from you. She appears to be out of place here. She seems to be wearing robes - a crimson color with a spec of gold trimming. Her head is covered by a hood of the same color and you’re unable to make out her face just yet as her head is bowed. Her hands are placed onto the table and you noticed she’s wearing gold jewelry 
You sit straighter, unaware who this woman was and why she was here. You had not heard her sit down, either, and that strikes you as odd.
“Is it that obvious?” you murmur, scoffing to yourself. 
“Your aura is sad.” the woman speaks. “You’re hurting. Emotionally, of course.”
You realized that this entire time you had been stirring your tea. You stopped and took out the spoon from the tea cup and placed it aside. You slowly nod your head. “I suppose you’re correct.” you say, unsure why you’re speaking to a complete stranger who appeared out of thin air. 
You take a sip of your tea, the flavor of chai hitting your taste buds only makes you hum. At least there was one good memory of this diner and it was the tea. Nonetheless, you turn your eyes back to the woman. “I must look utterly miserable if you noticed how sad I looked.” you attempt to joke - to lighten the mood.
“I can’t see you.” the woman says and now you notice that she indeed could not. She lifts her head to your direction and her eyes are white. It catches you by surprise and she appears to be looking right at you.
“I-I didn’t know that.” you murmur, now feeling embarrassed that you hadn’t noticed in the beginning. “How could you tell then?”
For a moment, the woman is quiet and you could practically feel the hair on your arms rise. You’re unsure what to say yourself - you had several questions. Who was this woman and where did she come from? How could she feel your sadness as she did not know you or your situation?
“I could sense it - a great deal of pain coming from you.” the woman speaks. “You’re lonely.”
You snicker to yourself, quite bitterly. A blind woman can tell that you were a lonely mess of a woman.
“I lost my husband.” you say, taking another sip of your tea. “He isn’t dead, though. Just dead to me.” you tell her. 
It’s crazy that you sense no threat to this woman who would have struck you as weird if it was any other moment. You didn’t have the desire to speak to your friends about your divorce just yet and get a “I told you so” reaction from them like you had with your parents. This woman didn’t know you and maybe that was better.
“I married him because I loved him and I thought he loved me.” you continue. “But when times went hard, I suppose “til death do us part” was just easier said than done.” you shrug your shoulders. 
“I can feel you’re upset about him, however…” the woman tilts her head a bit, as if reading more into the situation. “...you aren’t just upset about him.”
You nod your head - even if she couldn’t see you do so. “Yeah.” you admit. “I have no husband and I cannot have children. So,” you laugh at your situation. Obviously you’ve done something in your past life to deserve this, surely? “I suppose I’m upset with myself and life in general.”
“Have you always wished to be a mother?”
You have.
You always pondered what motherhood would be like for you. You recall how you and your mother did things together - how loving she was. How understanding she could be. She would scold you when you were wrong, sure, but she loved you nonetheless and truly did want what was best.
You had the financial stability to raise a child in and that was one of the reasons why you wished to be a mother, as having a child without that support would never be an option for you.
“Yes.” you respond to the woman. “I suppose…the universe has other plans for me.” you say with a shake of your head. “I could always adopt but…it’ll be a little harder now that I’m going through a divorce.”
Fuck your husband, truly. You begin to think about what if you just agreed and went through with the surrogacy - maybe then you’d have a husband and a baby.
But your mind told you that it wasn’t realistic. That if he loved you, nothing would have tore him away from you.
You swallow.
“I’m positive you can get pregnant.” the woman speaks and you want to thank her for her positivity - but if the doctors didn’t see you going through with a pregnancy, then you’re sure you couldn’t. “Your spirit just rejected the man you wished to have a child with.”
You raise a brow at her words. She was a spiritual woman, obviously, as she states she could feel your aura. 
“You think so?” you ask her. You wouldn’t push her away as some sort of crazy woman with too many screws loose. 
The woman nods. “Our spirit...sometimes will not accept who we wish to procreate with.” she speaks. “It’s an act of protection. This man was not the man for you.”
You smile.
The woman's words are kind. She was trying to be positive, you note, and assure that you felt better. You were grateful for her words.
“I could help you.”
“Help…me?” you’re taken aback. “Are you a type of…spiritual doctor?”
The woman’s lips twitch upward. “I’m a wiccan.”
It’s quiet for a moment as you process her words.
“Wiccan…?” you swallow with a slight nod. You should be more frightened than you truly were at the moment for the unknown surrounding this woman. “...how could you help me?” you should be even more frightened by how willing you were to hear her methods.
“There’s methods we can go through to assure you conceive a child.”
This was crazy.
There was no way you could be considering this.
“I…I’ll just end up miscarrying.” you murmur with a shake of your head. 
“I’m positive,” the woman begins. “that you will be able to birth a child.” she sounds certain of herself.
“What is the catch?” you question. “Do you want money?”
The woman shakes her head and she laughs at your words. “Money is not my motive. I want to lift the sadness that surrounds you and fill it with happiness. A child is one of the greatest blessings there is in life.”
You proceed to drink the rest of your tea in one sitting, mind scrambling at the woman's words. 
“If I consider this…just who am I getting impregnated by?” you ask. 
The woman stands suddenly and you see just how long her robs are. “I could give you a week to settle in on it.”
“I-I…how would I see you again?”
“I know where to find you.”
Her words should strike you as odd and you should be frightened that they do not.
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“You want to be a single mother?” your mother inhales deeply, her manicured nails on her temples rubbing them in circular motion. “I know going through a divorce isn’t easy but…” she doesn’t finish her words. 
It’s obvious in where she stands. Why in the world would you choose to be a single mother? Though she never liked the idea of you, in her words,  dating a man that was “less than”, she never downright forbade you. If you were happy then it was all she truly wanted.
However, now you were going through a divorce by said man that she always knew was less than deserving of you - and the thought of cheating on the person who gave him a chance was downright insane. 
“I can introduce you to some people!” your mother suggests.
You groan. Great. Your mother was trying to set you up with someone of high status that could care less about you entirely and would only be doing so because they were looking for someone with status.
“Mother,” you wave your hand in front of you dismissively. “Please. I’m going through a divorce and the last thing I want is a partner.”
“But you want a child?” your mother snickers, unable to wrap her head around single motherhood. “W-What…” she swallows. She doesn’t want to be harsh on you in such a fragile moment in your life, but you’re positive you know where she’s going.
What if you have this child and cannot find any man willing (in their eyes) to want to marry a single mother?
You weren’t old and you still had time - but you weren’t sure you wanted to be with anyone. You dipped your toes into married life and this is where it got you - single and still without a child.
“At least if I had a child, it’d be mine.” you sigh. “If I got pregnant sooner, imagine the headache of joint custody.”
Your mother isn’t keen on imagining it. You lean back into your chair, eyes glancing upwards at the high ceiling chandelier. You release a sigh. “I just want to have someone love me forever.” you whisper to yourself. “I want to be able to carry a child. Feel it move inside of me and watch as I grow week by week. Is that too much to ask for?” you question truly.
You glance back at your mother. She’s shaking her head and you’re understanding that she could never truly get where you were coming from. “I will support you in anything you decide to do.” she speaks. “If this is what is going to make you happy…”
You inhale deeply, closing your eyes. You see the woman dressed in the red robes, her white eyes seemingly watching you. It has almost been a week and your mind refuses to go elsewhere.
This is what you wanted, right? You wanted to be a mother and raise a child - even if you didn’t have a partner alongside you. You were only growing older and did you truly wish to get to know someone else and go through the same obstacles you’ve already gone through with your first husband?
“It is what I want.” you exhale, your chest tightening and heart beating rapidly at how long you’ve held your breath. “More than anything…”
It was deep in the night when you saw the woman once more. You had showered and scrubbed your skin clean. The red flags weren’t going off in your head and you never questioned just how the woman knew where you lived. Maybe you’d blame your desperation for a child on why it didn’t strike you as odd.
The woman was not alone. Behind her strolled three more women, all younger than her and instead of being dressed in crimson robes, they sported a dark emerald color. Their hoods are all covering their heads and it’s only when they enter your home do two of them remove it in sync. 
One woman has long coily hair that matches her eyes - dark yet vibrant. Her skin is smooth and underneath the dim light of your home, it appears to glow a deep color similar to espresso. The second woman's hair is short and stops right at her shoulders in a blunt cut - a fierce ginger color that is so bold and it compliments the brownish-green hue of her eyes. You noticed there’s piercings on her skin, four gold ones on the bridge of her nose alone while there’s a few hoops outlining her ears. There’s two small gold hoops on either side of the woman's lips. The final woman keeps her hood on and only could you see her eyes as it appears to be a silk gold scarf wrapped firmly around her neck and mouth, loosely hanging. Her eyes are pierce and it reminds you of that of a cat.
You swallow, captivated by all of the women  - each so different yet so inviting and it takes you a moment to look away. Only when your eyes begin to grow irritated by the lack of blinking moisture do you halt.
“I’m sorry.” you say, body heating with embarrassment. You’re unsure what to say and positive that you didn’t need to apologize as you didn’t do anything. You were nervous and even now, there weren’t any alarms going off in your head. “I have questions….”
It’s the blinded woman that speaks first. “Ask and we shall answer.”
You swallow. Your arms cover with goosebumps as you were wearing little - at their request. It’s a satin night gown that stops at the middle of your thigh and you were instructed on it to be a dark color - preferably black.
“H-How is this going to work?”
The woman offers a soft smile. She begins to walk into your home - deeper as if she’s been here before. You watch, eyes witnessing the way she appears to walk without any issues and you ponder if this woman was truly blind.
But then you had to consider that upon being introduced to you, she stated that she was wiccan - and maybe that had something to do with her overall demeanor. How she could sense your sadness to even now, her showing up at your doorstep and you had not told her explicitly where you lived.
“If I can ask,” you speak up, bare feet patting against the hardwood floor as you follow close behind them. “how am I supposed to be impregnated without…a man?” it’s a logical question that you feel needs an answer - you suppose maybe they had something on them; a vile maybe that could be inserted inside of you. Yet, how good could that be? The sperm could surely not survive that long outside of the body.
But then again, you tell yourself, the woman claimed to be wiccan.
You take a deep breath. 
“There will be a man.” one woman speaks up - it’s the one with coily hair. She turns to you and you halt dead in your tracks. Her voice is low in tone but purely feminine. “It will work as long as you follow our instructions.”
“Indeed.” another woman said - the one with the golden scarf around her speaks. The older woman stopped inside your sitting area, the large room was perfect for the ritual.
“I...am prone to miscarriages.” you murmur. ��I wouldn’t wait to wait any of your time if-”
“You let us worry about that.” the woman with the piercings speaks. Her hands place themselves onto your shoulder, her touch warm and soothing. “Come, sit.”
You’re directed to the floor - your sitting room is a large space with several lounge chairs and couches, yet you are instructed to sit on the large rub right in the middle of the room. 
The other woman surrounds you and within a second, the lights in said sitting area are turned off and it’s pitch black. You yelp, clenching your hands to your chest as your heart beats outside of it. 
Before you could speak, there’s a dim light flickering on and around you - candle light. It’s eerie, you’d admit. The orange light flickers off of the faces of the woman surrounding you, the older one right in front of you. Her white eyes appear to be looking down upon you. 
“Do not bring yourself to worry. You are completely safe.” the woman speaks, as if reading your mind. “Lay down.”
You take a deep breath and proceed to lay on your back. You want to ask even more questions, but you believe it’s far too late for that now. 
You hear the woman speaking - more like chanting. Your ears perk to understand what they’re saying; but you cannot. Your eyes glances around the dim-lim room at what they were doing. They begin to saunter around you in a circle and you hear a slight sound - as if something is being poured. Your eyes squint to understand what it was - sand? It’s dark, however, as if pure black instead of the light tan the sand color usually would be. 
Your heartbeat quickens, your palms growing sweaty.
The woman is directly behind you now. She peers down at you, white eyes boring into you. You’re quiet and unmoving, far too frightened to say anything. 
Your eyes catch it as she draws closer, the silver dagger in her hand that she comes at you with. You’re paralyzed but your eyes grow wide when she drops the dagger onto your breast and slices either side of them. 
The chanting only grows louder and your mind is screaming at you, the irony smell of your blood only adding to the effects of what the fuck you gotten yourself into.
Your vision begins to blur and the room looks as if it’s smoky - your heart rate skyrockets. It didn’t smell like a fire and neither of the women appeared alarmed that one of their candles was causing it. 
There’s a shadow casted above you that you’re unsure about - it’s sudden and you’re pondering if you were just seeing things. But the shadow only grows larger and your eyes squint to look deeper into the smokey dark.
As the candle-light’s flickers, your heart races faster. Your eyes are wide and unmoving as the tall figure saunters over to you. It’s large and looks purely hellish; demonic. Its skin is a dark red, similar to the woman’s crimson robes. Its eyes are staring down right at you, pupil dark while its iris glows a lime green. On either side of his forehead are goat-like horns and you notice behind his back appears to be like wings similar to that of a bat.
“What is this?”
This had to be some sort of demon - it’s voice is deep as he speaks.
“You were summoned under a contract.”
The demon snarls, his head whipping towards the older woman. His eyes glances around the sigil onto the ground and a few crystals on all five points. An obvious attempt as a protection spell.
“What is it that you want, witch?”
Your eyes are unable to move from the demon before you and for the first time, you’re completely too shocked to speak or react. Your body feels as if it could faint at any moment, but that would require you to get your eyes off of this demon; and you were unable to.
“Isn’t it obvious?” the older woman points down at you. “She is presented to you just as your kind wishes those who seek a child to be.”
The demon glances back at your figure for a moment. He can smell your fear and hear your heart beating - almost as if it’s going to explode. You were human and he could snap you in half with no effort. 
The demon lowers himself to face you, nose inhaling the scent of your blood. 
“Is that all you want?” the demon speaks, but not to you. “What’s your motive, witch?”
“I have no personal gain.” the woman shrugs her shoulders. “I’m one woman that has a desire to help another.”
“Personal gain is what demons have.” one woman speaks, you’re unsure which of the three. 
“Don’t act holier than thou, witch.” the demon seethes. “You summoned me for my help.”
The demon's teeth are sharp as he snaps at the witches - but that’s before turning back to you. You feel your stomach churn when his eyes reach yours and you find yourself gulping.
The demon’s wings begin to flock. It appears to have bat-like wings,a thin membrane of skin connecting from its wings to its back.
The demon lowers to you once more, but this time as his body descends into the shadows, when it emerges his look is different.
Your eyes scan the features of the demon. Its eyes that were once glowing were now a dull dark brown, one single lid and one double lid eye stare right back at you. He has a heart shaped face and his horns have disappeared and replaced itself with a mop of dark hair. His lips are what catch you first - they’re a rosy pink color, his top lip slightly fuller than his bottom.
Your lips release a short gasp at the sudden change from demon to man - and now you understand the countless stories you’d hear growing up that demons (either if you believed in them or not) could easily persuade anyone away from good. Your once frightened demeanor began to relax at the new sight of an attractive man; not a monster.
Dark eyes never leave yours as the demons head lowered to your chest. A pink split tongue pokes out between his lips and you feel it upon your chest, warm tongue gliding against your bleeding cuts.
“You humans are fragile.” the demon speaks - his once deep voice now sounding more human, but still deeper than you imagined any man to have. “You aren’t a witch, girl.”
You shake your head even though you’re sure it was a statement and not a question.
“How do you plan on caring for a child with a demon?” he asks, but it wasn’t as if he truly cared. He was a fertility demon, after all. He had hundreds of children and the majority of them were humans who were done exactly like this - only different was this was the first time said humans had not sought him out directly. 
You open your mouth to speak but you’re unsure of the answer yourself. You didn’t know that these women - witches - were going to summon a demon to impregnate you.
“She’ll have our help.” the blind witch speaks and for a moment, you forgot that they were still there watching you and him. 
The demon scoffs. “You witches are always up to something at the cost of my seed.” he murmurs. “I won’t be released until I impregnate you, human.” he inhales, smelling the scent of your arousal along with sensing just how confused, concerned yet horny you were all at once. “My name is Taehyung.”
The demon - Taehyung - snickers at you saying his name.
Taehyung’s split tongue continues to swirl across your soft skin, the irony taste of your blood causes his taste buds to dance. A clawed hand grips at your thigh, gliding up your skin and pushes the night gown upwards as he does. 
Sharp teeth bite down harshly on your breast and the sudden rush of pain causes you to shriek loudly. Taehyung is rough and swift, ripping off your silk nightgown in a quick movement. It’s shredded and tossed aside without a care by the demon.
You’re now naked on the floor surrounded by witches and a demon - a night like this could not be dreamed of enough.
“Humans have the best tasting blood.” Taehyung all but purrs, tongue licking his lips of your blood. 
Your eyes watched as your nipples were his next interest. The split appendage licks at your hardened nipples, suckling and tugging on them without stopping. Your thighs quiver and you cannot help but moan at the dirty sight before you. Taehyung is starved, tugging your nipples so roughly as he sucks, but this wasn’t enough for him. He was a fertility demon, after all.
Taehyung twirls his tongue from your swollen nipples to down your stomach. His fingers nails are sharp as they swipe at your thighs, forcing them open. He can smell your arousal dripping for him; sweet like honey.
“Delicate humans such as yourself need to be prepped before breeding.”
Your eyes widen when he sinks down between your legs, so dangerously close to you that it causes you to yelp with embarrassment. 
Your head draws back and your eyes shut when you feel Taehyung’s tongue lick a stripe at your clit before latching itself completely onto it. He suckles on it sloppily, rolling his tongue over the sensitive bud. His hands keep you firmly in place, sharp nails digging into the skin of your thigh and you’re sure they’re drawing blood. 
Taehyung’s eyes flicker up to you, snickering at the way you’re biting back your moans. Your teeth are biting your soft lips and you’re jerking with each passing lick.
This is not Taehyung’s first time doing this with a human - he has so many times before. He knows exactly what to do to pleasure them. His right hand leaves their grip upon your thigh to push past your folds. “So tight,” he murmurs against your clit, his fingers going to sink inside of you.
You’re breathing hitches as his fingers dig deeper inside you, brushing against your walls. He doesn’t allow you any grace - his tongue still flickers at your clit teasingly. It wasn’t like you haven’t received oral sex before - but not like this. Taehyung was obviously not human; his fingers appeared to go deeper and deeper with each thrust, jamming into you at an alarming speed. 
“I know you’re going to cum, human.” Taehyung’s voice appears in your head and for a moment you’re startled, eyes shooting open to look at him - his tongue has not left your clit, but then you hear it once more. “It’s amazing what a demon could do for you, right?”
You want to ask what the hell is going on and just how he’s in your head - but your stomach churns and once more, your thighs quiver. His fingers jam into your sweet spot with urgency and his words were ringing true - you were going to cum and so fast, too.
Taehyung doesn’t stop - instead he removes his fingers to replace it with his tongue, the muscle only adding to your climax. He buries his tongue deep against you and you’re unable to move away.
The overstimulation is causing your eyes to water. A single tear-drop falls from your eye in contrast to the slick of arousal that falls onto Taehyung’s tongue and down his chin. This was all too much to handle, the pleasure causing you to shake underneath his hold. You’re spasming against his tongue and Taehyung only watches the way you fold against him, a low squeal releasing from your throat.
Taehyung could have just fucked you and gotten it over with - but what’s the fun in that? Even if he was a demon, he still was a man that enjoyed sex and it was far more enjoyable when the other was into it.
You tug at Taehyung’s hair, unable to take anymore pleasure - and you’re already groaning at the blurry sight of his between your legs already that causes another orgasm to run through you.
Taehyung leans back, licking his lips of your arousal. His eyes watch the way your thighs shake and your breathing heaves, chest rising and falling in rhythm. 
“Should I breed you right now?”
Your head shakes, unable to comprehend how he was speaking to you in your mind right now. 
Nothing was private - not when there were witches watching. That was new - he was a fertility demon and never had an audience before for something this sacred. The only way for an ounce of privacy would be to speak with her through her thoughts.
Only something two bound people could do - something he had done when he had consumed her blood. Eventually it’d wear off if she did not accept the bond; and he was not expecting or bothered if she had or not.
“P-Please.” you murmur, nodding your head at Taehyung’s words in your mind. You truly just wanted him inside of you, completely forgetting that the two of you weren’t alone.
“You humans…” Taehyung doesn’t finish his words and instead, begins to undress his lower half, doing exactly what you were begging him for.
Taehyung’s cock is pretty - it’s pink and veiny and appears utterly suckable. Your mouth salivates at the thought of sucking it before he fucks you and it’s your perverted thoughts that causes him to laugh at you.
“So eager to taste me, little human?” Taehyung’s voice rings in your mind and hastily, you nod with a lick of your lips. “I’m not so sure you could take all of me.”
Taehyung does check to find out, pulling himself closer to you so that you could wrap a hand around the base of his cock - it’s thick in your grasp. You slowly feel him, astonished at something so pretty - maybe demons were meant to be this dangerous. You weren’t the least bit scared as you should be at a demon masking himself as a human to fuck a baby in you - you would go to Hell right now if he fucked you right along the way.
And that’s how demons tricked Humans, you note, in ways such as this.
Your mouth suckles on the tip of Taehyung’s cock, twirling your tongue greedily. Your hands stroke the base of it for added pleasure.
Taehyung groans, his eyes piercing as he watches you take him so good - like a touched starve whore. He can sense the excitement running through you right now, so eager to please him that you were doing an amazing job.
Taehyung grips your hair roughly. “Take more of me, little human. I know you can.” his voice speaks to you, his cock going deeper into your mouth.
There's saliva rolling down your chin as Taehyung begins to thrust inside your mouth. The sight had to be as filthy as when he was eating you out but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. It was something flowing inside of you that wanted to pleasure Taehyung - that needed to feel his cock inside of your mouth before he fucks a baby into you.
“Such a pretty whore you are.” Taehyung growls audibly. “Should I take you back to Hell with me and fuck you all the time?”
You whimper against his thrusting cock and Taehyung chuckles with a shake of his head. One hand lays itself under your chin so he can look into your watery eyes as his cock flows in and out of you. He growls, so pretty - so devilish. Those eyes were anything but holy.
“I’ll make you my personal whore…mine to fuck until the end of time.”
Taehyung releases himself from your mouth. You cough, saliva pooling onto your chest and you heave. He wastes no time in tearing your legs apart, cock right at your center. 
“You want me to be bred, don’t you, little human? No human could give you what I could.”
“Please…” you beg, eyes watery and hips buckling to feel him inside of you. You were needy, clenching around nothing. 
Taehyung gives you what you beg him for. He enters you with one thrust, your back arching at the sudden fullness of his cock. One hand pushes you back onto the ground. He then places the same hand against your stomach, beginning to thrust deeply inside of you.
Each thrust has you hitting against the floor roughly, your eyes rolling at the sensation. Your velvety walls tighten around his cock, greedy to milk him dry if that’s what it took.
“Little whore you are. Want a child so bad that you’d have a demon.” Taehyung’s taunting you, but his words do nothing but make you wetter for him, legs widening to take him even more - and it drives him crazy.
Taehyung growls, determined to send you over the edge. He forces your legs apart, pounding into you at an alarming speed for a human but even then you don’t appear to be threatened. You’re a weird human, he notes, fully accepting her fate - and maybe that was easier. Accept that you were fucking a demon and soon will be having one; there were precautions that you would have to go through. Such as completely cutting the child’s demonic abilities off that would kill the demon half of them - such acts would cause great pain for the child when the time comes.
Taehyung had children - majority of them walking earth with no ties to the demon world or the Brotherhood he was a part of. Those who were demons were so far removed from him that neither of them cared for a relationship as their birth was just business.
Taehyung ponders what you would choose - having a half demon child wouldn’t be easier for you to handle and he’s positive these witches didn’t give you any warning about what hell the pregnancy would be, let alone half demon spawns running around your house.
Taehyung snorts. You were so cock drunk right now that nothing mattered to you. He thrusts deeper inside of you, your pussy gripping him with greed that could only be seen as a sin. Your arousal pools beneath you and onto your rug, sure to stain it with the memories of this night.
“I can smell you, human. You’re gonna cum again.”
Your breathing increases and Taehyung is correct - you were going to cum. It’s a knot deep in your stomach that longs to be released.
“Let’s cum together, human.”
With both hands, Taehyung hoists your bottom half off of the ground and begins to pound into you, the sound of skin slapping echoing off of the walls of your sitting room; all mixed with your high-pitched shrieks. 
Your eyes begin to roll once more and you're so close that your eyes begin to tear up with how good it all feels, the eyes of the witches fading into nothingness.
Taehyung’s nails dig into your skin as a few sloppy thrusts hit your sweet spot and he’s cumming deep inside of you, a warm seed painting your walls heavenly - it causes you to cum along with him. Your lower body shakes, your body erupts with warmth.
“Don’t think I’m done with you, human.” Taehyung’s voice growls in your mind. “You want to be bred, I’ll make sure I do just that.”
Before you could speak, Taehyung flips you on your stomach and forces you onto your knees. He enters you once more, continuing his pounding speed inside you.
Maybe Taehyung was determined to break you - you were so fragile and didn’t  know what you were getting yourself into. If you told him to slow down, he would - but you hadn’t. Your mind is screaming with just as much pleasure as your shrieks were. You were leaking all over the place and looked like a bitch in heat.
Taehyung’s unsure why it angers him to see you in such pleasure - was it because you weren’t afraid of him and the consequences of being bred by a demon? Was it because you were taking him far too well that he was beginning to enjoy it?
Taehyung yanks you back by your neck and presses himself against you, hips buckling inside your squelching pussy. His sharp nails dig into your neck as he squeezes it, free hand resting on your clit and begins to rub circles on the sensitive bud.
“You’re a filthy little human, aren’t you?”
Taehyung’s fingers roughly rub at your clit for added stimulation. You scream out, not caring how dirty you probably looked to the on-lookers. 
“I just might come back for you, little human. Fuck a few more babies in you since you seem to want my seed so much.”
“P-Please…” you beg, a few tears dropping from the corner of your eyes - how pathetic you must’ve looked, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. The pleasure is too much and you’re now begging him to cum. “Please make me cum….!”
Taehyung snickers, fingers rubbing through your folds with alarming stamina as his hips fuck into your tight walls. Your eyes are swirling to the back of your head again, feeling so full of him that you never want him to stop - you never felt this way before with your husband or any other man. It had to be because Taehyung wasn’t human but just looking the part for your sake.
You cry out with an embarrassing heat running through you as arousal-filled juices leaked out of you and down your thighs. It hits the floor with a splash, similar to water hitting the ground. You begin to shudder, body going completely limb in Taehyung’s embrace.
Taehyung taps your clit a few times, satisfied that you’ve came so hard again - and he was sure he could fuck you all night, but he would. You were a human and humans couldn’t do such a thing.
“Gonna get you nice and full, human. No human man would be able to give you such an honorable gift.” Taehyung brings his soaked hand and slaps your cheek as if to signal your attention. “Such a cock-hungry whore you are…you’ll be begging to be full of me again.”Your body continues to tremble, fully reliant on Taehyung to hold you upright. You’ve already cum enough.
Taehyung himself is cumming, and yet he still has an unholy amount of stamina - and cum - to give you.
Your face burns when it’s shoved into your rug, cheek slamming against it as Taehyung forces your ass into the car. You’re drooling onto it, pussy clenching around his cock, milking even more of his cum. He’s pounding inside of you at a dangerous rate, cock hitting even deeper and managing to fill you up with more and more cum.
“I’ll make sure you’re pregnant by the time we’re done here, human.” Taehyung snarls, attempting to use your body to his full advantage.
 A part of Taehyung upset that you still had no protest in you - to think a human could take him is preposterous. And yet - as you lay trembling beneath him, cock buried so deep inside of your pussy, his mind reads how you’re unable to speak, but yet begging him to continue.
You whimper when you’re filled once more, cum painting your walls entirely. This had to be different - this one actually stings a bit, almost as if it’s too much to handle as a human.
Taehyung is panting, his lips dangerously close to your ear. His cock twitches as he continues to cum inside of you, fully determined to do what he was summoned to do - breed you.
Taehyung doesn’t move nor does his cock soften inside of you. You remain still, as well, eyes heavy and you’re truly exhausted with the entire experience.
“You can leave now.” says the blind woman, her eyes glancing between you nearly unconscious and the demon. “I’m sure she’s with child and will show sooner than she expects.”
Taehyung remains quiet, there’s a bit of cum that falls out of you as he releases himself. He lets the grip of your hair go gently, allowing you to fall limp onto the ground.
Taehyung does leave - without another word - in a gush of black smoke.
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It took you 7 months to learn the incantation to summon Taehyung.
You were large and it appeared as if your stomach never stopped moving but you’re positive that there isn’t only one child inside of you. Your eyes would catch more than two handprints and footprints at a time while they moved.
You accepted your fate rather quickly, drinking whatever medicine the witches had given you that would help ease the pain your children had caused throughout the pregnancy. Your body changed, of course, and you were always tired, hungry and thirsty.
Your thirst went beyond normal food and as the witches told you, your children wouldn’t accept just regular food. When you had tasted blood for the first time you thought it would disgust you, but it tasted so heavenly that you completely devoured several blood bags right before the witches.
It took everything in you to not attack your parents as they visited you in your home. You could smell their blood - thanks to your children - and they fought with you constantly to have a taste, but you managed to hold them off until they left and ate a large, raw and blood steak to satiate their desires.
What was new to you at the time was the demonic powers you’d possess because of the fetuses inside of you. You had since caused a fire in your home just because you were craving something you couldn’t have. In the next moment, the first was put out and seemingly out of thin air, what you were craving sat directly in front of you.
The teleportation had to be something to get used to - but you could say that you were completely fine with it. Possibly better than any other human woman would be at carrying demonic children.
You’d often ponder if they’d look like Taehyung - if they’d have baby horns and red skin; or a demon side to them at all. The witches had told you that they had a spell to cast off the demonic side to your babies, and yet you’re unsure if that’s something you’d want.
Your mind often lingers on Taehyung and had since the next day you woke up without him - and had not seen him since.
You hear Taehyung, as weird as it is. In your head, he often speaks to you at random times. It’s as if he was there, but truly wasn’t. He would answer certain questions you have about your demonic abilities and cravings.
“You’re carrying more than one spawn, they’re expecting to be fed more than acai bowls and water.”
“You caused the fire in your home, but they managed to protect you from it.”
“That sharp pain in your rib was one of them breaking it with their kick - the other healed you in a matter of seconds. You’ll have to get used to them fighting each other in the womb. It’ll only get worse when they’re actually born.”
Taehyung speaks with you - but he doesn’t show himself and a part of you wonders if he ever will.
Was it weird to want Taehyung around? You learned that he was a fertility demon and he had many children - both fully human now and fully demon. You’re unsure how you feel about being just another vessel for him to impregnate.
It took you 7 months to learn the incantation to summon Taehyung - to not summon him at all.
No, instead you summoned someone else, another demon. And now you’re frightened to have them standing tall before you.
Your breasts are bleeding, having used your blood to summon this demon.
The demon doesn’t appear demonic like Taehyung was when he was summoned. He comes as a regular human man, but you’re wiser to know that he is anything but. 
The man steps forward, dark hair bouncing on his shoulders. 
Your dagger tightens in your grip and you raise it shakily in case you need to use it.
The demon chuckles. “That dagger won’t hurt me.” he says tauntingly. “Besides, if you were in any danger, your children would sense it and fight me off.”
You swallow.
“You smell like Taehyung…his being is embedded in you. Not only by pregnancy.” the demon sniffs the air, tilting his head. “You…you are the reason he has the Brotherhood in shambles. And to think they said I would be the one to go weak.”
You’re unsure of what the man is saying and you don’t question him. Your heart beats rapidly as he comes closer.
“W-Who are you?” you ask. “I-I tried to summon Tae-”
“My name’s Jungkook.” the man speaks. “You summoned me.” he says. “Obviously, you have yet to learn the correct incantation to summon a specific Brotherhood member so it chose a random one. Just my luck.”
Jungkook recalls how many years it’s been since Taehyung had found out about his child, stating that the Underworld were claiming him to be weak - how the tables have turned.
In such a short amount of time, Taehyung had resigned from his role as a fertility brotherhood member - something he has been for centuries - and it only meant that he had found a bound partner. Jungkook was no fool to why Taehyung had gone distant and it only meant that his partner had to be human like his once was.
“You haven’t seen Taehyung and that’s why you tried to summon him.”
You nod your head meekly, lowering your dagger.
“Typical of my brother to run away. Jimin.”
You go to speak but are interrupted when another man appears seemingly out of thin air. You yelp, flinching back.
“What do we have here?” the man, Jimin, speaks. He smells the air, nose flaring. “Tae…he has hid you well. Better than you had.” he says to Jungkook. 
Taehyung appears like the rest had, this time directly behind you. You’re shocked to see him again for the first time in months. Your heart leaps at the sight of him, and your stomach begins to move radically.
“Ah, they know you’re here.” Jimin says, a taunting tone in his voice. “The former fertility demon becomes a family man.”
“I suppose we both made a mockery of the Brotherhood.” Jungkook speaks, not forgetting how Taehyung once treated him and his pregnant partner. 
“You still live in the past, brother?” Taehyung snorts with a shake of his head.  “I’ve accepted your bound partner and your child. I was there at the birth was I not?”
“Speaking of births,” Jimin leans down to your sitting position, a hand placing itself onto your stomach. “You’ll be due soon and we’ll be there.”
“It’s tradition, brother.” Jungkook says mockingly. “To welcome your son and daughter to the Brotherhood.”
Your eyes widen.
You knew you were having more than one child - but you never knew the gender.
Your throat tightens at the thought of having one of each.
“Your first set of children to do so.”
“And only. Right, brother? You are no longer a fertility demon.” Jungkook tilts his head. “Such great news that I cannot wait to share with the rest of our brothers.”
Taehyung turns his eyes away and down at you. He doesn’t speak.
“Yoongi said something was going on with you. You’ve gone soft, brother? That’s a good thing.”
“Soft is something I am not, brother.” Taehyung retorts to Jimin. “Just because I once gave life to many does not mean I have not taken the same if not more.”
You listen to the three of them bicker, trying to wrap your head around what was going on.
“Leave and return to the Underworld and be sure to remind anyone just why I remain an Upper Level demon, brother.” Taehyung hisses, now stepping in front of you. 
Jimin stands, eyeing Taehyung. 
“We’ll be back when the babies are due to be born.” Jimin smiles devilishly. “Finding a bound partner is a blessing, brother.” he laughs at his own form of a joke.
They’re gone in a blink of an eye and now you’re left with just you and Taehyung.
You don’t speak, unsure on what to say. You haven’t seen Taehyung in so long that the sight of him makes you nervous.
“You didn’t have to summon me to see me, human.”
You sit a little straighter, dagger falling from your hands.
“All you had to do was call for me.”
“I-I don’t know how.” your body burns with heat as his eyes turn to you. “I-”
“I hear you. I always do.” Taehyung murmurs. “I can feel you. Your heart beat is linked to mine. When it risen was when I decided to come.”
You lick your lips, racking your brain around the words the three demons used.
“A bound partner is exactly what it sounds like.” Taehyung says, reading your mind exactly. “You’d be bound to me for eternity and taken to Hell. I have been bound to you, Human, since the day we conceived our children. You are not bound to me.”
You furrow your brows. “How could you be bound to me?” you ask. “I don’t remember anything?” “A blood binding. It started when I licked your blood…” Taehyung’s eyes drop to your cut breast, a sense of deja vu. “You drinking my blood would be one of many bindings.”
You swallow, the act of tasting blood causing your mouth to water.
“However, I have chosen not to do that. You have come to me to help you and that I shall.” Taehyung drops to his knees to look at you. 
“And if I want you to?”
Taehyung snorts. “You are a weird human, Y/N.” he murmurs, dark eyes watching you. “You refuse to back down even now. Most demons wouldn’t spare your soul like I am.”
“You aren’t most demons. You’re an Upper-Level one.” you say boldly - unsure the hierarchy of demons were. “I want to be bound to you.”
“You don’t, human. Your emotions are all over the place.” Taehyung snickers. “Our children are causing you to feel this way because they crave their demonic part - which is me.”
“I want to be bound to you.” you repeat again, mind flashing with that night months prior to how well he had fucked you.
“And spend an eternity in Hell?”
You lick your lips. “Would we be with you?” you ask, voice low.
“Then yes.” you nod your head. “I’ll spend an eternity in Hell.”
Taehyung watches your expression, truly believing you to be a weird individual.
You had a life on Earth. You had the funds to raise children and a family who supported you. 
Why would you give it all up to join a demon in Hell?
“I was told you gave up your position.” you speak up to interrupt his thoughts. “I’m not sure what any of this means…”
“It means these are the only children that would be born by me that the Brotherhood would acknowledge.” his eyes flicker to your moving stomach, sensing that his children were content inside of you. “I won’t be having any more.”
You place a hand onto your stomach, a sudden kick right where it lays. 
“I summoned you because I wanted to see you again.” you admit, but you’re sure he knows this if he was correct about his claims. “I want to be bound to you. This…” your eyes turn to the space you were occupying - but not just the space, the Human realm in general. “...It’s lonely. I’m surrounded by people but I’m still lonely. I get pitiful looks from my family constantly and…”
You don’t want to ramble about your human life and problems.
“...would going to Hell hurt?”
“Of course.” Taehyung doesn’t attempt to sugar coat anything. 
“Will you be there when I get there? Would they?”
“Of course.” Taehyung repeats. “Hell…the Underworld as a whole is far different than the Human realm. You wouldn’t be able to return and see your family.”
You swallow, eyes on Taehyung’s.
“They would think you’d died. That, or their memory of you would be wiped entirely.”
Taehyung watches your reaction for anything. He knows humans and their emotions could be radical and they tend to keep their families close to their hearts.
“What were you planning on doing?” you asked. 
Taehyung doesn’t answer because he himself wasn’t sure. He could bind their demonic side until they are of age - but that would only cause more work for the Brotherhood to teach a human raised demon how to live their lives in the Underworld. 
There was the possibility of allowing them to keep their demonic powers in the Human realm, but demonic babies, toddlers and children were Hell to raise on a plain that didn’t possess the same abilities as them.
Taehyung supposed that he was leaving the decision up to you entirely to decide what you wished to do with them. One thing’s for certain, now that the Brotherhood knew of your existence, it was a matter of time before the Source did.
Your hand grabs the dagger and instantly, you slice his neck. Taehyung doesn’t react like a normal person would and it’s because you assume he doesn’t truly care - he’s had worse attacks. 
Taehyung is more shocked that you slice his neck to then lick him, a way of completing the binding ritual yourself.
Taehyung’s blood is thick and rich, your tongue stroking the wound to get a better taste of him, hands throwing the knife and falling onto his chest. You grip his shirt to bring him closer, your senses heighten for a moment. It appears your children were awake, moving non-stop inside of you.
“You’re a weird human.” Taehyung’s voice sounds throughout your head. “Going to Hell because you’re lonely and hormonal.”
You snort, teeth grazing the side of his neck. Your hand falls slowly from his chest to his lap as you lean back. You lick your lips, tilting your head curiously. 
Taehyung’s eyebrow lifts slightly. “My brother’s partner…wasn’t like you.” he notes, recalling the way Jungkook’s bound partner remained kind and reclusive.  
However, you were carrying two demonic spawns that were feeding off of you on the daily and maybe they were slowly turning you away from whatever human-like emotions you had. 
“What do you want me to do?” Taehyung asks you, your thoughts clouding his and he’s certain you want to ask him something. 
“Nothing too drastic.” you shrug your shoulders. “Just kill my ex-husband.”
Taehyung blinks at you and you do the same.
“Of course.” Taehyung responds, leaning away from you to stand straight. “I’ll be back shortly.”
Your hand lays on your bump as Taehyung is gone in a blink of an eye, a satisfied feeling running through your body.
halloween masterlist
628 notes · View notes
explicit-tae · 7 months
V-Day Special
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You ask your ex - who you're still close with - if he's willing to come on your cam-show for a valentine's day special.
Word Count: 5.838
Warning: live sex, smut, degradation kink, dacryphilia, impact play, spit kink, overstimulation, breath play, impregnation kink, nipple piercings, sextoys, fingering, dirty talking, squirting, voyeruism, slapping, edging, oral sex, unprotected sex, creampie,
@whipwhoops @darkuni63 @seokjinkismet @bloodline1632
Valentine's Day Masterlist
You knock on the door, arms crossed. The cool air slices through your skin as you await for Taehyung to answer.
There’s nerves bubbling through you - you haven’t done anything with Taehyung in so long. You were surprised when he agreed to your request.
Being a camgirl wasn’t easy work, but it was rewarding. You’ve been doing so for a while now and have gained a following. You had regulars, and sometimes you’d do requests - some weird stuff, but never anything too weird that you couldn’t do.
Today, however, you had to spice things up. You were always alone in your room when you did your shows, always fucking yourself and never truly had a partner.
Today was Valentine’s day, and Valentine’s day was all about having a partner.
Again, you were surprised when Taehyung agreed. You and he dated about two years prior and things didn’t end sour and you and he remained friends. You could come to him for anything - he often lend an ear when you needed to talk and gave advice. Even if he didn’t agree, you would hope he would send someone your way.
“I’ll do it.” Taehyung had said - much to your shock - with such a cool, nonchalant attitude. “We can go to my house and do it for a change of scenery.” You had offered wearing masks, but he insisted that it was fine - another shocking statement.
Taehyung swings the door open, a wide smile on his face. “Y/N, hello.” he opens the door wider and steps aside for you to enter.
“Hey, Tae.” you say, jumping into the warm home with a sigh of relief. “You look nice.”
“As do you.” Taehyung responds. “Somehow, I sense you’re wearing lingerie under that long trench coat.” he says teasingly, eyes roaming your figure.
Your body flushes and slowly, you nod. “We have business to attend to. Had to come prepared.” you give a curt grin. 
“Indeed we do.” Taehyung licks his lips. “I’ve set up the laptop and everything already.”
You nod your head. The day prior, Taehyung had insisted on you giving him your equipment so he can set it up perfectly.
“I also decorated my room for the occasion.”
You already know the layout of Taehyung’s home and you scoff at his words as you walk towards his bedroom. “Decorated how?”
“You’ll see.” Taehyung’s voice is giddy as he follows you to his bedroom. You only snicker and venture towards his bedroom.
Taehyung has you open the door, and your eyes widen as you do. “Tae, you’re always so dramatic…” you sigh, but your body flushes at the sight. 
“It’s a V-Day special,” Taehying places his hands on your shoulders. “we have to go all out.”
Taehyung uses your words against you - you had said it to him back when you asked if he was willing to be on camera with you.
Taehyung had decorated his room and it’s only now that you realize how large it truly was. His bed sits in the middle of the room, bed made neatly. There’s balloons - red, pink, white and even a few heart shaped ones, littering the ceiling. On the far right of his room is your equipment that you’ve given him - but only now did you realize he had a ring light and you want to shake your head at how dramatic he truly was. 
“Rose petals?” you turn to face him with a laugh. “How much time did you put into this?”
And money, you want to ask, but Taehyung would never tell you. There’s rose petals leading from the door of his bedroom all the way to his bed.
“A few hours. Jimin helped me.” Taehyung admits, a light tint to his cheeks. Jimin had teased him about putting so much effort for an ex-lover - now friend - for a show, but it wasn’t like you and he weren’t friends. He was willing to help you with whatever you asked. 
“Gotta set the mood, don’t we?” Taehyung murmurs, closing his bedroom door. “How about you start setting up while I light the candles?”
“Candles?” you shake your head. “Tae-”
“Y/N, baby. All out, remember?” Taehyung winks, then ventures through his room and to his closet. He pulls out a small box and turns towards you. “Confession?” he asks and slowly you nod. It’s something you and he would ask when there was something that needed to be confessed and the other promised not to be upset - it started when you accidentally ruined one of his favorite pairs of designer shoes. “I subscribed to you a few months ago.”
Taehyung watches as your eyes widen slightly. “Oh, really?” you ask, a slight nerve in your voice.
Taehyung nods. “When you told me you were camming, I was curious. I finally caved a few months back.” he admits. “Does that bother you?”
You're hot at the idea of Taehyung watching you. It didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. Taehyung and you’ve been intimate before back when you two dated - but that was years ago. Now it made sense that he’d agree to be with you again, you think. 
“N-No.” you stutter, cursing mentally at yourself. You muster a strained scoff. “I do a lot of…stuff on there.”
Taehyung licks his lips. “I know.” he murmurs. “I was going to take that secret to the grave with me.”
Taehyung grasps the box - a medium sized black box - and makes his way towards his bed. 
You swallow, Taehyung’s words ringing through your mind. You grab your phone and begin to notify your subscribers of your live cameshow in the next five minutes.
“What made you tell me?” you ask Taehyung. He was halfway through lighting the candles when you finally decided to speak up. 
Taehyung glances at you. “You seem nervous.” he responds. “As if you’ve had second thoughts about this. Are you?”
Your palms feel sweaty and you bite your lip. 
You were nervous. You have been fucking yourself for so long that being with another man was different - and this wasn’t just another man, but an ex that was now a close friend. 
“No.” you tell Taehyung honestly. “I am nervous though.”
“Why?” Taehyung snorts. He’s now setting the candles around his room and it flickers beautifully. “It’s just me.”
“I know but…we haven’t done anything in so long.” you murmur, your nerves causing you to glance away from him. “...I wasn’t sure if you still…feel attractive towards me.”
Taehyung sets down the last candle and turns towards you. “And that’s why I told you that I subscribed.” he says - and that was his point. “I think we should go over some things before we start, yeah?”
You nod.
Taehyung makes his way around his room. He dims his light low so that the candles are illuminating the majority of it. He then makes his way past you and to the ring light, again, dimming it so there’s just enough light towards his bed for the viewers to see perfectly. 
“Now, is there anything you want to do specifically?”
“I should be asking you that.” you scoff. “This is your first time.”
Taehyung stands directly in front of you. His hand places below your chin and he gently lifts it so he has a good look in your eyes. 
“There’s a lot I want to do.” Taehyung says, voice dropping and it shocks you. The reaction shoots straight to your core. 
You inhale. “You’ve seen everything I do already.”
Taehyung chuckles. He cups your cheek, thumb rubbing along your lips. “That’s true,” he admits. “I’m an Ultimate member.”
Your eyes widen. “Tae!” you hiss, hot sensation running through your body. 
There were only a dozen Ultimate members - they paid the most and had complete access to you. They could message you personally through the phone (a second phone you acquired just for them). You allowed one on one time, acting out fantasies they desired. They got private videos and pictures that the others didn’t - sometimes it didn’t have to be sexual. 
“What?” Taehyung asks. “Too much?” The last thing he wanted was to make you uncomfortable.
“N-No.” you say, but it’s not convincing. “Ultimate is just…a lot of money monthly.”
Taehyung snorts. “I’ve been paying for it, haven’t I?” he shrugs his shoulders. “It’s okay. I like supporting you.”
You sigh, nodding your head slowly. Licking your lips, you giggle. “This feels like a fuck-a-fan event.”
Taehyung chuckles along with you. “How lucky I am.”
“So,” you begin. “what do you want to do? Have you ever requested content from me?”
You try to think of what Taehyung’s name would be since there were only a few Ultimate members. 
Taheyung shakes his head. “I haven’t.” But there were times he wanted to, but there was still the thought in the back of his head telling him that this was wrong - but it was never enough to get him to unsubscribe. 
“Then we’ll do what you want.” you smile at him, so cutely. So innocently.
Taehyung groans lowly. “I don’t think so.”
Your smile lowers. “Why not?” Taehyung scoffs - because there’s things he wanted to do to you that would probably scare you away. “I’m your friend, Y/N. But I’m still a man. I don’t want to expose you to my perverse mind.”
Taehyung drops his hand from your cheek.
“It’s a V-Day special.” you shrug. “I trust you. We’ve had sex-”
“Years ago.” Taehyung interrupts. “And that was casual sex. Nothing too perverted-”
“Do you want me to pee on you?” you snicker jokingly. You couldn’t think of anything too perverted and obscene that would have Taehyung hesitant. “I don’t think anything is as perverted as that.”
Taehyung licks his lips to stop himself from laughing at your words. “I’ll tell you what I want to do to you and you’ll just tell me if it’s okay or not.”
You nod your head. You realized, even after all this time, that you hadn’t taken off the coat. “Where do you want me to put this?” you ask, going to remove the long coat.
Taehyung swallows at your smooth skin in his view, the lingerie fitting the theme. It’s red and doesn’t hide much, the sheer lace showcasing your pierced nipples. It’s crotchless, he notes, and perfect - he doesn’t want you out of the lingerie just yet.
“I’ll take it.” Taehyung murmurs, grasping your coat and taking it towards his closet to hang it up. He needs a moment to breathe - there’s a twitch in his sweats that he has to calm down. “Okay.”
“Okay.” you nod your head, waiting for him to continue. 
You scoff in disbelief once more. “Tae…”
“V-Day special, Y/N.” Taehyung walks on the other side of his bed towards his bedside table. How you hadn’t noticed the bottle of champagne with two glasses is beyond you. He manages to pop it open, not caring if a bit spilled, and poured one for you and him. 
You grasp the champagne and smile, clicking your glass with his and take a sip.
“I want to lick the champagne off your skin.” Taehyung says, testing the waters - it isn’t something he actually thought about doing, but he wanted to test your reaction.
You choke slightly at his sudden words, but you nod. “Sure.” you swallow. “Anything else?”
Taehyung tilts his head. “...Overstimulation?”
You nod your head slowly. “I’m sure we can do that.” you agree. “Can I request one?” “Of course.”
“I want you to hit me.”
Taehyung stiffens. “Excuse me?”
You laugh. “Well, don’t knock me out.” you exclaim. “But slapping me is what I want. As long as I’m in the mood, a little pain shouldn’t hurt.” Taehyung has such pretty and large hands that you couldn’t not take the opportunity.
Taehyung swallows but nods. “I want to have control.”
“Want me to call you Sir?” you smirk. “Yes, sir. I like that.”
“You’re enjoying this more than I thought you would.” Taehyung hums, satisfied that he hasn’t had you running yet. “I think we should have a safeword. I don’t want to get too caught up in it and hurt you.”
“Oh,” you knit your brows. “You’re one of those.”
Taehyung raises a brow. “One of what?” 
“A dom.” you shrug. “Not that surprising. But okay, we can have a safeword. How about…” you rack your brain for something - anything. “...red squirrel?”
Taehyung blinks. “Red squirrel it is.”
“And if I can’t speak, I’ll shake my head aggressively.”
“Aggressive head shaking.” Taehyung nods. “I have a toy in that box I’d like to use on you.”
Your eyes fall to the medium sized box from early and you raise your brows.
“It’s only a vibrator.” Taehyung’s cheeks tint. “It’s um…actually from your wishlist.”
Your eyes widen once more. Taehyung was an Ultimate member and they also had access to your wishlist from various stores - even outside of sex. One member had gotten you an expensive water filter you wanted simply because you made him cum the hardest he’s had in months. 
“The rabbit one?!”
Taehyung nods. “Ugh,” you hang your head. “I love you so much.” you sigh dramatically, a tingly feeling coursing through your body at the thought of Taehyung using that on you. 
Taehyung gives a boxy grin. “A love confession already? I haven’t even made you cum yet.”
“Shut up.” you roll your eyes. “Anything else, sir?”
Taehyung licks his lips. “Just use your safeword if I do anything you don’t like.” he murmurs.
“Yes, sir.” you nod, smiling playfully. “I have to start now.”
You venture towards the laptop and make it towards the site. There were a few hundred people waiting already, the chatbox going crazy. “I told them I had a Valentine’s Day surprise.” you say to Taehyung. “They’re wondering what’s going to happen.”
You start the live, smiling into the camera as you read a few comments. “Hi, guys.” you say sweetly, your camgirl persona coming on.
Taehyung watches from afar as you speak to the viewers, walking backwards towards his bed. “I told you all I had a surprise.” your eyes glance to Taehyung. “I thought today we should switch things up,”
You watch from afar as the comments begin to rise as Taehyung enters the frame and you’ll make sure to go back to read them once everything is done. 
“I see you all are excited to see him.” you smile up at Taehyung. “He says he’s not shy to be seen.”
“Of course not.” Taehyung says, a soft grin on his lips. You know there’s girls that watch you, as well - they’d have to be excited to see Taehyung, if not see, then hear him. You release a breath. 
Taehyung lifts your chin and leans down to capture your lips. His fingers are gripping your chin now to get you in place, your lips moving along with his.
Taehyung breaks the kiss first, but proceeds to peck your lips a few times. You’re clenching around nothing, you note, anticipating for what's next to come. 
“I bet if I touch your pussy right now, you’ll be soaked.”
Taehyung catches you off guard, but you’re enjoying the switch. Your friends eyes are dark and filled with lust and you’re sure yours are, as well. 
“I am.” you widen your legs for him (and the camera) to see. 
Taehyung’s hand unclenches your chin to slide ever so slowly down your body. The crotchless lingerie made it easier for him to feel - and feel he did. It’s been so long, the both of you think.
Taehyung grunts at how wet you truly are, his long fingers rubbing along your clit.
“How long have you been this wet?” Taehyung questions, plopping his fingers inside his mouth to taste you.
You bite your lip at the sight, swallowing the moan in your throat. “For a while now.” you admit, especially since he mentioned the vibrator he’s bought for you. 
Taehyung dips onto the bed behind you. “Let’s show everyone how slutty you are.” he says, a swift hand wrapping around your neck to press yourself against his chest. “Not like they already don’t know.”
Taehyung’s free hand dips between your legs and slaps your thighs apart. He then proceeds to rub your clit aggressively, not bothering to prep you for anything  - after all, the safeword was there for a reason.
Your stomach churns and a loud yelp releases from your mouth. You’re sopping wet, squelching echoing around the room. 
“Does it feel good?” Taehyung questions - he knows it does. You’re moaning against him, legs widening with each rub of his fingers. 
You nod your head with a lip bite.
“Use your words.” Taehyung hisses, the hand gripping your neck slaps you suddenly, a throbbing pain against your cheek. 
“Y-Yes, sir.” you quip far too quickly, lust filling through you and shoot straight to your core. 
Taehyung likes the willingness in your actions to please him.
“Good girl.” Taehyung offers you a quick kiss to your forehead, his finger inching closer to your entrance. “You fuck yourself all the time…” Taehyung enters his fingers inside of you, long fingers reaching deep. “...and yet, you’re still so tight.”
Taehyung plunges his fingers inside of you, reaching farther than you ever thought imaginable. He was never like this prior and you pondered if he was truly holding back when you and he had sex. 
Regardless, you’re a moaning mess, no longer trying to hold anything back. Your eyes watch with satisfaction how deep his fingers are inside of you, the palm of his hand slapping against your clit aggressively as he strives to drive even deeper.
“Ah, there she is.” Taehyung chuckles darkly when his fingers hit a sweet spot that has your thighs quivering and moaning louder. “You know what I never see? You squirting. Let’s change that, baby.”
You aren’t sure you can squirt - you never felt like you had it in you. However, Taehyung did. He was determined, fingers hitting your spot aggressively, your clit being pleasuring with his palm as he does so for added pleasure. Your eyes begin to flutter close, your moans filling the room even louder.
“I know you can do it, baby. Let go.” Taehyung slaps your cheek again. He never knew you enjoyed being hit - something he wished he knew while the two of you dated.
And you do, juices spilling out rapidly and only when Taehyung removes his finger does it splash entirely onto the ground, so loud and messily that you stiffen in his grasp.
You were going to apologize, completely disregarding the live cam show you were on, but Taehyung silences you with his lips.
“Now let’s see how many times you can squirt for the viewers.” Taehyung speaks, removing himself from behind you to go towards the black box. He shows the camera him opening the box to reveal the vibrator. “Bought it new just for her.”
You lick your lips with anticipation as Taehyung steps closer to you. He turns it on, and the buzzing sound is so loud and aggressive - just what you wanted. 
Taehyung toys with you at first, pressing it against your thighs and slowly coming closer to you. “Look how slutty she is.” Taehyung turns towards the camera and laughs. “Clenching around nothing. She can’t wait to be stuffed.”
You make a disappointed sigh when Taehyung teasingly turns off the vibrator just as he presses it against your clit. He was such a tease that you’re positive your viewers would want him back.
“I want to hear you beg.” Taehyung’s demeanor changes entirely, the smile he sported now gone. “I allowed you to cum once already, beg for another.”
“Please let me cum.” You say, not up for any games Taehyung wanted to play. 
Taehyung snarls. Again, his hand is swift and a slap sounds across your face. You moan at the stinging feeling in your face.
“And here I thought you were a good girl.” Taehyung shakes his head. “But you’re nothing but a whore, right?”
“Yes, sir.” you squeak, lust filled eyes looking at Taehyung. “Please make me cum, Tae-.”
Another slap sounds on your cheek and you’re sure that you can cum just like this - the look upon Taehyung’s face and the dominance he’s instilling into you brings you great pleasure.
“S-Sir. Please make me cum, sir.” you beg. “I’ll be good.”
Taehyung hums. “Will you?”
You nod your head with wide, pleading eyes. 
“Let’s see.”
Taehyung doesn’t plan on ever giving you grace. He turns on the vibrator and it causes shockwaves to run through you. But, as if that wasn’t enough, he enters it inside of you, the rabbit ears pressed firmly against your clit as he thrusts.
Taehyung licks his lips, hooded eyes watching you closely. It’s as if the switch turned off and he was a whole different person and he’s experiencing this from outside his body.
Taehyung plunges the toy in and out of you, the vibrations sending shock waves through you. Your pussy’s glistening, the candle lights illuminating it to the camera perfectly.
“So wet and dirty.” Taehyung’s chuckles, but licks his lips. He wants to taste you, knowing you’d taste divine. “Right, baby?”
You nod your head, a moan bubbling out of you. “Yes, s-sir.”
Taehyung groans - such a submissive little thing. He couldn’t wait until he could fuck even more submission into you. Taehyung was a patient man, however.
Taehyung removes the toy from inside of you, cackling at the sight of your pussy clenching and unclenching. “You’re just begging to be stuffed baby.”
You’re panting at the loss of pleasure, back slightly arching. You bite your lip, eyes blinking rapidly as they meet Taehyung. You never wanted to mount someone as much as you did right now. 
“Thank you, sir.” you say, your eyes staring right into Taehyungs. Your voice is so soft and meek - so willing. Taehyung only smirks at you.
“You’re so full of shit, baby.” Taehyung says, placing the vibrating toy back inside of you. The rabbit ears press firmly against your clit.
“F-Fuuuuuck….” your legs widened for more, quivering with pleasure. Instead of Taehyung thrusting it in and out of you, he keeps it firmly inside of you, thrusting only deeper and deeper, the vibrations shuddering straight through your core.
“Such a pretty pussy you have, baby. So wet and filthy.” Taehyung’s voice only sends you more over the edge - his voice so deep and sultry. “All for me, right, baby?”
You nod your head frantically. “Yes, sir.”
“So obedient.”
Taehyung thrusts the toy in and out of  you, the vibrating rabbit ears hitting your clit with every thrust inside and he does it just to tease you. Taehyung moves to the side slightly, his eyes turning towards the camera with a satisfied smirk. “Such a pretty little whore. She pretends to be so sweet and loving…but deep down, she just wants to be dominated.”
Taehyung turns back to you, a boxy grin on his lips. It didn’t reach his eyes. No, his eyes were so dark and filled with lust. “Isn’t that right, baby?”
“Yes, sir.” you nod, eyes breaking away from Taehyung’s intense ones.
Taehyung hovered above you, his mouth opening to spit directly onto your wet clit. 
You yelp loudly when your stomach stings, Taehyung having slapped you. He does so again and again and again - slapping your thighs, your breast to your face. Your skin is throbbing with the amount of times he struck you, but yet you cannot be upset. The pain feels good against your skin.
“My pretty little whore.”
Taehyung removes the toy from inside of you to slap it against your clit harshly, your juices flowing out of you so beautifully. 
Taehyung continues to tap the toy against your clit teasingly and now you’re twitching, eyes fluttering open and close.
“Please, sir…” you beg Taehyung, widening your legs even more. “Please let me cum.”
“Aww…” Taehyung’s free hand slaps your cheek again, the slap echoing in the large room. You moan deeply, and Taehyung only slaps you again. “...such a submissive little whore.”
“Please, sir.” you plead with him - to give you whatever. His slaps brought you great pleasure as the toy did. 
Taehyung grips your hair and yanks you forward, pressing you against him like before. “Look at the camera.” Taehyung hisses, his hand - so beautiful and large - slaps against your cheek before.
Your eyes look towards your laptop, the comments coming in fast. You’re unsure how many viewers you had, but you’re positive that they’re increasing as the stream goes on. 
Taehyung hooks his arm beneath your right thigh to keep you in place, your leg hiking up to your chest. “Let’s see how much the whore can cum.”
The toy vibrates so loud that your stomach churns with anticipation as Taehyung edges it closer to you. He doesn’t tease you any longer. He presses it firmly against your clit and then dips it inside of you. 
“Ah-” your moans are interrupted by Taehyung. He snatches your head, placing his large hand over your lips and nose. 
“No talking. Just focus on cumming, whore.” Taehyung hisses. “Look at the camera.”
Taehyung fucks the toy inside of you deeply, his hand on your lips never moving. Your eyes begin to blur, feeling the moisture of your tears coming. The toy is so deep inside of you, hitting your g-spot harshly. Your chest heaves for air, but Taehyung is adamant on not giving you any.
You don’t complain - as sick as it sounds. Anything you did for yourself during your cam shows could never compare to how Taehyung was doing it - you couldn’t wait to go back and watch it, glad that you decided to record this session.
Taehyung is hyper aware right now, even if he does appear to be far gone in his dominant act. He’s waiting for you to shake your head aggressively so he’d stop - but you never do. Your could no longer keep your eyes open and watch the camera as he fucks you - your eyelids are fluttering as he does so. Your toes are curling and he just knows you’re going to cum the hardest you’ve ever had.
Your moans are muffled - more like choked - down in your throat. Your chest heaves for oxygen, but all you can think about is the pleasure building up deep in your core, as does Taehyung. He removes the toy from inside of you just as you’re cumming, your juices spilling all over his bedsheets.
You inhale deeply when your lips and nose are released, the oxygen feeling like an added reward. Your heart is beating outside your chest so rapidly that you’re positive it was going to explode.
“Get on your knees. I’m not done with you just yet.”
Your break is short lived as Taehyung’s hand is already gripping your hair. He yanks you off of his bed entirely and you fall onto your knees. Your eyes stare up at him - so slutty and dumb looking, he thinks, and so beautifully submissive. 
You lick your lips as Taehyung’s free hand releases his cock - already erect just for you to suck. Your mouth opens to take him in, but Taehyung slaps you away.
“You whore,” Taehyung hisses. “I didn’t say you could suck it just yet.” he spits. 
“Please, sir. Please let me-”
Taehyung presses the tip of his cock inside your mouth. “Shut up.” he scoffs, thrusting himself against your wet tongue. “Look at how desperate she is for a cock. I guess those dildos you fuck yourself with just isn’t enough.”
You hum with satisfaction with having Taehyung’s cock inside of you. His grip in your hair is tighter and he keeps you in place. He goes deeper into your mouth, fully intending on fucking it - and you had every intentions of doing so. 
“So slutty.” Taehyung hisses - so slutty and good for him. You’re taking his cock fully now, allowing him to be as rough as he wants. He knows you could take him in your throat, he’s watched you throat-fuck yourself with countless dildos (as requested by a few members).
Your thighs clench together when Taehyung slaps you yet again and you open your mouth wider. Your vision is blurry once more, tears streaming down your face rapidly, but Taehyung doesn’t stop fucking you. No, your tears aren’t going to phase him and the only way he’d stop is if you gave him the signal.
But like before, you never do. Instead, you look up at Taehyung with those eyes - eyes filled with beautiful tears and lust. You wanted him to treat you like a whore off the street. You like the aggression - his cock in your throat, one hand in your hair to keep you in place while the other slaps your cheek harder and harder each time. 
“Where should I cum, whore?” Taehyung groans. “Your face? Or should I cum in your throat.”
Your response is muffled, never truly intending on responding to him. 
“Your throat?” Taehyung asks, slapping your cheek for a response.
You hum, nodding your head slightly. Your hand grasps his outer thigh to bring him closer to you.
Taehyung groans - such a whore you truly were.
“No,” Taehyung releases his cock from your mouth. You cough, saliva connecting from his cock to your lips. “I’m not cumming anywhere but in your pussy.”
“Y-Yes, sir.” is all you respond with - and it’s the response Taehyung expects.
Another slap sounds on your cheek. It throbs with the amount of times Taehyung has done so, but you don’t care. “Get on the bed.” he commands. “Ass up.”
You comply far too quickly, the thought of being stuffed by him has you wetter than you’ve ever imagined. You never knew Taehyung could be like this - sex while you two dated wasn’t like this. But then again, maybe he was scared that he’d scare you away.
Quite the opposite.
You yelp when your head is shoved into the mattress and your legs are forced apart. Taehyung is beyond you, his tip rubbing along your folds. “She’s so wet.” Taehyung tells the viewers, a slight shudder going through his body. “The type of wet you don’t pull out of.”
Taehyung enters you with one thrust that has you gasping. Taehyung breaks character for a moment, twitching and shuddering at being inside of you. You hear a low “fuck” from behind you that boosts your ego.
Taehyung doesn’t waste time, however, and he begins to fuck you with everything he had. Every frustration he’s dealt throughout the week with is evident in his thrusts. His eyes are focused on the way your ass bounces off of him, a creamy white ring around his cock.
“Feels…so good…” you gasp between words and thrusts, opening your legs even wider if it meant you could have more of Taehyung. 
“Yeah?” Taehyung scoffs smugly. He releases his grip on your hair to wrap it around your neck. He hoists you up from the bed. “Pussy still tight even after I fucked you with the toy.”
The semi-new position has Taehyung hitting your g-spot with each thrust.
“You’re clenching your pussy as if you don’t want me to stop.” Taehyung chuckles darkly.
“I don’t.” you admit - because damn could Taehyung fuck good. Was it always this good or was he truly holding back when the two of you dated?
Taehyung groans animalistically. A hand grasps your clit and begins to rub the sensitive bud between his large fingers. “I missed your pussy so much.”
There it was, the switch dimming. Taehyung��s voice is lower, as if speaking to you and you only - not the audience watching. 
“Missed your cock, too.” your head leans against him, a long whimper sliding through your lips. You were going to cum again if Taehyung didn’t stop his assault on your clit. “I love the way you fuck me, Tae.”
It’s clear now that you two were forgetting about the camera and the audience watching. It was becoming intimate, you choosing to use his name - but Taehyung didn’t care. The sound of his name coming from your sweet lips - so needily and filled with passion - has a shiver running up his spine. 
“Should’ve asked me sooner.” Taehyung grunts, his cock twitching inside of you. “Wouldn’ve fucked you so good.”
“I know.” you respond desperately. “You…can fuck me whenever you want…” you’re cumming. You try to stop Taehyung by grabbing his wrist, but he doesn’t allow you to. He continues to aggressively rub along your clit until your juices are flowing out once more - his sheets were going to be completely soaked, but he didn’t mind. 
“Shit, shit, shit,” Taehyung pushes you back against the mattress, still deciding to torture you by rubbing your clit even harder. He thrusts so deep and sloppy, your words getting to him. “Gonna cum in you, baby. I always thought about getting you pregnant.”
You’re so fucked out of it that Taehyung’s words don’t faze you - you even recall the times he told you how he wanted a big family. The breeding kink he was clearly exhibiting was understandable; expected either.
Taehyung swallows, closing his eyes to imagine how you’d look with child - so round and glowing, breast enlarged with milk for the child. “Oh, fuck…” he gasps, cumming right inside of you - so much that it begins to flow out of you and down your thighs.
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“You don’t have to pay me, Y/N.”
“But…the views tripled!” you try everything in your power to show Taehyung how much money you and he made for the cam show. “You’re the reason why.”
Hours had gone by and you remained at Taehyung's home. He had been the one to stop the stream - after several rounds - as you were exhausted.
“I’m not taking your money, Y/N. It’ll just go back to you anyways.”
You sigh, forgetting that Taehyung was an ultimate subscriber. 
“So,” Taehyung begins. “do we need to have the awkward conversation now or later?”
You closed your laptop and turned towards Taehyung fully. “What do you want to do?”
“What do you want to do?” Taehyung reverses the question back at you. He would be fine with whatever you chose - casual sex or the rough kind. Even if this was a one time thing, he would respect it. 
You glance away when you grow hot under his gaze.
“I want to do it again.” you murmur. “Even if it’s not for anyone else to see.”
Taehyung licks his lips. “I’d like that, too.” he says softly. “So…does that make us friends with benefits?”
You shrug your shoulders. You didn’t need to have a label on whatever you and Taehyung were doing. You cared for him just as he cared for you - and after he fucked you so good, there was no going back to just friends. 
Taehyung hums. “My little whore.” he says jokingly, just to get a rise out of you. He grasps your hand in his own and presses a single kiss on it. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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kleinv01 · 2 months
saw the ask about al having insecurities as well. can i get crumbs of what his insecurities are so that i can babygirl albot better 🥹
for one, Al dislikes his appearance, which is the reason behind this hairstyle choice. he’s also fairly self-conscious about his voice.
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trivia : Al dyed his own hair; it’s actually naturally black. the light pink color was an attempt to make him feel better about how he looks. alas, it barely helped, so he doesn't bother with it anymore, just letting it grow. (hence the black roots showing up—HAHA.) although the reason why he chose the color pink specifically isn’t known.
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muninnhuginn · 8 months
kazakami really is about obligations all the way. whether to himself or his parents, he's decided he's had his time in the first two years having 'fun' and now it's time to focus. but, the thing is, most of his 'fun' is just ticking off some checklist of all things you'd expect to do in highschool (and the one sport he did actually like, he had to stop because of injury). so, does that really count? isn't that just fulfilling a role regardless of his own wants and needs?
anyway, now he's 100% focusing on his third year. despite how kazakami is hitting all the points in the checklist, how he's showing how he's meeting expectations, it's still not enough for his parents. he has the one hobby to himself, his interest in tokusatsu, which he's into enough to have his own figures and to know obscure trivia off by heart. and his parents are just... dismissive of it. "it's for children", they say, as they ignore their own child's needs.
no wonder kazakami never lets on more about his hobbies in school and only portrays himself as the outgoing model student, if this is how he's treated for showing his genuine interests.
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rwbyrg · 11 months
You could do an entire "why RG is canon" post just made up of Miles's cameo vids.
lol. you got it boss.
Reason Why Rosegarden is Canon: #007
Miles Luna (affectionately referred to as RG King by many shippers), one of the show's head writers since Volume 1, has shown constant support for the ship at panels as well as in viewer submitted questions on Cameo. Everything from direct questions about the pairing's validity to talking hypotheticals, he often puts emphasis on Rosegarden in ways that are pretty difficult to ignore.
List of Miles' Cameos
The RG Dynamic
The RG Age Difference
Little Prince Allusion Confirmation
Oscar's Birthday
NND and RG
How Oscar May Inspire Ruby
Oscar in The Ever After
The ship has also seen support form other members of CRWBY. Including Eddy Rivas (another writer) interacting with RG fanart on twitter, to some enthusiasm from a couple voice actors, most notably:
Oscar's VA - Aaron Dismuke
Emerald's VA - Katie Newville
I'm pretty sure this list is not exhaustive, so if I missed any please send them over and I will update it accordingly!
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reinabeestudio · 10 days
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Taking her home
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heshemejoshi · 4 months
just learned chilchuck tims is a taurus and that explains So much.
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halopedia · 2 years
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Did You Know that the letters "MRL" can be seen on the boots of the MJOLNIR Mark V model in Halo: Combat Evolved?
This is a reference to Toy Story, where Andy's name is written on Woody's boot, and the initials belong to Marcus Lehto, art director on Combat Evolved.
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mariegolddoesthings · 7 months
Next up is the Jester as V! The first version of the design looked really bad...he just had a jacket that was too similar to The Sheriff's. So I decided to change things up a little by giving him an oversized polo. So here he is! This version of the Jester is more chill, but still silly.
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obscurushydrae · 4 months
Heads up: mentions and discussion of depression and suicide ahead. Read at your own discretion.
Since my personal timeline is a mix of GDT movie and comic canon (in the comics Bruttenholm died in 1994 before the Cavendish Hall Incident, in the GDT film he died in 2004 killed by Kroenen-- which is death I use), The events of the Blood & Iron animated series is inspired by the GDT film, it has to be before October-November 2004. As stated in my last post, I set it in 2003 meaning it was right before the events of the GDT film.
I'm breaking this down chronologically; as both the influences of Rasputin and Hecate run deep.
1993-1994: The Cavendish Hall Incident and the Start of Things to Come
In 1993, Professor Bruttenholm, the three Cavendish brothers, and Sven Olafson would travel to artic circle after the promising 1989 expedition to Greenland that recovered relics that were dated to be older than most known civilizations (and brought Kar into the Bureau fold). This expedition would lead them to waking up Rasputin (and Sadu-Hem). Rasputin would control hi and wipe the memory from the Professor's mind-- leaving him with amnesia for that period of a time.
It is with the return of the Professor in 1993 that the reoccurring nightmares of "The Man in Black" begin to a now 7-8 year old Kar. While she was prone to seizures (later learned to be literally her mind and body literally trying to tear apart). A seizure attack would usually follow these dreams, leading to an increase of medical research leading to no answers.
In 1994, after the Cavendish Hall Incident would be the last big nightmare/attack. At the insistence of Hellboy, she would later give a drawing of "Man"; a child's scribbled portrait of Rasputin. The drawing was left in the files; only really becoming significant a decade later.
A year later, Kar would be move to New York and be under the care of Frankie Aster and Ava Cohen, in an attempt to normalize and acclimatize her. The nightmares would be infrequent but the attacks would remain, requiring occasional medical check ins and medication.
2003: Trumbolt Mansion Incident: A Family Reunited
After her graduation in May, Kar was officially made a BPRD Agent at 18, and accepted into a graduate program at Oxford-- deferring the attendance for a gap year (that winds up being almost 2). It was assumed to be more of publicity/goodwill thing, there was no expectation of any danger, and was allowed to join her family in the investigation of the mansion in her first "official" mission. Needless to say it was more than that; and in the conflict she would be revealed to her mother's attention. While she would not actively meet her mother-- but her mother would recognize her. In her conflict will Hellboy, Hecate would leave a cryptic message: the lesser serpent, the tool of her vengeance is within their midst.
The cryptic message wasn't exactly taken very seriously, though a vetting of agents and background checks leads nowhere, but the term lesser serpent only leads to relics from the 1989 expedition. With updated technology, scans reveal more to the sarcophagus, revealing things beyond the chiseling.
The Lesser Serpent was in their midst-- newly minted agent Kar. When the new was shared it was the first domino in the chain leading to the events of 2005. Hellboy had more faith in her than she did-- he trusted she'd never willingly put the Bureau in danger. She feared she'd become a loose canon, an unwitting puppet. However, those fear were kept to herself. Needless to say this turned into a sort of functional depression; staying out late, partying a bit more than she did in college now no longer worried about needing to wake up for class-- quietly concerning her parents.
2004: The Death of Bruttenholm and Russian Expedition
The nightmares started getting frequent and stronger right before the time Sammael was unleashed. After the first real serious episode in years, it was recommended she return to the Bureau for observation. She recovered shortly in November, enough to briefly meet Myers and to return to normal life-- a night out with friends turning tragic as agents escort her back. The man she called aba was dead.
She was present at his funeral. Speaking to no one, not even her moms, not even Hellboy. Grief does weird things, paired with the paranoia seeded in the last year. Now the Man in Black was trying command her rise, to wake. Tired of the nightmares, tired of the looming destiny she didn't want, tired of the pain, tired of the episodes. It was with that, she made a final decision.
Here's where it gets sad. Frankie and Ava did care, did report her missing but at 19 (a few months shy of 20), with a history of disappearing in the night, she wasn't considered high priority and as an adult they couldn't do much. Her moms begged the Bureau, but Manning put the many of the few. Stopping Rasputin in Russia (and saving the world) was a priority over finding Kar. Manning offered a token couple of agents, and took a calculated risk in not informing the big 3 about it until after returning from Russia.
While her moms dealt with an unhelpful NYPD and BPRD, the rest of her family was flying off to Russia, Kar stood in the Brooklyn Bridge, staring at the dark ocean below. If she was lucky her body wouldn't be found for a few days, if at all, depending on a few factors-- assessing her own death with the coolness of a forensic investigator. If she was to end it all, at least for once, after a life filled with decisions made for her, her end would at least be made on her own terms.
That was until a man in a black suit appeared from nowhere, like death himself. Unbeknownst to her then, an agent of her mother's. If she had the gift of foresight; Kar would have taken the cold depths of the East River over his talking her down a ledge, his offer of false comfort and succor --at least her suffering would have ended quicker...
Early 2005: The Order of the Ebon Serpent
It wasn't a few days after returning that new was broken to Hellboy. She'd already missing for almost two weeks at his point. Needless to he was furious-- even if deep down he agreed it would have been a distraction. He could have least tried before departing for Russia. Even though he should be recovering, he was at Frankie and Ava's first thing, back on the beat scouring five boroughs for clues.
One lead took him to another and another until an obscure occult society found itself in his crossroads: The Order of the Ebon Serpent.
Kate, Hellboy, Liz, and Abe had all pieced it together. The Order of the Ebon Serpent, a cult dedicated to finding and recovering the lesser dragon, stolen away from Mother Hecate's embrace and sealed away by the priests of Anum. Rumors had it they've been holed up in the Upper East Side since the height of spiritualism swept the nation. It was the lesser dragon that caught their attention.
Mother and daughter was reunited again; Hecate was recovered from the Trumbolt mansion by Erasmus Black, the immortal head of the Order and devotee. It was not a gentle or pleasant reunion. A defiant, suicidal daughter, an imperious mother expecting the loyalty commanded-- and quite literally demanding her body. Kar did want to die, but the prospect of her mother parading around in her body was worse than death.
The Bureau raid on the townhouse had disrupted the ritual, freeing Kar right in the nick of time. Hecate was destroyed a final, and with the bulk of her power gone, would spend her time now as limited, weaker form. (Leading to the events of Darkness Calls/Wild Hunt and the vacuum Nimue takes advantage of) Through this, the dragon and chthonic side were reconciled; Kar would no longer have seizure episodes at this point. The Bureau keeps her for a few month to recover, the events of the last year or so putting a toll on her mental health. It is soon after being deemed "stabilized", she was sent sent to the UK to start her studies without any notice given save her mothers. After a harrowing few weeks she acclimated.
2006: The Deal
When Bromhead sealed Hecate away, she had enough power left to meet her daughter in dreams. At first Kar was severely defensive, but the boogeymonster that haunted her life was a weakened and pitiful spirit by now. Kar had been deep in her studies at Oxford while the war between the witches waged under nose, unaware of the throne she was expected to inherit. A deal was brokered; another would take the role of Witch-Queen, but Kar would assume her mother's duties and obligation to the underworld-- only and only when Kar died.
Satisfied, Hecate would retreat to the shadows once again.
2017: The Lesser Dragon and the Dawn of the New World:
Kar had finally revealed her true Hem form only once-- her rage at the Black Flame triggering the final hold on herself in 2015. And yet against Rasputin in the final conflict she remained as herself. Taking the Monk's life as well as her own, using a ritual that bound him to her, the bargain with her mother would fall into action. The Man in Black would haunt her dreams no longer.
She would appear, once last time, in her iron maiden form to confirm the bargain, while not fully reconciled, their meeting is not hostile. One might consider it cold and business like. It is with Hellboy's blood and the sacrifice of the stone hand that would finally end the chain of events and bring about a new word, the rest of the Ogdru Hem sealed with their Jahad parent. Hecate, in her iron maiden form, would be the catalyst.
With the "birth" of the new world, an her successor chosen, what's left of Hecate's sprits retires to the depths of Tartarus, by her own volition-- her time is gone. It is her daughter's time now.
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vvarvvon · 24 days
!! jakke cortes & OPEN (mutuals & non; children of hecate) !!
being made of mist, created to always know where those of the divine world were, jakke was always aware of those around him. of their auras, their emotions, their temperaments ("their vibes," as his younger brother would say; benes needed less screentime, in jakke's opinion).
point being—it was not often jakke was caught off-guard.
a sibling stepped foot into his store. but not one he would have expected—three sets of small feet, followed closely by two heavier sets. the one who crossed his threshold was also of the gods. one of his creator's children.
how odd. most of the hecateans he was close with had been slaughtered, killed by their fellow demigods passed three years ago.
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"why are you here?" he had moved on. been moving on for the past three years. (trying to, at least. it's hard to move on when every time he closed his eyes he saw those he failed, those he slew.) closer stores existed if they had needed supplies; he wasn't one to entertain social calls.
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symptoms-syndrome · 27 days
These past few days I've been feeling this like. Crushing sense of loneliness and I'm not really sure why. I've been spending time with friends more than usual lately, I feel loved and cared for by them. But as soon as I'm alone I can't stand it. I've been asking my roommates to hang out in the same room as me (we don't necessarily do anything together, but parallel play helps) but obvi they need their alone time sometimes.
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minusgangtime · 1 month
(What is a cousin shatterspace? It's a shatterspace that's similar or almost (not always) related to another shatterspace- They don't have to be the same mod or AU, just be creative ^^ 👍)
(They can be opposites, like Chill-Sides and Flare-Sides with seasons and Red-tinted and Blue Remixed with colors or close to being similar in concept like New Yoke City and Reign of Sombra or anything! :3)
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sunbedo · 4 months
Hey guys. gay rights
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#i already made the sonic one a while bc yknow. kinnie stuff youve all seen my blog theme#but then i was wearing my Fearless Year of Shadow(tm) shirt along with it and my irl bff was like.#'why are you wearing a sonic bracelet with that shirt if you love shadow so much 🤨' *#(he doesnt know much about sth stuff but ive infodumped abt shadow and his backstory to him many times)#and i was like 😭😭 BECAUSE I DONT HAVW A SHADOW KANDI BUT I WANNA MAKE ONE. I WILL SOON#so. now i do!! taking my ad/derall on the weekends always make me want to make more kandi. its great!#and yknow what else it makes me want to do...... talk more on here >:3333#me and my dad are gonna go to a local jazz festival this afternoon bc our jazz combo is playing at it!!#itll be fun. my dad said hes gonna get some food from this really good breakfast place on the way thwre#which is not the best part. the best part is outside the shop there is a wonderful kitty cat who hangs around the parking lot#bc hes owned by the ppl who own the bar right next door#its so great. everybody knows him (the cat) and loves him. the v/ape shop next door has a tip door set up for him even though the#bar owner ppl take care of him and take him to the vet nd stuff. my dad found a faceb/ook page somebody made for him#and apparently it just has pictures of ppl at the bar holding him. its so great and hilarious. this cat is so loved#by the v/ape shop people. by random people at this beachtown bar. by the breakfast shop people.#anyways uh. this post was abkut kandi wasnt it 😭😭😭 lol#cherry chortles#anyways the add/er/all also usually makes me want to look at and sort through my pkmn card collection. so imma do that#because my dads friend (and my friend too i guess! me and him exchange cat photos bc he has this adorable chunky cat named gremlin) that we#play bar trivia with on tuesdays (dw its not really even a bar. its mostly a restaurant) asked me abt my pokemon card collection#bc the final question was to put a few franchises (it was like. dora the ecplora and spide/rman etc. and pokemon) in order of revenue#and obvs pokemon was the top. bc of factors like the trading cards so thats how that came up#we didnt bet any of our points btw but we almost! got it right! the order was pk/mn dora spidamen friends (the tv seies) but we had spidman#as second. but we still won!! our team is on a two game winning streak!!! we always split the money so next week ill get another 8 dolla >:3#wow i havent hit tag limit yert#lol. yall'll open the 'see all tags' thing and boom. do you love the color of the sky type shit 😭😭😭#sorry that sounds too much like aave. i (white baby) cant be sayin that#cherrys kandi#okay well i had a tag with a verse from the ultimarw showdown bc i didnt know what else to say#but with my kandi tag and these two tags i have hit tag limit. thank you folks ill be here all night
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 4 months
So, Idia makes an explanation video. Does he make an explanation video for anything. In any AU that allows him to have some semblance of technology?
:0c gud question.
And I assume this is mainly chapter 7 spoilers(jp side, since en also got a new piece) so imma put a smol read more. :'3
From what I gathered around, Idia did make an explanation video. Does that mean he made the STIX introductory video? Or maybe that was his father, who later taught Idia how to do it too. (kinda like sum papa-son bonding :3)
You may correct me, if I'm wrong, but I believe Idia made his dream a safe space from the blots, until Silver & Co. Came up. And by the rule of the thumb, Dreams have different time-lines. Maybe for our group it took days in Lilia's dream, maybe for Idia it was a few minutes while trying to make the video, maybe it was a few hours, as suggested by the reality plane, where Ortho tried to deck Malleus. :v
So, by definition, we don't really know HOW much time it took Idia to get this. Most likely our group stumbled in just after Idia finished the last touches.
Anyhow, with the aus, definitely Idia would make an explanation video is 2 conditions are met:
1. There's no secret identity/danger situation/hurry.
2. Idia has access to his tech.
The best example in here is the NRSSAB, where Idia makes content revolving around doll repaints. It is a staple of his that he's soft spoken in there and manages to explain pretty in depth. He also makes other kind of explanation videos, but that is smth that the avid visitors of this blog didn't yet find out. ;3
The Demon/Angel magical girl au and the genshin au are, probably, the only 2 exceptions and I'll get as to why:
In the first one (it's a oneshot, mainly revolving around Ace and Riddle), Idia is a reaper. A magical girl whose powers were coming from within, thus he's responsible to handle more delicate missions. Ortho, post his death, is an angel, who tries to get used to this. And while Idia had both the time and tools necessary to make videos abt this + experience from working with angels and their guardians, to help his little brother understand, he has a more practical approach to things. A more warm approach if you will, as a way to help his brother cope with all these drastic changes in nature.
As for the double Genshin Isekai au, in here it revolves around the movie event genshin hosted once. As Fontaine is revolving around steam-punk-ish tech, no doubt they would have vintage movies(Think of the Charlie Chaplin, or if you want sound & color, the ones after the 18th century). But the production is hefty and it takes a lot of time and effort. In here, Idia loves machines and likes to dissect those suckers as a past time. Because, when he was little, he dismembered a perfectly working guard robot, Neuvilette introduced him to the movie camera, per condition that Idia cannot dismember it. The camera opened on the side and it showed all the mechanisms, thus Idia didn't need to actively take it apart. So he took a liking to it and how movies are made. Hence why his burst attack is revolved around the movie setting. And since going to NRC for school(post the oneshot), Idia joined the board game club, too anxious about going in the film appreciation club, but sometimes Furina insists for he 'little brother' to film certain shots. Ortho, as a fellow movie club member, absolutely feeds into the fire. (your honor, they are besties U-Ub)
Basically he doesn't make simple videos in here, but helps in making full blown movies. :v
Yes, Furina absolutely is the main actress in Idia's movies. Big sister privileges, am I right? U-U9
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