#v cool naruto an v good writer
h-doodles · 1 year
hi, can I ask for your top ten favorite fics ? :)
Hi anon hiiiiiiii welcome!!! u caught me at a good time, ur soooo lucky bc i just glanced at my notifs and saw this ask get sent <3 KDBDKDKK its been literal years since i checked my ask box 👉🏻👈🏻
BUT ANYWAY! top 10 of all time???? be warned that while i am currently enchanted with ONE (1) 6 ft 3 in actress, I still do consider myself a girlie with varied tastes so. my old & other fandoms are mixed in my current list!
without further ado:
#10: knowledge for knowledge's sake by tigriswolf (ao3) || quite an old piece detailing how a change in the personality of one Hermione Granger could have had a massive impact to the story— and while I don't fuck with JKTerfling, the fics I've read from the old fans in the HP fandom are still honestly, some of the BEST I have EVER read. This one in particular irrevocably changed me as a teen, and is one story that I continue to draw inspiration upon when I create dark!AUs for my SI/OCs.
#9: Zutopia by itslivybear (ao3) || the fluff, the worldbuilding, an AU where Izuku is mentored by our beloved Rat God & together, they fix the world problems? GIRLIES catch me forever LOVING this concept like you could NEVER believe <3
#8: (not so) Bad Idea by @sarahpaulsonsoftie (tumblr post) || HEE HEE ITS LIVING IN MY MIND RENT FREE LIKE HELP THESE BITCHES GAY!!!!!! GOOD FOR THEM!!!!!!! ft a meddling plantita who really mothered; Marilyn Thornhill <3
#7: Hold my Soul by connyhascontrol (ao3) || I got into Trixie/Katya completely by one @montaguehphm introducing me to UNHhhh (HIIIIIII bestie I hope everything is going good and that ur gay keeps slay <3) and I haven't recovered ever since— reading the fics by writers on AO3 was a happy little accident, but one i will FOREVER love, nonetheless. Anyway, this particular fic was SO brilliantly original and YET so entrenched in the personalities between T&K that it ABSOLUTELY just wrecks me everytime I reread it. anyways hi @connyhascontrol pls know ur brilliant <3
#6: I think I'm gonna call him out by hellelf (ao3, users only) || again, another AU for Hermione fic, that's chockfull of world building and interesting relationships! It's been unupdated from its 5 chapters since 2021, but I still LOVE to look back at it from time to time 💖
#5: The Confectionary Chronicles series by cheshire_caroll (ao3); Into the Black series by angelholme (ao3); Hermione Granger & the Serpent's Renaissance series by epsi1on (ao3) AND New Blood by artemisgirl (ff.net) || if it's not evident, i am an absolute slut for fics ft. Hermione being badass & put into a v cool plot w/ insane amounts of world building, so yeah, def a top 5 most contender <3
#4: The Infinitely Curious Woman by chararii (ao3) || literally ALL of their fics are absolute bangers, and while I forever mourn their decision to stop all Naruto fics thanks to the great harddrive incident of 2022, I have nonetheless the GREATEST respect to their skill & talent to bring SUCH LIFE to their stories. In particular, I chose this particular fic of theirs because the premise of Sakura making her own way by shedding off her morality the more she learned & got influenced by her 2 greatest teachers was absolutely nothing short of DIVINE. It was and IS such an inspiration to read, reread & explore, and I will forever love @chararii for this brilliant piece of a fic
#3: The Endgame that never was series by @heleneplays aka me (tumblr masterlist) || ok I know this seems self-absorbed but DEAR MOTHER OF CHRISTIE i literally WENT OFF for a whole ass day and a half going feral for the Relics of the Lost Age series book 3 finale (hi @jamesshawgames pls know im still here and STILL simping even tho i am currently having a brainrot for a different thing on main sjdhdkdk i hope ur doing well dearest mr. chief author sir!!!!) and created this series from my dreams + nonstop ben&ben playlist— and honestly, I think it's VERY sexy of me <3 bc I rarely like things that I do after a while, but THIS— alongside Universal Constant (ao3) are truly my BEST work <3
#2: Across the Stars by nomisunrider (ao3) || I CAN NEVER STRESS THIS ENOUGH, HOW MUCH THIS FIC ALTERED MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY LIKE. its been 4 YEARS since it was completed but HOLY. MOTHERFUCKING. GOD. The story between Michael & Philippa persisting beyond the odds, in a twist of the canon happenings in Star Trek: Discovery is FOREVER ingrained in my heart and soul and honestly once again THANK YOU @nomi--sunrider for SUCH a beautiful story 🥺🥺🥺
and drum roll please!!!
#1 (current): I literally cannot pick between Better than Gold + Little Cat by @lady-dimimi / @azu-zu (tumblr post for BtG | LC ao3); How to woo a Hot Principal by @softshrimpy (ao3); and Lipstick Stains by @weemssapphic (ao3) || LIKE HOLY SHIT THE FUCKING AMOUNT OF TALENT, PLOT, FLUFF, DRAMA AND UTTER GAYNESS THESE FICS BRING ME— its SOOOOO insanity inducing in the best of ways <3 also, i really count myself lucky to get into a very active (x reader) sphere LIKE ITS SOOOOO INSANE i get to consume CONTENT daily for such wonderful characters and these special morsels be like. authors, I am sending you all a MWAH from me
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Comics this week?
Action Comics #1054 - Loved Superman going all Naruto with a susanno, loved how PKJ portrayed Supes in line with both the original Golden Age attitude (he calls Metallo a bully and takes him down a peg) and the softer modern incarnation (he offers to help Metallo save his sister). Reads just like Morrison Superman does. My one complaint is that we're still falling back on Metallo spamming kryptonite. All the upgrades he got from Warworld tech, and he's resorting to that yet again? Disappointing. Metallo isn't a total jobber, he's crippled Kara, beaten Conner and Jon, kidnapped the Super-Twins, built an army, he's kicking ass and is dangerous... except he can't even seem to scratch Clark himself. Henshaw calling Metallo a loser does seem to be true. I have a notion where this is going, I think Tracy is either going to die or be revealed as the leader of the Blue Earth group, and Metallo will join that movement to get revenge on Superman for her death, or to work for her because she's the only thing he cares about anymore. If Metallo gets to kill Henshaw and PKJ sets him up to return down the road for another big arc where he finally kicks Clark's ass, that's good enough for me. Otherwise, much as I've enjoyed this, I can't say PKJ has succeeded with Metallo the way he did with Mongul. He did however make me realize the one big Superman trait Metallo contrasts with that I'll write about at the end of this arc.
Green Arrow #1 - Never been a huge Green Arrow fan, an odd thing to say considering I read his entire Rebirth run start to finish, but I enjoyed Williamson's Superman so much I decided to give this a shot. Cry For Justice was actually one of the earliest stories I read because my library had a trade of it. Insane that this is where we finally get a reunion between Roy and Lian. Otherwise I thought it was fine, not sure about the cosmic aspect of things, but I intend to read the first arc at least.
Unstoppable Doom Patrol #2 - Doing a piss take on the Krakoa Era X-Men right as I've become bored with them post-Hickman is just what I needed. Cackled at the data page jab, and also Culver lampooning how stupid it is for every magic group to just slap "Dark" on their title (knock it off Johns). Robotman launching Worm into orbit to prevent him from blowing up the Shelter was hilariously fucked up, should hopefully assuage the people afraid this would just be a knock-off X-Book. That's pure Doom Patrol right there, even more so with the reveal that Velvet is the true double agent. Peacemaker is a bastard and a great villain for the Doom Patrol, Culver has me fully on board with the Suicide Squad being the true antithesis to the Doom Patrol. Loved Burnham's depiction of the Shelter, FINALLY some cool superhero bases again! I missed that
Detective Comics #1071 - Interesting experience reading PKJ Action and Ram Detective at the same time, because they are both aiming for long epic runs that redefine their respective franchises. Action works better for me because it never loses sight of Superman being at the center, whereas here we get an issue full of lore dumping with Batman barely featuring. At this point I'm losing track of all of these new characters and the MacGuffins they're squabbling over, plus yet another retelling of Ra's early days. V's best work has been with Two-Face and Mr. Freeze, these Orghams are rather dull and derivative of other would-be usurpers, and I don't care about them anymore.
The Riddler: Year One #4 - How? How is this so good? How is a movie tie-in written by an actor who has never written a comic before running laps around experienced writers?
Blue Beetle: Graduation Day #6 - Surprisingly strong ending. Probably the best bridge between the original Giffen run and what the movie is changing. Looking forward to the ongoing now.
Sins of Sinister: Dominion #1 - Think I'm as sick of Sinister as the X-Men themselves are. Moira attempting to reclaim control of the narrative was nice, now how about we actually DO that by making her more than a mustache twirler? Unless the solicits are lying, Emma, Hope, Exodus, and Charles going into the Pit is going to be undone quick, but perhaps at the cost of resurrections. I give this event a 7/10, a huge step down from Judgement Day.
Invincible Iron Man #5 - Think I'm out, Fei Long and Tony's rivalry is stupid. Long just picks a fight with Stark for no real reason other than "I want a rival!" and while there's some justification beyond that, it's bound up in the Avengers not claiming Mars while the X-Men did. If this was Long wanting Stark's company to help Orchis, and Tony thwarting him being what kicks off their personal enmity, then it would be better. Instead Duggan tries to jump right into making things personal, but the crux of their fight having roots in another franchise undermines the whole endeavor.
Hulk #14 - Terrible ending but I expected nothing less. Had a chuckle at how heavy handed the letter from Samson was, might as well have been Ottley going "yeah sorry this run didn't go the way we wanted with Cates bailing, here's Bruce reset back to status quo, good luck to the next creative team!"
Doctor Strange #2 - Honestly I preferred Clea as the solo lead. The book is fine but it's not gripping me the way I want. I'll give it until issue 6 to pick up.
W0rldtr33 #1 - It's great, Tynion doing another horror book how could it not be? Jesus Christ though, somehow this is hitting even harder for me than the Department of Truth did. Internet as a demonic entity could come across as corny, but damn if Tynion doesn't make it terrifying.
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26 Reasons why Qrow is not Ruby’s father and why Taiyang is Ruby’s father
In response to the toxic aspect of the fandom attacking CRWBY and demanding that their desires for Qrow be chosen over canon, or how they feel their theory is more valid than the show itself? I have researched RWBY to make this 26-point Discussion as to why Canon is valid, and fancanon is not when it comes to Qrow Branwen, Ruby Rose, Taiyang Xiao Long, and Summer Rose.
 1.       “Monty said NO”    Most obviously. Monty Oum.
   He said in this tweet that ruby and yang are half-sisters…half-sisters,  which means they share the same mom or dad…in this case Taiyang….
Now people have claimed “he obviously meant step-sisters or cousins” Why is it that every time we show the English dictionary to you people or ask you to read it, that you claim you are being attacked or that you claim Monty was misleading us?
 2.       The writers said NO
   Miles Luna debunked this theory on Reddit…
   He pointed out that Ruby sees Qrow as a Role model, so she adapts her colors to be similar to his.
   And you don’t need somebody to be blood to be your role model.
 3. “Rooster Teeth said NO” Rooster Teeth even said that Qrow is "Ruby and Yang's Uncle" They also said “Ladies, he’s not your man”
 4.  “But what if Summer had feelings for Qrow? Why does Qrow Serve Ozpin?” Qrow said in Volume 6 " No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good... " So he was saying he wasn't wanted, so no relationship with Summer. SUMMER DID NOT WANT HIM. And he was literally saying he served Ozpin because Ozpin gave him purpose. It’s pretty sad how people think Qrow can only be a complex character if he obsesses over another person’s wife and child. What , you wanna make him Severus Snape, the Lilly Potter stalker who insulted a girl’s face and tried to poison a boy’s pet and publicly outed a teacher?
5, "But Qrow could be lying" Except in volume 6 Qrow literally said "Don't lie...we're better than that"
And in volume 7?
" Long time ago. I just found working alone tends to be for the best "
" Gotta say, I’m still not really used to working with other Huntsmen in the field. "
And finally World Of Remnant on Patch.
" Nice place to raise a family, if you're into that sort of thing. "
  6.  “Qrow fans claim that Ruby and Summer form a core part of Qrow’s character and backstory.” WRONG! The main accusation for demanding Rooster Teeth / CRWBY change the backstory for Qrow would accomplish nothing.
Raven already pushed Yang onto Taiyang to raise on his own.
Qrow forcing Tai to Raise Ruby alongside Yang while Qrow could regularly visit, and while Summer lived with Taiyang, Yang, and Ruby?
It would cheapen Qrow’s character….blood isn’t everything.  Neither are cliches.
 7. “But what if Qrow gave Ruby to Tai to raise after Summer’s death?” Volume Chapter 6, Burning the Candle.
Yang tells Blake that she (yang) and Ruby were raised together by Summer and Taiyang…not by Taiyang on his own, but by Summer and Taiyang.
Yang clearly had memories of being raised by Summer and Tai both,  which meant that Summer and Taiyang lived together raising Ruby and Yang for Several Years.
  8. “Does Taiyang care about Summer or Ruby?” Taiyang was noted to have shut down when Summer didn’t come back…. Yang noted this in Volume 2 Chapter 6, and Ruby mentioned in the first episode of Volume 3 that Taiyang missed Summer. Qrow also said that Ruby is Taiyang’s “Special Angel”…. Ruby has also pointed out numerous times that Taiyang is Overprotective of Ruby. In fact, Ruby's conversation with Penny about overprotective fathers.
 9. “Qrow knows Taiyang is Ruby’s Father. Taiyang knows Ruby is Taiyang’s daughter. Qrow has referred to Taiyang as Ruby’s father during volume 3 and 7. Taiyang referred to Ruby as his daughter in volume 3.
 10. “Why didn’t Taiyang train Ruby in Martial Arts?” Taiyang is a martial arts fighter.   Ruby has neither the build nor the personality for ruthless hand to hand combat like her sister… Taiyang would trust Qrow, despite his semblance.   Remember how bad Ruby was in v5?
 11. “Qrow’s semblance is not what his fans exaggerate it to be”
Speaking of Qrow’s semblance? He was playing video games with his nieces,   taught at Signal Academy,   and could train Ruby… Clearly,  his semblance is not what theorists make it out to be.
 12. “Why doesn’t Qrow treat Yang the same way he treats Ruby?”
Yang is the daughter of Qrow’s sister,who abandoned the team.
During a one on one interaction between Qrow and Yang after yang vs mercury, Qrow called his own niece crazy, after she had been framed.
Qrow was not empathetic to Yang.
Qrow may not like Yang’s resemblance to Raven.
Ruby is the daughter of his two closest friends, so of course he’d prefer Ruby over Yang.
 13.  “Examples of Taiyang caring for Ruby.”
Volume 2 Ruby was excited when Taiyang sent a package in the mail, not even knowing it was Zwei.
Taiyang was at Ruby’s bedside in V3, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
He also tried to bring her breakfast in bed.
Taiyang said he wanted to chase after Ruby, but had to nurse Yang back to health.
During the V8 broadcast, Taiyang was upset when the broadcast was cut.
 14. “Genetics research”
Black hair is the subtype of the pigment for blonde hair…
Also, Ruby’s got the same hair strand that Yang and Taiyang have.
Finally, black hair is more dominant.
So Ruby doesn’t need blonde hair to be Taiyang’s kid.
 15. “The STRQ Photo”
The photo....Qrow was with STRQ for four years...do you really think Qrow is not allowed to cry on the photo unless he was romantically involved? Can't a man grieve over the death of a female friend that he was NOT in a relationship with? Or are men not allowed to have female friends? Ichigo and Rukia from Bleach for example...friendship. They were his friends, his family. People seem obsessed with the idea that Qrow cannot care about a woman unless he was romantically involved or unless he's their bastard father.
 16. “Men and Women…as friends, platonic” Harry Potter as a book showed that a boy and a girl can interact and still be friends…
Why can’t Qrow be Summer’s friend?
Why does he have to be her lover?
We’ve seen Qrow talk about Innkeeper’s skirt lengths and leer at Barmaids who flirted with him.
Also, he’s shown to be bonding with both Clover and Robyn.
People act like he doesn't flirt with anyone , and yet he does.
 17. “Bad Luck Charm” Qrow has spent his whole life with his semblance, named after a Crow.
Raised by the Branwen bandit tribe.
“You and I are not the same, you don’t want the burden of my name” Both Branwen and Qrow are names that Qrow hates due to his semblance and past…
People may think of him as cool, but Qrow suffers from self-loathing.
So NO, the Bad Luck Charm song does NOT in fact allude to Qrow being Ruby’s father, but that Qrow hates himself, hence a major part of why he’s alcoholic.
Proof of which is his volume 6 exchange with Ozpin about being useful, which Qrow disagrees with, leading him to drink further. Yang literally said that she had never seen qrow so drunk before in v6.
And Ruby encourages his self-worth leading him to try giving up alcohol….
His alcoholism is tied to low-self-esteem, not relationships.
 18. Manga Anthology
Taiyang was shown in the Manga Anthology to have shut down upon Summer’s Death. That impacted his relationship with Ruby and Yang. Qrow? Is relatively unaffected. The good Uncle helping around the house. Taiyang haters and Qrow stans took this to demand that Qrow is entitled to Ruby, despite Taiyang recovering and doing his best to be a father. Anything Qrow does is worshipped like Mother Teresa, while anything Taiyang does, good or bad, is downplayed and smashed. Taiyang loved Summer so much he was devastated by her death. Qrow was unaffected. Think about that.
 19. “I like Brats” Why does Qrow spend time with kids he’s not related to? Because he likes kids. You know how there are adults who enjoy being around brats? That’s Qrow. He didn’t have romantic feelings for Summer, he liked being around her because she was like a kid. Similar to how Blake likes Ruby’s idealism? And trusts her leadership?
 20.  “Taiyang the 2-timer accusation”
A woman on youtube claimed that Taiyang was a 2-timer who cheated on raven with summer, as there was, in her and her friends’ minds, “no way that taiyang could be with half his team” When asked about TaiQrow as a joke, she was angered that people even ship TaiQrow.
But let me ask you this. Are you the same person you are now that you were 10 years ago? People claim that Qrow was somehow cool in beacon…because he’s cool now. But Taiyang, who raises two kids, and holds a job and a house…cannot be ruby’s father…because he’s not cool? And that somehow he was never cool? I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had to be cool to be a parent. I also had no idea people were only allowed to be in one relationship per lifetime. Raven freaking abandoned Tai for the tribe. Summer chose Taiyang over Qrow. People literally make Qrow out to be either an OC in a shipping fanfic, or a Naruto fanfic where Naruto is written to be fawned over by a girl whose canonical spouse, boyfriend, or male friend is somehow rewritten as evil.
1 year…..in 1 year since Raven abandoned Taiyang and Yang, Summer Rose the friend of Taiyang’s who he had known for 4 years, became more than a friend.
So no….Taiyang is not a two-timer…he moved on from Raven.
 22. “Why can’t Taiyang talk about Summer?” To WHO? He’s barely got 15 minutes of screentime, and the writers did NOT do him any favors when they had Qrow demand he leave so Qrow could tell Ruby a secret Ozpin trusted him with, before telling Ruby to run away from home leaving only a freaking note. Terrible daughter. Even Yang was prepared to do the same! To a man whose first wife abandoned him! At least Weiss has a legit reason for acting as she does against Jacques, several at least. Ruby? No. Now why would Taiyang talk about Summer’s fighting style to Yang when trying to get her to stop acting like Raven in her fighting style and semblance? Sure if there was more time…but RT at the end of the day isn’t some money-hungry political entity, it’s a startup at the end of the day, they don’t have the ability to do a full anime episode. Also, Taiyang cannot go out on these active missions…he was a schoolteacher who did not do missions until only recently…he was retired, remember.
 23. “These fanworks make more sense to me”
Qrow fans have tried using fanworks to justify their theory or ship, the same way Blacksun fans or Adam apologists make similar claims, and even Raven fans try to claim Raven is somehow a good mother. What do these fanworks do? Hate on Taiyang. Dismiss Ruby and Yang being half-blood siblings. Ignore multiple elements of the show or scenes. Occasionally shit-talk the writers.
Every time somebody tries to make a “rwby rewrite” or “rwby alt” or “Qrow is ruby’s father au” they cannot do it without completely rewriting the characters in so many forms and even the show, till Qrow, Raven, Taiyang, and Summer are NOTHING like they are in the show…And ONLY how a shipper wants qrow to be.
Or rewriting qrow to be nothing like he is in the show.
Most Alt or Rewrite consists of making Taiyang abusive, a cheater, or refusing to allow him to interact with Summer, while regularly pushing qrowxsummer at each other.
So no…it’s not that it makes sense to them through some fanart….a headcanon that has been debunked is no longer headcanon. A theory that is shut down is no longer a theory. There’s a reason anti-vaxxers and flat-earthers still exist. Because to them, their theories make more sense than reality. Which is why people still believe Qrow is Ruby’s father the same way people believe vaccines cause autism. Neither are true, and no amount of facts will shut them down, but they’re both popular theories.
 24. “Qrow Rings and Cross”
People claim that Qrow was married to Summer or that his cross represents him mourning Summer. Did the STRQ photo, in v3, the same volume as his appearance, not show Qrow with his rings, his cross, and angrily scowling, while Summer was right next to Taiyang?
 25. “What about Summer Rose’s choice?”
Remember how I said making Qrow’s character based on solely Ruby and Summer, ignoring everything regarding the tribe and ozpin giving him hope, and the grimm reaper…was bad writing? There’s a reason people hated v5. Raven was proven to be the deadbeat, Qrow was shown to have friends, and that Taiyang knew about Salem, and of course it was confirmed that Yang and Ruby again were sisters by Raven.
Now how about Summer? Team leader….took a man and a daughter who were abandoned by her friend…and made them her own. Yang calls Summer Rose “Supermom” and “Her Hero”…was literally willing to storm a bandit camp so Raven could use her portal to take Yang to Qrow, so she could get to Ruby. And yeah, I know the RWBY critics scream “why didn’t Yang just look for Ruby in Mistral?” It’s a bloody kingdom, and Yang was pursuing a lead, that Tai had given her, and Qrow told Yang he’d look after her sister. Remember that? Oh wait, RWBY Critics forget, my bad. Anyway, she’s more of a sister to Qrow than his blood sister Raven, she’s more of a mother to Yang than Raven, and she’s more of a spouse to Tai than Raven. Good Stepmother. Non-married couple. Relationship built on trust. Blood is not the same as family. (Example Weiss’s remark to her father) (Or Dom Toretto)
So making Summer into a throw-away character who dies so that a brooding jerk of an alcoholic can claim character development? Making a woman nothing except a throw-away for a man to get development is BAD WRITING. For God’s Sakes, even Pyrrha was written better than that! She interacted with team rwby, nora was always helping her out, and so was Ren (though those shakes are a crime against humanity” But when Qrow fans try to demand he’s ruby’s father? Their fanworks make Summer as much of a flat character as Preston Harvey from Fallout 4, where they make Summer unable to do anything but be obsessed with Qrow and having his child, similar to how Preston cannot think of anything other than “Another settlement needs your help, I’ll mark it on your pip-boy”
 26. Finally, the accusations that CRWBY are lying.
“You have to be ****** if you believe CRWBY when they say Qrow isn’t Ruby’s father” “CRWBY is lying, it’s what writers do” “It’s okay for writers to lie, it’s good for plot” “I’d prefer it if CRWBY was lying to us” “Monty is dead, the writers should change it now” “Monty is dead, nothing else in the writing matters” “Monty was hiding the truth from us” “CRWBY is hiding the truth about Qrow being Ruby’s father” “It makes sense for CRWBY to lie to us” Look at this…Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit, instagram…. The first quote? Was a woman who was using an anti-autism anti-disability slur defending the theory. Never have I ever seen people so obsessed with a  theory that they would deny reality and be rude to the very writers and original creator. But the QrowxSummer and Qrow is Ruby’s Father fandom group has made countless cases of this. THIS is how they defend their theory? And people upvote, like and support these remarks? SHAME SHAME SHAME
I get how people desire qrow to be Ruby’s father for ships or fanfics.
Even to where they make Taiyang a hated character just for the sake of making sure nobody disagrees with them.
But the attacking of RWBY and CRWBY, claiming that “this needs to be fixed”, or getting angry at RT for not giving you the non-canon ship you want? Claiming that just because you want it to be so, that somehow your ship/theory has “validity?”
That reflects poorly on the fandom and critics.
But then again…. It’s easy to ignore what’s real and what’s a fact that when theorists and ship-pushers and CRWBY Haters on youtube tells you to stop listening to monty and the writers, and instead believe whatever you want and claim whatever you want, Because surely you know what’s better for the show than the people who worked on it, right? Ha ha ha, no. THAT is the ULTIMATE disrespect somebody calling themselves a fan could ever give. And if you think or agree with that type of logic, you should look in the mirror.
I looked for backup sources to defend CRWBY and RWBY, you’ll find them below.
Backup sources include:
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skippygiraffee · 3 years
Writing Tag Game
thank you @merylisk for tagging me ;-; I don't think I've done one before and I'm excited to!!!
How many works do you have on AO3? 26, currently!! 21 of which are Cyberpunk 2077 and then a few more dotted through :3
What’s your total AO3 word count? 574,843, which is. oohhhh buddy sdkfjoeijrsdfoiejrsfd. I think Johnny took over my brain, and this is not a joke
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? And All That Could Have - 1274
Paracusia - 396
Phantom Limb - 377
Ego Death (the elusive Vik fic) - 372
One Last Gig - 333
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I do!! for most of my Cyberpunk fics, I've responded to every comment, but that started in the middle of my first slow burn, and I was happy that I started!!! there are some real sweet readers in the fandom!!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hm...I don't think any of mine have ended angsty, honestly. sad, sure. but I'm unsure if that qualifies as angst? but if it does it's Me & My Dog and Sacrifice
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? Do You Dream of Me? for the emotional pay off after literally just. bringing the pain full on Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the strangest one you’ve written? nope!! not really my thing :3 Have you ever received hate on a fic? yeah, if you count troll comments. but past that, nah. and even then I wouldn't count the trolls, since it was across the board for fic writers in the fandom at the time Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I'm laughing at this because I just. the answer is yes, all the time, all day every day (literally, I just don't publish all of it, or even like. 1/3 I think? they're my warm ups). the kind is also just, yes. there are a few things I won't touch, but generally I feel like I've written most smut options somewhere
Have you ever had a fic stolen? that I'm aware of, no!! so that's nice :3 Have you ever had a fic translated? no, I was offered to have one translated, but I didn't know about all that and declined, but I think now that I'm more familiar with the fandom I'm open to it :3 Have you ever co-written a fic before? yeah!! Must Stop was a collab, and it was pretty fun to do!! there's another in the works, I just need to have it finished on my part, but health things are preventing me from buckling down and getting it done fast, but it's about half way there!! What’s your all-time favorite ship? oh, it's Johnny and V sdlkfeoirjsdflkoierjsf. but previously I did reader insert fanfics, so not really a ship, and too they were mostly my OCs disguised as Y/N What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? just a secret WIP that will never be finished and was dropped like a hot potato once I refined the idea. I have a few WIPs and I will be finishing them. I serve bullshit, and bullshit only, and I make good on that What are your writing strengths? from what I've been told it's keeping people in character and pacing. I will trust my darling love Rarby (@beammeupbroadway) because she reads my shit and tells me, and I really do trust her with that assessment!! oh and ripping out hearts like a pro I suppose, though that's from the comments threatening me (affectionately) for putting the characters through hell
What are your writing weaknesses? if I had to pick it would recycling plot beats. and I think too my ideas stay within the realm of bland, and tend to be pretty predictable. but I like sticking with that framework for the moment, and will venture out soonish, I know that :3c What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? only if I know the sayings myself and can do the translations personally. so, only Spanish, and even then. I tend to. avoid. unless it's small words (and when I write Jackie I can literally rip from game dialogue, so that helps) What was the first fandom you wrote for? SDFJFLKEOIJSFD FUCKING NARUTO ON FF.NET BABY!!! watched one season, but 12 year old me was like "all the cool kids are doing this!!" willingly, and for something I actively participated in? Kingdom Hearts. all those fics are lost to time
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? One Last Gig, by far. it just was so much fun, I'm writing the sequel, No Exit, because I love it dearly. and I love this version of V and Johnny. that V is my rat baby (even though my original V is still my lady love) and that Johnny is just aging like a fine wine again, thank you for tagging me <3 this was fun, and I was so soft seeing I was tagged along with some of the best authors in the fandom!!! ;-; tagging: I think anyone who sees this and writes fics should do it!!! and only if my lovely Rarby wants to she can!!
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luckyricochet · 3 years
I want you to answer A-Z on the fandom asks so I can peer into your psyche 👀
Wow I love you. This actually took around three hours since I wanted to think about the answers. See them under the cut!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
From Hanyou no Yashahime — Sesshomaru and Rin
From The Mandalorian — The Mandomera’s been creeping up a little bit. 
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Honestly can’t think of one. I’m very set in my ships. 
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
From Naruto — SasuSaku. Sasuke was cute as a kid so I get Sakura having a crush on him then, but I think she would have gotten over it when he became a homicidal clown who abandoned the village and tried to kill her and her teammates multiple times.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
From Harry Potter — Ron x Hermione. I’ve always thought their personalities didn’t match and not in the good “opposites attract” kind of way.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I only know how to write angst, drama, and introspective musings so no. 
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Over fifteen years in the Harry Potter fandom, but I’ve had to separate that from JKR herself in the recent years. 
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
“Have I ever had an OTP”? *laughs from shipping hell* 
From The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare — Nat and Kit were my first OTP. Read this book in fifth grade and was immediately loved them. Boy literally risks banishment from the colony to help prove she’s not a witch. 
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I love visual media, so TV, anime, and film
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
I’m not going to let tumblr dot com put me off of a particular show/book/etc. itself, but it has definitely made me think less of certain types of fans who are in a fandom. 
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
The...period drama fandom? More widely, the history fandom. They both create some of the most beautiful edits celebrating history and I love it. 
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
 From Avatar: The Last Airbender — It’s gotta be Prince Zuko
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
From Harry Potter — I think Ginny is a Mary Sue but I loved when she stood up for herself in Half-Blood Prince when Ron was trying to slut-shame her. 
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
From Parks and Recreation — Leslie Knope. Unending positive affirmations, thoughtfulness, and support!
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
I don’t really have a main fandom but I haven’t mentioned Free! yet so let’s go with it for this one. 
1. Less Nitori because I can’t stand him.
2. More female characters! I get half the appeal is the boys, but I’d love to see a girls swim team in some capacity. 
3. More Haru and his family dynamics! Doesn’t have to be a ton, but I want to know what his relationship with his parents like, especially as an adult.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Salt and the Sea - The Lumineers. “From the destruction, out of the flame. You need a villain, give me a name.” Such an Odesta song. (Finnick x Annie from the Hunger Games)
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
For The Mandalorian — A historical AU set in early 1900s New York City where Mando’s just some government agent sent to “report” on slum conditions to satisfy some housing law. He goes meaning to write up a generic report but then finds the orphaned Baby Yoda abandoned in one of the tenements. Shocked by the conditions of the slums, Mando goes from being an apathetic, middling-level bureaucrat to being an anonymous investigative journalist reporting on the corruption in the government that allows for the city’s most vulnerable citizens to live in squalor, leading the government on a search to find who within their ranks is exposing them. 
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Sherlock, because it just took so long for the third series to come out. I had moved on to other fandoms by the time it did. Still have fond memories of when I was active in it, though. 
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
From Lord of the Rings — Aragorn and Legolas. This is played up a lot more in the films but I love it. 
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
For Lord of the Rings — Boromir definitely taught Faramir swordplay when they were little kids since their father didn’t want to. 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
From Hanyou no Yashahime — Rin made the first move. Sesshomaru would be way too clueless to even know how to go about it. 
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
From Pirates of the Caribbean — James Norrington: Commodore in the Royal Navy during the 18th century, must I explain any further? Cool, calm, and collected on the job while looking v good while he does it but a nervous wreck in front of the woman he fancies. Tell me that’s not straight out of Austen.
From Star Wars (OT) — Luke Skywalker: An unapologetically good person in a crapsack world, doing his best to bring light into the world. A classic hero archetype who grows out of his naïveté to become a cunning—but still benevolent—Jedi. 
From Prince of Tennis — Yukimura Seiichi: His duality is *chef’s kiss*. Super scary and in charge on the court, gentle sweet boy who loves art and culture off the court. He struggled for so long but was able to overcome it all through his hard work and willpower.
Bonus favorite, because I couldn’t resist...
From Band of Brothers — Doc Roe: He’s doing the MOST for his guys but he really just needs a hug. Plus he’s got the accent.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
From Little Women — Jo March, especially as portrayed by Saoirse Ronan in the 2019 adaptation. Writer, holds grudges, opinionated, stubborn, eschewed “girliness” in her youth but is more open to it and romanticism as an adult. 
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
I’ve gotten to the point where even the hint of a love triangle tests my patience.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
It’s about the yearning: Longing Look
Also will definitely always ship the Brooding Boy and the Gentle Girl
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Anything in the MCU or general superhero content.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
I love fandom so much. I’m sort of facetious about being obsessed with people who aren’t real on my other social media accounts, but in all seriousness, being able to escape the real world to get excited over characters and relationships that face their own struggles, triumphs, and emotions is such a gift. So often they speak so powerfully on the human experience—How can you read, or watch, any of Tolkien’s work and not be moved by what he has to say about humanity and the power of good? Even if the stories are fictional, the messages they impart about life aren’t, which is what I love so much about them.
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sadmmann · 5 years
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He was selfless, curious, loving and brave. He was an active member of the JROTC program at Stoneman Douglas High School. He loved to play basketball just as much as he loved to watch the Houston Rockets. He enjoyed jamming to hip-hop and had hopes of attending the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Most importantly, Peter Wang was adored by many and cared for by all. “He was rather quiet, but he was always happy and always smiled. Pete was well-liked and an entertaining joy to have in my room,” JROTC Sergeant John V. Navarra said. Peter was born on Nov.9, 2002 in Brooklyn, New York to his father, Kong Wang, and mother, Hui Wang. He was the oldest of his two brothers, Jason and Alex Wang. Though he was born in the United States, he lived in his parents’ native country, China, for two years as a baby. Back in Florida, Peter attended Westchester Elementary in Coral Springs where he met his eventual best friend, freshman Gabriel Ammirata.Together, they grew closer as they journeyed through Sawgrass Springs Middle School and watched their favorite anime shows, “Naruto” and “Dragon Ball Z.” They both went on to continue their academic careers at MSD, but while Ammirata became involved in band, Peter joined JROTC. “We’ve known each other for such a long time, and it’s pretty cool how we ended up at the same high school. It was fun growing alongside him and his cousins,” Ammirata said. “We’d eat at his parent’s restaurant and have hot pot all the time. I loved anything Asian he fed me. Thinking about it all is like pure nostalgia.” Aside from indulging in Asian cuisine together, they often spent late nights gaming and talking to each other over Skype. Their favorite games included NBA 2K, Naruto Shippuden and League of Legends. Though he never fully got into the craze, Ammirata says that if Peter was here right now, he’d probably be playing Fortnite. “He was open to any kind of conversation. When we play, I can talk about whatever with him, from the latest ‘Flash’ episode to the type of shoes I should get. He was really kind-hearted.If you’re feeling down, he was the type of guy that would cheer you up,” Ammirata said. Every year, Ammirata celebrated the Lunar New Year with Peter and his family. They would go to the Wang’s restaurant and engage in light-hearted banter, while stuffing their faces with sushi and dumplings. Peter would invite Ammirata to his Fujianese Association events for other new year festivities. They both especially enjoyed receiving lai see, red envelopes containing “lucky money.” “Feb.16 was Chinese New Year.If he would’ve been able to make it one more day, it would’ve been the third year in a row celebrating it together. If he would’ve been able to make it one more day, we would’ve seen the new ‘Dragon Ball Super’ film and watch the heck out of it together,” Ammirata said. Apart from his embracement of his Chinese heritage, Peter grew up with an enduring affinity toward sports. In fourth grade, he picked up basketball and later became involved in taekwondo and swimming at the Coral Springs Aquatic Center.Peter advanced all the way to red belt, but upon entering high school, he was met with an all-too-familiar dilemma: the decision between academics and athletics. Although Peter enjoyed delivering powerful roundhouse kicks and jabs, he valued his school work over participating in sports. Though his taekwondo career ended in his final year of middle school, his involvement in JROTC was just getting started. In JROTC, Peter’s talent and intellect carried him quickly up the ranks.Senior Angelyse Perez, Peter’s Bravo unit commander, reported that he was an excellent marksman and was about to be promoted to the “A” team. “Peter was definitely passionate about being a part of the marksman team. I was surprised to hear how good he was,” Peter’s cousin Aaron Chen said. “I suppose it was all the video games he played.” Though they were cousins, Chen said that he and Peter grew up together like brothers; they saw each other and spent time together everyday. As children, they fought furious Pokémon card battles and lashed in intense PC gaming sessions.“He was the only person on my level when it came to games. He wasn’t a professional, but it wasn’t like he didn’t know what he was doing. I stopped collecting cards or playing those games because Peter played with me and there’s not really a point to it now,” Chen said. Chen spoke lovingly of Peter, reflecting on some of their perhaps not so school-appropriate memories. They grew up causing playful mischief and cracking inside jokes. “Peter was never sad, and he always made jokes. That was the essence of Peter,” Chen said. “He never got down about anything. He just wanted to make others laugh.” When Peter was not at school, he enjoyed hanging out with friends, playing basketball and watching anime. “He would watch so many animes. At one point, I remember he said ‘there are no animes for me to watch anymore,’” Peter’s little brother, Jason Wang, 11, said. He also spent much of his time with family, frequently taking care of his younger brothers.The boys grew close both as family and as best friends. They would play video games late into the evening and watch films together in the home theater. They often bonded over campaign mode on Halo or iPad games.When Jason and Alex were bored, Peter was there to keep them company. In addition to being their brother and best friend, Peter served as their mentor and role model. “He was kind, he was generous, he was smart. Whenever I don’t get something [in school], I can ask him. Then he says ‘okay let me help you.’ He teaches me and if I don’t get it, he teaches me again until I do. I believed in him. I trusted him. I [could] depend on him,” Jason Wang said. Peter’s mom remembers how Peter always listened to her. Whenever his parents asked anything of him, he followed.Also, whenever Peter asked anything of his parents, they did it for him. “We work hard for the kids. Everything we do is for them. We want them to grow up happy, so we try to provide the best for them,” Hui Wang said. As a child, Peter strived to become a pilot and attend West Point. The longstanding values of courage and bravery that characterized his personality are said to parallel those taught at the university. Peter stood by these values up until his last moments when he held the door open to help his classmates escape to safety.“We teach in JROTC the values of honor, duty, respect, loyalty, selfless service and courage, but I haven’t gotten to those lessons yet. So he learned those things from home. He was a good person and a good cadet. We never know what we are going to do in a situation like that, but Peter made us all proud,” Sergeant Navarra said. His dreams and story of heroism inspired veterans and West Point graduates across the nation. As a result, Peter was posthumously admitted to the West Point class of 2025.It was a rare honor from the university, which brought both comfort and tears to his friends and family. West Point also granted him a Medal of Heroism, the highest honor for a JROTC member. “It was clear from his classmates and the other members in JROTC with him that this was the type of person he was. They weren’t surprised he would take this kind of action to save people,” West Point alumnus Chad Maxey said. In a time of apparent hopelessness, Peter’s heroism has touched and moved the lives of many.While the community suffered from the darkest of humanity, his bravery kindled the hearts of the nation to action. “Let this selfless young man be held up as a shining symbol of the best of humanity and a beacon of hope for a future that will soon reside in the hands of his generation,” writer Patrice Apodaca said in a LA Times article. Peter will forever be remembered for his humor, heart, courage and valor.To the witty friend who was always quick to crack jokes and make everyone laugh, to the loving brother who was always there to look out for his family, to the obedient son who revealed to his parents the feeling of true love, to the noble hero who put others before himself, to Peter: MSD misses you, loves you and will always stand beside you.
Rest in peace little Hero♥
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darkside53 · 6 years
Some tag I found
Misc Mondays died a death, but I'm doing one now! Because I found this and felt like it. Deal with it!!! 😎
Name: darkside53
Nickname: Dark
Gender: female
Star sign: Virgo
Height: somewhere betwixt 165 and 175? (I can't remember)
Current time: 4.38pm
Favourite artists: yuumei (OMG she can do water and light and glass just incredibly), Zandraart (love her painting compositions and the colours), pascalcampion (has a cool style), Charlie Bowater (WISH I could use the digital medium as well as her).
Song stuck in my head: 'Say Love' by James T. W.
Last movie I saw: 'Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald'
Last thing I googled: rainbow Charizard
Other blogs: @ilurvesfewd
Do I get asks: I got one!! Once!! And I shall treasure it forever!!!!
Reason for url: it's my name on dA so I kept it for here. Haha. But I chose it Cuz it was neutral and I love soft darkness.
Following: no idea!
Average sleep: between 7-8 hours
Lucky number: I like odd numbers, but I don't really have a lucky number.
Currently wearing: umm... Peachy pink skirt, black shirt which has a high turtleneck-like collar, but no sleeves and has a v shaped neck gap that starts at the base of my throat and goes down like a neckline. I've never know how difficult this shirt would be to describe...
Dream job: writer/author and artist.
Dream trip: New Zealand, Japan, and west Canada. All amazing beautiful countries with amazing beautiful cultures.
Fave foods: Thai and Indian curries, chicken in cream, katsudon, karaage, etc.
Instruments: played the flute for a while in school, tried the guitar but didn't keep it up long enough to get good.
Fave songs: at this moment I'm enjoying 'gasoline' and 'control' by Halsey, 'I said hi' by Amy Shark, 'I know you' by someone I can't remember and Bastille, 'dirt sledding' by the killers, 'odd future' by uverworld, and more. I love my music. Haha
Hair colour: chestnut
Fave fruit: bananas, strawberries
Favourite season: winter. In Australia it's quite a beautiful temperature, and I love being in the cold in countries like Canada and Japan (etc). I also love the aesthetic of winter, it just feels so quiet and peaceful. ❤ but in saying that, my hands crack up so bad in really cold places and I definitely hate that. Haha
Favourite animal: bears! Cats! Dogs! Lynx! Wolves! Foxes! Tigers! DRAGONS!!!!
Favourite fictional character: ..... Yuu Kanda (dgm), Scott Lang (marvel), Aelin and Rowan (Throne of Glass), the Doctor (9, 10, and 13)(Dr who), shoyo hinata (Haikyu), Yuri (Yuri on ice), Deku and todoroki (hero Aca), Link ❤❤❤ (Zelda), Kyoko (skip beat), Kaz (six of crows), pusheen, and all of my own characters. Oh, you meant ONE fictional character? Hahahha. You fool.
Favourite TV shows: Dr who (some seasons and not others), supernatural, call the midwife, bones, life on Mars, Sherlock, and if we include anime Yuri on ice, hero Aca, Haikyu, fma brotherhood (100%), soul eater, ouran high, Naruto/boruto.
Cat or dog: agghhhhh.....!!!! Ahh...!! Damn... :S :S cat
Favourite colour: all the richest colours! (sapphire blue, garnet red, emerald green, etc etc)
Do you have a crush on tumblr: I crush nothing!!!
Play(ed) any sports: soccer, tennis, and I still do some swimming and more biking.
Languages you speak: English! And just enough Japanese and French to make the kids I work with think I know everything. Haha.
Random fact: I have drawn over 100 separate drawings and sketches this year.
Describe yourself in an aesthetic: the night court/the court of dreams (from ACOTAR).
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bluboothalassophile · 7 years
K thru Z for the fanfic ask thing :) I love your writing by the way! Especially the Rex things! You write them beautifully!
I’m so happy to hear you love the stories! And I’m so glad you enjoy the JayRae, RedRae, RaeX stories as they are a true blast to write! I’m going to try my best to answer these questions.
K. Oh boy, angstiest idea? For which fandom!? We’re going to go with DC for this, because it probably involves Jason and reconciling with Bruce. Really reconciling.
L. For fanfic I don’t really write AUs, I write canonverse AUs obviously, but rarely a straight up AU, but honestly… (This fic is not, and shall never be posted; only over my dead body would I ever post it.) the weirdest AU I have ever written goes to the Inuyasha Fandom. Sesshomaru is a daiyokai from the past who finds himself mysteriously in the present day where he encounters Rin, who is a Yakuza boss.
M. Like the ENTIRE Hopes for a Bastard Series. However, that is slowly coming along, so I’m going to say A Precious Gem. I have an angle in that particular story I’m curious to explore. I think it’s a unique enough angle that it’ll be engaging enough on it’s own.
N. Until the Day I Love, in the Naruto fandom. Hands down, if there was someone else who was willing to coordinate with me on that, and take that story from me I’d seriously talk to them about it.
O. Oh, tough one, starting the story… Um… In this one I think it entirely depends. I started the Until the Day I… Series because of the characters. Wanting to explore character developments rather than having a specific plot; following more of a ‘slice of life’ vibe there. But I started Hopes for a Bastard with a specific plot in mind; actually I started Give Me Back My Mind! with that plot in mind, it just snowballed into a series rather than just a stand alone story. But from that idea I went about selecting characters and which fandom to write it in.
P. A Gardener or an Architect? Well… can one be both? For my originals and my fanfics I go in with a plot outline and solid plans for how I want it to go but I still let the story unfold how it wants to go. I can’t really force a story to comply with my plot outline if it wants to go one way, that’s like trying to get a river to flow backwards. It’s not going to happen! However, I do have plot goals and I aim for those.
Q. Discarded Story Lines: Yes, how the hell do you think I end up with crap like Cast Adrift or I’m Pain, She’s Healing!? Those stories fly WAY off the original story line. Discarded Scenes: Uh… Yeah, and I still end up sharing them for some reason. Discarded projects: Yup. Sadly.
R. I’d love to say no, be that arrogant about it. But the honest truth is I have several who I’d consider an influence, who I look to when I write. No, i’m not listing them out because we could be here for a while if I do.
S. Enemies to Friends to Lovers, yeah, I’m kind of a sucker for that because if it’s done properly it’s a really good story. I also get a kick out of accidental pregnancy tropes, or a fake relationship gone real, or an accidental relationship.
T. High School tropes, High School AUs, High School fics in general! Goddamn it why can’t those go die!? They’re horrible! High School sucked the first time around no need to dwell on it and write about it in a glorified matter! There’s more to life than High School!
U. I’m not really sure I have a particular immediate paring in mind I’d like to try out, right now. I’m open to trying new pairs if there’s chemistry (Straight, Gay, Lesbian or Bi, I don’t care, I ship and write based of chemistry and possible compatibility), if requested, or a story has another pair in mind, but for the most part I write who I want to write when I feel like writing them.
V. Oh… well, um… honestly, I’d like to see more Soo-Won fics in Akatsuki no Yona fandom. I think that he’s interesting; and while I don’t like him, I think he’d be fascinating to write more stories for. Either him, or gimme more Shikadai and Sarada in Naruto fandom.
W. General or Specific prompts, I’m cool with either. I just like to write.
X. HAHA! I got an original character I just love tormenting, and I am very thankful he’s not real; else he’d track me down and probably kill me. He’s rarely ever happy with me when I decide to torment him. In fanfiction I like tormenting the following (in this order): Raven, Jason, Sesshomaru, Sasuke, Rin, Sakura, Bruce, Dick, Naruto, Ino, and Kori.
Y. For originals, I have one I would protect with everything I have. For fanfic: Raven and Jason. I think they get the shit end on writers sometimes who drive them into isolation rather than connecting them more with the others surrounding them (Jason less so now with Rebirth and the Outlaws than Raven). Still, I wanna guard them.
Z. Major Character Deaths; do I write them?… YES! And I don’t fucking care if I’m hated, if the story calls for it, it’s going to happen whether or not I want it to. I’m not ever sorry about whatever character I kill, even if I am balling my eyes out when I write the scene. As to character deaths I can’t tolerate: Senseless ones. If you’re going to kill a character for no reason then why the fuck are you writing them!? I mean, true, there are characters that just need to die, but don’t make a death in a good story be senseless, it ruins things. So many things. As to particular characters dying… I got several, and I’ve cried at all their deaths; fanfic or actual story.
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artlessictoan · 7 years
How I’d do Naruto Next Gen
okok I’ve been wanting to do something more in depth and organised than my usual ranting about how everything is terrible now, so here we go! (though lbr this is just my usual ranting but 10x longer)
for the sake of brevity ha and my own piece of mind I’m not gonna go into how unnecessarily hetro the ending was and how everyone should’ve been gay and hey not every couple absolutely had to get married and/or have kids and also nart should’ve gotten the opportunity to realise that becoming hokage wasn’t necessary to achieve his real goal of becoming someone loved and accepted by others and he deserved so much better tbh and why isn’t sak just running the whole show and why isn’t there more sand sibs, bc let’s face it none of that was ever gonna happen, so these ideas are mostly built with the premise that all the canon couples stay canon and all the kids are still around and the product of those ships and the big plot things that happened (like nart becoming hokage and the like) stay roughly the same
forewarning bc else someone’s bound to say something; if you enjoy the next gen stuff? not a problem! that’s great, people enjoying stuff is a good thing! I wish I could enjoy more stuff, bc enjoying things is far more fun than not enjoying things! everyone has a different taste though and for me – and a lot of other people – the way that the next gen has turned out has been a disappointment, this post is for those people, so we can talk about why we think it’s failed and what we would’ve like to see instead, if you don’t feel that way about it.. well just scroll on past this post and keep enjoying the things you enjoy! have an absolute blast, you’ve earned it!
under the cut bc I am apparently incapable of keeping my rambling concise, there’s 2000 words of only vaguely coherent thoughts and tangents, so maybe get yourself a cuppa and a snack before trudging through it (some of this I’ve said in other posts before but w/e)
first off lets change some of the kids’ personalities, there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with any of them, but like….. 90% are carbon copies of one of their parents (and mostly their dads but I won’t get into that issue rn) which is ridiculous, bc personality traits aren’t genetic?? like my mum is super chill and sensible and my dad is short-tempered, but I’m an anxious mess and my bro is an anti-social control freak.. we didn’t get any of that from either of our parents
while it’s certainly true that you might be influenced by them (me and mum share a lot of interests and tastes), it’s not a hard and fast rule and I don’t find it realistic that EVERY kid takes after their parents, though I probably wouldn’t have such a problem with it if they were more a mix of both parents than just their dads, so here’s some potential alterations:
Boruto. good fucking lord, no, we did not need a clone of Naruto heading another series, if we wanted to see a rambunctious scamp who gets into trouble but loves his friends a whole lot and has a knack for giving inspirational speeches, then there’s already a whole 700 chap manga for that! one with a far more likable and interesting rambunctious scamp tbqh. so how about we make a few alterations, maybe instead of taking after Nart, Bolt takes a bit more after Hinata? a little quiet and a bit of a pushover, but someone who’ll quickly stick up for a friend and has an ease of communication that’s a bit more Nart? not shy so much as laidback and composed, maybe he isn’t all that interested in being a ninja too, like he’s quite skilled but is a pacifist and would much rather get a civilian job as idk a baker or gardener or something
Shikadai. only a few minor changes here bc I really do like the kid as he is, I’d just like to see him using Tema’s abilities too (and maybe also being just a bit more snarky and unyielding like his mum)
Inojin. I’m kinda torn on this one, bc I do like that he’s a lot like Sai (at least in the anime, he seems to have a pretty different personality from what little we’ve seen of him in the manga???), but I think it’d be pretty interesting if he was just not like either of his parents, maybe if he was very quiet and subdued, but also the mastermind behind all the kid’s pranks, has a mischievous streak that often shocks people, but his friends always love hanging out with him bc of it. also why doesn’t he have Ino’s powers? let’s give him Ino’s powers too
Sand Kids 2.0. ok so at this point we haven’t seen nearly enough of them to say much either way but I have negative faith in kishi and ike so I’ll just say that I want them all to be Gaara’s adopted kids (since it’s still unclear if it’s just Shinki or all of ‘em atm) and I want them to be exactly like this shameless plug for me and @spellfire01‘s versions of them which are the best fucking versions and I will protect my children with my life
now some changes to the original cast (this is where I’m gonna get proper bitter, prepare yourselves):
OH NARUTO MY POOR CHILD WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU I’ve already talked about this but let me just reiterate in as eloquent a way as I can; Naruto would never become a neglectful father. N e v e r. not after the childhood he went through, no matter how much work he had to do as kage, don’t dare fucking try and tell me that Naruto – "It's almost unbearable, isn't it… the pain of being all alone. I know that feeling; I've been there, in that dark and lonely place, but now there are others, other people who mean a lot to me. I care more about them than I do myself, and I won't let anyone hurt them… They rescued me from my loneliness" – Uzumaki would EVER neglect his kids. just fucking don’t. in this version Nart is a doting and involved dad (perhaps a little too much, to the point that his kids find him kinda exhausting and have to ask him to leave them alone sometimes) who sends his clones to work at the office while he hangs out with his family.. I honestly don’t know why he doesn’t already do that
let all the girls out of their houses to do some ninja work for the love of god
poor put-upon Shino-sensei is alright.. but we’ve already had that with Iruka, I’d honestly much rather see the Cool Sensei who keeps all the kids in line without even doing much of anything and has a knack for inspiring them and always has a line of students trailing after him asking to hear more of his awesome ninja stories and everyone always trying to show off when he’s around, bc Shino is literally The Best
have Sauce and Saku be divorcees. seriously, are even the people who ship them happy with how their relationship has turned out? they barely see each other and apparently it’s been that way since chap 699, so why not just have them split up? it really wouldn’t change much, just say that, at some point after Sarada was born, they realised that they were both gay incompatible personality-wise and they were both so busy with their individual work that there wasn’t much of a relationship to lose. not only would this be good for both their characters (there’s no reason they couldn’t still be good friends) and just more sensible all-round, but it would also be a nice way to show that not every childhood romance/first love works out and that’s perfectly fine and normal and they can still live happy, full lives afterwards!
speaking of Sauce, let him spend at least a little bit of time interacting with his friends and family in Konoha, even if he’s still mostly travelling around on important missions he should at least be taking every opportunity to visit his daughter when he’s in the area, seriously, c’mon
Temari got done so dirty in that one episode.. here’re some much better words than I could ever muster but generally I’d want her to be less the ‘scary, overbearing, harsh’ mother and more the ‘strict but cool and sneaky’ mother, like she’d honestly be the type to use reverse psychology and gentle manipulation, she’d make her boy do some seemingly meaningless task that somehow makes him have an epiphany and come back to her when he’s done like “I know what I did wrong now and I’m sorry” than just shout at him and refuse to make dinner (also I just really like to hc that she’s a terrible cook so it’s Shikamaru who does all the cooking anyway)
it’d be really great to see Hina either being the new clan head or at least otherwise involved in Hyuuga clan politics, so we could actually see how she’s working to destroy that whole slavery thing they’ve got going, rather than that plotline just being dropped somewhere around the end of the chunin exam arc and never picked up again (I mean I assume that it’s all supposed to be fixed by now, but that’s not the kinda thing that should happen entirely off-screen) and so we can see her life revolving around something other than Nart and her kids, she’s remarkably capable and had so much potential but she’s been denied every opportunity to really exist as her own character by the writers
Kiba…… what the hell is going on with Kiba? where is he? what is he doing? how’s he feeling these days? is he supposed to be married to that nameless cat lady we saw for a single panel? these are things we shall never know I guess. tbh what I’d really LOVE to see would be Kiba-sensei, just imagine him and Shino both being teachers who work in completely opposite ways, Shino is the quiet, inspiring, lowkey scary one and Kiba is the gigantic fucking dork one who cheers his students on way too loud and makes the classes super fun and joins in the kids games, him and Shino have a class rivalry and Kiba is constantly roping students into joining his attempts to prank Shino (they’ve never once succeeded but oNE DAY)
Ino should be the next head of Konoha’s intelligence division, I will fight kishi on this one
why the actual fuck is oroch still happily living it up in his penthouse lab?? kill the fucker. or at the very least imprison the fucker. just say that Mitsuki was an old project of his that somehow kept developing in his absence, or was a product of research carried out by some lackeys’ years after he’s gone, anything that means I don’t have to accept that everyone has apparently forgiven him for everything and knows that he’s still experimenting on kids but just don’t care
and on that last note: Justice for Yamato 2k17
right now let’s get onto the actual plot/story for this very self-pandering au
make Sarada the main char. while I can see why they would choose to go with Boruto, honestly Salad’s more interesting a character and! A Girl!! Main Character!!!! I NEED IT!!!!!! focus on her goal to be hokage and her struggles with her parents and follow up on that ‘restoring the Uchiha’ plot thread that just.. dropped right off the map somewhere between 699 and 700, her reconciling what her clan was with what she wants to make it
get rid of that weird demon-sensing eye thing that’s going on. and the demon thing in general. and also that jarring post-apocalypse future thing they’re building up. I didn’t slog through over a decade of kishi’s bullshit just so my kids didn’t get to live long, happy lives. make the plot just slice-of-life fluff, nothing more dangerous than a bully, just some kids trying to be awesome ninja in a world that doesn’t really need ninja anymore bc peace and all that
waaay more of Chocho, Himawari and Inojin (at least enough so they all get equal billing)
show how the ninja world has grown and developed since the end of the original series (not just technologically), what do ninja do now that there aren’t any wars and international relationships are at an all-time high? have missions completely gone from being combat and intel based to more about construction and assistance? are ninja numbers actually dropping, favouring civilian jobs in these more peaceful times? how well are people – ninja or not – adjusting to these changes? is learning ninja techniques still encouraged but in a way that’s more about culture and traditions than actual use in combat (in the same way that swordplay today is mostly practiced for performance, fun and sport, rather than out of any real-life practicality)? there are so many interesting things to explore that you don’t even need to be adding in new threats to keep the series entertaining
I’ve said this before, but I think it’d be really cool and cute if after the end of the war and with some drastic changes to the ninja world’s politics, this next gen is less about becoming ninja, than realising that they’ll never be ninja (at least not in the way that their parents were) and how they react to that. maybe they’re frustrated because they hear so many cool stories about the grand battles of the previous generation and they want to be able to do those things too damnit! so the kids are just going around trying to be super-awesome ninja in a world that doesn’t really need ninja anymore, picking fights and trying to make their boring d-rank missions seem more important and dangerous than they really are, maybe at some point they learn a bit more about how hard and traumatising that life was for their parents and why the world had to change, until they eventually decide that if the role of a ninja has to change, then together they’re gonna discover what that new role will be, what will being a ninja really mean in this new, peaceful world?
and, a final ending note: fuck ike’s sickening treatment of Sarada with regards to her sexualised presentation and the disgusting reveal that someone taught Boruto (a young child!) the sexy jutsu. Let The Kids Be Kids 2k17
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recentanimenews · 4 years
The Anime Explanation For One Of The Biggest Fight Scenes In Superhero History
  2013's Man of Steel was a Superman reboot that was both desperate to evoke the "I'm not sure what kind of hero I'm supposed to be" pathos of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight films and also be a fresh, explode-ey introduction to a new DC Universe, one that would be able to potentially keep up with the burgeoning Marvel Cinematic Universe. But no one seemed quite ready for what would cap off the film—a fight between Superman and General Zod that was epic in length and decimated an entire city.
  A LOT has been written about this fight and what it does to the Superman character. Does Superman causing that much collateral damage in Metropolis somehow make him less of a Boy Scout? Should Superman have taken a quick second to rescue some folk before he went back to punching Michael Shannon's skull off his skeleton? Should Superman have found another way to end the fight that wasn't snapping Zod's neck? I don't really care about answering any philosophical questions about the fight (Especially since Batman vs Superman spent about ninety minutes dealing with the "But what if Superman IS bad?" thing, and I don't want to add one more essay to the pile.) Instead, I want to focus on the fight itself and what went into it.
    It's pretty much unlike anything ever seen in a DC superhero film up to that point. Even the most physical of Superman fights (His brawl with the three Kryptonians in Part 2 and with Nuclear Man in Part 4) were pretty fleeting. And most of Batman's onscreen fights at that point had consisted of 1) Him getting slaughtered by Bane, 2) His quick duels with various ninja or ninja-esque folk, or 3) Michael Keaton backhanding clowns so hard that their spines got rearranged. So to have a fight that lasts nearly a full act of the movie, incorporates most of Superman and his antagonist's powers, and leaves both combatants and the city around them brutalized and barely standing is borderline revolutionary.
  And it was all due to anime. 
   Filipino-American storyboard artist Jay Oliva is no stranger to superheroes or fight scenes. He worked on things like The Batman, Teen Titans, Jackie Chan Adventures, and The Spectacular Spider-Man, all series with a very clear anime influence in their battles. He's also directed a bunch of recent DC animated films, with my favorite being the adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns, which retained the brooding nightmare of the original comic, while adding some great stuff like this: 
    But Man of Steel was Oliva's first live-action film project, and both he and Zack Snyder were obviously eager to create something fresh. So Jay Oliva was determined to "come up with something I've never seen in live-action American cinema and only in anime." And if there's one show that you can count on to put together beautifully orchestrated, long battles, it's Dragon Ball Z.
    And while, obviously, the characters of Superman and Zod predate Dragon Ball, there's a lot of Goku vs Vegeta in Superman vs Zod. First off, the characters: Goku is a good guy Saiyan that's nearly indestructible, and Vegeta is a Saiyan that believes ruling the universe should be his birthright. Superman is a Kryptonian that's trying to reconcile being a solid bro to earthlings and Zod is all "But what if we, like, weren't nice?" 
    Then you have the fight itself, which includes a lot of punching, a few lasers, and copious flying through buildings, both on and against a character's will. Goku's fight with Vegeta includes quite a few instances of all of those things (Well, replace the buildings with some mountains.) The only difference is that while Superman finds  he has no other choice than to kill Zod, Goku lets a battered Vegeta live because he knows he wants to fight Vegeta later. I can only imagine that the Justice League would put up a little more of a spirited debate over Superman letting Zod live than Krillin did with Goku's decision.
    But it wasn't just Oliva that felt inspired by anime, but director Zack Snyder himself who, during a press conference, cited that he's often influenced by Japanese cinema and anime when making his own films and that late 90s OVA series Birdy the Mighty was especially influential on Man of Steel. 
  In short, it's pretty cool to see adventure filmmakers and storyboard artists openly talk about anime being a huge influence in their work. And it seems to have shown up in Zack Snyder's later films, too (Batman's warehouse fight in Batman v Superman feels more like something out of Naruto than any previous brawl in a Batman flick.) And considering the growing popularity of anime in the West, I doubt it's an influence that will slow down anytime soon.
  Were you a fan of Man of Steel? What other series could benefit from some Dragon Ball Z influence? Let me know in the comments!
  Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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recentanimenews · 5 years
BTS is Conquering the World, and They’ve got Anime on Their Side!
  It’s hard to escape the pull of BTS; even if you aren’t a K-Pop fan or don’t know what it means when someone says that they’re ARMY, you’ve still probably heard of this top selling group. BTS has become inescapable, appearing in Time magazine, Saturday Night Live, and even winning 2 Billboard Music Awards yesterday along with doing an amazing performance with Halsey at the awards show! "But why am I reading about them on Crunchyroll?" you might be asking yourself. Well, as you may have guessed, the BTS guys are big anime fans! Although not a very well kept secret, you might be surprised at just how much anime is not only a part of BTS’ downtime, but also their music, influencing their songs and even some of their concert appearances. As we said in our article about wrestlers and anime, you can find anime fans everywhere, even at the top of the music charts!
  One of the most visible instances of BTS revealing their anime and manga fandom came in an episode of RUN BTS!, a show where the members chat about things that are going on both in their lives and in the performing world. In one episode, the boys end up at a manga cafe, and use the manga on hand to affect the mini games they’ll be playing on the show. Suga, a devout Slam Dunk fan, immediately searches for the manga while proclaiming that “Slam Dunk is the best.” When he finds the volumes of it on the bookcase, he immediately starts humming the show’s theme song! V asks the other members if they know about Law of Ueki and then fawns over the power of turning trash into trees! J-Hope finds a Naruto volume, which automatically gets him, Jimin, and RM singing the show’s theme song. RM even Naruto runs over to them enthusiastically!
    In 2018, a rumor started spreading online that Jungkook had deleted Twitter off of his phone in order to make room for Crunchyroll (we even made a little video about it!), and while we may never know if that rumor was true, Jungkook does indeed use his phone to catch up on anime! The official BTS Facebook page even featured some candid shots of Jungkook relaxing, watching episodes of Haikyu!! on his phone during some downtime. 
  While Jungkook’s Crunchyroll adventure caught fans and media attention, the rest of the boys have revealed in various interviews that they all enjoy anime and manga of various sorts. Noisey did some lightning round questions, with them being asked to choose between One Piece, Naruto, and Dragon Ball Z; although some members tried to be a bit impartial (citing “all”), the guys all seemed to prefer Naruto to the rest, with Dragon Ball Z coming in a close second! But don’t fear if you’re a fan of pirate action—the BTS members love One Piece too, with Jungkook stating that if he could be a superhero, he’d be Sanji! Jimin is also a huge fan, getting a Zoro figure for his birthday and revealing that when he first saw Zoro as a kid, he wanted to grow up to become a cool swordsman just like him, practicing Kendo for 8 years. Although he eventually chose singing over swordsmanship, sometimes his slick Kendo moves make an appearance in some of their videos! The BTS guys have also stated their love for series like Full Moon o Sagashite, Shugo Chara, Pokémon, and many more, showing off an impressive history of anime and manga enjoyment.
    Sometimes, BTS’ love of anime has bled into their performances and public appearances. During one show, V did a Nico-Nico-Ni, complete with hand gestures, as an homage to everyone’s favorite Love Live gremlin, Nico Yazawa. V also sang the Card Captor Sakura opening song at a public event, doing a pretty good job of singing it off the cuff and acapela! Not to be outdone, RM had a pretty famous run in a Sailor Moon costume, even documenting the transformation he went through to get the look down, while Suga appeared on stage as Naruto, complete with whisker marks, blonde hair, and of course, the signature ninja headband. Jungkook’s also been filmed doing a pretty impressive Naruto run, confirming that Naruto is indeed the one series that all members have a lot of love for! 
    During a karaoke RUN BTS! episode, J-Hope and Jimin (the rest of the gang couldn't contain themselves and also joined in!) sang the Korean Naruto theme song as they did the classic Naruto run and threw paper ninja stars! J-Hope and Jimin did an improptu cosplay of Rock Lee and Naruto, and members did some impressive attempts at jutsu hand movements to channel their inner shinobi for their performance. Naruto is pretty great, so we aren’t surprised that it's the big favorite amongst the BTS guys, but one of their recent hit songs actually has some direct homages to another anime series that may be a little less well known outside of Asia...
If you guessed Anpanman, you’d be right! The song "Anpanman" takes direct reference to the classic series of the same name by Takashi Yanase, featuring a brave superhero who also just happens to have a head made out of bread and filled with red bean paste. Anpanman is a global hit, and its unsurprising to hear that the BTS boys not only know who he is, but are also fans; after all, it's pretty hard not to love such a delicious superhero! In their song "Anpanman," the BTS guys sing about how they may not be superheroes like Batman or Superman, but that they can be your Anpanman, giving you strength and support when you need it, just like the sweet bread-headed anime superhero himself. Through comparing themselves to not the world’s strongest hero, but the world’s weakest hero, BTS stays true to their message with the thought that, rather than being a hero just because you have strength, you can also be a hero even if you’re soft like sweet red bean buns. Of course, the BTS guys might be a bit more attractive than Anpanman, but they are right to idolize a hero who happily shares his deliciousness with anyone who is hungry or in need!
It can be easy to forget that some of our favorite pop stars are also just regular people, and the fact that BTS have such a deep love for anime and manga helps to remind us that, between the world tours and the amazing performances, they enjoy relaxing with their favorite shows, being inspired by their favorite characters, or simply just enjoying the pleasure of Naruto running whenever they get a chance. As BTS continues their world domination of the music and media charts, we’ll hopefully hear more about what anime they’re enjoying on a daily basis; I don’t know about you, but I’m curious to know what shows they’re all watching this season!
Are you going to see BTS during their Love Yourself: Speak Yourself World Tour? Do you have any similar tastes to the BTS guys? Do you also enjoy Naruto running in your free time? Let us know in the comments!
Nicole is a features writer and editor for Crunchyroll. Known for punching dudes in Yakuza games on her Twitch channel while professing her love for Majima. She also has a blog, Figuratively Speaking. Her biases are RM and J-Hope. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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