#thank you so much for the tag that was so unexpected and sweet
horrorartsworld · 2 days
loved your kenji sato smut, could we get another smut of reader riding him?
riding dirty ᡣ𐭩
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౨ৎ ˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 kenji sato x needy!shy!f!reader
warnings: riding (obviously) , 18+ smut, not proofreaddddd
thanks sweet baby for the kind words! hope you enjoy 😋
(header: nana to kaoru)
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There’s so many positions in the book of sex and yet Kenji Sato absolutely loveeeeees when you ride him.
ESPECIALLY when you’re facing full on cowgirl where he can watch every expression, every ripple of your delicate skin when it came in contact with his thighs, and every sensitive noise that falls from your lips you so desperately try to shy away from.
Knowing full well you’re the one that made this ‘situation’ come to fruition.
Ken seeing it soon as he walked through the door of your home seeing the way your body was practically calling for him when you went to embrace him. The warmth of your body unmatched to that of a fever, along with your fidgety behavior that had shown through your subtle touches throughout the night along his thigh or bicep.
“You’re needy aren’t baby…” he’d whisper in your ear in an unexpected lowered sultry tone that already had you a whimpering with neediness.
Not even having you answer the most obvious question before you were pulled onto his lap on the couch and were rid of any meaningless clothes that were keeping you from being skin to skin.
Though he made sure he kept that newly pink bow that was perched on the top of your head on that was making him harder than he already was, currently running it between his fingers, infatuated by the dainty fabric as it bounced up in down with your cute little motions on him almost akin to a pitiful little rabbit in heat. “Look so cute in this bow..all desperate for my cock…”
“K-ken~!,” gasping, pretty puffy crocodile tears start collecting at your lash line as your legs started to prickle with numbness from doing most of the work of pogoing up and down his long thick shaft. Ken just snickering at your woeful expression, giving you an encouraging slap to your ass, causing a buck in your hips that changes your whole rhythm to a more gyrating one with a pace faster than you could handle.
“That’s it baby,” he grunts, taking one of your perky tits in his mouth lightly sucking with a swirl of his tongue while in twists the other between his fingers, “F-fucking ride me harder, jus’ like that, make us cum together pretty..”
Ken slowly loosing himself with you as he graciously continues to suckle at both your tits with moans that vibrated against your sensitive nubs that made your thighs squeeze against his own with whines that vibrated the whole room. His hips bucking up into you at the pressure and the whine almost trying to quiet you though it alone made you louder, fat tears pouring down your pink cheeks.
“S’ too much k-kenji, too deep!” you muster out between sinful rabbles, clit throbbing as his tip nudges right against that spongy sweet spot.
“Mhm..” he hums, taking your tit out of his mouth with a pop to watch you closely as he could you feel you on the cusp of cumming, but he only added more to it by holding your hips in place, “Ah ah..don’t run from my cock now baby, i gotta make you feel nice and full yeah?”
You choke out a sob almost in response, trembling above him and clinging tightly to his shoulders, crying and whining over how good and overwhelming it all was.
“Taking it so good baby..shit” he mumbles, lips pressing against your ear giving it a kiss before making the promise, “see where you’re neediness gets you dirty girl…now m’ not stopping till I cum so deep in this pussy that you’ll never forget who takes care of your needs…”
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tags: @themourningfox (interested in being added?? send and ask of dm to join my taglist c:)
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I'm so burnt out and stressed about a variety of things lately, but a funny / sweet coincidence recently happened that I wanted to share:
Last week, I had a university student reach out to me (via my work email) asking for resources / advice on their research paper because I've written a lot of articles about the thing they're writing about. (I just got back to them today and they were real sweet, I'm excited to see how their paper turns out)
A week or two ago, I had someone reach out to me on RA asking for some specific clip info / date info because they were doing a research paper about Pac, and today I saw that they published their paper and put a special thanks to RA in the notes :')
I just think it's very sweet and a funny coincidence that my work (professional and fandom work) is getting cited in research papers. It made me smile a lot, I genuinely love that.
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smolskye · 1 year
i feel like we all have at least one headcanon that we absolutely refuse to negotiate on. like with most things i'm relatively charitable, even if i don't like something or just don't vibe with it i can usually at least see where they're coming from or respect that they're approaching it from a different prospective. but sometimes i am just completely rigid on smth and accept nothing else. for example as u can tell by my icon i hc buddy as aroace and absolutely nothing can change my mind.
literally the only argument against it that i can think of is "but she has a kid in the epilogue" but aroace people can want and have children regardless of romantic/sexual attraction. her complete lack of attraction is in defiance of the role that is forced upon her and a role that is often forced upon women in general - be a good girlfriend, be a good wife, be good property and belong to a man. her having a child while being alone (since we don't actually see the other parent) could indicate a lack of attraction, but it could also mean that the other parent is dead or simply off screen, of course. she's also, like, a literal child during the events of the games besides the epilogue, and has never been exposed to boys her own age or girls her age reacting to boys, so how is she even supposed to know what attraction feels or looks like? how is she supposed to learn what it is, really? and then maybe it's just something she never feels. and when dudes are like pff that's not a thing YOU LIKE MEN because WOMEN LIKE MEN she's like okay lol /kills them with a sword/
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svuguru · 2 months
step dad nanami fucking his step daughter in her school uniform >o<
Tags: stepcest!!! Antis and minors DNI! Unprotected and it’s implied (heavily) he finishes inside <3 I tried to be more inclusive of the uniform :( fucking in front of the mirror ^^ I don’t remember which position it was but I think it was doggy?? 😭
Kento’s hands hold a firm grip on your hips, thrusting his hips back and forth as gasps fall from your pretty glossed lips. Your little school skirt is thrown over your waist, but it’s just a bit too short he was sure you must have gotten dress coded… it barely reached just above your knees, there’s no way no one called it out.
The moment you walked through the door after coming home from school, Kento’s pants grew tighter for whatever reason. Just the way your skirt would flow along with your legs, when you would bend over and teasing him with that slight peek of your cute pink panties… it was too much for your poor stepdad, how could you tease him so much?
“Wah, Daddy!” You cry, clenching onto the messed up bedsheets underneath you. Kento’s thankful your mother is still at work, blissfully unaware of the way his thick cock is stuffing your tiny hole full, so deep in front of the mirror so he could watch the way your little body moves in your school uniform.
“Shh, sweet girl, I know,” he murmurs softly, looking down at your back hidden by your uniform shirt. You’re just too cute in your uniform, so irresistible, and the way your lips stuck in a pout, whining about needing him and all… how could he deny his pretty little stepdaughter of something he knows they both want?
“S’deep, daddy…” you mumble dumbly, stupid on his cock as your juices coat his dick. You look so cute full of his girth, tears in your eyes, crying incoherent sentences.
“Yeah?” Kento laughs, “look, you’re so tiny,” he says affectionately, his hand carefully trailing up to your chest, his fingers teasing your hardened nipples, pulling and twisting at them which elicits moans and whimpers from your throat.
Your tits jiggle at the way he’s fucking his cock into you, one big hand cupping your boob, the other keeping its hold on your hips, moving you back and forth along with him.
“‘M not that small…” you pout before feeling his tip tease your sweet spot. Your jaw goes slack, your eyes roll to the back of your head before the squeeze shut. “S’much, daddy, too much!” You cry and squirm, feeling knots tie in your poor tummy, your legs twitching.
Kento’s hand moves from your tit to your ass, rubbing it gently before landing an unexpected slap to it, his eyes glued to the way you jump slightly from it.
“Poor baby,” he grins, “you can take it, yeah? I know you can, be a big girl,” eager to please your step daddy, you nod, biting back a sob, tears falling from your lash line, down the flushed apple of your cheeks.
His hips are slamming harshly against your ass, bouncing at the impact. Your skirt falls from the waistband back down to its original place, which earns a grunt from Kento.
“Shit… such a pretty girl,” his voice is deep and low, your walls clenching his dick, feelings his veins throb against your warmth.
“Daddy, think ‘m gonna cum!” Your fingers squeeze the bedsheets, grounding yourself to earth. In response to your whine, Kento groans and nods his head.
“Come on, you can do it,” he encourages you, “do it f’me, like a good girl,” and suddenly the knot in your stomach unties itself, all you see is stars everywhere you look, all around the room. Kento’s hips don’t stop even as you’re coming undone, painting his dick in your juices. “That’s my baby, hm?”
It’s only a few more thrusts before Kento’s hips begin to stutter, his breath gradually growing uneven. “Princess,” he sighs, “‘m gonna stuff you full, ‘Kay? Is that alright?” So dumb on your stepdad’s cock, you nod your head, mumbling a barely coherent “mkay, daddy,” as your head buried itself in the sheets.
Kento knows it’s wrong as he fucks harder into you, he knows it’s awful to do this with his stepdaughter, but you’re just too cute to resist..
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moumouton4 · 10 months
Voyeurism || L Lawliet + Light Yagami x fem!reader
A/n : Prompt 11 of the Smutember 2023 ( Well this is a test because if you know me I've never written something like this ) Also thank you so much for the anon who gave me this idea ! I can tag you if you want just let me know in the comments 😙
The list of promps is HERE
Smutember 2023 Masterlist ⚜
Warnings : voyeurism, masturbation, rough sex, exhibitionism ?, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 893
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L had always been known for his concentration when he set out to solve an investigation that no one else could answer. In fact, he was recently called upon to help solve a number of unexplained deaths in Tokyo. He had found his main suspect in Light Yagami, a brilliant young man who undoubtedly had the necessary intelligence to achieve whatever he set out to do.
L was well aware of this, and so decided to handcuff himself to the other young man. However, the latter had asked to regain his autonomy for a week, because according to him, his girlfriend was coming to visit him. L was suspicious at first, as he hadn't had any information about this famous Y/n L/n his suspect was talking about. At first, he refused, too skeptical, but finally, on the day you came to the meeting point and after a long body search, you were allowed to enter the HQ and Light was released from his restraints.
However, L hadn't said his last word, and so he asked for cameras A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y everywhere, so that no plot could be hatched while he couldn't physically watch Light. To organize himself, the detective opened the surveillance videos on one screen and the files he was studying as part of his investigation on another. The day itself had passed without a hitch.
When night came, however, things took a completely different turn. Although you and Light were not sleeping in the same room, L, still awake at this late hour, became aware of the suspicious movement. Just as he was about to alert one of his colleagues, however, something unexpected happened. He saw you on the surveillance screens, throwing yourself at Light, who kissed you and began to strip off your clothes in the process. Throwing you bare before the men's eyes. Except that one was supposed to see and the other not at all.
In no time at all, all your clothes flew to the four corners of the room, before intertwining on the fresh sheets. L was well aware that you weren't going to do anything wrong that might hinder the investigation in this situation, and especially that he may not be supposed to witness the sexual frolics of two young adults. But one thing prevented him from looking away from the live video. He who was only interested in investigations and sweets found himself totally obnubilated by Light's manner, exerting all his dominance over you, pinning you against the bed as he quickly railed into you, as if he knew that here anyone could come and disturb you at any moment ( no, Light didn't ask you to come and break L's concentration )
The raven-haired young man tried as hard as he could not to look at the obscene scene unfolding before his eyes, but no matter what he did, his gaze always ended up returning to the forbidden content. He even found himself thinking what a pity it was not to have added sound to it, he couldn't help imagining the different noises you could make. And just that thought and the images gave him a hard on. Which surprised him, because he'd long thought that this kind of content had no impact on his body.
Though, the heat that began to rise in him showed the real influence your actions had on his hormones, his eyes never taking their eyes off your body, which arching against Light's as he fucked you hard. 
Without having to reach any further, he witnessed this intimate moment of two lovers cumming, bodies clinging to each other as you both shook with ecstasy. It was only after the two of you had calmed down in the video that L came out of his trance like state, realizing that his hand was tightly gripping his hardened member through the softness of his pants. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, but he couldn't help but wonder if it would happen again. He knew it was wrong, yet he couldn't help doing a little math in his head : on average, young adults have sex 3 times a week. He couldn't wait.
Maybe it was the thrill of the new place or the excitement of the investigation, but during that week you'd have sex once a day. And each single time, L was there to watch Light pound into your pussy. He wondered how tight you were, but seeing the look on his suspect's face almost made him want to leave his office and go to your room.
From the third day onwards, he began to masturbate as he followed your lovemaking, something he'd never had the idea or the desire to do before. And when he saw you talking or walking in the corridors, his big black eyes followed your every move as if he could see through your clothes, and with his photographic memory this was practically the case. When you talked to him he always got hard and his grey pants didn't hide anything, luckily he was sitting down most of the time.
But you and Light weren't as innocent as all that, you knew full well that there were cameras in your room, maybe that's why you did it so many times. This may be the only case L won't be able to solve.
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astermath · 1 year
kitchen counter makeouts with pookie bear tasm peter <3
— @inkluvs (ivy)
the way you know damn well you are indulging me adjdkdk and I love you for it bae MWAH @inkluvs
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pairing: tasm!peter parker x fem!reader
tags: just sweet ol fluff, established relationship, first time writing for peter, normal sized text under the cut! <3
word count: 1.2.K
let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list for further peter parker related content!
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With Peter going on patrol until the nightly hours, you'd become used to cooking dinner later in the day. It wasn't a huge deal; you worked from home, and you were usually up when he was back anyways. Whether it was to tend to his injuries, hear about what he'd encountered that day, or just to cook some of his favorite pasta, you were always there for him when he returned. And he really appreciated that.
When you're a superhero, especially an anonymous one, it can be hard to find people to fall back on. That's why he considers having you one of his greatest strengths.
You're absentmindedly stirring some sauce when your boyfriend slips in through the bedroom window. He calls it the "spider-door", you call it a bad habit. He still uses it anyways. It's hard to use the front door of your apartment when you're dressed like the city's most popular vigilante.
He can smell the delicious mix of herbs and ingredients from the other room. The stress from the day was already melting off him, and he hadn't even spoken to you yet. He'd taken the liberty of slipping out of his suit and into a comfortable pair of sweats and a shirt. Although he did think it was snazzy, after wearing it almost the entire day, he couldn't wait to be out of it.
A pair of familiar strong arms wind around your waist, an even more familiar pair of lips pressing a soft kiss to the crook of your neck. You're used to it by now, the unexpected, sneaky greetings late at night. You weren't spooked by him, you rarely were. He likes to think his spidey senses have rubbed off on you.
He breathes in the scent of you, cheek resting onto your shoulder, and you can feel him relax into you.
"Good to see you too baby," you move your head to press a chaste kiss to his head, "how was patrol?"
"Fine," he sounds tired, and it's kind of hot, "stopped that coffee shop you like from being broken into."
"My hero," you chuckle, "now I won't have to miss those delicious chocolate croissants."
He whines lowly in response. It's a stark contrast to how he usually is, all talkative, giddy, boyish grins and jokes, bubbly laughter and strong hugs. Being a superhero will do that to you. Not exactly change you, just tire you out. A lot.
"Tired?" You ask, eyes remaining on the sauce you were preparing. It was a dumb question, of course he's tired, but he always hated admitting it.
To your surprise, he doesn't respond. Instead, he leans down and starts pressing kisses to your neck and shoulder again. You silently thank your past self for wearing a tank top, so he had plenty of access to your skin.
His lips leave tingles in their wake, your sauce becoming less interesting by the second, until you eventually turn around. You sigh at the sound of him; his hair is messy, his eyebags are prominent and he definitely needs a shower, but boy is he pretty. So pretty.
He lets you take a second to admire him, like he knows you love to do. Hands come up to cup his cheeks, the tiniest bit of stubble scratching against your palms. Your face is graced by an adoring smile, and that alone always lets him know; everything's okay, I got you.
He leans down, lips searching yours again. You happily indulge, one hand sneaking into the hair at the back of his neck. The kiss is longing, practically aching to be closer. You can feel how much he missed you just by the way his hips slide over yours.
His hands settle onto your waist, and for a moment you think he's just going to let them stay there. Of course not, because your boyfriend is anything if not unpredictable. With a gentle grip he lifts you up and turns the both of you around, setting you down onto the counter across the stove.
You giggle through the kiss, and you can feel him smile along with you, but he doesn't let go. It's like he can't, and not in a "help I just got spider powers and now I'm glued to you" way, no, like a "I'm so in love with you that I want this to last forever" way.
His hands settle onto your thighs, thumbs rubbing gentle, soothing circles into your skin. It's like this is what recharges him. Not food, not water, this is what he survives on. Your pure unconditional affection.
Unfortunately for the two of you, humans do need air to live, so you're forced to pull away after a while. Still, you remain close, noses rubbing together ever so slightly, foreheads leaning against each other.
“You ‘kay sweetie?” Your voice is gentle, not wanting to ruin the tooth achingly sweet moment the two of you are having.
“Mhm…” He presses a chaste kiss to your lips. “Just so happy to see you again… I missed you.” he accentuates his words with another kiss. “A lot.”
A warm smile adorns your face when he admits to his longing for you. You know he misses you, he tells you every day, and he knows that the sentiment is returned. You both have your reasons to be missing each other; with Peter being a superhero, he has to be careful, so the reality of any day possibly being his last was… Present. Plus, it’s a busy job. Besides the one he already has.
You just enjoy each other’s presence for a moment, basking in the radiating glow of what could only be described as an aura of love. It was like nothing outside that kitchen mattered anymore, at least not for now. You and Peter against the world, out of your small apartment in Queens.
“Honey?” He asks, and you think he’s going to say something else really sweet and heartwarming to really drive the point home. Until you see the furrow in his brows.
“I think, uh— whatever you were making is burning.”
“Fuck!” You hopped off the counter and went back to the pot of sauce, groaning when you realised the bottom of it was burnt. “It’s fine, I can— I can salvage this.” You looked over at your boyfriend, who had an apologetic smile on his face. “We can make out all you want after I make you dinner, ‘kay?”
“And every day after?” His voice is gentle, his hand resting on your lower back to keep some form of physical contact with you.
“Of course,” you stand on your tippy toes to press a kiss to his cheek, “every day after too.”
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fairyhaos · 2 months
seventeen as their songs' choreographies
pls i binged their dance practices and then suddenly i was like "hey this wld make a good hc!!!!" so here we are. here's which svt song choreo (specifically just the dance movements) i think each member would be
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super. no, it's not just bc of the fits and stylings that he had during the comeback stages that he absolutely slayed, but the choreography itself feels weirdly like scoups: the power, the confidence and the martial arts-esque moves feel like him
fear. maybe a bit unexpected, but the choreo is almost dangerously beautiful and very jeonghan. it's the kind of beauty that's like watching someone's destructive downfall and being unable to look away
dream. he's just having so!!!! much!!!! fun!!!! during the choreography video but also. it's so fucking CUTE and makes me think of him like?? the swaying arms and the little bobbing up and down is adorable and He's adorable and oh lord i need to have a lie down bc it's just too cute
aju nice. the chaoticism of the choreo which looks all whirlwind-crazy before you realise that their cohesiveness is actually incredible is such a junhui thing actually. it's such a bright and messy and energetic choreo in the most polished way
crush. the choreo has kinda gay, kinda sexy vibes and they make use of really clever positioning in triangles/ parallel lines to give it a really sleek, powerful feel. honestly it just feels like it has hoshi written all over it
thanks. so much of the choreo makes me think of waves crashing and falling—the canon movements, the arms, the rising and falling actions—and there's something so heart-wrenching and powerful about it.
hitorijanai. the slow gentleness, the delicacy, the arm movements that seem to connote something gentle and opening up to the world all make me think of him. woozi has always been like a fairy in my eyes, and this choreo embodies exactly that
don't wanna cry. the synchronisation and canon moves are off-the-charts levels of gorgeous. also the way they tell the story with mostly only their arm movements is mesmerising and beautiful and so elegant and yearning that it reminds me of minghao
left & right. the choreography is just so fun to look at. like, you watch them dancing and you genuinely get an exhilarated feeling of utter joy bc the choreo is so fresh and fun and idk it just feels like a mingyu-esque dance to me
anyone. genuinely could Not take my eyes off this guy in particular whilst watching the choreo vid n it's bc he makes the moves look so clean, esp that part where they move the movement from the arms into the legs??? literally gorgeous.
mansae. the choreography is sharp and fresh and clean and sooo bright. you can positively feel the groove in the movements alone, and the way they change formation so seamlessly with such sharpness is such seungkwan vibes
clap. iconic dance practice moment aside, this rlly is unironically vernon cuz it's just such a funny and fun choreo. that part where they almost crawl across the floor has me giggling every time and the amount of body shaking is so funny to me
_world. it's just- it's just a cute song with the cutest choreo ever. i don't know why it makes me think of chan oh lord but the little skippy steps that they do and the adorable hip popping is just soooo so dino coded to me
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request guidelines
reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @sea-moon-star @nonononranghaee @isabellah29 @mcu-incorrect @hrts4hanniehae @kikohao
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victoryverse · 6 months
simon waking up with the sound of his pregnant wife groaning in pain because of cramps :"(
Unexpected Joy
hope you like! <3
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You groan in pain as another wave of cramps hit you, causing you to curl up in bed. You had been experiencing these cramps for the past week, and they were only getting worse as your pregnancy progressed.
Your husband, Simon Riley, stirs beside you as he hears your groans. He immediately wakes up and turns to you, concern etched on his face. 'Are you okay, love?' he asks, placing a hand on your back.
You shake your head, unable to speak through the pain. Simon quickly gets out of bed and rushes to get a glass of water and some painkillers. He's been taking such good care of you throughout your pregnancy, and you couldn't be more grateful for him.
As you take the painkillers, you feel his strong arms wrap around you, pulling you into a gentle hug. 'It's okay, Y/N. Just breathe through it,' he whispers, his lips brushing against your forehead.
You take deep breaths, trying to calm your racing heart. Simon's presence and soothing words always have a way of making you feel better, no matter how much pain you're in.
'Thank you, Simon,' you murmur, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face in the crook of his neck.
He chuckles softly, his breath tickling your skin. 'Anything for my beautiful wife and our little one,' he replies, placing a tender kiss on your forehead.
As the pain subsides, you both lay back down in bed, Simon pulling you close to him. You rest your head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. It's moments like these that make you realize how lucky you are to have him as your partner.
'You know, I never imagined myself being a dad,' Simon suddenly speaks, breaking the comfortable silence between you two.
You look up at him, surprised by his words. 'Why not?' you ask, curious to hear his answer.
He smiles down at you, his eyes filled with love and adoration. 'Because I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you, Y/N. But now that we're having a child together, I can't wait to meet them and show them all the love in the world,' he says, his voice filled with emotion.
Tears prick at your eyes, and you can't help but feel overwhelmed with love for this man. You reach up to cup his cheek, bringing his lips down to yours in a sweet kiss. 'I love you so much, Simon,' you whisper against his lips.
'I love you too, Y/N,' he replies, his voice husky with emotion.
As you both lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, you can't help but feel grateful for this unexpected joy that has entered your lives. And with Simon by your side, you know that you can handle anything that comes your way.
Together, you drift back to sleep, with the sound of Simon's heartbeat lulling you into a peaceful slumber. You know that whatever the future holds, you have each other, and that's all that matters.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
tags: @ilovehobi101
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Sugar, Pretty Baby...
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Eddie Munson x Female Reader
Summary:After a successful date at the movies, Eddie takes you back to his trailer where things take an unexpected, but not unwelcome turn I suck at summaries oh my goddd 
Warnings: 18+, Smut, Making Out, Thigh Riding, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex (F Receiving), Missionary Position, Declarations of Love, If i’m missing anything feel free to shoot me a message so I can tag it.
Word Count:2,117 (oops, this one runs a little long I hope you don’t mind)
Authour’s Note: This is sort of a part 2 to From Me to You but you don’t necessarily have to read that to follow this. I was inspired/gently encouraged by @billybluboy to write a part 2 that was absolutely filthy and I think I accomplished that. 
True to his word, Eddie picked you up at 7pm on the dot, ready for your movie date. He was a true gentleman through and through, although you already knew that. Holding your hand, and intertwining his fingers with yours, swinging your joined hands between the two of you whilst you walked.
And now after watching the movie, you were sitting in his van as he drove you back to his trailer.
"I had a great time today, thank you for agreeing to go out with me” he chuckles nervously.
“I had a great time too, Ed” you beam back at him.
He gets out his van and quickly rushes around to the passenger’s seat door to open it for you.
“Ever the gentleman..” you giggle as you make your way out of his van.
Taking your hand in his, he leads you to his trailer.
“Wayne’s working nights, so it’s just us tonight.” He says, pushing through the door.
“Oh, really?” you say with a hopeful look in your eyes “Just us?”
“Yup..nobody else around..just me..and you” he says lowly his brown eyes flicking down to your lips.
Taking your opportunity, you lean up,with your hands tenderly holding his face, and press your lips to his in a sweet kiss. His lips are chapped and taste slightly sweet, a reminder of the popcorn you’d shared on your date.
“I’d been wanting to do that all evening” you admit shyly.
His lips are back on your in an instant, one of his large hands splayed holding your hips, the other cupping your cheek to bring you closer to him. His tongue sweeps across your lower lip, before slipping in and deepening the kiss, desperate to taste you.
He walks you back to the couch in the living room, before sitting down. You take the initiative to straddle his spread thighs, and continue to kiss him. Your lips are eager to be on back on his. Your kisses begin to trail their way from his lips down, burying your head in the crook of his neck whilst your lips work to leave open-mouthed kisses on the exposed skin, and suck claiming bruises on his throat.
Feeling you leave hickeys on his neck gave Eddie a strange sense of pride. He was always going to be yours, no questions asked, but now he had a reminder of how much he meant to you.
Whilst he indulged you in your quest to suck dark bruises into his skin, Eddie had his own ideas. His large ring-adorned fingers found themselves shamelessly gripping onto the soft flesh exposed by your short skirt. He wonders if you chose this short skirt knowing that this would be how you two were going to end up? 
Your hips are rolling themselves against his lap, and underneath the dark denim of his jeans, he feels his cock stirring, beginning to press against the seams of his boxers.
Smirking against his neck you pull away, and look at him. His brown eyes look to you with lust and a flush is creeping across his features. 
“Eddie, are you hard?” you gently tease.
“Well, what did you expect? I’ve got a pretty girl sitting in my lap, and she’s kissing me like it’s her favourite thing to do” he lightly chuckles.
“That’s because it is my favourite thing to do. You wanna do something about it?”
“Not yet, Sweetheart..I’m kind of enjoying just seeing you sitting so pretty in my lap like that.”
“Oh.” That wasn’t what you were expecting to hear. Most guys were all too ready to get straight to the sex, but this admission from Eddie made your heart swell with adoration for him. Even in this increasingly sexual situation, he still found time to be the sweet Eddie that you knew him to be.
"Sit up a moment, Sugar' Eddie asks, his hands still holding their place on your hips. "Want you to rock against my thigh just a little" He flashes you a cheeky grin.
You throw each of your legs over his thigh and begin rocking yourself over the rough denim of his jeans. His fingers are playing along the hem of your skirt, and his eyes are locked on yours as you nod your head, giving him the go-ahead to flip your skirt up. His eyes glaze over upon seeing the growing wet patch on your panties. The combined feeling of your wet panties, and his jeans are creating the most delicious friction as you shamelessly grind your hips over his thigh.  
However much Eddie was enjoying watching you roll your hips on his thigh, he needed to see you. All of you.
“Sugar, I wanna see you…I wanna see my pretty baby..” he mumbles out, as his lips are leaving trailing kisses all over your neck.
“Only if I get to see you too, Handsome” you wink teasingly.
“Fuck… Yeah..okay, okay, Sweets. Give me a moment.” 
You swing off his thigh, and move to stand up. You watch as he all too quickly tugs his shirt over his head, and works on unbuttoning his jeans, and hooking his fingers to pull his boxers and jeans down in one quick motion.
You use this time to admire him in all his naked glory, eyes taking in the details of each of his tattoos. Having only ever fantasised about this moment, you want to savour every second of it.
“I’m feeling a little left out here, Sweets..Will you let me see all of you?” he says, his eyes looking over you, his hand dropping down to lazily tug at his hard cock.
You are quick to slip your panties down your legs, along with your skirt. Gripping the hem of your shirt in crossed hands you pull the shirt up and over your head. Sneaking your hand behind your back, your fingers make quick work of popping the clasp of your bra before taking it off.
Eddie takes you by your hand as he motions for you to lay down on the couch. You open up your legs, to give him space to get comfortable between your thighs. However, what you weren’t expecting was for him to settle between your thighs, with his face so close to your wet centre.
“Can I taste you, Sugar?” Eddie asks, his voice taking on a seductive tone.
You nod your head, not confident in your own voice at this moment.
His tongue darts out the wet his lips, before he moves in closer, taking one long firm swipe through your folds, the tip of his tongue coming up to flick over your clit. His tongue swirls around your clit a few times, before he sucks it between his plump pink lips, causing your hands to reach down to tangle in his mess of hair, needing something to keep you grounded.
“Can you take one of my fingers, Sweets?” he mumbles against your wet heat.
“Mhmm” you nod, your eyes closed, feeling too blissed out to form any kind of coherent sentence.
He slowly works one of his long fingers inside you, whilst his tongue is drawing lazy patterns over your clit. His fingers are working in and out of you, curling themselves upwards in a way that has you moaning a little more louder than before, letting him know that he’s found your spot. He slips one more of his fingers inside you, and continues on his mission to get you off. His other hand is splayed on your lower stomach, keeping you right where you are, and adding a gentle pressure, the chill of his clunky metal rings against the warmth of your skin is a welcomed sensation. 
 You can feel him grinning against you, as his tongue and fingers continued fucking you.
The ever increasing knot tying itself together in the pit of your stomach threatening to snap at any moment. The only sounds in the otherwise quiet trailer are your high pitched moans and the obscene sounds of Eddie slurping up your sweet juices like he needed it to survive.
“Come on, Sweets, you’re close..Can feel how tight you're squeezing on my fingers..She wants to come for me..” 
It didn’t take very much more until the knot in the pit of your stomach snapped and you were thrashing out your release against Eddie’s face.
As you slowly come down from your high, you look down between your thighs where Eddie is unashamedly sucking his fingers into his mouth, cleaning off your wetness.
“mmm..Tastes so sweet, baby” his teeth shining with a wide grin.
‘You’re unbelievable, Eddie Muson.” you laugh.
“Well thank you, I do try.” he says smugly. “I’ve gotta be inside you now babe, I’m so hard, it’s killing me” he admits, his tone becoming more desperate.
“Well, what are you waiting for, prettyboy?” Eddie’s face flushes at your gentle teasing nickname. The sudden realisation that, oh, he liked being your prettyboy, hitting him hard.
Reaching down to his discarded jeans, he rifles through his pockets until he finds a condom.
“Were you hoping to get lucky tonight?”not being able to resist the urge to tease him once more.
“A guy can only hope, right?” he smirks, tearing open the condom and rolling down his length.
Holding his hand on one of your hips, he slowly guides himself inch by inch inside your hot wet cunt, giving you time to adjust to his size.
“You okay?” he checks in with you.
“Y-yeah feels good, Ed…Keep going..Please..” you whine.
He keeps sliding into you until he's all the way inside you.
"You still good, Sugar?" his brown eyes looking down at you with love.
“Yeah.. I-I’m still good, Ed” 
The stretch of his thick cock so deep inside you feels so good. 
His hips pull back almost all the way before they thrust forward to meet your hips. He keeps the first few rolls of his hips gentle, almost as he’s frightened that you might break. Then he feels the heels of your feet digging into his backside and your arms holding tight around him, with your fingernails digging into the skin of his back. 
Leaning your head up, you take his earlobe between your teeth and tug gently before whispering in his ear.
“Want it harder, big boy”
He swears his mind completely blanks for a moment, before his hips are snapping into action, thrusting into you deep and hard. The sounds of skin hitting skin and your combined moans echoing off the trailer walls.
He’s pounding into you hard, everytime hitting that spot inside you that has you clenching around him in pleasure.
“Fuck…Sweetheart…You feel so fucking good” he grunts out, punctuating his words with harsh thrusts.
Your chest is rising and falling with heavy breaths, and your eyes are glossy from just how good he’s making you feel.
“Swear this sweet cunt was just made for me”  his hips continue to thrust deep into you.
He reaches his hand down, using his skilled guitarists fingers to play with your clit. He’s rubbing over your sensitive nub in quick tight circles, and you can feel your orgasm drawing nearer. 
“Kiss me..Ed..please..” you voice whines out desperately.
He leans his head down to capture your lips in a filthy clash of tongues, swallowing your moans. 
“Fuck…I love you…Fuck.” He rasps out.
His fingers find your clit once more, as he rubs it in tighter circles.
“You close Sweets? You gonna come for me?” 
All you can do at this point is nod, no other thoughts in your brain apart from your Eddie.
He rolls his hips a few more times and passes his fingers over your sensitive clit and that’s all it takes before your body tenses and your pussy squeezes tightly around him with your orgasm. 
That’s what does it for Eddie, the feeling of your hot pulsing cunt squeezing him, hips stilling whilst  he spills his release into the condom. 
He halts for a moment, still inside you, to lean down to kiss you once more in a softer, more gentle kiss.
“I meant it..y’know…” he says “I do love you.” 
“Eddie…” you say sweetly.
“Now, I know we’ve technically only been on one date, but we’ve known each other for so long, I’m pretty sure I’ve been in love with you ever since I’ve known you.” he rambles.
You silence his rambles with a press of your lips to his.
“Good, because I love you too” you smile back at him.
His heart swells. It may have been an unconventional first date, but Eddie’s sure he wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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peachsayshi · 4 days
Hey Peach! How are you?
I want to request number 64 (Unexpected kisses that get all hot and heavy) with geto suguru please and thank you 🌸💓
➳  minors / ageless / blank blogs dni
⥽ notes: hello, sweets! thank you so much for sending over this request. I'm sorry it took me some time to write out but I do hope you enjoy this little scenario between geto x reader! I hope you are doing well! tags: non-curse au; geto x reader are "rivals". a little angsty and steamy.
"why do you hate me?" suguru asks, but he's standing far too close to your liking. his pretty boy smile a glow in the shadows, his body closing in as he takes another step forward.
you stutter when you breathe, your chest rising and falling. you place one hand against his heart, feeling it beat as you halt his movements. your eyes shift to the window behind you, watching the rain shower underneath the thunderous applause from clouds above.
there is truly no escaping. a part of you wishing you had left with your group in the morning as intended. but now you're stuck here all by yourself with suguru. with no place to go, and no light to guide you out.
"I don't hate you," you say through gritted teeth, irritation igniting in the depths of your core. you swallow the uncomfortable knot in your throat.
it's a shame that you can't get along with suguru. it's not like you haven't tried, but for whatever reason that man manages to get under your skin in ways you can't even explain. you don't know if it's his infuriating attention to detail, or the fact that he knows what is the right thing to say to send you over the edge.
"you do," he replies, making you catch your breath because he actually sounds disappointed.
two hands come to both sides of your face, his palms pressing against the wall as he looks down at you. a crackle of lighting shatters the sky, illuminating the serious expression on his infuriatingly handsome features.
how did you both end up here after being in a heated argument only a few minutes ago?
"well, you don't like me either," you insist, lifting your head high and turning your chin up proudly.
he taps his thumb against the wall, contemplative. a twitch in his jaw as he takes in your words.
"I never said I didn't like you-"
"of course you did," you bite back, stubborn to believe that these words are true because why else do you both keep getting off on the wrong foot.
your brain filters through every memory, every conversation, every exchange to recall any ounce of evidence to validate your statement.
suguru dips his head down, your hand squeezing the fabric of his shirt. so tight your knuckles turn white, and you're ready to push him away. but your spine tingles when you feel him lightly graze his lips over yours, his breath fanning your skin.
"when?" he repeats.
your mind spins, your heart races. you find yourself easing your grip, while Suguru's hand meets your waist.
he must be teasing you, you think. playing a dirty joke. but before you can fight back, he leans in for a kiss, pressing his mouth firmly against yours.
the gesture is soft and kind. so sweet it's like you're eating a spoonful of sugar. he pecks your mouth once, pulls away to give you a second, before returning for another kiss.
waiting, hoping, you'll invite him for more.
and when you do he slides his tongue hungrily, one hand dropping to the curve of your shoulder while the other reaches for your thigh to hook your leg over his hip, keeping you pinned up against the wall.
you rock your hips against him, desperate for friction. and when he returns the gesture it only makes you moan. an explosion erupts from within - engulfing you with a desire that's foreign to your being. there's a clash of lips, teeth and tongue - nips and kisses that make the space between your legs pulse. your hand grips onto his hair, the other curling around his neck.
you don't even want to breathe. you want to keep fighting. keep arguing. and this new form of communication works out nicely for you, you think.
but there's a flicker above, warm light colliding against the cool bolts from the lightning outside. the power returns abruptly, shocking you and suguru when you both stop kissing to stare up at the ceiling.
you're both panting, limbs linked as you remain intertwined in complications that you don't have the time to sift through at the moment.
suguru returns to look at you, licking his lips to taste you once more. he eases his hold, helps readjust your posture as he takes a small step back. his gaze never leaves yours, confusion boiling in his irises. you part your lips to say his name, but instead he cups your cheeks with both palms and leaves one more innocent kiss in his wake.
you are stunned when he drops his hands, a tiny grin a sign of relief.
he hums, "maybe, you don't hate me either..."
your heart is feverish watching him walk away, and for the first time in your life, he manages to leave you speechless.
requests for these prompts are closed.
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“I fucking love you and that scares the hell out of me!”
I can hear Glen say this, so can you write something with him and this prompt? please and thank you!
I f*cking love you
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PAIRING || Glen Powell x Actress!Fem!Reader
WORDCOUNT || ~ 900 words
SUMMARY || You've been working closely with Glen while filming a new rom-com movie, and you two can't help but let the feelings on screen seep into your daily lives. Once your feelings for each other are out in the open, something unexpected blooms between you two, and your intense chemistry is clearly visible, both on- and off-screen.
RATING || Teen (T)
TAGS || RPF. Mutual pining. Idiots in love. Unexpected love confession.
A/N || This drabble is part of Nicoline's Summer of Drabbles. I had a lot of fun writing this story, as it's my first time writing for Glen! I'm looking forward to writing more for him in the future, but I hope you will all enjoy my first attempt at a story for this man. This is not proofread - any and all mistakes are my own. 🤍
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Photo: Source || All other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Glen Powell || Summer of Drabbles
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Working together with Glen has been nothing short of a dream, and to be working as a lead in a romantic comedy alongside him is the cherry on top. You have been working hard to earn your footing in Hollywood, and this will be your first major role, which only makes it much more special to be working with your celebrity crush.
However, you don't know that he's harboring the same feelings for you, but he's scared to admit it. While he's open to falling in love, he never expected to find it in you - a sweet, soft-spoken girl who has stolen his heart from day one. He never used to believe in love at first sight, but that all changed when he met you. Your shared moments on set, the laughter you've shared, and the way he looks at you when he thinks you're not looking, all these things have made his feelings for you undeniable.
Glen has invited every member of the filming cast and crew to a barbecue and pool party at his house in Austin, and everyone's having a great time. Still, all you can focus on is Glen, his ridiculously delicious hairy chest, and his beautiful smile, which lights up his features.
"Are you even listening to me, or are you too busy drooling over Glen again?" you suddenly hear a woman say, and it's only then that you're snapped back to reality.
"I- uhm- Sorry. My mind was somewhere else," you admit shyly, and just when you look away, Glen looks over at you, but you don't notice. A wave of disappointment washes over him as his attempts to catch your eye fail - he hasn't been able to stop thinking about them for the longest time - but he's run out of luck.
"Why don't you just go up to her and tell her how you feel?!" Glen's trainer says, and Glen turns a deep shade of red at the thought.
"I- No! There's nothing to tell," he says with a bit of a grumble, but it's pretty clear to anyone but the two of you how the other feels. The chemistry between you two practically jumps out of the screen when you're working together, and while everyone's well aware it's because of your mutual pining, they also wish you two would get it over with. And that same night, it finally happens.
The pool party finished a while ago, and you and Glen are seated on a large couch he has in his backyard, cuddled under a soft, warm blanket as it's getting rather chilly, while watching the stars. The twinkling lights above you reflect in his deep, brown eyes, and the cool breeze ruffles his hair. He's sipping on a beer while you're enjoying a soda, and it's the perfect ending to a fun day.
"Can I tell you something?" Glen asks out of nowhere, and your heart starts to beat faster as he pulls you closer. You hum in response, your eyes closed to enjoy the moment for as long as possible - waiting for the moment he'll tell you that he's in love with someone other than yourself.
"I- I fucking love you, and that scares the hell out of me!" he blurts out, and you immediately sit upright, your eyes shooting open as your gaze meets his. A deep red blush covers his face and creeps down his neck as he confesses his love for you in a way he never would have envisioned. His voice trembles with fear and anticipation, and his eyes are filled with a mix of hope and dread.
"Y- You love me?" you ask, and he looks at the beer in his hands as he nods. He knows he won't be able to look at you as you reject him, but he couldn't be more surprised at the words that he hears next.
"Can you look at me, Glen? Because I have to tell you something, too," you say, and he does after sighing and gathering all his courage. Once his eyes are focused on yours, you're getting lost in the green of his irises, and they remind you of so many beautiful memories you've shared.
"I love you too, Glen. I'm in love with you. I have been for years now, as you have been my celebrity crush for as long as I can remember. You're very kind, and there's something special about you. I enjoy spending time with you, and never get bored when I'm around you-" is all you can say before you're cut off mid-sentence.
The warmth of Glen's palm radiates through your entire body as it cups your cheek, and the softness of his lips makes your nerves feel like they're on fire. Your hands land on his hairy chest, your fingers reveling in the feeling of its coarseness underneath them. And most of all, you're getting lost in his taste.
The beer he's been sipping combined with something so him has your mind going into overdrive, and when he pulls away, you can't help but smile like a teenager who just had their first kiss. You lock eyes with him and see the shimmer in them that you've fallen for. The shimmer that lets you know he's happy and that he's in love with you. One that's only visible when he's around the woman he loves: You.
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starlostseungmin · 2 years
— things they find attractive, skz.
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pairing: boyfriend!skz x gn!reader
genre: fluff, just loads of fluff
warnings: kissing, mentions of driving and being drunk, lmk if i missed something, not proofread.
word count: 1.1k
notes: an anon requested me to write something like this but i was already drafting the same idea so i just came up with this. please don't send in requests because i'm not taking any right now and if you wish to see more of this posts please reblog, leave your feedbacks and put tags alright? thank you very much love ♡
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𝗕𝗔𝗡𝗚 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗡 — when you smile
chan fell in love the moment you smiled at him. it’s like a treasure that he would always want to keep and a sight that he would always want to see. he would do everything to see that pretty smile on your face. the way your teeth peek in between your lips or even if it’s a simple smile, his heart can’t rest. one smile from you will brighten up his day for sure. by doing small things such as tucking your hair behind your ears or wiping your lips from the excess food, a smile would creep on them which makes him giggle in return. a compliment will urge you to show that sweet gesture, anything that chan has in mind just to make you smile. 
“you know what,” he said. “what?” you asked, taking a napkin from the small box. “you shine when you smile,” he said, making you flustered in return. 
𝗟𝗘𝗘 𝗞𝗡𝗢𝗪 — when you’re driving  
you passed the driving test and got your driver’s license recently. thanks to minho who managed to keep his patience from teaching you how to drive, it all ended up worth it. he was happy when you were screaming in excitement the moment you entered your shared apartment—and as for rewarding you, he decided to let you drive his car. it was very unusual of him but you promised you’ll do a good job. he finds it hot even when you were still practicing, the thought of you raising the speed and running past through some cars on the road, or even playing with the wheel and setting the roof back on its trunk when you use his convertible. only a smirk would plaster his face seeing how well he did to train you. your boyfriend could only relax on the passenger’s seat. 
𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗚𝗕𝗜𝗡 — when you do stretching 
work has been tough for you and changbin during the past few days—him coming home late at night and ending up seeing you do a few stretches on your seat while working on something on the laptop. one of the most common practices is having your back straightened with your arms pointing upward and tilting your head from side to side for neck exercise. a smirk surfaces on his lips before he could wrap his arms around your waist, to kiss your cheek, surprising you every time. “take it easy, love,” he would whisper and start to massage your shoulders. “you look so good stretching,” he chuckled and ended up being cuddled by you, in a few seconds after being flustered. 
𝗛𝗬𝗨𝗡𝗝𝗜𝗡 — when you kiss him 
kisses are normal with you and hyunjin but it would feel different every time when you are the one who makes the first move. random kisses are often given or exchanged yet it happens at most unexpected times or places. just like how you pinned him on the wall for once because you were madly drunk and he wasn’t. you pulled his tie to move him closer while your order hand rested on the wall. he was left dumbfounded and tensed on the spot, it was something hot and bold for you to make. hyunjin didn’t hesitate to have his hands around your waist, pulling you closer as he deepened the kiss, tasting all the drinks you consumed a few moments earlier. 
𝗛𝗔𝗡 𝗝𝗜𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗚 — laughing at his jokes
your boyfriend gives corny jokes sometimes and you know that. maybe they are not funny all the time but they manage to end up being witty. it wasn’t only about his jokes but how he reacts after, his laugh is contagious which causes you to laugh with him in the end. they were good enough to have you cackle while smacking a pillow resting on your laugh. jisung would take that opportunity to hear you laugh and watch you as if you are the most beautiful person on earth. you wouldn’t understand how his heart raced every time even if you would deny how you hate your laugh sometimes. but to him, it is one of the reasons why he loves you. 
𝗙𝗘𝗟𝗜𝗫 — when you play with his dog 
felix would always tag his golden retriever friend when he has the opportunity to do so. whether he makes it stay in their dorm or in their dressing room, it was always you who take care of it when he’s not available. the pooch was friendly enough to tackle you on the ground, lick your cheeks when he gets happy, or even play fetch, the little guy became fond of you. every time felix comes back from the schedule, he would always find you cuddling with the dog. sometimes urging the baby talks and complimenting it had his heart melt in awe. he knew he chose the right person, and felix couldn’t help but to fall for you even harder. 
𝗦𝗘𝗨𝗡𝗚𝗠𝗜𝗡 — when you sit on his lap
seungmin isn’t the type to engage skinship all the time but he had this thing with you. every time he takes a seat on the couch or on your shared bed, he’d call you up to sit on his lap, facing him. sometimes it happens randomly that he doesn’t need to tell you anymore. it all started when he came home late one night and was so exhausted from practice that you had to check if he was alright. his head fell rested on the backrest of your shared couch while staring at the ceiling, his body wanted cuddles at least and that’s why you came up sitting on his lap to hug him. he flinched the first time you did it and that made him blush as he hugged you back, burying his face on your shoulder, leaving a kiss on it. your boyfriend couldn’t help but smile, plus you were also wearing one of his shirts. 
𝗝𝗘𝗢𝗡𝗚𝗜𝗡 — when you wear his clothes 
you were on a movie night in their dorm when it started to rain hard. the news said there was a storm coming up so he called your mother to let you stay for the night. it was unexpected as the movie ended one hour later after the harsh rainfall. he decided to lend you his clothes to wear after washing up yet he ended up gapping his mouth the moment you walked out of the bathroom. minho even teased him while he was flustered, his cheeks turned pink as he looked at you wearing his clothes. the oversized shirt and his shorts fit perfectly. he wanted to pass out on how good you look with them—also you were already attractive in the first place. jeongin got dramatic as a response that he had to hide his face as you laugh at him. 
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[ 🌷 ] taglist : @wolfchanchan @inseonqt @soobin-chois @1-800-lixie @luvhyun3 @hanjiesgf @koovvie @lix-ables @starzzns @zoe8stay @gwynsapphire @cherryhanji @hwangsify @lixesque @seungly @sleepyleeji @h0neydewmoon @kim-seung-mo @ppiri-bahng @myjisung @snow-pegasus @seunglog — lmk if you wanna be added or removed from my permanent taglist via ask ♡
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jostyriggslover96 · 5 months
Holiday Traditions
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Summary: Kira (OC) and Jack Hughes are hosting their first winter holiday together. Pressure is already on, but to top it off, it's the first time their families are meeting. Insert a winter storm that has other plans, what does this mean for the holidays? (Kira's thoughts are in italics). Part of the HEART FIRST Series, checkout Summer Rituals, Someone Unexpected, and Best Thing in My Life if you haven't already!
Note: Thank you for all the love this Jack Series has gotten! The plan was to have this out in December, but health issues had other plans. So here it is, I hope you enjoy! If anyone wants to be tagged in future Jack pieces, just let me know! Special thanks to @hockeyboysimagines @heavenlyhischier @grandprixbarzal for all their support with this fic!
Warnings: Swearing, anxiety, holiday celebrations, sweet sweet fluff.
Word Count: 3.7k
Holiday Traditions
I was a bundle of nerves as I paced the perimeter of the living room in Jack’s apartment. Why was I a bundle of nerves? With exams over, holiday shopping done, Jack’s apartment decorated to the nines, and delicious Christmas and Hanukkah goodies flooding the kitchen counter…everything was in place. There would be no last minute shopping or last minute baking or even last minute gift wrapping. But still, I was more nervous than ever. 
“Babe, it’s going to be fine,” Jack’s voice broke me from my trance. Glancing over my shoulder I noticed him standing at the edge of the hall, watching me. Watching me pace, shake my hands, and fiddle with my rings. 
“How can you say that?” I asked, my voice shaking as I turned to face him fully. His expression was warm, comforting. He didn’t have a worry in the world right now. In fact…he was smiling. 
“Well they’re our families, not total monsters,” he chuckled as he crossed the room and took a seat on the couch, legs spreading as he got comfortable. 
“But this is the first time they’re meeting, it’s a big deal!” I exclaimed. 
“They’ve met before,” Jack clarified. 
“FaceTime doesn’t count,” I scoffed, arms crossing as I rolled my eyes. Jack let out a deep chuckle again. Sometimes I wish I was that laid back. 
“Come here,” Jack commented as he patted the empty cushion beside him. Shuffling over to the couch and plopping down on the cushion, Jack didn’t give me much time to get comfortable as he pulled me into his lap. Shifting around slightly as his arms wrapped around my waist, I curled an arm under his shoulder before resting my head there too. “Are you nervous to see my family?”
Lifting my head, I gazed into his blue eyes, which were now drowning in concern. “No Jacky, I love your family! We had so much fun at thanksgiving, and Ellen has very good baby pictures of you,” I giggled. Jack let out a groan as he shook his head, clearly remembering his mom pulling out a photo album from her bag at thanksgiving to show his girlfriend. 
“I’m going to have to check her bags when she gets here,” he mumbled distantly, causing me to let out another giggle. 
“You were so cute Jacky! It’s not like my dad didn’t show you our family album when you came for my birthday,” I reminded him with a stern look. 
“I could get used to two thanksgivings,” he proclaimed with a content sigh. We both sat in silence for a moment. Comfortable in each other’s arms. “Now tell me pretty girl, what are you nervous about?”
I had almost forgotten about the tension I was feeling minutes earlier, Jack always knew how to soothe me. “I just want everyone to click, it would be nice to have holidays together,” I sighed as I stared at my hands which were fiddling with the silver ring on my middle finger. 
“Kira, our families already love each other. Our dad’s have plans to fish in the summer and our mom’s text all the time,” he reminds me, tilting my head back so I can see his reassuring smile. 
“You’re right Jacky,” I nod, a smile slowly forming on my lips. 
“Remind me why they’re all flying in together?” Jack questioned. 
“It was cheaper for my family to fly in and spend the night with your parents than to come directly to New Jersey,” I explained as I rested my head on his shoulder once more. 
“Oh right, and they land at 7:15?” 
“Yeah, they should be boarding…now,” I commented as I checked the clock on my phone. Dropping my phone behind me, I nuzzled closer to Jack, cherishing his warmth. 
“This will be a great holiday, and hey, we get to teach your family a little bit about Hanukkah too,” Jack whispered before pressing his lips gently to the top of my head. Just as Jack pulled you closer in his arms, giving my waist a squeeze, the perfect silence was broken between the two of us by a *ping* on Jack’s phone signaling that he just got a text. 
I felt him reach into the pocket of his sweats for his phone, a moment passed before he let out a “shit!”. 
“What?” I asked absentmindedly, eyes fluttering closed as I enjoyed his embrace. 
“Text from my mom ‘we have a problem, a snow storm came in fast. Flights are being grounded’” he read to me. 
My eyes flew open as I leaned back in his arms, “Well shit,” I exclaimed. 
Jack and I spent what felt like hours sitting in silence once we understood the gravity of the situation. We would be alone for Christmas. That message took a while to sink in for me. There hasn’t been a single Christmas in my life that I have been away from my family. I know that would change as I got older but this year was unexpected. We would be alone for Christmas. 
It didn’t really sink in until a FaceTime call with my family who were cozy and settled in at the Hughes’ house. Of course my parents were disappointed about the circumstances but they seemed to be enjoying their time with Ellen and Jim. Even my brother was out playing hockey with Luke despite the treacherous snow storm. Hearing my dad discuss his blossoming friendship with Jim made my heart swell with joy. Dad friendships are the cutest. 
As I hung up the call with my family, the joy that filled my heart dissipated as my heart sunk once more. I’m so happy that my family will enjoy their Christmas with the Hughes’ family and that everyone seems to be meshing well, but I wanted to be there so badly.
There would be no Christmas baking or decorating the tree or driving around to see the lights. There wouldn’t be any overly competitive card games or sneaking cookies while my mom isn’t looking, or Christmas movies by the fire. There wouldn’t be any traditions this year. Nothing felt lonelier than that. 
Wallowing in my despair, I buried myself further into Jack’s sheets as I stared blankly at the wall. My hope for the season of joy was fading quickly. Silence filled the room and my heart. Just as I was really about to spiral into the abyss of the holiday blues, the bedroom door flung open. 
“Kira, I have a surprise for you in the kitchen,” Jack’s melodious voice filled my ears. Somebody still had the holiday spirit. 
“No thank you,” I responded solemnly as I pulled the comforter up to my chin. With my back turned to Jack, I could still hear him shuffling around the room. He wasn’t exactly known for being quiet. Suddenly I felt the bed dip as Jack shifted his weight onto the mattress before a hand rested on my shoulder. 
“Babe, I know this isn’t the Christmas you wanted and you’re probably devastated not having your parents here. I think you’ll really like this surprise though,” Jack whispered soothingly as he gently rubbed my back. 
“I’ve never missed a Christmas with them Jack,” I whispered as hot tears stung my cheeks. Sniffling as I used the comforter to dry my eyes. 
“I know my love, it’s absolutely awful and I’m not trying to erase how you’re feeling. I remember my first Christmas without my parents, I cried into my pillow on Christmas Eve.”
Glancing over my shoulder I looked at Jack, trying to gauge if he was being honest. “Really?”
“Really.  I’ve never told anyone that. I just want you to know that you’re not alone,” he commented as he took the opportunity to pull me into his arms. 
“Thank you Jacky, truly,” I smiled as I wrapped my arms around him, enjoying as his warmth enveloped me. 
“I really think this surprise might help,” his breath danced across my skin as his lips pressed close to my ear. 
“Gosh, you and this surprise,” I groaned dramatically. Secretly curious to see what he had planned. Throwing my arms up in mockery, I rolled out of the bed and slipped on my slippers. Jack chuckled while I acted like a total drama queen as my mom would say. 
Shuffling out of the room, I let Jack lead me down the hall into the kitchen. Gasping as we turned the corner, I noticed all the baking ingredients were out on the counter paired with a rolling pin and cookie cutters. 
“Are we making cookies?” I turned to Jack in shock as he smiled back at me. He simply nodded to confirm my suspicions before another voice rang through the room. 
“You bet we are, can’t skip out on traditions,” I heard my mom’s voice. Glancing around the room, knowing she couldn’t be here, my eyes landed on the laptop on the counter. Making my way to the computer, I was overjoyed to see my mother’s smiling face on the screen. “I know we can’t be there sweetheart, but we can still be together.”
Tears welled in my eyes as I glanced back at Jack who was leaning against the wall, taking everything in. “You did all this?”
“He sure did, such a caring young man,” my dad chimed in from the laptop. Jack’s cheeks turned a flush shade of pink at the compliment from my dad. 
Reaching out for Jack, I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug, signaling my gratitude. “Thank you Jacky,” I whispered in his ear. 
“Anything for you,” he pressed his lips to my temple as we stood in each other's arms for a moment. 
“Could we get started? I’m hungry,” I heard Luke groan from the computer. 
“Lucas!” Ellen scoffed at her youngest son. Pulling back from Jack I saw the whole scene unfolding. I couldn’t help but giggle as the youngest Hughes’ boy was being scolded. 
“Well are you going to stand there hugging each other or can we start?” My brother's voice questioned. I rolled my eyes as I pulled away from Jack, walking back to the counter to scold my brother. 
“Don’t be jealous that you don’t have anyone to snuggle up with right now,” I gently teased. My brother's eyes widened as everyone’s attention turned to him. 
“Whatever,” he scoffed as everyone let out a quiet snicker. 
“Okay, keep it together kids.” My mom declared as she corralled all of us. “Now let’s get started by everyone washing their hands,” she instructed as Jack and I moved to the sink. I couldn’t control my beaming smile as we all got to work on sugar cookie dough. This is what I wanted. This is what I loved about the season. Time with my family, and my new family too. 
Everything went surprisingly smoothly as we all followed my mother’s careful instructions; although we did have a few burnt cookies. “It’s okay Jack, I always burn a few too,” my mom offered reassuringly. 
It didn’t feel that weird spending time with them over FaceTime, Jack and I didn’t miss a thing. We got to witness Luke and my brother tossing flour at each other much to Ellen’s dismay. We saw our fathers look perplexed as my mom explained how the mixer would knead the cookie dough for us. My mom even corrected Jack’s flour measuring technique as we got our dough together. “Jack, stop eating the dough, we won’t have enough for all these shapes,” I warned as I smacked his hand away from the mixing bowl. 
Jack never struck me as a baker, but he definitely held his own with me. We both seemed to enjoy the quality time together and with our families. 
The quality time didn’t end there, once the cookies were out of the oven and were cooling Jim announced that we would be lighting another candle on the menorah. Jack snuck a cookie before we got settled, “for quality assurance reasons.” I rolled my eyes as we settled on the couch before getting started. Jack had already explained some of his family’s Hanukkah traditions to me but getting to participate in them was extra special. 
As we all gathered around our Menorahs, Ellen took the time to share the story of Hanukkah with our family. Jack shared how the lighting of the Menorah works and why there were only a certain number of candles on the Menorah, as we weren’t on the 8th day of Hanukkah yet. My heart warmed as Jack, Ellen, Luke, and Jim said the blessing as we lit our candles. 
“There, like this,” Jack whispered to me as his hand wrapped around mine to guide me in lighting the candles. Jack’s simple reassurance calmed any remaining nerves that I was feeling. In fact, I felt closer to Jack in a different way, learning more about him and what’s important to his family. Our connection feels more…intimate now. All the sorrow I felt earlier in the day has completely faded. 
Once the menorah was lit, Ellen spoke a bit about what the meal they would traditionally share and how gifts were a part of the Hanukkah tradition. “Jack don’t worry, we’ll bring your gifts next time we’re in town,” Ellen reassured her son. 
Ellen even brought out her dreidel to show us, as I was inspecting it while she held it up to the camera, Jack whispered in my ear, “at least you don’t have to play dreidel with Quinn, he gets way too competitive.” Despite Jack trying to be quiet, Ellen still laughed, confirming that the oldest Hughes’ boy did get very invested in winning games of dreidel with his brothers. 
The whole experience of sharing Hanukkah with Jack’s family was beautiful, which I kept sharing with Ellen as I thanked her for including us while we decorated cookies. I could tell by Jack’s reactions that this was a really special experience for him too. While everyone was distracted, Ellen told me that Jack hasn’t ever brought someone over for Hanukkah. That alone made my feelings for Jack grow even more, if it were possible. Knowing that he cares about me, and hearing that validation for other people was everything. He is everything. Maybe it’s the season but I’m feeling stronger for Jack than ever…maybe even like I might be in love with him. 
Later on as we were winding down from our sugar highs, my dad announced we would be doing our traditional tree topping ‘ceremony’. 
“You have a whole ceremony?” Luke questioned as he was shoving another cookie in his mouth while my dad gathered the star for the tree. 
“We use the term ceremony loosely, you’ll see,” I explained as Jack gathered the star that we had purposely left off the tree for this moment with my family. 
Once everyone was ready my dad explained that our tradition was to discuss what brought us joy or hope in the holiday season before putting the star on the tree and ‘officially’ lighting it. 
“Oh, like sharing what you’re thankful for at Thanksgiving,” Jack exclaimed. 
“Exactly,” my dad smiled. We all went around sharing one by one something that brought us joy or hope during the holidays. It felt like it always did, just with more people to share it with. That brings me joy, I smiled to myself. 
“Kira, it’s your turn to share,” my dad prompted. 
“Okay,” I paused, noticing that everyone’s attention was on me. Slightly intimidating.  “Well, to be honest, I was pretty upset this afternoon when I heard that you wouldn’t be coming. But,” I took a moment to breathe and gather my thoughts. My heart was overflowing with gratitude at this moment. Jack pulled me a little closer as he held onto the star, before giving my waist a reassuring squeeze. “All of you have brought me joy in this season. Especially carrying on our traditions in any way we can and sharing them with each other. I just feel so lucky to be a part of all your traditions.” 
My breath caught in my throat as I felt a lump forming. Biting my lip to try to keep my composure, I almost lost it when Ellen said, “we are so happy to have you as part of our family Kira.” 
“Me too,” I choked out before we moved on to someone else sharing their holiday joy. It was true, this was my holiday joy, spending this day together. That’s just a testament to how much Jack cares, noticing how upset I was and coming up with such a special way for our families to spend the holidays together. Jack, and his family, are truly something special. 
After saying goodbye to our families, Jack and I sat cuddled on the couch as a random Christmas movie played in the background. Both of us were enjoying hot chocolate and each other, neither really focused on the movie. 
“Thank you for today,” I said as I sipped my hot chocolate. 
“You’re welcome babe,” Jack replied as he stared off at the TV. 
“No seriously, thank you,” I leaned forward to set my hot chocolate down before gently turning his face so he was focused on me. “Thank you for taking care of me and for being so thoughtful in putting something like this together. Jacky, this meant so much to me.”
“Kira, it killed me to see you upset today. I care about you so much and I would do anything to make you happy,” Jack’s eyes locked on mine and in that moment, I knew. I knew this man would care for me the way I needed. I knew without a doubt that Jack was different from any of the men before him. I knew what he meant to me. 
“Jacky, I know this is maybe too early for this,” I let out a shaky breath. Its now or never. “But I’m falling in love with you Jack,” I said before holding my breath, unsure of how he would react. 
Jack paused for a moment, deep in thought. “I know I’m young and have a lot of life left to live, but I know I have never felt this way before. Kira, I know I’m falling in love with you. I just feel lucky everyday that I get to call you mine.”
I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face. Jack Hughes is falling in love with me! “Can I kiss you now?” I questioned. 
“You know I’ll never say no to that,” Jack smirked as I practically pounced on him. Straddling his lap, my hands ghosted over his cheeks as I leaned in to capture his lips with my own. His soft lips floated over mine in perfect unison as all the feelings we’ve been holding in came out. Our lips engaged in a delicate dance as Jack’s hands burned on my skin as they ran down my back and cupped my butt. We were lost in each other, no sense of the world around us for what felt like forever, but in reality was probably a few minutes. 
Pulling back for air, we both sent each other looks that conveyed everything we were feeling. I, for one, have never felt so loved. “You know what might be fun?” I pecked Jack’s lips while posing my question. 
“What?” He chuckled at my giddy demeanor. 
“Starting a tradition of our own for Christmas,” I suggested. “Something fun!” 
“What about something adventurous?” Jack encouraged me. I nodded my head in agreement. 
“Maybe something we wouldn’t normally do.”
“What about….sex on the balcony?” Jack proposed while sending a suggestive smirk my way. 
“Seriously? It’s freezing,” I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him. 
“I’m kidding,” he let out a laugh at my unimpressed response. 
“Sure, you’re kidding. I’m not freezing my ass on the balcony for you,” my eyes narrowed as I sent a skeptical look his way. 
“I am kidding, I swear,” he quickly stopped giggling. Clearing his throat and adjusting me in his lap, as if he is getting serious. “What about going to the beach? I know it’s cold but it would be a nice walk.”
“Oh I love that idea Jacky!” I said in awe, his brain could flip from sex to something sweet like that in a second. He was truly something else. “Ooh!” I gasped in excitement. “Now you might not be into this idea but just hear me out.”
“Go on,” he urged me, now sending me a skeptical look. Unsure of what I was going to suggest. 
“What if we collected seashells and painted a few? We could create, like a jar and add to it every year,” I suggested hesitantly. I doubt Jack would be into painting seashells with me but it would be such a special memory. 
“Sure, I think that’s a great idea,” he responded, squeezing my hips softly. 
“Really,” he confirmed. “That would be a really special memory.” I let out a squeal of excitement before jumping off his lap and starting to create plans for our adventure tomorrow out loud. 
“You know, you’ve set the bar for holidays very high Mr Hughes,” I commented as I paused my planning for a moment. 
“Well I guess I better start planning for Valentine’s Day now,” Jack smirked from the couch. 
“Just so you know, I really love chocolate and champagne,” I quipped. 
“Just so you know, I’m a big fan of the color red…and lace,” Jack winked, his swagger sending shocks through my body. 
“Well, I will keep that in mind,” I replied as my smile turned into that of a Cheshire Cat. I have just the outfit that will drive Jack wild. Valentine’s Day would surely be one for the books. 
To think how quickly this day changed, how quickly it went from sorrow to joy. How quickly we went from no traditions to new traditions together. How we went from dating to falling in love. Really how quickly we went from strangers to more. Meeting Jack Hughes this summer changed my life in the best way. Now here we are, falling in love and starting new traditions together. My hope for  the future is that these traditions and our love continues to grow. 
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phantomspiderr · 1 year
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Pairing: Jake Lockley x afab!reader (with mentions of Marc Spector x afab!reader & Steven Grant x afab!reader)
Word Count: 2.9k+
Summary: Your first date with Jake takes a bit of a steamy turn but ends in a rather soft moment ~based on this ask~
Warnings/Tags: 18+ alludes to & mentions of smut, lots of kissing, obvious mentions of DID, probably way too much use of nicknames, overconfident!jake but also lil shy!jake, virgin!jake, talks about consent, small touch of manhandling, and of course fluff
a/n: as always thank you to my bestest friend in the entire world @natashasvixen for always reading my stuff no matter how shit it is, love you😘 also thank you so much to whoever sent this ask your message was so sweet and kind. I'm ngl this was going to be full on smut but it took a turn and I kinda just ran with it
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“What?” A smile creeps onto your face as you look at him. Jake is lounging in the corner of the small couch. One of his arms is slung over the back of the couch, his fingers just grazing your back while the other leans on the arm of the couch. His head is propped against his fist and he’s staring at you, he has been all night. There’s the slightest smirk on his face, you find it so odd how a face you know so well can look so different. 
The night had been unexpected, after meeting Jake only a handful of times the more self-assured alter had asked you out on a date. And now, the conversation Marc had brought up makes a little more sense. A couple of days ago your boyfriend asked how you felt your existing relationship fit around his other alters. Marc had been open and honest about Steven and Jake from the moment you met, you’d had countless conversations about his DID but this particular conversation had come out of nowhere. Like quite literally he’d randomly just asked about it while you were in the middle of watching something. You were obviously curious about the other alters and it was honestly taking some getting used to different people in the same body. Even though they were part of him and he’d told you about them, Marc was still a little reluctant to share you with Steven and Jake. Selfishly he wanted you all to himself because deep down he knew the pair well enough to know that they would fall for you as hard as he had. 
But now, here you are cosied up in their apartment where Jake had prepared little snack boards and had even set up a little chocolate fondue that you’d both been picking at all night. You’d been talking about an old childhood memory while quiet jazz music plays in the background and Jake just listened. He hadn’t really said a lot, only really replying in one or two sentences but he listened to every word you spoke and he didn’t care how much you talked and talked and talked.
Suddenly, he surges forward and your body jumps at the unexpected movement, his hand hovers next to your face for a second until you visibly relax. Your eyes lock with his again, and you keep looking at him even when he looks down at your lips. His fingers gently touch your jaw, his thumb slowly dragging across your bottom lip. Your lips involuntarily part at the contact, a shaky breath coming out as you do. You think he's going to kiss you, and your body automatically gravitates closer to him forgetting you haven’t kissed Jake before. Learning boundaries with Steven and Jake was definitely taking some getting used to, especially since Marc had very few physical boundaries with you. Now, Jake’s definitely smirking, his eyes glancing into yours and then back to your lips before he backs up again, all contact gone. You don’t get a chance to protest or even pout at the loss. 
“Chocolate,” you dumbly watch as he pushes his thumb into his mouth, cleaning off the small drop of chocolate that was there. The conversation you’d previously been having lost as you just stare at his hands, solely thinking about his hands, you know those hands too well. Now, you’re wondering if Jake’s touch would feel the same as Marc’s or if it’d be rougher, maybe softer, “are you okay hermosa?” 
“Mmhm,” it comes out squeaky and you realise you’re literally squirming in your seat. He’s looking at you like you’re prey and he’s been starved and now he’s ready to pounce.
“Are you uncomfortable hermosa?” His head tilts to the side, eyes surveying you as you continue to squirm unable to sit still. It’s not that you’re uncomfortable, you just now can’t stop thinking about certain situations involving Marc’s hands. “This couch isn’t very comfortable.” Jake cuts in before you can even reply to his question, shifting in his own seat, his legs spreading a bit wider and the godforsaken hand you can’t stop thinking about now rubbing the top of his thigh. “You are always welcome to sit here cariño.”
You freeze, looking at him with wide eyes unsure you heard him right but he glances down at his lap before looking at you again and you know you absolutely heard him right. Then your body’s moving before you can fully think it through, he grins up at you as you situate yourself in his lap. His hands glide up your thighs to hold your waist as you straddle him and now, you’re face to face with him you’re not sure what to do. The little burst of confidence you’d just had fizzles away as you look down at him, Jake’s stare is so intense it scrambles your already fuzzy brain. 
“Eres tan hermosa, mi amor,” you giggle nervously when his fingers brush along your cheek down to your jaw. His eyes follow his hand as it moves and you can’t look away from his face. You’re somehow surprised but not surprised at all that Jake’s won you over so easily, the man already has you like putty in his hands. 
“I-I don’t know what you’re saying,” he chuckles briefly, his eyes glued to his hand that lightly brushes your jaw. He is obsessed with the way your head moves so easily with his touch, the cogs in his brain turning with more ways he could use that to his advantage.
“It doesn’t matter,” Jake holds your chin in his hand now and you let out a shuddered breath when his eyes lock with yours again, “I’m going to kiss you, hermosa.” You’re nodding your head the best you can and Jake’s smile grows at the action. Slowly, he straightens his back, getting closer inch by inch. Your own hands finally start working again as they move up his chest to pull him closer by his shirt. You’re getting impatient, needing to kiss him like you need to breathe and quite frankly Jake finds it amusing. Just as he’s close enough that you can feel his lips just barely brush yours, he stops. Jake freezes right where he is and his hold on your chin keeps you locked in place. You can’t move forward no matter how much you try and so, you whine, unashamedly you whine because you’re so desperate to kiss him now, “tan impaciente.” 
Jake holds you there for a few seconds more, taking great satisfaction with how much you begin to squirm again. He finally shows you some mercy, sliding the hand holding your chin to your neck allowing you to move freely. You don’t hesitate to push forward, finally pressing your lips to his. Your body instantly relaxes, sinking further into Jake’s hold. The confidence radiates off of him as you kiss, one of his arms coming up to support your back while the other hand cradles your head. It all feels so familiar, at this point, you think your brain’s on autopilot. Your hands smooth over his now wrinkled shirt, one making its way up to the back of his neck attempting to exude some confidence or show some control by manipulating which way he moves now. You’re able to wordlessly direct him and he listens, moving in sync with you. Your heart races in your chest but you find comfort in the fact under your fingers you can feel Jake’s beating wildly too. You don’t want it to end, right now all you want to do is kiss him until you can’t breathe—and you can’t. You’ve been kissing so long that you’re lacking oxygen and you have to unwillingly part from him to heave in air. Jake pushes forward to kiss you again and you have to smile. Despite the fact, both of you are panting after your little make-out session he is so desperate to keep you right where you are. 
“Hermosa,” Jake whines and the sound makes a flurry of emotions swirl in you. Your head tilts back a fraction in order for you to breathe but that doesn’t stop Jake from eagerly placing kisses from your lips down to your neck.
“What does that one mean?” Your fingers slide into his hair and tug ever so gently in a silent request for him to come up for air too. You can’t deny the way his lips feel against your skin is intoxicating, the closeness makes your entire body tingle.
“Beautiful,” his voice is rougher than before and he finally sits back, his eyes slowly drifting up your face as the hand still resting on your neck moves. His fingers lightly trace along your jaw again, “so beautiful.”
Now, you can fully see his face in the dim flat lighting you can make out the tint of red coating his cheeks and the tips of his ears. His slightly parted lips are swollen and rapidly he pushes out air. The man looks utterly devastating and he’s the one calling you beautiful. You can feel heat prickle your skin the more he looks at you, his eyes are studying you so intently. The overwhelming urge to kiss him again takes over and you push yourself toward him to try to close the gap again—try being the fundamental word. He pulls back with a smirk before you can kiss him, for a second you’re confused sitting back and looking at him curiously. He doesn’t move or say anything, he just sits there smirking so you try again. You push yourself up and just barely brush your lips against his before he pulls back again, an amused look still on his face.
“Marc,” you cry out in frustration before it registers in your brain. Suddenly, you drag yourself back when you realise your mistake but Jake only tilts his head slightly, one of his eyebrows raising. “I’m sor-”
“Oh, cariño,” his hold on you tightens by the second. It’s almost like a switch has flipped and you can’t tell if it’s a good or bad thing yet, “I have ways to make you remember my name.” Your breath hitches in your throat, eyes going wide at the implications of what he’s just said. Jake closes in on you again, and your eyes fall closed as you feel his breath against your neck. His nose brushes along your jawline toward your ear, “is that something you want hermosa?” An uncontrollable whimper escapes you much to Jake’s satisfaction, a deep chuckle sprouting from him at the sound. Jake hums questioningly, fishing for a direct answer.
“Yes. Yes please, Jake-” You don’t even get to finish your sentence. Jake’s tight grip holds you close as he effortlessly stands, his lips back on yours even as you yelp out in surprise. Your legs instinctively clamp around his waist while your hands now grip his shoulders for some form of stability. Jake’s kisses are frantic, the surprising change completely welcome as he moves you both through the flat. “Jake. Jake,” you manage to breathily speak his name, as if to make up for your earlier mistake, trying to get his attention and he only hums as his mouth moves back to your neck. Your head involuntarily moves to allow him more access, your mind clouded by lust instead of rational thinking and at this point, you may just allow him to do just about anything to you. Rather abruptly and unceremoniously, Jake shoves books off of Steven’s messily organised desk before he cruelly lets go of you making you gently thud onto the wooden surface. 
“Now you remember?” You can do nothing but blink up at him as he looks smugly down at you, your silence only boosts his confidence. Although all he wants to do is move at a hundred miles an hour he forces himself to slow down, to establish consent and trust with you. Jake wants nothing more than to be trusted, to be loved and he knew he wanted those things from you and only you. He however simultaneously wanted to pull you apart until the neighbours knew his name too. Your hands slip from his neck down his chest, and his hands catch your wrists as they move, “cariño.” 
“Tell me what that one means,” you lean in closer almost like you’re moving in to kiss him again and in response, he nudges his chin up just enough to brush your lips together. 
“It can mean more than one thing,” Jake kisses you once, “it can be sweetheart.” Another kiss to your lips, “dear,” and another, “honey,” another, “love.” His words mixed with the affection make you smile even as you try to pull your hands free but he holds firm. Jake pulls away just enough so he can look into your eyes again, “cariño-”
This time he says the pet name a little more seriously and that rational part of your brain enters the room again. The lusty haze clouding your judgement clears and you can see the faint look of doubt that washes over him.
“I haven’t- Not with-” His gaze drops to your hands, watching as he lowers them to rest on your thighs. You curiously look at him as he stutters, you’re surprised to hear it as it seems like that’s more of a Steven thing. “I want to be with you,” his eyes suddenly snap up to yours again, “I want to get on my knees and bury myself between your thighs.” There’s the self-assured Jake you know, “I want to bend you over that very uncomfortable couch and have you screaming my name.” You swallow thickly as he spills out the desperate fantasies that fill his head. His fingers delicately graze up your thighs until they reach your hips, holding on so you can’t scoot any closer to the edge of the desk. “But,” his eyes close for a second and when they open he’s looking down again, “I also want you to trust me.” You try to interject but he keeps going, “and I want to fully trust you.” Jake winces, expressing something so mundane he wants from another person feeling foreign to him. 
He can’t look at your face, he’d never admit it but he’s scared. Never has he gotten further than this with anyone, everyone always wants more, to push further than he’s willing to go and he wants that. Some primal part of him wants it more than anything but this softer side he likes to keep behind closed doors just wants someone to want him for more than sex. 
“Jake,” your voice is soft. Your hands gently move up his arms until you can hold his face between them, you repeat his name again and this time he slowly looks back up into your eyes. “It’s okay,” the corner of your lips twitch when you see his stoic look drop almost immediately, “we can go as slow…or as fast as you want to.” 
It’s like a weight is lifted off his shoulders, his arms slide around your back and he pulls you into an embrace. The move catches you off guard but you’re quick to hold him, your hands cradling the back of his head and neck wanting to savour the soft moment. You manage to turn your head enough to kiss the side of his head, your nose buried in his hair that smells like the hair gel Marc sometimes uses. Jake pulls away just enough to look at your face for a moment before he moves closer, nudging his nose against yours. Then he’s kissing you again, this time slower and softer it makes this speed feel even more intimate than before. 
Jake rests his forehead against yours, your lips parting for only a moment, “can we just do this for a minute hermosa?” You’re nodding your head letting out a breathy laugh and angling up to kiss him again. 
You both stay like that for much longer than a minute, fluctuating between short pecks and longer, slower kisses. He can’t keep his hands still, they move so gently across your skin from your hips to your thighs, to your waist even moving up to hold your face at one point. They find their final purchase on your sides, fingers digging into the soft skin there. Jake only stops his pursuit to press a kiss to your cheek whispering quiet words to himself like a prayer. 
“Where did you get all your ideas from then?” Your own whispers interrupt him, a smile creeping on your face as he pulls away. That blush coating his cheeks has grown and he frankly looks adorable. 
“I read.” You’re taken aback by that response, and now you’re just wondering exactly what he’s been reading. Jake moves in to kiss your cheek again, making his way closer to your ear. “I also watch a lot of por-“
“Okay!” You giggle as his fingers brush against your sides. That was the kind of thing you were expecting him to say first. Jake smiles down at you, a proper goofy carefree smile and he looks so sweet like this. It’s contagious, he’s got you grinning so much your eyes crinkle in the corners. A comfortable silence surrounds you, delicately your fingers comb through his hair. You’re both just taking a moment to admire each other. 
“You know Steven isn’t going to be happy about this,” you lean to the side and look down at the heap of books and papers scattered on the floor. Jake follows your gaze before you look back at each other and he just shrugs. 
“Worth it,” one of his hands cups your cheek and he dips down to kiss you again. It was definitely worth it. 
~part 2~
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shygirl4991 · 6 months
Mistletoe Wars
Im keeping my word everyone!
Summary: SMG4 and 3 are fighting to see who is throwing the best Christmas party, but when someone brings a surprise mistletoe to the fight both men will end up having an unexpected heart to heart.
Tags: Fluff, love confession, comedy, mistletoe kiss
 SMG4 stands proud in the main lobby of his castle looking at his set up for this year's Christmas party, he made sure the castle had everything. A daycare for Mario to prevent the plumber from going crazy and more then likely setting the party on fire. A game section for his gaming friends, though SMG4 was only able to get his hand on one game only. The table had plenty of food and not to mention he got a Santa Claus area for his friends to make their Christmas wish.  Nothing can ruin this day after all he throws these parties every year and they always manage to save the day when things take a turn. 
He then runs outside excited to check on his high budget premium christmas light only to notice it wasn't working, in a panic he runs to check the outlet to trip over a cord.  Following the cord he tripped on he notices SMG3 on top of his cafe plugging his own high budget premium christmas light. He gets up running to the man upset “Oi! Turn that off! You're hogging all the electricity!” he paused “nice high budget lights tho,” he had to admit his rival had good taste in lights. SMG3 smiles flattered that his friendly rival noticed his taste ��Thanks! And uhh NO!” just because they are on good terms meant he would let his idiot neighbor tell him what to do.  He smirks “I need the extra power for my lights for my upcoming christmas party!” This year he was going to out party SMG4. Two years he has been invited to SMG4 parties and finally understood why everyone loved Christmas so much. Now he was going to prove to the crew he can be just as cool as SMG4. 
SMG3 eyes go wide in shock “WHAT BUT I'M HOLDING A PARTY!” there was no way he was going to let SMG3 take the spotlight of the first ever Christmas on the showgrounds. “Come on SMG3 it's the first party on the showgrounds and it's super important to me,” before he can finish his sentence SMG3 rolls his eyes “Dont care and i'm pretty sure i didn't ask.” “Well it won't matter because my party will be cooler than yours!” He couldn't stand this man. Sure they may friends but that doesnt mean he wont start a war with his partner to show who truly is the best.  The two get to work decorating their place and making sweet treats to lure their friends over to their location. SMG4 looks at his watch and panics seeing it's almost time for the party, he dashes out of his castle and heads to Mario's place where everyone was waiting. 
Anxiety was eating at him, as he ran into Mario’s house, if his friends pick SMG3 party what would it mean? Could he lose his friends to his rival? He kicks down the door “guys you're still coming to my christmas party right? Please don't abandon me!” he didn't mean to say the last part but his anxiety was overwhelming him at the moment. His friends stare at him with concern while Mario is excited to see him “SMG4 we are playing go fish!” they indeed were not playing go fish he was pretty sure they were playing monopoly. Tari smiles at him “oh SMG4 we were just planning to head on over to your party!” Relief washed over him knowing that his friends would never abandon him for someone else, Meggy agreed with Tari letting him know that there was no way she would miss his parties. Truly he has amazing friends “Aw thanks you guys, now let's go party!” Suddenly an ad plays catching everyone's attention. It was SMG3 showing off his party and all the events he had going on, he even managed to find Santa and held him hostage at the cafe. 
Suddenly he lost his friends' attention as they all ran to go to SMG3 party for a ball pit, in a panic he dashed after them “Wait guys my party has two ball pits!” Being ignored he knew he had no other choice than to lay guilt on them thick, he looks down and acts like he is about to cry “Guys..are you really going to skip out on my party, after everything we have been through?” The plan worked as he saw each friend look down guilty before agreeing to go to his party, he gave them a soft smile as they walked into the castle. Then he turns and smirks at SMG3 before walking into the house, seeing that SMG3 knew he had to pull out the big guns. 
The pair begin their war attacking each other, forcing the crew to go back and forth, from avoiding bees to lame memes the crew was getting drained from the fight. Meggy groans at them yet again being chased out of SMG4 castle “This is getting ridiculous, there has to be a way to stop this!” The crew agrees as they wait for the next attack.  That's when a gift fell from the sky landing in front of them, looking up they saw Santa had escaped his imprisonment and dropped a box for them. Opening it they found a  mistletoe, Tari took it out of the box confused “How can this help?” Mario smirks, taking it from Tari “Mario has the perfect plan for this!” 
The crew run into SMG3 party acting like they are so relieved to be away from SMG4 “Oh thank god the fun party!” Meggy shouts to catch Three's attention.  He smiles and hands a gingerbread man to her “Hell yeah you are, now would you like a treat they are fresh!” While Three was distracted Mario put up the mistletoe and chuckled as he walked up to SMG3.  Just in time SMG4 charges in ready for his next attack, seeing his rival Three stomps over to him. Meggy and Mario both nod “You know what would prove who is better?” Both men turned looking at Meggy who was pointing upward. Confused, both men looked up, SMG4 eyes went wide seeing the mistletoe above them. SMG3 stared in shock feeling his face slowly heat up turning his cheeks pink. “Mario thinks whoever does it first has best party!” Both men looked down at each other awkwardly, they wanted to win but were they willing to go so far. SMG4 then came up with an idea “Why don't we just ask youtube? I will do a poll and the winner has to do it, if they don't the other wins.”
SMG3 didn't want to have to kiss the man in front of him but he had no choice; he needed to prove he can have fun parties too. Four set up the poll and watched the votes go in, slowly he became horrified. They were voting for him to be the coolest, meaning he had to kiss SMG3 or he would lose the war. “Well scrub? I'm sure you want to quit and that's fine, your friends and I will have fun over here!” He turns to face Three “I wont lose!” surprise SMG3 squeaks as Four grabs his arms and pulls him into a kiss. The crew gasped in surprise that he actually did it, while Mario took photos. SMG4 pulled away smirking “I win!” Three face was bright red at the sudden kiss unsure how to process all the emotions going through him. Then in a flash Santa comes back to nuke the place as payback for his kidnapping, SMG4 falls to his knees seeing everything on fire. While SMG3 finally snaps out of his trance to join SMG4 on the floor crying over everything burning. Meggy walks up to them patting their backs “Guys Christmas isn't about who has the best party, it's about spending it with loved ones like us your friends!” Tari jumps in with a drawing of them all with the words friends written on top. SMG4 smiles at his friends trying to cheer them up, only SMG3 seemed to be lost in thought. 
He gently taps SMG3 to get his attention, while it worked it made him worried about what the man could be thinking about. SMG3 gets flustered seeing the drawing “FRIENDS?! I mean uh I'd rather die than be friends with you guys!” Four giggles at the man’s act. Now that the pair weren't crying the crew had no idea what to do next, both hang outs are on fire and Mario’s place isn't big enough to have a party. That's when Bob chimes in to go to his place, with everyone in agreement they head off to Bob's home.
Everyone was there holding hands around a christmas tree, except for two meme guardians. SMG3 grabs SMG4 and drags him away form the group “Alright, what the hell was that gay shit earlier?” Four let out a sheepish smile “Uh i wanted to win?” he wanted to smack himself for such a stupid line. SMG3 glares at him before Four lets out a sigh, sure he wanted to win the battle but something else wanted to do it because it was SMG3. Things between them have changed so much, even his yelling and eye rolls had more affection to them then two years ago when they started to become friends. 
SMG4 looks up at the sky “SMG3, you notice that things feel different with us? It could just be me but in my desperation to beat your party, kissing you has made me see something.” SMG3 was getting ready to fight whatever burn Four was cooking but it never came. Instead he felt his breath get taken when SMG4 turned, giving him such a loving smile he didn't know what to do. “Remember our first kiss? I didn't trust you, still saw you as evil and hated that kiss, but this one…I wish it lasted more.” SMG3 blushes freaking out “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! Do you know how gay this sounds!?” 
SMG4 nods feeling himself starting to blush, seeing that Four was being honest with his feelings he decided to try something. “You're an idiot, if you think this will get you anywhere it wont. I mean that kiss was awful. I'm a way better kisser!” Hearing this SMG4 smirks “Oh, well then if you're so good at kissing prove it~”
Three gave the bait and the other man took it. Knowing clearly how the other man felt made his heart flutter, it was now or never as he grabbed SMG4 hand. Blushing he leans forward pressing his lips against Fours. This kiss felt different from earlier, there was more emotion in it. SMG4 intertwined his fingers with SMG3 then with his free hand pulled him closer. They don't know how long they spent kissing under the stars on christmas night, SMG3 didn't care at the moment. Because for the first time in his life he is feeling true happiness, as they slowly pull apart Three shyly looks away not letting go of Four’s hand “See i'm way better.”
SMG4 giggles trying to hide his blush “I don't know about that, maybe we have to try again sometime…maybe over coffee?” SMG3 rolled his eyes at Four attempting to be sneaky about asking him out “The shop is closed on Tuesday around 1pm, maybe if you show up i can show you my skills again.” SMG4 squeezes Three hand and gives him a bright smile “Then it's a date!” 
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Request by: @jellibean2018
Hello, Jelli! About two months ago you sent in a request, however my tumbl did me dirty, and I ended up with your ask, and the entire fic deleted! (Though, much to my relief, I found screenshots of the fic in a chat with my friend who was reviewing it. Thank god).
So, I have to tag you, and remind you what you wanted.
From what I remember, you wanted a fic with a female sinner Reader who was once a victim of Alastor's, and the two ending up meeting again in hell. You also wanted an unsettling vibe with Alastor reveling in the memory of killing Reader.
I also want to add that I apologize for how long you had to wait for this fic to be done. I haven't been doing well with fics lately, so this was a struggle. And my mental health started going shit too which is why I stopped posting for so long...
Anyways, I really started to struggle with writing fics, so I ended up experimenting with this one - it's kind of written with huge metaphor kind of style? Hope that's okay with you...
Anyways, hope you'll enjoy reading this at least a little, and I once again apologize.
🎙️// The sweet history we share... //🎙️
{Alastor x female!Reader}
Type: Fanfic
Settings: Not specified
Genre: Unsettling? Can't tell if it actually gives that vibe though,
!TRIGGER WARNING!: Mentions of cannibalism, murder, violence, blood, saliva, dead bodies, Alastor revels in the memory of killing Reader, possible yandere vibes? Alastor sees Reader as nothing but a meal, but he puts her on a pedestal - that's probably some kind of fucked up attachment that surely has a name? I'd say the vibe is quite unsettling, but I can't say that for sure, Angel indirectly suggests the use of drugs and hints at sex related activities (but it's just a single line), and that's probably all?
Sidenote: Reader is written as a female just as requested,
Sidenote: I have no idea if I wrote Alastor well... but it feels like I really made him ooc as fuck and ruined the whole request,
Sidenote: Rereading this I think everyone is ooc as fuck even if they have minimum dialogue,
That should be all,
Hope you'll enjoy,
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Ah, nostalgia. Ah that sweet nostalgia. And that embrace of her.
She comes in unannounced, an unexpected guest. But oh is she welcome.
And oh so welcome are those treats she brings to the table.
She easily settles in, making herself at home. And into a cup, a bunch of memories she pours.
And that demon, the radio demon as he's called - he drinks from that cup greedily.
And like a man dying of thirst, he can't help but ask for another cup to be poured.
His senses feel high, his body tingling. A feeling of addiction is what fills him.
And he can't get enough of those sweet memories, so, he downs one cup after the other.
But with each greedy little sip, the thirst only grows and grows - he's not had his fill still.
So, the demon goes on and on, tasting one memory after the other.
And his mouth waters a big deal the more he can taste, and he savours each and every one.
Ah, and he can't tell which one of the sips of memories he enjoys the most, which one is the most saliva inducing one.
Is it maybe the giddy old memory of how he followed you through the town?
With you completely unaware? Naively trusting those poorly enlightened streets?
Trusting that a bit of weak light will keep you safe?
Or perhaps it could be the sweet memory of the thrilling chase through the forest?
That one forest where thousands of dead bodies laid buried deep in the ground?
Those dead bodies in whose footsteps you followed suit?
Oh! And what about that memory of how you so desperately tried to navigate around and hide, escape his clutches?
Even if he could hear your sharp breaths as clear as the day?
Oh! Or maybe his favourite one could be the moment of when he tackled you down?
Pinning your body under his, finally cutting the chase so the real fun can begin?
And that beautiful moment of how you hopelessly dug your nails into his skin til blood trailed down his arms?
That one beautiful moment engraved into his head of how you desperately clawed at those lanky hands of his?
His hands that trailed, squeezed and pinched at your body, feeling you up like a winning prize, like a fine piece of venison?
Ah, it was so hard to pick which one was the most treasured one!
Hell, it could even be the simple memory of the melodious sounds of your cries.
That melodious, angelic sound of your pleading, whimpering, sobbing and screaming.
Especially those sounds you made when he bit down onto your flesh.
Oh, and that taste that hit his taste buds back then...
He still remembers it like it was yesterday.
And his tongue still tingles, and saliva still floods his mouth every time he thinks of just how tasty you were back then.
And now his mouth waters as he silently wonders... would you still have such taste even now?
Or did becoming a demon change the sweet, addictive flavour of your fragile flesh and thick blood?
Oh, how his senses urge him - beg him - to just grab you and take at least one single little bite...
I'd be really easy too, now that you're a part of the hotel staff.
Silly little you, you didn't flee when you were faced with the fact that he - the one who took your life - also works for the hell's princess now.
You didn't take the more than gracious chance to turn on your trail, run and never return while you still could.
No, you are too stubborn, and you insist on staying, even despite how frightening seeing him on the daily is for you.
Silly little you! Don't you realize how easily he could snatch you away and repeat history?
All it would take is a single moment of when you're alone and-
Ah, but he can't do that - at least not yet...
Where would be the fun in that?
It sure would be a shame to end your lovely reunion this fast and early on, no?
Not to mention the odd, messed up attachment the deer demon feels towards you...
Now, not to be mistaken! What he feels isn't the usual attachment one would think of!
It definitely isn't the good or healthy kind either...
So, we shall not be mistaken, let's not get our hopes up and think he cares - for he doesn't.
You mean nothing to him - at least as far as it comes to you as a person.
Your value could be most likely compared to something of a sentimental value, a plaything at best if you will.
Still, no matter what you are to him - you are by far his most favourite one at that.
That's what can be said for a fact.
And for reasons beyond us and even Alastor, those memories he shares with you are put on a pedestal - put way above the rest.
There were so many faces that twisted in fear, so many names he kept tabs on, so many tastes he's tried, and so many lives he's taken.
But very vast portion of them is long forgotten, not really standing out all that much.
Nor holding any real value. Barely any of them mattered...
But you, on the other hand - oh, he could never forget about that one lovely night you shared...
And even when more victims - more faces, more names, more tastes - came, they couldn't compare.
No, they never could.
Those memories of you and your taste were always stuck in the back of the radio demon's head no matter what new person was on the menu - what new dish was on his plate...
So, one can only imagine just what he feels now that you're back within his grasp.
Oh, not even his wildest fantasies could've come up with or prepare him for such sweet moment!
This was like a gift from the Devil himself!
Yes, a gift - one that Alastor would make sure to cherish greatly...
Ah yes, he would cherish you so.
He'd take his time unwrapping you like the perfect little gift that you are - he would savour you.
And only when he'd get tired of messing with you, only then he'd get to the real deal.
Oh, and when he'll finally do, it'll be like a starving man plunging onto bread crumbs!
It'll be such a beautiful, satisfactorily moment - Alastor can almost feel himself drooling at the mere thought of the moment.
Oh, how he just can't wait for the very moment!
The moment is so close, and yet so far - and every little glance your way is like a test.
A test of how long he can resist the temptation.
Every little move you make, every little noise that leaves you, every little expression your face twists into.
Oh, he can barely hold himself back!
His body feels so restless, and his thoughts are all over the place.
And no matter how much he reminds himself to be patient, to not cut straight to the chase just yet.
He still can barely keep himself in check.
His thoughts are going to dangerous places, and your familiar, sweet scent teases his nose.
Oh, and you're so within reach too!
It'd really just take a single little moment and-
"Geez, that perv's still at it?".
Oh, that's right.
He's almost forgotten about those curious eyes watching him from afar.
Watching, and trying to see inside his head...
But judging by the response Vaggie's hateful comment receives, it seems she's the only one to see right through him.
The only one to see the real danger behind that wide smile he always wears...
"Ya-uh! His eyes have not left her ever since she's joined the hotel staff!".
Ah, Charlie. Dear, sweet Charlie - now she's something else.
She's completely different from her girlfriend - she's quite naively trusting and optimistic.
Fully believing that there's a piece of good in everyone.
And hence not being concerned for your safety when the deer demon started to show an interest in you.
Ah, that sweet, silly little thing.
Caught up in trying to see only the best in people and their intentions...
It's amusing - and truly adorable.
And oh, does it play into Alastor's favour oh so well...
"Okay, that's like so sick and totally-".
Oh, Vaggie - she tries, she really tried to warn the others.
Make them see Alastor for what he truly is.
But aside from Husk, nobody really listens to Vaggie's concerns.
No, she's not all that listened to when she voices her opinions on the deer demon.
Not even when she expresses her concerns for how the latter constantly follows your every single step no matter the time of the day, no matter where you go...
And to think she has quite enough of a say in things as the hotel's manager, as well as the princess' girlfriend!
Oh, that poor little thing - it must be such an awful feeling.
How humorous!
And oh, how unfortunate...
"Ah! Do you think he's-?".
Niffty is completely on board with Charlie.
Similarly to the princess - she too doesn't see the real harm in Alastor's advances towards you.
Seeing his behaviour as nothing other than subtle romantic gestures.
The little demoness' version of romance sure is rather twisted...
And yet, it's still quite surprising Niffty doesn't see the harm in things.
After all, she herself knows Alastor just as well as Husk does...
"Yeah! Strawberry pimp totally got the hots for that one!".
Angel was caught up in the spiderweb of romanticizing the same thing as well.
Just like Charlie and Niffty, he couldn't see the truth...
"What? No! Are you all crazy?! That's not the case at all! How can you all not see that?!".
Oh, Vaggie - again and again, she really tries and tries.
But the result is always the same - nobody pays her warnings or concerns any thought.
And yet she still keeps on going.
What a miserable little thing she is.
"Oh my- I have like the best idea!".
Not even Charlie notices how Vaggie nearly begs for them all to see things from her point of view.
None of them can see things for what they really are.
Alastor's got them all right where he wants them.
Without even having to try much...
"We should totally get the two to have some alone time!".
Charlie is quick to naively play into the radio demon's games.
Without even knowing she's doing that.
She can't see this all is exactly what the deer demon wants...
And neither can Angel or Niffty.
Aw, those naive little fools...
"Yes! We should- like- create some really romantic atmosphere and leave them to it!".
Niffty follows through in Charlie's steps.
She too plays right into what Alastor wants.
Though whether or not she's aware of it is up for a debate...
"We should lock 'em up in a closet together or somethin', or even give them a little... somethin'... to just... ya know, set just the right mood in.".
And angel is quick to fall for Alastor's games too...
Ah, those silly fools...
Unaware they're making all this much easier than it should've been.
They're sealing your doom - the inevitable end you're ought to meet at his clutches.
They're making this all too easy...
They're shoving the little mouse right into the lion's den.
What unfortunate silly fools.
And what an unfortunate little you.
Your friends are serving you to him on a silver platter.
All of them - or nearly all of them - thinking they're doing you a favour.
Thinking they're simply helping a mere fool in love gain the heart of his love interest.
When in reality, they're actually helping a starving predator get closer to his chosen prey...
It was rather humorous - a good source of entertainment for sure.
So, Alastor would humour the group.
He'd indulge in their schemes of trying to set you up with him.
He'd gladly play along and lead them to think he's interested in you.
Well, interested in you they way they think he is, not the way he actually is...
No, they can't know what he actually wants from you.
They won't know.
He'll make sure of it.
They won't know until the very last moment, until the deed's already done.
Or, he'll lead them to think your disappearance has nothing to do with him.
After all, the sudden disappearance of a poor little sinner like you would be nothing new in hell.
You'd just be added to the endlessly growing numbers of hell inhabitants going missing.
Your disappearance would be just a part of the mere statistics.
Well, he'll see.
All depends on which option would prove to bring more benefit.
As well as which one would prove to be more entertaining.
That's what, to the deer demon, matters the most at the end of the day.
For now, he'll just go with the flow and let the situation progress by itself.
With the occasional shove to the right direction, of course.
But it doesn't seem like he needs to wait for that long for everything to be set in motion...
"Hey, Al, you got a minute?".
Yeah, he really doesn't need to wait for that long...
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