#uwus: spilled
vellichorom · 8 months
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now we get to the stuff that makes people look at me weirdly BUT I'M HAVING FUN SO WHO GIVE A SHIT
featuring things that- MORE OR LESS REVOLVE AROUND @xaq-the-aereon's crossover game The Hato Parable ( which you should totally play ), ranging from legitimate fanart to AU stuff directly inspired by it- including various bird designs for the narrator - from a raven/crow, a chukar partridge, to finally - a grey partridge;
( ALSO FEATURING !!!!! @singalongpokey's hiyoko design & @indigo-art's narrator arthur! or a rendition of him as a bird, anyway )
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deiaiko · 4 months
#20.9 Heads up
"I have some news." Agni swirled the water in his glass as if it were wine. "Recently, I have officially taken Bam's friends' team under my wing."
Bam perked up but said nothing. His expression indicated that he wasn't surprised, so Khun or Grace must have told him at some point.
"So to make things efficient, I decided that I will arrange a game for us next week, so we can get to know each other better."
"By beating their asses?" Novick huffed a laugh, looking excited.
"If that's how you see it, sure." Though Agni wouldn't bet that his team would win against them. "Just keep in mind that you shouldn't underestimate them."
Novick folded his arms in front of his puffed chest. "We'll see about that."
Bam looked a little concerned, but Agni couldn't be sure who he was concerned for.
Agni decided to move on. "I need you all to promise that you will treat everyone equally and do your best in the upcoming game." He addressed everyone, but he said it especially to Gyetang and Dan. He already felt a headache coming from thinking about their fanatic behavior toward a certain princess. 
Dan raised his eyebrow, "Don't we always?"
"Why is this important, cluck?"
Agni mustered his best glare, pulling his lips into a thin line.
"Alright, alright." Dan and Gyetang raised their hands in surrender. Everyone else followed by voicing their agreements.
"Good. I will take your word for it. No going easy, especially not for Endorsi. Got it?"
Dan and Gyetang screeched at the same time.
"Whaaaat?!" "The princess Endorsi, cluck??" 
"No wayyy!! Are we going to meet her in person?! Oh my God!"
"I could never harm her, cluck!"
Agni rolled his eyes, having seen this coming. Really, what did they see in that barbaric woman? "If that's the case, then I will put you two on cleaning duty that day, so you don't have to participate. I believe Grace and I would be enough as a substitute."
"That's even worse, cluck!"
"He's right! I want to see Princess Endorsi in action. It will be so amazing!"
Agni felt his eyebrow twitch, thinking back on the spar he did yesterday with her. Her moves got clumsier the more he riled her up, and that was how he defeated her in less than five minutes.
"I hope you won't be disappointed." Grace replied, to Agni's surprise. "She's good, but she can be a little cold."
Agni saw a hint of sadness in Grace's eyes, and he knew why. She was powerful and had a lot of potential, but it would be a waste if she went down the same path as last time. The news of her betrayal from his own timeline still left a bitter taste in his mouth, and he knew Grace was still haunted by it now and then. It was hard to keep a neutral view on her when he knew what she could become. But if there was one thing he learned, it was that people could change. For better or worse he couldn't predict, but a chance for change was all that mattered for him. With it, he would be able to decide if her future self was worthy of forgiveness or not.
"You're worried over nothing!" Dan replied cheerfully. Soon they began to gush over Endorsi, then slowly devolved into the game brainstorming and strategy.
Bam was mostly silent for the whole ordeal, only talking if his opinion was asked, but he was smiling and listening intently. However, Agni noticed that Bam often glanced at him, specifically when Agni was not talking. He decided to ask Bam about it, and Bam answered that the way Agni used chopsticks reminded Bam of someone. Agni had a good guess on who that might be.
After they finished dinner and said goodbye to Bam, Agni and Grace decided to cuddle in bed for the rest of the night, leaving the others to entertain themselves in the living room. As Agni made himself comfortable under the blanket, Grace paused, not yet turning off the light as he was about to do.
"Oh right, I forgot to tell you yesterday."
Agni raised an eyebrow.
"Master finally agreed to have a spar with me. It's in two days." Grace looked a little sheepish, but Agni knew he was excited. Grace had told him that he wanted to build up his stamina, thus he was looking forward to going all out with Jinsung. "Are you free that night?"
Agni mentally sighed. He would not wish any harm upon Grace, if he could help it. But he couldn't talk Grace out of this, knowing that Grace had made up his mind. At least this time he will be there when Grace needs him. "I can always make time."
"Thank you." Grace smiled and turned off the lights. He joined him under the same blanket, resting his hands on top of Agni in an embrace. "I'm glad that you're here with me."
Let me know your thoughts in the reblogs <3
☕ Buy me coffee ☕
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raven-hall · 1 month
there is something so deliciously violent about a heart breaking.
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uh, ladies? i don't feel ready to turn 27
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amzarashi · 1 year
there's this thing where you can't say certain words or phrases or breathe a certain way or touch something for too long or nudge the book that's been collecting dust on your bedside for two years because anything and everything could turn the world against you
i can't sleep at night because my breathing doesn’t feel right and the prayer i said five times in row doesn’t feel right so i have to get up open the door turn the lights on retrace my steps until my feet start aching from how bad i need it all to make sense to fall into place to not hurt the people i care about because guilt makes your heart sink like stone and i still haven't learned how to swim
fox reads me poetry until fox is all i think about until the world isn't so scary and the static in my brain is quiet i tell fox good night i say i love you but it's rarely there so i say it again over and over because repetition speaks things into existence until it piles up on top of each other until i can gather it all in my hand and squish it together like putty and use it to close up everywhere the hurt is leaking through
exposure therapy sucks. it's not that i can't touch door knobs or cross the threshold or have to wash my hands so many times or that i have to click the lock and turn the bathroom lights on and the bedroom lights off and the doorway lights on and the people around me have to say good night with an inflection that tells me i won't die tomorrow because i don't know what my brain wants more often than not
words have so much weight and i haven't told anyone i love them and meant it because i’m scared if i do i will doom them to my fate of picking at nails and skin so i use loopholes like my life depends on them. i say it with breaks in between. the pauses are periods so it's a string of words not a curse set into motion it'd be nice to breathe without having to think about what i can or cannot say
instead i send poetry, i say read the orange by wendy cope listen to 400 lux by lorde it's not a love language because language was made to share love babel was a death sentence there are many words i want to say but can't say but roland barthes says, i've got nothing to say to you but it's to you i want to say this nothing
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slicedblackolives · 2 months
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gauravsksk · 1 year
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euesworld · 2 years
"I wish there were a million hours in a day, that's more time to spend with you.. but I do have to admit that when you smile, I live two lifetimes every second."
Every smile from your lips is heavenly bliss.. I only wish that I had more time to experience it - eUë
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xoxokayyyy69 · 1 year
does the clap of your ass cheeks sound like thunder or slaps
your soul acts like a trap
fuck you
with love
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Clap my ass cheeks eh? <3 😚😋😏😏Ha come let's bish bash bosh rn I'm lonli n sad n missed u sm
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ask-feedees-jikook · 2 years
... 👉🏼👈🏼 *shy*
Will you please pick me out a- a slave outfit? What does my God want your little servant to wear while waiting on you paw and foot~
Mm wear this for me, pup.
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compatiissante · 1 year
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cue the papercut.
". . . shit. fuck. where the fuck are my unicorn bandaids--"
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godkilller · 1 year
Arms are flung ' round his neck, and she dangles at his back, laughing quietly into his ear. ❝ Your friends are fun ...~ Are there any you'd like me to keep? ❞
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He stood steady and strong, allowing Gigi to drape herself against the zombified Shinigami as she pleased. Gin smiled at her whispered query; such a considerate notion. But...
❝ ... they ain't my friends. ❞
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raven-hall · 1 month
She smiled like she had sunlight in her blood.
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
I’m like. Okay. I’m not selfshipping with Sal because I don’t need to be adding more selfships and I haven’t even done my mha s/i but. I’m definitely thinking about it.
Also this entire blog is just,,, concentrated mental illness /pos (like I’m no different, pot to the kettle and all, right here with you bestie but it’s shocking at first lmao)
Also if it’s cool can I be 🌌 anon?
>Do iiit.... DOOOOO IIIIITTTTT (you know you wanna... you probably wouldn't be hanging around my blog if you didnt...~) >:3c
>A mha s/i sounds like a lot of effort bc you gotta decide on a quirk and how that quirk would effect your physical appearance and personality and choose a badass hero (or villain) name and all that jazz, but since everyone in Sally Face are more or less '''regular''' people, your SF s/i could easily just be You, but a little to the left... you with like... a nifty jacket, or an unnatural hair color, or something. OR, you could go my route and divvy up your personality traits, aesthetics, mental illnesses and genders between like 6+ s/is you can select from based on your current irl preference/dopamine chase. No wrong way to do it, as long as you're having fun! uwu 👌
>"this entire blog is just,,, concentrated mental illness /pos" I was offended for like 0.3 seconds after reading that, but then I started WHEEZING and could not stop for like 5 minutes because you are absolutely Not Wrong lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (that's why my trigger warning tag list is do damn long sdlfjkaf) I'm glad you guys can bare witness to my BS and be like ' woah lol (same tho)'
>Thankfully, I'm feeling much better mentally than I have been in the past... few months... years, maybe...? It feels really good to finally be on the right track and be taking steps to get the help I need! :D
>While we're on the subject, I'm also very happy to report that it's looking like I WONT be having a depressive episode during Valentine Month February like i did last year, which is fucking awesome bc i don't want to miss out on the lovecore and yan >:3 vibes again. I just got back from the grocery store and seeing all the heart-shaped stuff had me feeling so many goods feels...~ 🥺👉👈💌💘🍬
>You have officially been added to the Anon Signoff Claim List! Welcome to the club, 🌌 anon~ 💖
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dcwnrisen-aa · 2 years
“  i think it’s okay to be lonely sometimes.  i think that’s when you learn the most about who and what you are.  and who you want to be.  ” (Nix and Izumi)
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❝ ━ i've always known loneliness, mon ami. loneliness was a decade and half of white walls with no windows, needles and vivisection. loneliness was thinking i was going out of my mind, rabid anytime someone with white coats came near me. i learned that trust anyone was the hardest lesson of my life. ❞ it's all said in a matter-of-a-fact sort of way as they stand at the stove, pot handle in one hand as the salmon is flipped, allowing it to sear on the other side.
the memories were always there, haunting them but it was a stark reminder of where they were now compared to back then. turn to look over their shoulder at nezumi, a wry grin curls across their features, ❝ ━ i just wanted to be normal, to find a place to belong. not in a cage, not under someone's watchful eye, just….❞ they shrug once more, snorting. ❝ ━ i'm phoenix, an experiment, but i'm as normal as i want to be. i have friends, a life of my own, that's all i can ask for. ❞
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wordswrittenbymclou · 2 years
what I'd miss most is your silhoutte
I can tell that you'd just be near
gentle hands since the day we met
patience present even through fear
we'd form hearts as if we're just kids
under the stars projected, underneath
our own planetarium with music that heeds
to the mood we had in our bedsheets
like infinities, we'd have small forevers
let's count on fate and us getting more
but darling, even without red tethers
my heart would seek you evermore
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