#what a shame indeeeeed......
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b0amagination · 4 months ago
hi op!! i'm doing well, this is a lovely instruction! however, i'm mildly concerned that the shooter has followed my blorbo back home and this was their plan all along? blorbo was bandaged and put to bed and now there's a knife to their caretaker's throat? please advise???
hey. you're doing great :) I think that blorbo of yours should be shot in an alleyway with no one around, terrified and alone, and forced to struggle back to their home base trailing blood along the concrete behind them, and collapse in a shocked caretaker's arms, though. that's just my opinion. keep thrivin :)
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egosandchaosandmoreohmy · 6 years ago
Commission for @catgirlwarrior
Summary: Eric and Derek are invited to their first ego meeting, but things don’t turn out well for Eric when his Dad meets Ed Edgar.
Trigger Warnings: Abuse, Shitty Dads, Threatening Scenes, Violence
Eric knew he wasn’t the greatest son in the world. He was nothing like his deceased siblings and failed to do any of the things that they excelled in. Paired with the fact he was cripple and autistic, he didn’t impress his dad. At all. In fact, his dad would rather he’d died in the bus accident than any of his brothers. It wasn’t news to him, in fact, it was a common fact in his life. But having his dad talk about how much he hated him with another ego? That was an all new low, even for him.
Eric and Derek had been invited to the ego headquarters to join in their first-ever meeting. Eric had been genuinely excited at first. Even though he hated social interactions, it would have been great to perhaps find someone to bond with after the years of forced isolation by his dad. Though it seemed Derek found a friend first, specifically, Ed Edgar. Eric had heard how Ed wasn’t a fan of kids, so he didn’t really want to interact, but his dad wouldn’t let him off on his own.
“So, you had sixteen kids with yer late wife?” Derek nodded in response, taking a sip from his water.
“Yes. And the only survivor was this failure.” He made a vague gesture towards Eric that had Ed cracking a smirk.
“I know how it feels. Had three kids originally. The only one I have now is the worst of the three. Real shitbag. Can see why his mom didn’t wanna take him, and why I haven’t been able to sell him.” Derek smirked.
“Probably better than Eric, the kid can’t do anything except cry and hug his handkerchief. He’ll never get a decent job cause he’s crippled. He keeps asking for new prosthetics too, but he’s just being ungrateful. I give him a job, and he just wants money and new legs.” Ed shook his head.
“A true shame he couldn’t be like his brothers.”
“Before or after the accident?”
“After.” They shared a laugh, but Eric wasn’t laughing. In fact, he was on the verge of breaking down. He suddenly stood from his seat, getting a look of pure disgust and hatred from his father.
“Where do you think you’re going, brat? Running off to act like the freak you are?” He was beginning to stand, and Eric panicked, running from the other as fast as he could without his prosthetics slipping off. He was crying hysterically, ducking into the first room he could find that wasn’t locked. He locked it shut so Derek couldn’t get in before turning to see a surprised Edward Iplier. He was in the middle of a conversation with Wilford, who was also in great shock to see Eric cowering against the door and crying.
“I-I-I’m so-sorry, I-I can g-go, I-I di-didn’t m-mean to-to int-interrupt--” Edward shook his head, slowly getting up with his hands raised to show he meant no harm to the other.
“Hey.. You’re alright, you didn’t do anything wrong. Do you mind telling me your name? I’m Dr. Edward Iplier, I’m the physician here.” He glanced down at Eric’s legs, taking note of his ill-fitted prosthetic limbs. “Do you need new ones?”
Eric couldn’t answer, considering running back out before hearing his dad outside.
“Where the fuck did you go-” could be hissed outside the heavy wood, and he quickly scurried behind the other two, trembling in fear at the sound of his father’s anger.
Edward glanced at Wilford before giving a silent nod.
“Here honey, why don’t we go to the back and talk? Wilford will take care of the bad man outside.” Wilford grinned, gently patting his shoulder.
“Indeeeeed, I wiiiiill!” Eric liked the strange accent he had, the funny voice making him grow quiet before he nodded in agreement. Edward smiled kindly, helping him up and walking him back to the care stations as Wilford turned towards the door. Eric swore he saw the glimmer of something gold, but he wasn’t entirely sure what it was. Besides, Edward was trying to talk to him, and he needed to focus on the words fully.
“So, do you wanna tell me your name kid? I need information to create your profile.”
“O-Oh.. I-I-I’m, E-Eric D-De-Derekson-”
“Oh! You’re one of the new egos, correct? I should have a profile for you then-” He moved to a computer, typing in some things before smiling.
“There you are! So Eric, you need new prosthetics, right? I should have some that’ll fit much better than the ones you have currently.”
Eric seemed so dazed, confused by what exactly was going on now. Why did they care so much? He couldn’t understand why Edward wanted to help him so much, or why Wilford seemed to want to help deal with his dad.
“W-Why are y-you he-helping m-me..?” The shocked expression on Edward made him hide, and he was ready to get yelled at.
“Oh honey… Everyone deserves help, and I can see your dad’s denied you of that... Come here, you’re gonna stay with me from now on because your dad obviously doesn’t treat you with the respect and love you deserve.” Eric was crying again, overwhelmed by his words, and he hugged his handkerchief close as he tried to calm down.
“I didn’t mean to make you cry, dear… Here, let’s go get those new prosthetics. You like yellow, right?” Eric nodded, hiding his face as he felt Edward carefully take off his “legs”. It felt weird, the scarred stumps of what used to be there exposed to the doctor. He gently held what was left his legs before looking up at Eric with a parental care in his eyes, looking truly sadden by seeing what he had to experience at such a young age. He pulled away after a few minutes, getting the prosthetics and gently strapping them on. They already felt much better than before, and Edward helped him up to do a test walk on them.
Though his movements were awkward and clunky, he could move a lot better than before, and he hugged Edward tight in thanks. Though a bell had them jerking away from each other, a signal that dinner was about to start.
“Let’s go Eric, I heard they’re having meatloaf tonight. I could perhaps ask Chef for celery for you too? Your file said you like to stim with it.” Eric blushed and nodded sheepishly. Edward smiled fondly at him, gently holding his hand before walking out with him. The hallways were empty, and they took great care to avoid other egos in case Eric panicked anymore. They slid into the kitchen, seeing an energetic man happily finishing up dinner, and Edward smiled at the German man.
“Hey, Chef. You have any celery that Eric can have?”
“Ja! It’s on the top shelf of the fridge mein friend!” He flashed a brilliant smile at the two. Edward swiftly got the vegetable, taking a stalk or two before heading back to Eric and helping him out to the dinner table.
Many stared as the man took a seat next to the doctor, a seat normally reserved for the Host, but he wasn’t going to show up today, too busy with his radio show. He nervously started snapping the celery, the sound helping him calm down and focus. Though panic quickly surged through him when he heard the door slam open. His dad was there, looking exhausted from running from the gun-wielding psychopath that Wilford was. He slumped into a chair normally reserved for Dark, though being as self-entitled as he was, he boldly took the seat for himself. Eric tried to be as unnoticeable as possible, which seemed to be working since Edward hid him behind him a little.
Ed Edgar grinned at his acquaintance.
“You manage to find the little squirt?” Derek glared at the question.
“No, he gave me the slip. I think he sent that weird pink, fruity guy after me too. As soon as I see him, he’s going to get an ass beating for it.” Eric was on the verge of crying. Did they truly not notice him and the other egos? Many looked at them both in disgust, but suddenly the room turned cold. Derek was too busy laughing at another insult he’d thrown about his own child to notice it. When he noticed no one else was laughing or even really responding, he looked about.
“What’s wrong with you all?” Ed only managed to shakily point a finger behind him. He looked up to see the cold face of the one and only Darkiplier behind him. He jerked his head to the side, neck popping before it returned to its initial position.
“I see that we have invited swine into our headquarters.” He spoke coldly, a hand reaching down to grip his hair before suddenly Derek was thrown to the far wall. A crack was heard, most likely his ribcage, as he made hit the wall. Dark then turned to the cop of the egos.
“Frank? If you could kindly escort Mister Derekson off the premises, that would be kindly appreciated.” He caught Eric’s trembling figure in the corner of his eye.
“Ah, and please keep the other. Mister Eric here is permitted to stay, per Wilford’s orders since he’s quite keen of keeping him as his own child.” Wilford had conveniently appeared as if on cue.
“Oh shucks, Daaaaarkling! You don’t have to expoooooose me!” Dark rolled his eyes before taking his seat, Frank scrambling to lift Derek up and take him out to his car. He’d probably have to drive him home, but Dark didn’t particularly care. Dinner slowly commenced, idle chatting with a few of the younger egos eagerly talking to Eric and complimenting him on his new prosthetics. Wilford and Edward both kept an eye on him, making sure he had a proper meal since the other seemed a tad too thin to be really healthy, and they both smiled like proud parents when he’d snap the celery to calm himself down again. They were both going to absolutely spoil him.
After dinner, Edward helped Eric up into what would be his room. The mansion that served as their headquarters and home always seemed to shift and move, adding rooms and removing them as needed. Wilford had tagged along to help Eric settle in, bringing him to a room with a white door. They waited for him to open the door, wanting to see the excitement of opening what was soon to be his new home. He did after a few minutes, surprised to see the room was a pastel yellow, his favorite color.
There was a window that looked out into the garden of the mansion, and pristine white curtains framed the window. The carpet was as equally white, and it was quite fluffy too. A desk sat under the window, a comfy chair in front of it, and a bed next to it. His bed was a full sized bed with blue and yellow blankets and looked absolutely soft to the touch. He had a closet opposite his bed that was full of new clothes. There were fairy lights around the top of the ceiling, and there was storage space with a gift basket on top of an empty bookcase. Eric looked ready to either cry or pass out from all the kindness.
He turned to hug them both, crying as he thanked them repeatedly for all they had done, for helping him through so much. They didn’t mind, shushing and cooing to him. It was officially, he was now a part of their family, and they weren’t ever going to let this child go back to his poor excuse of a father. They’d be dead before that happened.
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