reverse-hermit · 5 months
as soon as im able to drive im getting my septum pierced I CANT TAKE THIS ANY LONGER
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stinkyofficial · 1 year
Dude. Loneliness and low self-esteem is such a stupid loop. Out here acting too earnest because i need validation from my perspective drawing class
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kweenofkonfusion · 11 days
hey, hey, you know that post about how you're not desperate for fic until you're staring down an empty word doc?
I'm desperate
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feckless-youth · 19 days
ugh. i rlly cba to celebrate my birthday this year. idky but just everything just seems like too much work. but i think if i dont i'll be disappointed. i dont know where this mindset has come from, im usually pretty happy to do anything. idk if its because i've been so stressed or other factors, but i just really can't be bothered. it just doesnt seem worth it.
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pixelkip · 1 year
Ok I'm not usually one to air my weird technology grievances on the internet, but it seems like the only way to get answers about anything on the internet is to be mad about it ig!! And literally nothing else has worked to solve this and it has been driving me insane ever since I started trying to use utau or even do anything involving Japanese text on a computer ever
Why .
I am trying to load a UST (for those who aren't familiar, utau script file. Contains all the notes and attatched lyrics for an utauloid to sing) that has Japanese characters in it. I load it in utau
Japanese program
On a Japanese locale computer
With Japanese ime enabled
The lyrics. Are fucking gone. they're there in the file! But windows freaks out and can't load them, so my ust full of Japanese lyrics is entirely empty.
I can't even copy and paste Japanese text
Lemme repeat that
I don't understand how a wholeass language just doesn't work half the time in literally one of the most used operating systems.
If anyone knows how to fix this please please tell me I'm so goddamn sick of anything using Japanese text in windows just straight up breaking. Maybe I'm missing something but I've tried every option I can find with getting Japanese to work with windows 10. Cause as far as I can tell it's a massive extremely annoying oversight in how the os handles text.
I literally cannot express enough how confused I am that this is even a problem.
How did no one making this stupid operating system at any point ever go "hey, I noticed even basic text manipulation freaks the hell out in literally this whole language, maybe we should fix that so people who use that language can actually use our operating system! Especially because to get it working to where it DOESNT always completely garble the text beyond comprehension before you even TRY to go so far as to copy and paste is ALREADY A WHOLE ORDEAL"
Ok that's enough ranting I just really want anyone else to understand how dumb this is and maybe see if anyone knows how to fix this
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cryptidcalling · 2 years
Clawing at the dirt and foaming at the mouth trying to decide if I should message someone I haven’t talked to in a few days to reassure myself that they like me or not message them in case it bothers them and they stop liking me
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galpal95 · 2 years
Weather: *rains/snows*
My Body: “Well, I guess I’ll die.”
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trashbaget · 2 years
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dagasinfilo · 6 months
ugh. would it be too bad if i posted my kofi on here again
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blinddreams24 · 4 months
A Mermay Prompt
(Note: aggression(it has begun))
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“No! Nope! Nu uh!” You shook your head and pulled away. “I’m not eating what is basically sea grass! Do I look like a cow to you?”
Cross held out the kelp to you. “A what?” His head tipped to the side like a big puppy.
“A cow.” Realizing that wasn’t an explanation, you gestured how big a cow was. “It’s a big land animal with four legs that eats grass. The bulls have these long curving horns so they can fight off predators.”
His eyes widened. “It has four legs and weapons??”
You snickered at his reaction. “Yeah, there’s a whole sport around bull fighting. It’s really dangerous even though cows aren’t predators.”
“They’re not predators… and they’re dangerous? Have… Have they killed anything?” His eyelights were tiny in his sockets.
“Oh, yeah. I don’t know the details, but I know that many people and animals have died to a rampaging bull. It’s not fun.”
Cross didn’t respond.
Looking back at him, you finally noticed why. The guy looked absolutely terrified. Of cows? Well, you hadn’t done the best job explaining their softer side. You cleared your throat. “But they can be really gentle. When I was little, I went to a ranch and got to feed one. That was fun.”
“Mm…” He mumbled, still staring into space.
His eyes snapped to you, he shook his head and sat straight. “Anyways! You still have to eat this.”
“Noooo!” You stepped out of his reach. “You can’t make me if you can’t catch me! Ha!”
Cross grinned smugly at you. “You remember how you learned about this type of conversion?”
Your eyes narrowed suspiciously. “…Yeeaahhhh? Horror told me. Why?”
“Heheheh.” Came a familiar chuckle behind you causing a chill to go up your spine.
You spun around to face Horror, who had sat himself right in your pathway.
He waved his fingers at you. “Hi.”
A glare was shot at Cross. “Two against one is unfair.” You pouted, earning another chuckle from Horror.
Cross shrugged. “I planned ahead. And Horror was the only one of us that can get on land without getting stuck.”
You crossed your arms, careful to keep an eye on Horror’s curling tentacles, and grumbled. “I still don’t want to…”
A sigh came from Cross. “Y/n. If you want to be a siren, you have to ease into the diet. If you convert without preparing, you’ll throw up everything we feed you. It’s an annoying process but a necessary one.”
Horror hummed in agreement.
“Uuuggggghhhhhhh! Fine! But it’s gross!” You stormed over and carefully took the soggy greens. “…..Gross.” Your nose wrinkled at it.
Both sirens laughed at you and waited patiently, looking away for your comfort.
It looked and felt so gross. Your gag reflex had you sticking your tongue out and looking away. It was necessary. It wouldn’t hurt you… right?
An idea came to mind.
You spun on your heel, much to Cross’s confusion, and marched back to
Horror. His tentacles moved out of your way as he gave you an amused look. Splitting the clump of kelp vaguely in half, you offered him half and his eye dilated at the offer.
“Y/n, he doesn’t-.” Cross started.
“Shut up, Cross. If I’m going to eat this, I’m going to share.”
You could have sworn Horror’s eye flickered into a heart for a second. He gently took the clump and held it close. He grabbed a droopy leaf and held it up, waiting expectantly for you to do the same.
With a small groan, you lifted up a piece, maintaining eye contact, and copied him as he ate his.
Oh, that was salty!
Your face pursed at the taste, gaining another chuckle from the tall siren. Once you got past the sea water… it didn’t taste… bad. Just like a sea salad.
Horror smiled and encouraged you to continue. You both ate your section of sea weed without much other than a few tense expressions as you bit into the next leaf.
Before you knew it, your hands were empty and Horror was licking his fingers.
“Was that so hard?” Cross teased his eyes darting between you and Horror.
“Yes.” You snapped back. “But… it wasn’t… terrible.”
Horror chuckled again and leaned over you. “Lil… baby.”
You gasped, offended. “Excuse me?!?”
Horror was leaning over you and… purring? Was that purring or a different type of whistle? And how did he do that? You could feel the sound in your ribs. When you looked at him, his eyes were closed as he leaned towards you.
A growl from Cross startled you.
“Horror.” Cross threatened. His claws were digging into the beach as if he would come after you.
Horror’s eye opened slowly and you shivered. His eye blazed with a protectiveness you hadn’t seen before as he glared at Cross.
The purr melted into a growl.
That… wasn’t good.
You were between two aggressive sirens. And neither of them seemed to notice you, fully focused on each other.
Deciding to back out of this situation, you slowly stepped away from Horror. Surely they wouldn’t start a scuffle randomly, right? You didn’t want to risk it.
You bumped into a writhing tentacle.
It immediately gripped your leg, Horror’s attention shot to you with a glare that could kill, and you froze. Would he hurt you while he was like this?
With a small gasp, Horror’s expression snapped from angry to scared. Him and his tentacles reeled away from you.
“…Horror?” You asked. Was he okay?
With a whine and a pained look, Horror turned and retreated into the water with less than a splash, leaving you staring after him.
What just happened?
“Are you okay?”
You looked over at Cross. There were marks in the beach where his hands had dug into the rocks.
“What happened?” You asked, still tense.
Cross’s face gained a purple hue. “Uhhh, Horror forgot himself for a second… It’s okay. He, uh,” He gave the water a quizzical look. “He didn’t want to hurt you.”
“You sound surprised.” You raised an eyebrow at Cross.
“Well, he,” Cross grumbled. “He doesn’t like people. Except for Nightmare, I guess, but Nightmare spoils him.”
“Spoils him?”
Cross waved his hand dismissively. “He helps Horror hunt. Which is du- unnecessary, Horror can hunt for himself, and Boss doesn’t help anyone else.” He grumbled and crossed his arms. “It feels like he only helps Horror because Horror’s an octopus too.”
Big boy was jealous.
When Cross finally looked back at you, he startled at your glare.
“Cross.” You growled slowly. “Do you know why I met Horror? How I learned that whistle?”
He shook his head.
“Because he was starving. I sat on this beach and waited for one of you to show up when he found me. He was hungry and he saw an easy target. Do you remember why I survived?”
“You fed him?” He answered, uncertainly.
“Yes. And when I offered the first sandwich, he stopped whistling. I was terrified. But I offered again. I can only imagine what it was like for him. Starving for days maybe weeks, when, what you thought was going to be your next meal, offers you food instead of running away when they had the chance. How would you feel if you were starving, attacked someone, and they gave you pizza?”
His mouth opened and closed a few times before he answered. “…Horror was starving?” You nodded. “But… he can lure, right?”
“If you mean lure like ‘sing and people will walk off a cliff for you’, no.” You shivered. “Horror can’t lure. His whistle only removes fear. I could have walked or run away at any moment, even while he sang, and he could do nothing to stop me. Cross, he can’t hunt like you and Killer. Didn’t you know?”
Cross shook his head. “Sirens can’t affect other sirens, so we never knew. He had a whistle, we assumed it worked. He never told any of us otherwise.”
You looked back across the water. “From what I’ve seen, he doesn’t like talking around you. He talked to me, a lot, the other day. Maybe he talks to Nightmare too?”
“That… would make sense.” Cross said. “Oh my stars, this entire time…? And we never noticed? No wonder I’ve never seen him eat when Boss is asleep.”
The birds and waves filled the silence for a moment.
“…Are you okay?”
You looked back at the siren and shrugged. “Better than I should be, worse than I could. Why?”
“He grabbed you.” Cross’s face was tense with concern.
“Yep. And let go immediately after. His tentacle didn’t hurt me, Cross.” You scolded.
He didn’t look sorry as he changed the subject. “Come here. I need to give you some magic for the conversion.”
Your face wrinkled humorously as you walked toward him. “You make it sound weird.”
“The anti-drowning siren maker then.”
“Nope! The last one was good!”
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Can everyone please freaking stop making diabetic Santa jokes? We get it, he is fat and eat a lot of cookie ha ha, it was barely funny the first time and it definitely isn't after the 1000th time.
Ah yes, because the magical red elf with flying reindeer who visits every Christian's house in a night somehow needs to be fatshamed "for his own good". UUUGGGGGHHHHHHH. Just admit you don't like the fact that there are fat archetypes that aren't completely negative and get over it, stop spoiling kids' fun because you have a bitter old prune where your heart used to be.
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snwm4ncult · 2 years
After reading about ice age glacial deposits last night i was feeling so jittery for more i ended up rewatching cave of forgotten dreams and BROOOOOO THAT SHIT FUCKS SO HARD THISE LIONS UUUGGGGGHHHHHHH JESUS CRUST ALIVE WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW
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ryuatewater · 4 months
Will go off to sckool in a bit uuuggggghhhhhhh
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afuckingoutlet · 1 year
i’m tripping so harrrrrrrddddd uuuggggghhhhhhh fuck
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buggs-in-my-soup · 1 year
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binaryystars · 4 years
Maybe it’s time to make some actual coffee talk fan art myself
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