#uterus stop utering
sparkelingspectres · 4 months
Me when my shoulders dislocate or subluxate on me literally every day now: 👍👌
Me when I get a single.period cramp
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ju1cyfru1t · 1 year
ROTTMNT x Reader
s/o on their period hcs
Rise! Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey x Reader
fluff :D, afab reader, romantic, mentions of blood, MENSTRUATION 🤞, swearing, Leo being stupid 🤌
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- He didn’t know what menstruation was until you told him
- “Wait, wait, wait. Slow down a sec. You’re telling me you BLEED out of your...you know, for a whole week every single month? …and you don’t, like, die?”
- I’m not going to lie to you, he’s a little disgusted. Not by you, but more so the whole bleeding and shedding your uterine lining thing.
- Lowkey hates your period more than you do
- glares at your uterus /hj
- “Uuuuggghhhhh, why does it have to get in the way of everything?” “Hey, don’t blame me! Blame god for that.” “Gods a bit of a dick, if you ask me.”
- If you believe he isn’t going to make period jokes, you are SORELY mistaken
- OF COURSE he’ll come over and cuddle if you ask. He’ll use any excuse he can to see you.
- “I mean, if you really need me that bad-“ “shut the hell up, Leo.” “ok sorry.”
- most likely to piss you off (bc he’s stupid)
- massages your lower stomach and is surprisingly good at it
- watches your fav movies and shows w/ you
- tries to make you laugh so you’ll feel better if you’re not in a good mood or cramping
- agrees with everything you say when you’re ranting about something or someone (he’s scared not to)
- he doesn’t know what the hell a pad is let alone a tampon or menstrual cup
- bust out the water bottle and tampon to show him how it works and he’s gagging
- “oh my god…it gets bigger like that??? In your…oh god-“
- he’s on edge the whole time with your mood swings
- “Must be nice to be a MAN.” “How is that my fault?”
- “it’s OUR period, babe. Uter-US.”
- terrified
- he can hear you bleeding
- “what’s a uterus?” JK JK JK (maybe)
- he also didn’t know what a period is, and still doesn’t really, fully understand after you explain but still supportive nonetheless
- “you shed your uterine what now?”
- “Right, right…and you bleed out of where?…OH-“
- he just really doesn’t get how you deal with it all
- he knows you’re in pain, bleeding, and uncomfortable. that’s all he needs to know to not like it at all.
- he is SPRINTING 🏃‍♀️ to get you whatever you need (frantically)
- pain killers? chocolate? hot tea? a heating pad? a pad/tampon? to be held? don’t even worry, Raph’s getting it for you.
- he would reach into a pit of burning hot coal and crush them into diamonds if you asked him to
- if you have them, your mood swings are making him nervous
- “Raphael, stop staring at me like that.” “sorry.”
- will be your shoulder to cry on and just listen if you need to rant (even if you’re being unreasonable)
- offers to let you hold his teddy bears for support
- you want him to come over? he’s knocking on your window not even 5 minutes later. you want to go over? of course! you want to be alone? no problem, just let him know if you need him.
- he really just can’t stand to see you in pain or sad. (or angry)
- “I know it hurts…it’s ok, Raph’s got you.”
- asks April for advice
- Obviously he at least knows what a period is, just not all the gory details. Who do you take him for? Leo?
- He does his research when he starts dating you so he can be prepared
- He’s really trying not to think about the fact that you bleed 24/7 for a week every month of every year. All that blood- he just can’t do it. It’s not by any means a comfortable subject for him.
- Being comforting is not his strong suit, but he tries his best (sort of)
- keeps some extra pads and tampons in his lab for you (and April) if disaster ever struck
- also has a stash of pain killers (big forehead = big headaches JK I LOVE HIM I SWEAR)
- tracks your cycle. and dreads the couple of days leading up to and of your period.
- ^ “By the way, ugh…you’re gonna start menstruating tomorrow.”
- Yes, he refers to it only as menstruation.
- “Don’t be like that, Y/N.” “Be like WHAT?” “Wait, no..that’s not what- I didn’t mean- please don’t cry-“
- he is stressing
- ^ “Y/N, I can’t know what you want unless you tell me!”
- makes hot tea for you
- claims he could come up with and invent something to “take away all your pain” but tbh I wouldn’t trust that if I were you
- pats and rubs your back for support w/ cramps
- “Donnie, it hurts so baaaaad.” “Shhh, I know it does. Just relax.”
- massages your lower stomach pt.2 not as surprisingly, he is good at it but he’s just skilled with his hands in general (NOT IN A FREAKY WAY YOU FREAKS)
- He will 100% come over and lay with you in your bed if that’s what you ask for
- Sigh. Will let you cuddle in his bed if you swear on your mother you’re not going to leak on him or his bed
- Asks April for advice (poor April)
- Has heard of menstruation (mostly misinformation), but he’s never had to worry about it until you started dating
- will let you explain exactly what it is and why it happens
- “Wait- a whole week?! You don’t just bleed it all out at once?” my sweet, sweet boy
- very sympathetic and open about it. He can’t deny it’s a little icky, but it’s your body’s natural function and it’s not like you can help it at all so he’s very understanding
- recognizes your PMS very well. whether you get really irritable, energetic, emotional, etc.
- after the first couple cycles he sees you go through, he starts to be able to read your needs to some extent
- cooks and bakes for you 👩‍🍳 really anything you’re craving as long as it’s within reason
- holds you anywhere and any way you want him to
- it’s like he can feel your pain
- “Shhhhh, it’s ok. I understand.” “..no, you don’t.” “you’re right.”
- gets you pain killers if you need some
- pretty good at handling your mood swings
- If you’re a crier on your monthly (like me) he wipes away your tears :(
- “Let it out, Y/N. You’re ok, I’m right here.”
- makes care packages for you with your favorite things (snacks, drinks, feminine products, stuffed animals, heating pads, etc.)
- if he comes to your house, he’ll offer to run a warm bath for you and wait for you to be done
- not necessarily scared, but definitely a little more careful with his choice of words towards you
- actually the sweetest I love him sm
- watching movies and shows if you don’t feel like getting up. or even just laying with you if you don’t feel like do anything but sleeping
- he’s very proud of himself for taking care of you
- “you’re the best, Mikey, thank you.” “Yeah, I know.”
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pillarsalt · 2 years
hi i'm young and have a genuine question about this post - what about periods? wouldn't women in the age range to have children not have to suffer menstrual cycles anymore without their uteri? i know there's a point about eliminating shame of a natural process but they still suck to experience in the first place anyway. just wondering.
Hello! Thanks for asking this question. I've seen a few people bring up periods in the notes of the first post and I definitely understand where you're coming from. Periods are a pain in the (uter)ass and they can be hell for many women. I can get why you would want to be rid of the organ that causes you so much monthly grief. But I again want to refer everyone not totally knowledgeable about the human uterus in respect to the function and health of your body, as well as hysterectomies and their side effects to this post here (it includes sources and further reading if you want to know even more which I recommend checking out, I spent hours and hours poring over it earlier this year.)
Getting rid of your uterus will cause you so, so many more problems than your period gave you in the first place. It's just not worth it. The structural integrity of your pelvic organs depends on it, in the case of a total hysterectomy you lose the hormones that benefit your entire body (not to mention the uterus's function in orgasm), and incredibly disturbingly, losing your uterus puts you at greater risk for developing dementia in the future.
I've seen a few additions to my post you linked where people point out that if men suffered period pain like we do every month, they would want to remove their organs too. But I think if men were the ones who had to be in agony every month, we would already have a cure for this pain. Women's pain, especially related to their reproductive organs, is notoriously universally ignored. It's the same for birth control, if men were the ones getting pregnant, we'd have had foolproof, painless contraceptive solutions years and years ago. Women are told we're overreacting, over sensitive, they named the term "hysteria" after the uterus which is everything you need to know. What women actually need to do is fight for modern medicine to hear us, to work to develop both medicinal and societal solutions for us, not to remove the body parts that make us "other" from men.
And I think we're on our way to that progress too, I have had an IUD (intrauterine device) for almost five years and my previously extremely heavy period has calmed down to next to nothing since it's installation. I haven't had to buy menstrual products for years (my periods still arrive monthly which is a good indicator of health but the periods themselves are basically discharge of a different colour and texture), my cramps are barely there, and I have had no side effects to my knowledge. IUDs aren't for everyone, but I believe with even more research we will have a way to help women stop suffering without removing important parts of our bodies.
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smallvillecrows · 2 years
yo this uterus needs to be uter-gone
I have PCOS and now that I stopped testosterone, it's back to playing games with me 👁👁
Either bleed or don't! Make up your mind!
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hazel-the-librarian · 5 years
A rant and psa
Look normally I dont get involved in political stuff especially on face book.
And I will fully admit to being conservative in many respects and on many different issues
But these abortion laws are BULL.
Its possible to be pro choice politically and pro life personally.
It means you dont think you could ever get one but your not going to shove your beliefs down someone's throat. Because it's not your body.
But forcing some one to give up their bodily autonomy is wrong.
Forcing some one to go through a pregnancy that could kill them is wrong.
Forcing an unwanted child down some ones throat is like begging that child to be abused mentally and emotionally if nothing else.
So you want to adopt and help the biological mother with medical expenses.
Are you willing to pay the 20,000 filing cost to get the paperwork in order to actually adopt the kid. That's if your only working directly with the mom to be not if your going through an agency.
Are you willing to pay the well over 6,000 dollars in medical expenses if the mother didnt sign up for insurance soon enough after getting pregnant.
Are you willing to pay the cost of surgery for the mother if she had a vaginal tear that that ripped all the way through the vaginal wall and compromised her colon or urethral function?
Thus, leaving her in incontinence possibly for the rest of her life.
Are you willing to help the mother if she has a uteral hemorrhage or pushes her uterus out at the same time as the baby(yes it's real yes it happens the technical term is a uteran prolapse)?
Are you willing to pay the cost of medicine if post OP or post birth she goes septic from complications?
What of it's a strain of antibiotic resistant infections are you willing to pay for the histerectime needed to save her life?
Never mind that at times the histerectime is also needed to stop the hemorrhageing.
And all else fails are you willing to pay the 7000 dollars for basic funeral expenses if she dies.
While most of these issues are much fewer and far between with the grace of modern medicine.
They still happen.
Especially in areas that don't have good availability for neonatal care or where many people opt out of neonatal Care. Like Alabama
Everything I said up above dosent even touch the issue of criminalization of misscarege. Many women who miscarry don't Even know they are pregnant until they experience a miscarrage.
So many women are emotionally traumatized by miscarrage and suffer and grieve. They wanted that baby and many already blame themselves for the miscarge.
this isnt pro life this is anti women's health both physical and mental.
Most women dont know they are even pregnant at six weeks I didnt know until I was well past that I even still had a cycle for the first two months.
You expect women to make a decision with in 4 days of their missed cycle. Not knowingly one way or another with all the risks I mentioned above pluse possible complications if a c-section is necessary and even if the decide to keep the baby be liable for murder charges if they miscarry.
Are you Insane?!!!
This dosent even cover rape cases.
I am a mother I have an amazing baby whom I love beyond measure I cant imagine being in a situation where I would consider abortion.
But I'm not every one and i respect their decision to chose and the right to bodily autonomy.
This has been your public service announcement
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heartboudoir · 2 years
The nurse motions for both of them to sit back down, and she pulls up a chair herself, the vibe not as positive as Bakugou was hoping it’d be.
Hera is still in surgery. She’s had severe uteral hemorrhaging due to part of the placenta not delivering properly. She puts up a hand as soon as Shoto opens his mouth, it was completely spontaneous - there was absolutely nothing either of you did to cause it.
Bakugou leans over and clarified even further, it wasn’t your fault, man. His hand steady on Shoto’s shoulder. So, how’s she doing?? How much longer will it be?
The nurse gives the two of them a sorrowful look. I’m here because we need consent from Hera’s power of attorney.. which would be you, sir.. she nods towards Shoto. To save Hera’s life, and stop the bleeding, she needs a hysterectomy - complete removal of her uterus.
Shoto looks confused, all of this going over his head because he just wants you to be okay. Seeing this, the nurse clarifies, it means she won’t ever have children again, sir… but she will live. And the two of you will likely have a long, happy life with your twins.
It’s impossible to miss the pure devastation on shotos face as the information sets in, his whole body looking like it’s about to give up. “I…” he starts, fresh tears joining his old ones and staring to bakugo, desperate for some advice “w-what do I do…?”
“You can’t raise the twins alone without their mom man… she’ll forgive you in time for this, its this or she’s gone. Completely gone” shoto sniffs and nods, trying to take some deep breaths before turning back to the nurse who’s been waiting patiently. Breaking the news never gets easier.
“Do it. Please, save my world…” he sniffs, bottom lip starting to wobble as he thinks about it in more detail, totally overwhelmed and hiding his face in his hands. “She’s going to h-hate me…”
“No she won’t man, she can’t, ha saved her life” bakugo huffs and rubs his back comfortingly “id do the same for my wife. Any time.”
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psychokai1972 · 7 years
What’s that?
Jack x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1092
Summary: Y/N is like the Winchester’s little sister. When Jack comes into their lives, there are some things they have to explain to him, including the period.
A/N: this is awful, I’m sorry. Also, English is not my first language, so sorry for the mistakes.
English is not my native language, but I try to do my best when it comes to grammar. The spelling mistakes just happen because I tend to write too fast on the keyboard.
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Coming back from a hunt not more than twenty  minutes ago, the only thing that Dean wanted was his pie. He entered the kitchen, Sam already there with a beer in his hand, handing one to him. Dean approached the fridge and rubbed his hand together, ready for the pie. But sadly for him, he would not get what he wanted. When he opened the fridge door his jaw dropped, a look of confusion forming on his features. There was no pie.
“Who ate my pie?” His angry tone filling the room, making his brother give him an amused look. “This is serious Sam, there are only two things that I’m the only one that can do them: eat my pies and drive baby.”
“Dude, it wasn’t me. Maybe you didn’t even buy pie? O-or you ate it before we left?” Sam looked at his brother trying to hold back the laugh.
“No,no,no.There were two boxes of pie, I left them here and now they’re gone Sam. Gone, poof.” He moved his arms in an explosion motion.
“Agh, stop crying about it.” Y/N entered the kitchen, opening the drawers looking for some chocolate.
“Did you ate my pie?” Dean asked crossing his arms over his chest. His gaze focused on her, waiting for an answer.
“Uh, duh. You left me here babysitting Jack, I craved pie and was way too lazy to go out to buy some.” She opened drawers looking for some chocolate.But the only thing she got was an annoyed expression on her face once she realized there was no more chocolate. She ate it all, juts like Dean’s pie.“ Fuck, I need chocolate.” Sam and Dean looked at each other whit wide eyes at the hearing of her words.
“Wait,ar-are you on your...” Dean couldn’t complete the sentence, somehow it felt awkward. Y/N looked at him with an eyebrow lifted, waiting for the older Winchester to finish his sentence. She knew what he wanted to say, but she liked to see him struggle and Dean knew he would not get an answer from her until he said all the words. “Are you on those days  of the month?” He said, but it wasn’t enough for Y/N. “Jesus Christ Y/N, are you on your bloody period?” 
“Ugh, finally. I started thinking we were going to stay here all day because you couldn’t say the word period. And yes, Dean, I’m on my bloody period, never better said.” Both men backed away from her. “Seriously? I’ve been with you since I was 10 years old,six of these ten years I’ve been having the period and you’re still not used to it? Grow up.” She threw her arms on the air. She thought that after all those years Sam and Dean would had got used to it and not freak out every time she was on her period. 
“Sorry Y/N, but the thing is, you are worst than Lucifer himself when you’re on that.” That surprised her because it was coming from Sam, she would had expected it from Dean, but not from Sam.
“If you think of it, is not so bad being compared to Lucifer, I mean,we’ve had worse.” She said letting it slip.
“ Don’t care, I’m going to try not to be around you for the next three days.” Y/N rolled her eyes at Dean’s words.
“Why don’t you want to be around her for the next three days?” Jack entered the kitchen. His eyes went to the brothers then to the girl.
“Because I’m on my period.” The nephilim looked at her, not understanding.
“Period?What’s that?” The boy frowned his eyebrows.
“The period is-is wh-when-” Y/N interrupted Sam’s words.
“The period is when blood comes out of your vagina, it usually happens every month for a few days.” Jack nodded, starting to understand.
“Am I going to get my period?” The words that slipped out of the boy’s lips made everyone in the kitchen laugh, leaving Jack even more confused than before.
“No, Jack, honey. You are not going to have the period.” Y/N rested her hand on his shoulder.
“Why not?”
“Oh believe me,you don’t want to.” Jack looked at the men in the room, trying to understand, they just  stared at him with a She’s right expression. Y/N continued talking once she saw that poor Jack didn’t understand. “ Only women have it. It’s painful, annoying, a lot of blood comes out from you and it makes you moody. So, you all should be thankful because you don’t have this.”
“ But that still doesn’t explain why only women get it...o-or what is it’s purpose.” The brothers sat at the table, they usually did not like to hear Y/N talk about those things. But the situation was kind of amusing for them. But Jack, he only wanted to know, he was truly lost and as most things about the period, he didn’t understand why both men felt uncomfortable talking about it. And neither did Y/N. She always thought that the period was something normal and that girls should feel free to talk about it in front of men.
“Ok, so Jack. It only happens to women because we have an uterus. An uter-”
“I-I know what and uterus is. It’s the place where babies are for nine months before they’re born, right?” Y/N nodded, making Jack smile at the realization that he knew something.
“ How you know that but don’t know what the period is?” Dean took another sip of his beer.
“Let him be Dean. Anyway, when you have the period it means you’re not pregnant, so that’s it purpose. I always thought it’s some kind of revenge from the uterus for not giving it a baby.”
“ So, during the time you are pregnant you don’t get the period?” Y/N just nodded at the nephilim’s words. “ I could help you get pregnant if you want, so you don’t get your period and it doesn’t hurt.” He truly meant it, whit all of his innocence. Jack’s words made Dean almost choke with the beer and Y/N look at him in complete awe.
“Oh Jack, that’s sweet... I think. I really appreciate you wanting to help me, but trust me, is better having the period than a baby.” She stood on her tip toes, kissing Jack’s cheek softly. “You are really kind, Jack.” She said before she left to her room. 
Jack moved his hand to his cheek, right to the spot where Y/N just kissed him.
“I just want to help her.” The boy said to the brothers, feeling helpless .
“We know Jack, we know. And so does she.” Sam’s words made him feel a little bit better.
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tenitchyfingers · 7 years
a trans lesbian: ace exclusionism uses the same tactics and rhetoric as TERFs so if you’re an exclusionist you’re also complicit in TERFs threatening trans women exclusionists: STOP COMPARING US TO TERFS! THERE ARE TRANS WOMEN AMONG US! trans TERFs: *exist* (me: has literally had arguments with trans TERFs about why their ideology is harmful and trash and about why their fear of trans women raping them in women’s bathrooms is ridiculous paranoid bullshit) anti--princess, terfy-mcterferson, lesbian-lizards, heirloomparasite, hormoaning, morganite420, hippie-lesfem, radfemcoven, mcdyke, butchmarceline, hardestofmodes, rad-femmes, opisaterf,  ramblingradical, prayawaythestraight, tinylesbean, awaitingthematriarchy, transgender-harms-women, thearronaut, curiousradfem, hmsindecision, furiousnipples, lapis-is-a-terf, grumpy-radfem, citrussapphic, lowkey-radical, toomanymurlocs, distancetiming, sparksparkboom, terf-official, theredfeminist, auntiewanda, moodyvegan, evilradfem, teenageradfem,  fall-and-shadows, pinkgastly, Isohels, the-cringe-channel, getoffmyastroterf, clitorisrex, ironfoxe, writched, lesfem-impa, deinomache, jillyisntfromphilly, fallopiant00b, sylvia-trash, sadbongs, explorersofsky, gendercriticalpineapple, jayspeakswords, seaofcheese, rad-lapis, ficklewitchsupporter, aferret, homosuperior-jumped-the-gun, hlprs, unapologeticdyke, daokaygirl, opaloradical, lesbian-lily, 101genders, dentedsqueegee, internetangstar, fidnru, terf ally repetitivechronicler, amazonian-artemis, queen-elisabitch, myheartdrafts, physicsholtzy, nervousfeminist, thecutepoison, ariodat, vulvafluid, dogbian,rankoran, peachos, feministtraysh, bagelh8er, smarmmus, sherlockkat, benyw, punkrocklesbians, sanghyuksjaw, jesusisamanatee, lesbianphilosopher, mrrrjjjreblog, beeskneeses, sad-zoldyck, twatvulva, dykesiren, theyoungtwerf, goytears, aawb, bi-fem, bisexual-radfem, cornerctorebitch, destroymales, dfabprivileges, dickbendildo, earth-lesbian, eatsmenshearts, feminism-is-radical, furious-femme, lesbiananarchy, lesbiancomrade, lesbianprotection, lesbian-radfem, magicante, meanterf, penguradfem, pro-uterus-agenda, radailurophiles, radicallymadically, randmoon, radsansa, social-constrvct, smalldarlinglesbian, syllogismi, taranoire, uter-fist, uterusbear, vulvapunx: *are TERFs and exclusionists, and proud of it* TERFs: “if you hate us so much then stop saying things we agree with!" TERFs: “hey I like this thing exclusionists are saying, let’s start saying it too!” a TERF recruiting post directed to exclusionists: we think the same things! our rhetoric is the same! Join us! an exclusionist to that same TERF: I joined the TERF cult after seeing people like you get involved in ace discourse! Your recruiting sure worked on me!
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honeylikewords · 7 years
omg now that we have soft!david helping his s/o on her period, can we get soft!eddie helpin out his girl during her time of the month? no pressure if you're too tired tho! 💖🌟
ahhh sure!!! i always feel bad for my poor anons who are going through their cycle; it’s always a rough time and so unpleasant so i’d be more than happy to bring a little sunshine to you guys!!
eddie is VERY knowledgeable about periods. almost excruciatingly so. he knows more about what his lovely lady’s body is doing than even she does, and it’s almost unnerving. but he’s sweet, so she lets it be. that’s just eddie!
but he also recognizes that it’s a painful time and things can get unhappy for her, so he limits his usual rambles and babbles and tries to be practically helpful to her. he brings her herbal teas that are especially good at soothing period woes, gives her massages specifically targeted towards areas of the body that carry the most tension and are linked to period pains, etc. all he wants to do is be useful!
he might go a little overboard, though, trying to show his girl that her period is nothing to be ashamed of. he knows that, historically, there’s been a horrible, gross culture that involved shaming women who were bleeding (it goes as far back as biblical texts wherein menstruating women are described as “unholy” and “unclean” and “unfit to be seen”, etc, and likely even further back), so he wants to counteract that shame by embracing her uterus’ natural behaviors. this might manifest as poetry, paintings, just TMI discussions about her body: pretty much anything is fair game. she’ll have to gently shut him down by saying “eddie, honey, i love you so much” “and i love you!” “but please stop talking about how my womb is a fertile planting ground and that it is just being refreshed for new seeds. please.”
eddie is also really good at distractions. his girl will be pampered with chocolates and movies and face masks and kisses, and if she’s one of the kinds of people who experiences, ahem, more Neediness for Physical Unity, he’s more than happy to indulge. he sincerely isn’t bothered or disgusted by her period. it’s natural, normal, and a sign of a healthy, working body, which is all that he could ask for.
he’ll encourage her to have fun and not let her period inhibit her (”you can wear that white skirt if you want to, babycakes!”), but he also knows that sometimes, she just can’t do the same things when she’s on her period. and that’s okay. he wants her to be able to get outside and have fun, but he understands if she just wants to spend the week indoors, taking it as easy as possible.
eddie is a very sweet man and he only wants to make her happy and show his unwavering support. so sometimes that means he’ll wear a shirt that says “YOU AND ME MAKES UTER-US, PERIOD!” on it, beaming at her, or he’ll write her a personal free-form jazz number to be performed on his sax called “the empty womb blues”. he’s trying his best, and she appreciates every minute of it, even if it is corny and overdone, sometimes.
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rosalindrobertson · 8 years
“It’s Uter-Us, not Uter-I”.
(*my lovely friend, Supriya Diwedi, March 2016, when I was sick of explaining all the things wrong with my uterus to a whole panel of medical practitioners)
it’s fucking ridiculous how something the size of a pear will run your entire life and how many people have an opinion on its activity and use. 
I’m writing this after waiting about a year on a waitlist for someone to come fetch the beleaguered thing. It’s basically a crime scene by now- after so much blood loss in my mid 30s they went in and scorched its interior and it responded by Making All The Painful Things Happen. (if you’re a geek and into doctor gyno-google: I have endometriosis, adenomyosis, hyperplasia, polyps, fibroid tumours, a 95% septum across the bottom third, and cysts, and also issues from ehlers danlos syndrome II/III)
When you’re still a kid, this thing shows up and kicks you right in the gut. I grew up in the 80s to parents who did believe “the more I knew” and it wasn’t a surprise. At school the girls would get sent to Health Class where we were basically told about flowers and a wonderful passage to adulthood and given very twee pink boxes with what can only be described as diapers inside. No real information about what was going to happen. And what happened was just gross. And then it happened again and again and again.  
When I was eleven, this menace started. And despite being doubled over, unable to move, like I’d been kicked, with a river coming out of me, it was just “girl pain” and deemed an excuse for skipping school by administrators. 
Thus ensues decades of wondering whether the maximum dose of advil is there for legit reasons (it is) and learning to wash everything from your favourite jeans to an antique quilt with cold salt water and figuring out how to hide pads and tampons in all your purses and jackets.
This is the introduction that you are mortal, you are trapped in a meatcage that will do what it wants, where it wants, and when it wants - and you are simply along for the ride. It’s unfortunate only half the population gets this instruction in life, and maybe that’s why people who don’t have this instruction like to legislate it. Because it seems everyone who doesn’t have a uterus has an opinion on what this angry badger living in the core of your being should be doing. That it should basically have its own rights - like controlling your entire bloody life wasn’t enough of an inate constitutional right. I mean, I was on the pill for years not to control my fertility but to control my life - to quell the crushing anemia, the migraines, the agonizing pain, the sobbing, and the unpredictability of it. 
I didn’t want to have sex, are you kidding me??? I wanted to not be in screaming pain and dropped like a sack of sand at sometimes extremely random intervals. 
Eventually the chemicals weren’t enough to stop the force of this tiny little pear. Turns out I couldn’t have children even if I wanted to, SURPRISE! and that the thing has always been useless and broken, but try to tell that to a “there, there, you might change your mind” doctor, and having to agree to a compromise (an ablation) that made things worse, not better. 
I don’t need a legislative committee to weigh in on what’s right for me. 
Now? Now I’m waiting and in perimenopause. The thing no one talks about because of the whole “dried up spinster” thing. We just can’t win. Either we’re too sexy or not sexy enough. I don’t actually care anymore. My angry little pear has decided to do ALL THE THINGS now, including put me into a flop sweat when it’s -20 and turn me into a popsicle. And you’d think you’d get less periods, but you can have more. And this apparently can go on in my family for FIFTEEN YEARS. 
I always wondered why my aunt had air conditioning installed and used it. 
In winter. 
In Canada. 
Meantime I can feel tissue pushing back into my pelvis, because the ablation left it with no place to go but UP. (It’s called a “septum”) And if you think that’s nauseating to read, trust me, it’s worse in real life. My last year has been like dragging a corpse around. I’ve got vast, ridiculous medical complications that make daily living difficult, but the ongoing distension, the burning, the feeling like I’m in a boxing match when I’m just trying to be in a meeting, the rip the legs out from under you sensations... 
And constantly reading politicians - politicians without these angry pears lodged in their cores - how they “Feel About It”. Because it’s all about the sex, controlling the sex, the obsession with sex. Fucketyfuckery. 
If you cut off access to birth control pills and IUDs, if you smack down legislation on D&Cs and access to abortion, and funerals for early miscarriages, you’re doing more than preventing fertility control. These are how-do-I-function controls for hundreds of millions of people. 
Here’s how it works: I do what’s right for ME and MY quality of life in a dungeon of flesh and survival that I did not get to choose and you politicians saying whatever you think will keep you in power sit down and stfu. 
Meds? Ablations? Abortions? Hysterectomies? None of your business, elected official. Until you’ve had the sensation of your core being ripped from your body, once a month, every month, since you were still a *child*, you don’t get a say. And even if you have? That’s your experience. You have no idea what’s going on with the person next to you. Simply? You don’t get to say what anyone else should have to go through with their own little angry pear. 
I have full autonomy over my meatcage. I am the captain of this ship. And yes, I’m going to have a nice little party when the angry pear is extracted... I will celebrate a goodbye to thirty five years of life-ruining pain. 
I even bought post op party shoes. 
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arunbeniwal-blog · 6 years
Fertility Yoga | Fertility | Get Pregnant | Elawoman
Fertility Yoga
Late patterns propose that more ladies are thinking that its harder to consider because of worry, as it incurs significant damage on physical wellbeing and also mental wellbeing As per measurements distributed by the World Health Organization, around 15 for every penny of couples overall look for help for fertility issues. Of the numerous choices accessible to couples, one which is quick picking up ubiquity, is fertility yoga.
Yoga is a 5000-year-old Indian practice that can get progressive alters your opinion, body and soul Fertility yoga is certifiably not a different kind of yoga that lift your odds of pregnancy, but instead an arrangement of certain yoga stances and asanas that assistance decrease feelings of anxiety and purge the collection of poisons.
A blend of these yoga postures is perfect for ladies hoping to get pregnant, as they help fortify the body and lift odds of imagining An examination by Harvard has demonstrated that ladies who took fertility-centered yoga courses will probably imagine than the individuals who did not.
Fertility in ladies decreases as they age, particularly after the mid 30's. This is basically on the grounds that a lady is conceived with every one of the eggs she will deliver amid her lifetime, and the number and nature of these eggs diminish as she develops older Smoking can lessen the probability of pregnancy by influencing a lady's fertility.
Cigarettes contain poisons which adversely affect the contraceptive system While there is no demonstrated data about the correct impacts of liquor abuse on fertility, different examinations led internationally show that general utilization of liquor expands the danger of infertility Women with dietary problems and a latent way of life are inclined to infertility. Dietary problems can upset general periods; a condition restoratively called amenorrhea. This, thusly, brings down fertility.
Fallopian tubes, basic conceptive organs, get harmed because of a past disease, blockages or incessant restorative ailment, and so forth. This keeps the sperm from venturing out to the egg, or the development of the prepared egg to the uterus, causing infertility Work, family or different explanations behind pressure can inflict significant damage on the body and decrease odds of getting pregnant.
The powerlessness to imagine adds to the pressure, making an endless loop that one must break out of. Fertility Yoga encourages you beat a portion of the causes said above. By experimenting with yoga for infertility issues, you can build your odds of getting pregnant while expanding your wellness levels When individuals consider yoga, they think about the additional advantages of spryness and a technique for shedding pounds and keeping trim.
The truth is, yoga has numerous different advantages other than adaptability and conditioning, including enhancing fertility. Yoga is an extraordinary method to enable you to plan for pregnancy and get pregnant.
There are incalculable strategies for yoga and yoga represents that a man can perform. Every yoga posture  just fortify your body and brain, however can assist you with regaining balance in your body also. A physical adjust and readiness, as well as a general harmony between the greater part of your body's capacities, including your conceptive framework.
Fertility yoga utilizes key yoga represents that assistance to sustain, bolster and fortify the endocrine and regenerative framework. Your endocrine framework is basic for legitimate hormonal adjust, so utilizing fertility yoga represents that advance sound endocrine capacity is similarly as imperative as utilizing represents that help the regenerative framework too.
There are various distinctive advantages that your body can understanding from performing fertility yoga. By playing out these stances, you help to expand the vitality course through your body which enhances the capacity of the endocrine and regenerative framework. Fertility yoga, in truth all yoga, encourages the body to look after homeostasis, which is fundamental for the body to work appropriately and at its best.
Fertility yoga utilizes a particular arrangement of stretches that positively affect regenerative wellbeing. Each stance has a supporting and sustaining impact on the regenerative framework or the endocrine framework – the hormonal central station. Utilize a fertility yoga program in conjunction with a total characteristic fertility program for the best outcomes.
You realize that IVF expands your odds of having an infant, and does as well as can possibly be expected at getting pregnant. This is the reason it's imperative to be very much educated about your treatment, with the goal that you have genuine feelings of serenity that you gave a valiant effort! Most couples set out on IVF If you have done IVF at another facility, do you have disturbed that you need to met an alternate specialist inevitably Is it accurate to say that you are burnt out on conversing with the specialist's collaborators each time Are you compelled to converse with various distinctive medical attendants who appear to be confused Is it accurate to say that you are experiencing difficulty getting the clarifications you require Do you need to circled from the IVF facility, to a lab for your blood tests, to a ultrasound place for your outputs, with the goal that you appear to be progressing throughout the day.
It is safe to say that you are exhausted sitting tight for ever and ever to converse with the specialist or to get your blood test results At Malpani Infertility Clinic, all the treatment (counting the counsel, all the ultrasound examines, egg gathering and fetus exchanges are done by and by either Dr. Anjali Malpani and Dr. Aniruddha Malpani. The buck stops with us - and we don't assign any piece of your fragile and basic IVF treatment to any other individual.
Get Pregnant
Possibly you're extremely anxious to get pregnant, or perhaps you're planning to have an infant at a specific season. Here are five different ways to support your odds of considering rapidly and additionally a few rules on when to be worried about a conceivable fertility issue.
Will probably have an effective pregnancy when your body is up to the undertaking. Lay the basis for a sound pregnancy by planning a previously established inclination checkup with a specialist or birthing assistant to see if you're in your best child making shape – and to realize what changes could help.
You will most likely be unable to determine any medical problems promptly, however making these strides at the earliest opportunity sets you up for a sound pregnancy Start taking folic corrosive no less than multi month before you begin attempting to consider. This supplement can drastically diminish the danger of certain birth deserts.
Other a word of wisdom that may enable you to consider a solid infant: Kick any undesirable propensities (like drinking, smoking, or utilizing drugs), get yourself to a sound weight, and breaking point your caffeine admission to under 300 milligrams per day (around 16 ounces of coffee).
Have you been popping those little white pills since secondary school? Take a pass on your medicine a couple of months before you intend to begin attempting, says Christopher Williams, M.D., a conceptive endocrinologist in private practice in Charlottesville, Virginia, and creator of The Fastest Way to Get Pregnant Naturally. That goes for different types of hormonal anti-conception medication as well. (You should quit getting Depo-Provera, injectable shots of progesterone around nine months previously you need to take a stab at getting pregnant.)
"After you've been utilizing anti-conception medication for a spell, it might take your body a couple of cycles to begin ovulating frequently and be prepared for pregnancy," Dr. Williams says. In addition, this gives you an opportunity to track your cycle to make sense of precisely when you ovulate (step #2), which is key for timing your infant making.To truly help your odds of getting pregnant quick, consider your way of life. Here are the tips the specialists need you to know:
Surrendering smoking Reducing the measure of liquor you drink or ceasing altogether. Mixed beverages canaffect not simply your fertility, but rather your accomplice's too.Reducing your caffeine consumption, as this can likewise back off origination. Change to home grown teas for the time being.Take a folic corrosive supplement (400 micrograms every day until 12 weeks pregnant), or a pre-birth vitamin that incorporates folic corrosive, which is fundamental for sound fetal development.Have unprotected sex regularly.
Menstrual Cycles
The menstrual cycle is the hormonal procedure a lady's body experiences every month to get ready for a conceivable pregnancy. Consistent menstrual periods in the years amongst adolescence and menopause are typically a sign that your body is working regularly. Irregular or overwhelming, excruciating periods are not typical. Numerous ladies likewise get premenstrual disorder (PMS) side effects. You can make strides at home and converse with your specialist or medical attendant about approaches to treat your period issues and PMS.
Feminine cycle certainties medicinally altered by: Charles Patrick Davis, MD, PhD Menstruation is a month to month shedding of a female's uteral lining; it endures around 3 to 5 days (normal) and contains blood and tissue that leaves her body through the cervix and vagina – the primary day of feminine cycle is the principal day of your period.The menstrual cycle is the repetitive roughly month to month menstruation.
The menstrual cycle is the hormonal driven cycle; day 1 is the main day of your period (dying) while day 14 is the surmised day you ovulate and if an egg isn't treated, hormone levels in the long run drop and at about day 25; the egg starts to break up and the cycle starts again with the period at about day 30.Most periods shift to some degree, the stream might be light, direct or substantial and can differ long from around 2 to 7 days; with age, the cycle generally abbreviates and turns out to be more regular.
Problems with periods incorporate the accompanying: amenorrhea (no period), dysmenorrhea (agonizing period), and unusual bleeding.The normal age for a young lady to get her first period in the US is 12, yet the scope of age is around 8 to 15 years old.
Women for the most part have periods until about ages 45 to 55.See your specialist for any variations from the norm in your period (for instance, over the top dying, no periods, extreme torment, fever with tampon utilize, sudden irregularities, and other problems.Women should change the cushion/tampon before it winds up drenched with blood (about each 4 to 8 hours); take after headings on the case to help keep away from TSS (harmful stun disorder), a possibly savage disease.Menstruation (men-STRAY-shuhn) is a lady's month to month dying. When you bleed, your body sheds the coating of the uterus (womb). Menstrual blood streams from the uterus through the little opening in the cervix and goes out of the body through the vagina.
Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days.When periods (feminine cycles) come frequently, this is known as the menstrual cycle. Having standard menstrual cycles is an indication that imperative parts of your body are working ordinarily. The menstrual cycle gives essential body synthetic compounds, called hormones, to keep you sound. It additionally readies your body for pregnancy every month.
A cycle is tallied from the principal day of 1 period to the primary day of the following time frame. The normal menstrual cycle is 28 days in length. Cycles can extend somewhere in the range of 21 to 35 days in grown-ups and from 21 to 45 days in youthful teens.In the principal half of the cycle, levels of estrogen (the "female hormone") begin to rise.
Estrogen assumes a critical part in keeping you sound, particularly by helping you to fabricate solid bones and to help keep them solid as you get more seasoned. Estrogen additionally makes the covering of the uterus (womb) develop and thicken. This coating of the womb is a place that will feed the developing life if a pregnancy happens. In the meantime the coating of the womb is growing, an egg, or ovum, in one of the ovaries begins to develop. At about day 14 of a normal 28-day cycle, the egg leaves the ovary. This is called ovulation.
After the egg has left the ovary, it goes through the Fallopian tube to the uterus. Hormone levels rise and help set up the uterine coating for pregnancy. A lady is well on the way to get pregnant amid the 3 days prior or upon the arrival of ovulation. Remember, ladies with cycles that are shorter or longer than normal may ovulate previously or after day 14.
A lady ends up pregnant if the egg is prepared by a man's sperm cell and appends to the uterine divider. On the off chance that the egg isn't prepared, it will break separated. At that point, hormone levels drop, and the thickened covering of the uterus is shed amid the menstrual period.
Irregular Periods
The ordinary length of a lady's menstrual cycle is 28 days, yet this fluctuates between people. Irregular monthly cycle is the point at which the length of the cycle is over 35 days, or if the term fluctuates This implies ovulation hasn't occurred amid your menstrual cycle, more often than not because of extreme hormonal uneven characters," says Autry. In some cases an irregular period might be because of subtler hormone awkward nature. You may even now be ovulating, yet the planning of your ovulation can shift enormously month to monthA period, or feminine cycle, is the piece of the menstrual cycle in which the endometrium, which is the covering of the uterus, is shed. This shows up as seeping from the womb that is discharged through the vagina.
Periods generally begin amid pubescence, between the ages of 10 and 16 years, and they proceed until menopause, when a lady is 45-to 55-years of age Irregular periods, likewise called oligomenorrhea, can happen if there is a change in contraception method, a hormone awkwardness, hormonal changes around the season of the menopause, and continuance works out.
Treatment for irregular periods amid pubescence and around the menopause isn't normally essential, yet in the event that irregular periods happen amid the conceptive years, therapeutic counsel might be important.
Thyroid Disease
Thyroid disease is a typical issue that can cause indications due to over-or under-capacity of the thyroid organ. The thyroid organ is a fundamental organ for creating thyroid hormones, which keep up are body digestion. Thethyroid organ is situated in the front of the neck beneath the Adam's apple.What is the standpoint for thyroid issue.
Thyroid issue are conditions that influence the thyroid organ, a butterfly-molded organ in the front of the neck. The thyroid has imperative parts to control various metabolic procedures all through the body. Distinctive kinds of thyroid issue influence either its structure or capacity.
The thyroid organ is situated underneath the Adam's apple folded over the trachea (windpipe). A thin zone of tissue in the organ's center, known as the isthmus, joins the two thyroid flaps on each side. The thyroid uses iodine to deliver fundamental hormones. Thyroxine, otherwise called T4, is the essential hormone created by the organ. After conveyance by means of the circulation system to the body's tissues, a little part of the T4 discharged from the organ is changed over to triiodothyronine (T3), which is the most dynamic hormone.
The capacity of the thyroid organ is directed by an input component including the mind. At the point when thyroid hormone levels are low, the hypothalamus in the cerebrum delivers a hormone known as thyrotropin discharging hormone (TRH) that causes the pituitary organ (situated at the base of the mind) to discharge thyroid animating hormone (TSH). TSH empowers the thyroid organ to discharge more T4.
Since the thyroid organ is controlled by the pituitary organ and hypothalamus, issue of these tissues can likewise influence thyroid capacity and cause thyroid issues.
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yoga1986 · 2 years
Buy Online Cipla MTP kit – Mifepristone and Misoprostol
Cipla's Mifepristone and Misoprostol Kit - The Best Way to Terminate a Pregnancy Safely
Buy Online Cipla MTP kit – Mifepristone and Misoprostol Cipla Ltd sells the Mifepristone and Misoprostol Kit, which includes two tablets of Mifepristone (200 mg each) and four tablets of Misoprostol (200 mcg each). It's designed to terminate an unwanted pregnancy in women who are no more than 9 weeks pregnant. The kit, which can be purchased online from buygenericviagrausa website, comes with easy-to-follow instructions that make it possible to do the abortion at home in about three to four days instead of having to go to a clinic or hospital.
What Is Cipla's Mifepristone and Misoprostol Kit?
Cipla has launched a kit, which includes Mifepristone and Misoprostol, that can be used for terminating an early pregnancy. All you need is to buy online Cipla’s MTP kit. This package comes with tablets as well as cervix dilators which help in the easy passage of abortion tissue out of the uterus. It is considered one of the safest methods to terminate a pregnancy. It helps in termination within 7-10 days after conception. 
How Does It Work?
Cipla’s MTP kit contains mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone works by blocking progesterone, a naturally occurring hormone that prepares your body for pregnancy. This means it can stop fertilized eggs from attaching to your uterine wall. If you are more than 7 weeks pregnant, misoprostol causes contractions that empty your uterus (womb). It will only work if an egg has been implanted in your uterus. The process is over within 4-6 hours. You should not use misoprostol without first taking mifepristone as it is much less effective on its own. Cipla’s MTP kit comes with detailed instructions on how to take both medications. Please read these carefully before starting treatment. The best way to terminate a pregnancy safely is with medical abortion pills like Cipla’s MTP kit.
Where to Buy
If you’re looking for a safe way to terminate your pregnancy, the buygenericviagrausa online store is an ideal destination for you they provide a kit at an affordable price of ($150.00). Our online store carries all medicine related to women's health & generic versions of mifepristone and misoprostol, two drugs commonly used in terminating pregnancies. As they’re generic versions, they don’t cost as much as other drugs on their own but are just as effective in ending unwanted pregnancies without any complications! You can buy them separately or together in a kit that includes everything you need at once: mifepristone and misoprostol tablets, along with instructions on how to use them safely.
Dosage Instructions
Take 200mg of Mifepristone under medical supervision, which will make you abort. Follow up with 800 micrograms of Misoprostol after 24-48 hours. This will cause your uterus to contract and expel its contents safely. You may experience bleeding and cramping during or after expulsion, but these symptoms should subside within 3-5 days. If they do not, please contact your doctor immediately. If you live in a country where abortion is illegal, please consult a physician before taking any action. Cipla does not intend for women to use our products without proper medical consultation and advice from their doctors.
Side Effects
All medications have side effects, even those that are considered very safe for use. In most cases, these side effects are not harmful but may cause discomfort. For example, some women experience nausea or vomiting when taking mifepristone. This is usually mild and can be relieved by taking an anti-nauseant such as ondansetron (Zofran). Other common side effects include diarrhea, dizziness, headache, fatigue, or back pain. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. There are also rare side effects associated with using mifepristone and misoprostol. These include heavy bleeding, severe abdominal pain or cramping, fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit or infection of your uterus after taking either medication. If you experience any of these symptoms after using either medication, seek medical attention immediately.
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