#usually i'd be super comfortable like doing things on my own and i do enjoy that
terreurs · 8 months
i need more covid careful friends :') two of my closest friends recently moved out of the province & i'm reallyyy feeling it now that i'm out of class for the term & unemployed rn i'm like. i'm just sitting here.
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black-lake · 6 months
2nd house profection year
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it’s my 2nd house profection year and I’m noticing some changes in my life. < my 2nd house is in cancer for ref.
~༯ I’m eating more this year than ever tbh. like I started having comfort food!!! eating whatever I want whenever and not holding myself back as much, which is very unlike me btw. I have a virgo moon and I’m not just nitpicky but also strict with my diet, even tho I have a fast metabolism (aries stellium).
~༯ usually when I’m stressed I tend to starve myself or get over caffeinated but this year I’m leaning more towards eating for comfort < yes taurus core.
~༯ I started going to the gym again but I’d slack off and become uninterested and bored, then find it interesting again, but that could just be my gem rising.
~༯ It seems like life is more abundant. things come easier! there's less resistance. I’m able to slow down and smell the roses.. 𓇢𓆸  I even feel a bit too comfortable or stuck in my comfort zone. everything seems like it’s too much and I just want to enjoy life. ˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖
~༯ I started buying flowers, planting flowers, decorating my house a lot more, got more perfumes, more beautiful things. currently as we speaking I have like 10 different types of flowers in my house. I started cooking more, I even made up recipes that my family liked and started making them regularly.
~༯ I’m taking care of my skin, my body, and overall health. I'm investing more in skincare and health supplements. though sometimes I overdue it, like get fixated on one thing or another.
~༯ I'm someone that used to have high energy, I'd pull an all nighter or just wake up at 3am scroll non stop or put music on, it wasn’t energy it was ⋆˙⟡ anxiety ⟡⋆˙ , but I'm having more quality sleep this year! I'm in bed by 10 and maybe I just got older, but there's that.
~༯ giving my hair a well deserved break!! I used do dye my hair very often, this year I got a short haircut and I’m growing my natural hair back, I’ve only added a few subtle highlights and I don’t style it as often. I'm embracing more simplicity with my style, though could be that my ass got lazy 𐙚(ᵕ̤ᴗᵕ̤)
~༯ I'm planing more, working on my skills and hobbies, but not rushing or forcing things and not setting high expectations either. I don't feel like there's a rush like before. my values are changing significantly, I know what I like and don’t like and what I can put up with.
~༯ don't get too comfortable and not do anything about moving forward bcz you will be tempted to. remember to still challenge yourself!
~༯ I’m having a relatively comfortable year it got me having flashbacks of my 12th house profection year which was a fckin nightmare. It was all about the subconscious, mental health struggles, depression and overcoming these things. It really was about coming up with personified methods that help me deal with these internal conflict so I can move forward. It also was the year I became more spiritual.
~༯ my 1st house profection year wasn’t good either for me personally, it was super challenging and chaotic. it had me doing things outside my comfort zone. e.g. throwing myself in the ocean (i'm afraid of drowning). my individuality was constantly tested, my determination, my willingness to put myself first and not compromise my own needs and values.
~༯ there were instances where I felt like I'm compromising for the sake of keeping a friendship, which wasn’t reciprocated. I learned to not be afraid to walk away from ppl and places that don’t respect or value me. my cut off game wasn't particularly bad before, but I felt blinded, manipulated and pressured that year, I had to fully trust myself and only rely on myself. very much aries themes. 
~༯ If you're going thRU it with your 12th or 1st house profection, know that it will teach you valuable lessons that lead you to know yourself and love yourself more. you will understand your triggers, your strengths, know who your enemies and true friends are. it gets better! this feels like the perfect year to take a break from all the past challenges that I went through, I'm able to slow down, enjoy life and reflect until I see where the next tides takes me. 
stay blessed, much luv <333
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aggravatetheaxe · 2 months
Hi hello tell me about Caesar's dead wife
ty my beautiful friends :)
here is caesar's dead wife
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-Legion name Drusilla Minerva; original name translates roughly to "Red-Eyed Sparrowhawk Woman"
-tan skin, auburn hair, eyes same color as hair. styled as the Daughter of Minerva much how Caesar is styled the Son of Mars
-came from a matriarchal tribe who, upon seeing what the Legion wrought, decided to join willingly despite, well, everything. their thought process was that there is a dignity in Choice, even if it is one of limited Choices, and assimilation was preferable to losing all their knowledge (i know that canonically caesar's legion is one homogeneous culture and erases all other identities but realistically this isn't how empires work so. wiggle room)
-youngest daughter of an elder and medicine woman, possesses knowledge of loads of ancient practices including blood transfusion and c-section
-despite the Legion going on and on about how you have to have a young, fertile bride, Drusilla is neither young (objective - she's caesar's same age, so like 30) nor fertile
-it was Joshua's idea for caesar to get married - citing a bunch of different reasons, not the least of which was "hey you should probably have an heir so that if you die this empire doesn't devolve into immediate chaos." caesar was like "ok but......" and never finished the sentence ("but i'm gay josh"). joshua was like don't worry king i'll handle it
read more
-selects a woman for him to court, and hey, it turns out she's actually bad as hell? she's collected, sharp, insanely intelligent (as in wisdom and learned), fanatically spiritual, with a will of iron and a withering stare that could strike any legionary down. caesar is like "she rocks actually, let's do this." but first he has to tell her he and joshua have been, like, A Thing for a long time and he's not going to stop on her account. she's like I Literally Could Not Care Less, the Business of Men Does Not Concern Me. that seals the deal
-ok ok turns out she's actually super cool and they're bffs. yeah they have sex and whatever but when they hold court? definition of a power couple. every fag must have his hag
-joshua is invited into their bed whenever he wants but he's like no :prayer_emoji: adultery is a sin :prayer_emoji: .. Dru and Caesar are like have it your way you fuckin square!!
-she and caesar and josh are the pillars upon which the legion is built. although as a woman she knows her fate is always to be overshadowed, this is something she accepts, like thousands of queens and empresses before her. she's all about protecting her own peace. she's got all the power, comfort, and privilege she could ever want, so like, whatever.
-can frequently be seen spitting venom across the dining table at officers + reminding them of the Mission of the Legion. simply does not tolerate deviation.
-for fertility reasons, she and caesar only ever have one daughter before Drusilla determined another pregnancy would kill her. she's like go ahead and get a concubine who'll give you more children, idc. caesar is like but ... then i'd have to have sex with a . with a w. with a woman. and she's like jesus christ don't be a pussy
-serving cunt at all times. jewel-tone-pilled queens only
-lives at Caesar's palace (not that one- the one in arizona lol) but frequently makes trips out to war camps, sometimes with caesar, sometimes in his stead, sometimes before or after him. she's got a sharp eye and WILL let you know if anything is out of place or if something is not being done right. she's sweeping into camp with fanfare like a goddess, walking down that line of soldiers, and telling at least one to sashay away
-she may be a Woman but the legionaries are so scared of her. and they should be
-enjoys long walks with her entourage, or just her with a companion (usually joshua or a handmaid)
-took a shine to Vulpes, encouraged caesar's choice not to punish him. vulpes is like *points* that's my Evil Mother
-unfortunately took ill with a respiratory illness a decade (give or take) before the game takes place and, despite her best efforts and the efforts of many other healers, was not able to recover
-when it was clear that she was on her deathbed and that the illness would be drawn out, she and caesar agreed that she should commit suicide in the Roman tradition by poisoning. compared to her illness, it was a painless and peaceful death
-caesar's still not over it. yeah he's gay, but that was his best friend in the whole world. and not long after that he lost joshua too. so as you can imagine, he is going through it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bonus about their child, Julia:
[pretend i drew a busty athletic blond babe here]
-Julia is in her late 20s when the game takes place
-tan, dark blond, brown eyes, very obviously caesar's child in her expressions, anchoring facial features, and even her voice. so basically, sexy as hell
-lives in Arizona at the palace, takes care of her half-brothers and -sisters (with the massive help of a bunch of servants and slaves and nurses of course - but she's who they're closest to)
-yeah she's not a man, but she's honestly probably caesar's favorite kid anyway. he's very proud of her beauty and intelligence and is almost (almost) tempted to name her his heir.
-in her ample free time, she's read all the same literature her father has, though she's come up with...slightly different interpretations of the texts. she's like hmm... the legion is kind of not doing the right thing i think? but it's hard to have views that conflict with your culture when you're literally a princess/demigoddess
-would totally vibe with Arcade i think. he'd be like finally someone half sane
-Vulpes has a big fat lesbian crush on her. thank you and goodnight
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our-magical-world · 3 months
Questions for MHA shifters
My Hero Academia is one of my main DRs and I always enjoy reading / listening to MHA shifters talk about their experiences there, it gives me so much motivation and it's usually super interesting.
So I thought about some questions I'd like to ask experienced shifters about their MHA DRs. Just random things I'm curious about. If you've shifted there and would like to answer (just for fun, feel free to skip any questions you're not comfortable with!) please reblog with your answers, or make a new post and tag me so I can read it. (You can also answer if you haven't shifted, based on your script and ideas, just let us know at the beginning).
1- First, are you a student or a pro hero / teacher / adult?
2- Mandatory question: What's your quirk?? Do you have any special moves?
3- Are you related to any canon characters? (as family or previous relationships like childhood friends, rivals...)
4- Any non-canon characters we haven't seen in the series who are part of your life? (like siblings, scripting your CR friends in there, or having children in your DR)
5- Do you have a crush? Are you in a relationship? or even better, love triangles? relationship drama? I want the tea (only if you're comfortable with sharing, of course!)
6- Did you make any changes to canon? (if you changed too many things, you can just mention a few interesting ones that made your experience very different from canon)
7- Did you script anything or make any changes to canon that didn't turn out as you expected? (as in what seemed like a small change turned out to change the story drastically)
8- Did you meet (or fight) the villains? How was it?
9- Is All Might as impressive as they say in person? (if you met him in muscle form)
For students:
10- Who are your best friends?
11- Did you replace anyone in class 1-A? (or B?) I've seen many people do this so the number of students stays even. Who did you script out?
12- Did you script Mineta out? Or change his personality? If you didn't, did you have any problems with him (especially if you're a girl)? Anyone (else) you scripted out or changed drastically?
13- I've seen way too many shifters say that Momo tends to start drama for no reason in their DRs and I'm a little concerned... was she like that in your DR?
14- What's your daily schedule at UA? Did you script your own schedule/timetable? Any subjects you love or hate?
15- Has anyone seen Bakugo's room or Tsuyu's room? They're the only ones that weren't shown in the series (Mineta's was described in the light novel), I'm curious to know how they decorated them!
For shifters who aren't students anymore:
16- Are you a pro hero? A teacher? A civilian? A villain?
17- What's your daily life like?
18- Who do you work with? Do you have your own agency? Sidekicks?Any interesting team-ups with other heroes?
19- Anything we should know about hero work?
Bonus: 20- Any embarrassing moments to confess? (you can do it anonymously if you want!)
21- Free spot: That's all I can think of right now, but feel free to include anything you want to share! You can also submit your own questions for other shifters and I'll add them to the post or create a new one.
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starkwub · 2 years
(Tw: Starkercest)
Mob boss! Tony and his son, Peter (super out of the blue idea (considering I usually never write mob Au's), but figured I'd write it down ha!)
Just thought of Mob boss Tony allowing Peter, his prized possession son, go out on his own to live life since the boy had been harping about it for ages. Peter wanted to feel like all the other kids in his class. He didn't want body guards or exuberant allowances--nothing.
Tony of course couldn't say no after having done so for years-but that didn't mean he wouldn't be tricky about it.
Peter didn't have to know that he hired people to go to his house and be sketchy--knocking on the door at strange hours of the night or tampering with his window. Perhaps even telling the men to make creeping sounds within the home, just so Peter might feel more afraid of being on his own. He'd get people to stare at him on the streets, or following him after a late night shift at work in a dark hoodie with a jangling set of keys in their pockets so the boy would know they were there.
At first Peter wasn't all too fazed--thinking that it was just another one of 'dad's undercover body guards', but after a while--with his Dad denying the accusations and having not recognized any of the gruff and uneasy looking faced that met his gaze, the paranoia started to set in.
When it got to the point where Peter couldn't sleep for hardly a wink before startling at a creak in the floorboards or a brushing knock at his door--he did the only thing he possibly could think to do in that instance.
Call his Dad.
Sniffling, Peter grappled for his phone in the dark and clicked on his dad's profile, hearing the dial on the other end and then the un-familar beeping.
Why wasn't he picking up?. He always picked up.
It had been nearly 15 seconds before the beeping stoped and then came a sleep-laden voice on the other end.
"What is it baby? It's late, you should be asleep by now."
Peter shivered at the comforting voice and huddled a bit in the bed, pulling the blankets up and over top of his knees.
"Dad I.." He sniffled, looking worryingly at his bedroom door,
"I wanna come home. Just to visit--of course."
When his dad pressed on the topic, wonder why such a sudden thought had crossed his mind at three am, Peter just pouted and wrapped an arm around his knees tightly.
"Haven't seen you in a while s'all.." and suddenly his tone turned sour, "Why? You don't want me there?"
Tony coo'd and seemed to ruffle his bedding on the other side of the phone before speaking in a tone that Peter knew all too well.
"Of course I want to see you baby. Wish you where here right now so all you had to do was knock on my door, crawl into bed, and tell Daddy what's wrong instead of calling from a state that's a million miles away."
Daddy. Peter's heart thumped in his chest wildly at the honorific. It'd been so long..too long, since he'd heard it.
"It's not a million, jeez.." Peter retorted, suddenly remembering back to what it felt like to be with his Dad. His room somehow was always so much warmer than his own, and as he flexed his fingers to feel them stiffen from the chill, he sighed.
"I'll see you tomorrow then? I'm off with this weekend so I'll let them know I can't do any overtime."
"Mm.." Tony hummed, shuffling a bit more, "Alright sweetheart."
They stayed on the line for a few moments longer, and as Peter yawned, now letting his body slip back down to the crappy mattress, he breathed out against his phone.
"Want me to stay on the line?"
Peter nodded sleepily, knowing that his Dad couldn't see it, nor hear it, so he let out a muffled hum of his own, enjoying the subtle deep chuckle that came from his father's throat in response.
-- -- --
There can always be more, but I'm going to stop it here and count it as a win that I've finally written and posted something on here again XD I've been so enamored by the Harry Potter fandom as of late so my mind has taken to straying away from Starker more than usual
Hope everyone is doing okay! :)
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 3 months
Writing anon #1 here with a few questions! As usual please don’t reply if you don’t want to. :)
What kind of character would you suggest writing for? Characters I’m currently interested in or characters I know more about? Perhaps a mix? I’m a little afraid that if I write for the characters I’m currently fixated on I’ll lose interest in them for awhile. For example, I’m currently interested in Daredevil but I know more about the Avengers because I hyperfixated on them in high school.
Where/how do you find inspiration and motivation to write? 
Do you think someone could write a relationship without having experienced it themselves? (Like a romantic relationship) I would assume it would just take a lot of research and editing to make sure it’s fairly realistic. Just like when you writing something else you don’t have experience in (like writing a character being a doctor or barista if you don’t have experience with that.)
Like the second anon I have a lot of trouble with outlining and plots. I usually get an idea I would love to write but have no idea what to do with it. Like how to get to the idea/scene or where to go from it. I really should try actually outlining and taking my time. I also really need to get my brain to understand that drafts are okay and normal. (I struggle with perfectionism, but I’m working on it.)
I realize now how number three might come across. I am an adult not a minor. I just had an extremely sheltered life growing up and have spent the few years I’ve been an adult dealing with a few things that are out of my control. So I haven’t had a romantic relationship of my own, I have read a ton of x reader fanfics and watched a lot of romcoms. And number four isn’t a question. :) Thank you so much in advance!
I'd say write for someone you like, someone you're comfortable with, and if you don't feel like you know enough about them to begin writing then that's easily fixed! rewatch/reread/re-whatever the thing that they're from and pay extra close attention, do it however many times you'd like, take notes. wiki's about the characters can also be super helpful for a ton of those little facts. but at the end of the day, write for whoever you like, whoever will be super fun to write for, whoever will make you excited to write. also you don't have to just choose one or even be stuck if you ever wanna move on, you make up the rules.
inspiration? i find that everywhere. sure, a movie is an easy thing to get my mind hooked on a fantasy, but most of my stories have just come to me in very mundane things. I've leaned into my own life experiences for a lot of sad stories (also used it as a therapeutic tool). there is literally inspiration everywhere, you just gotta open your eyes and see it. that weird tree right outside your window? that could be enough inspiration to begin a whole book. and as for motivation? well, first of all I really enjoy the whole process, so that helps a ton. I'm also autistic and have very good concentration, so I can easily just disappear completely into my wip. I'm also really good at just having it in my routine, sitting down and writing when I have the most energy for it. when I'm working on something very long, that's when it can become harder to keep that flame alive, but I think I've worked out a good rhythm to keep it going and not loose the drive to work on it: first of all, a detailed outline and notes. making a proper routine with it, though also not beating yourself up if it's a bad day and you only reread the last page 50 times, but don't actually write anything new. I also try my best to stay in the world while I work on it. like for when i'm not sitting and actively writing it, then I listen to music that fits the theme or watch movies or shows that have the vibe.
I think that truly depends on the person. some people can and some people can't. I personally don't write about too many subjects I don't have experience in (though still some like for example murder and some of the jobs the characters have, but my imagination can get me far enough to make me comfortable tackling those subjects). so yeah, that's so individual whether someone can do that well or not.
from my understanding of you from the very limited interactions we've had, I'd say that it'll probably continue to be difficult while you're not getting enough sleep for your brain to function properly as well as some other stressful things I could imagine is also going on and perhaps is the cause of the sleep issues. a few things that helps my perfectionism is to say that this draft will only be read by me and no one else, to say that this is only a silly little fanfiction just for the lols and not a fancy leather-bound novel, and also to aim for it simply to be finished and not for it to be perfect. and sometimes when it comes to beginning, you'll just have to jump straight in with the attitude of an imaginative and playful child. also sitting down and being like "okay, I'm not allowed to do anything other then come up with a story. I'm allowed to sit here, look around at my surroundings, and push through the boredom till my brain comes up with a story to entertain me". don't be afraid of slowing down and embracing the stillness, that's always where my best stuff comes from. and plot stuff? that is a huge subject and I'm not sure what advice could be beneficial for you. it's one of those things where learning about it on a technical level can be helpful, but only to get the sense into your bones and then throwing those rules and patterns out of the window like they never existed to begin with and just letting the flow of the story lead you.
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juni-aldaine123 · 2 months
SILENCE/ mhm ; kiyomiyo
✎ i'm a manga-reader only. haven't watched the anime, won't get the chance to ig and i don't have sources to read the light novels so manga it is.
I've only finished the 1st vol and here i am already writing abt them-
this is a repost of my work from ao3 btw (i've deleted it on ao3 cus i wasn't particularly satisfied with it there)
anyways back to the topic- this is just smth random i'd written. they're already married in this. and- just this ig-?
so i hope u enjoy it!
ps: i made the ship name (lol lol) u guys like it? XD
・❥・no spoilers, nothing, just pure fluff . no plot . super short lmao . just them being a couple, doing couple things . hashtag married life
The silence is comforting and the peace that shrouds them envelopes them like a warm hug. Deft hands trail the needle expertly through the silky fabric; Miyo works meticulously. She is a diligent worker and Kiyoka likes that quality of hers.
Well, that is without saying, he loves every aspect of Miyo, everything she has to provide, everything she has to show to him. 
He loves Miyo.
And that is the undeniable truth.
He gives her his company in the quiet hours of night as she works through her embroidery. He pretends to read the book in his hands but his eyes and mind keep drifting to Miyo whose attention is borne by the golden threads she weaves with care.
Miyo is beautiful, even more beautiful when she does the things she truly loves.
She smiles when she does the things she loves. The smile reaches her obsidian eyes.
He tells as much to her, but she shakes her head.
"I don't believe it so, Danna-sama," she says with a lilt in her voice, as if she didn't just disagree with his views, but if he didn't know any better he would've thought that is Miyo's attempt at a jest.
Nonetheless, Kiyoka welcomes such a change in Miyo's usual timid demeanour. She has started doing this often- speaking of her opinions and Kiyoka feels relieved to discover she has begun to open up to him.
The faith she places in him, he intends to hold it forever.
"Is that so?" he returns with a smile of his own, one that widens when he sees a happy glint in Miyo's eyes.
"Yurie-san doesn't think I smile often. And whenever I do, it's not too significant," she answers slowly, as she hangs her head low to not meet his inquisitive gaze and instead goes back to her task. He thinks he would get no further explanation beyond this so he just nods, though Miyo doesn't see it, and goes back to his reading.
"If you find it so, then maybe, I only smile like this when I'm with you," was said in a low whisper and if Kiyoka didn't have heightened senses as a gifted officer he might've missed it. He looks back up but Miyo shows no sign of having said so and if he didn't catch the reddened tip of her ears he would've thought of it as his mind playing tricks on him.
"You make me happy." Her gaze is on him, like how he likes it, full of adoration. "I like how I feel with you."
"And I like when it's just us," he tells her as easily.
"As you say, Danna-sama." This time she agrees with him.
They both go back to the silence that rings around them, but it is not heavy. It may unsettle many; those not acquainted with their routine. But for Miyo and Kiyoka it was perfect. 
The silence is their safe haven. 
The silence is their happy home, when it's just them.
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dilfiam-afton · 1 year
Do you take one-shot requests? I was wondering if you could maybe write William reacting to the reader kissing his scars? I really enjoy the one you wrote with William being insecure and the idea of the reader kissing his scars popped into my head
Why yes I do!
"It adds character"
Summary: Just because William hates his looks doesn't mean you can't love them, right?
Per usual, I try to keep this as gender neutral as I can, and the reader is of age!
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It was a lovely, yet (unfortunately for you) rather early summer morning in Hurricane, Utah. The sun wasn't up yet, and it was rather cold in the early mornings. Well...You wouldn't be up so early anyways if it wasn't for William! William loves starting his days super early; waking you up with soft kisses, before he moves on to take his morning shower while you prepare breakfast for the two of you and then finally, have breakfast together before he needs to leave for work. And with William being the tradition loving man he is, he expects adores it, when you lay his clothes out for him in the morning. Gestures like that make him feel more appreciated - but today you forgot.
So, naturally, you decide to fix your little mistake before he takes notice by simply laying his clothes out now. You snuck into the bathroom, balancing a neatly stacked pile of clothes in one hand, using the other to open the door. Apparently you hadn't thought of fixing your mistake early enough because William had already finished his shower and was now standing in front of the bathroom mirror, applying some sort of ointment to his springlock scars. The man chuckled to himself upon looking at you through the mirror. "Thank you, love. Almost thought I had to get my own knickers!" you jokingly rolled your eyes at him before giggling. "Would it have killed you to, though?" you joked along to which William replied with an exaggerated nod. "What is that lotion anyway?" "Oh, this?" he held up the little tin of ointment, the label on it read 'scar ointment' "this is s'posed to make up for the dumb mistakes you made when you were younger which left you permanently disfigured!" and even though he said it in a sing-sang, joking tone you didn't feel he meant it lightly.
"Oh..come on now, Darling." you stepped closer to the man, already having placed his clothes on the bathroom shelf, "you're not disfigured!" "what else would you call all this, then?" william wildly gestured all over his scarred body. You shrugged, letting a finger run over one of the many scars of his back. "I'd say-" "careful there!" you quickly pulled your hand back, startled by his sudden loud voice. "I'm sorry, Dear. They're just sensitive" william quickly apologized "ah I see. Is that what that lotion is for?" "What, the ointment? No. It's supposed to make them look less...obvious, brutal." oh. After a few brief seconds of silence, you simply asked him why he'd want them gone. He chuckled "why would I not? Not exactly pretty, are they?" "well I like them!" you quickly blurted out - "they make you unique! Just like the small toothgap you have. It's just those little things that...I dunno..just add character"
"If you say so." was all he replied before he continued massaging the ointment further into his skin. For a brief moment you just stood there, not knowing what to do. Did you offend him? Sighing, you did the only thing that came to mind - pressing your lips to his scars tenderly, before reaching around him to get some of the ointment to help him with the scars on his back. At first he tensed up as your little lips first met the tender flesh but he quickly re-gained his posture. The both of you stayed in comfortable silence and all his scars were now kissed and well covered in the ointment you left to start breakfast.
A few minutes later you already found William sitting at the table, smiling sheepishly. "What are we having?" "Eggs and bacon on toast sound alright?" "It'll do" "Did I upset you?" William let out a long sigh before replying "not really, no. I'm more upset with myself than anything. See, I used to be the charming, handsome businessman. And now? People think I'm hideous, an Idiot, even! Every so often children at the diner ask their parents 'what happened' upon seeing me and more often than not their parents reply with something like 'things like that happen when you do something that's dangerous and dumb for money!'" he let out a huff "I just don't like the way things turned out for me. After the accident, my ex wife didn't want to touch me anymore. My own children were afraid of me! Even henry would sometimes grimace in disgust when I rolled up my sleeves and he saw the scars." You put a plate with food in front of him, before gently wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he sat and just simply started eating. "Sorry anyways. Not your problem, I know. Situation just really bothers me is all.." "awh..I get that" you kissed his temple, caressing him, silently comforting the while he complained until he had to leave for work.
You were even more determined to make him feel loved than ever now.
{Should I make this a mini-series as well, maybe? Y'all tell me. Anyway! I'd suggest anyone who wants to send in a request of their own to look at my rules, I pinned them :3}
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Also! Nuudels William and I have the same teeth. So does Willem DaFoe.
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Picture belongs to @6simp_nuudel9 on instagram
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astronomic727 · 4 months
Welcome to my art account!
I'm Astro, I'm primarily a digital artist but I also do traditional sketches now and then too! A bit about me I'm from Ireland and currently 22! I was an Instagram artist for the longest time but am no longer happy with where the site's going, so... here I am! I'm also on Youtube which is where my most ambitious projects take place lol I do play video games in my past time, more on that in the next paragraph :) I LOOOVE space stuff, which of course is the inspiration for my name and sona, which also trickles into my other interests. I am also getting into music production! So, what to expect from this account? A lot of my artwork is fan art based on the video games that I enjoy. Primarily Kirby, Terraria, Pokémon are the main 3 to expect but there may be the occasional Mario post or whatnot lol My OCs! I also have my own OCs that I also post about a lot! The main trio of characters are Via, her little sister Kayleigh, and her best friend Orion. The posts about my OCs are just slice of life kinda stuff, but I also randomly insert them into other media or memes now and then xD One of such (the most prominent) is in one of my art projects! What are these art projects? First off is Project Dream! My Kirby art project, a fan made story that takes place after the events of Kirby Star Allies, my favourite Kirby game! Each of the illustrations are primarily dedicated to each of the Dream Friends. Each installment also gets an accompanying timelapse/speedpaint video over on my Youtube, which is where most of the story is explained and visualised. There is a main antagonist of the story, and the Project has been going for almost 5 years now. It is in it's later stages, but how will the story end? Stay tuned to find out ;) The other one is Terraria Legends! Terraria Legends follows the tale of two heroes as they progress throughout the land of Terraria and facing the many bosses and events the game has to offer. These two heroes however are Via and Orion! The Terraria versions of Via and Orion are different to their original counterparts however. Terraria Legends isn't as old as Project Dream, but our heroes currently are almost at the end of Pre-Hardmode! Where else can I be found? Youtube, Ko-Fi, Cara, Terraria Forums Or alternatively, all my links can be found through my Carrd! Anything else? So, my ask box is open atm, but I'm still learning how this all works so I may close this at any point. In terms of rules, don't say/ask anything super weird/nsfw. I personally don't mind any light jokes in this vain, just keep it relatively clean lmao. Any questions about my characters and their stories are all good! In terms of Project Dream or Terraria Legends, I like seeing speculation, but please don't just ask what will happen in the next episode or stuff like that, I don't wanna just spoil things for people y'know? ^^; Oh, and fan art of my OCs or my projects is very welcome, I'd be delighted to see that so feel free to @ me for that! :D Just be sure to respect any existing relationships with the characters, like don't ship two characters who definitely should not be lol DM's aren't really open, sorry about that. Only people I'm familiar with I'm ok with DMing. It usually takes me a good while to get comfortable with new people. Main Navigation Tags (#Astro Art) (#Astro Sketches) (#Project Dream) (#Terraria Legends) (#Astro OCs) (Each post with my OCs will be tagged with their name) I'll edit this whenever I have anything to change/add, but that's about everything for now! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your stay here! :D
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snowswan-royalehigh · 6 months
To be honest,RE isn't that morality gray complex as it presented to me since in our view it's just your typical original story that has bad writing and et cetera. To those who want to read a good smart FL who doesn't have slavery on it,go read my in laws are obsessed with me(compare to navier,pereshati the FL has flaws and also has someone by her side as she does it by gaining their trust and helping them in her own comfort way. Also,pereshati so a sweetheart I'm serious),I abdicated my title as empress(the setting may be similar to RE but trust me,the FL is smart and doesn't love the emperor and doesn't want to take the throne,the ml is a green flag,the emperor has mommy issues and the antagonist is a very smart noble),don't come to the villainess stationary store( the FL doesn't want revenge and opens a stationary shop so children can enjoy the joys of being a child,a green flag ml who is chil,la bodyguard who considered the FL and FL considered the bodyguard as just a brother figure), raising my fiance with money(the FL is smart and has broke off with her cheater,helps the ml to again confidence and also has a wholesome family also bonus points the father of the FL is such a cute chubby teddy bear)
I agree! RE is my favorite train wreck, it's like those 'the hated child becomes hybrid princess' gacha mini movies, horrible writing, characterization, and plot holes everywhere, but it's fun! RE is NOT a 'Oh.... we're morally grey' It's a lot of bad writing, hypocrisy, and self contradicting. I think that helps me enjoy it. Although, I think Rashta is the only well written character, besides the cartoonishly evil things the author makes her to.
Another thing is, I'd say adding slavery to a story can really mess it up. Unless you're going to have your Mcs solve it (or at least try to) it can just ruin their characters, because it makes them seem immoral if they don't fix it, and it can make the whole story sound trashy. Usually, slavery, is just one super small plot point that gets ignored after that. In RE they try to justify it,
Also, I love Pereshati!!! Her and Therdeo are so cute and well written, I love how it's such a sincere slowburn, Pereshati has so much compassion and sympathy, but she isn't dumb and being nice to whoever, over and over again. I feel like if another author took her up, she would've had a long time romantic rivalry between Schiff and Therdeo for her affection, and Therdeo would've been smitten in two seconds. The princess was actually so freaky as a villain too, oml. The art style too! I feel like the art style makes me feel like I'm looking at actual independent adults.
Do you know where I can read 'I abdicated my title as empress' off Webtoon? I'd rather die than daily pass. I read the first few episodes, and they seemed really good. Art style and story hopefully work well together! I haven't read any of the other ones, so I wanna check them out, TYSM!!! :DDDD
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perotovar · 6 months
hi bby ✨ I’m hoping to spread a little love around today (it is someone’s birthday after all — so you might see others answering this)!
I am a big fan of people enjoying cake and celebrating, and sometimes cake can be just tooting your own horn 💁‍♀️ so with that in mind, I’d love to know what THREE pieces of work/gifs you’re super proud of that you’d recommend others reading / gifs they should absolutely see, and why 🍰
i'm sorry i left you hanging on this, hun, i was having a really shitty day yesterday and wasn't in the "tooting my own horn" sort of mindset. i'm usually not, but i'll do my best today!
i recently actually showcased some of my favorite gifsets i've made (it's more than 3 but shhh)
so i'll stick to 3 of the fics i've written that i'm proud of (especially now that i've got more than one LOL)
1. bloody kisses (miniseries, shane x tim) - maybe it's because it's fresh/new but i'm genuinely so proud of this one. i think it's some of my best writing so far, but i also didn't expect this much positivity/reception to this fic at all. it centers around a character of pedro's that i think goes overlooked (for good reason, the source material leaves much to be desired), but i really like him and wanted to give him a sort of redemption/twist on who he is. i really can't thank y'all enough for the love on this one.
2. into the beat of the night (series, frankie x oc!river) - my darling babies ♥ this is something i'll probably always be proud of. i may rework it one day, now that i'm more comfortable writing again, but i think leaving it as is might be a good lesson as well. this was the first thing i'd written in 10 years and the premise/river mean a lot to me personally. the love for them has been so overwhelming and makes my little black heart soar.
3. ásjá - a winter solstice story - (oneshot, pero x ofc!helga) - i feel like i showcase this one a lot, but i can't help it! i think it's the underdog of all my fics and that's why i love it so much. it suits pero as a character too, i think, being the underdog (amongst the rest of the ppcu anyway). i don't talk about being pagan very much, but doing this sort of fic was just as close to my heart as itbotn is for me. it's just as much a part of my life as the subjects touched on with river so i'm proud of how i portrayed that.
thank you, darling jo, for asking! ♥
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I have MORE things I want to know actually (in reference to the tag game) 5, 11, 12, 18, 24, 28 im just gonna keep going I’m curious 31, 33, 39
aw thanks!!!
5 (what made you start your blog) - i first joined tumblr in late '21 i think? (i'd just had a rlly bad rehearsal and needed to blow off some steam lol) I didn't post anything or interact with anyone, i just lurked for quite a while. In early '23 i think, i started posting stuff and put up a bunch of my (truly terrible) observations/photos/poetry/whatnot, and then deleted it all in that summer. i tentatively started posting again that fall, and here i am!
11 (what do you consider to be romance) - huh idrk! i don't crush much, so i feel like my own definition might be a little looser than others'.
12 (advice you want to share) - hmm, get outside as much as possible (it's done wonders for me), pick up as many hobbies as possible while you have the time, if you get periods (or just are tired) then heat up milk and add sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla extract (super relaxing and good for cramps WITHOUT the caffeine and super high sugar)
18 (do you believe in ghosts/aliens) - DEFINITELY ghosts, i've had a lot of family members have personal encounters. With aliens, it's more of a scientific probability, it'd be a lot more unlikely for them not to exist
24 (something you're proud of yourself for) - Earlier this year, i started trying to make a point of spending time with this girl who never seemed to have someone to talk to (she's homeschooled and shy, comes from a super conservative fundamentalist family, is tall with a blue mullet, stims a lot, and will happily talk about transformers for hours). Turns out she's super sweet and warm, once she gets comfortable! Now she's rlly happy to have someone to hang out with, we're gonna go get smoothies soon :)
28 (do you collect anything) - not really lol!
31 (are you messy or organized) - i'm organized when i really want to be. The rest of the time, i'm usually kind of a slob :)
33 (hobbies) - quite a few haha! I'm a dancer (ballet, pointe, modern, jazz, tap, and hip-hop), i play the piano, the flute, and the ukulele, i crochet/knit/sew/embroider/sketch/paint, i read a LOT and do a ton of jigsaw puzzles, and i bake and cook! i also like biking, swimming, and jogging, and my brother's trying to get me into weightlifting :)
39 (youtuber you've been obsessed with/why) - i don't really watch youtube, sorry! i like watching cavetown's stuff ig, and i've been enjoying a comedy improv group called shoot from the hip???
thanks for asking, this was a lot of fun! i'd love to hear any of your answers if you wanted to share!!
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doin-just-fine · 2 months
!! System Introductions !!
We are at a spot where we feel comfy enough officially introducing everyone! We'll dive into who everyone is, what they do, and what their experiences are in the system to provide insight to other questioning systems!
Welcome to our system!! We have a collective system name but is based on our host's real name and they aren't comfortable sharing that information yet so here you can refer to us collectively as:
✨ The Super Fine System ✨
We are a median system as of now because that is the best label we have found and we think we formed due to our neurodivergence (we have diagnosed ADHD and undiagnosed autism) making us a neurogenic. There are possible other origins but nothing is clearer than the struggles we've had our whole life that came with our neurodivergence. We don't really understand how the different consciousness identities work so we don't really use them. Let's get into who everyone is and how we work!!
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Name: DoinFine (wants to be anon online for now) Emoji: 🛸 (flying saucer) Age Slide: 23~19 Pronouns: They/Them Star Sign: Virgo Identity: Queer and Non-binary Time of Origin: Birth I guess lol Role: Front stuck Host Brief Bio: DoinFine enjoys the winter, blue hour, cloudy skies, and their favorite colors are blue and green. They enjoy hot chocolate, garlic bread, and cookies. The animal they identify with (not as) is a crow. They are kind, gentle, and goofy. Information: DoinFine is our front stuck Host, this means amnesia is not the same for us like it is for more diagnosable/traditional systems. Since DoinFine is around all the time we don't usually forget things completely though it can happen. Our amnesia looks and feels like having difficulty in recall of events but with enough description from an outside party we can pull up the memory as well as emotional amnesia where we can recall memories but not the emotions attached. It's almost like we have the memory the color has been stripped from it. DoinFine has also started having some identity issues with who they are with in the system. They are starting to realize that personality traits they thought were theirs were actually someone else's and they are having to relearn who they are as an individual which is harder for them specifically than anyone else in our system due to their role and how our system operates.
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Name: cloud Emoji: ☁️/🌩️ depends on the day (cloud or cloud with lighting) Age Outside: 19~23 Pronouns: He/Him Star Sign: idfk this one is dumb (🛸 I'd say Scorpio or Aries) Identity: i'm a dude and i don't really like anyone Time of Origin: wouldn't you all like to know (🛸 He won't tell us but I know it's early early) Role: protector and gatekeeper Brief Bio: they wrote this for me but here you go - Cloud appreciates the fall, night time, cloudy skies and his favorite color is deep red (only cus they said black doesn't count). He likes monster energy and pizza (i'm not a sweets guy so no dessert). The animal he identifies with (not as) is on the scale from black cat to king cheetah, depends on how he feels. Cloud is direct, nicer than he looks, and unattached. Information: doinfine is our eyes and ears on the inside and out so to them our headspace looks like a couch that has a plug in seat (the front) and spot next to them for anyone to sit down and watch/give in put but with no way of controlling. everyone uses the couch but i don't i stand behind doinfine and tap in sometimes. we don't share thoughts , our minds are our own unless you sit in the chair or in my case stand behind. as far as anyones aware "touch" can link us a little bit but doinfine can never access anyones entire mind. so information retrieval is limited on and i'm not handing it to them freely so this might not be as clear as doinfine would like. i was the one who broke through first to doinfine. what happened was we lost access to our ADHD medication. we have been on ADHD medication since we were 8 with no breaks (which we think may have to do with our origin) so suddenly we were off it for like a week and a half. thats the longest we've gone with zero meds in 15 years. the no meds dropped some barriers and doinfine started thinking about system things again. systemhood has been an interest of theirs since they were 18 and they were starting to wonder why they found it so interesting and personal. i'm a gatekeeper and they we're piecing stuff together so i had to push back and that actually made it more obvious what we were. and now here we are.
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Name: Summer Emoji: 🌾 (Grass) Age: 24 Pronouns: She/Her/they Star Sign: Libra Identity: Fem Lesbian Time of Origin: I believe around middle school/high school Role: Caretaker Brief Bio: Summer enjoys the spring (silly I know), golden hour, partially cloudy skies, and her favourite colour is golden yellow or green. She likes fruity teas, creamy soups, and pastries (bonus if they have chocolate in them). The animal she identifies with (not as) is an old bear basking in the sun or a deer. Summer is quiet, gentle, and easily overwhelmed. A bit shy but absolutely wonderful when you get to know her and she opens up. Information: Summer was the reason we started thinking about the possibility of being a system before the whole medication debacle. We were at home and we got the weirdest sensation when we took a passing glance at a mirror. We expected to see ourselves with long straight hair tied back and when we didn't see that it felt very uncomfortable and disturbing to the point of being unable to look at ourselves again for a bit. There was a bit where we went through a denial spiral and wrote off everyone else beyond Cloud as not being real because at the time we only had hard evidence from Cloud. Summer saw that we were in distress and disappeared to make things easier on us. For awhile it was the three of us, DoinFine, Cloud, and Bean. Then we got validation from our therapist about our experience and felt much more comfortable in our situation. Since that, Summer has slowly come back and, with it being summer time, she co-cons quite a bit. Also fun fact about Summer: we think she may be British. She got a lot of inspiration and influence from the things we were watching at the age she developed during. People like Dodie Clark and characters like Clara Oswald were big influences over her style and vibe.
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Name: BEAN!!!! Emoji: 🧸 (Teddy bear) Age Slide: 8~10 Pronouns: I'm a kid! (🛸 🌾 She doesn't quite understand so we interpret that answer as neutral and use They/She) Star Sign: Taurus Identity: N/A Time of Origin: Early Role: No role Brief Bio: Bean enjoys the summer , mid day sun, blue skies, and their favorite color is all of them. She enjoys bubbly drinks, Annie's brand pasta, and rainbow sherbert ice cream. The animal that Bean identifies with (not as) is a baby chick or a kitten. Bean is energetic, impulsive, and can be shy at first. Information: Bean comes out when the stars align. She is very shy around other people despite wanting to be friends with our partner system's littles. We think that they may have been the "original". They came back out really strong last summer when we were back home and didn't recognize where we were because we had moved 2 years earlier and when I🛸 gave her the tour of the new house we came down stairs and Bean didn't recognize our pets. This told me that she hadn't been around since we were 8 or 9. Around that age we went through some medical trauma and I🛸 think she retreated far far back after that. Usually she just kinda wonders by the front and feels like a passing thought, impulse, or emotion and when I🛸 got to respond she's already gone. I🛸 don't think she understand who she is or who we are and why we're all here, but I🛸 do think living deep inside the head for 15 years has made her really good at navigating it. They have been the only one to front so strongly that I🛸 was bumped out of my seat for a second. I🛸 was still on the couch but I🛸 was shotgun and they were driving. I🛸 remember being impressed and then feeling someone else (☁️) feeling nervous which made me🛸 nervous and us both just gently holding the steering wheel while she drove and then she just got out of the chair and wondered off like it was no big deal.
We realized that we wanna do a separate post for how we operate, interact, and all that stuff because it will already be a massive post on it's own let alone being attached to this post so look out for that soon!
Welp! This is us! Feel free to ask us any questions either as a collective or individuals! We would be happy to answer them!
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
How do i get better at writing, if ur willing to- do u have any tips or tricks?
I think everyone has their own writing tips or tricks and so what works for me might not work for you, and you should definitely experiment and figure out what you like or don't like, but here are some tips/tricks I swear by personally:
Write what you want to write. Unless you're being paid to write something, there's no reason to write something you don't want to write. So write whatever you want. Let it be as self-indulgent as possible. If you are enjoying it, it will come across in your writing, and then your readers will enjoy. They will feel your love for what you're doing and they will be inclined to regard it with similar affection. I only ever write what I want to read in the world. In fact, usually my fics start with me having an idea and being like, "Argh, has no one else done this yet?! If I want to read it, do I have to write it myself????"
Think about the writers you admire most. Whenever I read something written by someone I think is really good, I try to figure out why I think it's so good. What is it that I admire so much? Sometimes it's something I feel like I will never be able to achieve, but sometimes thinking about it makes me realize I could do it, too. Or at least try. The difference in my writing before and after I discovered The West Wing is so striking, I will forever be grateful I found Aaron Sorkin and he taught me how to write rapid-fire dialogue as well as those grand, big, emotional speeches that no one ever delivers in real life but he does SO well. I devoured everything I could find that Aaron Sorkin had ever written, and I didn't do it to consciously mimic him, but inevitably I started to sound a little more like him, mostly because I'd begun to realize what he'd been doing so effectively. I do the same thing with anything else I read that I love (mainly pieces of fanfiction these days). Like, if I'm impressed by a particular scene or plot or whatever, I take note of what that writer did that I loved about it so much.
But also: be you. You learn from other people, but you don't need to reinvent YOURSELF. I think working hard to be someone else will just exhaust you and not be fun for you. I don't think of writing as being super-different from talking. Slightly more polished, but however I would tell you the story in person, that's how I want to tell the story in type. If you feel comfortable talking and uncomfortable in front of a keyboard, maybe do some dictation to open yourself up. That doesn't personally work for me, but I could definitely see it working for some people.
Don't skip writing the boring parts to get to the good parts. Better: Don't write any boring parts lol. Like, if you're too bored to write the bit, then your readers will probably be too bored to read the bit. If the bit's so boring you want to skip it, maybe you don't even need it.
Be wary of cutting to black too much, or too soon. A lot of times it can be really tempting to just write something like "They talked all night," or "Over the next few months, they grew closer." Whenever I find myself writing something like that, I pause and think about it. Sometimes, that really is what the story needs: You can't write down every single thing the characters do, of course. But sometimes what you're skipping over is actually where the meat of your story lives, if you're telling a love story. What they talked about all night, or over the next few months, is what makes your readers (and you!!) believe in them as a couple. Like, I find myself writing those moments instead of letting myself skip over them because I'm looking for the part where they click for me -- and then I'll know that they clicked for each other. A good example of this is in "Next Christmas," when I threw in all those text conversations between Pete and Patrick. I skipped those months in the narrative, but I felt it was extremely important for all of us to see how much they interacted over those months. I could have just said "They'd been texting constantly for the past six months," but I personally think it was more effective to write out the texts. Maybe you disagree! Like I said, everyone writes differently! But I point it out just on the off-chance that you might not have thought about why I spent the time to write all those text conversations. I thought they made a difference to the story, so I put them in. They also made a difference to me. I like it when I can pick up inside jokes for the characters to have with each other lol. Another thing in "Next Christmas" was I needed Pete to talk about something, rather than put in a fade to black, and I'd just learned about opossum genitalia, so I had him say that, and then look at how much in the story came off of that. SO MUCH. And that was only in there because I felt like Pete needed to keep talking but I had no idea what to have him say so I just picked something random.
Just write. The only way I know how to write is to write. I never outline. Or not the way other people seem to. I know some people would never, ever write by the seat of their pants, which is why all writing rules are only suggestions, and if that thought terrifies you, don't do it. But I tend to believe that outlining becomes procrastination for me. Same with research. I'm doing it to delay writing. It's never a good thing for me to do. Just write. Even when I don't feel like writing, I try to make myself write just a few sentences. Sometimes it's just not coming that day, and I'll give up, but I always try, because sometimes once you start, the continuing is much easier.
Keep writing. I am a much better writer today than I was ten years ago, and an incredibly better writer than I was twenty years ago. The more you write, the more tricks you learn, the more you grow to understand your brain and your process, the more you can lean into it.
Trust your characters. I'm not great at plotting (or outlining), because for me I just go where the characters want to go. If I'm having a really hard time writing something, it's probably because I'm fighting against what the characters want to do. That's just an unpleasant way to write, I think. Let them do what they want, even if it's different than what you have planned. I just have this theory that being true to the characters will in the end serve your story better than whatever plot you want to jam them into. Of course, they might fit perfectly well within your plot! Cool! But sometimes, you've gotta give up on the idea you were in love with because a better idea has come along. Another example from "Next Christmas": I truly did not know if they were going to break up that Christmas they got together or not until the scene was written. I could see it going either way, and making sense both ways. My natural instinct once characters get together is to let them stay together, and I always worry that I will therefore put characters together too soon (what I did wrong with the dystopia, too). So what I did was start writing the scene where Patrick shows up freaking out to see what he would say and what Pete would do. And when it was done, they were broken up. And I think that was right. I don't think it was contrived, I think if I'd done what I wanted to do and let them stay together, Patrick never would have trusted what had happened and eventually it would have ruined them and it wouldn't have been as satisfying a story because that would have been looming over them.
Read your work over, not just for typos. If there's any moment you hit where you find yourself a little confused as to how it reads, fix it. If you're confused over something that came out of your head, your readers definitely will be. Also, as you read it over, think about the pacing of your story. If some emotional thing has just happened that you really want to make sure your readers notice and absorb and relish, something that you love and want to highlight, add in some character reaction, to let the moment breathe more and not move on too fast.
Finally: Have a good time! I do not believe that writing should be emotional torment through which you perform therapy on yourself or other people. If that's what you want, cool! But if you just want to have a good time, then please, have a good time.
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skayafair · 16 days
The brainworms be brainworming
Note: I want to chat about junoverse! Hit me up if you do too!
It's funny how I expected to ship the hell out of the main pairing just to end up utterly inenterested :D
It's amusing and gives Juno a good character developement, but mostly it's just corroding. Also by all accounts Nureyev should have been the type of character who is usually interesting to me, but mostly I couldn't care less and was slightly annoyed in s5 (made sense tho, so not complaining). And I don't understand why he kept showing up in Juno's life and even offered to run away together just to do his worst to try and disappear for good when things started looking up and settling for them, the whole Dark Matters ordeal notwithstanding. Did he try to shake Juno off because he became scared that his feelings got too real for comfort and he couldn't just "file them away" anymore? Would he have abandoned Juno on some faraway planet if Juno didn't change his mind and actually went with him?
Maybe my attitude was partly why I was so delighted by the ending, except for the fact that it simply made the most sense and the stories rarely go this route in order not to upset the fanbase. Personally I'd have said Nureyev to get lost after the 2nd disappearance but luckily for Peter Juno has a different approach. And their relationship might have not gotten through to me, but I really liked how it was developed: I'm on aroace spectrum and "love from the first sight" sounds ridiculous to me. Attraction, I can believe in, love - nah, this thing's built over time and looots of effort. And that's what they've been doing over the seasons - building it. Juno's resolution - "if you can do this, we'll be together, someday in future, if you can't - I guess we just aren't compatible", his acceptance of the fact made me very glad to hear had to undergo a similar realization in the past. Do I need to say that to me the person behind that door in the last seconds of the episode was NOT Nureyev. Too early.
On a different note, what I wasn't satisfied with was Sasha's plotline. It feels unfinished. I kept expecting it to get its resolution as well, to make me sympathize with her (not justify her actions tho), and I guess Nightmare was supposed to be it, but she just confused me instead. I still don't understand what exactly this whole case meant. Why did she look exactly like young Sasha to Juno but like Juno - to Mick?
I mean... the way Sasha was erasing herself from existance just for Agent W to be the only one left, and with how often neometh was mentioned - and the super-drug they pumped Jet with? - I thought Slip would come into the picture too somehow. It seemed like there was a joint overarching plot for these two lines, but they ended up completely unrelated. And Juno said he needed to reflect on Sasha and understand her even after they shook the DM off of their tail, but I don't think this was developed? Idk. And what with all the hints of "you don't know what I've been through" from Sasha? Did I miss the elaboration? It just feels like her plot line was planned but scrapped at some point.
I've started to listen again since ep 1 and realized I don't enjoy the podcast as much as the 1st time until the Aurinkos come into the picture. All the previous episodes were good, don't get me wrong, - just not as interesting to me personally. So after a few episodes I skipped right to the middle of season 2 and wow. I didn't realize Jet to be THIS hilarious the first time! Now the actual fun begins <3
And since I've already started - Juno was very funny and sooo coherent back in the desert. "Leave me be! I'll die but at least I'll do this by my own will!.. oh shit this guy looks scary and like he'll kill me if I don't shut up right now, ok fine". Aw <3
I think this is the first time when I can actually remember how unreliable and overdramatic our narrator is, take his descriptions of any situations with a grain of salt and not even be annoyed at this :D
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aintitfierce · 2 months
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NAME -- masha
PRONOUNS -- she/her, but they/them or it/its could be nice. i won't kick up a fuss to he/him, either, but it does give me a brief pause
PREFERRED COMMS -- lies down probably IMs here, unfortunately. i have 'not getting out of this chair-itis' rip also my computer (not the laptop) is like 15 years old and dying a slow death so i can't open more than a single tab and maybe my pictures folder without everything slowing to the speed of molasses on a cold day
HOWEVER, i have gotten over myself a little bit and i do have an active discord now. so i've been thinking about moving some stuff there
NAME OF MUSE -- vanya, but he prefers pretty vanya or anything similarly Fawning. he has a noticeable, unexplained fondness for being referred to as the nondescript 'creature' as well
EXPERIENCE IN RP -- my first experience with RP was in the gaiaonline forums as a teenager lmAO. i used to scrounge around in the forums for any literary magical school-based RPs. then i kinda fell away from it once i left the site. i didn't pick it back up again until after i'd been on tumblr for a few months in 2013-2014 or so, stumbled into the kung fu panda fandom and made a friend who got me into RPing canon characters through skype ghfhiieo then i opened up an ask blog in june 2014 which very quickly morphed into just a RP blog instead and the rest is history
BEST EXPERIENCES -- back on gaia i joined a roleplay which was taking place in some school for people with super powers (i was in a lot of those as u might have guessed, they were my favorites lmao). me and one other person were the only ones awake and active at one point and it was just a rapid fire interaction between our muses for a couple pages, after which we laughed at The Shenanigans bc we were pretty sure our two characters had just become the comic relief of the entire thread and wondered how the other players were going to react when they inevitably came back
honestly i just remember it being a ton of fun. that style of RP is so incredibly foreign to me now, but nostalgic
PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS -- i had to take a long time to think about this, and i think the number one thing that gets to me is infomodding. i very much prefer having a running tally of what our muses each know about each other and more importantly what they Don't. i wrote with someone once who would occasionally consider what they knew about my muse to be fair game for their muse to know as well, without any reasoning for how they'd know this information or when they found it out
additionally, the only other thing i can think of that does get to me pretty badly is related to pacing. like i mention below, i like interactions that feel relatively real and natural, and sometimes that means letting the conversation unfold on its own and allowing awkward silences and lulls to play out to their conclusions. it drives me a little crazy when i'm just getting comfortable in a conversational thread but my writing partner is instead evidently feeling Bored with the small talk, so they inject some drama or some other bombshell to Liven It Up and get the action rolling orz usually has killed the thread for me in the past
MUSE PREFERENCE ( FLUFF, ANGST, SMUT ) -- out of these three probably angst, but i rarely RP it bc i don't feel that i'm very good at it. also idk how Seriously people could pretty vanya angst lmao
i've done so little actual RPing with him (my own fault, tbh) that i don't really know what my preference is with him yet. him being captured by big jack bc there were rumors about him being Powerful And Rare has probably been one of my favorite interactions so far. i admittedly do enjoy writing more antagonistic interactions more than i do friendlier ones
PLOT OR MEMES -- my Natural State is that of a pantser, to be completely honest, but there's a special place in my heart for plotted threads. i do enjoy laying out the basics and then letting it go with a check-in every now and again when one of us is running out juice or Unsure about anything
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES -- either or. i'm no good at one-liners, and i struggle with novella length (condensing my partner's response into something i can reply to while being careful to keep the story Moving takes a lot of brainpower for me). i do however love replies and threads and partners, perhaps, who are okay with letting some parts of the conversation Drop and potentially come back into play later. i like that sense of continuity, where it feels like a real or natural interaction two people might have with lulls in the conversation and callbacks
BEST TIME TO WRITE -- at this point i have no clue wheezes
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE? -- lord i hope not lmao
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