tortoiseshome-blog · 5 years
Tortoises Home is the most trusted tortoise store offer a variety of baby, juvenile and adults tortoises for sale. Visit now and buy tortoises from the top Asian tortoise supplier.
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tortoiseshome-blog · 5 years
Keeping a Tortoise
Increasingly tortoises are becoming popular pets to have thus their availability has grown. But how and where do you buy a healthy and reasonably priced tortoise? Below I provide a simple guide on how to buy a tortoise the healthy, humane, and correct way.
Before you buy your tortoise you need to know what you are looking for. You should choose the species based off your ability to fulfill the needs of that particular species. Best Pet Tortoises for sale
For example if the species of tortoise you want has a very particular and expensive diet that you cannot afford, do not buy that species.
Also, when picking a species you should take your experience into account. If you are a beginner pick an easy to take care of tortoise. For example, Russian Tortoises are small and not very temperature sensitive. While an Indian Star Tortoise should be left for advanced and experienced keepers only.
Now that you have a species in mind, let’s take a look at the few possible avenues of where you could buy a tortoise. Best tortoises for sale
Breeders are individual people who breed tortoises as a hobby or a business. There are many advantages to buying from a breeder. When you buy from a breeder you know that you are buying a 100% captive bred tortoise that wasn't taken from the wild. Also, the breeders can offer one-on-one advice for care and in most cases sell the reptile for a lower price than pet shops.
With a quick online search you can find companies willing to send you your tortoise in the mail. Most often these are large-scale tortoise farming operations. Before buying from one of these companies, do your research and make sure they are humane and most of the time delivers alive and healthy reptiles.
Buying from big chain or local pet shops is not advised. Most of the time these reptiles are coming from poor conditions and being sold to you by people who aren't very knowledgeable about tortoises or any reptile. Plus most of the time the reptiles being sold are overpriced compared to breeders. And pet shops have been known to sell beginners unnecessary, expensive equipment. Adult tortoises for sale
Feeding a tortoise is actually easier than feeding most other pets, as they can generally go for quite some time without eating. In fact, during the warmer months, a tortoise only needs to be fed about once or twice per week. When it is time to feed your tortoise, however, you should feed finely cut fresh meat in the water rather than on dry land. You should never feed cooked meat to your tortoise and you should remove any uneaten food in order to prevent spoiling.
One special characteristic of tortoises is the fact that they go through a hibernation period that is an important part of their life cycle. During this period of time, their heartbeats slow and their temperature is lowered. While many hibernate in the water and bury themselves in the muddy bottom, others prefer to hide under leaves, bush or sand on the land. Therefore, you need to be certain to provide your tortoise with a place to hibernate within your aquarium. You will need to learn more about the tortoise you have selected in order to determine what type of hibernation area is necessary for your pet. Baby Tortoises for sale
It is important to always handle your tortoise with care. Unfortunately, tortoises are often handled roughly because they do not have an effective method for communicating pain or discomfort. Unlike dogs and cats that can meow, whimper or even bite and claw, the tortoise does not have an effective means of communicating with its owner. Therefore, be certain to always handle your tortoise with care and respect.
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tortoiseshome-blog · 5 years
Things to Consider Before Purchasing a Tortoise
If you are looking for a truly amazing and intriguing pet, you might want to consider purchasing a tortoise. At the same time, it is important to note that tortoises do require following special dietary guidelines and other special care. Therefore, before you head out the pet store and bring home a cute little tortoise, be sure to learn more about the species you are purchasing and whether or not you are truly prepared to care for it. Sulcata Tortoise for sale
Considering the Size
Many people fail to realize just how big most tortoises become. It is easy to be fooled by the size of the tortoises you see in the pet store, as many are quite young and small. Even the larger ones you find in the pet stores may seem to be a reasonable size, but most species of tortoise grow to be very large. Therefore, you will need to create a large pen for your tortoise to enjoy. For this reason, many tortoise owners create outdoor pens for their pets. If you live in an area with cold and snowy winters, however, your tortoise will not be able to stay outdoors throughout the entire year, which means you will need to have an indoor pen for your tortoise as well.
Considering the Lifespan
When properly cared for, most tortoises will live anywhere from 50 to 100 years. Therefore, it is actually possible that your tortoise will outlive you! Since the lifespan of the tortoise is so long, you need to realize that you are taking on a serious commitment when you decide to purchase a tortoise. Leopard Tortoise for sale
Considering Tortoise Activity
Believe it or not, tortoises can actually be quite active in terms of burrowing or even climbing. Therefore, when creating a pen for your tortoise, you will need to make certain it is strong enough to withstand a climbing tortoise. You may also need to put a roof on your pen in order to prevent escape. Similarly, you may need to bury your fencing in order to prevent your tortoise from burrowing and escaping from under the cage.
Considering Predators and Other Safety Issues
Since providing your tortoise with plenty of space to roam will likely result in keeping it outdoors, you will also have a number of safety issues to consider. For example, keeping your tortoise outside in a pen without a roof will leave it susceptible to predators. In addition, you should provide your tortoise with some sort of shelter where it can go to get warm if it gets too cold outside, such as a heated doghouse within your pen. Albino Sulcata Tortoise for sale
You also need to look out for other potential hazards within your tortoise's pen. Poisonous plants or small objects could harm or even kill your tortoise if ingested. Similarly, high levels of water can be a danger to your tortoise. So, while it is essential to keep a supply of water in your tortoise's cage, you also need to be certain that all water kept in the pen is shallow.
Keeping a tortoise as a pet can be very fun and interesting, but be certain you know what you are getting yourself into before you make a purchase. That way, you can be certain you and your pet will be happy together for a very long time!
View More:- Greek Tortoise for sale
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tortoiseshome-blog · 5 years
Tortoises Home is the most trusted tortoise store offer a variety of baby, juvenile and adults tortoises for sale. Visit now and buy tortoises from the top Asian tortoise supplier.
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tortoiseshome-blog · 5 years
Things You Need to Know About Pet Tortoises
We see giant tortoises at the zoo and we know that many people keep tortoises as pets, even the larger breeds. When we hear about the history or tortoises, we seem to understand that these are extremely ancient animals that have been around long before the humans that keep them captive and will probably be here long after we are gone. This detail alone makes the tortoise such a fascinating animal to study and observe. Today, we know that they feel at home both on land and in water, for the most part. We know what they look like: stubby legs, slow-moving, hard shell, etc. But what have tortoises really been through in their millions of years in existence? That's what we're here to find out. Baby Tortoises for sale
Let's start at the beginning. During the times of evolution, tortoises were among the species that partially made their way out of the water and went back and forth between land and sea throughout their evolution. Exclusively marine tortoises went extinct about 200 million years ago but the traces of turtles as we know it remain. During the Triassic Period, we see the body of the tortoise take its familiar form. From here on out, the body remains largely unchanged.
Although the evolution of the turtle can be an easy one to follow, unlike the snakes for example, there are still missing links and the expected gigantism of most prehistoric animals during the mesozoic and cenozoic eras. Can you imagine a giant tortoise roaming around, eating equally giant plants? Paleontologists can't seem to pinpoint the exact prehistoric family that modern turtles evolved from, but they can say with confidence that it was not the placodonts, as was previously considered.
Historically, tortoises have had an influence in certain religions. In Hinduism, Vishnu is half-man, half-tortoise and sat at the bottom of the ocean floor after a great mythical flood. In Ancient Greece, the tortoise is a symbol for the Greek God, Hermes. In Ancient China, turtle shells were used to make their predictions. Sulcata Tortoise for sale
Before purchasing any turtle or tortoise as a pet, careful research should be done. Many sellers get their stock from the wild and this is contributing to reduced populations in their natural habitats. Many turtles and tortoises get sick or die before reaching the sellers because they are shipped in inhumane conditions. Many of the personnel in pet stores do not have the knowledge to recognize disease symptoms.
A customer not suspecting anything wrong can go home with a sick turtle and later, when symptoms are advanced, realize it is ill.
The more common pet turtles are the small terrestrial and freshwater turtles The red-ear slider (also known as the terrapin). Even though many are purchased as pets for children, children should always be supervised by an adult. Leopard Tortoise for sale
Female terrapins grow to be 10-12 inches in length and males 8-10 inches. They are generally shy around people. 
They will eat both plants and animals as their primary food source. Pet terrapin’s diet should closely match their natural diet (crawfish, tadpoles, snails, and numerous aquatic plants). Other foods such as feeder fish, dead, earthworms, cooked egg with the crumbled shell included and leafy greens. Commercial turtle foods should be used sparingly due to insufficient scientific research and vitamin and mineral imbalances. Providing a wide variety of foods is the key to successively raising captive turtles.
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tortoiseshome-blog · 5 years
Best Tortoises for sale
If you are looking for a truly amazing and intriguing pet, you might want to consider purchasing a tortoise. At the same time, it is important to note that tortoises do require following special dietary guidelines and other special care. Therefore, before you head out the pet store and bring home a cute little tortoise, be sure to learn more about the species you are purchasing and whether or not you are truly prepared to care for it. Albino Sulcata Tortoise for sale
So you have decided on a baby tortoise as a pet. Well, just like every other pet there are some things you should know before getting your new tortoise. The tortoise is a turtle, which resides on land and belongs to the reptile family. They also have shells like sea turtles. They have both an exoskeleton and an endoskeleton. The top of the shell is called the carapace and the bottom side is known as plastron. They are active during the day and are very shy animals.
As for tortoise housing, a pen can be constructed in the yard for the animal. The pen should be strong and the fences should be buried deep, as some of the tortoises have an attraction to digging. They are also very strong reptiles. They can easily break weaker fences. Some tortoises are good climbers, so the pen should also be made with a roof. This also protects them from other dangers such as a dog bite, bird attack, etc. Also check for possible threats to the pet within the pen itself. Some plants are harmful if the tortoise eats them, so only plants that are edible should be planted or kept in the den. Greek Tortoise for sale
Believe it or not, tortoises can actually be quite active in terms of burrowing or even climbing. Therefore, when creating a pen for your tortoise, you will need to make certain it is strong enough to withstand a climbing tortoise. You may also need to put a roof on your pen in order to prevent escape. Similarly, you may need to bury your fencing in order to prevent your tortoise from burrowing and escaping from under the cage.
Many people fail to realize just how big most tortoises become. It is easy to be fooled by the size of the tortoises you see in the pet store, as many are quite young and small. Even the larger ones you find in the pet stores may seem to be a reasonable size, but most species of tortoise grow to be very large. Therefore, you will need to create a large pen for your tortoise to enjoy. For this reason, many tortoise owners create outdoor pens for their pets. If you live in an area with cold and snowy winters, however, your tortoise will not be able to stay outdoors throughout the entire year, which means you will need to have an indoor pen for your tortoise as well. Indian Star Tortoise for sale
Since providing your tortoise with plenty of space to roam will likely result in keeping it outdoors, you will also have a number of safety issues to consider. For example, keeping your tortoise outside in a pen without a roof will leave it susceptible to predators. In addition, you should provide your tortoise with some sort of shelter where it can go to get warm if it gets too cold outside, such as a heated doghouse within your pen.
You also need to look out for other potential hazards within your tortoise's pen. Poisonous plants or small objects could harm or even kill your tortoise if ingested. Similarly, high levels of water can be a danger to your tortoise. So, while it is essential to keep a supply of water in your tortoise's cage, you also need to be certain that all water kept in the pen is shallow. Radiated Tortoise for sale
Keeping a tortoise as a pet can be very fun and interesting, but be certain you know what you are getting yourself into before you make a purchase. That way, you can be certain you and your pet will be happy together for a very long time!
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