astronomic727 · 26 days
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Ngl I've been feeling a bit burnt out for a while, so I figured this may be a good time for me to start periodically posting old stuff from my Instagram and Twitter accounts that I've moved on from. There will of course be new drawings/posts in between too! Just gotta recharge is all. I guess for a bit of insight, and also story time I suppose, for the past few months I've been having driving lessons and I had my test a few days ago. Thankfully, I managed to pass but I think the stress of the journey coupled with pushing two videos out a week apart, and everything else that had happened in those months took some sort of toll on me overtime. So yeah, not taking a break or anything per say, just will be posting old stuff more often so it's all archived somewhere, and to take pressure off feeling the need to upload something here and there. With these old doodle dumps I'm also probably gonna give some insight into how I feel about them from an artistic standpoint. I may have not much to say, or I may have a lot, who knows lol. Anyway to begin with the stuff in this post, it's all fairly recent. Some were Insta posts, others were Insta stories. We have Via messing with a cranky Kayleigh, the sister's parents when they were young adults (Evelyn is dirty from working on her motorbike, and Vance is working towards his degree in Astronomy), sleepy Via helping Kayleigh get ready for school, young Via and Orion, and the duo again but in 2 memes lol For how I feel about these, it's complicated... this technically goes for like most doodles I've done up to now too, but I'm not fully satisfied. I'm happy with my full illustrations, but I feel as though my doodles miss the mark. It's like a weird perfectionist mental block or something, these are only meant to be sketches but it takes me forever to do them for some reason, and also (what is probably the reason why it takes so long) that along the way my sketch lines somehow turn into lines of line art quality. But I feel this over cleanliness sucks the soul out of my doodles and makes them feel flat. More recently to combat this, I've tried to give slight shading to these doodles whether it be cel or gradient shaded, like the Fortnite or Streetview meme posts I did, but I feel like I need to embrace sketchiness more, for both time saving sake and for appeal. Maybe I also need to do some experimenting with new brushes too, idk. Maybe I'm being overdramatic lol but that's just how I've felt for a long time, and just felt like getting it off my chest. Anyhoo, enough rambling... boy, you thought I had a lot to say here? Just wait till we get to the older stuff lmao, but anyway, I'll ponder on these thoughts, but see you all until then :)
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astronomic727 · 1 month
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Dubior (and Dubior EX) - Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Quick drawing over an old sketch I had of Dubior from Kirby's RtDL :) This was actually something I did for a remix of the second Mid Boss theme from the same game I made! Remix video available here!
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astronomic727 · 1 month
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Skeletron - Terraria Legends
First big illustration post on here! Our heroes face off against the Dungeon Guardian, Skeletron! Really happy with how this piece turned out, currently is my favourite right now. Speedart video available here!
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astronomic727 · 2 months
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Fortnite Mains
So uhhhh I may have gotten into Fortnite lately -v-;
I'll be so fr, I was never thaaaat interested in it mainly cause I'm not great at shooters, especially if online, but the character designs/crossovers always looked cool… and then I was informed by a friend that Lethal Company was added as a skin and I decided "fine time to lock tf in" LOL
But yeah I gotta be honest it's actually been pretty fun, I like all the quests that you can do to unlock stuff, so I guess I'll be stickin' around! And here we are, decided to draw my three mains together as a trio :)
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astronomic727 · 2 months
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The goofballs on Streetview
Redrew the meme of that one Google Streetview image but with the goobers lol
Anatomy and foreshortening are hard T-T
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astronomic727 · 2 months
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So I wanted to draw something else for today but I won't have the time so here's a dumb doodle instead lol, but today I am 22 years old. Wtf lmfao
So while I'm here I figured I may as well give a quick update, things have been going alright, the next Terraria video is coming along nicely but I did notice something, and that is that August 4th will be my 10th anniversary of playing Terraria! The game as you all know is very special to me and I'd like to do something for this milestone, so I'm hoping that to celebrate, the next Terraria video will go up on said date. I may miss it, you all know me lmao but I'll continue to do my best :) But yeah, hope you all have a good day, and see you all next time!
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astronomic727 · 2 months
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The Gang drew each other with varying results :P
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astronomic727 · 3 months
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Sunny Dilemma
It hasn't been too hot over here yet but still, it's summer regardless so I felt like it was about time to make a summer based comic. Via fightin' for her life rn xD
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astronomic727 · 3 months
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Mario & Luigi: Brothership
I am so excited to play this omg and this dude in the trailer (likely the main villian) looks amazing, everything about the trailer we witnessed OOZES charm. The Switch seems to be going out with a bang before the successor arrives and I'm all for it :D
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astronomic727 · 3 months
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Kirby Star Ride
Ok so for context, I made the first image a while back and posted it on Insta and my Youtube Community Page. This is part of a hypothetical fan made game that's meant to be a modern Air Ride, so that should bring you all "up to speed" xP But anyway, now part 2 of my little Kirby Air Ride successor thing is here! (totally didn't forget for a while no not at all -v-;) Rick, Kine and Coo like in Star Allies would swap between each other in the appropriate scenario, like Kine in the water and Coo in the air, with Rick in place for everything else. I haven't gotten around to thinking of a story yet or anything but maybe next time, just felt like getting these designs done for now since it's been a while lol
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astronomic727 · 3 months
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Apologies if I seemed off yesterday, but something happened on the 11th of June and I'm ready to get it out there now. Yesterday, before I got around to posting, my family had to put our cat, Skye, to eternal rest. To keep it brief, she essentially just got too old, and started getting ill over the past few months. We didn't want her suffering any longer, it would be just too unfair and selfish to put her through the stress of getting operations done and bringing her back and forth from the vet, just to keep her around longer for what felt like our sake. It's better off this way. We had plenty of time to say good bye and had expected this day was coming soon, but it hits hard.
I would just like to vent for a bit because this cat meant a lot to me. Our household had many pets growing up. We got Skye and her sister Smudge since they were born in 2008. Smudge tragically and unexpectedly passed one night when she was only 3. Child me was sad she was gone but I couldn't grasp the concept of grief. We also had a dog the same time who passed by the time I was in my first year of secondary school. This hurt more on a deeper level since I was starting to mature. These 3 were the pets I grew up with and remember the most, as my parents had a cat and dog before I was born too, but I was only a toddler by the time they were gone.
This cat however lived for almost 17 years. She has been with me through primary school, secondary school, college, and everything in between. She's been there for every hardship I've faced, and has been around for so long that even my earliest memories contain her in some way. That's what makes this hurt so much more than anything I've ever had to experience in my life. The last little bundle of fluff from my childhood. Gone. But I have to remind myself that I can't be too bitter over it all, and that things could've gone much worse.
As I said, she's been around a long time. We've had many good memories with her. She was quite the character. She hated being picked up and was feisty. But if you sat down near her she would cuddle up with you pretty much instantly. She became even more affectionate as time went on. We gave her the best life that we could've, right up until the very end, and we prevented her from suffering any further. We were all with her as she went to sleep forever. She's with her sister now after all this time, I know it.
We're not quite petless anymore, I will say. We have a dog that we got back in 2018 and she's 7 now. So I'm glad to say we at least still have her and she'll be around for another good while. I was planning a drawing one time of her and Skye, and had the rough sketch for Skye done, but it fell on the back burner as other things took over. I felt like this was the perfect time to finish at least her bit off and post it. I really don't know if I should've rambled about all of this but I just can't keep it in man. I needed to get all of this out there. It's rough, but I will pull through. It's life. This is what happens. And I'm thinking maybe anyone else going through this situation, or will soon be going through this situation can sympathise a bit knowing they're not alone.
It's been hard to talk about, but don't worry, I do have the support around me to get through this. The only thing I ask of you all is, please go hug your pets. Appreciate the time you have with them, and let them know it. They aren't just animals, they're family. I'll be back with some more light hearted stuff soon enough. Thank you for your time, and rest in piece Skye.
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astronomic727 · 3 months
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Kayleigh can't sleep unless she has all her plushies with her
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astronomic727 · 4 months
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First actual new post here!
Felt like designing a Mega Magnezone today, and that the joke/gimmick behind the Mega is that it's basically a Magnezone Magneton lmao, basically the little side Magnemites on Magnezone detatch once more and become full fledged Mini Magnezones, and of course the magnets also get the MEGA treatment :P
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astronomic727 · 4 months
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Current Terraria Legends Progress
Here is the current progress to Terraria Legends! This post's images will be updated as more pieces are completed. If you would like to download the pieces as desktop wallpapers you can grab those through this Imgur album link while the rest can be found in my Ko-Fi gallery. I will also post each new piece on here as well ^^ Oh and of course, be sure to check out the Youtube channel for the timelapse drawing behind each of these as well as additional lore in each respective video's description :)
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astronomic727 · 4 months
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Current Project Dream Progress
Here is the current progress to Project Dream! This post's images will be updated as more pieces are completed. If you would like to download the pieces as desktop wallpapers you can grab those through this Imgur album link while the rest can be found in my Ko-Fi gallery. I will also post each new piece on here as well ^^ Oh and of course, be sure to check out the Youtube channel for the timelapse drawing behind each of these as well as additional lore in each respective video's description :)
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astronomic727 · 4 months
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Mona Reagan
tumblr doesnt have a yellow font rip lol Anyway sorry for the quadruple post today but this'll be the last lol, here are some ref sheets for additional characters, namely Via and Orion's other friends! This is Mona who was initially first conceptualised back in 2022 but I didn't get around to fully designing her until this year lol
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Jake Flores
Jake was in the same post that was technically the first appearance of Mona and thus was also his, but he too also wasn't designed until this year... yeah i know theres a trend with me taking ages to getting around to doing things lmao
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Finally, additional info about how the group met, their friend dynamics, Jake fumbling the bag with Mona lmao and Jakes little sister! So yeah once again sorry about the quadruple post but these are kinda important for me to get up since these characters will be very prevalent in my posts lol, I think tomorrow I'll also make two posts quickly summarizing the current progress of Project Dream and Terraria Legends so I can have that piece of mind that for future installments all the context is available. So yeah, see you all then :)
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astronomic727 · 4 months
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Orion Hadfield
Next is Orion, Via's best friend of many years! Also with the rest of his family, and the story of how the two families came to be. I liked having Via's reference sheet just be about her, while Kayleigh and Orion's sheets had the extra details on everyone's backstories.
List of edits An undocumented time a while ago: Fixed Orion's (and also Rowan's) eye colour since it had accidentally gotten way too dark somehow 14/08/2024: Added middle name section to Orion himself and his siblings!
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