#using this as a tag drop again
vullcanica Β· 9 months
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Avita Desalvar. The Eighth. The Lady Vernalia.
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Born again by miracle two millenia after her cruel, untimely death at the hands of a fearmongered town mob, Avita restarts her life in an artificial body, the result of her parents, Nikodemus and Antonin's tireless efforts to craft a vessel apt to hold her volatile, powerful spirit.
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She's a preternatural already, first and foremost the holder of an Eater soul and thusly capable of weaponizing it to draw life from others, but the introduction of Antonin's eldritch blood makes a terribly mighty immortal out of her. It's how she's granted another chance at the life she never got to live, this time in a loving home with two present, adoring fathers who help her through her tumultuous settling within human flesh. And though her limitless potential opens to her many doors and paths, among them she chooses a green thumb, a social character and a love for philanthropy.
So come bother Avita and her horrific human frankenstein of a pet Molerat on their adventures into the bright new world. Her info can be found here! D&D verse available, mundane modern verse coming soon.
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mandatory tag for @vilestblood (AntonΓ­n) bc dottir!!!
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shokupanda Β· 7 months
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severely sorry for not logging into this acc for months. hereforth is carl echo vn to visualize where i have been mentally. bweh :3
(ill be back posting art soon since its almost the semester break now! thank god)
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papakhan Β· 6 days
I swear if I see another post in the fnv main tag about how Arcade would actually be okay with Boone murdering children and arguing that those children are actually dangerous threats who deserve to be shot because "Oh he said he feels for the soldiers in one ambient voice line and also his parents are war criminals πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡"
Arcade's whole story is about his baggage and discomfort with his family being violent fascist war criminals. Like. it's literally his entire quest. The only reason he comes up with defences for them is because he's seen the good in them, and even that gets him feeling conflicted. Let's not forget Arcade will join the courier in KILLING Orion Moreno if he can't let go of the Enclave's ideals, he will literally kill this close family friend. Arcade will literally open fire on The Courier who gleefully activates Archimedes. Arcade will berate and yell at a Legion-aligned courier until he thinks its not worth it anymore. Arcade is Not kind to war criminals or fascists.
Boone saying shit like this?
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You really think Arcade is going to feel even a little bit charitable or merciful after hearing THAT come from Craig's mouth? don't make me laugh. Arcade is absolutely not the fucking guy to be like "Actually killing children might be justified" I don't fucking care what his ambient line says.
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lunarharp Β· 7 months
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i wanted to put these four together chatting, cooking, dancing, and trust
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myreia Β· 1 month
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β€” vi. stay | follow
It is an inevitability, she feels, that they are always a little out of step, a little out of sync. One ahead, the other behind, a shadow to the other’s light. Pulled together not by fate nor by destiny, but by a small series of choices that are greater than the sum of its parts. They will always find each otherβ€”to the very end.
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t14drawings Β· 9 months
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If you follow me on main you already know this skrunky mad man has consumed me
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asterparfait Β· 29 days
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wilting victorian hours
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hello!! can you please write a drabble for connor with an s/o who just finished their last final, and now they just want to nap and cuddle with him? gender neutral please! thank you!!
05/03/2024: Hello! First ask of the year! I certainly can try, friend! Thanks for your undying patience! Shit has happened, bros, but I've just been re-reading my old fics and they've brought me some long lost joy, so I am trying to make a comeback! (Please reblog this so people know I'm posting again -- with evidence!) This is a perfect thing to write on the day of my exam results (we passed, guys!) so now I can reflect on the traumatising experience that was exam season.
The Complete Masterlist
Finally (Connor x GN!Reader)
You put down your pen with a sigh of relief.
Finally, it was all over.
These last few weeks were torture; hours of studying a day, taking a break only to eat or to steal some hours of restless sleep. Your brain fried while you studied, and you half wondered how you made it through exam season alive.
A few hours ago, you were on the verge of throwing up your breakfast. Now, as you turned the lock to your apartment door, you could only feel intense fatigue. Gentle noises from the kitchen put a smile on your face. Connor was never a loud person, in both words and actions.
"I'm back," you announced, entering the kitchen to find Connor making two cups of tea.
"Y/n," he greeted with a reassuring smile. "How was it?"
"Not terrible, but could've been better," you shrugged. At this point, you really couldn't care. It was over, and that's all that mattered. A yawn overcame you. "Tired now, though."
Connor nodded, pouring water from the freshly boiled kettle. "I made us some tea. What would you like to do to celebrate?"
You thanked him gratefully, moving to take your favourite mug off of the counter. "Honestly? Can we go back to bed for a while? I want to sleep these past few weeks off."
"Of course." He followed you as you led the way to your shared bedroom. Teas placed on the bedside counters, you changed into some comfier clothes and all but collapsed into bed. Connor climbed in with slightly more tact, and you crawled into his arms. He pulled you close with one hand and opened a book he was reading with the other.
His thumb gently traced the skin of your arm, soothing and constant. It wasn't long before your eyelids began to close, fluttering in time to his heartbeat.
Sleep came soon after.
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queen-scribbles Β· 19 days
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rafaelsvala Β· 9 months
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lucy-ghoul Β· 2 months
why are you, as an adult in 2024, still hung up on reylo. why are you still mocking the shippers. why do you believe yourself to be superior only because you dislike a stupid ship from a fucking space fairytale. girl (gnc) get a grip
#it's ridiculous. this ship is... stupidly clichΓ©. like if you know fandoms at all#you could easily guess why people would be into it. hello?? have you tried to watch tfa without your hate-on-kyle-ron goggles?#did you watch their scenes together? you don't have to like something to recognize the hints#hell. at the time i didn't really like jonerys but i realized they were going to be a thing when i read agot in 2011#like folks. it's been nearly TEN LONG YEARS. let it go. LET IT FUCKING GOOOO#and for the lucy/cooper shippers out there who think reylos are (again) delusional when they compare the two ships:#no. *you* are being delusional only because you think reylo is unsexy and uncool (which is your right to think btw. obv)#if you can't see why someone would like both of these pairings for similar reasons... idk what to say honestly#people compared it to hannigram... honestly. again i see why they would appeal to anyone who's into both ships#i really do. but... unpopular opinion (since i'm more of a clannibal fan than i could ever be of reylo):#they are more similar to reylo than will/hannibal. there i said it#i'm not talking about the writing (admittedly the quality of it was questionable). i'm talking about tropes#never mind that imo the ghoul is more akin to vader than kylo but whatever#hannibal is an unapologetic kind of villain. he's not gonna have a redemption arc and that's okay#cooper is an antivillain who used to be a good man and became a disfigured cruel bastard. a parody of himself#lucy is him. him before the bombs dropped before he discovered the person he trusted the most wanted to commit genocide#nice. moral. polite. infused with the Good Old American Valuesβ„’. he's basically her dark side#all of this is very hannigram/clannibal. i'm not denying it at all#but what'll likely happen is that lucy's actions will have a positive influence on the ghoul and remind him of what it means to be a man#and that's way more reylo-like. sorry.#beauty&thebeast/villain with some hidden good in him+morally righteous heroine/enemies to lovers etc.#i mean. hello??..... having said that. i'm not so much of a reylo shipper anymore and tbh never was. i really liked it at the time#but i was never fond of the st era. my fav characters are vader and leia and revan from the old eu. just saying#*and* it's also not impossible lucy gets darker with the ghoul as her traveling companion. in fact i wouldn't dislike it at all#if done well i mean#but i would still like for people to be intellectually honest and less puerile. god knows i have my notps#but i really don't give a fuck about the shippers. good for them i guess? i have better taste lmao but that's heavily subjective#val rambles in the tags#val speaks#txt
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emelinstriker Β· 7 months
bro i'm actually fuckin crying
i was having anxiety the entire night over more random people from the other blog pulling up in my inbox and harassing me over shit i've already explained, but i woke up to like 4 messages and all rather wholesome and aren't accusing me
the fact that i haven't cried a single fuckin time the past 1-2 weeks of me knowing about this bullshit and just bottled it all up- and it just all comes all crashing the fuck down after seeing the sudden overwhelming support of people that actually read and understand context
it's literally only 6am here and i'm bawling my eyes out
i love every single one of you who isn't blindly jumping in on the fuckin hate train i wasn't even supposed to know about :'D
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will be responding to them once i'm back in my room after school! fghfndghdfg already read through them tho, but i gotta go in a bit and can't type it all out hgfdgnfdhgnhdfg
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devildom-moss Β· 3 months
I'm alive (light-heartedly). Thank y'all for being so patient with me. I have been having some trouble writing requests for a bit, and I've been a little worn out.
I'm going to just focus on the poll fic for this weekend and try to get other stuff done next month. It's been hard for me to actually get started, but I'm enjoying the process with this one, so hopefully you all will like the NSFW Beel x Diavolo x MC content I'll have for you, some time on the 31st (I hope).
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electoons Β· 1 month
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fuck it. ulothir moodboard
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copper-skulls Β· 3 months
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Most flying units in the monster forces wore none to very light armour, because it tended to ground them, which left them vulnerable. Grillby was bit of an outlier then, being capable of shifting and pulling out at least *some* armor out of his inventory, but he still kept returning from any confrontation pretty scuffed (not to mention he still didn't wear any armor at all while being capable of flight). Still, the fact that he could drop behind enemy's main line and wreak havoc for a while Significantly more safely than others that were capable of reaching that far, granted him a bit of an unique position.
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trustworthycinnamon Β· 2 months
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I've been listening to tesla coil music on loop while drawing my idiot Ult!Hal and I reached the conclusion he'd fucking love danmaku games
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